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Warriors Orochi Walkthrough

Alright, so quick recap of page 2. Pick a character out of the starting three you
want to use, then play them for all 8 story stages. Use growth points to level them
up and when they get a weapon with fire, use it and use weapon fusion to fuse any
weapons you find that have fire to the first one. I suggest doing the side stages
for each story with Musashi, but you can use someone else if you really want to.
For the rest there's more information below when you get to that point. One final
note : Because Koei used to be silly, you have to save the game before any
achievements unlock, even if you've met the requirements. So know that no
achievements unlock until then. Battle of Ueda Castle Shu Chapter 1 Pretty easy
first stage. Follow Zuo Ci to start, he is the yellow dot on the map. Once he opens
the door, go out and immediately turn right and go straight west. At the edge of
the map, turn south and go south to the bottom of the map, then go east until you
reach the escape point to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Ginchiyo Tachibana
Battle of Hasedo Shu Chapter 2 Nothing too complicated at the start. You want to
progress north, killing guard captains/enemy officers to get through gates, until
you reach Yue Ying in a cage. Attack the cage until it breaks, and then a bunch of
officers and such will spawn. stay with Yue Ying for the rest of the stage, as she
has a nasty habit of catching an acute case of death if you don't (this will sadly
be a pretty common occurrence, hope you like babysitting!). 2 officers also spawn
south of this central area, your allies will keep them busy. Stick with YY, kill
any officers/peons that attack her, and when she reaches the escape point the stage
will end. Unlocked character - Yue Ying and Maigoichi Saika You'll have 15 officers
now, unlocking this... Battle of Cheng Du Shu Chapter 3 At the start the game
intends to have you go north through the forest, killing messengers as you come
across them, until you reach the north gate of the castle and then break in. While
that is all well and good, you can also just let them see you and stomp all the
officers that spawn. Either way, the end game is killing Yuan Shao in his castle in
the center of the bottom of the map, and then Da Ji east of him. Unlocked
characters - Wei Yan and Yukimura Sanada Battle of Nan Zhong Shu Chapter 4 Same
start as the last stage. Bunch of yellow officers to save. After saving them all go
kill Sima Yi to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Meng Huo and Zhu Rong Battle
of the Wu Territory Shu Chapter 5 As you move forward some ambush units will
appear, wipe them out and then kill the officers in your allies' path. Once they
reach the castle with Dong Zhuo, kill him. Then kill Zhuge Liang when he shows up
to the east, and then kill Sun Quan when he shows up afterward to the west.
Unlocked characters - Yuan Shao You'll have 20 officers now, unlocking this...
Battle of Hu Lao Gate Shu Chapter 6 Just kill Sima Yi to end the stage. Battle of
Edo Castle Shu Chapter 7 To begin with kill all the officers outside the main keep
and leave Zhang Fei for last. Once everyone outside is dead, kill Zhang Fei, enter
the main keep and get to the top, killing the officers on the way. Once you get to
the top the keep will be set on fire and three officers will spawn. You need to
kill them quickly and get out in less than 2 minutes to unlock a special stage.
Once everyone (including allies) are out, it should say the escape was successful.
