Wide-Lite Spectra VI Commercial Indoor Bulletin 1993

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to IOOO watt HID

I Airport Terminals
I Atriums and Lobbies
I Libraries
I Churches
I Gymnasiums
I Auditoriums
I Malls

Wide-Lite Spectra Vl pendant mount N LAMP ACCESS HPS models) are mounted on a sepa-
luminaires provide high-efficiency HID Gasketed lens assembly is hinged to rate s ide-out plate for coo er operation
lighting for high ceiling applications. provide convenient lamp access from and easier replacement. Limiting tem-
below. perature of the lnsu ation is Class I
The contemporary round enclosure
(180"C) with temperature rlse in the
houses Wide-Lite's industrialquality, D LENS windings one lu I c ass below. LarnP
dust-tight lL Series luminaire. A choice Prism type tempered glass held by an
current crest factor is not rnore than
of distribution patterns, optional fin- extruded aluminum f rame; fully 1.65. Coil windings are copper.
lshes, and dlmming ballasts allow con gasketed to provide a sealed dust-
siderable design flexibility. Enclosure tight enclosure. Frame assembly is set ! MOUNTING
ln a micro-grooved black regresslng Pendant mounting for %" NPT r gld
sizes vary with wattage and integral or
frame for brlghtness control. condult standard Opt onal swvel
remote ba lasted models. aljgnment hanger avai able.
gh temperature gaskets prov de a
sPECrFrCAlloils H
positive sea for a comp etely dust
! HOUSING tight enclosure.
Round decoratlve housing of rigid
steel side panels within an extruded ! FINISH
aluminum frarne. Enclosure: Go den bronze baked
ename standard i optional coors
N REFLECTOR avaiable (consu t factory). Regress ng
High grade specular aluminum with Frame: Matte b ack baked ename
reflectance to 85%. ComPUter de
signed to eliminate secondary ref ec- ! U,L. LISTED
tions for maxirnum efficlency. ! BALLAST N USER PROTECTION
! SOCKET Sientcuard h gh power factor ba last Publlshed five-year imited warranty.
Pre wlred grip{ype mogul base designed for - 20"F start ng wlth
socket for vertical base up lamp. Field metal ha ide, mercury vapor ( 40'F
adjustable for a complete range ot for HPS lamps). Core and co I are en-
distribution palle'ns and spaci'rg to capsu ated ln a solld po yester resin
mounting heights. compound. Capacltor (and starter in
Ballast Data(2)
Description Component Cata og No.
Catalog Numbe(1) Primary Line Line Current Ballast Est. Shpg. Quartz restr ke LQ
Voltage Watts Starting Oper. Type Wt. (lbs.) Auxiliary quartz restrike system, for Lrse with
H D ght sources. ALrtomat ca ly contro s
1000 Wan i.4etal Halide/lilercury Vapor dn InlFg d o .o_/ o1 o 10 a0 I d ,,. a
the ma n arnp is ext ngu shed and the ba asl
s6RN4-1000-sD-L8-( )-GB(3) 71
s energ zed. Follow ng a co d start or a
mornentary power interrupt on the quartz
S6Rl\il-1000-3D-(.)-( )-GB 1201208 1070 9.2i5.3 Beg 118
amp s energized by a solid stale contro er
240/277 4.6/4.0
and rernains on until alter the main lamp
400 Watt Metal Halide/Mercury Vapor reaches 40% ght oL.rtput. Su tab e for meta
s6Rr,4-4oo-sD-LB-( )-GB 54 ha ide B Levellu' but not s! table lor HPS
B Leve lM For HPS B LevelrM qladz restrike
use CSR opt on Quadz ampbyothers
s6RN/-400-sD-(.)-( )-GB 120t2OB 455 4.0/2.3 Reg 84
Quartz restr ke CSR
2401277 2_0/1 .B
250 Watt [ilelal Halide/Mercury Vapor
Aux liary restrlke system for a qht sources
Automatca y contro s an ntegral quadz
s6Rrvl,250-sD-LB-( )-GB 54 amp {O1sO/CUDC) dur ng hot restrike of
the H D arnp. Reanains on Lrnti ma n amp
s6R[,4-250-5D-f)-( )-GB 120/208 292 2.511.44 Reg 84 restrikes Su table for HPS B LevelrM but
240t277 1 .25t1.O8 not suitab e for rnetal ha deB LeveLltr!
Ouartz amp by olhers
Dimming Ba ast
For use wth DM and DMW Seres master d m
rn ng contro s. See Lght ng Systems sect on.
Specia Ba asts 65
High power lactor ba ast rated lor amb ent
400 Watl High Pressure Sodium temperatures up to 65"C. Order ng exarnplel
Switching Ballast BL
For use with B'Leve rM slvtch ng system
contro s see Light ng Systerns section for full
descrplion. Orderng exarnpe: S6RM 400

