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NAME: ___________________________________________
ID: _________________________ DATE: ________________

TYPE OF TASK: Interview

ROLES: An expert in Social Science and a reporter.
PURPOSE: Providing information about past events.
PROMPT: You are a reporter for the national talk show. You are in charge of doing this week’s show about
social issues or recent events (your teacher will give you a list of events) that happened in the past. You invited an
expert on the issue to talk about it. The task requires the following aspects:
1. The task will be in pairs and you will be randomly assigned a classmate the same day the oral task is
2. Give a general idea of the event (place, type of event, time).
3. Provide information on activities people were doing, places they were at, people present during the event,
other relevant information, and the reaction of people around.
4. Be prepared to exchange roles.
5. Time assigned: 3 minutes each pair.

Rating scale
Poor Needs Fair Good Out-
1 improve- 3 4 standing
Criteria and descriptor ment 5 per
The student is able to: 2 criteria
Communication and content: understand and complete the task
assigned by providing information of past events; communicate and
send messages so the audience is left with no questions.
Fluency: produce a cohesive discourse, speech is understandable,
ideas are linked with basic connectors, organize the sentences in a
logical discourse according to the level.
Vocabulary: use vocabulary to describe past event and
circumstances, and use a variety of vocabulary to make the dialogue
Structure: produce the simple past structures (affirmative, negative),
pose and answer information questions, progressive tense; and use
other sentence structures to make the dialogue interesting.
Pronunciation: pronounce words and ideas without interfering with
the message; and produce intonation patterns of English sounds that
allow the audience to understand the message.

TOTAL OF MARKS: _________ / 25 SCORE: _____________

COMMENTS (for formative purposes, write here any ideas for students to improve his/her performance):

Evaluator: ___________________________________
Created by Language Center Supporting Teachers, March 2020

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