Now kill any other officers (Zhao Yun can die and fail the stage if you aren't
careful) and then finish Da Ji to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Guan Yu,
Zhang Fei and Zhuge Liang You'll get an achievement for unlocking Shu stage 8-X
now. Battle of Koshi Castle Shu Chapter 8 Start off by killing enemies clockwise
around the castle. Kill the three east of you, then go into the small fort in the
northeast corner of the map and kill the sorcerer, then go south and kill Keiji and
his gang, then west to kill Lu Bu, then west and north to kill the officer with the
cannons. The bridge to the castle in the middle of the stage will drop, go kill Da
Ji, and then you'll fight Orochi. You likely won't be able to stagger him, so the
best way to do damage is to use + combos, as charge attacks will stagger him (or in
this case, knock him up). Now you'll see why you got the fire element. Fire does
damage to enemies in the air for as long as they stay airborne, so when you knock
Orochi up with a + combo and juggle him he burns the whole time, which will do much
more damage than trying to kill him with regular attacks. Once he is dead enjoy an
achievement... Achievement for finishing Shu's story. Unlocked characters - Liu Bei
Ambush At Nan Zhong Shu Chapter 2-X Generally speaking these chapter-X stages are
side stages you don't need to do to finish the story, but DO need to do to unlock
every character. These missions have special conditions beyond just finishing the
stage. In this case, you need both ambushes to succeed. Once the stage starts let
the chat finish, and then after the game tells you to ambush the west and east
units, head toward the western unit. After you get close enough Naoyasu Akaza and
Tamehiro Hiratsuka will charge (DO NOT ATTACK THEM AT ALL, NOT EVEN ONCE), slowly
move back to the starting point while they chase you. You'll know you've done it
right when one of them says "Where did they get to?". Now go to the other group
with Niu Jin and lure them. Once you've successfully lured them, your allies will
appear and attack them. From here the only thing you NEED to do is kill Zhang He
and Da Qiao to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Jiang Wei You'll have 25
officers now, unlocking an achievement. Battle of Shizugatake Shu Chapter 3-X The
special objective for this stage is to save 4 of the 5 Hojo officers (yellow dots
on the map) by defeating the officer attacking them. Go ahead and save all 5 just
to be safe, which shouldn't be a problem on easy. You simply need to kill Pang De
now, but you may want to kill some of the officers attacking your allies
beforehand, so no one dies. Unlocked characters - Pang De Escape From Chi Bi
Chapter 4-X This one requires a picture. The special condition for this one is
breaking all ten of the treasure boxes, which I've marked on this map with black
dots. The boxes are gold, with black symbols on them. Goemon is also trying to
escape, so you need to break all ten boxes and get to him before he gets away. On
top of this, officers spawn as you break treasure boxes, and if you don't kill them
they will wipe out the ally commander and make you fail the stage. Fun! A neutral
officer will show up and slow down Goemon, and destroying all the boxes will make
him stop, so you have some leeway. After you've destroyed all 10 boxes and killed
most of the enemies going after your commander, rush Goemon to end the stage.
Unlocked characters - Goemon Ishikawa Battle of Jie Ting Chapter 5-X For this
battle, follow Maigoichi when he goes to the middle of the map to lure enemies out.
Xing Cai and Zhu Rong will go around the flanks to pincer Masamune. When they do
you can kill Masamune to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Masamune Date Battle
of Tetorigawa Shu Chapter 6-X The special conditions for this stage are quite
harsh. You need to lead Musashi to the castle Lu Bu is in and kill Lu Bu, AND you
need to protect the yellow dots. With low damage and a bad horse, this is quite
hard. What you want to do is kill the officer by Musashi, then kill the base
captain near him and to the far south. Then kill Zhang He and the base captain east
of him, then kill any regular soldiers so Musashi starts moving toward the fort.
Now kill any regular soldiers and officers in the way and once Musashi and Lu Bu
exchange dialog, kill Lu Bu. Then kill Mitsunari to end the stage. Unlocked
characters - Musashi Miyamoto Battle of Xi Liang Shu Chapter 7-X So in each 7-X
stage there is a special requirement you need to do to unlock Tadakatsu. For this
stage, all peasants must escape and we have to stomp Lu Bu within 2 minutes of him
appearing. Lu Bu is simple enough, but the peasants are stupid. Start by killing
the officer to the south (the other officer will come to you) and the one that
comes at you. Kill the peons to save the peasants, then rush east to spawn an
ambush, kill the officers and peons, then kill the base captain to the east. Go
south to the bridge to find Lu Bu, kill him quickly and fight him away from the
peasants as he will obliterate them. Once he is dead, kill the peons around the
peasants and escort them to the escape point. If Lu Bu dies in under 2 minutes and
all 3 peasants escape, Tadakatsu will say he is impressed and you'll get a message
saying he is impressed. Battle of Mikatagahara Shu Chapter 8-X In the 8-X stages
killing Lu Bu will impress him and unlock him once you do it in all four stories,
so make sure you kill him even though it isn't required to finish the stage. Start
by killing everything outside of the castle Orochi is in (aside from Lu Bu) with
your first target being the officer in the northeast fort. Next kill Lu Bu (wait
for allied help if you feel you need it) and then kill Orochi to finish the stage.
