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Voice chart
In an active voice, the subject performs In a passive voice, the subject receives the
the action of the verb. action of a verb.

The active voice is more widely used than the passive voice. The passive voice is used,
when we want to bring attention to the receiver of an action, or the person performing
the action is unknown or unimportant. Sentences, having intransitive verbs, cannot be
changed into passive voice.

Tense Active Passive

sPresent voice voice
The restaurant delivers The food is delivered by
simple the food on time. the restaurant on time.

Present The restaurant is The food is being

progressive delivering the food on delivered by the
time. restaurant on time.

Present The restaurant has The food has been

perfect delivered the food on delivered by the
time. restaurant on time.

Past The restaurant delivered The food was delivered by

simple the food on time. the restaurant on time.

Past The restaurant was The food was being

progressive delivering the food on delivered by the restaurant
time. on time.

Past perfect The restaurant had The food had been

delivered the food on delivered by the
time. restaurant on time.

Future simple The restaurant will deliver The food will be delivered
the food on time. by the restaurant on time.

Future perfect The restaurant will have

delivered the The food will have been delivered by the restaurant on
food on time. time.

There is no passive voice for perfect progressive tenses (present, past and future) and future
progressive tense.

Practice identifying active and passive sentences

Activity Type : Matching activity
Language Focus: Active and passive forms
Aim To match active and passive sentences that have the same meaning.
Level Pre-intermediate
Match the sentence that has the same meaning. Active with its corresponding passive form


1. The teacher watched the --The red car is passed by the blue
students. car.
2. The blue car passes the red car. --The blue car is passed by the red
3. The students watched the --The teacher was watched by the
teacher. students.
4. The red car passes the blue car. --David’s last cookie was eaten by
5. Sarah kicked Sophia. --The students were watched by the
6. Anna ate David’s last cookie. --Sarah was kicked by Sophia.

7. David ate Anna’s last cookie. --Anna is loved by David.

8. Sophia kicked Sarah. --Anna’s last cookie was eaten by

9. David loves Anna. --Sophia was kicked by Sarah.
10.Anna called David on the phone. --The cat was chased by the dog.

11.The tiger spotted Daniel --The teacher's question is answered

by the student.
12.David called Anna on the phone. --The tiger was spotted by Daniel.
13.Anna loves David. --David is loved by Anna.
14.Daniel spotted the tiger. --Anna was called by David on the
15.The cat chased the dog. --David was called by Anna on the
16.The dog chased the cat. --Daniel was spotted by the tiger.
17.The student answers the --The dog was chased by the cat.
teacher's question.
18.The teacher answers the --The student's question is answered
student's question. by the teacher.
Convierte las siguientes oraciones en VOZ PASIVA o ACTIVA según corresponda.

1. My brothers painted my house.


2. James hasn’t written this letter.


3. The suspects were arrested by the Police Officers.


4. BMW is developing a new car.


5. They are not counting the money.


6. The car won’t be washed by us.


7. This play was performed by my Friends.


8. The dog is going to chase the cat in the garden.


9. Gloria practices the passive voice


10. The secretary is working hard.

Passive voice
Exercises: active to passive.

My brother walks the dog.

The dog   by my

He opened the window.

The window   by him.

Someone has stolen my treasure.

My treasure  .

They will sell the house.

The house   by

Sam is washing the car.

The car   by Sam.

The girls had eaten the cakes.

The cakes   by the

They are going to plant trees.

Trees  .

David was buying a book.

A book   by David.

Complete the sentences using the correct passive
form of the verbs in brackets.

1. When people   (ARREST), they   

(TAKE) to the police station.

2. Milk   (USUALLY KEEP) in the fridge.

3.  (WE TELL) what's in next week's

test ?
4. How did people communicate over long

distances before the phone   (INVENT) ?

5.  (YOU ALLOW) to come to the

party next Friday ?

6. You   (GIVE) your exam results next



yesterday ?

8. That song   (PLAY) on the radio very

often, is it ?

9. At ten o'clock yesterday, the local bank   


10. Every year, several prizes   (GIVE)

to the bets students.

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