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alb#do • A L B E D O

“Either war is obsolete, or men are.”

— Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

Alb#do: Platinum katalist
Sanguine Productions in association with Thoughts and Images present:
“Albedo: Platinum Catalyst”
Created by: Steve Gallacci
Written by: Pieter van Hiel
Game Design by: Jason Holmgren with Michael Arbogast
Additional Material by: Jason Holmgren, Pat Kelley, Adam Lindberg, Fred Stanton, James Stone-
burner, Diana Wray
Illustrated by: Steve Gallacci with Jason Holmgren, Jordan Peacock, Conrad Wong
Art Direction by: Jason Holmgren with Fred Stanton, Pieter van Hiel
Directed by: Jason Holmgren
Executively Produced by: Ted Wadsworth
Edited by: Fred Stanton with Adam Lindberg, Pat Kelley, Pieter van Hiel, Diana Wray
Thanks to: CPP, Inc., and Davies-Black Publishing, Gary Burke, Edwin Wendell Dean III, Patrick
Emond, Alex Johnston, Chuan Lin, William Morris, Sara Palmer, Jordan Peacock, Stephanie N.
Raccoon, Fred Stanton, Erin van Hiel, Steve Villing, L.H. White, Conrad Wong, and all the folks
on the Starclaw Mailing List and the Platinum Catalyst Mailing List


For Elizabeth Joyce van Hiel. Dream of the Stars!

A L B E D O • alb#do

CONTENTS T&bul of kontents
Introduction ...................................................3
Basic Rules of Engagement............... 101

Playing a Role.......................................................101

Power Blocs.............................................................15
Dice Notation .......................................................102

Basic Rolling .........................................................102

Short History of Colonization ...........................20

Summary of Die Rolls.......................................103

Core Worlds ............................................................20


Inner Worlds............................................................24
Results of Rolls....................................................104

Outer Worlds and Other Powers ..................30



Science and Technology.....................................33

Command.................................................. 106

Astronomy and Astronautics ..........................34

Player-Character ................................................106

Society and Social Institutions.........................46

Retinue ....................................................................106

The Arts .....................................................................52

Combat...................................................... 107

Extraplanetary Defense Force.............56

Beginning the Battle .........................................107

Joint Chiefs of Staff ..............................................56

Attacking a Target.............................................110

Surface Operations ..............................................58

Actions ....................................................................110

Aerospace Operations........................................61
Effects of Attacks: Damage and Awe.......116

Administration ........................................................65

Special Circumstances ...................................119

Making Characters.................................68
Armor ......................................................................122

Main Character......................................................68
Hand Weapons ...................................................122

Supporting Characters.......................................70

Spot Rules................................................ 124


Points ..........................................................................72


Body .............................................................................72
Property Damage ..............................................127


Temperature ........................................................128


Unarmed Combat..............................................129

Birds ............................................................................74
Velocity ....................................................................130


Felines .........................................................................75
Weather .................................................................131

Lapines .......................................................................76

Aftermath ................................................ 132

Rest Period ...........................................................132

Recovery for Main Characters....................132

Recovery for Supporting Characters.......133

Professional Help ...............................................133

Ungulates ..................................................................80
Debriefing and Review .....................................134

Ursines .......................................................................80
Character Improvement.................................135

SPI and Promotions..........................................135

Homeworlds ................................................82
Equipment ................................................ 136

Weapons of the EDF ........................................136

Personality ..................................................85
Weapons of the ILR ..........................................140

Social Orientation ..................................................85

Clothing and Armor ..........................................141

Experience Awareness .......................................85

Other Gear.............................................................147

Social Awareness..................................................85

Action Orientation .................................................85

Hosting a Game...................................... 153

Narrative Elements ...........................................153

Branches of Service.................................86
Social Elements...................................................155

Administration ........................................................86
Gaming Elements...............................................157


Appendix 1: Variant Rules ................. 158

Surface Ops..............................................................88
Appendix 2: Sample characters....... 161

Skills ..............................................................89
Sample Supporting Characters..................161

Sample Main Characters...............................162

Gifts ...............................................................94
Index ........................................................... 171

Basic Gifts.................................................................94

Group Gifts................................................................96

Advanced Gifts........................................................96

Dubious Gifts ...........................................................99


Introduce$un • I N T R O D U C T I O N

Albedo is a universe without a past. All the medium through which all information
sentient life sprang into conscious existence passes and the instrument of public record,
over the course of a few days, more than 250 has been altered so that history – public
years ago, complete with social infrastructure memory – has become mutable. In the face of
and advanced technology. The races of the this growing social crisis, old conflicts are
Albedo universe were brought into being with being reawakened, and the Universe arms
inquisitive and analytical minds, as well as a itself for war. In the past, victory was won
powerful tool for research in the form of the through unprecedented levels of interstellar
Net. They have had a rational and scientific cooperation. Now, serious schisms threaten
society from the start, and as such, they have to tear apart governments at every level.
no religion, no legends, no mysticism. They Players in the Albedo RPG take on the
have nothing transcendent of themselves. role of officers in the Extraplanetary De-
They cannot learn from the example of fense Force (EDF), the one organization in
history, because everything they are doing is known space that has the wherewithal and
new. There are no guides to personal desire to hold everything together. Players
behavior, and no higher cause beyond the will act to preserve order and the rule of
good of the community and species. With- law... and face a cancer that eats at the
out any precedent they each must ask and heart of their own chain of command. Their
answer for themselves the essential ques- answers will influence the fate of worlds.
tion, “What kind of people are we?”
For nearly 200 years, the structure left in
place by the Creators served as an adequate
social framework in which that question
could be asked and answered. It was flexible
enough to accommodate experimentation
and the establishment of a number of very
different socio-political models, and provide
a structure in which each person could
spend a lifetime in the pursuit of greater
good or personal advancement. Interstellar
communities, including the Interstellar
Confederation, encompass billions of
inhabitants living in peace and order. The
system has endured civil debate and tech-
nological evolution for two centuries, and
even weathered interstellar war and been
the stronger for it. And yet, in a time of
unprecedented peace and prosperity, cracks
are beginning to appear.
Widespread civil strife and new corporate
greed have caused many to question the
value of service to government and society.
Ambition and the quest for personal power
are replacing civic pride and the spirit of
communal service. In particular, the systems
which for so long served to preserve the civic
rights and freedoms of citizens in the Con-
federation have been twisted to serve the
aims of ambitious individuals. Even the Net,


G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r


The Day the been created. The question unlocked a new

Universe Changed awareness of the past, and suggested that
the future was mutable and uncertain.
More than 200 years ago, a question
This awareness spread throughout the
asked by an observant young feline boy on
cities and farms of Arras Charka, as though
the planet Arras Charka triggered the
everyone were waking at once from a long
dawning of history as we know it. As the
and dreamless sleep. The recognition of the
planet descended into winter, the child
past and anticipation of the future inspired
worried that everything would freeze.
thousands of new questions. People realized
“Will it keep getting colder, papa?”
that the mechanisms of culture and civiliza-
His father assured him that it would
tion were already in place – the farms and
not... and then wondered how he knew this
factories, cities, roads, and even social
was so. What led him to this surety? He
institutions that were needed to function as
suddenly recalled previous years, and
a society were there, and no one could
previous winters turning into springs. Why
recall a time when they did not exist. They
had he not remembered them before? The
became aware of the Net, a computerized
memory of passing seasons in turn sparked
personality that provided access to the
a recollection of a time when his son did
aggregate total of all information. The Net
not exist, of conception and birth.
was unable (or unwilling) to answer ques-
Life until that point had been a haze of
tions about its own origin, or account for
work and home routine that never extended
the origin of the sentient races, but it
more than a week into the past. The boy’s
provided a valuable library of technical
simple question opened the door to an
information, and acted as a communica-
entirely new world, a world where all events
tions conduit that speeded the spread of
had a cause and everything that existed had
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw
It was clear from the first that the cul-
A Timeline of History, Part 1 ture that existed on the planet did not
-52 “Great Awakening” – popular belief in the represent a natural state of affairs. Who
Creators built the machines? Why were there so
-45 First unmanned probes to Arras Charka many different species? Could their entire
system. society, with all its attendant structures
-39 First manned interplanetary exploration and technology, have arisen spontaneously
-27 Permanent orbiting space colonies are from nothing? The idea seemed absurd. For
constructed around Arras Charka. a time, the question of origin dominated
Research into interstellar flight begins in all public and private discourse. The debate
earnest. answered nothing – and the denizens of
Arras Charka collectively agreed to make
-20 First resource and research colonies
the matter one of ongoing research by
founded throughout Arras Charka system.
their scholars.
Over next two decades, permanent
colonies built throughout the system. The Dream of the Stars
-17 Jump Drive invented. First probes built, In the decades following the great awak-
and extensive experimentation takes ening, these researchers came to the
place. Waves of interstellar probes return inescapable conclusion that the people of
information about surrounding systems. Arras Charka had an extra-solar origin. Their
First manned flights to neighboring stars genetic structures were nothing like that of
take place. apparently native micro-organisms and
Zero First voyage of the UH4, the first fully plants that existed on the planet. Efficient
operational manned exploration ship. cold-fusion technology and propulsion
Start of the standard dating system. systems had been in existence since the

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

beginning, making expeditions to other other. It was as though the secret of Jump
worlds in the same system relatively easy. drives had been deliberately hidden in plain
These did not uncover life of any kind. If the sight, waiting for a time when society was
answer existed, it lay among the stars. organized enough to find and link the
Research into a form of faster-than-light elements together. Within two years,
travel began in earnest. automated field tests were conducted. Soon
There were other more practical reasons after, the first manned jump was under-
to develop this technology. Arras Charka taken successfully.
was heavily populated from the beginning, The Jump process was very reliable, but
and as the population continued to grow, risks did present themselves. A poorly set
some resources were becoming scarce. Jump can result in the outright destruction
Disagreements were arising over the nature of the ship and crew, or expose them to
of governance. Arras Charka had been powerful ionizing radiation. Early Jump
apparently designed as a socialist govern- drives were also found to cause genetic
ment, with a multitude of government damage over multiple Jumps – modern
branches that reached into almost every drives may do this as well, but effective
part of life and commerce. rules governing Jumps have been developed
About this time, scientists exploring the to limit damage.
archives of the Net discovered that the Once Jump drives had been established
secret of interstellar travel had been on as a safe means of transport, hundreds of
record all along. However, the information interstellar probes were constructed and
was recorded in a number of places, and no dispatched to nearby systems. These
effort had yet been made to link the dispa- robotic probes brought back clear and
rate elements together into unified method exciting evidence of potentially-habitable
of interstellar travel known as the jump worlds in several neighboring systems. The
drive. This drive allowed a vessel to jump news prompted the creation of manned
instantaneously from one system to an- exploration missions, with the goal of

G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r

scouting out sites for new colonies and sands of worlds. Great care was taken to
locating evidence of the Creators. The first avoid contaminating the alien biospheres,
exploration ship was known simply as the and in this first round of exploration, no
UH4 – the current system of dating used explorers set foot on the worlds they
in the ConFed is based on the date the surveyed. Later teams used powerful bio-
UH4 was launched, 195 years ago. analyzers that could examine entire gene
On the second voyage of the UH4, in sequences and determine if there were any
year 4, the crew discovered a potential risks to potential habitation. No evidence of
colony world in the Chalendar system, 30 the Creators was found, and no creatures
light years from Arras Prime. Orbital surveys more advanced than a few species of
showed Chalendar V to be an excellent invertebrates, fish, and plants – life with no
prospect for colonization. The planet was genetic similarities to the people of Arras
home to a number of plant species, but the Charka. Still, the explorers had found rich,
native biology was compatible with that of lush worlds, immediately ready for coloniza-
the future colonists, and native plants were tion. If the Aerandar settlement was
well-established enough to not be overrun successful, the government intended to
by transplanted crops or animals. proceed with colonization plans for an
Chalendar V, now renamed Aerandar, additional 14 worlds.
was identified as the future site of the first Early in the year 20, the first manned
extra-solar colony. The government of landing on Aerandar took place. Work crews
Arras Charka took the colonization project spent months building permanent struc-
very seriously, and took great care in the tures to house the first colonists, and
construction of a colony vessel and selec- provide them with all the essentials of a
tion of volunteers for off-world vital community. When the colonists
emigration. It was 16 years before a arrived, they would find finished towns
manned vessel returned to Aerandar. waiting for them, complete with power
In the intervening years, crews were sent stations, farms, commercial zones, and a
out in all directions, and spent months spaceport. Along with the work crews came
surveying hundreds of systems and thou- environmental study teams, scientists and
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw specialists who spent the better part of a
A Timeline of History, Part 2 decade examining the long-term effects of
4 On its second voyage, the UH4 Aerandar’s environment on its inhabitants.
identifies Chalendar V (renamed Finally, after years of careful preparation,
Aerandar) as an ideal site for 12,000 colonist volunteers were dispatched
colonization. to Aerandar and founded nine settlement
20 First manned landing on Aerandar. sites in the year 28. They brought with them
Permanent colony facilities are all the expertise, tools and materials needed
constructed by temporary work crews for production, as well as gene-
that later vacate the planet. management tools to ensure a healthy
28 Twelve thousand colonists arrive on range of genetic diversity for future colo-
Aerandar. nists. The Aerandar colony was to be self-
28-58 First wave of colonization. Core Worlds sufficient from the start.
are settled. First armed forces are The Aerandarian colonists adopted the
created. socialist-democracy style of governance in
50 Aerandar declares independence from place on Arras Charka, but remained very
Arras Charka. Other colonies follow. much under the direction of the central
95-110 Second wave of colonization. Hundreds authority on the home world for the first
of new colonies are settled. several years. However, the time-delay
102 Foundation of the Independent Lapine involved in sending messages back and
Republic (ILR). forth to Arras Charka meant that many
130-170 Third wave of colonization. While decisions were dealt with locally. As the
colonization continues to this day, it is colonists were all well-trained and dedi-
no longer conducted at such expense. cated professionals, legislative and practical

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

questions were debated with an air of The colonization efforts did not curtail
clinical introspection and detached analysis. ongoing exploration, and it quickly became
Decisions were made that suited the long- clear that a significant proportion of
term needs of the greatest number of systems within range of Arras Charka were
inhabitants, rather then vocal minorities. home to life-bearing worlds. Indeed, the
Civil debates took place continuously, and proportion of terrestrial worlds was much
rather than causing division, contributed to higher than seemed reasonable, suggesting
an ongoing sense of consensus and larger that the Creators had been very deliberate
community. in their placement. Yet, no matter how far
Aerandar was quickly judged an unquali- the scout ships ranged, they could find no
fied success, and the government opened sign of the Creators, and found no life forms
the door to enormous new colonization with a genetic link to the sentient races.
program. Over the next thirty years, 14 new
colonies were founded by thousands of
The Second Wave
As the budding interstellar society ma-
carefully chosen volunteers. In the year 50,
tured, new theoretical systems of politics
Aerandar declared its independence from
and commerce were developed. Arras
Arras Charka, an amicable separation which
Charka had been apparently designed as a
had been planned from day one. As each
socialist government, with a multitude of
colony became firmly established, it opened
government branches that reached into
its spaceports to new immigrants and trade.
almost every part of life and commerce.
Arras Charka and its 15 colonies became a
While the government was enlightened and
kind of loose stellar confederation, unified
liberal, many chafed at this level of interfer-
by their socio-political outlooks and com-
ence and wished to found new societies,
mon history. These worlds are known today
based on capitalistic markets or new sys-
as the Core Worlds.
tems of government. Charismatic thinkers
Another unifying factor was the pres-
attracted groups of like-minded followers,
ence of the Net. Wherever the colonists
and clamored for change.
went, they brought the Net with them. It
The obvious solution was to allow the
seemed to be inherent in the production of
foundation of new colonies. The original
any piece of computerized or communica-
settlements had generated a wealth of
tion hardware, and capable of spreading
information on the successful establishment
itself through the space lanes via message
of off-world communities, information that
torpedoes and shipboard computers. The
was freely available on the Net. The gov-
Net seemed to be an unavoidable part of
ernment on Arras Charka volunteered to co-
space travel.

G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r

sponsor those colonies that agreed in began a pell-mell expansion into space. Old
advance to trade ties, and whose intended colony ships from the first wave were
philosophy of government was not dramati- pressed into service, along with nearly every
cally at odds with that of the Core Worlds. A FTL capable ship available, no matter how
number of business interests and philoso- small. More than 50 colonies were founded
phical groups took them up on this. in this second wave, ranging from tiny
On a darker note, significant racial divi- freeholds that served as home to a few
sion also began to appear at this time. dozen people, to million-strong colonies
While some of the original colonies had that quickly matched the smaller Core
been founded by single species, this was Worlds in productivity. These worlds are
done purely on the basis of biological known collectively as the Inner Worlds.
practicality. By this point in history indi- Planetary governments on the Inner
viduals of every species had developed a Worlds vary wildly, ranging from corpora-
sense of racial pride. Usually this was tion owned systems like Enchawah to
limited to a kind of species “patriotism” hereditary monarchies like Kawateena.
that expressed pride for the achievements Inner World governments are often much
of one’s own species without denigrating more hands off than the Core Worlds.
that of others, similar perhaps to “home- Capitalist interests are very strong on most
town pride.” Unfortunately, some went of them, and several successfully combine
much further than this. One notable rabbit capitalism and socialism.
leader went so far as to suggest that the The Inner Worlds have developed very
rabbit race was naturally superior to strong social identities in the years since
others, and were entitled by birth to the their foundation, and this patriotism has led
choice of resources. This heady philosophy to widespread resentment of Core World
attracted a number of followers, who “meddling,” and infrequent trade wars
undertook colonization plans of their own. between neighboring systems.
The second wave of colonization began
in earnest about 90 years ago. The new
The Third Wave
A wave of tertiary colonization started
outward expansion was characterized not
about 50 years ago as the Inner World
only by the incredibly diverse nature of the
colonies matured and began to create
colonists, but also by the single hope that
colonies themselves. These colonies are
was common to them all. Each group
collectively known as the Outer Worlds, and
hoped to found a paradise, worlds where
most are several months of travel away
they would be free to achieve all their
from the Core Worlds. Hundreds of Outer
dreams - whether that personal paradise
World colonies exist, and colonization
was one of racial purity, capitalist exploi-
efforts continue into the present day. The
tation, communal introspection, or simply
older Outer Worlds are fairly well-settled,
one of absolute liberty from any form of
and many are on the verge of sponsoring
colonies of their own. These well-settled
It was at this time that the rabbit colonies
worlds are almost entirely self-sufficient.
of Hiahhohch and Baliannian were founded,
The inhabitants, who are often first genera-
at what was then the edge of settled space.
tion, tend to be much more independent
From the start, the inhabitants adopted a
and self-reliant than the citizens of the
powerfully racist attitude towards their
Inner and Core Worlds. Planetary govern-
neighbors. However, they seemed uninter-
ments exist largely to maintain basic
ested in exporting their particular philosophy
infrastructure, and the residents may even
to other worlds, and as such their attitude
resent the existence of police forces. This is
was tolerated. The founders declared the
of course a generalization – some Outer
colonies an independent republic, and
Worlds are closely patterned after the
negotiated trade deals with nearby systems
paternal socialist states of the Core Worlds.
and the Core Worlds.
Newer Outer Worlds tend to be resource
For a period of 30 years, special-interest
colonies, such as mining operations, or
groups, businesses, and even family groups

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

research stations. They are sparsely popu- tense situations through diplomacy, or
lated, rarely home to more than a few contain conflicts and pick up the pieces
hundred inhabitants. Some small colonies afterwards. They had no weapons at all at
may not have any permanent residents at first, though it was not long before the need
all. Perhaps the most remote and isolated for some form of restraining and subdual
colonies are the asteroid mining platforms devices become obvious. Advanced simula-
on the rim of known space. These mostly tions on the Net were able to generate
automated space stations may have crews computer models of multi-species hand-
as small as three – the only living creatures cuffs and non-lethal weapons that could
for several light years. reliably incapacitate a target.
All resource colonies rely on support For the most part, these early police
from a corporate, scientific, or government forces dealt with individual criminals and
sponsor to remain in operation. However, lunatics. Large scale operations were almost
smaller colonies may only require supply on unknown. Rarely, a riot involving a few
annual basis, meaning that the inhabitants dozen citizens would break out, or a family
may be very behind on current events, as dispute would spiral out of control and end
well as extremely lonely. in confrontation. The early police services
were largely able to handle these disputes,
or at least keep them contained until they
burned out on their own.
As the colonies grew, clashes between
different communities took place over
resources or land claims. Remote colonies
found themselves preyed upon by bandits,
some of whom where driven to raiding
when their own colonies failed. Perhaps the
most notorious example is the “Karantok
Tigers,” a group of would-be miners who
arrived at their new world to find the
company that had employed them had
financially collapsed. They were left with
nothing, and no means of return.
The tigers, and a number of other
would-be miners, were understandably
War in Space upset at this mistreatment. Their discon-
Violence of some sort has been a part of tent simmered the more they discussed the
society almost since the Awakening. Verbal matter. They’d been fooled, conned by an
arguments took place within hours, and impersonal, faceless entity. Most had never
some boiled over into brief physical con- fended for themselves before, used to the
frontations. Still, among the first and support of their socialist home worlds. If
second generation, violent acts the excep- this was what the universe outside the
tion. Serious crimes such as murder were Core Worlds was like, well, they would
events that attracted planet-wide attention, have to adapt to survive. If the law of the
and were limited to unthinking “crimes of universe was “rob or be robbed,” then they
passion,” or acts committed by those few knew which side of the equation they
citizens with untreated mental disorders. wanted to be on.
From the first day, an infrastructure for a The miners hiked to the nearest commu-
basic policing and civil security service was nity and demanded food and shelter. When
in place, and this model was copied for the they were refused, they became angry, and
first colonies. In the beginning these forces used intimidation and violence to gain what
were more akin to a highly organized they needed. They stole food and transport,
“neighborhood watch” than an armed and moved on to the next community, with
security force. They attempted to defuse the vague intention of seeking vengeance


G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r

against the employers who’d abandoned laid a conceptual foundation for what was
them. The violence and intimidation contin- to come.
ued in the next settlement, and again the About thirty years ago, the ruling clans
tigers moved on. of the Independent Lapine Republic found
By this time, word of the situation had themselves facing a crisis. The ongoing
spread to the main population centers on waves of colonization had enveloped them,
Chenta, and civil security forces intercepted and confined their holdings to a small
the group. A prolonged and bloody siege of bubble of space containing a handful of
the community ended with dozens of systems, few of which were suitable for
causalities on both sides. The news spread extensive colonization. The demands of their
like wildfire throughout space, and rumors consumer populations were swiftly out-
of atrocities were given credence by the stripping production, and public
fledgling news media services. These dissatisfaction with the corrupt democracy
rumors were untrue, but served to foster an threatened to unseat the powerful clans of
atmosphere of paranoia in many small founding families that controlled the
colonies, and led to the development of planetary congress.
deadlier weapons. The apparent example set The ruling clans looked at the rich colo-
by the miners also led to the foundation of nies that surrounded them, and saw they
a number of genuine raider groups. were almost undefended – they were too
Volunteer militias were formed to de- large for bandits to raid, and their govern-
fend against incursions along the lines of ments saw little need for militias. The clans,
the Karantok Tigers – the first military units working closely with militia leaders and
ever formed in known space. As they saw industry, formulated a plan of action. They
service against raiders, theories of strategy would create the first space-going army,
and tactics were developed, as well as and use it to take the neighboring Inner
weapons technology. The races of the Worlds by force. The plan needed no justifi-
Albedo universe learned the art of ground cation beyond the obvious superiority and
war quickly and soon began to develop the greater need of the rabbit race. The lesser
skills needed to project their military might species would simply have to learn to give
into orbit and to other worlds. In this way, the ILR what it deserved by right of race, or
colonies could pursue raiders to any hiding be swept away.
place, and provide defense for new colonies. For the next decade, the ILR undertook
These extraplanetary military operations to arm and train an enormous army of
were quite small by current standards – conquest. The ancient colonial ships that
rarely more than a few platoons of troops or still drifted in orbit were reconfigured to
a squadron of small patrol ships – but they serve as FTL troop transports, and enormous
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw new vessels incorporating space-borne
A Timeline of History, Part 3 factories and extensive weapon systems
164 The Independent Lapine Republic (ILR) were constructed. Word of this massive
begins aggressive expansion, often arms build-up did reach the Core Worlds,
employing military force. where it caused surprisingly little concern
165 Foundation of the Interstellar Confedera­ aside from a few official objections. The ILR
tion (ConFed) on Arras Charka. explanation was that of internal security, an
167 ConFed military formalized as the adequate explanation for most. Some
Extraplanetary Defense Force (EDF). Armed systems immediately neighboring the ILR
conflict with the ILR begins immediately. made small efforts to increase their space
175 ILR sues for peace. Period of watchful security forces, but no large scale defenses
peace and containment begins. were prepared.
180-194 Growing dissatisfaction in the No one anticipated the savagery and
Confederation’s policies. Rise of swiftness of the ILR attacks that were
Enchawah Group. launched thirty-one years ago. Five Inner
195 ILR begins second aggressive campaign, Worlds were attacked almost simultane-
as detailed in Albedo #1. ously. ILR ships jumped into each system

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

and fired dozens of rapidly accelerating The fledgling ConFed military was soon
torpedoes, precisely targeted at key facilities put into action in a series of scouting raids
such as militia barracks and spaceports. Two against what were thought to be the most
colonies simply surrendered after this initial lightly defended of the occupied colonies.
attack. When the invading ships reached These raids proved fairly successful, but the
orbit and unleashed the ILR ground forces, first real confrontation of the war in the
the others swiftly fell. The invaders immedi- Tun Och Enchek system was a disaster for
ately began digging in and preparing the ConFed. The attack was intended to
powerful new defenses against counter- liberate the colony and establish a muster-
attacks. Word of the invasion – and con- ing base closer to ILR space. Ground-based
quests – filtered slowly through the other missiles destroyed every ConFed ship in the
colonies, and with the news came panic. It taskforce as they decelerated into the
was months before the news reached the system. This disaster prompted the devel-
Core Worlds, and in that time more colonies opment of artificially intelligent
had fallen. Autonomous Combat Vehicles (ACVs), cheap
robot drones that could move to intercept
missiles and enemy craft, destroying them
on impact. They could also be used to test
system defenses and scout planets without
risking a manned vessel.
ConFed also formalized the ad hoc mili-
tary alliance they’d formed in the first days
of the war, coordinating surface defense
and aerospace forces under the umbrella of
a new body, the Extraplanetary Defense
Force (EDF). The EDF provided the ConFed
with a quick way to respond to threats
without sacrificing the defense of individual
colonies or spending precious time sorting
out command issues when forces from
multiple worlds were involved.
Slowly, and at great cost, ConFed learned
how to fight a war in space.
The ILR were also learning and adapting,
and did so faster than the ConFed. However,
ConFed goes to war they quickly reached the limit of their
The colonies were simply unequipped to expansion. While they enjoyed unprece-
deal with space-borne assaults of this scale. dented levels of production and prosperity,
Local governments scrambled to develop the conquered colonies required large
aerospace defenses, but these rarely proved garrisons to keep under control. Their initial
effective. As each colony fell, the ILR came edge – numerical superiority – was blunted
one step closer to the Core Worlds. An by this requirement. Resistance groups and
emergency congress of Core World govern- saboteurs appeared almost overnight, and
ments was held on Arras Charka, with the seemed to require more and more man-
goal of developing effective weapons and power to keep under control. The Republic
coordinating a unified defense. With built work camps and special prison colonies
unprecedented speed, this congress agreed for those who fought their occupation – or
to the formation of political and military simply executed dissenters. Particularly
union, the Interstellar Confederation upsetting to the Republic was the lack of
(ConFed). Industries were rapidly retooled to cooperation on the part of rabbits living in
produce arms, and the small space-going the conquered worlds. Most did not seem to
security fleets fielded by each Core World realize that the republic was fighting on
were folded into a single navy. behalf of their race, and some went so far as

11•1 1
G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r

to actively resist. These rebels faced espe- organized, racially motivated mass murders.
cially harsh punishments when caught. From the very first days of the war, the
After six years of inconclusive engage- ILR had been busily wooing rabbits on the
ments and bloody failed invasions, the tide occupied worlds over to their racist philoso-
of war finally began to turn in favor of phy. These attempts had limited success,
ConFed. The combined production capability though most rabbits paid lip service to ILR
of the Core Worlds easily surpassed that of ideals simply to avoid confrontation with
the ILR, and as new, powerful warships went their new rulers. In time, the ILR began to
into service, the Republican forces began to demand more and more from the rabbits on
crumble... but victory would not be bought the occupied worlds in the name of racial
cheaply. solidarity. Rabbit children were taken from
Atrocities at War’s End their families and given ideological and
military training on the ILR home worlds.
As time went on, it became clear to even
Parents who resisted were identified as race
the most hawkish ILR general that the EDF
traitors, and placed in brutal “re-education
advance was unstoppable, backed as it was
camps” in remote areas. Outspoken rabbits,
by the staggering production capability of
who had previously been tolerated or placed
ConFed. However, they were unwilling to
under house arrest, now were simply
admit defeat, or sue for peace. They rea-
executed on the spot.
soned that if they could make the EDF
As the ILR position in a given system
advance extremely costly, they might force
became untenable, commandants of the re-
ConFed to ask for a peace treaty before
education camps were given orders to
liberating all the ILR occupied territories.
execute their prisoners en masse – an action
To that end, the ILR changed their defen-
taken for practical reasons, it was claimed. It
sive tactics. They began to use civilian
would not be logical or desirable to evacu-
hostages as living shields in sensitive areas,
ate them to ILR space or return them into
forcing EDF liberators to attack them at the
the population of their home world. EDF
risk of killing hundreds of innocents. If a
forces sent to liberate these camps found
system seemed indefensible, ILR would
few survivors – and mass graves.
deliberately raze homes, factories, and farms
ILR desperation also led them to develop
in order to deny resources to the liberators,
reprehensible new interrogation techniques
and force them to tie up troops in rebuild-
in order to gain as much intelligence from
ing efforts. When EDF troops landed, they
prisoners as possible. While both sides
discovered looted, smoking ruins, with the
sometimes used rough interrogation
local population on the verge of starva-
techniques with prisoners, in the last days
tion – and sometimes, they discovered even
of the war torture became a science for the
worse. Most appalling was the evidence of
ILR. Few EDF officers who fell into enemy


Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

hands escaped unscathed, and those that was negotiated in a matter of weeks, and
did often bore crippling psychological scars. granted surprisingly liberal terms to the ILR.
The racist path of ILR philosophy had finally The Republic agreed to withdraw their
come to its insane and inevitable final claims to almost every world they’d in-
destination – lives and happiness were vaded – but were permitted to hold on to a
meaningless in the face of racial solidarity. number of key resource colonies and
EDF commanders were at a loss when it occupied systems with large rabbit popula-
came to these brutal methods. Was it tions. Both sides considered the deal a
better to pursue final victory in the knowl- victory.
edge that it would cost hundreds of It is impossible to precisely know the
thousands of needless deaths, or sue for number of people who were killed during
peace and leave millions living in misery? the ten-year conflict, but it is certainly in
Their troops were also faced with unpleas- the tens of millions. Most of those who died
ant moral dilemmas. EDF soldiers were were civilians.
trained to use the minimum amount of
force require to subdue a target, and to act
Watchful Peace
The Republic and Confederation quickly
dispassionately and logically on the battle-
switched their efforts to reconstruction of
field. As the atrocities mounted, they
colonies that had been savaged during the
found it difficult to maintain a facade of
final months of the war. ConFed reconstruc-
detached war-craft. EDF forces in the field
tion crews were surprised to find a
undertook bloody reprisals against ILR
significant amount of antipathy towards the
captives, sometimes ignoring surrenders.
liberators -- particularly on those worlds
This new ruthless outlook spread into
which had been heavily bombed in the EDF
the upper echelons of EDF command as
counterattack. This antipathy occasionally
they realized just how far the ILR was
boiled over into armed attacks against aid
willing to go to ensure that any ConFed
workers, but these attacks, and the feeling
victory would be a hollow one. A new
of betrayal behind them, diminished as
battle strategy was developed, and EDF
more assistance arrived. However, it has
forces were now called upon to do what-
never entirely vanished, and memories of
ever it took to knock out the ILR’s ability to
the war often contribute to anti-ConFed
wage war or defend. If this meant the
sentiment in the Outer Worlds.
wholesale destruction of civilian targets –
The Republic has never admitted defeat
so be it. EDF spaceships battered ILR
to its citizens. It paints the war as a
worlds from the edge of their solar sys-
deliberate attempt to force concessions
tems, launching barrage after barrage of
from the other colonies, and taken from
ACVs at factories, farms, power and water
that perspective the war may be seen as a
facilities, civilian communication centers,
success. While most accept this version of
roadways, and spaceports. ILR ships
events, the sheer cost of the war in terms
launched to counter these invasions faced
of lives could not be hidden. Rare is the
crippling waves of ACVs set to intercept
family who did not lose at least one
and impact them.
member in the conflict.
When surface defenses stopped respond-
After a few years, limited trade relations
ing, EDF troops were dispatched to the
between the Republic and Confederation
surface to secure what was left. Even then,
were renewed, and the borders were opened
they often found determined ILR survivors
to infrequent passenger traffic – mostly
willing to fight to the death over rubble. ILR
recruits at this point in the war had been
trained to engage in suicidal attacks that Growing Problems
claimed as many lives as possible. In the aftermath of the war, ConFed
Once the Republic realized that the EDF found itself by far the largest single political
was ready and willing to carry on indefinite entity in space, with a crushingly powerful
bombardments of their home worlds, they military arm. The leaders of ConFed decided
finally decided to sue for peace. The treaty to expand the role of the organization to

13•1 3

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suit peace-time operations. ConFed was re- restrict ConFed movement into the system,
engineered as an economic alliance between and severely limited the EDF presence.
equal partners, and a powerful peacekeep- As the years passed, many members of
ing force. Member states were given ConFed found they increasingly disagreed
representation in a grand legislature that with the majority decisions of the collective
hammered out trade deals and local trea- body. Political groups, active across multiple
ties. The EDF, now somewhat reduced from planetary systems, that the ConFed mem-
wartime strength, was assigned to watch bership simply locked them into unthinking
the borders and patrol the space lanes. rule of majority. The population of the Core
Though the ideals of the post-war Con- Worlds is almost equal to that of the rest of
Fed politicos were noble, problems began to Known Space, and since Confed representa-
appear almost immediately. Initial enthusi- tion is based on population, the original
asm on the part of individual system colonies have an inordinate amount of
governments gave way to wariness, and the influence over interstellar policies. Repre-
fear that the powers of local governments sentatives from the Core Worlds, or
would be superseded by the ConFed. representatives who supported Core World
In the year 179 a mining rights dispute policies were dubbed Centrists, and it was
arose between the planets Ish-Tako and not long before this term acquired a pejora-
Zan-Cha in the Ahan-Tako system. The two tive taint. For their part, Core World
planets were on the brink of a shooting war representatives argued (and still argue) that
when the EDF intervened, and unilaterally their level of representation was fair,
claimed the disputed mining zone as reflecting as it does the fact that they
ConFed property. It would be developed contribute most to the EDF.
jointly, and the profits distributed to the As the decades passed, the ConFed par-
ConFed coffers. The impromptu decision was liament found itself splintered along lines of
supported by the majority in the ConFed stellar cartography and of ideology. Unoffi-
parliament, who believed it to be preferable cial political alliances and coalitions were
to loss of life. formed and reformed, and the process of
The representatives from Ish-Tako and government itself was largely passed on to
Zan-Cha (who days before had been bitter the waiting hands of an ever-growing
enemies) were united in their protests. They bureaucracy. Citizens on Inner and Outer
called the move an act of state-sponsored World systems clamored for change, and in
terrorism, outright theft from the people of time they elected governments willing to
their system. They threatened to withdraw scrap the idea of ConFed and the EDF
from the ConFed, and only skilled diplomacy entirely. By the year 190, some systems had
prevented this break. Even so, the govern- left the ConFed, and many more systems
ments of Ish-Tako and Zan-Cha moved to had active political groups lobbying for

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

separation. Corporate interests, inspired by Republic was able to smuggle an entire

the success of the Enchawah Group, ma- mobile infantry battalion onto the planet
neuvered to fill the gap, sometimes funding Derzon. Without warning, cargo ships on
revolutionary groups. Civil unrest, once an the landing strips of the Derzon spaceport
event rare enough to attract interstellar opened their bays to reveal armored troop
attention, became a daily occurrence on carriers and light tanks. Within hours, they
some worlds. had overcome the lightly armed militia and
A New Conflict security forces, and destroyed the EDF
headquarters. The EDF response was swift.
The ILR watched these new tensions with
More than 7000 EDF personnel took part in
interest. Their own domestic situation was
the liberation of Derzon – a bloody mopping
becoming untenable. Resources were
up that cost thousands of civilian lives.
becoming scarce, and the Republic was
The ILR refused to accept responsibility
finding that it could not maintain a rabid
for the attack on Derzon, blaming rogue
consumer culture as well as a powerful
elements within its armed forces. The EDF is
military. The specter of mass unemployment
unsure what to make of this explanation,
was on the near horizon. The entrenched
but believes the ILR is planning a major
powers in the Republican Congress, corpo-
strike, using several small operations like the
rate clans and military officers for the most
Derzon invasion to spread the EDF thin. The
part, began to seriously consider the pros-
Republic correctly surmised that the costly
pect of a round of militaristic expansion.
liberation would be a factor that further
This time, however, they would not be
polarized the worlds of the ConFed. Systems
drawn into a direct conflict with the EDF.
that were skeptical of the ConFed to begin
Open invasion would simply unify the
with saw it as justification to leave. Loyal
worlds once more. Instead, they would
systems closed in on themselves, and
take advantage of the unrest outside their
handed more power over to the EDF – a
borders. A plan of action was devised that
body that itself was beginning to show the
would throw the ConFed off balance, and
effects of slowly creeping corruption.
splinter it. A new form of warfare was
Shortly after the Derzon invasion, a grisly
attack on mining colonies in a distant Outer
The Republic never ceased arming itself
World further inflamed public opinion, with
after the first war. They have fielded mil-
some crying that it was a deliberate attack
lions of soldiers and pilots. In recent
by the ConFed itself to scare wavering
months, the ILR’s military scientists have
members into loyalty.
made breakthrough advances in the devel-
This is the universe you have entered
opment of new terror weapons. The
into – a universe of polarized opinions,
Republic is ready – as ready as it will ever
conspiracies, random terrorism, and rumors
be – for a new war with the ConFed. The
of war. In Albedo: Platinum Catalyst you
leaders have learned the lesson of the first
have taken on the role of military officers
war. They cannot hope to survive a head-to-
dedicated to preserving the rule of law, and
head confrontation with the ConFed worlds.
the rights of sentient life. You task is similar
Instead, they intend to covertly support
to that of a firefighter, faced with a thou-
growing instability on the Inner Worlds, tie
sand rapidly spreading brushfires – as one is
up EDF resources with lightning feints
put out, more spring up.
against lightly defended ConFed targets,
Welcome to the universe of Albedo.
and use their new weapons against the Core
Worlds themselves. The Republic is fighting
a war of terror, one that ConFed may not be Power Blocs
able to defend against. Inhabited space comprises a roughly
In the year 195, nearly twenty years after spherical collection of stars, approximately
the treaty that ended the first war, the ILR 400 light years in diameter. Tens of thou-
struck the first blow in their new war. Under sands of star systems are located within this
the guise of civilian shipping traffic, the sphere, hundreds of which contain inhabit-
able worlds. ConFed astronomers and

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explorers believe this section of space is explored universe. While jump ships are
unusually rich in life-bearing worlds, which capable of exploring beyond the current
supports the idea of deliberate placement by sphere, the further afield they trek, the
a Creator race. Almost every system has more slowly expansion takes place. Partly,
been explored quite thoroughly by ConFed, this is simply because they are dealing with
and even systems without inhabitable an ever growing area. Mostly, however, it is
worlds are often home to resource or a simply matter of infrastructure. There are
research colonies. no ports or stations in place to refuel ships
Known space is divided into layers, rather that jump beyond the edge of explored
like an enormous onion. Each layer repre- space, and with the current state of uncer-
sents another wave of colonization. At the tainty, expansion of the infrastructure is
center of space are the dozen or so original likely to be slow in coming.
colonies, contained with a sphere 40 light
years across. These worlds are the oldest and
The Confederation and EDF
The Confederation (or ConFed) is the
generally most populous of the inhabited
single largest political body in existence. All
systems, though the ILR home worlds now
12 Core Worlds are full members of the
match them in terms of population. The
Confederation, as are several of the Inner
Core Worlds are all members of the Inter-
and Outer Worlds. Many others are closely
stellar Confederation.
associated through trade and limited
Surrounding the Core Worlds is a rather
military alliances.
less defined layer of secondary colonies
The Confederation was formed thirty
(the Inner Worlds), including the Inde-
years ago in response to an invasion by the
pendent Lapine Republic and the primary
Independent Lapine Republic (see below), an
worlds of the Enchawah Group. This layer
aggressive and expansionist union of
is perhaps 100 light years in diameter, with
systems dominated by rabbits. The Confed-
“arms” extending out further towards the
eration actually came into being during the
fringe of known space. Most of the worlds
period of warfare, as the Core Worlds hastily
in this layer are aligned in some way with
organized a unified defense. The ad-hoc
the ConFed, particularly those nearest ILR
alliance was successful, and the ILR was
space. The secondary layer actually enve-
forced to give up most of those systems it
lopes the ILR sphere of influence, so
had conquered.
ConFed systems may be found on all sides
Full Confederation members have signed
of the Republic. ILR policy makers are
a mutual defense pact, and promise to come
painfully aware of this fact.
to the aid of any member state that is
The rest of space is occupied by the
attacked. This defense pact extends to
Outer Worlds, which range from well-
internal threats as well, if they are consid-
settled tertiary colonies, to windswept
ered dangerous enough. Military assistance
frontier villages at the extreme edge of the
is normally provided through the agency of


Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

the Extraplanetary Defense Force (EDF). prolonged, large-scale, military operations

ConFed headquarters is located in the light-years from a base planet. The EDF
Arras Charka system, and there are offices maintains a large force of faster-than-
on nearly every well-settled world. Field light warships, space-going factories, and
offices range from enormous administra- transports, and is able to project a signifi-
tive complexes to simple store-fronts cant force across known space in a fairly
housing a single ambassador and his short period of time.
support staff. Confederation offices near The official role of the EDF is to respond
ILR space tend to be housed within well- to any external threat, but in recent years
defended EDF bases. it has begun to devote more and more
While the Confederation had its founda- resources to dealing with separatist
tion as a military alliance, it now plays a violence and domestic terrorism. In most
powerful political, administrative, and instances, these threats are dealt with by
economic role. ConFed member worlds the local Homeguards with EDF coordina-
have a voice in the ruling council. They are tion. However, some terrorist groups are
allowed one representative for every ten starting to prey on shipping lanes, and few
million inhabitants. Confederation member Homeguards have the aerospace resources
states enjoy trade deals with other members to deal with piracy of this kind. In situa-
in addition to military support. There are tions such as this the EDF may take a
some obligations. Member states are direct military role and station a wing of
required to meet certain standards in aerodyne fighters or a destroyer in the
regards to civil rights and assured standards system. From time to time, the EDF may
of life for their citizens. If a state cannot also provide disaster relief, particularly if a
meet these obligations, it may find itself given system does not have the resources
slapped with tariffs or threatened with to respond to a large-scale emergency.
ejection from ConFed. Despite this, there is a
great deal of latitude allowed to Confedera- Homeguards
tion members, and some (particularly in the Homeguard is a general term used to
Outer Worlds) have been known to stretch refer to the non-EDF military, militia, and
the civil rights requirements. security forces present on any ConFed
ConFed traditionally enjoys the strong- aligned world. The Homeguard provide the
est support among the oldest of the Core bulk of local military personnel during
Worlds. A growing segment of the popula- times of war, and may also serve as a kind
tion of on Inner and Outer World ConFed of police force in peace. During conflicts,
systems are coming to regard it as an these forces coordinate with the EDF to
intrusive, expensive, and antiquated body, provide local defense, allowing the EDF to
a threat to free trade and personal liber- retain its mobility.
ties. A number of systems are host to Homeguard units are sent out of their
separatist organizations that wish to cut home-system only in extraordinary circum-
ties to the ConFed entirely. Most are stances, and few Homeguards have the
peaceful political organizations that limit ability to transport troops en masse to
themselves to political campaigns and civil another system. In fact, many smaller
disobedience. Others have crossed into the worlds rely on the EDF, or even civilian
realm of terrorism. A few are large enough contractors, for any kind of off-world
to be counted as serious military threats. transport.
Most Homeguard units are equipped
The Extraplanetary with a combination of EDF and locally
Defense Force produced arms and gear, though some may
The Extraplanetary Defense Force (EDF) be armed and equipped entirely with local
is a multi-planetary military force made up equipment. They wear local variants of the
of volunteers from every planet in the EDF uniform
Confederation. The EDF is the only force
outside of the ILR capable of carrying out

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The Independent representation in government. They can be

Lapine Republic imprisoned without trial for long periods,
A sphere of space, 20 light years across, and are required to obtain passes to travel
centered about the densely populated from city to city. Particularly brilliant or
systems of Hiahhohch and Baliannian, the skilled non-rabbits may earn special
Independent Lapine Republic was founded privileges, but these rights are granted at
about 70 years ago during the second wave the whim of the government.
of colonization. Originally on the fringe of Life for the average citizen of the ILR is
explored space, the ILR has since been fairly good, but rather spartan when com-
enveloped by the ConFed worlds. The two pared to that in the Core Worlds. In recent
original systems are home to two-thirds of years, the standard of living has slowly
the population. During the first ILR/ConFed declined as available resources are con-
war, the Republic managed to seize a sumed, and more industries are taken over
number of Outer Worlds and resource by the military. Many older citizens think
colonies in their initial expansion. Most of fondly of the “good old days” of unlimited
these were lost in the ConFed counterat- expansion and ever growing prosperity in
tack, and some of the remainder returned early days of the war. This decline in wealth
under the terms of the treaty that ended has sparked a call for new expansion, but
the war. In the intervening years, the ILR has also given rise to underground dissent.
has founded a handful of resource colonies, If the war goes poorly, these whispers of
but the Republic’s expansion is limited by rebellion may grow into a full-fledged
the ConFed. In total, the rabbits hang on to revolution against status quo. It is unlikely
a dozen systems. They also enjoy the that even a revolution would change the
support of a handful of unaligned worlds, xenophobic atmosphere in the Republic, at
some of whom have entered into military least not overnight.
alliances with the Republic. In the period between the first war the
The ILR is ostensibly a representative current conflict, a watchful peace de-
democracy with an open market. In reality, scended over relations between the ILR
most policy is formed under pressure from and ConFed. Little direct trade existed, and
senior military officers, or by powerful what was undertaken was routed through
industrialist clans. Reform is possible, but the frontier ConFed world, Derzon. It was
unlikely given the current social climate. under this guise that the ILR recently
Quite simply, most citizens believe their renewed the conflict with the ConFed –
government is doing the best it can. troops and armored vehicles launched a
Outspoken political reformers are branded surprise assault after being transported to
as traitors by the state media, and may be Derzon in civilian freighters. Trade and
imprisoned or executed after a show trial. private travel has been officially sus-
The most notable thing about the Re- pended, but it still technically possible for
public is the intense xenophobia and someone to travel from the ConFed to the
racism displayed by almost every inhabi- Republic (and vice versa) through an
tant. These attitudes are supported by the unaligned world on the edge of ILR space.
government and social institutions, and The visitor would need to have a very good
have become ingrained in society. Even the reason for doing so, or face immediate
most liberal of citizens may display a arrest upon arrival! Travel and trade with
shocking savagery of opinion about the the worlds dominated by the Enchawah
“lesser races.” Non-rabbits living within the Group has been cut off, simply because the
ILR sphere of influence live rather rough Republic does not border Enchawah space.
lives, particularly on Hiahhohch and The official explanation for the current
Baliannian, where more than 98% of the conflict is pre-emptive self-defense. The ILR
population is rabbit. Even on captured accuses the ConFed of ongoing economic
worlds, where rabbits are in the minority, warfare, claiming that ConFed deliberately
other races are banned from holding claims resource-rich worlds simply to deny
important positions and may not vote for them to the ILR. This accusation rings true

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

for the average person, who has seen his military, and every unemployed male of age
wages fall and prices rise. Using this is automatically drafted in times of war. This
justification for a new conflict, the military requirement does not apply to non-rabbit
has taken control of nearly every major citizens, though the colony worlds do have
civilian manufacturing center for the small militia forces of non-rabbits under the
duration of the conflict, and retooled them command of ILR officers.
for arms manufacture. The industrialist
families that control almost all manufactur-
The Unaligned Worlds
ing concerns in the Republic approve of this Enchawah Group
military involvement, for the most part. The Enchawah Group is the single largest
Factory owners have been given military privately owned entity in the universe. It is a
rank, and they are assured of contracts. multi-stellar corporation that provides
Some fear the military are using the conflict nearly every product or service imaginable.
as an excuse to take over the economy and It has operations throughout known space,
turn the Republic into a military state. These even in the ILR worlds. In fact, the Encha-
fears may be well-founded – but they are wah Group owns and directly administers
rarely expressed. fifteen star systems and boasts an impres-
The Republic has an unusually rich, al- sive space fleet.
most mythic, history that grows every year. Citizens on Enchawah owned worlds are,
Glorious battles and achievements are re- by default, employees of the company. They
interpreted as natural indications of the are educated by the firm and placed into
superiority of the rabbit race. The names of jobs that best suit their aptitude. It is
heroes and martyrs become synonymous extremely difficult to transfer into another
with words of praise, while those of traitors position once assigned.
live forever as insults. Every Republican While social advancement is somewhat
child dreams of become a legendary figure. limited, and the standard of life for the
In some cases, historical figures are re- average worker is generally comparable to
garded with something approaching that enjoyed in the Core Worlds. However,
religious awe, or terror. the lack of career mobility and social safety
net mean that many are trapped in danger-
Republican Forces
ous, unpleasant jobs... for life.
The ILR has created a strong military
The Enchawah Group is run by a middle-
culture. Unlike the EDF, whose members
aged badger named Amhast an Therka an
regard soldiering as a professional career,
Enchawah. He is almost certainly the most
ILR officers are indoctrinated to see the
powerful individual in space, and by far the
military as a higher calling in service of their
race. All citizens must serve a term in the

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nent inhabitants. They certainly are not
Short History of self-sufficient.
Colonization The following is a list of notable sys-
All known sentient life in the Albedo tems in the Albedo universe, along with a
universe originated on the world of Arras capsule description and home world type
Charka. In an effort to determine their for the purpose of character generation.
origins, the inhabitants of Arras Charka Most planets are identified in terms of
embarked on a program of careful coloni- their position around their star. For exam-
zation about 100-150 years ago. 14 colony ple, Denotah III is the third planet out
worlds were established in this first wave. from the star Denotah. Some planets have
Each has developed a unique social iden- specific names, as in the case of Annah
tity in the decades since foundation. These (Dornthant II). In most cases the name of
worlds are known as the Core Worlds. They the main inhabited planet and the system
are strongly socialist, and the inhabitants are interchangeable. Only a pedant would
are generally used to a great deal of refer to the home world of civilization as
government influence in their lives. “Arras Charka III.”
A second, less unified, wave of coloni- Almost all of these systems have per-
zation began about 75-90 years ago, and manent space stations in place to service
led to the establishment of more than fifty interstellar traffic or handle communica-
permanent colonies. Most of these were tions. These stations often have long-term
established along racial and ideological crews living in residence, allowing players
lines. For example, the worlds Hiahhohch from almost any of the listed planets or
and Baliannian were founded by rabbits, system to choose the Space Station home
and later formed the Independent Lapine world type.
Republic (ILR). The majority these worlds This list is far from complete. The uni-
are members of Confederation, and they verse of Albedo encompasses tens of
are known as the Inner Worlds. Planetary thousands of cubic light-years of space,
governments vary wildly, but tend to be and thousands of solar systems. Players
much more hands off than the Core and Game Hosts are encouraged to invent
Worlds. Capitalist interests are very strong. their own worlds.
The Inner Worlds have very strong social
identities, and many are considering Core Worlds
separation from the Confederation.
A third wave of tertiary colonization Arras Charka
started about 50 years ago as the Inner (ConFed)
World colonies matured and began to The Arras Charka system is home to a
create colonies themselves. These are single terrestrial planet, three airless balls
known as the Outer Worlds. It’s not clear of rock, and an enormous gas giant at the
how many of these tertiary colonies exist. edge of the system. Arras Charka III is the
The older Outer Worlds are fairly well- original world, the cradle of all civilization,
settled. The inhabitants, who are often first upon which the ancestors of every living
generation, tend to be much more inde- person awoke more than 250 years ago.
pendent than the citizens of the Inner and With slightly more than two billion inhabi-
Core Worlds. tants it is also the most heavily populated
Outer Worlds may or may not be mem- world in the Confederation. Every race in
bers of the Confederation. Newer Outer the universe is represented on Arras
Worlds tend to be resource colonies, such Charka, and for the most part they live in
as mining operations. They are sparsely very diverse and desegregated communi-
populated, and may even have no perma-


Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

ties. Inhabitants refer to themselves as


The primary settlement is Center City, a

metropolis with more than ten million
inhabitants. Center City is home to the
administrative headquarters of the Con-
federation and EDF, as well as the grand
council chambers where representatives
from every ConFed world meet to decide
on legislation. It is also the location of the
ConFed “Special Facility,” an extremely
secure prison used to house particularly
sensitive criminals, such as well-known
terrorists or important prisoners of war.
The Arras Charka system is extremely
well-defended, and picket vessels and
powerful space-borne sensor arrays keep a
constant watch on in-bound vessels. (ConFed)
Thousands of ground and space-based An important manufacturing center, the
ACVs are ready to be launched to intercept Aeostah system has one major inhabited
any invasion. The system is also home to a planet and a number of colonies on a
number of permanent residential space smaller terrestrial world. The other three
stations, most of which date back to the planets are uninhabited. Aeostah is also
earliest days of space exploration. Small home to Aelata Station, an enormous EDF
colonies exist on Arras Charka II and IV, shipyard that hangs in orbit around the
and on a moon that orbits the gas giant main planet, Aeostah II, known locally as
Arras Charka V. Aelata. As such, the system sees military and
civilian traffic. It is also heavily defended. It
Arras Charka System is rumored that the EDF maintains a highly
Arras Charka I: Small, rocky planet, sun classified experimental shipyard somewhere
blasted and airless. No inhabitants. in Aeostah’s Oort cloud, billions of miles
Arras Charka II: Large, rocky world with a beyond the orbit of the most distant planet.
thin atmosphere. There is a solar re- Aelata was settled by wolves, and they
search station at northern pole, built still form the single largest portion of the
atop a small ice cap. (Research) population. The colony is named for the
Arras Charka III: Terrestrial world. The woman who largely organized the settle-
cradle of civilization. One small, rocky ment, and “Aelata” is a very common name
moon with temporary bases for training among women on the planet. Descendants
EDF personnel in planetary exploration. of the original wolf settlers have organized
(Urban, Space Station, Rural) themselves into loose clans, based on family
Arras Charka IV: Small rocky planet with a lines, and led by the eldest or most domi-
relatively thick (and poisonous) atmos- neering adult. The clan leader has a strong
phere. A few resource colonies exist social influence over the members of his or
around the equator. No moons. (Re- her family. At times, competition between
source) would-be leaders of a clan can erupt into
Arras Charka V: Gas giant, with 6 moons. violence, though the clan is usually careful
A research/communications colony ex- to limit the conflicts to their own members.
ists on the largest moon. (Research) While these clans hold no official power,
senior members are often elected to the
planetary council.
The fourth planet in the system, a small
terrestrial world about half the size of
Aelata, is also inhabited. It has a thin,

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though breathable atmosphere, and a Holmgren. A powerful grass-roots political

significant amount of native plant life in party has recently formed that believes that
low-lying marshland. The planet is dotted ConFed members outside the Core Worlds
with pressurized domes, each housing a do not do enough to support the EDF. They
small community of birds. The planetary are petitioning the EDF to withdraw protec-
gravity is low enough to allow smaller tion from those worlds that do not meet a
species (such as sparrows) to fly for short high standard of support.
distances, a sight that can be alarming for Aerandar is home to a selection of fairly
non-avian visitors. advanced native species, including a number
of small, land-dwelling crustaceans and
Aeostah System
worm-like invertebrates. Some of the worms
Aeostah I: Small planet with shifting,
have highly-poisonous skin, while others are
molten surface and thin atmosphere of
commonly harvested for food.
burning vapor. No inhabitants. One
small, irregularly shaped moon. Chalendar System
Aeostah II (Aelata): Well-settled terrestrial Chalendar I (Tamda): Irregularly shaped
world. Large shipyard and many stations asteroid in a very close, though stable,
in orbit. One large moon, with extensive solar orbit. No inhabitants.
resource colonies. (Urban, Space Station, Chalendar II (Cheamna): Hot, airless, rocky
Resource) planet. One side is permanently locked
Aeostah III: Small, airless planetoid. No
towards the sun. Water ice may be found
inhabitants. No moons.
on the dark side, and two small mining
Aeostah IV: Terrestrial world, though cold colonies collect rare elements. A
with low gravity. Sparsely settled. Two mothballed EDF training base at the
small moons. (Nature of settlements North Pole was used for vacuum combat
counts as Space Station for character training in the first ILR war. (Resource)
backgrounds) Chalendar III (Lan): Large rocky world with
Aeostah V: Frozen planet, with salty thousands of active volcanoes and tec-
subsurface ocean. Subject of ongoing tonically active surface. Volcanic out-
study, but no permanent settlements. No gassing is swept away by solar wind be-
moons. fore any atmosphere can be formed. No
Chalendar inhabitants, no moons.
(ConFed) Chalendar IV (Jeanjahn): A large, rocky
planet, with no minerals of note, and an
Chalendar was the site of the first inter-
active, thick, atmosphere that traps heat.
stellar colony, founded more than 150 years
It also has expansive steaming seas of
ago. It has risen in prominence and impor-
scalding, mineral-rich water. The planet
tance so that it now almost eclipses Arras
has two relative large moons, and two
Charka in the minds of ConFed citizens.
smaller moonlets in slowly degrading low
There is a single terrestrial planet in the
orbits. They are expected to crash into
system and nine other resource rich worlds
the surface at some point in the distance
(with a space station orbiting each one). The
future. A resource colony exists on the
majority of the population lives on Chalen-
largest moon. (Resource)
dar V, commonly known as Aerandar. The
Chalendar V (Aerandar): Heavily populated
world was named for the head scientist on
warm terrestrial world, with expansive
the team that developed the jump drive,
oceans. Several space stations are in or-
with all continents and major geographical
bit. A single rocky moon is in orbit.
features named for prominent scientists and
(Urban, Space Station)
lawmakers of the period.
Chalendar VI (Whandar): Very large, rocky
The inhabitants of Aerandar practice an
planet, covered in ice. Limited life exists
advanced form of democratic socialism, and
in deep chasms and basins, centered
are strong supporters of the ConFed and
around geothermal vents. No colonies on
EDF. The EDF maintains a major officer
the surface. The single small rocky moon
training academy in the capital city of

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

is home to a crowded underground col- four small moons in very irregular orbits.
ony. (Urban) (Research)
Chalendar VII (Tahn): Brilliant green gas Danet III: Small, ice-bound planet. Signifi-
giant with an icy ring. A number of re- cant cloud cover reflects most of the
source stations collect rare crystals from heat from the sun. Several domed re-
the ring. It has four moons, and four search colonies exist on the surface, and
moonlets. The outermost moon is rela- the planet is thought to be suitable for
tively large, with active volcanoes and a terraforming. No moons. (Research)
thin atmosphere. (Resource) Danet IV: Heavily settled terrestrial world
Danet with extensive organic farming opera-
(ConFed) tions. Several permanent stations in
orbit, and a number of dedicated re-
While Danet was one of the last of the
search communities on the surface. Two
Core world systems to be settled, it quickly
small moons, (Urban, Rural, Space Sta-
became one of the most important and
tion, Research)
dynamic. Danet has a single inhabited world
Danet V: Freezing gas giant in distant orbit,
(Danet IV), three smaller planets, and gas
covered in gleaming white clouds. A
giant in far orbit.
small communications and emergency
Danet IV was settled almost entirely by
station is in orbit. No significant moons,
mice, and mice are still the largest single
though Danet V has attracted several
group on the planet. They have a number of
hundred tiny asteroids to its orbit. (Space
very large cities, which are home to educa-
tional institutions that are renowned
throughout the known universe. Of particu-
larly note are the schools specializing in
obscure academic specialties, such as the
Athelind College of Xenology. The inhabi-
tants (known as Danetti) are notoriously
easy-going and hedonistic, and polyamour-
ous relationships are the norm. The rights of
the individual are extremely important in
Danetti society, sometimes more so than
the good of society as a whole. The Danet
system is quite peaceful, and there are
rarely scandals or incidents of civil unrest.
There is a small separatist movement that
wishes to see the planet stand as an inde-
pendent body, but they believe in achieving
this goal peacefully. The greatest criticism
leveled against the average Danetti is that
he is apolitical, and not interested in the Dornthant
larger affairs of the universe.
Danet System The Dornthant system was selected as a
Danet I: Relatively large and rocky world suitable candidate for colonization very
with near-molten surface. A thin atmos- early in the first wave of exploration, as it
phere is constantly torn away by solar boasts two terrestrial worlds, and a selection
wind. No inhabitants or moons. of resource rich planets. Dornthant II
Danet II: Rocky planet with thick, reflective (known as Annah) and III (known as Doynah)
atmosphere containing a high level of are both well-populated, with cats of
carbon dioxide. Pressure at the surface is various species making up a large percent-
very high, though one heavily shielded age of the overall population. Annah is more
research colony is in place. Danet II has heavily populated with an impressive
manufacturing base, while Doynah is home

23•2 3
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to extensive farming operations that feed Dornthant V: Tiny, rocky world in distant
several worlds. orbit, thought to be a captured asteroid.
The inhabitants of the two populated A communications station trails its orbit.
worlds in this system refer to themselves (Space station)
collectively as Dornthantii. They are very
cosmopolitan and socially liberated, but also Inner Worlds
have a very strong sense of civic responsibil-
ity and respect for elected authority. They Ahan-Tako
have a reputation for being dull, stuffed (ConFed)
shirts, particularly among inhabitants of A large and well-populated system, with
more hedonistic systems, such as Danet. six planets and two extensive asteroid belts.
Annah is home to a large EDF training
Though it is well-settled and developed,
academy, and large communities of EDF
Ahan-Tako has something of the quality of
officers and personnel exist. The EDF is
a frontier system. It has been plagued with
considered the service of choice among
unrest in recent years. Pirates and raiders
young Dornthantii who wish to pursue a
haunt the asteroid belt, and the terrestrial
military career, and the Homeguard is
planets Ahan-Tako IV (Ish-Tako) and Ahan-
regarded with slight distaste as a result.
Tako V (Zan-Cha) are both home to revolu-
Two disturbing social trends exist in tionary separatist movements, which are
Dornthant currently. The first is the rising large enough to realistically describe
incidence of random, motiveless shootings themselves as armies. Consequently, local
undertaken by deranged citizens. Second is Homeguards are well-equipped and very
the rise of a new order of ambitious young experienced, and the EDF maintains a strong
EDF officers, who hold personal privilege presence here. The government is a capital-
and power as more important than the ist democracy, though elections have been
rights of ConFed citizens. This group is temporarily suspended in the face of
gaining a significant degree of influence in internal unrest. Ish-Tako is home to a
the EDF, and many older officers have underground revolutionary army that hopes
retired in disgust – or been forced to resign. to overthrow the planetary government, cut
ties with the Confederation, and establish a
Dornthant System new system of government based on
Dornthant I: An unusual gas giant, super- xenophobic and communist principles. The
heated to near plasma. It constantly largest settlement in the system is Tadak
loses mass to the sun. No inhabitants or City on Ish-Tako, and the city is a regular
moons. target of revolutionary attacks.
Dornthant II (Annah): Heavily populated,
warm terrestrial world. Small jungles
Ahan-Tako System
Ahan-Tako I (Zion): A sun-charred rocky
exist on most continents. One small
planet with an extremely rapid rotation.
rocky moon and several space stations in
No settlements. Two rocky moons.
orbit. (Urban, Space Station)
Ahan-Tako II (Ktan-Tako): A large, hot,
Dornthant III (Doynah): Cool terrestrial
airless ball of rock. It was extensively
world with extensive settlements, and
strip-mined in the first decades of colo-
large plains. Open farming takes up
nization. A few unofficial communities of
much of the land. There are three per-
squatters still exist in the shade of a
manent space stations in orbit, and one
south polar mountain range. They trade
large rocky moon with a thin atmos-
salvaged mining equipment for supplies.
phere, which is home to mining
Two moons – one planet sized, and one
operations. (Urban, Rural, Space Station,
less than 600 km in diameter. (Settle-
ments count as Rural)
Dornthant IV: Frigid world with thick, acidic
Ahan-Tako III (Ish-Tako): Well-settled
atmosphere/oceans. Subject of periodic
terrestrial world with several space sta-
scientific expeditions, but has no settle-
tions in orbit. Two moons, both airless
ments. Three rocky, airless moons.
and rocky. One moon is quite large, and

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

is in turn orbited by a tiny moon. (Urban,

Space Station)
Ahan-Tako IV (Ther-Tonki): Vibrantly
colored gas giant with an extensive sys-
tem of moons. The moons are haunted
by hardscrabble pirates who prey on
shipping, and each other. The planet has
no less than 28 moons, mostly rocky
planetoids. The largest moon (Zan-Cha)
is a cold terrestrial world with a thin,
though breathable atmosphere. It is
home to a number of urban colonies
around the equator. (Space Station, Ur-
Inner Asteroid Belt: An extensive asteroid
belt fills the space between the sixth and
seventh planets. There are dozens of re-
source and research stations in the belt,
and a number of illegal settlements run
by pirates or revolutionaries. (Space Sta-
tion, Resource, Research)
Ahan-Tako V (Ther-Son): Sub-Jovian gas
giant, with no settlements and two small
moons. Sometimes used as a dumping
ground for radioactive waste.
Ahan-Tako VI (Wha-Tako): Frozen, ice-
covered planet, with possible alcohol
ocean under the surface. A former re-
search colony has been abandoned over Civilian ships that need to stop in Ahno-
piracy concerns. No moons. Pirate colo- mia are normally restricted to a privately-
nies may exist in hidden locations. run resource station (permanent population
Outer Asteroid Belt: Comprised mostly of about 40) in orbit around Ahnomia I. The
frozen lumps of gas, the outer asteroid station extracts rare elements from the
belt presents a modest threat to ship- upper atmosphere of the gas giant. The
ping. The EDF maintains a series of station operates under contract with the
unmanned navigation buoys throughout. Confederation, and is required to offer basic
amenities to outsider visitors.
(ConFed) Ahnomia System
The Ahnomia system has only one planet, Ahnomia I: Large gas giant with rare

a gas giant that orbits the star at a great elements in upper atmosphere. One pri-
distance. The system is significant in that it vately owned resource colony, and two

serves as a waypoint to more hospitable large, airless moons. (Resource)

places. The EDF maintains an enormous and Denotah

well-defended transfer station here, in orbit (Independent, unaligned)
about 100 million kilometers from the The Denotah system, located far from ILR
Ahnomia star. Here, ships may be repaired space, is unusual in that it is an Inner World
or refueled, and personnel reassigned to that did not join the Confederation during
new vessels. In the past, the Ahnomia the first ILR war. The only settled world,
system has served as a convenient muster- Denotah IV, is ruled by an extremely ineffi-
ing point for Aerospace taskforces. The cient capitalist democracy. The government
transfer station is closed to civilian traffic, maintains a large surface army/security
though exceptions are made in emergencies. force, and fields a few small capital space-

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ships, none of which are equipped for nications and transfer station is in orbit.
interstellar assaults. Trade between Denotah (Space Station)
and the rest of the universe is infrequent,
but there are no restrictions on travel.
However, few outsiders wish to visit, and
few citizens of Denotah can afford to leave.
Corruption and poverty are widespread.
Unsavory corporations lure unsuspecting
young people to distant work sites, with
promises of high pay. Once there, they find
themselves dependent on company stores
that charge outrageously high prices which
drain most of the employee’s salary. Charges Derzon
for room and board eat up the rest, mean- (ConFed)
ing it takes years to save up enough to Separated from the Core Worlds by the
return to the main settlements. This practice full expanse of ILR space, this lightly settled
not technically legal, but companies pay ConFed system serves a major trade route
sizable bribes to the government in Batu between the Republic and the Outer Worlds.
City to turn a blind eye to the practice. As The EDF maintains a barracks and communi-
the government is largely in the pocket of cations center here, on Derzon II, but has
corporate interests, Denotah IV is consid- very little in the way of military hardware.
ered a corporate world for the purpose of The local Homeguard is little more than a
character generation. police force.
Denotah System The capital city is Andis. The inhabitants,
Denotah I: Rocky, airless world with a great for the most part, are strong ConFed
deal of volcanic activity caused by the supporters, but they are inherently paci-
tidal interaction of the sun, and the fistic. In the year 195, Derzon II was briefly
planet’s relatively sizable moon. No in- overrun by ILR forces working without the
habitants. official support of their government. The ILR
Denotah II: Small, rocky planet with a thin troops entrenched themselves in the civilian
atmosphere. Denotah Space Command population, so the subsequent EDF liberation
has interdicted this world, and it is resulted in extensive loss of life and damage
thought that there is a domed penal col- to civil infrastructure. From that point on,
ony somewhere on the surface. It has the inhabitants of Derzon regarded the EDF
three small moons. and ConFed with great suspicion. The event
Denotah III: Arid, airless world with no serves as a rallying point for separatist
significant resources. Sometimes used as groups throughout known space.
a missile testing ground by Denotah ves- Derzon System
sels. Derzon I: Geologically active world with

Denotah IV: Wet, terrestrial world with constantly changing, molten rock sur-
large oceans and many islands. Well- face. No settlements or moons.

settled, with a population in the billions. Derzon II: Cool, terrestrial world. Sparsely
There are two residential space stations populated, and geologically young with
in orbit, and some research colonies on many mountains. One large, airless
the single, rocky moon. (Corporate, Re- moon, with resource colonies on the
source, Research, Space Station) surface. (Urban, Rural, Resource)
Denotah V: Sub-Jovian gas giant with Derzon III: Very large gas giant, thought to
brilliant rings and small collection of have swallowed several outer planets in
moons. No settlements. Four moons, all the distant past, and trapped others in
rocky, irregular bodies. its 14 moon system. All moons are rela-
Denotah VI: Frozen ball of ice orbiting tively large, and 3 have measurable
Denotah at a great distance. A commu- atmospheres. No settlements.


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Dilbion Dilbion System

(ConFed) Dilbion I: Volcanic planet with a thick,
Dilbion is a well-settled system with a sulfurous atmosphere. No colonies. One
strong capitalist economy. There are two small rocky moon.
settled worlds, Dilbion II and Dilbion III, and Dilbion II: Warm terrestrial planet, well
two uninhabited planets. Both Dilbion II and settled. Two small moons with minor
III are terrestrial worlds. Dilbion II is a warm colonies. (Urban, Resource)
terrestrial planet, portions of which are Dilbion III: Cold terrestrial planet, modest
covered in relatively advanced jungle. The population. No moons. (Urban)
colony was founded by horses, but generous Dilbion IV: Sub-Jovian gas world. No
settlement packages have encouraged inhabitants. Five airless, rocky moons,
people of all races to immigrate here, and with an EDF recon station on the outer-
the planet currently has a population of 200 most. (Space Station)
Dilbion III is much cooler, and is largely
covered in ice and snow. Liquid water and
rain occurs only within a few hundred
kilometers of the equator. The planet was
settled by an odd alliance of penguins and
arctic mammals, such as polar bears, and
most of the inhabitants are descendants of
the original colonists. The total population
of the planet is under ten million.
Dilbion II and III share an elected gov-
ernment and capitalist economy. Dilbion II is
home to the legislative assembly, and boasts
most of the system’s industrial base, while Echak
Dilbion III has many financial and banking (Independent, ConFed ally)
offices. The planets co-exist peacefully, and Echak is a somewhat barren system, cho-
have strong ties to the ConFed and EDF. The sen specifically by settlers with a somewhat
planets share a coin currency, known as the austere philosophy of independence and
Star, which is artificially set at an even beauty in simplicity. They wanted a world
exchange rate with the ConFed credit. Stars devoid of soft lines and easily settled
are annually minted, with the faces depict- landscapes, and the barely inhabitable Echak
ing the current head of the legislature. This III fits this bill perfectly. The other planets in
practice means that coins picturing short- the system are undistinguished balls of rock.
lived leaders are rare, and sought after by Echak III was settled fairly early on in the
collectors throughout space. The same is second wave of expansion by a clan of foxes
true of coins from the early years of the and wolves who followed a leader that
double colony. Coins of this kind may trade espoused a philosophy of self-denial and
for much higher than the official exchange self-reliance. The original Echaki lived off
rate. the land, insofar as they were able, building
For the last decade a small political party homes from stones and plant matter, and
on Dilbion II has been calling for the separa- even hunting local arthropods for food. Life
tion of the two planets, accusing the was governed by a series of elaborate,
banking houses of Dilbion III of manipulat- graceful rituals that marked the importance
ing the economy to the unfair advantage of of each occasion. The colonists even devel-
the smaller world. A recent government oped their own language, a strangely poetic
accounting scandal has brought to light yet staccato tongue which few outsiders
evidence which seems to support this view, understand.
and the separatist party is gaining strength. The modern-day Echaki are somewhat
more liberal, and live in small towns with

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light industry, but maintain many of their in this force resent the outside influence of
old traditions and attitudes. For example, EDF, and bristle at suggestions that the
they still eat a limited amount of local Homeguard is merely an arm of the larger
fauna, though the bulk of it becomes bio- force. The (mostly canine) inhabitants are
mass for processed food. They revere all life fiercely independent and even libertarian.
and pay special attention to "who" they eat, There is a strong separatist movement, to
even when it is just tissue culture. the degree that the presence of a single EDF
The Echaki sided with the ConFed during advisor to Homeguard operations once
the first ILR war, but avoided becoming full caused the outbreak of civil unrest.
members. They are an independent democ- Ekosiak has a strong capitalist economy,
racy, with a fairly thriving socialist and corporations wield an undue amount of
economy. An elected council meets annually power over the democratically elected
to pass legislation. The government main- governor. Some corporate leaders hope to
tains a small and highly skilled army, and a subvert the civil authority entirely, and turn
fairly substantial interplanetary space force. Ekosiak into a corporate world, along the
As part of their mutual defense agreement lines of Enchawah. Thus far, they have been
with the ConFed, they contribute some of unsuccessful, though at least one corporate
their best officers and pilots to the EDF. magnate has had great success encouraging
riots against status quo.
Echak System
Echak I – Small, airless, rocky planet. No Ekosiak System
settlements or moons. Ekosiak I – Warm terrestrial world. Lightly
Echak II – Rocky, airless planet. No settle- settled, with most of the population cen-
ments or moons. tered in a dozen cities. Two permanent
Echak III – Relatively arid terrestrial world, stations in orbit., and five tiny moons.
with most water tied up in lowland (Urban, Rural)
marshes. Modesty large population in Ekosiak II – Massive gas giant in extremely
the tens of millions. One permanent distant orbit. A powerful electromagnetic
space station, and a single large moon. radiation field discourages exploration or
(Rural, Space Station) settlement in its system of ten moons.
Echak IV – A large, irregular planetoid in
the otherwise sparse asteroid belt. Small
population of miners live in a resource
(Independent, unaligned)
The Kawateena system is unique in
colony on the planetoid. (Resource)
known space, in that it is a ruled by heredi-
Ekosiak tary nobility. The system itself encompasses
(ConFed) six planets, two of which are settled. Ka-
The Ekosiak system lies near the edge of wateena was settled about 90 years ago, but
ConFed space, and is separated from the their noble classes predate the colonization.
Core Worlds by the expanse of ILR space. The colonists were members of an enclave
Trade and travel between the two takes of feline clans on Arras Charka that were
several months. The only inhabited world is only nominally loyal to the socialist gov-
Ekosiak I, a relatively young colony with ernment. They managed to get approval for
about 50 million inhabitants. The only other the foundation of a new colony, and were
planet-sized body in the system is a massive free to indulge their monarchist experiment
gas giant that orbits the sun at a great on a system-wide level. The current ruling
distance. family is the House Ardehad, though their
Ekosiak I is nominally a ConFed member, claim may soon be challenged if the Lady of
but the local government pays little more the clan proves unable to produce or name
than lip service to their membership obliga- an heir. The family is considering cloning as
tions. There is a Confederate government a possible solution to this problem.
house, but the office only has four staff. The The ruling classes are not idle rich, and
planet does maintain a large and well- they are not above the law. They are trained
equipped Homeguard. Many of the officers from birth to work towards the service of

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

the state, and are considered by some to be Asteroid Belt: The Kawateeni asteroid belt
little more than elevated civil servants. The is thought to be remnants of an icy
family of the monarch in particular is world. Very few resources are found
expected to maintain a full schedule of here.
public appearances and dull legislative Kawateena V: Relatively small gas planet
duties. The common people are generally with extensive ring system collected
well-cared for, and well-funded social from asteroid belt. No significant moons,
assistance programs are in place for those and no settlements.
willing to work. Kawateena is friendly Kawateena VI: Large, Ice-covered rocky
towards the Confederation, but does not world with a large, distant moon. A com-
have any specific alliance in place. The munications station is in orbit. (Space
Confederation regards the government Station)
rather coolly, believing that monarchies are
Tun Och Enchek
prone to abuse of power.
ConFed fears are somewhat justified –
Tun Och Enchek (or simply “Enchek”) has
Kawateena is far from a perfect state. The
never recovered from the first ILR war. Once
monarchs have a considerable degree of
home to extensive specialty farming opera-
direct control over the economy and
tions, the system now generates only
legislative process, and past rulers have
enough food for local use. The system’s
been known to side-step the judicial process
infrastructure and manufacturing base was
to protect a family member or pursue a
badly ravaged during the ILR retreat, and
personal goal. In addition, the ruling clans
the locals welcome any EDF presence in the
have used violence and assassination in the
past in order to achieve the throne.
The only terrestrial planet in the system,
The monarch of Kawateena may be male
Enchek III, is a pleasant, geologically stable
or female, and is referred to as the Lord or
world of extensive plains and rolling hills. It
Lady. The royal palace – an elaborate
was settled by community of ungulates who
structure that combines mansion home and
wished to establish a planet-wide confed-
government offices – is located in the
eration of loosely allied towns. The early
capital city of Tehnka on Kawateena III.
settlers were able to genetically engineer
Kawateena System alien grain crops, and cross them with ones
Kawateena I: A tidally locked, large and from Arras Charka, to produce exceptionally
rocky planet. A small research colony high-yield crops.
exists on the border of the dark and light Currently, very few farming operations
sides of the planet. It has one small are still running. Many of the towns have
moon, with a highly eccentric orbit. (Re- been abandoned, and the settlers have
search) moved to the Core Worlds. What is left has
Kawateena II: Small and dense planet, with been rebuilt by the ConFed, but the popula-
a thick, poisonous atmosphere, subject to tion of the system is slowly decreasing. The
violent storms. No settlements or moons. ConFed has plans to use Enchek III as a
Kawateena III: Warm terrestrial world. Well refugee resettlement world in the event of a
settled, with strong manufacturing base, new war, or major disaster in another
and several permanent stations in orbit. system. The inhabitants have a representa-
Two small moons. (Urban, Rural, Space tive democracy, but it is limited to the
Station) municipal level.
Kawateena IV: Cool terrestrial world, with
Tun Och Enchek System
low gravity. Small avian population col-
Tun Och Enchek I: Spinning ball of plasma,
lected in towns, and a few resource
very close to sun. Stellar gravity is gradu-
colonies on remote continents. Ruled by
ally pulling this world into pieces. No
feline nobility on third planet. No moons.
(Urban, Resource)
Tun Och Enchek II: Small, fiery ball of rock.
No settlements or moons.