Now we move on to the Samurai Warriors storyline. Battle of Jing Province SW
Chapter 1 Go help Guan Ping since he will get ambushed trying to get back to the
castle, then tear through all the enemy officers around the castle and then beat
Cao Pi when he shows up to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Huang Zhong, Guan
Ping And now we have 30 officers. Battle of Honnoji SW Chapter 2 If you look at the
map you'll see what looks to be little pieces of rubble, you cannot cross these
pathways so ignore them. You want to go south and then into the little maze above
where Cao Cao. Exit out the southwest part of the maze and then approach Cao Cao.
Now just
run around the map killing every officer, once they are all dead the stage will
end. If you have killed everyone and the stage hasn't ended, you haven't triggered
an ambush, so run around the map and try to trigger it. The one I missed was in the
north end of the map, in the center. Another is in the eastern part of the map,
again in the center of the edge. Battle of Kyushu SW Chapter 3 Zhang Jiao, Okuni,
Sakon Shima, and Xiao Qiao are the objectives in this stage. Just run through the
stage and kill them all, no fancy tricks here. You may want to kill some of the
random officers though, they can swarm your allies and end the stage in failure if
you don't. Unlocked characters - Zhang Jiao, Xiao Qiao and Okuni 34 Battle of Tong
Gate SW Chapter 4 You need to escort Sakon Shima to the top right of the map to end
the stage. However, an alternative is just to start out by going north, killing
everything, and then swing around to Sakon killing the rest of the officers, ending
the stage before he even reaches the escape point. Much easier and faster. Battle
of Guan Du SW Chapter 5 Nothing special about this stage, you can roll right up to
Da Ji and punch her in her stupid face until she dies to end the stage. Unlocked
characters - Ling Tong 35 officers ahoy! Battle of Fan Castle SW Chapter 6 There's
a couple plots you can do to make this easier but honestly all you need to do is
kill Cao Pi. Battle of Wu Zhang Plains SW Chapter 7 The special condition for this
X stage is 1000 kills. Best way to do this is to enter the center garrison with
Masamune and kill enemies by the base (Number 1 in the picture above) until
Masamune runs. Enemies stop spawning, and around this time two yellow dot allies
will show up. Go west and slightly north to the base captain (Number 2 in the
picture above) and kill the enemies that come out of it (don't kill the captain!).
Around 800 kills the ally commander was struggling, so I went and helped him and
killed random officers/soldiers until I had 1000, then kill Da Ji to end the stage.
Unlocked characters - Shingen Takeda, Kenshin Uesugi and Kanetsugu Naoe You'll get
the achievement for SW stage 8-X now. Battle of Koshi Castle SW Chapter 8 Just go
clockwise around the map killing officers and taking the cannon fortresses. Once
you have all four, Lu Bu should charge (if not kill Da Ji if you haven't already)
kill him and then Orochi to end the stage. And the achievement for finishing the SW
story achievement will unlock. Battle of Kawanakajima Chapter 2-X Go to Ma Chao and
kill everything, then stick with the peasants until they leave via the escape in
the southwest. Note that there is a maze right before the exit point, entering it
makes your minimap disappear and the pause menu map shows nothing. The best way to
get through this maze is to simply follow a peasant, they know the way somehow.
