The Villager 1-13-11

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comes to
E. 4th, p. 13

Volume 80, Number 33 $1.00 West and East Village, Chelsea, Soho, Noho, Hudson Square, Little Italy, Chinatown and Lower East Side, Since 1933 January 13 - 19, 2011

Task force cries Astor plan N.Y.U. to start

oil-spill cleanup
will draw ‘drunk hooligans’ on Bleecker St.
BY ALBERT AMATEAU BY ALBERT AMATEAU the boiler room and under-
Members of the Astor Place Task New York University ground areas in front of 3
Force were appalled last week at will begin excavation for and 4 Washington Square
the city’s proposal to include public, the cleanup of the Dec. 6, Village, about 11,000 gal-
24-hour seating in the redesign of 2009, oil leak at Washington lons of congealed oil in the
the busy Astor Place / Cooper Square Square Village — with con- soil must be removed as part
intersection. tinued monitoring of air of a deeper remediation.
The redesign presented at the Jan. quality and groundwater Beth Morningstar, N.Y.U.
6 meeting of the joint task force of — in the next week or so, assistant vice president for
Community Boards 2 and 3 calls for university officials told resi- strategic initiatives in the
benches outside the gates of Peter dents and Community Board university operations divi-
Cooper Park and seating areas in a new 2 representatives on Jan. 5. sion, promised anxious
public open space to be created in the While about 5,000 gal- Washington Square Village
triangular roadbed area just south of lons of the leaked No. 6 residents that she would
the park. heating oil was removed respond to calls around the
But what designers and agency offi- soon after the leak was dis-
cials called “an extraordinary oppor- covered from two tanks in Continued on page 4
tunity to green, soften and beautify” a
harsh intersection, East Village mem-
bers of Community Board 3 said is an
invitation to crowds of noisy drunks Five years later,
from neighboring nightlife venues to
hang out until the early hours.
“Benches in public areas will encour-
East River Park
age drunken hooligans to congregate in
an area that already has a lot of bars
and hotels and will be getting more,”
work almost done
said David Crane, chairperson of BY ALINE REYNOLDS Workers are now finish-
Community Board 3’s Transportation Amid leftover snow and ing the final 600 feet of the
and Public Safety / Environment ice from the recent snow- new, 6,600-foot riverfront
Committee, who conducted the meet- storms, joggers and dog walkway, the key component
ing last week. walkers on a recent week- of the construction project.
“People already congregate on the day made their way up and Joggers, walkers and skate-
sidewalks at night,” said Alexandra down the East River Park’s boarders will soon have
Militano, a task force member and new promenade, which is use of the esplanade’s full
chairperson of the C.B. 3 State Liquor nearly fully complete. length. The project’s land-
Authority and Department of Consumer Structural renovations scaping will be completed
Affairs Licensing Committee. “We to the park, which began by early summer, in time for
don’t have a dearth of sidewalk cafes,” in mid-2005, are slated for the park’s peak-usage sum-
Militano added. completion by early spring, mer months.
“You have a very beautiful design, Photo by J.B. Nicholas according to John Natoli, The $84 million in refur-
but you’re creating problems for peo- chief engineer of the city’s
On Wednesday, pedestrians navigated the slush around curbs on Astor
ple living here,” Susan Stetzer, C.B. 3 Parks Department. Continued on page 5
Place between Lafayette St. and Fourth Ave. There won’t be as many slush
district manager, told the city repre-
puddles there in the future, however, if the city succeeds in its plan to close
sentatives. “We have two major issues
this short segment of Astor Place to cars and make it part of a pedestrian
— noise and rats,” she said, suggesting
that the innovative and extensive green
areas proposed for the redesign could Tessler, a former C.B. 2 member who Stetzer said. LETTERS
harbor rats. “Bars across the street lives just north of Cooper Square, told Nevertheless, many task force mem- PAGE 10
have been a constant problem — the the city officials at the meeting. “It’s bers acknowledged the aesthetic and
source of drunken loudness. We want like Disneyland with alcohol,” he said. environmental benefits of the redesign,
the park locked at night and places Encouraging noisy nighttime crowds which would transform Cooper Square
not locked to have no seating,” Stetzer would especially impact JASA Green, at the intersections of Bowery, Fourth TO FA-Q
said. the 14-story residence at 200 E. Fifth PAGE 9
“You’re not here at night,” Martin St. with 150 apartments for seniors, Continued on page 23


2 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011

Photos by Robert Kreizel

Mulch ado about old trees

East Villagers dropped off dried-out Christmas trees at Tompkins Square Park on
Saturday and Sunday at the Parks Department’s annual MulchFest. The park was
one of 35 chipping sites around the city. There were an additional 35 drop-off sites.
Biodegradable bags were provided for people to take home some free mulch.
Januar y 13 - 19, 2011 3

signs at his tent on E. Houston St. and Bowery until the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority filed a claim on
more than 100 signs and had the police seize them last
year. The M.T.A. said that 19 of the signs were definitely

NOTEBOOK stolen — but the agency claimed all of them. Billy said he
bought them all from a contractor that the agency hired
to dispose of them. The criminal case was dismissed last
STOP THE MADNESS: Led by local activist Yetta year because prosecutors said they couldn’t prepare the
Kurland, a group of about 40 people gathered at Union Square cases within the legal deadline — but the M.T.A. still has
in the frigid cold Tuesday evening for a vigil after the horrifying the signs. Under state law, dismissal of criminal charges
shooting in Tucson on Sat., Jan. 8. They called for restrictions doesn’t automatically entitle a defendant to get property
on high-capacity ammunition clips and also for greater vigilance back unless the district attorney grants a waiver. The office
by caregivers, so that mentally ill individuals that also are dan- of D.A. Cy Vance Jr. has declined to sign off, saying that
gerous don’t have access to weapons, and especially not such ownership of the signs is still unclear. “I’ve tried to contact
high-powered ones. Colin Weaver, deputy executive director the D.A. because they won’t even give me back the 95 signs
of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, spoke in support of Photo by Scoopy that the M.T.A. has said are not stolen,” Billy said. “They
Congressmember Carolyn McCarthy’s bill, which she planned At Tuesday night’s “candlelight” vigil in Union Square, claimed only 19 were stolen.” His only recourse is to file an
to introduce this week, to ban clips with more than 10 bullets. people held their glow sticks during a moment of Article 78 civil suit charging the agency with overstepping
Saturday’s deranged shooter, Jared Loughner, had a clip with silence. its authority. But the cost of the lawsuit could exceed the
30 bullets — which was “hanging out 12 inches,” noted antigun value of the signs. Criminal Court Judge Rita Mella was
activist Deanna Tilley — and there was another bullet loaded, note, this “candlelight vigil” had no candles. Kurland said when sympathetic in her decision last week denying a motion
as well, allowing him to shoot 31 times in a minute. District she applied for the permit, she was informed that the Parks to return the signs. She said the state Legislature ought to
Leader Paul Newell spoke to the need for better mental health Department has banned burning candles in the parks at such change the law. Requiring a civil action is “a measure that
services to assure that mentally ill, potentially violent individu- events. So, instead, Tuesday’s vigilers used purple, pink, green places a substantial financial burden on [Leroy] and contra-
als don’t “fall through the cracks.” Dodge Landesman, a youth or orange glow sticks. We asked Parks if the department really is venes the due process rights the courts and the Legislature
advocate and member of Community Board 6, said that, to snuffing out candlelight vigils. Spokesperson Philip Abramson have sought to protect,” Mella said.
him, it was most tragic that Christina Green, a 9-year-old girl replied, “The concern about using actual candles stems from
who had come to meet Congressmember Gabrielle Giffords safety hazards involving dripping wax and open flames, to per- CYCLISTS BEWARE: Bikers pedaling in the Sixth
at her constituents event, was among the fatalities. “This little manent damages that can result from candles, including burnt Precinct — between 14th and Houston Sts., west of Broadway
girl was so excited about getting into politics,” Landesman bench slats and char marks on statues. I wouldn’t characterize — better keep on their toes. Sixth Precinct police are issuing
said. “We’re not speaking out against the Tea Party,” he added, it as a new policy, but it’s something we’ve been advising event warnings to bicycle riders to obey the rules, such as the ones
“we’re speaking out against the heated rhetoric.” Kurland said organizers during the past few years — to employ other lighting that say, except for riders under the age of 12 on bikes with
it was natural to want to respond to hate with hate, but she said devices, such as glow sticks.” wheels less than 26 inches in diameter, cyclists must ride on
that impulse must be resisted, after which they held a moment the street, in the direction of vehicular traffic, and not on side-
of silence. Other speakers included Councilmember Rosie M.T.A.-SIGNS HOSTAGE CRISIS: Billy Leroy told us walks. Yielding to pedestrians is also the rule. Cyclists must
Mendez; Jeanne Wilcke, president of Downtown Independent last week that his Billy’s Antiques and Props tent is at its also obey all traffic signals, pavement markings and must use
Democrats; and Natasha Dillon of Queer Rising. … On a side 11th hour. He was doing a brisk business in old subway marked bicycle lanes or bike paths when available.

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4 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011

N.Y.U. to start oil-spill cleanup on Bleecker St.

Continued from page 1

clock from residents during the cleanup

project, which is expected to be complete by
early May 2011.
Stephanie Kung, health and safety direc-
tor of N.Y.U. operations and the person
in charge of the cleanup project, told
residents that no weekend work has been
scheduled at this time. Groundwater test
wells, installed soon after the emergency
removal was completed, will continue test-
ing. Random air quality tests in public areas
of Washington Square Village buildings
3 and 4 will continue during the project,
Kung said.
Barbara Backer, co-chairperson of
the Washington Square Village Tenants
Association, however, called for air testing
in apartments on the first residential floor
of the buildings.
“There is a whole row of apartments in Photo by Albert Amateau
buildings 3 and 4 with vents in the kitchens
A cyclist in the Bleecker St. bike lane rode by the section of oil-contaminated soil — behind the fencing — at Washington Square
and bathrooms and there is air coming in.
I can feel it when I take a shower,” Backer
said. Moreover, cracks in the masonry of from the construction area. during the construction period. They asked 2 feet at a time,” said Kung. Shoring will
the buildings also admit air, Backer added. Residents and neighbors, including N.Y.U. to urge the city Department of be installed to support the 17-story build-
Kung said she would definitely look Judith Callet, residential chairperson of the Transportation to limit traffic on Bleecker ings. The westernmost tank, No. 3, is to
into the possibility of more extensive air Bleecker Area Merchants and Residents St. during the project. be removed along with oil-soaked soil. The
monitoring, including tests at the Morton Association, are also anxious about auto However, Jo Hamilton, chairperson of easternmost tank, No. 4, was emptied and
Williams supermarket on the south side of and bicycle traffic when the parking lane Community Board 2, told residents that cleaned during the emergency remediation
Bleecker St. The current plan calls for ran- on Bleecker St. is closed at the end of D.O.T. has existing traffic protocols wher- and current plans call for leaving it in place;
dom air monitoring 10 to 20 feet downwind January and traffic is confined to one lane ever construction impacts on street and side- it could be removed if conditions demand,
Kung said.
All contaminated soil will be removed
Chelsea | Greenwich Village | Soho | Clinton by truck, and clean soil will be used for
‘There is a whole row of backfill.
No. 6 heating oil has the consistency
SPRING apartments in buildings of sludge when cold and must be heat-
2011 ed before use as heating fuel. The four
SPRING 2011 REGISTRATION 3 and 4 with vents in the Washington Square Village buildings had
IS NOW OPEN ceased using their boilers for heating and
kitchens and bathrooms had been on the university co-generation
grid before the leak occurred; the heating
and there is air coming in. oil was a backup in the event of an interrup-

Little League I can feel it when I take a

tion of co-generation power. Now, however,
the backup fuel is natural gas, according to
university officials at the Jan. 5 meeting.

Baseball + Softball shower.’

Barbara Backer,
Residents said that initial reports about
whether No. 6 oil was hazardous were con-
fusing. The oil is classified in state agency
documents as being in the “not hazardous”
co-chairperson, category, but the same documents use the
Baseball for Boys and Girls Ages 5-17 word “hazardous” to describe the fuel when
Softball for Girls Ages 9-16 Washington Square Village it contaminates soil.
Gary Parker, N.Y.U. director of com-
Tenants Association munity and government affairs, said he
For details go to: plans to hold information meetings for residents, community leaders and repre-
or find us on Facebook sentatives of elected officials around 3 p.m.
walk circulation. Nevertheless, the C.B. 2 on Wednesdays every two weeks during
Transportation Committee will hold a hear- construction.
ing on the cleanup’s traffic impact, Hamilton Ellen Peterson Lewis, a public member of the
said. Kung said that D.O.T. is expected to C.B. 2 Environment, Public Safety and Public
issue construction and fence permits by the Health Committee, represented the board at
time digging begins. While the planted area the Jan. 5 meeting. Also attending were Ann
between the Bleecker St. sidewalk and the Arlen, a former C.B. 2 member and longtime
Greenwich Village Little League
10 White Street buildings — where the soil is saturated with head of the board’s Environment Committee,
New York, NY 10013 oil — has already been enclosed behind a as well as aides to Assemblymember Deborah chain-link fence, a working-area fence will Glick, state Senator Tom Duane, Borough
soon extend to the curb. President Scott Stringer and Congressmember
The plan calls for excavating “slowly, Jerrold Nadler.
Januar y 13 - 19, 2011 5

Photo by J.B. Nicholas

Snow was so-so: You dig?

Wednesday morning, at West Broadway and Prince St. in Soho, a man shoveled snow
out of his flatbed truck. The city’s second major snowstorm, on Tuesday night, turned
out not to be as dire as anticipated, leaving Mayor Bloomberg, no doubt, breathing a
sigh of relief.

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Park rehab is almost done

water’s waves.
Continued from page 1 “It was supposed to be just grass, but we
found out it’d get destroyed in the storms,”
bishments, funded by the city, involved Natoli said, of the decision to go with boulders.
replacing 65-year-old sewers and the con- To its west, the promenade is bordered
crete that made up the former walkway. by ball fields, playgrounds and tennis courts,
Redoing the promenade, a 2-mile stretch which the Parks team spruced up by eliminat-
from 14th St. down to Cherry St., was the ing paving cracks and adding gravel, where
project’s most challenging aspect, Natoli appropriate, as well as fencing and lighting.

