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Screw- Versus Cement-Retained Implant

Restorations: Current Concepts
Angie Lee, DMD,* Kozue Okayasu, DDS,† and Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD‡

n implant therapy, an interdiscipli- The debate between screw- ver- overview of the different character-
nary approach is an essential as- sus cement-retained implant pros- istics of screw- and cement-retained
pect and has led to the importance theses has long been discussed but implant restorations, and how they
for each specialty to expand its scope the best type of implant prosthesis may influence the esthetics, retriev-
of knowledge to improve interaction remains controversial among prac- ability, retention, passivity, occlusion,
and offer excellent care to patients. As titioners. An understanding of their accessibility, cost, and provisional
an implantologist, understanding the properties will help the clinician in restorations. Problems and complica-
concepts that govern the selection be- selecting the ideal prosthesis for tions frequently encountered are dis-
tween screw- and cement-retained res- each clinical case while promoting cussed and treatment solutions are
torations is very important. This helps final esthetic outcomes. With the proposed. (Implant Dent 2010;19:8 –
clinicians to achieve better implant
evolving technology and knowledge, 15)
placement and facilitates the restora-
an update of the current trends is Key Words: screw, cement, implant,
tion of the implant prosthesis while
promoting final esthetic outcomes. Ar-
necessary. This article provides an restoration, prosthesis, crown
ticles have been published regarding
the differences between screw- and
cement-retained restorations. It is
ESTHETICS that the use of an opaquer in combina-
When the implant is placed in the tion with resilient composite offered a
important to revisit the literature re- significant esthetic improvement of the
garding techniques currently available ideal position, predictable esthetics can
be realized with either a screw- or a implant restoration.7
that may influence the decision to se- In general, with adequate treat-
lect the type of restoration. The advan- cement-retained prosthesis. In the situa-
tion, where the implant is placed in a ment planning and the use of surgi-
tages and disadvantages between cal guides,8 the implants should be
screw- and cement-retained restora- position that will cause the screw access
to emerge in the esthetic zone, a cement- placed in the ideal position,9 allow-
tions, as well as the rationale for the ing the restorative dentist with the
selection will be discussed. This article retained restoration is the preferred
method. The abutment of cement- choice of either screw- or cement-
will reflect an attempt to characterize the retained restorations.
retained restorations can be prepared in
properties of each restoration in an ob-
the same way as in natural teeth and the
jective way. crown can then be cemented. RETRIEVABILITY
Screw-retained restorations have A major advantage proposed with
been criticized because of the screw ac- the use of screw-retained restorations
*Resident, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine,
School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. cess channel that may be placed in an is that they allow the retrieval of the
†Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Periodontics and Oral
Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann
esthetic area when the implant is in an restoration without damage to the res-
Arbor, MI.
‡Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics, Department
unfavorable position. To overcome toration or fixture. Therefore, the
of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
these problems, preangled/angled/cus- screws and restorations can be re-
tomed abutments have been used so that torqued, fractured components can be
Reprint requests and correspondence to: Hom-Lay the screw access opening is relocated to repaired, implant and soft tissue can
Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD, Professor and Director of
Graduate Periodontics, Department of Periodontics
the cingulum or occlusal surface.6 How- be evaluated, calculus can be re-
and Oral Medicine, University of Michigan School of ever, the screw must diverge at least 17 moved, and cleaning of the compo-
Dentistry, 1011 North University Avenue, Ann Arbor, degrees from the long axis of the im- nents is possible. The retrievability
MI 48109-1078, Phone: (734) 763-3383, Fax: (734)
936-0374, E-mail: plant to allow sufficient space for the may be most valuable in extensive
retention screw. Even in the posterior cases, where the prosthesis needs to be
ISSN 1056-6163/10/01901-008
Implant Dentistry area, the occlusal restoration may still retrieved for maintenance purposes.
Volume 19 • Number 1
Copyright © 2010 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins compromise the esthetics because of the However, the importance of retrieving
DOI: 10.1097/ID.0b013e3181bb9033 underlying dark metal oxide. It seems an implant crown was questioned be-