Three enemy officers will be in the maze, make sure you kill them so the peasants
survive. After all 5 peasants exit, kill Sima Yi to end the stage. Unlocked
characters - Ma Chao Battle of Xia Pi SW Chapter 3-X In this stage, you need to
save Lu Xun (the yellow dot) and then escort him back to your main camp as the
special condition. In truth, if you kill all the enemies in the northern area
(where he will go) you can simply let him escort himself back while you deal with
everything else. After Lu Xun "successfully retreats" you can kill Cao Ren to end
the stage. Unlocked characters - Lu Xun You'll now have 40 officers. Battle of Si
Shui Gate SW Chapter 4-X For this one, you need to stop all 3 supply captains from
reaching Dong Zhuo. The first spawns from the northern base captain in the center
of the map. The second one spawns from the western base in the center of the map.
The third spawns in the same spot as the first. Lu Bu spawns with the third one.
After killing the third captain kill Dong Zhuo to end the stage. Unlocked
characters - Dong Zhuo Battle of Nagashino SW Chapter 5-X Start by killing the
officers in the garrison north of you. Go north and start clearing out enemies and
officers here. A Calvary unit will spawn and start moving to the garrison in the
northern center of the map, you need to escort it. Stay close because it is quite
weak. More will spawn and go toward the same garrison, protect each one. Eventually
Cao Pi will say something and then Cao Ren will charge the garrison the cavalry are
heading to. Stomp his face in and then kill Cao Pi/Sun Quan to end the stage.
Unlocked characters - Cao Ren Showdown a Odawara Castle SW Chapter 6-X Kill the two
enemy officers at the start then run to the base right in front of the big castle
you are in, in the middle of the map. After a bit of talking two enemy officers,
Urutu and Yellowbelly will spawn, cut them both down. Then kill Sima Yi and Zhuge
Liang to finish the stage. And by "kill" I mean go to their garrison, get locked
in, kill Ina and Sun Shang Xiang, and then go to the garrison Yi and Liang are in
now to kill them. Heh. Unlocked characters - Sima Yi Battle of Kanegasaki SW
Chapter 7-X For this stage you need to keep everyone alive and get the messenger
that spawns about a minute into the stage to the escape point, and beat Lu Bu when
he spawns as well. You need to wipe out the officers attacking your forces first,
then save the lone officer in the garrison on the eastern side of the map. After
that you need to escort the messenger and kill Lu Bu when he spawns. The messenger
can and will die from regular soldiers if left alone, so you need to be quick about
killing the three attacking officers and saving the one in the garrison. Now you
need to wait for the reinforcements to arrive, just kill every officer but Masamune
Date and wait for them. Battle of Bai Di Castle SW Chapter 8-X Make your way to
Boomslang (kill the officers on the way, and do NOT go the east into the maze, go
south and swing around to the south side of the castle and siege it there). After
killing Boomslang, more officers will appear, cut them down. Note that your ally
commander goes to the castle, make sure he isn't jumped by any officers. Also make
sure you kill any regular enemies on the way because he can die to them, even with
incredibly high morale. Why? Because fuck you, obviously. Once your commander is
safe you can go around killing the rest. Lu Bu will eventually spawn, kill him.
After he's dead Orochi will appear, cut him down to end the stage. Now we move on
to the Wu storyline. Battle of Mt. Ding Jun Wu Chapter 1 Simply beat Ma Chao and
Ranmaru Mori to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Zhou Yu and Ranmaru Mori 45
officers now. Battle of Chang Ban Wu Chapter 2 Kill every officer to end the stage.
Another simple stage. Unlocked characters - Taishi Ci Battle of Odani Castle Wu
Chapter 3 Make your way to Xing Cai via the southern path and then cut her down to
end the stage. Unlocked characters -Lu Meng and Sakon Shima Battle of Osaka Castle
Wu Chapter 4 Follow the path the game tells you to take, enter the castle and go to
the top to find an ally. Now go back down to the bottom and kill the officer, then
exit and go into the castle from the west side, and go up the stairs north of you.
