TTW Rules

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F #

1t Design:
Ty Bomba
Timothy Lee
Jack Greene, Larry Hoffman, Wallace Poulter, Alan Emrich, Mark Kaczmarek
and the Random Wargamers at TRW Spacepark

Mike Littlejohn

Counters & Rules Production:

Larry Hoffman
Production Manager:
Ty Bomba


This one's for Kim.

t doesn't kill me makes me stronger

1.0 Introduction page} 9.0 Set-piece Battles page 13

2.0 Game Components page2 t0.0 Interceptions page]il

3.0 Setting Up and

Starting Play page 3 I l.O U:N.Rebellions page 1g

4.0 Supply Page 4 12,.0 Optional Rule: Nukes page 19

5.0 Building New Units Page5 13.0 Optional Rule: Air Supremacy page2O

6.0 Ground Unit Movement

and MAs Page7 14.0 Winning and Shorter Games page2t

7,A Air Unit Movement pageg 15.0 Designer,s Notes pagebl

8.0 Naval Unit Movement Page 10

Components: each complete game of TTW should include; besides the game box, 400 die-cut unit
counters, one rules booklet (which you are reading), one "Alternate History" bookleto two lO-sided dice,
and two map sheets.

of what is referred to as "The c Cossack; " That is, should you, as General
Emperor's Loyal . . ." movement. CAN Canadian; , Marshal advocated, strike
1.0 INTRODUCTION That is, the f ull title for the FHH Feldherrnhalle; *# _ directly. and early on fo¡ the
brown army with the AZ KL King Lion; ... ego+omic heartland
(Europe and
abbreviation on it is "The CHR Charlemagne; Nipbon) of your opponent? Or
Tomorrow The World is a Emperor's Loyal Anzacs." GE Germania; . ì;;'*hould you take the more
two player game of savagerY and The black-on-graY units GD Gross Drutschlandi; o oi,ï,*
==f"t"îî:ïlT "' u, o "
betrayal, brutality
barbarism, PlaYed out on a
represent the forces of the
German Army and NavY. The
Nordland; t'
prying your enemy out of one
so grand it makes World War II's black-on-sky blue units are the OST Ostland; . outlying area after another, only
eastern front in Russia seem like units of the German Air Force. RF Reichsf uhrer; slowly working your rvay in
nothing more than a Preparatory The white-on-black units are the SAF Sud Afrika; toward the vital center?
skirmish. Nazi fanatics of the elite S.S. HG Herman Goering. . To attempt the first requires
There are no Good GuYs (They should not be referred to near complete sea and air
here,. no public oPinion or as "armies;" call them "legions" The counters with aircraf t superiority along the approach
Geneva Convention. There are instead.) The black-on-green silhouettes each represent an routes (that or real big balls). To
no peace treaties, no limited units represent the forces of the entire air force of 1,000 to 2,500 do the second takes time, time
various minor nations allied with planes. They are identified with you might not have because the
'ù/ars. Two evil emPires wrestle
f or mastery of the carrion the German Reich. a number in their upper-right A-Bombs are going off.
remains of a dying planet in a Abbreviations on the corners. The "+1" is their combat And then, of course, there's
darkling universe. counters are: enhancgment power (see rules the oil .. . and the horror. .. the
To win this game, you must 9.1t) (fu this alternate history, horror. . .
gain control of every ¡ed Japanese: World War II didn't go on long
(industrial) dot on the map. To ARBN Airborne; enough for the idea of strategic
lose is to die suffocating in Your IG Imperial Guard; bombi4g to be fully develoPed.
bunker as your last loYal troops IGT Imperial Guard Tank; Hence the air f orces are
commit suicide in their fox-holes IRC Imperial Rocket CorPs; represented by undifferentiated
rather than suffer capture. SNLF Special Naval pieces whose primary mission is
Tomorrow The World is the game Landing Force; tactical combat support on land
you've been waiting f or! It AM Americans; and at sea.)
begins in 1948 . . . AN Andeans; There are three kinds of
AZ Anzacs; naval fleet units in the game.
B Brazilians; Strike Fleets (the ones with the
2.0 GAME COMPONENTS C Chinese; aircraft carrier silhouettes),
CN Canadians; Submarine Fleets (with sub
ID Indians; silhouettes) and Transport Fleets
2.t of TTW equals
Each turn IN Indonesians; (with f reighter silhouettes).
one-quarter of a real Year: K Koreans; Naval units, each representing a
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. MN Manchukuans; task force of 500 to 800 shiPs,
The ground units each MX Mexicans; also have their identitY number
represent one entire army of P Philippinos; in their upper-right corners, and
100,000 to 250,000 men. The S Siamese. the single larger number is their
numbers along their bottom cornbat power.
edgés are: Attack Strength, German: Markers are also Provided
Defense Strength, and Movement B Bulgarians; f or f ortif ications, rebellions,
Allowance. They each have FI Finns; bomb blasts, control, and suPPlY
either a number or abbreviated H Hungarians; state.
name as an identifier. I Italians;
The two sides' orders of R Romanians; 2.2 Ground units are divided
battte are based on those from SP Spanish; into two categories: mechanized
the real World War Il--with manY T Turks; and non-mechanized (or "straight
extrapolations to fit the new VF Vichy French; leg").
reality. PZA Panzer Armee Afrika Mechanized units a,re those
The white-on-red units are (or Asien armies whose primarY combat
the national forces of ImPerial or Amerika); power is in tanks and other
Japan. The white-on-brown ARB Arab; armored fighting vehicles. Non-
units are puppet troops from the ARG Argentine; mechanized types tre those
outlying provinces of the AMK Amerika; which depend mostlY on hordes
Japanese Empire. They are Part BRT Britanien; of men armed with small arms
21 3

You can shorten playing and artillery f or their striking Then a new game turn, with
block. This includes nuclear Superiority Phase continues until
power. Mechanized units are its three preliminary initial
strikes, air supply, overflight of both players sequentially pass the time by using either of these Ø phases, begins the cycle again.
any kind, air support of ground option or all air forces are methods: faster than non-mechanized units
combat, paratrooper airborne committed. l) Get a timer clock. Agree and are the only ones that can I lth Flieger Corps
movement, etc. (The rockets of If you challenge and then each Player Turn shall take no make "mechanized assaults" 3.2 All action in one phase
those days were slow moving and succeed in driving off or longer than l5 minutes (allow 5 (explained in section 6), but they must be finished before the next
easily intercepted if large shooting down the first Player's minutes, total, for each player to are also more expensive to build. 2.3 Sample Ground Unit: phase can begin. For instance, a

numbers of radar-directed involved air forces, you have, of conductall of his business in player may not move any of his
fighters and other air course, denied him absolute air each of the three "mutual" Mechanized Unít Types: Unit Type units until he is finished with
superiority in that block and phases). Then agree to play some this First Supply and Rebuilding
were dedicated to that mission.)
When the next Game Turn's
Air Superiority Phase begins,
therefore suffer none of the
penalties given in 13.2 above.
pre-set total time, like one, t\ilo
or three hours, etc. The winner
O Attack
Factor 3-3-4 Movement

start by first picking up all of Your victorious planes still is the player who controls the Tank or Panzer Defense Factor 3.3 To decide who will Play
last turn's AAS markers. There would, however, be out of action greatest number of IPPS at the what side and who will go first,
is no Air Superiority Phase on for that Game Turn, and You are end of that time. (See Charts Page for more.) use the following procedures.
Game Turn one. awarded AAS in the block where 2) Agree to play until one Each player rolls the die.
you just won your victory. side controls some predetermined Armored Infantry or (Important Note: whenever a die
13.3 Quite often, the other number of IPPs. For instance, Panzer Grenadier roll is called for in this game,
player will want to challenge his 13.ó In cases where the second you might agree to play until one 3.0 SETTING UP AND use a ten-sided die. Further,
enemy's establishment of player has an air force(s) based player controls a total of, say, 67 fo-'l
PLAYING always treat the "0" as just that,
a zero.) The player who rolls the
absolute air superiority in some on a dot within a block where IPPs. The f irst player who Airborne Armor higher number picks which of
block. the first player is attempting to controlled that total (nuked IPPs (Herman Goering Airborne 3.1 TTW is played in an open- the two sides he'll play the
In such cases, the second establish air superiority, that don't count) would be the Panzer Army) ended series of Game Turns. Germans or the Japanese (along
player should ansriler "Yes!" to unit(s) is automatically destroyed winner. Each game turn is made up of with their respective puppet
the first player's question. The if challenge is refused. (So take two Player Turns. Each Game nations). Players should then
second player should then him up and attempt to get him Turn, then, consists of The First take the app¡opriate armies from
determine how many of his alvay on a second round retreat.) 15.0 DESIGNER'S NOTES King Lion Corps Player Turn, followed by The the game box and separate them
available and in-range air forces In cases where you, as the Second Player Turn. At the start by types in easy reach near the
he'll now send into the block to second player, have more than
dispute the air supremacy issue. one air force unit based inside a I am delighted the Axis of each new game turn there are map.
When he's moved them in, both block where the first player is powers lost World \Var II. I am three "mutual" phases, before the Roll the die again. The
to Imperial Rocket Corps Player Turns themselves begin. player who rolls highest this time
sides set up a regular set-piece attempting establish absolute against racism, sexism, ageism,
battle, except that terrain (of air superiority, you. need not ethnocentrism, totalitarianism, announces now whether he will
course) has no effects, and no send them all up to contest the authoritarianism, and pretty Mutual Phases: set up first or move first. (The
reinforcements or support space. You may, if you choose, much any kind of extremism you l. U.N. Rebellion Phase usual choice will be to move
elements of any kind can enter send only some, or even none of can name. I believe the onlY
from either side. The first them if you bring planes in from worthwhile life is one lived
player is considered the attacker, other blocks to do the air under conditions of political
and all involved air forces shoot superiority fighting.
tt each other with attack and
This democracy, wherein the
preserves the still-based planes individual--and not some class,
defensive fire strengths of trlrr for later operations, but does race, religion, tribe, nation, etc.--
Non-lvlechani zed Unít Ty

Regular Infantry
pe s : (mutual: both players involved.)
2. Nuclear War Phase
(Mutual: both

3. Air Supremacy Phase

(Mutual: both players involved.)
first.) Thus the high roller gets
to examine the other guy's set
up, and then make his own plans
accordingly. This is a way of
simulating one side getting the
jump (that is, Iaunching a sneaky
surprise attack) on the other.
(that is, they hit on a roll of I or risk their loss if the fighters you is considered the determinant (Optional.)
0). Air forces are all just one do ' send up lose the air unit of human destiny. O.K.? The player who moves first sets
up second, and also picks the
step units. superiority battle. o.K. Mountain Infantry Then the First Player's Turn
Air superiority battles lre Why, then, did I design this ^ begins: starting season.
the only way planes can destroy wicked game? Just for fun; it is l. First Player's First SuPPIY
planesin this game. 14.0 1YINNING ANI) black comedy. It is meant to be and Rebuilding Phase. 3.4 Both sides start \Mith all
SHORTER GAMES the wargame equivalent of the Paratroops 2. First Player's the armies, air forces and fleets
available in their countermix.
13.4 Retreats are possible from
air superiority fights, but such
retreating units are still out of
action for the whole ensuing
as much
You'll quickly find that,
fun as it is, a full game
movie "Dr. Strangelove."
In a more military science
oriented sense, it is also meant to
allow the examination (in a
Naval Infantry or Marines
Movemen t /MA