Join us for General Skating on

said, since it required removal of the old The Parks Department worked with
walkway’s wooden piles and support struc- the city’s Department of Environmental
tures and crumbling concrete slabs. The tim- Conservation in making sure they created an
ber, which had limited strength, was used in
abundance to uphold the old platform.
esplanade that is environmentally friendly.
The new platform is impervious to erosion, Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend!
The crew built two embayment bridges — since the steel platform was constructed
which will no doubt be popular with fisher- above the water’s high-tide levels, according Saturday & Sunday • 1:00pm-3:50pm
men, though they are for use by all parkgoers to Mohamed Ayoub, administrative con- Monday • 1:30pm-5:20pm
— each with its own set of fluorescent lights. struction engineer for the Parks Department. Visit our website for extended skating sessions.
Each embayment bridge cost more than $1 And since it’s at a greater height than the old
million. Construction of the northern bridge, platform, Natoli explained, the new walkway
at E. Fourth St., was completed last May. also allows fish to swim underneath. Sky Rink at
The southern bridge, at Delancey St., will be The park’s Fire Boat House, where Ayoub
finished by August. and his colleagues are based, also needed Pier 61 • 23rd Street & Hudson River Park
Boulders are being used to replace the stabilization, “or it would have fallen into 212.336.6100 •
former timber piles in these areas, placed the river,” Natoli said. The Fire Boat House
between the embayment bridges and the also is home to the Lower East Side Ecology Host your child’s next Birthday at Sky Rink! Call 212.336.6100 ext. 6174 for details.
promenade to absorb the impact of the Center.
6 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011

Photos by J.B. Nicholas

MetroCards, yes; Pants, no!

Even the most blasé of New York straphangers had to raise an eyebrow, and smile,
when they saw the annual, scantily clad “No Pants Ride” on Sunday. The sartorially
challenged event ended, fittingly (underwear pun intended), at a major transit hub,
Union Square.
Januar y 13 - 19, 2011 7

charge and paid a fine, but the $150,000 in quantity of cocaine and more than 2,800 small
cash that was seized was not returned. glassine bags with intent to traffic in the drug,
Beal last year told The Villager that the according to charges filed with Manhattan

POLICE BLOTTER pot in the Nebraska arrest was acquired

in California, and that he was planning to
deliver it to medical marijuana buyers’ clubs
District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. Police found the
coke and the bags after they responded to a
call that a hand grenade, later discovered to be
in Michigan and New York City. inert, was in Hasty’s top-floor apartment.
Apparently, the grenade-alert informant
in the roof of the five-story building. A second was Kayla Coxx, a transsexual porn star,
Fatal L.E.S. fire alarm went off at 12:36 p.m., bringing a total according to the New York Post. Coxx told
of 60 firefighters to the location of the city’s Deli slash attack the Post she went to Norfolk St. during
A 72-year-old woman who was trying to second oldest Catholic church, completed the early hours of Dec. 29 after Hasty had
keep warm by the heat of her stove burners in 1837. The fire was under control at 1:28 Police arrested Matthew Senquiz, 17, on phoned to hire her as an escort. She said
in the kitchen of her first-floor apartment p.m., a Fire Department spokesperson said. Dec. 30 and charged him with the Aug. 10 Hasty offered her drugs after he confessed
at 124 Ludlow St. near Rivington St. was No one was hurt and the cause of the blaze is burglary of a deli at 37 Madison St. near James that he did not have her $2,000 escort ser-
killed when her clothes caught fire last under investigation. St. and the beating and slashing of the deli vice fee, the Post said. Coxx fled when she
Friday morning. The victim, Claudette employee. The suspect entered the store, pos- saw a silver handgun and the grenade in
Rivera, was enveloped in flames when a sibly with an accomplice, around 11:20 p.m. Hasty’s apartment, the Post said.
neighbor who heard her screams tried to and menaced the employee, who challenged
save her, police said. The neighbor, Frances Dana Beal busted again them. They punched the victim several times
Ayers, 49, was treated for smoke inhala- before leaving the place, according to the
tion at New York Hospital. Firefighters Dana Beal, an East Village medical mari- complaint filed with the Manhattan District Enviro John
received the alarm at 11:18 a.m. Fri., Jan. juana activist who runs Cures Not Wars Attorney’s Office. The victim closed the door
7, and declared the fire under control at and organizes the annual Global Marijuana and locked it after the attack but Senquiz An off-duty Department of Environmental
11:43 a.m. An Emergency Medical Service March in May, was arrested on Thurs., Jan. 6, returned a short time later wearing a mask. Protection operations manager was arrested
team declared the victim dead at the scene. with 186 pounds of marijuana during a traf- He broke the glass door and slashed the victim in his D.E.P. vehicle during the early hours
The fire was confined to the kitchen in fic stop in Barneveld, Wisconsin, according about the head, back and arm with a sharp of Wed., Jan. 5, after he fled from police
the first-floor apartment in the six-story to He and the car’s driver, metal object, according to the complaint. who caught up with him at Rector and West
walkup. Lance Ramer of Omaha, Nebraska, are being Police did not say how they caught up with the Sts. after they chased him from Charles and
held in lieu of a $50,000 bond each in the suspect five months later. Senquiz is being held Greenwich Sts., where he is accused of look-
Iowa County jail in Dodgeville, Wisconsin. pending a Feb. 2 court appearance. ing for hookers.
Beal is still facing charges in Nebraska The defendant, John Caccavale, was given a
Church roof blaze where he was arrested in 2009 after authori- summons for loitering for the purpose of engag-
ties found 150 pounds of marijuana in ing in prostitution and was released pending a
Firefighters responded to an alarm at 12:05 the van he was riding in. In 2008, he was Dud grenade, real coke Feb. 1 court appearance. He has been suspend-
p.m. Mon., Jan. 10, at St. James the Apostle arrested in Illinois for possession of a small ed from his D.E.C. job and is liable for a 90-day
Church, 32 James St., between St. James amount of marijuana and $150,000 in cash. Allen Hasty, 40, of 106 Norfolk St. was
Place and Madison St., where a fire broke out He pleaded guilty to the Illinois marijuana charged with possession of an unspecified Continued on page 8

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8 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011

and charged him with the burglary of two East Village the accounts were closed, police said. It was later dis-
restaurants. Henderson was seen inside the private office covered that one card was the property of an owner in

Continued from page 7
area of Perbacco, the restaurant at 234 E. Fourth St.
between Avenues A and B, around 12:37 p.m. where he
tried to pry open the cash register. He failed but then
Nova Scotia, Canada. Jamel Rashid, 24, and his female
accomplice, Shaneeka Blanding, 31, were charged in the
started to carry the register out of the place, but finally
gave up and fled empty-handed, according to a spokes-
jail sentence if found guilty, according to a Daily News item. The person for Manhattan D.A. Vance.
Charles and Greenwich Sts. location is frequented by “The Bus Henderson was also caught on a video surveillance Wicked theft
Stop Boys,” a group of transvestite prostitutes who wait for Johns tape inside a restaurant at 326 E. Sixth St., around 10
at bus stops to avoid loitering charges, the Daily News said. a.m. Dec. 9, according to the District Attorney’s Office. A woman patron of Wicked Willy’s, 149 Bleecker St.,
He reached through a curtain in the E. Sixth St. restau- told the manager that her Marc Jacobs bag, containing a
rant, grabbed an envelope full of cash and fled, according cell phone, $80 in cash and a camera memory card, was
to court papers. He was arrested soon after the Dec. 21 stolen from her table around 1:20 a.m. Thurs., Jan. 6, while
Bistro burglar incident. she stepped away for a minute, police said. The manager
checked the surveillance camera tape and identified a suspect
Police arrested Christophe Henderson, 48, on Dec. 21 taking the bag. Other patrons held the suspect, Christopher
Laporte, 23, for police, who charged him with felony larceny.
Fake credit cards The bag and its contents, except for the cash, were recovered
in the bar’s men’s room, police said.
A man and a woman who tried to buy $5,000 worth
of shoes from the Christian Louboutin boutique, at 59
Horatio St., with five different credit cards on Fri., Dec.
31, were arrested later for attempted grand larceny, Drumsticks menace
police said. The credit cards were all rejected because
Police arrested Jessie Sloan, 27, shortly before 4 p.m.
Tues., Jan. 4, in front of 853 Broadway between 13th and
14th Sts. and charged him with assault with a weapon,
resisting arrest and possession of marijuana. Police said
the defendant, a Queens resident, was trying to hit a man
with a pair of drumsticks. Officers said Sloan swung his
fists at them when they were making the arrest. The
suspect, described as drunk and stoned, was in posses-
sion of a small bag of marijuana when he was arrested,
police said.

Alber t Amateau
Januar y 13 - 19, 2011 9

Photos by Clayton Patterson

A final farewell to FA-Q

Artist Kevin Wendall, known as FA-Q (pro-
CLAYTON’S PAGE nounced, “fack you”), left, died Nov. 15 at
age 55. From Cleveland, he was active in
the 1980’s East Village squatter scene on E. 11th St. Two years ago, FA-Q went in
for surgery for a pituitary tumor, and was supposed to come home in three days and
be on one-month’s bed rest. Instead, there were many post-surgical complications,
and he spent the last year hospitalized. Not everyone knew FA-Q had kids. His two
children, Jessica Wendall Bohach, above right, and Brooks Wendall, left, were recently
at Gallery onetwentyeight on Rivington St. on the Lower East Side, where a memorial
art show was held for FA-Q, featuring his artwork on the walls. A third child, Angel
Louise, died of crib death.

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10 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011


The Tucson tragedy The killers among us and a police officer’s killing in Baltimore.
In spite of this national, ongoing, daily carnage, gun
The awful, senseless act of violence that occurred in advocates and the N.R.A. are as unreasonable, dogmatic
Tucson, Arizona, last Saturday has forced us to pause and To The Editor: and perverse as ever.
reflect. Within minutes of the massacre that not only put a Last month, Sylvie Cachay was murdered in my For instance, in response to a call for a renewed effort
congresswoman’s life in jeopardy but also ended the lives district. Last week, her ex-boyfriend, Nicholas Brooks, on the Brady Bill and new regulations that would call for
of six others — including a federal judge, a 9-year-old girl was charged with second-degree murder. She is just one childproof gun locks, a typical hard-line gun advocate
and a young man engaged to be married — many have victim in an upward trend of intimate-partner violence; wrote the following poem in the local paper in Saratoga
begun to question the role of extremist, violent rhetoric yet membership to an exclusive club and family ties to Springs, where the young boy was killed:
and references in today’s political arena. an award-winning musician made this particular story
We do not wish to blame anyone at this point, except infiltrate the media. Even stories about the poodle the “John Lennon had his fun,
the perpetrator, for what happened. But we cannot turn victim left behind were published. Wrote ‘Happiness is a Warm Gun,’
a blind eye to the fact that a former candidate for vice Each day in the United States, an average of three But he wasn’t laughing none,
president earlier this year posted on her Facebook page a women are murdered by an intimate partner. Of female When David Chapman pulled his gun.
map of the United States with target symbols on particu- murder victims, one-third are killed by an intimate
lar districts, one of which was Gabrielle Giffords’. Sarah partner and this percentage is on the rise. In New York Ol’ karma came around,
Palin used the term “reload,” a fact she cannot deny. City, most crimes are committed by someone the victim And John Lennon he went down,
Extreme ideological partisanship and overheated speech, knows, and rates of murder and rape are both on the rise. You can hear that gun ban sound,
mostly but not entirely coming from the right, increas- Yet victims of intimate-partner violence rarely become Way down in New York town.
ingly characterize our politics. more than a statistic as the media fails to cover all but
Regardless of Palin’s poor judgment, the heated rheto- the most sensational of these stories. And its loud, yeah its loud,
ric that divides and instills fear in people was evident here All victims of intimate-partner violence were also Yeah its loud, yeah its loud,
in Lower Manhattan during the debate over Park51, the sisters, friends, co-workers, daughters, mothers and girl- That gun ban sound.”
planned Islamic cultural and community center on Park friends, yet not all victims have ties to prestigious places
Place. Our community saw what such language could do, and people. This does not mean they do not warrant our As a New Yorker, a Lennon fan and a person touched
firsthand, and we are lucky that nothing along the lines of attention or our empathy. by these senseless tragedies, I am horrified by this sort
the events of last Saturday happened here. The gruesome reality of intimate-partner violence is of cavalier and jocular attitude toward gun deaths by
Beyond demanding that our politicians and pundits that it is pervasive in society — but in order to curb the opponents of reform. Yet this is exactly the sort of mad-
dial down their discourse, the shooting rampage in epidemic, we have to first acknowledge that it exists. We ness those of us who advocate common-sense regulations
Tucson is a clarion call for common-sense solutions to the need to continue to shed light on all of these egregious face every day.
availability and proliferation of firearms. We salute Mayor acts, not just the ones with catchy headlines. We need to Naturally, this white-hot rhetoric is terribly frighten-
Bloomberg’s efforts, and those of 500 other mayors in his give voice to all of those who are no longer able to do so ing. With that in mind, is it any wonder that nothing is
group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, to stem the flow of for themselves. likely to come from all the bloodshed?
illegal guns into American cites.
That the Tucson killer, who has a history of drug Deborah J. Glick Lawrence White
use and aberrant behavior, was able to legally purchase Glick is assemblymember for the 66th District
a handgun with a high-capacity ammunition clip is a
further outrage. No sane society should permit ordinary
citizens to purchase semiautomatic weapons, period. The Let’s get ready to ride!
federal law enacted in 1994 that restricted some assault The carnage continues
weapons was allowed to expire in 2004 by a Congress To The Editor:
cowed by the National Rifle Association. Our state and To The Editor: Re “Critics can’t roll back the progress on bike lanes”
federal lawmakers need to show guts, and take a stand. In New York City gun deaths have declined somewhat (talking point, by Barbara Ross, Jan. 5):
since stricter regulations were put in place, according to Good, sensible argument. Get the word out on that “Love
Violence Policy Center statistics. Your Lane” ride next month! Let’s have hundreds of cyclists
Good riddance However, gun violence in Upstate New York recently
claimed the life of a 12-year-old boy who was accidentally
show up!

