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Module Program

Dim hasil, jadi, nilai As String
Dim jumlah, total, angka, besar, digit, bil, n, k, a, z, b As Integer
Sub Main()
hasil = ""
jumlah = 1
total = 1

Console.WriteLine(" nPk ")

Console.Write("Masukan nilai n : ")
n = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Output n : ")
For angka = n To 1 Step -1
jumlah = jumlah * angka
If angka = 1 Then
hasil += CStr(angka) & " = "
hasil += CStr(angka) & " x "
End If
Next angka
hasil += CStr(jumlah)
Console.WriteLine(hasil & " ")

nilai = ""
besar = 1
Console.Write("Masukan nilai k : ")
k = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Output k : ")
End If
Next digit
nilai += CStr(besar)
Console.WriteLine(nilai & " ")

total = 1
z = n - k
Console.Write("Output : ")
For bil = z To 1 Step -1
total = total * bil
If bil = 1 Then
jadi += CStr(bil) & " = "
jadi += CStr(bil) & " x "
End If
Next bil
jadi += CStr(total)
Console.WriteLine(jadi & " ")

a = jumlah / total
b = a / besar
Console.Write("Nilai Permutasi : " & b)
End Sub
End Module

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