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Q. Encircle the correct MCQs. X1

1. The ideology of femisim originated in the

a. East b. West c. china d. Pakistan

2. All women were given the right to vote in Britain in

a. 1913 b. 1928 c. 1940 d. 1910

3. Post-modern feminists seek to:

a. analyse gender inequality b. economic prosperity c. voting rights d. marital rights

4. Which ideology believed that when class oppression would end, gender inequality will end:
a. Realism b. Marxism c. Liberalism d. Conservatism

5. French Feminism is more

a. philosophical & literary b. realistic c. goal-oriented d.ploitical

Short questions. X2
Q1.What do you mean by first wave of feminism?
Q2. What do you mean by second wave of feminism?
Q3. What do you mean by third wave of feminism?

Q. They are liberal feminists, social feminists, and radical feminists but no conservative

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