Battle Phase.
3. First Player's Set-Piece
This does not, however, include
either A-bombs or fortifications.
None of those are in play at the
Game Turn. of TTW between equally skilled general way) of a strategic 4. First Player's Final start of the game, theY enter
opponents may take about a situation that might have been, Supply Phase. play later.
13.5 After the first player has bazillion hours to finish. To win but thankfully never was. ,/
had his chance at one block the you must control every red dot . You'll quickly find the Axis Horse Cavalry Then the Second Player's Turn 3.5 Both players are alwaYs
second player picks one and goes on the board (suPPly and nuked players in this game îace the repeats the same four stePs, free to examine the other's
through the same procedure with status doesn't matter). same overall strategic dilemma as stacks, units, deadpiles and
roles reversed. The Air the Allies did in our real world. Industrial Production Point (IPP)
records in this game. (Don't SPECIAL NOTE: "Control," as with an enemy Strike or the target dot or block are 12.9 Normally, an A-Bomb represent a larger and variable
forget, each turn here equals used above, is a wargaming term Submarine Fleet in it (again, you destroyed; 7, 8 or 9 - all units in strike will not ef fect ocean number of bombs, sufficient to
one-quarter of a year, and both rcferring to who owns a given can trace them into such blocks). the target dot or block are straits. However, if the Panama do serious measurable damage to
sides have highly developed dot. At the game's start, all the And just like naval movement destroyed. or Suez Canals are successfully targets of these sizes and areas.
intelligence networks by this dots within the players' empires (more on that below), sea supply struck, they both cease to Likewise, a "dud" result does
time.) are also said to be "controlled" by lines must follow "geographic 12,5 When more than one unit function as canals (that is, no not mean each and every single
them. As play begins and the logic." For instance, you can't in the target area is to be more naval transits at all) for bomb failed to go of f; rather,
3.6 Once the First battle fronts swing back and trace a" sea supply line through destroyed, but less than all of the rest of the game. suff icient numbers went off
Player/Second Player order has forth across the board, players the Straits of Gibraltar if there's them, place the attacked units target, crashed, were intercepted,
been established (as per 3.3 will gain and lose control of an enemy ground unit sitting on flat in the game box lid and 72.10 It is allowable to nuke etc., to preclude effective results
above) do NOT repeat this various dots. Every dot on the the Gibraltar dot. (See 8.4 and have the attacker draw out the your ov/n dots or units, if you on that attack.
process again; keep the same map is always under the control 8.20 for more on Straits.) appropriate number of destroyed fe e I it serves your ultimate
order each game turn. (In the of one player or the other. units. (With no peeking or destiny to do so.
Nuclear War and Air Superiority Control switches to the other side 4.7 Air units (always "based" prolonged braille readings to 13.0 OPTIONAL RULE:
Phases, however, new die rolls the instant a unit of that side on one ground dot or another) determine which is which!) l2.ll If an A-Bomb is detonated AIR SUPERIORITY
are made each game turn to see first enters the dot (and would, trace their supply lines just as if on one of the oil field dots (see
who will go first in those two of course, switch back again if they were ground units. Out of 12.6 Any successful detonation rule 5.6), have the German player
phases for that turn.) you got one or more of your Supply air units can not support (that is, any die roll result other roll the die and halve the result. 13.1 This is another optional
units back into it). Sea blocks any combat operations, have than a "O") results in a target red Round remainders down. The rule that is only used by mutual
are only under your control if their regular movement radius dot permanently losing one IPP final result is the number of agreement between the players
4.0 FIRST SUPPLY AND you actually have uncontested (two blocks) halved, and can not from its capacity. Game Turns that oil field is out before the start of play.
REBUILDING PHASE combat units there (Strike or make any strategic Place a mushroom cloud of production. (Any final result
Submarine Fleets) and your redoployments. marker in the target dot or sea of less than "1" is considered to 13.2 At the start of each Game
control of the sea area in the block of detonation; it will yield zero turns production loss.) Turn's Air Superiority Phase,
4,1 All units need to be block only lasts as long as you 4.8 The movement of out of remain there the rest of the Oil production loss due to nukes both players roll a die. The high
supplied in order to operate at maintain your presence. supply naval units is cut in half game. Clouds have no effects on is the same, during the turns it's roller goes first in that Game
their full capacity and to be able (round up). Their combat sea or most land terraino but they in effect (while massive slave Turn's Air Superiority Phase.
to survive from turn to turn. 4.4 For purposes of tracing capabilities are also cut in half. do convert red and white dots labor armies make repairs) as The first player then picks
Supply is governed by the red supply lines, the puppet troops of Supply lines to naval units can permanently to rough (grecn) for enemy control of
those the up any number of his air forces
industrial dots on the map. both sides trace to the German not switch back to land-tracing terrain. Dud bombs (a "0" roll) dots. For example, if the and moves them to one in-range
Players must check to see if they and Japanese homelands and not once they jumped from a port do not generate clouds. Due to Japanese player controlled the tatitude/longitude block of his
can trace a "supply line" from to their own insignificant little dot onto the water. shabby, myth-based, Axis science Kuwait dot, and then nuked the choice, and announces, "I am
each of their units to these red countries. and engineering, they just didn't Baghdad dot, that would cause attempting to establish absolute
supply sources. 4.9 Units are NOT restricted go off. the German to have the same air superiority in this block. Do
4.5 Ground unit supply lines to only tracing supply lines to problems as if both dots were you challenge?" If his opponent
4,2 Both players have a are traced from dot to dot, along their homeland. Pieces on red 12.7 You need not use all your Japanese controlled. (The repair answers "No," then the f irst
"homeland." The home-land for the transportation lines dots are fully supplied if they bombs; you may stockpile them time is not stopped or lengthened player has indeed achieved
the German player consists of all connecting them. Supply lines can trace a supply line to any from turn to turn. Of course, by Japanese occupation of an oil absolute air superiority in the
the dots within the boundaries of may be traced through any kind other friendly controlled red dot after you verify the chit pull, dot af ter it was nuked--their chosen block. In such cases he
"Greater Germany." The of terrain. They can not, on the same continent. your opponent will know you're industrialists are equally oil should then immediately return
Japanese homeland is the islands however, be traced through any (Australia IS considered to be a stockpiling (such is the world of hungry, just not so dependent on the air units he just involved in
of Nippon. enemy controlled dot (lines can separate continent in TTW.) counter intelligence). the middle east.) that mission to any legally
be traced into such enemy Pieces outside their German players, note: This available and in-range base dots.
4,3 If a unit can trace a occupied dots for combat homeland on dots colored 12.8 Once 35 or more rule gives you a whole new set Those units, except for retaining
supply line to any one red dot purposes, but not through them). anything other than red aÍe mushroom clouds have appeared of strategic realities to cope the ability to rebase to another
within its homeland (and that Suppty lines can also be considered to be fully supplied if on the map, there is the danger with. dot if their base dot is entered
red dot must be under the traced across water bodies from they can trace a supply line to of the game ending (in a mutual by enemy ground units, are
control of the tracing player and port dot to port dot. Ports are any friendly controlled red dot loss) in a "nuclear winter;" all 12.12 Any given Nuclear \'Var completely out of action for the
not have had its industrial any kind of dot, at least part of which can itself trace its own life on earth ends. Roll the die Phase continues until both rest of that Game Turn.
capacity nuked away) it is "in which breaks the coastline. line to a second friendly at the start of such Nuclear War players pass the strike option The first player should then
supply." This means it can move There are no transport lines out controlled red dot on the same Phase. If there are 35 clouds on sequentially or all available mark the block where he just got
and engage in combat with its at sea; just trace the supply continent. That is, for this kind the board, nuclear winter comes bombs are used up. absolute air superiority with an
full, printed, capabilities. If the through the broad latitude / of supply line, all three dots, the on with a roll of 0 or l. Wirh 36 UAASU marker. Throughout the
unit can't trace such a line, it is longitude blocks. (And, yes, you one the unit is on and the two clouds the trigger roll needed is NOTE: Players should not ensuing Game Turn, and up
considered to be "Out of Supply" can trace diagonally from block red ones, must all be on the same 0, I or 2; with 37 clouds it's 0, l, imagine each awarding of "one" through the completion of the
and all its capabilities are halved to block.) continent. 2 or 3, etc., up to 43 clouds, at or tttwott or ttthreett bombs next Game Turn's Nuclear War
(round any remainders up) for which point it's 0-9. (Curtains.) represents that actual number of Phase, no enemy air activities at
that player turn. 4.6 Sea supply lines can not 4.10 The Panama Canal dot is warheads. Those low numbers all can be conducted by the other
be traced through any sea block to be on both North
considered are only a convenient way to player into or through that
ll.4 If a unit of either side never occur in Tundra dots, the number of bombs he has and South'America. Gibraltar is "Tactically Cutting Him Off,u
enters a rebellious dot (supply though they can take Place in available that turn. Both players considered to be in both Europe and thusrendering him
can be traced into but not "Roof of the World" dots. should place their cup and and Africa. The great Eur-Asian temporarily OOS for that combat 5.0 BUILDING NEW UNITS
through such dots), it must end drawn chit aside. At the very land mass is considered one you're about to launch against
its movement there and engage ll,7 Each use of a nuclear end of each Nuclear War Phase, continent for supply line him. Thus, his defensive firing
these must be shown to cach purposes. Islands, other than would be halved in that battle (a 5.1 In addition to providing
the UN piece in combat during Weapon (duds don't count) Australia, are conbidered to be great advantage to your supply to units already on the
the Set-Piece Battle Phase. UN increases the likelihood of t other to verify the correct part of whichever continent they attacking forces). board, the red dots also provide
counters cannot have MAs rebellion occurring in the user's number of A-Bomb strikes.
lie closest to. (In cases of near Such "Tactically Cut Of f" the economic muscle necessary
launched against them, nor do empire by one on the next turn. equidistance, the tracing player enemy units would NOT be f or rebuilding units lost due to
they ever require any supply-- For example, if the Japanese 12.3 After the chit pull, each gets his choice on a case by case removed from play, during your combat or being cut off.
they are always in supply. The player used two A-bombs (and- player rolls a die. The hieh
roller goes first in this phase. basis.) Player Turn at least, due to lack German Builds: There arc 62
number ttztt printed on them is both went off) on a turn, the of supply. To accomplish that points worth of Industrial
theif defense factor. next time the German Player He can launch or decline to you'd have to keep him Production Points (IPPs) within
UN counters never attack rolled for Japanese rebellions, launch a nuclear strike. If he 4,tl Units found to be out of
declines, the option is supply during the First Supply (supposing he survived your the German Reich at the start of
any unit, but they will defend he'd necd only to get a four or Check should be marked by attack) OOS throughout the other the game. German Reich dots
against any unit that enters their less to trigger one. These immediately given to the other
placing an UOOSU counter atop side's Player Turn. worth more than one IPP are:
dot, no matter which player additions are NOT cumulative player. If the other player also Milan-2; Prague-3; New York
them. That unit's supply status Naval units may likewise be
initially placed the rebellion from turn to turn. declines, the Nuclear War Phase
cannot be changed throughout tactically cut off by occupying City-2; Pittsburgh-3; Detroit-4;
marker. (There are no pro- is over for that Game Turn and Munich-2; Ruhr-6; '
Japanese or pro- play precedes to the next Phase. the ensuing owning player's turn- the sea blocks through which Berlin-2;
German rebels.) UN counters I2.O OPTIONAL RULE: If a player does announce a -it stays OOS no matter what. your enemy is tracing his supply. Chicago-2; Moscow-2; Kiel-3; and
cannot launch interruptions. UN NUKES strike, he must choose how he'll At the very end of each Player Hamburg-2. All other red dots
counters never retreat; they deliver his bomb to target. He Turn there's a Final Supply 4.13 Air units can never be in the German Empire are worth
always stand where they are and can choose rocket or shiP
Check. At that time any units used to block supply lines by only one IPP (they have 40 dots,
fight to the death. (Have the l2.l These rules are optional delivery. A rocket st¡ike can be underneath an OOS counter land or sea. An air unit can total).
player who is not attacking it and need not be used. Do recall, launched by any of his supplied which still don't have a provide air supply to an Each red dot provides its
choose its target and roll its however, the immortal words of ground armies then on the map supply line open to them at that otherwise out of supply ground valueof IPP buying power each
shot.) Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto who, to any dot within two blocks of instant are removed f rom the or ai¡ unit that is within its turn. To provide this buying