Today the former Deutsche Bank building at 130 killed by his young friend while playing with his friend’s Danny Garcia
Liberty St. stands only two stories high. According to the father’s handgun. This tragedy then led to the demise of
Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, the building the dead boy’s grandfather, who walked headlong into
will be completely demolished by the end of this month. freeway traffic. Next came the gory slaughter in Arizona Continued on page 12
While there is no single reminder of the tragedy
of 9/11 that, should it disappear, could make people
forget what happened, this building’s demise will cer- IRA BLUTREICH
tainly signal progress. For years it has stood, shrouded
in black, and when it is down and gone for good, it will
be one less eyesore and one less remaining remnant of
that horrible day.
What cannot be forgotten, however, are the pitfalls
that plagued the project from beginning to end. Some
were minor, like falling debris. But some were major,
like the hiring of a contractor with no demolition expe-
rience and a careless demolition management, where a
lit cigarette caused a fire that killed Firefighters Robert
Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino.
The building’s disappearance will not erase these
facts. But it will, however, make it easier to walk down
Liberty St. and not see what for years stood as a beacon
of disaster.
We only hope the saga of this project results in
lessons learned by all parties so another building, and
another person, never has to suffer the same fate.
The mayor responds to a blizzard of criticism.
Januar y 13 - 19, 2011 11

Kiss epiphany: Revelation outside the Gay Center

in this situation? I was not sure if he’d touch her but I knew position, but something pretty strange just happened to me
NOTEBOOK Jesus would act with kindness and compassion.
“You gotta do things to meet women,” I said. “Go to a
outside,” I said, and I told him the story of the woman who
wanted a kiss to determine if she was a lesbian.
BY KATE WALTER dance or a bar or an event at the Center.” By now, we’d been “Oh, her?” he said, obviously familiar. “She’s back?
On a cold December morning, I left Integral Yoga after talking about five minutes and I was cold. She’s been doing that off and on for years. People have
an invigorating class. “Look, I have to go. I’m freezing. Good luck and please been nice to her, like you. I’m amazed no one has hit her.
I crossed W. 13th St. and headed to the Gay Center to talk to a therapist.” She’s more than confused. She’s really crazy. I feel sorry
pick up the new issue of GO Magazine, the popular city for her.”
dyke monthly. “Yeah, she seems really tortured,” I said, feeling sorry for
“Excuse me,” said a woman who was sitting in a parked her, too. When I slipped back outside, 10 minutes later, I was
car, door open, about 200 feet from the entrance. ‘I want to figure out if I’m gay. relieved to find her car was gone.
The car was too far from the curb, so I thought she As I thought about this encounter over the next few days,
wanted help parking or she was seeking directions. I walked Would you kiss me? I have to know.’ I convinced myself that she was a messenger — like a crazy,
toward her. She was about 40 with shoulder-length hair that queer, Christmas angel — sent to make things clearer for me.
needed washing. Her car was filled with blankets like she’d She was desperate for a kiss and I wasn’t. She felt tortured;
been sleeping in it. I felt peaceful.
“Are you gay?” she asked out of nowhere. “No, I want a kiss and then I will know. Please. I’m clean, Everything was lining up in my life, and I had faith I’d
“Yeah. Why?” I said, surprised at her question. I don’t have diseases. We could go somewhere. I’m not a meet a special person in 2011.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked. hooker.” I was open to possibilities and happy with my indepen-
“I’m dating someone,” I said quickly, wondering where “No, sorry,” I said. “I can’t.” I hadn’t had a soulful kiss in dent single life. I was now in the best position from which
this was going. This woman seemed highly agitated as she a long time but I wasn’t so desperate that I’d kiss a deranged to attract someone. It had taken years of hard work to get
gripped the phone in her hand. woman stalking lesbians outside the Gay Center. I turned here but I was where I wanted to be and the new year was
“But you see other people?” she asked. and walked inside the building grateful to be safe inside the filled with promise.
“What’s this all about?” I demanded. warm lobby. When I went to church on Christmas Eve, I said a prayer
“I’m confused,” she said. “I want to figure out if I’m gay. I went up to the handsome Latino man behind the front for this woman, or angel in disguise, whose sad situation
I want a woman to kiss me and then I’ll know. Would you desk and spoke to him. shone a light on how I am blessed with good fortune.
kiss me? I’m going crazy. I have to know.” “I’m sure you see and hear a lot of weird s--t in your
I was taken aback by her request.
“You should talk to a therapist. They could help you at
the Institute for Human Identity. They specialize in these
“No, no therapy,” she said. “I want a kiss. I want a woman
to hold me.”
I shook my head and adjusted my yoga mat, which was
slipping off my shoulder.
“You can’t just expect strange people to kiss you.”
I was stunned at this ironic interaction. I’d been looking
for love and romance for months and now this unhinged
woman was throwing herself at me. Was the universe mock-
ing my efforts? Was the devil tempting me, like Eve with the
apple? For a brief moment I considered it (if only to break
this dry spell) but I realized no good could come from kiss-
ing a crazy lady in the street. What if she had a knife or gun
hidden in her car? That thought made me back away farther
from the vehicle.
“Well, if you won’t do it, maybe you know someone who
will. I could give you my card — please, I have to know.” She
was pleading now.
“This isn’t the right way to go about this,” I said thinking
she’d have better luck making her appeal at the Cubbyhole
on the night they served cheap shots of tequila.
Photo by Milo Hess
She was sitting on the edge of her car seat facing me, her
Some colorfully painted and, thankfully, nonfunctional and broken AK-47 rifles
feet on the curb, her head in her hands.
“For two years I have been trying to figure this out,” she
said, sounding desperate. “First I was into Jesus and then I
SCENE were mounted on walls on Wooster St. In the current climate of gun violence — so
horrifically witnessed recently in Tucson — hopefully, this project’s intent was to
was married and… .” defuse the deadly weapons’ destructiveness by transforming them into artwork, à la “swords into plough-
When she mentioned Jesus, I thought, What would he do shares.”

New York Press
Association John W. Sutter Elizabeth Butson Troy Masters Marvin Rock
Named best weekly newspaper National Francesco Regini CONTRIBUTORS
in New York State in 2001, 2004 and 2005 Newspaper Lincoln Anderson Mark Hassleberger
by New York Press Association Association
The Villager (USPS 578930) ISSN 0042-6202 is published Jason Sherwood GRAPHIC DESIGNER
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Fl., New York, N.Y. 10013 (212) 229-1890. Periodicals
Postage paid at New York, N.Y. Annual subscription by mail ADVERTISING SALES Jamie Paakkonen
Gay City

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Allison Greaker Patricia Fieldsteel
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12 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011


,FRXOGWXUQP\ Bike solution is so simple
Continued from page 10
To The Editor:
LQWRVRPHWKLQJ Back at you, ‘screamers’ Re “Critics can’t roll back the progress
on bike lanes” (talking point, by Barbara
JUHHQ -YLL;:OPY[ To The Editor: Ross, Jan. 5):
-PUKV\[OV^ Re “Critics can’t roll back the progress Barbara Ross goes on for almost a full
H[[OLL]LU[Z on bike lanes” (talking point, by Barbara page about the benefits of bike lanes and
Ross, Jan. 5): how we should “listen to the sensible major-
This is a very reasonable and well-written ity and keep expanding the bicycle lane
-YLL9HMÅL response to the small group of people who network.”
(SSYLJ`JSLYZ are able to scream loudly against bike lanes. I guess those of us that have problems
HYLLSPNPISL[V Very well done. with the lanes are irrational and stupid.
LU[LY[V^PU Walkers should just shut up and benefit from
Jacob Mason the cleaner air while they hobble around on
4HJ)VVR(PY Actually, it is not the lanes that are a
problem. It is the people that use them, and
Lanes should be low priority those that don’t — riding in all directions,
with the light or not, on the sidewalks and
To The Editor: in traffic.
Re “Critics can’t roll back the progress Many times, work vehicles, delivery
on bike lanes” (talking point, by Barbara trucks and even police cars occupy the
Ross, Jan. 5): bike lane and riders are forced into traf-
I’m writing from Brooklyn. On Dec. fic, but most times this is not the case.
26 the street in front of my home was not Bike riders on my block are on the
cleared and would not be cleared for 48 sidewalk every day. First and Second
hours. The arterial avenue at the end of my Aves. have almost as many bikers going
street was not yet cleared. At least your road- the wrong way as the right way. I don’t

way in Manhattan was clear and accessible know how fast a bike can go, but there are
for emergency vehicles or bikes. times when I’ve felt the wind of a bike as
Councilmember David Greenfield, who it almost hits me, usually going the wrong
spoke out from Ocean Parkway, again in way. They are also all over the place in
;LUL>HZ[L,]LU[Z:WVUZVYLKI`;LRZLY]L Brooklyn, noted that the segregated bike
lane had been cleared but the heating-fuel
traffic or riding against the light.
It doesn’t take an entire page to be for
>,(**,7;!>VYRPUN UVU^VYRPUNJVTW\[LYZTVUP[VYZ delivery truck could not access the side or against bikes. The benefits of bicycling
WYPU[LYZZJHUULYZRL`IVHYKZTPJLJHISLZ;=Z=*9Z+=+ street. People were at risk because of misin- are clear. The dangers, too. This is not
terpreted priorities. rocket science.
WSH`LYZWOVULZH\KPV]PZ\HSLX\PWTLU[JLSSWOVULZ 7+(Z What’s not mentioned in these discus- We can solve most of the problems by

sions is that biking in New York City is a forcing bikers to learn traffic rules — as
¶WT mode of transit of any significance only in
Lower Manhattan and in northern Brooklyn
do car drivers — licensing bicycles, and
giving them tickets when the don’t obey
:<5  <UPVU:X\HYL7HYR5VY[O7SHaH·4HUOH[[HU (think Williamsburg). As noted in a recent traffic laws, which is very often.
Rutgers survey: The intensity of biking in Allow vehicles — any vehicle — with
,HZ[YK:[)[^U:V\[OLYU )Y\JRULY·)YVU_ the rest of New York City is equal to that of a handicapped person to pull up to the
:(;  )V^SPUN.YLLU7HYR)LH]LY:[·4HUOH[[HU New Jersey. curb, bike lane or not. The same should
apply for school buses and Access-A-Ride
:<5 8\LLUZ)V[HUPJHS.HYKLU7HYRPUN3V[·8\LLUZ Tom Murphy vans. Allow actual deliveries or pickups
:(;  ;LRZLY]L >LZ[YK:[YLL[·4HUOH[[HU at curbside, for both cars and commercial
:<5  7YVZWLJ[7HYR>LZ[YK:[·)YVVRS`U vehicles.
Ticket cars that stand in bus and bike
:(;  9PUN.HYKLU9P]LYZPKL+Y)[^U:LHTHU  For shame — snow in lane lanes. Park around the corner to pick up
)YVHK^H`·4HUOH[[HU that coffee or donut.
:(;  /HIHUH6\[WVZ[-\S[VU:[·)YVVRS`U To The Editor:
Re “Critics can’t roll back the progress
If we are going to live together in this
crowded city, we must all compromise,
:<5  3LUV_/PSS5LPNOIVYOVVK/V\ZL,[O:[· on bike lanes” (talking point, by Barbara and more important — pay attention to
4HUOH[[HU Ross, Jan. 5): other people. So many folks act like they
:<5  >LZ[UK:[)[^U*VS\TI\Z(]L )YVHK^H`· I live in Brooklyn, where many of our
streets were not cleared until Dec. 30.
are the only ones alive that count.
4HUOH[[HU However, as of Jan. 6 — 11 days after the big Susan Leelike
snowfall and a week after all the roads had
=PZP[[LRZLY]LJVTYLJ`JSPUNMVYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU been cleared — the bike lane on Prospect
HUKSVJH[PVUKL[HPSZ Park West still had not been cleared at all. In E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words
fact, huge mounds of snow had been pushed in length, to or fax to
-69(33;/05.:(773, into the bike lane at various places. This is a 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters
/RZHU(DVW6LGH heavily used, two-way bike lane. Could loud to the Editor, 145 Sixth Ave., ground floor,
opposition to this particular bike lane by NY, NY 10013. Please include phone num-
(FRORJ\&HQWHU a small minority have influenced the city’s ber for confirmation purposes. The Villager
HUK[OL.YHWOPJ(Y[Z ongoing neglect? reserves the right to edit letters for space,
grammar, clarity and libel. The Villager does
 >9+:;9,,;  ;,2:,9=,*64
Madeline Nelson not publish anonymous letters.
Januar y 13 - 19, 2011 13


Rooted in past, Metropolitan eyes emerging talent
Harlem Renaissance Fest features seven to watch
“Alphabet City Monologues” are short solo
THEATER performance pieces created from interviews
with local personalities, some famous, some
not. These two sets of original American
plays illuminate the past and present life
THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE of the vibrant and historic section of New
FESTIVAL York City that Metropolitan Playhouse is
Seven new works by emerging artists part of; they connect the community to the
theatre and the audience to the community
January 17-30
in a visceral, thrilling way. They also provide
At the Metropolitan Playhouse (in the Cornelia opportunities for Metropolitan — a compa-
Connelly Center: 220 E. Fourth St. btw. Aves. ny mostly rooted in the past — to work with
contemporary and emerging playwrights and
A & B)
theatre artists and help them develop their
Tickets: $15-$18 per program craft. Some of the folks who have gone
(four shows for $50) through “East Village Chronicles” Alphabet
City Monologues include indie theater lumi-
For reservations and a schedule, naries like Trav S.D., Anthony P. Pennino,
visit Tim Cusack, Lisa Barnes and Qui Nguyen.
As if all this wasn’t enough, Metropolitan
combines aspects of their summer festival
BY MARTIN DENTON (OF NYTHEATRE.COM) initiative and their mainstage season in an
As a history buff, I’ve always been fas- annual wintertime extravaganza known as
cinated by the way that drama can teach the Living Literature Festival. Now in its sixth
us about our collective past. And I’m not year, this highly anticipated January event
talking just about history plays. “The Boys brings to audiences new works inspired by
in the Band” and “Angels in America” — to the lives, thoughts and writings of important
pick two somewhat related examples, have figures from America’s literary past. Prior
much more to tell us about our country’s years have celebrated Mark Twain, Herman
culture and attitudes at a particular politi- Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allen
cal/historical moment than, say, “Sunrise at Poe and notable women writers from the
Campobello” or “Frost/Nixon” (and they do 19th and early 20th centuries.
so much more vividly, too). This year, from January 17 through
So a theatre company devoted to explor- January 30, Metropolitan will present the
ing the American past to see what it has to “Harlem Renaissance Festival” — compris-
teach us about our American present feels ing seven premiere works by cutting edge
like a godsend to me, which is why I’ve artists inspired by the life and writings of
always been such a huge fan of Metropolitan the dynamic artists who defined the Harlem
Photo by Noam Galai
Playhouse. They’ve been around for 19 Renaissance. Among those whose work will
seasons now — and for the past 11, they’ve Alia Chapman and Alex Ubokudom, in a scene from “The Octoroon” (part of the be explored are poets Langston Hughes,
been led by artistic director Alex Roe. He Harlem Renaissance Festival). Georgia Doulas Johnson, Countee Cullen,
describes the company’s mission this way: what our great-great-grandparents saw when which Roe and company steadfastly present Angelina Grimke and Paul Laurence Dunbar;
they went to the theatre. in unexpurgated form, warts and all, laying composers Duke Ellington and Fats Waller;
Guiding the company’s growth has Thanks to Roe and his colleagues at bare what’s dated or discomfiting in these journalist and activist Marcus Garvey; as well
been a clear vision of the rich por- Metropolitan, New Yorkers have had a works without comment. Thus, we learn how as surprising personages such as enterpris-
trait that theater paints of the culture chance to sample famous old plays like much things have changed in American popu- ing purveyor of good eats, Pig Foot Mary,
that creates it. Reflecting society’s val- “Fashion” by Anna Cora Mowatt and “The lar culture over the years — and sometimes, and librarian Belle da Costa Greene — first
ues, aspirations, and character, theater Octoroon” by Dion Boucicault; lost works joltingly, how little. director of the Pierpont Morgan Library.
offers, as does no other art, a dou- that were stupendously popular in their day Lest I’ve led you to think that Metropolitan Bringing these figures to life will be indie art-
bly rich perspective.…Connecting us like William Gillette’s “Secret Service” or Playhouse is a one-trick pony sort of theatre ists Danny Ashkenasi, Leah Maddrie, Daniel
with our past in the light of our pres- curiosities like “Metamora” by John Augustus company, I hasten to add now that in addi- Carlton, David Lally, Juliane Haim, Xoregos
ent, America’s theater gives invaluable Stone — and more contemporary neglected tion to their mainstage productions each year, Performing Company and students from the
insight into our cultural identity. pieces, as in “The Pioneer” (which was a they produce several other ongoing series. Newburgh Performing Arts Academy.
compendium of five very early plays, pre- They’ve been mounting at least a couple of As in previous years, the plays will be pre-
Metropolitan presents four mainstage pro- “Beyond the Horizon” of Eugene O’Neill). family shows geared for children every year sented in short evenings, 90 minutes or so in
ductions every season in their cozy theatre So far this season they’ve brought us back for quite some time now; usually these have length. There are seven different programs in
space on East 4th Street in Alphabet City to ante-bellum New York City with a rousing an interactive bent that helps youngsters the Harlem Renaissance Festival, each sched-
(located on the second floor of the Cornelia rendition of W.H. Smith’s temperance “The appreciate how immersive and engaging the uled for four performances.
Connelly Center, which is also home to the Drunkard” and to the American South of the theatre experience can be. All of Metropolitan’s programming serves
Connelly Theater). Over the years, they’ve same era with a clear-eyed look at George Metropolitan also sponsors two sum- the important dual purposes of entertaining
scoured the American canon as no other Aiken’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” mertime festivals, both of which tie them a diverse audience and bringing them a deep
company in New York has done, looking for What makes Metropolitan’s productions directly to their home community: “East and renewed understanding of who we are.
work from the early 20th, 19th and even 18th so valuable is that they are never edited, Village Chronicles” is an annual program of Metropolitan Playhouse is a cornerstone of
century that will enlighten and entertain 21st- camped up or otherwise “fixed.” You’ll find new short plays inspired by events, people the East Village community, one that we hope
century audiences — simply by letting us see no Alan Gribben-style rewrites of these plays, and locations in the neighborhood; and will endure for many years to come.
14 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011

