Davik "Star" Annsin: Dexterity (DEX) Intelligence (INT) Strength (STR) Constitution (CON)

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1 PC-Okoa

Davik "Star" Annsin

Attributes Score Effects Bonus Chaotic Good Half-Elf Male
Strength (STR) 18 0 4 Fighter (3)
Dexterity (DEX) 14 0 2 Common, Elvish
Constitution (CON) 18 0 4
Intelligence (INT) 10 0 0 Age Height Weight Eyes Skin
Wisdom (WIS) 11 0 0 20 5'10" 144 lb grey white
Charisma (CHA) 6 0 -2 Hair black

Saves From Class Effects Bonus Hit Points BAB Arm. Class Armour Shield Dodge Deflect Misc.
Fortitude Save (CON) 3 0 7 2 0 2 0 0
Reflex Save (DEX)
Will Save (WIS)
1 0 3 31 3 14 vs Touch Flat Ftd. Mvmt Check Spell Fl
1 0 1 12 12 30 ft. 0 0%

Skills Ranks Effects Bonus Melee To Hit Equipped Melee Weapons Damage
Appraise (INT) 0 0 0 BmAB 7 d20 + Martial Quarterstaff 1d6 +
Balance (DEX) 0 0 2 Hit Bonus Critical Dmg Bonus
Bluff (CHA) 0 0 -2 Two-Handed 8 1 x2 0 4
Climb (STR) 4 0 8 d20 + Longsword 1d8 +
Concentration (CON) 0 0 4 Weapon Focus Hit Bonus Critical Dmg Bonus
(added in)
1 7 0 19/20 x2 0 4
Decipher Script (INT)* 0 d20 + Short Sword 1d6 +
Diplomacy (CHA) 0 0 -2 Hit Bonus Critical Dmg Bonus
Disable Device (INT)* 0 7 0 19/20 x2 0 4
Disguise (CHA) 0 0 -2
Escape Artist (DEX) 0 0 2 Ranged To Hit Equipped Ranged Weapons Damage
Forgery (INT) 0 0 0 BrAB 5 d20 + none equipped 0
Gather Info. (INT) 0 0 0 Hit Bonus Critical Dmg Bonus
Handle Animal (CHA)* 0 5 0 0 0 0
Heal (WIS) 0 0 0 Ammunition Arrow
Hide (DEX) 0 0 2
Iaijutsu Focus (CHA) 0 0 -2
Intimidate (CHA) 3 0 1
Jump (STR) 3 0 7
Other Attacks Equipped Item Abilities
Listen (WIS) 0 0 0 Grapple Check Bonus 7 none equipped
Move Silently (DEX) 0 0 2 Effect none
Open Lock (DEX)* 0 Feats
Perform (CHA) 0 0 -2 Martial Weapon Proficiency none equipped
Ride (DEX) 0 0 2 Heavy Armour Proficiency
Effect none
Search (INT) 0 0 0 Tower Shield Proficiency
Sense Motive (WIS) 0 0 0 Power Attack
Sleight of Hand (DEX)* 0 Cleave Racial Enhancements
Spellcraft (INT) 0 0 0 Greater Cleave Elven Senses
Spot (WIS) 0 0 0 Weapon Focus: Quarterstaff Half-Elf Social Skill
Survival (WIS) 0 0 0 Sleep Immunity
Swim (STR) 0 0 4 Low-Light Vision
Tumble (DEX)* 0 Elven Blood
Use Magic Dev. (CHA)* 0
Use Rope (DEX) 0 0 2

Max Points per Skill 6

Total Skill Ranks 10 Unspent Points 2

Sheet (c) Edmund T. Dean, 2009-2010

2 PC-Okoa

Armour / Worn Items

Cloak / Shawl Necklace Helmet / Cap

none equipped none equipped none equipped

Weight Durability Value Weight Durability Value Weight Durability Value

Clothes Armour / Robes

Type AC
Fighter's Jerkin Leather Armour
A standard base layer for your
light 2
favourite armour. Layering's all the Grapple Damage
rage. Leather armour is made from hardened pieces of
boiled leather, held in place by more supple
Armour Check Pen.
pieces at the joints. It offers a basic amount of
0 protection without encumbering the wearer.
Max Dexterity Bonus
Weight Durability Value Movement Allowance Weight Durability Value
1 solid 1 30 ft. 15 superb 5

Belt / Girdle Bracers / Bracelets Gauntlets / Gloves

none equipped none equipped none equipped

Weight Durability Value Weight Durability Value Weight Durability Value

Boots / Shoes Right Hand Ring Left Hand Ring

Tromping Boots Signet of Chat Vitality none equipped

They make big noise! A small silver band. It does not seem
to have any extraordinary powers,
but on the inside is written "IN

