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By Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kigonja KemPtah

Table of contents

1: KemPath Link up formula: Ancient is the Nu Modern

2: The Divinity of Zero in Multiplication


I have put my works out here like that to kill the ego inside of me, to challenge me for the sake
of my people. I want development. The mathematic insight couple with what I know about technology
got me seeing the white man’s wealth, technology, and fad, everything as cavemanished. I am not touch
about their primitive invisible cloaking neither devices nor their war technologies because one rock can
make a mountain tumble down flat! To all who think them cracka got they technological war on locked,
you have been bamboozled into taking the discipline up know as fear. They validate all their sh!t on
their blind mathematics. It’s funny that these crackas call their technology precision, or accurate. I mean
it is funny like clowns to a KemPtah. The cost of technology reflects their lies in math. NTR has to make
liars pay. But these we are so naïve that we pick up the bill.

If a European computer has a collection of African centered knowledge, does that make the
computer Afro centric? No. Knowing it and being it are two different things. Many of our people know
Afrocentric knowledge but not of it, they do not realize it. Some of us might dress up (traditional
afrikan Halloween) as our ancestors then go to work to push Eurocentric knowledge and push parasitic
kapitalist kulture. Some of us even read our own ancestor’s scripts word for word and don’t know the
meaning deeper than face value (but they have all the information used to give them props). This
means those so called Afrocentrics know as much as their kulture as white people know about black
slang. “I am bad” to white folk, means I’m evil. But to us it means I’m excellent…synergy of sides
which allows us to hide words in their opposite like we did to science (hide it in art). Once you make a
separation then you mind as well take them meds that the doctor prescribe to you…. cause you are
having a identity crisis.

While I’m breaking down the Eurocentric remnants, I am, at the same time setting up
rudimentary to our Black Supreme Maat-matics. A good critique puts forth a solution to what one is
criticizing. It is synergy of sides. In this PamPhlet I will unveil the Eye of Heru’s mathematical identity.
The Eye of Heru of KemPtah is the eye that gives you the perception of seeing the source in everything.
The Eye of Heru doesn’t depend how much chackras are light up or how well you can imitate the
hieroglyphics. Eye of Heru isn’t a spook eye. It is unseen because it is the eye that sees the unseen. So
the source and the eye that sees the source matches like red-black-green scarf with the red-black-green
shirt. Since we are doing KemPtah mathematics then it is the Eye (mind’s I) shows you the source so
that you can creatively rediscover thing on your own (but connected with the village). After
understanding this Pamphlet you will see mathematics in a different light. You will be like Neo in the
matrix of mathematics and you will see the background or source of mathematics, which is KemPtah.
The link ups formulas are the real visual of the mathematical back ground. Other KemPtah calculations
like the Nu KemPtah (Nefer) multiplication and division I will show you are quite powerful compared
to the time wasting reckoning of European mathematics. This pamphlet will show you for the first time
in thousands of years of real mathematics. The Kushite and Kemetic math stolen by Europeans are
“greeting sign” calculations or “mathematical mannerisms” before commencing to family calculations.
Also these Crackas are scared of us knowing the greeting signs because we are greeting ourselves (we
are recognizing ourselves as kin) I highly suspect that all the Afrikan sciences (Kulture etc) known to
us through European media are also greeting sign sciences (“icing on the cake” sciences). The
KemPtah link ups are all the greeting signs synergies together and infinity more. Are you ready to be the
Gods of mathematics? We are hungry for Original Genius Kulture (O.G. Kulture 4 Life), so I think we
are ready. KemPtah mathematics is Black Supreme Mathematics! KemPtah

The crackas are our youngest children, that’s why they perfected the ways of acting childish with
power (LOL). As long as we deal with our children as children then we will fall every time. The parent
doesn’t go to the child’s level to discipline them. The parents stand their square when dealing with their
children. As long as we are thinking like children then the cracka will seem to be equal in development
(or more since the standard of the prevailing maturity is crackerish (childish). This is not just an
economic or political field but also all fields, from the ways we socialize to the very mathematics! Why
do you think white boys rolls with black guys and white girls roll with black women? Because they
know we are masters of synergy of sides and they aren’t. Why do they push us in other arenas? Because
all things work based on synergy of sides (Blackness). Recessive or handicap people know what they
lack when they look at the majority (dominate) of people. Just like a person with no legs knows he can’t
walk like most people. The minority on the Earth and the universe (white people) know they lack some
massively major things. In math it is KemPtah maat-matics!
I know my equation look alien. It is because we are so accustomed to foreign (alien, white supremacy)
kulture. Eurocentric Kulture isn’t Original Genius Kulture (O.G. Kulture). This is a maat-matical
representation of synergy of sides. This mathematical mat is the mathematical mat of Maat. No
Eurocentric can’t survive on this ancient but new mathematical mat. Some might think KemPTah
mathematics is tricknology because it is not accord to the tricknology force fed by white supremacy. If
KemPTah is tricknology then that means two magnets with opposite poles coming together is also a
trick or illusion People that critique KemPtah can’t have their cake (stolen from someone else) and eat
it too. On the other hand KemPtah can have the cake and eat it too because we made the cake in the first