On the second floor kill the officer to rescue an ally. Now leave and go west,
killing the officers that spawn. Once you kill the officer by the yellow dot he
will be rescued. Now go south and kill Pang De, then head to Cao Ren and kill him,
then any other officers alive still. From here go to wherever Sun Jian is and kill
the regular soldiers he's fighting instead of going to the escape point, so he'll
go to the escape point and end the stage. Battle of Sekigahara Wu Chapter 5 Kill
the officers and take the cannons by killing the defense captains at each fort. Ina
will show up a second time, cut her down. A bunch of officers will soon spawn, kill
them all as well. The next group that shows up should have Sun Quan, cut him down
to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Sun Shang Xiang and Ina Should be up to 50
officers now, unlocking this. Battle of He Fei Wu Chapter 6 Kill Sun Quan to end
the stage. Unlocked characters - Zhou Tai Battle of Komaki-Nagakute Wu Chapter 7
Rush over to Sun Quan/Sun Jian. Go south and then all the way west to them, killing
officers to open gates as you go. Once you kill the 3 officers by them, you should
get a cutscene. Assuming it occurs before 3 minutes have passed (57 minute left)
then you can simply kill Da Ji to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Sun Jian and
Sun Quan You'll get the achievement for unlocking Wu's stage 8-X now. Battle of
Koshi Castle Wu Chapter 8 Kill the two officers north of you and kill the two
cannon guards, then kill ONE of the 2 officers attacking Sun Jian's group. Now rush
east and kill everything here, including Dong Zhuo so SSX doesn't get captured (and
if she does, she is freed). Once the area is clear rush back west as a bunch of
officers charge Sun Jian, kill them all and then work clockwise around the map
killing everything. Keep an eye on Sun Jian, he really loves to die on this stage,
especially to regular enemies. Actually, everyone loves to do this, so keep an eye
on all your officers and do your best to help them. Eventually Lu Bu will open the
gates to his fort and challenge everyone, kill him and then Orochi to end it.
Achievement for finishing Wu's story. Battle of Chang Shan Wu Chapter 2-X Start by
taking the storehouse to the east, escort the supply captain back to the castle.
The two in the west go different directions, so take one at a time. After all 3
make it into the castle (you'll get a message) kill Kotaro Fuma and then Mitsuhide
Akechi to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Kotaro Fuma Battle of Jian Ye Castle
Wu Chapter 3-X Officers will spawn throughout the stage but your real concern will
be the messengers that spawn. You need to kill all of them in order to unlock a
character. They always
spawn at the south base captain spot, and they go to one of the other 3 bases.
Camp the south part and kill them as they spawn, and kill enemy officers when no
messengers are about. After killing Masamune Date the stage will end. Unlocked
characters - Noh We are up to 55 officers now, unlocking an achievement. Battle of
Wan Castle Wu Chapter 4-X Basically the opposite of the last stage. Weak ALLIES
will be trying to run through the stage to the escape point. Each wave of allies
will bring a wave of enemies. Kill the officers first and then kill the regular
troops. After Yoshimoto successfully escapes, kill Zhen Ji to end the stage.
