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At the end of the lesson the student should be able to
1. Understand the history, classification and the tools and equipment in preparing
2. Value the importance of Appetizer in daily meal(Restaurant)
3. Demonstrate the expected Learning and perform the example of appetizer

II. Subject Matter

Cookery Grade XII
III. Materials
Cartolina Paper
LM-Cookery p.6-21

IV. Procedure
A. Preparation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Good morning Class” “Let us pray Good morning Sir” (One Student will lead
first, Anyone who wants to lead the the prayer)
(The secretary will stand and tell who are
“Ms. Secretary may I know who are the absentee)
the absent for today?”
B. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity

“I want you to be creative in guessing the words. This is the so called” wika rambolan”
Anyone? (Pick 3 Students to Answer) “Thank you class, All of your answers are correct.
The appetizer is our lesson for today.
(Students will raise their hands)
C. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity

“Today our topic is all about Appetizer

When you hear the words appetizer? What comes in your mind?

(Pick 2 Students from each Group)

“Thank you, Please listen..

Appetizer is one of the part of the meal,

Some people define appetizer as a starter and stimulator.

Is there anyone here knows about the history of appetizer?

(Students will raise their hands)

“Brief information about the subject”

“Brief information about the subject”

Yes sir!
Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity

Who introduced appetizers in early 3rd Century B.C. ?The ATHENIANS

What kind of appetizers they served?

Garlic and Sea Urchin.

What thus the ROMAN EMPIRE tells about



 What thus the AMERICANS and ENGLAND people tells about APPETIZERS? Anyone?
they serve the appetizers ? - Between main
course and dessert as REFRESHER

How about the filipino people?

So now, what are the tools and equipment in preparing appitizer? Anyone?
(Students will raise their hands)

They were known for LIQUID appetizers

(Students will listen)

We call it as a Finger foods

(Students will raise their hands)

1. French Knife
2. Peeler
3. Chiller
4. Oven
5. Rubber scraper
6. Cutting board
7. Bowl
8. Wire whip
9. Kitchen shears

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Now , we have the classification of (Students will raise their hands)
Who can give one example?
1. Cocktails
2. Hors D’ Oeuvres
3. Canape’
4. Relishes
5. Chips and Dips
6. Fresh Fruits and vegetables

D. Activity

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Demo: in making Appetizer.

I will ask someone to assist and The student will observed,
Show in the front of the class.
At the end of lesson the student will be able
to acquire the knowledge and convert in to
Cocktail and Fresh fruits and Vegetables

E. Generalization
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“I know you’ve learn a lot from this
days (Students will raise their hands)
discussion, so anyone who can
the Lesson? “

(Call 2 students to generalize the


V. Evaluation
Get a one fourth sheet of yellow paper and answer the following question.
1. Who introduced appetizers in early 3rd Century B.C. ?
2. The roman Empire kopwn for the liquid appetizer, what do you call to appitizer
which have an alchohol content?

3-5. Give at least 3 example of Classification of appetizer.

6. Define appetizer.
7-10. Give at least 3 examples of Tools and equipment in preparing appetizer and
their uses.
VI. Assignment
1. Choose 1 from the example of the classification of appetizer.
2. Bring the ingredients according to your example of appetizer.
3. Present it by group.

Prepared By:


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