cause the rate of complications re- charged to the patient. In addition, fab- and implant, which may lead to bone
mains low in comparison with natural rication of a temporary restoration loss, implant fracture, or even mobil-
teeth.1,3 As cementing a final crown on may be necessary in the esthetic zone. ity. The development of a microflora
a natural tooth is a very common pro- at the interface of the implant and
cedure, there are questions raised as to RETENTION abutment is also possible, which
why one should treat an implant crown may result in chronic gingival in-
in a more rigorous way.1 The impor- Multiple properties of the abut- flammation.25 Moreover, a casting
tance of retrievability remains under ment affect the retention of a cement- with inadequate fit can cause devia-
the discretion and beliefs of each retained implant prosthesis, such as its tions in the vertical loading of the
clinician. degree of tapering, surface area and implant and subsequently screw
The technique used to remove a height, and surface roughness.18 –20 loosening or fracture.23
screw-retained prosthesis involves Most manufacturers fabricate the im- With the screw-retained prosthe-
removal of the occlusal restoration, plant abutments with a taper of ap- sis, a precise fit between the crown
the intermediate cotton pellet, and proximately 6 degrees based on the and abutment with no space between
the coping screw. When the restora- concept that this is the ideal taper re- them is ideal. A soldering technique is
tion is removed, it can be screwed ported in natural teeth.21 In terms of used to correct the passivity. In this
back in subsequently. A new cotton the restoration height, the margins of technique, the cast is first separated; a
pellet is placed and the access hole is the implant-supported crown and abut- new transfer impression is taken and
then restored with materials such as ment are usually located 2 to 3 mm then sent to the laboratory. The impor-
composites. subgingivally, which increases the tance of an accurate technique is rein-
As for the cement-retained pros- surface area in comparison with the forced when using a screw-retained
thesis, retrievability is not necessarily natural dentition. At least 5 mm of prosthesis to minimize deviations in
abutment height is needed to ensure
impossible because implants abut- angulations.
the retention of a cement-retained res-
ments do not typically have undercuts In the cement-retained prosthesis,
toration.22 As a consequence, when the
and there is no chemical adhesion be- each abutment is screwed to the im-
interarch space is limited (i.e., !4
tween the cement and the abutment.1 plants, and the cement space of ap-
mm), a screw-retained restoration may
A temporary cement composed of zinc proximately 40 !m permits passivity.
be indicated. Another indication for a
oxide-eugenol or mixed with petro- When the cement-retained prosthesis
screw-retained prosthesis is in a case
leum jelly is frequently used as a final is not passive, the problem can be cor-
of malpositioned implants because a
cement for implant crowns to allow rected by reshaping the abutment or
cement-retained prosthesis would re-
for future retrieval.10 In fact, an in casting. This additional space, if mi-
quire excessive axial wall reduction.
vitro study performed by Kim et al11 nor, can be compensated by the ce-
Retention is also influenced by the
demonstrated that decreased stress to ment, which acts as a shock absorber
surface finish of the abutment. If addi-
the implant was obtained with provi- tional retention is required, the abutment and reduces stresses to the bone.1 This
sional cement-retained prostheses in can be roughened with diamond burs or results in reduced laboratory cost and
comparison with permanent cement- grit blasting, in a way similar to natural patient chairside time in contrast to the
and screw-retained protheses. Never- teeth. Moreover, the type of cement is repair technique of the screw-retained
theless, the ability to remove the also a factor that influences the retention prosthesis.
crown with a temporary cement is still of the cement-retained restoration, as When comparing the passivity ob-
very unpredictable, with the crown ei- discussed previously.18 The concept of tained in screw- versus cement-retained
ther strongly cemented or prematurely progressive cementation may also be a prosthesis, most studies reported no dif-
loosened.12,13 Another technique used consideration in which stronger cements ference with either technique.11,26,27
to retrieve a cement-retained crown are progressively used until the desired However, one study found that cement-
was described using set screws.14 The retention is obtained.23 Nonetheless, it is retained restorations had more equitable
idea is to place a retrieval screw in an important to keep in mind that retention stress distribution and are therefore bio-
area where the cement seal can be values for the same cement differ on mechanically preferable to screw-
broken without damaging the restora- natural teeth compared with implants.24 retained restorations.13
tion. Other reported techniques in- Nonetheless, it is interesting to
volve the use of guides to reach the note that most prostheses do not show
screw underneath or the use of screws PASSIVITY a completely passive fit, and however
to move the abutments and then re- Passivity is a desired feature of are still functional, suggesting a cer-
trieve the restoration.15–17 If the abut- restorations because reduced stresses tain biologic tolerance for misfit.28 Be-
ment does indeed become loose, if the are applied on the bone and the im- cause various factors are known to
restoration requires a repair and can- plant. A lack of passivity has been cause distortion (e.g., impression ma-
not be uncemented, or if the crown correlated with biologic and prosthetic terial and porcelain shrinkage, dental
cannot be salvaged then fabrication of complications. If a nonpassive pros- stone, and investment material expan-
a new crown is often suggested. As thesis is forced into place, stresses are sion),23 it is a challenge to achieve a
a consequence, additional cost is applied to the suprastructure, bone, perfectly passive structure.