Unlocked characters - Kunoichi Battle of Anegawa Wu Chapter 5-X Kill the two
officers near you, then rush to Da Qiao, killing the officers in front of the gate
to open it. Go up to Da Qiao and then after she thanks you, kill Dong Zhuo to end
the stage. Unlocked characters - Da Qiao Battle of Osaka Bay Wu Chapter 6-X This is
quite an interesting one. Lu Meng will tell you to beat the drum in the main camp 5
different times (just hit it with an X button attack) and you should drop
everything and do it. After the 5th time, you'll have summoned all the officers you
can. Note that hitting it before Lu Meng tells you will do nothing. The second part
of this is that within 20 minutes of the stage starting you need all of them
sitting outside Keiji's fort. This means that between hitting the drum you should
be killing officers, regular soldiers, and base captains as much as possible so
your officers can get over there. Ideally you want the 5th reinforcement on the map
within the first 10 minutes, then it's just a matter of clearing them a path. One
option if you are having trouble is putting a second controller in and keeping it
by the drum, so you can fully concentrate on clearing out officers and such and
simply hit it with the second controller when Lu Meng tells you to. Note that
officers will be charging the main camp, so make sure to keep them away if using
two controllers. Battle of Ji Province Wu Chapter 7-X Kill everything on the way to
Tadakatsu and then kill him. He can boost his defense and be quite annoying, try to
get your allies to follow you and then + him to juggle him a bunch. Afterward he
will spawn in the northeast corner of the map after a bit, be there because you
need to cut him down in under 2 minutes. Now a big army will appear, cut down Dong
Zhuo to end the stage. Afterward, Tadakatsu should say he is impressed if you did
it in time. Battle of Chi Bi Wu Chapter 8-X Cut down Lu Bu and then kill Orochi to
end the stage. Unlocked characters - Keiji Maeda On to the Wei storyline now.
Battle of Kuzegawa Wei Chapter 1 Simply kill Huang Gai to end the stage. Unlocked
characters - Xu Zhu Battle of Tian Shui Wei Chapter 2 Kill officers and regular
soldiers until Nobunaga Oda shows up, kill him to end the stage. Unlocked
characters - Mitsunari Ishida We now have 60 officers, unlocking an achievement.
Battle of Xia Kou Wei Chapter 3 Roll up to Sun Ce and kill him to end the stage.
Battle of Yi Ling Wei Chapter 4 Kill Pang Tong, Xiahou Dun, and Xiahou Yuan. Dun
and Yuan will soon spawn again, kill them to end the stage. Unlocked characters -
Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan and Pang Tong Battle of Odawara Castle Wei Chapter 5 Leave
the castle and go north, killing officers as you go. Da Ji will summon phantoms of
Sun Jian and Cao Cao, kill them. The path to Da Ji will open, so cut her down.
Unlocked characters - Huang Gai Battle of Chen Cang Wei Chapter 6 Kill Nagamasa
Azai to end the stage. You'll have to go up the east side of the map and then
through some gates to reach him. Unlocked characters - Nagamasa Azai, Oichi and Gan
Ning We now have 65 officers, unlocking an achievement. Battle of Yamazaki Wei
Chapter 7 Start by going north up the mountain and kill Zhuge Liang. Now rush down
the mountain and wait for Da Ji to defect, and then kill her (you have to do it
within 2 minutes of her betraying). Now kill Sima Yi so Dong Zhuo comes out and
then kill Dong Zhuo to finish the stage. Unlocked characters - Cao Cao and Dian Wei
Wei's 8-X stage is now unlocked, earning you this. Battle of Koshi Castle Wei
Chapter 8 Work your way around the map clockwise. After you've taken all the
cannons and killed all the officers Orochi will open the gates. Kill Lu Bu and then
Orochi to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Zuo Ci Zuo Ci will unlock thanks to
us having done every story mode, which will put us at 70 officers. We also get an
achievemt for finishing Wei's story. Invasion of Nan Zhong Wei Chapter 2-X Defeat
the two officers attacking Zhang He (yellow dot) to save him, then kill all other
officers to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Zhang He Conquest of Ji Province
Wei Chapter 3-X Go south and kill the officers by Goemon, and then break his cage.
Follow him to your allies in the west, and then kill the spy captains when they
appear so the spell is broken. Nene should summon two clones, one in the northwest
and one in the southeast. You have 4 minutes to kill them both. Not hard at all.