when asked if he would use its position. A ship strike can bc map due to lack of supply. operational range of two blocks. power, a given red dot must be
11.5 If a UN Rebellion counter nuclear weapons in his attack launched one block into any Such units can only re-enter One air unit can supply one able to trace a supply line to any
is not destroyed during the Game into the North Atlantic Nazi adjacent block from one in play through the rebuild process. air or ground unit. The friendly controlled dot in the
Turn of its placement, then, stronghold, said: "Of Course! To whiih he has a Strike Fleet. If, on the other hand, units supplying air unit must itself German Homeland during the
when the next Game Turn's (JN not do so would be wimpy, (Ship launched strikes can also marked OOS are found to have have its own supply line in order First Supply Phase of the
Rebellion Phase comes around, wimpy, wimpy!" be shot inland one block against had a supply line opened to to provide the supply-by-air. Air German Player Turn. (German
the player who placed it land dots. Likewise, land- them, simply remove the OOS supply is subject to air homeland dots automatically
. counter from it and press on. interdiction (see 7.4 and 10.10). provide their IPP for use as long
originally can place another 12.2 Nukes are never available launched rocket strikes can also
Air units can NOT provide air as they are German controlled.)
rebellion marker in any one dot on the first Game Turn. In this be shot out to sea.)
adjacent to it. (Under the same game we assume both the 4,12 Only check the supply supply to naval units (or to any
restrictions as apply in original Germans and Japanese got their 12.4 Anything can be nuked-- status of your own units during unit being carried by a naval 5.2 Japanese Builds: There are
placements.) And that placing atomic bomb programs to fleets at sea or in port, planes on your own Player Turn's Supply unit). If an air unit is used to only 17 actual red dots in the
player still would get to make fruition in the inter-war years. a base dot, ground armies, Check Phases. Don't check your provide air supply it can't Japanese Empire at the start of
that turn's rebellion die roll to Production was spotty and fortifications, UN Rebellions, enemy's units at all. Do check perform any other functions that the game. The multi-point red
see if another, entirely new, unreliable, though. (We need to even empty dots. The strike is the supply status of enemy units Player Turn. dots of the Japanese Empire are:
rebellion might also be generated assume that in order to keep directed against a particular dot you sre about to attack in ù Mukden-2; Nagasaki-9; Nagoya-9;
that turn. each match from ending as a two or sea block, and everything Mechanized Assault or Set-Piece 4.14 A given ground or air Osaka-9; Sendai-9; Seoul-5; and
On one sidc the rebellion turn nuclear holocaust.) there is potentially affected. In Battle. unit's supply line need NOT be Tokyo-9.
counters ate in German colors, At the start of each Game the case of sea blocks containing This is done to see if your all land dots or all sea blocks. Japanese controlled red dots
and on the other side they're in Turn after the first, just after both land and water, the attacker armies' maneuvers have (at least The two kinds of lines can be outside Nippon, in a manner
Japanese colors. This is only to the UN Rebellion Phase, we have must announce whether he's temporarily) cut of f the mixed repeatedly, even when similar to the procedure
serve as a memory aid indicating the mutual Nuclear War Phase. shooting at some particular dot def ending enemy armies f rom tracing to just one unit, between described for the Germans,
which player placed it originally, First, both players determine (and the units on it) or at the supply. For instance, say that land tracings and sea tracings. above, must be able to trace a
and thus determining who gets to how many A-Bombs their water portion and the units at before attacking an enemy army (That's not true for naval unit supply line to the homeland in
expand the rebellion each turn it scientists will deliver to them sea there. on some dot, you had taken care supply, see 4.8.) The only order to provide their IPP muscle
survives. AII surviving that Game Turn. Each PlaYer Once the target dot or block to maneuver one or more of your requirement is the transition to the pool.
rebellion pieces clone themselves does this separately by Placing is picked, roll the die. The armies onto every dot from land to sea or sea to land
each turn, not just original ones. his three nuclear chits into t results are as f ollows: 0 ' no surrounding the one he is sitting can only take place at port dots. 5.3 The huge and
coffee mug and (out of sight of effect, dud bombl l, 2, or 3 - one on, and the dot he is on is not a Supply lines can be of any concentrated Japanese economy
11.6 Terrain does count in his opponent) drawing one out. unit in the target dot or block is red dot in his homeland. You length. is dependent on imports of raw
rebellion battles. UN rebellions The number shown (1, 2 or 3) is destroyed; 4, 5 or 6 - two units in have now succeeded in materials for maintaining itself.
Therefore, if a Japanese Build 5.5 Conquest of Japan: If the Ploesti dot, another 4 point Immediately move your
Phase starts and the Japanese German player succeeds in must be absorbed.
loss fmperial Rocket Corps
intercepting forces (and they 10.6 Out of supply units cannot, on their own, launch
player suddenly finds he controls getting ashore in Nippon and may come from as many adjacent
no red dots at all on the North cannot launch interceptions. interceptions. Units must be in
conquering red dots there, each 5.7 Unlike most games with or in-range dots or sea blocks as supply the instant of
American continent to which he adds only one IPP to the German an economics rules section, units ^t their interception--
can trace a supply line from any total. Further, if such dots are in TTW are NOT paid for over
you desire) into the dot or block 10,7 If the moving player launching
your moving enemy just entered. decided to retreat from one of otherwise they can't do it.
one. of his Nipponese red dots, subsequently reconquered by the and over again each turn. Once Then immediately fight a regular your interception attacks, he
then the worth of each Paratroop units, though they
Japanese player, they only add on board, all units require to battle there, following all the takes the moving stack back to have airplane-like flight
Nipponese red dot is reduced by one IPP to his total. That is, stay there is supply. The IPPs rules for the various kinds of the dotlblock from which it
2 points. such Nipponese dots could never discussed above are only used to
characteristics, cannot use
units engaged. entered the place of interception airborne movement to launch
Similarly, if he loses control again make use of the normal buy fortifications and to Air support and naval gun
of all (or the ability to trace to and ends its move there for that inte rceptions.
Japanese economic bonus no reactivate dead units or to support can be used in everv Player Turn. (In the case of
at least one) South American red matter how rosey the ovetseas rebuild partia[y destroyed units round of interception battles, bui naval units retreating in an
dot, the Nipponese dots' worths situation was for that player. to their full strength while no reinforcements can be sent ocean where their side doesn't 11.
are reduced a further point. U.N. REBELLIONS
Other red dots on the board, they're still on board. into such fights by either side control a port, keep retreating it
Losing access to or control of all as long as they haven't been once shooting has begun. back along its original movement
the Eurasian land mass red dots fully or partially nuked, provide 5.8 Fortif ications: Each path until you come to a legal 11.1 The "IJnited Nations" is
causes a -2 reduction. And the thei¡ conqueror with their full fortification counter costs 2 lpps 10.3 If the moving player, block for it to stop in. And such the name of the clandestine
loss of access to or control of IPP potential each time they to create. The dot they are set who--remember--acts as defender retreating fleets could be the resistance movement set up by
all dots in Indonesia causes trade sides. on must be in supply and can not in interception battles, compels subject of further interceptions the defeated Allied powers and
another -2. The loss of access to be a Mountain or a Tundra dot. you to call a retreat from the along that path of retreat.) dissident Axis elements to
or control of all of Australia 5.6 Despite the massive No more than two fortifications combat or eliminates your coordinate all anti-Axis
entails a one point loss to stockpiling and development of can be built in any single intercepting force, he can then 10.8 The same moving stack activities. UN revolts are also
Nippon. Thus, if he lost all his synthetic fuel plants and gasahol Player Turn. Once placed, continue his move with those can be intercepted any number used as a convenient cover by
overseas footholds, all the fuel supplementation projects fortifications are never removed pieces from exactly where you of times during its move as it Axis spy organizations to carry
Nipponese red dots aÍe worth during the inter-war years, loss until an enemy ground unit interrupted when you cried goes from dot to dot or block to out their own acts of sabotage
one IPP each (Africa is of no of the immense oil fields of the enters the hex and drives av/ay "Halt!" Such pieces are block, provided only that the and subve¡sion, unwittingly (or
direct economic consequence to Caucasus and Persian Gulf or kills all defending ground considered to have lost one conditions given in the above perhaps cynically) aided by the
the fortunes of the Japanese would still adversely effect vast units of the owning side. movement point in the time it rules are met each time. genuine freedom fighters in the
Empire.) portions of industrial Germany Fortifications impose
a -2 took to fight the battle, and that process.
Of course, the Japanese and occupied Europe. The attack fire reduction on all must be subtracted from their 10.9 During your opponent's
player may reverse such production of new weapons attackers shooting into that dot. remaining movement points. Movement Phase it is your 17.2 At the start of the second
economic warfare effects by would be curtailed as units in Forts have no intrinsic defense responsibility to watch his moves Game Turn, and on every Game
reconquering (or reopening the field got priority for fuel value of their own when regular 10.4 Interceptions cannot be and cry out when you want to Turn thereafter, both players roll
homeland routes to) the various over the factories' needs. ground units aren't present in Iaunched into any dot or sea intercept. Likewise, it is the the die to see if a dot under his
continents. Remember: with If, during a Rebuilding the same dot; remove such forts block wherein there are already responsibility of the moving opponent's control has gone into
North and South America and Phase, the enemy side controls instantly when enemy ground enemy forces present at the time player to move his units with his rebellion. If you roll a two or
Eurasia, the key to Japanese BOTH the Baghdad AND Kuwair units enter their dot. Forts have of the new entry. The moving-in hands in such a way that no less (2, I or 0), then you can
economics is access to red dots. dots or has created a situation no step value. of new enemy forces into an move is blocked from the view place a UN Rebellion marker on
For Australia and Indonesia, where there is no supply line There can be only one fort already occupied dotlblock does of the other player. any dot of your opponent's
penalties aÍe not applied until between at least one of them and per dot at any one time. Empty NOT trigger the
the Japanese are totally pried out
interception empire you choose with the
any red dot in Greater Germany, forts do block enemy supply line option there. Likewise, if enemy 10.10 Ground units can only following exceptions:
or denied all tracing access. then the German must deduct 7 tracing as if they were a ground forces move into a dot/block have their movement intercepted l) You can't choose any dot
IPPs from the total he has unit. Forts have no effect on wherein you already have forces, by other ground units. Naval within his homeland.
5.4 Once a one-point red dot available from red dots in nuke attack die rolls and can you cannot call an interception units can be intercepted by 2) UN Rebellion markers
is successfully nuked, it loses its Europe or the Asian mainland. themselves be destroyed in the there--you're stuck in the role of either ships or planes (or both in cannot be placed on any dot that
industrial capacity permanently (Keep track of these oil results of a nuke attack. defender. (In such cases, you conjunction). Air units can only is occupied by any unit of your
for all purposes. On multi-point reductions on the game chart and should've callcd your be intercepted by other air units. opponent's.
red dots, each A-bomb hit on a separate sheet. Oil 5.9 Some units, those with interception as he approached Air unit interceptions of
reduces its IPP capacity by one production losses wilt printing on only one side, are you in the previous dotlblock.) other air units are different in 11.3 If a red dot goes into
IPP. (The IPP loss from a immediately come back if the oil said to be "one step" units. Those that they do not result in revolt, it cannot serve as a
successf ul detonation is always f ields are regained by the with printing on their reverse 10.5 A given unit can only combat--the intercepted plane(s) supply source or part of a supply
just one IPP, no matter how Germans.) sides as well as on their f ront participate in one interception is simply.aborted on a one-to-one line, nor does it contribute its
many units there àre destroyed. Similarly, if the enemy are said to be."two step units." A attack per Player Turn. Each ratio with the interceptors. In IPPs to either side, until the
A dud bomb has, of course, no controls or denies both the two step unit is at "full strength" Player Turn, though, all units of this game, planes can only rebellion is crushed during the
IPP effects at all.) Keep track Maikop and Baku dots, another I when its stronger side is turned both sides start fresh and are combat planes in the Air Nuclear \Var or Set-Piece Battle
on the charts provided in the IPPs loss must be absorbed in the up. If it takes casualties in then all available for movement, Superiority Phase. phases.
rules center section. same Eurasian area. If the battle it is flipped over so its combat, interception attacks, etc., The KL Corps, Ll_th
enemy controls or denies the weaker strengths show, and it is all over again. Flieger Corps and the
17 7