Above are other calculations that are happening that isn’t directly connected to 5. That is because
the KemPtah mathematical fabric above is one pattern of Kemptah in general, besides all numbers are
translated and transformed. All numbers has Distributive, associative and commutative properties
(maat-matical water D-A-C). I advice you to play with the formulas and make up your own KemPtah
formula to stimulate the KemPtah computer called your brain. This is like exercise and training so your
mind can be recondition to do the God calculations. Try to work away from the Eurocentric view of
mathematics because you can’t be both the devil and god in the same calculation (oil (identity crisis)
and water (KemPtah D-A-C) don’t mix). Trying to be both will make you slower than either one of
them because you struggling on the inside before external struggles.

Keep on the calculations of KemPtah. If certain things are not figure out yet that means a basic
structure need to be work on first (it all about first things first for the first on this earth). Mistakes as
well as correctness are your compass (synergy of trial and error)
KemPtah Nefer
or Eye of Heru
in KemPtah

Nefer (NFR),

I took you through this link up and simple calculation of Kemetic, Kushite and KemPtah so that
you can develop an inner mathematical perception on purpose. I quickly realize unseen relationships of
number, which surpass any Eurocentric mathematics. Naturally because KemPtah is the root to all
mathematics. Superiority isn’t just a mere show of power but what powers power, what is internal to all
things. So if your death (Necros) then life (Afrikan) will be your murderer. Anyone of us and all of us
can be mathematical and scientific geniuses; we are rooted beings (9 ether beings), Black beings. Even
Bruce Lee’s martial arts practices were based on being Black as supreme (not mix martial arts, how
the white boys and their lackeys think). In his martial arts there was, at first, separation of opposites
(A=A) then their synergy (A=~A) then their blackness (0(mature black), or 0=1 (Nu Black),
universal laws of NTR or NaTuRe). Being over confident in Black is Power non-movement movement
(0=1) can slow you down but it cannot stop you.

I want to show you some Ancient but Nu Afrikan mathematical power. This is KemPtah without
doubling but multiplication and simple addition. This process gives addition room for thought and
practice. Zero acts as the basic glue (among infinite qualities it possesses) that put simple number
together to form bigger numbers. Also zero breaks numbers down to combine it into smaller numbers
(KemPtah division). Being that zero has no poles it then can assume any pole, the formless form fit-in
in all forms (because zero is internal (eternal) to all numbers). The basic type of operation in
mathematics is addition. In this use of KemPtah, I will show you why Eurocentrics need complex
mathematical technology. This use of Eurocentric technology comes from an inability to sense (hence
flexibility to) synergy of side and blackness (0) of mathematics. This powerful but very simple
mathematical process came from my ancestral memory activating from working with KemPtah and
studying my ancestors mathematical ways. If it ain’t Maatic then it’s redundant. Below I rediscovered a
way to apply KemPtah as different form…the Nefer form of KemPtah. For instance 99, to me, look like
(thanks to KemPtah perception, rediscovery of the Eye of Heru) 9=0=9 (multiples of 1=0 and 0=1)
and 55 looks like 5=0=5 hence we can deal with all numbers KemPtahly and come up with solution
much easier than “Modern” (Eurocentric) Math. Hence, in 99, 90 (9=0) and 9 (0=9). What makes 90
different from 9 depends on the Zero (0). Hence even if you can’t see the translation and transformation
qualities (D-A-C) that are so visual in KemPtah link-up formula it is still there. Since all numbers are
types of zeros then all we doing in calculation is literally zero-in on what we want. Zero (Blackness,
zero is the female qualities of math, number one is the male quality of mathematics, the formless
form, the great mathematical Ka) is the ultimate medium for mathematical movement. This is a
Mathematical Black Power Orientation.