You know, for kids! Compiled by Scott Stiffler

Literate kids and cupcake enthusiasts of all ages mingle
at the space shared by Books of Wonder and Cupcake Café.
The café has sweet stuff all day, every day (they’ve got some
of the best icing in town) — while the bookstore has story
time Sundays at Noon (appropriate for ages 3-7). There’s
simply nothing better than being able to depend on a weekly
story followed by a massive sugar rush. Life is good!
Want to take a book home for some story time, any time?
“My Princess Boy” is a nonfiction picture book (words by
Cheryl Kilodavis) about a four-year-old boy who happily
expresses himself by enjoying “traditional girl” things. For info,
visit For signed copies, visit the store!
Books of Wonder owner and founder Peter Glassman
enthusiastically recommends (for ages 3-7), “Children Make
Terrible Pets” by Peter Brown (about a little girl bear
who finds a little boy and decides he’d make a great pet).
“Archvillian” by Barry Lyga (for ages 8-12) is about a kid
who gets super powers — and an enemy to go along with
them. For teenagers (12, 13 and up), Richard Peck’s “Three
Quarters Dead” involves a girl who speaks to the dead
through text messages.
Books of Wonder is located at 18th St. (btw. Fifth &
Sixth Aves.). Call 212-989-3270 or visit booksofwonder.
com. Cupcake Café, at the same address, can be reached at
212-465-1530 (visit


Everyone at the Camembert Academy is all aflutter
Photo courtesy of the NYC Police Museum
because a special guest is coming to visit. Angelina and
her friends are excited to show off their hip-hop, modern Driving a Police Car, in the Junior Officers Discovery Zone. See “New York City Police Museum.”
dance, Irish jig and ballet skills — but will Angelina get that
moment in the spotlight she’s hoping for? Based on charac-
ters from the PBS series, this show is appropriate for ages THE NEW YORK CITY POLICE MUSEUM
3-12. Through Feb. 19, Sat. at 1pm & 3pm and Sun. at 1pm. The Junior Officers Discovery Zone is an exhibit designed
At the Union Square Theatre (100 E. 17th St. btw. Union for ages 2-10. It’s divided into four areas (Police Academy;
Square East and Irving Place). For tickets ($39.50-$65), call Park and Precinct; Emergency Services Unit; and a Multi-
1-800-982-2787 or visit Also visit angeli- Purpose Area), each with interactive and imaginary play experiences for children to understand the role of police
officers in our community — by, among other things, driving
and taking care of a police car. For older children, there’s a
MARK TWAIN: crime scene observation activity that will challenge them to
A WONDERFULLY FLAT THING remember relevant parts of city street scenes; a physical chal-
This modern twist on Mark Twain’s short story “A Fable” lenge similar to those at the Police Academy; and a model
finds Twain and his animal friends on a journey of self- Emergency Services Unit vehicle where children can climb
discovery and magic. Puppets, dance, music and interactive in, use the steering wheel and lights, hear radio calls with
video are the new tricks that help bring this old writer into police codes and see some of the actual equipment carried
the modern age. Recommended for ages 3 and up. Sat., Jan. by The Emergency Services Unit. At 100 Old Slip. For info,
15 at 11:30am, 2:30pm & 5pm and Sun., Jan. 16 at 11:30am call 212-480-3100 or visit Hours: Mon.
& 2:30pm. At the 14th Street Y’s LABA Theatre (344 E. through Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Admission:
14th St. btw. 1st & 2nd Aves.). For tickets ($15), call 212- $8 ($5 for students, seniors and children. Free for children
780-0800 or under 2.

AND STORIES & SONGS Explore painting, collage and sculpture through self-guid-
Get your signed copy of “My Princess Boy” at Books
A new session of “Preschool Play” has been added: ed arts projects. Open art stations are ongoing throughout
of Wonder.
This program, for walking toddlers, invites you to join the afternoon — giving children the opportunity to experi-
other children, parents, and caregivers for fun interac- ment with materials such as paint, clay, fabric, paper and ber what it was like. Through Feb. 25 at the DR2 Theatre
tive play, art, and theme days. Thursdays, Jan. 20-March found objects. Regular museum hours: Wed.-Sun., 12-5pm; (103 E. 15th St.). For tickets ($39), call 212-239-6200. For
24, from 1:30-3:30pm. The fee is $175 for 10 weeks Thurs., 12-6pm (Pay as You Wish, from 4-6pm). Admission: groups of 10 or more, call 646-747-7400. Visit dearedwina.
(siblings: $100). At “Stories & Songs,” a variety of musi- $10. At the Children’s Museum of the Arts (182 Lafayette com for additional details and full playing schedule.
cians perform child-friendly music and teach each week. St. btw. Broome & Grand). Call 212- 274-0986 or visit
Movement, dancing and shakers add to the fun. It takes For group tours and visit, call 212) 274-0986, GAZILLION BUBBLE SHOW:
place Mondays, Jan. 10-April 25 (except 1/17 and 2/21) extension 31. THE NEXT GENERATION
as well as on Wednesdays, Jan. 12-April 13. Space is still Three years into its run, the Gazillion Bubble Show wel-
available in 40-minute classes: the 9:30-10:10am class for DEAR EDWINA comes creator Fan Yang’s 20-year-old son into the family
children 6-14 months — and the 12 noon-12:40pm class This heartwarming show about the joys and frustrations business. We’re promised that “Bubble Super-Star” Deni
for mixed ages (6 months to 3.5 years). There is a $231 of growing up has our spunky heroine (advice-giver extraor- Yang will elevate this already spectacular experience to new
fee for 14 weeks (20% discount for siblings). Both events dinaire Edwina Spoonable) sharing her wisdom on every- heights of bubble blowing artistry). The open-ended run
take place in the Meeting Room at the Verdesian (211 thing from setting the table to making new friends. That plays Fri. at 7 p.m., Sat. at 11am, 2pm and 4:30pm and
North End Ave., btw. Warren & Murray, in Battery Park it’s done through clever, catchy and poignant songs makes Sun. at noon and 3pm. 75 minutes, no intermission. For
City). For info or to register, call 212-267-9700, ext. 366 the experience enjoyable and engaging for kids who know tickets ($44.50 to $89.50), call 212-239-6200 or visit www.
or 348. Visit what Edwina’s going through as well as adults who remem- Visit
Januar y 13 - 19, 2011 15

Knickerbocker’s bio of Moses gets the job done

Chamber Orchestra counting on your support
It’s finally time for Robert Moses to face
the music.
This Saturday, conductor, composer and
South Street Seaport resident Gary Fagin will
be presenting six excerpts from his musical
“Robert Moses Astride New York” at the World
Financial Center Winter Garden. He was com-
missioned by the Francis Goelet Charitable
Lead Trusts to present 20 minutes of the larger
piece — which is still a work in progress.
Fagin, along with his Knickerbocker
Chamber Orchestra, will perform musical num-
bers highlighting three different but equally
pivotal occasions in the life of the man dubbed
by Robert. A. Caro as “The Power Broker.”

“It’s been a real challenge

financially to make this
work during the worst
recession in 80 years,” Photo by Bettmann Corbis

The man with the plan: Robert Moses eyes Lower Manhattan.
Fagin says. “I’m hoping
man who portrays Moses — the controversial in its third season of performing exclusively Fagin also hopes that the show will
that having this piece of visionary who helmed many of our city’s now- Downtown, they’re counting on locals to help bring in the New Year on a positive
iconic parks, highways and bridges. come show their support. When Fagin assem- note. “Because it is the tenth anniversary
the musical out in the While the piece is specific to New York, bled the orchestra back in 2008, his objective of September 11, we want to kick off a
the story of a man with a tremendous vision was to hire the best musicians possible, and year of commemoration with a concert that
world will engender more is universal. But it’s no easy feat to sing his pay them “respectfully, to reflect their worth.” celebrates the Spirit of New York,” he says.
praises. Those who’ve read Caro’s Pulitzer This meant that each performance, with “Instead of having a concert of commemora-
financial support to help Prize-winning novel know that Moses was a rehearsals, would be costly. The economic tion and solemnity, we want to be positive
man who favored highways over public trans- downturn has affected the level of support and celebratory.”
me continue and finish the portation, vehicles over people — and dis- for all non-profits — especially a newly estab- The orchestra will also be performing
placed hundreds of thousands of New York lished professional chamber orchestra. But works by Euday L. Bowman and Charles Ives,
work.” City residents in order to build expressways since the KCO is based and performs exclu- and open the floor to the audience for a waltz
in traditional neighborhoods. sively in Lower Manhattan, their funding at the end of the show. This will be the third
“Moses was a man of tremendous ego, is dependent almost entirely on Downtown annual concert that Fagin and his 33-piece
will and determination. That’s the kind of residents and institutions. orchestra will perform in the Winter Garden
Selections will include “The Man Who character that will be portrayed,” Fagin says. “It’s been a real challenge financially to (220 Vesey St.) on Martin Luther King Jr.
Gets Things Done” (in which Moses directs “Some people disagree with what he did and make this work during the worst recession weekend. The event is free and begins at
a whirlwind of construction projects that how he did it, but I’ve tried to let him speak in eighty years,” Fagin says. “I’m hoping that 7pm on Saturday, January 15. For more
begin to redefine the city) and “Aria: My for himself, in a musical way.” having this piece of the musical out in the info, call 212-945-0505 or visit artsworldfi-
City” (where Moses describes his feelings of Fagin is musical director of the world will engender more financial support to Also visit knickerbocker-
betrayal and infallibility). Rinde Eckert is the Knickerbocker Chamber Orchestra. Currently help me continue and finish the work.”

5)*3%453&&5.64*$4$)00-4&55-&.&/5 DOWNTOWN MUSIC PRODUCTIONS

!#3/ABB6AB@33B  <3EG=@9<G!    %%%! " East Village Concert Series
Mimi Stern-Wolfe conductor, piano
;caWQ1`SObWdWbg:SO`\W\U Martin Luther King
Commemorative Concert
 St Marks in the Bowery 131 East 10th St.
B]¿\R]cb[]`S]`b]aQVSRcZSOb]c`]TbVSAQV]]Z^ZSOaSQ]\bOQb Suggested Donation: $15-$10, Sen & Stu: $8
bVSAbcRS\bAc^^]`bAS`dWQSa=T¿QSOb  %%%! "SfbS\aW]\! Information:
16 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011

IFC and Anthology documentaries shine a light

Man takes drug to stop
CINEMA FILE taking drugs
BY SCOTT STIFFLER Can a psychedelic plant release your
demons? If you’ve got a monkey on your
back, there’s only one way to find out. Too
I’M DANGEROUS WITH LOVE bad the drug that might help conquer your
2009 addiction is also a drug (and not legal).
That’s just one of the ironies NYC native
85 minutes Michel Negroponte tackles in his documen-
tary “I’m Dangerous With Love.” Here’s the
Directed by Michel Negroponte
plot, short and simple enough to understand
At IFC Film Center (323 Sixth Ave. at W. Third no matter how high you may be:
St.) Operating deep below the radar — and
hovering just above the law — a reformed
Call 212-924-7771 or visit junkie travels the country on a sacred quest
to administer a Schedule-1 controlled sub-
stance to addicts desperate to kick their
PETITION habit. Even with the adrenaline buzz that
Directed by Zhao Liang comes from his missionary zeal, the stress
of effectively executing that shadowy task is
In Mandarin with English subtitles enough to drive a man to drink.
2009, 123 minutes, video The man is Dimitri Mugianis, former
front man for the band Leisure Class. The Photo courtesy of First Run Features
Jan. 14-20, at 6:30pm & 9pm outlawed substance is the hallucinogen
Dimitri Mugianis takes the shaman’s way out of addiction, in “I’m Dangerous With
Ibogaine. In Africa, when administered by a
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT shaman, taking Ibogaine is a socially accept-
ed part of cultural rituals. But do that here in junkie’s fix-chasing passion when it comes the North Korean border. Whether you (or
Directed by Zhao Liang the states, and the next epiphany you experi- to finding answers (which, to be fair, are elu- they) think wagering on mahjong or collect-
In Mandarin with English subtitles ence will probably happen behind bars. sive to say the least). Instead, Mugianis goes ing scrap with an expired permit is a crime
Ibogaine helped Mugianis get sober, so on an ill-advised narrative detour to Gabon, really doesn’t matter. Once you run afoul
2007, 122 minutes, video now he travels the country (and sometimes West Africa — where our hero consults with of authority, your goose is cooked. Lack of
Jan. 13 at 6:30pm & 9pm. Canada) to help others use it as a gateway Bwiti shamans and puts himself through a evidence might get you released eventually
to sobriety. When a detox session turns into punishing Iboga initiation. — but before that happens, you’re likely to
Jan. 15 & 16 at 4pm. a very bad trip indeed, Mugianis begins to It’s fascinating stuff, to be sure. But like get slapped around a little (at the very least,
At Anthology Film Archives (32 Second Ave. at question how much of his mission has to do a pothead who’s gone down the rabbit hole since the cameras stop rolling shortly after
2nd St.) with public service, and how much of it is a after using one of those gas mask bongs they the first signs of abuse).
self-indulgent shot at redemption. sell in Union Square, the filmmaker and his But as much as Liang seems intent on
Call 212-505-5181 That’s a great question, and a fantastic subject get distracted by indulgences just revealing the questionable wisdom of certain
or visit springboard for exploring a multitude of when they’re on the cusp of having a spec- laws or exposing the ineptitude of those
legal, cultural, spiritual and personal issues. tacular epiphany. charged with enforcing it, the most powerful
It’s just too bad the film doesn’t display a moment of “Crime and Punishment” comes
when the son of that poor scrap collector
Pair of Liang docs mouths off to the arresting officers over the
BIG FUN! SMALL BUCKS! From the opening scene of “Crime and phone. As their demands for a formal apol-
Sun. $3.50 Screwdrivers & our famous Bloody Mary’s, Punishment” (which eavesdrops on police ogy become more aggressive, it’s clear that
$2.50 Miller Lite Drafts & Bud Bottles meticulously folding their beddings), the disrespect is the greatest, most dangerous
Fusion! Mon. $4 Mojito’s all flavors Tues. $2 Margarita’s message is clear: Don’t mess with those who offense of all.
CHEAP-EEZ COCKTAILS (except Fri. & Sat.) - Coors & Pabst Cans $3, thrive on precision. Also screening at Anthology is “Petition”
Rootbeer Floats $3, Sloe Gin Fizz $2, Tom Collins $3, Zhao Liang’s documentary follows — Liang’s decade-long exploration of ‘peti-
“One of the 63 best bars Chinese military police officers as they take tioners’ who come from all over China to
in NYC” — Time Out, 2009 Whiskey Sours $3, Rum Lime Ricky $3
on the (mostly) petty crimes of those who make complaints in Beijing about abuses
281 W 12th St @ 4th St. NYC 212-243-9041 live in an impoverished mountain town near committed by their local authorities.