29•2 9

G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r

Tun Och Enchek III (Enchek): Warm,

terrestrial world. Slightly reduced gravity,
and large bodies of fresh water. Sparsely
settled. One small moon. (Rural)
Asteroid Belt: A number of mining compa-
nies have recently started new
operations in the Asteroid Belt. The EDF
also maintains some tracking stations.
(Resource, Space Station)
Tun Och Enchek IV: Unremarkable icy ball
with no settlements or moons.

Outer Worlds and

Other Powers
The original ILR home system, Baliannian
is crowded, heavily defended system. The
main planet is Baliannian III, a heavily
developed and industrialized planet with a
population approaching ten billion. The
main houses of government are located
here, along with military academies and
major weapons research facilities. The
population is overwhelmingly rabbit, though
the system is not closed to other species.
Indeed, citizens from ILR aligned worlds and
conquered territories have access to inex-
pensive tours that highlight the glories of
the Republic.
The population is used to a very rich,
consumer economy, but their lifestyle has
become more Spartan in recent years. The
planet is a representative democracy, but
non-rabbits are barred from office, and
corporate and military candidates almost ing 20 million population. Several cargo
invariably win office. transfer and residential stations in orbit.
Every planet in the system houses exten- One small, airless moon. (Urban, Space
sive automatic defense and detection Station)
systems. Government regulations require all Baliannian IV: Cold, arid world with a thin
incoming ships to be interdicted and atmosphere. A single large, volcanic
searched before orbiting any planet. moon orbits. Resource colonies and mili-
tary training camps are present on the
Baliannian System surface, and a transfer station in orbit.
Baliannian I: Rapidly rotating, small, (Resource, Space Station)
irregular rocky world. No settlements. Baliannian V: Very large gas giant; has no
Baliannian II: Hot, rocky world with thick moons, aside from some captured com-
atmosphere, full of green house gases. ets and asteroids. An ILR capital ship
Surface pressure too great for coloniza- repair yard is located in orbit, with a
tion. No stations or moons. large residential section. (Space Station)
Baliannian III: Cool terrestrial world.
Heavily settled, with some cities exceed-


Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

Chishatta planet has a system of six rocky moons,

(Independent, ConFed ally) one of which is planet sized in its own
This double star system, located on the right, and is home to an extensive re-
far edge of known space, has no planets. search station. The others hold mining
The most notable feature is an extensive colonies. (Research, Resource)
asteroid belt, believed to be the remains of Endly IV: Warm terrestrial world, covered in
resource-rich worlds that were torn apart an ocean of heavily carbonated sulfurous
when their sun acquired a twin. It is home water. Simple bacteria are known to exist
to several hundred corporate miners from a in the waves. Several floating research
number of ConFed worlds, here with the stations exist, and exploration is under-
permission of the ConFed Department of way to find exploitable resources on the
Resource Exploration. ocean floor. (Research)
Endly Endly V: Cool terrestrial world with small
(Enchawah Group) continents. Well-settled, but bulk of
population are limited to crowded cities
Endly is the home system for the Encha-
near manufacturing centers. Three tiny
wah Group, a collection of 12 corporate
moons. (Corporate, Research)
controlled inhabited systems, and several
Endly VI: Airless, rocky world. Most easily

dozen resource colonies. Endly has seven

accessed resources have been mined.

planets, all of which have been extensively

Currently unsettled. No moons.

exploited for their resource wealth. The

Endly VII: Small, icy world. A single mining
main planet, Endly V, is a pleasant, terres-
colony exists. (Resource)
trial world with rich oceans. The planet is
entirely governed by a private corporation. Hiahhohch
Corporate inhabitants live in beautiful resort (ILR)
villages, and travel by private helicopter Hiahhohch was the second system to
from settlement to settlement. Low-level declare allegiance to the Independent
employees are packed into high-rise apart- Lapine Republic. It is one of the two found-
ments, and ride underground trains from ing ILR systems, the combined populations
home to factory. of which represent 80% of the ILR whole.
Endly has an active movement pressing Hiahhohch has two terrestrial planets, both
for democracy and worker’s rights. This heavily populated. As with Baliannian, the
movement has yet to gain a great deal of system is very well defended.
strength, as the company, by and large, Hiahhohch is considered a somewhat
deals fairly with its employees. The Encha- downscale and less civilized version of
wah Group has trade relations with the ILR Baliannian by many in the ILR – at least,
and ConFed, but openly prefers the ConFed. many from Baliannian. It is true that the
If it came to war, the corporation would system has fewer research facilities and
throw its support behind the ConFed. centers of higher learning and that young
people from Hiahhohch tend to fill the
Endly System
lower ranks of the military. Units from
Endly I: Hot rock ball with a thin, highly
Hiahhohch have a reputation for ferocity,
poisonous mineral atmosphere. Two
and are often used as expendable shock
small moons. Robotic strip mines mar
the surface of all three. No manned set-
The rabbit majority is not quite as over-
whelming as it is on Baliannian, though
Endly II: Small, airless rocky world. Re-
lapines still represent well over 90% of the
source colonies are on the surface, and a
total population. Outside traffic is not very
permanent station is in orbit. (Resource,
common – there is simply not as much to
Space Station)
see in this system, at least in terms of
Endly III: Relatively small gas world. Very
glorious works of rabbit culture.
warm upper atmosphere is known to
harbor complex organic elements,
though no true life has been found. The

31•3 1

G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r
Hiahhohch System being more interested with stripping
Hiahhohch I: Large world with oceans of resources from the planet. There is an active
molten rock. No significant atmosphere. resistance movement on the planet, which
One captured asteroid in orbit. No set- periodically makes impressive attacks
tlements. against Republican targets.
Hiahhohch II: Very warm terrestrial world
Konattahtzah System
with extensive deserts and small oceans.
Konattahtzah I: Small, rocky, airless world
Well settled along bodies of water. Some
in eccentric orbit around sun. No settle-
permanent stations in orbit, and resource
ments or moons.
colonies in remote areas. Small settle-
Konattahtzah II: Small, rocky world with
ments exist in the deserts. No moons.
extremely thin atmosphere. Currently
(Urban, Resource, Rural, Space Station)
being strip mined by Republic, using
Hiahhohch III: Terrestrial world with
slave labor. No moons. (Resource)
extensive mountain ranges and highland
Konattahtzah III: Large, rocky world with
plateaus. Well settled on plains. Two
volcanic surface and thick, violent at-
moons – one large, one small, both air-
mosphere. One rocky moon with the
less. (Urban, Space Station)
remains of a research colony, now aban-
Hiahhohch IV: Tiny, irregular rocky planet.
A communications station follows in a
Konattahtzah IV: Warm terrestrial world
trailing orbit. (Space Station)
with expansive oceans and verdant local
Konattahtzah fauna. Several abandoned/blasted cities.
(ILR) Periodically used by ILR as an urban war-
Konattahtzah is a formerly independent fare training ground. Some refugees live
system, annexed by the ILR during the first in remote areas. No moons. (Rural)
conflict. There were once two inhabited Konattahtzah V: Cool terrestrial world, well
planets, but a failed liberation attempt near settled, with permanent space stations in
the end of the war razed all large cities on orbit. No moons. (Urban, Resource, Rural)
Konattahtzah IV. The surviving inhabitants
were relocated to Konattahtzah V – in many
cases forcibly.
Konattahtzah was settled by kangaroos
and a variety of small mammals. It was
originally a socialist democracy, and de-
clared allegiance to the ConFed early in the
first ILR war. It was swiftly conquered, and
ceded to the Republic in the terms of the
treaty that ended the war. Several hundred
thousand rabbits moved to the system after
the war. Most are employed in garrisoning
and administering the planet. The govern-
ment is officially a democracy with two Biology
levels of legislature. Unfortunately, the The universe of Albedo is home to bil-
upper house is a council of rabbits ap- lions of different creatures from more than
pointed by the Republic – it has the power one hundred different species. Most of
to overturn or change any laws passed the these are furry mammals, but there is also a
lower house, call new elections, or suspend significant population of birds and marsupi-
the lower house entirely. As such, the native als. On the Core Worlds, these species live in
population has no voice. Konattahtzah V is racially diverse communities. Representa-
home to a number of crumbling, once proud tives of a dozen different species may
cities, and occasional walled rabbit commu- occupy a single floor of an apartment block.
nities in much better repair. The ILR has not This situation is rather different in the Outer
committed funds to repair war damage, Worlds, which tend to be dominated by the


Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

species which founded the colony. However, doctrine of racial superiority has allowed
most of them still boast fairly cosmopolitan their leaders to guide the ILR into more
and tolerant societies. In many cases, than one expansionist conflict with the
members of a minority race will live in a Confederation. Indeed, the first such
close-knit community, but this is a matter confrontation led directly to the foundation
of choice. of the Extraplanetary Defense Force (EDF).
This variation in species has caused a
The Species of Arras

number of social problems, but in some

ways it represents a significant advantage.

Players should be aware that the sen-

Each species is hardwired differently, and
tient species of Albedo do not differ in size
has a tendency to respond to situations in a
to the extreme that real-world animals do.
unique way. The cats of Dornthant are
A bear is larger than a mouse, but not to
generally reserved, and live in small family
any degree approaching that of bear and a
groups. The rodents of Danet are much
mouse on Earth. The smallest creatures are
more gregarious, and their definition of
just above one meter (3’6”-4’) tall on
family is often extended to include cousins
average, and the largest around two meters
and friends, and friends-of-friends. While
(6’4”). On average, they are noticeably
the different attitudes may cause social
smaller and lighter than a modern human.
friction, they also encourage tolerance and
Nocturnal species groups have better night
open-mindedness, and willingness to
vision than humans, though no animal
approach problems in a way one might not
possesses perfect night-sight. All characters,
normally consider.
no matter their species, have full-color
Scientists are sure that this multitude of
species did not evolve naturally on Arras
While every species tends towards cer-
Charka, but they are certain that they all
tain social behaviors, there is also a great
had their genesis on a single world. Alien
deal of variation. For example, cats tend to
species – invariably primitive– have been
be independent and prefer small social
found on several of the explored worlds.
groups. This does not mean that an individ-
Without exception, all of these alien species
ual cat cannot be extremely outgoing and
have a genetic structure entirely unrelated
extroverted. Similarly, wolves tend to be
to that of the sentient races.
very driven – but your wolf character can be
Few species consider themselves superior
very laid-back, if you wish. Consider the
to another, at least not within the Confed-
racial personality traits as a general guide to
eration. The rabbit inhabitants of the
culture and background, rather than hard
Independent Lapine Republic (ILR) have built
and fast rules for your character concept.
a society on the idea of their entitlement as
a superior race. They believe that they, as a
particularly fecund species, have the right to Science and
a greater share of resources than most. This Technology
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw Technology in the Albedo universe is ex-
Animals vs. Anthropomorphics tremely advanced in comparison to that of
Game Hosts should be wary of handing out the real world, and it has been since day
special abilities to players who choose a species one. The sentient races awoke with a very
with a unusual or powerful realworld trait. For high baseline of technical and scientific
example, platypuses have poisonous spurs knowledge, and have greatly expanded on
located in their rear claws, and have a limited this in the two centuries since awakening.
ability to detect the electric fields given off by Still, with the exception of Jump Drives,
living creatures. Platypuses in Albedo have most of their tools and technology would
neither of these advantages. If a player ques not be alien (or even unfamiliar) to humans
tions this, point out that every species has been on 21st century Earth.
altered to bring them closer to the human form, ConFed technology is largely based on
and this process has eliminated many un theoretical extrapolation of real-world
usual traits. technologies, and familiar items like cars,

33•3 3
G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r

personal computers, and airplanes all exist zens of the Albedo universe choose to live
in a recognizable form, albeit more ad- with every technological convenience that is
vanced. Extremely clean and efficient available. Even the humblest apartment will
hydrogen cells are used to fuel vehicles of feature several computer terminals.
all kinds, from personal cars to airplanes to
submarines, and fusion plants generate Astronomy and
electricity for cities and larger vehicles such
as cargo ships. The principles behind jump
Space travel, even travel between stars, is
drive are perhaps the only “science fiction”
an everyday occurrence in the Albedo
element in the world of Albedo. Other
universe. Cargo ships carry manufactured
commonly seen science-fiction technologies
products from the Core Worlds to the Rim,
such as artificial gravity, teleporters, hand-
and raw materials back again. New coloni-
held ray guns, and force shields do not exist,
zation efforts and exploration surveys are
and are not likely to be developed anytime
put together every year. ConFed couriers
and EDF troop ships travel from one end of
Computers are ubiquitous, and almost all
known space to the other on official busi-
have some level of artificial intelligence
ness. A growing number of private travelers
thanks to their connection with the Net.
and tourists are appearing on the space
Even the most basic models of vehicle are
lanes, and dedicated passenger liners
connected to the Net, which provides the
connect all major worlds.
driver with constantly updated traffic
However, interstellar travel should not be
information, and may even take control of
thought of as equivalent to air travel in the
the vehicle if the driver is incapacitated.
real world. A visit even to the closest star
While some planets are home to colo-
system involves weeks spent aboard a
nists who consciously choose to eschew all
cramped starship, and long periods of
but the most basic technology, most deni-

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

weightlessness on smaller vessels. Few generate enormous amounts of thrust over

people are willing to undergo these priva- very long periods of time. Scientists have
tions for simple tourism. experimented with different drives - such as
Spaceships in Albedo can be separated solar wind sails, electrical ion engines, and
into two basic models: aerodynes and chemical reaction thrusters – but fusion
starships. Essentially, a streamlined ship that thrusters are the most efficient type of
is able to operate in an atmosphere is space drive available. Some ships with
considered an aerodyne. Aerodynes may or specialized functions may use different
may not posses jump drives. Any large, engines, particularly if they need to be
jump-capable vessel designed to operate extremely small, as even the smallest fusion
only in space is a starship. reactors displace more than one ton.
Personal spaceship ownership, while rare, Travel times between worlds can vary
is becoming more common. A wealthy greatly depending on the relative position
businessman may own the aerodyne that he of the planets. Most captains attempt to
uses to visit his orbiting factory. A success- intercept the destination planet as it swings
ful freighter captain may get a bank loan to around in its orbit toward the ship’s planet
purchase her own light freighter. However, of origin. Most trips between planets will
personal spaceships are possessions on the take a week or two at the minimum and
order of passenger jets or cargo ships in the much longer if the destination world is
real world, and those few who can afford several orbits away. Trips to an orbiting
them are most likely to purchase them for space station or nearby moon can be
business use. Even an orbital shuttle re- completed in a matter of hours in most
quires a trained crew and expensive cases.
monthly maintenance. Only the ultra-rich No spaceship is equipped with artificial
can afford a private pleasure ship. gravity. However, starships normally accel-
Interplanetary Travel erate and decelerate at a constant rate as
they approach their destination. This
Spaceships are propelled from planet to
constant thrust allows the illusion of
planet by powerful fusion drives that use
gravity, as the passengers feel the constant
hydrogen for fuel. These fusion drives can
pressure of acceleration, with “down” being

35•3 5

G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r

and may suffer permanent internal injuries

if the acceleration is maintained for more
than a few minutes.
Interstellar Travel
The development of the faster-than-light
(FTL) drive is the single greatest achieve-
ment in the history of sentient races, one
that was developed specifically to help
answer one of the oldest questions –
“Where did we come from?”
in the direction of the engines. To an The jump drive itself is network of en-
outside observer, the crew might appear to ergy channels buried in the hull of the ship,
be standing on the “walls” relative to the connected to a series of nodules that
direction of the ship. True starships are contain the jump technology. As energy is
constructed to reflect this – aerodynes passed through this network, the nodules
intended for short jaunts may not be, generate a field around the ship that draws
meaning the crew must be strapped in it into another dimension, one in which
whenever the ship is under thrust. When a infinite speeds are possible. This field is
ship is halfway to its destination, engines spontaneously generated when a certain
are cut and the ship rotates on its axis so energy point is reached.
that the thrusters are facing the destina- Strong gravity fields, such as the ones
tion. The engines are restarted, and the ship created by stars, have a striking influence on
begins to decelerate. Crew members and this dimension, one that governs and limits
passengers should be strapped in during the the use of FTL travel. One common model
rotation process, during which they are used to explain the influence of gravity on
weightless. space is to imagine the universe as a flat-
Spaceships usually thrust enough to pro- rubber sheet. Here and there on this sheet
vide slightly less than 1 G of apparent are placed balls of varying sizes, made of
gravity, just under what a human would different materials. These balls represent
consider normal. Smaller ships traveling large objects, such as stars. The balls sink
long distances may have serious fuel into the mat and cause a distortion in space
limitations on thrust, and simply accelerate around them. Very large or dense balls sink
to a given speed and coast from that point deeper into the mat, and create a larger
onward. The crew is simply weightless when distortion. If a toy car (for example) is rolled
the ship is not maneuvering. along the mat, it will be drawn into one of
Few non-military crews would dare sub- these areas of distortion – the “star’s” field
ject themselves to more than 2 Gs of of gravity – unless it is pushed with suffi-
acceleration, except in an emergency – fuel cient force to speed on by.
expenditure is just too high, and the pas- When in jump, the effect of gravity wells
sengers and crew would be required to don (such as stars) is effectively the opposite of
G-suits. Military vessels have been known to that in the model described above. Instead
thrust at 2 or 3 Gs for hours, even days, on of creating depressions in the mat, the balls
end when speed was essential, but this create hills and mounds of various sizes. A
considered extremely unhealthy. Smaller toy car place on the edge of such a hill
ships, such as aerodyne fighters, may would roll forward across the mat until it
achieve 9 Gs of acceleration for very short encountered another hill, where it bumps to
periods during extreme combat maneuvers. a stop. A ship in jump acts in a similar
If a passenger is strapped in, prone, and fashion. It is pushed away from its system of
wearing a fluid-filled G-suit they can origin until it encounters the nearest stellar
endure up to 7 Gs safely for several seconds. gravity field, at which point it “stops” and
Beyond that, most people pass out quickly, drops into real space.


Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

Ships may only jump to the closest sys- charges in

tem along their flight path. The transition onboard batteries
from one system to the other is effectively that allow them to
instantaneous, and the passengers do not jump as soon as
“see” the jump dimension, even if they are possible after arrival.
at a window. All that is visible is a bright It is extremely
flash of light. Since navigation is done by unsafe for a ship to
setting flight path in the direction of a jump while under the
given star, jump drives become more gravitational influence
inaccurate the further one attempts to of a star or planet. As
travel. such, they must travel
This is because there are no fixed points to the edge of the
in space, and even stars are constantly in solar system before
motion. All that may be seen through engaging the drive –
remote observation is the position of the this distance can vary
star as it was when light currently arriving between four billion
at observer’s position left the star. As such, and ten billion kilo-
there is a practical range limit of approxi- meters in an inhabited
mately 50 light years for any single jump. system, and may be
Beyond that point, the target star has much more in a system
probably shifted so much that even most with an extremely
careful jump will miss it entirely. Ships that dense star. As noted
attempt jumps greater than 50 light years above, acceleration is
are almost invariably lost, either showing up limited by fuel and by
wildly off course, or worse, have their mass the physical limitations
dissipated between several relatively nearby of living crewmembers.
stars. Depending on the
Jump drives may be charged from any fuel available, acceler-
energy source, but they are most commonly ating out of the system may take several
charged gradually as a ship thrusts out of months. Once the ship arrives at its final
the system. The output from the onboard destination it must decelerate as it ap-
fusion engines is passed through a series of proaches its destination, a process that adds
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) coils before even more time to interstellar travel. Even
being expelled from the ship as thrust. As the fastest manned ships typically take at
the fusion jet passes over the coils, an least a month to travel from one system to
electrical field is produced, and the jump another, and freighters with small fuel tanks
drive is charged. In this way, maximum use may take the better part of a year to make a
is made of the engine output. The time it single trip.
takes to charge the jump drive thus depends Interstellar travel by private individuals is
on the amount of thrust – a freighter uncommon, and the average person will
accelerating at 0.1Gs will take ten times as never get the opportunity to leave their
long to charge the jump drive as a passen- home system. The majority of what traffic
ger liner thrusting at 1G acceleration. It there is takes places between the Core
typically takes around ten hours of 1G Worlds, and most private travelers are
thrust to charge the drives after an inter- businessmen traveling on behalf of their
stellar jump. company. The time and expense involved in
Because of the time required to charge traveling from one system to another means
the jump drive, and the requirement for that tourists are rare, though not unheard
extensive maneuvering to reset the flight of. Such tourists are generally the idle rich,
path for a new destination, few ships can or retirees who have decided to use their
immediately jump again upon arrival in a life-savings seeing the universe. A new
new system. However, some military vessels trend is for very well-off parents to send
and fast couriers carry additional jump their adult children on a tour of the Core

37•3 7

G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r

Worlds (or Arras Charka, at the very least) in aerodynamically designed hull that provides
order to soak up some culture before lift. Aerodynes use fusion powered jets while
embarking on a career. in the atmosphere, and fusion thrusters when
the leave the atmosphere. They range in size
from single-person, 1-ton gunships to 5,000-
Misjumps are possible. Jumps occur
ton cargo ships. Above 8000 tons, aerodynes
through the agency of energy fields that
become impractical for atmospheric flight.
alter the relationship between the ship and
Smaller aerodynes are used to travel
the rest of the universe. Errors in the
from the surface into orbit or to nearby
alignment of these fields can cause serious
space stations, though any aerodyne with
problems for the ship and crew.
sufficient fuel may be used for travel within
They expose the crew to strange radia-
a solar system. In some systems aerodynes
tions, and “tug” at their atoms. This can
are extensively used as interplanetary
cause serious neurological damage, ranging
shuttles, but they are more commonly used
from short term illness to immediately fatal
to shuttle passengers and cargo to waiting
injuries. In very serious cases, the structure
starships in orbit.
of the ship can be compromised.
A number of shipping companies have
Short-term effects are known as “jump
outfitted aerodynes with jump drives to save
sickness.” The victim can be incapacitated
on the cost of transferring goods from
for several weeks. Drugs exist to repair the
starship to surface in separate landing craft.
neuro-physical damage, and patient must
Jump capable aerodynes generally displace
avoid making any jumps for some time. This
under 1000 tons, and are used for hauling
can pose a serious difficulty during combat
medium sized cargos. They are perhaps the
slowest method of interstellar transport. Their
Latent psychic abilities may make a
relatively small size and need for free cargo
spacer more susceptible to the effects of
space means that they carry as little fuel as
jump sickness. There is no known reason for
possible. As such, they are not able to con-
stantly accelerate as they travel out of the
Vehicles system. The crew spends a great deal of time
The futuristic world of Albedo is home to in zero-gravity conditions as the ship coasts
many vehicles. The Extraplanetary Defense to a jump safe distance.
Force is mostly concerned with space-
worthy ones.
Aerodynes are the most common and
familiar form of spacecraft, as they
are specifically designed for use
in the atmosphere. An
aerodyne is a wingless
aircraft with an


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Jump-capable aerodynes are most often adapted to carry small (and very durable)
operated by small shipping firms, though cargos. Some are modified to include point-
some are in the possession of independent defense systems such as lasers, mass-
captains. Aside from personal yachts sold to drivers, and missiles.
the extremely wealthy, these tramp freight- When entering a hostile system, a capital
ers are the only interstellar ship an ship launches a number of ACVs. In a typical
individual has any chance of acquiring. deployment, some of these ACVs will speed
Smaller vessels are impractical for interstel- ahead to a target planet or facility and
lar travel, and true starships are so conduct high-speed scouting passes, while
expensive as to be the sole province of large the remainder forms a defensive screen
corporations or planetary governments. several thousand kilometers in front of the
vessel. They make sensor sweeps of the
True Starships
space in front of them, and pass the data
Starships are large cylindrical vessels,
back to the home ship.
rarely displacing less than 8000 tons,
ACVs on planetary scouting runs will
equipped with powerful fusion thrusters.
rocket past at maximum speed, identifying
Most are jump capable. They may not enter
potential targets and defense structures,
an atmosphere under any circumstance, and
and transmit this data back. They may then
usually carry a number of aerodynes in an
either impact those targets themselves,
internal hangar for use as landing craft.
circle back to join the defensive screen, or
Starships are specifically designed for
attempt to impact with enemy vessels.
very long periods of space travel, and more
ACVs defend their home ship by simply
than half the mass of the ship is typically
impacting with incoming missiles and ships.
taken up by hydrogen fuel tanks and fusion
They are capable of tremendous speeds, and
engines, allowing them to accelerate for
not even mono-molecular ship hulls can
long periods as they make their way out of a
withstand the transfer of sheer kinetic
solar gravity well. There is no limit to the
energy. All but the largest ships will be
upper size of starships – the EDF has a
destroyed by a direct hit, and even capital
number of Very Large Command Carriers
ships can be severely crippled if they impact
(VLCCs) that top 5000 meters in length. (See
with tiny pieces of shrapnel from a de-
below) A ship this size has a crew number-
stroyed ACV.
ing in the tens of thousands, and has
literally dozens of landing craft, aerodyne Very Large Command Carriers
scouts, fighter craft, and even smaller (VLCC)
starships stored in internal hangers. Some Very Large Command Carriers (VLCCs)
colony ships may exceed this size, as may are the undisputed masters of space. They
space-going shipyards. are the largest ships ever built – some more
There are exceptions to these generaliza- than 5000 meters long, carrying tens of
tions. Interplanetary craft that are not thousands of passengers. Only the EDF and
required to land are often built along the ILR currently field VLCCs, though the
same designs as true starships. Enchawah Group has a few floating facto-
ries of similar scale.
Autonomous Combat Vehicles
VLCCs typically form the foundation of
large aerospace forces, as well as ground
Autonomous Combat Vehicles (ACVs) are
assaults. They carry troops into battle, and
self-directed, multipurpose drones carried
provide them with all the equipment and
by nearly any military vessel larger than an
supplies they require. They carry complete
aerodyne. They are also a standard defensive
robotic factories within themselves, churn-
weapon used in planet-side installations.
ing out ammunition and replacements for
They contain an AI computer in an armored
damaged or destroyed equipment. These
core, powerful sensors, a reactor drive, and
factories are highly customizable, and can
sufficient fuel to allow bursts of accelera-
produce nearly any good. In fact, the EDF
tion up to 50g’s. They have no provisions for
crew or jump drive, though they may be

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often uses them to produce consumer The effectiveness of medical treatment is

goods during peacetime. due, in large part, to the assistance of the
Ideally, VLCCs are self-supporting units Medical Net. Even if you suffer an injury in
capable on remaining in the field for the home, the Net can quickly summon
literally years at a time. They have onboard assistance and provide detailed first aid
organic vats for the creation of food, and directions. Once in a hospital, the Net
ample supplies of fusion fuel. In practice, provides information about the latest
however, they are rarely dispatched for medical techniques and research. Robotic
tours longer than a year. surgeons under the direction of living
Some Command Carriers lack interstellar doctors can undertake incredibly delicate
capability. Most are in defensive standing operations, even grafting individual nerves
orbits around planets or other satellites, and together.
are usually just called “space stations”. Unfortunately, even the most advanced
Medicine medical facility is unable to perform mira-
cles. Instant healing of physical damage and
Medical technology in the Albedo uni-
resurrection of the dead are still impossible
verse is capable of extraordinary life-saving
dreams. A character badly injured in a crash
feats. Effective treatments eliminate most
or gun fight will face several weeks in
forms of cancer, if they are caught quickly
hospital, followed by several months of
enough. Advanced artificial organs greatly
physical therapy, though their chance of
reduce the chance of rejection, and can
surviving to make a full recovery is very
operate for decades without surgical
high. A character who is killed in combat
maintenance. Cybernetic replacement limbs
will never return, though it is possible to
are available, but are not commonly used, as
clone a physical replica of the deceased
advanced techniques can save all but the
from his genetic material. This replica will
most heavily damaged limbs. Drugs may be
have none of the memories of the original.
tailored to genetic code of the individual
patient, and offer quick and effective cures Agriculture and
for most diseases. Mortally wounded Food Production
patients can be placed into a long-term Starvation and malnutrition are ex-
coma resembling suspended animation until tremely rare among the races of the Albedo
their condition stabilizes. Even first-aid on universe. Food is largely manufactured, like
trauma cases in the field has a very high any other consumer product. Sufficient
rate of success. quantities of raw nourishment are provided

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free to citizens in socialist systems, and for tional food on the open market, and obesity
an extremely low cost to others. At the basic has become a problem in some areas.
level, this usually consists of raw organic Carnivorous species are able to live on
material, shaped into bars, balls, or served as herbivorous diets for prolonged periods
a semi-solid paste. Food of this kind is without any serious problems. In fact,
nourishing, although not very tasty. Texture certain societies have come to require
is counted as more important than flavor, at vegetarian diets of their members. However,
least when it comes to staple foods. Particu- a carnivore used to a heavy protein diet will
larly elaborate or flavorful dishes are still have strong cravings for protein for
available for a price, either sold pre- many months. These urges can be controlled
packaged in stores, or prepared to order in with effort, and can be eliminated by adding
restaurants and diners. high-protein items to the diet. Herbivores
Basic foods are grown in enormous are not similarly comfortable with a car-
quantities in food production factories. nivorous diet, and may suffer serious health
Organic material is raised in vats, simple problems if they do not take artificial diet
edible lumps of proteins and amino acids. supplements.
Chemical additives bring flavor and addi- Cases of cannibalism (defined as the
tional nutrients. Citizens in the middle class consumption of one sentient by another)
and higher often prefer not to make food of took place during the war, in areas where
this kind the staple of their diet, and some the structure of society had entirely col-
claim they can still taste the “taint of lapsed. Most cases involved predator species
metal.” Military personnel on long-term hunting and consuming herbivores. These
operations aboard a ship rely on vat-grown cases are regarded with universal horror.
organic proteins, and larger vessels have
Communications and
their own food vats.
Traditional farms exist, where vast fields
the Net
Every citizen who chooses to do so can
of grains and leafy plants are tended to by
be immediately connected to almost any
robot crews. These plants are either sold as
person on the same planet. Unfortunately,
is in fresh markets, or processed into final
science has yet to develop a means of
food products. Some worlds also harvest sea
directly broadcasting information at faster-
life and surface arthropods, which may be
than-light speeds, meaning messages must
likewise sold as is, or processed. Specialty
be carried step by step, from system to
restaurants serving fresh fish, clam-cakes,
system by unmanned message torpedoes.
roasted spiders, and green salads have
Thus, it can take months for news to reach
become quite popular on many worlds.
the Core Worlds from an Outer Colony.
Artificial meat is also produced. This
To send a message to another system, it
process consists of growing sheets of
must be broadcast to an orbital communi-
muscle tissue engineered from raw genetic
cations platform. There, the message is
material taken from animal food sources.
stored electronically on an interstellar
Artificially grown meat actually requires
message torpedo. These torpedoes can store
more food energy to grow than can be
numerous terabytes of information, enough
gained from eating it, making it rather
to accommodate every piece of information
expensive. Artificial meat dishes are becom-
generated by several hundred-thousand
ing very popular as predator populations
people over the course of several days. A
outstrip the capacity of farmers to produce
good portion of this information consists of
food animals naturally.
dry statistics, government reports, and stock
The Medical Net passively monitors con-
market results, bound for the databanks of
sumption, and citizens who rely on the
the Net. Private messages between citizens
government for their food ration (and this
comprise much of the remainder. The Net
includes soldiers) may find their diet altered
itself is intelligent enough to identify
involuntarily if they are overeating, or
information that it feels should be available
seriously neglecting certain nutrients. Of
course, it is always possible to buy addi-

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to users in other systems, and automatically was weeks before the Core Worlds became
saves something to every torpedo. aware of the first attacks, and even more
These torpedoes are launched according time was required to dispatch a response
to a regular schedule, or when they ap- force.
proach their capacity. The torpedo Note also that the information placed in
accelerates to the edge of the system. Since the torpedoes may be controlled and limited
the torpedoes have no crew, they can by the local government, or even by private
accelerate much faster than manned corporations. For example, the government
vessels, and can leave the system in as little of Denotah is very close-mouthed about
as four or five days. Once it is clear, it jumps revolutionary activity on their world, and
to the next system. In some of the core takes care to review and edit any informa-
systems, a constant stream of message tion contained in media reports before they
torpedoes enters and leaves the system on are uploaded to the message torpedoes. So,
an hourly basis. while residents of Denotah may access full
As soon as the message torpedo arrives, media accounts through their local Net,
it broadcasts its contents to the local users on Dornthant will have access only to
communications center. It then decelerates edited information. The Net on Dornthant
and docks with the orbital platform for may or may not be aware of changes made
refueling. As it approaches the platform, it to the information. Corporate interests may
may already start accepting new data for also limit the information which goes to the
transport back to its home system. Mes- Net in other systems, for reasons of finan-
sages intended for local recipients are cial gain.
immediately uploaded to the local net. This government censorship may become
Others are saved to the next outbound quite extreme in times of war or unrest,
torpedo. Certain information, like news and when all independent media outlets and
government information, is automatically even personal correspondence may be
transferred to every outgoing torpedo. In barred from transfer to the message torpe-
this way, news and information filters its does. Some Unaligned Systems have chosen
way through known space over the course not to accept or send message torpedoes
of several months. except under certain circumstances.
This time delay has a serious impact on Information stored on message torpe-
everything from military planning and does is usually encrypted to guard against
disaster relief to interstellar trade and theft. The most important safeguard,
politics. During the first ConFed/ILR war, it however, is the extreme acceleration the


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torpedo is capable of. They simply move too While the Net is present on most worlds,
fast to be intercepted - though they may it is far from omniscient. It is limited to
well be destroyed by beam weapons or swift information that is present in the com-
interceptor missiles. puters it is connected to at any given
moment. On a Core World, this represents a
The Net
great store of data, far greater than any
The Net is an enigma, one that surrounds
library in the real world. A user on Dorn-
and supports almost every single citizen in
thant can access everything from the
the Confederation and Outer Worlds. It is
writings of a great poet, to an old civil
the voice and personality of a vast commu-
report on ground traffic patterns in Batu
nications and information network that
City on Denotah.
connects almost every single computer in
However, a user on a mining post that
the known universe – whether that com-
does not have regular communications with
puter is a university mainframe, robot CPU,
the universe at large would have access only
or handheld computer.
to data stored on local computers – likely
The Net serves as a nurse, psychiatric
rather dull, practical information about
counselor, private banker, reference library,
mining techniques, union regulations, and
confidante, and protector. For many, the
first aid. The personality of the Net may be
Net is a discrete friend and well-informed
the same, but it will have far fewer refer-
servant who is constantly available to
ence tools to work with. Ships in interstellar
proffer practical advice. The personality it
space do not have access to the larger Net,
presents is different for every person who
though the experience of seeking locally
accesses it, geared to their personal prefer-
stored information from the computer
would be indistinguishable.
The Net has existed since the first day of
While the Net is spread through most of
history. Many believe it to have been put in
known space, and information is shared
place by the Creators to assist in the devel-
between solar systems, access to off-world
opment of the sentient races. Most people
information is limited by the speed at which
believe it to simply be a benign tool that
data drones may be transferred from system
assists the sharing of information, no
to system. It is impossible, for example, for
different from the roads or factories left
someone on Dornthant to find out what the
behind by the Creators. Some, more con-
current weather conditions on Derzon are.
spiracy minded, believe the Net to be
At best, one can access the most recent
something very different – a relic left
weather records uploaded to the regular
behind to monitor (and possibly control)
data drones. This information will be several
social and technical development. Some
weeks out of date. Of course, the Net will
believe the Net continues to report in some
happily provide an educated guess about
secret fashion to the Creators.
current conditions based on past weather
Limitations of the Net patterns and existing forecasts.
It is important to realize that the Net is Users of the Net are also limited as to
not a singular AI entity, like a robot or the information they may access locally. For
stand-alone computer. It is a method by the most part, these limitations are placed
which disparate information from literally on sensitive documents or personal records.
billions of sources may be accessed and An ordinary civilian is unable to review the
easily digested. The personality that the Net personal correspondence or banking infor-
presents is simply a handy interface to make mation of his neighbors, or view the defense
that access easier. It is not a “person,” not plans of the planetary Homeguard. A clever
even in the sense that an artificially intelli- programmer may be able to access re-
gent robot is, though it is programmed to stricted information, but the task is well
simulate a pleasant and helpful personality. beyond the capability of the average user.
This personality is different for everyone The Net does not see anything, unless it
who accesses the net, and is geared to their happens to have access to a computer with
specific psychology. a camera in a given area. Most Core World

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households do have cameras linked to their specialized robots. Indeed, in some facilities
computer terminals, and the Net uses these it is not uncommon for a patient to be
to personally greet the homeowners and admitted, treated, and released without ever
monitor their status. being examined by a flesh and blood doctor.
The Net is largely dependent on the in-
Social Net
formation that it is provided with. It rarely
The Social Net exists for one reason. It
verifies that information, though it is
links users to other users with similar
intelligent enough to identify clearly false or
interests and needs, through live video chats
forged records. It is possible to fool the Net.
conducted on hand computers, text mes-
While the Net is aware of the psycho-
sages boards, and by arranging for real life
logical needs of its users, it obviously does
meetings. Users can find fellow enthusiasts
not experience these emotional states, and
for every topic, ranging from informative
therefore it is not truly empathic. It will
groups that study the distinctive marine life
offer common-sense advice about things
of Denotah, to parent support groups, to
such as romance if asked, but this advice
friendship circles, or even sexual partners.
should be taken with a grain of salt.
Using the Net Covert Net
The Net is the only obvious tie between
Anyone can communicate with the Net
the current societies of the inhabited worlds
through a standard home computer or
and the Creators who placed them among
personal data pad, provided it has access to
the stars. Several programmers and engi-
the local communications network. The Net
neers have searched its records to find out
can communicate via text messages, or
more – some hidden message, perhaps, or a
through speech. Its default voice at public
set of instructions that will shed light on
terminals is androgynous and acentless, but
the purpose of the Creation. So far, all have
this may be altered to suit local speech
patterns or personal whims. A visitor from
The Net does, in fact, contain a secret
the Core Worlds should not be surprised to
artificial intelligence that monitors the
find the Net speaking in an unintelligible
development of society, watching develop-
drawl when he visits. The Net is intelligent
ments and predicting trends. This program,
enough to adjust its interface to suit the
known as the Covert Net, works towards an
speech patterns of an interlocutor, provided
eventual goal that not even it is conscious
it is aware of his or her preferences.
of. It rarely takes obvious action, or identi-
The Net on each world offers a number
fies itself. From time to time it will select
of specialized services, which are generally
certain extraordinary individuals and
thought of as “Nets within the Net.” While
encourage their careers, or hamper the
they are not technically separated from
movements of others. It may delay the
each other, and the Net at large, they
release of information, or ensure that a
operate discretely within the larger whole.
certain document happens to show up on
Medical Net the computer of someone who can act on it.
The Medical Net draws information from By and large, these actions have the result
doctor’s offices, research facilities, and the of obviously upholding the good of the
like. For most people, it acts as an at-home greatest number of people. An outside
consultant, providing advice as they admin- observer might credit these events to the
ister basic first aid or seek help with action of coincidence, but some have come
common ailments. It is not legally qualified to suspect the truth.
to offer specific diagnoses since it cannot The recent growing crisis has prompted
physically examine a patient most of the the Covert Net to take a direct hand from
time, but can make accurate guesses that time to time. When this takes place, it is
assist in treatment. always on an individual basis. An EDF officer
The Medical Net takes a more direct role on a lonely patrol might suddenly find his
in treatment at a hospital, where it may hand computer speaking personally to him,
interact with the physical world with telling him of a conspiracy among his

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superiors. A politician asleep in her private though models used for menial household
quarters might be awakened in the middle tasks such as cleaning are becoming more
of the night by her personal computer, common among the upper class.
which instructs her to flee the planet before All robots are linked to the Net, unless
a planned coup. specifically created without any kind of
Those that the Net elects to guide in this communications equipment. This means
way are known as the Net’s “Chosen.” They that speaking to a robot is indistinguishable
often find themselves thrust into the middle from speaking to the Net. However, robots
of extraordinary and world-shaking events, tend to have very specialized programming,
whether they wish to be or not. and simpler models (such as one dedicated
In recent months, a group of power- to building aerodynes) may not be able to
hungry EDF officers and ConFed officials offer all the functions of the Net.
have developed software tools that are Most robots are quite limited in function
capable of erasing records from the Net. and mobility. They have one or two arms,
While using this tool to change public and are locked onto a track on a factory
record, they found that certain files were floor. They can do one or two tasks quite
being removed, as if by magic, and moved well, but are totally incompetent when it
elsewhere as if to protect their contents. comes to anything outside their narrow
The cabal has come to suspect the existence programming. Other robots – like the
of the Covert Net, and regard it as an electronic surgeons at central hospitals –
enemy. are extremely advanced with flexible
Robots intelligence, but far too delicate to leave the
facilities they operate in.
Robots are a fact of life on most well-
A robot capable of independent move-
developed worlds, but rarely seen or no-
ment outdoors is usually quadrupedal, with
ticed. They work behind the scenes to
two primary manipulator arms at the front
support industry and infrastructure, and are
and additional, smaller arms along the
seldom seen operating independently in
length. They walk fairly low to the ground,
public. They are most often found in gov-
and are capable of sprinting indefinitely at
ernment facilities and corporate factories,

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speeds of about 30 KPH. Any of the limbs field experiments have proven that robots
can be folded compactly against the body of are not practical as a replacement for
the robot. Wheeled versions also exist, as do infantrymen in direct combat roles. They are
ones fitted with thrusters for work in space. too expensive, subject to costly breakdowns,
A flexible and extendable neck carries a and incapable of the same role flexibility as
camera and senor suite in the “head.” The a flesh and blood soldier. Combat robots are
head does not contain the central processor used for extremely dangerous scouting
or Net link, but destroying it would still missions, or tasks such as disarming ordi-
render the robot effectively blind. Robots of nance. They are placed under the direction
this kind are used for a multitude of roles, of Command and Control officers at the
and can be found in mining camps, military local HQ. They are distributed to squads on
bases, or anywhere else there are difficult or the basis of need, and usually require
dangerous tasks that need to be completed. brigade-level authorization.
Independent robots have an excellent It is thought that both the EDF and ILR
level of general knowledge, and will actively have secretly developed independent “sniper
seek information from the Net when bots,” relatively small robots that cram
confronted with a new situation. For themselves into hidden nooks on the
example, a terrorist plants a bomb in a battlefield, and await the passage of ene-
corporate office. The cleaning robots mies. These units are little more than
encounter the bomb in a remote hallway, walking guns, with just enough intelligence
but ignore it. Even though they have a Net to identify uniforms and targets. ILR models
connection, they are not programmed to may be rigged to explode if disturbed.
enquire about new items they encounter, so Similar, even smaller, robots have been
they pass on by. Hours later, a general duty reported by police forces. They are essen-
robot en route to the factory floor spots the tially pistols with legs, programmed to kill a
bomb, and finds no match for the device in specific person.
its internal memory.
The robot uplinks to the Net, and discov- Society and Social
ers the device is a bomb. It immediately
contacts building security and issues an
alert to the police. Further examination Castes and Classes
reveals that the bomb will explode before Social class plays a significant role in the
security teams can possibly arrive. Linking to lives of citizens on many worlds. It deter-
the Net once more, the robot accesses bomb mines the company one keeps, opens (or
disposal information. It is able to defuse the closes) doors to advancement, and may
explosive with nearly as much skill as a flesh influence the way in which one is treated.
and blood professional. Class is generally determined in terms of
Armed robots also exist. ACVs, for exam- wealth, at least on capitalistic or corporate
ple, are simply space going robots. However,

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

worlds. Elsewhere, it is judged by one’s fame, individual “owners” are merely temporary
service to society, or circumstance of birth. stewards.
It is possible for a corporation president
Upper Class
to generate a great deal of wealth in the
Citizens on worlds with capitalist econo-
Core Worlds, and even to become a member
mies are, for the most part, constantly
of the idle rich, but they will not be afforded
striving to achieve a foothold in the upper
the same degree of respect as a citizen who
class. Wealth brings significant advantages
is actively involved in administration or
on every world in known space, and the
social service.
lifestyles of the ultra rich – private space
stations, secluded homes with robotic Middle Class
servants – are the subject of simultaneous The middle-class is the default status of
envy and disdain. the largest portion of the population, and
For most, being in the upper class simply the lifestyle of a middle-class family in the
means access to a large amount of ready Enchawah Group is not significantly differ-
capital with which to buy luxuries. Most in ent from that of a family in the Core
the upper class will still have a job – that job Worlds.
is simply very lucrative. A middle-class individual owns a modest
On a typical capitalist world, a member home or apartment in a relatively nice area.
of the upper class will have a large home in He or she has a selection of home electron-
a desirable location. He or she will have ics, and, in the corporate worlds, a personal
access to the most expensive electronics car. Middle-class families can afford fairly
and appliances, own a lavish personal car (or regular vacations on their own planet, and
cars), and may own a small atmospheric from time to time may splurge for an
aircraft, such as a helicopter. He or she may interplanetary flight. Interstellar travel is
have a small staff of servants. Interplanetary beyond their means, unless they are a
travel is affordable, and occasional trips to member of the crew.
another star system are possible – though A middle-class lifestyle can be main-
still costly for all but the very rich indeed. A tained by nearly anyone with a regular job,
job in the highest echelons of management, on most worlds. In the ILR, rising prices have
or actual corporate ownership, may put one put the squeeze on the middle-class, and it
in this class. is rapidly shrinking as more and more
On some worlds with a hereditary nobility or people are forced to take on additional work
similar ruling class, people join the upper to maintain their lifestyle. In the ConFed
class by simple accident of birth. This may Core Worlds, anyone who works more than
not necessarily entail inheritance of wealth. 20 hours a week is provided with a govern-
There are impoverished nobles, and many ment allowance that essentially assures
societies have hereditary positions that them of a middle-class position.
come with the respect and esteem of
Lower Class
society without attendant financial benefits.
Lower-class lifestyles range greatly in
The term “Upper Class” is nearly mean-
quality. People with very menial jobs in the
ingless in the Core Worlds, and on planets
Enchawah Group are considered lower-
that have adopted their example of pater-
class, as are those who simply choose not to
nalistic socialism. Social class on these
work in the Socialist Core Worlds. Yet, both
worlds is largely a factor of responsibility
are assured a relatively comfortable and
rather than one’s ability to generate wealth.
commodious existence. They have enough
As such, a senior EDF officer or a notable
to eat, and are adequately clothed, and have
ConFed diplomat comes closest to the
access to the public Net.
capitalist idea of upper class. They will have
Lower-class life on some of the less set-
access to a sizable monthly stipend from the
tled frontier worlds, or less forgiving Inner
government, and be entitled to reasonably
Worlds, is a very different matter. On
lavish quarters and a personal vehicle. These
Denotah, for example, working poor strug-
perks are likely owned by the state – the
gle to keep up the debt incurred by

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company stores. Others simply give up, and unrest has caused it to lose value against
make a living on the street as beggars. the Enchawah dollar.
Starvation in the midst of plenty is not The Standard is normally exchanged
unheard of in some systems, and the electronically, though physical banknotes
concept of organized charity has not been exist. Many other currencies are available
developed. (such as the Dilbion “Star”) but these are
Economics rarely accepted outside a given planet,
though they may be exchanged for a fee at
Economics is the science of production
most banks. Some corporations issue
and the theory of distribution of wealth. It is
company scrip to their employees. These
rarely a precise science – economies on a
notes may only be spent at company stores,
planetary scale are nearly impossible to
and cannot be traded on the interstellar
quantify except in very general terms. There
market. The ILR uses a unit of currency
are a number of different economic theories
known as the “Credit.” While it can be
in force throughout known space, as
exchanged in for Standards in ConFed
philosophers and charismatic leaders sought
space, Standards may not be changed into
to create communities free from the
Credits while in the Republic.
Socialist systems of the core worlds. These
may be divided into three general types: Capitalism
Capitalist, Communist, and Socialist. Capitalism is an economic system in
Although most economic systems can be which the means of production and distri-
generally described in those terms, few bution are privately or corporately owned,
planets make use of totally pure forms of and development is proportionate to the
these systems. A largely communist planet accumulation and reinvestment of profits
may, for example, allow small businessmen gained in a free market. Capitalism may be
to keep their profits. A world with a healthy closely monitored and checked by govern-
capitalist economy may have a number of ment controls, or the market may simply be
government controlled monopolies running dominated by the companies that make the
utilities, or services such mail. Local varia- most money. Capitalism at its worst pursues
tions and combinations of each philosophy profit without any regard for health,
exist, and the game host is encouraged to environment, or social mores. Ideally,
be creative. In addition, any economic participants in a capitalist economy self-
theory may also form the philosophical basis limit that sort of behavior, if only in the
for actual legislative and executive govern- interest of long-term profitability.
ment. For example, the Enchawah Group
uses capitalist principles to guide the day to
Put simply, Communism is an economic
day governance of their planets, as well as
system characterized by the collective
their economies. All administrative deci-
ownership of property and by the organiza-
sions – about everything from placement of
tion of labor for the common advantage of
traffic signals to interstellar relations - are
all members. Everyone in a Communist state
made in terms of the possible impact on
is a “worker.” Workers in a factory or office
long-term profitability.
own that facility collectively, and direct its
The Confederation uses a universal unit
production. However, in its final form,
of trade known as the Standard, created
Communism can be much more than this.
shortly after its foundation, when several
The philosophy of Communism can extend
planetary currencies were folded into one.
to all levels of government and society, and
After the War, the value of the Standard
may even dominate private social life.
was allowed to fluctuate against other
Citizens in a truly Communist state must
monetary units, and currency trading is a
measure every act as to whether it serves
major past-time of interstellar investors. The
the greater good. Communism in the
Standard has long been the strongest
Albedo universe is not necessarily a revolu-
currency in known space, though recent
tionary movement, though groups
advocating violent overthrow of existing

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

governments have begun to appear. Socialism

Strangely, limited Capitalism often exists on Socialism is the single most common
otherwise Communist worlds. form of economy and government in
One common problem with Communism Known Space. This was the system that
is that production is often not undertaken existed on Arras Charka on the day of
to meet specific demand. Thus, extreme Awakening. Socialism may be viewed as a
shortages of one product may arise at the significantly softer form of Communism, in
same time as warehouses are filling with which the means of production and distri-
products no one wants. The Net is able to bution is controlled collectively by the
mitigate this problem to a significant population, through their elected govern-
extent, but it still exists. Another concern in ment representatives. Extreme socialist
a true Communist state is the necessity for governments allow for no private ownership
the individual to subjugate his or her at all, while most only control significant or
personal life to the good of the population vital industries and allow a significant
as a whole. This can be mercilessly enforced. Capitalist influence on the economy.
Communism also fails to account for the True Socialist governments limit personal
natural tendency of social groups to form advancement through commerce, but in
hierarchies. This tendency conflicts with exchange offer a comfortable social safety
Communist principles, and unofficial hierar- net to those who are not as competitive or
chies often form around charismatic or lucky. The majority of worlds in the ConFed
ambitious individuals. Alternately, people may are Socialist to one degree or another.
compete for particularly glamorous or
important jobs, which often come with
Politics refers to the system by which
influence beyond what Communist philoso-
laws are made and questions of community
phy suggests. These individuals may
importance answered. This system is usually
eventually achieve officially recognized
planet-wide, though some worlds are home
power, despite the ostensible ideals of
to multiple political bodies. The three
Communism, either by force or by popular
economic systems listed above can, in some
acclaim. In addition, some Communist planets
situations, also serve as the de facto politi-
have a ruling class of “coordinators” whose
cal system on a given planet, though it
original purpose was to oversee the estab-
more common to see one of the economic
lishment of the Communist economy. These
systems combined with a political system. A
coordinators rarely give up power, and may
political structure on any given colony may
even engineer a crisis to maintain control.

49•4 9

G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r

have been deliberately put in place by the place over them. They may or may not
original settlers, or it may have arisen over describe themselves as anarchists. Anarchy
the years as the original structure evolved may also exist as a temporary condition on
to suit the concerns of the locale. any world where the government has lost
control. Some worlds have seen the ap-
pearance of violent self-style anarchists
Anarchism does not exist as the recog-
who wish to dismember the instruments of
nized system of government on any known
the state by whatever means necessary.
world, though this simply means that other
These few tend to color public impressions
governments refuse to recognize “anarchy”
of all those who describe themselves as
as a political state at all. It is commonly
defined as the absence of a political system,
though it would be more correct to refer to Confederacy
it as the rejection of all forms of coercive A Confederacy is an association between
control and authority. Anarchists have no one or more states, designed to provide
laws, police, or taxation. Businesses may mutual assistance and open doors to
exist, but are rarely larger than one-man profitable trade for all parties involved. The
operations. Any kind of community services, Interstellar Confederation (ConFed) is an
such as fire crews or ambulances, are obvious example. In a Confederation,
organized on an ad hoc basis and are decisions are made by a body of representa-
composed entirely of volunteers. “Anarchy” tives from each member state. Individual
does not mean that individuals are free to citizens in each member state may have a
murder or steal – it means that the onus for direct voice in the electoral process, or the
dissuading thieves and killers lies with the Confederate representatives may be chosen
individual. Anarchists may also form non- or appointed by the individual governments.
hierarchical communities that work for the The success or failure of a Confederation is
common betterment of all – at least in largely dependent on the strength of its
theory. Unofficial hierarchies often appear, individual members, which may have widely
based on respect for skill or simple charisma. differing political systems. In some Confed-
Anarchism effectively does exist on sev- erations, the Confederate legislature is very
eral worlds, particular on the fringes of powerful, and has effective control over the
space. These worlds tend to be settled by individual states. In others, the legislative
small family groups or individuals who have body serves as little more than a forum for
no desire to have a formal government in discussing common concerns.

Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R
Conservatism secure what is best, and that the goals of
Conservatism is not so much a political the home nation are more important than
system, as an attitude that emphasizes the concerns of outsiders. Any government
respect for status quo and the established may be Nationalist, though they are most
order. Conservative governments of all kinds often seen in Fascist and Totalitarian
exist – though it is most often identified with regimes. Citizens in a Nationalist regime
nationalist or democratic states. Conserva- often have a very poor view of outsiders.
tism in the Core Worlds often refers to
governments with cautious fiscal planning.
A Totalitarian regime is one in which the
Fascism government has complete and total control
Fascism is any system of government that over all aspects of the economy and society.
stresses the unity of all classes and peoples in This control is not limited by a constitution
the service of national pride and strength. or Bill of Rights. Any civil rights enjoyed by
This pride is often embodied in a single a particular citizen are granted at the whim
person, who serves as dictator. All business of the government, and may be withdrawn
and social life must work to the greater glory immediately. Totalitarian governments often
of the state, and individual rights are imma- exist on planets where the original political
terial beside that end. While it is possible for system went wrong, and power was taken
any political system (except Anarchism) to up an ambitious cabal or dictator. Some-
have fascist elements, in practice it almost times, a government facing a crisis may
invariably leads to Totalitarianism. State introduce a de facto totalitarian system for
sponsored bigotry and the active suppression the duration of the emergency. Totalitarian
of conflicting ideas are not uncommon. systems can enjoy the popular support of
Almost any form of government can take on the citizenry, particularly if they are headed
elements of Fascism – it is perfectly possible by a very charismatic leader. Popular
for a democratic planet to have a fascist regimes of this kind can actually be very
dictator, provided he is able to hold on to efficient... though this efficiency may be
popular support. Indeed, fascism is often a horribly misdirected.
very populist. An unpopular fascist dictator-
ship would be more accurately described as a
Perhaps the most important feature of a
totalitarian state.
government, and one which may be the
Liberalism truest indication of how well it serves the
Liberalism, like Conservatism, is an atti- needs of the planet, is the level of franchise
tude towards governance rather than a extended to the citizens. Franchise refers to
specific set of political principles. It holds the direct input that the population have
dear the autonomy of individuals and the into the political process, and it may be as
importance of civil liberties. Citizens under a simple as casting a single vote every few
Liberal government are free from arbitrary years.
authority, and always have input in the
political process. Unlike Conservatism,
A hereditary ruling class governs the
Liberalism is essentially incompatible with a
planet, and the common people have no
number of forms of government. For
real say in the political process. True execu-
example, Liberal Monarchies cannot truly
tive power is passed on through the family
exist, no matter how enlightened the noble
line as an inheritance. The holder of this
class is.
hereditary office is generally known as a
Nationalism King or Queen. In most cases, an elaborate
Nationalism is a political philosophy that hierarchy of noble titles exists to distinguish
largely rejects the ideal of cooperative those who are related to the ruling family,
relations with other governments. A Na- and therefore in line (though sometimes
tionalist government believes that distantly) to the throne. Monarchies are
independent action is the only way to very rare, and are not permitted to join the

51•5 1

G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r

Confederation. The best monarchs are rank in society an individual holds. The most
educated to be true servants of the people. talented or most intelligent, as determined
They seek the counsel of the common folk, by standardized tests or simple qualitative
and must submit to the very laws that they, impressions, are the leaders. The best
the monarch, create. The worst monarchs corporate-run worlds are Meritocracies,
are simply debauched libertines who use wherein senior executives must prove their
their supreme executive power to live a life competence. Scientific colonies are also
of ease, or terrorize their subjects. often Meritocracies, with the population
deferring to senior scholars.
Democratic systems are by far the most Oligarchy
common among the planets of the Confed- An Oligarchy is government by a few, es-
eration. In a Democracy, the population has pecially by a small faction of persons or
a substantial influence on government families. These often arise by default on
policy. This is usually done through an frontier planets without a formal system of
election in which qualified voters cast government. The founding family, or a large
ballots in support of a given candidate who clan, has effective control over all major
represent their opinions in a legislative decisions. Oligarchies may also be founded by
body. However, the level of Democracy on a design. For example, ILR occupied worlds have
given planet can vary to a great extreme. On an Oligarchial political system, with the
some planets, representatives are elected for rabbits effectively serving as the ruling class.
life, or the vote is limited to a very small
group. On others, every single adult citizen
A form of government in which the su-
is considered a member of the legislative
preme power is lodged in the hands of the
body – everyone votes on issues and may
wealthy classes, Plutocracies are common
draft legislation. This last model is only
on those Capitalist worlds that have few or
practical with extensive use of the Net to
no curbs on corporate activity. The Pluto-
tabulate votes and keep track of legislation.
cratic class may have the best interests of
Dictatorship the poor in mind when they make decisions,
In a dictatorship, a single individual is but more often they take actions simply to
invested with all the powers of the govern- cement their domination over society.
ment. This can occur as a result of a violent
overthrow, popular revolt, or even the The Arts
normal democratic process. In most cases,
the dictator came to power at with the Art and Culture
support of, at the very least, a significant The oldest society in the Albedo universe
portion of the population. Once in power, has existed for just slightly more than two
the dictator is free to ignore the will of the centuries. As such, characters in Albedo do
people, and they are effectively disenfran- not possess the same breadth and depth of
chised. Still, wise dictators court the favor of cultural reference that we enjoy in the real
their people, and may even hold regular world. There are few well-known paintings
elections to give the appearance of input or written works, and no famous pieces of
into the political process. However, these music at all. While there are many talented
elections have no binding relevance, and are artists, there is no Albedo universe equiva-
held at the whim of the dictator. Often, they lent of Shakespeare or Michelangelo. While
are simply approval polls. Rather than individual artists may have a level of skill to
offering a choice of candidates, the voters match those human geniuses, they live in a
simply indicate whether or not they feel the society that simply does not recognize
dictator should continue as leader. artistic achievement in the same way that
ours does. The generally practical nature of
Meritocracy society means that the few museums and
A Meritocracy is a system in which skills, galleries that exist are almost entirely
raw ability, or knowledge indicates what


Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

educational institutions that use artistic create works that trigger a specific emotional
works to educate visitors. state in those who witness their work – what
For example, in the militant Independent state they are aiming for is largely dependent
Lapine Republic, school children tour military on the culture from which the artist came.
museums that contain nothing but skillfully
created pieces of propaganda art. Dramatic
Recently, music has started to become
sculptural tableaux depict war heroes and
recognized as a proper art form, and listen-
great political leaders, and highly expressive
ing to music has become a popular way to
portraits enjoin the viewers to dedicate
while away idle hours. The art of music is
themselves to the service of the Republic. On
still quite primitive – songs usually consist
Dornthant, school-children might visit a
of pleasant tones and simple beats that are
museum dedicated to the ideals of civic pride
intended more to encourage relaxation than
and cooperation.
dance. Singing is more or less unknown,
Still, the sentient species of the Albedo
though poems and rhymes with sing-song
universe possess a definite urge to create
spoken rhythms are not uncommon.
things of beauty for the sake of beauty
In recent years experimental musicians
alone. Even as the shadow of war falls
have begun to create quite complex ar-
across known space, new artists have
rangements that incorporate vocal tones
appeared who create skilful works of art in
and more interesting beat structures,
the service of nothing but art itself. Indeed,
sometimes taken from environmental
the uncertainty of life in the known worlds
noises, like the rattle of a heating vent.
may be one of the driving forces behind this
Some of these artists are quite dedicated,
growing appreciation for art and music.
and professional. Full-time musicians are
Of course, the inherent behavioral differ-
making names for themselves throughout
ences between species, and social differences
the Confederation.
between worlds, mean that the artistic urge is
Listening to music is highly personal ex-
expressed in very different ways. Restrained,
perience, and as such it is not broadcast
civic minded Dornthantii might create a work
over any particular medium. Listeners are
of public beauty, such as a garden. A hedonis-
able to access the works of notable musi-
tic Danetti artist is more likely to design a suit
cians by subscription over the Net, and
of flamboyant clothes, a uniquely portable
these songs are saved in digital format on
masterpiece. Artists of every species strive to

53•5 3

G A Z E T E E R • Gazet#r

hand computers. Even in public perform- recognition of these arrangements to oppo-

ances, the audience listens on personal
site sex partners of the same species. Others
recognize any two people living together
Fun and Games with a romantic bond as a “married couple.”
These differences can cause trouble when
In the earliest days, leisure activities
traveling to other systems. Although ConFed
were unheard of. Sports and intellectual
law requires that all member states recognize
games of imagination were regarded as the
a marriage made in another system as legal,
province of children. This is still largely true,
this does not protect the couple (or partners)
though more leisurely pastimes have been
from negative local attitudes.
invented in recent decades.
In the Republic, marriage is condoned only
Conversation is the single most popular
between a man and woman of rabbit stock,
past-time, followed closely by sports, simple
and the purpose of the union is as much the
board games, and computer games – mostly
production of future citizens as it is recogni-
simulations and trivia games.
tion of romantic ties. Marriages between
Domestic Life rabbits and “lesser” species are not recog-
Family is very important to the races of nized. Non-rabbits on ILR occupied worlds
Albedo, though the definition of a “family” may marry each other – but only with the
can vary widely from society to society. On permission of local government authorities.
some worlds, it may refer to an extended This permission may take years to arrive,
collection of unrelated family friends, as well meaning many simply live together in a state
as blood relatives. On other worlds, only your of de facto union without official recognition.
spouse and children are considered family. At Subject species who wish to have children
the core of these definitions is the society’s must also receive permission.
definition of marriage. Marriage and child rearing is not neces-
It is important to realize that the nature sarily linked on most worlds. Partners who do
of Albedo society means that the way decide to raise children are usually eligible for
children are raised is partly dependent on the additional legal protections and social
species of the parents. Lion fathers often support. The term “marriage” is not normally
leave their children entirely in the hands of used in the Core Worlds, and spouses are
the mother. Wolves raise their children as usually referred to as “partner” or “mate,”
part of a larger clan. Society also plays a role. regardless of their sex. The word is used on
Danetti partners raise their children jointly. more conservative worlds, especially those
Dornthantii couples usually take advantage with hereditary clans or a noble class.
of an extended social network of parents with
Social Groups
similarly aged children, and the task of raising
Socialization outside of family is an im-
them is nearly a communal affair.
portant part of mental well-being, a fact
Marriage that is often highlighted to EDF officers
Marriage exists, in some form, on almost looking to boost their SPI ratings. Social
every world, though it is largely limited to a clubs of all kinds have sprung up through-
civil arrangement that confers certain duties out known space to feel this need. Some are
and privileges on those involved. Even the based around common interests or profes-
hedonistic and free-spirited Danetti extend sions, or serve to better the minds of their
certain legal rights to dedicated partners – members, while still others meet simply to
though a Danetti marriage might include two socialize or find romantic partners. One
husbands and a single wife, five wives and popular form of socialization is support of a
four husbands, or any other conceivable particular political party or activist group.
combination, the individual members of Certain species are driven to socialization
which may be any species. as a matter of course. Wolves, for example,
Most worlds are rather more traditional, often organize themselves into clans, with
and recognize only partnerships between two distinct hierarchies. These clans often
individuals. Some worlds limit the legal pursue specific goals designed to increase


Gazet#r• G A Z E T E E R

the power and prestige of individual mem- directing the child to the lost toy.
bers, and often become important players in 2. A senior, waking in the night with a
planetary politics. Some species of birds will sudden panic attack, is immediately
also naturally congregate. Avian groups are soothed back to sleep by a friendly
more like extended gossip clubs than voice he has heard all his life.
anything else. 3. A factory worker at a remote
installation is injured on the job, and
stumbles to her car and passes out.
The Net takes control of the car,
contacts emergency services, and
drives the unconscious worker to the
nearest aid.
There is a dark side to this constant at-
tention. The Net keeps note of the mental
health of its citizens, and monitors their
social interactions. A person who develops
Daily Life
certain eccentricities would find their Social
The Net has molded the character of
Political Intelligence index adjusted accord-
social life on the Core Worlds, more than
ingly. While this rating is normally kept
any other factor. Privacy does not exist in
secret from all except one’s private physi-
the Core, not as we understand it. Every
cian, EDF officers and ConFed staff must
moment of every day, the citizens find
face regular SPI reviews. If the numbers
themselves under the benevolent eye of the
have changed for the worse, the Net will
Net. Terminals allowing citizens to interact
pass this information – and the reason for
with the Net are as common as telephones
the change – on to their superiors. This
and clocks in the real world, and almost
raises the unsettling prospect of being
every terminal includes a tiny camera
forced to discuss very private matters with
complete with a full range of infrared and
UV filters. This surveillance is constant,
Worse, a citizen may find his SPI being
though passive, as the Net only makes its
altered for reasons beyond his control.
presence known if it notes a problem, or if it
Chronic nightmares, for example, or a bout
is addressed directly.
of serious depression, may trigger an SPI
The constant watch offers many advan-
reassessment. The lower a citizen’s SPI
tages. The Net is there to assist with any
rating falls, the less control he has over his
crisis, however small.
life. If the SPI rating falls into the range of
1. A child, looking for a toy, asks the Net
mental illness, the citizen may find himself
to help. The Net uses its cameras to
placed involuntarily into an institution.
search the house locate it. Then it
While there are no laws against avoiding
plays a game of “Hot and Cold”,
contact with the Net, actively ducking
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw notice will raise flags and get one pegged as
Social Political Intelligence anti-social. This will in turn alter an SPI
With their love for numbers and quantifiers, rating.
the ConFed has been using SPI much the way Because of this, the need for a “clean”
“Intelligence Quotient” has been used in the SPI is something that Core World profes-
past – that is, often incorrectly as a measure sionals have drilled into their heads from
of someone’s “brains.” While an average SPI youth. Some avoid eccentricities of any kind,
is anywhere from 825, numbers of 100 or and devote themselves to their professional
greater are often scored by the ConFed’s lives and civil service.
favorite citizens. There are many who believe
that SPI is a tool for keeping people in line,
because nonconformist behavior reduces
the index and can prevent one from getting
certain positions.

55•5 5

E . D . F . • e.d.f.

DEFENSE FORCE Extra-planetar#
defens fors
forced to rapidly develop a structure for their
militaries, to keep them supplied and main-
tain lines of communication. In their current
form, they are highly organized, with special-
ized services and chains of command. The
EDF has three primary operational branches:
Aerospace Operations, Surface Operations,
and Administrative Operations.

Joint Chiefs
of Staff
The Extra Planetary Defense Force is pre-
sided over by a Board of Directors, which
meet on Arras Charka, the recognized home-
The Confederation and Republic learned a world of all civilization. The Board has the
great deal about waging war during their first following officers:
conflict, knowledge gained at the price of 1. Chief of Surface Operations, the
tens of millions of lives. Both powers have officer who presides over all Surface
adopted different philosophies of battle as a Operations.
result of their wartime experiences, and 2. Chief of Aerospace Operations, the
continue to hone and refine their weapons officer who presides over all Aerospace.
and techniques. EDF battle strategy is based 3. General Secretary, a Chief of
almost entirely on flexible, reactionary Administration responsible for recording
responses to ILR aggression. For its part, the the minutes and disseminating the
Republic is dedicated to developing weapons directives of the board.
and strategies that deliver maximum damage 4. General Treasurer, a Chief of
with minimum effort. Administration responsible for the
Despite these differences of philosophy, fiscal duties of the EDF.
the very nature of interstellar war means that 5. Board Members, persons granted
some elements of military thought are honorary ranks of Vice Chairperson,
universal. The first of these is the need of one per world with a population of at
overwhelming initial force. Interstellar least 134 million citizens. Being a
warfare is an expensive and uncertain Confederation, the rules at the
prospect, and any attacking force must be planetary level for electing a Board
large enough and flexible enough to deal Member vary greatly.
with any conceivable situation. Static siege 6. Board Attendees, being persons
warfare is almost unknown. Invaders (or nominated from worlds or other
liberators) rely on devastating attacks from recognized governing bodies of planets
interplanetary space, followed by quick with a Population Index less than 6.
seizure of key points by ground forces. If a Board Attendees are allowed to attend
ground invasion is repelled, the invaders do meetings but cannot vote on policy.
not dig in, but withdraw for another attempt.
Large forces require high levels or organi-
zation and support. The EDF and ILR were


E.d.f.• E . D . F .

Table of Ranks
Originally composed of individual Homeguards, the Ranking System of the EDF has grown by
ad-hoc laws. This ranking table is only for Officers – Specialists use the Warrant Officer table
(p. 67). While the Rank Table lists the “official names” of each rank, officers will usually be

referred to by the title of their command, such as “Wing Commander Felna”.

Rank SPI Insignia Surface Ops. Aerospace Administration

Officer 16 (016) 240 Chief of Surface Chief of Chief of

Operations Aerospace Administration


Officer 15 (O15) 200 General Admiral Chairperson

Officer 14 (O14) 160 Brigadier General Vice Admiral Vice Chairperson

Officer 13 (O13) 130 Sr. Commander, Sr. Commander, Sr. Commander,

1st Class 1st Class 1st Class
Officer 12 (O12) 110 Sr. Commander, Sr. Commander, Sr. Commander,
2nd Class 2nd Class 2nd Class
Officer 11 (O11) 90 Sr. Commander, Sr. Commander, Sr. Commander,
3rd Class 3rd Class 3rd Class
Officer 10 (O10) 70 Commander Commander Commander

Officer 9 (O9) 50 Lieutenant Junior Lieutenant

Commander Commander Commander
Officer 8 (O8) 40 Lieutenant, Ensign, 1st Class Lieutenant 1st Class
1st Class
Officer 7 (O7) 30 Lieutenant, Ensign, 2nd Class Lieutenant, 2nd Class
2nd Class
Officer 6 (O6) 20 Lieutenant, 3rd Ensign, 3rd Class Lieutenant, 3rd Class
Officer 5 (O5) 15 Cadet, 1st Class Cadet, 1st Class Cadet, 1st Class

Officer 4 (O4) 10 Cadet, 2nd Class Cadet, 2nd Class Cadet, 2nd Class

Officer 3 (O3) 5 Cadet, 3rd Class Cadet, 3rd Class Cadet, 3rd Class

Officer 2 (O2) 3 Cadet, 4th Class Cadet, 4th Class Cadet, 4th Class

Officer 1 (O1) 1 Cadet, 5th Class Cadet, 5th Class Cadet, 5th Class

57•5 7

E . D . F . • e.d.f.

Surface corps, and during the first ILR conflict

ranged in size from 150,000 troops to more
Operations than a million.
Surface Operations is in charge of the
As a space-borne force, the EDF places
“meat and potatoes” of any combat opera-
particular emphasis on infantry over armor,
tion – the ground troops who actually take
since soldiers are much easier to deploy
and hold territory. Aerospace Operations
from orbit, and take up much less space
may play an essential role when it comes to
aboard ship. In a standard action, light and
transporting these forces to the battlefield
heavy infantry are dropped on the surface
and subduing enemy resistance, but infantry
at their targets by aerodyne gunships that
and armor are needed to complete the job.
serve as armored personnel carriers and a
Surface Operations: kind of flying tank. The EDF does field tanks
Order of Battle and APCs, but uses them primarily for
garrisoning and securing a planet after an
initial assault. Otherwise, they are used to
Name Staff Units Officer
support infantry in the destruction of
Army 150,000 2 Corps General
enemy fortifications when air-space has not
been secured, or aerodynes are otherwise
Corps 37,800 2 divisions & Brigadier
engaged. The EDF does not have any dedi-
Corps HQ General
cated artillery units, as this battlefield role is
adequately served by the presence of
Division 18,800 4 brigades & Colonel aerodyne gunships and spacecraft capable
Division HQ (O13+) of accurate bombardments from orbit. In a
Brigade 4,700 4 battalions & Lieutenant pinch, long-range tank guns can be used as
Brigade HQ Colonel a replacement for indirect fire.
(O12+) Light infantry make up the bulk EDF sur-
Battalion 1,200 8 companies & Major (O11+) face manpower, and a typical squad is
Battalion HQ armed with a mixture of anti-personnel
Company 145 4 platoons & Lieutenant weapons. Their role is to neutralize enemy
admin staff Commander soldiers and seize important targets, such as
(O9+) government offices or civil infrastructure. If
Platoon 36 4 squads & Lieutenant they encounter a strong-point or armor,
admin staff (O8+) they call in an aerodyne strike. Heavy
Squad 8 2 fireteams Lieutenant infantry are used when facing a particularly
(O7+) well-fortified force, and when the enemy is
Fireteam 4 n/a Lieutenant making extensive use of armor and mecha-
(O6+) nized infantry.
VHALO (Very High Altitude Low Opening)
Armies units are heavily-armed and specialized
Armies are fielded in only wartime. Ar- infantry that are trained to operate on an
mies are commanded by Generals (O15) and individual level if necessary. VHALO squads
typically put together to conquer a very are launched from low-orbiting space ships
well-defended or well-populated planet. in converted Autonomous Combat Vehicles
They are composed of divisions, rather than (ACV). The ACVs split open and release the
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw squad into the air while still about 15,000
Organization of the ILR meters above the surface. The squad
The Independent Lapine Republic specializes achieves a terminal velocity in excess of 300
in occupation. The Republic Armed Forces kph as they plummet to the ground, and
has only one branch of service, very much open their parachutes less than 600 meters
like the EDF’s Surface Operations. Discipline from impact.1In a typical action, VHALO
is high – there are plenty of recruits to
choose from on the ILR homeworlds, and 1Assuming a world with a gravity of 1 G and 1 bar
insubordination has harsh penalties. of atmosphere.

