Of The Secretary of Finance, Dated January 31

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The Court of First Instance held for the defendant and contravention of the local internal revenue laws,

venue laws, and the

dismissed plaintiff's complaint with costs to it. perpetration of what would amount to a tax evasion,
inasmuch as it considered — and in our opinion, correctly —
that appellant Koppel (Philippines), Inc. was a mere branch
Upon this appeal, seven errors are assigned to said
or agency or dummy ("hechura") of Koppel Industrial Car
judgment as follows:.
and Equipment Co. The court did not hold that the corporate
personality of Koppel (Philippines), Inc., would also be
1. That the court a quo erred in not holding that disregarded in other cases or for other purposes. It would
appellant is a domestic corporation distinct and have had no power to so hold. The courts' action in this
separate from, and not a mere branch of Koppel regard must be confined to the transactions involved in the
Industrial Car and Equipment Co.; case at bar "for the purpose of adjudging the rights and
liabilities of the parties in the case. They have no jurisdiction
to do more." (1 Flethcer, Cyclopedia of Corporation,
2. the court a quo erred in ignoring the ruling Permanent ed., p. 124, section 41.)
of the Secretary of Finance, dated January 31,
1931, Exhibit M;
A leading and much cited case puts it as follows:
3. the court a quo erred in not holding that a
character of a broker is determined by the nature If any general rule can be laid down, in the present
of the transaction and not by the basis or measure state of authority, it is that a corporation will be
of his compensation; looked upon as a legal entity as a general rule,
and until sufficient reason to the contrary appears;
but, when the notion of legal entity is used to
4. The court a quo erred in not holding that defeat public convenience, justify wrong, protect
appellant acted as a commercial broker in the fraud, or defend crime, the law will regard the
transactions covered under paragraph VI of the corporation as an association of persons. (1
agreed statement of facts; Fletcher Cyclopedia of Corporation [Permanent
Edition], pp. 135, 136; United States vs.
5. The court a quo erred in not holding that Milwaukee Refrigeration Transit Co., 142 Fed.,
appellant acted as a commercial broker in the 247, 255, per Sanborn, J.)
transactions covered under paragraph v of the
agreed statement of facts; In his second special defense appellee alleges "that the
plaintiff was and is in fact a branch or subsidiary of Koppel
6. The court a quo erred in not holding that Industrial Car and Equipment Co., a Pennsylvania
appellant acted as a commercial broker in the sole corporation not licensed to do business in the Philippines but
transaction covered under paragraph VI of the actually doing business here through the plaintiff; that the
agreed statement of facts; said foreign corporation holds 995 of the 1,000 shares of the
plaintiff's capital stock, the remaining five shares being held
by the officers of the plaintiff herein in order to permit the
7. the court a quo erred in dismissing appellant's incorporation thereof and to enable its aforesaid officers to
complaint. act as directors of the plaintiff corporation; and that plaintiff
was organized as a Philippine corporation for the purpose of
The lower court found and held that Koppel (Philippines), evading the payment by its parent foreign corporation of
Inc. is a mere dummy or brach ("hechura") of Koppel merchants' sales tax on the transactions involved in this
industrial Car and Equipment Company. The lower court did case and others of similar nature."
not deny legal personality to Koppel (Philippines), Inc. for
any and all purposes, but in effect its conclusion was that, in By most courts the entity is normally regarded but
the transactions involved herein, the public interest and is disregarded to prevent injustice, or the distortion
convenience would be defeated and what would amount to a or hiding of the truth, or to let in a just defense. (1
tax evasion perpetrated, unless resort is had to the doctrine Fletcher, Cyclopedia of Corporation, Permanent
of "disregard of the corporate fiction." Edition, pp. 139,140; emphasis supplied.)

I. In its first assignment of error appellant submits that the Another rule is that, when the corporation is the
trial court erred in not holding that it is a domestic mere alter ego, or business conduit of a person, it
corporation distinct and separate from and not a mere may de disregarded." (1 Fletcher, Cyclopedia of
branch of Koppel Industrial Car and Equipment Company. It Corporation, Permanent Edition, p. 136.)
contends that its corporate existence as Philippine
corporation can not be collaterally attacked and that the
Government is estopped from so doing. As stated above, the Manifestly, the principle is the same whether the "person" be
lower court did not deny legal personality to appellant for any natural or artificial.
and all purposes, but held in effect that in the transaction
involved in this case the public interest and convenience A very numerous and growing class of cases
would be defeated and what would amount to a tax evasion wherein the corporate entity is disregarded is that
perpetrated, unless resort is had to the doctrine of "disregard (it is so organized and controlled, and its affairs
of the corporate fiction." In other words, in looking through are so conducted, as to make it merely an
the corporate form to the ultimate person or corporation instrumentality, agency, conduit or adjunct of
behind that form, in the particular transactions which were another corporation)." (1 Fletcher, Cyclopedia of
involved in the case submitted to its determination and Corporation, Permanent ed., pp. 154, 155.)
judgment, the court did so in order to prevent the

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