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mount Vocasutary ’ — Blo [2 [a[u] [a Pe [a n[t wan ulate Palc[ofula |i AGE Pelals[s[e[y R Fefo] x |e e [ule Fe [a ylele 2-1 line manager 2 parenis-in-law 3 clase 4 Matmate 5 best 6 classmates 7 couple 8 passerby 31 parents 2 exboyftiend 3 patents-inaw 4 passer-by 5 colleagues 6 strangers 4102134 4b 5a 6¢ 5 1 drop 2 look 3 took 4 make 5 coum 6 talked 7 go ® hang Saal b2 cl 42 e2 T1 gt hti2j2 ba2 bi 71 setott 6 handin 2 picked up 7 went off 3 brokedown 8 carried on 4 sort. out 9 writing down 5 gave up 10 threw. away @ 2handin 3 gocsoff 4 pick..up 5 cartyon 6 brokedown 7 throwaway @ gaveup 9 write. down 10 sort..cut 9 1 manager 20n 3 in 4 parents 5 passer 6 out 7 best GRAMMAR 1 Tare 2haven't 3 won't 4 does S arent 6 didn't 2a1 Who isyourbest friend? 2 Do you get on with your boss? 3 Who did you meet up with atthe weekend? 4 What is your favourite website? 5 How often do you put photos online? b students’ own answers, 31 'mmeeting up with you later, aren't 1? 2 Jing Jing gets on well with her teammates, doesn't she? av 4 You've invited your flatmates, haven't you? 5 Dan's dropped out of college, hasn't he? 6 7 v Farah and Tom aren'tclose friends, are theve 8 Nina Hives with two Matmates, deesntt she? 4 Veant 2 Whats 3 hasnt 4 do they? 8 Ninalives with wo Matmates, doesn't she? 4 ‘can't 2 Whats 3 hasnt 4 do 5 arent 6 can 7 haven't @ don't 5S 1 written 2 finished 3 told 4 created 5 designed 6 taken 7 been 8 spoken Gale 2b 3a 4d Sc biade jie 7 V himself 2 yourself 3 myself A themselves 5 ourselves 6 herself 7 themselves _@ yourselves & 1 dothey 2 yourself 3 isdesigned 4 hasbecome $ wasawarded 6 ourselves Thad &¥ 9 haveheld 10 had already organised SKILLS DEVELOPMENT FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 11 isn't 2 brought 3 fan 4 honest 5 doesnt 6 else 7 Talking 8 Would Lisrenine 1. Conversation -¢ Conversation 2b b Conversation 1 2-1 bestfriend 212 3 Canada 4-10 5 Hongkong 6 colleague 7 curly 8 business READING 1a Students! own answers, bb These wards are mentioned in the article: acquaintance, bes friend, colleague, roommate, relationships 2 1b 2c 32 4a 5b 6b Te m uNnir2 Vocasuiary 11 pharmacist 2 herbalist 4/ midwife 5 shaman 2-1 antibiotics 2 vaccination 3 injection 4 insomnia § infection 6 rash 1 backache 2 painkillers 3 operation 4 biuise 5 mixture 6 temperature 7 lump Taken 2 make 3 cake 4 wrice 5 felt 6 treat 7 got 8 have 1 paramedic 2 bandage 3 medication 4 theatre 5 wards 6 surgeons 7 1 5 1 4 7 1 4 3 surgeon patients 8 nurses how 2 where 3 What who 6 when stitches 2 drip 3 X1ay inhaler § thermometer ceutches 8 cotton wool ‘teat 2 backache 3 appointment patient 5 whatever 6 prescription 7 diagnosis 8 whenever Grammar 11 opens 2 reallyhate 3 takes 4 starts 5 oftenget 6 istaking 7 'mgoing 8 iswaiting 2 1 aiijbi 2 aijbii 4ai,bii 5 aibii aii, bi 1 ‘mwsiting 6 ispushing 2 do T have been 3 strengthens 8 aretaking 4 use 9 thinks 5 ‘mteaching 10 are studying 1 2 3 4 what 6 cast 3 alibi 6 aii bi I'vebeen a pharmacist for almost 20 years. 1 don’t believe in alternative medicine Are you taking any medication at the 4 Jean goes to the chiropractor ever ‘moment? 4 Joan goes ta the chiropractor every fortnight. 5 Younced a vaccination before you goon holiday oe 1 8 'mtyingto lose weight atthe moment 5 a1 Sheused to take diet pills 2m notused tadoing exercise. 3. We didn’ruse to have a personal trainer. 4 He's getting used to taking the medicine 5 can't get used to being in hospital bias 245 6 1 used 2 use 3 used 4 used 5 am 6 getting 7 used 8 get 7 Possible answers 1 Did you use 0 cat 2 ‘setting used 10 going 3 didrcuse to get 4 isused to aking 5 get used to having 6 ‘mot used to working 1 2 3 8 1 issuffering 5 used to He'shad 6 are fsreading 7 dom'tunderstand 4 sell has now gor SKILLS DEVELOPMENT FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 1. Appointment with: Nurse Green Date: 12th October Time: 435 2-1 wonder, could 2 Could, tell 3 possible 4 have, idea § Would, mind usrening Tas baci d2 es 2atc 2a 3a 4b 5b Waring 11 A-barchart, 8 pie chart, C- line graph 2 A-the USA, H- the Netherlands, C-the UK 21 statistics, show 2 sourced 3 figure, reveals 4 clearly, risen 5 diagram, ells © percentage 7 demonstrates @ uNIT3 Vocasutany 121 sails 2 waterproofeclothing 3 liferafts 4 compasses. 