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7/6/2020 Go and Create First Application with Web Dynpro ABAP

Go and Create First Application

with Web Dynpro ABAP

We will start by creating an elementary Web application . In the following Quickstart Guide,
you will be introduced step by step to the basic concepts involved by implementing a simple

The user interface for this Web Dynpro-based application will consist of only two views and will
allow you to switch between them. The context of the component controller and the contexts of
the two view controllers are used to accept an input value from the first view, to pass it to the
second view and to display it there. The aim of this exercise is to import a short text (such as a
name) into the input field of the first view and to display it again in the second view.

The exercise avoids the graphical design of the views involved; only those UI elements that
are required for the logic are used. You can therefore use this exercise later to test
independently the options that the Web Dynpro ABAP provides, using additional UI elements
and developing the available elements.

Below you will learn the individual steps, starting with creating the component to designing the
user interfaces, maintaining contexts, implementing the necessary event handlers through to
executing the application.

Your system contains the package SWDP_DEMO_TUTORIALS with a few example
applications of differing complexity.


As the individual steps are explained precisely, you do not require any previous knowledge to
complete this tutorial. 1/2
7/6/2020 Go and Create First Application with Web Dynpro ABAP


Let's go!

More Information

You can find information about Web Dynpro architecture, Programming model, development,
and so on, in the Web Dynpro ABAP Documentation . 2/2

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