attacking air units. An attacking block also containing enemy If there are no friendly nov/ said to be "depleted" (or resources involved in flip them over to their
air unit hits its target naval unit pieces or with pieces which have controlled dots available, you "hammered"). For example, a constructing fleet-size naval full strength side right where
if it rolls the strike number or already fought a battle. The can then retreat to empty and typical German Panzer Army is a units, there is a delay in they stand. They are then
less. Transport Fleets, in air vs. defender can reinforce with such enemy controlled non-red dots. 5-3-8 on its front or "full receiving such units. Transport immediately available f or
ship battles, cannot be attacked units, but must leave as many You cannot retreat your units to strength" side, and a 3-l-8 on its units are not placed on the map regular use. Depleted Strike and
until a round begins where there units in the dot or block as there a dot/block from which enemy reverse or"depleted" side. No until the game turn following Submarine Fleets can only
are no defending strike fleets are enemy pieces there. You units entered the combat you are unit in the game has more than their purchase. Submarine Fleets receive replacements if they start
left. cannot reinforce if all your retreating from. You cannot two steps. appear two turns after Purchase. the Rebuild Phase already in a
Defending naval units f ire in a
ground units (or naval units retreat into Tundra dots in Strike Fleets appear three turns homeland red port dot.
back at attackers from the air naval battle) already in the Winter turns. 5.10 The economic buying af ter purchase. (Use thc turn
with their FLAK factor as their battle have been killed or Retreating (except in the power described above is used to record track on the chart sheet 5.11 IPPs canNOT be saved
hit number. A fleet's FLAK retreated; that battle is over. case of abandoning airdropped rebuild depleted units or to to store the under-construction from turn to turn. rilhat is not
number is one less than its Beyond observing stacking is an all or
paratroops) nothing totally replace dead units. Each f leets until ready f or sailing.) immediately used is lost (that is,
printed combat strength--except limits, there is no limit to the proposition. If a player step of a unit's strength must be If, during a fleet's construction eaten up by other hungry sectors
f or Transport Fleets where it number of reinforcements that annòunces a retreat from a given paid for individually ìñ/ith IPPS. period, you lose control of all of your economy). Make a new
remains zeÍo. Defending may enter a battle on any one battle, all his non-airdroppped The various kinds of steps cost your home country red port dots, count each turn. Players should
Transport Fleets cannot f ire round. The attacker should units engaged there must retreat as follows: thç fleet units being built a,re use the IPP charts to keep track
their FLAK unless they are declare his reinf orcements f irst, immediately and that battle is 2 TPP per step: likewise all lost. (Optional: If of how many IPPs each has.
being directly attacked. then the defender. Both sides over (except for any further Regular Infantry, Cavalry, Forts, you want to go to the trouble of (Both start with 62.) As the
In this kind of combat, if move in their reinforcements rounds necessary to massacre the and Transport Fleets. recording the specific port dots action on the board develops and
the defending ships try to end before any firing commitments abandoned par4troopers). 3 IPP per step: your fleets are building in, that's a red dot changes hands,
battle by retreating (see 9.19) are made for that round. Mountain Infantry, Paratroops, o.k., too.) decrease the losing player's total
into the next sea block, the 9.20 Combat support units and Tanks/Panzers, Submarine Fleets, by the appropriate amount and
attacking planes can pursue and 9.19 Retreats: Beginning with techniques can be used in Mechanized Infantry, the 5,14 Reclaimed dead units can increase his enemy's by the
start another battle in that new the second round, attacker conjunction with each other. For Imperial Rocket Corps. only appear in home country red appropriate amount. A given red
sea block. (The overall aircraft announcing f irst, either player example, a German unit 4 IPP per step: dots (which must also be potts in dot may flip-flop its ownership
range must still be taken into can retreat his forces involved in supported by the KL Corps, an Air Forces, Strike Fleets, Herman the case of ships). So, if you lose any number of times in a game
account, though. And, as stated the battle then being resolved. air force, and naval guns, would Goering Panzer, the llth Flieger control of all your homeland red and still go on producing its IPPs
earlier, it is possible to send your Retreats are conducted before have +4 added to its hit number. Corps, the King Lion Corps. dots it doesn't mean you're for its owners.
planes on one way missions.) any unit on either side fires for automatically out of the game,
If the defending ships had that round. Thus there is no 5.11 The brown units on the but you'd better do something SPECIAL NOTE: When using the
aircraft of their own side f or firing at all on a round in which 1O.O INTERCEPTIONS Japanese side can never receive about such a situation pretty optional atomics rules, keep a
support when the air attackers either side declares a, retreat replace-ments of any kind. quickly. scratch sheet for "nuked" IPPs.
came in, use the cancel-out (unless the retreating . side is Likewise, the green units on the Points listed there ùre
process described above in rule abandoning some airdropped 10.1 Air interceptions have German side can never receive 5.15 Depleted ground units in unavailable to either player ever
9.11. And the cancelling-out is paratroopers, see 7.7). Both sides already been discussed in rule any. Once destroyed, the puppet the field can be brought up to again. (And the mushroom cloud
done before the air attackers may declare a retreat in the same 7.8. In actuality, this capability troops are gone for good. All S.S. f ull strength right where they counters placed on the map will
figure their fleet strike number. battle, but always have the is inherent in all combat units units can receive replacements. are as long as they are in supply show you their geographic
attacker declare first. (Retreats (but not Transport Fleets) in the to their homel-and at that locations.)
9.18 Reinforcements: Beginning are declared before game, and is a central pillar of 5.12 To rebuild a ground or instant.
with the second round of a non- reinforcements in each round.) TTW's mechanics. air unit from the deadpile, 5.18 During the First Player
MA battle, both sides can All retreating units need Any time during your simply pay the proper cost and SPECIAL NOTE: Transport Turn of the first Game Turn
reinforce that battle. Just before NOT retreat to the same dot or opponent's Movement Phase that immediately place the unit Fleets have nothing to do with there is no First Supply and
the start of each battle round sea block. The dot or block he moves any of his units into a (within stacking limits) on any "delivering" sea supply or Rebuild Phase, it is simply
after the first, each player can retreated to must not contain any completely empty dot or sea red dot you control in your overseas replacements, Those skipped that Player Turn. The
rèinforce the battle with ground enemy pieces and must not be an block immediately adjacent to homeland. It is immediately processes are carried out second player on Game Turn one
units from any or all connected enemy controlled red dot. If one wherein you alone have available for normal use. When automatically by hordes of ships does immediately get such a
dots (or adjacent sea blocks in there ùre no such dots/blocks combat forces, you can call a rebuilding a two step unit it is not represented here by any phase.
naval fiehts). Likewise, air and available, the units cannot temporary halt to his progress NOT necessary to immediately counters (the merchant marine,
paratroop reinforcements may be retreat and the fight must go on. and launch your own pay for and rebuild both steps. etc.), as long as there is an
flown in f rom anywhere in (Aircraf t are an exception in interception battle against that You can bring them back in available supply line and IPPs. 6.0 GROUND UNIT
range. Stacking limits must be that they can always fly off to moving force of his. their depleted state and keep Transport Fleets are f or just MOVEMENT
maintained in the reinforced dot. any in-range and legal base dot.) them that way as long as you that, transporting armies. (And
Pieces which have already If possible, in ground unit 10.2 In declaring an Iike. more on. that in Section 8.)
retreated from another battle retreats, the retreat must be to a interception with your units, you 6.1 The Map: The two game
that same Player Turn cannot be friendly controlled dot. (In MAs temporarily assume the rolc of 5.13 Naval units can only be 5.16 When ground units receive maps should be butted together
used as reinf orcements. The the attacker must always retreat attacker for this particulal rebuilt in red homeland port replacements in the field (that is, along the European/African
attacker cannot reinforce with only to the dot from which he battle, even though the other dots. Further, because of the depleted units already sitting on sides so as to form one long
units from another dot or sea had just entered the MA combat.) player is the one whose turn it is. extreme amount of time and the map are built back to full playing surface. This map has
I 16
been devised to depict movement count for stacking. (Neither round of combat. (The bonus
across the spherical surface of does the King Lion Corps, does NOT add up from round to
near Rome, thus exposing them units which had several times Rocket Corps is then
to destruction on the ground delivered bloody, but ultimately automatically destroyed.
the entire planet between the the LLth Flieger Corps, round--it remains just +l each from the Allied air forces. not decisive, surprises to the
arctic and antarctic regions. As and the fmperj-a1 Rocket time, but it is available every Accordingly, they were landed at Japanese invaders. After some 9.16 Ship vs. Ship Combat:
such, sea and air movement from Corps. ) The number of enemy round.) the Rome areã, but were then persuasion, Comrade Kostikov Any Set-Piece Battle Phase that
the west to east, and east to west, units on a dot does NOT effect In the Southeast Asia marched away from the fields agreed to reveal his full begins with enemy ships in the
edges of the map is permitted. your own stacking limit on that area there is a special subset of and committed to combat in technical knowledge to his
No trans-polar movement of any dot and vise versa. same sea block causes a naval
green dots called "Monsoon more or less piecemeal fashion. captors. The end result was a battle to be fought there.
kind is allowed. Territory." This area is Continued attrition among Soviet style artillery corps being
The maps are laid out so the 6.4 The dots on the map are delineated by The combat strengths of all
the gray the jump-trained paratroopers, added to the Japanese Army's f leets a,re the same on both
German is in the visual center of shown in six different colors. hashmarks around it; all dots
things. The dashed red line These different colors represent within that line. are considered and the almost complete wastage order of battle. (The Gcrmans attack and defense, so they have
of the Luftwaf fe I s transport had, of course, gotten into the only one number printed on
serves as the initial boundary the different kinds of terrain "Monsoon Territory." In the arm, precluded Blue Point from rocket business, too. They used
between. the t\¡/o empires. That that dominate the military Summer turn of each year, all them. Transport fleets can only
is, the Germans control all that's characteristics of each dot. Red the Monsoon dots cost all units
ever being attempted again them only in battalion sized fire when defending; they have
thereafter. But that u/as in our units, however, and parceled no attack capabilities at all.
between the two lines, and the dots are called "Industrial." four movement points to enter history--not so in TTW! them out as such to all their
Japanese start to the west of the White dots are considered "Clear" and, in addition to the normal +l
Also, you can never attack the
The l-l-th Flieger various armies.) Transport Fleets in any enemy
one running through the or "Plain" te¡rain (that is, pretty defensive fire bonus, any unit Corps is marked with the The Rocket, Corps bears naval force until you
Americas, and to the east of the flat, featureless, and attacking into such terrain have
silhouette of the German the silhouette of a motorized committed at least one attacking
one running through the old undeveloped). Green dots aÍe suf fe¡s a -2 (minus two) paratroopers' symbol, a diving rocket launcher, and carries only unit against all the other enemy
world. called "Rough" terrain (hills, reduction to its attack fire in eagle. The l1th operates in all its combat enhancement number f lee ts present in the same sea
jungle, swamp, etc.). Yellow dots summer. No mechanized assaults v/ays as if it wcre a regular air
6.2 The armies depicted in are "Desert." The sky blue dots can be launched into Monsoon of +1, along with its movement block with those transports.
force unit, except for combat. In factor of 7. The Rocket Submarine Fleets have a
the game move across the map are "Tundra." The black dots are Territory in the summer. combat its sole mission is to Corps is used somewhat like the spccial advantage in this game in
from dot to connected dot. NO "Mountain." carry out opetation BIue Point. KL Corps, but its combat
matter how close two dots appear Each of these terrain types 6.8 YELLOW: Such dots
that on the f irst round all
cost To do that it is airdropped into enhancement power is only submarines f ire f irst (attacker
to be to each other, no movement have different movement costs non-mechanized uhits two battle like one of the regular effective against non-mechanized then defender), and any hits they
is allowed between them if they and some of them effect battles movement points to enter. paratrooper units. The only enemy units not in fortifications. obtain take effect instantly.
are not connected by a that take place there. Mechanized units pay only one difference is, after dropping in, Further, whcn the Rocket After that first round of combat,
transportation line. point per dot. There ùÍe no the 1-l-th is then immediately Corps enters combat, all treat Submarine Fleets as you
6.5 RED: These dots cost your special combat effects. destroyed. All German and Japanese and Japanese Puppet would any other Strike Fleet for
6.3 It is possible to pile more ground units nothing to move German puppet units involved in ground units in the same battle the remainder of that battle.
than one ground unit on a single through, provided you already 6.9 SKY BLUE: Treat like that battle have their f ire and firing at unfortified Air Forces can support
dot. This piling-up process is controlled the dot at the very clear (white) terrain during Fall strength increased by two (+2) straight-leg enemies have their Strike and Submarine Fleets on
called "stacking." NO more of start of your current Player turns, and as rough (green) in for that round. fire strengths enhanced by the the attack and defense just as
your ground units can be stacked Turn. If not, you pay one Summer and Spring. In Winter Remember, for all purposes +1. they do ground units in land
on a given dot than the number movement point out of your turns no movement into such other than combat, treat the The Rocket Corps, battles. They can also cancel
printed within that dot. Some unit's movement factor to move dots can take place. (Aircraft l-l-th like you would any though considered mechanized
dots have no numbers printed each other out here, too.
into each one. Any successfully can overfly.) Units starting a airplane unit. It can make for movcment purposes, can not Aircraf t can support Transport
inside them; the stacking limit exploded A-bomb on a red dot Winter turn in Tundra dots can strategic redeployments; it never take part in MAs, nor can it Fleets on the defense.
there is one ground unit. automatically and permanently only move or attack if the very moves except by air; its drop make amphibious invasions. It
Stacking does not count converts it to a rough (green)
first move they make is to a non- range is four blocks; it can can be sea transported as if it 9.17 Ship vs.
during movement. It counts terrain dot for movement Tundra, non-Mountain, dot. Aircraf t and
rebase like any air unit if caught were an army sized non- Aircraft vs. Ship Combat: During
only at the instant of any kind purposes. alone on a dot by enemy forces. mechanized unit. Like the KL
of battle within the given dot the Set-Piece Battle Phase or in
6.10 BLACK: On the German The Llth cannot drop onto Corps, it loses its combat an interception situation, air
where a particular combat is 6.6 WHITE: These dots cost side, only units marked as Mountain (black) dots, nor can it
being fought out, and during the one movement point for both "Mountain Infantry" can ever
enhancement powers when out of forces can attack naval units
drop onto Tundra dots during supply. alone, without any ships of their
placement of rebuilt units, and mechanized and non-mechanized enter these dots. And they do so Winter turns. It can not take The Rocket Corps is not own side being present. To do
at the end of each Player Turn. units to enter. White dots have at the cost of tìvo movement part in MAs. It can take part in attached to any single unit like this, thc player with
Units found to be over-stacked no effects on combat. A-bomb points per dot. On the Japanese the
at those times are removed from detonations also- convert these side, all
in-range amphibious invasions. the KL Corps is. It simply attacking air units must f irst
non-mechanized moves along with another f igure his "air strike number."
play. That is, the owning player dots to rough (green) terrain. Japanese troops can enter such 9.15 The fmperial Rocket Japanese ground unit or stack, To arrive at that, simply total
removes the excess necessary to dots, but only at the cost of Corps: In 1941, whe n the
bring the stack down to legal 6.7 GREEN: These dots cost three points per dot. Japanese
and cannot be attacked by enemy the number of air units to be
Japanese invaded the eastern ground units unless it is the only used in thc particular aircralt vs.
lirnits for that dot. Such two points for both mechanized puppet troops and mechanized Soviet Union, their victorious Japanese ground unit left in the ship battle being resolved.
removed units are available for and non-mechanized units to units can never enter mountain f orces captured a Russian dot. If caught or lcft alone in That's the "strike number." Then
lâter IPP rebuilds. enter. Units defending in such dots, except for the loan puppet engineer named Kostikov. This the presence of enemy ground set up a regular battle line off to
Air and naval and marker dots have a +l added to their "Andean" (AN) Mountain Troop. man had been responsible f or units, like the KL Corps, the the side and have the attacker
and A-bomb and fort units never defensive fire strength in each designing the rocket artillery roll the die once for each of his
15 9