E.d.f.• E . D . F .

squads are launched in the hours preceding security actions, such as smuggler interdic-
an attack in order to secure lightly defended tion, or when dealing with enemy space
(but important) resources, such food storage stations. When used against another ship,
or power production facilities. VHALO they are deployed in the same sort of
squads may also be used in conjunction modified ACV used by VHALO troops. When
with infantry in attacks on fortifications. the ACV approaches the enemy vessel, it
The infantry engage the enemy, and VHALO opens, and the squad departs using Extra-
troops are dropped on the fortifications vehicular Activity (EVA) rigs (see below).
while the defenders are distracted. They are trained to fight in zero-g and the
The EDF can dispatch a brigade on short vacuum of space, and to make effective use
notice from any of the Core Worlds to of the EVA rig. Smaller capital ships will
anywhere within the Confederation, using a have a squad of freefall infantry, or even a
standard VLCC group. These fast response single fireteam. A VLCC might have an
brigades are made up of mixed battalions, entire company aboard.
ensuring maximum flexibility of response on
arrival. Each mixed battalion is comprised of
The most basic “complete” military unit,
3 light infantry companies, 2 heavy infantry
a squad is the smallest unit normally
companies, 1 mechanized company, 1 armor
assigned a specific goal in a battle plan. The
company, 1 VHALO company, and battalion
precise composition of a squad varies from
Admin staff. Units larger than a brigade
service to service, as noted below. Infantry
exist as purely static planet-side forces or
and VHALO squads may be divided into two
organizational units in peace-time, and are
four-man fireteams, one of which is led by
only created for dispatch to other systems
the assistant squad leader. The composition
in times of war.
of fireteams is usually decided in the field,
Of special note are the freefall infantry
based on the skills of each soldier and the
units. While these units are in the ordinary
particular requirements of the situations.
Aerospace chain of command, they are
The squad is the basic building block of
organized as Surface units. Freefall infantry
every Surface Operations unit. Even a light
are normally used as shipboard security in
infantry division is basically nothing more
the event of a boarding, but they may also
than a collection of hundreds of squads,
undertake boarding actions themselves.
with Administrative and command staff
These rarely occur in battles between
tacked on to keep them functioning as a
starships, but are not uncommon in civil
well-oiled machine.

59•5 9

E . D . F . • e.d.f.
Armor Heavy Infantry (HI)
Armor squads in the EDF are deployed Heavy infantry squads have nearly the
to support infantry actions against par- same structure as light infantry squads, but
ticularly well-fortified targets, and do not differ significantly in the arms they carry.
often see action in the first hours of The support weapon specialist carries a
conflict. They are dispatched later against portable rocket-launcher, and is assisted in
enemy hard points, as an adjunct to the firing of this device by one of the
bombardment by aerodyne gunships. riflemen. Snipers are replaced by a second
Armor has much more of a role in Home- support weapon specialist bearing a grenade
guard actions, where it may be used as the launcher. The remainder of the squad carries
spearhead of an overland assault. A typical LAKW 1-30s, the assault variant of the basic
EDF armor squad consists of four armor LAKW rifle, which includes an underslung
crew and four technicians, all operating in grenade launcher.
support of a single tank. The technicians
Light Infantry (LI)
are rarely dispatched into battle, though
Light infantry is the force most com-
they are armed as light infantry riflemen,
monly encountered in an EDF deployment. A
and may be called into action as fireteams
typical infantry squad is made up of a squad
in support of armored actions. Tank crews
leader, a support weapon specialist, and five
carry MPKW machine pistols, and have
riflemen, one of whom serves as assistant
access to a MAKW light machine gun
squad leader. The final squad member may
stored in the tank. As with mechanized
be a medic, electronic warfare specialist, or
companies, an armor company has two
sniper, who works to support the entire
devoted armor support squads, using APCs
platoon. The support weapon specialist
modified for towing and field repair.
carries a MAKW light machine gun or GAKW
Surface Operations: grenade launcher, while snipers carry a
Branches of Service military CKW precision rifle. The term
“sniper” is somewhat misleading, as these
Engineering (ENGS)
troops do not carry true sniper rifles.
Trained in construction and destruction
However, they fulfill much the same role on
of materiel, all Engineers are trained in
the battlefield. Snipers and support weapon
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD),
specialists also carry an MPKW as a sidearm
including their deployment and disposal,
for closer actions. All others squad members
and Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) envi-
carry the standard LAKW rifle.
ronment. Many EDF divisions have an
amphibious corps of Engineers, as well. Mechanized (MECH)
Mechanized infantry squads rely on fast,
armored vehicles to move from place to
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw place. Mechanized infantry is most com-
Organization of the Homeguards monly seen in planetary Homeguards, as the
Recognizing the need for defense, most EDF makes use of aerodyne gunships for
planets of the Interstellar Confederation rapid deployment and support of infantry.
maintain their own Homeguards – at least, Still, every fast-response brigade has a
the ones that can afford it. Most will use mechanized company, one that usually
equipment identical to the EDFs, and many deployed to assist in patrolling an area after
will be staffed by former EDF officers. it is secure. An EDF mechanized squad
However, each planet has its own ideas for consists of two APC crew, a support weapon
what makes for a good army, and no two specialist, four riflemen (one of whom is
Homeguards will be organized exactly the squad leader), and either a medic, sniper, or
same way. Technically, by their charter with electronic warfare specialist.
the ConFed, all EDF officers outrank all Mechanized infantry take advantage of
Homeguard officers … but when coordinat the carrying capacity of the APC to haul
ing EDF/Homeguard operations, a wise more supplies, ammunition and a selection
commander will be wary of local politics. of common support weapons into field. The

E.d.f.• E . D . F .

support weapons specialist can choose from Aerospace

a light machine gun, automatic grenade
launcher, or portable rocket launcher. The
Aerospace Operations is the most visible
APC crew carries MPKW machine pistols,
and perhaps prestigious branch of the EDF.
while the remainder of the squad carries
It represents the core of the ConFed’s ability
standard LAKWs. The squad is transported
to wage war in space, and its officers
around the battlefield in an armored
represent the best and brightest of the
personnel carrier (APC), with the APC crew
known worlds. Aerospace Operations
acting as driver and gunner.
transports troops, maintains supply lines,
Every mechanized company has two ar-
and defends every ConFed system from
mor support squads, each consisting entirely
attack. It encompasses everything from
of APC crew/technicians who are responsi-
one-man aerodyne gunships to the enor-
ble for the maintenance of vehicles in the
mous VLCCs that are capable of carrying an
company. Each squad has access to a pair of
entire infantry division through interstellar
mobile repair vehicles – essentially a stan-
space. Aerospace Operations is divided into
dard APC fitted for towing, and carrying a
two branches – Aerodyne Command and
selection of tools and replacement parts.
Strategic Command. Aerodyne Command
Mobile Surgical Hospital (MSH) manages the operations of small transport
Doctors and support for wounded civil- and combat vessels, while Strategic Com-
ians and personnel, Mobile Surgical Hospital mand handles capital ships and all other
units are often located aboard VLCCs, and vessels incapable of atmospheric operations.
only relocate to the surface when it has
Aerospace Operations:

been largely pacified.

Aerodyne Command

Very-High Altitude, Low Opening Order of Battle

Paratroopers (VHALO) Commanding

VHALO (Very High Altitude Low Opening)
Name Staff Units Officer
squads are trained to act as individuals.
Group 5,000 4 wings (512 Aero
Squads exist primarily as a means of identify-
aerodynes) Commodore
ing those VHALO troopers who are assigned
to the same ACV drop pod. The squad is
Wing 1,000 8 squadrons Wing
commanded by a 1st class Lieutenant; this
(128 Commander
allows them to give tactical orders to tradi-
aerodynes) (010+)
tional infantry squads they encounter in the
field. VHALO soldiers are more heavily armed Squadron 130 4 flights (16 Squadron
than normal infantrymen. Each carries LAKW aerodynes) Officer (09+)
1-30 assault rifle with grenade launcher, as Flight 30 4 aerodynes Flight Officer
well an MPKW machine pistol and a selection (O8+)
of hand grenades.

61•6 1
E . D . F . • e.d.f.

Aerodyne Command falls under the men, and a flight medic. Smaller capital
overall direction of Aerospace Operations, ships, such as destroyers, may have a flight
but the sub-branch enjoys a great deal of of aerodynes stored in their hangars.
latitude when it comes to military planning.
While most people immediately think of
Aerodyne squadrons are large enough to
gunships when they think of aerodynes, a
take on a multitude of combat and support
significant amount of work done by Aero-
roles, and may be the only EDF presence in a
dyne Command involves unglamorous
given system. They often feature mixed-role
interplanetary transport. About two-thirds
flights to enhance their flexibility. For
of all aerodyne units have combat roles, and
example, a squadron assigned to monitor
these fly small fighters and gunships. The
and protect shipping in Ekosiak might have
remainder operates transport ships, some of
2 flights of space fighters, 1 flight of
which displace several hundred tons. Only
transports, and 1 flight of gunships. At
officers may pilot aerodynes, though some
squadron level, the Admin staff complement
of the larger transport vessels require co-
includes a doctor, morale officer, and
pilots, and this role may be filled by any
civilian liaison in addition to the normal
qualified cadet.
supply/logistics crews.
During any military action Aerodyne
Command is assigned the task of transport- Wing
ing ground troops to their targets and An aerodyne wing is typically assigned to
providing them with ongoing support. These the defense of an entire planet. A wing is
operations make extensive use of the A2 rarely composed of squadrons of a single
gunship (also known as a dropship), which type though in times of war dedicated
has room for a standard infantry squad in fighter wings are not unheard of. They have
the passenger compartment. The pilot drops a large contingent of Admin staff, typically
from a home ship in orbit and accelerates to including enough doctors to staff a small
their drop-off point, where they land and hospital, as well as a team of experienced
open the rear doors. When the squad engineers. An entire aerodyne wing can be
departs, the aerodyne typically remains in contained within the hangars of a VLCC.
the area to provide aerial support by as
firing missiles at targets identified by the
Only the most valuable colonies or sys-
ground troops or destroying enemy vehicles
tems can boast the presence of an aerodyne
with gunfire.
group. They are extremely flexible space-
The Aerodyne chain of command runs
forces in their own right, with wings
parallel to that of Strategic Command until
devoted to defense and supply. Several
the Group level. There are no dedicated
hundred Admin personnel are assigned to a
Aerodyne officers higher than Aero Com-
group, including mental health professionals
modore. Aerodyne units larger than a Group
and advanced aeronautic specialists.
have never been formed by the EDF, and if a
large operation required the combination of COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw
more than one group, it would simply be Organization of the Enchawah Group
under the command of an Aerospace Enchawah Group does not have a formal
Commodore. Unlike Surface Ops, Aerodyne military structure, but they do have recog
Command includes Administrative Opera- nized levels of authority, a paramilitary
tions staff in their personnel totals. hierarchy, where officers are likely to be
called “Comptrollers” or “Field Officers”. Field
Divisions are given a great degree of auton
The flight is smallest aerodyne unit as-
omy to manage as they see fit, as long as
signed to independent operations. In an
they get results. Military discipline is also
invasion, each flight is assigned an infantry
lacking; personnel are more likely to be
platoon to transport and support. A flight is
demoted or dismissed than to receive coun
usually comprised of 4 pilot officers, 16
seling or internment, despite the presence of
technicians/crew, 3 supply/logistics crew-
internalaffairs personnel.

E.d.f.• E . D . F .

Aerospace Operations: power of sensor technology, weeks can pass

Strategic Command before a detected attack on a ship actually
Order of Battle arrives. For example, a cruiser arriving in a
hostile system will not be noticed by planet-
side detectors for several hours, at the very
Name Staff Units Officer
least. The planetary defenses must spend
Carrier 5,000 1 VLCC, 1 Vice Admiral
more time plotting the likely course of the
Group capital (O14+)
cruiser before launching ACV defenses to
intercept. Even at maximum thrust, it will
2 aerodyne
take several days for them to reach the
cruiser – which has in turned launched ACV
Capital 40 2 large Commodore
defenses of its own.
Squadron capital (O11+)
When the two forces meet, the action is
ships, 1
resolved in split seconds. Given the relative
velocities involved, even a glancing blow
from the shrapnel of a destroyed ACV can
Taskforce 20 1 capital Captain
cut through a capital ship’s hull, and wreak
ship, 1 (O10+)
havoc as it passes through the vessel. As
such, EDF ship personnel are encouraged to
maintain an almost paranoid concern for
Capital 16 1 ship of at Commander
safety. They wear vacuum-suit liners at all
Ship least (O9+)
times, and keep their helmets at the ready.
size Patrol
Patrol 4 2 non- Flight Officer A patrol is typically a very short-term
capital (O6+) formation of at least two small ships,
vessels usually scout vessels or non-aerodyne
fighters. They are assigned to a single duty,
Strategic Command is responsible for the such as scanning an incoming freighter
operation of any jump-drive equipped or convoy, and the patrol is dissolved at the
non-atmospheric spacecraft in the EDF. completion of that duty. They are not
While capital ships (the large, armed vessels always short-lived units, however. In
that act as command centers for squadrons wartime, a patrol of dozens of ships might
and taskforce) are the most visible part of be assigned to escort a carrier group as it
Strategic Command, several classes of accelerates to a jump point over the course
smaller vessel also fall under its purview. of several weeks. Obviously, in cases like this
As the Order of Battle indicates, the an ensign would not be in command.
Strategic Command branch of Aerospace Patrols have no Admin personnel beyond
Operations is extremely flexible. Aerospace that which is assigned as crew to the ships
units at this level are centered on the that comprise it.
presence of capital ships, and these vessels
range in size from corvettes with a crew of Capital Ship
12 to the gargantuan VLCCs that can hold The eventual goal of almost every Aero-
tens of thousands of personnel. A task- space officer is command of a capital ship.
force of three capital ships might Even command of a tiny corvette indicates a
encompass anywhere from 30 to 1000 very high level of trust and respect for an
personnel. As with Aerodyne Command, officer’s skills, as even the smallest ship
Administrative staff is included in the represents an extraordinary investment of
numbers indicated above. resources, and effectively commanding a
Life for a typical aerospace officer during crew of any size requires a great deal of
wartime is one of weeks, or even months, of self-possession and expertise. As such,
boredom, punctuated by incredibly brief command of a Capital Ship represents the
periods of frantic action. Given the dis- pinnacle of a career. Capital ships are often
tances involved in space travel and the deployed individually to complete specific

63•6 3
E . D . F . • e.d.f.

operations, and may remain in the field for unknown vessels suddenly appear on the
months at a time. edge of a system, any large capital ships
While most capital ships are used for sent to investigate would be considered a
purely military operations, Strategic Com- capital squadron. Once the threat is gone,
mand often places older or idle vessels at the squadron usually dissolves.
the service of the civilian ConFed authority.
Carrier Group
These ships maintain a military crew, but
Carrier groups are the basic elements of
also take on a large complement of civilian
all large aerospace operations. They are
experts, and may even be under the com-
organized around the support and defense
mand of a civilian captain. They are used for
of a VLCC ship, and tend to be very long-
exploration of new systems and scientific
term organizations. Indeed, individual VLCCs
research, and often range very far from
are constantly at the center of their own
home. Larger ships have recycling technol-
carrier group. The sheer amount of fire-
ogy onboard that allows them to operate
power and production capability
independently for years, allowing them to
represented by a single carrier group dwarfs
be dispatched on long-term missions of
that of many colonies. Carrier groups are
exploration to the extreme edge of known
dispatched to respond to extremely dire
space. While a five-year mission in search of
threats. If two VLCCs are present, then the
new life and new planets may be a hardship
unit is reformed as a kind of super taskforce,
for the crew, they represent an excellent
under the command of an Admiral or the
way to advance one's training and career.
senior VLCC captain.
Even the smallest capital ships have a
complement of Administrative staff on Aerospace Operations:
board, most typically medical and science Branches of Service
specialists. Ships of destroyer class or larger
Aerodyne Vehicle Operations
will also have a contingent of planet-based
staff attached to their crew. This staff
Trained to operate Aerodynes, especially in
remains behind to act as a convenient
the context of landing troops and interplane-
liaison for ships on extended duty.
tary defense from raiders. Aerodyne pilots
Taskforce form the backbone of any EDF operation.
A taskforce is simply a group of capital Engineering (ENGA)
vessels and support vessels brought to- Trained in the deployment and repair of
gether for a specific purpose. The size and Aerodynes, ACVs, and other outer-space
composition of a taskforce varies according vehicles, the aerospace Engineering division
to the task it must complete, though if it is vital to the maintenance of space vehicles
contains a single VLCC, it is counted as a and orbital staging platforms. While it’s not
carrier group. However, if more than one often talked about, the Engineering corps is
VLCC is present, the collective may still be extensively trained in the use of ACVs from
considered a taskforce, though it would be orbit and the deployment of nuclear weap-
commanded by a very high-ranking flag ons, like their Surface-Ops cousins.
officer. The line between a taskforce and a
capital squadron (see below) is often Freefall Infantry (FI)
unclear. Generally speaking, if a taskforce Freefall infantry rarely operate in units
has more than one vessel of cruiser size or larger than platoon. Their job is to board
larger it may be considered a squadron. A enemy vessels and secure them for search,
taskforce is also more often a long-term or subdue the crew and seize control. As
arrangement, whereas capital squadrons such, they require a high level of technical
tend to be formed for single engagements. competence in order to secure ship systems.
Each squad is comprised of a squad leader,
Capital Squadron two electronic warfare specialists, and six
Capital squadrons are ad hoc formations, riflemen. All are armed with LAKW 1-30
usually created in response to a specific, carbines (minus the grenade launcher) and a
short-term military threat. For example, if

E.d.f.• E . D . F .

selection of variable hand grenades. Freefall everything from the mental health of the
infantry are not equipped for long-term enlisted men, to the safe disposal of their
operations, and are rarely expected to be in sewage. In a battle, his staff maintains
the field for more than a few hours. communications with the field, and make
sure each soldier is where he is meant to be.
Interplanetary (INT)
Admin officers can be found in every branch
The bulk of Aerospace crews, who main-
of the military, and are often posted to
tain the very-large arrays that never land,
civilian positions with the Confederation.
Interplanetary is largely composed of
They make sure that the EDF can do the jobs
medical personnel, along with psychologists
it is meant to do, by providing practical
and administrators.
support of every kind.
Interstellar and Jump-Space
Navigation (FTL) Administration:
Trained in astrophysics, hyper-
Order of Battle
dimensional mathematics, diagnosing and Commanding
preventing misjumps, and interstellar Name Staff Units Officer
navigation, any VLCC must employ a Corps 5,000 2 division Senior
number of Navigators. FTL staff do not Admin admin and Commander
enter combat except in the most dire extra staff (O12+)
circumstances. Division 2,400 4 brigade Commander
Admin admin and (O10+)
extra staff
Brigade 6,00 4 battalion Lieutenant
Admin admin and Commander
extra staff (O9+)
Battalion 150 8 company Lieutenant
Admin admin and (O8+)
extra staff
Company 17 4 platoon Lieutenant
Admin admin and (O7+)
extra staff
Platoon 4 n/a Lieutenant
Admin (O6+)
The organizational structure listed above
Administration reflects the administrative groups assigned to
Administrative Operations is a vital body Surface Operations units. Aerospace units
that supports and coordinates the men, make use of similarly sized groups, each
women, and resources of the far-ranging operating independently on a capital ship,
EDF forces. Admin covers a wide range of and therefore suited to the size of the crew
operations, encompassing everything from on that ship. For example, a cruiser with a
supply clerks to battlefield doctors, aero- total crew of 120 would have a company
nautic researchers, civilian liaisons, morale sized Admin Group aboard. Aerodyne units
officers, and disaster response planners. Of are supported by the Admin Groups attached
particular significance to troops in the field to the capital ships they operate from, or rely
are the Command and Control (C&C) on local Surface Operations Admin Groups in
specialists who constantly monitor and the case of ground-based aerodynes.
direct every aspect of battles on the ground, There are literally hundreds of Admin spe-
down to the level of the individual soldier, cialties, and each group by and large
passing on the directions of the officers maintains their own chain-of-command
managing the operation. The colonel in within the specialty. For example, the captain
command of a corps level Admin unit is in charge of civilian relations on Derzon
quite literally responsible for managing cannot order a lieutenant serving as a

65•6 5

E . D . F . • e.d.f.

surgeon to perform an emergency medical Admin groups in a company or battalion

procedure. However, all branches eventually Admin facility. In most EDF operations,
report to one person, either the senior officer platoon admin groups remain in orbit until
of a given Admin unit, or (ultimately) the the surface is stabilized, and then assist in
Chief of Administrative Operations on Arras setting up a company or battalion level HQ
Charka. In some ways, the organization of on the ground. A platoon admin group
Administrative Command most closely consists of two general laborers (who are
resembles a large corporation, with several most often employed in preparing meals) ,
semi-independent departments. While the one weapon technician (who is specifically
supervisor of accounting cannot fire a responsible for making sure that the pla-
technical support staffer, she can direct her toon’s gear is in working order), and an
complaint to the CEO, who can take action. admin group commander who serves as
With the exception of C&C specialists, quartermaster for the platoon.
administrative officers have limited authority
Company Admin Group
when it comes to combat operations. They
A company Admin group is simply the

cannot typically give orders to normal

sum total of the platoon groups with the

aerospace or surface operation combatants,

addition of a commanding officer/C&C

unless the chain-of-command has been

specialist who serves as an overall director

seriously disrupted and no other officers are

and liaison for the group.

present. An Admin doctor with the rank of

captain who happened on a squad of infantry Battalion Admin Group
on the battlefield could not countermand the In addition to the component platoon and
combat orders of the squad if a surface company level Admin groups, a Battalion
operations lieutenant was present. He would Admin Group has 14 extra staff members
be expected to take command of the squad if who provide specialized services to the
the squad commander were not present, troops. A Battalion Admin Group adds an
though his directions would likely be limited administrative coordinator, morale officer,
to generalities (“Escort me back to base”) battalion doctor, robotics specialist, C&C
rather than specific battlefield orders, which coordinator, motor pool director, and nine
he would leave to the discretion of the senior general duty staff who are usually busy with
squad member. Despite the often sedentary laundry, or assisting the platoon quartermas-
nature of their work, Administrative person- ters. At this level, a number of resources are
nel do receive a modicum of combat training. also available, notably a small number of
They are expected to be able to defend robots that are assigned to other units on the
themselves and understand the basics of basis of need. Depending on the location of
military tactics. All receive basic firearms the battalion, up to a dozen light personnel
instruction, and have the option to pursue transports and trucks are also available,
optional training that prepares them to take intended for transporting personnel in
an active role in combat. peacetime. These vehicles are not suitable for
battlefield use, though they may be pressed
Platoon Admin Group
into service evacuating injured troops from
A platoon admin group represents the
the field, or as scout vehicles.
most common contact the soldier in the
field has with Administrative Operations. Brigade, Division, & Corps
Platoon admin personnel are responsible for Admin Groups
keeping track of supply shipments to the At the brigade level, the Admin group has
unit, preparing meals in the field, and become a considerable unit in its own right,
ensuring that every solider is assigned one that is able to provide a wide range of
appropriate arms and gear. They are perma- services and resources. A brigade has a fully
nently attached to a given platoon, bunk functional field hospital, sizable motor pool,
with them, and travel with them on inter- basic manufacturing facilities, several robots,
stellar operations. However, they conduct and highly specialized experts such as
their business alongside other platoon psychological hygiene officers, military police,


E.d.f.• E . D . F .

engineers, and a civilian liaison team. They gate crimes committed by EDF members,
typically remain aboard a VLCC until the including embezzlement, theft, and accusa-
surface is secured, at which point the group tions of atrocity. Special Services also
may occupy a large surface structure, such as interrogate terrorist leaders, crime lords, and
an office block. other leaders in an attempt to better under-
Division and corps Admin groups are stand their motivations and tactics.
comparable to small towns, with specialists in
every conceivable field spread throughout the Specialists
component units, supported by a central HQ Recognizing the need for personnel
staff numbering in the hundreds. The group trained in unusual or difficult fields of study,
has a substantial manufacturing capability, the EDF maintains ranks of Specialists. These
and is able to operate indefinitely given personnel have a special rank, known as
access to raw resources. They keep track of Warrant Officer Ranks.
every aspect of the lives of those in influence,
and supply every need. A corps level Admin Rank SPI Specialist Title
group commander is an extremely powerful Specialist 7 (S7) 120 Master Warrant Officer
and influential person, though his position is Specialist 6 (S6) 80 Chief Warrant Officer
hardly glamorous. Specialist 5 (S5) 60 Warrant Officer, 1st Class
Specialist 4 (S4) 40 Warrant Officer, 2nd Class
Administration: Specialist 3 (S3) 20 Warrant Officer, 3rd Class
Branches of Service Specialist 2 (S2) 10 Warrant Officer, 4rd Class
Industry and Procurement (IP) Specialist 1 (S1) 5 Warrant Officer, 5rd Class
A fancy title for the factory workers, these
While all Specialists are technically offi-
are the folks who build or purchase the
cers, their training in military fields may be
materiel and ship it out.
limited and their reputation as combatants is
lacking. Also, while a Warrant Officer is
officially equivalent to a regular Officer of the
same rank, in practice “true” Officers are
awarded more respect.
Emissary (EM)
A euphemism for “spy”, the EDF is not

supposed to engage in covert operations.

However, many EDF chairpersons recognize

the need for such operatives. Emissaries are

often kept secret, even from each other.

Emissaries report directly to the Chairpersons

of Administration.

Liaison (L) Exploration (EXP)

Diplomats and media supervisors, who Scouts who move into uncharted space,

meet with the civilian governments that Explorers report directly to the Vice Admirals

contribute to the EDF, often to lobby for more of Aerospace.

funding, to allay fears of ILR attack, and to Research and Design (R&D)
justify the existence of the EDF. These engineers develop new machines
Quartermasters (QM) of war. Since most of the plans and theo-
Most units have one or more of these, to ries used are already in the massive data
count the beans and balance the books. libraries, most of R&D is either finding more
cost-effective ways to produce machines or
Special Services (SS) applying the same old designs in new ways.
Viewed with suspicion among the troops R&D corps report directly to the Chairper-
in the field, Special Services is staffed with sons of Administration.
psychologists and criminologists who investi-

67•6 7
C H A R A C T E R S • karakters

CHARACTERS Making karakters
To start the game, each Player makes Choose one Homeworld Gift. Write this
their Characters. All Players begin with Gift on your Main Character Sheet
one Main Character and five Supporting
Choose a Personality
In the Personality chapter, you will find
four choices. Each one improves either your
Main Character Clout or your Drive.
Choose a Species The blanks for noting personality traits
The Interstellar Confederation recognizes are next to either Clout or Drive on your
over 160 Species. The most common ones Main Character Sheet – check each aspect
are presented in the Species chapter, appropriately.
p. Error! Bookmark not defined.. Choose a Service
Your Species determines starting Attrib- Choose a Branch of the EDF, and then a
utes – write these numbers in your Service. Your Branch of Service gives you
character sheet, in the appropriate blanks. several Gifts: one Basic and several Gift
Main Characters have Body, Clout, and Drive Groups. Write these Gifts on your Character
points that can be spent to improve rolls Sheet. Add Marks to your Skills, as dictated
and to use certain Gifts or abilities. by your Group Gifts.
Your Species gives you several Marks in
Skills – add these Marks to your Main Choose Electives
Character Sheet. Next, you can add 10 Marks into any of
Choose one Species Gift. Write this Gift the Skills, with a limit of 3 marks in any
on your Main Character Sheet. given skill. You can buy any Skill you want,
even ones you have zero Marks in at the
Choose a Homeworld moment.
You can choose a Homeworld from the
Gazetteer, or you can make one up. Each Choose a Personal Gift
Homeworld has a basic type, with descrip- You may choose one personal Gift. This
tions beginning on page 82. Note your Gift can be any Gift that you qualify for.
Homeworld’s name and type on your Basic Gifts and Group Gifts have no qualifi-
character sheet. ers. Dubious Gifts also have no qualifiers,
Your Homeworld gives you but they carry with them other game-
several Marks in Skills – add mechanics that hinder as well as help.
these Marks.


karakters• C H A R A C T E R S

Advanced Gifts have requirements that

names that described positive traits they
must be met before you take them.
wished to emulate – Charity, Patience, and
Choose Personal Details so forth. Still others appended these
names with distinctive surnames, others
Flesh out your character’s name, gen-
with the name of their clan or hometown.
der, and other personal details.
Almost any collection of pronounceable
Name sounds is appropriate for a name. Some
Naming practices differ from planet to players might choose to select unusual real
planet, between species, and even among world names, though Game Hosts should
different family groups of the same species discourage common human names such as
and culture. Not having any cultural “Paul” or “Stephanie,” as these may detract
background for choosing and developing from the mood of the game setting.
names, the first settlers on Arras Charka Characters in Albedo typically have one,
selected simple names for themselves, two, or three names, though more are
often nonsense syllables that were distinc- possible. Players who are having difficulty
tive and sounded pleasant. Others took selecting a name may use the following
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw chart to generate an appropriate one. The
Sample Character Names name developed by this chart is most
Aldeat; Alhacka; Ali; Alo; Alri; Alti; Alto; Ani; suitable to a character from the Core
Anni; Anrat; Ar; Ardea; Auitharar; Bosga Worlds, where common names often cross
gar; Char; Charlashi; Charsa; Chato; boundaries of species or culture.
Dadoghera; Dadorath; Dagasa; Darfidoi;
Darkoki; Dasho; Dea; Deaar; Deaat; Deagai;
Characters in Albedo can be male or
Deaki; Deaosh; Deashoas; Dhea; Dheana;
female. The Extraplanetary Defense Force
Dheao; Dohath; Dorfier; Dorna; Driar;
has an official policy against discrimina-
Drishi; Edohath; Egan; Ekheka; Elfheshi;
tion by gender.
Elgar; Elper; Elra; Elta; Endos; Enrath; Enro;
Erfhejia; Erfyferfon; Erla; Erni; Erpath; Personal Details
Erpoor; Erto; Fefar; Fel; Felda; Felkhethok; Choose the color of your character’s
Felos; Felrak; Ferpath; Feter; Feth; Fhega; eyes, the shade of their pelt (fur, feathers,
Firea; Fishaeth; Freeth; Frerak; Freshata; hide, etc.), the pattern of their speech,
Gaeth; Gan; Gar; Gheda; Hath; Huer; other details as you see fit. Remember
Hufida; Huharka; Huka; Huko; Hula; that your Main Character represents your
Hulharda; Hulkhoteth; Husho; Kaat; Kaer; starring role in the game.
Kafon; Kari; Kashagan; Kathok; Katik;
10 + Clout + Drive:
Kedyka; Kehyoth; Kei; Keon; Khashi; Khesa;
Social Political Intelligence (SPI)
Kor; Kora; Korda; Kori; Korni; Korthok;
The Extraplanetary Defense force re-
Korti; Kotik; Laat; Laat; Lagarat; Larak;
quires all personnel to submit to regular

Lashion; Lidhea; Lini; Lugaler; Lyhac; Lyki;

testing to determine their SPI index.

Lyri; Lyshithok; Madai; Masi; Mesi; Moosh;

Your SPI is equal to 10 plus your Clout
Myla; Myshofaloth; Na; Nago; Narath;
Rating plus your Drive Rating, plus or minus
Narhefon; Nyhath; Nyosh; Nyrath; Oghega;
any modifiers from Gifts. Among other
Okhateth; Orfheda; Orni; Pahoon; Pida;
things, the Main Character’s SPI will deter-
Pidegalgai; Pifior; Pigan; Pio; Pygai; Pygar;
mine what Rank they start the game with.
Pyos; Rashi; Reteth; Rhedar; Rhei; Ri;
Rolani; Rydodhea; Ryfon; Ryhacthol; Rank
Rykhoteth; Ryro; Sa; Safheeth; Sahai; Sasa; Your Main Character starts the game
Sashier; Sasi; Serrak; Serri; Serta; Shafyat; with the highest Rank your SPI qualifies
Shaon; Shaor; Shathok; Shi; Shia; Tadoni; for. See page 57 for more information on
Tana; Taro; Tata; Tetfikhaos; Teth; Teth; Tik; Ranks.
Tol; Tollathok; Tolni; Tolo; Tolor; Tolrak;
Tolro; Totik; Ty; Tykadyri; Zhoa; Zhodygan;
Zhofihac; Zyer; Zyki

69•6 9

C H A R A C T E R S • karakters
Damage Thresholds COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw

Whenever a combatant is hit by an at- Why Have Multiple Characters?

tack, dice are rolled against one’s Damage In the dangerous setting of Albedo, much of
Thresholds. The higher the thresholds, the the drama is derived from the constant
less likely you are to be injured. threat of mortality. If characters aren’t put
in mortal danger on a regular basis, then the
Threshold Value drama lacks sincerity. On the other hand, if
Wounded Body x2 + Armor PlayerCharacters spent most of their time
Crippled Body x2 + Armor + 10 in the infirmary or hiding in bunkers, the
Incapacitated Body x2 + Armor + 20 story would lack interest. Commanding
Devastated Body x2 + Armor + 40 officers aren’t at the front of the party, or
bearing the brunt of danger – that’s why a
Recovery command structure exists. With Albedo, the
Main Characters have a Recovery, a num- Players should identify strongly with their
ber that measures how fast they recover from Main Character, but also have respect for
Damage. This number is their lowest Attrib- their supporting cast. Game Hosts should
ute Rating times their highest Attribute craft plots that challenge the Main Charac
Rating, divided by 5, rounded down. You can ters to do the right thing, with a level of
find a chart for this number on page 132. danger that often results in grievous harm
to the Supporting Cast, as a reminder of the
Supporting seriousness of the game.
Characters same Branch of Service as your Main
Supporting Characters are fleshed out in Character. The fourth can be from a
much less detail than your Main Character. different branch.
You start the game with four Support- Supporting Characters do not have At-
ing Characters, known as the Retinue. tribute Points – they have Morale, as
These four have served under the Main granted to them by their commanding
Character for some time now, and all have officer (your Main Character.) Supporting
Trust in their commanding officer’s ability. Characters start the game with a Rank one
A Supporting Character has a Species, less than the Main Character.
with appropriate Attributes, and a Service, Unless specified otherwise by the Game
with appropriate Gifts and Marks. Host, a Supporting Character who Trusts
Supporting Characters can be of any their commanding officer (or better) starts
Species. Three of them should be from the any battle with 1 Morale.


Ten Steps to
Character Creation
Step 1: Choose a Name Step 2: Choose a
(p. 69), Species (p. 74). and Homeworld (p. 82).
Step 3: Choose your four Personality types (p. 85).
Gender for your character. This will also give
Each choice boosts Clout or Drive.
Your Species determines your you free Marks in
Attribute Ratings, and will add several Skills.
Marks to your Skills. You can
also choose Species Gift.

• DDOOOOO 11r-aw1
• 0000000 Cllmb
• OOOODOO F reefall
• DDOOOOO G-Forc:e
• 0000000 Hik e
• DDOOOOO M ele•
00000000 Spec;eeul"
• ODOOOOO •w1m
• 0000000 Thl"DW
gggggggg- - - ­
00000000 _ _ __

,,1.a_u_t_l.__ _,J~ ~
• DDOODOO •l"'lbe Step 9: Determine your SPI
00000000 Dl agulse
• OODOOOO Gc asl p
• DDOOOOO lmpre••
(lO+Clout+Drive). Your Rank is
• DDOOOOO Innuendo
• OOQOOOO P ersua d e
the highest you qualify for (p. 57).
• DDOODOO au e.clon
gggggggg- - - ­
00000000 _ _ __
~CHARAC'TERB Step 10: Choose your Supporting
~- ~ i=........, ..,.w..'"""'=""'=-..,_.....,==---•-=--"'-='-'-----;o--' Characters. Three of them must be
.~........................................ .l. L from the same Branch and Service
·3······················ ....................... J. .. I. . as your Main Character; the fourth
.<': ............................................... .l. .. !.. can be from any service. Equip
them with Weapons (p. 118). Their
"Attack" is their Weapon's Skill
Marks; "Def." Is short for their
Armor's Deflection (p. 137).
Thresholds are based on Body
Rating and Armor.
A T T R I B U T E S • attribqets

Attributes represent qualities that almost
Who has Attribute Points:
all characters have. Simply put, everyone
Major Characters vs.
has physical capacity, social standing, and
mental energy. It’s really a question of how
Supporting Characters
The Players, their major allies, and their
much. Attributes range from zero (no
major opposition, are Major Characters. In
appreciable quality) on up.
terms of the story, they set the stage and
they drive the plot. These characters are
Rating afforded an extra level of detail, by having
The maximum number of Points a char- Attribute Points they can spend.
acter can have is their Rating. For example, The various other characters, such as
if your Clout Rating is 10, you can never subordinates, clerks, merchants, civilians,
have more than 10 Clout Points. On the and other characters that come and go are
character sheet, completely fill in boxes, Supporting Characters. While these charac-
leaving empty boxes equal to your Rating. ters perform vital roles in society, they are
not the focus of the storyline. Supporting
Points Characters can be granted Points from Main
When your character performs certain Characters, in the form of Morale.
actions, or attempts to rise above their
normal limits, they must spend Points to Damage
act. Also, things like damage from attacks, Sometimes, lasting effects can take their
social impositions, and frightening situa- toll upon a character. Exhaustion, bodily
tions can deplete Points. harm, embarrassment, social mishaps, and
Points can never go below zero. A char- emotional trauma – all can take their toll on
acter cannot elect to damage. If a character a character, in the form of Damage.
is forced to lose Points they don’t have, they Damage is worse than a spent Point;
suffer 1 Damage for every 1 Point they can’t until the Damage is removed, the lost Point
spend. cannot be recovered. For example, if you
Spent Points are pretty easy to recover. have a Rating of 10 and two Damage Points,
After a Rest period of 8 hours, a character then the maximum Points you can have is
recovers all spent Points. (10-2=) 8.
On the character sheet, mark spent If the Rating is reduced below the char-
Points with a slash, “/”. acter’s current reserve of Points, excessive
points are lost. Following the above exam-
ple, if you had 9 Clout Points and had your
Rating reduced to 8, then you are left with
only 8 Clout Points. (Damage doesn’t
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw
actually reduce any Points you already have,
Why Don’t Attributes Increase Skills?
it just lowers your Reserve.)
Think of Body, Clout, and Drive as the
While spent Points are easily recovered,
reserves of power that a character has to
Damage takes longer, and can require long
bear. By spending their Attribute Points,
and expensive care. On the character sheet,
characters can strive for overwhelming
mark Damage as an “X” until recovered.
success, push themselves past their limits,
and retry when others would give up. While
it’s tempting to think of Clout and Drive as Body
how sociable or smart someone is, actual A measure of your size and physical fit-
capacity is measured by a character’s Skills. ness, Body is a general indicator of strength,
Characters who are better at common Skills speed, and health.
will probably have Group Gifts (p. 90).


attribqets• A T T R I B U T E S

Carrying Capacity you seriously. Also, getting folks to do favors

Often just called Carry, any character can or to commit themselves can take up a lot
carry a load of 2 times their Body in kilo- of time. Both errors and investment can
grams with no ill effects. lead to Oversight. Oversight is Damage that
Lift reduces a character’s Clout Rating.
If a character’s Oversight ever equals or
Any character can Lift 5 times their Body
exceeds their Clout Rating (thus reducing
rating in kilograms over their heads.
it to zero or worse), the character suffers
Injury (Damage) an embarrassment that could end their
Falls, gunshots, and other kinds of physi- career. At the very least, the character
cal abuse can cause Injuries. would be demoted.
A character that has even 1 Injury point
is Wounded for purposes of Damage Rolls Drive
during Combat (q.v.). Do not reduce a A measure of mental energy, only un-
character’s Wound Thresholds – that’s way usual people have Drive. This attribute
too much math, and this rule takes the allows characters to push themselves to
injury into account. greater feats in a shorter amount of time
Should a character’s Injuries ever equal than characters who lack Drive.
or exceed their Body Rating (thus reducing
it to zero or worse), that character lapses Trauma (Damage)
into a coma. They will require immediate Stressful situations, not the least of
medical attention or they will die. which is combat, can inflict lasting harm on
one’s psyche, called Trauma. Each Trauma
reduces a character’s Drive Rating by 1.
Clout If a character’s Trauma ever equals or
A measure of your social standing, Clout
exceeds their Drive Rating (thus reducing it
represents strength of personality, attrac-
to zero or worse), the character suffers an
tiveness, and social status.
emotional breakdown. The character is in
Oversight (Damage) permanent Panic all the time. The character
Social gaffes, mistakes, and errors can will require psychiatric help, which can be a
lead to bad reputations, which in turn can role-playing opportunity.
make it more difficult to get people to take

73•7 3

S P E C I E S • Sp#$es

There are over 160 distinct Species recognized by the Confederation of Worlds. The simple defi-
nition of a Species is that offspring between two members of the same Species breed true, fertile
offspring. (While other Species can interbreed with each other, the results are always sterile.)

wings. A sparrow is quite quick and ma-

neuverable, while an emu is capable only
of fluttering in a general direction. In low-
g conditions (less than half-gravity), many
small birds are still capable of flight, and
all but the largest species are able to make
controlled glides.
Because they are well-feathered, most
birds disdain the use of clothing altogether
unless it serves a practical purpose, such as
protection from inclement weather. Some
birds will dress in elaborate fashions that
highlight their plumage, but this is usually
decorative. Members of military organiza-
tions such as the EDF and Homeguard wear
Birds specially tailored uniforms and battle armor.
Birds of all types and sizes can be found Ratite birds include most species of
in the worlds of Albedo, ranging from flightless bird, such as ostriches, emus, and
small finches to ostriches and emus. They kiwis. They have very robust frames, and
are found on almost every settled world, strong legs. Unlike most birds, they cannot
and are particularly common on planets use their wings to assist in leaps or for
with low gravity. Some species have a gliding, except in very low-g environments.
preferred environment. Penguins, for Ostriches and Emus are excellent long
example, often colonize polar regions of a distance runners, and can execute power-
given planet. ful, dangerous kicks. Kiwis also have very
The avian body form presents some diffi- strong legs, but are better suited to hiking
culties peculiar to these species. Most than running.
notable is the extremely light frames that
birds have – they have hollow bones, and as Bird Characters
such the species is unsuited to heavy labor.
All birds have wings with simple hands, Body: 5 Clout: 8 Drive: 6
roughly where the wrist joint is located in
real world birds. No sentient avian is able to Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
fly in normal gravity, but they may be +5 Sneak Ambidextrous
capable of impressive wing-assisted leaps, or +2 Spot Belligerent
even long-distance glides depending on Conformist
their wing-to-body size ratio. Congenial
The situation is quite different in Choose One Skill: Energetic
weightless conditions or on very low- +2 Freefall Fast
gravity worlds. Provided there is an atmos- +2 Run Healthy
phere, all bird characters (even penguins!) +2 Swim Impulsive
are able to propel themselves through the Indefatigable
air with their wings while weightless. Their Small
speed and the degree of control they have Velocity Expert
over this flight depends on the size of their


Sp#$es• S P E C I E S

Canines are largely unconcerned about appearance.

Ranging from tiny fennecs to rugged

timber wolves and burly St. Bernards,
canines represent the single most diverse
Canine Characters
mammal species in the Known Worlds. In Body: 8 Clout: 9 Drive: 7
addition to wolves and coyotes, every
single breed of dog known in the real Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
world can be found in Albedo – though +1 Hike Belligerent
most dogs would be described as cross- +1 Listen Charismatic
breeds. +1 Run Congenial
Canines are gregarious and social by +1 Smell Coolness Under
nature, and most have a strong respect for Fire
authority and established order. This makes Cosmopolitan
them a very common sight in the armed Energetic
forces. However, their perception of Healthy
authority is based on the competence of Natural Leader
those in power, and a leader who appears Overconfident
to be incompetent or weak will not last Righteous
long in office. This is especially true of Strong
wolves, who are renowned for constantly Suspiciousness
testing the resolve of their leaders, and
demanding the complete loyalty of their Felines
Cats are nearly as diverse in body type as
Canines, unlike cats and most other
canines, and vary in size from petite Sand
species groups, can interbreed. However,
Cats to the imposing Tigers. All the domestic
distinct species tend to prefer partners of
variations regarded as “Housecats” in the
the same species. Still, any number of
real world exist, and are simply described as
combinations are possibly, meaning that
“cats.” Cats are reserved and aloof, and
canines as a group (and dogs in particular)

75•7 5

S P E C I E S • Sp#$es

prefer to socialize in small groups of friends. Lapines

Cats cannot generally interbreed out- Rabbits may
side their immediate species, but be found any-
exceptions can occur. For example, the where in the
offspring of a tiger and a lion is known as Confederation, but
a “liger.” Such cases since the conflict with
are very rare. the ILR, they are
rarely found in senior
Small Cat Characters positions. Many
ConFed rabbits,
Body: 8 Clout: 7 Drive: 6 particularly those
dwelling on frontier
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift: worlds, experience a kind of low-grade
+1 Brawl Ambidextrous mistrust and wariness that makes it difficult
+1 Climb Cold-Hearted for them to advance in commercial or
+2 Jump Cosmopolitan political arenas.
+1 Listen Energetic
+2 Sneak Fast
Following-Fire Rabbit Characters
Expert Body: 7 Clout: 8 Drive: 6
Grace Under
Pressure Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
Healthy +3 Jump Charismatic
Impulsive +1 Listen Conformist
Overconfident +2 Sneak Congenial
Quick Loading +1 Spot Cosmopolitan
Small Energetic
Velocity Expert Fast
Great Cat Characters Impulsive
Body: 10 Clout: 7 Drive: 6 Small
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
+1 Brawl Ambidextrous Marsupials
+1 Climb Cold-Hearted A fairly rare group, the Marsupial group
+1 Jump Cosmopolitan includes Koalas, Kangaroos, Tasmanian Devils,
+1 Listen Energetic and Opossums. They are different from most
+1 Sneak Fast of the other mammalian species in Albedo in
Following-Fire one significant regard.
Expert Female members of the species have a
Grace Under natural pouch of skin on their midsection
Pressure that is used in child-rearing. Marsupial
Healthy children are born quite early in their devel-
Impulsive opment, and are then placed in this pouch
Large until such time as they approach the stage at
Overconfident which most mammalian infants are born. The
Quick Loading mammary glands are located within this
Strong pouch and the infants nurse almost con-
Velocity Expert stantly. Even after they have developed
enough to spend time outside the pouch, the
child often returns to sleep, nurse, or simply


Sp#$es• S P E C I E S

to seek comfort from his mother. This means

that marsupial mothers can work throughout
their pregnancy and for several months after
the birth without worrying about babysitters.
This arrangement is greatly envied by moth-
ers of other species.
This natural pocket can potentially be
quite useful in day to day life as well –
though few marsupials use it except in a
pinch. The pouch is not so useful for smug-
gling items past security forces – it tends to
be the first place that searchers look.
Kangaroos and Koalas are fairly social
creatures, and get along well with most other
species. Koalas have the ability to go without
liquids indefinitely, provided they eat food
that contains a modest amount of moisture.
Koalas forced to live on dry foods, such as
biscuits, will require water in small amounts.

Marsupial Characters
Body: 6 Clout: 8 Drive: 6
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift: Macropod Characters
+1 Brawl Ambidextrous Body: 8 Clout: 8 Drive: 6
+2 Climb Belligerent
+1 Jump Conformist Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
+4 Sneak Congenial +1 Hike Conformist
Cosmopolitan +2 Jump Congenial
Gadfly +2 Run Cosmopolitan
Grace Under +1 Spot Fast
Pressure Gadfly
Impulsive Grace Under
Quick Loading Pressure
Small Impulsive
Tough Indefatigable
Monotremes Monotremes are accepted freely on most
Monotremes are a species group that in- worlds, though they are rare enough that
cludes Platypuses and Echidnas. They are a they are often the subject of curious gazes.
highly unusual and distinctive group of Their reputation as a mysterious group of
mammals that share some traits with Avian creatures is strengthened by their oddly
species. Most well known is that they lay eggs isolated lifestyles. They rarely collect in
rather than give birth to live young. In groups larger than nuclear family, and seem
addition, like birds they have a single body content to keep to themselves. Since they
opening for reproduction and excretion share many characteristics of personal
known as a cloaca. They have no teeth, and physiology, Monotremes in military service
no external ears. Ear canal openings are often find themselves sharing quarters with
located at the base of jaw. In most other Avians. Monotremes are omnivorous, but
respects, Monotremes act like ordinary have a particular liking for insects and similar
mammals, with the exception of some arthropods.
internal differences in bone structure.

77•7 7

S P E C I E S • Sp#$es

Echidna Characters Platypus Characters

Body: 6 Clout: 8 Drive: 8 Body: 6 Clout: 8 Drive: 8

Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift: Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
+2 Brawl Ambidextrous +2 Brawl Ambidextrous
+4 Sneak Belligerent +1 Swim Belligerent
Cold-Hearted +3 Sneak Cold-Hearted
Coolness Under Coolness Under
Fire Fire
Energetic Energetic
Grace Under Grace Under
Pressure Pressure
Healthy Healthy
Righteous Righteous
Small Small
Tough Tough

Mustelids Skunk Characters

weasels, minks, Body: 7 Clout: 7 Drive: 7
otters, polecats,
badgers, and wolver- Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
ines, Mustelids tend +1 Climb Belligerent
to be lean creatures +1 Listen Congenial
with surprising +2 Smell Coolness Under
strength. Smaller members of this species +3 Sneak Fire
group tend to be thin and quick-footed, while Grace Under
the larger members are relatively slow and Pressure
hulking. They are carnivores, but most are Healthy
capable of living healthily on a vegetarian diet. Impulsive
Otter Characters
Body: 7 Clout: 8 Drive: 6 Weasel Characters
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift: Body: 7 Clout: 8 Drive: 6
+1 Listen Ambidextrous
+1 Smell Cosmopolitan Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
+2 Sneak Energetic +1 Brawl Ambidextrous
+3 Swim Fast +1 Jump Belligerent
Following-Fire +1 Listen Cold-Hearted
Expert +1 Smell Coolness Under
Gadfly +3 Sneak Fire
Impulsive Energetic
Overconfident Fast
Quick Loading Following-Fire
Sniper Expert Expert
Sniper Expert


Sp#$es• S P E C I E S

Procyonines Raccoon Characters

Body: 6 Clout: 8 Drive: 6
and their kin
tend to be
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
very social
+2 Climb Ambidextrous
and curious,
+1 Listen Cosmopolitan
+3 Sneak Energetic
+2 Spot Fast
and as such as often found working as “idea
men.” In the EDF, they often gravitate to
technical support roles that allow them
some degree of flexibility.
Sensor Expert

Rat Characters
Body: 7 Clout: 8 Drive: 6

Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:

+1 Listen Ambidextrous
+1 Smell Belligerent
+3 Sneak Conformist
Choose One Skill: Energetic
+2 Climb Fast
Rodents +2 Swim Grit
An extremely numerous group, rodents Healthy
can be found on every world. All rodents Impulsive
have a pair of pronounced front incisors, Indefatigable
and this may be the most obvious hallmark Small
of the species. Rodents are omnivorous, but Velocity Expert
most prefer vegetables to meat.
Squirrel Characters
Mouse Characters Body: 6 Clout: 8 Drive: 6
Body: 5 Clout: 8 Drive: 6
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift: +2 Climb Ambidextrous
+1 Climb Ambidextrous +1 Jump Energetic
+1 Jump Energetic +2 Listen Fast
+2 Listen Fast +1 Smell Following-Fire
+1 Smell Grace Under +2 Sneak Expert
+4 Sneak Pressure Grace Under
Grit Pressure
Impulsive Healthy
Small Impulsive
Young Quick Loading
Velocity Expert

79•7 9

S P E C I E S • Sp#$es

considered ungulates.
Most ungulates are fairly large and robust
herbivores or omnivores, with a well-
developed sense of society. They can be found
throughout known space, and generally work
very well with other species. In fact, Ungu-
lates may be the single most common species
group in terms of overall population.

Ungulate Characters
Body: 11 Clout: 9 Drive: 6

Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:

+1 Run Charismatic
+1 Spot Conformist
Ungulates Indefatigable
Ungulates are hoofed animals. They may
be roughly separated into two groups, even-
toed and odd-toed. Even toed ungulates
include cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and
antelopes. Odd-toed ungulates include
horses and rhinos. Elephants are also
their large paws. They may react to this

discomfort by becoming quite antisocial.

Bear Characters
Body: 12 Clout: 8 Drive: 6
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
+1 Brawl Belligerent
Coolness Under
Ursines Choose One Skill: Fire
Bears have a stocky frame, regardless of +1 Climb Grit
species. Though often considered some- +1 Swim Healthy
what slow-witted, they acquit themselves Indefatigable
equally well in combat roles and support Large
positions that require a great deal of Righteous
careful thought and planning. However, Tough
they may be somewhat uncomfortable on
planets dominated by smaller creatures.
Everything is too small, or too delicate, for


Sp#$es• S P E C I E S

Closely re-
lated to canines,
Fox Characters
the Vulpine Body: 7 Clout: 7 Drive: 8
species group
has enough Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
variety within +1 Hide Charismatic
itself to count as +1 Listen Cold-Hearted
a separate group. +2 Sixth Sense Coolness Under
Vulpines are +1 Smell Fire
foxes, and they +1 Sneak Cosmopolitan
range from tiny Energetic
Fennecs with Fast
bat-like ears to Gadfly
bushy-tailed Red Foxes. Vulpines on the Grace Under
whole have very light and athletic bodies, Pressure
and are rarely larger than the smaller canine Healthy
species. They are highly social creatures who Impulsive
find success in a number of fields, though Overconfident
their size tends to keep them from active Quick Loading
combat positions. Vulpine species have Small
successfully colonized a number of worlds, Sniper Expert
though they are more commonly found Velocity Expert
within a larger, mixed, population.

81•8 1

H O M E W O R L D S • homworlds

Your character’s Homeworld determines
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
their education and upbringing. A Main
+1 Bureaucracy Aristocratic
Character’s Homeworld gives them Marks in
+1 Impress Influence
several Skills and one Homeworld Gift.
+1 Innuendo Belligerent
+1 Persuade Charismatic
+1 Question Congenial
Grace Under
Corporate Righteous
Citizens on corporate worlds are almost Suspiciousness
invariably employees of a large capitalistic Young
organization that owns most, or all, of the
planet. On most worlds, each citizen- Research Colony
employee is also a shareholder. Very early Whether it is a tiny outpost on an in-
in their education they are given aptitude hospitable world or a full-fledged
tests, and steered into specific careers. community of academics, research colo-
While most corporations (such as Encha- nies are dedicated to the pursuit of pure
wah Group) offer a degree of flexibility science. Smaller colonies are purpose built
when it comes to changing careers later, it to look into local phenomenon, whereas
is still much harder to switch professions larger ones conduct general research and
than it is on most worlds. Characters from development. In either case, children are
corporate worlds have a skill specialty of rare in these settlements, and characters
their choice, and know how to “grease the raised in such an environment tend to be
wheels” of corporate bureaucracy to get treated as little adults. They learn early on
what they want. As shareholders, they the importance of careful observation and
have been exposed to hundreds of finan- research, and usually pick up a solid
cial reports throughout their life, and science background. Alternatively, they
know how to read sense into reams of might rebel against the staid atmosphere,
numbers. and deliberately refuse to learn their
parent’s academic specialty.
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw +1 Medical Cold-Hearted
What Makes for a Homeworld Gift? Sciences Conformist
Since characters will be members of the +1 Planetary Doctor
Extraplanetary Defense Force, some of the Sciences Factotum
Gift choices are biased towards people who +1 Physical Grace Under
would sign up for military service to travel to Sciences Pressure
faraway planets. For example, while young +1 Research Instructor
people eager to see the world are always Analysis Old
eager to sign up, older people would only +1 Search Sensor Expert
sign up for duty if they were already had Spacer Influence
applicable skills or had run out of other Young

homworlds• H O M E W O R L D S

Resource Colony enough immigrants to create large cities.

Founded purely for the extraction of a A character raised on a rural colony will
valuable mineral or other resource, these have received basic survival education as a
colonies are often isolated, hardscrabble child, and knows how to get by without
places with few amenities. A typical the extensive infrastructure available to
example is a mine in a hollowed out someone from an Urban colony. Rural
asteroid on the far rim of known space. colonists know how to maintain the
They are usually run by a corporation or technical equipment they need to survive,
government, but independent resource and may have extensive practical experi-
colonies do exist. Only in rare circum- ence in botanic sciences and the lifecycles
stances do they survive more than a single of local animals.
generation, and most have a high popula- Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
tion of transient inhabitants who stay a +1 Climb Congenial
few months or years and move on. No +1 Hike Doctor
sensible person brings their family to a +1 Medical Energetic
resource colony, but the isolation often Sciences Grit
prompts even the temporary inhabitants +1 Scrounge Healthy
into relationships and child-rearing. +1 Swim Indefatigable
Children on a resource colony rarely Instructor
receive an education that covers more Tough
than the skills used by adults to maintain Young
the colony and extract the resources.
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
+1 Planetary Armored-Vehicle
Sciences Expert
+1 Information Conformist
Analysis Doctor
+1 Vehicle Economic
Operations Influence
+1 Repair Factotum
+1 Scrounge Grace Under
Spacer Influence
Velocity Expert

Rural worlds may have very large over-
all populations, but they have few
centralized cities. The inhabitants might
live in extended family groups, or in small Space Station
towns of less than 1000 people. Most first- There are hundreds of space-stations
generation colonies would be considered throughout the known Universe. Most serve a
Rural. Farming is often the largest industry specific purpose – such as shipyards or fuel
on a Rural colony, and may be the reason stations – and it is not uncommon for them
for its existence. Others were founded by to host large residential populations. Stations
groups of independently-minded individu- with permanent crews have rotating residen-
als that dislike large communities, or are tial sections, with centrifugal force mimicking
colonies that simply could not attract gravity. Some stations are quite large, with a

83•8 3
H O M E W O R L D S • homworlds

population numbering in the thousands. majority of inhabitants live in well-serviced

Characters born and raised on a space station cities with Net connections and a multitude
are likely the offspring of station technicians of municipal services. Life is easy, particularly
or service industry staff. Their childhood was on the socialist Core Worlds. Urban dwellers
limited by the extent of the station corridors, are exposed to high-technology from birth,
and they were constantly exposed to stories but may not have any real idea how it works.
about the wider universe. They picked up They generally develop skills in dealing with
some basic shipboard skills, as well as a municipal bureaucracy, Net use, and sociali-
healthy respect for the fragility of an artificial zation. Characters with an Urban background
environment. Many leave as soon they are of have been exposed to people of many
age, driven by a burning curiosity to visit a different races and opinions, and are often
place where the horizon does not end at the quite liberal and open-minded.
next bulkhead.
Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift: Increase All Skills: Choose One Gift:
+1 Build Ambidextrous +1 Design Aristocratic
+1 Freefall Cold-Hearted +1 Gossip Influence
+1 Repair Conformist +1 Innuendo Belligerent
+1 Sensor Doctor +1 Repair Charismatic
Operation Gadfly +1 Vehicle Cold-Hearted
+1 Spacesuit Grace Under Operations Congenial
Pressure Economic
Old Influence
Space Influence Gadfly
Tough Grace Under
Velocity Expert Pressure
Young Impulsive
Natural Leader
Urban Righteous
As the name suggests, urban planets are Suspiciousness
very well settled, typically with populations in Velocity Expert
excess of 500 million. Few planets outside the Young
Core Worlds meet this criterion. The vast


Personalit#• P E R S O N A L I T Y

Choose one of each of the four Personal-
ity aspects to represent your character. Each
step increases one of your Attribute Ratings.
+1 Drive Rating
You tend to think in patterns and the
abstract, more concerned with what may
Social Orientation be than what is.
How does your character relate to others?
Extroverted: Social Awareness
+1 Clout Rating How does your character decide what they
Your personality is outgoing and socia- would do?
ble. You prefer large, social situations like
+1 Clout Rating
Introverted: You are sensitive to the needs of others.
+1 Drive Rating You actively work to help people resolve
You are introspective and a bit of a loner. their emotional problems. When others
You prefer to be alone, or to have private around you are unhappy, you’re unhappy.
+1 Drive Rating
Experience You prefer hard data and facts. You
Awareness prefer analytical analysis, a quality good
How does your character experience the for scientists and accountants. You accept
world? that conflict is an inevitable part of social
Sensitive: relationships.
+1 Clout Rating
You prefer to go out there, and see Action Orientation
what’s going on. You are more socially How does your character decide how to act?
active than most folks. Perceptive:
+1 Clout Rating
You prefer to understand what’s going
on, then improvise as time requires. You
always have one eye on the big picture.
+1 Drive Rating
You are a meticulous planner, and you
expect others to follow the same plans. You
focus on the task at hand.
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw
Personality as a Role-Playing Guide
You can use the personality guide as a role
playing aid for your character. How would an
Emotional Introvert handle a mission briefing?
When planning a mission, how would a
Sensitive, Judgmental character assign duties,
as opposed to a Intuitive, Perceptive character?
Players are encouraged to look up more
information on personality types and how
they might interact with one another.

85•8 5

S E R V I C E • serves


Brances of serves
Both Main Characters and Supporting
Characters belong to a branch of service.
Special Services (SS)
When either a Main or Supporting Character, Gift: Administration +1
choose a Branch of Service, and add the Gifts Gift: Socialization +2
and Marks to appropriate skills. Gift: Suspiciousness
Not all of a Player-Character’s Retinue
Information Analysis +1
have to come from the same Branch of
Service as their commanding officer, but Pistol +1
they should at least come from the same Question +2
division (Administration, Aerospace, or Search +1
Surface Operations).
See “Ranks in the EDF”, page 56.

Boring, but necessary, the Administration
branch of the EDF oversees the logistics of
distribution, procurement, recruitment, and
other bean-counting activities.
Industry & Procurement (IP)
Gift: Administration +2
Gift: Socialization +1
Gift: Economics Influence
Pistol +1
Plan +2
Scrounge +2
Liaison (L)
Gift: Administration +1
Gift: Socialization +2
Gift: Cosmopolitan
Gossip +2
Innuendo +1
Persuade +1
Pistol +1
Quartermasters (QM)
Gift: Administration +2
Gift: Socialization +1
Gift: Logistics Expert
Lead +1
Pistol +1
Plan +2


serves• S E R V I C E

Aerospace Engineering (ENGA)

When most people think of the Extra- Gift: Astronautics +2
planetary Defense Force, they think of the Gift: Firearms +1
Aerospace division. While the idea of
Gift: Group – Engineering +1
piloting rocket-ships to the stars might sound
glamorous, the bulk of Aerospace work is in Build +1
maintaining the delicate equipment. Repair +2
All members of the Aerospace branch Scrounge +1
have the following Gifts:
Sensor Operations +1
Aerodyne (DYNE) Freefall Infantry (FI)
Gift: Astronautics +2 Gift: Astronautics +1
Gift: Firearms +1 Gift: Firearms +2
Gift: Velocity Expert Gift: Semi-Automatic Expert
G-Force +1 Longarms +2
Navigate +1 Sixth Sense +2
Sensor Operations +1 Spacesuit +1
Vehicle Operations +2
Interplanetary (INT)
Gift: Astronautics +2
Gift: Firearms +1
Gift: Hyperspace Expert
Hyperspace Sciences +2
Navigate +2
Vehicle Operations +1

Officers who aren’t part of any specific
branch, Specialists have niche roles in the EDF.
Emissary (EM)
Gift: Socialization +2

Gift: Subterfuge +1

Gift: Cosmopolitan

Bribe +1

Gossip +1

Innuendo +1

Search +2

Exploration (EXP)
Gift: Astronautics +1
Gift: Sciences +2
Gift: Hyperspace Expert
Information Analysis +1
Navigate +1
Sensor Operations +2
Vehicle Operations +1

87•8 7

S E R V I C E • serves

Research and Design

Heavy Infantry (HI)
Gift: Athletics +2
Gift: Inventions Expert Gift: Firearms +1
Gift: Engineering +2 Gift: Following Fire Expert
Gift: Sciences +1 Heavy Weapons +1
Research Analysis +2 Hike +1
Design +3 Longarms +2
Navigate +1
Surface Ops
It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it. Light Infantry (LI)
The branch of Surface Operations does most Gift: Athletics +1
of the armed work of the EDF – removing Gift: Firearms +2
insurgents from occupied zones and the like.
Gift: Semi-Automatic Expert
Engineering (ENGS) Hike +1
Gift: Athletics +2
Longarms +2
Gift: Engineering +1
Navigate +1
Gift: Firearms +1
Sixth Sense +1
Build +1
Mobile Surgical Hospital
Hike +1
Repair +1
Gift: Athletics +2

Scrounge +2
Gift: Firearms +1

Gift: Doctor

Hike +1

Sixth Sense +1

Medical Sciences +3

Mechanized (MECH)
Gift: Athletics +2
Gift: Firearms +1
Gift: Armored Vehicle Expert
Vehicle Operations +1
Heavy Weapons +1
Navigate +1
Repair +1
Sixth Sense +1
VHALO Paratrooper (VHALO)
Gift: Athletics +1
Gift: Firearms +1
Group – Astronautics +1
Gift: VHALO Expert
Hike +1
Longarms +2
Sneak +1
Spacesuit +1


skils• S K I L L S

A Physical Skill can be Pushed using funding from the Confederation of Worlds,
Body Points. A Social Skill can be Pushed regulations can be complex and draconian,
using Clout Points. A Mental Skill can be and a high Bureaucracy Skill is required to
Pushed using Drive Points. follow through all the red tape.
Each Skill is part of one or more Groups,
listed after the type. Every time a charac-
[Physical: Athletics]
ter takes that Group Gift, they get +1 Mark
For infantry, the ability to scale over ob-
in that Skill.
stacles is important. Use Climbing Skill to
Brawl* climb ladders and maneuver over objects
[Physical: Athletics] when in gravity. For pulling oneself along in
For most citizens in the Albedo universe, zero-gravity, use Freefall.
the concept of physical contact to cause
harm is distressing. Nevertheless, it’s
Computer Sciences
[Mental: Engineering]
sometimes necessary.
While the computers of Albedo use stan-
The Brawl Skill covers all unarmed at-
dardized designs, protocols, and code, that
tacks, such as punching, kicking, clawing,
doesn’t make the task of programming
biting, grappling, and wrestling.
them any less daunting. Most folks will
Bribe* prefer to interface with a helpful Net
[Social: Socialization] Artificial Intelligence, but those schooled in
Sometimes, you have to grease a few Computer Sciences will be able to get more
palms to get what you want. The Bribe skill done.
allows you to assess what might actually
bribe someone – such as money, favors,
[Mental: Engineering]
promotions, etc. – and also how to tender
Destruction of materiel with explosives
such a bribe without offending anyone or
falls under the Demolitions Skill. This
attracting undue attention.
ability covers the best way to collapse
Build walls, break engines, set explosive charges
[Mental: Engineering] and booby traps, and to set and to disarm
Many military vehicles are shipped to mines. This Skill does not cover delivered
planets in pre-fabricated parts, air-dropped explosives, such as from a gun or artil-
from very-high altitudes. Build Skill is lery – use the appropriate weapon’s Skill,
necessary to construct any item with the instead. This Skill also does not cover
proper parts and proper plans. large-yield explosives that might take out
Bureaucracy* more than one building – use Weapons of
Mass Destruction, instead.
[Mental: Administration]
If you ask some folks, they wonder how Design
anything gets done with all the forms, [Mental: Engineering]
paperwork, and requisitions that need to be Every military threat has a unique chal-
filled out. Because the EDF derives their lenge to it. Sometimes, the proper
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw
solution is to draft a new device in the
Common Skills field to deal with it. Using Design Skill in
Some activities can be performed even by the field can be risky – such devices will be
the untrained. These are called Common temperamental and prone to failure
Skills. Every character gets one Mark in because of unskilled operators or unantici-
these skills for free. Common Skills are pated conditions of use.
marked here with an asterisk (*), and on the
character sheet with one Mark filled.

89•8 9

S K I L L S • skils

Disguise Gossip*
[Social: Subterfuge] [Social: Socialization]
A necessity for spies, Disguse Skill is used In social situations, one can Gossip with
to lie to others, to pretend to be something other folks. This Skill allows one to host a
else, or generally any protracted lie. Disguse successful party or other social event. It
is used for imposture as different social also allows one to glean information in a
classes, positions, or even races. The Spot relaxed setting.
Skill is used to see through a Disguise; The
Question Skill is used in conversation with a
Heavy Weapons
[Mental: Firearms]
Disguised Target; and the Information
Tripod weapons, grenade-launchers,
Analysis is used to study the target’s Deceit-
vehicular-weapons, and other long-
ful behavior.
distance field pieces are covered by the
Forge Heavy Weapons skill. Every infantry squad
[Mental: Subterfuge] should have one Heavy-Weapons expert.
Although it’s a crime with severe pun-
ishments, there are those who know the
[Physical: Athletics]
art of Forging documents. Characters in
Infantry spend a lot of time on foot,
the EDF learn this Skill not because they
moving from place to place – especially
are expected to fake credentials, histories,
where vehicles can’t go. Hike Skill is used
and information, but because this Skill also
to cross greater distances in shorter time.
helps spot such fakery.
Freefall* Hyperspace Sciences
[Mental: Science]
[Physical: Astronautics] The mathematical convolutions needed
A lot of time spend in outer-space is in
to arrange for a hyperspace jump are
microgravity or less. Freefall is used to
something you want to get right, espe-
steady oneself when spinning and to
cially if lives are involved. Hyperspace
maneuver in zero-gravity environments.
Sciences is necessary to perform these
G-Force* calculations correctly, with or without a
[Physical: Astronautics, Vehicles] computer.
When a vehicle changes direction, or
accelerates, it inflicts force upon the crew.
[Social: Socialization]
G-Force represents the physical condition-
To properly show off to others, especially
ing and training to avoid losing
in a public setting, use the Impress skill.
consciousness and other injuries.
Most folks in Albedo’s societies have diffi-
culty speaking before a crowd. For one-on-
one situations, use the Persuade skill.

skils• S K I L L S

Information Analysis* Listen*

[Mental: Administration, [Mental: Observation]
Observation] Hearing quiet noises, and distinguishing
Data comes from many sources, such as quiet noises almost drowned out by louder
eyewitness reports, sensor data, satellite ones, is covered by the Listen Skill.
photos, historical records, etc. The Skill of
Information Analysis is how to put it all
[Mental: Firearms]
together. Successful uses of this Skill can
Any gun designed to be fired in two

reveal patterns in collected data.

hands, such as a shotgun, rifle, or sub-
Information Analysis is for social and
machinegun, is a Longarm. Firing one is

military information. For scientific data,

covered by this Skill.

use Research Analysis, instead.

Innuendo* Medical Sciences
[Mental: Science]
[Social: Socialization, Subterfuge] The races of Albedo, while quite diverse,
The Innuendo Skill is used to slip a topic
all share similar medical makeup. Those
into conversation that only a close confi-
with Medical Science skills can provide
dant will understand, or to pick up on an
first aid and administer drugs to the sick.
Innuendo that someone else let slip. In
many cultures and places, citizens are Melee*
under constant surveillance by cameras [Physical: Athletics]
and microphones, making this Skill neces- The EDF only recognizes two hand-to-
sary to preserve privacy. hand weapons: the combat knife, and the
Jump* quarter-staff. However, many troops train
in how to fight with these, as well as
[Physical: Athletics]
improvised weapons such as shovels.
Eventually, it happens – someone has
Melee Skill covers any attack made with a
to jump a gap or leap to grab something.
hand-to-hand weapon.
Jump skill allows one to leap greater
distances more reliably. Navigate
[Mental: Astronautics, Vehicles]
Lead* Vehicles in Albedo have sophisticated
[Social: Administration,
navigational systems, but sometimes a
good old-fashioned map will suffice.
Every commanding officer knows the
virtue of having a high Lead skill. Among Persuade*
other things, this Skill is necessary to Rally [Social: Socialization]
subordinates to motivate them. The complement to Impress, Persuade
Skill is used to convince characters to do
things your way, or for you, or to bring
them over to your point of view.

91•9 1

S K I L L S • skils

While Persuade may involve putting they’re being Questioned. In unsavory

facts in the best light, it doesn’t involve circumstances, Question can be combined
actually deceiving anyone – use the Deceive with blackmail or torture for greater results.
Skill for that. Persuade is also for one-on-
one conversations; for addressing a group,
[Mental: Engineering]
use the Impress Skill.
In any military situation, things break
Physical Sciences down. Repair Skill covers diagnosing what
[Mental: Astronautics, Science] made something stop working in the first
Chemistry, Physics, and other observable place, and it covers all the grunt work
phenomena – and the prickly math to necessary to extract broken parts and
describe them – are covered by the Physical replace them with new ones.
Sciences skill.
Research Analysis
Pistols* [Mental: Administration,
[Mental: Firearms] Engineering]
This Skill covers the use of one-handed Lab work isn’t exciting, but it’s necessary
firearms. for scientific progress. Research Analysis
Plan Skill works as Information Analysis for
scientific data.
[Mental: Administration]
This Skill is the ability to draft an action- Run*
plan or battle-plan correctly and quickly – a [Physical: Athletics]
necessity for high-ranking officers. Normally, a trooper can only move 10
Planetary Sciences meters in a six-second period. The Run skill
can allow a trooper to cover a greater
[Mental: Science]
Planets and asteroids contain minerals
that can be extracted for industrial applica- Scrounge
tion. Planetary Sciences is the skill for [Mental: Engineering]
locating such items, knowing their quantity For almost any job, there’s a right tool …
and quality, and even such geological phe- and another tool that can do the job, in a
nomena as weather patterns and pinch. Use Scrounge Skill to scrape up spare
earthquakes. Despite the name, this Skill also parts or to improvise other materials for
covers moons, asteroids, and similar bodies. purposes other than their intended use.
Question* Anyone who’s done a term on an outer-rim
space-station knows what it’s like to
[Social: Socialization, Subterfuge]
Scrounge for goods.
Using the Question Skill is blunt, and to
the point; someone always knows that

skils• S K I L L S

Search* Sneak*
[Mental: Observation] [Physical: Subterfuge]
Methodically going through someone’s This Skill is used to move from one posi-
pockets, their room, or an area is covered by tion to another while avoiding detection, or
the Search Skill. A Search is always an to hide for long periods.
active action that requires concentration.
Sensor Operations* [Mental: Observation]
[Mental: Observation] A popular Skill, Spot is the ability to see
The skill of using sensing equipment. things. Combatants use this Skill to sight
Most devices, such as light-enhancing targets, among other things.
goggles, are self-explanatory. Fancy devices,
like electronic-countermeasure devices,
[Physical: Astronautics]
eavesdropping microphones, and the like
The first thing any spacer learns is how
will require this Skill.
to suit up quickly, in case of emergency.
Sixth Sense The second thing they learn is how to
[Mental: Observation] maneuver in a Spacesuit.
Sometimes called “the skill of known
unknowns,” Sixth Sense is the Skill veterans
[Physical: Athletics]
pick up to know where their blind spots are.
Most inhabited planets have large bodies
This skill can be used to be wary of avenues
of water, in which someone could flounder
for ambush or locations for traps.
and drown. Many races have a natural
Smell* affinity for Swimming, as well.
[Mental: Observation]
Some races have a keen sense of Smell,
[Physical: Athletics]
stronger than other races. The Smell Skill
When it comes to explosives like gre-
can be used to identify chemicals such as
nades, it’s handy to be able to place it where
lubricants or bodily fluids.
you want. Throw Skill covers both distance
and accuracy.
Vehicle Operations
[Mental: Vehicles]
The ability to drive or pilot any vehicle,
land-based or otherwise, is covered by this
Skill. Trained military personnel will have
Gifts that make them even better.
Vehicular Weapons
[Mental: Engineering]
This Skill covers the use of vehicular tar-
geting systems and their linked weapons.
(For weapons that use direct line-of-sight,
such as pintle-mounted guns, use Heavy
Weapons, instead.)
Weapons of Mass
[Mental: Engineering]
This Skill covers the use of autonomous-
combat vehicles, nuclear weapons, and
other high-yield devices, as well as counter-
measures against them. This training is a
necessary evil for military engineers.