OCCLUSION is gaining popularity, especially in ar- agonal implant systems, the inci-
Because there is no access hole on eas with heavy occlusal loads, limited dence is greatly reduced with the
the occlusal surface of a cement- vertical clearance, and without es- advent of newer implant systems
retained implant-supported prosthesis, thetic concerns. (e.g., internal connections with a
an axial load may be directed to the geometric lock, larger abutments,
implant, which is preferable to lateral Peri-Implant Tissue Inflammation and screws designs).3,44,45
forces.4 Hence, occlusal function is Residual cement is a common To prevent screw loosening, vari-
promoted with cement-retained im- complication of cement-retained pros- ous techniques were reported, such as
plant restorations.23 theses. The shape of the abutment and the antirotational feature, direct me-
The screw-retained prosthesis re- crown margin must follow the soft chanical interlock, changes in screw
quires an occlusal restoration, such as tissue margin to prevent cement mar- design, and torque controlling mecha-
amalgam or composite, to cover the gins that are too deep. Soft tissue in- nisms with torque wrenches.5,37 A res-
screw access channel. However, the flammation and bone loss can occur toration that is both cemented and
durability of these restorations is inf- when residual cement is left.32 There- screwed retained was also described
erior to an intact full coverage fore, it is crucial to remove all residual and known as the “Combination Im-
crown.29,30 Moreover, as the size of the cement at the time of crown insertion. plant Crown.”5 The authors claim that
implant increases so is the screw Multiple techniques have been pro- the system offers the advantages of
access hole, thus leading to a large posed to ease cement removal, such as both worlds, such as esthetics, retriev-
occlusal restoration, which may com- placing petroleum jelly on the outer ability, and antirotational features with
promise the long-term durability.23 In surface of the crown, the use of cu- the octagon engagement.5
fact, the screw access hole occupies rettes to carefully scale around the Detrimental forces including ex-
about 50% of the occlusal table in crown, and the meticulous use of den- cursive, off-axis centric, interproxi-
molars and 75% in premolars.23 These tal floss.22 mal, and cantilever contacts should be
screw access holes not only interfere Clearly, this is not a problem with thoroughly evaluated and eliminated
with centric occlusal contacts but also screw-retained prosthesis because no whenever possible. A more favorable
affect protrusive and lateral excursive cement is used. In fact, peri-implant distribution of the forces is obtained
movements. soft tissue responses seemed to be when the implant is placed parallel to
more favorable with screw-retained the occlusal forces. In addition, a non-
restorations compared with cement- passive framework increases the like-
SUCCESS RATES lihood of screw loosening.
retained restorations. 33 However,
The differences in implant sur- some authors reported gingival in- Another observed complication is
vival rates between screw- or cement- flammation because of the microgap the fatigue failure of the screw.
retained prostheses were evaluated in between the restoration and the abut- Because the screw holding the screw-
a systematic review.31 No differences ment interface. 25,34 An interesting retained prosthesis has a narrow diam-
were found between the two types of study performed by Piattelli et al eter, the strength of the prosthesis is
prosthesis in terms of implant survival showed bacterial infiltration in the compromised. Conversely, the com-
or success rates. In regards to prosthe- screw-retained implant assembly be- ponents of the cement-retained resto-
sis success rates ("72 months), cause of the microgap compared ration are mainly large and, therefore,
cement-retained prostheses demon- with no bacterial or fluid penetration fatigue failure does not occur as often.
strated a 93.2% success, compared in the cement-retained implant as-
with 83.4% with screw-retained pros- sembly. The group concluded the ACCESSIBILITY
theses, although the results did not superiority of cement-retained restora-
reach a level of statistical significance It is more challenging to place a
tions in terms of fluid and bacterial
(P " 0.05).31 screw-retained restoration in the pos-
terior area when compared with the
cement-retained restoration because of
COMPLICATIONS Screw Fracture/Loosening
the handling of screws and screwdriv-
Porcelain Fracture The main disadvantage observed ers. This problem may be readily
Because implants lack a periodon- with screw-retained restorations is the observed in cases where the mouth
tal ligament, higher forces are exerted screw loosening that occurs during opening is restricted. Cementing im-
on implant crowns. As a consequence, function.36,37 The incidence of screw plant restorations may mimic more
porcelain fracture is a frequently ob- loosening or fractures varies between treatments of natural teeth and therefore
served complication. Because some 10% and 65% depending on the stud- may be preferred by many dentists.
porcelain may be left unsupported be- ies and the types of restorations.23,38 – 43
cause of the screw access channel, In general, it occurs most frequently
screw-retained prostheses are even with single tooth implant restora- COST
more susceptible to porcelain fracture. tions,38 restorations in the molar area, The laboratory cost to fabricate a
In an attempt to minimize this prob- and long cantilevers.37 As this was the screw-retained restoration is usually
lem, the use of a metal occlusal table main concern with the traditional hex- 1.5 to 2 times higher because of the

