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Future (WILL and GOING TO) and Verb Patterns

1 – (UFRR, 2010) 04) “... the spacecraft, [...] is to slowly

Mary: "I am about to fall asleep. I need descend and bounce off the surface like
to wake up!" a pogo stick...” (lines 29-31).
08) “... Bennu passes fairly close every
Clare: "I______you some coffee."
six years...” (lines 46 and 47).
a) will go 16) “... the asteroid that is thought to
b) am going to get have killed off the dinosaurs 66 million
c) will get years ago was about six miles wide”
d) am going to go (lines 55-57).
e) will go to get

4 – (Mackenzie) In which sentence is

2 – (CESGRANRIO, 2018) All the expression “look forward to”
the boldfaced verb phrases express a correctly used?
future action, EXCEPT in
a) She looks forward to moving abroad.
b) I’ll look forward the applications and
A “The resurgence in oil and gas
pick out the best.
production from the United States, deep
c) They wanted a financial controller to
declines in the cost of renewables and
look forward the city’s accounts.
growing electrification are
d) Shall we look forward the cathedral
changing the face of the global energy
this afternoon?
system” (lines 1-4)
e) They must look forward to their
B “the world’s growing energy
needs are met first by renewables and
5 – (IME-RJ) Before... ways to
natural gas as fast-declining costs turn
accelerate the process, I should give a
solar power into the cheapest source of
few more details on how the system
new electricity generation” (lines 9-12)
C “WEO-2017 (…) finds that over the a) suggest
next two decades the global energy b) suggested
system is being reshaped by four c) suggests
major forces” (lines 20-23) d) suggesting
e) had suggested
D “meanwhile in the European Union,
wind becomes the leading source of 6 – (UFRGS, 2007) The use of -ING
electricity soon after 2030” (lines 31-33)
is the same in “LOCAL ADVICE IS
E “the United States is projected to ALSO COMFORTING” (ref. 3) and in
become the world’s largest LNG
exporter and a net oil exporter by the a) Several issues are coming up.
end of that decade.” (lines 71-73) b) He complained about traveling too
c) Reading is a common habit.
3 – (UEM, 2016) Choose the
alternative(s) in which the sentence(s) d) Paperwork can be exhausting.
or expression(s) indicate(s) future e) Mr. Sheperd's cooking is awful.

01) “For the next two years” (line 1).

02) “Osiris-Rex will survey Bennu for
more than a year” (line 27).

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