The calculations are may seem to be formed on a perpendicular manner but in essence the
process of calculation is still parallel (not binary). Two processes are happening as one. 54 in the
middle of 4545 from middle right to left to 4, which crystallizes the calculation as 5445. All double digit
(doubled in zero’s place (seat of all numbers)) can be calculated in this manner.
So when you carry over numbers in multiplication (before you add the products together),
then that means your mathematically telegraphing (time wasting reckoning which is obsolete in
KemPtah math).
The calculation below shows how KemPtah multiply 99 times 5. The set up is so basic that with
a little practice, you can do it in your mind (without scrap paper). This goes for all single digits
multiplied by double digits or more. These two forms of calculations (i.e. 99 * 5 and 99 * 55) are two
types that are used at the same time in larger numbers (i.e. 999 * 55, 234 *23, 12342 *231 etc). Just like
zero can be any form (1, 2, 3, 1234, 566454, etc), KemPtah formulas can come in infinite forms just like
the KemPtah multiplication here and the KemPtah link up form for instance. Since it is the root, when
using it and practicing it you will see the root express in all sorts of formulas and numbers. If you don’t
have the perception (Eye of Heru : Mathematically 0=1) you won’t know what to look for. We are not
restricted to any single Afrikan tradition but all of them in synergy. I am because we are one mind!
Now you know that we have more work than people. Every formula that was ever taught by the
crackkka aint deep. All Eurocentric equations are nothing but blind work. We will find how fragile their
fracture formulas are soon. They hold no work for we. What their garbage is covering is the minute
treasure stolen from our ancestors; the rest of the treasure that can’t be stolen is called creativity. That
minute treasure they have stolen is mere reminders compared to what we did and what we can do (for

In my next pamphlet I will break down the rules (the law of multiplication) of KemPtah. This is
just a glimpse of our powerful maat-matics (mat-matics). I also notice that the calculator can’t compute
numbers that KemPtah can compute. Remember digital and analog (i.e. slide rule) are partial or
fractured representation of KemPtah maat-matics. My next pamphlet will show you the whole power of
Nefer multiplication and division, and how powerful the Eye of Heru is. The Eye of Heru (0=1) can be
activated at anytime at anyplace, not whether your “ether” are right because we a 9 ether beings.
KemPtah is the first and last computer.
Above shows some more Nefer calculations. The red circles on the numbers that are multiplied show
how many times two numbers will add KemPtahly. In KemPtah addition is also side-to-side. The right
numbers are added to the left (the left number must be larger or zero (since zero is the largest
number also). If the multiplier number only has 1 double digit (then two numbers are added), if 2
then two of each double digits are added. This process shrinks the calculation. It’s ironic that shrinking
numbers also multiplies, much more precise, it is synergy of sides. These calculations are universal and
way less work is done when multiplying large numbers. I even calculated numbers that the calculator
can’t calculate. The Link up formulas, Emetic and Lush math helped me out a lot. I see the logic and

As above so below. Below calculation is a sneak Peek at NfR Division is the adding up
complements in progression.

In KemPtah 0, 0=1 is the background number to all mathematics. 0=1 is 01, 0=1 is 10, 9=0 is 90,
0=9 is 09 (9), 0=0 is 0, 11 is 1=0=0=1, 10 is 1=0=0 etc. Hence the simple form of mathematical Eye of
Heru is 0 (or 0=0) or 1 (0=1). As we will see soon, that simple form of Maat-matical Eye of Heru is in
the general format and detail format, it’s like water.
Above four double-digit numbers transform and translate after five divide six double digits each.
Remember that all numbers are in synergy with one another, hence all numbers are associated,
distributed, and commutes through 0. with each other (Air-rithmetic in particular and Maat-Matics
in genral, their water is DAC). Black people, this is our mathematics for sure.

This little tad-bit is only the beginning. It’s only the tip of the iceberg, family. Now you starting
to see my words are backing my actions. There isn’t a known Kemetic Papyrus that Explain about
calculations. But the known one’s are the starting point (greeting signs) to begin to calculate unseen
(unseen to a European mind) calculations. I’m handing these calculations out because our ancestors
learned the hard way of why not to hand it out freely. KemPtah will make the European more stupid as it
increases people’s minds that are Afrikan centered. Knowledge to fools only makes them more foolish,
just like ignorance to the wise will make them unwise. You can see in above calculations (multiplication
and division) that it has the kinship of Kushite and KemPtah…adding isn’t redundant but organized
specifically to produce multiplication and division. This calculation will help you get away from being
addicted to them calculators. Our calculations has no “overloads”, its straight simplicity, Black is Power.
We will also discover the calculations that make even the building of pyramids practical (among
infinite eternal technology), and not just some Eurocentric analysis (necros picture taking
reckoning). Please spread this knowledge to your children and family because it is our knowledge.

KemPtah Ase SaSa.

Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kiganja KemPtah

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