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Average Actual Supply Based on the Observa

Competitors Day 1 Day 2 Average Number of ConesTotal Cones Daily

1. A
Weekday 43 57 50 250
Weekend 48 60 54 108
2. B
Weekday 43 52 48 238
Weekend 56 66 61 122
Weekday 76 77 77 383
Weekend 89 98 94 187
4. D
Weekday 35 46 41 203
Weekend 47 58 53 105
5. E
Weekday 33 41 37 185
Weekend 47 58 53 105
ge Actual Supply Based on the Observation Conducted
Average Number of Cones (Weekly) Average Number of Cones (Monthly)

358 1432

360 1438

570 2278

308 1230

290 1160
Total Number of Cones (Annually)





The Supply is increasing by 5% yearly
Number of
Year Cones Sold x y x2 y2
2016 73677 1 73,677 1 5,428,296,991
2017 77555 2 77,555 4 6,014,733,509
2018 81637 3 81,637 9 6,664,524,663
2019 85933 4 85,933 16 7,384,514,862
2020 90456 5 90,456 25 8,182,287,936
total 15 409,257 55 33,674,357,961

Statistical Straightline Method was used t

Projected Number of
Years a + + bx = Cones) y

xy 2021 69,271 6+ 25162 =
73,677 2022 69,271 7+ 29356 = 98627
155,109 2023 69,271 8+ 33549 = 102820
244,910 2024 69,271 9+ 37743 = 107014
343,733 2025 69,271 10 + 41937 = 111208

Straightline Method was used to forecast the Supply

Average Actual Demand Based on the Observation Cond
Competitors Day 1 Day 2 Average Number of Cones Total Cones Daily Average Number of Cones (Weekly)

1. A
Weekday 75 67 71 355
Weekend 79 68 74 147
2. B
Weekday 73 81 77 385
Weekend 89 93 91 182
Weekday 98 97 98 488
Weekend 103 112 108 215
4. D
Weekday 51 66 59 293
Weekend 77 87 82 164
5. E
Weekday 51 56 54 268
Weekend 55 79 67 134
he Observation Conducted
Average Number of Cones (Monthly) Total Number of Cones (Annually)

2008 24096

2268 27216

2810 33720

1826 21912

1606 19272
The Demand is increasing by 5% yearly
Number of
Year Cones x y x2 y2
2016 102804 1 102,804 1 10,568,605,021
2017 108214 2 108,214 4 11,710,365,674
2018 113910 3 113,910 9 12,975,474,431
2019 119905 4 119,905 16 14,377,256,987
2020 126216 5 126,216 25 15,930,478,656
total 15 571,049 55 65,562,180,768

Statistical Straightline Method was used to forecast the d

Projected Number of
Years a + + bx = Cones) y

xy 2021 96,655 6+ 35109 =
102,804 2022 96,655 7+ 40961 = 137616
216,429 2023 96,655 8+ 46812 = 143467
341,730 2024 96,655 9+ 52664 = 149319
479,621 2025 96,655 10 + 58515 = 155170

hod was used to forecast the demand

Demand and Supply Gap

Year Supply Demand Gap Market Share

2021 94432 131764 37332 10%
2022 98627 137616 38989 12%
2023 102820 143467 40647 14%
2024 107014 149319 42305 16%
2025 111208 155170 43963 18%
Demand and Supply Gap

Total Demand for Veggies Annually Daily Sales ( Number of Cones)

13176 36
16514 45
20085 55
23891 65
27931 77

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