Wide-Lite Spectra V Commercial Indoor Bulletin 1988

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25O to IOOO r^ratt HID

E ectronics Ny'anufacturing
Light lndustr al Fac lt es
Food Process ng P ants
Sw rarming Poo s
Gymnas Lrms
Racquetba Courts
Department Slores
Lobb es and Conference Rooms
Ofl ces
Audltor urns
Hcc.sscd ntnrnarc iSF2) wrrh.!ri..ri reorersx,q idnr!

Spectra V 2 x 2 um na res prov de I- REFLECTOR N BALLAST

super or lurfinat on for app cat ons Anod zed specu ar a uminum of 85% Pre w red high power factor ba last.
requ rlng the ong lfe efficlercy and rel ectance. A cho ce of three rei ector designed for 20'F start ng tempera-
exce ent co oT rend tlon of H D ampS. .\lpn ro d.^'ne_ osr.^o" 'L^fO ^ ar' _r, .dpo d,o^ad.d
Dust-t ghl construct ori (cert I ed by ar or symrfetr c d stribut or de ( 40'F for HPS): core and co
are encapsLr ated in a non me t res I
lndependent test ng ab) assures h gh N SOCKET
compound for qu et and coo oper
rnaintained reilect v ty and low ma nte- Pre w red grlp type mogu base
ation Entire system rated C ass l-l
nance The dust t ghl opt cs comb fed socket
(lBo'C) Temperature rse s at east
w th spec a gasketlng lor lnverted T' t] ACCESS
LAI\,4P one ful class o\,lier than the rat rg of
grld ce ngs rnakes Spectra V idealy Lens assemb y features patented the nsu at on system Capac tor s
sulted for lght ng high tech env ron spr ng loaded concealed h nges to outs de the encapsulatlon. Co
ments and c ean tooms provlde convenient amp access lrorn w nd ngs are copper
be ow. Entlre optica assembly sw ngs
The f exib ty of asymmetr c down lor access to w r ng lla ast and
blsymmet c or symmetr c d str but of Surface mount inode ard recessed
capac tor (Not app lcab e to Ser es lV
optona d ra]lar ng ba asts and a var]ety recessed models w thout outer
mode lor suspefded gr d ce rgs are
of tr m lrame accessor es rarakes the enc osure )
standard accessor es for recess ng
lnto other type ce ngs aval able.
Spectra V um na re ideal for a broad
range oi commerc a lghting tasks GASKETS
Ava ab e recessed or surface moufted
- lemperature gaskets prov de
lllgh a
post ve dust tight sea
Spectra V lum naires are ava lab e n
two rnode s. Ser es afd Ser es V Se LI FINISH
r es I um naires are equlpped w th an Series rirode s w th ouler enc osuTe
q oss white baked ename (surface
outer enc osure and can be surlace
mouni SS2) fat black baked enarne
mounted (SS2) or recessed (SR2) nto (recessed SR2).
gr d ce ings Serles V umlna res (SF4)
A tho-t an o-ter enL o -re dre lor re I U.1. LISTED
cessed mounl ng on y Su tab e for damp ocatons
Su/a.. mo!.i.d ]!nr.rr. lS'521 ULI572 Approved for recessed cel
nqs ('100 watt and below).
Pr sm type tempered g ass ens is N USER PROTECTION
N HOUSING heat and mpact resistant wi I not ye Pub ished three year mited warranty
A a[ ]m n!nn encioslrTe ow. Gasketed ens reta ner prov des a
seaied dust t qht optlca assenlb V

Typrca Ca.d eFower Ostr bution

Reflector A(Asymmetric) B (Bisymmetric) C (Symmetric)

Lamp/ S/MH Ratio S/MH Ratio S/N.4H Ratio I
Wattage 0" 90" 180' 0' 90'
Metai Halide (Coated)'
1000w T 5 1.4 1.0 15 1.1 N/A
400w I 5 14 11 175 11 135
250w 1 5 14 1.7 1.8 12 t5
l75w 15 14 11 T8 12 l5 Reflector Type A Asymmetric Distribution
N.4etal Halide (Cleao Horlzonta Lamp. S ng e batw ng distr but on suitable for perimeter or n
1000w 1.8 1.3 r.3 1.8 12 N/A d rect ight ng. Lumina res may be ocated so that peak candlepower ls
400w 1 6 125 1.2 1.9 12 1.5 rel ected ofi walls Where lmpract cai to nsta um na res over the task
250w T 6 125 1.2 1.9 125 15 (sLrch as ndoor pools), asymmetr c d strlbutlon permits nsla lat on n
175w T 6 125 12 17 125 15 more acceptab e locations
High Pressure Sodium
400w 1 5 12 1.2 1 85 12 15
250w 1 5 12 12 185 12 l5 I
'D rroror'dppo od od'orD" p
/ pl, \ oJ-.

