Reflective Essay Leyesa, Mary Jane E 11-ABM

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Reflective Essay

Leyesa,Mary Jane E

All I can say to my teacher in English for academic to Ma'am Reign but sometimes I am shy. And

Purposes is very kind and beautiful. But my first impre I’m feel down when my answer is wrong.

-ssion to her is so strict and I’m not mistaken. As time

Goes by I’ve notice that she's really kind and understa This subject in EAPP is not easy. Because

-nding teacher. I learned a lot from her because she's there are many vocabulary words to

a good teacher. I’ve learned a lot from her specially the learn. For me EAPP subject is difficult.

vocabulary words. That I think I will be able to used it Because of the past topics. One of these

Someday. Are the different types of text structures whic

-h my mind directly. And I learn a lot from

For me this subject (EAPP) is very difficult. Because in. Ms.Reign is be responsible and be honest.

in this subject you have to speak in English. And I m

not very good at it. You have to understand every single

information or lesson. One of these is you have to make

a summary and we all know that in summarized a story

is you have to note all the important delails.

When it comes to quizzes Ma'am Reign is very difficult

to give an exam. And very strict to give an exam. And

all about to my a Quizzes .Because I had a lower score

I do my everything to had a good score if we have a

Quize soon. When if comes to quiz Ma'am Regn, sometimes

easy. Every quizzes sometimes it was over to sometimes is

10 sometimes is over 5.

We are able to try to speak in English, because I want to

Know how to speak English in straight. But there are

times my grammar is wrong. And sometimes I am

nervous to speak English. And I always want to answer

Reflective Essay
Leyesa,Mary Jane E

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