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 Basic  Intermediate  Advanced

Lesson Plan
Micro Lesson Video Link:

Business/Materials Lesson Objectives

o Sitcom video on passive  Will be able to use passive voice to talk about
voice. What do you think? pieces of art
[ CITATION Joa08 \l  Will be able to transform sentences from passive
9226 ] voice to active voice and vice-versa
o Access to internet and  Will be able to indetify passive voice in future,
devices past and present.
o Worksheet on passive voice
Warm-up and Objective Discussion

Warm up

(In the previous class, teacher and students discussed some vocabulary about pieces of art and
materials, as well as some biographies of famous artists) Now the class starts with watching a
video about pieces of art.[ CITATION Joa08 \l 9226 ]. The teacher writes some excerpts from
the video that use passive voice. E.g.

o It is called sun on the water

o The artist was inspired by looking at the sea
o The sculpture was made by a British artist
o It was photographed in Paris
o It was painted Gold

Objective discussion

Teacher asks students if they identify something special about the examples on the board. In
case students do not get the difference, the teacher writes the same examples in front, but in
active voice. E.g.

o A British artist made the sculpture

Teacher explains that this grammar form is called passive voice and there are two voices,
active and passive. The teacher reads the objectives and discusses them with students

Instruct and Model  R W  L  S

Teacher explains how passive voices is formed and gives more examples to clarify in case
they have questions. Then the teacher elicits some examples from the students. Now the
teacher writes some examples of sentences in active voice for students to change them into
passive. Then, the teacher shows a photo of the Monalisa By Leonardo Da Vinci, students
should write some examples of sentences in passive voice about the painting. They can invent
facts if they do not know a lot of information about it.

Guided Practice  R  W  L  S

Students will receive a piece of paper with some sentences in active voice that they should
transform into passive.[ CITATION pik10 \l 9226 ] After they have finished, all the class will
review the answers and the teacher will clarify all the changes when it comes to modal verbs,
future, present and all the different tenses if necessary.

Independent Practice  R  W  L  S

Having clear how the passive voice works when talking about pieces of art, they should now
talk about a piece of art they like or they consider interesting, they can use Wikipedia or any
other source to look for information about the piece of art. They should make as many
sentences as they can. The teacher walks around the classroom to clarify, answer questions
and understanding and give feedback.

Assessment  R  W  L S

The museum

Now students will take the information they wrote about the pieces of art and make a short
presentation about them. For next class, they should bring a photo of that piece of art and paste
it on the wall. The class will be a “museum” where students can make short presentations
about art, they should use passive voice during the presentation.

pikola. (12 de 02 de 2010). Islcollective. Retrieved from
Saslow, J. M., & Ascher, A. (2008). Top notch TV 2. New York: White Plains.

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