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University of


EME 171 – Lab #3, Part 1


Motocross Pitch-Heave Model

Group # 10

Fall 2010
Manuel Hoog, Konstantin Zamuruyev, Brandon Schroeder, and Michael Schantz

During this lab we will investigate the response of a motorcycle as it moves over
two bumps in the road. The focus of this project is to investigate the heave and pitch
motions of the cycle as it travels over such bumps. Furthermore we will investigate the
influence of bike rider position on the motorcycle. By changing his position on the bike
the center of gravity will be shifted and the dynamics of the systems will change. During
this first part we are to construct an initial setup of this problem using camp/g the bond
graph modeling method.

System Schematic

ωp g

vr vf

br k sf bf
k sr

vr (t ) kt r kt f v f (t )

Bond graph from GAMP/G

The bond graph corresponding to the motocross Pitch-Heave model.
Power flows and velocities are shown in the schematic.

Initial Conditions

We assume that the motorcycleWeightis in equilibrium-that

( Rider + Bike ) there is no
vertical velocity before hitting the bump; therefore, all momentums in
vertical directions + Leg
(baseare zero.
) Momentum for the mass (Leg )of the motorcycle
are zero and momentum for the front and rear tire are zero.

There will be initial displacements (deflections) in the front and
rear spring as well as front and rear tire due
CG to the weight of the
motorcycle, rider and tires. These initial displacements were found to
Doing summation of forces in the vertical direction and moments
around rear end and horizontal direction, we found the force acting on
the front and rear.

∑F y =0
∑M r =0

M cr * g * (base − Leg )
FF =
 base − Leg 
FR = M cr * g 1 − 
 base 

From Hook’s law

F = k * displacmen t
Initial displacement of the front spring is Q9 is equal to :
FF M * g * (base − Leg )
Q9 = X sf = = cr
k sf base * k sf
Initial displacement of front tire:
 (base − Leg ) 
Ftf F f + M tf * g  M cr + M tf 
Q3 = X ts = = = base * g
k tf k tf  k tf 
 
 
Initial displacement of the rear spring:
 base − Leg 
M cr * g 1 − 
FR  base 
Q 26 = X sr = =
k sr k sr
Initial displacement of the rear tire:
  base − Leg  
 M cr 1 −  + M tr 
FR + M tr * g  base 
Q31 = X tr = = * g
k tr  k tr 
 
 
Initial momentous

P5IN= 0.0 ! Initial momentum of the front tire.

P15IN= 0.0 ! Initial angular momentum of the
motorcycle and the rider.
P17IN= 0.0 ! Initial momentum of the motorcycle
and the rider.

Inputs for all efforts and flow sources

We simulate flow source SF1 and SF2 with the help of the step
function. The base of the motorcycle is 1.6 meters and the horizontal
velocity of the motorbike is 10 meters per second.
Therefore there is a time difference between the front and rear
wheel hitting the bump is found to be: = 0.16 sec
10 m / s
delay = (base/vmoto) ! m Time delay between the front and
rear wheel.

Using the step function for the input for flow:


SF1 = (hbump*vmoto/(0.5*lbump))*(step(tsf)-2*step(tmf)
SF33 =(hbump/0.5*vmoto/lbump)*(step(tsr)-2*step(tmr)

Effort sources due to gravity are defined as:

SE6 = (mtf*g)
SE18 =(mcr*g)
SE28 =(mtr*g)

Output equations for the front and rear suspension deflections

For the dynamic deflections of the springs and tires we use the
process of integration. We use values for the initial deflection as the
starting point of the integral, and integral of flow (relative velocity) that
this element has at a particular time. From the bond graph, build and
generated in CAMP/G we got the following equations in ACSL.:

Q3= INTEG (dQ3,Q3IN ) ! Dynamic displacement for the front tire.

Q9= INTEG (dQ9,Q9IN ) ! Dynamic displacement of the front spring and
Q26= INTEG (dQ26,Q26IN ) ! Dynamic displacement of the rear spring and
Q31= INTEG (dQ31,Q31IN ) ! Dynamic displacement of the rear tire.
Heave Velocity

We know that angular velocity is the same for all points of the bike
body, M cr . Knowing the front and rear distances from the center of
gravity, velocity of the front and rear can be related to the angular

V f = ω* Lcg +V g
Vr = V g −ω(base − Lcg )

From these two equation we can solve for Vg ; or it can be determined

with the flows from the bond graph.
V g = F17 =

P17 is linear momentum of the Mcr
I17 is mass of the motorcycle and biker.