Table 1. Comparison Between Screw- and Cement-Retained Implant Restorations

Screw-Retained Cement-Retained
Esthetics Ideal implant position More universal
Retrievability Yes Possible but unpredictable
Retention Possible even if !4-mm abutment height "5-mm abutment height
Passivity Critical technique Cement space as a shock absorber
Occlusion Occlusal interferences possible Better control
Complications More susceptible to porcelain fracture More susceptible to peri-implant tissue
and screw fractures/loosening inflammation because of excess
Accessibility More difficult Easier
Cost More expensive Less expensive
Provisional restorations Better tissue response and Easier to fabricate
communication with technician Excess cement

the machined surface of screw-

Table 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Screw-Retained Restorations
retained restorations are better than ce-
Advantages Disadvantages ment margins,46 the selection in cases
Retrievable Ideal implant position required of immediate loading may favor
Use in limited interocclusal space Technique sensitive to gain passivity screw-retained provisionals.
Better tissue response with Occlusal interferences possible
provisional restorations Porcelain fracture and screw fractures/loosening
More difficult to access SUMMARY
More expensive Tables 1–3 list the comparison
between screw- and cemented-
retained implant restorations as well
Table 3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cement-Retained Restorations as the advantages and disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages of screw- and cemented-retained im-
Flexibility in implant position Unpredictable retrievability
plant restorations.
Passivity easily obtained Great interocclusal space required
Better control of occlusion Excess cement CONCLUSION
Easier to access
Less expensive Different philosophies exist re-
Easier technique with provisional restorations garding the ideal type of restoration.
The truth is that most of the decisions
are based on the clinician’s personal
extra time and materials needed (im- necessary before the impression to preference and the actual clinical situ-
pression transfers, analogs, and gain additional interocclusal space. ation. The literature shows advantages
screws).1 There is usually no extra cost Cement-retained provisionals are and disadvantages for both screw- and
to the cement-retained restoration be- relatively easy to fabricate compared cement-retained implant-supported
cause no additional training is required with screw-retained provisionals, be- prostheses (Tables 2 and 3). An under-
to the laboratory technician. cause they simulate techniques with standing of how each type of prosthe-
natural teeth, which can further moti- sis influences the esthetics, occlusion,
vate clinicians to make the temporary. and longevity of the restoration is im-
PROVISIONAL RESTORATIONS Nonetheless, the major disadvantage portant in selecting the best case for
Provisional restorations are im- includes the possibility of excess either a screw- or a cement-retained
portant in the esthetic area to replace cement that can cause tissue inflam- implant-supported prosthesis. It is
the missing tooth and to shape the soft mation.32 This is a major problem generally agreed that the current trend
tissue for a better crown profile. In the particularly in cases of immediate tends to favor cement-retained implant
posterior area, benefits from a provi- loading, where excess cement in the restorations for their superior esthet-
sional restoration include not only surgical site may compromise healing ics, occlusion, ease of fabrication, and
shaping of the soft tissue but also a and implant osseointegration. reduced chairside time.
better assessment of the outcome and Screw-retained provisionals offer
anticipation of possible problems with the advantage over cement-retained
the final crown. For instance, if an provisionals in that they can be ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
adequate thickness of material cannot screwed into the master impression to This article was partially supported by
be obtained with the provisional, re- translate additional information to the the University of Michigan Periodon-
shaping the opposing tooth may be technician regarding the contour.2 As tal Graduate Student Research Fund.

