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Paula Andrea Castillo Salas CODIGO: 93012207156

GRUPO: 90170_26


Pablo Arturo Rojas




I think that there are more negative effects than positive about the technology in the general
enviroment. It is necessary to clarify that technolgy beca e as a the most important factor to the
economic growth but the problem is that we just think about money without thinking in the nature and
the resources.
It is probably that nature will reclaim all that we have taken back.
The use of technolgy in minnung industries who affect directly our enviroment (affect flora and fauna
in the same way), do no try to mitigate the impact but also create more and more pollution daily. On
the other side exist the industry who dispose the dregs. They have not been capable to create an
effective system to gather all the garbage and transform this in productive material.
The indiscriminated use uncontrolled use of technology is generating very serious consecuences that
will affect our existence in the future. If we keep over exploting the natural resources now, we will be
needing them after in addition to this, the lack of awareness is making this situation Worse, because
we are still damaging our enviroment without no caring
I consider it necessary for governments or even the UN to take action against the serious situation
that arises with the environment due to the negative effects caused by the technology. I would like a
mandatory measure to be implemented where all the technology that went on the market was
technology. Eco-friendly, it is necessary to conduct awareness campaigns so that we stop thinking
only about sustainable development and think beyond, what planet we going to leave to our
generations or what planet are we going to have young people in our old age ?
Dear general secretary
I turn to you morder to give my views on the positive ans negative effects that technology causes on
the environment.
I would like tostart by telling you the causes and positive changes that technology has brought us, i
can start by saying that because of technological inventions, there are now electric cars, which
reduces pollution, solar panels that reduce energy reduction, in the use of plastic bags, and most
importantly, we are raising awareness of the importance of caring for our planet; whit minimal things
like saving energy wáter, recyding, etc. These are things that Will help us and contribute a lot to the
care on the environment.
Now speaking of the negative causes we must clarify that all the negative effects that the technology
has caused in the environment has been thanks to the development of the human being, we only
think about economic groasth. The technology causes a direct environmental impact on mining farms
that modify the ecosystem in which many animal and plant species live.
The indiscriminate and undentroiled use of the technology is generating very serious conseqwences
that in the future can even affect our own existence and the really serious thing about all this is that
awareneas has been generated, but not enough to get t osee a positive change in our environment.
Finally i want to give you some recomendations on this very important tapic, i believe that we must
créate more awareness among ourselves, we must generate positive changes un our habits and live
daily so that we can contribute a grain of sand to the change that we all would like to se in the middle
ambient. We most créate rules that help us evolve, bot the most important thing is to the stop
negatioting with our natural resources since this modifies the ecasystem in which many animals and
plants live.
In addition to this it is very important that the responsible entites or the ONS support financially the
new renewable technology projects that hell us to progress inprove our environment.

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