ACCESSORIES (Field lnstalled)

(')VollageSIandardHiD!m.aresarelunshedwlhregLali.qFPFslngevolagebaaslsl.rl20V20SV.240!or277V Descrlpt on Component Catalog No.
To specly add volage lo calaog .umbeL Erample S6FM 400 SD 277 1 GB Fused balasts
(1) SFeclv socket poston rrom drslrlb!lio. aurde To order add 'F1" or 'F2 tocataog
(2) Hiqh power lacror balasr s! lab e lor amble.r lemperaures u F lo 55'C Fxl!re shroud and bal asr are shlpped ln sepa
nunber sulfx. Exampe: S6Rlv1 1000 SD
'Less lha. operalr.g OV 1 F1-GB.
(3) Spectra Vl um.a res are also alalabe lor remole baLasl operalio. To order specry LB rn Le! oi lollage s6F 400 SD I20v or 277v systems F1 30 Amp
LB I See Ba ast seclon lor suitable remole balasls
208v 240v systerns F2-30 Amp
CAU|IAN HtD luninarcs shoutt) be apetated ai gtau.ded sysrems o.t UngtaDnded pawet disxibtno. syslens daf ca v
hgh l?nsien! valtages ||htch can cause laltoe ol an! lype etectncal eqtipment Swlvel A ignment Hanger (SAH-14) SH
Ordeing exarnple SOBI',4-1000 SD OV
Drawings sl-ow shape of patte'^ on v and are nol lo sca e.


7', dla.

Designed to attach to a condulet out

et box (by others') by means ot four
screws on a 474" dra mountlng circ e.
s6R[,4 ] 000 sD 1 s6RM I 000 sD 5 s6RM-1000-sD-9 s6R[,4 1 000 sD-1 Furnished with canopy to cover sup
Phosphor Coated Phosphor Coaled c ear Melal Fla ide port ng outlet box and wth a ba
S/MH Rario 1 1 S/L4H Fatio 14 S/I/H Rat o: 1.7 S/MH Rat o: 1 3 a gner lapped lor '/," NPT p pe (re
quires a 3/'to Y2" reducer bushlng
by others) lvlax mum sw ve ls 11'
from center Ilax mum pendant
weight (|xture and ballast) is 125 bs
Standard go den bronze linlsh.
'(Crouse Hlnds GS12 condulet box
or equiva enl Box to have 4 ho es
even y spaced on 4 812 B C concen
trlc wlth box center tapped tor % 20

Standard Ballast and

,100-250w Dimming Ballast '1000w Dimming Ballast

Luminaires with Est. Shpg.

Dimming Ballasts wt. (lbs.)

1000w Metal Halide

(all voltages) 155
400w Metal Halide
(all voltages) 100
1000w HPS
(all voltages) 155
400w HPS
(120, 2O8,240)DMO 100
391/z' 277DMO 96

Luminaires Less Ballast

(tor remote ballast operation)

1000w 70
40Ow 50

With Without
Watts Dimension Ballast Ballast

1000w X 28'/+' 281/4"

1000w Y 39./2', 271/z'
400 250w X 23%', 23'/i',
400-250w Y

Servc ng ba asled um na res . a r requ res 4ll cleara.ce

above !n I (ie 4ll rdgidcond!lbyolhers)

Catalog Number S/MH Ratio Catalog Number S/MH Ratio Catalog Number S/MH Ratio

High Pressure Sodium




1 At lminanes are iacrory set ar socket position number 4 Adlusiabe socket musl be sel in accordance wilh applcation r€qliremenls.
2 Metal halde and higlr presslr€ sodium amps rnlsl be oJ base up type
'olslibulion ls approx mate y the same ior al coaled HID amps.
a G=illlT= company
P.O BOX 606 Spec lcations and d menslons BULLETIN 0381 0293
SAN MARCOS TEXAS 78667 0606 are sublect to change
(5r2)392 582r F AX (s12J 353 5822 Copyrght O 1993

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