93•9 3

G I F T S • gifts

GIFTS gifts
Gifts represent special abilities that sepa-
rate a character from the rank and file.
Coolness Under Fire
Each Round, the total Awe you suffer is
Gifts are often “rule-breakers” – they allow
reduced by 1 (down to zero).
a character with the appropriate Gift to
circumvent or work around a default rule. Cosmopolitan
Many Gifts require Points to work. For You never suffer any penalties for not
Main Characters, these are either Body, knowing the local culture. If your Retry on
Clout, or Drive. For Supporting Characters, a failed Social roll Succeeds or better,
these points are Morale. If the character reduce any Clout loss by 1.
doesn’t have the points to spend, they can’t Increase your SPI by 1.
use the Gift.
You can perform advanced medical
Basic Gifts techniques. You can attempt to heal targets
Anyone can buy these. They have no of Injury, using Medical Sciences Skill.
extra requirements. Without this Gift, you can only perform
Ambidextrous basic first aid.
You can use either hand with no penalty. Economic Influence
If you spend 1 Drive point, you can shoot You spend one less Clout when Influenc-
two Pistols in one round; you can either ing capitalists.
claim two attack rolls, or you can Suppress Raise your SPI by 1.
the same area, etc. Without this Gift, you
can only use one weapon per action. Energetic
You have +1 Drive Rating.
Aristocratic Influence
You spend one less Clout when Influenc- Factotum
ing aristocrats, plutocrats, and other You can help other folks get organized,
oligarchs. and you can repair damage to reputations.
Raise your SPI by 1. You can attempt to heal other targets of
Oversight, using Bureacracy Skill.
Armored Vehicle Expert
You can maneuver any vehicle you Vehi- Fast
cle Operations to reduce exposure to Your Running distance is 1.5x normal. If
vulnerable ears. you are ever in a contest involving physical
By spending 1 Drive Point, you can im- speed against someone else, they must
prove the Armor rating of your vehicle by 5. spend 1 Body, or you automatically act first.
By spending 1 Drive Point, you can ne-
gate the extra 1d20 for driving a Damaged
Vehicle. (There is no effect if the vehicle is
not damaged.)
You have a strong personality that
makes it hard for folks to dislike you. You
may ignore the first 3 Oversight on your
Damage track for purposes of reducing your
Clout Rating.
Raise your SPI by 1.
You have +1 Clout Rating.

Gifts• G I F T S

Following Fire Expert Raise your SPI by 1.

You can claim Following-Fire on targets
up to Medium Range. Likewise, you can
You can treat mental illness and battle
Watch at ranges up to Medium and remain
fatigue. You can attempt to heal other
watching after the first shot. Without this
targets of Trauma, using Question Skill.
Gift, you can only claim Following-Fire on
targets at up to Short Range. Quick Loading
Grace Under Pressure If you spend 1 Drive point, you can re-
load a firearm and still take an action.
Your wit knows few bounds, and you
Without this Gift, you must spend your
thrive in hostile conditions. If your Retry on
action reloading.
a failed Mental Roll Succeeds or better,
reduce the Drive loss by 1. Semi-Automatic Expert
Increase your SPI by 1. You know how to fire a burst of three
Grit bullets for effect. You must have a semi-
automatic or fully-automatic weapon to
When you suffer Crippling, you may
claim the benefit of this Gift.
spend 1 Drive point to act as if you were
Whenever you Tie on a firearms roll, in-
merely Wounded. You are still Crippled for
stead of missing, you can choose instead to
purposes of Damage rolls.
fire two more bullets, and hit the target
When you immediately suffer Incapaci�
once with a regular hit.
tation, you may spend 1 Drive point to
You must have a semi-automatic
avoid passing out and to act normally in the
weapon, and two more bullets in your
Round, as if merely Wounded. Next Round,
magazine, to claim this Gift.
you must either spend 1 Drive point or
immediately become Incapacitated. You are Sensor Expert
still Incapacitated for purposes of Damage By spending 1 Drive, you can double the
rolls. You may continue to act until you run effective range of any sensor device that
out of Drive points. you hold. (Among other things, this will
Healthy help with the Concealment-per-range when
using vision-enhancing devices.) Without
You have +1 Body Rating.
this gift, you must use the listed values.
Indefatigable Sniper Expert
You have vast reserves of physical energy.
Whenever you have Aimed at a target,
If your Retry on a failed Physical roll Succeeds
and you successfully hit the target with a
or better, reduce the Body loss by 1.
firearm attack, you may spend 1 Drive and
Increase your SPI by 1.
add an extra 1d20 to the Damage Roll.
Instructor Spacer Influence
You can give excellent verbal support to
You spend one less Clout when Influenc-
others, such as by radio. You can instruct
ing belters, explorers, and other people who
anyone who has the same number of Marks
work in space.
or lower in a Skill you have, yourself.
Raise your SPI by 1.
As an action, you can spend one Clout,
allowing the target to Push or Risk in the Suppression Expert
appropriate Skill, just as if they had spent a With a fully-automatic weapon, you can
point themselves. Regardless of the kind Suppress a triangle up to Medium Range on
of skill (Physical, Social, or Mental), you each side. Without this Gift, you can only
only spend Clout. Suppress an area up to Small Range on each
You cannot instruct a Panicked target. side.
Natural Leader Suspiciousness
When Rallying a target that Trusts you, If you spend a Drive point, a target suf-
you may add up to two Morale instead of fers Panic when trying to Deceive you or

95•9 5

G I F T S • gifts

otherwise play you false. The target can Engineering +1

spend one Drive point to negate the Panic Each Gift gives +1 to Build, Computer
Tough Sciences, Demolitions, Design, Repair,
Research Analysis, Scrounge, and Weapons
You are very hardy. Raise all your Dam-
of Mass Destruction.
age Thresholds by 5.
Firearms +1
Each Gift gives +1 to Heavy Weapons,
Longarms, and Pistols.
Observation +1
Each Gift gives +1 to Information Analy-
sis, Listen, Search, Sensor Operations, Sixth
Sense, Smell, and Spot.
Sciences +1
Each Gift gives +1 to Hyperspace Sci-
ences, Medical Sciences, Physical Sciences,
and Planetary Sciences.
Socialization +1
Each Gift gives +1 to Bribe, Gossip, Im-
press, Innuendo, Lead, Persuade, and
Velocity Expert
You know how to fly to put less strain on Subterfuge +1
your vehicle and its crew. Reduce all G- Each Gift gives +1 to Disguise, Forge,
stress by 1. Innuendo, Question, and Sneak.

VHALO Expert Vehicles +1

You can operate a VHALO Parachute. Each Gift gives +1 to G-Force, Navigate,
Without this Gift, you cannot. Vehicle Operations, and Vehicular Weapons.
If you spend 1 Body, you can reduce any
Falling Damage by 1d20. Advanced Gifts
These Gifts have requirements which
Group Gifts must be met before you can have them. For
Some characters have a generalized apti- example, you can’t have the Gift of “Very
tude for a variety of related activities. Strong” unless you already have the Gift of
Each Group Gift gives +1 Mark in Skills “Strong.”
of the appropriate Group. Fantastic Leader
You can take a Group Gift multiple (Requires: Natural Leader;

times. Each time you have a Group Gift, it Lead Marks 6+)

adds +1 Mark to all appropriate Skills. When Rallying a target that has Loyalty
Administration +1 to you, you may add up to five Morale
Each Gift gives +1 to Bureaucracy, In- instead of the maximum of 3.
formation Analysis, Lead, Plan, and Research Raise your SPI by 1.
Analysis. Following-Fire Master
Astronautics +1 (Requires: Following-Fire Expert)
Each Gift gives +1 to Freefall, G-Force, When claiming Following Fire (q.v.), the
Navigate, Physical Sciences, and Spacesuit. second and third attacks do not cost any
Drive. The fourth and later attacks do.
Athletics +1
Each Gift gives +1 to Brawl, Climb, Hike, Hyperspace Expert
Jump, Melee, Run, Swim, and Throw. (Requires: 1+ Marks in

Hyperspace Sciences)


Gifts• G I F T S

You can plot Hyperspace Jumps longer Under your administration, troops re-
than other folks can. You can increase the cover faster. See the Recovery chapter for
maximum range of a jump by the Score of more details.
your Hyperspace Sciences Skill (using either
Rote or a Roll)
Martial Arts
(Requires: Coolness Under Fire)
Or, instead, you can reduce the amount
You have trained yourself to fight hand-
of time it takes to make the calculations.
to-hand. You can kick, head-butt, slam, or
Reduce the time by 5% times your Score.
even bite your target, for improved damage.
(For example, if you have a 9, then it takes
At the start of your action, pick any one
45% less time.)
combatant. You may claim 25% Cover in
Improved Coolness Melee Only vs. that target, because of your
Under Fire ability to parry and to control space. If you
(Requires: Coolness Under Fire) spend 1 Body, you may reduce a target’s
Subtract two from any Awe you suffer, Cover vs. your unarmed attack by 25%
instead of subtracting one from Coolness (except for 100% Cover).
Under Fire. If you hit with your unarmed attack,
Inventions Expert you may claim a following attack against
other combatants, with your unarmed
(Requires: 1+ Marks in Research Analysis)
attack. Similar to Following Fire, you may
You can use research to improve produc-
strike a second time at no cost (and if that
tion. While under your supervision, a plant
attack hits, you may strike a third time,
improves production by 5% times your
spending 1 Body). Remember that any
Score in Research Analysis. (For example, if
Close attack, even Following ones, provoke
you have a 9, then a plant yields 45%
counter-attacks. This is not true “follow-
greater production under your supervision.)
ing-fire”; the gifts of Following-Fire Expert
Knack: [of Choice] and Master do not apply.
(Requires: 3+ Marks in Skill of Choice)
When you buy this Gift, choose one Skill.
Master Planner
(Requires: 1+ Marks in Plan Skill)
If you ever Overwhelmingly Succeed with
Before you enter a battle, if you have
the resulting Skill Roll, you recover 1 spent
time to prepare, you may declare the fight
point in the appropriate attribute (Body,
to be a Planned Encounter. You may use
Clout, or Drive), provided you spent the
Plan Skill to add Morale to folks, spending 1
point to push the skill.
Drive. This Morale represents presence of
You may take this Gift multiple times.
mind and keen forethought in dealing with
Each time, choose a different Skill.
the situation.
Raise your SPI by 1 for each Knack.
You cannot Rally folks with Plan Skill.
Logistics Expert You still use Lead Skill to Rally folks. Among
(Requires: 1+ Ranks in Bureaucracy)

97•9 7
G I F T S • gifts

other things, this means that you cannot ignore the first 3 Trauma on your Damage
remove Panic with Plan Skill. track for purposes of reducing your Drive
You can only use the Master Planner Gift Rating.
if you had time to plan the battle. If you are
ambushed in an unlikely place, you cannot.
Robotics Expert
(Requires: 1+ Marks in
The Game Host is the final arbiter of when
Computer Sciences)
your advanced planning is effective.
By spending 1 Drive Point, you can con-
Melee Expert vince a robot under your control to Roll,
(Requires: Coolness Under Fire) Risk, Push, or Breeze. Without this gift,
You have trained yourself to fight with robots under your control can only do
melee weapons. things by Rote.
At the start of your action, pick any one Semi-Automatic Master
combatant. You may claim 50% Cover in (Requires: Semi-Automatic Expert)
Melee Only vs. that target, because of your When using a semi-automatic weapon,
ability to parry and to control space. If you and you miss a target at Medium Range or
spend 1 Body, you may reduce a target’s less, you can immediately Retry, spending
Cover vs. your unarmed attack by 25% Drive points and two bullets from your gun.
(except for 100% Cover). Normally, you are not permitted a Retry
If you hit with your melee attack, you with attack rolls.
may claim a following attack against other
combatants, with your unarmed attack. Sniper Master
Similar to Following Fire, you may strike a (Requires: Sniper Expert)
second time at no cost (and if that attack Whenever you have Aimed at a target,
hits, you may strike a third time, spending and you successfully hit the target with a
1 Body). Remember that any Close attack, firearm attack, you may spend 3 Drive and
even Following ones, provoke counter- add an extra 2d20 to the Damage Roll.
attacks. This is not true “following-fire”; Strong
the gifts of Following-Fire Expert and (Requires: Body Rating 8+)
Master do not apply. You are stronger than average. Im-
Net Influence prove the Damage of all your hand-to-
(Requires: 1+ Marks in hand attacks by 5.
Computer Sciences) You can Carry 3 times your Body rating
You know how The Net “thinks.” You (not 2). You can Lift 8 times your Body
spend 1 less Drive Point when trying to rating (not 5).
influence The Net and other artificial When you engage in a contest of
intelligences to do what you want. strength (such as grappling or wrestling)
Raise your SPI by 1. with someone who is not Strong, your
opponent must spend 1 Body point before
Resolute even rolling any dice, or automatically lose.
(Requires: Drive Rating 8+)

You rarely, if ever, give up. You may


Gifts• G I F T S

Very Fast personality traits frowned upon by the

(Requires: Fast) public at large. Remember that your final
If you spend 1 Body Point, you can dou� SPI rating is based on Clout, Drive, and
ble your running movement. You can claim Gifts – and Dubious Gifts that change an
Cover or Concealment at a distance of 3 Attribute and SPI are cumulative.
meters. Without this Gift, you can only
claim Cover or Concealment from within 2
You have a reputation for being argu-
meters of your position.
mentative and violent.
Very Strong You have +2 Drive Rating.
(Requires: Body 10+; Strong) Reduce your SPI by 5.
You are a lot stronger than average.
Improve the Shock damage of all your Cold-Hearted
hand-to-hand attacks by 2 (not 1). You don’t relate well to other people.
You can Carry 4 times your Body rating Others describe you as withdrawn or
(not 2 or 3). You can Lift 10 times your argumentative, maybe even as sociopathic.
Body rating (not 5 or 8). You can distance yourself from the horrors
When you engage in a contest of around you.
strength (such as grappling or wrestling) You reduce Awe that you suffer by 1,
with someone who is not Very Strong, your down to zero. This reduction is cumulative
opponent must spend 1 Body point before with other Gifts.
even rolling any dice, or automatically lose. You have -2 Clout Rating.
This is cumulative – someone without Reduce your SPI by 3.
Strong or Very Strong must spend two Conformist
Body points. Your lifestyle and behavior are abnor-
Very Tough mally concurrent with positive marks on
(Requires: Tough) SPI tests. However, you lack self-
You are remarkably hardy. Raise all your motivation.
Damage Thresholds by 10 (instead of the 5 You have -2 Drive Rating.
from Tough.) Increase your SPI by 10.
You are sociable to a fault. While you
are fun to get along with and can crack
wise with the best of folks, officious types
look down upon your lack of professional-
You have +2 Clout Rating.
Reduce your SPI by 5.
You have a reputation for acting with-
out thinking.
You have +2 Body Rating.
Reduce your SPI by 3.
Dubious Gifts Large
These Gifts are both a blessing and a You are unusually large, when com-
curse. Note that a character can still be pared to other folks.
argumentative, impulsive, etc. without You have +3 Body Rating.
these Dubious Gifts – they just don’t You have -2 Drive Rating.
receive any benefit from being so.
In the sedate, conservative society of
Albedo, many Dubious Gifts represent

99•9 9

G I F T S • gifts

Old You have +2 Drive Rating.

You are forty years old, or more, and Reduce your SPI by 5.
you can feel it. Even with advanced
medicine and anagathics, time is taking its
You are smaller than most people you
toll on you. However, your advanced age
meet, but you make up for it with in-
has granted you respect from others.
creased determination.
You have -2 Body Rating.
You have -2 Body Rating.
You have +3 Clout Rating.
You have +3 Drive Rating.
When spending Clout to influence
other Old characters, you can reminisce Young
about the “good ol’ days” and wax nostal- You are barely of age to be admitted
gic, which reduces all costs by 1. into the EDF. You are often enthusiastic
Overconfident and naïve.
You have +1 Body Rating
You often over-extend yourself and bite
You have -1 Clout Rating
off more than you can chew.
You have +1 Drive Rating
You have +3 Drive Rating
Reduce your SPI by 2.
You have -1 Clout Rating
When spending Clout to influence
Reduce your SPI by 6.
other Young characters, you can speak a
Righteous common vernacular and bond over how
You have a reputation for being opin- the older generations just “don’t get it”,
ionated and hard to get along with. which reduces all costs by 1.


Basik rulz• B A S I C R U L E S

ENGAGEMENT Basik ruls of eng&jment
Rules exist for fairness and consistency. the Players encounter store clerks,
By using the same role-playing game rules, frightened civilians, obstinate businessmen,
all the Players and the Game Host will grizzled prospectors, armed criminals, and
better understand how the story of the all other sorts, the Game Host controls and
game is moving along. Many decisions will plays each one.
have fateful consequences – and when the
Players and
military is involved, lives will often hang in
the balance. To this end, Albedo: Platinum
The rest of the participants are simply
Catalyst has rules for moderating conflict.
called Players. Each Player controls one
Main Character, their starring role in the
Playing a Role story-line, often called the Player�Character.
The essence of the game is to pretend to Players will often control one or more
be someone else. There are various kinds of Supporting Characters – their subordinates
roles to be played in the game. in the Extraplanetary Defense Force.
Moderating the Action:
The Game Host
One participant takes the role of the
Game Host. The Host is like the director of a
play, responsible for keeping the action
moving. In the game sequence, the Players
describe what they want their characters to
do; the Game Host decides what rules or
other factors need be taken into account;
dice are rolled, tables are consulted, and the
Game Host describes what happens as a
result; then the Players decide where to go
from there.
The Game Host has the final say in what
does and does not happen – up to and
including changing or breaking the rules.
No rule can handle every situation, and
sometimes numbers and dice just get in the
way. The goal of the game is for everyone
to have fun, and the Game Host should
know their Players and keep the enjoyment
levels at maximum. However, a Game Host
should always strive for maximum fairness
and consistency – two qualities provided by
rules. It’s not an easy balance, and Game
Hosting is not an easy role, but it can be
very rewarding.
The Game Host plays the role of all Main
Characters who are not Player-Characters.
The Host also plays the role of all
Supporting Characters not played by the
Players – the “extras” in the script. When

101•1 0 1

B A S I C R U L E S • Basik rulz

d6; for three, d8; for four, d10; and for five
or more, d12. This is a Basic Roll.

Example: Toki has 4 Marks in Repair Skill.
When she is called upon to make a
Repair Skill Roll, her Player rolls a ten-
sided die and reads the number.

Doing Things Better:

Except in unusual circumstances, you
can Push your roll. Pushing allows you to
go beyond your normal skill capacity,
The Supporting Characters will have basically doubling the size of the die you’re
higher turnover than the Player- permitted to roll.
Characters. Some will be re-assigned, Major Characters spent a point from the
some will retire, others might meet unfor- appropriate Attribute (Body for Physical,
tunate ends. Clout for Social, Drive for Mental). Support-
ing Characters spend Morale.
Dice Notation

Example: Toki has 4 marks in Repair, a

Albedo: Platinum Catalyst uses polyhe- Mental Skill. Normally, this entitles her to
dral dice. The standard notation for dice is roll a d10. If Toki spends 1 Drive Point,
the letter d, followed by the number of sides she can Push her Mental skill and roll two
on the die. For example, when the text d10s instead of one.
indicates for you to roll a four-sided die, it
will say “d4”. When you are called to roll Reaching Beyond:
two ten-sided dice, the text will read “2d10.” Risking
In some cases, you’ll roll different kinds of Sometimes, regular dice aren’t enough,
dice together. For “d8, 2d6”, you would roll and you have to reach beyond your normal
one eight-sided die and two six-sided dice. capacity. You can spend 1 Point to Risk,
The number of sides on a die is some- and roll larger dice than you normally do.
times called its size. The more sides a die Risking a Roll is only necessary if you
has, the bigger it is said to be – a d12 is have 4 Marks or less. With 5 Marks or more,
bigger than a d10, for example. you’re already rolling a d12, the largest die
Albedo uses four-sided, six-sided, eight- you can, so there’s no need to Risk.
sided, ten-sided, and twelve-sided dice for Major Characters spent a point from the
Skill rolls and for Difficulty. Twenty-sided appropriate Attribute (Body for Physical,
dice are used for Damage. Clout for Social, Drive for Mental). Support-
ing Characters spend Morale.
Basic Rolling You cannot Risk and Push on the same roll.

To accomplish a task, you roll a die pro- Example: If Toki were to need to roll an
portional to the number of Marks you have. 11 or 12, Toki could spend 1 Drive Point
For one Mark, roll a d4. For two Marks, roll a to Risk her Skill, and roll a d12 for Repair
instead of d10.
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw
Dice Are Rarely Added Together Business as Usual:
When rolling multiple dice, such as Risking or Rote
Breezing, only the highestshowing die mat In most cases, the activity you’re per-
ters. Don’t add them together. Likewise, when a forming is second nature. Characters in
combatant shoots at a target, the Cover, Albedo perform the same daily chores over
Concealment, and Range dice are not added and over again. Instead of rolling dice, a
together. Most rolls in Albedo are pushing character who is in a typical situation, doing
near the limit of 12; do not add the dice a typical thing, can just go by Rote, not
together unless specifically instructed to do so.

Basik rulz• B A S I C R U L E S

rolling any dice. Instead, the character

claims they rolled one plus their Marks.
The measure of how much ability is re-

Example: Toki has repaired engines before, quired to do something, as well as how
and she’s in the shop, so she just goes by chancy it might be to get it work, is called
Rote. With four Marks, she doesn’t have to Difficulty.
roll, she can just claim a 5. The Game Host should choose a diffi-
Rote is claimed instead of rolling. Do not culty based on how hard the activity is.
roll dice and claim the Rote. Some suggestions:
Robots and AI can only take Rotes. They Kind of Task Target
can never Push, Risk, or Breeze, unless Trivial: anyone could do this 1
directed by someone with the Robotics Routine: Anyone with one Mark 2, or d4
Expert gift. Characters who have Panic could get this after a few tries
cannot claim Rotes. Intermediate: Experts can do this 4, or d8
Overqualified: easily, but other folks have a hard
Breezing time
The opposite of Pushing, Breezing is Advanced: Even trained personnel 6, or d12
when a character knows enough to try to find this a chore
score an Overwhelming Success. A charac- Experts Only: Only highly-trained 9, or 2d12
ter with two or more Marks can often push personnel can perform this task, and
themselves where others would think twice. often only after repeated tries
Characters with 2 Marks or more in a Skill Nigh-Impossible: Tasks this 11, or
can Breeze, effectively halving their Marks difficult can only be performed by 3d12
to claim twice as many dice. masters.
Since you can only Overwhelm when two
or more dice roll higher than the target, Simple Rolling:
Breezing is way to get more dice without Target
spending points. In most cases, you’re trying to beat a
Panicked Characters cannot Breeze. Target. Targets are for most solo activities,
like fixing an engine, researching a project,

Example: If Toki wanted to get an Over­

whelming Success on a relatively simple looking around, etc.
fix, she might choose to Breeze, rolling Roll the Target Dice. If there is only one
2d6 instead of 1d10. die, then whatever that die is showing is the
Target. If multiple dice are called for, then
only the highest-showing die is the Target.
Summary of
Die Rolls Complex Rolling:
Opposed Rolls
Marks Basic Pushing Risk Breeze Rote Sometimes, someone else will oppose
zero none — — — 1 what you do. For example, you may want
1 d4 2d4 d6 — 2 to Sneak, while someone wants to Spot
2 d6 2d6 d10 2d4 3 you. The Game Host may call for Opposed
3 d8 2d8 d12 2d4 4 Rolls. In an Opposed Roll, whoever rolls
4 d10 2d10 d12 2d6 5 the highest is the winner, and scores a
5 d12 2d12 — 2d6 6 Success, and whoever rolls the lowest is
6 d12 2d12 — 2d8 7 the loser, and scores a Failure. In the case
7 d12 2d12 — 2d8 8 of Ties, both parties may be partially
8 or more d12 2d12 — 2d10 9 successful.
In many cases, it’s easiest for one party
Point Cost zero 1 1 zero zero to roll, using the opposed party’s Rote as
the target.

103•1 0 3

B A S I C R U L E S • Basik rulz

Results of Rolls
Cost to
Dice Result Outcome Retry?
All of your dice are Botch – the +2
showing ones (the worst possible
worst possible roll). result (see below).
None of your dice Failure – your +1
beat the target activity simply
number, or your fails.
Rote was not high
The highest number Tie – a marginal Zero
you rolled is equal to failure, or a partial
the target, or your success.
Rote is equal to the
One of your dice Success – your n/a
rolled higher than activity is clearly
the target, or your successful.
Rote exceeds the
Two or more of your Overwhelming n/a
dice rolled higher Success -- your
than the target activity is
successful example, a Botch on trying to Jump across
For most activities, a simple Success is a gap might send the character falling.
enough to get things done. An Overwhelm- Adding or Subtracting Marks:
ing Success is even better – a spectacular Bonuses and Penalties
landing, a rousing speech, a fantastic Your Game Host may rule that some-
design, etc. Many Gifts have special modifi- thing is easier to do. You may gain one or
ers that only work on Overwhelming more Marks in your Ability to do something.
Successes. Bonus Marks raise the size of the dice you
Botching can use, and they may allow you to claim
A roll of all ones is the worst a character some extras.
can ever do. Such a result can indicate a Your Game Host may rule that some-
minor cut or bruise, exhaustion, frustration, thing is harder to do. You may lose one or
a misspoken statement, or anything the more Marks in your Ability to do something,
Game Host and the Players can think of. as a Penalty.
All Botches result in the loss of 1 Point in
the relevant Attribute (Body for Physical, Retries
Clout for Social, Drive for Mental). Support- When a task fails, a character might
ing Characters lose Morale, instead. If the want to try again. In most circumstances,
character doesn’t have the point to lose, this won’t be an issue. Attacking with a
then the character either suffers Damage weapon, leaping across a gap, enduring G-
(Injury, Oversight, or Trauma) or Panic (for forces, or piloting a vehicle are all activities
supporting characters). that are short, fateful, and measurable. A
At the Game Host, Botches on a roll Failure either has immediate consequences,
might have some other consequences. For or it will be forgotten in the next moment.


Basik rulz• B A S I C R U L E S

Some activities, however, require special long a Labor takes to perform.

training, social interaction, or unusual insight.

Example: Auitzotl and his crew have to
Fixing a broken vehicle, convincing the
set up a radar array, a labor requiring
chancellor to see things your way, scanning a
800 Quality-Hours of Sensor Operations.
sector for signs of activity… Using a Skill to
Auitzotl’s team has one specialist with
try something a second time is a Retry.
Skill 5, he himself has Skill 3, and four
The first Retry from a Failure costs 1 more in his crew has the standard Skill 1.
Point from the relevant Attribute (Body for In his labor pool, the specialist has
Physical, Clout for Social, Drive for Mental). Rote 6, Auitzotl has Rote 4, and the last
The first Retry from a Botch costs 2 Points four have Rote 2. That adds up to
from the relevant attribute. (Since the (6 + 4 + 4 × 2 =) 18. Dividing 800 by 18
Botch in the first place cost 1 Point, that gives a little more than 45 hours. Work­
brings the total spent up to 3.) Supporting ing 8 hours a day, the activity will be done
Characters use their Morale. in a little less than 6 days.
What’s the Total Point Cost for Much of the work of the Extraplanetary
an Action? Defense Force will involve building fortifica-
If you have a Gift or other circumstance tions, preparing vehicles, moving into
that reduces the points spent, the reduction position, gathering intelligence, etc. Some
is applied once on the entire action se� Labors may even require mixed pools of Skills!
quence, not on each cost. The Players will have to divide their re-
sources to perform various Labors. Keep in

Example: Auitzotl Pushes his Longarms

Skill (1 Drive), uses Following Fire to shoot mind how long the character can work per
a second and third target (+2 Drive), then day, and that some folks might need to be
Botches the last to-hit roll (+1 Drive). The defended from hostiles while they work.
total cost for the action is 4 Drive. If
Auitzotl had a Gift that reduced the cost,
it would drop to 3.

Some uses of Skills take place over a long
period of time. For example, assembling a
tank might require thousands of hours of
skilled work. In game-terms, a long-term
activity is called Labor.
Labor is a large number, representing
Difficulty times hours of labor. Following
the above example, assembling the tank
might be a Labor of 4,000 Quality-Hours.
Most Labor will be performed by Rote.
Add together the Rotes of all the characters
assigned to the tasks, and divide that
number into the Labor, to determine how

COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw

Use Rote Whenever Possible
Characters, especially Supporting ones,
should perform their tasks by Rote unless
they have strong reason not to. It makes
game play go faster; it suits the “military
theme”, where folks obey orders and do
things by the book; and it reduces the odds
of botches or other errors.

105•1 0 5

C O M M A N D • command

Albedo: Platinum Catalyst is a game Military personnel are trained to obey

about strong personalities. Main Charac- orders and to not question

ters are a narrative device – they allow the

Players to identify with the people and the
An improved version of Trust, a Sup-
issues. The Game Host is encouraged to
porting Character automatically develops
role-play the opposing Main Characters as
Loyalty after three successful adventures
more than mindless monsters or robots –
with the same character.
anyone who has Body, Clout, and Drive
Loyalty is an improved version of Trust.
points is someone to be reckoned with.
Normally, a Supporting Character can be
boosted to a maximum of 1 Morale from a
Player-Character successful Rally. If the Supporting Charac-
Each Player begins the game with one ter is Loyal to the Rallying Character, they
Main Character, usually called their can be boosted to a maximum of 3 Morale.
Player�Character. The Player will spend While Loyalty is better that Trust, Sup-
most of their time in this role, as a com- porting Characters only have Loyalty to
manding officer. one Main Character at a time.
Loyalty should be earned in play, as a
Retinue dramatic device in the narrative. Players
Every Player-Character starts with a should derive satisfaction that their
Retinue of Supporting Characters, usually superior planning was rewarded with
four. All of these characters start with increased capacity in their subordinates.
Trust towards their commanding officer.
Supporting Characters have the starting
During play, Supporting Characters will
Attributes based on their Species, and all
come and go. Some may be transferred to
the Skills and Gifts granted
new duty assignments. Others might become
Trust too injured, or they might even be killed.
The backbone of any military organiza- When a new Supporting Character en-
tion is when soldiers are ready to lay down ters a Player-Character’s Retinue, the
their lives to protect one another. In game Supporting Character is only Neutral
terms, two characters who can work towards their new commander. Only after
together in dire situations are said to Trust three successful adventures will the
one another. character gain Trust. (And three adven-
All Player-Characters are assumed to Trust tures after that, the character can become
one another, at least for purposes of Rallying. Loyal, as above.)
All Supporting Characters in a Player- Most characters in the game will be
Character’s starting Retinue begin with fellow officers in the Extraplanetary
Trust in their Player-Character command- Defense Force, who do not report directly
ing officer. to any of the Player-Characters, but their
Two Supporting Characters who have own superiors. Should combat occur
Trust in the same Main Character are spontaneously, all of these combatants
assumed to Trust each other, as well, would be Neutral towards the Player-
unless the Game Host rules otherwise. Characters and their retinue; while they’re
Two Supporting Characters “on the same all on the same side, they lack the camara-
team” can trade Morale in this way, with derie to truly work together at maximum
one spending Morale to Rally the other. effectiveness.
A Supporting Character maintains Trust
in the Main Character as long as nothing
during the game violates that Trust.


Kombat• C O M B A T


Beginning the Battle it’s time to move on and get to the next
Time in a role-playing game like Albedo plot point.
can vary. When weeks or months go by Combat situations, however, are likely
without an incident, the Game Host may to be heated. Everyone’s going to want to
call for narrative time – glossing over long attack as often as they can. When the
periods with but a few sentences. For Game Host declares that Combat has
example: “You spend two weeks accelerat- started, the flow of time and participation
ing out of your own system, then you becomes very orderly and organized.
jump and spend another two moving into Readiness
position to land.” If all the players agree In most military engagements, there

that nothing important was going on, then will be two sides to a battle. The side that

107•1 0 7
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you are on is the friendly side, and the side Action

your foes are on is the hostile side. In each round, every combatant can
Civilians or other characters may be take one Action. Piloting a vehicle, shoot-
present who are non-combatants or ing a gun, aiding comrades, restraining a
otherwise not involved; such characters prisoner – each of these are Actions.
are usually called neutrals. Since a Round is 6 seconds long, then
Unless stated otherwise by the Game an Action is anything that can reasonably
Host, all Main Characters begin a battle be done in six seconds.
fully rested, with their full totals of Body, Many Actions might require certain
Clout, and Drive, as permitted by their Skills. The Game Host is the final arbiter of
Ratings. Injuries, Oversight, and Trauma what can be done in a single Action.
from previous battles will carry over, In general, a combatant can only make
reducing Ratings. Main Characters who one attack per Round, since they can only
have had ratings reduced to zero should take one Action.
not be sent into combat … but war is full Some activities are considered “free”,
of unfortunate circumstances. such as talking to one another via helmet
Unless stated otherwise by the Game radios. As usual, the Game Host has the
Host, all Supporting Characters begin a final say on what a combatant can do.
battle with 1 Point of Morale. If a Main
Character is on the same side as a Support-
If there is any material between the at-
ing Character, and the Supporting Character
tacker and the target, then the target has
has Loyalty, then the Supporting Character
Cover. The target will roll extra dice to
starts with 3 Morale instead of 1.
defend against attacks.
Who Goes First: Cover Dice
Initiative 0% - No Cover: None
In combat, someone usually goes first. In
Standing out in the open.
a military situation, that’s the highest
25% - Minimal Cover: d8
ranking officer, followed by the subordi-
A low barrier, covering only the
nates, followed by civilians.
knees. Collapsed building debris.
The Game Host orders the supporting
characters on the other side. For conven- 50% - Half Cover: d10
ience, it’s best that the Player-Characters Bushes and hedges from head to toe.
act first in the Round. A typical window. Behind another
The “End of the Round” is used for main- combatant of the same Body.
tenance. Remove machinery, assess 75% - Partial Cover: d12
environment effects, and explode grenades. Head and shoulders exposed, only.
Behind a vehicle. Behind another
Alternative Initiative combatant of twice one’s Body.
Not all combat engagements are mili- 100% Total Cover: Automatic
tary ones. Players might be on shore leave, A solid wall. A full-sized window. 13
or there might not be any clear chain-of-
command. In such a case, the Game Host If the Cover Die is the highest die show-
can decide on a different combat order. ing, and the shooter has tied or worse, then
One suggestion is to call for Sixth Sense the Cover has been struck by the attack.
Rolls for all combatants, acting from Attackers firing at targets behind 100%
highest number to lowest. (Rotes might Cover will automatically hit the cover, since
prove easier for this.) they can’t roll any higher than 12 – but they
may have weapons powerful enough to
Round penetrate. (See “Penetrating Cover”,
A unit of time, representing when eve- page 127.)
ryone gets one attempt to do something. A
Round is assumed to be six seconds long.


Kombat• C O M B A T

Concealment certainty. An active, aware target can claim

Targets can be hard to see … and de- the best Cover and Concealment they can,
fending targets will do their best not to be minus 25%, within 2 meters of their position.
seen. Most Cover can’t be seen through, so For example, if a combatant’s figure is
most targets will have the same Conceal- out in the open, but within 2 meters of
ment as they have Cover. Exceptions being behind a solid wall (100% cover), then
include using figures obscured by smoke, or they can claim the solid wall as 75% cover
figures behind glass. and 75% concealment.
Active combatants don’t have to claim
Concealment Dice Cover or Concealment that they don’t want
0% - No Concealment: none to. For example, a combatant might not
Well-lit area on a clear day with excellent want to claim a comrade as 50% Cover.
weather. Surprised Targets and Helpless Targets
25% - Minimal Concealment: d8 can only claim cover based on line of sight.
Poor lighting. Thick rain. Dusky light. Panicked targets are still active and will do
Third-person viewing, such as a camera. anything they can to reduce the odds of
Low-light vision in complete darkness. being attacked.
Opaque 25% cover.
50% - Half Concealment: d10
For simplicity, Albedo treats each weapon
Infrared vision. Full moonlight. Light
as having up to five ranges. The longer the
smoke. Opaque 50% cover.
range to the target, the larger Defense Dice
75% - Partial Concealment: d12
the target rolls to avoid being hit.
The darkest night allowed by light-
pollution over industrial cities. Only Range Dice
silhouettes of targets are visible. Thick Close: Sometimes called “Point-Blank”. d4
smoke. Opaque 75% Cover. Close-Range Attacks can provoke counter­
100% Total Concealment: 2d12 attacks. Many rifles and heavy weapons
Completely unseen target. Blind shooting. have no Close range.
Short: Typical proximity for urban d6
Active Combatants Are Not Statues: fighting. Following Fire and Suppression
Claiming Cover and Concealment Fire is possible. Optimal range for Pistols.
within 2m Medium: Typical proximity for forest or d8
When using miniatures, there’s a ten- jungle fighting. Optimal range for Carbines.
dency to assume that combatants are right Long: Typical proximity for plains or open d10
where their figure is, and to draw line of spaces. Optimal range for Rifles.
sight to that. The problem is that combat- eXtreme: Beyond the effective range of d12
ants are often moving around a lot, during a most weapons, more blind luck than aimed
combat Round. combat.
A combatant has a 2-meter position un-

109•1 0 9

C O M B A T • kombat

Attacking a Target

Example: Auitzotl sights a dissident with a
When launching an attack against a tar- man-portable rocket behind a wall, several
get, use the following steps. meters away.
The target has half their body behind a
Determine Range
solid, opaque wall, giving both 50% Cover
Each gun has a rating for Close, Short,
and 50% Concealment. With Auitzotl’s
Medium, Long, and eXtreme. The farther
rifle, the target is at Medium Range.
away the target is, the larger the dice used
Auitzotl has to shoot against a Range
to defend the target.
Die of d8, a Cover Die of d10, and a
Determine Cover Concealment Die of d10.
The more obstructions to line-of-sight to Auitzotl has 5 Marks in Longarm. He
the target, the harder it will be to hit the chooses his Rote of 6. The target rolls
target. Remember than an active, aware the 2d10 and the d8, and gets 5, 4, and
target can claim Cover that’s 25% worse, 1. The highest-showing die is 5, less than
within 2 meters of their position. Auitzotl’s 6. Auitzotl has hit the target.
Determine Concealment
Remember than an active, aware target Actions
can claim Concealment that’s 25% worse, Each Round, a combatant can perform
within 2 meters of their position. one Action. Players may order their Main
Character first, then their subordinate
Attacker rolls Firearms dice vs.
Supporting Characters.
the difficulty to hit the target
The shooter can claim any sort of roll Aim
they can to hit the target: Basic, Push, Risk, You can move 2 meters to a better posi-
Breeze, or Rote. tion. Then choose a target with 75% or less
In most cases, a shooter will use their Concealment. (If you can’t see a target, but
Rote when attacking. Rotes eliminate the you know where they might come out, the
possibility of Botching. best you can do is Guard.)
Table of Attack Results Next Round, you can shoot at the target
as if it was one Range Band closer, and as if
Result Outcome it had 25% less Cover and 25% less Con-
Botch (Highest die is 1) Something bad happens. cealment.
Failure (short-fall by 1 Miss. You closely miss If you move from your position, or if you
or more) your target. suffer Awe, then your Aim is ruined.
Tie (attacker’s highest Miss. You barely miss Characters with Panic cannot Aim.
score ties target’s your target. (Gifts such If you are using miniatures, place a
highest) as Semi-Automatic heads-up penny next to an Aiming figure,
Expert can make this a and place a tails-up penny next to their
hit.) target.
Success (one of Hit. You hit the target –
Attack at Range
attacker’s dice exceeds Roll Damage Dice.
You can designate any target and shoot
defender’s highest score
at them. Roll to hit, using the appropriate
by 1 or more)
skill for your weapon (Pistol, Longarm,
Overwhelming Critical Hit. You may Heavy Weapon, etc.). The Difficulty is based
Success (two of roll increased Damage on the Range to the target, the Cover the
attacker’s dice exceeds Dice. You can only target has, and the Concealment.
defender’s highest score score a Critical Hit if Roll to hit. On a Success, you claim one
by 1 or more) you have multiple dice, Normal Hit. On an Overwhelming Success,
such as from Pushing or you claim a Critical Hit, rolling an extra
Breezing. Damage Die.
On a Tie, you can still hit the target if
you have a semi-automatic or fully-


Kombat• C O M B A T

Melee: A held weapon can be used Longarm or Heavy Weapon: The

to provide 25% Cover against other shooter can claim up a maximum
hand-to-hand attacks only. of 50% Cover when attacking.

Pistol: The shooter can

claim up a maximum of 75%
Cover when attacking.

automatic weapon and you spend addi-

Attacker’s Cover
tional bullets. For single-shot weapons,
When you attack, you must expose your-
you simply miss.
self. Thus you can only claim a maximum
On a Failure, you spend one bullet and
amount of Cover.
miss your target.
1. Pistol – maximum 75% Cover (head,
On a Botch, something bad happens. The
arm, and hand exposed)
Game Host can suggest something appro-
2. Longarm or Heavy Weapon –
priate; the default is that the target loses 1
maximum 50% Cover (head, shoulders,
Drive (or Morale).
both arms and both hands exposed)
In most cases, Game Host may rule that
The Game Host may make exceptions to
the attacker can fire by Rote – simply roll
this rule, such as with gun-ports on ar-
the target’s Cover and Concealment dice, if
mored vehicles.
any. Remember that Rotes can never score
Critical Hits. Following Fire at Short Range
A Panicked combatant cannot Attack at If you fire at a target at Short Range and
Range if they could instead choose a hit, and your weapon is fully automatic, you
maneuver that improves their Cover or may engage in Following Fire. Choose
Concealment against known attackers. another target within Short Range of the
target you just fired upon and within Short
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw Range of yourself. (You may even choose
“Rolling Only To Miss”: Rote Attacks the same target.) You may fire upon that
To speed play, and to prevent mishaps, target as if it was Short Range, as well. You
most attackers will take their Rotes may continue to engage in Following Fire as
(1+Marks) whenever possible. This can long as you have bullets in your gun.
sometimes lead to lock-out – when a (If you have the Gift of Following-Fire
shooter’s Rote is greater than whatever the Expert, you may use Following Fire at up to
target dice can roll. In such cases, the Medium Range.)
Game Host should only force the player to
use a Basic roll if the shot is questionable.

111•1 1 1
C O M B A T • kombat

Step 1: Our shooter’s She can’t Follow to this

LAKW carbine has a Short target. He’s farther than
Range of 15 meters, and is Short Range from herself.
fully-automatic. After
hitting this target, she can
She can keep Following to
claim Following Fire…
new targets as long as: she
keeps hitting; she keeps
Step 2: … to shoot spending Drive or Morale; each
this target. If she target is within Short Range of
hits, she can claim herself, the first target, and
Following Fire again, the previous target.
but only if she spends
1 Drive (or 1 Morale.)

She can’t Follow to this target.

While he’s in Short Range from
her, he’s more than Short
Range from the first target.

Attack Hand-to-Hand Naturally, a target can’t just “vanish into

Most folks in Albedo have difficulty with thin air” if the attacker saw them before-
physical contact, especially violent contact. hand. A common tactic to use against a
A combatant with a Melee weapon can Hiding target is to Suppress the area they
claim 25% cover against another Melee or could be hiding in – see page 114. The
Brawl attacker, by using their weapon to Game Host should rule on unusual cases.
deny space and avenues of attack. (Melee Hiding is a two-way street – they can’t
weapons cannot be used for Cover against see you, and you usually can’t see them. If a
ranged attacks, such as bullets.) Hiding combatant wants to see anyone,
By definition, all hand-to-hand attacks they must make Spot rolls themselves.
are Close-Range Attacks, and thus provoke Panicked combatants will often Hide.
counter-attacks. See Close�Range At� If you are using miniatures, tip a Hidden
tacks,, p. 120. combatant miniature onto its face, to
simulate being “hunkered down.”
You can choose to “go to ground”, drop Medical Help
to prone, and otherwise conceal yourself. You can provide medical attention to
You can move 2 meters before Hiding. another target. You must start your turn
A Hiding character improves their effec- next to the target, and you must have
tive Cover by 25% and their effective something to use.
Concealment by 25%. This improvement Stabilizing an Incapacitated Target is of
does combine with the reduced Cover and Intermediate difficulty (4 or d8). If you have
Concealment claimed within 2 meters no Medical Sciences skill, then you can only
(effectively raising claimed Cover & Con- use your Rote of 1.
cealment within 2m to full values). Rally
Hiding combatants are harder to detect. As a commanding officer, you will often
Any combatant moving into an area where give moral support to your troops. You can
a target hides with at least 50% effective move 2 meters and then attempt to Rally.
Concealment must win an opposed roll of You can Rally any target that you can
their Spot vs. the target’s Sneak, or remain communicate with, such as by radio.
unaware of the target’s position.

Kombat• C O M B A T

Panicked characters themselves cannot takes at least two Actions: one to remove
Rally others. the Panic, the second to boost the Morale.
Rallying can do one of two things: re- If you are using miniatures, place 1 green
move Panic, or boost Morale. counter next to a figure for each point of
Morale granted.
Removing Panic
You can Rally any Main Character or Run
Supporting Character. You must make a roll Sometimes, you just have to move
of your Lead Skill. quickly from one spot to the next. Running
Rallying to remove Panic costs 1 Clout. is any movement over 2 meters, and such
(You may spend additional Clout to Risk or movement counts as the character’s Action.
to Push your roll.) If you don’t have the Any combatant can run 12 meters, no
point to spend, you cannot Rally. Support- questions asked. A combatant may also
ing Characters can remove Panic, spending choose to sprint, to cover more distance.
Morale instead of Clout. The combatant can cover 10 meters plus a
For combatants on your side, who ac- roll of their Run Skill dice. (Yes, the usual
tively support you (such as your fellow run is the same as moving 10 Meters plus a
Player-Characters), the difficulty is Trivial Rote movement of 2.)
(1). For neutral combatants (such as hys- When moving from 100% Cover to
terical civilians), the Difficulty is 100% Cover, across a space that is 5 meters
Intermediate (4 or d8). For opposition or more that has no Cover, you can claim
forces (that you need to calm down so you 50% Cover – even against attackers Guard-
can take them prisoner), the difficulty is ing that space – vs. attacks made at Short
Expert (9 or 2d12). Range or longer. (Close-Range Attacks are
If you Tie or better, you remove the tar- not effected.)
get’s Panic. If you Fail, you can Retry next A combatant can run for ten Rounds.
round, with the usual penalties. After that, they must either spend 1 Body to
Supporting Characters can attempt to run for 10 more Rounds, or stop Running
remove Panic, as well. They must spend until they have rested for 20 Rounds.
Morale instead of Clout. Spacesuits, with their insulation, are bulky
If you are using miniatures, place a yel- and impeding. Characters in Spacesuits run
low counter next to a Panicked figure. slower – use 5+Spacesuit Skill instead.
Boosting Morale Charge
You can boost the Morale of any Sup- A special kind of Run is the Charge –
porting Character with whom you share moving towards a combatant into Close
Trust or Loyalty. You cannot boost Morale Range. At the end of your move, you
in a Panicked Combatant. engage your target in a Close-Range Attack,
Rallying to boost Morale costs at least 1 with appropriate counter-attacks.
Clout. Only Main Characters can boost Panicked characters cannot Charge.
The Difficulty is Routine (2 or 1d4),
Combatants may try to move quickly
unless the Game Host rules that the situa-
from one area to another while avoiding
tion is worse. If you Tie or better, the target
gains 1 Morale. If you Fail, there is no
Sneaking is impossible unless you have
penalty for Retrying (though there is still a
at least 25% Concealment for the entire
loss for Botches).
distance you plan to Sneak through. Since
If your boosting Morale was successful,
you can claim reduced Concealment within
and the target has Loyalty to you, you may
2 meters, a Sneaking combatant can cross
spend 1 or 2 extra Clout to add 1 or 2 more
through 4-meter wide gaps, but no larger.
Morale, up to the maximum of 3.
The maximum distance you can move is
Since you cannot add Morale to a Pan-
your Sneak score. Yes, Sneaking can be
icked combatant, boosting their Morale
done by Rote. Sneaking is your only

113•1 1 3

C O M B A T • kombat

Action – you cannot shoot, and Sneak, for suffers +1 Awe, cumulative with other losses,
example. even if they are not hit. The hail of bullets is
Sneaking is the only way to move frightening to all but veterans of combat.
through a Watched area without provoking During their turn in the sequence, a
an automatic attack. combatant that moves out of, or remains
Suppression in a Suppressed Area, is immediately
attacked. And the attack has +1 Awe, as
One function of the fully-automatic
mentioned earlier.
weapon is area denial – filling a zone with
Use only Cover and Range modifiers for
bullets so that any target that moves
targets; Concealment does not apply for
through that area might be struck down.
attack rolls. Suppression is sometimes used
Belt-fed weapons are ideal for this purpose,
to fire on unseen targets, such as in smoke.
but in a pinch any fully-automatic weapon
All targets in the Suppression Zone are
will do. In game terms, Suppression Fire is
subject to Selective Fire. In other words,
when an attacker fills a designated zone
they are hit on Ties.
with bullets.
All targets in the Suppression Zone are
Only fully-automatic weapons can sup-
subject to Following Fire. Since the attacker
press. Semi-automatic weapons do not fire
gets multiple attack rolls, there is the
bullets fast enough.
possibility that one attack might miss, but
First, the attacker may move up to 2
another one might Succeed, allowing for
meters, then declares an area no longer
Following Fire. Following Fire attacks are
than Short Range on all sides. This is the
resolved normally, including Concealment
Suppressed Area, also known as the
with Cover and Range. Also, point costs
“beaten zone.”
must be paid for the third and later attacks.
All targets in the Suppression Zone are
Following Fire represents that the attacker
attacked, regardless of whether they are
has limited control over the dispersal of
friend or foe.
bullets and can choose to “hose down”
Anyone who enters a Suppression Zone
visible targets.

This shooter is armed with an

LAKW Carbine, which has a Short
Range of 15m. He can Suppress a
triangle up to 15m per side.

In this beaten zone, all targets

are Suppressed – they are
attacked and suffer +1 Awe.


Kombat• C O M B A T

The Suppression lasts a full Round, until 100% Cover. Otherwise, the most you can
the target’s next action in the sequence. have is the minimum to attack (75% for
Any target that enters that area is attacked. pistols, 50% for long-arms.)
If a target leaves the area, and then enters it

Example: Auitzotl positions himself to
again, they are attacked again.
cover a street. He declares a Watched
At the beginning of the attacker’s next
triangle that extends 80 meters from his
round, their weapon is depleted of ammuni�
left, 30 meters from his right, and is 8
tion (unless it is a belt-fed weapon). The
meters wide at the end.
attacker should either reload or should If a combatant enters this triangle be­
move to a place of safety. fore Auitzotl’s next action, he may shoot
Panicked combatants can still Suppress, them. The longest range in his triangle is
and often do, to clear an area of hostiles so 80 meters, which is Long Range for his
they might flee next Round. rifle. No matter what range a target first
If you have the Gift of Suppression Ex- enters his triangle, Auitzotl treats the
pert, you can declare a larger triangle, with target as being at Long Range.
sides up to Medium Range in length. (If
any side of your triangle is over Small Watching with Following-
Range, then all targets are fired at if at Fire Weapons
Medium Range.) If you have a fully-automatic weapon, you
If you are using miniatures, place three can usually only claim Following Fire at Short
black counters on the table – one next to Range. If you declare a Watched triangle for
the Suppressing attacker, and the other two Short Ranges only, you don’t have to imme-
at the points of the Suppressed triangle. diately shoot a second target if you don’t
Throw want to. Instead, you can use your Following
Fire to “remain watching” and to shoot
You can throw an object, most likely a
another target should one enter your trian-
grenade. Your throwing distance is your
gle. You can even shoot a third time, if you
Lift divided by the weight of the object.
have Drive (or Morale) to spend.
Remember that dividing by a fraction is
A Panicked combatant cannot Watch if
the same as multiplying by the denomina-
they could instead choose a maneuver that
tor – since grenades weigh ½ kg, you can
improves their Cover or Concealment
throw a grenade twice your Lift, in meters.
against known attackers. In fact, Panicked
A thrown object deviates 70% the total
characters will first get the best Cover and
distance thrown, minus 10% times your
Concealment they can; second, they will
Throw Score. For rolls of 8 or better, your
Watch a triangle where attackers might
Throw lands exactly where you want it to.
come from to reduce effective Cover or

Example: Toki wants to throw a grenade Concealment.

to a spot 14 meters away. She rolls a 4. If you are using miniatures, place one
Her grenade lands (70 – 40 =) 30% off blue counter at the base of the Watching
target, or about 4 meters off. figure, and two blue counters at the corners
The deviation direction is up to the Game of the Watched triangle.
Host. When in doubt, assign 12’ o clock to
Watching and Waiting
long, and roll a 12-sided die.
Sometimes, a combatant will Watch one
Watch zone to do something else. For example, a
A combatant can watch over an area. You combatant might shoot a helpless, bound
can move 2 meters before Watching. Then hostage if anyone moves into their room, or
you may declare a triangle on the board. a commander might signal for help if they
If any target enters this area, you may see anyone advance over a certain line.
shoot them. Treat the range as the longest The Game Host should use their discre-
side of the triangle you have chosen to guard. tion as to what a combatant can Watch for.
If you have mechanical assistance (such If a combatant is Watching a zone, but not
as remote cameras) you can claim up to to attack what’s in that zone, then essen-

115•1 1 5

C O M B A T • kombat

tially the only limit is a 180° field of vision, represents the general likelihood of an
vs. targets without full, 100% Concealment. attack to cause damage; the Penetration
If you are using miniatures, mark a line represents improved odds by cleaner hits,
through such a Watcher using two blue or hits against more vulnerable points.
counters, on either side of the figure. Targets resist damage with two num-
Other Actions bers: their Deflection (how unlikely
Penetrations are) and their Thresholds
Characters will want to open doors, work
(how great the Damage must be for the
consoles, use sensor equipment, etc.
target to suffer ill effects.)
As a general rule, a character can move
When a target is hit by an attack, one or
2 meters or less and still perform a simple
more twenty-sided dice (d20s) are rolled;
action, such as reload a gun or open a
these are called Penetration Dice. Roll the
door. Actions that require complex con-
d20s, and compare each one separately
centration, such as using a GPS device to
against the Deflection of the target – each
call for an artillery strike or as defusing a
one that equals or exceeds the Deflection is
bomb, will take more.
a Penetration; for each one, add the Pene-
A combatant can Hide in one Round,
tration Value to the Damage.
then remain hidden and perform actions the
Then, find the highest�rolled d20, and
next Round, still claiming the benefits of
add that result to the Damage, as well.
Hiding, as long as they do not move from

their position. Example: Auitzotl is critically hit by an

attack of 10+10 damage. Two d20s
Effects of Attacks: are rolled against his Armor’s Deflection
of 13. One scores 17, the other 5.
Damage and Awe The 17 is greater than his Deflection
When targets are put under attack, they rating, so an extra 10 points of damage
can suffer demoralization, injury, and death. are scored.
Damage The highest-showing d20 is 17. The
Attacks that hit a target have a chance Base of the weapon is 10, and one
to injure the target; this possibility is Penetration adds 10. The Damage
called Damage. Score against Auitzotl is
Damage is measured as two numbers:
the Base, and the Penetration, written as
two numbers, such as 8+3. The Base

Kombat• C O M B A T
Penetration Dice Gift of Coolness Under Fire will be able to
The number of Penetration Dice is de- shrug this off.)
pendent first on how injured the target is,
then other modifiers like awareness.
A Main Character that is Wounded suf-
Circumstance Penetration Dice fers 1 Injury. If this Injury would reduce the
Target is not injured 1d20 Body Rating below zero, the character
Target is Wounded 2d20 becomes Incapacitated, instead.
Target is Crippled 3d20 A Supporting Character that is Wounded
Target is Incapacitated 4d20 has no Body Points to lose. For simplicity,
Target is Helpless +1d20 multiple injuries are not measured against
Target was Critically Hit +1d20 Supporting Characters, although the Game
Host may rule that multiple Woundings may
Thresholds have long-term effects.
After adding all Penetrations to the Future attacks against a Wounded char-
Base, the final number is the Damage. acter roll two d20s instead of one. While
Compare the Damage number to the both d20s are rolled for Penetrations, only
target’s Thresholds. the highest one is added in.
If you are using miniatures, place one red
Damage is… Default Value Result counter next to a Wounded figure.
No Threshold n/a Target suffers
(less than 1st) 1 Awe Crippled
Wounding Body×2 Target suffers 1 A Main Character that is Wounded suf-
(1st but less Injury and 2 fers 3 Injuries. If these Injuries would
than 2nd) Awe; change reduce the Body Rating below zero, ignore
status to the excess; the character becomes Incapaci-
Wounded tated, instead.
Crippling Body×2+10 Target suffers 3 A Supporting Character that is Crippled
(2nd but less Injuries and 3 has no Body Points to lose. For simplicity,
than 3rd) Awe; change multiple injuries are not measured against
status to Supporting Characters, although the Game
Crippled Host may rule that multiple Cripplings may
Incapacitating Body×2+20 Target suffers 5 have long-term effects.
(greater than Injuries and is Crippled characters cannot act unless
3rd but less out of combat; they spend 1 Body (or 1 Morale).
than 4th) change status to
Incapacitated COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw

Devastating Body×2+40 Target is Where Are The “Hit Points”?

(4th or greater) mortally In most hostile situations, there will be a
wounded or lot of characters involved. Each Player
killed instantly controls one Main and four Supporting
Characters; the Game Host may be in

Example: Auitzotl’s Thresholds are charge of a dozen combatants or more. If

23/33/43/63. With a Damage Score each of these combatants had doubledigit
of 37, Auitzotl is Crippled. numbers, the recordkeeping becomes
complex very quickly. Instead, Albedo opts
No Threshold for a “narrativedriven” system, where only
If an attack fails to score enough dam- Main Characters have reserves of points to
age to pass the lowest Threshold, the spend. Supporting Characters are dealt
target suffers no damage. However, being with quickly and simply – and they often
attacked is still disturbing, so the attack need a Main Character to give them
still inflicts 1 Awe. (Combatants with the guidance and support. Players are encour
aged to think about the tactics of their
groups, rather than of their individuals.

117•1 1 7

C O M B A T • kombat

witness a Devastating attack suffer Awe: +2

if the victim was on the same side, +1 if the
victim was neutral or hostile.
Life-threatening situations take their toll
on a combatant. In game terms, Awe
represents loss of fighting spirit, battle
fatigue, and frustration with the feeling of
powerlessness experienced during war.
Note that even an attack that fails to
cause injury, or even one that misses, can
still inflict Awe on a target.
In game sequence, Awe is figured after
Damage, because if the target was Incapaci-
If you are using miniatures, place two
tated by the attack, then Awe is irrelevant.
red counters next to a Crippled figure.
After an attack is resolved, a combatant
suffers Awe as follows:
A Main Character that is Wounded suf- Circumstance of Attack Awe
fers 5 Injuries. If these Injuries would Ready target Zero
reduce the Body Rating below zero, ignore Surprised or Helpless target +1
the excess. At their turn in the action was Suppression Fire +1
sequence, an Incapacitated character must At Close Range +1
spend 1 Body or fall unconscious. They Missed target Zero
must spend another 1 Body if they want to Hit target +1
act in the turn sequence. was Wounding +1
After that, the character suffers 1 Injury was Crippling +2
at the end of every Round until their Body was Incapacitating +3
Rating drops to zero; then, they Bleed, as
was Explosive +1 per d20
described below.

A Supporting Character that becomes Example: Auitzotl is shot at Medium

Incapacitated falls unconscious, and Range and suffers a Crippling Injury. The
Bleeds, as below. Awe is +1 for being hit, and +2 for the
If you are using miniatures, lay an Crippling Injury, for a total of 3. Auitzotl
Bleeding, Incapacitated figure on its back, has the Gift of Coolness Under Fire, and
face up, and place three red counters next reduces the loss to 2.
to the figure.
The target loses Drive (or Morale Points)
Bleeding equal to the Awe. If the target does not
At the end of the Round, for each have enough points to weather the loss,
Bleeding, Incapacitated character, roll a they suffer Panic.
d20 – on a 1, the character has expired If the target is a Main Character, they
due to blood loss or other injuries; on a 20, also suffer 1 Trauma for each point of Awe
the character stabilizes. they can’t cover by spending Drive. Each
Staunching blood loss requires the Medi- point of Trauma reduces Drive Rating by 1;
cal Help action (p. 112). if Drive is reduced to zero, the target is in
If you are using miniatures, if the bleed- permanent Panic and requires psychiatric
ing stops, remove one red counter, leaving assistance.
two next to the face-up, lying figure. If the target is a Supporting Character,
they only lose Morale. If the target doesn’t
Devastated have enough Morale to cover the Awe, then
Main and Supporting Characters that

the target suffers Panic. While in game

suffer a Devastating attack are killed

terms, Supporting Characters don’t suffer

instantly and violently. Onlookers who

Kombat• C O M B A T

Trauma, the Game Host may rule that track “negative Morale” for Supporting
repeated, severe mental stress can have Characters – simply mark the character as
permanent effects. Panicked.
Rare circumstances, such as overwhelm-
Panic ing fear or frustration, can also cause Panic.
Characters that suffer Panic have re- The Game Host may rule that dire situations
duced capacity to fight. Panicked such as explosive decompression, poisoning,
characters cannot spend Drive or Morale, so impending nuclear holocaust, and other
they cannot Push or Risk on rolls, nor can events causes Panic in certain characters.
they use Gifts or other abilities that require What Panic Does
such points to be spent. As a general rule, a Panicked character is
Panicked characters have a crisis of con- frustrated and confused.
fidence. While they may act rashly, they are Each Action lists whether a Panicked
not assumed to be reckless or insane. Panic character can perform it, and in what
might not be fear – botched rolls and other capacity. As a general rule, if a Panicked
mishaps can cause loss of Morale, and thus combatant could choose an Action that
cause Panic. would make it harder to be hit – any action
What Causes Panic that increases Cover, Concealment, or
A Main Character suffers Panic if they Range against known hostiles – they will
run out of Drive Points and if they have one choose that Action over any other.
or more Trauma. A Main Character that If you are using miniatures, place a yel-
runs out of Drive and has zero Trauma may low counter next to a Panicked combatant.
be mentally exhausted, but they do not
automatically suffer Panic. (Note that if a Special
Main Character is forced to lose Drive they Circumstances
can’t spend, they suffer Trauma for each The standard attack assumes a careful
point of short-fall.) attacker shooting at a ready opponent.
A Supporting Character suffers Panic if However, there are some exceptions to
they run out of Morale Points, and they typical attacks.
suffer some condition that forces loss of
Morale points that they can’t cover. Do not

119•1 1 9

C O M B A T • kombat

Remember that, when counter-attacking,

someone gets hit ... whereas on a regular
attack, Range, Cover, and Concealment dice
still apply, so they might be missed.
Hand-to-hand attacks, by definition, are
Close-Range Attacks – they provoke
counter-attacks like anything else. If
someone tries to run past a combatant,
within the 1-meter reach of bare-handed
Close-Range Attacks fists, they may get slugged for their trouble.
Being shot at is one thing – most attacks There is no limit to the number of times
come from far away, from impersonal a target may counter-attack. Counter-
sources. There’s something more frightening attacking does not use up the one pro-
about someone in your face, trying to kill voked-attack during the sequence. Any
you. Close�Range Attacks use special rules, Close-Range Attack can be counter-
and such exchanges can be brutal. attacked – even a provoked one.
+1 Awe at Close Range exampul
Example: Toki is rushed by an insurgent
Close�Range Attacks inflict +1 Awe on a armed with a pistol. As soon as the
target, whether they are successful or not. insurgent moves within 1 meter, Toki may
Thus any attack at your weapon’s Close make a Close-Range Attack with her bare
Range, even one that misses, can still spook hands. She elects to strike; this provokes
a target. Gifts such as Coolness Under Fire a counter-attack from the target
will reduce this Awe, as usual. Toki elects to Push, spending 1 Body.
She rolls her Brawl of 2d6. Her dice
come up 5 and 3; her highest die is a 5.
Anyone moving or acting within an at�
Her attacker has a weapon with a
tacker’s Close Range provokes one free
Close Range – a pistol. As Toki swings at
Close�Range Attack. Any combatant with a
him, he shoots at her. He rolls his Pistol
weapon that has a Close Range can use this
Dice of d8, scoring a 6.
attack. This attack can happen “out of
Since the insurgent rolled the highest,
sequence”, before or after a combatant’s
he has won the opposed rolls. He has
action in the Round.
shot Toki at Close Range. Toki will suffer 1
Note that some Longarms, like rifles, do
Awe, plus the Awe from any injury she
not have a Close Range – for tight spaces in
might suffer.
urban settings, carbines and pistols are
The insurgent also suffers 1 Awe, be­
preferred. All combatants can strike at a
cause he was attacked at Close Range,
range of 1 meter with their bare-hands or
even though Toki’s punch missed.
with an improvised Melee weapon such as a
rifle-butt. Surprised Targets
Counter-Attacks A target that is aware they’re in danger,
If both the attacker and the target have but doesn’t know where the attacker is, is
Close-Range weapons, and both of them are Surprised. Surprised targets cannot claim
within Close-Range of each other, then the Cover or Concealment within 2 meters of
target may elect to counter�attack. their position, like ready targets can.
When Counter�Attacking, do not use the Attacks on Surprised targets inflict +1 Awe.
Range or Cover Dice. Instead, both attacker A Panicked target is not automatically a
and target make Close�Range Attack rolls Surprised target. In fact, most Panicked
against each other, including their Con� targets are highly sensitive to danger.
cealment Dice. Whichever combatant rolls Helpless Target
higher hits the other one. If there is a Tie, Characters can be unconscious, tied up,
both targets hit each other. restrained in crash harnesses, floating in
Remember that a combatant doesn’t have zero-gravity, or otherwise unable to move
to counter-attack if they don’t want to.

Kombat• C O M B A T

and to defend themselves – in other words, called “defensive grenades” because while
they are Helpless targets. they might not cause actual injury, they can
Being Helpless is like being Surprised, reduce enemy morale and can encourage
only worse. A Helpless target cannot claim their blast areas to be empty of hostiles.
Cover or Concealment within 2 meters of Remember to figure effective Cover
their position. If it matters, any attacks on a from the center of the explosion! Thrown
Helpless target inflict +1 Awe. Also, attacks grenades will explode on the ground, but
against a Helpless Target roll an extra d20 airborne explosives burst overhead, reducing
Damage Die. effective Cover for deadly effect.
An inanimate, unattended object, such as
Distance from Blast Radius Damage Dice
a door or a wall, is considered Helpless for
Physically touching explosive 5d20
this rule. A moving object (such as a
Up to 1× 4d20
vehicle) or an attended object (such as a
rifle in an opponent’s hands) is not. More than 1×, Up to 2× 3d20
More than 2×, Up to 3× 2d20
More than 3×, Up to 4× 1d20
More than 4× None
Each 25% of Cover Less 1d20

Example: Auitzotl is taking fire, pinned
down in a cafeteria. A hostile throws a
grenade, which lands in the center of
the room. A veteran of many skir­
mishes, Auitzotl had tipped over a table
in a previous Round; now, he moves to
Explosions Hide behind it. Next Round, when the
Volatiles such as grenades, can send grenade explodes, Auitzotl has 100%
sharp debris flying into the air. Such attacks Cover from the table. He suffers no
are called Explosions. Damage and (with zero d20s rolled for
An Explosion does not use a to-hit roll. damage) no Awe.
Instead, all targets are attacked. Find the The following Round, Auitzotl takes an
center of the attack, and measure the range act of desperation. He stands up and fires
to other targets. An Explosion has a blast his GAKW under-rifle grenade at the
radius in meters. A target within the blast ceiling behind the hostiles. Since the
radius suffers a 4d20 Damage Roll; a target center of the explosion is behind and
within 2× the blast radius suffers 3d20; above the targets, they will gain no Cover
within 3×, 2d20; and within 4×, 1d20. An (as they, too, were using overturned
explosive that goes off when touching the tables, which are facing Auitzotl’s door.)
target inflicts 5d20. The hostiles are each 3 meters away
Each 25% Cover reduces the Damage by from the center of the Explosion; with a
1d20. A Hiding character improves effective blast radius of 2m, this is more than 1×
Cover by 25%, even if out in the open. A but not more than 2×; Damage is 3d20,
combatant expecting an Explosion can and the Awe is +3.
“hunker down”, using the Hide Action to Auitzotl himself is 5m away from the
reduce damage. explosion, so he suffers damage for being
If an Explosion’s d20s are reduced to within 3×blast radius, or 2d20; Auitzotl
none, the target suffers no Damage and no has also positioned the explosion so that a
Awe. Thus the farther away a target is from standing hostile can provide reduced
the center, and the more cover they have, Cover (a reduction from half-cover, to
the less effective the Explosion will be. 25%) – this reduces the damage to
Explosions cause +1 Awe per d20 of 1d20. Auitzotl himself suffers 1d20 and
Damage Dice rolled. The large area of effect +1 Awe from his own Explosion.
and violent concussion of the wave of air are
quite unnerving. Thrown grenades are often

121•1 2 1
C O M B A T • kombat

Some explosions might use shaped Armor

charges, only exploding in a cone, or Armor serves two purposes: it gives the
hemisphere. The world of Albedo is filled target increased Deflection (to reduce the
with all kinds of explosive devices; the likelihood of Penetration), and it raises the
Demolitions Skill (p. 89) is used to prepare target’s Thresholds for damage by a fixed
and to disarm them. amount. Note that even an unarmored
Shotguns target has a Deflection of 3.
A special kind of explosion, Shotguns are Name Deflection Threshold
smooth-bore projectile weapons. Instead of a None 3 0
single, solid bullet, shotguns project a spray Battle Armor, Full Dress 11 +5
of plastic darts (flechettes) or metal balls Battle Armor, Vest Only 7 +5
(buckshot). Shotguns are preferred for Concealed Armor 11 0
urban fighting: they are most effective at
Spacesuit, Armored 13 +5
Close Range; they can blast open doors and
Spacesuit, Typical 11 0
weak barriers; and the projectiles are
relatively short-ranged and thus less likely
to cause friendly-fire casualties Hand Weapons
Shotguns roll special damage dice, based The people of Albedo do not know much
on the range to the target: about physical combat. The few that do can
Shotgun Range Damage Dice be quite intimidating. Sometimes, a desper-
Close 4d20 ate combatant will use an improvised
Short 3d20 object, such as a rifle-butt, chair, or en-
Medium 2d20 trenching tool, to strike at another.
Long 1d20 Weapon Ranges Damage
eXtreme None Fist C1 0+Attacker’s Body
Since Shotguns roll no damage dice at Martial Arts C1 2+Attacker’s Body
eXtreme range, only the Base applies … Improvised, 1-hand C1 2+Attacker’s Body
unless a Critical hit or something else adds Improvised, 2-hand C1 5+Attacker’s Body
another d20. Knife C1 5+Attacker’s Body
Combat Staff C2 8+Attacker’s Body


Kombat• C O M B A T

The most common attacks in Albedo
will be from guns. The common firearms
that players will encounter have the
following statistics.
Weapon is the name; you can find more
information in the Equipment chapter,
p. 136. Type is the Skill used when attack-
ing with the weapon. Ammo refers to the

ordnance deployed. Mag(azine) is the

number of bullets held in a clip, if the

weapon uses clips. (Note: the basic rules

do not track every bullet, but a Variant

Rule does; see page 160) Action is the

weapon’s rate of fire: “Semi-“ weapons can

use Semi-Automatic Fire; “Full” can use

Semi-Automatic Fire, Following Fire, and

Suppresion Fire. Ranges are the weapon’s

attack ranges, in meters – note that not all

weapons have a Close Range. Damage is

two numbers: the Base (that always

than the target’s Deflection). Notes refers
applies) and the Penetration (that is added
to any special rules of the weapon, such as
only if a d20 roll scores equal to or higher

Extraplanetary Defense Force

Weapon Type Ammo Mag. Action Ranges Damage Notes
CKW Precision Longarm 8x56 24 Semi- S15, M70, L560, X4600 10+10
GLKW 32 Longarm 32 EX 1 Single S5, M20, L80, X400 10+5 Explosion 2m
LRCKW Longarm 10x56 8 Semi- S15, M50, L330, X2300 24+12
GAKW Heavy 32 EX 12 Semi- S5, M20, L80, X400 0+10 Explosion 2m
PRLW Heavy -- 1 Single S15, M60, L470, X3700 0+10
Variable Grenade Thrown -- 1 Thrown Thrown Object 0+10 Explosion 2m
LAKW 1-56 Longarm 8x56 24 Full S15, M60, L470, X3700 10+10
MAKW 3-60 Heavy 8x64 belt Full S15, M50, L360, X2600 11+10
LAKW 1-30 Longarm 8x56 24 Full C5, S15, M50, L330, X2300 10+9
MAKW 2-18 Pistol 8x24 24 Full- C5, S10, M30, L190, X1100 8+7
PAKW 4-12 Pistol 8x24 16 Semi- C5, S10, M40, L230, X1400 8+7
SBKW 10 Longarm 10mm 9 Single C5, S10, M20, L40, X60 5+5 Shotgun

Independent Lapine Republic

Weapon Type Ammo Mag. Action Ranges Damage Notes
AW 191 carbine Longarm 6x40 48 Full S15, M50, L410, X3000 8+9
ML 199 SMG Longarm 6x30 32 Full C5, S10, M40, L230, X1400 7+7
MP 197 Special Pistol 6x30 32 Full C5, S10, M30, L150, X800 7+6
MS 195 Shotgun Longarm 8mm 12 Single C5, S10, M20, L40, X60 4+4 Shotgun

123•1 2 3

S P O T R U L E S • spot rulz

Spot ruls
Role-playing games are full of all kinds regardless of what they do, or be rendered
of scenarios and circumstances. The Game unconscious (and Helpless). If denied air for
Host will have to make “ad hoc” judgments four more minutes, they will die.
on the spot of what a character can and A cubic meter holds enough air for a
cannot do. This chapter has a listing of character to breathe for 15 minutes. A 3m x
many of the rules 3m room would thus hold enough air for
Don’t let all the rules bog you down. one character to breathe for about six
Rather, rules should add new wrinkles to old hours. More characters consume propor-
situations, or be a plot point for the story. tionally more air.
Any military force will seek to take advan-
tage of a situation as well as they can.
Without air pressure, ears will pop, eyes
Outnumbered troops will prefer to fight in
will bleed, lungs will rupture, and the very
fog or thick forest, where they can take
liquids of the body will boil away. Unpro-
advantage of improved cover and conceal-
tected combatants exposed to 0
ment. A highly-trained force might choose
atmospheres (pure vacuum) become
to invade a space-station, where they can
Wounded at the end of the first Round,
use their superior zero-gravity training
Crippled at the end of the second Round,
against ill-equipped foes.
Incapacitated at the end of the third Round,
Rules are to be fair and consistent. Play-
and Devastated at the end of ten Rounds.
ers should be able to make informed choices
Lack of air resistance will multiply a bul-
about what their Characters do, so they
let’s Long and eXtreme ranges by 5. Close,
know what they’re getting into. Clever
Medium, and Long ranges are unaffected –
tacticians will seek out every advantage
these ranges are determined by make,
they can, so the Game Host should encour-
manufacture, recoil, and other factors. This
age his players to exploit new and unusual
multiplier combines with the multiplier
situations in the game.
from gravity.
Atmosphere exerts a great degree of
Atmosphere force on the walls of a spaceship; a single
Characters in poor oxygen environments, bullet-sized hole can lead to a rapid escape
such as high-altitude or a leaking space- of air into space, called explosive decom-
suit, must spend 1 Body to move or exert pression.
themselves, at all. If their oxygen runs out, A combatant that suffers any attack that
they will suffocate. successfully Penetrates their spacesuit,
Suffocation while in vacuum, is leaking air. Someone
Characters that are denied air can hold must take an Action of Spacesuit vs. Inter-
their breath for two minutes if they don’t mediate Difficulty (d8 or 4) to patch the
move or exert themselves. After two hole, using a kit that comes with all vac-
minutes, the target must spend 1 Body uum-suits. Otherwise, at the end of each
Round that the suit remains unpatched, roll
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw 1d20: on a 1, the suit has run out of air and
Spot Rules vs. Variant Rules the combatant inside is suffocating and
A Spot Rule is “if anyone asks, this is what exposed to vacuum.
we do” – a rule that rarely comes up, but
when it does, it has significant effects. A Distance
Variant Rule (p. 126) is a change that
With proper communications, even a
changes the dynamic of play. Assume that
simple man-to-man guerilla battle can
all Spot Rules are in play, but only those
involve resources kilometers away, or even
Variant Rules that the Game Host specifi
in space.
cally declares.


spot rulz • S P O T R U L E S

The maximum distance a spotter can see,
before the curvature of the planet drops off,
is called the horizon. The higher the van-
tage point, the greater the distance that can
be seen. For a standard 1-diameter world:
Altitude Horizon
Ground level 11,000m
On a roof (4m up) 14,000m

On the 10th story (40m up) 28,000m

High altitude (10,000m up) 72,000m

For smaller or larger worlds, multiply the

horizon by the diameter. (For example, on a
0.5-diameter world, someone at ground
level can only see 5,500m away.)
Emplaced Snipers
Tall buildings and mountains offer places machine-gun fire, to clear it of hostiles before
to strategically place long-range weapons. landing for troop deployment or extraction.
Many commanders will have at least one As a general rule, a personnel-carrier
sniper to take advantage of large weapons, aerodyne carries VRF (Very Rapid Fire) Chain
used from a safe distance. Guns capable of Suppressing zones 500m
Snipers will often be issued cameras that wide as Long Range or 1,000m wide as
can receive input from cameras carried by eXtreme Range. Use the usual rules for
their fellow infantry. Thus, snipers can be Suppression Fire, except on a very grand
ordered to fire on hostile forces that would scale, using a typical Vehicular Weapons
normally have 100% Cover and 100% Rote of 5, and that the suppressed zone can
Concealment. Snipers will often have to be any simple geometric shape in size –
shot through barriers – the target will be circle, square, etc. – as guided by sophisti-
afforded increased Thresholds due to Cover. cated computers.
Artillery Support Weapons of
In large-scale battles, commanders may be Mass Destruction
authorized to call for support weapons. Autonomous Combat Vehicles can be
Artillery can be called from kilometers away, ordered to descend from orbit to a plane-
using indirect-fire weapons such as missiles tary surface at extreme speeds, striking a
and exploding canisters. Sophisticated planetary surface with a kinetic impact with
computers can allow for grenade-sized a destructive yield measured in megatons.
explosives to be dropped almost anywhere on Micrograms of weapons-grade fissionables
the battlefield, using a portable computer to can create man-portable nuclear explosives.
designate the target, or even remote-viewing The ILR is known to fund research and
from an emplaced camera combined with development of new weapon systems; no
telemetry from a personal positioning system. one is really sure what the Enchawah Group
A commander issued support can use an does with “shadow budget” operations.
action to call for artillery strike, which will For the most part, Weapons of Mass
arrive 1 or more Rounds later, depending on Destruction (WMDs) will be plot devices –
how far away the artillery is. things to avoid. Engineers will be con-
Air Support sulted for counter-intelligence, to find out
Similar to artillery, air support involves where such weapons would be deployed
calling for an aerodyne to deploy its weapons for maximum effect and what safeguards
against the ground. The most common call could be employed against them to reduce
for air support is to Suppress an area with or to nullify their effects.