Weight Durability Value Weight Durability Value Weight Durability Value

2 solid 4 0 magical 0

Sheet (c) Edmund T. Dean, 2009-2010

3 PC-Okoa

Equipped Weapons

Primary Melee Weapon Secondary Melee Weapon / Shield

Damage Damage
Martial Quarterstaff Longsword
1d6 + 0 1d8 + 0
Longswords are some of the most common
Damage Type Damage Type weapons in Faerun. Worn by common soldiers,
Bludgeoning This ironshod quarterstaff is heavier than simple Slashing powerful kings, and wandering bards alike, a well-
Critical x2 wooden staves. It is also well-constructed, with a Critical 19/20 x2 made longsword is an adventuring staple. Easily
Hit Bonus 1 fine leather grip and perfect balancing. Hit Bonus 0 wielded in one or both hands, the longsword has
Type simple Type martial a two edged blade that offers high versatility in
Style double Style 1-handed
Size medium Weight Durability Value Size medium Weight Durability Value
Range Inc. none 4 solid 4 Range Inc. none 4 solid 4

Primary Ranged Weapon Tertiary Melee Weapon

Damage Damage
none equipped Short Sword
1d6 + 0
Damage Type Damage Type
The short sword is a simple, one-handed, two-
Critical Critical 19/20 x2
edged sword suitable for close quarters combat.
Hit Bonus Hit Bonus 0
Type Type martial
Style Style light
Size Weight Durability Value Size medium Weight Durability Value
Range Inc. Range Inc. none 2 solid 2

Primary Ammunition Quadrary Melee Weapon

Damage Bonus Damage
0 Arrow Dagger
Hit Bonus 1d4 + 0
0 Damage Type
Ordinary flighted arrows for use with any bow. Piercing / Slashing A standard dagger, excellent for close quarters
combat. Many creatures keep a dagger in reserve,
Critical 19/20 x2
just in case. A dagger can be thrown in range
Hit Bonus 0 increments of 10ft (2 squares)
Weight Durability Value Type simple
Container 2 average 0 Style light
Size Weight Durability Value Size medium Weight Durability Value
Large Quiver 25 2 average 2 Range Inc. 10 ft. 2 solid 1

Quick Item Quick Item

Healing or Damage Healing or Damage
none equipped none equipped

Weight Durability Value Weight Durability Value

Effect Effect
Size Weight Durability Value Size Weight Durability Value
none none

Sheet (c) Edmund T. Dean, 2009-2010

4 PC-Okoa

Items in Pack

1d4 + 0
Damage Type A dagger is a double-edged blade used for
Piercing / Slashing stabbing or thrusting. They often fulfil the role of
Critical 19/20 x2 a secondary defence weapon in close combat. In
Hit Bonus 0 most cases, a tang extends into the handle along
Type simple the centreline of the blade.
Style light
Size medium Weight Durability Price
Range Inc. 10 ft. 1 superb 2

Ammunition and Ammo Containers

Damage Bonus
0 Arrow
Hit Bonus
Ordinary flighted arrows for use with any bow.

Amount Weight Durability Value

Container 10 1 solid 0
Size Weight Durability Value
Large Rubber Bands

Matches (note: see "Character Matching Game" thread for more information on matches)


Adventurer's Pack

Contains a bedroll, provisions, flint

& tinder, a 50' coil of rope, some
chalk, string, torches, and a
Hitchhiker's Guide to Faerun
licensed towel.

Weight Durability Value

50 solid 2

Sheet (c) Edmund T. Dean, 2009-2010

5 PC-Okoa

Character Info


Star takes his nickname from the Star King, a king in one of his favorite
childhood stories who was said to have conquered the stars with his divine
army. Throughout most of his youth, Star showed considerable prowess in hand-
to-hand combat, eventually mastering the quarterstaff and most forms of
swordplay by the age of 18. When he reached 20, he became a wanderer, serving
as a force of good wherever evil may break out, although he's never enjoyed
taking orders. Star is a rugged and mostly silent individual, something that most
people find intimidating. The exact reason why he became a wanderer has never
been disclosed; that secret he keeps to himself.

Advancement - Character - Class (Fighter)

Experience Points 3,000 Next Class Ability: Bonus Feat Level 4
Next Character Level 4
Total Experience Needed for Next Lvl 6,000
Next Attribute Point at Level 4

Skills and Feats

Martial Weapon Proficiency use all simple and martial weapons
Light Armour Proficiency use all light armour without penalties
Large Shield Proficiency use all shields, except for tower shields
Wild Empathy attempt to improve the behaviour of an animal with a CHA check,
using your Ranger level as a bonus.
Favoured Enemy: Undead grants +2 to skill checks and weapon damage vs Undead
Combat Reflexes ennables character to make extra attacks of opp. per round
Toughness grants +3 hit points and subsequently +1 hit points per level
Human Versatility 1 additional feat at character creation, +1 skill points per lvl
Combat Style: Two-Hand greatly reduces penalties for dual wielding

Racial Traits
Elven Senses +1 to Search, Spot, and Listen
Half-Elf Social Skill +1 to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks
Sleep Immunity Immune to sleep and resistant to enchantments
Low-Light Vision Half-Elves see twice as far in poor illumination
Elven Blood Considered "Elf" creature type

Character Concept and Flavour Text © "Okoa", 2009-2010

Visual design © "MartAnimE", 2010

Base character sheet and "items" © Edmund T. Dean, 2009-2011

Data used under the OGL courtesy of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Sheet (c) Edmund T. Dean, 2009-2010

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