Pitch angular velocity is defined as:

ω = F15 =
I 15

P15 is angular momentum of the Mcr
I15 is J (Moment of Inertia)

System Frequencies
M cr mtr

k sr + k sf ksr k sf ktr

To find the time control parameters, system frequencies need to found also.
1 1 k
Period = fn = ⋅ ω n ωn =
fn 2 ⋅π M
Period = 2π

For the Heave Model

M cr = 300 kg k sr = 3500 k sf = 3000
m m
1 M 300 kg sec
Period = = 2π = 2π = 1.35
fn k sr + k sf N cycle
For the Pitch model
J = mass ×( rgyration ) 2
= 300 kg ×0.5 2 = 75 kg

k * L2
k sf * Lcg + k sr * Lcg (300)(0.9) 2 + (3500)(0.7) 2
ωn = = = = 7.43
J J 75
2π sec
Period = = 0.8452
ωn cycle

For the Front wheel model:

k tf = 30 ,000 M tf =15 kg
15 sec
Period = 2π = 0.1405
30 ,000 cycle
For the Rear wheel model:
k tf = 40 ,000 M tf = 20 kg
15 sec
Period = 2π = 0.1405
40 ,000 cycle
Period Finish Time [Period*3] Time Steps
Heave Model 1.35 ~4.05 -
Pitch Model 0.8452 - -
Wheel Model 0.1405 - ~1.41E-4

Rider Position and dynamics of the system

If the position of the rider changes, the position of the center of

gravity will change as well; this in turn will change our frequencies,
initial displacements and dynamic displacements. The pitch model
frequency is affected the most, and the wheel models will be slightly


Exporting the bond model form CAMP/G to ACSL environment and modified
the script. By defining physical constraints for the system, giving equations for the
initial displacements, flow and effort sources and putting constraints on the tire, force
the system to not go into tension.
Here is our modified ACSL code:

!...... ACSL INPUT FILE ......


constant vmoto = 10 ! m/s

constant mcr = 300 ! kg
constant g = 9.81 ! m/s^2 Acceleration of gravity
constant rgyr = 0.5 ! m
constant base = 1.6 ! m
constant sdisp = 0.1 ! m
J= (mcr*(rgyr*rgyr))! Moment of angular inertia.

constant ksf = 3000 ! N/m

constant bf = 400 ! Ns/m
constant mtf = 15 ! kg
constant ktf = 30000! N/m
constant lcgf = 0.7 ! m

constant ksr = 3500 ! N/m

constant br = 500 ! Ns/m
constant mtr = 20 ! kg
constant ktr = 40000! N/m
constant lcgr = 0.9 ! m lcgr=(base - lcgf)

constant lbump = 0.5 ! m

constant hbump = 0.35 ! m Have to be determined.
constant tsf = 0.50 ! s
constant tmf = 0.525! s
constant tef = 0.55 ! s
delay = (base/vmoto) ! m Time delay betweent the front and rear wheel.
tsr =(tsf+delay)
tmr =(tmf+delay)
ter =(tef+delay)


Q3IN= (((mtf+(mcr*lcgr/base))*g)/ktf) ! Initial displacement of the front tire.

P5IN= 0.0 ! Initial momentum of the front tire.
Q9IN= ((mcr*lcgr*g)/(base*ksf)) ! Initial displacement of the front spring.

P15IN= 0.0 ! Initial angular momentum of the motorcycle and the rider.
P17IN= 0.0 ! Initial momentum of the motorcycle and the rider.

Q26IN=((mcr*g*(1-(lcgr/base)))/ksr) ! Initial displacement of the rear spring.

P29IN= 0.0 ! Initial momentum of the rear tire.
Q31IN=(((mcr*(1-(lcgr/base))+mtr)*g)/ktr) ! Initial displacement of the rear tire.

!..... TIME CONTROL (T=TIME).....