from the winning side are then super-heavy tanks as World War movement.) The I(L cannot take That unit operates like German your units through the newlY
II wore on. So when one of his part in amphibious invasions. mountain infantry. 6.13 During movement, created gap, and thus cause all
available for gun support. (This kinds of trouble for your
is an exception to the rule design teams brought him Plans The KL Corps cannot carry Units defending in such dots mechanized units can make a
stating the attacker always for an experimental behemoth out its support function in cases always get a +2 added to their special kind of attack--while opponent.
chooses in what order to resolve called the 'E- 100,u he whcre it or its supported unit is defensive fire strengths. they are actually still moving.
his battles.) immediately christened it the out of supply. In such cases the Paratroops can never airdrop These are called, apPropriatelY 6.17 Non-mechanized units
Gun support can be called in "King Lion," and ordered the attachment is still considered to onto mountain dots; nor can enough, "Mechanized Attacks" (or a dot wherein there is
each round of battle, including formation of an entire corps be in place for purposes of invasions be launched there. MAs). MAs occur when a an enemy ground unit (and
with this vehicle as its main judging the KL's fate in combat, Planes and paras can overfly. moving mechanized unit or stack mechanized units doing so that
the first, and the same army (or do not wish to launch an MA)
armies) need not receive the battle tank. but no enhancement eff ect is The twelve mountain dots enters a dot containing an enemy
support each round. No more The unit, which in reality achieved at all. within the Tibet/Meng ground unit. To launch the MA, must immediately stop and do
than one fleet can be assigned to amounted to a super-reinforced Chiang/Northern Indian ãrea the attackers must pay twice th'e nothing more until the Set-Piece
support any one army on any one division, was created under the 9,14 The 1"1-th Flieger represent a special subset of normal entry costs for the dot in Battle Phase of the same Player
round. auspices of the S.S. Only the Corps and Operation Blue Mountains ("The roof of the question. Turn. Entering an enemy
Only Strike Fleets can give very best men from the Panzer Point: In our or¡/n history's world"). During the winter Once the attackers have Paid occupied dot when you've no, never submarines or forces (including those of the World War II, in 1943 the quarter these dots are treated that cost and entered the dot, intention of MA-ing there,
transports. regular army) rvere allowed to German Air Force (which exactly as if they were Tundra. run a normal battle sequence (see involves no extra movement cost
volunteer for the new corps. controlled Germany's paratrooper section 9), except that neither beyond the basic terrain costs.
9.11 Air Support: Air Forces In the game, the KL Corps is forces) came up with an idea it 6.ll Ground Units move from side can send ground units to It does commit you to a set-piece
within range can be flown in marked with an E-100 silhouette code-named "Operation Blue dot to connected dot, paying out reinforce MAs. (Air and Naval battle, though.
(during the first and subsequent to make it easily distinguishable Point." Under that plan, the best movement points from their support can be made available
rounds) to support ground from the regular mechanized of the jump-trained parachutists allowance as they go. If a unit f¡om the very first round.) 6.18 Combat is mandatory
units. Further, instead of the does not have sufficient between opposing units that start
battles, either set-piece or MA. were gathered together into units
They are committed to support normal attack / defense/movement all controlled by the l-Lth movement points remaining in its 6.14 If a mechanized force the Set-Piece Battle Phase on the
just like Strike Fleets and have factor arrangement, it has only a Flíeger Corps This unit, allowance to pay the cost for making an MA retreats from the same dot.
the same effects. +2 "support factor," followed by along with the transport planes entering a dot, then it cannot go attack, it must go back to the dot
Enemy Air Forces can never a movement factor (6). The unit necessary to carry it, was there. units can not save up it just moved from immediatelY 6.19 The stacking limits for
destroy each'other in this phase; does start the game in play as stationed in central and southern movement points from turn to before launching the MA and both sides on mutually occupied
they just cancel each otheilout. part of the German player's Turn France.' turn, nor can movement points end its move there, performing dots are mutually exclusive.
That is, if, say, one side brought One forces. The idea was that any Allied be loaned or transferred from NO other functions that Player That is, the number of enemy
one unit to another. A player is Turn. pieces your enemy has stacked on
in two air units for support and The KL Corps never counts invasion along the coast of
the other side had one, simply set for stacking; it can be added Europe anywhere in range of the never forced to move any of his a dot in no way ef fects the
one from each side aside (back to freely to any existing stack. If 1lth I s transport planes was to units; nor does a unit need to use 6.15 If mechanized units number of units you can also
a base dot). (Such mutually caught alone on a dot by any be met by an immediate mass air up all its movement allowance--it in killing
making an MA succeed stack there.
canceled. air units are done for Japanese (or Japanese Puppet) drop directly inside the could move some, all, or none of or driving off the enemy
that Player Turn.) army, the KL is instantly beachhead's perimeter. The it on any turn. defender(s), they can then keep 6.20 The cost of launching an
Air units that don't get destroyed without any exchange Germans were no fools; they moving (and possibly also MA- MA into an un-nuked red dot is
aborted can stay to support a of fire taking place. rea.lized such a drop would 6,12 A player should move his ing) as long as they have always two movement points, no
battle, round after round, until When on a dot with other almost certainly entail the units stack by stack, one stack sufficient movement Points left matter which side controls it.
it's done. (Planes also have the German or German Puppet destruction of the paratrooPers (or individual unit) at a time. to pay for it. Such units could
ability to support naval actions. ground units, the KL Corps is involved in it. The disruption The movement of a new stack also attack in the Set-Piece Battle
See 9.16, below.) considered to have been such a ploy was certain to cause, can not be begun until the Phase that same Player Turn. 7.0 AIR UNIT MOVBMBNT
however, was reckoned worth it movement of the previous stack
"attached" to the ground unit it has been completed. It is 6.16 MA's can only be
9.12 Kamikazes: This is only is placed atop. In any combat in terms of the advantages it allowable to split off units from launched by one moving 7.1 Air units use the map dots
available to the air units of the situation, then, the Kl-supported would earn for the regular
a large "parent stack," move mechanized stack or individual for "bâsing." That is, to show
Japanese Empire basing for their army has its f ire strength German ground f orces which them, then return to that same mechanized unit at a time. The where they are "stationed" when
attacks out of Nippon, and can increased by two (+2) each would then also attack the
parent stack and finish up there. same dot might, however, be not f lying some mission. Air
only be used by them when round. The KL Corps may be invaders conventionally across 4
Once you've started in on an MAed more than once by the units can never be based in
attacking enemy ships. switched from unit to unit at the the land front.
entirely new stack, however, the same or dif f erent stacks Tundra or in Mountains. (TheY
Kamikazes have their fleet strike start of any new round of battle. In 1943, when the Allies movement of the earlier stack is repeatedly during the same can always overfly such terrain.)
strength doubled but aÍe The KL Corps is destroyed if the landed in Sicily, the l-lth was Player Turn. In order to MA In this game the only things
automatically destroyed. unit it is currently supporting is standing by, ready to attempt over. You can't go back and
make adjustments unless your together, mechanized units must that can "catch planes on the
9.17 below.) Non-Kamikazes in destroyed; it does not constitute Blue Point. By landing in SicilY
start the Movement Phase ground" is an A-Bomb attack or
opponent is gracious enough to
the same battle figure their an additional step. though, the Allies had chosen a
allow it. (And graciousness is already stacked together. unchallenged air superiority
strike number separately. The KL Corps can be sea site outside the immediate range
something I advise against here-- The purpose of MAs is to strike. Otherwise, should an
transported, but it counts as an of the German's air bases in it goes against the very spirit of punch holes in the enemY's lines enemy unit enter a dot where
9.13 The King Lion Corps: entire mechanized army by itself. France. The extra distance you've got air units based (that
Hitler was increasingly (Attachment to. other units is would have involved the this game.)(But see 8.8 for an while it is still your Movement
paratroopers in a refueling stop exception.) Phase. This allows you to move is, with no ground unit
fascinated with the concept of only a function of combat, not
defenders there, too), just pick intercepted, land it at the nearest movement on the same Player Both players will now "shoot scores a hit on its target if it defenders occupy a fort have
thcm up and fly them to any available base dot within two Turn; one precludes the other. at" each other's forces using their rolls a "3" or less on the die (0, l, their attack fires reduced by -2.
new base dot within range. Such blocks. If none are immediately Paratroops can never airdrop involved pieces' attack and 2, or 3). If it were part of the
a rebasing move does use up available, the unit dies. into mountain dots, nor can they defense factors. Each of these defending force, firing back at 9.8 f nvasions: In the f irst
that air force's operational It is possible in an extremely airdrop into Tundra dots during fire exchanges is called a "Battle some attacker, then it would round (only) of any invasion
abilities for that Player Turn. fluid ground situation for a winter turns. Round," and these rounds score a hit based on its Defense attack, all the defenders have
given air unit to be forced into Airborne moves are made continue, one after the other, Factor (that is, a 0, l, 2,3 or 4). their defensive fires increased by
7.2 Planes have an multiple retreats during the same during the owning player's until one side wins the battle by one (+l). (That is not true when
operational radius of two Player Turn--this is permitted. Movement Phase. If there a,re either eliminating the enemy 9.4 When a piece takes a hit, f iring at the Japanese SNLF
latitude/longitude blocks. This Likewise it is also permitted, and enemy units present on the drop force or compelling it to retreat. rotate it
180 degrees. After all unit.)