/_LL g'.-""'"0
\ . d-

Reflector Type B Bisyrnmelric Distribution

Hor zontal Lamp Blsyffimetrlc uraina res featLrae batwing patterns wth
S/NIH ratios up to 1 2 x1 8 Thls arge Tectangu aI coverage perrn ts the
ongest spac ng ava ab e n any standard 2 x 2 urn nalre ldea lor I ght-
ng a ong a s eways and supermarkets and for use in comb nat on w th
asymrnetr c patterns.

Beflector Type C Symmetrical Dlstribution

Vertica Lamp Broad uniform patterns w th S/MH ratios oi T 35 to T 5 de
pending on lamp For genera Lrse n aTeas to be uminated dlrectly trom
un iormly spaced umlnaires, such as stores, oflices, lobbies, mu t p!r
pose rooms etc.


Series ll Series lV

(MAX )

Surface mounted um nalres (S52) and recessed umlnaires Becessed lum naires without outer enc osure (SR4) (veltical
(SR2) wlth outer enc osure 'Add 5/8" for externally amp symmetr cal shown)
mounted capacitor (1000w recessed models on y)
OPT|ONS (Factory lnstalled)

Description Component Catalog No.

I Clean Rooms I Food Processing Areas I lndoor Swimming Pool
Specia gasket ng for nverted CH Patented FEB Tellon Clear Pr marY Spec al gasket ng and s ast c SP
''T" gr d ce ngs (%" or 1 %") com- Lens 5 ml th ckness suitable for coatlng of outer ref ector wth the
blned w th standard dust t ght phosphor coated arnps on Y Not rnogul socket heat s nked for Lrse
optics ior Class 100 conditions recommended when amP manu n lndoor swlmming poo s where
Order ng example: lacturer s data recornmends Use ch orine s present Order nq ex-
SR2M 4OO-C,OV CR ln sultable enc osed iixiure' stan ample: SR2M 400 ASP QV.
dard pr sm type ternpered glass I
I Low Brightness Control ens must be used Orderlng
Fused Ballast
lnterna louver lor lumina res w th 2 examp e: S32M 400-CT OV Fus nq prolects H D circu try
asymmelric d strlbut on on y (400 For 120V or 277V systems
TelLon Lens bonded to standard TG S ng e Fuse
watt or be ow) Reduces amount ol
pr srn type tempered g ass lens to For 20BV 240V or 4B0V systems,
lght ex t ng I xture opposlte the
main beaan. Order ng examp e
hodgass n p ace in event ol Doub e F!se F2
glass lens breakage Orderlng Orderlng exaaap e
sR2l\,4 400 42-QV
exarnp e: SS2M 400'CTG QV sR2tv 400 c Qv.F1 277\t
Regressing Frame
to achleve good v sua comfort RG
I HID Dimming Ballast
(400 watt and below)
through use ol 3" deep black.n
crogroove lrarne with f xture spac- For use w th ZoneNy'ate I and DN4O
ing and eif c ency affected on y DMW Series D mrnlng Coniro s
slightLy Su tabLe for recessed (add 20 bs to Iixture we qht). See
mode s on y Orderlng examp e Light ng Systerns Section for lu
SB2M-4OO C QV RG. detai s Ordering exarap e:
sR2M 400,C,277DN40
Regressed Frame with
External Louver I Bi-Level Switching
Feduces high angle g are su tab e BG3 Prov des high/ ow ghting eveslor BL
for recessed models only not sult- H D lamps w th a zerolcrossover
ab e for umlnaires with asymmetllc network to avoid lamp strob nq or
or blsyrnmetr c distributlon drop out. See L ght ng Systems
Order ng examp e Section for fLr delails Ordering
SR2M 4OO C QV BG3 examp e: SS2-400 C OV BL