Disclosure Retrievable cemented implant restora- 29. Ekfeldt A, Fransson B, Soderlund

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Abstract Translations
promueve un resultado estético final. Ante la evolución de
GERMAN / DEUTSCH la tecnología y el conocimiento, es necesario presentar una
AUTOR(EN): J Angie Lee, DMD, Kozue Okayasu, DDS, actualización de las tendencias actuales. Este artículo of-
Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD. rece una reseña de las diferentes características de las
Mit Schrauben gehaltene Implantatwiederherstellungslösungen restauraciones con implantes retenidos con cemento y tor-
gegenüber Zemtentgehaltenen Wiederherstellungen: Die aktu- nillos y cómo podrían influenciar la estética, recuperabi-
ellen Konzepte lidad, retención, pasividad, oclusión, accesibilidad, costo y
restauraciones transitorias. Se explican y se proponen solu-
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die Diskussion um die Verwend- ciones para el tratamiento de los problemas y complica-
ung von mit Schrauben gehaltenen gegenüber Zementgehalt- ciones que se encuentran con frecuencia.
enen Implantatprothesen dauert bereits seit langem an, aber
bislang konnte in Bezug auf die beste Art von Implantatpro- PALABRAS CLAVES: tornillo, cemento, implante, restau-
these noch keine Einigung unter den behandelnden Ärzten ración, prótesis, corona
erzielt werden. Ein eingehendes Verständnis der Eigen-
schaften wird dem Arzt dabei behilflich sein, in jedem Fall
die ideale Prothese für den Patienten zu finden, die gleichze- PORTUGUESE / PORTUGUÊS
itig auch die abschließenden ästhetischen Ergebnisse unter-
stützt. Mit der Weiterentwicklung von Technologie und AUTOR(ES): Angie Lee, Doutora em Medicina Dentária,
Wissen ist auch eine Aktualisierung der aktuellen Behand- Kozue Okayasu, Cirurgião-Dentista, Hom-Lay Wang,
lungstendenzen erforderlich. Der vorliegende Artikel bietet Cirurgião-Dentista, Mestre em Odontologia, PhD.
eine Übersicht über die unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften von Restaurações de Implante Retido por Parafuso Versus Ci-
mit Schrauben und mit Zement gehaltenen Implantatwied- mento: Conceitos Atuais
erherstellungslösungen. Außerdem wird beschrieben, wie
RESUMO: O debate entre próteses de implante retidas por
diese die Ästhetik, Ersetzbarkeit, Erhaltbarkeit, Passivität,
parafuso versus cimento tem sido discutido há muito tempo,
den Bissschluss, die Zugänglichkeit, die Kosten sowie die
mas o melhor tipo de prótese de implante permanece contro-
vorübergehenden Wiederherstellungslösungen beeinflus-
verso entre os profissionais. Uma compreensão de suas pro-
sen können. Es werden häufig auftretende Probleme und
priedades ajudará o clínico a selecionar a prótese ideal para
Komplikationen erörtert und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten
cada caso clínico enquanto promove resultados estéticos fi-
nais. Com a evolução da tecnologia e do conhecimento, é
SCHLÜSSELWÖRTER: Schraube, Zement, Implantat, necessária uma atualização das tendências atuais. Este artigo
Wiederherstellung, Prothese, Krone proporciona uma visão geral das diferentes características de
restaurações de implante retido por parafuso e cimento e
como elas podem influenciar a estética, a capacidade de
recuperação, a retenção, a passividade, a oclusão, a acessibi-
SPANISH / ESPAÑOL lidade, o custo e as restaurações provisórias. São discutidos
AUTOR(ES): Angie Lee, DMD, Kozue Okayasu, DDS, problemas e complicações frequentemente encontrados e são
Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD. propostas soluções de tratamento.
Restauraciones de implantes retenidas con cemento versus
tornillos: Conceptos actualess PALAVRAS-CHAVE: parafuso, cimento, implante, restaura-
ção, prótese, coroa
ABSTRACTO: El debate entre prótesis de implantes re-
tenidas con cemento versus tornillos se ha discutido du-
rante mucho tiempo pero sigue siendo controversial entre
los profesionales el mejor tipo de prótesis. Un entendi-
miento de sus propiedades ayudará al clínico a seleccionar !"#О%&: Angie Lee, док$о% с$о'($олог++, Kozue
la prótesis ideal para cada caso clínico mientras que se Okayasu, док$о% ,+%у%г+./ско0 с$о'($олог++, Hom-

