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1 Republic of the Philippines


3 Catarman
4 -oOo–

Sangguniang Panlalawigan
11 ORDINANCE NO. 92-28-C
13 (Amended, Ord. No. 94-05; Ord. No. 17, s. 2001; Ord. No. 27, s. 2001)
16 BE IT ORDAINED by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan in session assembled:
18 Section 1. There is hereby established and created a Provincial
19 Educational Assistance Program or PEAP, to provide scholarship to indigent
20 and/or needy but deserving residents of Northern Samar who wish to pursue
21 post-secondary education.
23 Section 2. The PEAP shall comprise two projects, to wit:
25 2.1 Academic Scholarship Program or ASP, and
26 2.2 Non-academic Scholarship Program or NASP
30 Section 3. The applicant for the Academic Scholarship Program must
31 have the following qualifications:
33 3.1 He must be a resident of Northern Samar for at least two
34 years immediately prior to his application.
35 3.2 He must be a graduating secondary or high school student, or
36 has already graduated from secondary education
37 3.3 He must be of good moral character.
38 3.4 He must belong to the upper 20% of the entire graduating
39 class, or in case of those who are already pursuing post
40 secondary education he must belong to the upper 20% of the
41 entire academic level of the degree he is pursuing.
42 3.5 He must have a general average of at least 83% or its
43 equivalent in the last academic term he has enrolled and has
44 not failed in any subject in the previous semester prior to his
45 application.

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46 3.6 He must be financially handicapped to pursue post-secondary
47 education considering the gross income of his parents or
48 court-appointed guardian which should not exceed Thirty
49 Five Thousand pesos (Php 35,000.00) per annum,
50 3.7 As soon as the applicant has complied with the above
51 requirements, the Secretariat shall issue an Admission Slip
52 which the applicant shall present to the proctor of the
53 qualifying examination.
55 Section 4. A qualified applicant to the ASP must submit to the PEAP
56 Committee the following requirements:
58 4.1 Application letter addressed to the PEAP Committee through
59 the Secretariat.
60 4.2 Certification of Residence and of Good Moral Character
61 issued by any elective municipal or barangay official of the
62 municipality or barangay where such applicant is a resident,
63 concurred to by any elective provincial official, attesting that
64 such applicant is of good moral character and a resident of
65 the constituency of the certifying and concurring officials.
66 4.3 Duly certified copy of the BIR Income Tax Returns of his
67 parents or court-appointed guardian of the previous year,
68 provided, that the gross annual income is not in excess of
69 Thirty Five Thousand pesos (Php 35,000.00) per annum.
70 4.4 Form 138 for high school students or graduates who have not
71 yet pursued post-secondary course, or transcript of records
72 reflecting all the subjects/courses completed and units earned
73 for those who are in post-secondary courses.
74 4.5 Certification by the Principal or Dean, as the case may be,
75 that such applicant belongs to the upper 20% of the class as
76 required by Section 3.4.
77 4.6 Student Descriptive Questionnaire (to be prepared by the
78 Provincial Youth Section, and shall contain questions
79 relevant to the applicant’s educational, familial and personal
80 data).
82 Section 5. DELETED
84 Section 6. There shall be held on every first Sunday of February every
85 year a qualifying competitive examination at a time and place designated by the
86 PEAP Committee. Failure to hold such qualifying competitive examination on
87 the date specified herein, the PEAP Committee shall decide an alternative date
88 which shall be announced in the local radio or posted in four conspicuous places
89 in the Capitol Building.

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90 Section 7. The PEAP Committee shall award every year five (5)
91 academic scholars for every municipality selected province-wide, in addition to
92 those who have been previously awarded such scholarship and who shall remain
93 to be entitle so long as he possesses all the qualifications.
95 Section 8. DELETED
97 Section 9. Each scholar under the ASP shall be entitled to a general
98 allowance of One Thousand pesos (Php 1,000.00) per semester which shall be
99 paid to such scholar upon his presentation with the Chairman of the PEAP
100 Committee of proof that he has been duly enrolled with any school, college or
101 university anywhere in Region VIII. In addition to the aforementioned benefit,
102 the Provincial Government shall likewise pay in full any and all tuition,
103 matriculation and other fees which the corresponding school, college or
104 university charges such scholar and which amount shall be paid in full by the
105 Provincial Government directly to the concerned school, college or university.
106 For this purpose, each scholar is hereby required to submit to the Chairman of
107 the PEAP Committee the necessary certification from the school, college or
108 university cashier indicating in details the tuition, matriculation and other school
109 fees due from such scholar. The benefit herein granted maybe allowed only
110 when the scholar is enrolled in any recognized school, college or university
111 located in the Province of Northern Samar. Private schools are included.
113 Section 10. When by reason of the academic achievement of the scholar
114 under the ASP, he becomes qualified to other scholarship programs offered by
115 any other institutions, such scholar shall notify the PEAP Committee the
116 privileges to which he is entitled under said other programs, and whenever one
117 or more of the privileges referred to in Section 9 hereof are likewise given to
118 such scholar in the other program, the PEAP Committee shall withhold such
119 privilege without prejudice to said scholar to continue enjoying the other
120 privileges not so offered in the other scholarship programs.
122 Section 11. In the event the circumstance referred to in the immediately
123 preceding section arose, the scholar concerned may likewise waive all the
124 privileges under the ASP, without prejudice to his application for reinstatement
125 without undergoing through the initial procedure for application, provided that
126 such scholar shall have continued to be qualified throughout the suspension of
127 his academic scholarship.
129 Section 12. All scholars under this program shall during summer
130 vacation of their respective schools, colleges or universities, render staff or
131 clerical work with the Provincial Government, as may be designated by the
132 PEAP Committee and assigned to various offices for a total period of one
133 hundred twenty four hours, and for which he shall be entitled to an honorarium