Afterward approach the fort with the real Nene and Hanzo and Kotaro will spawn,
kill them both and then kill Nene to end the stage. Unlocked characters -Nene
Battle of Saika Wei Chapter 4-X Kill the 4 officers in the fort in front of you. A
bunch of officers will spawn. You may be tempted to go on a rampage, but engineers
will start spawning and try to enter the central fort. If any of the 8 get in, you
fail the special condition for this stage, so stick around the central fort until
you've killed all 8 (the last 4 spawn much quicker than the first 4, so be on your
toes). Once you get a message saying the fire attack failed, kill the remaining
enemy officers to finish the stage. Unlocked characters - Yoshimoto Imagawa Battle
of the Five Gates Wei Chapter 5-X Kill everything and get to Diao Chan and kill the
3 officers attacking her to rescue her. Now kill Dong Zhuo and then Lu Bu to end
the stage, with her alive. It also appears Diao Chan must get close enough to Lu Bu
for them to talk in order to unlock her. Unlocked characters - Diao Chan Battle of
Liang Province Wei Chapter 6-X Start by killing officers until you hear about
sorcerers, in each of the small forts in the center and bottom half of the map is a
sorcerer to kill, 5 total. Another one should spawn in the garrison Tao Qian is in,
if not it will when you enter it. Now kill officers and regular troops near Zhen
Ji, she will eventually be attacked by a clone of Cao Pi, cut it down. Now kill
Dong Zhuo to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Zhen Ji 75 officers. Almost
there! Struggle for Nan Zhong Wei Chapter 7-X Start by going south and saving the
two yellow dots (the two Honda officers). Now wait for Lu Bu to show up, he will
spawn in the eastern part of the map and go toward the main camp. After killing him
kill Dong Zhuo to end the stage, you should get a message saying Tadakatsu is
impressed. Unlocked characters - Tadakatsu Honda. If he doesn't unlock you'll need
to repeat the 7-X stages and make sure you impressed him. Battle of He Fei Castle
Wei Chapter 8-X Run through the castle to Lu Bu and cut him down, then a bit north
to Orochi and cut him down as well to end the stage. Unlocked characters - Lu Bu,
Da Ji and Orochi. If you didn't unlock Lu Bu, then you missed killing him in one of
the 8-X stages, so you'll need to replay them until you figure out which one. Da Ji
unlocks assuming you've done the 2-X through 8-X stage for all 4 kingdoms. Orochi
unlocks when you have everyone else. Once you have Orochi, you'll have every
officer. Now it's time to pick up a few key abilities while we grind to 100 levels
for the achievements. We have two things left to do, one of which requires playing
on a hard difficulty. In preparation we want to get level 20 fortitude (as this
increases defense, it will be easier to not die). Cavalier really doesn't matter
now, but you might as well get level 10. Karma makes the weapons that drop better,
so this will help trying to get a 4th weapon (more on that when it's time).
Vitality increases your life bar, and this will also help for the hard stage. Other
abilities like Potence are nice to have but not required. For grinding abilities I
just did the first story stage for the Wu kingdom (Battle of Mt. Ding Jun). Plenty
of regular soldiers and officers, and once Sun Ce gets about halfway east a bunch
more spawn. Grinding is simple, put 3 characters in your team whose abilities you
need and fulfill the requirements. For regular soldiers I'd go to the first officer
and kill all the ones around him then go down the hill to the east and fight a
bunch there too. If you clear out the first area and Sun Ce goes down the hill as
well, a big ambush will appear, bringing more officers and regular soldiers to
kill. Once you have everything kill Ranmaru Mori and Ma Chao to end the stage.
Repeat until you have what you need. Here's a list of the relevant abilities.