operational two-block range is is also well within TTW's design dot, the paratroopers must Exchanges of fire a,re pieces of both sides have fired in
two way. That is, after you've spirit, to send your air units on immediately fight an MA-style considered to be simultaneous in that round, all rotated pieces are 9.9 Banzai Tactics: This is
flown out there, you still do missions from which they cannot of the
battle--no matter that two this game, so each piece gets to f lipped over to their depleted only available to the Japanese
have another two blocks possibly return due to lack of in- army-sized paratroop units are fire in each round before any sides. (One-step or previously player's Japanese ground units
fly back to the same
available to range bases. Such units are non-mechanized; they can, in just casualties are assessed (for an depleted units would simply be (not ships or planes or puppet
or another base after your automatically destroyed at the this kind of situation, launch an exception, see 9.16). eliminated at that point.) troops). At the very start of any
mission is completed. (Or you very end of their mission. (And MA. (Again, the l-Lth Resolve each battle off to Remember: all units of both sides round, just after target
could fly out three blocks, then they are available for later IPP Flieger Corps has its own the side of the map or in some get to fire before any damage is assignment, but before any firing
return just one block to land, or rebuilding.) rules section later on.) empty area wheré the die rolling assessed (but see 9.16). The has begun, the Japanese player
even go Out four blocks and then Alternately, during the Set- and unit shuffling won't disturb attacker fires first in every can indicate if any or all of his
land at an acceptable base dot in 7.6 Air units are NOT used to Piece Battle Phase, paratroops the overall situation. round. engaged armies will use Banzai
the samc block.) transport ground units in this that have not yet moved in any Units of the defending side Tactics.
game. The paratroop units in way can be airdropped into an 9.3 During a player's fire in need not necessarily fire back at Those that do have their fire
7,3 Planes can, of course, fly TTW likewise don't need air on-going battle as reinforcements each round, each of his pieces the attacking unit that just fired strength doubled for that round,
over \¡/ater as well as land. units to make their air drops-- on any round after the first. can fire once. Each unit fires at at them. The defender, before but then they also suffer an
Platres can not, land on naval they have their own Any time paratroops airdrop one enemy piece of the f iring he starts his defensive fires, goes automatic step loss for having
fleets in this game. (Naval organizationally organic air units into a combat situation, they lose player's choice. If the firing through the same target Banzaied. This technique is
aviation strength is of shorter attached. the ability to retreat from battle; player has more pieces in battle assignment proceduresas the available to the Japanese Army
range and has already been they must stay and f ight to than his enemy, the extra pieces attacker did previously (and (both mechanized and non-
factored into the fleet units' 7.7 Paratroop Movement: death or victory. If you have can be used to gang up on enemy under the same one-on-one mechanized) on both attack and
combat powers.) There are only four units in the other units in the battle that did pieces and thus direct additional restrictions). defense (double the appropriate
game that can make use of not use airborne movement to get shots at them. fire strength in each case).
7.4 If a player is willing to airborne movement: the Japanese there, they may still retreat from All the firing commitments 9.5 FIRB STRENGTH Two-step units already
give up all combat and supply Army marked uARBN,u the combat--they simply leave the of the side about to shoot must
uses of an air force(s) for his rrHerman Goering Airborne paratroops behind. (This is the
MODIFIERS depleted can Banzai, thus
be made bef ore any firing Several factors may make automatically
Player Turn, he can then use it Panzer Armyr rt the rrl_st only exception to the you-must- begins. So in such gang-up pieces easier or harder to hit.
(them) in a "Strategic Parachute Àrmyr rr and the retreat-everything-at-once rule situations, the excess firing They are as follows.
The German Player still does
Redoployment." Such rtLl-th Flieger Corps. rl given in section 9.19.) pieces cannot be redeployed that get to take his shots at Banzaiers,
strategically redeployed air The- first three of those units round if, say, the target enemy 9.6 Terrain: Defending units and thus can get to make their
forces have an infinite flight have all the charactcristics of 7.8 An enemy air force quickly. Such
piece got killed sitting on Rough Terrain (green own normal fire hit upon them
range for that Player Turn. You regular (that is, non-airborne) within range of any portion (any extra firing pieces are, in dots) have their defensive fire
must, though, still trace the units of their type (infantry or block through which the move is in addition to the Banzai losses.
essence, wasted for that round. strength increased (+l) in
movement across the map in tanks). (The 1-l-th FJ-ieger traced--don't cut it any f iner Each enemy piece must be each round. That is, the +l is 9.I0 Naval Gun Support: Each
order to give your opponent the Corps has its own special rules than that) of the paratroopers' fired at by at least one of your not cumulative from round to Strike Fleet off shore from a
chance to intercept. (Strategic presented in section 9.14.) flight path can declare an own pieces if the number of round, but is available as such in port dot (in the same sea block)
air redeployments are used to Airborne units can make an "interception." This f orces the units involved allows for it. each and every round fought in where a ground battle is being
rapidly transfer air assets from airdrop each turn; being out of paratroopers back to their take- To resolve a shot, roll the such terrain. fought can lend gun support to
one distant theater to another supply does, however, halve their off dot. Such interceptions can t ten-sided die. If the number Défenders on Mountain an army of its side in that battle.
for later use.) drop range and combat powers. be blocked by the moving player rolled is equal to or less than the (black) dots have their defensive This works for attack and
Airborne movement works sending his own air forces along combat value of the firing unit, fires increased in the same way, defense, set-piece battle or MA.
1,5 If an air unit on a regular just like operational aircraft with his paratroops as escorts. the enemy shot at has been hit. but by +2. Each Strike Fleet so committed
operational mission (more on that movement, but only out to a Such escorting air forces must be The "Combat Value" of a piece is Attacking units f iring into raises a supported army's f ire
in section 9) is intercepted, it total range of two blocks. nullified (matched one for one) its Attack Factor if it is part of Monsoon Territory in the strength by one.
must abort its mission by Paratroops can also make by the_ other player before he the attacking force, and it's the Summer have their attack fire If there are naval units of
returning immediately to the strategic redeployments under can intercept and abort the Defense Factor if it's part of the strength reduced by -2. both sides in the sea block
base it just flew from. If an air the same restrictions as those paratroops. (Such air forces are defending force. adjacent to where a ground
unit making a strategic give for thc air forces above. not destroyed; they aÍe simply For example, say a German 9.7 Fortif ications: Attackers battle or invasion is to be
redeployment (or retreating from Paratroop units canNOT use both and mutually nullif ied and 3-4-5 infantry army is firing as f iring into dots wherein the fought, f ight the naval battle
a ground combat situation) is airborne and regular ground returned to an acceptable base part of an attacking force. It first. The surviving Strike Fleets
13 1f
in both the Indian and Southwest North America: Panama Canal, 8,24 Though transport fleets dot within range. Flying such ground units on either side (as at continue its move (though it
Pacific Oceans. Northwest Passage. cannot launch sweep actions interceptions and escorts does, the Bab el Mendep between cannot pick up and transport any
Eurasia: Straits of Gibraltar, themselves, they can convoy however, use up an air force's Arabia and Africa) or blocking other ground units that samc
8.15 When a fleet stops its Dardanelles, Suez Canal, Bab el along with strike or submarine ability to fly other missions that (as at Gibraltar or the Panama turn). It is possible for one Brmy
move in some sea block, not only Mandeb, Straits of Hormuz. fleets that are launching such same Player Turn.) Canal). Likewise, f leets can't to be off loaded at one friendly
must its side control at least one Southeast Asia: Strait of Malacca, actions, and they pay the 4 move or perform any operations port and then have the fleet
port dot (of any color) along the Lombock Strait (except via this points.. across sea blocks totally divided continue on to another friendly
shore of that ocean, but the fleet strait, there is no naval 8.0 NAVAL MOVEMENT f rom each other by solid land port (in the same or different sea
must also be able to trace a sea movement between Bali and 8.25 Naval battles cannot take masscs. (For example, a f leet block) to off load the second
supply line to that port dot. Timor), Sunda Strait, Makassar plâce in ports, only in sea blocks. sitting off the coast of army there.
(And, Vês, it is permitted to Strait. R 8.f Ship movements are Northwestern France can't do
move and trace supply Nipport: Korea Strait, La Pe¡ouse 8.26 If you're going to have governed by the latitude / anything about moving directly 8.8 Transport Fleets do not
diagonally across sea block Strait, Soya Strait. your naval units spend your longitude blocks printed across to or operating in the sea block need to start the Movement
junctures. And, V€s, one-dot opponent's Player Turn in port, the map. That is, f leets must just south of France. The land Phase stacked with ground units
islands do count as ports.) NOTE: We simplified the they must observe stacking limits always be positioned on the map mass of France itself prevents they aÍe going to transport.
coastline up by the "Northwest in that port. In such case land so as to make clear which one of that, unless, of course, you can They can move to a port, load
8.16 The very tip of South Passage" to get it operably on the unit and naval unit stacking is the many sea blocks it is in at trace a movement path south the ground units, then keep
America is of f the map. map. Now, I know, of courseo figured individually. that instant. through an unblocked Straits of moving and eventually drop
Movement around that cape is there is not really a clean, canal- Gibraltar.) them off at another friendly
possible, both ways, through the like route like that through 8.2 In TTW f leets a,re "in port or launch an invasion. It is
two sea bocks marked "Cape." Northern Canada. "Admiral" 9.0 SET-PIECB B.ATTLES port" or "at sea." Fleets are "in 8.5 Only Transport Fleets can likewise not necessary f or units