C3 = (1/ktf) ! Spring consnstant of the front tire.
I5 = mtf ! Mass of the front tire.
C9 = (1/ksf) ! Spring constant for the front spring.
R10= bf ! Damping constant for the front absorber.
T13x14 = lcgf ! Transformer ratio relating Vf to Omega.
I15 = J ! Angular momentum.
I17 = mcr ! Mass of the motorcycle and the rider.
T19x20 = lcgr ! Transformer ratio realating Vr to Omega.
R25 = br ! Damping constant for the rear absorber.
C26 = (1/ksr) ! Spring constant for the rear spring.
I29 = mtr ! Mass of the rear tire.
C31 = (1/ktr) ! Spring constant of the rear tire.


SF1 = (hbump*vmoto/(0.5*lbump))*(step(tsf)-2*step(tmf)+step(tef))
SE6 = (mtf*g)
SE18 =(mcr*g)
SE28 =(mtr*g)
SF33 =(hbump/0.5*vmoto/lbump)*(step(tsr)-2*step(tmr)+step(ter))

!...... SYSTEM EQUATIONS ......

e1=e2 $ f1=SF1
e2=e3 $ f2=f1
e3= bound(0.0,1.0e10,Q3/C3)
! Constraint for the front wheel to be in compression only.
$ f3=f2-f4
e4=e3 $ f4=f5
e5=e4-e6-e7 $ f5=P5/I5
e6=SE6 $ f6=f5
e7=e8 $ f7=f5
e8=e9+e10 $ f8=f7-f11
e9=Q9/C9 $ f9=f8
e10=f10*R10 $ f10=f8
e11=e8 $ f11=f12
e12=e11 $ f12=f13+f16
e13=e12 $ f13=f14/T13x14
e14=e13/T13x14 $ f14=f15
e15=e14-e19 $ f15=P15/I15
e16=e12 $ f16=f17
e17=e16-e18+e21 $ f17=P17/I17
e18=SE18 $ f18=f17
e19=e20*T19x20 $ f19=f15
e20=e22 $ f20=f19*T19x20
e21=e22 $ f21=f17
e22=e23 $ f22=-f20+f21
e23=e24 $ f23=f22
e24=e25+e26 $ f24=-f23+f27
e25=f25*R25 $ f25=f24
e26=Q26/C26 $ f26=f24
e27=e24 $ f27=f29
e28=SE28 $ f28=f29
e29=-e27-e28+e30 $ f29=P29/I29
e30=e31 $ f30=f29
e31= bound(0.0, 10e10, Q31/C31)
! Constrain for the rear tire to be in compression only.
$ f31=-f30+f32
e32=e31 $ f32=f33
e33=e32 $ f33=SF33
dQ3=f3 $ dP5=e5
dQ9=f9 $ dP15=e15
dP17=e17 $ dQ26=f26
dP29=e29 $ dQ31=f31

!...... STATE VARIABLES ......

Q3= INTEG (dQ3,Q3IN ) ! Dynamic displacement for the front tire.
P5= INTEG (dP5,P5IN ) ! Dynamic momentum of the front tire.
Q9= INTEG (dQ9,Q9IN ) ! Dynamic displacement of the front spring and absorber.
P15= INTEG (dP15,P15IN ) ! Angular momentum of the rider and motorcycle.
P17= INTEG (dP17,P17IN ) ! Heave momentum of the motorcycle and the rider.
Q26= INTEG (dQ26,Q26IN ) ! Dynamic displacement of the rear spring and absorber.
P29= INTEG (dP29,P29IN ) ! Dynamic momentum of the rear tire.
Q31= INTEG (dQ31,Q31IN ) ! Dynamic displacement of the rear tire.

bumphf= integ(SF1, 0.0)

bumphr= integ(SF33, 0.0)





Figure 1 – Bump height vs.

time. Experience by the front
and rear wheel.
From this graph we can see that height agrees with the input height of 35cm and we also
see that impact occurs at the defined times.

(Blue for front wheel and Green for rear wheel)

Figure 2- Deflection in the front

and rear tire.
From this graph we can see the
initial deflection in each tire
which corresponds to the
distribution of weight and spring
constants of the tires.

Figure 3 – Flow sources.

SF1 for front wheel and SF33 for rear wheel. We can see that both flow sources
correspond to the time intervals defined in the program.

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