Dependency Theory

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Q.What do you mean by Dependency theory?

Dependency theory is a neo-Marxist theory that highlights structural imbalances within international capitalism that
impose dependency and underdevelopment on poorer states and regions.


Dependency theory, an approach to understanding economic underdevelopment..It was first

proposed in the late 1950s by the Argentine economist and statesman RaúlPrebisch, dependency
theory gained prominence in the 1960s and '70s.
Dependency theory is the notion that resources flow from a "periphery" of poor and underdeveloped
states to a "core" of wealthy states, enriching the latter at the expense of the former. It is a central contention
of dependency theory that poor states are impoverished and rich ones enriched by the way poor states are
integrated into the "world system".

Q. What do you mean by World Systems theory?

World systems theory suggested that the world economy is best understood as an interlocking capitalist system
which exemplifies at international level many features that chatacterize national capitalism.


The world systems theory, developed by sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein, is an approach to world history and
social change that suggests there is a world economic system in which some countries benefit while others are
exploited. ... This theory emphasizes the social structure of global inequality. The core –periphery model emphasizes
how strong states can enforce unequal exchange on weak ones. Low-wage and low- profit producers in peripheral
areas are used to service and support high-wage and high-producers in the core.

1.Dependency theory is related to which time period

a. Post-1945 period b. pre-1945 period c. 21st century d. 19th century

2.Dependency theory highlights that traditional imperialism had given way to

a. neo-colonialism b.war c.liberalism d. Individualism

3. Another name for neo-colonialism is

a. economic imperialism b. dollar imperialism c.both a & b c. colonialism

4. World-systems theory offers which kind of analysis of the nature and working of the world
a.neo-Marxist analysis b. Modernization theory c. green economy d. consumerism

5. Left –wingers generally support

a.equality and social justice b. that inquality is inevitable c. globalization d. women

6. Grameen Bank was founded by

a. Muhammad Yunus b.Shaukat Aziz c. Susan George d. Khushwant Singh

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