Regressing Frame 3" Deep RGs I Ouartz Restrike

Black Microgroove Frame Patented so d state L teMat c LQ
with g-cell Parabolic Louver Quartz Restrike for momentary
power outages ReqLr res one 150
ldea br ghtness control su table
watt O1sor'Cl-i DC amp by others
tor recessed models on y Not rec
See Bulletin 0393 for fu I deta s
ommended w th asymmetr c or
Order ng example
bisymmetric d strlbut on Order nq
examp e: SR2M'400 C QV RGg
Regressing Frame 3" Deep RG16
Black Microgroove Frame
with'l 6-cell Parabolic Louver
For recessed mode s on y Not
recornmended wlth asymmetr c or
bisymmetr c distribution Ordering
example: SR2L4 400 C QV-RG16

AOCESSORIES (Field lnstalled)

SCZF-14-Gavanized Frame STM-14-Decorative Trim SPF-14 Plaster Frame

Ga vanized lrame for recess ng lumi' Decorative trim on y Optona for um For recess ng umlna res lnto %" 7a"
naires nto concealed Z sp ne sus na res insta ed in suspended T Bar thick plaster ce ngs Acco.amodates
penslon systean ce ngs Requires ce lngs add TM to catalog number 24" by 24" cet ng openlng Requlres
decoratlve STNy'-T 4 trim lrame To order suflix: SH4M 400 C-QVC TM Est. shpg STl,.4-14 tr m Irame ToorderPaster
ga van zed frame and trirn, specily wt.3 bs frame and decoratlve tr rn sPecllY
CZTM as catalog number suff x: PFTM as catalog number sufl x: SR4[/
SR4l\,4-400-O-OVO'CZTM Must be 400 C QVC PFTi,, lvlust be spec i ed
spec lied on or glnal order (Frame and on origlna order (P aster frame and
tr m are sh pped ln separate caatons ) decorat ve lrlm are shipped ln separate
Est shpg wt 4 lbs. cadons.) Est shpg wt 4 bs
Catalog Numbey'rr Catalog Numberir Ballast Dalai'?)

Series ll (SS2) Series ll (SR2) Series lV (SR4)

Surlace I\,4o!nled Est. Shpg. Recessed W/ouler Est. Shpg. Recessed No Outer Est Shpg.
Luminaires Wt. (bs.)
1000 Watt l\4etal Halide/l\,4ercury Vapor
Enclosure Wt. (lbs.) Enclosure Wl. (lbs.) i:ii:1J hli," .,.,\i13"-3i!. ?iJ3"'
ss2M 1000 ( ) ov w 85
sR2N/r 1000 ( ) QV Not 1201208 1A7A 9 2i5 3 Reg
Ava lab e 240i277 4 6t4.O
400 Watt Metal Hallde/N4ercury Vapor
ss2M 400 ( )ov w 6r sR2M 400 ( )OV SR41j,4400()oV 12At2A8 455 4 0/2 3 Reg
244/217 24t1.75
250 Watt l\,4etal Ha ide/N4ercury Vapor
ss2M,250 ( )-OV-W 55 SR2l\.4,250-{ ),OV sR4[/-250 ( )-OV 12At2A8 292 2.511.44 Reg.
244t277 1 2511 A8
175 Wat Nretal Ha ide/lvlercury Vapor
ss2M 175 ( ) OV W 55 SR2N/ r7s()QV sR4M r7s ( )OV 12At2A8 210 1.8/1 04 Reg.
244t277 .91.78
400 Wat High Pressure Sodium
ss2s-400-( )-ov-w63 sR2S 400 ( )-OV sF4S-400-( )OV 12At2A8 465 4 312 4A Reg.
2401271 215i1 86
250 Watt High Pressure Sodium
ss2s2s0()ovw 63 sR2S2s0()OV sF4S250()OV 1241208 300 2 7511 6 Reg.
2401271 1.38t1 2
(1) Spect relrector lvpe lrom d strib!lron ctu de
(2) Hqh power raclor balasl
'Less lhan operalr.9
"Hol reslrke or wlh open secondary

CALt1AN HID lLninanes shoold be operate.l on gtaun.te.t sysle\s antf Uietao..Jed p.wet disttibl)lioF systcns naf
caty high ltansient vatages ||htch can cause tajltre at any type ele.!ncai equpnren!

P O BOX 606 BULLET N O38O 0888
SAN NIARCOS TEXAS 78666 Printed in usA
(5r2)392 5821 TELEX 776 479 Copyriqht 1988

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