5 life jackets 6 rope bic 2f 3a 44 Se 6b 2-1 devermined 6 reckless 2 mature 7 experienced 3 well-prepared 8 resilient 4 irtesponsible 9 self-sufficient 5 courageous 10 resourceful 1 Ifyoudon' take acompass, you're in, danger of getting lost. av 3. My fricnds go diving but 1 just watch them Jn safety from the boat! 4 Don't take risks when you're swimming in the sea, Anything can happen, 5 Everything went wrong on the holiday: the flight was delayed, the kids got sick and the hotel was terible. 6 I'm going to go backpacking round the ‘world, 1don'teare about the risks! Ww 8 We need to warn the tourists about pickpockets on the trains 4 8 Wenced to warn the tourists about pickpockets on the trains. 4 pelea Be] [xtc > [ic »]ijifz[z[s Pols HW E[R tle s[s[olwfmy xl: [els fefalifils [sfx fe 51 assis 7 injury ri Reaoin 8 tecognitio 2 We usually cake all he necessary 11 The death ofthe guldeboate 9 (unytecognisad precaution die 2b af 4a sd 6 10 rescue 3 Shesathrillseckersoshe'salways uying 34 Dictionaries, encyclopedias and atlases a 5 isolator 1 severe ew activities, cabal so 12 survive 2 Twitter ause people wll t 6a surin 3 assistance aks is extemely you the places thatate close you 2 uateprotclothing. 7 ada beaches hat Weeaolaed an tar avy em 5 well-prepared 10 precautions 2 5 Siri only works in the! and so cannot be GRAMMAR 3 are still no used around the world. 2. wer 5 halt se 1 1 Asbop 2 Thehospital 3 A : 2 ailgear 7 had been burning ee towas closing , m unin, riend when they were ty member 2 should 3 carefi VOCABULARY 3 elena ddr gorockelimbinglat wectend 7 Wouldnt 8 dont Tali fe Pe 4 The girls saw ane Tal CapeTown 2 Por ch ban |3p | a ‘Fla R camping in the woods. 5 We needed a break because we had been sriving for ows Ts : +h yh driving to his 7 was, wa ave [21169 Picture 8 Had = =P 6 hadnt packed 2 had spent 7 had been burning 3 weretravelling 8 set 4 hadbeen sitting 9 hadn't charged 5 was studying Towas closing 3 Possibleanswers 2 Rita met her boyfriend when they were ingon a bus 3 Elena didn't go rock climbing last weekend because she had hut her arm, camping in the woods. 5 We needed a break because we had been 6 While Alfonso was driving to his aislfriend’s house, hailstorm sudde started 4. Possible answers 1 were sailing 5 were taking 2 were blowing 6 had spoke 3 wasapproaching 7 had sp 4 hadle 8 had been studying 5 a1 Happily, everything went well atthe Bi 2 He usually goes rock climbing at th weekend Ic was uncomfortably hor on the coach. we couldn't go climbing 5 lam why [love taking 6 She speaks French well 7 The hocel was reasonably chee 8 I studied the route carefully before I set of 9 Thoill seekers find activities like white- water rafting extremely exciting 10 Personally, I don't ike taking risks 6 had blow: 7 bad damage 8 were rising 9 left their iomes calmly 10 amazingly esiien FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 1-1 Remember 2 shouldn't 3 careful 4 might/may 5 sure 6 might/may 7 wouldn't # don't srenn Tat Cai 2 Port Elizabeth 3 Du 4 Pretoria 5 Johannesburg 6 Drakensberg Mountai b two severe weather warnings: ape Town ~ dense fog Drakensberg Mou nowdrif 2aaS b13678 c4 d2 bt fog 2 carefully 3 skies 4 warm 512 6 hail 7 blizaards 8 snowdr latg 2d 3f 4¢ 5b 6 b Possibleanswers hey investigated the local terrain. at had a twenty minut These included performing mock 2 red answers, 1 Three flags Europe 2 Ayearanda 519 days), renty-minute d ay bet a). Warning munira ta fs fy U n]} |e s ly D bt beards ° 2 dyed 3 sion 5 bald growing 2 put 3g a4 5 get_ 6 change 1 laidback 2 dedicated 8 fedundant. b pr wicen 48 notion ¢ train ay e reference 1 7 had spen READING KF a DANY. 2 Heus ; nvestigated the local terran. The bing atthe is 3 Itwas uncomfortably hot on the Howere wad a wenty minute r 4 Unfortunately, there was a snowstorm so 1 tang wi 4 complexion 5 bald we couldn go climbin These jdt peeing 2 1 growing 2 put 3 get 4 shaves 5 Lam frequenly asked why Hovetaking —_Speation 5 get 6 change tisk i 3 1 laidback 2 chatty 3 outgoing 6 she spe we 4 self-conscious 5 witty 6 live 7 ‘The hotel was reasonably cheap 7 EGIL & andere 8 | studied the rou carefully before sc off Aaa redundant b pro ct 9 Thrill seckees find activities like whi nym sary e reter : water rafting extremely exciting ee sacecrefcand the Ear b 10 Personally, don‘ ike taking risks ae ‘ 5 Maina Univesity a ae ane — 6 They used a model for an operation romotion — [resi MI PRoGRESS TEST 1 [salary Redunda am 5 1 look 2 dark 3 dyed 4 shave 4 5 laid back 6 promotion 7 chatty 4 8 salary 9 dedicated. 