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Running head: WHEP

WHEP (Women's Health an Ecological Project)

Cardozo S.

Rochester School

Chapter 3


La tercera fase será desarrollada usando el artículo de Juan Pablo Aljure llamado
“Sistema de realización de un proyecto” (Aljure, 2009). La información en el artículo
tiene el propósito de guiar el desarrollo de un proyecto de grado paso a paso. La imagen
deseada de mi proyecto es implementar dispensadores de toallas higiénicas en los baños
de las mujeres. En este capítulo la situación actual y mi imagen deseada para mi
proyecto serán comparadas en orden de poder entenderlas acciones que se tienen que
realizar para que haya menos discrepancias entre estas. Usaré varias fuentes como el
artículo de Juan Pablo Aljure y también usaré los hábitos de un pensador sistémico, así
poder usarlos en esta fase y através del proyecto.

Abstract: The third phase will be developed using the article by Juan Pablo Aljure
called “System for carrying out a project” (Aljure, 2009). The information in the article is
intended to guide the development of a degree project step by step. The desired image of my
project is to implement sanitary towels or pads dispensers in the women's restrooms. In this
chapter the current situation and my desired image for my project will be compared in order
to understand the actions that must be carried out so that there are less discrepancies between
them. I will use various sources such as the article by Juan Pablo Aljure and I will also use
the habits of a systemic thinker, so that I can use them in this phase and throughout the

As mentioned before, my project is about implementing biodegradable sanitary towels

in dispensers. According to Juan Pablo Aljure´s article phase 1 is about our wishes, about
how we see the project once it's implemented. And phase 2 is about the current situation
regarding the project. Now that I have completed and been through these 2 phases I am going
to use them to develop part 3 of the project. This third phase of the project it is about
evaluating while comparing my desired image and the current situation of my project.

Comparison of My Desired Image and Current Situation

If I am going to compare the current situation and desired image of my project it is

important if not fundamental to take into account the habits of a system thinker, those are
abilities that the people making projects need to take into account, also those abilities are the
ones we have been learning throughout the year. As of right now I am making contacts and
reaching out to potential providers of the product for the dispensers. To do this I need to take
into account many factors, like the ones of a system thinker.

Habits of a system thinker in my project

The first one is seeks to understand the big picture. This means like taking a step back and
see the situation as a whole. Like for example in my project I can't just only focus in what I
want, I need to take into account others opinion. A question to ask with this is how can i
maintain balance between the big picture and important detail? Well, I can do this by
focusing on both by complimenting one with the other, like I need to focus that the product is
affordable but I can't just focus on the price I also need to focus on if it is accessible and that
its used properly. The second one is Observes how elements within systems change over
time, generating patterns and trends, this means that systems are made of different
independent variable that tend to change over time. And the person making the project can
use a behaviour over time graph to analyze the changes over time. A question to ask with this
habit is how have elements changed over time? And the answer to that is that each day there
are many new solutions and proposals to help with climate change and pollution, so everyday
people tend to reconsider greener and environmental friendly products The third one is
Recognizes that a system's structure generates its behaviour, this one means that the person
making the project needs to think about what and how parts affect each other. For example, in
my project the demand for products affects the purchase to the suppliers, more demand more
product must be purchased. The fourth one is Identifies the circular nature of complex cause
and effect relationships, this is similar to the last one, it's like a Cause-Effect matter. The fifth
one is ​Changes perspectives to increase understanding t​ his is another habit that is key to
developing a project. It is important to try and look at the project from someone else’s eyes to
properly understand from a different point of view if the project is indeed developing or not.

With this one a question to answer is am I open to other points of view? Yes I am, on the
survey someone asked if I have considered the cup, the menstrual cup, and yes I have
consider it, I actually use it. The next is ​Surfaces and tests assumptions i​ ​ s also a very
important habit to acquire because one can never assume anything about the project, testing
will be key to your project’s success.

To properly evaluate the discrepancies between my current situation and my desired image I
need to take into account Juan Pablo Aljure´s article1, I need to take into account the
following: customer experience, resources, organizational structure, legal and green context,
and/or learning & innovation. So with customer experience is currently not existent because
the project needs to implement first so they could take their position about the product. The
resources I need for my project are biodegradable towels, currently I have not been able to
obtain them, although I have already contacted several different suppliers. Clearly, due to the
current situations regarding the pandemic, shipping and coordination of products are not very
easy, so that is currently my biggest problem. Regarding the green and legal aspect, it is
important for my project that the sanitary towels meet the green standards of the school. And
my ideal image is that these sanitary pads are the most suitable.

Finally, to conclude Chapter 3 is important to see that it may be a little bit more complicated
due to the situation around the world, but I still expect that the project is implemented in the
following years.


Zegeye, D.T., Megabiaw, B. & Mulu, A. Age at menarche and the menstrual pattern of
secondary school adolescents in northwest Ethiopia. BMC Women's Health 9, 29 (2009).

“Sistema de Realización de un Proyecto” (Aljure, 2009)

Bautista,K.M. (2019,February 18). BIOCARE. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas.

Bojanini, J. F. (2005). Hábitos higiénicos y flujo vaginal recurrente en adolescentes .

Retrieved from

Felitti, K. (2016). Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad. Revista Latinoamericana . Retrieved from

UNICEF. 2013. Simple solutions to keep girls in school in Bangladesh. Disponible en;

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