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134 of Five Hundred pesos (Php 500.00). Any such scholar who failed to comply
135 with this requirement shall, upon written notice by the PEAP Committee, cease
136 to be entitled to any privileges herein granted with prejudice to reapplication,
137 unless such scholar can explain to the satisfaction of the PEAP Committee the
138 reason for such failure.
140 Section 13. Each scholar under this program shall continue to be entitled
141 to the privileges herein granted, unless otherwise provided, until he completes
142 the post-secondary course he is taking up, provided, he shall continue to have all
143 the qualifications herein set forth.
145 Section 14. Whenever a scholar fails to maintain the qualifications herein
146 required, he shall immediately cease to be entitled to the privileges herein
147 granted, and he shall be ineligible for reapplication or reinstatement if the reason
148 for such suspension is due to his failure to maintain the requirements and/or
149 qualifications set forth in Section 3.5 hereof.
153 Section 15. The same privileges referred to in Section 9 hereof shall be
154 awarded under the non-academic scholarship program or NASP.
156 Section 16. Any person who are in the secondary or post-secondary
157 levels of education and whose father, mother or whoever among his first or
158 second degree relatives is supporting him for education, shall have died to any
159 cause or reason shall be qualified to be non-academic scholars under NASP.
161 Section 17. The privileges granted to such scholar shall be limited to two
162 years, unless such scholar can be qualified under ASP in which case he shall
163 submit to the PEAP Committee PEAP Committee a written resolution or
164 application in accordance with Sections 4 thru 7 hereof.
166 Section 18. The applicants for NASP must in addition to the required
167 condition in Section 16 hereof likewise be resident of Northern Samar for at
168 least two (2) years immediately prior to his application, presently taking up
169 secondary or post-secondary education, of good moral character, has not failed
170 in any subject in the academic year prior to his application, and must be
171 financially handicapped and that the surviving parents or whoever take custody
172 of the applicant does not have an income exceeding Php 35,000.00 per annum.
174 Section 19. A qualified applicant for NASP must submit the
175 requirements referred to in Section 4 hereof, except those required in Section
176 4.5, and which must be submitted within thirty days from such date.

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178 Section 20. Upon completion of the initial requirements, a qualified
179 applicant shall submit the same to the PEAP Secretariat who shall then forward
180 the same to the PEAP Committee for evaluation and approval when warranted.
182 Section 21. The rights, duties and obligations mentioned in Section 10
183 thru 12 hereof shall likewise apply to non-academic scholars under this program.
185 Section 22. In awarding non-academic scholarships, the PEAP
186 Committee shall consider the possibility of the applicant to successfully pursue
187 his academic studies as well as the financial consideration of the program.
191 Section 23. There is hereby created a PEAP Committee with the
192 following composition.
194 The Provincial Governor - Chairman
195 The Vice Governor - Vice Chairman
196 The School Superintendent - Member
197 The Chairman of the SP Committee on
198 - Education - Member
199 - Finance, Budget & Appropriations - Member
200 - Rules and Ethics - Member
202 Section 24. The PEAP Committee shall administer and supervise the
203 program herein established, their effective implementation, recommend to the
204 Sangguniang Panlalawigan, the Governor, the School Board any of the measure
205 concerning educational upliftment of the studentry, and shall organize a
206 Secretariat which shall coordinate and monitor the effective implementation of
207 the PEAP Program. The Chairman of the Secretariat may come from the
208 Provincial Youth Section who shall be designated by the Governor.
210 Section 25. The PEAP Committee shall meet on the first Monday of
211 March every year to evaluate the performance of the scholars as well as to
212 approve or disapprove applications. It may also be called by its Chairman or
213 majority of its members to a special session.
215 Section 26. The Chairman and Members of the PEAP Committee shall
216 not receive any emoluments except that there may be reimbursement for their
217 transportation expenses in going to and coming from their place of residence to
218 the place of the meeting.

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224 Section 27. There is hereby created a PEAP Trust Fund, to be
225 administered by the PEAP Committee and from which the privileges awarded or
226 granted to the scholars under these programs, the operational expenses and costs
227 in the implementation of these programs, including reasonable reimbursements
228 for travelling expenses shall be charged.
230 Section 28. The amount of Ten Thousand pesos (Php 10,000.00) is
231 hereby appropriated from the unappropriated balance of the Special Educational
232 Fund to constitute the initial funding of said trust fund, and the amount
233 equivalent to ten percent of the amount paid for the Community Tax is hereby
234 levied upon all persons who secure Community Tax Receipts in this Province,
235 and the government employee who issues said Community Tax Receipts must
236 conspicuously indicate therein the serial number of the official receipt issued
237 upon payment of this special levy the whole proceeds of which shall pertain to
238 the PEAP Trust Fund.
240 Section 29. The amount of Two Hundred Thousand pesos (Php
241 200,000.00) out of the expected increase in revenue with the passage of the 1992
242 Provincial Revenue Code is hereby set aside and appropriated to pertain to the
243 PEAP Trust Fund.
245 Section 30. Any person who violates Section 28 hereof shall suffer an
246 imprisonment of not more than ten (10) days and a fine not exceeding Php
247 1,000.00, with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency.
249 Section 31. This ordinance shall take effect on January 1, following the
250 approval.

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