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[ CITATION Cam19 \l 13321 ]

Camarillo, J. (2019, November 22). SAVP, Organizational and Talent Development Head. (C. Dela Torre,

 What is the process for performance evaluations this year?

Two – officers supervisor and up and staff…

Annual rating, off, cycle coverage jan to dec..balanced scorecard, measure 1. Financial
aspect – business growth comes in 2. Service excellence operational efficiency
3.people perspective – employee engagement///////
In banks, job classification
Based on weights
1.perf dimension
2. behavioral – strategic orientation,

 What evaluation tools are currently utilized?

(on rating individuals, do you focus more on their behaviors or more results
 What are some common criteria used in the evaluation forms?
 What is the rating system used for performance management?

Set standard weights of bank

 Does every employee get an appraisal?

 What is the timing of the process in 2019?

 Is there a process for employees to provide feedback about their manager’s

 What resources are available during the performance appraisal process?

(are there workshops for giving feedback /conducting performance appraisals)

- Early this yr, a number

- Written form

Perf discussion that happens at the end

It goes thru to perf mgt commitee

KRA s at the start of the year…

Numerical, give
5 point scale 5 out 4 vg 2 acc
 What can employees do if they disagree with their manager’s appraisal of their
The last portion of the form, space—where they will sign

 What is the optimal outcome for performance management?

1. How the bank perform against certain metrics

Staff – traditional 10-12 perf dimesnsions, job q, hs,s,ni

Developmaental feedback portion – qualitative


Staff cycle, October 1 to September 30 of succeeding year

 Why is it so important to give people ratings?

 Is evaluation done just by the managers or by others?

What are the main drivers of success in the company?

Performance feedback: Do employees get the feedback they need, when they need it?

Relevant measures: Do employees (and their leaders) know if they are winning or

Critical knowledge: Do employees understand and have access to what they’re

expected to know?

Defined processes: Do leaders and employees understand the most critical processes
of their jobs?

Role clarity: Can employees describe their jobs?

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