10 lively 6 1 Sheclimbed the mountain skilfully ng upacéam. oan She skilfully climbed the mountai plait SRA have worked here for ive years 11 You've probably heard 2 ran int 2 He hal ever takes risks ¥ 2 ee ee ai coven en wating fran our efor the 3 immediate noted 4 bas worked ‘cPortlnetioa waarsomedanger atived already appe as changed Papleel a 2 ulats 2 bruise 3 fog 4 7 worked & haverisen 9 has become urprisingly, nobody got ill on the 5 passenger 6 acupuncturist 7 af 10 didn't fight voyage. Nobody gt ilon the voyage 8 antici 2 1 already 2 already 3 yet ag 21g 2a 3h 4b se 67 4 already 5 yet 6 ye 5 highly experienced sail 3.1 i opened it hast SES IeaniRY ‘sail 2 i shaved a) Jy) e| SN 3 Picture hee y 2 i haventbuiltup ii weat 7 chilli soysauce 9 wi muNrs 41 hasalready started wen 0 biiia 2ic iid 31f 4ig ih — b studentsownanswers. VocABuLary 4-1 hasbeen 5 hasbeentiying 4 ye 4b 5d 6a 11 busket 6 make-up 2 hasbeen writing 6 hasdirected 5 3p 4h 5a 6c Te 8 2 mime ats 7 stand- 3 7 hasbeen locking 6 onals 2 compete ui 8 scripiwriter 4 8 hasdyed ket cfeamy 5 ani 4 magica 9 Dupbe 34 aa 7 brand loyalty 8 blender 5 performers 40 sound enginee 3 6 both 0 bland 2a 6 2 Theband's new songs all about : FESS 3 Using asunbed togetatanis very popular 1} POtRa& 22 3 bohake 1 E «1/1 4 leantget used to ecingherwith purple 2 1 Steyoucooking. 2 tam prepa (cles scnncife mudi lienecarnosiigh than-m 4 Won't the chilli mak ERA ner speaking is ea Se ee A[D) vie & © reson dered haviogsholcay in Mento 8 'mnotcoming 9 I'mseeing e[tle|cjo|t|7 Fla 7 Talways enjoy watching French film 5 Os ous pa BUM slo lul viz loi on TV though icant always understand Lene ae oe everything. oor ee KA]: |S|C|B|N|E/E 8 I'm looking forward to goingto Americaso #1 Kno ak ae nti Tol Tean pr site my tnglich. 4 buy /havebought 5 changes ERMBAlFlY|K/o|) have had 2 have owned 8 8 speaks / ass c eT Ac eine acme sai aking dinnerfor20 people | © (ik) 2 [Ia 5 have been going ny is ight, Rita wi king. uw S[C|EI[N Y/E 7 hasbeen fighting @ waiting i Peor ploluls 9 formed 10 hasn'ta or pained e SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 3 The guest wi rrived by seven / By & CARES R|w i FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE seven, the guests will have arrived. v[o[mjele|r|r s 11 ies cally gettingon my 2 By3p.m., Rita will hav Rita will have started c ave [21169 Picture change ToT | A “is 2 2 The guest will havearrived by seven ‘ay | © a FUNCTIONAL LANGUA. seam hemuesswittaveereed Lv |» [APT TTS a 4 By eleven, everyone wil have eaten a 11 Itsteally getting on my nerves Pee ee! Na 5 specialetfects 2 they’ always paving that song metomorow, Ritawillbe relaxing)? & 6 pl > renga This timetomotrov, itil belaxing/ 3 $2 3 Rote se ueallyanocys etic ba Fututecontinuous:1, 6 4 par 8 sta 5 they never say thankyou ib rurureperfocrs2:3, 4,5 3 1 action-packed 2 depressing 6 Tean't stand the way « 2 iuenaienn. 3 predictable 4 hilarious 5 unrealistic 7 He's not exactly strong on people skills # Sil aiesty Revcitiatlia 4 ‘tension 2 weakness 3 excitement 8 The thing thatannoys me mos 5 will have comme 4 neighbourhood creativit Listenin 4 willbe following 6 childhood 7 contusio 1a Possible answ 5 will be trying EL Bit 2iciont disieiom 1 His father and grandfather were be 6 we'll have found oF Sea tattoo artis 7 will have stopped apis: 8 costae 2 You need alot of patience. 8 will still D oyins 6 mere: e “ es 3 Criminals had tattoos in the 7 1 'muraveling 2 leave 3 ‘ibe stayi comedian 4 Herefuses to tattoo people ifthey don 4 have $ have 6 will 7 unless usicia know exactly what they want BI 9 have 10 you've Nouns ending-er/-or: com ines § Chinese characters and animal tattoos. Sess nm 7 ator, produce! 6 He loves it He feels enthusiastic abou ose Nesiaiensiag isk sare 2a family 2 inerview 3 morning FUNCTIONAL LANGUAC scounsentn ama 4 luck § monkey 6 look 7 thousands 1a can,say 2 right, thinking puns ending “ic evil 1 ee eee 7 1 etities 2 comedian 3 compose 5 checeatnstiinas Cuesactiy mean 4 dramatist 5 cartoonist illustrator § Sabena 6 producer, directo 7 Fe 9 thing, understand 8 1 audience 2 neighbourhood 3 critic ae 4 script 5 circus 6 magicia 2 Her dad helped hero find the job. 7 hilarious “8 part 9 cons 3 She didn't have ro wait for the results, They LISTENING 10 conte {old ber in the interview faarb5 ca die} sonmer 2-2 Howsitgoing? 