155 1st Avenue at East 10th St.

Reservations/Info 212-254-1109 Buy Tickets Online at
Written & Directed by MATT MORILLO Directed by CELINE HAVARD
Wed - Sun, January 12 - 30 Thurs - Sun, January 13 - 16
Thu-Sat 8pm, Wed & Sun 7pm Thu - Sat at 8pm, Sun at 3pm
All Seats $20/tdf All Seats $15/tdf


TNC’s Play Reading Series
Thursday - Sunday, January 13 - 30 Written by MURRAY SCHISGAL
Thu - Sat 8pm, Sun 3pm Directed by STEPHAN MORROW
All Seats $15/tdf Tuesday, January 18 7pm $5
Januar y 13 - 19, 2011 17

Just Do Art!


It seems like a very long time indeed since
the gleaming blades wielded by Samurai
Sword Soul’s precise and intense cast graced
the stage in a full-length production. When
last we saw them — in the 2009 FringeNYC
production “Scattered Lives” — Samurai
Sword was slicing and dicing their way
through an epic tale, well-served by their
trademark minimalist technique (lots of
blood and gore and death and mayhem, all
done without the use of actual buckets of
red stuff). Primal screams let loose in the
Photo by Nobutoshi Mizushima
heat of battle — and blades that generated
a furious sound even though they weren’t There will be blood: Samurai Sword Soul’s “Gekiryu” is set to strike.
made of metal — gave a literal kick to the
Now, writer, director and fight choreog-
rapher Yoshihisa Kuwayama has cooked up
what promises to be another relentless, imagi-
native series of violent encounters punctuated
by moments of somber reflection. That reflec-
tion takes place 400 years ago in Japan, and
comes in the form of a Samurai family baffled
by rapidly changing times. Image courtesy of Dean Project
“Gekiryu: When the torrent takes their
“Sosomuch” — studio view.
lives” happens Thurs.-Sat., Jan. 20-22, at
7:30pm and Sun., Jan. 23 at 3pm. At Dance seniors). For info, call 212-242-4770 or
New Amsterdam (DNA), 280 Broadway, visit
2nd floor (entrance on Chambers St.).
Tickets are $18 in advance, $23 at the door. HOUSING WORKS: THRIFT SHOPS &
For reservations, call 212-625-8369 or visit BOOKSTORE CAFE Also visit samuraisword- The Housing Works mission is to end the dual crises of homelessness and AIDS
through advocacy and the provision of life-
Photo by Rudolf Grittner saving services. Proceeds from their Cafe
DEVOTION Hopelessly devoted — to you? See “Devotion.”
and Thrift Shops pay for that mission.
This new dance piece, created by chore-
ographer Sarah Michelson, is performed by THRIFT SHOP LOCATIONS: Soho (130
the New York City Players and Michelson’s Crosby St. — 646-786-1200); Tribeca
own dance corps. “Players,” by the way, is (119 Chambers St. btw. W. Broadway &
the theater company of director and play- Church — 212-732-0584); Chelsea (143
wright Richard Maxwell. “Devotion” was West 17th St. — 718-838-5050); West
inspired by a story of Maxwell’s. Jan. 13-15 Village (245 W. 10th St. — 212-352-
and 19-22, 8pm, at The Kitchen (512 W. 1618).
19th St. btw. 10th and 11th Ave.). For tick-
ets ($15), call 212-255-5793 ext. 11. Visit Housing Works Bookstore Cafe is and located at 126 Crosby St. For general
info, call 212-966-0466 or visit housing- For the Bookstore
SOSOMUCH Cafe (open M-F, 10am-9pm & Sat/Sun,
“Sosomuch” is a solo exhibition of new 10am-5pm), call 212-334-3324.
paintings and sculptures by NYC resi-
dent Carol Peligian. It continues Peligian’s UPCOMING BOOKSTORE EVENTS: On
“alchemical seduction” of materials which Jan. 17, MLK Day is celebrated with a
include aluminum, oil, enamel and latex. 30% Off Sale.
Rather than conjuring gold from lesser ele- Tues., Jan. 18, 7pm (free): Catchafire
ments, Peligian’s use of organic and manu- Presents “A Salon on Giving: How the Web
factured materials in service of the aforemen- Photo by Yusef Jones is Advancing Service and Philanthropy.”
tioned alchemy seeks to create for the viewer Peter Zummo (trombone), Kevin Norton (drums) and J.D. Parran (winds). See Thurs., Jan. 20, 7pm ($8): The Moth
an altered state existing somewhere between “Ensemble Helacious.” StorySLAM! makes its 2011 debut, with
atmosphere and stratosphere. Through Feb. the theme of “Romance.” 10 stories, 3
12. At DEAN PROJECT. Hours: Tue.-Sat., River Music presents J.D. Parran, Kevin of sound. Also scheduled to be performed teams of judges, 1 winner.
11am-6pm. At 511 West 25th St., Room Norton and Peter Zummo — known on is “MC 5” — inspired by the musical spirit Fri., Jan. 21, 7pm (free): Electric
207. For info, call 212-229-2017 or visit the street, and elsewhere we suppose, as of the legendary Detroit-based rock band Literature Presents J. Robert Lennon, “Ensemble Helacious.” They’ll be pre- of the same name. Thurs., Jan. 20, 8pm, Ben Greenman and Lynne Tillman — plus
miering “Untitled Number Nine.” Meant at Renee Weiler Concert Hall, Greenwich short films by Carson Mell films…and a
to express the artists’ connection to an House Music School (46 Barrow St/ btw. DJ! Thurs./Fri./Sat. (Jan. 21/22/23): All
ENSEMBLE HELACIOUS eternal spirit, it’s a study in the genera- Bedford St. & 7th Ave. S). Purchase day long, a Children’s Book Sale (30% off
As part of their 25th season, North tion, propagation and emotional reception tickets at the door ($15; $10 students/ hardcovers. Paperbacks for $1).
18 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011