Jack Greene did assure ño, port" when they are newly placed carry land units. Strike and to be sea transported to start
8.17 If a port dot is so located though, that WWII-era f leets as replacements (or still on the Submarine Fleets have no their movement phase already in
that its circumference lies within could have forced their way 9.0 If, at the end of a player's Turn Record Chart) or if they go carrying capacity of any kind. a port. They can start inland,
t\Ã/o oceans, the moving player along that country's northern Movement Phase, there are any into a homeland red port dot for Air units and fo¡tifications move to port, be picked up and
can consider it to be in coast in the non-winter months. dots or sea blocks containing repairs to bring them from their cannot be sea transported. (It is sea transported, and then even
whichever ocean most suits his And the Japanese \¡/ere forever pieces of both sides, a battle dcpleted strengths back to full possible to use strike flects to continue their movement from
purposes at that moment. proving supposedly "impassable" must be fought there. (MAs and po\¡/er, or when the owning deliver an A-Bomb attack. See the new port (provided only that
terrain was not that in WWII, sv/eeps are fought pretty much as players purposely positions thcm section 12.) they have the necessary
8.18 Churchill, on the western so.... the Set-Piece Battles described there to unload troops, ride out One Transport Fleet can movement factors available).
shore of Hudson's Bay, is a here, except ground and naval an Arctic winter, etc. Ships (but carry up to two non-mechanized (This is a modif ication to the
Japanese port at the start of the 8,21 All naval units in any one reinforcements cannot be cntered not ground units) can remain at armies or one mechanized. Place move-stack-by-stack rule
game. Given the division of seablock are considered to be one into such f ights.) The player sea bctween turns except under the carried troops beneath the presented in section 6.12.)
North America, the Japanese stack for all purposes. who just finished his Movement some circumstances (see 8.10). ship counter. While on board the
quickly recognized the place's Phase is considered "the Fleets can only be "caught in transports the ground units have 8.9 INVASIONS: If the
importance f or their naval 8.22 During their movement attacker," while the other is port" by an A-bomb attack (or no combat capabilities at all and transported units are to be off
strategy. They therefore turned fleet units can take part in a called "the defender," no matter enemy seizure of all homeland completely share whatever f a,te loaded at an enemy controlled
it into one of the largest fleet kind of combat-on-the-run what the overall strategic red ports in the case of under- comes to their transports. (Note: dot it's called an "invasion." [n
anchorages in North America, similar to the MA technique. It situation is in the world. construction fleets). Otherwise, Transport Fleets have only one such cases the fleet(s) ends its
not even bothering to change its costs fleets 4 movement factors if an enemy unit enters a port step.) move in the sea block just off
name, since they knew keeping per "sweep action" launched into 9.2 Battles are resolved dot where you have a fleet shore from where the invasion
the old one would infuriate their a block. Run them just like (fought out) one at a time, in sitting, simply move them out to 8.6 Transported ground units took place. (Enemy ground units
new enemy. ground unit MAs with the same any order the attacker wishes sea in that dot's immediately cannot be kept at sea from turn do not actually have to be
On non-Winter turns limitations. Air support is (exception: invasion sea battles adjacent sea block (which can to turn. They must be landed present to create an "invasion"
movement is possible through the available from the first round; should always be fought out result in a forced sea battle, if somewhere on the same Player situation; as long as the dot
"Northwest Passage." no other reinforcements are f irst). One battle must be enemy fleets are present). Turn they put out to sea. To where the landing takes place is
available. Units forced to completely resolved before the load onto a Transport Fleet, the enemy controlled, an "invasion"
8.19 Special Japanese Islands retreat from a sweep retreat one next may be begun. The attacker 8.3 The movement of naval ground units and the transport has taken place.) Ground units
movement: If the Japanese block if they're within an ocean need not state the order he will F units across the world sea is paid pay one movement point each. taking part in unopposed
player places a transport fleet in wherein their side controls a use to resolve his battles before for at the rate of one point per To unload, the ground units Pay invasions can move af ter they
the sea block containing South port, or back into another ocean hand. sea block entered. That is, fleets the movement cost to enter the land, and even run MAs and
Korea, then his ground units can where they do have such a port. To begin resolution, both move from block to block on the kind of terrain where they are later set piece battles. Opposed
move through that sea block as off the
players take their pieces world's oceans each turn, going ashore. The transport pays invasions are fought out in the
if all the port dots bordering it 8.23 It costs naval units an dot or out of the block. Mark restricted only b5' the lay of the one nrore point. Sct Piece Battle Phase.
were connected across land. extra movement point to go the now empty place with a dime land, any enemy interceptions or Strike and Submarine Fleets
through straits or passages or so you can easily see where the strait blockages. 8.7 If a Transport Fleet Picks can gain control of enemy Port
8.20 LOCATION OF STRAITS canals. battle is taking place and don't up units and takes them only to dots completely undefended by
get mixed up in your thinking. 8.4 Straits do serve to block another alrcady friendlY eneny ground units or
sea movement if the enemy has controlled dot, the fleet can then fortifications. The presumption
is those fleets, though they can't orientation on the map. Then, 8.14 The World Sea is divided
themselves transportfull armies, after they've made any kind of into eight oceâns in this game:
do have limited landing move, turn them 180 degrees. the North Atlantic, the South
detachments of their oìvn with Thus at a glance you'll be able to Atlantic, the Northwest Pacific,
them. Such operations are still see which have and have not yet the Southwest Pacific, the
considered to have involved the moved or performed some Northeast Pacif ic, the Southeast
fleet(s) in an "invasion." mission. Ground units should be Pacif ic, the Indian Ocean, and
moved stacked only with other the Arctic Ocean.
8.10 IMPORTANT NOTES: It ground units or with naval units
is NOT possible for any f leet when being sea transported. Air The Arctic Ocean is all the
Õ unit of any kind to end its move Forces move stacked only with water north of the Arctic Circle. ocean wherein its side does other air forces. Ships move No invasions aÍe allowed into
not control at least one port dot only stacked with other ships (or port dots lying exclusively on
(and the stopping naval units with ground units when this ocean, and no naval activity
must be able to trace a line of them.) (Though
transporting at all is allowed there during
sea blocks unoccupied by enemy Strike and Submarine fleets don't Winter turns.
strike or sub fleets from the port actually carry ground units, they The North and South
to the tracing fleet, and the port can, of course, sail along with Atlantics are divided from each
dot itself must either be a supply such loaded transports to guard other by the equator. The
source or in supply, via normal them.) Mediterranean, Baltic, Black, and
routes, to one). And, yes, the North Seas, etc.o are considered
controlled dot that allows the 8.fl Mechanized units cannot appendages of the North
fleet to remain may be the one make an invasion attack using Atlantic.
just seized in the invasion. If the MA technique--they must run The North and South
you have the movement factors a set-piece battle just like non- Pacifics are also divided from
available, you can transit oceans mechanized units. each other by the equator, and
where you don't have a port; you the map edges divide them
just can't stop there. If you 8.12 During the first round of vertically into the western and
move carelessly, and end up with any invasion battle, the eastern portions.
one of your fleets' in such ù defending enemy units have The Panama Canal dot is,
friendly-portless ocean, your their defensive fire strengths along with its surrounding sea
fleet is destroyed. Naval units increased by one (+l) because of block, considered to lie in both
can never stop their movement in the difficulties invaders have in the Northeast and Southeast
the Arctic Ocean, unless they are gaining that first toehold on ics as well as the North
put into a specific port dot. If shore. The only unit that this is Atlantic. In such blocks, naval
such units are caught alone in an not true for is the Japanese units cannot attack each other
Arctic Port in a winter turn by SNLF piece; it is fired at across an isthmus running
enemy ground units, they are normally on that first round. through the same block. For
destroyed. (This is an army specially combat purposes, the divided
Further, it is NOT necessary trained in the most advanced blocks become two separate sub-
in this game for a player to, say, amphibious invasion tactics.) blocks.
move all his ground units before The Indian Ocean is
he begins with his air forces or 8.13 If an invasion battle is bounded on its southwest
fleets, etc. On the contrary, the going badly, the attackers can by Capetown. That port is
movement sequence of the retreat out to the ships that just consideredto exist in 'both the
various kinds of stacks can be brought them. The recciving South Atlantic and the Indian
mixed and intermixed in any ships must then stay stationary Ocean. The Red Sea and the
order the moving player desires. in the pick-up sea block, unless Persian Gulf a.Íe considered
T It IS necessary to bc sure no they're in an ocean whcrein they appendages of the Indian Ocean.
\, single unit of kind performs control no ports. In such cases Movement between the Indian
more than one operation on any rctreat them the minimum sea Ocean and the Pacific Oceans is
one Player Turn (that limitation blocks necessary to put them in largely governed by Singapore
does NOT apply to retreats from an ocean with a port where they and thê four sea blocks centered
combat'-those are not considered can drop off the ground units. on that city. Those four sea
"moves"). The simplest way to (And such retreats are, of course, blocks ùre considered to
keep track of which units have subject to interceptions along the simultaneously existin all three
done something and which way.) of the neighboring oceans.
haven't is to maintain all your Australia is considered to exist
pieces with a common
Tomorrow The World Tomorrow The World
I Economics I Economics
I Tracks I Tracks
7 û
7 fr
6 6
5 5
4 2 I I I I I 4
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 1 I I I I I 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 0 7 7 7 7 7 I 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 6 6 6 6 I 1
Berlin Chicago Hamburg Milan Moscow Munich N.Y.C. I
0 5