3 ages 4 kindof BI Atservesspicy (Bangladeshi) fod $ fogatintoucrwith 6 theeand the 2 Teytegongioeatchocoatedaughmus, 1} The play ssetinThaand T uncool @ Treckon 9 ayeat ors 3 She orders sparkling mineral wate abe fin will esheased nce osth 10 Love 4 He has to eat vegtables first and then he month, the film will be rele 3 The film was ditected by iitchcock a oo munis = a4 —— ne IIE} Picture ). ther were both 2 You need alot o 5 Chinese chara (005 in the pas o peopleif they don sand animal tattoos. 6 Helovesit He feels enthusiastic about it, 2at family 2 interview 3 momin, 4 luck 5 monkey 6 look 7 1 Suggested answers 1 Jayis an interpreter for the singapo palice, 2 Her dad helped her to find the job 3 She didn’t have to wait fr the results, inthe interview joing? 3 ages 4 kind ‘ouch with § there and thei 8 Iieckon 9 ayeas 1 1 steamed 2 boiled 3 roasted 4 grilled 5 baked 6 fried 2-1 bland 2 crispy 3 chew 4 salty. 5 bit 3a basil 2 oliveoil 3 garlic >per 5 cinnamon 6 vani riled 5 2 6x ound ou! 7 will have stopped 8 will still be enjoying 71 ‘muavelling 2 leave 3 ‘Ubestayi 4have Shave 6 will 7 un a ill 9 have 10 you've Vat can,say 2 right, chink’ 3 following 4 When, mea 5 check, something 6 exactly, mea 7 sense 8 see, wha 9 thing. understand bb faad bs c4 di e3 1 itserves spicy (Bangladeshi) food. 2 They're going to eat chocolate doughnuts 3 she orders sparkling mineral wate 4 ‘o eat vegtables fist and then h 5 Ics grilled, sweet, mild and very good 1-1 Serendcep / Sri Lanka 2 Cooking, medicine 2.a Student's own answers, bt stews 2 bark 3 properties 4 surmised § lush 6 rosy 7 plantat 5 1 fae (.) e " SoM Ses Ulloa 10 read 6 Nouns ending T gameplay comedia Nouns ending-er/-or: composer, dire lustrator, Nouns endings artoonist Nouns ending iu 7 1 critics 2 comedian 3 compos 4 dramatist § carto 6 producer, director B1 2 neighbourhood 5 circus 6 magician ous 8 part 9 console nist, illustrator uudience 3 crit ripe 7 bila 10 contro 1 The play is set in Thaila 2 The film wil he rele Next month, the film wi 3 The film was directed 4 Penelope Cruz was chosen fa d next mont by Hitehcoc he starring cle 5 The Script being written by Georg Clooney 6 The TV programme has been given great 2a2 Gla ettng fora lot of jowaday’ Picture 3 itis thought that Citizen Kane isthe best film of all ime 4 Itis said chat you can see a modern plane n the 1963 film Cleopatra jis said thata modern plane can be seen in the 1963 fil Cleopatra 5 Spirited Away was made by the Japanese mpany studio Glab) 6 Inthe 1920s, it was thought that colour iIms were impossible te make 7 The film A Clockwork Orange was banned tis believed that sa play Macbeth is unlucky int 112,57 134,68 iv 2 The play has received a lor of praise 3 [have been invited to the premiere ofthe 4. The gbcg eas written by Pall McCartngy 5 The part of Sherlock Homes is being played by Benedict Cumberbatch The performance is going tobe cancelled because ofthe bad weather 7 ‘tis hought that people will stop buying DVDs in the future, sible answers hasbeen known 2 hasalso be od as base ough 8 3 were produced 4 7 raged V set 212 4 while 5 Following 6 adventures 7 Combining lM Proress Test 2 2 1 finished 2 have been swimming 2 4 5 7 have been working a 2 1 complexion 3 produce 4 cinnamon § ereamy 6 intriguing 7 gripping 31 wiinkles 2 boil 3 bitte 4 chopsticks § multinational 6 bus 7 plot 8 childhoo 1 Director, actor, scriptwriter, producer, stand up comedia 2 After directing a series of successful mov ‘Tom Shadyac decided to change his life. He sold his mansion in Hollywood and mov s money to charity. Nowadays, he thinks JeuetuonesWotiis imnadantinthemayi in 2 ta 1 trustworthy 2 us 4 childish 5 reliable 6 careful 1 birth cenificate* 2 proof of address 3 formal complaint form 4 job applicatio 5 tax return 7 passport application 1 flock 2 horde, mod 3 gar A swatm 5 pack 6 crew 7 herd 1 a overcontfider b overambitious 2a misspelt 6 reusable 7 incercontinent 8 overambitious 9. misunderstood Jerdone 10 unde rercontid 2 3 : 1 os eB ni peue. | 2 Toe ce, 2 tee 2 Sl A ed alotof pas ri b une a) TTHREDEGTAMTG tothe piemicteofthe 7 gripping 42 interdaEREBIE _ stom cue fin, "7 3 Towrinkles 2 boil 3 bitter b intercontinental 1e song was written by Paul McCartney. 