Cavalier Guan Yu LV2 Liu Bei LV3 Ma Chao LV3 Zhang Liao LV1 Lu Bu LV3 Keiji Maeda
LV2 Mitsuhide Akechi LV1 Yoshimoto Imagawa LV2 Ieyasu Tokugawa LV1 Yoshishiro
Shimazu LV1 Vitality Zhao Yun LV 1 Guan Yu LV 3 Zhang Fei LV 1 Guan Ping LV 1
Xiahou Dun LV 1 Dian Wei LV 1 Xu Zhu LV 2 Xiahou Yuan LV 3 Xu Huang LV 3 Taishi Ci
LV 1 Zhou Tai LV 1 Lu Bu LV 1 Dong Zhuo LV 1 Meng Huo LV 2 Goemon Ishikawa LV 1
Shingen Takeda LV 3 Ranmaru Mori LV 2 Tadakatsu Honda LV 2 Mitsunari Ishida LV 3
Yoshishiro Shimazu LV 3 Fortitude Zhao Yun LV 3 Liu Bei LV 1 Yue Ying LV 4 Xing Cai
LV 4 Cao Ren LV 1 Cao Pi LV 1 Sun Quan LV 2 Huang Gai LV 2 Sun Ce LV 1 Yuan Shao LV
2 Da Ji LV 1 Yukimura Sanada LV 2 Nobunaga Oda LV 2 Mitsuhide Akechi LV 3 Kenshin
Uesugi LV 3 Shingen Takeda LV 1 Tadakatsu Honda LV 3 Ina LV 1 Ieyasu Tokugawa LV 3
Sakon Shima LV 1 Karma Xu Zhu LV 1 Xiao Qiao LV 2 Ling Tong LV 4 Yuan
Shao LV 4 Zhang Jiao LV 1 Meng Huo LV 3 Okuni LV 3 Maigoichi Saika LV 3 Hideyoshi
Toyotomi LV 1 Nene LV 2 Once you have Cavalier, Vitality, Karma, and Fortitude
maxed just choose random characters and get their abilities until you have 100, if
you don't already. You'll get these achievements while you grind. Ability level 20
Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 20 or higher. Ability
level 40 Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 40 or higher.
Ability level 60 Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 60 or
higher. Ability level 80 Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities
at 80 or higher. Ability level 100 Save the game with the total level of acquired
abilities at 100 or higher. Once we have all the abilities we want, we have two
things left to do. The first is picking up a personal item, we might as well do it
for Musashi. For his, we have to kill 1000 enemies in the Battle of Hu Lao Gate
(Chapter 6 Shu). Start by killing the officers attacking Sun Ce, then go west
(though technically, you have to go south and then west and then north) to reach a
clearing with a base captain (Number 1 in the picture). Lure the base captain away
and then keep killing everything that comes out of the gate until you have 1000. A
silver box with red trim will spawn near Sima Yi (it is pinged on the map when you
hit 1000) so hit it, take the item, and then kill Sima Yi. You'll get this
achievement... Now we need a 4th weapon, which for the purposes of this walkthrough
we will just call a level four weapon. The first three level weapons drop on any
difficulty, but 4th weapons only drop on hard 3 star stages or higher (and all
chaos difficulty stages). My suggestion for this is the Battle of Wan Castle (Wu
story), make sure you have karma as 1 of your 7 abilities. The map is small, and
you have Hanzo and Ieyasu to help you out if you get overwhelmed. If using Musashi,
you can either use + or + + + to do plenty of damage. Assuming you've been stacking
weapon attributes and have a decent potence ability stat + should kill officers in
one combo. Pang De is the only officer that drops a weapon, the other 3 can be
found in the brown boxes around the map (refer to the picture above to see the 3
boxes with weapons, they are the black dots). Get them in the beginning, then kill
all the officers up to Zhen Ji to end the stage. It's worth noting that Ieyasu
dying ends the stage...if the peasants and such die the stage continues, you just
don't get the food and powerups from them. My first time through I had karma level
9 and got 6 level 4 weapons between my 3 characters (so in other words, 6 of the 12
weapons I got were level 4), so you will likely only have to play the stage once to
get this achievement. And with that, congrats on the 1000 GS! Find anything you
think is wrong with this walkthrough? Help us fix it by posting in its Walkthrough
Thread. This walkthrough is the property of TrueAchievements.com. This walkthrough
and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission.
TrueAchievements.com and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's
creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their
respective owners.

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