125•1 2 5

S P O T R U L E S • spot rulz

A successful deployment of a WMD will Falling

result in a large area of collapsed buildings Falling damage does not use the Armor’s
and uneven ground. Dust will hang in the air Deflection value. Instead, use the target’s G-
for days or weeks, limiting visibility. Un- Forces Skill (p. 90) as the Deflection number.
tended corpses and decaying plant matter (Most characters should take Rote on this roll).
will pose a serious health hazard, not to
Distance (1 G) Damage
mention radioactive fallout that can linger
2m 0+0
for days, weeks, years, or even centuries. Any
5m 0+1
survivors may become desperate and violent,
attacking even those who offer disaster relief. 10m 0+2
EDF troops will likely be deployed to first 15m 0+3
pacify the WMD’s area of devastation, then 20m 0+4
either to rebuild or to assist in clean-up. 30m 0+6
40m 0+8
Gravity 50m 0+10
Space explorers will encounter all kinds 100m 0+20
of hazards related to both too much gravity, 200m or more 0+40
and too little. If the target hits hard ground, roll 5d20.
If the target lands in water, roll 3d20.


spot rulz • S P O T R U L E S

On a standard world (with 1 G gravity), a

Material Deflection Thresholds
combatant will fall 175 meters in one
Airlock 15 60/70/80/100
Round, and 500 meters in two Rounds.
Armored Hatch 13 50/60/70/90
Wind resistance (on a standard atmos-
phere world) will slow the fall of a man- Armored Vehicle 16 50/60/70/90
sized object to 55m/s, known as the termi� Concrete 11 30/40/50/70
nal velocity. Terminal velocity is reached Exterior Door 8 30/40/50/70
after falling for about 200m. In a vacuum, Exterior Wall 11 30/40/50/70
there is no maximum falling speed. Heavy Plastic 7 15/25/35/55
Multiply the damage by the world’s Interior Door 6 20/30/40/60
gravity, rounded down. For example, some- Interior Wall 9 20/30/40/60
one on a 1.5 G world who falls 20m suffers Light Plastic 5 10/20/30/50
0+6 damage instead of 0+4. Spaceship Hull 18 60/70/80/100
Steel 12 40/50/60/80
Freefall Wooden Tree 7 20/30/40/60
Combat in zero-gravity is heavily de-
pendent on the Freefall Skill (p. 90). Damage results have different meanings
In freefall, combatants cannot freely for inanimate objects. A “Wounded” object
move, so they cannot claim reduced Cover is physically damaged – civilian-grade
or Concealment within 2m of their position. electronics or complex devices will break. A
Instead of the Run action, a combatant can “Crippled” object is broken, regardless of
take the “Freefall” action, launching into the quality. An “Incapacitated” object is de-
air and moving their Freefall skill, in meters. stroyed, and a “Devastated” object is
Once a combatant begins floating, they may pulverized into fragments.
take other actions, maintaining their To make a hole in a wall of any size larger
constant floating movement until they hit than a single bullet requires a Suppression, an
something. Freefall combat can easily be in explosion, or a shotgun blast.
three dimensions, which can get very
confusing for all parties involved.
Penetrating Cover
In many cases, it won’t be worth bother-
Spacesuits have magnetic boots that can
ing to see if bullets pass through an
lock on to hulls, allowing the combatant
inanimate object to what’s beyond it.
awkward movement as if they were on
Sometimes, however, high-powered weap-
Uneven Ground. “Running” is still impossi-
ons can defeat weak cover.
ble – a target uses 5+Spacesuit, instead.
If the attack would have struck the tar�
Lack of bullet declination over distance
get if not for the Cover, then there is still a
will multiply a bullet’s Long and eXtreme
chance the target beyond it might have
ranges by 5. Close, Medium, and Long
been hit. In other words, if it were not for
ranges are unaffected – these ranges are
the Cover, the target might have been hit,
determined by make, manufacture, recoil,
Reduce the base Damage of the attack
and other factors. This multiplier combines
by the Deflection of the Covering object.
with the one from lack of atmosphere.
This might result in a negative number!
Then apply damage normally to the target.
Property Damage COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw
During a battle, inanimate objects will Explosives and Tactics
get struck by stray bullets and blown up by If explosives are so effective, why isn’t
explosions. explosive ordnance issued to more troops?
Unattended, inanimate objects are Explosives aren’t discriminatory – they can
Helpless – attacks against them receive an hit friendly and hostile forces alike.
extra 1d20. Objects on moving vehicles or Guerillas will use rapid mobility and secrecy
held by combatants are not helpless for to disperse, to keep “one bomb from taking
this purpose. them all out.” Ruthless defenders will
embed hostages in places where they don’t
want explosives deployed.

127•1 2 7

S P O T R U L E S • spot rulz

Size hours or suffer Debilitating frostbite. For

Combat assumes fighting against man- every 5 degrees below that, increase reduce
sized targets. the time to seven hours, six hours, etc. At
A small target (less than 0.5 meters in temperatures of -40 degrees or below,
the longest dimension) is treated as being exposure for even one Round costs 1 Body.
one Range farther away for all attacks At extreme heat (30 degrees Centigrade),
except Close. A very small target (less than a character must spend 1 Body every eight
0.2 meters in the longest dimension) is hours or suffer Debilitating heatstroke. For
treated as being two Ranges farther away every 5 degrees above that, increase reduce
for all attacks except Close. An extremely the time to seven hours, six hours, etc. At
small target (less than 5 cm in the longest temperatures of 70 degrees or above,
dimension) is treated as being three Ranges exposure for even one Round costs 1 Body.
away for almost all ranges, and it treats Fire
Close Range as Short. Spaceships will often have hyper-
For larger size objects (at least 2m in oxygenated environments, making fires
length, width, and height, such as a wall), quite dangerous.
the shooter might still hit the target, if it Fires consume oxygen in the rooms that
matters. Use the deviation rules under the they are in, filling them with smoke. Smoke
Throw rules (p. 115), using the attacker’s limits visibility and will suffocate those
roll. If the percentage deviation for the trapped inside. On a planet, people can
range is still enough to hit the target, then drop to ground level and crawl, being able
the target was hit. to see and breathe. In micro-gravity, the
Note: size rules apply when the objects room will fill uniformly.
are targeted, not when an area is targeted. Normal brushfires cause damage to any-
For example, if you Watch a Medium- one in them, as if the zone were Suppressed.
Ranged Area, you can still shoot at small (Combatants suffer 1 Awe to enter or to
targets that enter it – they just use Long remain inside a burning area, for example.)
Range’s defense die. Damage is 0+20
Cover and Concealment is a percentage
of how much of the target is covered or
concealed; the Game Host rule on
percentages for differently sized targets.

All races of Albedo have protective
fur or feathers that helps protect folks
from the elements. While fur can be
singed or frozen, it will grow back –
unlike skin.
At temperatures below freezing (0
degrees Centigrade) a character must
spend 1 Body every eight


spot rulz • S P O T R U L E S

Terrain Infantry must stop and climb over such

During the course of the game, Player- obstacles, losing ¾ of their movement.
Characters will encounter all kinds of strange Land vehicles must either destroy the
places. Defending forces will attempt to obstacles or move around.
exploit any advantage they can. For game Units expecting urban combat will be
purposes, terrain is divided into three catego- issued grappling hooks and climbing gear.
ries: Even, Uneven, and Impassible. With proper equipment, a unit can scale a
Tactical maps should have clearly cliff at its Climb score as a full-action per
marked what sort of terrain is in what Round.
areas. Rather than mark every single tree, Water
the Game Host can use the following table Units may have to cross water, such as
to determine average Concealment be- streams or rivers or even lakes. Hard rain
cause of distance to a target. and other climate changes can cause floods.
Description Ground Concealment A unit can Swim through still or slow-
Brush Uneven None moving water as their only action, moving
Building Interior Even 100% per 10m their Swim Score. Fast moving water is
Collapsed Building Impassible 50% per 100m more difficult, requiring a Swim roll to even
Desert Sand Uneven None swim 1 meter, vs. difficulty starting at 2 and
rising. Rapids will be impassible.
Hills Uneven 100% per 500m
Guns will fire underwater, but the water
Light Forest Uneven 25% per 50m
itself will provide Cover, at 25% per 10m.
Marsh Uneven 25% per 50m
Healthy lakes and rivers are full of algae, as
Mountains Impassible 100% per 100m
well as dirt and other impurities. Conceal-
Plains Even None ment is 25% per 10m.
Space Station Even 100% per 5m
Swamp Uneven 25% per 25m
Thick Forest Impassible 25% per 25m
Unarmed Combat
The basic rules of engagement assume
Urban Zones Even 100% per 300m
that all combatants want to do is punch
Even Ground each other.
City streets, sports arenas, level plains, Grappling
building floors, and anything that is flat Instead of attempting to strike, a com-
and level is even ground, the default batant can grapple with a target instead.
assumption of combat. Combatants and The attacker must have at least one hand
vehicles can cross even ground at their free to grapple. The target can grapple as a
normal movement rate. counter-attack, as well. Grappling targets
Uneven Ground cannot claim reduced Cover or Concealment
within 2m, and they can only use Close-
Debris from nearby explosions, craters
Range weapons (against any target).
caused by bombs and shelling, thick plant
As their next Action, the attacker can
growth, and the like are uneven ground.
follow up with a pin. The target gains 50%
Movement over uneven ground is at
Cover against the attack if only one hand is
half-rate. (Thus, combatants can only claim
used; if both hands are used, there is no
reduced Cover and Concealment within 1m
Cover. The target can counter-attack, and if
of their position.) Given the rubble and
they win, they can choose to break the
other debris present almost everywhere,
grapple instead of damaging the attacker.
infantry can claim 25% Cover and 25%
(Of course, a Crippled or Incapacitated
Concealment almost anywhere.
attacker will have to let go.)
Impassible Ground Grappling and pinning are contests of
Walls 1-meter high, collapsed buildings, physical strength. On a Tie, the target with
dense trees, fences, and other barriers are the highest Body wins.
impassible ground. Essentially, such ground
must be climbed over.

129•1 2 9

S P O T R U L E S • spot rulz

Disarming if the character is Wounded, by 4 if the

character is Crippled, and by 6 if the Char-
Instead of attempting to strike, a com-
acter is Incapacitated.
batant can attempt to disarm the target.
If the G-Forces exceed the character’s
This is functionally the same as grappling,
Skill, the combatant must spend 1 Body of
only targeting the weapon instead. Since
immediately fall unconscious, recovering
weapons are small targets, the attacker
1d6 Rounds later. In addition, the character
gains the benefit of Cover, as per the Size
suffers Damage of 0+5, rolling 1d20 for
rules – and yes, this Cover benefits their
each G that exceeds the G-Forces skill score.
Armor does not apply: instead, use a Deflec-
tion of 11 if the character is in full harness
Velocity and seat-belt, 3 if otherwise.
One G is equal to the gravitic force ex-
erted on a man-sized body on a typical
world. Aerodynes and other high-velocity
Defensive forces will often prefer to fight
vehicles are capable of rapid changes in
in the dark, especially if they plan to flee.
vector, which can exert G-forces on the
An invading force will often cut the power
crew. In some cases, blood can be forced
to a building or space station, to disable
out of the brain (resulting in “black-out”); in
cameras and to allow an invading force
extreme cases, physical damage may result.
cover of darkness. If one side has superior
In standard situations, a character can
visual equipment, they will use it to their
endure their Rote in G-Forces Skill with no
ill effects. Increase effective G-Forces by 2

spot rulz • S P O T R U L E S

Infrared cameras can see man-sized heat

Visibility Concealment
sources through thin walls, negating
Active Sonar 25%
Concealment; however, infrared visuals lack
Active UV Lighting None
the detail of the full spectrum, and thus
grant 25% Concealment. Infrared cameras Daylight None
are a passive sensor, using existing heat Dusk 25%
sources. Full Moonlight 50%
Low�light enhancement takes existing Infrared (heat sources only) 25%
light and amplifies it, often with computer- Light Pollution in Cities 75%
assisted correction; they are passive sensors Low-Light Enhancement 25% or 100%
which improve Concealment to only 25%. Remote Viewing Increase 25%
Low-light enhancement requires some Underground Darkness 100%
lighting; in pitch darkness found inside or
underground, low-light has no effect (and
concealment remains 100%).
Ultra-violet sensors, or UV sensors, use a
higher end of the light spectrum than
characters can see. However, UV light is
weaker than regular light; when combined
with active UV spotlights, the sensors can
see targets without revealing their own
positions – unless the targets have UV
sensors as well.
Many robots are equipped with active Weather
sonar, bouncing ultra-sonic sound off Strong winds will lower the effective
targets to identify their contours and their temperature. Winds of gale force (80 kph or
distance. Active sonar does not work in a stronger) impede movement, reducing
vacuum. movement to half rate. Hurricane-force
Robot sentries can be deployed, and winds (120 kph or stronger) will send
buildings will often have security cameras. characters flying about, costing 1 Body (or
Remote viewing – seeing your target more) per Round to resist Debilitating
through a third party (as opposed to “first- broken bones.
person” direct viewing) – is better than not Snow can limit visibility and slow
being able to see them at all; at least you movement. Sleet reduces movement and
know where they are to Suppress their makes ground slick, reducing land move-
occupied area. In game terms, any form of ment to half.
remote viewing – that is, not looking at
Description Ground Concealment
someone from first-person perspective –
increases effective Concealment by 25%, as Flooding Rain Uneven 25% per 10m
measured from the remote viewer. For Hail Uneven 25% per 25m
example, if you use a camera to see some- Hard Rain Uneven 25% per 25m
one in plain sight, they have effectively 25% Heavy Snow Uneven 25% per 50m
Concealment. If the target was 200m away Light Snow (no change) 25% per 100m
from the camera, outside in a soft rain, they Sandstorms Uneven 25% per 10m
would have 75% concealment. Snowstorm Uneven 25% per 10m
Complete, total darkness is rare. Sur- Soft Rain (no change) 25% per 100m
rounding objects give off diffuse light, so Thick Fog (no change) 25% per 10m
even targets in shadow will probably have
some cast-off light on them. True darkness
is mostly only found underground and in
impeccably sealed rooms.

131•1 3 1

A F T E R M A T H • afterma%

After any battle, EDF officers will be ex-
Highest Attribute (of Body, Clout, or Drive)
pected to attend a debriefing, to report
what occurred. Video records will be 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
compiled, statements will be taken, and 4 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12
Lowest Attribute (of Body, Clout, or Drive)

equipment will be accounted for. 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

In game terms, damage will be recorded, 6 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 18
healing will begin, and character improve- 7 5 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 21
ments and experience will be awarded. 8 6 8 9 11 12 14 16 17 19 20 22 24
9 7 9 10 12 14 16 18 19 21 23 25 27
Rest Period 10 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Characters that rest can recover spent 11 8 11 13 15 17 19 22 24 26 28 30 33
Attribute Points. A Rest is eight hours of
12 9 12 14 16 19 21 24 26 28 31 33 36
sleep – no combat or Pushed rolls pertaining
13 10 13 15 18 20 23 26 28 31 33 36 39
to the relevant attribute.
14 11 14 16 19 22 25 28 30 33 36 39 42
Recovery for 15 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45
Main Characters For characters with Injury, Oversight, and
Each Main Character has a Recovery Trauma, Recovery is a long-term Labor
number – their highest Attribute times their (p. 105). For each rest period, add you
lowest Attribute divided by 5, rounded down. Recovery to your Labor status. It takes 100
times your current loss to remove just one
point of Injury, Oversight, and Trauma.

afterma% • A F T E R M A T H

Then, subtract the carry-over for your next

Recovery. Keep track of the three kinds of
Damage separately.

Example: Auitzotl has Body 11, Clout 7,
and Drive 9. His highest attribute is 11
and his lowest is 7. His Recovery is
(11×7 = 77/5 = 15.4 ž ) 15, after
rounding down.
Auitzotl has 2 Injuries. To recover
from 2 Injuries to 1 Injury takes
(100×2 = ) 200 Labor. On his character
sheet, Auitzotl lists “0/200” in his Recov­
ery track. Each rest period, Auitzotl
recovers 15 worth, so after three rests,
Auitzotl has “Injury Recovery 45/200”
listed on his character sheet.
After 12 Rests, Auitzotl has
195/200, so he’s feeling better. After
one more Rest, his Recovery becomes
205 – he subtracts 200, and removes
one Injury. He applies the difference of 5
to his next Recover – removing the 1
Injury, which costs 100. Auitzotl’s player
erases one point of Injury, and he writes
“Injury Recovery 5/100” on his charac­
ter sheet.
If a character suffers Damage, their
Recovery resets back to zero.

Example: If Auitzotl’s Injury Recovery is at

195/200, and he suffers 1 Injury point,
he loses the complete 195. With his
Injuries up to 3, he now writes “Injury
Recovery 0/300” on his character sheet,
and must start over.
Keep track of Recovery on the three
Damage tracks (Injury, Oversight, and
Trauma) separately. Damage on one track Devastated Supporting Characters are
does not reset the other two. beyond medical help.
If a Supporting Character suffers a
Recovery for Wounding result or worse, their Recovery is
Supporting zeroed out and must be started over.
Supporting Characters only have ge- Professional Help
neric Damage such as Wounded, Crippled, People with the right Gifts (Doctor, Fac-
and Incapacitated. Supporting Characters totum, and Psychologist) can assist in the
have a Recovery of exactly 10. Recovery process.

Recovery from Labor Professional Help for

Incapacitated to Crippled 2000 Main Characters

Crippled to Wounded 700 Main Characters in the care of one or

Wounded to None 300 more Logistics Experts have their Body, Clout,
and Drive Recovery increased by 1 per Rest.

133•1 3 3
A F T E R M A T H • afterma%

A character with the Gift of Doctor can Professional Help for

apply their Medical Sciences skill to treat a Supporting Characters

patient. Supporting Characters only suffer from

After a visit from a Doctor, reduce the Wounding, Crippling, and Incapacitating. A
Recovery number by five times the score character with the Gift of Doctor can
rolled by the Doctor. (Note that if the reduce Recovery by 10× a roll of Medical
patient suffers new Damage, that will reset Sciences. Once again, only one treatment is
the counter.) possible per step of Recovery.
A patient can only visit a Doctor once, If the Supporting Characters are in the
to reduce Recovery. However, once a new care of one or more Logistics Experts,
Recovery number appears (either because increase their Recovery by 1.
of a reset from new Injury, or because of
healing to the next step), a Doctor can Debriefing and
treat the patient again.

Example: Auitzotl has 2 Injuries and a After the debriefing, equipment will be
Recovery of 15. After three Rests, his inspected and repaired. Ammunition,
Injury Recovery is 45/200. batteries, and other consumables will be
He visits a Doctor, who has 5 Marks in replaced.
Medical Sciences. With a rote of 6, that’s Incapacitated Supporting Characters will
good enough to deduce (6×5 = ) 30 from be sent to the infirmary. For each support-
the Recovery. Auitzotl’s player writes ing character that was killed, the
“Injury Recovery 45/170” on his charac­ commanding Main Character’s credibility
ter sheet. will take a hit – add 1 Oversight.
The Doctor tells Auitzotl to take it easy. A Main Character whose Body Rating has
If Auitzotl suffers 1 Injury, that would been reduced to zero from Injury will be
change his Recovery to 0/300 – not only sent to the infirmary, temporarily relieved of
negating all his rest, but also eliminating command.
the benefit of the Doctor’s treatment. A Main Character whose Clout Rating
After 12 Rests, Auitzotl has 180 Re­ has been reduced to half due to Oversight
covery. He completely heals the first will generate gossip among their peers
170, and now has “Injury Recovery about how they are having difficulty
10/100” on his character sheet. He can keeping their affairs in order. The character
now visit the Doctor again, who could will be brought before their superior officer
lower this to 10/70. for review – which should be an opportunity
A character with the gift of Factotum for role-playing. If they fail to present a
can use Bureaucracy to organize another good review, their SPI will be reduced by 1,
character’s schedule, perform damage- 2, or even more. A Main Character whose
control on their mistakes, advise them of Clout Rating has been reduced to zero due
their schedule, and generally help get things to Oversight will be censured – they will be
back in order. A Factotum treats Oversight relieved of command, given a new assign-
the same way a Doctor treats Injury – by
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw
reducing Oversight Recovery by 5× a roll of
Why is Recovery So Involved?
Bureaucracy skill.
Battles will go quickly, with lots of fateful
A character with the gift of Psychiatrist
decisions. The aftermath, however, will
can use Question skill to psychoanalyze a
have longterm repercussions. A
patient, helping them to resolve their
commanding officer will have to make
anxiety. A Psychiatrist treats Trauma the
decisions about which of their subordinates
same way a Doctor Treats Injury – by
will have to perform dangerous work, and
reducing Trauma Recovery by 5× a roll of
which ones need to take it easy. Recovery
Question skill.
is shown as two numbers – one progress,
one goal – for easier record keeping
between game sessions.


afterma% • A F T E R M A T H

ment, have their SPI reduced by 3 (or more), Low Improvements

and possibly be demoted. 1. +1 Mark in any Skill which has no
A Main Character whose Drive Rating more than 3 Marks already (from any
has been reduced to half due to Trauma will source). This can be a brand new Skill.
be noticeably frayed, and their associates 2. +2 SPI
will try to cheer them up, help them relax,
and otherwise get them some help. A Main
Medium Improvements
1. +1 Mark in any Skill which has no
Character whose Drive Rating has been
more than 5 Marks already (from any
reduced due to Trauma will suffer a mental
breakdown, brought on by the stress of
2. +1 Mark in any of the Skills from
Basic Training in your current Branch
Retiring a Main Character of Service (regardless of current
Having any rating drop to zero could be Marks)
cause to retire the character from the game. 3. +1 Group Gift in your current Service
Most Players will become emotionally 4. Any Gift listed on your list of
attached to their characters – they’ve spent Homeworld Gifts (provided you meet
a long time playing their role in the game, the Requirements)
and time equates to improved abilities, 5. Any Gift listed on your list of
greater reputations Species Gifts (provided you meet the
Character 6. Replace any Dubious Gift with a Basic
Gift. (Remove any Attribute
Improvement adjustments, plus or minus, but do
As characters continue play, they will
not adjust SPI.)
face dangerous threats and encounter new
7. +4 SPI
places and situations. Some missions will be
successful. Others … will be charitably High Improvements
described as a “learning experience.” 1. +1 Mark in any Skill
A Main Character’s abilities improve. On 2. Any Basic Gift
the character sheet, you will find an Im� 3. Any Advanced Gift, provided you
provement Track. After three game sessions already meet the requirements
of harrowing, nail-biting adventure, a Main 4. Any Dubious Gift
Character gains one kind of improvement. 5. +1 in your lowest Attribute Rating
6. +6 SPI
Adventures Improvement
3 Low
6 Medium SPI and
9 Low Promotions
12 Medium After every mission debriefing where a
15 Low mission was successful, a Main Character
18 High gains +1 SPI. For particularly successful
missions, the Game Host may award more.
After the High Improvement, the Likewise, failed missions can lower SPI.
counter resets. So three adventures after A character cannot attempt to rise to the
the last High Improvement, the Main next rank until their Social-Political Intelli-
Character receives another Low Improve- gence is equal to the minimum for the rank.
ment, and so on. Promotions rarely happen on the battle-
field. The Character will have to submit their
request in writing, and to wait for a re-
sponse from their superiors.

135•1 3 5

E Q U I P M E N T • equpment

seldom saboted, as the targets they are
shooting at do not wear armor.
Gun controls vary widely from world to
world, and are largely dependent on the
local state of settlement and attitude
towards personal security. Gun ownership is
strictly controlled in the Core Worlds, and
civilian weapons include digital gun cam-
eras that record an image every time the
gun is fired. In some cases, this image may
even be automatically broadcasted to the
local police station. On some Core Worlds,
gun ownership may even be taken as a sign
of undue paranoia and unsociability. On
Despite the overall advanced state of some Outer Worlds, personal firearms are
technology in the Confederation and in the the norm.
Republic, military scientists have yet to All normal ammunition can be fired in a
improve on the familiar ballistic weapons of vacuum, or underwater, as the rounds are
the sort employed in the real world. While propelled by means of a chemical charge
more exotic weapons do exist (such as that contains sufficient oxygen within itself
powered rifles that use magnetic fields to to ignite and explode. An unsupported
hurl thousands of razor-sharp flechettes at person firing a gun in zero-g will find
a target) these tend to be prototypes, rarely themselves moving in a direction opposite
seen in the hands of the common soldier. the one they were firing in. The movement
Old fashioned slug-throwers remain a quite imparted will be very slight in most circum-
effective way of killing at a distance, and stances. For example, an 80 kg character
the most affordable manner in which to who fired a two-gram bullet at 400 meters
equip an army. per second would find himself traveling
Slug-throwers manufactured by the ma- backwards at a rate of one centimeter per
jor powers fire rounds of two basic second, or 0.036 kph. Even firing under full
calibers – 6mm and 8mm. The EDF uses the automatic for several seconds would not
8mm standard caliber in all their firearms, send the character spinning away into
while the Republic uses 6mm. The Encha- space. A gun fired underwater works
wah Group generally uses 5mm normally, but accuracy is very poor.
ammunition, and a wide range of calibers is
offered by civilian manufacturers. Military
firearms fire saboted projectiles, meaning
Weapons of
that each round contains a smaller projec- the EDF
tile, one which actually strikes the target. EDF military weapon design philosophy
The larger round (8mm in the case of the proceeds from the assumption that their
EDF) is fired out the barrel but is quickly forces will be engaged with armored, military
shed, and the smaller projectile proceeds on opponents. As such, they are loaded with
its own trajectory. Saboted rounds are rounds specifically designed to penetrate
capable of great velocities, and pierce armor normal infantry armor. All EDF weapons use
quite readily. EDF rounds are cased in Teflon, standard 8 mm ammunition, and may also
in the belief that this enhances their pene- fire non-saboted 8 mm civilian rounds. The
tration ability further, while ILR rounds are only differences lie in the length of pistol and
caseless. Civilian and police rounds are rifle ammunition, 24 mm and 56 mm respec-
tively. Civilian models of most weapons are
available – with the exception of assault and


equpment • E Q U I P M E N T

support weapons – but these may have for firing. The grenades may also be set to
limited capabilities depending on local laws. A explode at certain ranges before impact –
digital camera that broadcasts an image of allowing a soldier to rain shrapnel on the
the target to the local police station when- heads of enemy troops by exploding a
ever a shot is fired is a common addition to grenade above their heads. The carbine
civilian weapons, as are mechanical restric- magazine contains 24 rounds, while the
tions on fully automatic fire. grenade launcher holds a single 32 mm
LAKW 1-56 rifle grenade. With the launcher it weighs
3.5 kg, unloaded. Without, it weighs 3 kg.
GLKW 32 under-rifle
grenade launcher
The standard combat weapon of EDF
surface operations, the LAKW-156 8 mm
Not an independent weapon of its own,
automatic rifle is efficient and easy to use.
the GLKW is designed to be mounted under
Administrative Operations personnel
the muzzle of any of the LAKW rifles. It is
attached to surface units are also issued
essentially a barrel designed to accommo-
these weapons, though they are usually
date a single 32 mm grenade. Internal
kept in storage. Known to most troopers
electronics can adjust the standard EDF
simply as the LAK (and informally as “the
variable grenade, allowing the firer to
lackey”), the LAKW is an excellent all-round
control at which range the grenade ex-
weapon, suitable for a range of operations.
plodes. The GLKW must be used on a rifle
Standard surface operation models include
with digital targeting sights to make use of
a laser spot, and may also come with digital
this capability. The GLKW weighs 0.5 kg.
sights that feature night-vision and zoom
capabilities. Homeguard units often have PAKW 4-12
stripped down versions, with a just a laser- semiautomatic pistol
spot. The metal stock may be slid into the
body of the weapon – this is commonly
done when fighting in close quarters. The Issued to everyone of rank O6 or above,
military version of the LAKW is capable of regardless of service, the PAKW is nearly as
single-shot, burst, or fully automatic fire. common as the LAKW. A durable and
EDF battlefield philosophy discourages the simple weapon, it is also commonly found in
use of auto-fire. It has a magazine capacity civilian use, for personal use or civic secu-
of 24 rounds. It weighs 3.5 kg, unloaded. rity. The PAKW is used solely for close-
LAKW 1-30 range fighting, and is particularly useful for
carbine/assault weapon indoor engagements or fighting in close
quarters, as aboard a ship. The military
version of the PAKW usually features a
laser-spot. Its magazine holds 16 rounds. It
weighs 0.75 kg, unloaded.
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw
The LAKW 1-30 is a stripped down ver- Equipment of ILR Troops
sion of the LAKW 1-56, with a shorter Republican troops on the ground often lack
muzzle. It is used for close range fighting. access to specialized equipment. There are two
Among EDF forces it is most commonly seen reasons for this. First, the overriding desire to
in the assault weapon variant, with a achieve the most “bang for buck” means that
grenade launcher slung under the barrel. In advanced or expensively manufactured
this configuration the LAKW 1-30 also equipment is spread as thinly as possibly.
serves as a powerful support weapon. Secondly, the average ILR recruit has rather
Digital sights work with the launcher to weak technical skills, and cannot be trusted to
determine range and targeting, automati- make use of some equipment. As an example,
cally informing the user of the best angle hand computers are assigned only to officers.

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MPKW 2-18 CKW 8x56 precision rifle

machine pistol

The MPKW is the standard weapon of

Aerodyne crews and Aerospace security A military version of an early civilian
teams, and also sees use with surface weapon, the CKW is extremely accurate out
operations specialists and armor crews. It to several hundred meters. They use stan-
combines high rate of fire with a compact dard 8 mm rifle rounds, and have powerful
size essential for shipboard actions and optical telescope sights that feature digital
storage in a cramped cockpit. The MPKW targeting assistance. The precision rifle is
includes a folding wire stock and laser spot, not same as a sniper rifle, as it is less
and may be fitted with digital sights in powerful and has a shorter range. Precision
special situations. Its range is limited, but its rifles are used to kill individual enemy
magazine capacity and capability for personnel from a distance during an ad-
automatic fire make it an excellent tool for vance. The CKW may only fire single shots.
clearing rooms. It may be fired in single shot Its magazine holds 24 rounds. Unloaded, it
or burst modes as well. The magazine holds weighs 5 kg.
24 rounds. It weighs 1.5 kg.
MAKW 3-60
light machine gun
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw
Firearm Action
The game term Action refers to when a
character does something in the Round.
A rugged and relatively light-weight
The firearm term “action” refers to the
weapon, the MAKW is the standard support
mechanism of how a gun readies a bullet.
weapon found in most light infantry squads.
1. With a single-action (such as a shot
If belt-fed, it is capable for firing continu-
gun or rocketlauncher), after firing
ously. However, it is more commonly fed
one shot, the user must slide a bolt,
with 100 round magazines. The MAKW fires
pump a lever, or otherwise do some
standard 8 mm rifle rounds. It comes with a
thing to ready the next shot.
folding bipod for stable fire, and some
2. With a semi-automatic action,
squads may also use a tripod. The MAKW
every time the user pulls the trigger,
may be fired without a support, but at
another shot is readied, so bullets
greatly reduced accuracy. It weighs 8 kg
are expended as fast as someone
when unloaded.
pulls the trigger, which could be
two or three every second. Semi LRCKW 10x56 sniper rifle
auto allows a shooter to quickly
correct for a miss, but firing too
many shots this way (with recoil,
shell ejections, and the motion of
repeated trigger pulls) will reduce
accuracy. This bulky and powerful tripod weapon is
3. With a fully-automatic action, the
capable of puncturing vehicle armor at
gun fires bullets as long as the trig ranges of near 1 kilometer. Due to the
ger is held down, allowing the user ranges involved, optical sights are required,
to expend bullets very quickly (10 but these have extensive digital targeting
bullets a second or more) and to assistance enhancements. The LRSKW fires
properly suppress an area. 12 mm saboted rounds from an 8 round
All fullyautomatic guns in this game are magazine, and must be mounted on a tripod
also selective-fire – the user can choose to be fired properly. Ideally, it is placed in a
among single, semiauto, and fullauto fire.

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very high vantage point, such as an apart- usually out-maneuver or outrun the mis-
ment building. LRSKWs are too bulky to be siles, and larger vessels are unlikely to suffer
assigned to squads in normal operations, serious damage. However, the PRLW can be
and are controlled as company level re- extremely effective when used against an
sources. It weighs more than 15 kg. aerodyne as it is landing. The launcher
GAKW 32 grenade weighs 12 kg, and each rocket weighs 3 kg.
launcher Variable Grenades

EDF variable grenades may be thrown or

fired from 32 mm grenade launchers. When
An imposing looking piece of armament, used with a launcher, they may be manually
the GAKW fires 32 mm grenades up to 400 set to explode after a given period, and to
meters. It is normally used for indirect fire either serve as armor-piercing or fragmen-
over the heads of the enemy, though it can tation grenades. The armor-piercing setting
also be used to disable armor and APCs. It is only useful when the grenade is fire from
includes digital sights that can be used to a launcher, as it will only explode when it
pre-set detonation times and ranges. The strikes the target. This setting is useful
magazine contains four grenades. Unloaded, against lightly-armored vehicles, and can
it weighs 6 kg. also case severe damage to structures. The
fragmentation setting explodes after a set
PRLW portable period (or at a preset range if used with a
rocket launcher digital targeting sight), and spreads shrapnel
over a large area. The casing of the grenade
is made of study plastic infused with razor
sharp metal flechettes. These provide the
shrapnel. When they are set for armor
piercing, three guidance fins pop out of rear
of the casing. Each grenade weighs 0.5 kg.
Specialized Grenades

The EDF produces a number of highly

specialized grenades for specific purposes.
There are five basic types, incendiary, smoke,
The PRLW portable rocket launcher is the flare, irritant and stun. All of these grenades
most devastating conventional weapon may be thrown or launched. They weigh
available to a squad level unit. When 0.5 kg.
uplinked to Command and Control through Incendiary grenades are packed with
a field computer (see Infantry Gear) they are napalm, a highly flammable and sticky
capable of striking targets up to 4 km away. chemical that spreads over a large area
While normally operated by two people, the when the grenade explodes. These devices
PRLW may be fired by a single soldier if can cause horrific (and often nonfatal)
necessary. It is capable of firing anti-armor wounds, and are rarely issued to EDF troops.
or fragmentation anti-personnel missiles. Smoke grenades are used to conceal troop
Fragmentation missiles are typically used movements from the enemy, and provide
against large concentrations of enemy thick, billowing clouds of smoke for several
troops and thin-skinned vehicles. While it is minutes. They have no other use, though
capable of severely disabling armored they may be combined with irritant chemi-
vehicles, the PRLW is less useful against cals to create opaque clouds of tear gas.
flying targets. Aerodyne gunships can Flare grenades use burning magnesium to
illuminate a large area, and may also

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temporarily blind enemy combatants, high rates of fire compensate for mediocre
especially if used at close range. Flare marksmanship. The average ILR infantry
grenades may also serve as a signal to squad is equipped with stripped down
passing aircraft. automatic carbines, submachine guns, or
Irritant grenades emit a cloud of noxious machine pistols, all using saboted 6x40 mm
chemicals, such as tear gas, potent enough rounds. While this ammunition load is not
to force most unprotected people to flee the always effective against EDF troops in battle
area. Typically, they cause shortness of armor, it is brutally efficient when it comes
breath and extreme eye irritation. These to killing lightly-armored Homeguard troops
effects are temporary, but highly unpleas- and civilians. The high rate of fire also
ant. Depending on the chemical used, they makes these weapons effective tools for
may linger for several hours. Stun grenades denying passage through a given area to
emit a powerful burst of sound and light enemy troops – ILR squads are trained to
meant to shock and disorientate the target, simply hose the enemy with projectiles until
and can be devastatingly effective if used they can close with them.
AW 191 carbine

This is the standard weapon used by ILR

heavy infantry squads and boarding teams.
Shotguns were invented fairly early on in The AW 191 is an extremely rugged weapon,
history, and continue to see use as a civilian and capable of very high rates of fire. It has
self-defense weapon and as a specialized a laser spot and an optical “snap shot” sight.
firearm by security and military forces. The It has a folding metal stock. The AW 191 is
shot-gun is a smooth-barreled rifle that is the weapon that most ConFed citizens
most commonly loaded with shells contain- envision when they think of the ILR. The
ing “shot,” tiny metal pellets. When the gun magazine has a capacity of 48 rounds.
is fired these pellets spread over an arc,
potentially striking a number of targets. ML 199 submachine gun
They have a relatively short range.
While shotguns are largely ineffective
against armored targets, they are useful for
untrained shooters, allowing them to at While the AW 191 is representative of
least graze a target without precise aiming. the ILR in the minds of many, the ML 199 is
They are also useful for security teams actually the weapon most commonly found
driven to use force against a large group of in the hands of Republican troops. This is an
rioters. Military personnel find shotguns odd-looking weapon, scarcely larger than a
handy in cramped conditions, such as machine pistol when the stock is folded. The
indoor fighting; shotguns can be issued for ML 199 has a laser spot and short sight, and
infiltration of urban settings. has a magazine capacity of 32 rounds.
MP 197 special weapon
Weapons of
the ILR
Cost, reliability, and fully-automatic fire
capability are the greatest deciding factors
The MP 197 is assigned to officers and
when it comes to the design of weapons in
armor crews in the ILR. It is even more
the Independent Lapine Republic. ILR
compact than the ML 199, and when the
conscripts are typically not as well-trained
stock is retracted or removed it would be
as their EDF counterparts. Reliable weapons
indistinguishable from a machine pistol,
do not require skilled maintenance, and very


equpment • E Q U I P M E N T

where it not for the extra-long magazine ble of penetrating standard EDF ballistic
protruding from the grip. The MP 197 is a cloth, though rifle rounds may do so. It is
devastating weapon in close quarters possible to severely injure or kill someone
combat. It has a laser spot and short sight. who is wearing ballistic cloth armor, even if
The magazine contains 32 rounds. firing a weapon that cannot penetrate the
MS 195 shotgun material, as the force of impact is in no way
reduced. It is simply spread over a larger
Battle Armor:
The preferred weapon for pacification Surface and Aircrew
forces on the ILR homeworlds, the MS 195
does not often see field use -- the ILR prefer
to use machine-guns, rifles, and armor to
prevent hostile troops from entering
territory in the first place. However, police
forces and hold-outs during EDF mop-up
operations will often encounter desperate
soldiers holed up in buildings, with these

Clothing and
Clothing presents a special problem for
the EDF, given the varied body-types of the
species in the service. Entire committees of
administrative and logistics staff work to
solve the matter, spending months design-
ing a better sock, or a VHALO boot that will
fit a penguin. Avians are a particular
problem, with the exception of penguins,
who may dress in tailored version of normal
garb with extremely short trousers. The
avian body form is simply unsuited to
military garb and armor, and most birds go
unclothed. While this undress causes no
concerns when it comes to modesty or
comfort, an eagle (for example) who ven-
tures onto a battlefield in the altogether is
going to be at a significant disadvantage
when facing his well armored enemies.
Solutions do exist, but they are far from
perfect, and as a result very few birds end Worn over the standard combat fatigues
up in combat roles. (see below), EDF infantry battle armor
Most military garments make use of bal- provides ample protection, and can even
listic cloth. This is a light-weight, durable deflect direct rifle hits. A shell of ballistic
fabric made from multiple layers of syn- cloth contains several monomolecular plates
thetic fiber that are, weight for weight, that protect the torso and limbs. To preserve
many times stronger than steel. When a flexibility, the joints are protected with an
bullet or fragment of shrapnel hits the additional layer of ballistic cloth instead of
ballistic cloth, it cannot penetrate, and the metal plate, making them somewhat
force of the impact is spread over the vulnerable. A ballistic cloth collar may be
surface of the fabric. Handguns are incapa- closed around the throat and chin, though

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this is normally only done when a solider is internal padding is shaped to reflect the
bracing for an explosion. Aircrew battle diverse ear types of EDF soldiery. Rabbits
armor is similar to infantry armor, but is and similarly large-eared animals keep their
much less bulky in order to deal with ears under the helmet, which may become
cramped cockpits. Consequently, it offers uncomfortable after long wear.
less protection from direct fire. This armor is The helmet is open-faced, with a padded
worn by aerodyne pilots and crew while chinstrap. Transparent ballistic visors can be
they are in the atmosphere, and expect affixed to the front of the helmet for face
surface fire. and eye protection, but these are distributed
Both versions of the battle armor are only for specific short-term operations
worn in two pieces – trousers and jacket – (such as raids), and soldiers on long-term
and may be worn underneath foul weather duty in the field rarely use them. Helmet
garb. It contains biometric sensors that electronics are powered by a small battery,
monitor the life-signs of the solider wearing which typically has a field-life of 96 hours.
them. These are constantly relayed to Soldiers carry several of these batteries.
Command and Control (C&C), and also serve The helmet is a miracle of compact elec-
to act as a locator beacon that displays the tronics. It incorporates a computer
soldier’s location. The avian version of this controlled radio headset and throat micro-
armor is comprised of a rugged bib that phone that allows a solider to stay in
protects the soldier’s torso, lined with contact with C&C, and with members of his
monomolecular plates. The wings are own squad. Squad leaders are able to carry
covered with a thick cape of ballistic fabric. on private conversations with individual
All versions of the battle armor include members of their unit, and can enforce
durable gloves. radio silence. The helmet understands basic
Standard Battle Helmet verbal commands for directing communica-
and Field Communicator tions - a squad leader who requests a
private channel to his superior is connected
without pressing a single button. C&C
passively records every conversation for
later reference, but does not actively
monitor radio chatter.
Embedded sensors in the helmet monitor
brainwave activity, and upload this informa-
tion to C&C. An alarm is triggered if
brainwave activity ceases or drops below a
certain level. Medical officers and psycholo-
gists can actually interpret this data to
determine the basic emotional state of an
Advanced Battle Helmet
and Field Communicator
Worn by combat officers, armor crews,
and pilots, the advanced battle helmet is
actually comprised of two separate layers.
Lightweight and durable, the standard The first is a padded skull-cap that contains
EDF battle helmet is designed to protect communications gear and biometrics. This
against impacts and shrapnel, as well as skull-cap is covered with ballistic cloth, and
keep an infantryman in constant contact provides enough protection against impacts
with the chain of command. The rigid that many armor crew rely on it alone. In
monomolecular shell can deflect direct hits the field the padded cap is worn under a
from smaller caliber sidearms, and internal monomolecular shell similar to the standard
padding diffuses the shock of impacts. The battle helmet. The advanced helmet con-


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tains more extensive electronics, and a All EDF personnel are provided with a
longer range integral radio. It may also be pair of combat boots and uniform shoes,
fitted with an armored face plate that with the exception of birds, who receive
automatically seals to the helmet, making it general purpose “gloves” they may choose
a suitable component for a spacesuit. If this to wear over their talons. Aerospace crews
is done, a miniature oxygen tank and wear a combat boot variant that connects
rebreather provides life-support for up to to their spacesuit. Non-avian officers with
two hours. VHALO personnel invariably higher than O6 rank also receive parade
wear this face plate during drops. boots (plantigrade only) to wear with their
Concealed Armor dress uniforms. Normal combat boots are
made from durable, waterproof synthetics,
Dignitaries, secret police, criminals, and
with a rubber sole. They are laced up the
other folks of means who are expecting
front. Aerospace boots are laceless, and
violence may employ varieties of concealed
must be pulled on. They may be sealed to
armor. Protective vests can be worn under
any standard spacesuit or vacuum-suit liner.
bulky clothing, but sometimes such clothing
VHALO troops wear specialized combat
is inappropriate. Clothing can be crafted
boots that contain a complicated internal
from monomolecular fibers woven over
metal framework that provides ankle
protective plates, appearing almost indistin-
support during drops. Combat boots are
guishable from regular clothes, but
worn by all personnel when they are dressed
providing protection that approaches full
in their utility fatigues or battle armor.
battle dress.
Uniform shoes and dress boots are made
Footwear from a glossy synthetic coating over a
The design and issue of practical foot- organically grown suede-like material,
wear provides a particular challenge for the similar to patent leather. They are worn
EDF, given the wide differences in foot and more for their appearance than durability.
leg physiology amongst the various races of Uniform shoes are worn with the standard
the Confederation. The sentient races have general duty uniform, and are laced. Dress
hooves, trotters, and paws of every descrip- boots rise to the knee, and are lace-less.
tion. The talons of birds present a particular They are meant for wear with the formal
problem. Though they are able to go “bare- dress uniform, but are sometimes worn with
foot” in almost all situations, they obviously the general duty uniform by officers in
require foot protection in combat condi- specific units, as part of an obscure military
tions, extreme environments, and in a tradition that likely originated in a local
vacuum. shortage of uniform shoes.
Another complicating factor is the dif- Socks are worn under all footwear, to
ference between digitigrade and plantigrade provide additional insulation and protection
legs. Digitigrade legs most closely resemble from chafing. Socks of different weights
those of real world dogs and cats, and and warmth are worn in each season – this
feature what appears to be a “backward is affectionately known as the CSS, or
knee.” In reality, this is an extended foot and Combat Sock System.
ankle structure, and the toes are used as the
foot. Digitigrade legs appear in a small, but
Foul Weather Garb
In cold weather infantrymen will don
significant, portion of the population, most
insulated jackets and trousers over their
commonly among foxes. Plantigrade legs
fatigues and battle armor. These waterproof
are humanoid. To address this problem, the
garments are bulky, especially when worn
EDF is forced to produce a large range of
over battle armor, but are loose and light
fairly generic shoes and boots suitable for
enough that they do not impede mobility.
both leg types. Digitigrade footwear is
The padding provides a small degree of
simply more flexible than plantigrade
protection against minor impacts, such as
footwear, almost resembling a snug sack
punches and kicks. Foul weather garb is
that is placed over the leg. It has a smaller
invariably olive green, no matter the service.
sole to reflect the smaller walking surface.

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The avian version of this clothing resembles impacts. The outer layer is not flexible,
an insulated cape, with leggings. In ex- requiring the joints to be made of a compli-
tremely wet or rainy conditions infantrymen cated “accordion” of ballistic fabric that
will be issued a rain poncho made of coated allows the wearer to bend his arms and legs
cloth that goes over all other clothing. It is normally. Gloves and boots are separate
open at the sides to allow access to firearms from the basic suit, and must be worn for it
and gear. Avians may wear this poncho with to be effective. Normal Aerospace combat
only minor modifications. boots can be used with the suit, but these
Headgear (non-combat) do not offer the same protection.
If the suit is slashed, the gel forms a bar-
EDF units normally disdain non-
rier that serves as a temporary patch. Larger
functional headgear, limiting themselves to
tears can be repaired with adhesive repair
woolen toques or watch-caps in cold
patches that are stored in a pocket. The
weather, and peaked caps (similar to a
most obvious difference between the EDF
baseball hat) in sunny weather. Homeguard
suits and civilian models are the protective
units have a wide variety of headgear, much
monomolecular plates sewn into the torso
of it simply decorative. These hats serve to
section. These provide substantial protection
distinguish units and identify their planet of
against firearms and accidents.
The suit is a one piece garment (aside
Spacesuit: from the helmet, gloves, and boots) that is
EDF Utility put on like a coverall. It must be worn over a
liner (see below) for maximum effectiveness,
though in a pinch it may be worn alone.
Biometric and environment sensors are
located throughout the suit, and transmit
data to a tiny computer in the helmet. A
computer jack and status monitor is affixed
to the left breast, and it may be used to
patch into shipboard computers. Spacesuits
have a variety of Velcro patches, clips and
pockets for storing tools, as well as a
detachable electric lamp used to provide
light during repair jobs. EDF suits have
electromagnetic pads on the soles and
palms. These pads can be activated at will,
and allow the wearer to adhere to any
metallic surface. A flexible coil of tether line
is normally secured to the ship as an
additional precaution.
The suit is light enough and flexible
enough to be worn on the surface, and may
be used to explore airless bodies, or planets
with poisonous atmospheres. It is water-
The standard EDF spacesuit is little dif- tight, but the military version is not
ferent from the civilian model. It is made buoyant, making it a poor choice for un-
from two semi-rigid layers of synthetic derwater exploration. It offers limited
cloth, in between which are suit electronics, protection against high pressure conditions,
a layer of sealing gel, and a Mylar sheath and specialized hard-shell suits are required
that blocks a portion of incoming cosmic for exploring planets with very high atmos-
radiation. The gel also acts as temperature pheric pressure. Utility suits are not suitable
regulator, and is capable of rapidly cooling for protection from large amounts of hard
or heating. The outer layer is a light ballistic radiation, though they do provide enough
cloth that resists tearing and micro-meteor protection for normal wear in space. The

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suit has a small backpack with an oxygen infantry in transport, are given generic
supply and advanced rebreathing system emergency suits. Some crewmen may wear
that provides about 12 hours of life support. armored spacesuits instead, especially on
This backpack may be replaced or supple- smaller ships. Civilian ships are not required
mented by a much smaller unit that to provide utility suits to passengers, but
attaches to the back of the helmet. This they must have an adequate supply of
smaller unit is only useful for two hours. emergency suits or rescue balls (see below)
Spacesuits cannot recycle bodily waste. for everyone aboard. Avian spacesuits are
Urine is usually collected by a super absor- available, though they greatly reduce
bent gel pad (essentially a diaper) that can manual dexterity because the delicate,
trap several times its own weight in liquid. feathered fingers must be enclosed in fairly
This is usually sufficient for the normal crude mittens.
duration of the suit’s life support. Some
suits intended for only extravehicular use
have the option to store urine in a bladder
that may be discharged into space. While no
provisions are made for the collection of
solid waste, the suit is designed so that a
bowel movement will cause no serious
problems, though the personal comfort and
pride of the wearer will certainly be dam-
The suit helmet consists of a durable
shell that covers the head and a separate
face plate. The face plate is designed to suit
a range of muzzle sizes and types. It is made
from monomolecular metal, with a trans-
parent polycarbonate visor. If the user
wishes, a second photosensitive visor can be
lowered over the main visor. This automati-
cally darkens when exposed to very bright
light or flashes. Wearers normally lower the
photosensitive visor while moving from
place to place outside the ship, and raise it
when doing repairs or other tasks that
require full use of their vision. Some face- Armored spacesuits are worn by freefall
plates are simply transparent plastic half- infantry and aerospace crew in extraordi-
spheres that affix to the helmet – these are nary situations. It is simply a more
worn when full visibility is required. The extensively armored version of the EDF
helmet incorporates much of the suit utility suit, with additional plates in the legs
electronics, and includes a radio, additional and arms, and a more durable helmet. The
biometric sensors, and a miniature video suit is designed to fit onto the EVA rig (see
projector that can display visuals on the below) and has an elaborate system of
inside of the faceplate. Vomiting inside a backpack clamps to accommodate the rig. It
suit helmet is a potentially serious matter, also has clips and ammo pockets, similar to
especially for zero-g novices. EDF suit those on surface body armor, for securing
helmets are equipped with filters that arms and ammo. It is otherwise identical to
prevent vomit from entering the rebreather the utility suit.
system, and all internal helmet electronics Armored spacesuits are very bulky – any-
are waterproof. one wearing one moves much slower.
Utility suits are issued to normal EDF
crew and are donned whenever the vessel
enters a hostile system. Passengers, such as

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Spacesuit: Uniforms
Emergency When not in combat or engaged in po-
Emergency spacesuits are issued to pas- tentially messy duties, cadets and officers
sengers on civilian liners and infantry in alike are expected to don their general duty
transit aboard a capital ship. They are uniform. The general duty uniform is made
necessarily very generic, and a given suit of light-weight material, and is intended for
can be adjusted to fit every body type, indoor wear or temperate weather. A short-
though some of the more unusual avian sleeved tunic is often worn aboard ship.
types will require some effort. Essentially, Aerospace personnel wear blue uniforms,
the emergency suit is an air-tight bladder in while Surface Operations wear green.
roughly humanoid shape, topped with a Administrative staff and specialists wear the
metal collar that holds the helmet. A small color appropriate to the service to which
canister on the chest contains basic life- they are attached, with the exception of
support equipment, and a pouch around the certain departments. Doctors, especially in
waist contains an emergency repair patch. space, wear white versions of the uniform
Unlike rigid utility suits, which are able to when not in field. Most avians do not wear
maintain a constant volume of air and general duty uniforms, with the exception
pressure, emergency suits inflate like large of a collar featuring rank and service
balloons, lending the wearer a somewhat insignia.
comical appearance. The normal general duty uniform con-
Emergency suits have a durable outer sists of high collared tunic, belt, and
layer of thin ballistic cloth that serves to trousers. The jacket is fastened up the left
block micrometeor impacts and resist tears. hand-side of the torso with clasps that are
An inner layer of Mylar and fabric insulates concealed when the jacket is closed. Service
the suit somewhat and deflects a portion of insignia is placed on the collar, while rank
incoming radiation. The limbs and torso of insignia is placed on the left breast. The
the suit are covered horizontally and uniform is belted around the middle, with a
vertically with belts and straps that may be shoulder strap for additional support if a
used to crudely tailor it. For example, the pistol is worn. Only commanding officers
arms can be shortened by folding the are normally issued pistols. A long overcoat
sleeves onto themselves and securing them is available for cold weather conditions,
with straps. Emergency suits are not suit- though most prefer to wear the more
able for extended wear outside of a durable coat that is issued with foul
spaceship, and are intended for protection weather garb. The general duty uniform is
in the event of a hull breach. worn on formal occasions by cadets, while
The “fish-bowl” helmet is divided into officers have a dedicated dress uniform.
two pieces, front and back. These are locked The EDF dress uniform may vary in slight
together with metal clasps, and the whole particulars between units, with one unit
assembly snaps on to the metal collar. The having a different cap, or color patches.
helmet is made of a durable transparent Essentially, the dress uniform is a more
polymer. The canister on the chest contains elaborate version of the general duty
a basic rebreather and small oxygen supply, uniform, with knee high jackboots. A full-
enough for eight hours under normal length cape is worn over the shoulders. The
conditions. The canister has a small heater dress uniform is worn at diplomatic func-
and air cooler unit that regulates tempera- tions, social affairs, and important events,
ture, but if the wearer undertakes any such as treaty signings and medal award
vigorous action his body heat will rapidly ceremonies.
make the suit extremely uncomfortable and
cause condensation to form on the interior
Utility Fatigues
A set of durable one-piece coveralls
of the helmet. The suit and helmet can be
made of lightweight acrylic fabric for most
folded down and stowed in a very small
personnel, and a bib covered in pockets for
compartment. Ideally, they should be worn
avian troops. Normal infantry wear olive
with a vacuum-suit liner.

equpment • E Q U I P M E N T

green, though black fatigues may be issued Other Gear

to commandos for night-time raids. Aero- Military planners in the EDF believe that
space technical personnel wear orange it is essential for their troops to be prepared
fatigues while aboard ship, while normal for anything. As such, they are sent into the
starship crews wear blue. The overalls have field with an enormous supply of resources.
several pockets and Velcro patches for easy Most of these are kept in the stores of the
equipment storage. They treated with an oil central Administrative Group for the unit,
and water repellent, and are ideal for warm- and are distributed as needed. Larger units,
to-cool temperate environments. They are such as carrier groups, actually have an
designed to be worn comfortably over extensive manufacturing capability, and can
spacesuit liners, and under battle armor, create new equipment when the demand
spacesuits, or foul weather garb. arises. However, every individual crewman
Spacesuit Liner or solider is assigned a broad selection of
This is a skin-tight body sheath that tools and gear designed to support them in
covers the torso, arms, and legs, rather like their day to day tasks. The list below is a
a pair of long underwear. Aerospace crew representative sample of the typical items a
wear liners under their outer clothing at player can expect his character to have at
all times. When worn under a normal or hand at short notice, within reason. A
emergency spacesuit the liner provides shipboard technician is not likely to have an
additional support to the internal organs entrenching tool in his personal kit, and a
and guards against chafing. The liner may light infantry lieutenant won’t be able to
also serve as a very short-term spacesuit in obtain an EVA Rig from her platoon quar-
and of itself. The collars, sleeves, and pant termaster.
cuffs of the liner can be secured to a When sent into the field, Surface Opera-
normal spacesuit helmet, gloves, and boots tions troops are equipped with either a 24
respectively and thus serve as a crude hour kit, or a 72 hour kit. These kits contain
spacesuit. They may also be used with everything the solider is likely to need to
normal Aerospace combat boots, and survive in the field during that period.
experienced Aerospace personnel will keep 24-Hour Kit
their gloves and helmet within easy reach. The bulk of the 24-hour kit is contained
In the event of a hull breach, these can be within a small backpack with a rigid frame.
donned much faster than a full spacesuit. The pack is one size fits all and is held with
A vacuum-suit liner used in this way padded shoulder straps, a chest strap, and a
provides adequate life-support for up to detachable waist belt. It is made of light
two hours, using the miniature life- ballistic cloth, affording an additional layer
support pack on the helmet. After 30 of protection to the back, and weighs about
minutes, however, the wearer will experi- 1.5 kg when empty. The main compartment
ence severe discomfort as the liner is has a volume of 20 liters, and two side
unable to provide adequate support for pouches hold 5 liters each. A rifleman’s 24-
internal organs on its own. hour kit includes the following items, some
COMMAND REVIEW • Command R#v#uw
of which are stored in the pack, and some of
Gear of the ILR which are clipped to the front of the armor:
ILR equivalents to all the EDF equipment 1. Aid kit (personal for riflemen, trauma
listed above exist, but they tend to be made for medics)
as cheaply as possible. This does not neces 2. Battery pack (25 batteries)
sarily mean that ILR equipment is unreliable, 3. Blanket
but it does mean that ILR forces do not 4. Canteen (2)
always have the same level of flexibility as 5. Cord
their EDF counterparts. Even a piece of ILR 6. Entrenching tool
equipment as basic as a canteen will tend to 7. Flare (2)
be somewhat basic. The ILR strives for 8. Flashlight
durability over flexibility. 9. Gas mask

147•1 4 7

E Q U I P M E N T • equpment

10. Grenade, variable (2) 5. Cord

11. Hygiene kit 6. Entrenching tool
12. Infantry Field Computer 7. Flare (2)
13. 8 mm rifle or machine pistol
8. Flashlight
magazine (8)
9. Gas mask
14. 8 mm pistol magazine (4) 10. Grenade, variable (6)
(Officers only)
11. Hygiene kit
15. Ration bars (3 meals)
12. Infantry Field Computer
16. Utility tool
13. 8 mm rifle or machine pistol

The total weight of the 24-hour kit

magazine (16)

ranges between 12 and 16 kg for most

14. 8 mm pistol magazine (6) (Officers
72-Hour Kit 15. Ration bars (12 meals)
16. Utility tool
The 72 hour kit is issued when troops
17. Tent (Personal)

can expect to be in combat without

The 72 hour kit weighs about 19 kg.

support for an extended period. The

majority of the items are contained within Aid Kit: Personal and Trauma
a large rucksack that covers the entire The personal first aid kit is a small zip-
back. The rucksack is made from ballistic pered pouch containing pressure
cloth, and armor plates may be placed in bandages, pain-killers, tweezers, scissors,
the external pockets for added protection. and antibiotic spray. All personnel are
Internal support is provided by two alumi- issued a kit. Surface Operations troops
num stays which are bent to the shape of carry theirs into the field, while Aerospace
each individual’s back. It has a capacity of crews typically store them in their personal
approximately 80 L. The rucksack can be lockers. The pain-killers are mildly narcotic,
divided into two compartments by a draw and it is possible to form a psychological
cord closure in the center, or used as a addiction to them. However, psychological
single large bag. Access is through the top. screening keeps addictive personalities out
A strap on the hip belt is attached to load of regular service, and regular equipment
transfer rods that run up the sides of the checks quickly turn up missing painkillers.
rucksack. This allows weight to be trans- The personal kit weights 0.25 kg.
ferred between the shoulders and the hips. The trauma aid kits issued to medics are
It also has a chest strap. The 72-hour kit much more extensive. In addition to a wide
includes the following: selection of bandages they include: burn
1. Aid kit (2 personal kits for riflemen, 1 dressings, blood clotting spray to quickly
trauma kit for medics) seal injuries, wound probe, large syringes
2. Battery pack (25 batteries) for wound irrigation, 2 meters of plastic
3. Blanket tubing, antibiotic spray and pills, various
4. Canteen (2) forceps, scalpel, sutures, needles, tweezers,


equpment • E Q U I P M E N T

penlight, cold packs, painkillers, sedatives, Homeguard recruits are often told other-
pep pills, and eight life-sign monitors that wise. Canteens are normally only issued to
can be placed on the chest or forehead of surface troops, and are carried in ballistic
the wounded. These monitors constantly cloth case. They are canisters, similar in
transmit data to the medic’s hand com- size and shape to a thermos. A full can-
puter. The medic kit weighs about 3 kilos, teen contains 1.5 liters of water, and
and is contained in a 15 cm x 10 cm case. weighs 2 kg in total. An empty canteen
weighs 0.5 kg.
Battery Pack
Standard EDF batteries are used to Cord
power everything from field computers to A 15 meter length of thin nylon rope,
digital sights to helmet radios. They can typically yellow. It can support about 150 kg
provide a continuous charge until almost of weight, but is easily cut. It weighs about
entirely depleted, something that may take 0.25 kg. It can be used to tie up prisoners, or
several hundred hours in the case of low- as a garrote.
power devices. Physically, they are tiny
Entrenching Tool
flattened cylinders, about 2 cm thick and 1
Ubiquitous among Surface Operations
cm wide. They may be fully recharged by
troops, but very rarely used. The entrench-
plugging them into a charger unit con-
ing tool is essentially a small metal shovel
nected to a central power supply for an
that folds into a very compact package,
hour. Surface operations personnel in the
about 15 cm x 12 cm. It is next to useless
field are issued a package of 25 batteries,
as a serious tool, but is better than noth-
and rarely have the opportunity to use
ing. Though its stated purpose is to dig
more than one or two of them. The
shallow trenches during extended fire-
battery pack weighs 100 grams.
fights, it most often sees use in the
Blanket construction of impromptu latrines. When
The Surface Operations field blanket is unfolded, the shovel is about 40 cm long.
2 m x 1 m rectangle of thinly quilted It is heavy enough to be used as a light
waterproof material, containing several club. It weighs 2 kg.
tiny heating elements that run the length
of the fabric. When these are switched on,
Intended for extended jaunts away
the blanket provides adequate sleeping
from a spaceship, the EVA (Extravehicular
protection for temperatures as low as –14
Activity) Rig is a bulky backpack that plugs
C. The blanket uses standard batteries and
over the life-support unit on a utility or
can operate for more than 100 hours on a
armored spacesuit. A series of miniature
single cell. When the heating elements are
rockets propel the operator at great speed
off, the blanket alone is suitable for
towards his target. The operator ap-
temperatures as low as 10 C. It can be
proaches the target in an upright position
folded into a 30 cm x 20 cm x 10 cm
in order to ensure maximum visibility. The
bundle. The blanket weighs 0.5 kg.
Rig is designed to automatically correct for
Canteen dangerous trajectories, and will brake to
More than a simple container for water, avoid impacts. It can propel the wearer at
EDF canteens also feature micropore filters a relative velocity of 250 kph in zero-g,
under the cap that can remove most and can operate at full thrust for 10
chemical or biological contaminants from minutes. It is useless in any kind of gravity
water. To use the filter, the top piece of field, though it might contribute to some
the cap is removed during filling, which impressively high jumps in very low
exposes the filter. The canteen is held gravity. The rig weighs about 30 kg.
underwater, and water pressure pushes the
EVA Unit
liquid through the filter. Contrary to
The EVA (Extravehicular Activity) Unit is
barracks rumor, they cannot be used to
a handheld device that resembles a pistol
make urine into potable water. Unpopular
grip attached to a small oxygen canister. A

149•1 4 9

E Q U I P M E N T • equpment

small nozzle protrudes from the end of the Hand Computers

canister. The unit is used to assist in
moving around outside a spaceship.
Essentially, the operator points the nozzle
in the direction opposite the one they wish
to move, and pulls the trigger. A jet of
highly-pressurized oxygen is released,
pushing them backwards. The operator
should be tethered to the ship, as the unit
has a limited number of charges. When
full, it has enough for 30 one-second
bursts. The canister actually does contain
oxygen, and may serve as a supplement to
the suit’s normal supply by plugging it into
the helmet life-support unit. The EVA Unit
cannot propel the operator at speeds great
enough to cause serious injury – a full
strength blast would propel the operator Everyone in the EDF has access to a per-
at about 5 kph. It weighs 2 kg, and may be sonal hand computer that keeps them
used as a very crude club. connected to the Net and military infrastruc-
ture. While these computers vary from service
Flashlight to service, they all are built around a standard
The standard-issue EDF flashlight is a form. The hand computer is made from
durable, handheld unit with a bright light- sturdy titanium, measuring 10 x 12 cm, and is
emitting diode. They differ very little from less than a centimeter thick. Inside are a
civilian models, and are capable of operating powerful processor, digital camera, environ-
for several hundred hours on a single mental sensors, and an effectively unlimited
standard battery. Flashlights used by the amount of memory. Users input information
military and civil police units are 35 cm long on the 8 cm x 10 cm touch-sensitive screen,
and artificially weighted so they can double or by using a tiny keyboard which slides out
as a nightstick. Flashlights assigned to of the bottom of the unit. They may also be
normal EDF personnel are much smaller and operated with verbal commands if the unit is
lighter. The smaller models weigh 0.25 kg, connected to the Net. It weighs about 0.5 kg.
while the nightstick variety are 2 kg. Sliding open a cover on the top right-
Gas Mask hand of the back of the hand computer
The gas mask locks in place over the reveals a miniature camera lens, allowing
front of the standard battle helmet. A pair the unit to be used as a digital video cam-
of elastic straps allow it to be worn with- era. The lens-cover swivels outward and
out a helmet. It is a generic garment snaps down into place, acting as a conven-
designed to fit over any muzzle or beak, ient handle for steadier filming. The camera
and such protrudes outwards noticeably. It is capable of filming in infrared and low-
is made of light, high-impact plastic, and light conditions. The computer also has
does not provide any protection from gun miniature microphone and speaker, and may
fire. A visor and a single filter tube are set be used as a communication device or
into the mask. If worn alone, it provides sound recorder when necessary.
full protection against inhaled irritants like The standard hand computer has two ma-
smoke. If used with gloves, boots, helmet, jor variations, the Aerospace Field Computer
and full-length clothing, the mask provides (AFC) and the Infantry Field Computer (IFC),
adequate protection against most chemi- known familiarly as the “Af-cee” and “If-cee”
cal agents in the short term. It weigh 1 kg. respectively. The AFC has specialized connec-
tors and software that allow it to be used as
replacement for any crew station, and may
even override commands given from the


equpment • E Q U I P M E N T

physical station, provided the user has the from the camera is automatically uploaded to
authority to do so. For example, if the bridge C&C, whether it has been requested or not.
has been taken over by raiders, the ships The IFC is shielded against electromag-
engineer can plug his AFC into any data-port netic radiation (such as that caused by a
and issue commands to the helm. A simplified nuclear explosion) though radio jamming
graphical representation of the crew station devices can cut it off from outside communi-
appears on the screen. The AFC camera may cations. A miniature spool of fiber-optic wire
also be used to record a graphical representa- can be drawn from the left-hand side of the
tion of electromagnetic fields and local IFC and plugged into the helmet to ensure
radiation levels, which is very useful for secure communication between the IFC and
detecting reactor leaks. the electronics in the battle helmet. Built-in
The IFC is a flexible and highly portable environment sensors inform the operator
tool that keeps individual infantrymen over the battle helmet headset when local
informed about changing battlefield condi- radiation levels are elevated. While the IFC
tions. It is designed to work with the EDF itself cannot detect the presence of chemical
battle helmet, but may also function inde- weapons or similar toxins, it does automati-
pendently. The IFC is wirelessly connected to cally monitor any detectors a soldier may be
C&C through the radio in the battle helmet, carrying. If a soldier is captured or killed, or
and can also link into any standard commu- fears capture is inevitable, the computer’s
nication device. The IFC can also be operated memory can be instantly purged with a signal
with verbal commands, and if linked to a from C&C. The computer’s own operating
battle helmet the operator can whisper those system is intelligent enough to conduct this
commands almost inaudibly. Under normal purge by itself if it feels the situation is dire
conditions, a soldier keeps the IFC unit enough, based on data it is receiving from the
secured in a padded ballistic-cloth pocket on biometrics in the combat armor.
the right leg of his battle armor. Only the
Hygiene Kit
commanding officer of a given unit is likely
This is a small flexible case of toiletries and
to have the device out at any time, to prevent
soap that allows troops in the field to stay
battlefield distractions.
clean. It contains a toothbrush, 50 ml tube of
Before any military operation, every IFC
toothpaste, fur comb, antibiotic wipes, plastic
assigned to a solider participating in the
mirror, and a 150 ml tube of soap. All
action is preloaded with extensive maps,
hygiene kits are issued three packaged
combat objectives, and other essential
condoms. These are assigned to male and
information. These maps are interactive and
female personnel alike, according to species.
capable of displaying current battlefield
Though few will admit it, they are most often
conditions. For example, if a column of
used to waterproof rifle barrels.
enemy armor is advancing along a road, the
The hygiene kit weighs .25 kg.
map will display its progress in near real-time.
Any soldier can indicate enemy positions on Magazine
the touch screen, and upload that data to The standard EDF rifle magazine contains
C&C. However, in normal operations, only the 24 8x56 rounds, and weighs 0.4 kg. An EDF
officer in charge of a given unit is authorized pistol magazine contains 16 8x24 rounds, and
to send these updates, and submitting false weighs 150 grams. The machine pistol variety
data is a serious crime. Each upload instantly holds 24 8x24 rounds, and weighs 0.25 kg.
updates the overall battle map at C&C, and
this information is then downloaded to every
EDF field/emergency rations are simply
IFC unit in the field. In this way, every solider
preserved bars of nutritious organic material.
has quick access to maps that reflect a
A single bar fills all the basic vitamin and
constant stream of new battlefield intelli-
caloric requirements for a meal, thought they
gence. C&C may periodically request live
are not particularly palatable. These rations
video feeds from the battlefield, and this can
are the only source of sustenance that
be easily provided with the camera. Footage
surface troops receive while in combat, and

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E Q U I P M E N T • equpment

each person carries a three-day supply. A come standard with all EDF spacesuits, and
huge store is kept on most capital ships as a can be used to temporarily patch large holes
supplement to ordinary nourishment in the or tears. They are not as strong as the
event the organic food tanks fail. A single original material, and should be replaced at
meal consists of a single 100 gram bar. the earliest opportunity.
Rescue Ball Tent, 1-man
Used when emergency suits are unavail- The personal tent is an extremely com-
able, or when the crew needs to abandon a pact structure. It consists of a 2 meter long
rapidly disintegrating ship, rescue balls tube of waterproof, windproof fabric, and a
represent an absolute last resort for protec- collapsible square wire frame. The frame is
tion against the void. They resemble placed in the open end of the tube, creating
enormous transparent beach balls, about two a small support doorway. The user simply
meters in diameter, and are designed to hold climbs into the tube in order to sleep.
a single person. They are pulled over the head Personnel are expected to sleep with their
while uninflated, and the circular “door” is heads at the doorway to assist in quick exits.
zippered shut behind the occupant. A small When used with the standard blanket, the
oxygen cylinder inflates the ball and provides personal tent is quite snug and resistant to
sufficient breathable air for two hours. all but the most extreme weather. It weighs
Rescue balls provide no protection against 2 kg and may be folded down into a 20 cm x
radiation, and contain no emergency equip- 15 cm x 5cm bundle.
ment or maneuvering jets. The occupant
Utility Tool
simply bobs about forlornly in the hope of
This pocket-sized, multipurpose tool has
rescue. The rescue ball weighs 10 kg.
found its way into every branch of the EDF. It
Suit Patches is made entirely from metal, and folds into a
These are 10cm x 10cm squares of flexi- relatively small rectangle, about 10 cm x 4 cm
ble material with an adhesive backing. They in size. The edge of the tool has measurement
markers that allow it to serve as a short ruler.
The tool incorporates a full set of screwdriv-
ers, wire-cutters, small pliers, a 5 cm knife
blade, a serrated 8 cm saw-blade, and a 20
cm long wire saw. The knife and saw blades
can be used as weapons in a particularly
desperate situation. The wire saw can be
used as a particularly brutal garrote. It
weighs 0.5 kg.