4 cho § multinational 6 buske 5 a redesigned 5 The partofsherlockHomesisbeingplayed 7 olot "a childhood b reusable by Benedict cummberbatch © 1 redesigned 6 performance is going to ee 2m it 1e bad w Direct Mt, Scriptw 3 interchangeable 7 itisthought that people wilstop buying __-upcomedia 4 overcontide ee rom shadyac decided tochangenislie He 7 twontd inl ais sldhismansion inelliywoodand moved” > thaa 1 hasbeenknown 2 hasalsobeen adm a trailer, and started fo give most of 3 unacceptabl 3 were produced 4 wasbased his money to charity. Nowadays, he thinks 4 helpful 9 carcful 5 hadbeen beaten 6 is thought everyone's work is important in the mov! 5 gang 10 flexible 7 is being encouraged / has been encouraged and so he has completely changed his a ge being given outlook on life. He astonished the audience GRAMMAR a bau ore beat Winfcramoarathticetar. 1a You should have your passport with yo 2 aUBN cn cals 3 They could him forhavinga J Ihave my red carpet dresses madeby top 31 Hehas worked with Robin Williams, Eddie dire : Murphy and im car 4 Tshouldart have worn 2 alshoes sen tome fo 2 Hetas made comedy fms ep 3 my face painted w 3 He was badly hurt in abicycle acciden 5 Iris should have askec ieee 4 Guus and philosophers appear in [Am ake pies 4 3s, flowers anda rabbi 5 Heappeatedon the Opa Winey show _ 6 Wecould havea probe and Magnum Fi. bie 6 Heteaches people how towtte scrip 223.45 7 feels happier than ever. 1 should have spent papers veel 2 could have hur 3 been 4 were 5 are 3 sould lay fitscpers y couldnthave Ashed Fast a ccmupY 1 You should have 1 form befo 1 ane [aii i you sent it in. Boss 2. Weshould have changed our clothes nt to me from Paris. 2 He has made comedy films. rt fainted whitebefore --% He wasbadly hurt ina bieycle accide = LIE Picture 4 Gurus and philosophers appear in FAm TTRNTAMRSEANGs, lowers and a rabb 5 He appeared on the Oprah Winftey show brought co me before m and Magnum Pl 5 Ihave had my reviews published 6 He teaches people how to write scripts national newspapers, 7 He feels happier than ever. 2 bad bic5 d3e iis ft heed should have checked 3 deen 4 were 5 are 1 console v graphic v could have told cut 9 be 10 have /ge controle v latform x shouldn't have brought finspeven. . medoneens, yp eemuentharcbiat the gam v ‘shoot ‘em up 4o3 ‘You should have cl d the form before 4 bes Faroe Ped ihe ite Winn orecenceon feoaie 6 In most case: 5 Wecould hav outsid 5 F Jake thinks that the character of Mama but we parked in the carpark instead arious Anton should have driven as much possible last week to prepare for his 2aa2rd bila? a’shamburger was eaten by Mama's Uriving test 3 b Conversat Bis passpoi classic cila thinks Cooking Mama is agood Lbl cd ds wo play with fen 5 2 Lucas can'thave gone to Chile job application must have got lostin th post because I haven't received a reply, Jack might/ may not have known abou 2 since 3 believe the dress code we names ofall the characters 1e main events ofthe story 7 ‘opinion ofthe story 7 His visa application was rejected - he m might have made a mistake on the form, Mika may not have read your emai 2 inappropriate 3 irresponsible table § uni ption of the main character ave [21169 Picture 6 1b 2bothagh 3 boihaed bothagb § botha& nust have be 2 may have bee 6 could have created 7 must have led 8 should have predicted 2 anything 3 idea 4 enough 5 for 6 supposed 7 place 8 fi 11 informal 2 informal 3 formal ormal 5 formal 2 darling 3 sir 4 office spaperarticle alawyer 2 aparent 3 a fictional characte 4 ajournal The nam continue to use the name gests that Friday 13th isa oa % 4 alibi 2 5 handcuffs 3 6 convicted 1 witness 2 commit 3 jur 4 capital § testing 6 suspect 7 murder 8 guilty 9 judge 10 prosecution 11 suspected 2 wouldlook 3 4 didnttrust § would only show 6 wouldjust choose 7 made 2-1 Ityowhad been in che shop yesterday, would you have stopped the robbery? 