b 5

5 5 5 7 0 6 7
Japanese German r
IPP 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 IPP 5 6
Available Available

3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 b
2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 2
Seoul Nagasaki Nagoya Osaka Sendai Tokyo Anti-German Anti-Japanese
U.N. Rebellion 0 0 0 0 0 U.N. Rebellion
die roll Ruhr Detroit Kiel Pittsburgh Prague die roll

c-4 TOMORROW THE WORLD Charts & Tables c-s

How to use this chart. How to use this chart:
The German player should place it in front of him on some f lat surface. Put a German control The Japanese player should place it in front of him on some flat surface. Put a Japanese
marker on the highest number in each of the named city tracks. Put the "x1 lPP" marker on "2" on control marker on the highest number in each of the named city tracks. Put the "x1 lPP" marker on
the German lpp Available Track, and putthe "x10 lPP" on "6." (Set the "x100" aside until needed.) "2" onthe Japanese IPP Available Track, and put the "x10 lPP" on "6.".(Set the "x100" aside until
place another control marker on the first season of the game. Place a Japanese control marker needed.) Place another control marker on the first season of the game. Place a German control
on the
,,2"spot on the "Anti-Japanese U.N. Rebellion track. (Move it up one each time the Japanese marker on the "2" spot on the "Anti-German U.N. Rebellion track. (Move it up one each time the
playerdetonates an A-bomb, then back down 1o"2" again at the end of each Nuclear War Phase') German playerdetonatesanA-bomb,then backdown 1o"2" again attheendof each NuclearWar
As the German multi-point IPP cities shown on this chart lose lPPs f rom A-bombs, move their
respective markers down. The German should also use this method to control losses due to oil As the Japanese multi-point IPP cities shown on this chart lose lPPs from A-bombs, move
shor-tages, but also keep a separate record of .that on scratch paper, as those lPPs may come back. their respective markers down. The German should also use this method to control losses due to
economic shoñages, but also keep a separate record of that on scratch paper, as those lPPs may
During the course of the ggme, as the total number of lPPs available to the German player come back.
goes up or do*n, decrease or increase the recorded total on the "German lPPs Available" track.
During the course of the game, as the total number of lPPs available to the Japanese player
goes up or down, decrease or increase the recorded total on the "Japanese lPPs Available" track.

TOMORROW THE WORLD Charts & Tables c-3

Terrain Effects Chart Terrain Effects Chart
Movement Effects Combat Effects Terrain Type Movement Effects Combat Effects
Terrain Type
Red Costs nothing to enter if you controlled it at the start of No combat effec{s
Red Costs nothing to enter if you controlled it at the start of No combat effects.
yourtum;cost 1 otherwise. MAs into always cost 2. An (lndustrial) yourtum;cost 1 otherwise. MAs into always cost 2. An
(lndustrial) A-bomb hit converts it to green for movement pur-
A-bomb hit converts it to green lor movemenl pur-

White Costs 1 point to move on to for all ground units No combat effects
White Costs 1 point to move on to for all ground units No combat effects
(Clear) (Clear)

Green Costs 2 points for all ground units to enter. Monsoon Units defending on green have +1
Green Costs 2 points for all ground units to enter. Monsoon Units defending on green have +1
(Rough) country in SE Asia costs all units 4 to enter on Summer added to theirdefensive f ¡re strengths.
(Rough) country in S E Asia costs all units 4 to enter on Su mmer added to theirdef ensive f ire stren$hs.
turns. Additionally, units attacking into Mon-
turns. Additionally, units attacking into Mon-
soon country in Summer have -2
soon country in Summer have -2
deducted from their attack strength,
deducted from their attack strength.

Yellow Non-mechanized units pay 2 to enter; mechanized No combat elfects.

Yellow Non-mechanized units pay 2 to enter; mechanized No combat effects.
pay 1. (Desert) pay 1.
Blue Treat like white during Falllurns, like green in Summer Combat effects as per its seasonal
Blue Treal like white during Falllurns, like green in Summer Combat effects as per its seasonal
(Tundra) and Sprint. No movement into in Winter (see 6.9). color. (Tundra) and Sprint. No movement into in Winter (see 6.9)' color.

Black German side: only "Mountain lnfantry" can enter, at a Units defending on black add +2 to
Black German side: only "Mountain lnfantry" can enter, at a Units defending on black add +2 to
(Mountain) cost of 2. Japanese side: Only Japanese non-mech their defensive fire strength.
(Mountain) cost of 2. Japanese side: Only Japanese non-mech their defensive fire strength.
(and AN puppet) can enter, at a cost of 3 (AN pays 2). (and AN puppet) can enter, at a cost of 3 (AN pays 2).
"Roof of the World" in Central Asia are like blue in "Roof of the World" in Central Asia are like blue in
winter (see 6.9 and 6.10). winter (see 6.9 and 6.10).

Other Modifiers: Other Modifiers:

KL Corps: +2 to attack fire of attached unit (see 9.13). KL Corps: +2 to attack fire of attached unit (see 9.13).
f f th Flieger: +2 to attack f ires of all other German/puppet units in the same attack. 1 1th is destroyed each time it is itth Flieger: +2 to attack fires of all other German/puppet units in the same attack. 11th is destroyed each time it is
used (9.14). used (9.14).
lmp. Rockét Gorps: +1 to all Japanese/puppet units in the same attack and shooting at non-fortified straight-leg tmp. Èocket Corps: +1 to all Japanese/puppet units in the same attack and shooting at non-fortifíed straight-leg
enemies. (See 9.15). enemies. (See 9.15).
Air Support: +1 to the supported unit's attack or defensive fire strength' Air Support: +1 to the supported unit's attack or defensive fire strength.
Naval Support: same effects as air support. (See 9.11 and 9.10). Navat Support: same effects as air support. (See 9.11 and 9.10).
Forts: -2 to attacking units' attack fires when shooting into (9.7). Fo¡ts: -2 to attacking units' attack fires when shooting ¡nto (9.7).
lnvasions: On first round, defenders have their defense fires increased by +1, except against SNLF (8.9). lnvasions: On first round, defenders have their defense fires increased by +1, except against SNLF (8.9).
Banzai: Doubles Japanese (only) attack or defensive f ire strengths, but they incur an automatic step loss. (See 9.9). Banzai: Doubtes Japanese (only) attack or defensive fire strengths, but they incur an automatic step loss. (See 9'9).
Kamikaze: Only for Japanese air forces basing out of Nippon vs. enemy ships. Their f leet str¡ke number is doubled, Kamikaze: Only for Japaneàe aii torces basing out of Nippon v!. enemy ships. Their fleet strike number is doubled,
but then the planes are automatically destroyed. (See 9.12). but then the planes are automatically destroyed. (See 9.12)'
Out of Supply: Halve everything; round remainders down. Out of Supply: Halve evefihing; round remainders down.


c,2 Charts & Tables
3 2
ol A-Bomb Availability J-*
Transport Fleet 3
A-Bomb Availabilify J-..-
Transport Fleet
-l o-0-18

x1 x10 x100 Industrial
Air Fleet x1 x10 x100 Industrial 2
¡PP IPP IPP Production Points à Air Fleet
IPP IPP IPP Production Points ñ
Control Markers
Control Markers
oos Out of Supply
O apanese
oos Out of Supply


STJP- SUP. AIR AIR Air Superiority Air Fleet
I.D. Number SUP. SIJP.
I.D. Number
Support Effect
Support Effect
Fort Banzu -2
ñÉ Fort Banzai
Strike Fleet
sÉ Strike Fleet
I.D. Number
I.D. Number
Support Effect
A-Bomb Blast Anti-ship Movement Support Effect
strength A-Bomb Blast Anti-ship

Flack Strength I Factor

Flack Strength

U.N. Transport Fleet

U.N. Rebellion U.N. Transport Fleet
2 2 U.N. Rebellion
I.D. Number
re.* Movement

2 I.D. Number
-18 Factor Anti-ship Movement
7 strength 1
strength Factor
+f strike Fleet Flack Strength ) 7 I

3-2-26 +1 strike Fleet Flack Strength

Submarine Fleet
Submarine Fleet
2 I.D. Number 2
Submarine Fleet 2 I.D. Number
3-0-26 Submarine Fleet
Anti-ship Movement 3-0-26
-É 26 Anti-ship Movement
-0-26 Factor
Flack Strength I

Flack Strength
c-8 TOMORROW THE WORLD Charts & Tables c-1

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