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Attendees: Robert Somers, Vice President
Blake Surbey, President
Mark Bostwick, Secretary
Nicholas Pecoraro, Member

Absent: David Henry, Treasurer

Others Present: Peter Freedman, General Manager

Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary
Four Residents

I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by President, Blake Surbey.

II. Resident Forum

• A resident mentioned maintenance related items needed as a result of the recent snow
storms, landscaping issues, and asked why hoses were constantly left out.
• Another resident reported other maintenance items to Management.

III. Reading and Approval of Minutes

Mr. Bostwick motioned to approve the February 2010 Meeting Minutes as written. The
Motion was seconded by Mr. Pecoraro and carried unanimously.

IV. Committee Report

The Landscape Committee Chair was not in attendance; however, items from the report
submitted by email to the Board of Directors and Management were discussed by the

V. Management Report

Management reported that the year-end financials have just been completed and variance reports
would be forwarded by email prior to the next meeting. As reported in the Management Report,
the snow removal category was extremely overbudget due to record-breaking snow received
between December and February.


Hallway Ceiling Painting

Management presented 2 proposals to repair and paint the hallways ceilings after the new light
fixtures have been installed; a 3rd is forthcoming.
A Motion was made by Mr. Bostwick that the Board would conduct a vote by email once the
3rd bid was received. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Somers and carried unanimously.
Colonial Village II
March 2010 Meeting Minutes
Page 2

A Motion was made by Mr. Somers to accept the Schreffries Laundry Proposal contingent
upon revisions that would include a technology clause, monthly service report, and 24-hour
response for service and repair. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Bostwick and carried

TASK – It was the Board’s consensus that Management be tasked with incorporating the
landscape committee’s revisions into the McFall & Berry landscape proposal to be
considered for execution at the April Management Meeting.

1758 Rhodes Trash/Laundry Room Wall Repairs

A Motion was made by Mr. Surbey to accept Manders Decorating proposal to rebuild the
adjoining wall between the laundry and trash room in the amount of $2,550, and to seal the
interior wall for $750. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Pecoraro and carried

A Motion was made by Mr. Pecoraro to accept All Plumbing’s proposal to repair exterior
drainage issues and fix the downspouts near the 1758 Rhodes laundry room in the amount
of $3,000. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Surbey and carried unanimously.

Mark Bostwick exited the meeting at 8:25 pm.

VI. Community Business

Arlington Civic Federation

A Motion was made by Mr. Surbey that Management be tasked with soliciting residents for
volunteers to attend upcoming Civic Federation meetings and/or have a Board member volunteer
to attend. The Motion was denied; Board members volunteered to attend as follows:
April: Robert Somers; May: Nick Pecoraro; June: Blake Surbey; July: Mark Bostwick

V. Other Business

Carpet Cleaning
It was the Board’s consensus to task Management with providing the amount spent on hallway
carpet cleaning in 2009 by email.

Renovation Request
Mr. Surbey made a Motion to approve a unit owner’s request to replace windows at 1847
Wilson Boulevard, #348 contingent upon the owner and his contractor complying with the
historical district guidelines since the unit is located within the Colonial Village historical
district. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Somers and carried unanimously.

Current and previous Board Meeting Minutes are available on the website at
Colonial Village II
March 2010 Meeting Minutes
Page 3

Floor Mats
Mr. Surbey made a Motion tasking Management with purchasing exterior mats for all of the
front entrances throughout the property. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Pecoraro and
carried unanimously.


It was the Board’s consensus to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 pm to enter into Executive

Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 7:00 pm

CVII Meeting Room – 1701 N. Troy Street

Respectfully Submitted by:

Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary

Approved by:

_______________________________________ ________________________________
Mark Bostwick, Secretary Date

Current and previous Board Meeting Minutes are available on the website at

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