2 if thectiminals had been sent to prison, they wouldn't have committed any m 5 Ifthe jury had seen this evidencen last year’s tial they could have found the man guilty of murde ov 7 was mu rd in my sock: 8 iftherflight ha ould have at f hadn't hidd hey would my cred! ave taken ours ago the washi 1a Suggested answer 1 Hewill travel by bu 2 He will eave at 10.15 3 He will arriveat 2 ‘4 Hecannot get the train to because he will ative in Lo ant have you! o vandalism o ye mo trans wil be ru ice should w meat bus about 10.15 ce, The buses will epar and should artiveat ondon Vieto ins co from Canterbury to Dover W dle at more info ‘m very sorry for chis ange to your service, but the was iy discovered this morning by the -e, We hope that everythi mal by late after -ause his parents had gone out forthe 2 Heheard tapping 3 Hegot out of bed to use the telephon 4 ‘The rain had stopped and the moon was sh 5 He opened the door and the ca 6 Inthebeginning he was scared, butar only dise mE Peure fb 2: emer“ Tayarithsicomoc mice” oe al ea av 5 a ace Suh police We peer i a BE _ ecenees i ae feed tae normal by late afternoon. READING guilty of mu wri 3 aBctinnalitacter : 2a eats Sire 8 If the flight hadn't been delayed, they 3 He got out of bed touse the telephone. 2-1 The name was associated with bein; would have arrived five hours ago. 4 The rain had stopped and the moon was 2 They will continue to use the name b Iwish they would put the lyrics online 5 the door and vat fan our, Vener € tTonly the chemist opened on Sunday é ing he wasseated,butat he worsen & [ish dignthave ower bt dioppedotf 2 steady cre 4 They are copying celebrit f Ifonly the classes started latert 4 trespasser S$ acatflap 6 paw 4°71 hadn't become’ 2 could find ou ‘Slowly 5 Happily 6 quick 5 had filled Munir @ units 6 botha&b 7b 11 destiny, success, failure 2 prosperity S Possible answer 3 chance, fate 4 wealth § fortune VocasuLany 2 If Yolanda had got the job, she wouldn't 20 1 nosuch luck 4 with any luck 7 vandalism haweseenthenewsaboutthekidnapping 3 PUHYOULTUCK, 6 stoke flu 31 srines 4a Pace they woulda havea Cee = oe 6 ile hating 5 stroke 6 destiny 7 clubs 4 4 auborlly gute 8 chance 9 court 10 broke ine 5 fraudste reader Pe and 2243 bay de:number 4 1 hadn'tbecome 2 could find ot meR:l[e1 Picture} nclude: Number 16 bus 3 hadn'tgone 4 could monitor sa Jn, Gandalf, Gazza and 5 had filled @ unr NSCRAM 5 1botha&b 2a 3b 4a 5a Vocasiiiany m UNITS 6 bohagb 7b 1 6 Possibl vocasutary 2 iy 11 shoplifting 2 tertorism 3 mugging 4 burglary 5 arson 6 murde a 2-1 capital punishment yesterday, 2 imprisonme 4 If had covered up my PIN 3 prison sentence thief wouldn't have all my m 4 fine 5 If Monica hadn't missed the bus, she 5 community service wouldn't be walking home, 6 corpora 6 {fF they hadn't parked theirear in the weon, 31 wrainers 4 acrime place, hey wouldn't havea parking ticke 2 taxevasion 5 parents’ house 3 ars 6 illegal file-sharing 4 slovi 1 destiny, success, a ansyeee 3 chance, fate 4 wealth 5 fortune 2 wish me luck . 3 push your luck "3 1c 2a 3g 4f 5b Ge 7d 4 Vlow 2 take 3 get 4 mind 5 sight 6 lost Sale 2h 3b 4g Sa 6 1 madeatackle 5 warm 2 blewthewnistle 6 3 sentoff 7 hi 4 takea penal 8 broke, reco elabibiitaiBedodoniemiy, 7 | =e 4 fortune 41 naive 4 authority gue iatbeta neat nti : 2 laweabiding 5 fraudsters Bit ds 8 chance 9 co 6 taken in shop 5 forus 71 wouldn'thavedied 2 hadn't found 3 were 4 had been 5 hadaccepted cfu o|n & hadnad 7 would not t 8 could provide / would provide 2 What really love about this job people laugh 3. Another thing like is traveling to ; NICE ; FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE different places with te show 1 meeting, money, cout, vandalism, burglary, 4 The thing dont ike is my costume. (s 25 comfortable ° 2at aythe 2 Which 3 ml 5 Its secing my friends inthe audience tha 4 Talkingabout 5 Be ese feelanxious 7 Rig 6 Strangely, the person who makes me the landa had got the job, she wouldn't the n’tput security cameras in the noplifting would be a big problem GRAMMAR ‘that 6 chose this i T M st nervous is my gitfriend b e~ciceus pertor ae el “ nc Io ISN . Ce Mec Ye 3 1 most 2 harderandharder 3 quicker 2-1 wouldhaveinvited 2 would be 3 1 Aluminium 2 nylon 3 cub best 5 more successful 3 had 4 hadn'tdone § dida’thave 4 cotton 5 wax 6 plastic 7 Stee! 6 moreand moi Bat take 2capital 3 taken 4 retu 4-1 stylish black leather jacket 41 thebest 5 for 2 large round pine dining table 2 worse, wors bY reliable 2 legal 3 eustwort 3 old rate American postcard 2 themost disappointing 4 careless § inesponsbl 4 second-hand Kalin mountain bike 4 The anger, the hungrier 41 swarm. 