Hosting a g&m • H O S T I N G A G A M E


GAME Hosting a g&m

Role-playing is often compared to sto-
rytelling. But what makes a good story?
Beyond the simple fun of the game, as
Game Host you should keep in mind what
makes for good narrative.
Developing a good game scenario is
very similar to writing fiction. In some
ways it's much easier. For one thing, the
Host doesn't have to worry about who the
main characters are or whose point of
view to present: The Players are the main
characters, and the story is always told
from their point of view.
The key element that is the same be-
To play Albedo: Platinum Catalyst, one tween games and fiction is the element of
person must serve as Game Host. The Host conflict. All good stories have conflict,
establishes a scenario and referees the because conflict brings change, and
Players' actions in it. The Host arbitrates without change there is no story. A con-
the rules and describes the results of flict can change one person, or it can
everything the Players do. The Host also change the entire world.
plays the roles of all Characters not run by What is conflict? Conflict is an attempt
the Players themselves. to overcome one or more obstacles,
The ultimate aim of Albedo is for all antagonists, or disasters. Every important
participants to have fun. It is a game, after scene in a game session should include
all. After a long week of school or work, it's conflict. Going through a conflict can be
fun to sit down and unwind by shooting outlined as a four stage encounter:
rabbits. Albedo offers a variety of war 1. Meeting: The Players meet the
exercises, such as escape, extraction, opposing force.
invasion, infiltration, sabotage, and assas- 2. Struggle: The Players attempt to
sination. overcome their opposition.
Albedo has no pre-determined conclu- 3. Resolution: Win, lose, or draw, the
sion, no magic number of points to conflict is resolved.
accumulate, and no victory conditions other 4. Change: As a result of the
than those which the Players and the Host encounter, something changes.
set for themselves. This is what RPGs are all In a long-running campaign, the
about. Different Players will have different change brought about by each encounter
goals for their Characters, and meeting can contribute to the next encounter. Each
those goals is a form of winning. But conflict builds on the previous one. The
everyone wins as long as the game is fun, so nature of those conflicts will help deter-
encourage fun whenever you can. mine the overall theme of the game.
Several elements combine to make role-
playing games different from most other

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H O S T I N G A G A M E • Hosting a g&m

Theme benevolent. Things happen because of

Behind every story is at least one mes- individuals, who are themselves larger than
sage the story wants to tell. The life. Lucky things happen to characters
personality and interests of the Host often almost without effort. Characters can dodge
determine the primary theme of the automatic fire, and have peerless skills. They
overall game. are set apart from society, because of how
great they are. They do the impossible on a
regular basis, and mundane individuals
cannot compete. This theme functions in
opposition to Naturalism, below.
A Game Host can invoke Romantic
themes by personifying issues rather than
leaving them abstract. An adventure about
the dangers of runaway industrialism
would feature an amoral company presi-
dent for the PCs to meet and dislike. A
hostage negotiation can be made more
dramatic by having one of the hostages be
a subordinate or peer of one of the Main
Characters. Whenever a situation comes
up in the game, think of a way to make it
relate directly to the Players.
Existentialism Naturalist themes can be unforgiving to
The core theme of Albedo is existential� the characters, and present the universe as
ism – the idea that things happen because uncaring or even hostile to them. There is
people make them happen. There are no no meaning, only a lot of events that
gods who made the universe and who happen. Individuals are left to make their
dictate the way things should be. The rules own meaning in the face of this. Bad
don't define good or evil. Event the SPI is things happen without reason. Characters
just an arbitrary number determined by can plan for things, but in many cases
Confederation society. The best stories in things just don't go their way. The future is
Albedo are ones where the characters uncertain, and something greater than the
examine themselves and their own motiva- heroes often threatens to destroy them,
tions. If things happen around them with their best hopes lying in simple
because of the choices they make, then survival. Characters are isolated from
what do those choices tell them about society by their inability to affect change.
themselves? They may bond with one another in their
As Game Host, you should invoke this struggle to survive, but alienation is a
theme often by presenting the characters recurring theme. This theme opposes
with moral dilemmas. Do they call in an air Romanticism, above.
strike on a target that has civilians? Can As Game Host, use Naturalism sparingly.
they carry out an assassination without Being powerless can be emotionally drain-
having exhausted every other opportunity? ing for the Players. On the other hand, fear
When evacuating personnel, who gets and risk build tension. Naturalism gets its
shipped out first? The Player Characters name from the natural world, so this theme
will be officers with responsibility over works best in adventures pitting the Player-
other people's lives — remind them of the Characters against the environment, such as
weight of that responsibility often. being stuck on a planet months with
dwindling ammunition, or trapped on a
Romanticism decompressing space station.
A Romanticized setting is generous to

the characters because the universe is

Hosting a g&m • H O S T I N G A G A M E

Naturalism works best when used on Host determines the scope of the setting,
Supporting Characters – having one whether it be a single military campaign
experience a tragic, random demise can on a single world, or a series of campaigns
remind the Players of the fatalities of war. across the whole of space.
All these elements make tabletop Role-
playing games far more social than their
Between these two extremes, Realism
computerized counterparts. Hosts can alter
gives the characters a fair shake. The
the game to suit their own interests and
universe is neutral. Things happen because
that of their Players. Everyone is involved
people make them happen, although every
in making the game work for themselves
now and then a random turn comes up.
and for others. The Host's part in this lies
Individuals can change their circum-
in communication with and knowledge of
stances, but it usually takes a lot of effort.
the Players. Most communication is taken
Good and bad things happen, but rarely
from verbal and visual cues. As Game Host,
unpredictably. Characters can have lucky
try to change the tone of your voice, or
breaks, but those are few and far between.
use gestures. Don't be afraid to use inside
Characters pushing their luck in dangerous
jokes with the Players, but don't let the
situations sometimes suffer for it — but
game stray too far.
not always. Characters are encouraged to
work together, to watch each other's back.
The Players should feel that their Char-
acters are in a universe where many
consequences to actions are pretty obvi-
ous, where random things rarely happen
but can still be spectacular, and where
working together in a society is the best
way to accomplish goals. Keep things
personable and fun, but don't be too
generous or the Players will lose their
motivation and their sense of wonder.
Throw a curve every now and then, but
don't crush your Players and deny control
to their Characters, or they will become
frustrated and lose interest in the game. Know Your Players
Though there will only be one type of
Host per game (you), there are liable to be
Social Elements several types of Players. The Host should
What makes tabletop Role-playing
know the Players well enough to craft
games different from other kinds of
stories that will be of interest to their
games? Tabletop Role-playing games are
Characters. What follows is a list of Player
always social; at heart it's a group of
people sitting around a table. Many
computer Role-playing games can be The Author
played entirely alone, which begs the This type of Player takes the narrative
question, "to whom are you playing your element of the story very seriously. An
role?" Tabletop Role-playing games may be Author will often keep notes, and have
played with unlimited durations and goals, lengthy character histories. This person has
while computer Role-playing games are a serious interest in playing and is highly
pretty much over when a player has involved with the game. Such Players can
accomplished all of the goals set by the be highly rewarding, but can also be very
game. Tabletop games are also more demanding of the Host. If Authors feel the
flexible in their rules and in their settings. Host doesn't take the game seriously, their
Albedo has many optional rules which the own interest will decline.
Host may include or disregard, and the

155•1 5 5

H O S T I N G A G A M E • Hosting a g&m
The Stickler "Rules Lawyers", who quote only rules
Players who are familiar with the which help them and not the ones which
source material and the setting of the may hinder them.
Albedo series often know more about this
The Absentee
twenty-year-old setting than the Host.
Some groups will include individuals who
They are useful resources due to their
can only show up on occasion. These Absen-
profound knowledge of the original
tees can present problems, for the Host must
material. Sticklers can be blind to errors
figure out what to do with their characters
and contradictions in the source material,
when absent. Not everyone gets taken out of
and often says something cannot happen
action and called back to HQ every other
in the game because it wouldn't happen in
week, after all. It is highly recommended that
the series.
Game Hosts not depend on Absentees to
The Butcher trigger important plot points.
Players who design their characters
around the idea of being the biggest,
baddest killing machines possible will find
they can do little outside of a combat
situation. Such individuals may literally
sleep through the stretches of the game
between battles and thus may not be
appropriate for most games of Albedo,
unless they enjoy repeating the character
creation process.
The Maniac
Some individuals, addictively attracted to
Role-playing games, will have unholy com-
pulsions to play. Maniacs take genuine
interest in the game and are liable to want to
play as long as possible, as often as possible. It Rules Versus Play
might be necessary to talk to these Players Albedo is deliberately written to be simple.
out-of-game and talk them down. The numbers stay low, and Confidence or
Panic are one's major modifiers. You as Host
The Professional are the final authority on what happens and
Those who want to be the best at eve- what does not happen. Remember that the
rything. These Players are likely to have a Players are the stars. Find out what they like
healthy interest in character growth, but to do and make certain they get to do it a lot.
they can be annoying to other Players Balance their interests with your own. If a
because of their lack of humility. Their rule bothers you, feel free to consider chang-
interest in the game fades whenever their ing it, but remember that all changes will
Characters are out of the spotlight or are have repercussions. For example, if you give
in situations where their best capabilities everyone the "Semi-Automatic Expert" Gift
don't come into play. for free, expect to see all Players hitting their
The Formalist targets more often. If you make up an
Some Players end up learning the rule "instant kill" rule, expect to see more Charac-
book from cover to cover and can quote it ters dying — including Player Characters.
from memory. These Players make excel- Some Players will argue for changes in the
lent rules resources. They often go to the rules, but be wary of those who hope to get
effort to fully comprehend the rules out of something "free" because they argued for a
a genuine desire to do well in the game. rule change in their favor rather than getting
From time to time they can bog down the what they want the hard way, as advocated
game in a rules dispute. Some Formalists by these rules.
succumb to the Dark Side and become

Hosting a g&m • H O S T I N G A G A M E

Controlling the
Judgment Calls
For example, a character may be walking
The Game Host should be in control of in the dark, when someone sneaks behind
the environment in which all participants them and tries to stab them at Close Range.
meet for the game. Ideally the game By some weird turn of the dice, the attacker
should be played in a comfortable space misses. If the target fails a die-roll to observe
where everyone can be together, with the attack, should they still suffer Awe for
distractions minimized. If there is a televi- something they didn’t even know happened?
sion or radio nearby, it should be off; A rigid reading of the rules says the target
television and radio, by their very natures, should, but in this case, as Game Host, you
clamor for attention. Computers not being should probably invoke your interpretation to
used for the game should be idle; one who say that no, a target can’t suffer Awe from an
begins playing with a computer is soon attack that they didn’t even know about.
lost to the game. Music can be used for As you play the Albedo game, you’ll find
ambient sound, but it should be music lots of special circumstances crop up that
without lyrics; instrumental and electronic the rules don’t handle, at first reading.
soundtracks from motion pictures and TV Writing these rules to handle every special
series are often good for setting the mood. case would be impossible.
Remember that the rules exist to be fair
Away-from-Table Time
and consistent. Interpreting them in new
Some groups like lots of away-from-
and creative ways is one thing that separates
table communication. A Player might want
table-top gaming from other kinds of gaming
to post a web-log of their adventures.
Some Players will want to email you
questions about their characters and about
what to do at the next game session.
Like art, the reward you get out of a
role-playing campaign is often directly
proportional to what you put into it. If you
find playing the game is more of a chore,
then consider what you can do to kindle
interest. Maybe someone else should be
Game Host for a while. Maybe you need to
examine the theme and take a new direc-
tion. Maybe you need to spend time away
from the table talking with a problem Player
to find out how you both can work towards
a better game for all involved.

Gaming Elements
The last word in role-playing game is
“game.” Unlike fiction, role-playing games
have rules that allow the Players and the
Game Host to have a common understand-
ing of how the story is to play out. While
the rules can answer questions like how

far someone can jump, how much weight

they can carry, or how many

157•1 5 7

A P P E N D I X 1 • appendix 1

VARIANT RULES Appendix 1: Variant rQlz
The rules presented in the Basic Rules 1. Choose a Species. Apply Species Skill
of Engagement and Spot Rules chapters Marks. Choose one Species Gift.
are the “default settings.” As designers, we 2. Choose a Homeworld. Apply Home-
feel they best express the themes and world Skill Marks. Choose one
play-style that are what Albedo is all Homeworld Gift.
about. 3. Choose a Personality, and increase
Your campaign may differ. We encour- Attributes appropriately.
age folks to come up with new rules. 4. Choose any three Group Gifts.
Remember that if you change a rule, 5. Choose any one Basic Gift.
you’re affecting other rules that depend on 6. Choose any one Gift, of any kind.
that one. What sounds like one little thing (You can only choose an Advanced
may have big changes down the road. Gift if you meet the Requirements.)
Players are always eager to suggest new 7. Add 12 Marks to any Skills, putting no
changes. Be wary of what they ask for, more than 3 Marks into any one Skill.
though. Albedo deliberately restricts what
Variant Rule:
Player-Characters can and cannot do.
Many Players will be motivated to ask for a
With this rule in play, Player-Characters
rules-change in their favor, particularly
can regularly go above and beyond what
ones that make what’s normally the
they’re normally capable of.
province of a Gift to be “free.”
A character can spend one Attribute
Variant Rule: Points and attempt almost any Gift,
Civilian Characters whether they have it or not, as a Stunt.
It may become necessary for the Game This is in addition to however many points
Host to write up civilian Main Characters. the Gift usually costs (which will often
Alternatively, one or more Players may have raise the cost to 2, or more).
civilians as their Main Characters. They Also, any time a character needs to do
could be embedded journalists, freelance something above and beyond normal
contractors, or refugees from disaster. means, the character can spend two Attrib�
Civilian Characters follow a similar proc- ute Points in whatever is most relevant
ess for creation, with a few changes. (Body, Clout, or Drive) to attempt it.
Civilians lack the intensive training of most This Variant greatly rewards characters
army troopers. who have lots of Attribute points. It also
prevents Players from grousing too much
that they “don’t have the right Gift” to do
However, this Variant will require a lot
more judgment-calls from the Game Host.
Variant Rule:
Random Generation
With this rule in play, characters do not
start with fixed values in their Body, Clout,
and Drive.
1. For each Attribute, roll 1d6 and add
the result.
2. Then, for each Attribute, roll 1d6 and
subtract the result.


appendix 1 • A P P E N D I X 1

For greater randomness, the Game Host “Near” almost always refers to the tar-
may use a d8, d10, or even a d12. get’s good hand – the one they use for
This Variant allows for greater variation shooting, holding their weapon, etc. – but
of characters. However, this Variant also circumstances may vary. When in doubt,
works like a lottery, rewarding characters roll any die: even is the right, odd is the left.
more for randomness than for conscious,
Using Hit Location to
narrative decisions about their characters.
Simulate Cover
Some Players will want to re-roll, or discard
In some cases, Hit Location replaces the
characters with low rolls and try again.
Cover Dice. Instead of using the Cover
Variant Rule: Dice, the Game Host can rule which
Hit Location locations are Covered, and any result on
To lend your game a stronger visual ele- the Hit Location table that would strike
ment, you can use this rule of Hit Location. that body part, strikes the Cover. In other
Whenever you make an attack roll, in- cases, such as 100% cover, or with fences
clude an extra twenty-sided die – the Hit and shrubs, or with a target that claims
Location Die. Consult the table below to cover when passing through an open
see where your attack strikes the target. space, this technique won’t work as well.
Melee vs. vs. vs. Hand-to-Hand Combat
d20 Location Melee Longarm Pistol Some people feel that hand-to-hand
1 Far Foot (Cover) (Cover) attacks are more likely to hit the upper
2 Near Foot (Cover) (Cover) body. In that case, with hand-to-hand
3 Far Leg (Cover) (Cover) (Cover) attacks, roll two d20s and use the higher-
4 Far Leg (Cover) (Cover) rolling one as the location.
5 Far Arm (Cover) (Cover) Modifying Damage Based on
6 Far Arm (Cover) Hit Location
7 Stomach (Cover) (Cover) (Cover) In the default system, the damage from
8 Stomach (Cover) (Cover) the attack is abstract: the more damage
9 Far Hand (Cover) inflicted, the more likely it was that the
10 Near Leg (Cover) (Cover) attack hit a target’s vulnerable spots. With
11 Near Leg (Cover) (Cover) a Hit Location system, places like the Head
12 Chest (Cover) (Cover) and Stomach are thought to be more likely
13 Chest (Cover) (Cover) (Cover) to inflict injury.
14 Shoulders To simulate this, as another Variant
15 Near Arm (Cover) Rule, any hit to the Head or Stomach rolls
16 Near Arm an extra d20 for damage.
17 Near Hand Called Shot
18 Neck Sometimes, an attacker will want to put
19 Head (Cover) (Cover) a shot in the target exactly where they want
20 Head it. This is known as a Called Shot. In game
“d20” refers to the roll of the twenty- terms, an attacker may declare any Critical
sided die. “No Cover” shows the location of Hit they score to be a Called Shot, striking
where the target would be hit, if they were the target in the Hit Location of their
out in the open. “Melee vs. Melee” refers to choice. (When combined with “Modifying
a target using their melee weapon as a Damage”, above, the shooter can choose to
parrying object, denying another Melee hit in the Head or Stomach, rolling +1d20
attacker access, and thus is only for hand� dice and thus being functionally identical to
to�hand combat. “vs. Longarm” and “vs. the original Critical Hit rules.)
Pistol” refer to the maximum cover advan- Commentary
tage a target can have after shooting with This Variant Rule adds detail, which can
the appropriate firearm. add to the role-playing experience.

159•1 5 9

A P P E N D I X 1 • appendix 1

Species Gift choices should be either Basic

Gifts or Dubious Gifts.
Variant Rule:
While the source material makes refer-
ence that smaller races, such as the
Rabbits of the ILR, prefer smaller caliber
weapons, there isn’t any actual rule that
imposes penalties for using such.
With this Variant Rule, a Species suffers
minor inconveniences if they attempt to
use a weapon whose caliber (6mm, 8mm or
10mm) is larger than the character’s Body
Rating. If the character’s Body is too
small, the character spends +1 Drive (or
Morale) when claiming Semi-Automatic
Expertise, Following-Fire, or Suppression-
Fire with the weapon, in any capacity.
While this rule adds a dimension of re-
However, Hit Locations also increase the alism to the game, it also adds more
complexity of the game. complexity.
Hit Locations are also inappropriate for
some kinds of damage, such as G-forces or Variant Rule:
concussion grenades. Also, these rules fail Tracking Ammunition
to compensate for the complexity of many In the standard rules, ammunition for
injuries, such as spalling bullets weapons isn’t precisely tracked. For the
most part, tracking each individual bullet
Variant Rule: isn’t realistic – shooters are trained to
Open-Ended Damage discharge bullets in groups; in the heat of
In the standard rules, damage for battle, most folks don’t have a precise
weapons is very predictable – the maxi- accounting of exactly how much ammo
mum any weapon can incur is the Base, their gun contains (nor do they have long
plus one Penetration for each d20. periods to think about it between their
With this Variant Rule, for any d20 that turns in the action sequence, like in a pen-
shows a 20, roll another d20. If this extra and-paper RPG); and the large number of
d20 shows 20, roll yet another die. supporting characters can make tracking
This Variant Rule allows for some at- every spent bullet for every Supporting
tacks to cause a fantastic amount of Character quite tedious.
damage. It greatly rewards attacks like However, it can add some dimension to
Explosions or Shotguns that already roll game-play if troops have to count every
multiple d20s. last bullet. Under this Variant Rule, each
Variant Rule: bullet spent is tracked as follows:
New Species Circumstance Bullets Spent
The Interstellar Confederation recog- Attack at Range 1
nizes over 160 distinct Species. Only a Suppress 20
handful are presented in these rules. Your Claiming Following Fire +2 each time
Players might want to make New Species, Claiming the benefit of +2 each time
or you as Game Host might want to add Semi-Automatic Expert
variety to the game.
Botched Attack Roll 5
As a general rule, Attributes should stay
within the range of 5 to 13, with the
average around 8. The total sum of Body,
Clout, Drive, and Skill Marks should be 28.

appendix 2 • A P P E N D I X 2

Appendix 2: sampul karakters

Civilian Engineer
Sample Supporting Skills: Build +2, Design +2, Information
Characters Analysis +2, Listen +2, Repair +2, Run
These characters could be with nearly +2, Sneak +2, Spot +2
any faction (EDF, ILR, etc.). Naturally, Skills Attack: Melee (1)
will vary based on Species, and not all Weapon: Improvised 1-handed (Dam-
abilities are listed here. The Game Host age 2+7; C1)
should feel free to improvise more involved Deflection: 3
characters at need. Thresholds: 14/24/34/54
Bomb Squad Expert
Skills:, Demolitions +2, Information Analysis Doctor (Military)
+2, Listen +2, Pistols +1, Run +2, Sneak Skills: Medical Sciences +4, Question +2
+2, Spot +2, Weapons of Mass Destruc- Gift: Doctor
tion +2 Attack: Pistol +1 (d4 or 2)
Gift: Coolness Under Fire
Weapon: PAKW 4-12 (Damage 8+7;
Attack: Pistol +1 (d4 or 2)
C5, S10, M40, L230, X1400)
Weapon: PAKW 4-12 (Damage 8+7;
Deflection: 11
C5, S10, M40, L230, X1400) Thresholds: 14/24/34/54
Deflection: 11
Thresholds: 21/31/41/61
Factotum (Military)
Skills: Bureaucracy+4, Question +2
Capitalist Gift: Factotum
Skills:, Bureaucracy +4, Gossip +2, Plan +2, Attack: Pistol +1 (d4 or 2)
Question +2, Research Analysis +2 Weapon: PAKW 4-12 (Damage 8+7;
Gift: Economics Influence C5, S10, M40, L230, X1400)
Attack: Pistol +1 (d4 or 2) Deflection: 11
Weapon: PAKW 4-12 (Damage 8+7; Thresholds: 14/24/34/54
C5, S10, M40, L230, X1400)
Deflection: 11
Thresholds: 14/24/34/54
Homeguard Trooper
Skills: Listen +2, Longarms +4, Run +2,
Sneak +2, Spot +2
Civilian Attack: Longarm 4 Marks (d10)
Skills: Listen +1, Sneak +1, Spot +1 Weapon: LAKW 1-30 (Damage 10+9;
Attack: Melee (1) C5, S15, M50, L330, X2300)
Weapon: Improvised 1-handed (Dam- Deflection: 11
age 2+7; C1) Thresholds: 21/31/41/61
Deflection: 3
Thresholds: 14/24/34/54
Light Infantry
Skills: Listen +2, Longarms +4, Run +2,
Sneak +2, Spot +2
Attack: Longarm +4 (d10 or 5)

161•1 6 1

A P P E N D I X 2 • appendix 2

Weapon: LAKW 1-56 (Damage 10+10; Deflection: 3

S15, M60, L470, X3700) Thresholds: 14/24/34/54

Deflection: 11
Thresholds: 21/31/41/61
Psychiatrist (Military)
Skills: Bureaucracy+1, Medical Sciences +1,
Heavy Infantry Question +4
Skills: Listen +2, Heavy Weapons +4, Gift: Psychiatrist
Longarms +2, Run +2, Sneak +2, Spot +2 Attack: Pistol +1 (d4 or 2)
Attack: Heavy Weapons +4 (d10 or 5) Weapon: PAKW 4-12 (Damage 8+7;
Weapon: GAKW 32 (Damage 0+10 Explo- C5, S10, M40, L230, X1400)
sion 2m; S5, M20, L80, X400) Deflection: 11
Deflection: 11 Thresholds: 14/24/34/54
Thresholds: 21/31/41/61
Military Engineer Skills: Disguise +2, Listen +2, Heavy Weap-
S Skills: Build +2, Design +2, Information ons +4, Run +2, Sneak +2, Spot +2
Analysis +2, Listen +2, Pistols +2, Repair Gift: Cold-Hearted
+2, Run +2, Sneak +2, Spot +2 Attack: Heavy Weapons 2 Marks (d10 or 5)
Attack: Pistol +2 (d6 or 3) Weapon: GAKW 32 (Damage 0+10 Explo-
Weapon: PAKW 4-12 (Damage 8+7; sion 2m; S5, M20, L80, X400)
C5, S10, M40, L230, X1400) Deflection: 3
Deflection: 11 Thresholds: 16/26/36/56
Thresholds: 21/31/41/61

Factotum (Military) Sample Main

Skills: Bureaucracy+4, Question +2 Characters
Gift: Factotum What follows on the next page are sam-
Attack: Pistol +1 (d4 or 2) ple main characters:
Weapon: PAKW 4-12 (Damage 8+7; 1. Erma Felna, aerodyne pilot and hero-
C5, S10, M40, L230, X1400) ine of the Albedo series, shown here as
Deflection: 11 she might have appeared in Albedo #1.
Thresholds: 14/24/34/54 2. Toki, a friend of Erma’s from her
academy days, an accomplished Ad-
Spacer ministrator.
3. Dea-Huthok, a ConFed Secretary and
Skills: Freefall +4, Spacesuit +4
frequent aide to Erma and Toki.
Attack: Melee (1)
… as well as five other samples unique to
Weapon: Improvised 1-handed (Dam-
this game.
age 2+7; C1)



Albedo ©1984, 2004 S.A.Gallacci; Platinum Catalyst ©2004 Sanguine Productions;

All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce this character sheet for personal use only.


148 cm
m&n karakter
Weight 43 kg
Name Auitzotl the 3rd

Wolf (Canid) Gender Male jender
Pelt brown

Homeworld Ktan-Tako (Rural)

Personality .Extroverted .Sensitive x .Emotional .Perceptive
x.Introverted x.Intuitive .Thoughtful x.Judgmental

Branch Surface Ops. Rank Lieutenant (O7) Build regular

branch rank bild

Service HI S.P.I. 30
survis s.p.i.

Gifts Athletics +2
11 Recovery
Coolness Under Fire Thresholds Improvement ... Low
Firearms +1;
%re$olds improvment
... Med
Wounded [ 28 ] =2×Body+Armor ... Low
Following-Fire Expert Crippled [ 38 ] =2×Body+Armor+10 ... Med
Healthy; Tough Incapacitated [ 48 ] =2×Body+Armor+20 ... Low
Devastated [ 68 ] =2×Body+Armor+40 ... High

..... .....



..... .....




Body 9 Recovery: ____ /____
dryv 10 Recovery: ____ /____


..x...... Brawl



......... Freefall
Computer Sciences

....... G-Force

....... Demolitions

xxx x Hike
........ Design


x...... Jump

xx Melee


x....... Heavy Weapons


x Run
........ Hyperspace Sciences


xx Sneak
Information Analysis

........ Spacesuit
....... Listen


xxx xx Longarms



.x...... Throw
......... Medical Sciences

........ ___________________
x........ ....... Navigate

Physical Sciences

........ Planetary Sciences


....... Pistols

..... .....

........ Plan

..... .....



Clout 10 Recovery: ____ /____

Research Analysis




........ Bribe
Sensor Operations


Sixth Sense

........ Gossip
...... Smell

....... Impress

........ Vehicle Operations


xx Lead
Vehicular Weapons

....... Persuade
........ Weapons of Mass Destruction








supporting karakters


1 Oshi Canid HI LAKW 3 11 [ 21| 31| 41| 61] [ / ]

2 Deras Ursid HI LAKW 3 11 [ 29|39|49|59] [ / ]
3 Zyshiri Procyon. HI LAKW 3 11 [ 21| 31| 41|60] [ / ]
4 Ty Darner Canid ENGS LAKW 2 11 [ 21| 31| 41| 61] [ / ]
Albedo ©1984, 2004 S.A.Gallacci; Platinum Catalyst ©2004 Sanguine Productions;

All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce this character sheet for personal use only.


88 cm
m&n karakter
Weight 13 kg
Name Bayloo
Bayloo waet

Crow (Avian) Gender Female jender
Pelt jet

Homeworld Deep XIII (Corporate)


..Extroverted ..Sensitive ..Emotional ..Perceptive Eyes blue

Personality x yz
pursonalit# Introverted x Intuitive x Thoughtful x Judgmental

Branch Surface Ops. Rank Lieutenant (O7) Build light

branch rank bild

Service VHALO S.P.I. 31

survis s.p.i.

Gifts Athletics +1
11 Recovery
Astronautics +1 Thresholds Improvement ... Low
%re$olds improvment
... Med
Wounded [ 16 ] =2×Body+Armor ... Low
Firearms +1; Small Crippled [ 26 ] =2×Body+Armor+10 ... Med
Tough;; VHALO Expert Incapacitated [ 36 ] =2×Body+Armor+20 ... Low
Devastated [ 56 ] =2×Body+Armor+40 ... High

..... .....
..... .....
..... .....
Body 3 Recovery: ____ /____
dryv 13 Recovery: ____ /____

x ..x.......
........ Brawl ........

........ Build
x x.......
...... Climb x........

........ Bureaucracy
x ..x....... xxx Freefall ........
Computer Sciences
x .......
....... ........

.xx....... x
G-Force Demolitions

x .x...... Hike ........

x ..x.......
........ Jump ........
x....... x........


....... x
Melee Heavy Weapons

x .x....... ...... Run ........ Hyperspace Sciences

x ..........
Sneak ........
Information Analysis
x x x xx x x ... .........

.x...... x
Spacesuit Listen

x .x....... Swim x........

x x
x .........
x....... Throw ........
Medical Sciences
x ___________________ x. ........

....... Navigate
x ........ ___________________ x. ........

....... Physical Sciences

x ........
___________________ ........ Planetary Sciences
xx x x Pistols
..... ........
..... .....

..... ........

Clout 9 Recovery: ____ /____

Research Analysis


x .........
....... Bribe ........
Sensor Operations
........ Disguise ........
Sixth Sense
........ Gossip .........

....... Smell
x Impress x.......

x x.......
...... Innuendo ........ Vehicle Operations
x ........ Lead ........
Vehicular Weapons
x ..x.......
........ Persuade ........ Weapons
of Mass Destruction
x x.......
...... Question ........
x ........ ___________________ ........
x ........
___________________ ........
x ___________________

supporting karakters


1 Murphee Avian VHALO LAKW 3 11 [ 15|25|35|55 ] [ / ]

2 Koniph Avian VHALO LAKW 3 11 [ 15|25|35|55] [ / ]
3 Erhart Avian VHALO LAKW 3 11 [ 15|25|35|55] [ / ]
4 Sonnel Avian VHALO LAKW 3 11 [ 15|25|35|55] [ / ]
Albedo ©1984, 2004 S.A.Gallacci; Platinum Catalyst ©2004 Sanguine Productions;

All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce this character sheet for personal use only.


155 cm
m&n karakter
Weight 42 kg
Name Dea-Htuhok

Fox Gender Female
Pelt russet

Homeworld Dornthant II (Urban)


..Extroverted x..Sensitive ..Emotional x..Perceptive Eyes green

Personality x yz
pursonalit# Introverted Intuitive x Thoughtful Judgmental

Branch Specialist Rank Warrant Officer (S3) Build slender

branch rank bild

Service EM S.P.I. 28
survis s.p.i.

Gifts Charismatic
Deflection 3 Recovery 16
d#flek$un rekover#

Cosmopolitan; Gadfly Thresholds Improvement ...Low

Socialization +2

Wounded [ 14 ] =2×Body+Armor ...Low

Subterfuge +1 Crippled [ 24 ] =2×Body+Armor+10 ...Med
Suspiciousness Incapacitated [ 34 ] =2×Body+Armor+20 ...Low
Devastated [ 54 ] =2×Body+Armor+40 ...High
..... .....
..... .....
..... .....
Body 7 Recovery: ____ /____
dryv 9 Recovery: ____ /____

......... Brawl ........

........ Build

....... Climb x........

........ Bureaucracy

......... Freefall ........

Computer Sciences

....... G-Force ........




........ Hike Design

......... Jump x........


....... Forge

........ Melee Heavy Weapons

....... Run ........

Hyperspace Sciences

xx Sneak x........

xx Information Analysis

Spacesuit .........


........ Listen

........ Swim

....... Throw
Medical Sciences


........ ___________________ ........
Physical Sciences

___________________ ........ Planetary Sciences

xx Pistols

..... ..... ........


..... ..... ........


Clout 12 x........
xx Research Analysis

Clout Recovery: ____ /____ ........



.x...... Search

xx Bribe ........
Sensor Operations

....... x. ........

Disguise Sixth Sense

xx Gossip ......

x Impress .......


xxx Innuendo ........ Vehicle Operations

x ........
x Lead ........
Vehicular Weapons

x Persuade ........ Weapons
of Mass Destruction

. x.x..... Question ........

........ ___________________ ........


___________________ ........


supporting karakters


1 Kodea Vulpid EM PAKW 3 3 [ 14| 24|34|54] [ / ]

2 Elshi En Macropod EM PAKW 3 3 [ 16|26|36|56] [ / ]
3 Sadasho Mustel. EM PAKW 3 3 [ 14| 24|34|54] [ / ]
4 Toshi Vulpid SS PAKW 3 3 [ 14| 24|34|54] [ / ]

Albedo ©1984, 2004 S.A.Gallacci; Platinum Catalyst ©2004 Sanguine Productions;

All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce this character sheet for personal use only.


233 cm
m&n karakter
Weight 145 kg
Name Emphir
o waet

Bear Gender Male
Pelt black

Homeworld Tygath III (Research)

Personality .Extroverted .Sensitive x .Emotional .Perceptive
x.Introverted x.Intuitive .Thoughtful x.Judgmental

Branch Surface Ops. Rank Lieutenant (O6) Build stocky

branch rank bild

Service LI S.P.I. 28
survis s.p.i.

Gifts Coolness Under Fire

11 Recovery
Cold-Hearted Thresholds Improvement ... Low
Martial ArtsArts

%re$olds improvment
... Med
Wounded [ 29 ] =2×Body+Armor ... Low
Athletics +1; Firearms +2 +2
Crippled [ 39 ] =2×Body+Armor+10 ... Med
Semi-Automatic Expert Expert
Incapacitated [ 49 ] =2×Body+Armor+20 ... Low
Devastated [ 69 ] =2×Body+Armor+40 ... High

..... .....



..... .....




Body 12 Recovery: ____ /____
dryv 9 Recovery: ____ /____


xxxx Brawl ........



x Climb Bureaucracy

......... Freefall
Computer Sciences

....... G-Force




x Hike



xx Melee x........


x....... Heavy Weapons

........ Hyperspace Sciences


....... Sneak
Information Analysis

........ Spacesuit
....... Listen


xx xx xx Longarms



xx Medical Sciences

........ ___________________

........ Navigate

........ Physical Sciences

........ Planetary

x Pistols

..... .....


..... .....


Clout 9 x........

....... Research Analysis

Clout Recovery: ____ /____ ........ Scrounge


....... Search

........ Bribe
Sensor Operations


.x.x...... Sixth Sense

........ Gossip
........ Smell

....... Impress

........ Vehicle Operations

......... Lead
Vehicular Weapons

....... Persuade


Weapons of Mass Destruction






supporting karakters


1 Attal Ursid LI LAKW 3 11 [ 29|39|49|69] [ / ]

2 Benbar Ursid LI LAKW 3 11 [ 29|39|49|69] [ / ]
3 Dar Sai Avian LI LAKW 3 11 [ 15|25|35|45] [ / ]
4 Aellias Vulpid ENGS LAKW 2 11 [ 29|39|49|69] [ / ]

Albedo ©1984, 2004 S.A.Gallacci; Platinum Catalyst ©2004 Sanguine Productions;

All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce this character sheet for personal use only.


140 cm
m&n karakter
Weight 36 kg
Name Erma Felna

Cat, Small Gender Femalejender
Pelt lt. brown

Homeworld Dornthant II (Urban)


..Extroverted ..Sensitive ..Emotional ..Perceptive Eyes hazel

Personality x yz
pursonalit# Introverted x Intuitive x Thoughtful x Judgmental
Branch Aerospace Rank Lieutenant (O6) Build regular
branch rank bild

Service DYNE S.P.I. 21

survis s.p.i.

Astronautics +2 Deflection
11 Recovery
Coolness Under Fire Thresholds Improvement ... Low
Energetic; Firearms +1
%re$olds improvment
... Med
Wounded [ 25 ] =2×Body+Armor ... Low
Impulsive; Overconfident Crippled [ 35 ] =2×Body+Armor+10 ... Med
Velocity Expert Incapacitated [ 45 ] =2×Body+Armor+20 ... Low
Devastated [ 65 ] =2×Body+Armor+40 ... High

..... .....



..... .....




Body 10 Recovery: ____ /____
dryv 13 Recovery: ____ /____






x........xx Computer Sciences

xx ........

.x....... G-Force

........ Design



....... Forge

Heavy Weapons

........ Run

Hyperspace Sciences

x Sneak


...... Information Analysis


xx Spacesuit

........ Swim


....... Throw

Medical Sciences


xx Navigate

x Physical Sciences

........ Planetary Sciences


....... Pistols

..... .....

........ Plan


Clout 7 ..... .....

........ Repair

Research Analysis

Clout Recovery: ____ /____ ........



........ Search


....... Sensor Operations

....... Disguise
........ Sixth Sense

......... Gossip
........ Smell

......... Spot


.x...... Innuendo

x x x xx Vehicle Operations

Vehicular Weapons

......... Persuade
........ Weapons of Mass Destruction

x Question





supporting karakters


1 Galdos S.Cat DYNE PAKW 3 11 [ 21| 31| 41| 61] [ / ]

2 Charda S.Cat DYNE PAKW 3 11 [ 21| 31| 41| 61] [ / ]
3 Piar Ann Canid DYNE PAKW 3 11 [ 21| 31| 41| 61] [ / ]
4 Kathok S.Cat ENGA PAKW 2 11 [ 21| 31| 41| 61] [ / ]
Albedo ©1984, 2004 S.A.Gallacci; Platinum Catalyst ©2004 Sanguine Productions;

All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce this character sheet for personal use only.


231 cm
m&n karakter
Weight 121 kg
Name Lafig
alti waet

Rhino (Ungulate) Gender Male
Pelt gray

Homeworld Feloth I (Resource)


..Extroverted ..Sensitive ..Emotional ..Perceptive Eyes brown

Personality x yz
pursonalit# Introverted x Intuitive x Thoughtful x Judgmental

Branch Surface Ops. Rank Lieutenant (O7) Build stocky

branch rank bild

Service MSH S.P.I. 31

survis s.p.i.

Gifts Athletics +1; Congenial;

11 Recovery
Doctor; Firearms +1; Thresholds Improvement ... Low
%re$olds improvment
... Med
Wounded [ 29 ] =2×Body+Armor ... Low
Knack: Medical Sciences Crippled [ 39 ] =2×Body+Armor+10 ... Med
Incapacitated [ 49 ] =2×Body+Armor+20 ... Low
Devastated [ 69 ] =2×Body+Armor+40 ... High

..... .....
..... .....
..... .....
Body 12 Recovery: ____ /____
dryv 9 Recovery: ____ /____

x ..x.......
.x...... Brawl ........

x x.......
x Climb Bureaucracy
x ......... Freefall ........
Computer Sciences
x ....... G-Force ........


x .x.......
.x...... Hike
x ..x.......
.x...... Jump Forge
x x....... x........

.xx.x..... x x
Melee Heavy Weapons

x .x....... Run ........

Hyperspace Sciences
x .........
....... Sneak x.
Information Analysis
x Spacesuit .........


....... Listen
x .x.......
.x...... Swim x........ Longarms
x x
x .........
x Throw x........
x x x x x
Medical Sciences
x ___________________ ........

x ........ ___________________ Physical Sciences
x ........ ___________________ x........
........ Planetary Sciences
xx Pistols
x x
..... ..... ........
..... ..... x........

....... Repair
Clout 11 ........ Research Analysis
Clout Recovery: ____ /____ x........
........ Scrounge
........ Search
x Bribe ........
Sensor Operations
x Disguise x........

........ Sixth Sense

x ........ Gossip ........

....... Smell
x .........
....... Impress .......

x Innuendo x........ Vehicle Operations
x ........ Lead ........
Vehicular Weapons
x ......... Persuade ........ Weapons of Mass Destruction
x x.......
....... Question ........
x ........ ___________________ ........
x ........
___________________ ........
x ___________________

supporting karakters


1 Pyna Jr. Canid MSH PAKW 3 11 [ 21| 31| 41| 61] [ / ]

2 Lyter Canid MSH PAKW 3 11 [ 21| 31| 41| 61] [ / ]
3 Ko Daro Canid MSH PAKW 3 11 [ 21| 31| 41| 61] [ / ]
4 Dea-Deshi Canid MSH PAKW 3 11 [ 21| 31| 41| 61] [ / ]
Albedo ©1984, 2004 S.A.Gallacci; Platinum Catalyst ©2004 Sanguine Productions;

All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce this character sheet for personal use only.


128 cm
m&n karakter
Weight 32 kg
Name Theodolu

Raccoon Gender Male
Pelt silver

Homeworld Irimanti IX (Space Station)


. Extroverted .
Sensitive . Emotional .
Eyes gold
x. x. x. x.
Personality yz
pursonalit# Introverted Intuitive Thoughtful Judgmental

Admin. Rank Lieutenant (O7)
Build regular


Service SS S.P.I. 30
survis s.p.i.

Gifts Administration +1
11 Recovery
Cosmopolitan Thresholds Improvement ... Low
Doctor; Natural Leader
%re$olds improvment
... Med
Wounded [ 12 ] =2×Body+Armor ... Low
Socialization +2 Crippled [ 22 ] =2×Body+Armor+10 ... Med
Suspiciousness Incapacitated [ 32 ] =2×Body+Armor+20 ... Low
Devastated [ 52 ] =2×Body+Armor+40 ... High

..... .....
..... .....
..... .....
Body 6 Recovery: ____ /____
dryv 10 Recovery: ____ /____

x ......... Brawl x.

....... Build

x ....... x.........

x Climb Bureaucracy

x ........
x...... Freefall ........
Computer Sciences

x G-Force ........



x ........ Hike

x ......... Jump

........ x
Melee Heavy Weapons

x ....... Run ........

Hyperspace Sciences

x .........
xx Sneak x.........
Information Analysis

x x Spacesuit .........


........ Listen

x ........ Swim
x .........
....... Throw
Medical Sciences

x ___________________ Navigate

x ........ ___________________ ........

Physical Sciences

x ........ ___________________ ........

........ Planetary Sciences


x.x..... Pistols
..... .....
..... x........

......... Plan


Clout 8 x............... Research Analysis

Clout Recovery: ____ /____ ........



....... Search

x x.x......
...... Bribe x........


....... Sensor Operations

.x....... Disguise ........ Sixth Sense

x x
..x....... Gossip .........

....... Smell

x x Impress x.......


x x.......
. x...... Innuendo ........ Vehicle Operations

x x........ ........

x ..xx.......
x x xx
...... Lead
Persuade ........ Vehicular Weapons

of Mass Destruction

x x x x xx x x
........ Question ........

........ ___________________ ........


x ___________________ ___________________

x ........

supporting karakters


1 Myras Raccoon SS PAKW 3 11 [ 12|22|32|52] [ / ]

2 Ky Shoko Raccoon SS PAKW 3 11 [ 12|22|32|52] [ / ]
3 Darhaa Lapine SS PAKW 3 11 [ 14| 24|34|54

54] [ / ]
4 Serrak Raccoon EM PAKW 3 11 [ 12

12|22|32|52] [ / ]

Albedo ©1984, 2004 S.A.Gallacci; Platinum Catalyst ©2004 Sanguine Productions;

All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce this character sheet for personal use only.


116 cm
m&n karakter
Weight 24 kg
Name Toki

Mouse Gender Female
Pelt silver grey

Homeworld Danet III (Research)

Personality .Extroverted x.Sensitive x.Emotional .Perceptive
x.Introverted .Intuitive .Thoughtful x.Judgmental

Branch Admin. Rank Lieutenant (O7) Build petite

branch rank bild

Service QM S.P.I. 30
survis s.p.i.

3 Recovery
Thresholds Improvement ... Low
%re$olds improvment
... Med
Wounded [ 10 ] =2×Body+Armor ... Low
Crippled [ 20 ] =2×Body+Armor+10 ... Med
Incapacitated [ 30 ] =2×Body+Armor+20 ... Low
Devastated [ 50 ] =2×Body+Armor+40 ... High

..... .....



..... .....




Body 5 Recovery: ____ /____
dryv 8 Recovery: ____ /____

......... Brawl

........ Build


....... x........


x...... Freefall
Computer Sciences




........ Hike




Heavy Weapons


........ Run
Hyperspace Sciences



xxx Sneak x........

x Information Analysis

........ Spacesuit

........ Listen

........ Swim


....... Throw

....... Medical Sciences

........ ___________________
........ Navigate

........ Physical Sciences

........ Planetary


..x....... Pistols


..... .....


..... .....




Clout 11 ........
x Research Analysis

Clout Recovery: ____ /____ x........



....... Search

Sensor Operations

.x....... Disguise
Sixth Sense

...... Gossip
........ Smell


........ Spot

x xx Innuendo
Vehicle Operations


........ ........


........ Vehicular Weapons

Weapons of Mass Destruction


.x...... Question ........






supporting karakters


1 Zhoteth Mouse QM PAKW 2 3 [ 10|20|30|50] [ / ]

2 Chana Rat QM PAKW 2 3 [ 14| 24|34|54] [ / ]
3 Lui Sa Mouse QM PAKW 2 3 [ 10|20|30|50] [ / ]
4 Myka Mouse L PAKW 2 3 [ 10|20|30|50] [ / ]
index • I N D E X


24-Hour Kit, 147

Attack Hand-to-
Chalendar, 22

72-Hour Kit, 148

Hand, 112
Change, 153

Action, 108
Attack Results, 110
Cover, 108

Action Orientation,
Penetrating, 127

Autonomous Combat
Crippled, 117

ACV, 39
Vehicles, 39
Critical Hit, 110

Administration, 65,
AW 191, 123, 140
Action, 113
Culture, 52

Awe, 118
Charismatic, 94

Administration +1,
Baliannian, 30
Chief of Aerospace
Daily Life, 55

Basic Gifts, 94
Operations, 56
Damage, 116

Advanced, 103
Battalion Admin
Chief of Surface
Damage Thresholds,

Advanced Gifts, 96
Group, 66
Operations, 56

Aeostah, 21
Battery Pack, 149
Chishatta, 31
Danet, 23

Aerodyne, 87
Battle Armor, 141
Civilian Characters
Debriefing, 134

Aerodyne Vehicle
Battle Helmet, 142
(Variant Rule),

Deceive, 90

Operations, 64
Bears, 80
Democracy, 52

Aerodynes, 38, 39
CKW 8x56, 138

Belligerent, 99
Demolitions, 89

Aerospace, 87
CKW Precision, 123

Biology, 32
Denotah, 25

Classes, 46

Birds, 74
Derzon, 26

Operations, 61
Climb, 89

Blanket, 149
Design, 89

Close, 109

Bleeding, 118
Devastated, 118

Agriculture, 40

Board Attendees, 56
Attacks, 120
Dice, 102

Ahan-Tako, 24
Board Members, 56
Clout, 73
Dictatorship, 52

Ahnomia, 25
Body, 72
Cold-Hearted, 99
Die Rolls, 103

Aid Kit, 148

Bonuses, 104
Colonization, 20
Difficulty, 103

Aim, 110
Boosting Morale
Dilbion, 27

Air Support, 125

(Rally), 113

Combat Staff, 122

Disarming, 130

Ambidextrous, 94
Botch, 104

Distance, 124

Ammunition tracking
Botching, 104

Commander, 57
Doctor, 94

(Variant Rule),

Communism, 48
Domestic Life, 54


Anarchism, 50
Company Admin
Dornthant, 23

Brawl, 89

Aristocracy, 51
Group, 66
Drive, 73

Breezing, 103

Computer Sciences,
Dubious Gifts, 99

Bribe, 89

Influence, 94
DYNE, 64, 87

Brigade, 66
Concealed Armor,

Armies, 58
Echak, 27

Build, 89

Armor, 60, 122

Echidnas, 78

Bureaucracy, 89
Concealment, 109

Armored Vehicle
Economic Influence,

Expert, 94
Cadet, 57
condoms, 151

Arras Charka, 20
Canines, 75
Confederacy, 50
Economics, 48

Art, 52
Canteen, 149
Conformist, 99
EDF, 56

Artillery Support,
Capital Ship, 63
Congenial, 94
Ekosiak, 28

Capital Squadron, 64
Conservatism, 51
EM, 67, 87

Astronautics, 34
Capitalism, 48
Coolness Under Fire,
Emissary, 67, 87

Astronautics +1, 96
Carrier Group, 64
Emotional, 85

Astronomy, 34
Carrying Capacity,
Cord, 149
Emplaced Snipers,

Athletics +1, 96
Core Worlds, 20

Atmosphere, 124
Castes, 46
Enchawah Group, 19

Attack at Range,
Cat, 76
Homeworld, 82
Enchek, 30

Centrists, 14
Cosmopolitan, 94
Endly, 31

171•1 7 1
I N D E X • index
Energetic, 94 Footwear, 143 Hike, 90 Kawateena, 28
ENGA, 64, 87 Forge, 90 Hit Location (Variant Kitsune, 81
Engineering, 60, 64, Foul Weather Garb, Rule), 159 Knack, 97
87, 88 143 Homeguards, 17 Knife, 122
Engineering +1, 96 Foxes, 81 HOMEWORLDS, 82 Konattahtzah, 32
ENGS, 60, 88 Franchise, 51 Horizon, 125 L, 67, 86
Ensign, 57 Freefall, 127 Horses (Ungulates), Labor, 105
Entrenching Tool, Skill, 90 80 LAKW 1-30, 123,
149 Freefall Infantry, 64, Host, 101 137
EVA Rig, 149 FTL, 65 153 137
EVA Unit, 149 Fun, 54 Hygiene Kit, 151 Lapines, 76
Existentialism, 154 Gadfly, 99 Hyperspace Expert, Large, 99
EXP, 67, 87 GAKW 32, 123, 139 96 Lead Skill, 91
Experience Game Host, 101 Hyperspace Sciences LI, 60, 88
Games, 54 Skill, 90 Liaison, 67, 86
Gaming Elements, Impress Skill, 90 Liberalism, 51
157 Impulsive, 99 Lift, 73
Experience Gas Mask, 150 Incapacitated, 118 Light Infantry, 60,
Awareness, 85 Indefatigable, 95
Exploration, 67, 87 Independent
Gear, 147 Listen, 91
Extraplanetary Lapine Republic,
Gender, 69 Logistics Expert, 97
Defense Force, 18
17, 56 General Secretary, Long, 109
56 Industry &
Extravehicular Procurement, 86 Longarms
Activity Rig, 149 General Treasurer, Skill, 91
56 Industry and
Extravehicular Procurement, 67 Lower Class, 47
Activity Unit, G-Force Low-light
Infrared, 131
149 Skill, 90 enhancement,
Initiative, 108
eXtreme, 109 GIFTS, 94 131
Injury, 73
Extroverted, 85 GLKW 32, 123, 137 Loyalty, 106
Innuendo, 91
Factotum, 94 Gossip, 90 LRCKW, 123
Instructor, 95
Failure, 104 Grace Under LRCKW 10x56, 138
Pressure, 95 INT, 65, 87
Falling, 126 Macropods, 77
Grappling, 129 Information Analysis
Fantastic Leader, 96 Magazine, 151
Gravity, 126 Skill, 91
Fascism, 51 MAKING
Grenade, 123 Intermediate, 103 CHARACTERS,
Fast (Gift), 94
grenade launcher, Interplanetary, 65, 68
Felines, 75 87
FI, 64, 87 Interstellar and
Grenades, 139 CHARACTERS,
Fire (Combustion), Jump-Space 68
128 Grit, 95 Navigation, 65
Group, 62 MAKW 2-18, 123
Firearms, 123 Interstellar Travel,
Group Gifts, 96 MAKW 3-60, 123,
Firearms +1, 96 36 138
Fist, 122 Guns, 123 INTRODUCTION, 3 Marriage, 54
Flashlight, 150 Hand Computers, Introverted, 85
150 Marsupials, 76, 77
Flight (Aerospace Intuitive, 85 Martial Arts, 97
unit), 62 Hand Weapons, 122 Inventions Expert, 97
Healthy, 95 Master Planner, 97
Following Fire, 111 IP, 67, 86
Heavy Infantry, 60, MECH, 60, 88
Expert Gift, 95 Joint Chiefs of Staff,
88 Mechanized, 60, 88
Master Gift, 96 56
Heavy Weapons Medical Help, 112
Following Fire Judgmental, 85
Skill, 90 Medical Sciences, 91
Expert, 95 Jump
Helpless Target, 120 Medicine, 40
Following-Fire Skill, 91
Master, 96 HI, 60, 88 Medium, 109
Food, 40 Hiahhohch, 31 (Macropods), 77 Meeting, 153

index • I N D E X
Skill, 91
Skill, 92
Research Analysis,
Sneak, 93

Melee Expert, 98
Action, 113

Meritocracy, 52
Skill, 92
Research and
Sniper Expert, 95

Mice, 79
Planetary Sciences,
Design, 67, 88
Sniper Master, 98

Middle Class, 47
Research Colony, 82
Social Awareness,

Misjumps, 38
Platoon Admin
Resolute, 98

ML 199, 123, 140

Group, 66
Resolution, 153
Social Elements, 155

Mobile Surgical
Platypus, 78
Resource Colony, 83
Social Groups, 54

Hospital, 61, 88
Rest, 132
Social Orientation,

Monotremes, 77
Results of Rolls, 104

MP 197, 123, 140

Players, 101
Retinue, 106
Social Political

MPKW 2-18, 138

Plutocracy, 52
Retries, 104
Intelligence, 69

MS 195, 123, 141

Points, 72
Righteous, 100
Socialism, 49

MSH, 61, 88
Politics, 49, 50
Risking, 102
Socialization +1, 96

Music, 53
Robotics Expert, 98
Society, 46

rocket launcher,
Robots, 45, 46
Space Station

Mustelids, 78

Name, 69
Rodents, 79
Homeworld, 83

PRLW, 123, 139

Spacer Influence, 95

Narrative Elements,
Rolling, 102

Procyonines, 79
Spacesuit, 144, 145,

Romanticism, 154

Professional Help,

Nationalism, 51
Rote, 102

Natural Leader, 95
Round, 108
Skill, 93

Promotions, 135
Spacesuit Liner, 147

Naturalism, 154
Property Damage,
Routine, 103

Navigate, 91
RULES, 101
Special Services, 67,


Net, 41, 43
Provocation, 120

Specialists, 87

Net Influence, 98
Psychologist, 95
Action, 113


Neutrality, 106
Pushing, 102
Skill, 92
Grenades, 139

New Species
QM, 67, 86
Rural Homeworld, 83

(Variant Rule),
Quartermasters, 67,

Best Choice for
Nigh-Impossible, 103
Question Skill, 92
Characters, 79

Observation +1, 96
Quick Loading, 95
SBKW 10, 123, 140
New (Variant
Old, 100
R&D, 67, 88
Science, 33
Rule), 160

Oligarchy, 52
Rabbit, 76
Sciences +1, 96
SPI, 69, 135

Open-Ended Damage
Raccoons, 79
Scrounge, 92
Spot, 93

(Variant Rule),
Search, 93

Rally, 112

Random Generation
Squadron, 62

Opposed Rolls, 103

Expert Gift, 95

(Variant Rule),
Squads, 59

Otters, 78
Master Gift, 98
Squirrels, 79

Overconfident, 100
Range, 109
SS, 67, 86

Oversight, 73
Ranks, 57
Expert, 95
Starships, 39

Rating, 72

Success, 104
Statues, 109

Rations, 151
Master, 98

PAKW 4-12, 123,

Strong, 98

Rats, 79
Sensitive, 85

Struggle, 153

Readiness, 107
Sensor Expert, 95

Panic, 119
Stunts (Variant

Realism, 155
Sensor Operations,
Rule), 158

Patrol, 63

Penalties, 104
Recoil (Variant Rule),
Subterfuge +1, 96

Short, 109

Penetration, 116
Success, 104

Recovery, 132
Shotguns, 122

Perceptive, 85
Suffocation, 124

Remote viewing, 131

Sixth Sense, 93

Suit Patches, 152

Removing Panic
Size of Target, 128

Persuade, 91
Summary, 103

(Rally), 113

Physical Sciences,

Skunks, 78
Characters, 70

Small, 100

Skill, 92

Smell, 93

Rescue Ball, 152

Action, 114

173•1 7 3

I N D E X • index
Expert Gift, 95 Skill, 93 VARIANT RULES, VLCC, 39
Suppression Expert, Tie, 104 158 Vulpines, 81
95 Totalitarianism, 51 Vehicle Operations, Waiting, 115
Surface Operations, Tough, 96 93 Warrant Officer, 67
58, 88 Trauma, 73 Vehicles, 38 Watch
Surprised Targets, Trivial, 103 Vehicles +1, 96 Action, 115
120 Vehicular Weapons
Trust, 106 with Following-
Suspiciousness, 95 Skill, 93 Fire Weapons,
Tun Och Enchek, 29
Swim, 93 Velocity, 130 115
Unarmed Combat,
Table of Ranks, 57 129 Velocity Expert, 96 Water, 129
Target, 103 Ungulates, 80 Very Fast, 99 Weapons of Mass
Taskforce, 64 Uniforms, 146 Very Large Command Destruction, 125
Technology, 33 Upper Class, 47 Carriers, 39 Skill, 93
Temperature, 128 Urban Homeworld, Very Strong, 99 Weasels, 78
Ten Steps to 84 Very Tough, 99 Weather, 131
Character Ursines, 80 Very-High Altitude, Wing (Aerospace
Creation, 71 Low Opening unit), 62
Utility Fatigues, 146
Tent, 1-man, 152 Paratroopers, 61 WMD
Utility Tool, 152
Terrain, 129 VHALO, 58, 61, 88 Skill, 93
UV sensors, 131
Theme, 154 Expert Gift, 96 WMDs, 125
Vacuum, 124
Thoughtful, 85 VHALO Paratrooper, Wounded, 117
Variable Grenade, 88
Thresholds, 117 123 Young, 100
Throw Vice Admiral, 57
Variable Grenades,
Action, 115 139 Visibility, 130
Vixens, 81


Sangwin produk$uns limited

2692 Madison Road #279

Rookwood Pavilion, Suite N1
Cincinnati, OH, 45208
Sol III (Earth)
Exsellens in g&ming

“Albedo,” “Erma Felna,” related characters and their likenesses ©1984, 2004 Steve Gallacci.
All other material ©2004 Sanguine Productions Limited.


"Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of
the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful
methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."
- President Dwight D. Eisenhower
from his farewell address, January 17, 1961


Sanguine Productions in association with Thoughts and Images present "Albedo: Structural Integrity"
Created by: Steve Gallacci
Written by: Greg Porter
Original Game Design by: Jason Holmgren with Michael Arbogast
Additional Material by: Jason Holmgren
Illustrated by: Jason Holmgren with Steve Gallacci (pp. 263-274, 276-282, 292).
Conrad Wong (p. 216, 232)
Art Direction by: Jason Holmgren
Directed by: Jason Holmgren
Executively Produced by: Ted Wadsworth
Edited by: Fred Stanton with Kevin Clark, Jason Holmgren, John Fuller, Greg Porter, Diana Wray
Play-tested by: Bret Jones with Kreela Moore, Lucas Hald, Nathan Jarrett, Daniel Murphy
Thanks to: Bret Jones, Chuan Lin, Edwin Wendell Dean Ill, Fred Stanton, Pieter van Hiel


This one's for Eric Nelson. We will remember you.

"Albedo," "Erma Felna," related characters and their likenesses ©1984, 2006 Steve Gallacci. All other
material ©2006 Sanguine Productions Limited. All rights reserved.
STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY• m-~n@~U~I ,~~~ ~ -~ ' ,

~~PUI P~ ~p~~C~~~

Introduction ............................................178
Build & Repair ........................................ 231

Why We Fight....................................178
Building Vehicles .............................. 231

Timeline of Events ............................180

Power .................................................. 232

How We Fight.................................... 1 BO
Loading a Vehicle ............................. 237

Technologies ............................................182
New Gear ................................................. 244

A World Without Baggage ............182

Hunting and Gathering ................... 244

Armor Tech ........................................183

Utility Items ...................................... 246

Weapons Tech ...................................184

Weapons ............................................. 250

Unconventional Warfare ................185

Consolidated Weapons Table

Medical Tech ......................................186

[Older Ordnance in Gray) ............... 262

Robotics Tech ....................................186

Vehicles .................................................... 264

Social Tech .........................................186

AV-4 series [EDF) ............................ 264

Extreme Tech .....................................187

ILR Vehicles ....................................... 268

Variant Rules ..........................................189

Civilian Vehicles ................................ 272

Morale .................................................195
Aerodynes .......................................... 276

Ribbons and Medals ........................195

EDF Theater Assets........................ 279

Spaceship-to-Spaceship Combat.196
Air Assault Battalion ..................... 282

Vehicular Combat.............................197
EDF Company Assets [EDF) ......... 284

Fog of War..........................................206
EDF Platoon Command Structure287

Gravity .................................................215
EDF Squad Assets ........................... 288

Damage at Range .............................216

ILR Theater Assets ......................... 295

Species ................................................225
ILR Squad Assets ............................ 299

Physique ..............................................228
lndex .......................................................... 302



the importance of this cannot be over­

\Nhy \Ne Fight stated. In a civilization that is essentially
The Albedo rules give some background paperless and communicates through a
on how the sentient species came to realize distributed network, being able to alter Net
who and what they were, and some notes information means you can alter history.
about the first interstellar war, but it does In the years preceding the second inter­
not say a lot about the nature of the cur­ stellar war, the corrupt elements within the
rent conflict with the ILR. EDF began moving the old guard out of the
There are elements within the EDF and way. Experienced personnel who were more
ConFed that have learned how dedicated to the mission of the EDF than
to manipulate the Net, and their own career advancement were reas­
signed far from the central sphere of
power, away from promotion opportunities
and decision-making bodies, often to areas
near ILR space.
The ILR, bloodied but not bowed from
the first interstellar war, could not help
but notice this. Not knowing of
the corruption within the
EDF, they simply
assumed that

~ ~:. ~7', ~1"~~~"i1ZUI\ • INTRODUCTION


moving all the most experienced person­ could prove embarrassing, and outright
nel to the edges of ILR space was a disappearances could be equally risky. In­
stealthy prelude to a full-scale assault on stead, potentially troublesome EDF
or invasion of ILR worlds. Since the EDF personnel have been reassigned to distant,
had used extreme tactics like orbital bom­ hazardous assignments from which they are
bardment on ILR worlds in the first war, not expected to return alive. These are also
this was not a pleasant prospect. The ILR assignments these personnel are unlikely to
geared itself for conflict. return from. Erma Felna is one of those
The corrupt EDF elements saw this, just as troublesome individuals, and she is cur­
the ILR saw the EDF actions, and similarly rently on one of those high-risk
misinterpreted them. Knowing that a war assignments, commanding strike ship
with the ILR would help cement their legiti­ H2701. Her small, under-staffed ship is
macy in power, they did nothing to currently tasked with raiding facilities in ILR
disillusion the ILR. Any ILR military action space to cut into the production and trans­
would provide a reason for curtailment of port of war materials. She is not expected
civil liberties for the "duration of any emer­ to return from this mission (but we know
gency" and also conveniently remove many that she will manage somehow ...).
of the old-guard EDF personnel through Have no doubts about it. The ILR and EDF
combat attrition (especially if potentially are in a serious shooting war here. However,
troublesome people constantly got the most the motivations of each side are far from
hazardous assignments). However, the EDF clear and while the ILR is more prone to
cou Id not be seen as the aggressors if the using despicable tactics, the EDF has the
ConFed worlds were to support EDF actions. blood of its own people on its hands. For the
Once both sides had reached a certain EDF, the goal not simply a military victory
level of mobilization, the ILR felt a need to but a victory that garners the maximum
test the ED F's will and intent. This took the political and economic benefit for the con­
form of a fairly underpowered assault spirators at its heart. This goal can be
against the Dornthant system, one of the reflected in the unusual mission orders, and
central Confederation worlds. The corrupt in logistics that are inadequate, excessive or
elements of the EDF deliberately prevented simply incongruous (such as no winter gear
sufficient military response to the attack on for a cold planet). These irregularities can be
Ann ah, allowing at least six ACVs to strike compensated for, but they affect perform­
this planet's cities, causing over a million ance or maintenance or operational
immediate casualties. readiness - perhaps as a means towards a
This double misinterpretation of intents particular result. This could keep a particular
turned an ILR saber-rattling exercise into unit or even a particular person on a front
the opening shot of the second interstellar line instead of coming home, turn an easy
war. There are loyal EDF elements who are victory into a costly one, make certain com­
aware of exactly what happened on the EDF manders look good or bad, influence the
side, but the corrupt elements have control governments of nearby planets by making a
of the "history" of how it played out. The threat look larger, and so on.
"official" line is that rogue EDF elements Characters are unlikely to be aware of
had plotted a takeover of the Dornthantii the problems at the core of the EDF, at least
government, and thl"iractions caused the early in a campaign, but this rot is some­
planetary defenses to fail, resulting in the thing that will eventually affect anyone
massive destruction that followed. That is, who has a promising career and whose
the people who caused the problem have personality places them at odds with those
successfully managed to blame it on those who are and plan to stay in the heart of
who were trying to stop it Public trials ConFed power.
INTRODUCTION. Wl\~nP.•/, J(~,. u~' ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

and equipment are interchangeability, re­

dundancy and survivability. The first of these
is practical, the second tactical, and the third
economic. Even a lightweight asset like the
ubiquitous AV-4 has autonomous routines
that can bring it home through hostile terri­
tory, even if the entire crew complement is
incapacitated. Or dead.
And while no one states it this bluntly, it is
cheaper to replace the crew than it is to re­
place the vehicle. It is similarly unstated that
no one likes the thought of their ride going
home without them, and these autonomous
functions are very seldom activated, even in
extremis. While there is a general lack of su­
perstitions among the various species, there is
a certain irrational attitude towards vehicles
Timeline of Events put back into service after the death of its
Most Game Hosts will want to follow the entire crew. These vehicles are, for lack of a
history that is established in the Albedo better word, considered "unlucky", and for the
comic, simply expanding on it or adding most part, are disassembled and used as spares
events that would not have affected the rather than simply being repaired and re­
characters in the series. This means keeping turned to service.
within a rough timeline of possible events. The Extra-planetary Defense Force special­
With the exception of relatively small scale izes in rapid reaction, with an emphasis on
'throw away' operations like Derzon and lightweight, highly mobile forces. Characters
Ch ishatta, outright conflict with the I LR are the forefront of this force. Ground forces
does not start until the ILR attack on Dorn­ are often light infantry and drop-ship-carried
thant II. During the intervening time light armor. The heavy assets such as the Very
between Derzon and Dornthant II, the only Large Class Carriers (VLCCs) remain far away
action an EDF unit would be likely to see from direct conflict. The squadron of capital
would be counter-terrorism, counter­ ships that invariably accompanies these nigh­
insurgency, and peacekeeping between irreplaceable assets forms both a defensible
local factions. While perfectly valid and perimeter as well as the phalanx of the plane­
interesting campaign settings, these types tary assault. In general, computers can assess
of operations generally involve small units, space battles to a very fine degree well ahead
often of an ad hoc force structure, and are of any actual contact and may elect to with­
therefore not the focus of this supplement. draw without risking an engagement. The EDF
Structural Integrity is aimed at providing is also an all-volunteer force, whose budget
information and detail useful for the main comes from the relatively stable supply of
conflict between the EDF and ILR, though the funds supplied by the Con Fed member worlds.
information is applicable to all campaigns in EDF equipment is manufactured by the EDF
the Albedo universe. Characters are assumed itself, usually at permanent resource stations
to be pa rt of a larger operation that they can that supplyVLCCs or in the field as needed.
influence by their success (or failure!) but that While the EDF mission is ostensibly to deal
they do not (usually) directly control. with external threats, interna I politica I tensions
An Albedo ca mpa ig n is not about running have the EDF dealing with internal threats like
the show, it is about surviving it! insurgency, terrorism and well-organized cam­
paigns of economic and political disruption.
How \Ne Fight Naturally, the !LR is only too glad to exacerbate
For the EDF, and to a lesser extent the ILR these problems whenever they can. Among the
and independent worlds, after function, the independent worlds, whose alignment with
most important characteristics of vehicles Con Fed is a transitory affair at best, avoiding
~ ~:. ~7', ~1"~~~"i1ZUI\ • INTRODUCTION

civilian casualties and disruption of vital infra­ Con Fed cannot do anything for them. It can­
structure is of paramount importance. No one not protect them from the ILR, and the ILR
in the Con Fed or EDF wants a repeat of the just wants the independent worlds to bow out
damage done at Derzon. of the conflict entirely, which will tend to level
The limitation of collateral damage com­ the playing field. The ILR is largely uncon­
bined with the lightweight nature of EDF cerned with civilian casualties or damage it
forces leads to a dichotomy between space causes to a planet's infrastructure. They are
and ground forces. In space, ultra high velocity interested in getting the most political bang
weapons with kinetic yields measured in kilo­ for the buck, which means taking control
tons and nuclear weapons are regularly quickly, and making the EDF pay as high a
deployed with no concern for the already­ price as possible to take the planet back, both
inhospitable environment. Orbital bombard­ in manpower and political influence. The ILR
ment would reduce any military installation to avoids costly assets that warrant an over­
rubble, but such mass destruction could lead whelming response from orbit, and prefers
to a short-term death toll in the thousands deployments that can work within a civilian
and environmental impact that could lead to population. At the same time, they are not
the deaths of millions of civilians. On the concerned with any damage they do during
ground, infantry, lightweight vehicles armed the defense of a planet. The ILR also prefers
with point target weapons, and aerodyne lightweight armored vehicles, as they are fast
gunships able to lay overwhelming precision to deploy and relatively inexpensive, but the
fire into enemy troop concentrations, even in ILR may equip some of these vehicles with
urban areas. Ground strategies and hardware light artillery and mortars. However, they do
are designed to minimize civilian casualties not concentrate the vehicles for massed fire,
and collateral damage. as this is too easy to disrupt, nor can they
On the other side, the ILR military is a po­ coordinate fire over widely dispersed units due
litical, ideological and economic entity. The to the heavy EW environment. Instead, indi­
first two are linked. Lapine manifest destiny rect fire vehicles are a long-range way of
requires them to expand, yet they are harassing EDF infantry, forcing EDF support
hemmed in on all sides by occupied worlds units to be further from the front lines, and a
mostly aligned with a militarily superior Con­ force multiplier that can support ILR infantry
Fed. To expand, they need military force and units in widely separated locations.
the political will to use it. ILR forces have a For instance, it would not be beyond the
large degree of conscripts, and ILR hardware is ILR to park a few mortar carriers next to a
built by corporate contractors (the lowest hospital. Even fairly accurate fire from an
bidder). The ILR prefers wheeled vehicles for aerodyne gunship could have enough disper­
their lower initial cost and reduced mainte­ sion to shred part of the building, and in case
nance and training requirements. Large-scale the pilot wants to get close enough for a few
ILR operations draw people out of the work­ precise shots, there is often an infantry de­
force, though the draft usually targets the tachment present for just such an eventuality.
unemployed first, and ILR equipment funnels ILR troops are on average physically smaller
money from other government programs into than EDF troops. This limits the weight they
corporate pockets. Any economic hardships can carry. ILR infantry weapons are lighter
caused by diversion of resources to the mili­ than EDF counterparts, and they make up for
tary are wrapped in patriotism. Complaining this by using them in quantity. ILR operational
about a lack of a particular luxury or a type of doctrine has a "rain of steel" feel to it, espe­
rationing "while brave ILR troops are out there cially if you are on the receiving end. Rather
risking their lives" is blatantly unpatriotic. than having all their forces equipped with a
The ILR is more concerned about generat­ number of general purpose weapons like an
ing the political response they want within the under-barrel variable grenade launcher, ILR
Con Fed and independent worlds than they are infantry has specialists for specific tasks. These
about actually holding territory. The idea is to specialists are the equal of EDF troops, even if
convince independent worlds to un-align the average ILR soldier is not, but there are far
themselves with Con Fed, by showing that fewer of them to go around.
INTRODUCTION. Wl\7!nP.•/, J(~,. u~' '~ . ~ \ ,



legacy technologies like analog phone lines,

A \Norld \Nithout AM radios, obsolete weapon calibers or
Baggage several different kinds of data storage me­
One important thing to keep remember­ dia. Technologically, everything is as perfect
ing about Albedo is that its inhabitants are a as if it were made that way. Which it was.
created people. They came into the world Training and experts in a given field are
with their technology fully fleshed out, generally involved with new ways to use
without having to take into account a existing tech. Scientific innovation is not
moldering obsolete infrastructure. Buildings nearly as developed as it wou Id be for a
are assumed to be fully networked. Wireless, species that had a history of technological
wearable voice activated computers are so development. For instance, personal elec­
ubiquitous that Albedo has reached the holy tronics like hand computers have hardly
grail of being "paperless". There are no com­ evolved at all. The methods for making them
peting computer standards, conflicts are largely robotic, the program modules
between English and Metric systems of developed or supplied by the network. Crea­
measurement, or any need to accommodate tivity and innovation is in the form of new
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
ways to use what is already out there.
Our World vs. Albedo's Worlds Moore's Law of exponentially increasing
There are some weapons and weapon computer power does not operate in the
technologies that are not used in the Albedo Albedo universe.
universe. This could be because of genetic There are incremental improvements, but
blind spots in the way the races think, or they are slow, and may be as much driven
simply because their young military tradition (or limited by) economics as anything else.
has not gotten around to thinking of them. Aerodynes are powered by CAG fusion reac­
Among the technologies you won't see used tors. Con Fed reactors are generally more
in ground combat by either side are nuclear, powerful for their size than similar units on
biological or chemical weapons, though en­ independent worlds. They are also more
hanced radiation nukes are used in space expensive. The independent worlds could
combat, and irritant agents are available to but make the better units, but the economic
uncommonly deployed by the military. strain would not be matched by a corre­
The Skill of Weapons ofMass Destruction sponding increase in productivity, nor would
is primarily used to evaluate the effects of increased performance for military aero­
large explosions, orbital weapon strikes, and dynes be worth the increased capital and
ACV strikes both for inflicting them on the maintenance costs. So while Con Fed tech is
enemy and surviving them. slightly better than anyone else has, it is
Sonic weapons, poisoned weapons, ex­ really just slightly better than anyone else
ploding bullets, weapons designed to leave choosesto make.
hard to find or remove fragments in tissue, At this exact moment in Albedo universe,
and mine fields are also absent from EDF and there is some genuine technological innova­
ILR arsenals. Placed demolition charges are tion. Trying to reverse engineer the
used by both sides, and the ILR does use trip­ technologies of the Creator ship found near
wire weapons in the machine pistol class as Ahahn-Tako would be an example. However,
booby traps. However, standard anti-personnel the network, for its own reasons, may work
and anti-vehicle explosive mines as an area­ behind the scenes to inhibit innovation in
denial tactic are not in use by either side. particular fields, by manipulating the for­
Neither side deploys electromagnetic tunes of individuals who would otherwise
weapons like microwave beams or EMP de­ be well-placed to bring about undesired
vices except as immediate proximity devices, advances (or advances with undesirable
and even these are rare. consequences!).
The nature of known history puts the curves are easier than complex ones. A VLCC
EDF and ILR on par in terms of the equip­ can manufacture pieces of virtually any size
ment they use. However, the way in which needed, but also carries prefabricated slabs
the two equip their forces gives the EDF a that can simply be cut into the proper shape
slight increase in functional efficiency. for replacement of planar parts, like the
While ILR experts can come up with glacis of the aforementioned AV-4. The
equally useful designs, ILR weapons are in basic characteristics of armor include a
the end, manufactured for a profit by the relatively low heat ca pa city, moderate
lowest bidder. thermal conductivity, a fairly low density
On the other hand, the ILR does feel the and a fairly neutral reflectance of most
need to have an edge, and is a little more forms of EM radiation. The way in which the
willing to endorse experimental programs if armor is forged allows adjustments in its
they feel the resu It can be to tactica I or conductivity or EM absorption/reflection for
strategic advantage, even if only temporar­ specific uses. For instance, a ground vehicle
ily. This means that EDF soldiers can never will reflect radar in a way that matches
get complacent about who and what they "average" ground clutter as well as it can,
think they're going to face. while a military aerodyne will strive to ab­
sorb aII wavelengths and be as EM stealthy
Armor Tech as possible.
The standard arm or materia I is a mono­ Armor is also specialized for particular
molecular composite that is grown by a applications. Exoatmospheric aerodynes
standard electrochemical process that has may have heat-resistant coatings or struc­
been around since the beginning, though tures, and armored vehicles may have
the discovery of the Creator ship shows that reactive armor to help defeat shaped
there are more advanced materials available. charge warheads. Personal armor is made
However, no one has managed to reverse from or is backed with advanced ballistic
engineer that ship's armor material to come fabrics. Combined with monomolecular
up with a method to manufacture it. plates, it can blunt the impact of modern
Armor can be grown in virtually any size assault rifles, and can make heavier
or shape, though flat pieces are easier to weapon hits more survivable.
work with than curved ones, and simple
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit . . ., \,