LLC LENDER LLC. LLC. Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. App. for Auth. filed NY Dept. ESTATE VENTURES, LLC. Articles of Organization filed Articles of Organization
Authority filed with Secy. Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. of State (SSNY) 11/15/2010. of State: 11/8/10. Jurisd. and Authority filed with NY Dept. filed with Secretary of State
Articles of Organization with Secretary of State of of New York (SSNY) on
of State of NY (SSNY) on of State of NY (SSNY) on Office in NY Co. SSNY date of org.: DE 10/13/10. of State on 11/12/10. Office
filed with Secretary of State design. Agent of LLC upon NewYork (SSNY) on 10/18/10. 07/27/2010. Office location:
of New York (SSNY) on 11/17/10. Office location: NY 4/14/10. Office location: NY Cty off. loc.: NY Cty. Sec. of location: NY County. Princ.
whom process may be Office location: NY County. NY County. SSNY has been
County. LLC formed in Dela- County. SSNY designated State designated as agent bus. addr.: 401 West St., designated as an agent upon
10/22/10. Office location: 24 served. SSNY shall mail SSNY has been designated
ware (DE) on 11/16/10. Princ. as agent of LLC for service of foreign LLC upon whom 3rd Fl., NY, NY 10014. LLC whom process against the
W 45th St., 5th Floor, New office of LLC: c/o Coalco NY, copy of process to Robert process against it may be formed in DE on 9/2/10. NY as an agent upon whom pro-
York, NY 10036, NY County. of process. SSNY shall mail J. Spinna, Jr. 560 Lexington LLC may be served. The
505 Fifth Ave., NY, NY 10017. served. The Sec. of State Sec. of State designated as cess against the LLC may be address to which SSNY shall
process to: 450 E.86 St. #26D, Ave 17th Fl New York, NY
SSNY has been designated SSNY designated as agent shall mail copy of process to: agent of LLC upon whom served. The address to which mail a copy of any process
NY, NY 10128. Purpose: Any 10022. Purpose: Any lawful
as an agent upon whom pro- of LLC upon whom process lawful activity. 65 E. 55th St., 19th Fl., NY, NY process against it may be SSNY shall mail a copy of against the LLC is to: ECUA-
cess against the LLC may against it may be served. Vil 12/9-1/13/11 Vil 12/16-1/20/11 10022. Addr. of foreign LLC served and shall mail pro- any process against the COOL LLC, 623 W 207th
be served. The address to SSNY shall mail process to in DE is: National Corporate cess to: c/o CT Corporation LLC is to: St Annes LLC, 110 Street # BSMT, New York, NY
which SSNY shall mail a the LLC at the addr. of its Research, Ltd., 615 S. DuPont System, 111 8th Ave., NY, 10034. Purpose: To engage
FL CAPITAL LIMITED NOTICE OF FORMATION Duane Street, PH3N, New in any lawful act or activity.
copy of any process against princ. office. DE addr. of LLC: LIABILITY COMPANY OF PEONY 82, LLC. Hwy., Dover, DE 19901. Auth. NY 10011, regd. agent upon York, NY 10007. Purpose: To
c/o Corporation Service Co., officer in DE where Cert. of whom process may be Vil 12/23-1/27/11
the LLC is to: Yuson & Irvine Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. engage in any lawful act or
c/o The Company Corpora- 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste. 400, Form. filed: DE Sec. of State, served. DE addr. of LLC: 1209
Wilmington, DE 19808. Arts. of State (SSNY) 12/10/2009. of State of NY (SSNY) on Townsend Bldg., Dover, DE Orange St., Wilmington, DE activity. NOTICE OF FORMATION
tion, 2711 Centerville Road, Office in NY Co. SSNY 11/23/10. Office location: Vil 12/23-1/27/11 OF HARKELYN LLC.
of Org. filed with Secy. of 19901. Purpose: any lawful 19801. Cert. of Form. filed
Suite 400, Wilmington, DE design. Agent of LLC upon NY County. Princ. office of Articles of Org. filed NY Sec.
the State of DE, Corp. Dept., LLC: 909 Fifth Ave., NY, NY activity. with DE Sec. of State, 401
19808. Purpose: To engage Loockerman & Federal Sts., whom process may be Vil 12/16-1/20/11 Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. of State (SSNY) 11/9/2010.
10021. SSNY designated as NOTICE OF FORMATION
in any lawful act or activity. Dover, DE 19901. As amend- served. SSNY shall mail copy Purpose: real estate, invest- Office in NY Co. SSNY des-
agent of LLC upon whom OF STARR STREET PART- ignated agent of LLC upon
Vil 12/9-1/13/11 ed by Cert. of Correction filed of process to Ron Hollands- ments, management and
process against it may be NAME OF FOR. LLC: DKIL NERS II LLC. whom process against it may
with SSNY on 11/23/10, the worth 225 W 35th 8th Floor served. SSNY shall mail pro- GP LLC. related activities.
Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. be served. SSNY shall mail
NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- name of the LLC is: PARK- New York, NY 10018. Pur- cess to c/o Corporation Ser- Vil 12/16-1/20/11 copy of process to attn. Lloyd
pose: Any lawful activity. App. for Auth. filed NY Dept. of State of NY (SSNY) on
TION OF ELADIAN PART- SIDE LENDER LLC. Purpose: vice Co., 80 State St., Albany, Mark, 1186 Broadway #1043,
of State: 11/8/10. Jurisd. and 11/1/10. Office location: NY
NERS LLC. Any lawful activity Vil 12/9-1/13/11 NY 12207, regd. agent upon ALVA CAPITAL, LLC New York, NY 10001. Pur-
date of org.: DE 10/13/10. Co. SSNY designated as
Authority filed with Secy. Vil 12/9-1/13/11 whom and at which process Authority filed with Secy. pose: Any lawful activity.
Cty off. loc.: NY Cty. Sec. of
NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- may be served. Purpose: Any of State of NY (SSNY) on agent of LLC upon whom Vil 12/23-1/27/11
of State of NY (SSNY) on State designated as agent
VIRTUOSO RESOURCES TION OF YOMA, LLC. lawful activity. 4/8/2010. Office location: NY process against it may be
11/22/10. Office location: NY Vil 12/16-1/20/11 of foreign LLC upon whom
LLC, Authority filed with Secy. Co. LLC formed in Delaware served. SSNY shall mail NOTICE OF FORMATION
County. LLC formed in Dela- process against it may be OF PROXIMETY SOLU-
a domestic Limited Liability of State of NY (SSNY) on served. The Sec. of State (DE) on 4/6/2010. SSNY des- process to: The LLC, 594
ware (DE) on 10/01/10. Princ. NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- TIONS, LLC.
Company (LLC), filed with the 11/19/10. Office location: NY shall mail copy of process to: ignated as agent of LLC upon Broadway, Ste. 1212, NY, NY
office of LLC: 750 Third Ave., TION OF SDUSA, LLC. whom process against it may Art. of Org. filed w/Secy.
Sec of State of NY on 9/29/10. County. LLC formed in Texas 65 E. 55th St., 19th Fl., NY, NY 10012. Purpose: any lawful
Ste. 2300, NY, NY 10017. Authority filed with Secy. be served. SSNY shall mail Of State of NY (SSNY) on
NY Office location: New York (TX) on 11/12/10. SSNY des- 10022. Addr. of foreign LLC activities. 10/7/10. Office location: NY
SSNY designated as agent County. SSNY is designated ignated as agent of LLC upon of State of NY (SSNY) on in DE is: National Corporate process to The LLC 347 W
of LLC upon whom process 10/8/10. Office location: Vil 12/23-1/27/11 County. SSNY designated as
as agent upon whom pro- whom process against it may Research, Ltd., 615 S. DuPont 57th ST 30B NY, NY 10019. agent for service of process.
against it may be served. cess against the LLC may be NY County. LLC formed in Hwy., Dover, DE 19901. Auth. DE address of LLC: 1209
be served. SSNY shall mail NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- SSNY shall mail process to:
SSNY shall mail process California (CA) on 12/17/08. Orange ST, Wilmington, DE
served. SSNY shall mail a process to: Capitol Services, SSNY designated as agent officer in DE where Cert. of 7014 13 Ave. #202, Bklyn, NY
to c/o Peter R. Kent at the 19801. Arts. Of Org. filed with TION OF KILOHANA 11228. Purpose: Any lawful
copy of any process against Inc., 1218 Central Ave., Ste. of LLC upon whom process Form. filed: DE Sec. of State,
princ. office of the LLC. DE the LLC served upon him/her Townsend Bldg., Dover, DE DE Secy. of State, PO Box PARTNERS, LP. activity.
100, Albany, NY 12205. TX against it may be served.
addr. of LLC: 2711 Centerville to Harold Hagopian, 303 W. address of LLC: 3418 Lovers 19901. Purpose: any lawful 898 Dover, DE 19903. Pur- Authority filed with Secy. Vil 12/23-1/27/11
SSNY shall mail process to:
Rd., Ste. 400, Wilmington, 66th St., #5JE, NY, NY 10023. Lane, Dallas, TX 75225. Arts. activity. pose: any lawful activity. of State of NY (SSNY) on
The LLC, 801 S. Figueroa St., NOTICE OF FORMATION
General Purposes. of Org. filed with TX Secy. of Ste. 2500, Los Angeles, CA Vil 12/16-1/20/11 Vil 12/23-1/27/11 11/29/10. Office location:
DE 19808. Arts. of Org. filed OF ETF SPECIALISTS
with DE Secy. of State, Div. Vil 12/9-1/13/11 State, 1019 Brazos, Austin, 90017, also the address to NY County. LP formed in LLC.
of Corps., John G. Townsend TX 78701. Purpose: any law- be maintained in CA. Arts of NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- NOTICE OF FORMA- Delaware (DE) on 11/19/10.
NOTICE OF FORMATION Org. filed with CA Secy. Of TION OF ERWIN PEN- TION OF FLUSHING BAY Art. of Org. filed w/Secy.
Bldg., 401 Federal St., Dover, ful act or activity. SSNY designated as agent Of State of NY (SSNY) on
CUCINELLI RETAIL SCP Vil 12/9-1/13/11 State, 1500 11th St., Sacra- LAND LLC. DEVELOPMENT LLC, 11/10/10. Office location: NY
DE 19901. Purpose: Any law- mento, CA 95814. Purpose: of LP upon whom process
LLC Authority filed with Secy. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of County. SSNY designated as
ful activity. any lawful activities. against it may be served.
art. of org. filed Secy. of State NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- of State of NY (SSNY) on State (SSNY) 7/26/10. Office agent for service of process.
Vil 12/9-1/13/11 Vil 12/16-1/20/11 SSNY shall mail process to:
NY (SSNY) 10/13/10. Off. loc. TION OF BLACKROCK 11/22/10. Office location: NY location: NY County. SSNY SSNY shall mail process to:
in NY Co. SSNY designated County. LLC formed in Dela- designated as agent of LLC The Partnership, 351 Saint 80 Trapelo Rd., Lincoln, MA
NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- as agent of LLC upon whom ware (DE) on 11/8/10. SSNY upon whom process against Nicholas Ave., Ste. 31, NY, 01773. Purpose: Any lawful
TION OF 188 E. 76TH process may be served. designated as agent of LLC it may be served. SSNY NY 10027, also the principal activity.
STREET, LLC, Authority filed with NY Dept. a domestic Limited Liability office address. DE address of Vil 12/23-1/27/11
SSNY shall mail copy of pro- upon whom process against shall mail copy of process
of State on 11/15/10. Office Company (LLC), filed with
Application for Authority cess to: att: Palma Settimi, it may be served. SSNY shall to Xiao Bo Zhang, 180 River- LP: c/o National Registered
location: NY County. Princ. the Sec of State of NY on NOTICE OF FORMATION
filed with the Secretary of 7 Sutton Pl, Brewster, NY mail process to: c/o IPG, 1114 side Blvd., Ste. 12H, NY, NY Agents, Inc., 160 Greentree
bus. addr.: 40 E. 52nd St., 10/29/10. NY Office location: OF TRIBECA HOUSE-
State of New York (SSNY) on 10509. Purpose: Any lawful Ave. of the Americas, 19th Fl., 10069. Purpose: any lawful Dr., St 101, Dover, DE 19904.
NY, NY 10022. LLC formed New York County. SSNY is KEEPING SERVICES LLC.
11/12/2010. Office Location: purpose. designated as agent upon NY, NY 10036. DE address of activities. Name/address of genl. ptr.
Vil 12/9-1/13/11 in DE on 11/19/09. NY Sec. LLC: 615 South DuPont Hwy., Vil 12/23-1/27/11 Art. of Org. filed w/Secy.
New York County. The Prin- of State designated agent whom process against the available from SSNY. Cert. Of State of NY (SSNY) on
LLC may be served. SSNY Dover, DE 19901. Arts. of Org.
cipal Business Address of of LLC upon whom process of LP filed with DE Secy. of 11/2/10. Office location: NY
NOTICE OF FORMATION shall mail a copy of any pro- filed with DE Secy. of State, NOTICE OF QUAL. OF County. SSNY designated as
the LLC is 404 South Beach OF CHIC ACCESSORIES against it may be served and 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, State, 401 Federal St., Ste.
cess against the LLC served NEZU ASIA CAPITAL agent for service of process.
Road, Hobe Sound, Florida & DECOR LLC. shall mail process to: c/o CT DE 19901. Purpose: any law- 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose:
upon him/her toThe LLC, 575 MANAGEMENT, LLC, SSNY shall mail process to:
33455-2701. SSNY has been Corporation System, 111 8th 6th Ave., #7B, NY, NY 10011. ful act or activity. any lawful activities
Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. Auth. filed Sec’y of State 105 Hudson St. #1B, NY, NY
designated as agent of LLC Ave., NY, NY 10011, regd. General Purposes. Vil 12/16-1/20/11 Vil 12/23-1/27/11 10013. Purpose: Any lawful
Of State of NY (SSNY) on (SSNY) 11/12/10. Office loc.:
upon whom process against agent upon whom process Vil 12/16-1/20/11 activity.
10/7/10. Office location: NY NY County. LLC org. in DE
the LLC may be served. The County. SSNY designated as may be served. DE addr. of NOTICE OF FORMATION Vil 12/23-1/27/11
11/3/10. SSNY desig. as NOTICE OF FORMATION
address to which SSNY shall agent for service of process. LLC: 100 Bellevue Pkwy., NOTICE OF FORMATION OF MAGGY’S FUND LLC. agent of LLC upon whom OF VICTOR RPM, LLC.
mail a copy of any process SSNY shall mail process to: Wilmington, DE 19809. Cert. OF RADIANT PIG BEER NOTICE OF FORMATION
of Form. filed with DE Sec. of COMPANY, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with NY process against it may be Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
against the LLC is to:The LLC 7014 13 Ave. #202, Brooklyn, OF BOKEH LLC.
State, 401 Federal St., Dover, Dept. of State on 11/24/2010. served. SSNY shall mail of State of NY (SSNY) on
c/o Gunster, Yoakley & Stew- NY 11228. Purpose: Any law- Articles of Organization Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
Office location: NY County. copy of proc. to Attn: David 12/06/10. Office location: NY
ful activity. DE 19901. Purpose: any law- filed with Secretary of State of State of NY (SSNY) on
art, P.A., Attn: Lisa Schneider, of New York (SSNY) on Sec. of State designated Snoddy, 590 Madison Ave.,
Vil 12/9-1/13/11 ful activity. County. Princ. office of LLC: 11/12/10. Office location: NY
Esq., 777 South Flagler Drive, 10/01/2010. Office location: agent of LLC upon whom 18th Fl., NY, NY 10022. DE off. County. SSNY designated as
Vil 12/9-1/13/11 146 W. 57th St., Apt. 56C, NY,
Suite 500E, West Palm Beach, NY County. SSNY has been process against it may be addr.: CSC, 2711 Centerville agent of LLC upon whom
NOTICE OF FORMATION served and shall mail pro- Rd., Wilmington, DE 19808. NY 10019. SSNY designated
Florida 33401. LLC formed in NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- designated as an agent upon process against it may be
OF EMYS CAPITAL LLC. whom process against the cess to the principal busi- Cert. of Form. on file: SSDE, as agent of LLC upon whom served. SSNY shall mail pro-
Florida on October 13, 2010. TION OF HPM ADVI-
Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. Of LLC may be served. The ness addr.: 520 E. 86th St., Townsend Bldg., Dover, DE process against it may be cess to: 55 Fifth Avenue, 18th
Certificate of LLC filed with SORS LLC.
State of NY (SSNY) on 5/5/10. address to which SSNY shall Apt. 8A, NY, NY 10028, Attn: 19901. Purp.: any lawful served. SSNY shall mail pro- Fl., NY, NY 10003. Purpose:
Florida Secretary of State, Authority filed with NY Dept. Patricia H. Nadosy, regd. activities. any lawful act or activity.
Office location: NY County. mail a copy of any process cess to c/o Moshe Shuster at
2661 Executive Center Circle, of State on 11/17/10. Office against the LLC is to: Radiant agent upon whom process Vil 12/23-1/27/11 Vil 12/23-1/27/11
SSNY designated as agent the princ. office of the LLC.
Tallahassee, Florida 32301. location: NY County. Princ. Pig Beer Company, E 26th may be served. Term: until
for service of process. SSNY Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Purpose: Any lawful act or shall mail process to: 556 bus. addr.: 6 E. 43rd St., NY, St, #5F, New York, NY 10010. 12/31/2060. Purpose: any NOTICE OF QUAL. OF 15 NOTICE OF QUALIFICA-
activity. Purpose: To engage in any Vil 12/23-1/27/11 TION OF MILESTONE
State St. #2DN, Brooklyn, NY NY 10017. LLC formed in lawful activity. LITTLE WEST 12 OWNER
Vil 12/9-1/13/11 DE on 10/20/10. NY Sec. of lawful act or activity. Vil 12/16-1/20/11 HORIZON LLC.
11217. Purpose: Any lawful LLC,
activity. State designated agent of Vil 12/16-1/20/11 NOTICE OF FORMATION Authority filed with Secy.
Auth. filed Sec’y of State of State of NY (SSNY) on
NOTICE OF FORMATION (SSNY) 11/12/10. Office loc.: 10/29/10. Office location: NY
EYELEVEL RETAIL SOLU- against it may be served and OF MARIA RODALE NY County. LLC org. in DE Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
OF S.E.A. NICHE, LLC. County. LLC formed in Dela-
TIONS, L.L.C. NOTICE OF FORMATION shall mail process to: c/o CT CHELSEA ENCLAVE LLC. 11/6/09. SSNY desig. as of State of NY (SSNY) on ware (DE) on 10/11/10. SSNY
OF HEARTS OF PALM Corporation System, 111 8th Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. Arts. of Org. filed with NY agent of LLC upon whom 12/07/10. Office location: NY designated as agent of LLC
art. of org. filed Secy. of State of State of NY (SSNY) on
(ASIA), LLC. Ave., NY, NY 10011, regd. Dept. of State on 11/30/10. process against it may be County. Princ. office of LLC: upon whom process against
NY (SSNY) 10/8/10. Off. loc. 4/20/10. Office location: NY
Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. agent upon whom process Office location: NY County. served. SSNY shall mail copy it may be served. SSNY shall
in NY Co. SSNY designated County. SSNY designated as 202 Riverside Dr. - Ste. 9J,
Of State of NY (SSNY) on may be served. DE addr. of Sec. of State designated of proc. to NRAI, 875 Ave of mail process to: c/o KVB Part-
as agent of LLC upon whom agent of LLC upon whom NY, NY 10025. SSNY desig- ners, 60 Broad St., Ste. 3502,
11/3/10. Office location: NY LLC: The Corporation Trust agent of LLC upon whom the Americas, NY, NY 10001.
process may be served. process against it may be nated as agent of LLC upon NY, NY 10004. DE address of
County. SSNY designated as Co., 1209 Orange St., Wilm- process against it may be DE off. addr.: 160 Green-
SSNY shall mail copy of pro- served. SSNY shall mail whom process against it may LLC: 1201 Orange St., Suite
agent for service of process. ington, DE 19801. Cert. of process to: Chamberlain & served and shall mail pro- tree Dr., Ste. 101, Dover, DE
cess to: The LLC, 6040 N. be served. SSNY shall mail 600, Wilmington, DE 19801.
SSNY shall mail process to: Form. filed with DE Sec. of Steward Associates, Ltd., cess to the principal business 19904. Cert. of Form. on Arts. of Org. filed with DE
Cutter Cir, ste 309, Portland, 1411 Broadway, 23 Fl., NY, State, 401 Federal St., Dover, 400 Park Ave., NY, NY 10022, address: 177 9th Ave., Ste. file: SSDE, Townsend Bldg., process to the LLC at the
Secy. of State, P.O. Box 898,
OR 97217. Purpose: Any law- NY 10018. Purpose: Any law- DE 19901. Purpose: any and Attn: Norman Volk, President. 4K, NY, NY 10011. Purpose: Dover, DE 19901. Purp.: any addr. of its princ. office. Pur- Dover, DE 19903. Purpose:
ful purpose. ful activity. all lawful activity. Purpose: any lawful activity. any lawful activity. lawful activities. pose: Any lawful activity. any lawful activity.
Vil 12/9-1/13/11 Vil 12/9-1/13/11 Vil 12/9-1/13/11 Vil 12/16-1/20/11 Vil 12/16-1/20/11 Vil 12/23-1/27/11 Vil 12/23-1/27/11 Vil 12/23-1/27/11
Januar y 13 - 19, 2011 19