2 jay 3 stok Sib2ead4as $ more, moreconfident 4 ciew 5 cll 6aa2b4 ci di Gtemoatddiat meaRe BY way eb 3 vet un 6 cee ances Baa Afghaisian b USA ¢Woly d Jann 7*) Concrete te 5 nowhere 6 slightly 7 just neat 2 Gab 3 cork: tile 6 Possibleanswers: patsy, BB ie aed €8 4 marble: statue, tile, floor 2 Grcketbasarejustasexpensiveastennis 3 1 Hechanged iss $ ceramic:cup tile aque hey under 6 polystyrene: cup ag gollis nowhere neata ees b Studs own ase resting as watching a a Mebe a aN on Gat polysyrene 2 marble 3 copper 4 My new helmet is not quite as small as my ae as 4 cork 5 concrete 6 cetam ‘old one / My old helmet is not quite as big a 9 1 off 2 provide 3 out as my new on ls cscs iy De woe 4 bigerpensive 5 pine 6 latest digital 5 Yellow golf balls aren't any easier to see expanding lines of the character m Tup 8 rett than white ones prosperity 6 6 August is the sth month and 8s au Anna 6 Football is far more popular than eo umberin China 1 either 2 or 3 cither 4 oF 7 Our seatsin the stadium area bit worse suey 7 nor eens ae ng 9 or 10 neith anyouranes 2 vandalism etree 8 We're not quite 1¢ other players lesharing 4 arson 5 burglary ve . vee = S27 3 1 either 2 or 3 crashes : 4 lthershop 5 orvisit 6 nether 9 My mums racquet was slightly cheape CC... ; 7 nor @ neith or 10 hi Lathe 2 the (7s helmet is not quite as ave [21169 Picture popular thai n the stadium area bit 8 We'r notqu the ather playe 9 My mum's racquet was s 7 1 greatest 2 that 3 far 4 neatly 5 slightly 6 fitter 7 is 8 jus 9 fastest 1 why SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 11 joking 2 exaggerate 3 agree 4 point 5 on 6 case 7 Supp 8 what 2 Don't exaggerate 'm not sure lagte I suppose you'ze Hunde UsTENING aly bib 2v aK 6b 7a Reaping 1a Sheneeds fou! ngold something new, somethin and something b + ata little meat, and a pancake take oil and flour and n) Se eee Fis not quite as small as my uperstti 5 8 is considered lucky because the two expanding lines of the character meat prosperity 65 August isthe ath mont isalucky number in China 1 trespassing 2 vanda sharing 4 a 2 They wereallowed to go home on Monday, 3. Shops, bus stops and apartment buildings were damaged 4 People can now be given an immed fine of between 50 and 100 dollars 5 People get one SORA LIE o4 7 up ETeTUeT Grammar 1 1 either 2 of er 4 5 neither 6 neither 7 nor 8 elthe 9 or 10 neithe 21a2f3b 4d 1 31 either 2 or 3 cra 4 cithershop 5 orvisit 6 neith 7 nor 8 neither 9 nor 10 have 4 1 athe 2thethe 300 43a 5 thea 6 an,the 7.a,@ 8 The.the 5 1b 2bothakb 3a 4b 5a 6 botha&b 610203 6 The 7 the 8 an 7 1 the 2 the 5 nor 6a 7 neither Ba 1 2 period 3 deposit 2-1 quote 2 budget 3 discou 1a When you areouton the igh street do you fork out alot more money than you pected? Do you know which products a rp off Today we speak tore Roger Le rom Seoul. Heel b1 Theprices of rain t uring che day and 2 No, sometimes its dificult to find __ Information gasses 9 |tiaking concessions] «9 ‘Bruce Twiningusedtobea professional = aE Picture Fee boxe , We 4 docun, maybetnecae | ‘30 Charchil ceed @ moni’ Se u're righ ° * 4 delivered 8 1 ddition 2 course 3 question eee aaa? ad @ UNIT10 expected? Do you know witich products are 7 takeout 8 paying off during the day and there a indsom dealt 2 They eata little meat, anda pancake ‘lel els ele 3 she needs io ake oil and four and mix { | online hem to make dough, to shaw that she is A\ule [alelalc|e iid ta the sales, an able cook PSG eee : le v eis day 4 Its the waditional dish of Taikistan, 4 Here’ ap ~sales often begin edalicioua mixture mk ofsfel[s[wfofo[« [ele TTiurdaay Wich oat Fone cue ar WO 5 The representative keeps one Bae» VE «| 2 | + | se athe sofa, Youve neither found the Sa i SM sour nore righ exign being followed alte > ae 6 How much do you pay for. vin Trae Ad 54 6x nel e{e{o[a}ols : Tv o8v ifviolvl«[z[v[xlale 7 Thats truebut wth a 1000% prof, the Progress Test 3 vii [xly[elolx[elal> EE NOES tear Geamnan Vorasuian Mf toe [ Ala it] PT Nonstiy 2 nateor 11 shouldnt 2 can't 3 faster 4 thing : aa eu lc! s egal er ltonles 3 Workexperience 4 Education v 5 Hobbiesand interests 6 Other sil alule[tiy[s(:[o[i |e nelle Picture cal WM) cu 2-1 Marketing SkiLLs DEVELOPMENT Skitis Devetopment 2 Three: English, Hausa and Chinese schate pepeansiing (ava, c42) FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 4 She does dance and she tavels. 