'Weapons Tech aerodyne standoff weapons to obliterate

The battlefield of Albedo is fairly ad­ any target that is tactically and politically
vanced, but the Game Host and players have worth the collateral damage such weapons
to be aware that it is a fairly level playing will cause to an area. Both sides remember
field, and one in which certain measures Derzon, and the nature of what the ILR and
and countermeasures are not in balance. For EDF are trying to do means that neither side
instance, when all troops have eye protec­ has the opportunity, need orwill to cluster
tion and basic armor that can provide heavy assets in such a way as to make mass
limited life support, both blinding weapons destruction a viable option. There may be
and incapacitating gases are next to useless, such static facilities on various worlds, but
and military planners usually reject them they would have been built before the first
out of hand as a waste of resources. On the interstellar war. Now that people know
other hand, while both sides have extremely what happens to such facilities when
advanced computational, communications someone has orbital superiority, no one is
and networking capabilities, both sides also keen to defend them once the high
have significant EW (electronic warfare) ground has been lost.
assets, reducing the effective communica­ Consequently, most of the action is done
tion range of small units to not much more the hard way: troops on the ground.
than shouting range. Though to be fair, over Ground weapons are nothing esoteric.
that limited range, both units and their Both sides use slug-throwers almost exclu­
equipment can pass, share and coordinate sively. The EDF uses a high-tech cased
data in extreme!yeffective ways. ammunition, while the ILR uses a less­
The nature of technology in the EDF and powerfu I but Iig hter case less cartridge.
ILR conflict makes heavy assets easy targets. Heavier weapons like vehicle cannons will
Unless there is a toe-to-toe engagement in use metered liquid propellants, usually
space that leaves everyone in orbit crippled binary propellants, where neither compo­
or dead, one side or the other will have the nent is explosive by itself, but only become
high ground, and with that high ground, volatile when mixed in the firing chamber of
the ability to use orbital bombardment or the weapon. The ammunition supply in a
vehicle will not explode and destroy it, even The kinetic energy of this "bullet" can be
if it catches fire. Also, the mix of the propel­ measured in kilotons or megatons, depend­
lant can be fine-tuned in the field, to ing on how big it is and how fast it is going.
compensate for barrel wear, humidity, tem­ Against a planet, it is like a non-radioactive
perature, gravity, atmospheric density, etc. nuclear explosive detonated at ground level.
Weapon technologies generally not in­ Against a capital ship, the impact, radial
terchangeable between the ILR and EDF, shock wave and conversion of momentum
mostly because the ILR doesn't want them into heat will punch a white-hot hole 50
to be. Military weapons as a rule will have meters wide completely through anything
integrated electronics. EDF rifles will almost but a VLCC, and spray molten metal and
always have light-amplification telescopic unrecognizable carbonized plasma out the
sights and heads-up displays to indicate other side. The defense against ACVs is to
threat direction and other symbolic infor­ not get hit by one, typically by intercepting
mation passed between a squad's local it with your own ACVs at long range, or
network. ILR weapons will not have elec­ disrupting its guidance system at close
tronics as sophisticated as their EDF range with particle beam weapons. This is
counterparts. easier said than done, since ACVs are simply
Vehicle weapons are even more tightly chunks of metal with a thruster and guid­
integrated with their electronics. Fire con­ ance module. Unless you actually hit its
trol computers are the norm, as are sensors, the heavy metal nose can absorb
stabilizers linked by computer to acceler­ anything short of a hit by another ACV.
ometers, thrusters and even predictive
models based on the pilot or driver's past Unconventional
behavior and assessed level of skill.
Guided missiles, smoke, irritants, and
The benefits of a fully-networked high­
non-lethal weapons are also part of each
tech army such as the United States touts in
side's arsenal, and if all else fails, the combat
its Future Force Warrior concept really only
knife can be used. Bayonets are unknown.
works if your opponent doesn't have the
On the largest scale, there are orbital
same tech base. In Albedo, both the ILR and
bombardment weapons and ACVs. A direct
EDF operate on a more or less equal techno­
hit by an orbital bombardment weapon on
logical footing, though they operate in
any armored vehicle will turn it into a pile
different ways. One important unconven­
of smoking parts that covers an area signifi­
tional warfare asset is electronic
cantly larger than the original vehicle. Any
countermeasures. The first thing to go in
static fortification can in time be reduced to
any military situation is long-range com­
rubble, and while ground installations can
munications. Vehicles can and do carry
mount similar weapons capable of hitting
equipment that can easily punch a signal
orbital targets, ships in orbit can always
through to an overhead orbita I vehicle or to
withdraw and send in ACVs, which have the
any other vehicle within several kilometers
same effect on ground installations that
(who then relay it further as needed). Units
orbita I bombardment weapons have on
within line of sight can often communicate
armored vehicles.
via coded laser pulses, and while these
ACVs (Autonomous Combat Vehicles) are
cannot be jammed, atmospheric scatter can
the ultimate Albedo expression of "force
be used to detect the position of any laser
equals mass times velocity squared". The
transmitting unit. Units without vehicles
"velocity squared" part is why a supersonic
have a much greater difficulty because
rifle bullet is so devastating compared to a
powerful comm gear is not light and light
relatively slow projectile like an arrow, and a
gear is not powerful. Individual radios have
heavy bullet of a particular velocity is more
a huge range under ideal conditions but
damaging than a lighter one. An ACV is a
under battlefield conditions can only reliably
bullet the size of a truck, whose speed is
reach 50-100 meters while the officer radio
measured not in meters per second but in
is only good for about 500-1000 meters.
tens or hundreds of kilometers per second.
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

Company HOs and platoons who are not readily detected at contact range as easily
motorized have a communications expert to as any other chunk of structural monomo­
carry a more powerful radio system. This is lecular material.
not quite as good as a vehicle radio but it Medical technology can and has been
can punch tactical updates and orders out abused, mostly by independent organizations
and receive them back every few minutes or the ILR. Virtual reality interfaces can pro­
over the vehicle ranges. This is also a pla­ vide sensory input nearly indistinguishable
toon or company's link to aerodyne support. from the real thing, allowing for torture that
Whichever side in a conflict has the or­ leaves no physical marks but that still scars
bital high ground can blanket an area larger the mind for life. Life support packs can put
than the biggest metropolis with scrambling healthy people into comas, and there are
signals that render all but short-range drugs that can, if not countered, permanently
communicators useless. When the ILR holds disassociate the neural linkages that are our
an area, they immediately co-opt the local personalities, skills and memories. Just be­
broadcast net (mostly the equivalent of cell­ cause these are horrible things to do does not
phone towers) to do the same. The EDF keep them from being done. It just keeps
could counter this jamming, but only at the them from being common. Fortunately, in­
cost of destroying the entire civilian com­ stances of abuses like this are virtually
munications infrastructure, plus the unknown within the Confederation.
businesses, government buildings and resi­
dence complexes that have this equipment Robotics Tech
mounted on their roofs. Since the network is smart enough to be
The net result is that high-speed data an artificial intelligence, robotic behavior is
communications are limited to a range of a fairly sophisticated. Robots can be used for
few hundred meters in any combat zone. automated deliveries, ship maintenance,
The slightly more powerful radios a squad Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) work,
leader has can reliably pass data this far, hostile environment exploration and so on.
and with a tactical computer, an ad hoc While capable of operating autonomously
network between adjacent squads can pass for many tasks, robots still work best under
messages from one end of a chain to the skilled direction (i.e. a Robotics Expert). In
other, but the limited bandwidth available the EDF, EOD and other specialized robots
keeps this from being an "open channel". are battalion-level assets.
Individual squad members would have to pass
requests to their squad leader, and if more vital
communications are not in process, pass a
Social Tech
Albedo is full of highly social species that
request or communication down the line.
by and large like to mingle. The diversity of
species means that opportunities to mingle
Medical Tech with one's own species are more limited,
Anything short of brain destruction can be and extremely welcome in most cases. The
fixed, eventually. Virtually anything in the personal hand computer that no one would
torso can be regenerated, and missing limbs dare leave home without serves the func­
can be replaced by cybernetics that perfectly tion of communications, network access,
mimic function and appearance. There is no day planner, address book and personal
drive to use cybernetics or other forms of entertainment device. Either with a hand
enhancement to increase function beyond computer or a building or ship's internal
normal levels - part of the same cultural network, it is easy to look for people with a
ethic that does not allow use of combat common set of interests, or post a specific
robots, a desire to keep things from becoming profile that other people can look for. So, a
a biologic adjunct to a combat machine. passenger on the boring trip out to the
Cybernetics are shielded to prevent elec­ hyperspace limit can either mingle the old
tronic detection and to prevent them from fashioned way, or they can ask the Net, "Are
being affected by EW to the same degree as there any unattached ungulates who
other military electronics, but they can be
wouldn't mind some friendly company for a detect a ship jumping at a range of several
while?" Within seconds, a listing of how AU. Smaller objects like an ACV can't be
many there are and where they are on the detected easily, even at shorter ranges.
ship at the moment is available. This search A gravity-wave detector is simple in
can be sea led to a city, or even a planet, and principle, but everything needed to make it
then fine-tuned to reduce overwhelming work is complicated, large, and expensive. At
responses down to a select few. its heart, a gravity-wave detector is a spin­
ning, ultra-pure mass of quartz, somewhat
Extreme Tech less than a meter across. Any stress on the
The two most obvious examples of ex­ quartz generates a tiny piezoelectric signal,
treme technology in Albedo are capital ships which can be measured by sensors sur­
and gravity-wave detectors. VLCCs are small rounding the chamber it is housed in. The
cities, with virtually everything one would introduction of new mass into local space
find in a groundside facility. With a crew of generates gravitational ripples which cause
5,000 and the ability to drop an entire divi­ minute stresses in the quartz. Correlated
sion of infantry and support vehicles planet­ with the rotation rate and position of the
side, they are an investment of resources quartz at the instant of detection, this gives
that neither ILR or EDF risks in combat. Even a rough bearing and distance to the source
lesser capital ships are extremely valuable of the disruption. Similarly, the movement
assets. An unwritten rule of the service is of existing masses within the radius of
that a captain who loses his or her ship detection can also be measured.
doesn't get another one - at least not one
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
as large or larger.
Observation and Distance
Gravity-wave detectors are the main
With A/bedo'.5technology, inside a solar
long-range sensor available to starships and
system, there is no detection system that
orbital installations. Jumping into local
works faster than the speed of light, and
space is the sudden introduction of thou­
there is no weapon or delivery system that
sands of tons into local space, with a
travels faster than light. This quirk of physics
pronounced tug in the local gravity envi­
means that at large distances, you can't know
where something is; just where it was. For
As the ship moves through space, it cre­
example, if a ship is detected at a distance of
ates gravimetric ripples which can be
eight light-minutes (about 1 AU). that's
detected. Bigger ships or stations with lar­
where it was Eight minutes ago. Space com­
ger/better arrays can get a better fix at
bat involves a lot of stealth, prediction
longer range, but even a smaller ship can
models, and just a little luck.
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

The trick is to do all of this in a ship under 18,000 ton ship at its maximum range (?AU)
varying acceleration, in the radiation envi­ and a minimum system could pick up a
ronment of space and heavy EM environment 60,000 ton ship at the same range. The mass
of a ship's reactors and other electronics. The discrimination ability is the same as its
gravity sensor has to be heavily shielded, minimum detection mass at a given range.
cooled to absolutely constant temperatures So, a planetary array at a distance of 20
near absolute zero, and even then, a ship light minutes (sensitivity of 2,000 tons)
usually has to stabilize its own acceleration could determine the mass of an item to
profile for a few seconds to take a reading. It within 2,000 tons of its actual mass.
also helps if you have a gravimetric database There is no known method for hiding
of the solar system in question, just so you gravitational signature. While radio silence
can isolate and rule out all the existing bodies can be maintained, and fusion reactors can
1n your sensing range. be shut off, mass still has gravity. Even if
All capital ships will have at least one stationary, a mass will be moving relative to
gravity-wave sensor, and larger ones will the detection array, so it will still be de­
have several. This improves the range, the tected.
precision and the mass discrimination. Plan­ Major Con Fed worlds and a few of the
ets and large orbital stations will have many more well-heeled independents have grav­
sensors set tens or hundreds of kilometers ity-wave "transmitters". Think of it as an
apart. A planetary array can spot ships array of 30,000 ton semaphore flags. Actu­
(especially jump events) out to about 5 ally, configured chunks of nickel-iron
light-hours. Capital ships can spot out to asteroid with high-acceleration engines, a
about 1 light-hour. sort of super-ACV. Their position and veloc­
The size and complexity of an array also ity relative to each other and their home
determines how mass-sensitive it is. A large planet can be used to send low-bandwidth
array has a sensitivity of perhaps 100 tons messages to any ship capable of detecting
per light-minute of range, a large ship's them. It is cumbersome, but it serves much
system might be 300 tons per light-minute the same purpose as Earth's ultra-low fre­
and a minimum system might be 1,000 tons quency transmitters for sending messages
per light minute. A planetary array could to submarines. It is an unjammable means
spot the arrival of a ship 30,000 tons or of quickly getting short, coded messages to
larger at maximum range (36AU). while a military units faster than is possible by any
large warship's array could pick up an other means.
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES

r-~nc~l\7. nu1fZ
The basic Albedo rules cover all the really (all 07's) who will in turn have their own
important bits of the world and the way supporting characters (the squads) or 3 of
things work. The following Variant Rules the squad leaders can be Main Characters
clarify and expand on the core rules. As with and the remaining squad members are your
all Variant Rules, use these to enhance the supporting characters. The former is not
drama of the game, not to complicate is­ recommended for combat units but works
sues. well for support positions in Surface
Branches and in all Specialist and Adminis­
Variant Rule:
trative Branches.
High-Ranking Officers If your start as an 08 flight leader, you
The basic rules are not perfectly clear on
will have only your vehicle crew as support­
how a starting character and supporting
ing characters because all aerodyne pilots
characters are integrated into a service, the
are Main Characters, whether other player
Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE).
or Host controlled.
How the Main Character and Supporting
You may also be promoted to Com­
Characters fit in depends on where you start
pany/Squadron Commander or even
in the rank structure. If you start off as an
higher. In all cases of higher advancement,
06, there's no problem. You are leading a
the supporting characters remain the
fire team and your 4 supporting characters
immediate command staff and other lead­
are the members of that fire team.
ership positions are Main Characters under
The basic rules sort of assume your char­
other player or Host control.
acter will start as an 06 or S3, an Indepen­
In all cases of rank above Fire Team
dent Fire Team Leader with 4 cadet ranks
1 1 Leader, however, an officer will need subor­
(Cadet f through 5 h) as your supporting
dinate officers that are capable of some
characters. In the Surface Battalion TOE, this
degree of independent action and while not
position is only available in Air Recon (Rapid
quite Main Characters, they do need more
Response) though it is common for Freefall
capabilities than a standard Supporting
Infantry teams, the Administration
Branches, and Specialist Branches. Surface
Branch officers may also be Independent Adjutant Characters
Fire Team Leaders when serving as security, Collectively, all lesser officers who are
Homeguard trainers and advisors, or when not Main Characters will be referred to as
circumstances leave the EDF shorthanded. Adjutant Characters. Most officers of 07
The Game Host will need to take these rank or higher will have 1 Adjutant but
factors into consideration when advising some may have more. The TOE lists each
players on character construction and when unit type and the required minimum rank of
designing a campaign. the various positions. In most cases, this
However, it is quite possible (and often position is called the Assistant Squad Leader
preferable) to start as an 07 (squad leader) (ASL).
or even 08 (platoon or wing leader). which An Adjutant is built like a Main Character
puts an entirely different cast on things. with certain exceptions. The first exception
As a Squad Leader or aerodyne pilot, all is that they have no Homeworld skills or
the members of your squad/crew are your gifts (but can take them as improvements).
supporting characters, which means that for They also have only 1 initial free mark per
an 8 person squad you will have 7 support­ rank level over 05 or S2 (an 06 or S3 would
ing characters for an 07 main character. have 1 free mark). not the 10 that normal
This situation is actually fairly common. Main Characters receive. All Adjutants also
If you startas an 08 platoon leader, you receive 1 free mark in Lead, and since Main
may either have the four squad leaders in Characters are not required to have Lead
the platoon as your supporting characters marks in order to hold a command, the
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

Adjutant might have more Lead marks than

the Main Character. An Adjutant does get a
Free Gift. An Adjutant is assumed to have
the minimum SPI needed for the rank to do
their job and the minimum ranks are listed
under the squad type. However, an Adjutant
will never have less SPI than Clout+ Drive+
Personality+ Gift modifiers, nor will they
ever begin the game with greater rank than
the main character (though they may have
the same rank in a different Branch in some
cases). Adjutants use the Main Character point at higher command levels in the non­
experience track and can improve all marks, combat branches. The Adjutant directs their
attributes, and SPI normally. subordinates using their abilities, but under
n the main character's command. Adjutants
x Example: As a 2nd Lt, Auitzotl would begin
~ a campaign in charge of a squad, mean­ will even have their own Adjutants at higher
c ing he would have an Assistant Squad ranks! However, combat unit Squad Com­
Leader [ASL) built using the Adjutant rules manders and higher should always be Main
and 6 other supporting characters built Characters in level of marks and gifts even if
using the Standard Supporting Character played by the Game Host. Experienced Adju­
rules (see below). Auitzotl chooses Oshi as tants may meet this qualification through
his ASL. The mini-mum rank for an infan­ accumulated Gifts and skills.
try squad ASL is Cadet 1st class, so Supporting Characters that a Main Char­
Oshi's minimum SPI is 15 (a corporal acter controls through an Adjutant will start
equivalent]. His actual SPI is his Drive + the game with Trust towards both the Main
Clout+ Personality + Gift modifiers. Oshi Character and Adjutant.
is a Canid and neither his species nor his Trust in the Adjutant translates into trust
free Gift affect his SPI, so his SPI mini­ in the Main Character. However, loyalty
mum is adjusted to 20. This means he is does not translate through the Adjutant
an 06 [3rd Lieutenant]. Because of this, except within a squad or flight.
he gets a free skill mark in addition to the n
x Example: Loyalty to a fire team leader
+1 Lead mark that all Adjutants get. ~ translates to the squad leader, but loyalty
Most players will note that Canines are c to the squad leader does not translate to
the species most easily made into 3'd Lt AS Ls. the platoon leader.
Th is reflects the source materia I. Characters who are loyal to a Main
It is possible for Supporting Characters Character at the point an Adjutant is "in­
to be promoted to Adjutants, using the serted" between them and the Main
Variant Rule "Supporting Character Experi­ Character (through promotion for instance)
ence System" or Ga me Host fiat. If a w1//retain their loyalty.
supporting character is promoted to an Note that character can get a promotion
Adjutant, that character resets their experi­ without getting a higher level of command
ence track to zero but immediately gains if they are not otherwise eligible or it no
the Free Gift and use of Clout and Drive, command is available. Often, a promotion
including that from Personality. They do not does not actually entitle one to a higher
get the free mark(s) (even Lead). The SPI command level. In these cases, one might be
rating is notchanged for the gift or person­ tapped to be a 2'd in command but this
ality if the promotion is SPI (merit) based. If position can be turned down if desired.
the promotion is by Game Host fiat (see A question about in-game promotion is
below) then the SPI is adjusted to the "what happens to my Supporting Charac­
minimum level necessary for the rank. ters?" If you are promoted from a fire team
Adjutants can have their own Supporting leader to a squad leader, this is no prob­
Characters and in fact, this is usually the lem, a squad is simply formed around you.
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
You gain 3 new supporting characters level. When this HQ unit is first formed,
(who are Neutral towards you). one of most of the members will likely be new to
which will be an Adjutant (your ASL) the character but the Main Character can
unless one of your fire team members is take his or her ASL and any other support­
eligible for promotion to ASL (if they are a ing characters who are qualified for
Cadet 1st class or better) in which case command positions into the HQ unit.
that Cadet (who must be the highest It is very possible that promotion to
ranked Cadet) becomes the ASL. Company commander will sever any direct
However, if you get bumped up to a connection with most of a Main Character's
platoon command or to flight commander, original subordinates (that is, they will no
the situation is more complicated and will longer be actively controlled in the field).
have to be worked out with the Host. For The EDF strongly believes that the be­
combat commands of Platoon level and all havior and abilities of subordinates reflect
aerodyne commands, the character keeps the abilities of the commander. Therefore
his or her squad/crew and the other squad it should be a condition of promotion from
leader/crew leader spots are filled by Main Squad Leader to Platoon Leader that one's
Characters. These Main Characters may be ASL is ready for promotion to squad leader.
new faces who may not know you or peo­ This rule encourages players to 'help' the
ple you have worked with before. The Main ASL along and applies all the way up the
Characters could be controlled by the Host chain of command. Note that a character
or (preferably) by other players. can get a promotion in rank without a
Main Characters who are commanded promotion in command, however. A Lt
by a Player Character are still controlled by Commander can lead a Platoon for in­
the Game Host. Such characters do have to stance.
obey the commander's orders but there is On a possibly more sinister note, promo­
no guarantee they are going to like the tion is tied to SPI and SPI is tied to personal
commander. Their personalities may let behavior to a significant degree and there­
them develop trust in the commander, but fore to conformity of some level. Tying
it is possible their loyalties lie elsewhere. promotion to the promotion eligibility of
All sorts of interesting permutations are
possible. This situation is a very good
chance for role playing as well as a call for
some creativity on the part of the Game
For non-combat platoon level com­
mands, the ASL becomes one squad leader
and the Main Character receives 3 new
Adjutants who are the leaders of the other =
squads. You design and control these
characters as your own. However, they and
the men and women they command as
their supporting characters are Neutral to
you initially.
All combat squad leaders (and Independ­
ent Fire Team Leaders) and all platoon
leaders and higher are Main Characters in
all EDF branches. This high level of compe­
tence is the primary strength of the EDF.
When a character advances to higher com­
mands, he or she will form a command staff
(a command squad) or an administrative
staff (squad) which he or she will carry with
them as they advance in rank and command ,~1\
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

one's subordinates encourages officers to n

x Example 2: Auitzotl has worked hard
monitor the behavior of subordinates for ~ and had a successful career. His pro­
anti-social actions. ~ motion to Platoon Leader was
If combat casualties or promotions or eventually confirmed and he has accu­
force reorganization opens a vacancy that mulated 55 SPI. He is ready for
someone has to fill, there is another option promotion to Lt Commander but no­
for advancement. The Host may assume body in his platoon has 40 SPI yet, so
that a "rising tide floats all boats". If a he has no replacement and is therefore
commander at a certain level gets pro­ 'stuck' at Platoon commander until
moted or removed from action, someone someone is eligible to take his place.
has to take his or her place. Ordinarily it is Eventually, squad leader Hodochi
EDF policy to promote from within if at all reaches the magic 40 SPI. Auitzotl gets
possible, especially in the heat of battle. the next company command slot. This
Promotions (and SPI awards) are simply may be his existing company or it may be
made as necessary (with the rule being the an entirely new company formed from
least SPI given out free the better) to units new to Auitzotl. In either case,
arrive at a workable new command struc­ Auitzotl forms a new HQ squad. He
ture. keeps Oshi with him as his HQ squad
These SPI are 'loans' however and any ASL [which may 'force' a promotion in
SPI that the character earns first have to his old squad) and he takes Zyshiri as his
go towards 'paying off' the loan before the aide. His other squad members are not
character's SPI can increase again. If any­ eligible to fill any other slots in the HQ
thing happens to cause a loss of SPI while squad and are 'lost' and replaced with
the 'loan' is outstanding, the promotion new ones. They may be encountered
and SPI loan can be revoked. later as a game event but they are not
n Example 1: Auitzotl is a squad leader part of what Auitzotl does in the game.
Y with some experience and an SPI of 38. Except in an emergency, Auitzotl is no
~ His ASL Oshi began with an SPI of 20 longer a direct combatant. If the com­
and now has 23. Auitzotl's platoon takes pany is his old company, any Main
some major punishment and the platoon Characters remain. For either old or
leader is KIA. Someone has to take over new, all other platoon slots are filled by
the platoon. The other squad leaders Main Characters controlled by either
have less SPI than Auitzotl, so he gets another player or by the Host.
tapped for platoon leader. He gets a
+2SPI 'loan' so he is eligible for the pro­ Summary of Ranks
motion and his ASL Oshi gets + 7SPI so It is important to remember that all EDF
he can become the new squad leader. If surface personnel are technically 'officers'
both do well (don't lose any SPI), eventu­ but most are confined to the Cadet ranks
ally, they will be 'confirmed' in the new (05 and lower) and will stay there for the
position [once they have earned enough duration of their enlistment. They do not
SPI to pay off the 'loan']. have the necessary 'drive' (literally) to be a
Under ordinary conditions, Auitzotl command grade officer. The Warrant Officer
would not be eligible for promotion to ranks apply only to Emissary, Exploration,
platoon commander until he has 40 SPI and Research 8: Design fields.
and Oshi has 30 SPI. Auitzotl is there­ Remember that you and your supporting
fore very interested in the career of his characters do not have to be the same
ASL, which is exactly what EDF wants. officer type. Some can be regular officers,
while others can be warrant officer ranks. In
order of SPI, here are all the Surface Ops
ranks on one table:
I ~ ) 7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
Standard Supporting Characters have
Grade Rank Min. SPI
Morale which they use for Pushing, Risking,
016 Chief of Surface Operations 240 Retrying, and other skill modifications and
015 General 200 which they lose when they take Awe. Th is
014 Brigadier General 160 Morale consists of a Base Morale which is
013 Sr. Commander l't class 130 inherent to the character, recovers like
S7 Master Warrant Officer 120 attributes, and which may improve with
012 Sr. Commander 2nd class 110 experience. EDF personnel all begin with a
011 Sr. Commander 3rd class 90 Base Morale of 1. Civilians with no military
S6 Chief Warrant Officer 80 or stress training in their background have a
010 Commander 70 Base Morale of 0. Some poorly-trained
S5 Warrant Officer, l't class 60 troops (such as local militia) may also have a
09 Lieutenant Commander 50 Base Morale of 0.
08 Lieutenant, 1st class 40 Standard Supporting Characters have an
S4 Warrant Officer, 2nd class 40 SPI rating equal to Species Clout plus Spe­
Lieutenant, 2nd class cies Drive plus Species Gift modifier (if
07 30
any).The character's rank is based on this SPI
06 Lieutenant, 3rd class 20
score. They may gain or lose SPI through
S3 Warrant Officer, 3rd class 20
play but this will be rare.
05 Cadet, 1st class 15
Standard Supporting Characters have a
04 Cadet, 2nd class 10 Service and Branch which provides them with
S2 Warrant Officer, 4th class 10 Gifts and Skills just like Main Characters.
03 Cadet, 3rd class 5 Supporting Characters who 'belong' to a
Sl Warrant Officer, 5th class 5 Player Character have an additional+ 1 skill
02 Cadet, 4th class 3 mark in any skill. This is a bonus to allow PC­
01 Cadet, 5th class controlled Supporting Characters to be a
little more interesting.
Standard Supporting Characters As a further variant rule: Supporting
To clarify the basic rules: All personnel Characters of a PC may have their wounds
are Player Characters, Main Characters, and other damage effects tracked like Main
Adjutant Characters, or standard Supporting Characters. This allows them to return to
Characters. Main Character generation is action from minor injuries much faster but
covered in the basic rules and Adjutant makes them much more subject to trauma
Characters are detailed previously. The and major injury.
procedure for Standard Supporting Charac­ Supporting Character Guidelines
ters is outlined here for clarity. A collection of supporting characters
Supporting Characters have a Species with should show personality and variety. Cool­
appropriate skill marks and species gift, a ness Under Fire is the best gift by far for
Homeworld (though they do not get Home­ beginning combat characters but too much
world skills or gifts, they may take them later 'cool' is boring. No more than half of all
as improvements). a personality (which has Standard Supporting Characters in any unit
no game mechanic effect unless the charac­ should begin with Coolness Under Fire
ter gets promoted to an Adjutant). and Body, (though it is okay for all to get it eventually
Drive, and Clout ratings based on their spe­ with experience).
cies and species gift (only). More than any other MOS, Infantry must
The Drive and Clout have no game me­ be able to handle the physical demands (see
chanic effect (unless the character becomes "Carrying Capacity", p. 229) which in practi­
an Adjutant) except to limit Base Morale cal terms means that a Body of 7 is the
(see below). Body is used to determine absolute minimum for Supporting Charac­
thresholds in the usual way and is expended ters and even that will not work for all MOS.
for certain exertion activities (detailed else­ Supporting Characters (Adjutant or
where). Standard Supporting Characters Standard) in the surface branches and aero­
have a Recovery of 10.
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

that at this point, you may have to add

some detail to the Supporting Character
(the nature of their Homeworld).
x Example 1: Deras is entitled to a Low
~ improvement. He is from a Rural world.
~ He can take a +1 Base Morale, a +2 SPI,
or a +1 in any Rural World skill. He
chooses +1 Scrounge. He cannot ever
take another +1 Scrounge as a Low Im­
provement but he could take a +1 in
another Rural skill as a Low Improvement.
x Example 2: For a Medium Improvement,
~ a Supporting Character may either gain
c +1 to any Service or Species or Home-
world skill in which they have no more
than 5 marks or +1 in any skill which they
already have at least 1 mark but no more
than 3 marks or +1 Leadership or gain
+2 Base Morale or +4 SPI.
x Example 3: Deras is entitled to a Medium
~ Improvement. He considers several op­
dynes should use the Military Occupation c tions. He could take a +1 Heavy Weapons
Specialty (MOS) character design system (a service skill in which he has 5 or less
listed under the TOE rules (q.v.). Main Char­ marks), +1 Scrounge (a Homeworld skill
acters can use the MOS charts or the charts in which he has at least 1 mark because
from the basic rule book. of his Low Improvement), +1 Spot [in
which he has 1 mark, which is less than
Other Supporting
Character Notes the 3 maximum), or +1 Leadership, or +2
The sample supporting characters on Base Morale or +4 SPI. Deciding he is not
page 162 of the basic rules give the impor­ really the leader type, he forgoes the
tant stats, but as the note at the top of the officer training seminars and concen­
page says, it does not take into account trates on his Scrounging for another +1.
species particulars. n
x Example 4: Deras is really experienced
These sample characters are not to be ~ and is entitled to a High Improvement. He
used as supporting characters for Main c took Tough as his original species gift for
Characters. They are simply convenient being an Ursine. He takes Very Tough as
profiles for encounters a player character his improvement.
may have. The sample supporting characters
For a High Improvement, a Supporting
assume significant experience in most cases
Character has access to the same improve­
and in order to build them, the Supporting
ments as a Main Character or Adjutant or
Character Experience system must be used.
+4 Base Morale. Hey, tf a supporting char­
Supporting Character Experience acter makes it through 78 missions, he or
Standard Supporting Characters use the she deserves a generous reward!
experience track, just as Main Characters
SPI and Career
and Adjutants do (see page 135 of the basic
SPI gains are important, as they can al­
rules). However, Supporting Characters get
low Supporting Characters to eventually be
different improvements.
promoted. And, bringing out the best in
For a Low Improvement, a Supporting
your subordinates (qualifying them for
Character may either gain+ 1 Mark in any
promotion) looks good on a Main Charac­
Homeworld skill (but only once per skill!) or
ter's record when theyare being considered
gain+ 1 Base Morale or +2 SPI. This means
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
for promotion! In fact, is it often essential rites of passage and symbols of re cognition
for promotion to a higher command level. that someone else went through the same
Albedo is not about persona I combat hell that you did. In game terms, any Medium
competence. It's really about being a good or High Improvement that increases SPI can
leader. A Main Character who is a combat be accompanied by a medal.
monster at the expense of leadership ability There are four "valor medals", which
will come out on the short end of the stick range in criteria and rarity from about that
compared to a moderately combat­ of the United States' Bronze Star at the low
competent Main Character who can get end to the Congressional Medal of Honor at
their Supporting Characters to work to their the high end. Valor medals are requested by
full potential. a soldier's immediate superiors (one or two
grad es up). but may also be referred to the
Morale appropriate Admin personnel by analysts
The basic game deals with morale in a preparing post-battle reports, where it is
simplified manner which does not accom­ clear in hindsight that a particular action or
modate for more experienced supporting actions were key, and "above and beyond".
characters. Meritorious Conduct Medal
Base Morale is the morale a Standard For "bravery above and beyond the call of
Supporting Character has that is independ­ duty" or "duty under exceptional circum­
ent of any outside source and which stances". For this and the other valor medals,
recovers on its own just like character stats. keep in mind that the normal call of duty and
Most SS Cs start with a Base Mora le of 1. expectedlevel of bravery involves getting shot
Civilians with no military or similar stressful at and keeping a cool head while it happens.
background will have a 0 as will poorly The circumstances that lead to the award
trained troops, especially young ones. would involve significant risk to the recipient,
Base Morale can be increased with ex­ and had a measurable effect on the local
perience but cannot exceed the lowestof battle, saved a life, or both. It could also be
Clout or Drive (species base modified by awarded for managing to perform ordinary
species or other gifts). duties under extraordinary circumstances.
Bonus Mora le is a modifier to Base Mo­
ra le that applies when the SSC is under the Legion of the Blue Star
command of someone they trust or are Awarded for "outstanding achievement
loyal to (only one bonus or the other ap­ carried out with exceptional bravery". It is
plies). An SSC under the command and for a battle-changing or multiple life saving
control of someone they Trust will have a action under extraordinary circumstances.
+ 1 bonus while someone under the com­ Legion of the Nova
mand and control of someone they are This is for "outstanding achievement af­
Loyal to will have a +3 bonus. This person fecting the outcome of a campaign" or "an
can be anywhere in the chain of command act of exceptional heroism making multiple
so long as the character believes that that outstanding achievements possible". This
person is looking out for them. award is relatively rare and usually goes to
Planning Expert Morale Bonus is a modi­ the leader of a group that turns the tide of
fier to Base Morale, only applicable once per a battle or campaign through an exception­
mission, that results from the SSC being ally difficult accomplishment.
briefed for an operation by someone with
the Planning Expert Gift. Trust and Loyalty Legion of the Nebula
are irrelevant though both bonuses may be This is the highest valor award, and the
taken if both are applicable. most likely to be awarded posthumously It
is awarded for "outstanding accomplish­
ments which affected the course of a
Ribbons and Medals campaign or war and which were under­
Also known as "fruit salad" or "chrome",
taken and accomplished with little or no
for the most part, medals are bragging rights,
expectation of survival". Living recipients are
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

usually individuals, though posthumous Campaign Service Ribbon

award is sometimes given to entire units The CSR is the only ribbon that doesn't
(like a starship crew). require more than just "being there". Every
The amount of time between the heroic major campaign will have its own CSR, and
deed and an award is proportional to its virtually everyone taking part in that cam­
importance. The Legion of the Nebula might paign will get one. CSRs for particularly
not be awarded until years after a war is bloody or important campaigns will have
over. It is also true that politics can play a more cachet than "easy" or obscure ones.
part in the awards, especially if there was
significant media coverage of the heroic
Unit Citations
The EDF does not personalize its hard­
event as or shortly after it happened. Every­
ware. Loyalty is to the EDF and one's
one likes to rub elbows with a hero.
brothers-in-arms, not to a particular vehicle
There is only one bullet's worth of differ­
or organizational division. There is no tradi­
ence between an idiot and a hero. The EDF
tion like the "82'd Airborne" or specialized
does not rewards heroism by itself. There
badges for the "USS Nimitz" or nose art for
has to be an accomplishment in there
a bomber crew. Both EDF and ILR rather
somewhere, and it is generally not medal­
unimaginatively give their vehicles and units
worthy for a person to do heroic things that
bureaucratic alphanumerical designations,
simply make up for the consequences of
and leave it at that. The only time units are
their own previous bad decisions.
recognized as a whole is for things like the
Distinguished Service Ribbon Legion of the Nebula, and even then the
The DSR is for non-combat contributions emphasis is on the crew as individuals, not
to a battle beyond the normally expected that they were the "crew of DL-1121-3".
level of accomplishment. Veterans call this
the "Desk Sitting Ribbon", and Admin per­
Awards in Play
Awards are generally a persona/thing,
sonnel seem to recommend each other for a
known to a character and their companions.
lot of these. Combat troops don't grant
They are in the record for anyone to see,
much importance to these, but they are
and might be mitigating circumstances in
sought after by Admin types for their per­
certain disciplinary actions, but the awards
sonnel files. Between otherwise equal
themselves are generally only worn on dress
candid ates for Administrative promotion,
uniform. However, soldiers will generally
DSRs can make the difference.
find a way to show they have a Red Star or
Wounded in Service Ribbon DCB somewhere on their combat armor, just
This is also called a "Red Star" and simply as a matter of pride, and may have allusions
signifies the recipient has been wounded in to CSRs they have strong personal feelings
battle (lost 1 or more Body due to enemy about. Personalizing of one's combat armor
action). It is the equivalent of a United is neither officially allowed or prohibited,
States Purple Heart. but as long as it doesn't make the wearer
more visible in combat, one's immediate
Direct Combat Badge
superior usually won't take issue with it.
Referred to as the DCB, it signifies that
These sorts of adornments take the place
the recipient has been in at least three
of good luck charms, which soldiers in the
battles or campaigns where they were under
Albedo universe really have no concept of
enemy fire, with the usual implication that
(nor any other superstitions).
one performed up to EDF standards in those
circumstances. This is the dividing line be­
tween green troops and "veterans". Until Spaceship-to­
you have a DCB, you're the "new guy", and Spaceship Combat
certain informal gatherings or rituals may Starship battles are not the focus of the
be off-limits. Those without the DCB also Albedo role-playing game. First is a matter
tend to get the worst duties, like "New guy, of game practicality. Even the smallest
you're on point today ..." capital ship (a corvette) requires an 09 in
~ !!:. 7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES

the commander's acceleration couch, and

corvettes don't count for much on the Vehicular Combat
grand scale of things. Second is the nature You may need a few modifiers to the
of ship combat. When it comes to combat, it basic combat rules when you encounter
really boils down to whose ACVs get the mechanized enemy forces or are in com­
most hits. A single ACV hit will obliterate mand of a few of your own. Some of the
corvettes, blow destroyers in half, cripple notes below you'll figure out immediately,
cruisers, and badly damage dreadnaughts a few use new vehicle characteristics listed
and VLCCs. Even ACVs intercepted at close in the Build 8: Repair section.
range can pepper a ship with fragments
capable of through-and-through perfora­ New Terms
tions of the hull. Starship hulls are quite There are a few new terms involved
strong, but not because they are armored -­ with vehicles and vehicle combat. These
because they are structures the size of a are not really anything new, but are just
skyscraper that are capable of 1g maneuvers an extension of mechanics you are already
without collapsing. familiar with.
If characters are on a ship that is in­ The first is "die shift". Vehicles are large
volved in a fight, whatever happens is and inherently easier to hit, and things
largely Game Host fiat. It's unlikEly the that would normally be to their benefit are
Game Host will flip a coin to see which half reduced in effect. A vehicle will have a
ofa destroyer is ob/iterated ifthe characters Size, and most of the time this bEComes an
are on board There are some things that equivalent die shift for things re/a ting to
simply aren't survivable. vehicle size. What it means is that for each
For character involvement, starships are a point of die shift, all affected rolls have
way to get from here to there, and are a their dice reduced by one type, using the
place to go home to after liberating an en­ following progression: d12, d10, d8, d6, d4,
emy-held mining colony, or exploring an none. If you roll multiple dice, the shift
intriguing planetoid. It's unlikely that charac­ applies to all of them.
ters will have anything to do during a fight If a die shift affects a character's use of
except bite their nails. Or claws. Or talons. a personal skill, then their marks are re­
duced by the level of shift. For instance, a
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

5 die shift turns a d12 roll into nothing, Maneuver is a function of vehicle per­
but a character with 6 marks in a skill can formance, not skill, and so a Maneuver die
use their skill like they had 1 mark in it. roll of "1" is not considered a Botch. How­
n ever, Maneuver can also be used as a Rote.
x Example: A vehicle that has suffered a
~ die shift of 1 to its main gun means that A Maneuver listed as "d8(4)" is either a d8
~ the user loses a mark off their skill when roll or a Rote of 4, and which one is used is
they use it. If the character had 3 marks up to the driver/pilot of the vehicle.
in Vehicle Weapons for a Rote of 4, they Vehicles are easier to hit. They're big.
would be counted as a Rote of 3. If they Any reasonable vehicle will have at least a
Pushed their skill, the die shift means 1 level die shift. For a vehicle with a size of
they would roll 2d6 instead of 2d8. 1, instead of getting d8 for 250/o cover, it
gets d6. Instead of d12 for being at an
Just remember that die shift subtracts
enemy weapon's Extreme range, it is d10.
from personal skills, and shifts the type of
A 1000/o concealment is still 2d12, but of
passive die rolls. A vehicle that has d10 for
course it takes more cover to provide a
cover and d8 for range, but a 1 die shift
vehicle with 1000/o concealment.
because of its size, will instead get d8 for n
cover and d6 for range. A tank that has 1 x Example: A Maneuver of 2d12 on a
die shift of damage to its tracks reduces ~ vehicle large enough for a 2 die type

the maneuver rating of the tank by 1 die ~ shift would roll 2d8 for its Maneuver
type, and the skill of the driver by 1 mark. capability (each d12 gets a 2 die shift
The second term to remember is ma­ down to dB).
neuver. Vehicles can move fast enough Most ground vehicles have a one die
that they are harder to hit, and get an type shift, small aerodynes would have a
extra die or dice to reflect that, with a one or two die type shift, medium sized
maximum possible maneuver of 2d12 (two aerodynes wou Id have a two or three die
1d12 results, not the sum of the results). A type shift, and this includes most of the
vehicle will have a maneuver rating, which larger gunships. Only the largest aerodynes
reflects the maximum level of maneuver­ would have a four die type shift, and woe be
ability it has. This will be adjusted by any to the person who actually misses one of
die shift for the vehicle's size and if it is these when shooting at it. Their companions
moving less than full speed. will never let them live it down.
~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
n doing everything in their power to make
x Example: Auitzotl spots an ILR scout car
~ zigging across a distant intersection their vehicle harder to hit, they can add its
c during a mop-up operation. The range is Maneuver modifier to any other defensive
Long, which is normally 1d10, and the dice they get to roll.
urban zone concealment modifier for the If the vehicle is just moving at more
range is 50%, which is another d10, and than half speed (no evasive maneuvers).
it is moving a little more than half its there is a 1 level die shift, and if the vehi­
maximum speed, which for this vehicle is cle is just moving at any reasonable pace,
a Maneuver die of dB (or Maneuver Rote there is a 2 level die shift. Any vehicle
of 4). However, it's a vehicle, big enough moving more than a quarter of its maxi­
to have a 1 level die shift, so the scout mum speed always gets at least a d4 for
car rolls dB, dB and d6 (or use Maneu­ movement. Vehicles within one turn of
ver Rote of 3) for its defense instead of coming to a stop or on the turn they just
d10, d10 and dB. If the driver of the started moving generally do not get a
scout car were an Armored Vehicle movement modifier, and are considered
Expert and was evading, he would be helpless targets for Penetration purposes
able to negate the 1 level die shift and (+1d20 for Penetration). The defensive
the car would roll d10, d10 and dB (or benefits of Velocity Expert or Armored
use Maneuver Rote of 4) for its defense. Vehicle Expert do not apply during this
vulnerable interval.
Effects of Skill For everyone except the vehicle opera­
For a vehicle engaging in evasive maneu­ tor, engaging in evasive action makes
vers, a high level of Vehicle Operations skill doing anything difficult. And as for the
can make you harder to hit. The pilot or driver vehicle operator, theyare distracted by the
can apply their skill in any way allowed as maneuvers they are doing. Even with com­
defensive dice (or Rote). but the maximum pensators and dampers linked to computer
result or Rote is the same die type or Rote controls, targeting is more difficult. For
used in the die-shifted Maneuver. systems integrated into a vehicle, the
n effective range is increased by one level,
x Example: If the ILR driver in the previous
~ example had 3 Marks in Vehicle Opera­ and so targeting at Extreme range is usu­
c tions, he could add this to his vehicle's ally not possible. For non-integrated
defensive roll, which we'll say is dB, dB systems (like firing from the back of a
and d6[3), the d6[3) being the die-shifted careening truck). the effective range is
Maneuver of the scout car (Rote of 3).
The ILR driver could use a Basic roll of
dB, Push to 2dB, Risk to d10, Breeze to
2d4 or Rote to 5. Given that he is limited
to a maximum result of d6[3), the
driver's best bet would be to Push and
roll an extra d6. So, if the ILR driver en­
gaged in evasive maneuvers at this
speed and Pushed their skill, they would
roll dB, dB, d6, d6, d6 for defense.
The Gift of Armored Vehicle Expert (q.v.) can
improve the protection of armor in a vehicle.

Speed and Maneuvers

Perceived motion is relative. Something
very far off could be going quite fast, but
pass across your field of view slower than
an object that is much closer. The impor­
tant thing is how hard the target is trying
to avoid being hit. If a pilot or driver is
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

increased by two levels, making it impossi­ As with many rolls, characters should
ble to hit things at Long or Extreme range. always use their Rote G-Forces, if their
Fire that would be beyond an effective Rote is enough to meet the target.
range of Extreme is impossible. If the result of the test is a tie, the
Characters may not use the Aim action character will suffer 1 Awe but is other­
in an evading vehicle. wise unaffected. Characters who pass the
These penalties are reduced by 1 level test with a tie or better do not have to
for nor ma I maneuvering (non-evasive). retest during that particular series of ma­
regardless of speed. So, integrated systems neuvers, but after a period of calm flight
can compensate perfectly, but non­ they would have to retest for a new set of
integrated systems will still have a 1 range evasive maneuvers.
band penalty. In general, if you want to Failing to meet the target number while
hit, don't evade. Rely on range and cover strapped in means the character suffers 1
to make yourself harder to hit instead. It is Awe, and must spend a Body to avoid black­
generally not possible to lay sustained ing out for 1d6 rounds. For characters who
autofire into a target from an evading are just along for the ride, it might be better
vehicle. They simply aren't in your sights to just suffer the blackouts (choosing to not
for the entire combat round. suffer an Awe or spend a Body). but th is
often requires leadership on the part of a
"Hey, I'm trying to work
character to keep supporting characters
back here!"
from panicking.
Aerodynes are capable of accelerations

A character who fails the roll and is not

that can be physicallypunishing, to the

strapped in will suffer 1 Awe and take an

pilot and most especially to any passen­

attack with 0+5 damage, rolling 1d20 for

gers. Even ground vehicles can engage in

each full 2 points in the target number.

violent maneuvers that can toss around

The Deflection of worn armor applies nor­

the unwary. If a pilot or driver engages in

mally against this.

evasive maneuvers to get the maximum
maneuver modifier, the part of the ma­ x Example 1:Erma Felna has four marks in
neuver rating in parentheses is the target ~ Gforce and is a Velocity Expert. This gives

number for everyone on board to match c her a Rote in Gforce of 5. With an accel­
with their G-Force skill (this number is eration couch, g-suit and her ability as
about the same as the average for the die Velocity Expert (a total of -3 on the target
type rolled). number), she can easily Rote her way
Being strapped into a proper ground through any d12 evasive maneuvers
vehicle seat will drop the target number by [which have a GForce target number of 6),
1, and a proper acceleration couch will and she can drop the target number for all
drop the target number by 1. A pilot's of her passengers by 1, with an additional
outfit has compression bands that alter 1 for their acceleration couches.
blood flow to avoid blackouts under ex­ Her own situation reduces her target
treme g-stress, and will drop the target number to 3 (base of 6, -1 for her G-suit,
number by an additional 1. Free-fall infan­ -1 for acceleration couch, -1 for Velocity.
try and Rapid Response infantry armor Expert). The acceleration couches and her
may have similar compression bands, since Velocity Expert talent reduce the target
they may be riding in a wildly dodging number for her passengers to 4. So, if
aerodyne on their way to the insertion she has to pull a barrel roll at 600kph
point. A Velocity Expert can reduce the felt with a cargo hold full of airsick greenies,
G-force, and will reduce the target number their target number is a 4. They may still
by 1 for themselves and all vehicle occu­ have problems hitting this number, and
pants. Rapid Descent Expert reduces the may suffer Awe or black out. If someone
personal target number by 1 but does not were walking around in back when Erma
help anyone else. has to make a sudden evasion and failed
their GForce roll (a target number of 5,
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
since they don't get their acceleration can still do significant damage since they
couch), they would take a 0+5 hit with still have multiple Penetration dice, but
2d20 Penetration. They get bounced hits at the fringes of the blast radius will
around the cabin like a furry pinball until have no effect (no Penetration dice).
the character makes a G-Force roll or A target that is helpless, like a station­
Erma resumes level flight ary vehicle, or one that has just started
n moving or about to come to s stop (like a
x Example 2:Theodolu is driving an AV-4 landing aerodyne) does get an extra d20
~ when some ILR infantry with heavy weap­ applied against it, and would also get an
c ans open up on him. Not wanting to have extra d20 applied on a critical hit.
his new [and strictly non-regulation) paint n
x Example:So, a MPKW 2-18 pistol with
job shot up, he engages in evasive ma­
~ a damage of 8+ 7 will seldom do any­
neuvers with only a muttered "hold on!" to
~ thing more than bounce off a vehicle
notify the passengers. At top speed, an
with a Deflection of 12. Unless you had
AV-4 has a Maneuver of d8[4), which
3d20 Penetration dice [normal + help­
means that anyone strapped in (-1 to
less + critical hit), you would have no
target number) has a target number of 3,
chance of doing any damage. It may
and anyone unlucky enough to be moving
scare the people inside, but the veter­
around when he manhandles the steering
ans will know that there are scarier
yoke has a target number of 4. Most of
things than loud noises, and save their
the supporting characters in the back will
adrenalin for when they can start to
probably want to spend a Morale to Risk
see daylight through the hull. However,
their normal G-Force roll of 1 d4 to 1 d6.
if you did have 3d20 Penetration dice to
Theodolu gets the dB defensive roll for the
start with, your 1 d20 Penetration to
AV-4's maneuverability in addition to any
anything on the other side of the armor
other dice rolled for range or conceal­
would add to a damage of -4 (the Dam­
ment. It might be worth it, it might not.
age of 8, minus the Deflection of 12).
Damage to Vehicles You can, if you want, apply this rule to
Vehicles use the same rules for dam­ characters or foes who have 1000/o con­
age and armor as people. However, while cealment because they are inside
people can suffer blunt trauma effects, buildings or other enclosing cover. If the
vehicles can't. Vehicles have one special first damage number of the weapon
ability when it comes to damage. If the cannot penetrate any Deflection value of
first damage number does not exceedthe the cover, then actually doing damage to
vehicle's Deflection rating, the shot likely someone behind it is nearly impossible
bounces. You lose 2d20 off any Penetra­ with direct fire weapons ... which is why
tion dice that would be rolled, and if this grenades a re standard issue.
would result in zero Penetration dice, the
shot simply glances off the armor.
One negative trait of high-powered
The vehicle armor acts as 1000/o cover
kinetic weapons is b!owthrough. Only
for everything in the vehicle. If there are
energy deposited in a target can deal
Penetration dice remaining and armor is
damage. If the bullet or shell goes com­
penetrated, the weapon's first damage
pletely through a target, any remaining
number is reduced by the Deflection of
energy is lost. This is not that that big a
the armor.
deal with infantry weapons. However, for
This limit also applies to explosive
heavy vehicle weapons, they can end up
weapons, which have comparatively low
going through a light vehicle and do little
damages, and get most of their combat
more than leave a pair of holes with
effect through Penetration dice. An ex­
glowing edges and a bit of spalling.
plosive with a Damage less than a
While you would use the rolled total
vehicle's Deflection gets 2 less Penetra­
for determining special effects like hit
tion dice. Contact and close range hits
location, the actual damage total (after
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

armor) on a vehicle from a kinetic hit is tom from buried explosives as it does on
usually not more than the vehicle's De­ the sides from a roadside ambush.
flection+ Body plus the results of the Military vehicles on the other hand,
Penetration dice. Yes, a heavily armored generally have a "front towards enemy"
vehicle can take more damage from a philosophy. The listed Deflection rating of
penetrating hit than a lightly armored a military vehicle represents its forward
one! The hits spray hot bits of molten facing armor. All other facings are likely
armor around inside the vehicle. Thicker lower than this amount. For a side hit, the
armor means more globs of hot metal Deflection is reduced by 2, and for a rear,
splashing around ... top or underside hit, it is reduced by 4.
n n
x Example:The ILR's LH 60-1 cannon has x Example: An AV-4 variant with a listed
~ an tremendous Damage of 69+25, ~ Deflection of 15 has a Deflection of 15
~ while a D-32 aerodyne only has a De­ ~ on the front, 13 on the sides, and 11
flection of 8 and 28 Body [for everywhere else.
Thresholds of 56/66/76/96). Using
normal rules, the cannon would Devas­ Vehicle Hit Locations
tate the D-32 on a single hit. However, If the base damage of a weapon ex­
The LH 60-1 is a straightforward ar­ aedsthe Deflection on that facing, you
mor-piercing kinetic weapon, so the roll d20's for penetration and additional
maximum amount of damage that can damage as normal for the weapon type
be done is the D-32s Deflection + Body or circumstances of the attack. This in­
(36) plus the Penetration dice result. cludes any extra d20's roll because of
This would be an average of 75 on a previous vehicle damage. To avoid need­
penetrating hit, and a maximum of 81 ing a hit location table, where a vehicle
for a 1 d20 Penetration roll. This is takes a hit will depend on the tota/dam­
serious, but not enough to completely age you apply to the vehicle
take out any aerodyne system in one It requires a Routine leadership action
hit. Furthermore, hits that don't Pene­ to direct Supporting Characters to make
trate only do 36 points, which do not a called shot. If you succeed in the called
even reach the first threshold. COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'

Open-Topped Vehicles
Big vehicles can come home full of
Some vehicles like armored trucks have an
holes but still be quite functional. Note
open top. Others, like mortar carriers have
that the blowthrough rule does not apply
large armored panels that must be open to
to explosive weapons. These leave big
use the weapon, and sometimes you just
holes in anything they penetrate.
n have things like open roof hatches on an
x Example: The IKW-112 cannon is an armored personnel carrier. Attacks from a
~ explosive weapon with a damage of superior height or with indirect fire weap­
~ 15+15. On a direct hit to a D-32, it ons have the potential to go through an
gets a damage of 15, +5d20 Penetra­ open hatch or land in an open area, com­
tion dice. On average it does about 75 pletely bypassing the actual Deflection of
points, about the same as the LH 60-1, the vehicle. This is determined on a case-by­
but it can max out a 5d20 Penetration case basis. For instance, an armored truck
roll at 110 points, more than enough to might have an open-top passenger bed, and
Devastate the D-32! an indirect fire hit that is a passenger loca­
tion would bypass Deflection. The same for
Vehicle Armor
a weapon hit on a mortar carrier. In cases
Civilian vehicles, even if armored, are
where it is not certain or not clear, a critical
generally armored in a symmetrical fash­
hit will usually do the trick if there is nor­
ion. For instance, a dignitary in an
mally a 50-50 chance or better of it
armored limousine has no idea where a
happening. Only at Game Host fiat do you
potential attack might come from, so the
get the chance of randomly putting a round
limo needs equal protection on the bot­
into a single open hatch.
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
shot, you hit as though your damage Damage Total is Divisible by 8
total met the appropriate criteria and the Mobility Hit, Weapon Hit, and

vehicle takes effects as if you had. If you Crew Compartment Hit

miss the called shot, you miss the vehicle. If the damage to ta I is divisible by Eight,
Damage totals and hit locations are it is a crew compartment hit as well as a
related as follows: weapon and mobility hit. If it is a passen­
ger carrying vehicle, the operating crew is
Damage Total is Odd·
affected on front hits, otherwise the pas­
Generic Hit
sengers a re affected. For non-explosive
If the damage total is odd, the vehicle
weapons striking a fully occupied vehicle,
takes a generic hit. The damage effect is
one person in the affected area takes a hit
generalized and not confined to one
with the damage of the weapon reduced
specific type of vehicle system. The vehi­
by the Deflection of the armor, which can
cle takes Body appropriate to the level of
turn out to be a negative number. If the
the wound, and suffers die shift penalties
vehicle is not fully occupied, a hit to the
to everything that isn't mobility or
passenger area has a chance of hitting an
weapon-related (like sensors, communi­
"empty seat" proportional to the number
cations, computers, etc.).
of unoccupied slots.
For efficiency's sake, vehicle compo­ n
nents are packed in pretty tight. What a x Example: So, if you shoot an LRCKW
generic hit means is that several subsys­ ~ (damage of 24+12) at a vehicle with a

tems were probably hit, but the effect is ~ Deflection of 15 and hit a full crew com­
not centered on any particular one. partment, someone in the crew
compartment will take a hit with a dam­
Damage Total is Even age of 9+12 from the shrapnel and the
[Divisible by 2}: residual energy of the projectile. With a
Mobility Hit damage of 24+12, this weapon would
If the damage total is even, the vehicle hit the crew compartment on a penetra­
is hit in a mobi!itysystem. This could be tion roll of 8, 12 and 20. Even though
wheels, tracks, ducted fans, thrust ven­ rolls of 8 and 12 do not penetrate the
turis, engine, transmission, etc. Any Deflection and generate extra damage,
penalties suffered only apply to maneu­ the base damage total of 24 is divisible
vering and other vehicle movement. by 8. A penetration roll of 20 gives a
Damage Total is Divisible by 4 damage total of 56, which is evenly di­
Mobility Hit and Weapon Hit visible by 8 as well.
If the damage total is divisible by four. Note: People struck through 1000/o
you get a mobility effect anda weapon cover that is penetrated by weapons
effect. One weapon system suffers dam­ should also have the damage reduced by
age penalties appropriate to the level of the Deflection of the cover.
damage done. This could be damage to If the weapon was explosive (including
the weapon system, or it might be a sen­ shaped charges). everyone in the affected
sor-blinding effect. Shooting up vision area takes the damage. Explosive damage
ports and shattering external sensors can rolls Penetration dice based on whether
affect weapon function nearly as much the first damage number exceeded the
as a hit to the weapon itself. vehicle's Deflection. If it did not, you lose
two d20's off the number of penetration
dice rolled (and reduce the first damage
number by the vehicle's Deflection). If the
first damage number doesexceed vehicle
armor, the round detonates insidethe
vehicle aftergetting through the armor,
and you should realize by now that this
will be very, very bad.
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

Damage Total is Divisible by 16: n

x Example: A vehicle that takes a Crippling
Vital System Hit ~ mobility effect after taking a Wounding
Last, if the damage total is divisible by c mobility effect will have lost 4 Body and
sixteen and armor was penetrated by at have a 3 die shift on Mobility.
least one of the penetration rolls, you hit
something absolutely vital. In addition to Wounded
all the other effects, the vehicle shuts A vehicle Wound does 1 Body and ap­
down, at least temporarily. An AV-4 may plies a 1 die shift to use of the affected
have a gas turbine, a battery bank and ten system. Hits on a vehicle with any Wounds
independently powered drive wheels, but if get+ 1d20 Penetration.
you put a bullet in the main power bus,
none of the electrical power is going to
A Crippling effect does 3 Body and ap­
get where it is supposed to. This can be a
plies a 3 die shift to use of the affected
"soft kill", where the vehicle may be largely
system. Using a Crippled mobility system at
intact, but loss of a particular vital system
full effect (maximum Maneuver, full rate
renders it combat ineffective.
of fire, etc.) will do 1 Body to the vehicle
It is a repair task with a difficulty equal
per turn. A mobility-Crippled vehicle can
to the Body Damage done by the hit with a
be limped along at low speed for quite a
Labor in Hours (not days) equal to the Body
while. Hits on a vehicle with Crippling
Damage done by the hit. If it was merely a
damage get +2d20 Penetration.
wound, it is a simple patch to get going
again (difficulty of 1, 1 Quality-hour). As­ Incapacitated
suming you know how to repair things ... An Incapacitating effect does 5 Body
You must get a successful penetration and applies a 5 die shift to use of the
to have this result, otherwise any weapon affected system. Using an Incapacitated
with a damage evenly divisible by 16 cou Id mobility system at any level of effect will
do it, even without penetrating armor. do 1 Body to the vehicle per turn (2 Body
n if used at its current maximum speed). A
x Example: If we used the previous vehicle
~ and weapon example, you can't actually mobility-Incapacitated vehicle can be
c get a soft kill with only 1 d20 for penetra­ limped along, but is on its last legs and will
tion, since no penetration roll of 16 give out in the near future. Hits on a vehi­
through 20 generates a damage total cle with Incapacitating damage get +3d20
divisible by 16. However, if you had 2d20 Penetration.
for Penetration and succeeded on both, Devastated
you could get a soft kill result. A Devastated result to a general location
To keep track of a vehicle's status, you kills the vehicle, and to mobility or a weapon,
really only need to monitor its Wound renders that system unusable - the vehicle
status, just as you would for a person. You can only be scrapped, not repaired. Note that
have three tracks for the subsystems of the a vehicle with multiple weapons will have the
vehicle, and one for the Body. Wounds, largest remaining weapon and all central fire
Crippling and Incapacitating effects cause control wiped out by a Devastated result.
loss of vehicle Body just as they do for
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
characters (1 for a Wound, 3 for Crippling,
Sniping at Vehicles
5 for Incapacitated). and if a vehicle's Body
The most Penetration dice a person could
ever drops to zero from cumulative dam­
get firing at a vehicle is 5d20: a base of
age effects, it just stops working and can
1d20,+1 d20 for stationary (helpless) and
be considered totaled.
+ 1d20 for a critical hit, and +2d20 for the
The die shift a vehicle takes to a dam­
Gift of Sniper Master. Even with a light
aged system is the same as the Body done
weapon, this allows for shots through vision
by that level of damage. However, you only
devices, into engine intakes, and so on. With
count the highest die shift taken.
heavier weapons, these extra Penetration
dice can be devastating to a vehicle.
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
Example Vehicle n
x Example 1:Theodolu is nothappy. Not
See page 266 for the details of this vehicle: ~ only did one of his supporting characters
c crack his head open on the ammo locker
APCL·B when Theodolu engaged in evasive ma­
Armored Personnel Carrier neuvers, an ILR kinetic dart ventilated the
Top Speed: 80 kph amphibious side of his AV-4, ripping through a data
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 13 line and severing a power cable to two of
Size: 1 Thresholds: 36/46/56/76 his road wheels. His vehicle has suffered a
Crew: 1+8 Body: 18 mobility Wound. Mark off 1 Body and
Armament: DODD DODD DODD mark through the 0 on the Mobility row.
8mm remote DD DODD The on-board computer compensates as
MG turret Damage: best it can, but his Maneuver drops from
General 0 @ © 0 © dB to d6. Looking at the vehicle power
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © plant table, we can guess that his top
Armament 0 @ © 0 © speed is reduced by twenty-five percent,
which for this vehicle would be from 80kph
The most severe of any damage that
to 60kph. Fortunately, Theodolu managed
applies to a given system is a die shift to
to nip his vehicle down an alley before the
use of that system. If an operator's skill
ILR squad could lob another dart at him.
cannot get at least a die-shifted Rote of 1,
Unfortunately, it's a blind alley ..
it means that they do not have the skill to
overcome the limitations of the damage, x Example 2: After a few rounds of battle,
and at least for them, the system is non­ ~ an APCL-Bs profile might look like this:
fu nctiona I. c
For example, Crippling result on a vehi­ APCL·B
cle's Mobility does 3 Body, and is a 3 level Armored Personnel Carrier
die shift to any use of the vehicle's mobil­ Top Speed: 80 kph amphibious
ity. If the driver does not have sufficient Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 13
skill to have a Rote of 1 after a 3 level die Size: 1 Thresholds: 36/46/56/76
shift, then they cannot make the vehicle Crew: 1+8 Body: 18
move at all. With a Crippling result, this Armament: XXXX XDDD DOD
vehicle now ignores the effects of other 8mm remote DOD DODD
Crippling results and Wounds. However, MG turret Damage:
such hits still accumulate Body damage to General X @ © 0 ©

the vehicle, which can eventually render it Mobility X X © 0 ©

non-functional, even with no further Armament 0 @ © 0 ©

penalties on rolls.
Even if a vehicle or subsystem is "inca­ Then someone trying to use the remote turret
pacitated", a skilled operator (able to get a has no penalty, since the general overall dam­
Rote of 1 after a 5 die shift) can keep a age does not affect weapons fire, but
badly damaged system going just long someone trying to drive the vehicle has a 2
enough to land an aerodyne or get an ar­ level die shift. This means that you need a
mored vehicle under cover before starting skill of at least 2 marks to do anything
abandoning it. at all with the vehicle, and this would be at a
Rote of 1.
[For the example of how to repairthis
vehicle, see page 242.)

Loss of Mobility
Mobility penalties are die shifts to the
Maneuver rating of the vehicle, but in prac­
tica I terms, the top speed of the vehicle is
reduced by about 250/o per die shift. So, a
vehicle that starts with a d4 Maneuver will
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

have Maneuverd rop to zero after a 1 die Hiding a Vehicle

shift, but the top speed of the vehicle A vehicle can hide just like a person,
probably d raps by 250/o, and someone with a gaining a 250/o cover and concealment
Rote of 2 (dropped to 1 by the die shift) can bonus. Air vehicles can only 'Hide' while
still get the vehicle up to this reduced top hovering or parked on the ground (and
speed. If the operator has the skill to over­ therefore count as 'Helpless' (take+ 1d20
come any die shift from damage and get Penetration if hit). If the operator has Ar­
the vehicle moving, it can always move at mored Vehicle Expert (for ground vehicles
up to 250/o normal speed. An AV-4 with its and aircraft sitting on the ground) or Veloc­
tracks blown off can still move across open ity Expert (for aircraft which are actually in
ground, just verypoorly, and with a good the air). he or she can also negate 1 level of
chance of getting stuck unless you have a size as if they were evading. They are not
very skilled operator. actua//yevading, but are simply using any
Damage thresholds for vehicles are fig­ available cover in a more intelligent manner.
ured identically as for characters, but It takes 6 Quality-hours of Labor to pre­
vehicles tend to have a lot more Body for pare a hiding place (using Vehicle
their inherent size, plus additional Threshold Operations or Build skill). A prepared Hiding
amounts for very heavily armored vehicles, place takes no extra time to enter or exit
and can therefore take a lot more hits be­ but the entry and exit points are usually
fore going down. For instance, an Aero C-3 limited. To use existing terrain for Hiding is
aerodyne has generally poor armor, but with a vehicle operations test of Intermediate
a Body of 16, it means you have to get 32 difficulty which is always rolled (d8) because
points of damage through for it to even there may not be anything near you when
notice. This amount is barely possible for an you need it and even the most inexperi­
AW 191 carbine (damage of 8+9) to do. It is enced driver will find a place by chance
more likely if it can get +2d20 or more to eventually. The size die shift for a vehicle
roll for Penetration, which is easily possible will always apply to skill use when trying to
if the C-3 is ambushed as it slows down for hide your vehicle (it's harder to hide a big
a landing. vehicle).
Pre pa red positions cause no mod ifica­
Shock &Awe tions to perception (see below) but
Having friendly vehicles nearby is a great
improvised hiding affect perception and
morale booster. Having friendly vehicles
sensor operations under the same rules as
providing fire support will subtract 1 Awe
Hiding involving a person.
from any effects infantry would ordinarily
Note that most defenders Hide their ve­
suffer. Th is subtraction is per occurrence
hicles and can spend time to prepare several
that a soldier would normally take an Awe
hiding places (which EDF troops call 'Rabbit
effect. Th is effect only lasts as long as the
Holes') in an area of operations.
supporting vehicles are showing no impair­
ment from damage taken.
Being in an armored vehicle also helps, Fogof\Nar
both for the crew and any carried infantry. Any time an explosive weapon goes off on
As long as enemy weapons have a damage or near the ground, it stirs up huge amounts
less than the Deflection of the vehicle, of dust and debris, along with the smoke
crews and passengers fully under armor from its own detonation. Any area in the
suffer nothing more than annoyance at blast radius (out to where 1d20 is rolled for
being shot at. However, this benefit ends penetration) is immediately counted as 1000/o
the instant the armor is penetrated by en­ obscured for mortars, rockets and general
emy fire to the extent that the vehicle or high explosives, and 500/o for grenades. This
any occupant loses Body. Once the illusion will drop by 250/o per turn outdoors, and 250/o
of invulnerability is broken, it is not regained each 2 turns indoors. Wind or rain or a non­
for the duration of the combat. dusty substrate can make it dissipate faster or
be less obscuring. A mortar shell going off on
a grimy city street churns up more dust than
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
one that embeds itself in grassy turf before going to depend on the loca I conditions and
detonating. the bestspotting score among the sides
An explosive that detonates somewhere involved (no one starts shooting until
in the LOS between you and an enemy will someone spots the enemy). Spotting the
provide half the normal benefit, since it enemy before they spot you is critical in
unlikely the cloud of debris will completely combat, more important than weapons skill
block your view, but odds are it will still or any other sing le factor.
partially block your line of sight. For any given encounter, there is going
Aerodynes can generate th is same effect by to be a default level of difficulty to
hovering over any area that has dirt and dust see/sense things at the expected engage­
that can be stirred up, and they may cause ment range. For ease of use, this can match
obscurement even if they don't want to. the stats of an EDF carbine:

Perception Spot Range

The peoples of the Albedo universe have (EDF Carbine) Target Number

had all their perception abilities radically S15 2 or d4

shifted towards the Human norm as part of M50 3 or d6

the anth ropomorph izi ng process. Species L330 4 or d8
which had significant super-human senses X2300 5 or dlO
retain some enhancement but only at very
high skill levels do abilities exceed what is Targets beyond Extreme range can only
possible for humans. On the other end, all be spotted if they are large (reduce effective
species have had sub-par Human senses range) or if spotting gear is used (telescopic
improved to Human standard. For instance, sights divide the range by the power of the
everyone has stereoscopic color vision with sight).
significant peripheral range. For a group as a whole, use the fixed number.
Being able to see or otherwise sense If it is an important play involving a single char­
things is one of the most important things acter, you can use the fixed number or the die
in any combat, and is often taken for granted. type. The basic idea behind these perception
A character's Spot skill is the one most com­ rules is to give the Game Host a feel for the
monly used for this purposes, though Listen, battle area as a whole, not to bog things down
and rarely Smell can also be used. with lots of individual rolls.
The engagement range for any scenario If you can beat this number with a Rote
IS use of your Spot skill (which is at least a 2).
then you have full awareness of what is
going on within that range at all times
during combat.
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

Sixth Sense Skill, for those who have it,

General Situation Target Number
serves as a 'floor' or minimum for any per­
ception dice rolls. It does not change the
Battle Management Software -1
Rote but it does prevent Botching when Concealment + 1 to +3
rolling and ensure that a perception effort is Quantity of Targets -1 to -3
usually at least as good as the Rote. Charac­ Target is obvious -2
ters using Sixth Sense are noticeably edgy,
however. Personal Situation Target Number
n Wounded +Awe
x Example: A character with one mark in
~ Sixth Sense has a Rote in it of 2. No die Under fire -1
c ro//involving perception will be counted as Total awareness -1
rolling less than 2. Watching -1
A Rote use of Spot requires no time and Sneak skill Special
represents your general situational aware­ Hiding Special
ness. You use your Rote value because you n
x Example: Even if you only have a Spot of 1,
are rea//yconcerned about doing it right, y
~ if you have the support of battle manage­
and spotting absolutely everyone who is ~
c ment software(-1 ), there are several
trying to kill you. Rote value also lets you
enemy out there(-1) and they're shooting at
see how well supporting characters as a
you(-1 ), then the target number is 1. Your
whole can assess the situation. Odds are
Rote of 2 lets you spot everything that
that they will be blindsided by any well­
meets those criteria within 330 meters.
pla nned attack, but once characters spot
Anything outside this range or set of crite­
things, other modifiers will take over and
ria, you may have to roll for. For instance, if
give everyone a passable chance to figure
there is a lone soldier trying to sneak
out what is going on. If you can't do it by
around for a flanking shot, you get the
Rote, you have to roll on Spot skill, however
advantage of your battle management
you deem best for the situation.
software, but the soldier is not part of a
Diving For Cover is a
group and is not shooting at you (yet), so
Popular Choice
your target number is a 3, which you can
Generating a perception score other beat with your default d4 on Spot. You just
than by Rote is an action. This takes a turn, have to roll for it instead of getting it auto­
but if you are successful, you maintain matically.
awareness of the threat you were looking That requires that you spend a turn
for until it goes to a longer range or alters looking around or that you be on Watch.
the target number in some other way. At
this point you get a free Spot roll to main­ Battle Management Software
tain line of sight. If you fail, you lose them. Your helmet's display and weapon sight
Any character who sets a Watch get a are linked to those of everyone else in your
free perception roll if they wish but remem­ squad and any squads within radio range in
ber that one has to specify what one is the cluttered EM environment of the battle­
watching for (movement is popular) and field. Any target that anyone else sees is
what one will do when one's Watch is trig­ automatically classified and patched
gered ('shoot' and 'hide' are popular). through to your display. If there is someone
Watches can be triggered on ties (charac­ 100 meters behind you and to the left, and
ter's choice) but a firm ID is only made on a a member of a fire team 50 meters away
success. You could end up shooting a friend spots them, then you spot them. The only
or civilian if you elect to react to ties. downside of battle management software is
Beyond this, there are plenty of things that you do not get the bonus until you are
that can modify the base target number. in a battle.
It doesn't help you spot an am­
bush; it just helps you keep track of the
enemy once the shooting starts. On the
small scale, no one gets the battle manage­
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
ment software bonus until someone spots pear "normal" in non-combat environments

things the old fashioned way. are going to be obvious targets too.