LLC. Art. of Org. filed Dept. of OFFICES LLC, A PROFES- 2 LLC. of State (SSNY) 12/13/2010. a license, #TBA has been LLC.
Authority filed with Secy. State of NY on 8/9/10. Off. Authority filed with NY Dept. Office in NY Co. SSNY applied for by Il Buco Vineria Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
of State of NY (SSNY) on (PLLC). App. for Auth. filed NY Dept.
Loc. in NY: NY Cty. Secy. of of State on 12/9/10. Office design. Agent of LLC upon LLC d/b/a Il Buco/Vineria to of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on
12/8/10. Office location: Arts. of Org. filed with NY of State: 10/26/10. Jurisd. location: NY County. LLC whom process may be
State designated as agent Dept. of State on 11/19/10. sell beer, wine, and liquor 12/10/10. Office location: NY
NY County. LLC formed in of LLC upon whom process and date of org.: DE 3/17/10. formed in DE on 11/29/10. served. SSNY shall mail copy at retail in a restaurant. For County. SSNY designated as
Delaware (DE) on 11/17/10. Office location: NY County. NY Sec. of State designated
against it may be served. Sec. of State designated as Cty off. loc.: NY Cty. Sec. of of process to The LLC 545 W on premises consumption agent of LLC upon whom
SSNY designated as agent agent of LLC upon whom 148 St, 4B NY, NY 10031. Pur-
of LLC upon whom process Sec. of State shall mail a agent of PLLC upon whom State designated as agent under the ABC law at 53 process against it may be
copy of process to: Hands- process against it may be process against it may be pose: Any lawful activity. Great Jones Street NY, NY served. SSNY shall mail pro-
against it may be served. of foreign LLC upon whom served and shall mail pro-
man & Kaminsky LLP, 900 served and shall mail pro- Vil 1/6-2/10/11 10012. cess to: Bldg Management
SSNY shall mail process to: process against it may be cess to: c/o CT Corporation
101 Park Ave., 23rd Fl., NY, Third Ave., 12th Fl., NY, NY cess to the principal busi- Vil 1/6-1/13/10 Co., Inc., 417 5th Ave, 4th Fl,
ness addr.: The Pickholz Law served. The Sec. of State System, 111 8th Ave., NY,
NY 10178, Attn: Paul Tanico. 10022. Purpose: any lawful NOTICE OF FORMATION NY, NY 10016. Purpose: any
Offices LLC, 1140 Ave. of the shall mail copy of process NY 10011, regd. agent upon
DE address of LLC: c/o United activity. OF MANHATTAN MADE PUBLIC NOTICE lawful activity.
Americas, 9th Fl., NY, NY whom process may be
Corporate Services, Inc., 874 Vil 12/23-1/27/11 to: Jeff Silver, 14 Faulkner ENTERPRISES LLC Vil 1/6-2/10/11
10036, Attn: Jason R. Pick- served. DE address of LLC: Notice is hereby given, pur-
Walker Road, Ste. C, Dover, holz, Esq. Purpose: practice Lane, Dix Hills, NY 11766. 1209 Orange St., Wilming- Articles of Organization suant to law, that the NYC
DE 19904. Arts. of Org. filed NOTICE OF FORMATION law. Addr. of foreign LLC in DE is: ton, DE 19801. Cert. of Form. filed with Secretary of State NOTICE OF QUALIFICA-
with DE Secy. of State, 401 Dept. of Consumer Affairs
OF REEF SOLUTIONS, Vil 12/23-1/27/11 615 S. DuPont Hwy., Dover, filed with DE Sec. of State, of New York (SSNY) on will hold a Public Hearing TION OF CE EASTERN
Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. LLC. 09/28/10. Office location: PARKWAY, LLC.
DE 19901. Auth. officer in DE 401 Federal St., Dover, DE on Wednesday, January
Purpose: any lawful activity. NOTICE OF FORMATION NY County. SSNY has been
Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. 19901. Purpose: any lawful 19, 2011 at 2:00 p.m., at 66 Authority filed with Secy.
Vil 12/23-1/27/11 OF SO OTHERS MIGHT where Cert. of Form. filed: DE
of State of NY (SSNY) on activity. designated as an agent upon John Street, 11th floor, on a of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on
SURVIVE, LLC Sec. of State, 401 Federal St., Vil 12/30-2/3/11 whom process against the
NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- 11/30/10. Office location: NY petition from New Mekong 12/9/10. Office location: NY
County. SSNY designated as Articles of Organization Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: LLC may be served. The
TION OF CASTLEROCK filed with Secretary of State Restaurant Corp., to continue County. LLC formed in Dela-
GLOBAL MACRO FUND, agent of LLC upon whom any lawful activity. NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- address to which SSNY shall to, maintain, and operate an ware (DE) on 12/6/10. SSNY
of New York (SSNY) on mail a copy of any process
L.P. process against it may be 08/30/10. Office location: Vil 12/30-2/3/11 TION OF WORLD TRADE unenclosed sidewalk café designated as agent of LLC
served. SSNY shall mail pro- CENTER HOLDCO LLC. against the LLC is to: Manhat- at 16-18 King Street, in the upon whom process against
Authority filed with Secy. NY County. SSNY has been
of State of NY (SSNY) on cess to: Ben Serebin, 160 W. designated as an agent upon Authority filed with NY Dept. tan Made Enterprises LLC, Borough of Manhattan, for it may be served. SSNY shall
12/9/10. Office location: NY 96th St., #11M, NY, NY 10025. whom process against the NAME OF FOR. LLC: of State on 12/9/10. Office 501 Fifth Ave., New York, NY a term of two years. Request mail process to: c/o The
County. LP formed in Dela- Purpose: any lawful activity. LLC may be served. The WASHINGTON ST. 42B, location: NY County. LLC 10017. Purpose: To engage for a copy of the proposed Cheshire Group, LLC, 826
ware (DE) on 8/30/10. SSNY Vil 12/23-1/27/11 address to which SSNY shall LLC. formed in DE on 11/29/10. in any lawful act or activity. revocable consent may be Broadway, 11th Fl., NY, NY
designated as agent of LP mail a copy of any process NY Sec. of State designated Vil 1/6-2/10/11
App. for Auth. filed NY Dept. addressed to Dept. of Con- 10003. DE address of LLC:
upon whom process against against the LLC is to: So agent of LLC upon whom
NOTICE OF FORMATION Others Might Survive, LLC, of State: 10/26/10. Jurisd. sumer Affairs, 42 Broadway, 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste.
it may be served. SSNY shall process against it may be NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- New York NY 10004 Attn: Foil 400, Wilmington, DE 19808.
mail process to: c/o Castle- OF MMMM, LLC. 7014 13th ave., Brooklyn, NY and date of org.: DE 3/17/10. served and shall mail pro- TION OF 630 EAST 9TH Officer Arts. of Org. filed with DE
Rock Management II, LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. 11228. Purpose: To engage cess to: c/o CT Corporation
in any lawful act or activity. Cty off. loc.: NY Cty. Sec. of STREET REALTY LLC. Vil 1/6-1/13/11 Secy. of State, Townsend
101 Park Ave., 23rd Fl., NY, of State of NY (SSNY) on System, 111 8th Ave., NY,
Vil 12/30-2/3/11 State designated as agent Appl. For Auth. filed w/Secy. Bldg., Dover, DE 19901. Pur-
NY 10178. DE address of LP: 7/19/10. Office location: NY NY 10011, regd. agent upon
c/o United Corporate Ser- of foreign LLC upon whom of State of NY (SSNY) on NOTICE OF FORMATION pose: any and all lawful act
County. SSNY designated as whom process may be
vices, Inc., 874 Walker Road, NOTICE OF FORMATION process against it may be 10/8/10. Office location: NY OF BEYOND ARCH, LLC or activity.
agent of LLC upon whom served. DE address of LLC:
Ste. C, Dover, DE 19904. OF EASTSIDE HOME County. LLC formed in Dela- Vil 1/6-2/10/11
process against it may be served. The Sec. of State 1209 Orange St., Wilming- Articles of Organization
Name/address of each genl. REPAIR & IMPROVE- ware (DE) on 8/5/10. SSNY
served. SSNY shall mail MENT, LLC shall mail copy of process ton, DE 19801. Cert. of Form. filed with Secretary of State
ptr. available from SSNY. designated as agent for ser- NOTICE OF FORMATION
process to: Corporation Ser- to: Jeff Silver, 14 Faulkner filed with DE Sec. of State, of New York (SSNY) on
Cert. of LP filed with DE Sec. Articles of Organization vice of process. SSNY shall WANDERING MINSTREL
vice Company, 80 State St., 401 Federal St., Dover, DE 12/09/10. Office location: NY
of State, 401 Federal St., filed with Secretary of State Lane, Dix Hills, NY 11766. 19901. Purpose: any lawful mail process to: 875 Ave. LLC
Albany, NY 12207, registered of New York (SSNY) on of Americas #501, NY, NY County. SSNY has been des-
Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Addr. of foreign LLC in DE is: activity.
any lawful activity. agent upon whom process 04/05/10. Office location: 10001. DE address of LLC: ignated as an agent upon art. of org. filed Secy. of State
may be served. Purpose: any NY County. SSNY has been 615 S. DuPont Hwy., Dover, Vil 12/30-2/3/11 whom process against the NY (SSNY) 10/25/10. Off. loc.
Vil 12/23-1/27/11 160 Greentree Dr. #101,
lawful activity. designated as an agent upon DE 19901. Auth. officer in DE Dover, DE 19904. Cert. of LLC may be served. The in NY Co. SSNY designated
Vil 12/23-1/27/11 whom process against the where Cert. of Form. filed: DE NOTICE OF FORMATION Form. filed with DE Secy. of address to which SSNY shall as agent of LLC upon whom
OF KOPLIK INTERNA- Sec. of State, 401 Federal St., State, 401 Federal St. Ste. 4, mail a copy of any process process may be served.
address to which SSNY shall MENT LLC. against the LLC is to: Beyond SSNY shall mail copy of pro-
TIONAL LLC. NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- mail a copy of any process Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Dover, DE 19904. Purpose:
TION OF AMERICOLD Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. any lawful activity. Arch LLC, 45 Overlook Ter- cess to: David Kaminsky &
Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. against the LLC is to: The any lawful activity.
of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on MFL 2010 LLC. of State of NY (SSNY) on Vil 1/6-2/10/11 race 6F, New York, NY 10033. Assoc, 325 Broadway # 504,
LLC, 568 Grand St. Ste 2002, Vil 12/30-2/3/11
11/3/10. Office location: New New York, NY 10002. Pur- 12/08/10. Office location: Purpose: To engage in any NY, NY 10007. Purpose: Any
Authority filed with NY Dept. NY County. Princ. office of
York County. SSNY desig- pose: To engage in any law- lawful act or activity. lawful purpose, managed by
of State on 12/7/10. Office LLC: c/o Peter Glazman, US NOTICE OF FORMATION
nated as agent of LLC upon ful act or activity. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF PEOPLE ARCHITECTS Vil 1/6-2/10/11 members.
location: NY County. Princ. Pack Courier Service, 350
whom process against it Vil 12/30-2/3/11 OF LOFTS 21 LLC. GROUP LLC. Vil 1/13-2/17/11
bus. addr.: 10 Glenlake Pkwy., Fifth Ave., Ste. 4714, NY, NY
may be served. SSNY shall South Tower, Ste. 800, Atlan- SHERIFF’S ADJOURNED
mail process to: The LLC, 600 Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. 10118. SSNY designated as Art. of Org. filed w/Secy.
Madison Ave., NY, NY 10022. LLC of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on agent of LLC upon whom Of State of NY (SSNY) on
in DE on 11/17/10. NY Sec. process against it may be 12/15/10. Office location: NY I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC- OF GATE GLOBAL, LLC.
Purpose: any lawful activity. Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. 7/1/10. Office location: NY
Vil 12/23-1/27/11 of State designated agent served. SSNY shall mail pro- County. SSNY designated as TION, by DENNIS ALESTRA, Arts of Org filed with the
of State (SSNY) 10/22/2010. County. SSNY designated as DCA# 840217, auctioneer, as Secy of State of New York
of LLC upon whom process Office in NY Co. SSNY cess to the LLC at the addr. of agent for service of process.
against it may be served and agent of LLC upon whom its princ. office. Purpose: Any SSNY shall mail process to: the law directs, FOR CASH (SSNY) on 5/6/10. Office
NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- design. Agent of LLC upon
TION OF JUNIPER I, shall mail process to: c/o CT whom process may be process against it may be lawful activity. 79 Sullivan St. #5C, NY, NY ONLY, on the 12TH day of location:NY County. SSNY
L.L.C. Corporation System, 111 served. SSNY shall mail copy served. SSNY shall mail pro- Vil 1/6-2/10/11 10012. Purpose: Any lawful JANUARY 2011, at 10:30 has been designated as an
Authority filed with Secy. 8th Ave., NY, NY 10011. DE of process to Melody A. Staz- cess to: c/o Classic Group activity. o’clock in the forenoon, at: agent upon whom process
of State of NY (SSNY) on addr. of LLC: 1209 Orange St., zone 255 Cabrini Blvd. Ste 5F NOTICE OF FORMATION Vil 1/6-2/10/11 THE SHERIFF’S OFFICE, 66 may be served and shall mail
Inc., 4 W. 22nd St., 4th Fl.,
11/29/10. Office location: NY Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert. NY, NY 10040. Purpose: Any OF 306 WEST 97TH John Street, 13th Floor, in the a copy of any process to the
lawful activity. NY, NY 10010. Purpose: any county of New York all the principal business address:
County. LLC formed in Dela- of Form. filed with DE Sec. of MCLEAN EQUITIES LLC. NOTICE OF FORMATION
ware (DE) on 11/10/10. SSNY State, 401 Federal St., Dover, Vil 12/30-2/3/11 lawful activity. right, title and interest which 1212 6th Ave, Ste 803 NY,NY
Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. OF THE MANHATTAN
designated as agent of LLC DE 19901. Purpose: any law- Vil 12/30-2/3/11 of State of NY (SSNY) on HIGH BROW, LLC. ANDREW CHANG, ET AL. 10036. Purpose: any lawful
upon whom process against ful activity. NOTICE OF FORMATION 12/16/10. Office location: NY the judgment debtor, had on act.
it may be served. SSNY shall OF CBBJ, LLC. Art. of Org. filed w/Secy.
Vil 12/23-1/27/11 County. Princ. office and of State of NY (SSNY) on the 10TH day of NOVEMBER Vil 1/13-2/17/11
mail process to princ. bus. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. NOTICE OF QUALIFICA-
regd. agent of LLC: Robert 9/22/10. Office location: NY 1993, or at anytime thereaf-
loc.: 311 W. 43rd St., NY, NY of State of NY (SSNY) on TION OF 58 FERRY RD Kantor, 55 Fifth Ave., 15th Fl., ter, of, in and to the follow-
10036. DE address of LLC: c/o 12/10/10. Office location: NY LLC. NY, NY 10003-4398. SSNY ing property: 21-23 AVENUE
TION OF VALUE LINE County. SSNY designated agent for service of process. TION OF LION ARC CAPI-
Corporation Service Com- designated as agent of LLC B, NEW YORK, NY 10009.
pany, 2711 Centerville Rd., PUBLISHING LLC. as agent of LLC upon whom Authority filed with NY Dept. SSNY shall mail process to: TAL LLC.
Authority filed with NY Dept. process against it may be upon whom process against 325 W.38 St. #705, NY, NY EDGAR A. DOMENECH
Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE of State on 12/15/10. Office Authority filed with Secy.
served. SSNY shall mail pro- it may be served. SSNY shall SHERIFF OF THE CITY OF
19808. Cert. of Form. filed of State on 12/3/10. Office location: NY County. Princ. 10018. Purpose: Any lawful of State of NY (SSNY) on
cess to Steven Golden, c/o mail process to the LLC at the NEW YORK DEPUTY SHER-
with DE Secy. of State, 401 location: NY County. LLC bus. addr.: 200 Whitsett St., activity. 12/21/10. Office location:
CBIZ MHM, LLC, 1065 Ave. of addr. of its princ. office. Pur- IFF LOPEZ (212) 487-2673
Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE formed in DE on 7/2/10. NY Vil 1/6-2/10/11 NY County. LLC formed in
the Americas, NY, NY 10018. Greenville, SC 29601. LLC pose: Any lawful activity. CASE# 10013167
19901. Purpose: real estate Sec. of State designated Delaware (DE) on 11/06/07.
development and any other Purpose: Any lawful activity. formed in DE on 12/14/10. Vil 1/6-2/10/11 Vil 1/6/11
agent of LLC upon whom Vil 12/30-2/3/11 FRAN & SAL’S ARTI- Princ. office of LLC: 499 Park
purposes permitted by appli- process against it may be NY Sec. of State designated CHOKE ON MACDOU- Ave., 10th Fl., NY, NY 10022.
served and shall mail pro- NOTICE OF FORMATION agent of LLC upon whom GAL, LLC. SSNY designated as agent
cess to the principal business OF M & H 75TH STREET process against it may be AMERICAS DEVELOP- Articles of Organization were of LLC upon whom process
addr.: Value Line, Inc., 220 E. HOLDINGS, LLC. served and shall mail pro- filed with the Secretary of COMPANY, LLC. against it may be served.
42nd St., NY, NY 10017, Attn: Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. cess to: c/o CT Corporation State of New York (SSNY) Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. SSNY shall mail process to
OF RESTIVO EVENTS, Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
Howard Brecher, Esq. Regd. of State of NY (SSNY) on on 12/23/10. Office location: of State of NY (SSNY) on Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt &
LLC. System, 111 8th Ave., NY, of State of NY (SSNY) on
agent upon whom process 10/29/10. Office location: NY New York County. SSNY has 11/23/10. Office location: NY Mosle, LLP, Attn: William L.
Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. NY 10011, regd. agent upon 12/17/10. Office location: NY
may be served: CT Corpora- County. Princ. office of LLC: County. SSNY designated been designated as agent of County. SSNY designated as Bricker, Jr., 101 Park Ave., NY,
of State of NY (SSNY) on tion System, 111 8th Ave., 55 E. 75th St., NY, NY 10021. whom process may be agent of LLC upon whom NY 10178. DE addr. of LLC:
11/23/10. Office location: NY as agent of LLC upon whom the LLC upon whom process
NY, NY 10011. DE addr. of SSNY designated as agent served. DE addr. of LLC: 1209 against it may be served. process against it may be 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste. 400,
County. SSNY designated as of LLC upon whom process process against it may be
agent of LLC upon whom LLC: 1209 Orange St., Wilm- Orange St., Wilmington, DE served. SSNY shall mail SSNY shall mail a copy of served. SSNY shall mail pro- Wilmington, DE 19808. Arts.
ington, DE 19801. Cert. of against it may be served. cess to: c/o United Corporate of Org. filed with Secy. of
process against it may be SSNY shall mail process to 19801. Cert. of Form. filed process to c/o Rosenberg process to the LLC, 325 East
served. SSNY shall mail pro- Form. filed with DE Sec. of c/o Schwartz & Salomon, & Estis, P.C., Attn: Michael 14th Street, Apartments 3 Services, Inc., 10 Bank St., State, DE, Jeffrey W. Bullock,
with DE Sec. of State, 401
cess to: The LLC, 245 E. 25th State, 401 Federal St., Dover, P.C., 225 Broadway, Ste. E. Lefkowitz, Esq., 733 Third & 4, New York, New York Ste. 560, White Plains, NY 401 Federal St., #3, Dover, DE
DE 19901. Purpose: any law- Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Ave., NY, NY 10017. Purpose: 10003. Purpose: For any law- 10606. Purpose: any lawful 19901-3639. Purpose: Any
St., #12L, NY, NY 10010. Pur- 4200, NY, NY 10007. Purpose:
pose: any lawful purpose. ful activity. Any lawful activity. Purpose: any lawful activity. Any lawful activity. ful purpose. activity. lawful activity.
Vil 12/23-1/27/11 Vil 12/23-1/27/11 Vil 12/30-2/3/11 Vil 12/30-2/3/11 Vil 1/6-2/10/11 Vil 1/6-2/10/11 Vil 1/6-2/10/11 Vil 1/13-2/17/11
20 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011

