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The Rx Files: Q&A Summary May 2000

S. Downey BSP, L.D. Regier BSP, BA

COPD - Pharmacotherapy Overview

Although COPD is a chronic, largely irreversible disorder, pharmacotherapy may improve the quality of life in some patients.
The chart below outlines the pharmacological management of COPD according to the most recent guidelines.i

Severity of Drug Class Medication Usual Daily Comments

Symptoms Dosage Range*
Intermittent SABA (see below) PRN
Regular Anti- Ipratropium Atrovent 2-4 puffs TID-QID Mconsidered 1st line
symptomatic cholinergics 20ug / inhalation as better broncho-
dilation, ↓ side
effects vs SABAs
SABA Fenoterol 100ug Berotec 2-4 puffs Mhypokalemia may
Salbutamol 100ug Ventolin TID-QID prn result with high
Terbutaline 0.5mg Bricanyl 2-4 puffs TID prn doses
Combination Ipratropium 20ug + Combivent 2-4 puffs TID-QID Msome studies show
Therapy Salbutamol 100ug additive effects;
Increasing Severity of Symptoms à

others show no
benefit over optimal
doses of single agent
Moderate LABA Formoterol 6-12ug Oxeze 1 dose BID
Using lots of Turbuhaler
SAB2 or Formoterol 12ug DPI Foradil 12ug cap inhal BID
nocturnal/ Salmeterol MDI Serevent ii puffs BID
early morning 1 inhal BID
Salmeterol Diskus Serevent
Theophylline various SR products 400-800mg /day MAim for low
Mmay improve dyspnea, exertional therapeutic level
endurance, and quality of life for some pts
Museful for ↓ nocturnal decline in pulmonary
function and associated morning symptoms Mmany DIs
Patient Oral Prednisone 30-50mg/day Mmajority of pts do
symptomatic corticosteroid X2 weeks not benefit (only 10-
&/or limited in trial (for trial or tx of 20% of stable pts
daily activities acute exaccerbation) will respond**)
despite above. Mfor long-term tx,
Chronic tx dose use inhaled steroids
ideally <10mg EOD to ↓adverse effects
If steroid Inhaled Budesonide Pulmicort 200-400ug BID Msome current
responder**, Cortico- Fluticasone MDI Flovent 125-500ug BID controversy over the
steroids Fluticasone Diskus Flovent 100-500ug BID benefit of
-------- 1 inhal BID corticosteroids in
Fluticasone (100,250,500ug) Advair
Combination COPD#
+ Salmeterol (50ug) Diskus
Immunization for influenza and Influenza Vaccine IM annually in fall Mcontraindicated if
pneumococcus should be allergy to eggs or
considered for all elderly & thimerosal
chronically ill patients Pneumococcal Vaccine IM once in a lifetime; Mcontraindicated in
revaccination (5+ ys) allergy, children
may be indicated in <2yrs, &
some cases.ii
DI = drug interactions; SABA=short acting beta 2 agonists; LABA=long acting beta 2 agonists; MDI=metered dose inhaler; DPI = dry powder inhaler
*max dose limited by side effects; doses may exceed maximums recommended in CPS.
** steroid responder = if improvement in post bronchodilator FEV1 value > 20% and at least 200ml increase is observed following prednisone trial; all
attempts should be made to use inhaled steroids vs. oral for chronic therapy to ↓ systemic side effects
# ISOLDE study found fluticasone 1000ug/d beneficial over 6 months (↓ rate of decline in mod-severe COPD)iii

Guidelines for the Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The Canadian Respiratory Review Panel, Nov, 1998.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines
Burge PS. EUROSCOP, ISOLDE and the Copenhage City Lung Study. Thorax 1999;54:287-288.


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