11 managed 2 meant 3 says 1 V happened 2 go 3 joking 4 did 5 Since2012 4 already. § tried 6 supposed 5 thing 6 on 7 No 6 She managed a team of seven people. Listenin Listenin Tonnes 2 1a 2b 3c 4b Se 6b 7a Be Tat Theavroraborealis, ornorthem 8 DHI8 ‘ccanmn Inthe Artie, and northern pars of mount tb countries ike Iceland, Sweden and fue Norway " 21S EE ok 2 SiO IBS 3 You are most likely to sceit in spring or 1 2 breakthroug unr 12 autumn 4 early adopters y 21 Norway z 6 commercial success Vocasutany 2 cloud) 7 gadgets 11 twilight 4 dusk 3 stiente 2-1 Inspirational 2 original 3 traditional 2 inthedeadofnight 5 atdan w 4 unnatural § conventional 6 illogical 3 atsunset 6 mid morning anne 3 1 come 2 struck 3 figure 4 go 2 1 awesome 2 absolute 1 ad bo c5 dies t2 4a1 metalic 2 rounded 3 handheld 3 breath-taking 4 awe-inspiring 21 dont/aren'hav 4 high-tech 5 touch-sensitive 6 slim 5 torally 6 overwhelming 7 stunning 2 glistsistand’s b Students own answers, Bata 2d 3b 4c 3 carlo 5a1 user-friendly 2 jargon 3 backup b Possible answer: What's your most 4 helmets routes Tat that 2.who 3 whose 4 thavwho ood me A casenyingin 5 that 6 which 7 that/which o i le Va dawn. coe ea Oy Pres Hive nee atta Bala 2d 3b 4c 3 Carlos WW we [161 Picture fission 3 backup b Possible answer: What's your most 4 heime| GD) AGG wemnee J 6 bug 7 shutdow memorable experience 5 eo coed r; 4-1 shifts 2 long 3 nights 4 stay i PROGRESS TEST 4 6 hed 2 shutdown 3 bootup 5 overnight 6 crack 7 call 8 get 5 hardcopy 6 user frien 51 tacks 4 Take GRauMaR & VOCABULARY up 2 shapes 5 ee 1-1 Neither Vincent nor tara willbe th 71 backup 4 simm 3 make 6 drop architect of te new stad 2 draw: 5 high-c 6 1c 2d 3f 4e 5d 6a 2 Thad been working for hours when 3 figured 6 unconventional 7 a1 eisiersaid than break Gitta 2 letthecatoutofthe tag 3 Mrs was he Phsis ea ARR 2s ances Fe tt 4 costanarmand aleg 4 carol has bet nce the exack of 5 that 6 which 7 that/which eal es 8 thatiwhic nebluc 5 Having never tried the experiment befe bt 8 5 believe the results 2-1 who 2 whose 3 which 4 who pes 4S 7 sautwhien inspitin 7 crack 2 gran 3 mahogany 2 tradhiscibie, 4 drawba ckto thistablet, GRAMMAR 31 fork wxydoesn'tlastalong 1 1 tohelp tobe oe 2 tosetotf 5 doing 3 ; 3 for not callin Ae 3 figure 3 Mydad, who works fora big compa 3 fornotealling 6 fordamag 1 always helps me solve my compute 2 Possibleanswers problen 2 my boss congratulated mee Reapine 4 Nocommas necessary presentation 12 5 Apple, which was stared by Steve jobsand 3 Dad agreed totake 2172737 4F SF 6 Steve Worniak, is nawthe mast profrable 4 Denise and Sam invited us tohavedinner 31 Noneo! computer company inthe world wit 2 thew 6 Nocommas necessary 5 Nik q nema 3 7 Bl Gates, whose Microsoft products are conight 4 sold allover the world, gives hug 6 The shopkeeperaccused me of stealing 5 Thecockrea oncy to global health an¢ 3 wa 5 talking Listen programmes 2 lived 6 metobe a ies S lagenimbesofpoplenownaventle 3 Mad 7 meto 1 Oe oH phones, which has led publishers to create b a z imobilegumes that are uick top Ab bashes was coe 4 dil 9 Tikes 4 Wsuch 2s0 3 4 such G it 7 oi a IO ei 's [a TOUS, ICT gaeepepe ery th ave [21169 Picture “mwraysrrerpemmesolve my computer probiems 5 Appl a jozniak, is now the most profitable computer company in the we 7 Bill Gates, whose Microsoft products a sold all overthe world, gives huge sums ‘of money to global health and education programmes. 8 Large numbers of people now have mobile phones, which has led publishers tor jobile games that are quick. 1 such 250 350 4 such 5 such 6 so 7 so 8 such 1 The computer isn't powerful enough fo ye game that 1B 2 There isn't enough space here 3 Tbought didn't havea bigenoug 4 Dowe have enough food for the visitors 3 whose 4 such nich & whi joping 6 which which they ared fornotcalling 6 for damaging ongratulated me on m Dad agreed to take ws. Denise and Sam invited us to have dinner them Nikos suggested going tothe cinem onigh The shopkeeper accused me of stealing it was 5 alk ved 6 mecobe ad 7 meohel otbeing 8 toanswe hasbeenworking 5 mtrying was cami 6 We've been sittin bew 7 Cd been driving ‘dse 8 Well have done ‘m realy lookin, ‘vebeen working adn'tbooked ad been thinking was lookin ork ve wanted/? be Y el) ue) Seal Lilla oach 11 Uk 6 likes 2 dislikes 7 dislikes a 1 Is famous, incredible and awe-inspiring 2 wwoorthree d 3 It'sa good way to meet local people and the 4 arsunrise 55 She warns people co take water with them 6 She learned about iton the internet 7 When she went out in the dead of nig! warring 1 1 over 2 the 3.with 4 most 5 in

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