LIFF, LLC Articles of Organization filed Articles of Organization filed Authority filed with Secy. HOLDINGS, L.L.C. TIES LLC.
with Secretary of State of with Secretary of State of Authority filed with NY Dept.
Articles of Organization NewYork (SSNY) on 11/22/10. of State of NY (SSNY) on Authority filed with NY
Authority filed with Secy. NewYork (SSNY) on 09/24/10 Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
Office location: NY County. 12/13/10. Office location: NY Dept. of State on 12/20/10. of State on 12/23/10. Office
of State of NY (SSNY) on filed with Secretary of State of State of NY (SSNY) on
Office location: NY County. SSNY has been designated County. LLC formed in Dela- Office location: NY County. location: NY County. LLC
11/18/10. Office location: NY of New York (SSNY) on SSNY has been designated formed in DE on 12/20/10.
as an agent upon whom pro- ware (DE) on 11/16/10. SSNY 1/28/10. Office location: NY Princ. bus. addr.: 591 W. Put-
County. LLC formed in Dela- 12/02/10. Office location: as an agent upon whom pro- cess against the LLC may be NY Sec. of State designated
designated as agent of LLC County. SSNY designated as nam Ave., Greenwich, CT
NY County. SSNY has been cess against the LLC may be served. The address to which agent of LLC upon whom
ware (DE) on 09/28/10. SSNY SSNY shall mail a copy of upon whom process against agent of LLC upon whom 06830. LLC formed in DE on
designated as an agent upon served. The address to which process against it may be
designated as agent of LLC any process against the LLC it may be served. SSNY shall 12/15/10. NY Sec. of State
whom process against the SSNY shall mail a copy of process against it may be served and shall mail pro-
upon whom process against is to: Ammara Y, LLC, 350 mail process to princ. bus. designated agent of LLC
any process against the LLC East 79th Street, #41A, New served. SSNY shall mail pro- cess to the principal business
LLC may be served. The loc.: c/o GxG Management upon whom process against
it may be served. SSNY shall is to: The LLC, 74 Perry Street York NY 10075. Purpose: To cess to: The LLC, 62 W. 47th addr.: Value Line, Inc., 220 E.
address to which SSNY shall LLC – Series A, 540 Madison it may be served and shall
mail process to c/o Eisenberg #4F NY NY 10014. Purpose: engage in any lawful act or 42nd St., NY, NY 10017, Attn:
mail a copy of any process To engage in any lawful act activity. Ave., Ste. 21A, NY, NY 10022. St., Ste. 802, NY, NY 10036. mail process to: c/o CT Cor-
Tanchum & Levy, 675 Third Howard Brecher, Esq. Regd.
against the LLC is to: The or activity. Vil 1/13-2/17/11 DE address of LLC: Delaware Purpose: any lawful activity. poration System, 111 8th
agent upon whom process
Ave, Ste. 2900, NY, NY 10017. LLC, 138 Shadow Lake Road, Vil 1/13-2/17/11 Corporate Services Inc., 1220 Ave., NY, NY 10011, regd.
Vil 1/13-2/17/11 may be served: CT Corpora-
DE addr. of LLC: Corporation Ridgefield, CT 06877. Pur- 1661 FIRST AVE LLC, N. Market St., Ste. 850, Wilm- agent upon whom process tion System, 111 8th Ave.,
Service Co., 2711 Centerville SOHO 2108 LLC a domestic Limited Liability ington, DE 19801. Cert. of may be served. DE addr. of NY, NY 10011. DE addr. of
pose: To engage in any law-
Company (LLC), filed with Form. filed with DE Secy. of NOTICE OF QUALIFI- LLC: 1209 Orange St., Wilm- LLC: 1209 Orange St., Wilm-
Rd., Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE ful act or activity. Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. the Sec of State of NY on State, 401 Federal St., Ste. CATION OF GORDON ington, DE 19801. Cert. of
19808. Arts. of Org. filed with of State (SSNY) 12/16/2010. ington, DE 19801. Cert. of
Vil 1/13-2/17/11 12/1/10. NY Office location:
4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: BROTHERS GROUP, LLC. Form. filed with DE Secy. Form. filed with DE Sec. of
DE Secy. of State, 401 Federal Office in NY Co. SSNY New York County. SSNY is
design. Agent of LLC upon designated as agent upon any lawful purposes permit- of State, Townsend Bldg., State, 401 Federal St., Dover,
St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. METRO PCS PROPOSES Authority filed with NY Dept. Dover, DE 19901. Purpose:
whom process may be whom process against the ted by applicable law. DE 19901. Purpose: any law-
Purpose: Any lawful activity. LLC may be served. SSNY Vil 1/13-2/17/11 of State on 11/26/2010. Office any lawful activity ful activity.
new wireless communica- served. SSNY shall mail copy
Vil 1/13-2/17/11 shall mail a copy of any pro- location: NY County. LLC Vil 1/13-2/17/11 Vil 1/13-2/17/11
tions facilities to be located of process to Jajan, PLLC 110
cess against the LLC served
at 1128 Third Ave., New Wall St, 11th Floor NY, NY upon him/her to The LLC, NOTICE OF FORMATION formed in DE on 1/4/1998.
10005. Purpose: Any lawful c/o Mr. Vincent Ventura, 1586 OF PROCIBO, LLC. NY Sec. of State designated
NOTICE OF FORMATION York, NY and 1560 Broad-
activity. First Ave., NY, NY 10028.
Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
way, New York, NY. Both
facilities will entail the col-
Vil 1/13-2/17/11 General Purposes.
Vil 1/13-2/17/11
Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on
agent of LLC upon whom
process against it may be
Need to place a legal
location of antennas on the 12/22/10. Office location: served and shall mail pro-
of State of NY (SSNY) on
12/13/10. Office location:
existing building along with
New York County. SSNY des-
ignated as agent of LLC upon
cess to: 101 Huntington Ave., ad for your business?
the installation of ancillary Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. 10th Fl., Boston, MA 02199.
NY Co. SSNY designated Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. whom process against it may
as agent of LLC upon whom
equipment on the roof. Com-
ments regarding the poten-
of State (SSNY) 12/22/2010.
Office in NY Co. SSNY
of State of NY (SSNY) on
12/3/10. Office location: NY
be served. SSNY shall mail
process to: c/o United Cor-
DE address of LLC: c/o The
Corporation Trust Co., 1209
Call 646-452-2471
process against it may be tial effects of the proposed design. Agent of LLC upon County. SSNY designated as
served. SSNY shall mail agent of LLC upon whom porate Services, Inc., 10 Bank Orange St., Wilmington, DE
facility on historic properties whom process may be Jason Sherwood /
served. SSNY shall mail copy process against it may be St., Ste. 560, White Plains, 19801. Cert. of Form. filed
process to: The LLC, 1556 should be directed to: the Senior Marketing Consultant
of process to The LLC 315 served. SSNY shall mail pro- NY 10606, registered agent
Third Ave., #201C, NY, NY IVI Telecom Services, Inc., 55 cess to: c/o Civic Builders, with DE Sec. of State, 401
West End Ave Apt 3B NY, NY upon whom process may be
304 Hudson St., 3rd Fl., NY, Federal St., Dover, DE 19901.
10128. Purpose: any lawful West Red Oak Lane, White 10023. Purpose: Any lawful NY 10013. Purpose: any law- served. Purpose: any lawful
activities. Plains, New York 10604. activity. ful activity. activity. Purpose: any lawful activity.
Vil 1/13-2/17/11 Vil 1/13/11 Vil 1/13-2/17/11 Vil 1/13-2/17/11 Vil 1/13-2/17/11 Vil 1/13-2/17/11

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Januar y 13 - 19, 2011 21

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22 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011


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Januar y 13 - 19, 2011 23

Task force: Cooper plan will draw ‘drunk hooligans’

A rendering of the planned reconstruction of what the city is dubbing Village Plaza — A rendering of the proposed redesign of what is being called “The Alamo” Plaza,
south of Peter Cooper Park — with a view to the north. after the Tony Rosenthal cube sculpture.

Continued from page 1 the gated area of an enlarged Peter Cooper

Park. They were also against the proposal
Ave., Astor Place and Lafayette and E. for seats in the new triangle to the south
Eighth Sts. of Peter Cooper Park, which would have
Under the project, Astor Place between no fencing whatsoever.
Lafayette St. and Cooper Square (Fourth Nevertheless, there was a suggestion that
Ave.) would be closed to vehicles and movable daytime seating might be acceptable
incorporated into the new plaza. Decorative if some neighborhood organization agreed to
paving would mark the route of the former take the chairs or benches away at night.
road segment. The Department of Design and
Construction, the lead agency in the proj-
ect, intends to submit its preliminary plans
for the project, including the task force
‘Bars across the street have resolution against open 24-hour public seat-
ing, to the next meeting of the city Design
been a constant problem Commission for approval.
But the project, which has been on the
— the source of drunken city agenda for at least six years, is not likely
to begin before 2013.
loudness. We want the “This is a jurisdictionally complex proj-
ect,” Andy Wiley Schwartz, an assistant
park locked at night and commissioner with the Department of
Transportation, told the Jan. 6 meeting, not-
places not locked to have ing that D.O.T., the Parks Department, the
Department of Environmental Protection
no seating.’ and D.D.C. are involved in the project. “It
will bring big changes to an important part
Susan Stetzer, of Manhattan,” he said.
The impetus was the construction of
C.B. 3 district manager New York City’s Third Water Tunnel, an
important section of which is on E. Fourth
St. just south of the Astor Place / Cooper
A rendering showing an overview of the proposed reconstruction plans for the Astor Square project. The redesign was put on
After four hours of discussion, the task Place / Cooper Square area. hold when the water tunnel project was
force voted to give the plan a qualified delayed for budget reasons. Now back on
approval, including a recommendation that • “The Alamo” plaza, where the large Grace Church intends to open a pri- track, the water tunnel project is expected to
there be no open public seating, except black cube sculpture by Tony Rosenthal is vate high school on the west side of be completed in a year or so.
behind gates that would be locked at night. located on a traffic island at Astor Place. the proposed Village Plaza beginning in “D.E.P. told us they could restore the
The $6.5 million project would include • The gated Peter Cooper Park triangle September 2012 on the west side of streets the way they were or rebuild them
four locations: — south of The Cooper Union’s Foundation Cooper Square. along a new design,” Schwartz said. Although
Building — between E. Seventh and E. Sixth While seating possibilities are envi- the federal government has withdrawn funds
• The Astor Place subway plaza between Sts. sioned for all four areas, Board 3 task originally earmarked for the Astor Place
E. Ninth and E. Eighth Sts. at Fourth Ave. • A new green triangle south of the park, force members were especially against the project, city funding for it is now in place,
and Lafayette Sts. to be known as the Village Plaza. proposal for permanent seating outside he said.
24 Januar y 13 - 19, 2011


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