Pons: Abducens Nucleus Passes Through The Superior Orbital Fissure

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CN# Names Classification

1. Olfactory  Does not originate from the brainstem, for sense Some
 Smell of smell
 (smallest/  Origin: Limbic System, Amygdala and Frontal
shortest Lobe
2. Optic  Vision Say
 Origin: Occipital Lobe
3. Oculomotor  originates in the midbrain at the level of the Marry
superior colliculus, supplies all EOM except
lateral rectus and superior oblique
 Pupil constriction Elevation of Upper lid
(superior to interior)
 Pupil- Nonexistent anatomical part
 Extra Occular Muscles (EOM) : (SISIML)
Superior Rectus
Inferior Rectus
Superior Oblique Rectus
Inferior Oblique Rectus
Medial Rectus - Converge
Lateral Rectus – Diverge

4. Trochlear  Superior Oblique muscle Mone

 originates in the midbrain at the level of the y
inferior colliculus, exit dorsally, supplies superior
oblique muscles
5. Trigeminal  Controls muscles of mastication (to chew But
(Largest CN) without pain); Sensations for the entire face and
Trigeminal Neuroglia (MOM)
 Opthalmic – Sensory
 Maxillary
 Mandibular - motor root of trigeminal from
6. Abducens  Superior Lateral Rectus Muscles My
 Origin : pons: abducens nucleus
 passes through the superior orbital
 Originates from the dorsal lower portion of the
pons and supplies the lateral rectus muscle.

7. Facial  Predominantly a motor nerve, although it does Broth
carry parasympathetic fibers to the lacrimal and er
salivary glands (the greater superficial petrosal
nerve and chorda tympani) as well as sensation
from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue (the
chorda tympani).
 Controls muscles for facial expression Anterior
2/3 of the tongue
 Lacrimal – Tears
 Salivary Glands
Parotid-  lie just under the skin, one in
front of each ear 
Sublingual Glands- are the smallest of
the salivary glands. They lie in the floor
of the mouth underneath the tongue 
Submandibular- The name of this
salivary gland is a bit confusing
because the gland does not, in fact, lie
under the mandible, but instead in a
small depression on the medial surface
of that bone. This depression is called
the submandibular fossa.
 The motor nucleus for the facial nerve originates
in the pons, and supplies all the muscles of the
face except for those involved in mastication.
 Corneal Abrasion- Corneal abrasions result
from a disruption or loss of cells in the top
layer of the cornea, called the corneal
epithelium. Due to dryness of eyes

8. Acoustic  Balance and hearing Says

 conveys information from the cochlea (the
auditory or cochlear nerve as well as the
semicircular canals and otolith organs
9. Glossopharyngeal  Controls muscles of throat Posterior 1/3 of the Bad
 Contains motor, sensory and parasympathetic
 Vocal Chords Control
 Gag reflex
10. Vagus  Controls muscles of throat PNS stimulation of Busin
thoracic & abdominal organs ess
 Provides a motor input to the soft palate,
pharynx and larynx, which originates in the
dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus and nucleus
ambiguus. It also has a minor sensory role,
conveying taste from the epiglottis and
sensation from the pinna, but has a significant
parasympathetic role
11. Spinal  Controls sternocleidomastoid and trapezius Marry
Accessories muscles
 Purely motor in nature and originates from the
nucleus ambiguus in the medulla and the
accessory nucleus in the upper cervical spinal
12. Hypoglossal  Tongue movement Mone
 provides the motor innervation of the tongue. Its y
fibers originate from the hypoglossal nucleus in
the posterior part of the medulla

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