Lay Wang, док$о% ,+%у%г+./ско0 с$о'($олог++, '(г-

+с$% с$о'($олог++, док$о% ф+лософ++.
"'()о+,- ' ./0/()(,- ф'кс,.'- 45о)/6,: YAZARLAR: Angie Lee, DMD, Kozue Okayasu, DDS,
со+5/0/((7/ +6гл-д7 Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD.
Vida ya da Sement ile Tutturulan İmplant Restorasyonları:
%;<=>;. С3о% о $о', к(ко0 '/$од ф+кс(4++
Günümüzün Kavramları
3%о$/5о6 7( +'3л(7$($/ 86л8/$с8 7(+бол//
о3$+'(л:7;' – 6+7$о6о0 +л+ 4/'/7$7;0, ÖZET: Vida ya da sement ile tutturulan implant protezleri
3%одол<(/$с8 у</ 6 $/./7+/ дл+$/л:7ого 6%/'/7+, uzun zamandır tartışılmakla beraber pratisyenler arasında en
7о с%/д+ 3%(к$+ку=>+, 6%(./0 до с+, 3о% 7/$ /д+- iyi implant protezi türü hakkında halen bir görüş birliği
7ого '7/7+8. ?7(7+/ с6о0с$6 @$+, '/$одо6 3о'о</$ bulunmamaktadır. Bunların özelliklerinin anlaşılması, klini-
6%(.(' 3одб+%($: +д/(л:7;0 $+3 3%о$/5( дл8 к(<- syenin bir yandan nihai estetik sonucu göz önünde bulundu-
дого кл+7+./ского слу.(8, од7о6%/'/77о с @$+' 3о5- rurken, bir yandan da her klinik olgu için en ideal protezi
6ол88 3олу.+$: @с$/$+.7;0 око7.($/л:7;0
seçmesine yardımcı olabilir. Bu konudaki teknoloji ve bilgi
%/5ул:$($. С %(сA+%/7+/' 57(7+0 + %(56+$+/'
düzeyindeki gelişmeler nedeniyle mevcut trendlerin güncel-
$/,7олог++ 7/об,од+'о со6/%A/7с$6о6($: $/ку>+/
lenmesi gerekir. Bu yazı, vida ve sement ile tutturulan im-
$/7д/74++. B с$($:/ 3%+6од+$с8 об5о% %(5л+.7;,
plant restorasyonlarının özelliklerine bir bakış sunmak ve bu
,(%(к$/%+с$+к 6+7$о6о0 + 4/'/7$7о0 ф+кс(4++
yöntemlerin estetiği, restorasyonun çıkarılabilmesini, mu-
3%о$/5( + +, 6о5'о<7о/ 6л+87+/ 7( @с$/$+ку,
л/гкос$: +56л/./7+8 3%о$/5(, 7(д/<7ос$: ф+кс(4++, hafaza edilmesini, pasifliği, oklüzyonu, erişebilme olanağını,
+7/%$7ос$:, оккл=5+=, дос$у37ос$:, с$о+'ос$: + masrafını ve provizyonel restorasyonları nasıl etkilediğini
6%/'/77;/ 3%о$/5;. Обсу<д(=$с8 .(с$о 6о57+к(- incelemek amacıyla hazırlandı. Sık bir şekilde karşılaşılan
=>+/ 3%обл/'; + осло<7/7+8, 3%/дл(г(=$с8 6(%+- problemlerle komplikasyonlar bu çalışmada tartışılmakta ve
(7$; л/./7+8. tedavi çözümleri sunulmaktadır.

КЛ=A;"&; СЛО"!: 6+7$, 4/'/7$, +'3л(7$($, ANAHTAR KELÝMELER: vida, sement, implant, restora-
3%о$/5+%о6(7+/, 3%о$/5, ко%о7к( syon, protez, kron




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