Development of Wifi-Based Accounting System Kiosk of Hgbcollege Using Symmetric Cryptography Algorithm

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Development of Wifi-Based Accounting System Kiosk of HGBCollege using

Symmetric Cryptography Algorithm


In any small businesses it is good to be updated and familiarized with

the current trends in business world. Through the use of accounting software

it saves hours of time compared in handling books manually, and more

efficient than using spreadsheet. Accounting systems contain confidential

information to be kept safe and secure at all times from an unauthorized

access. When the accounting data is changed or deleted on purpose or by any

chance, it will create havoc in the accounting department, calling into question

the accuracy and reliability of data.

Nowadays, accounting problems are most common among businesses

that are already using accounting software which they believe it will make their

accounting works easier. Some problems encountered by business are: lack of

security, users is worried with regard to the security of data; Lack of efficiency,

some business owners wants to make things done quicker and less time

consuming because some software products are not friendly user; Sometimes it

is outdated that’s why details tend to be inaccurate, slow down the system and

system errors happen.

Encryption is one of the ways to secure data from unauthorized access

and is used in many fields such as medical science. To attain data security,
different cryptographic algorithms such as symmetric are used that jumbles

data into scribbled format that can only be reversed of the user that has to

decrypt key.

With regards to the stated scenario the researcher mainly focus to the

Development of Wifi-Based Accounting System Kiosk of HGBCollege using

Symmetric Cryptography Algorithm. This study will help the user to protect the

accounting data through the help of encryption.

Statement of the Problem

This study focuses in the development of Wifi-Based Accounting System

Kiosk of HGBCollege using Symmetric Cryptography Algorithm that aims to

answer the following questions:

1. What are the problems encountered with the existing accounting system

of HGB in terms of the following:

a. Network and Security;

b. Reliability of Data; and

c. Expertise of Users

2. What are the needed features of the proposed Wifi-Based Accounting

System Kiosk of HGBCollege using Symmetric Cryptography Algorithm

based on the problems encountered in the stated available technologies?

3. What are the problems encountered with the proposed Wifi-Based

Accounting System Kiosk of HGBCollege using Symmetric Cryptography

Algorithm in terms of the following

a. Accuracy

b. Security; and

c. User Friendly
Objectives of the study

The study aims to develop a Wifi-Based Accounting System Kiosk of

HGBCollege using Symmetric Cryptography Algorithm and specifically to:

1. To evaluate the existing accounting system of HGB in terms of the


a. Network and Security;

b. Reliability of Data; and

c. Expertise of Users

2. To develop a wifi-based Accounting System kiosk of HGBCollege using

symmetric cryptography algorithm;

3. To evaluate the Wifi-Based Accounting System Kiosk in terms of the


a. Accuracy

b. Security; and

c. User Friendly
Significance of the study

This study entitled “Development of Wifi-Based Accounting System

Kiosk of HGBCollege using Symmetric Cryptography Algorithm” will help the

implementing agency to identify up-to-date and secured information of

accounting records.

This study will also be beneficial to the future researchers. This will

serve as their guide or reference in conducting related studies. The related

literature found in this study will also be their guide to trace out additional

Scope and Delimitation

This project focuses only on the development of wifi-based Accounting

System Kiosk of HGBCollege using symmetric cryptography. The researcher

will constantly monitor the performance of the proposed system during the

pilot testing. The user will be provided a manual to test the system.

The researcher will start developing the proposed system from March

2019 – May 2019 and will implement on July 2019 – August 2019. The

researcher will conduct surveys to the staff and students of HGBCollege.

Chapter II


According to Neeraj Anand Sharma, Mohammed Farik, Cryptography is

one of the most important components when trying to preserve achieve a

secure communication medium and determining the best cryptography

algorithm is as necessary as having a secure communication.

According to Sarita Kumari, Security is about the protection of assets.

Securing data refers to protective digital privacy measures that are applied to

avert unauthorized access to personal data, personal computer and websites.

Cryptography secure users by providing functionality for the data encryption.

Compression is the way of reducing the count of bits or bytes needed to

describe the given set of data. It allows saving more data. Cryptography is a

common ways of sending vital information in a secret way.

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