Concealment Size of targets

Concealment is a catch-all that represents A column of enemy vehicles is easier to
obscurement, darkness, smoke, bad weather, spot than a similar number of infantry. Small
you name it. Each 250/oconcealment isa +1, vehicles would be -1, large ground vehicles or
but 1000/o actual concealment is always a small aerodynes would be -2 and large aero­
"you don't see me" situation. If there are dynes would be -3. This is the same as the
multiple types of obscurement, they add their size modifier of the vehicle.
concealment. So, a 500/o for darkness, com­
bined with 250/o actual cover would be a 750/o
If you suffer Awe during a turn, this af­
concealment modifier. While you can nor­
fects your situational awareness. The Awe
mally only get 500/o cover when firing a
points you take make it harder to notice
longarm, a sniper in proper cover can get
other things going on. The exception to this is
750/o cover (though in the rea/world they are
that you get a free chance to spot whoever
usually under 1000/o cover and you don't
just did that to you, in case it isn't already
detect one unless you step on them).
obvious. You may end up passing out or
Some forms of concealment can be ne­
panicking before you can pass this informa­
gated or reduced by standard technology. A
tion on, but that's life.
night vision device will offset darkness, for
instance. The general level of obscurement Under Fire
sets the scene more than anything else. If it is Being the focus of enemy attention really
dusk in a light forest, then nothing is going to clarifies your senses. If nothing else, the
happen past 150 meters, since that is the muzzle flashes and angry metal bees going by
range where these two conditions add up to tell you where to look.
1000/o concealment. Anything that happens
Total Awareness
outside that range is beyond what the char­
If your Listen, Smell and Sixth Sense scores
acters can do anything about except by firing
total to 6 or more, the extra acuity these
blind and getting lucky.
senses provide can give you an overall bonus.
Quantity of Targets This may not even be consciously recognized.
If there is a lot of what you are looking You may not be aware of an "enemy smell",
for, odds are higher you'll spot at least one of but the tickle in the back of your mind keeps
them, and that will help you spot the rest. An you more alert than if it wasn't there. In some
enemy squad would be -1, a platoon -2, and circumstances smell or listen or both may not
a company -3. function (such as in a vacuum (neither). in a
sewer (no smell) or in a loud environment (no
Target is Obvious
listen) and in these cases only the functioning
Ordinarily, anyone in a combat situation is
senses (if any) applies to check for the total of
presumed to move about and generally act in
6 or more. Characters with a total score of 12
such a way so as to avoid notice. Uniforms are
or more for Listen, Smell and Sixth Sense may
colored to blend into terrain, men and women
take this bonus twice, making it really hard to
move carefully and the weapons give off
sneak up on such a person.
minimum visual signatures. However, some­
times, a target is obvious because it does or is Watching
doing something that stands out. Moving and If you are Watching are particular spot or
shooting at the same time, wearing bright or small group of spots, you are much more
contrasting uniforms, using tracer ammuni­ likely to notice the appearance of what you
tion, firing a weapon at night without a flash are looking for. Straight visual Watching is a
suppressor (which is common). moving casually -1, while using a vision enhancer like a scope
around in the open, etc., are all examples of or binoculars reduces the effective range, but
obvious targets. Characters who want to ap­ limits you to Watching a smaller area.
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ ,

Sneak Skill when it was important, not every turn he is

If you have Sneak skill (and are using it!). out on patrol.
you can add your marks to the target number On the other hand, any potential hostiles
someone else has to spot you. However, you trying to spot Auitzotl and his friends only
cannot add more marks than the normal have a target number of 2, since they are
target number for that range. looking for a squad, not one or two people.
Remember that you cannot take any
other action during a turn in which you are Listen and Smell
Sneaking other than use one particular These do not have the same degree of im­
movement skill. If you are Hiding, you do not portance as sight, but in some situations can
move; the difficulty of all your own Listen be equally valuable. Listen can pick up the
and Spot rolls increases by 2, but the diffi­ sound of enemy movement even under total
culty for others to find you increases by visual obscurement. Smell can detect things
2+Marks in Sneak Skill. that are completely hidden (upwind). or even
~ Example: A squad is moving down a rainy things that aren't there anymore. Listen used
~ city street and has a likely engagement alone is going to be a+ 1 modifier, and Smell
~ range of about 30 meters. This means the is going to be a +2 modifier, and both will be
default for any possible scenario involving situational. Weapon fire is usually a -3 modi­
only a few hostiles [no quantity modifier) is fier to detect (it's loud!). and most conditions
a target number of 3 before the shooting that mask sight are only half as good at
starts (2 for the range, and + 1 because of masking sound (you can hear a gunshot in a
the rain]. Characters with a better Spot building you can't see into). Weapons that are
skill may notice things by Rote, but every­ sound-suppressed are only -1 to detect.
one else is going to have to roll for it, and Neither smell nor hearing gives enough in­
may not actually spot any hostiles until formation to target a weapon with except
someone actually fires at them. under the most unusual circumstances, but if
Auitzotl is constantly looking around. He ts
visual spotting possible, a successful Listen
cannot really Watch, since he doesn't know or Smell can help pinpoint where to look.
where to look, but he is Spotting every turn Setting Perception
as the squad moves carefully down the Characters may set their perception for
street. Auitzotl has 1 mark in Spot, but 2 in an encounter by using any of the usual
Listen and 2 in Smell and 2 in Sixth Sense. methods of skill score determination:. That
This gives him the bonus for total aware­ is, they may choose to roll before well be­
ness, so he only has a target number of 2, fore an engagement starts to represent
which he can do by Rote with his Spot of 1 if their level of alertness, and keep that result
he chooses to act on ties. He does, but his until they choose to pay Drive or Morale to
action is not to shoot, but to alert the rest of re-roll it, or a minimum of 1 Drive or Morale
the squad. He automatically assesses the to reset it to Rote. Normally, you do not get
situation the instant he gets in visual range, to re-roll or reset the number until hostili­
and speaks a quick command into his hel­ ties start and the adrenalin starts flowing.
met mike. On the next turn, everyone in his And you can work this into play. The sup­
squad gets the battle management soft­ porting character who rolls a '1' was out
ware bonus, even if the shooting hasn't late last night carousing and is hung over,
started yet, so their target numbers are now or the guy who rolled maximum is wired
2 instead of 3. Once any shooting starts, it because he had a bad dream or sense of
drops to a target number of 1, and everyone deja vu about the current situation.
will know exactly where the hostile or hos­ This rule is primarily used to speed play
tiles are at. If Auitzotl didn't have these keen and to determine who is 'on' for the en­
senses and experience, he would only be counter ("Yeah, all right, I got point..."). It
rolling 1 d4 to hit the target number of 3 saves time and eases play and bookkeeping
instead of automatically getting it by Rote. during an encounter.
The game host would only have Auitzotl roll
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES

Consolidated Perception Table

Condition Terrain 5m 1Dm 25m 50m 100m 150m 20Dm 300m 500m
Active Sonar 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Active UV Lighting 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Brush Uneven 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Building Interior Even 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
City Lights 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75%
Collapsed Building Impassible 0% 0% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 100% 100%
Daylight 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Desert Sand Uneven 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Dusk 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Flooding Rain Uneven 0% 25% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Full Moonlight 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
Hail Uneven 0% 0% 25% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Hard Rain Uneven 0% 0% 25% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Heavy Snow Uneven 0% 0% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 100% 100%
Hills Uneven 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Infrared (heat only) 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Light Forest Uneven 0% 0% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 100% 100%
Light Snow 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Low-Light Enhancing 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Marsh Uneven 0% 0% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 100% 100%
Mountains Impassible 0% 0% 25% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Plains Even 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Remote Viewing* +25% +25% +25% +25% +25% +25% +25% +25% +25%
Sandstorms Uneven 0% 25% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Snowstorm Uneven 0% 25% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Soft Rain 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Space Station Even 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0%
Swamp Uneven 0% 0% 25% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Thick Fog 0% 25% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Thick Forest Impassible 0% 0% 25% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Underground Darkness 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Urban Zones Even 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 100%
When stacking modifiers, use the worst one. *Exception: remote viewing adds 25% concealment to the target.
These are averages and most effects
should not be used if an actual detailed map
Called Shots
Aiming at a specific part of a vehicle allows
or miniatures are used. Also, elevated posi­
a character to single out a weapon system or
tions (like a skyscraper or mountain ridge)
mobility hit. You cannot aim for a generic hit.
and artificially long sight lines (like down a
Aiming at a specific part of a vehicle is like any
highway) will change these numbers but
other specific targeting. In general, against a
such effects are up to the Ga me Host's
vehicle you will lose any size bonuses to hit
imagination and player initiative. Long range
and count the location aimed at as a person­
engagements will be rare in high cover areas
sized target. Also, if you do hit what you were
such as cities but are common in the coun­
aiming at, the damage is only to that part of
tryside or (especially) when interfacing
the vehicle. If you go for a weapon effect and
between countryside and city.
succeed, you do notget a crew and a mobility
effect as well. However, if you are using an
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ ,

explosive weapon, you probably hit at least d12,d12,d6, while the novice can only get
one member of the weapon crew on any d6,d6,d12. Skill trumps vehicle performance.
weapon called shot. All of these dice are adjusted by the size of
If a vehicle has more than one of a given the vehicle. An Armored Vehicle Expert or
system, you have to choose which one you are Velocity Expert gets their die types bumped up
aiming at, and only the one aimed at is di­ one level. Whoever gets the high roll can
rectly affected. choose the order in which both vehicles move
~ Example: If you shoot at the weapons of a and fire on thatturn. Ties would be broken by
~ vehicle that has two turrets, you have to whoever has the most marks in their vehicle
c choose which one you are shooting at, and operations skill. Further ties are broken by
any penalties that apply from the damage Sixth Sense, and if it still a tie, both sides act
should really only apply to that turret. simultaneously.
If all the winner's dice beat all the loser's
A called shot that misses by 1 hits the vehi­
dice, this is a critical success. For a vehicle duel,
cle using the normal random location system
this means the winner gets to act twice, once
(which may hit the intended area!). Any miss
before the loser's action, and once more after
by more than 1 is a miss. Any visible crew may
it. Th is does mean that the winner may move
be targeted as a person sized target with
and shoot twice in the same turn. It represents
appropriate cover and concealment modifiers
getting the drop on or maneuvering in such a
and modifiers for the vehicle's motion (if any)
way that you have a great (but fleeting) tacti­
but they do not suffer additional penetration
ca I advantage.
dice for the vehicle being stationary (if any).
Everyone else on the vehicles acts normally,
Any hits striking the cover (the vehicle) check
though passengers and gunners can be
for damage to the vehicle.
Watching for an opening to fire, which can
It takes 1 point of Morale or Drive to do a
correspond with the pilot or driver's weaving
called shot on any enemy vehicle that has
into position for their own kill shot.
demonstrated it is aware of your presence.
The initial range for a vehicle duel is usu­
Supporting Characters will not make called
ally no more than the minimum extreme
shots at all without an officer to direct them.
range for the longest ranged weapons of
It takes a cool head to spend the extra time to
whoever rolled best. If one side is unarmed, it
lay a bead on something that big that is out to
is no more than the minimum extreme range
do you harm.
of the longest ranged weapon the other
Vehicle Duels vehicle has.
Aerodynes at two klicks isn't a dogfight, it is ~ Example: Erma Fein a has six marks in
a matter of who hits whom how often and how ~ Vehicle Operations andis a Velocity Ex­
hard. On the other hand, two aerodynes doing ~ pert. If she is piloting an aerodyne with a
nap-of-earth down city streets trying to get the Maneuver of 1d12 and a Size of 2, and
jump on each other is a vehicle duel, as would only does a Basic skill roll, she rolls d10
be a chase between land vehicles down those and d10 in a dogfight to see who acts
same streets, or even trying to outmaneuver an first (she has d12 for her skill and d12 for
enemy aerodyne with your AV-4. Maneuver, loses 2 die types for the size of
This is handled in a quick and fairly abstract the aerodyne, and gets 1 die type back
way. Each turn, each driver or pilot gets die because she is a Velocity Expert]. If she
rolls equal to the Maneuver of their vehicle, wins the roll and is outgunned, she can
and their skill with operating the vehicle (Ve­ choose to move first and try to get under
hicle Operations). cover, or failing that, increase the range. If
A novice pilot (d6 skill) in a high­ she has the advantage, she can close the
performance vehicle (d12 Maneuver) rolls the range and fire before the enemy can
same dice as a hot pilot (d12 skill) in a slow evade.
vehicle (d6 Maneuver). However, the skilled Over the course of a 6-second turn, each
pilot can Push to 2d12, for a roll of 1Okph in speed difference between vehicles
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES

is about 17 meters in range gained or lost.

Terrain Difficulty
For sake of convenience, round it to 20 meters.
n Open terrain
x Example - If Erma's aerodyne has a top Slightly cluttered 3
~ speed of 750kph and the enemy craft has
~ (nap-of-earth flying)
c a top speed of 600kph, the 150kph differ­
Cluttered 6
ence means that each turn Erma tries to (nap-of·earth over wooded hills)
close the range she will get 300 meters
Very cluttered 9
closer, and each time she tries to escape
(nap-of-earth between buildings)
she will get 300 meters further away. This
Absolutely cluttered 11
of course presumes she is in the open
(flying through buildings)
where she can use her top speed to best
effect. If dodging down urban streets, her To "be safe", no dice rolls for sequencing
safe top speed will be considerably less. or dodging enemy fire can exceed 13 minus
If someone doesn't want to engage, then this number. So, open terrain is a zero, and
that person automatically loses the sequenc­ you can get up to a 12 as a die result. Abso­
ing roll, which may or may not have any real lutely cluttered terrain is a 12, and no vehicle
effect. If a tank wants to duel with a cargo can move fast enough to get anykind of
aerodyne, and the cargo aerodyne doesn't maneuvering bonus. In this case, since se­
want to play, it can simply zoom out of quencing die rolls have a maximum result of
range in a turn or two ... 1, who goes first is based on marks in Vehicle
Operations with ties broken by Sixth Sense.
Dueling Terrain n
x Example - If you are engaged in a chase
If a vehicle duel's "terrain" has obstacles y
~ on the ground through "very cluttered"
that limit the speed or maneuverability of ~
c terrain, all die rolls for sequencing have a
the combatants, the Game Host can set a
maximum result of 13 - 9 = 4. This tends
level of difficulty for them. A low number is
to flatten out the effects of high skills,
a terrain or situation that is only slightly
since now no one can roll better than a 4.
restricting, while a high number is very
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

If a pilot or driver wants to exceed the you are gaining ground on or getting away
safe speed, they can roll their Vehicle Opera­ from the other vehicle by 100/o of your top
tions and Maneuver dice as normal for any speed, since you're exceeding the safe speed,
type of terrain clutter they wish, adjusted by and they aren't.
any die shift for the size of the vehicle, and Small, fast vehicles have the obvious edge
just declare that they are "going for it". To in these situations. They have a higher Ma­
successfully pull this off, their sequencing neuver to begin with, and less of a die shift
roll has to beat the difference between the to rolls because of their size.
terrain types. Failing to make the roll when exceeding
n safe operating generally means the vehicle has
x Example - If you wanted to count clut­
Y run into something, and will take damage as
~ tered terrain [modifier of 6) as only
c slightly cluttered [modifier of 3), then you though it fell onto the appropriate object
succeed if any die in your sequencing roll (trees would roll fewer d20s than buildings, for
beats a 3. instance). Just use a "distance fallen" of 10
meters for every 30kph of speed the vehicle
You can do this by Rote if you are good
had. A vehicle's Deflection applies normally.
enough, but remember that any die shifts do n
affect your Rote. Whoever is being chased x Example - If Erma's aerodyne clips a
decides if they are going for it first, and then ~ building while she is going 300kph down a

the pursuer has to option to do the same. c city street, her aerodyne will take damage
Operators suffer 1 Awe for every point by as though it had fallen 300 meters! This
which they exceed the safe speed. It takes would be a damage of 0+40, with 5d20
guts to exceed a speed you know is safe, rolled for Penetration. This could range
especially when the consequences of failure from scraped paint on a lucky roll to
are much the same as for a bug hitting a catastrophic damage on a bad one.
windshield. As the vehicle shudders from Characters with high skill will of course
being pushed past its safety allowances, all try to push enemy pursuers past the limits of
passengers will suffer 1 Awe from such ma­ theirskill, hopefully causing them to slam
neuvers. Coolness under Fire and other traits into obstacles with the appropriate conse­
will reduce Awe suffered. quences.
x Example - If you wanted to count clut­ Infantry Rules
~ tered terrain (target 6) as only slightly Here are a few clarifications and additions
c cluttered (target 3), you will suffer 3 Awe. to the standard arsenal of rules available to
the average soldier.
Success means that you have adjusted
the cap on your die results because of terrain Following Fire
limitations on that turn. It also means that You may claim Following Fire with a semi­
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt' automatic weapon. You may not following
Bounding Overwatch fire at more targets in a round than you have
Remember that a character cannot Sneak and skill marks.
Watch at the same time. This generates the Semi Automatic Expert
need for bounding overwatch. Characters You must decide whether to use the 3 bul­
move in small groups by Sneaking while a lets and claim the benefits of the Gift before
support group (the covering group) Watches or you determine if a hit is scored, not after.
Spots (usually from Hiding) for attacks against
those sneaking. Then the Sneaking group stops Semi Automatic Master
and Hides and Watches while the other group You may not use Following Fire afterus­
Sneaks to a new position for Hiding and ing Semi Automatic Master, though you may
Watching. In game terms, bounding overwatch use Semi Automatic Master for a following
limits a group's movement to half the lowest fire attack.
Sneak Rote in the group ... but it is also a tried­
and-true method of advancement, both in the
real world and in Albedo.
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES

picked up and re-thrown by someone else

Skill Use by Round
and may even be re-thrown by the character!
Whenever a particular method of gener­
It requires a Spot check vs. 2 (modified as
ating a skill score is chosen for an action,
normal); it takes 1 Drive and inflicts 1 Awe to
that same method will continue to apply
pick up and throw a grenade. It is also a
until the next round unless the character
moderate Throw task (vs. 3 or d6). Characters
spends for a retry. Any costs for pushing or
may retry failed rolls including botches but
risking or botching are only paid once. This is
each retry increases the difficulty level by the
especially important for Close Combat.
cost for a retry. If a character fails a roll and
Suppression Fire can not make a retry, the grenade goes off on
Suppression Fi re attacks do check for contact. Characters may take 1 Awe to hold a
Botches on each attack made, even during Iive grenade to th row rig ht before it goes off
an opponents turn. However, only the first to prevent a throwback but it is a Routine
attack made can cause Drive/Morale loss. leadership test for a supporting character to
Subsequent Botches simply count as a minor do this (though he or she could direct him­
weapon jam and stop the Suppression fire. self in this manner ...)
The character may resume shooting on his or
Close-Combat Mass Melee
her next turn without penalty.
The Awe loss from close range attacks ap­
Grenade "Hot Potato" ply only once per opponent and each
Thrown grenades normally go off at the opponent is counted as a separate event for
end of the nextturn after being engaged countering by Coolness Under Fire or Cold
(not the current turn). The grenade may be Hearted.
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'

The Nature of Leadership Gravity

Leadership skill is a vital measure of command In the basic rules, gravity is covered only
and control of others under stress. It is a pre­ with regards to falling and terminal velocity.
cious, valuable, and relatively rare commodity. Some of the inhabited worlds in known
In practical terms, it allows supporting charac­ space have gravity far enough from the
ters to act on their own judgment and norm to have considerable effect. Also, ships
initiative as if they were Adjutants or Main under thrust may exceed or be far less than
Characters. With this in mind, Lead skill has no the standard 1g.
Group Gifts that modify it. Characters can only The biggest change characters will have to
have Lead marks by buying them directly. deal with is encumbrance. All their gear and
Otherwise, all the Admin and Emissaries staff their body weight is adjusted by the difference
would be better combat commanders than the in gravity. Round gear and personal weight to
actua I battle leaders! the nearest kilogram. Any difference between
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

normal and gravity-adjusted body weight n

x Example:So, a PAKW 4-12 pistol will drop
applies to their encumbrance total. ~ to a damage of 6+5 at Long range, and
n ~
x Example: Auitzotl has a weight of 43 kilo­ c 4+3 at Extreme range.
~ grams. In a 1.1 g environment he weights
c 47.3 kilograms [round to 47), a 4 kilogram A successful penetration can still do some
difference. He adds 4 kilograms to the total significant hurt. Even a nearly spent rifle bullet
weight of all his gear, in addition to increas­ can still kill a person, but the average damage
ing the total weight of that gear by 10%. done will be less than for a short range hit.
In a .9g environment, he gets to re­ This rule neverapplies to explosive weapons,
duce the total weight of his gear by 10%, which always do full damage at all ranges, and
and then subtracts4 kilograms from that kinetic weapons in a vacuum environment
amount. keep their full damage at all ranges.

Being able to work and move properly in Suppression Fire

an altered gravity environment is a use of To clarify, a Suppression Fire zone is al­
G-force skill, but for most purposes Rote ways triangular - one of the points is always
use is sufficient, as all EDF personnel have the firer, and no side of the triangle can be
at least basic training in a variety of gravi­ longer than the weapon's Short range (Me­
tational regimes. dium if you're a Suppression Fire expert).
Clip-fed weapons cannot do Suppression Fire
Damage at Range as well as belt-fed weapons, simply because
For simplicity's sake in the basic rules, all they empty their clips so quickly. Clip-fed
ranged weapons do full damage at all ranges. weapons increase the effective range by one
This is not actually the case Damage drops for band. So, a normal Suppression Fire at Short
projectiles in an atmosphere, as drag slows range would have all targets count as Me­
them down and reduces their kinetic energy. dium range if the firer was using up the
At Long range, most weapons lose 2 points off limited ammunition in a clip-fed auto-rifle.
both damage and penetration, and 4 points All hits from Suppression Fire count as
off each at Extreme range, and this can con­ Following Fire, but only to the extent ofyour
ceivably drop damage to negative values. skill A Suppression Fire Expert who is not
also a Following Fire Expertcan Suppress a
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
triangle whose sides are Medium length, but On the plus side, you add:
they can only claim following-fire advantage ill. The average Rote of everyone engag­
(that is, getting an extra to-hit roll) against ing in the Danger Space fire, rounding
targets within Short Range any fractions down. This will never ex­
ceed the total from steps 2 and 3.
Danger Space
Iii. A factor for the rate of fire of the
Danger Space is a variant of Suppression
slowest weapon in the group doing the
Fire where the shooters are trying to lay
Danger Space fire, and how many
down bullets into a distantarea, often with­
weapons are firing.
out hitting anything at shorter ranges. For
11•• A factor for the type of mounting and
instance, a slightly elevated position might
fire control available.
let you shoot over friendly troops to fill an
area, or at longer ranges, bullets can be arced Situation Target
so that they miss close range targets, and Semi-auto (6) +O
last, aerodyne gunships can fill large areas on Full-auto, clip fed (25) +2
the ground at well beyond the 50-60 meter Full-auto, belt-fed (50) +3
Medium range of their weapons. Rapid-fire (300) +5
Making a Danger Space Attack is an action
Each doubling of weapons firing +1
that is declared and executed in the normal
All weapons are computer-linked +1
sequence but the targets get to react to it. They
All weapons are vehicle-mounted +1
can perform a Hide action or move 2 meters to
All shooters have Suppression Fire Expert +1
better cover. A leader must coordinate individ­
ual troops to do a Danger Space attack (it takes The numbers in parentheses are how
an action). but an individual can use a personal many rounds are expended during a round
or computer-linked weapons for this type of of Danger Space fire, and if you don't have
attack on their own initiative. enough, it doesn't matter as long as you are
A Danger Space attack is a matter of closer to the amount you need than the
weapon control and statistics. You are not next lower amount.
aiming at anyone in particular (so no Follow­ An individual with a pistol contributes
ing Fire is allowed). You are just trying to fill nothing to a Danger Space attack made by
an area with bullets, and hope the density of soldiers with assault rifles. The one with the
bullets is high enough to hit something. pistol can be ignored. He may fire, but will
contribute nothing to the total."
Computer-linked weapons are those
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt' with automatic aiming servos controlled by
Military Jargon and Danger Space a computer at a single weapon station
Plunging fire is gunfire aimed so as to fall using Vehicular Weapons skill. Vehic!e­
on an enemy from above, sometimes with mountedweapons are those which are
indirect-fire weapons like howitzers, but permanently mounted to the vehicle for
sometimes from an elevation, other times stability in aiming, though tripod-mounted
taking advantage of a bullet's descent in weapons usually qualify as well.
gravity to fall behind walls. Volley fire is the You can get both bonuses at once (like a
simultaneous discharge of many weapons twin heavy machinegun turret). or only one
at a target zone - the signature tactic of the (like a pair of pintle-mounted weapons
computer-controlled weapons of the EDF fired by individual gunners).
gun-ship. Covering fire is a Danger Space n
x Example: If you have two infantry with belt­
created to deny an enemy avenues of attack ~ fed support weapons, those two factors
against your own troops (for example, an c add up to 4, so the average marks these
aerodyne using machine guns to cover gunners apply cannot exceed 4, for a
deploying troops.) Another term for Danger maximum possible total of 8.
Space is beaten zone, especially for a
Danger Space maintained for several
minutes as a defensive measure.
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

Then you subtract a factor for the range n

x Example: If your numbers add up to "7
and the size of the area you are laying the ~ marks", then any people in the open are
Danger Space into. The closer the range, the c automatical/yhit once, and this hit is with
more shots you get into the area you are +1 d20 on Penetration. A vehicle with a
trying to fill, and the smaller the area you size of 1 would take +2d20 on Penetration.
are filling, the more concentrated the fire.
These extra Penetration dice mean that
If you are firing vehicle weapons andthe
even weapons which do not or cannot indi­
vehicle is evading, you increase the range
vidually get through armor can still clean off
by one band, and apply a -2 penalty to
external sensors, bludgeon a person into
reflect that your weapons simply will not be
unconsciousness, or actually start shredding
pointed at the target for the whole combat
the armor off a vehicle (especially the impro­
round. If firing handhEldweapons from a
vised kind). These extra hits can be especially
vehicle, increase the range by two bands
important with small-arms against vehicles,
and apply the -2 penalty.
since the extra Penetration dice can offset
Circumstance Modifier the -2d20 Penetration penalty for vehicle
Firing vehicle is evading -2 armor that is otherwise too tough to get
Close range -2 through.
Short range -3 For reference, 5 marks in this calculation
Medium range -4 represents about 1 bullet for each square
meter of the target area. Statistical distribu­
Long range -5
tion may leave gaps big enough to miss a
extreme range -6
person, so they still get 1d12 defense against
Small area (size of a house) -0
the 1d12 attack. Each ± 1 mark dou­
Medium area (size of alarge intersection) -3
bles/halves the bullet density. So, "6 marks"
Large area (size of a city block) -6
means about 2 bullets striking each square
The "small" area is what you would use to meter in the target area, and at this level and
target a single vehicle, a fire team or tightly higher it is possible but increasingly unlikely
deployed squad. "Medium" would be a dispersed there will be any holes in the pattern of fire
squad or a few vehicles, and "large" would be that would actually miss an exposed person,
an area occupied by a dispersed platoon. so dice in defense become useless. For refer­
The result you get is the "number of ence, a person has a frontal surface area of
marks" in the attack, which is always rolled about one square meter.
as a regular skill. If there are zero marks or Defenders automatically get the chance
less, there is no effect. If there are 1 to 5 to dive for any cover within 2 meters of their
marks in the attack, you do a Basic skill roll position when attacked by Danger Space fire.
against the defenders. Botches have no If defenders are not subject to automatic
effect other than being a waste of ammu­ hits, then everyone in the area, friend or foe
nition. However, if there are more than 5 rolls d12 for defense, plus any partial cover
marks in the attack, the Game Host can die. Vehicles apply their die shift (and thus
simply declare that anyone who is not under roll d10 or less); maneuver or concealment
1000/o cover is automatically hit at least once. does not apply.
Vehicles apply their size modifier to this, so Note that at shorter ranges with few
for instance a vehicle with a size of 1 would weapons, Danger Space is not as good as
be automatically hit if you had 4 marks in what a Suppression Fire Expert could do ...
the attack. Each mark beyondthat needed but if you don't have a Suppression Fire
for an automatic hit (6) counts as a critical expert, you do what you can.
hit, worth an extra d20 Penetration. You only Simply being in a Danger Space area
roll one hit, but it actually represents getting causes Awe: typically 3 points less than the
hit several times. marks in the attack. Targets with 1000/o cover
suffer a maximum of 1 Awe, provided that
cover is sufficient to stop the weapons being
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
used, otherwise they suffer+ 1 Awe in addi­ Like Suppression Fire, anyone who does
tion to any effects from being hit by the fire. anything except Hide in the Danger Space
n area is subject to an automatic attack as long
x Example: A D-9 gunship mounts eight
y as the Danger Space is maintained.
~ HAKW 1-100 guns and two VAKW guns.
~ An Indirect Fire Expert can make or direct
c The HAKWs are fired with one Danger
others to make a Danger Space attack over
Space roll. If the target area is the size
friendly troops or obstacles to lay a beaten
of a large intersection at Long range and
zone further downrange. Unless you already
the gunner has a Rote of 6 with the
have a height advantage, th is can only be
weapons, you have:
done at Long or Extreme range, and the
ill. Skill (5)
damage and penetration of the weapon used
Iii. Rapid-fire guns (+5)
are both reduced by 4.
11•• Three doublings [ +3)
:11. Computer-linked [ + 1) Steel Rain
"I. Vehicle mounted weapons [ +1) There is not a lot of artillery in Albedo, but
·r. Long range (-5) there is enough of it to worry about. In add i­
111. Medium area (-3)
t ion, characters have ready access to grenade
Total: 7
launchers, which can be used in an indirect
This gives the gunner "7 marks", or fire mode.
one automatic hit against every exposed
New Gift·
target in the area, with + 1 d20 Penetra­
tion on that hit. There is not a single spot
Indirect Fire Expert:
Th is Gift is a Basic Gift that covers the proper
the size of a person in that entire city
use of weapons fired to a location that is not
block that isn't taking at least one bullet,
directly seen by the firer. Weapons under the
making any sort of dodging irrelevant. Only
direction of an Indirect Fire Expert (which
those who dive under complete cover are
can be a single weapon fired by the Expert or
spared, and even they are Awed by the
a weapon under his direction or a battery of
volume of fire coming down.
weapons under his direction firing at the
The VAKWs would be fired the same
same target) hit on ties instead of scattering.
way, and if dispersed over a similar area
Indirect Fire Expert is also required to di­
would have 5 marks or a d12 roll, which
rect a Danger Space Attack at an unseen
would hit a good fraction of any exposed
beaten zone or over intervening obstacles
defenders. Keep this up for several
that would normally be hit.
rounds and the casualties will be almost
An indirect Fire Expert can also spend a
Drive to allow the person observing for him
Gunships are rightly feared, and the only
or for himself to successfully make Naviga­
reason they do not completely rule the field
tion skill rolls on a tie as they relate to
is that they cannot carry enough ammuni­
Indirect Fire.
tion to sustain their carnage. A single
Indirect fire weapons use Heavy Weapons
combat round of fire from this gunship
or Vehicle Weapons skill, depending on
expends three thousand rounds of ammu­
whether it is hand held or vehicle mounted.
nition! If this were delivered into the
To provide directions to a third party to
smallest Danger Space area, it would be
accurately aim indirect fire weapons is a use
30 bullets per square meter, with Penetra­
of Navigation skill, normally a Routine task,
tion of +4d20 more than normal.
but if there is anything tricky involved, like
Keep in mind that any land vehicle that bad weather or a need to avoid certain tar­
mounts a twin machinegun turret will get gets in the zone, it can be an Intermediate
the multiple weapon and vehicle weapon task. A spotter with Navigation allows the
bonuses. This would commonly be the Smm spotter (who can see the target) let the
and 6mm twin MG turrets used by the EDF gunner (who cannotsee the target) fire
and ILR, respectively. using only the concealment or visual cover
modifiers the spotter is affected by.
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

Indirect fire lands the turn after it is Massed indirect fire is six or more rounds
fired. That is, you fire it and make your roll, landing in an area on a given turn. This can
but the defenders make their roll on the be one aim point, or several aim points that
following turn. This could be good You form a line. In the case of one aim point, the
could time it to land just as the enemy leastskilled gunner rolls to hit, and the
infantry makes their dash from cover to grouping is treated as one explosion with+ 1
cross the street. It could be bad You cou Id meter to the radius and+ 1 Awe to the ef­
be few seconds off the mark and fire it fects. In the case of a line, two endpoints are
while they are in the street, and it doesn't chosen five burst radii apart (so a 2m explo­
land until they are under cover again. sion wou Id be a Ii ne 10 meters long).
Large projectiles like mortars are likely Damage is measured as a blast distance from
detected by someone on your side the the line, not a point.
instant they are fired, with information
passed through channels to alert the most
Thrown grenade dispersion is covered in
probable targets, giving them time to seek
the main rules. For dispersion from weapons
cover, if not leave the immediate area.
like grenade launchers or mortars, if you miss
Small projectiles like grenades are almost
by 1, the shot is off by 6 meters. The shot just
impossible to spot unless you are Watching
barely lands within a useful distance of the
for them, but if you can spot them, your
aim point. Missing by 2 or more means that
battle software can probably tell the gen­
at best it lands in ear-ringing range (6 meters
eral area they are aimed at. Grenade
per point missed by). but is unlikely to actu­
launchers and mortars have a distinctive
ally hurt whoever it was aimed at unless it
sound, so even if you are not Watching for
was a large barrage. If the dice rolled to hit
them, you can choose to act as you feel
are even, it overshoots. If odd, it undershoots,
appropriate when you hear one fired. It
and on a Botch it reallyundershoots. Num­
might be headed your way, it might not. ..
bers also divisible by 3 deviate to the right,
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
and those also divisible by 4 deviate to the blind but there is the possibility of negating
left. A roll of 12 that manages to miss is a their cover with a good shot, they only get
simple overshoot. 1d12 for 1000/o concealment instead of 2d 12.
For weapons capable of semi-automatic Shooting at a target you can't see directly
fire (specifically, the GAKW). if a burst is fired requires some sort of advance intelligence or
using indirect fire, they can either all be remote sensing. It is a routine Navigate or
designated to land on target, or be "walked". Sensor Operations task to send coordinates
The grenades will land 6 meters apart in a and other targeting information to a weapon
direction chosen when the grenades are other than the one you are using. A spotter
fired. On a hit with the first grenade, assume with a pair of binoculars or a remote camera
the remaining two land 6 and 12 meters can send firing solutions to someone else
further away. You have to decide to walk who cannot actually see the target.
your shots bdoreyou fire. A target can pre-designated for an indi­
n rect fire mission. This usually requires 2
x &amp/e:Emphiro has 2 marks in Heavy
~ Weapons and is using a grenade Quality-hours of time by an indirect fire
~ launcher in an indirect fire mode. He ends gunner and someone with Navigation skill,
up needing to beat a target number of 5. and is only an Intermediate task. While it can
He Pushes his skill to roll 2d6, and gets a mean firing completely blind, the difficulty is
4 and a 5. The 5 is a near miss, which is normally a maximum of 2d8 at Long range
off by 6 meters. For a normal grenade and 2d10 at Extreme range. This benefit is
with an explosion of 2m, this means it kept only as long as the indirect fire unit
loses 4d20 off its penetration roll. Since stays em placed. Once they pack up and
the roll was odd, and is not divisible by 3 move, the process has to be repeated.
or 4, it is a simple undershoot that plows Most EDF indirect fire weapons, including
up the dirt 6 meters short of where he rifle grenades, can be set with a time fuse
aimed. He looks at his sight, thumbs in a accurate in milliseconds, an impact fuse, or a
slight compensation, and reaches for ground proximity fuse that can be set any­
another grenade. If he had fired a three where from 1 to 4 meters. The accuracy of
round burst from a semi-auto grenade the proximity fuse varies with the radio­
launcher and said he was walking the reflective characteristics of the ground.
shots away from his position, he could Airbursts, whether timed or proximity­
have put the second on target, since the detonated can be used to negate up to 250/o
first hit landed 6 meters short. The third cover if used properly. For instance, if some­
would have landed 6 meters long. one is hiding in a slit trench, they have much
less protection against an airburst than a
Indirect fire weapons have certain inherent
advantages and requirements. We've already COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
noted the time delay and how that can work Stray Bullets
for or against you. While mortar crews are Not every bullet fired in a Danger Space
trained specifically in indirect fire tactics, attack lands in the target area, and you do
normal infantry supporting characters will use not necessarily get your weapon's maxi­
direct fire with their grenade launchers unless mum rate of fire for the combat round.
specifically directed otherwise. Vehicle maneuvering may throw your aim
You can get a direct hit on ties with artil­ off, you might not have started the attack
lery or indirect fire if you are an Indirect Fire with a full clip and ended up emptying your
Expert. weapon halfway through, and so on. The
Indirect fire can shoot comp/ete/yblind, "bullet leakage" outside the target zone
such as over buildings. This a/ways counts as means that the EDF will not generally use
an extreme range shot, but if you know Danger Space fire if there is the potential
where the target is hiding, they only get a for friendly fire casualties. If you want to
cover modifier based on where you want the model this, apply a leakage zone of up to
grenade to land, not the cover they have double the target radius, with one-quarter
from your direct fire. If you are shooting (round up) the marks of the main attack.
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

ground burst. error. A Botch means your device triggers

If an indirect fire weapon is spotted when while you are still in its designed blast radius.
it fires, it not only means the projectile is Once the device is placed, it simply waits
detected, it means the nearly exact location of for someone to come by, at which point it
the firer is also known. If the people you are uses the Demolitions die roll used to place it.
shooting at also have indirect fire weapons, A failure to detonate means that the person
this could become very interesting, starting who passed through the area simply failed to
about 3 turns from when you fired (1 turn for trigger it. A Botch means they triggered it, it
them to notice, 1 turn to shoot back if they're didn't go off and they spotted it. A tie means
on the ball, and 1 turn for it to get there). the booby trap goes off, but with 2d20 less
Grenade Tricks n
The EDF variable grenade, as used in a x Example: Chara hides an ILR grenade
grenade launcher, can be creatively pro­ ~ under some debris and runs a trip wire

grammed. Specifically, you can use the c across the hallway. Chara only has 1
weapon's laser rangefinder to determine the Mark in Demolitions, so she sacrifices
exact range to the target, and use that dis­ 2d20 of the grenade's Penetration to
tance to program an exact detonation time put together something she hopes will
for the grenade after firing. This allows you work [giving her 3 marks, for a Basic roll
to get proximity hits on aerial targets, or to of dB). With a lack of Demolitions skill,
detonate grenades above an enemy, rather she doesn't know what height is best for
than against the cover they are hiding be­ the trip wire, or the best delay setting for
hind. This can possibly negate some cover an the grenade based on its position and
enemy might have, or allow a hit on ties where the tripwire is. Provided she
against aerial target when ties would nor­ doesn't blow herself up while placing the
mally be a miss. Supporting Characters will grenade, she gets a 1 dB roll for each
not normally attempt creative grenade tricks person who passes.
without an officer to suggest it. The target number for tripping the
booby-trap is 4. On a roll of 5, 6, 7 or B,
Rigging Booby Traps the grenade goes off and catches the
Characters can rig grenades and other de­ person in the 3d20 Penetration range
vices with tripwires. A booby trap is a single­ for the grenade. On a 4, it goes off late
use attack roll using the Demolition skill of and only gets 1 d20 Penetration. On a 2
whoever placed it to trigger if someone meets or 3 they step over the trip wire without
the activation condition. This is a target num­ setting it off, and on a 1, they hit the
ber of 4 (an Intermediate task). and can only tripwire and snap it without triggering
be done with a Basic skill roll (it is not a stan­ the grenade.
dard tactic). The person placing the booby trap
Detecting a booby trap uses Search, Dem­
can lose 1d20 off the penetration of an explo­
olitions, Sixth Sense or Spot skill, whichever is
sive weapon to get an extra mark on their skill.
highest. The basic difficulty for spotting a
That is, you set up something that is more
booby trap is 3 +the actual score in Demoli­
likely to go off, but is less likely to do so ex­
tions of the person who placed it has. If the
actly where and when you want it to. A
Rote score in the highest of these would
standard setup (no loss of Penetration dice)
succeed, suspicions will be aroused when
means that it is set up to go off instantly,
entering the booby-trapped area, even with­
within a meter of the person setting it off.
out spending an action to look around.
In addition to rolling whenever someone
However, it will still take an action to actu­
triggers the booby trap, any improvised de­
ally spot the device or its trip mechanism.
vice like a grenade requires a Routine task
when placing it (target of 2). A Tie means you
have time to get out of the blast radius
before it goes off. A Failure is a recoverable
~ !!:. .. , n~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
n electromagnetic interference, and is hard­
~ Example:Since Chara had only 1 real
~ mark in placing the booby trap, it is a ened against any effects likely to be found in
c target number of 3 + 1 = 4 to spot it. the ambient environment. However, this does
not make them invulnerable to dirECtedshort
EDF policy discourages booby-traps and range effects. And since every piece of so­
mined explosives, especially in civilian habita­ phisticated hardware relies on even more
tions. Terrorists, insurgents, and ILR troops sophisticated circuitry, something that dam­
have fewer reservations. ages or temporarily disables electronics can
be a powerful weapon.
Homing Weapons
Any device or weapon capable of generat­
Some weapons have inherent course cor­
ing an EMP will have a damage and
rection ability. As these are most often
penetration value, just as other weapons do.
weapons that also have explosive potential, it
These values onlyaffect electronics and
means they can miss, but still detonate
computerized or computer-assisted devices.
within a useful distance of the target. Explo­
This can range from the night vision sight on
sive weapons with homing capability can
a rifle to the intermix compensator on a
sacrifice 2d20 from their penetration roll to
fusion reactor.
get+ 1 on the best die rolled to hit, for a
For ease of use, there are three levels of
maximum of +2 to a die roll. In the event
protection an electronic device can have
that such a weapon is used against a civilian
against outside interference, and this is
vehicle with a readily spotted signature and
identical to Deflection for armor. Civilian
no inherent EW capability, the penalty is only
devices have a Deflection of 6, military de­
1d20 per +1 to the roll, with a maximum of
vices and civilian vehicles have a deflection
+4 to a die roll. Using guided weapons
of 12, and military vehicles have a Deflection
against civilian air transport is an easy task
of 16. In general, civilian electronics have a
for even marginally skilled troops.
damage threshold of 10/20/30/50, and mili­
This rule is especially applicable to weapons
tary electronics have+ 10 on the thresholds.
used against airborne targets, which would
The biggest difference between EMP
otherwise be limited to contact hits only.
damage and normal damage is that the self­
Homing weapons will have a particular
diagnostics, redundancy and re-routing
method of operation, and will not get their
algorithms in virtually every device mean
bonus against targets that do not meet the
that effects are generally temporary. That is,
targeting criteria. In fact, lacking an appro­
you do not keep track of wounds for devices
priate target when firing is a sure way to
from EMP damage. Ifyou use the rule at all.
confuse a homing munition, as it seeks fruit­
it applies separately every time, and only
lessly for something to head towards.
permanent effects need be dealt with.
Many homing weapons are sophisticated
A Wound on an electronic device is a re-
enough to be programmed before firing to
only seek specific target characteristics, or to COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
ignore specific target characteristics. So, a EMP in Game Play
missile that homes in on radio emissions Because it doesn't actually stop someone
could be told to ignore signals from small from fighting, neither side has any major
aerodyne radars or to only go after signals deployment of EMP bombs, and so these
common to giant landing aerodynes. rules are not something that is going to
Electro-Magnetic Pulse come up in play very often. A gun with its
EDF, ILR and to a lesser extent civilian electronics fried can still kill you, and a
technologies are naturally resistant to low crack gunner without access to a targeting
levels of electromagnetic interference, simply computer can still hit you. Freefall Infantry
because of the widespread use of optica I can use them as a decompression-safe
circuits. The military gear used by ILR and means of disabling enemy electronics. Virtu­
EDF forces is designed to work in an envi­ ally every EMP device short of an enhanced
ronment crawling with jamming signals and fusion warhead requires near contact to the
target to have any chance of working.
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

boot. The induced spike through the various system failure, followed by a failure to reboot.
inputs acts like a Botch. For a soldier, commu­ Something major no longer works at all. A
nications are garbled, vision enhancement is mechanical system may be virtually intact, but
full of static, directional displays and range­ still completely non-functional, as much as a
finders give inaccurate readings and medical car would be if you yanked out the electronic
monitors may send unusual results to any ignition. An Intermediate task check is needed
monitoring systems a squad or platoon leader to reboot the damaged system, which takes at
might have for the individual ("what do you least a turn, and only the most basic function­
mean, he's pregnant?"). Any sophisticated ality in the damaged system or subsystem
electronics on a solder go down for one turn. comes back on line. Vehicles lose 5 Body from
A simple generalization of this is to reduce the an Incapacitating electronic hit. Incapacitating
user's skill by 1 Mark for their next action. (If effects require major repairs beyond the scope
this reduces Marks to zero, the individual is in of most field damage control.
way over their head.) One or two minor func­ A Devastating EMP result completely fries
tions on a soldier's integrated systems may all sophisticated circuits in the affected
actually be disabled. A suit's outside tempera­ device or vehicle. This result is virtually im­
ture monitor may have been fried, or commu­ possible to get on modern military hardware,
nications circuits now have an annoying hum and is what might be expected from an EMP­
or hiss in them. A vehicle will take 1 Body. enhanced fusion explosion, or being at
There is no inherent permanent effect, but ground-zero of an EMP device's detonation.
there are fried circuits that have to be re­
Statistical Hits
paired, and this will take time.
Sometimes, for the sake of plot devel­
A Crippling effect means something
opment, you want to get an idea of hits or
broke. The character, equipment or vehicle
casualties, and don't want to roll a huge
takes the effect of a Botch, and the effect
amount of dice to figure it out. For in­
does not go away. For vehicles, the location
stance, if a gunship lays down a barrage on
rolled for the hit indicates the general nature
an enemy formation. The easiest way to do
of the malfunction.
th is is to assume that the attacker rolls
A weapon enhancement might be kaput, a
average, and the defenders roll average.
hand computer might be fried (though its
Cross-reference the attacker's die type(s)
non-volatile data is recoverable). or comm
with the defenders, and read the result. The
links might be down. On a vehicle, a particular
rows and columns cannot cover a//the
fly- or drive-by-wire system might be offline, a
possible die combinations, so you use the
particular sensor could be down, or an elec­
bestdie rolled, and if they get more than
tronic linkage of some unknown nature might
one die of more than half this level, count
have been compromised, like the landing gear.
it as 2 dice of the highest type. If you have
Vehicles lose 3 Body from the hit, like for any
three dice of the same type, count it as 2
other Crippling damage. Crippling effects can
dice of the next highest type. If the at­
be fixed by damage control in the field.
tacker wins on ties, shift their best die up
An Incapacitating effect is a widespread
~ !!:. .. , fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
by one type. The color result represents the n
x Example: A defender with d12 and d6
percentage range of targets that are af­ ~ would be on the 1d12 column, while a
fected by the weapon. c defender with d12 and dB would be on
the 2d12 column and a defender with d6,
d6 and d6 would be counted as 2d8.

Attacker's Defender's Dice

Dice 1d4 1d6 2d4 1d8 1d10 2d6 1d12 2d8 2d10 2d12
1d4 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5%
2d4 25% 25% 25% 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5%
1d6 25% 25% 25% 25% 10% 10% 10% 5%
1d8 25% 10% 10% 10%
1d10 25% 25% 25% 10%
1d12 25% 25% 25% 25%
2d6 25% 25% 25% 25%
2d8 25% 25%
2d10 25%
2d12 25%

Penetration 12 13 15 16
1d20 25% 10%
n than 900/o of those hit will be incapacitated, it
x Example: An aerodyne with a brace of auto­
Y gives you a quick idea of how long (or short)
~ cannons cuts loose with some Danger
c Space fire into some ILR infantry surround­ this engagement is going to be.
ing an M position on top of a parking deck. This is not something that should be done
The gunner has a roll of 1d10, and the de­ to main characters or supporting characters.
fenders are counted as 1d12. Consulting You probably should not be using massed fire
the table above, approximately 25% of the against them anyway, but if you do, their
defenders are hit by the burst of fire. Given results should be individual, not a matter of
the damage of a VA10.N, odds are good that just being a statistic. Their individual circum­
1 in 4 of the infantry suffer Devastating hits stances and initiative can and should make a
- the Shock and Awe inflicted will probably lot of difference.
drive the survivors to panic or to surrender.
If you have to deal with things like massive Species
numbers of automatic hits and multiple Pene­ There are over 160 distinct species recog­
tration dice vs. armor for a large number of nized by the Confederation of Worlds, but only
targets, use the second table. The percentage 19 are in the basic rules. The following guide­
result is the chance of at least one Penetration lines should help you to correct that oversight.
against the armor for the listed number of These rules will not generate the basic species,
Penetration d20's rolled. This table is mainly but will let you create new ones that are on the
useful if even a single Penetration will inca­ same footing in terms of ability.
pacitate someone, like heavy machinegun fire The 19 species listed in Albedo are simple
vs. infantry. So, if 500/o of targets are hit with on the face of it. They have a to ta I of 28
Danger Space fire, and you can see that better points between their attributes and skills, and
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

one Gift. But if you look closer, you will see Body and skill bonuses that add up to 15, or
that Clout and Drive do not vary much from use the following system.
the 6-8 range. The main difference is Body, A species will be defined as one of five
and the rest is Homeworld, Personality and size ranges, and then will have modifiers to
Branch of Service. attributes based on other factors.
To design a new species, you can just as­
sign a Clout of 7, Drive of 6, and then have a

Aspect Body Clout Drive Basic skills Possible Gifts

Very Small 4 7 6 +7 Energetic
Small 6 7 6 +5 Small
Average 8 7 6 +3
Large 10 7 6 +1 Large
Very Large 12 7 5 0 Healthy
Omnivore -1 +1 + 1 Sneak Belligerent
+ 1 Hike Conformist
Herbivore +1 -1 + 1 Run Conformist
+ 1 Hike Cosmopolitan
Grace under pressure
Carnivore +1 Brawl Belligerent
+ 1 Sneak Energetic
Daily Cycle
Diurnal + 1 Impress, + 1 Spot Charismatic
Natural leader
Nocturnal +1 Smell Conformist
+ 1 Listen Indefatigable
Quick loading
Arboreal +1 Climb Ambidextrous
+ 1 Jump Charismatic
Velocity expert
Subterranean -1 +1 + 1 Brawl Belligerent
+1 Smell Coolness under fire
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES

Aspect Body Clout Drive Basic skills Possible Gifts

Active +1 Run Energetic
+1 Brawl Healthy
Velocity Expert
Sedentary +1 ·1 + 1 Listen Conformist
+ 1 Spot Grit
Speedy + 1 Run Ambidextrous
+ 1 Spacesuit Energetic
+1 Swim Fast
+ 1 Vacuum Suit Impulsive
Mean Belligerent
Social Charismatic
Stoic Conformist

This is the basic template. The skills repre­ fied later in the process. The very largest
sent the total number of marks that species creatures have to delete one of the skills they
gets for free with no more than 2 marks in get for free for their physical characteristics,
any one skill. This 2 mark limit may be modi- which is next.
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! ,~¥tit .:~ -~ \,

Characteristics Very Tough(e.g. Very Strong and Very Tough

After you have the basic size of the spe­ would only be +2 Body for weight purposes).
cies, choose two characteristics. No two n
x Example: You have an idea for a charac­
characteristics can be on the same line. Y
~ ter who is a Wolverine (a Mustelid, the
These characteristics have convenient c largest member of the weasel family).
names, but you shou Id not assume that your We'll say our character, Gula, is of Aver­
species exactly matches the typical image age size:
associated with the name. Think of them as Body: 8 Clout: 7 Drive: 6
most/yappropriate tags to apply to collec­ Possible gifts: none at this point
tions of traits. Wolverines get +3 in basic skills. We
x Example: A "diurnal" species has + 1 Spot figure wolverines are feisty and good in a
~ and +1 Impress. This just means they are fight, and we look up some data and see
c used to operating in daylight and rely that they can climb, have a pretty good
mostly on sight. Used to visual displays as sense of smell and hearing and a lot of
part of mating, they have a natural ability endurance. So, out of these possibilities,
to project a good self-image. we decide to start with basic skills of:
Most of the time, any movement skill like +1 Smell
climb, swim or jump can be substituted for +1 Brawl
"+ 1 Run". With Game Host approval, social +1 Climb
Gifts of similar nature may also be substi­ Then, we apply creature type modifiers.
tuted, like being Congenial instead of Wolverines are mostly nocturnal carni­
Charismatic. vores, so we choose both of those types,
Once you have all this information fig­ and the "Mean" row seems right for other
ured out, you have the template for the possible gifts. So, we end up with a basic
species. Not all species are created equal. If wolverine template of:
you duplicate possible Gifts, you do not get Body: 8 Clout: 7 Drive: 6
anything extra to compensate. Increase all skills: Choose one gift:
+2 Smell Belligerent
+ 1 Climb Energetic

Physique +2 Brawl Overconfident

Characters will vary in size and weight

+ 1 Sneak Strong
based on species, but a generalization is below:
+ 1 Listen Indefatigable

Body Height Weight Conformist

3 90cm 15kg Suspiciousness

4 96cm 21 kg Quick loading

29kg Cold-hearted

5 104cm

6 114cm 39kg

7 126cm 51 kg
8 140cm 65kg Cybernetic Enhancements
9 156cm 81kg Cybernetics in Albedo is simply a replace­
10 174cm 99kg ment technology instead of an enhancing one.
11 194cm 119kg However, it is not perfect, and there are liabili­
12 216cm 141kg ties. Even with advanced batteries, cybernetic
13 240cm 165kg limbs require regular charging, anywhere from
14 266cm 191kg once a week to once a day, depending on the
15 290cm 219kg level of use. Th is is a problem, but not one
sufficient to pull an experienced soldier from
Only count Body adjustments for Old or active service. A flexible solar overlay that can
Young towards weight (not height). and add be worn on the back of combat armor can
+ 1 Body for Strong or Very Strong for weight supplement and eventually recharge a limb's
purposes, and another+ 1 Body for Tough or battery, and a minute or two plugged into a
I ~ !!:. ~7', fin~~-· nu1m. VARIANT RULES
vehicle or civilian outlet will provide a full
Status kg load
recharge. The EDF doesencourage infantry
with cybernetics to retrain for mechanized or Unencumbered up to 2x
aerodyne service, where there is always going 25% run penalty up to 3x
to be a ready power source. 50% run penalty up to 5x
Starting characters are discouraged from 75% run penalty up to 7x
having cybernetics, as they will have plenty of Maximum lift/drag up to 9x
opportunities to have limbs violently removed Lift over head up to 5x
in play. However, if the Game Host allows, Pull yourself up up to 4x
accepting the liabilities of a cybernetic arm or
Penalties round towards the nearest
leg has two compensations. First, the character
speed. The maximum lift/drag is what you
gets+ 1 mark in any skill, something they
can move up to 3 meters in a turn if you are
picked up during their rehabilitation. Second, if
using both hands and not trying to be
hit locations are used, the character never
stea Ithy or combat-wise. Otherwise, it is an
suffers actua/Wounds from being hit in the
amount that you can grab and drag a meter
cybernetic limb. There is pain (and Awe) and
or so in the heat of combat, like yanking a
the effect on the character's ability to function
wounded comrade into a sheltered area.
is much like a flesh and bone hit, but the
The normal rules for getting tired when
character loses no Body, nor are extra d20's
running apply, but characters who are
applied to future hits to the biological body
weighed down can cover less distance during
because of previous damage to cybernetics. If
the ten rounds of running they can manage
hit locations are not used, this effect is ig­
without rest.
Characters with Hike have better endur­
Carrying Capacity ance and physical conditioning than normal
Characters have a normal unencumbered and can subtract their Hike Rote Score from
load of double their Body rating, and the 12 to get the rounds of rest normally needed
ability to lift five times their Body rating over after a long run. Since everyone has at least
their heads. To elaborate on this: 1 mark in Hike, the default means a person
VARIANT RULES • l""~nc~~~ nuf! '~ . ~ \ ,

has to rest 10 rounds after sprinting, as equal to a quarter of their Rote running
normal. In practical terms, every mark in Hike speed, plus 1 kph.
after the first gives a character a about an When hiking, a character will have to
extra hour of sustained march time per day. spend 1 Body after a number of hours equal
n to their Hike score, and 1 Body each hour
x Example: Auitzotl has six marks in Hike.
~ After 10 rounds of sprinting at full speed, after that if they keep hiking. Characters get
c he only needs to rest for 5 rounds instead back 1 Body lost to hiking after 1 hour of
of 1 0. In terms of how far he can march rest, 2 Body after 3 hours and 3 Body after 8
in a given day, he can march default hours, but this assumes enough food and
troops into the ground, still fresh when water. You can keep up a good hiking pace
lesser sapients are ready to pass out for as long as you have ration bars and water
from exhaustion. and a decent amount of sleep each night.
Characters in spacesuits use Spacesuit x Example:Auitzotl has six marks in Hike (Rote
skill instead of Run skill for extra movement ~ score of 7) and is weighed down to a -50%

but the Fast and Very Fast Gifts apply to the c run penalty, for a running speed (from the
Spacesuit skill modified speed. Light space­ previous example) of 7 meters. If he has to
suits automatically reduce run distance as if march in this level of gear, he uses a quarter
the person was 1 level more encumbered and of his running speed, plus 1 kph.
heavy ones as if the person were 2 levels So, at this level of encumbrance, Auit­
more encumbered. zotl can march at a speed of 3 kilometers
n per hour, and he can do this for up to 7
x Example: Auitzotl has four marks in Run
y hours before he loses 1 Body from exer­
~ [Rote Run of 15 meters) and a Body of 9
tion. His excellent Hike score doesn't let
c for an 1 Bkg unencumbered Carry. If he is
him walk any faster, but it does let him
carrying normal armor (9kg), a 24 hour kit
keep up a sustained pace far longer than
[about 14kg), a LA'r<:N-1-30 rifle with gre­
less fit troopers.
nade launcher (3.5kg) and PAKW 4-12
An average soldier with a Rote Run of
pistol [.75kg), then he has a total load of a
2, a Rote Hike of 3 and an encumbrance
hair more than 27 kilograms, which is in
penalty of -25% can make about 4 kph
the -50% run penalty range [more than 3x
and will be able to march about 9 hours
Body but less than 5x Body). This gives him
for a Body cost of 7, covering 36 kilome­
a Rote running distance of 7 meters. In
ters (50 kilometers if unencumbered).
addition, we can see that he is in the range
This is the pace required to be in the
where he can pull his entire body and kit up
infantry [heavy or light). That is, if you're in
and over an obstacle [less than 4x Body). If
the infantry, your character and support­
Auitzotl dropped his 24 hour kit (except for
ing characters should be able to walk
the ammunition, of course!), he would be
36km at 25% encumbrance before pass­
down around 16-18 kilograms, which
ing out. At a minimum.
means he would not be encumbered at all.
If he dropped the machine pistol, he would Characters without leadership will seldom
be under 27 kilos and only have a 25% march past the point where they suffer Body
penalty, which for him would be a Rote from exertion.
running distance of 11 meters. Sprinting
Normal combat running movement assumes
Sustained March you are using cover and not making yourself
The normal movement rules take into ac­
obvious. Anyone can double their normal
count the sit 8: dash nature of moving
movement rate. All concealment or Cover is
around when people are shooting at you, but
reduced by 250/o, and sprinting costs 1 Body
if you actually need to march from point A
(not Mora le) per turn. If there is no Cover where
to point B, which infantry do a lot of, then
you are, then you should either hunker down
you need to adjust it.
and Hide (for a free extra 250/o) or you should
On average, a person can do a sustained
run as fast as you can to where there is Cover!
march at a speed in kilometers per hour
I ~ ~:. ~7', IJJ •4t nc'l~n. BUILD & REPAIR

•w1111i. + nc'l~n
Albedo is not a bookkeeping system. concealment as well. There is barely
Equipment breaks, and is shot at and blown enough visibility to see where to drive
up, but players shou Id never have to keep at low speed. Punching into or out of
track of incremental effects on individual a zero visibility condition at high
items. Even vehicles, which can be huge and speed takes a point of Morale or
extremely complex, will have fewer stats Drive.
than a character. The rules provided here for Iii. Communications equal to a squad
making and breaking equipment, including leader's personal gear, though with a
vehicles, are meant to be easy to use and, larger display.
where possible, to use rules and ideas al­ 11•• A sealed environment capable of
ready known. keeping irritant agents out, and good
air in. While tEChnica!!ythis is proof
Building Vehicles against a 1 atmosphere differential
The array of vehicles characters are (vacuum to 10 meter water depth).
likely to interact with is fairly small, so we don't count on it being leak-free.
can make a system for creating them :11. Basic maintenance tools and critical
equally concise. spares, including those that might be
Standard equipment: All military ground needed to dig a vehicle out of a rough
vehicles are assumed to come with the spot or repair a damaged wheel or
following: track. This would be enough to repair
ill. Obscurement grenades to provide 1 Body and 1 die shift done by a hit
1000/o concealment for six turns (sta­ to the vehicle's mobility system.
tionary) or one turn (moving) are "I. A winch capable of lifting the vehicle
standard equipment and have no cost vertically, and 50 meters of cable.
or space penalty. One reload for
this is standard equipment.
Note that this con­
cealment goes both
ways. A vehicle in
a smoke cloud
treats a11
targets it fires
at as having
BUILD & REPAIR • PWI• + h•n \\' ,~ ,:~ -~ ,

Given the size constraints mandated by

the cargo area of assault aerodynes, the
normal ground vehicle power plant is a
three-shaft gas turbine with a mass of about
500 kilograms and an effective power output
of around 1,000 kilowatts. Military units
scavenge every possible bit of exhaust heat
through devices like thermoelectric modules
to generate more electrical power and spread
out the vehicle's thermal signature. Down­
rated civilian versions have about half the
output of military units, but much longer
maintenance intervals, while older Home­
guard units simply have slightly reduced
performance. Larger vehicles on independent
worlds often just use multiples of this power
plant for higher output, and increased com­
bat reliability through redundancy.
This turbine is backed up and aug­
mented by a bank of batteries, which serve
as an emergency power source, and also
provide a quick acceleration boost while
·r. External equipment tie-down points,
waiting for the turbine to wind up to
power and data access. On a vacuum­
higher speeds. A vehicle's fuel supply is
capable ground vehicle, this includes
normally enough for about five hours of
life-support hookups.
high-intensity operations, or about forty
Aerodynes have a fully sealed environ­
hours of standby use, running the turbine
ment, radar, ladar and a mid-power comm
to keep the batteries charged. Most EDF
suite. Internal cargo holds come with suffi­
land vehicles have the potential to add
cient anchor points and tie-downs to hold
extra fuel tankage. In land vehicles, this is
the maximum rated load under the maxi­
usually in the form of an armor belt that
mum allowed acceleration.
also gives a minor amount of spaced armor
protection, as well as quadrupling the fuel
Power load. In aerodynes, their default endurance
There are two standard power plants of 160 hours at full power is normally
available for most vehicles, gas turbines and sufficient.
fusion reactors. Fusion reactors are pre­ EDF troops are of two minds about ex­
ferred if the vehicle is large enough to tra fuel tankage. On the one hand, it gives
mount one, but they are also orders of an extra operational margin and provides
magnitude more costly, which is part of the extra protection. On the other hand, it
reason aerodynes are not seen when there is slows the vehicle down measurably, and
still heavy anti-aircraft capability on the th is protection is in the form of turbine
ground. In the air, turbine thrust nozzles are fuel Even if the extra mass stops a pene­
the method of propulsion and most of tration, you do not want to be anywhere
maneuverability, and on the ground, wheels near the outside of the vehicle when th is
or tracks are used. The smallest possible happens. While the extra fuel cells are
fusion-powered turbo-thruster is rated at explosion-proof, there is no way to keep a
about 10,000 kilograms of thrust. violently ruptured tank from spraying fuel
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt' all over the place.
Real-World Comparison ILR vehicles are generally not
A late 20 h-century turbine would have an equipped with extra tankage. They rely on
output of about 1kW per kg. The ones pre­ using the fuel supplies of whatever area
sented here for Albedo are about 2kW per kg. they are occupying.
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ •4t 6e!'l~n · au1Lc & REPAIR
For both wheeled and tracked land ve­ Weight Top speed Maneuver
hicles, power is sent to independent and 65 ton 50 kph d6 or 3
usually interchangeable wheel hubs or 90 ton 40 kph d6 or 3
bogies, each with a separate electric mo­
125 ton 35 kph d6 or 3
tor. Power is distributed to the motors via
180 ton 30 kph d4 or 2
computer control for optimum traction
250 ton 25 kph d4 or 2
and maneuverability, though a hardwired
default system can provide basic function
375 ton 20 kph d4 or 2
in the event of computer malfunction. 500 ton 15 kph d4 or 2
Aerodynes are powered by small CAG fu­ Modifiers
sion reactors (approximately 2 tons with
Down rated turbine go down 2 rows
ancillary equipment) with an output of
Homeguard units go down 1 row
severa I megawatts, though th is term is
Using 2 engines go up 2 rows
largely useless to measure thrust in air
vehicles. Aerodynes normally have sufficient Using 3 engines go up 4 rows
fuel and consumables for 160 hours of Using 4 engines go up 6 rows
high-intensity use, with several times this in Using 6 engines go up 8 rows
standby capacity. Exoatmospheric aerodynes Using 8 engines go up 10 rows
vent plasma from the reactor along with a CAG fusion reactor go up 9 rows
small amount of reaction mass (to cool it Off-road vehicle* go down 1 row
down) for thrust and directional control in Tracked vehicle go down 3 rows
vacuum environments, and act like normal ILR vehicle go down 1 row
aerodynes in atmosphere. Exoatmospheric go down 1 row
You can use the following table to get a
rough idea of a vehicle's performance. You So, even if you have no idea about some
normally count the maximum combat unknown vehicle you've thrown at players
weight of a vehicle for determining its top on the spur of the moment, if it's a 30 ton
speed. If you want, you can figure loaded tank with two turbines, you can say it has a
and empty performance separately. You speed for the 32 ton row, up 2 rows for the
take the weight of the vehicle, apply any extra turbine, and down 3 rows for the
appropriate modifiers, and then use the tracks, giving it a top speed of about 65kph.
resu It on that row for the top speed and Aerodynes must have a minimum top
Maneuver of the vehicle. Masses between speed of 500kph, and exoatmospheric mod­
table entries go to the next highest amount. els must be capable of at least 900kph in
order to safely descend from and ascend to
Weight Top speed Maneuver low orbit. An aerodyne that cannot reach
.25 ton ;::::: 1,225 kph 2d12 or 9 500kph in level flight because of combat
.375 ton 1050 kph 2d12 or 9 damage does not have enough vectored
.5 ton 900 kph 2d12 or 9 thrust to make a safe vertica/landing. If it
.75 ton 750 kph 1d12 or 6 cannot reach a speed of 320kph, it cannot
1 ton 600 kph 1d12 or 6 maintain enough lift with its body to sus­
1.5 ton 500 kph 1d12 or 6 tain level flight. An exoatmospheric ground
2 ton 400 kph d12 or 6 vehicle is one that has the turbine replaced
by fuel cells, and further environment sealing
3 ton 320 kph dlO or 5
and air recyclers. The addition of an airlock to
4 ton 250 kph dlO or 5
either type of vehicle takes up 3 passenger
6 ton 210 kph dlO or 5
slots (as per "Loading a Vehicle", p. 237).
8 ton 180 kph dlO or 5 An off-road vehicle is faster on-road
12 ton 150 kph d8 or 4 than a tracked vehicle, but loses 4 extra
16 ton 120 kph d8 or 4 rows in cross-country conditions. A civilian
25 ton 100 kph d8 or 4 vehicle not rated for off-road use will get
32 ton 80 kph d8 or 4 bogged down, high centered or otherwise
50 ton 65 kph d6 or 3
BUILD & REPAIR • PWI• + h•n \\' ,~¥'Jt ,:~ -~ ' ,

stuck in short order and unusable on all but Armor can be grown in virtually any size
the most forgiving plains. or shape, though flat pieces are easier to
The "Maneuver" column is a measure of work with than curved ones, and simple
how ha rd the vehicle is to hit at its designed curves are easier than complex ones. A VLCC
top speed and acceleration, and the stress (Very Large Command Carrier) can manu­
placed on passengers in these conditions. facture pieces of virtually any size needed,
Think of this number as the maximum the but also carries pre-fab slabs that can simply
pilot can get out of the vehicle. If the pilot's be cut into the proper shape for replace­
skill roll is less than this amount, they use ment of planar parts, like the glacis of the
the lower of the two. For example, if you aforementioned AV-4. The basic characteris­
have a vehicle that is capable of d12 Ma­ tics of armor include a relatively low heat
neuver and the pilot only has a d10 skill roll, capacity, moderate thermal conductivity, a
they just aren't good enough or brave fairly low density and transparency to radar.
enough to push the vehicle to its limits, and The way in which it is grown allows quite
wou Id only get d 10 for Maneuver. selective placement of inclusions, such that
The Size is the number of die shifts all virtually all armor includes a non-metallic
rolls affected by the size of the vehicle will conductive grid to provide electrical shield­
take. This includes the Maneuver rating. ing, both to minimize outside interference
However, the Maneuver level is a minimum and to contain signal leakage generated by
ofd4foranyvehicle moving at least a its own electronics.
quarter of its top speed. For now, all you Armor is normally glued together with
need to do is remember the amount. adhesives similar in makeup to the armor
n itself, and once joined, pieces are effectively
x Example: We're going to do a running
~ design of the most common vehicle char­ one contiguous piece. However, special RF
c acters will see, the APCL-8 (this is the melterscan be run along a seam to re­
EDF's 8-person armored personnel car­ liquify the adhesive, allowing vehicles to
rier with an 8mm remote machine-gun broken down into their component parts as
turret). It is a tracked vehicle with a needed. This process requires field intensi­
loaded mass of 12 tons, and is powered ties that cannot be generated beyond a few
by one turbine. Armed with that informa­ centimeters, so there is no practical military
tion, we see that it has a top speed of application for the ungluing process. The
80kph, and a Maneuver rating of d8[4), same process is used for assembly and dis­
but its size as a vehicle will drop this to assembly of civilian structural materials in
d6[3) in practical use because of the die most places.
shift from the size modifier. The maximum size for an EDF land vehicle
So, we have: is that which will fit in a standard cargo slot
APCL-8 (6 meters long by 3 meters wide by 3 meters
Top speed: 80kph high). For a vehicle of that size, you can get
Size: 1 the following figures for how much heavy it
Crew: 1 +8 (1 crew, 8 passengers) is. This figure is the fueled but otherwise
Maneuver: d8[4) empty weight (performance is based on the
loaded weight). Odds are that there will be at
Armor most a 1 ton difference for ground vehicles
The standard armor material for both (the weight of the passengers). but cargo
the EDF and ILR is a monomolecular com­ COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'

posite that is grown by a standard electro­ Drive Safely

chemical process that has been around Most civilian vehicles on Con Fed worlds
since the beginning, though the discovery have a traffic management computer that is
of the Creator ship shows that there are run by the Net. This provides hands-free
more advanced materials available. How­ driving in most urban areas. It also keep
ever, no one has managed to reverse track of vehicle maintenance needs and can
engineer this poly-diamond material to be used by law enforcement to immobilize
come up with a method to manufacture it. the vehicle if needed..
~ • 7', I JJ •4t 6e!'l~n · au1Lc & REPAIR

aerodynes may have a significant fraction of mal running gear that all vehicles have.
their combat weight be cargo. To make it Exoatmospheric aerodynes must have a
simple, weights round up to the next highest Deflection of at least 7 to survive a controlled
table entry. So, a vehicle with a loaded weight re-entry, which imposes serious mass penal­
of 12 tons and an empty weight of 11 tons ties on large aerodynes. The front armor takes
counts as a 12 ton vehicle for armor pur­ the brunt of the heat stress on re-entry, and
poses. The table already takes into account if the standard armor distribution is used, a
the overhead caused by the engine and nor- front Deflection of 7 is sufficient to handle
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt' the stress.
Armor Theory and Practice Specialized Armor
The nature of the Albedo universe puts One option that you may apply is a spe­
more stress on personal armor than vehicle cialized armor bonus. This covers things like
armor. It is an infantry-heavy universe, and reactive armor, heat-dissipating construc­
vehicles simply cannot mount armor suffi­ tion for re-entry vehicles, or any other
cient to stop heavy weaponry, or even stop protection that only applies against a lim­
man-portable heavy weapons. There are few ited subset of damage types. You can drop
real tanks in the EDF - mostly APCs and the vehicle's Deflection by 1 overall, to get a
indirect-fire emplacements. While many +2 against a specific attack. For instance, if
Homeguards have tanks, they are few and far a vehicle had a normal Deflection of 7, it
between. Albedo armored vehicles are a plat­ would become 6(8). where it had a 6 against
form that is proof against small arms, that normal attacks, and an 8 against a specific
can carry a big gun or a squad of infantry. type of attack. Th is has no effect on vehicles
Everything else is a matter of who gets off that already have a Deflection of 16. Vehi­
the first accurate shot. cles with a Deflection of 3 (effectively zero
As a result, armored vehicles cannot use armor) may not gain this bonus. Conven­
brute force attacks and expect to survive. tional kinetic energy rounds are the default
Unless your job is to hold a position, EDF type of attack, and you cannotenhance the
and ILR armored vehicle doctrine is gener­ armor against that type of damage. You can
ally to use mobility to get the firepower use th is rule to give aerodynes heat­
where it can be employed to greatest ad­ resista nt coatings to better allow them to
vantage. Mobility, surprise and knowing handle re-entry stresses. Instead of having
when to cut Et run are important parts of an overall Deflection of 6, you would in­
both EDF and ILR vehicle training.
BUILD & REPAIR • PWI• + h•n \\' ,~¥'Jt ,:~ -~ ' ,
stead have a 5(7). where the higher number
Empty Weight Deflection Threshold
only applies against re-entry damage.
The maximum Deflection for a vehicle's 1 ton 3 +O
inherent armor is 16 (starships are normally 1.5 tons 3 +O
18). Any arm or that is heavier than th is
2 tons 3 +O
contributes to a higher Threshold for the 3 tons 3 +O

vehicle noticing the effects of damage. If a 4 tons 3 +O

vehicle already has a Deflection of 16, an 5 tons 5 +O

Armored Vehicle Expert increases the vehi­ 6 tons 7 +O

cle's damage Threshold by 5 instead. 7 tons 8 +O
However, if the Deflection is less than 16, 8 tons 9 +O
the expert only increases it to 16. 10 tons 10 +O
As long as a vehicle has to interact with 12 tons 11 +O
the outside world in terms of weapon ports,
16 tons 12 +O
sensors, th rust nozzles, wheels or tracks,
20 tons 13 +O
there will be spots where the armor can be
25 tons 14 +O
penetrated, or at the very least, important
subsystems can be damaged or destroyed.
32 tons 15 +O
However, on a large enough vehicle, even 50 tons 16 +O
penetrations can do absolutely nothing sim­ 65 tons 16 +5
ply because of redundant systems and other 90 tons 16 +5
inherent methods of damage compensation. 125 tons 16 +10
180 tons 16 +10
Sectional Armor
250 tons 16 +15
If you want or need to further specialize
375 tons 16 +15
a vehicle, for each 2 points of total Deflec­
tion removed from a side or sides, you can 500 tons 16 +20
upgrade one other side's Deflection by 1. For
instance, if a vehicle had a Deflection of 7 (5 Modifier Change
on sides, 3 on back). you cou Id drop the 1 cargo slot size zero modifier
right and left sides to a Deflection of 3, and 5/6 cargo slot size go down 1 row
upgrade the front to a Deflection of 9. 2/3 cargo slot size go down 2 rows
However, this means you actually have 1/2 cargo slot size go down 3 rows
to write down the Deflection of each side 1/3 cargo slot size go down 4 rows
rather than going with the default, so we Upgraded civ. veh. go up 2 rows
don't recommend it. ILR vehicle go up 1 row
Cockpit Armor Heavy1 turret no row change

Most aerodynes are light in the armor de­ Heavy2 turret go up 1 row

partment. To make up for this, they Heavy3 turret go up 2 rows

sometimes have armored cockpits and Class 0 aerodyne go up 1 row

weapon stations, typically just armored seats Class 1 aerodyne go up 2 rows

and thick armor-glass for any windows. For Class 2 aerodyne go up 4 rows

+1 ton of weight, you can get +3 Deflection, Class 4 aerodyne go up 6 rows

which can be split among as many stations as Class 8 aerodyne go up 8 rows

desired, like +3 for the pilot, or+ 1 each for a

pilot, observer and gunner. The extra armor Turrets
only applies to hits that would affect these The Heavy designations refer to the size
people. It does not protect equipment or the of the weapon that is mounted. If a vehicle
vehicle in general. Land vehicles generally do has the space to fit multiple turrets, there is
not have th is option. only a 1 row additional armor penalty past
that for the largest turret on the vehicle. So,
an aerodyne gunship with four Heavy2
turrets only suffers a 2 row armor penalty.
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ •4t 6e!'l~n · au1Lc & REPAIR
Of course, it still has to have the interior
Loading a Vehicle
space for these weapons (see "Loading a
None of this really tells you what you
Vehicle", p 237).
can put in a vehicle. Size and mass are a
Aerodynes general indication of armor, but this is only
The class of an aerodyne refers to the size accurate for a vehicle that has no other
of its cargo area, and is the number of stan­ features.
dard 6 x 3 x 3 meter cargo units that the A one-cargo-slot vehicle can carry a
aerodyne can manage in addition to the driver and eighteen passengers with some
weight of its armor and airframe. The degree of maneuvering room. Two infantry
loaded weight cannot exceed an amount with gear count as three passengers. One
that would reduce performance below dedicated gunner (with minimal gear and
500kph. Most aerodynes past class 0 will lose pistol) counts as one passenger. ILR infantry
some of this cargo space because they will and crew only take one slot each. You can
need to mount multiple engines. For instance, cram more people in a ground vehicle if you
the D-12 lander is a class 4 aerodyne, but don't mind stowing gear on the outside
only has a cargo ca pa city of 2 units. (and risk having it all blown off or blown
Class 0 through Class 4 aerodynes are a up). or having no room to maneuver or use
Size of 2, Class 8 through Class 32 are Size firing ports. In particular, EDF infantry and
3, and anything larger is likely Size 4. Re­ kit can be crammed into transport aero­
member that the Size is a die shift for any dynes at the density of two squads per
action affected by the physical size or un­ cargo slot, with enough room left over for a
gainliness of the vehicle. So, even though a crate of support weapons.
large orbital cargo lander has a base Ma­ Vehicle weapons are either Heavy 1,
neuver of 2d 12, by the ti me you take the die Heavy2, or Heavy3. A remote 6mm or 8mm
shift for its size into account, it is only going machinegun with 960 rounds of ammuni­
to have a maneuver die of d6. tion (weapon load plus one reload) is a
typical Heavy 1 weapon. A twin machinegun
Assault Boats remote turret and 480 rounds of ammuni­
Watercraft are not a big part of the Al­ tion is also a Heavy 1 weapon. If you don't
bedo universe, but both the EDF and ILR have even have a Heavy 1 weapon, you get a pas­
amphibious vehicles, and water engagements senger slot back. A second Heavy 1 is 1 slot. A
occasionally take place. Ground vehicles will light cannon turret, heavy machinegun or
float well enough to be amphibious if they autofire grenade launcher and a total of
weigh 18 tons or less per cargo unit of space. two belts of ammunition is a typical Heavy2
Vehicles up to 24 tons per cargo space can be weapon, as is a single heavy missile or a
made amphibious with preparation. Both small rocket pod. Heavy2 weapons take up 3
would have top speed reduced by 8 rows passenger slots. Anyturret that is manned
from its ground speed on the maneuver rather than remote is at least Heavyr A
chart, with a maximum water speed of no large autocannon with a total of two belts
more than 25kph. A boat is designed solely as of ammunition, a regular cannon or heavy
a water vehicle. It will have a loaded mass of mortar with 40 rounds, or a rotary heavy
no more than 6 tons per cargo space (12 tons missile launcher (no reloads) is a typical
plus (class number x 6) for larger ships). and Heavy3 weapon. Heavy3 weapons take up 5
has a top speed based on size and power with passenger slots. Heavy 1 weapons can be
a 4 row speed reduction. The EDF does not operated by the driver or any crew or pas­
have any watercraft larger than one standard senger if necessary. Heavy2 and Heavy3,
cargo volume, though planets will of course weapons require one dedicated crew, and
have large vessels for shipping, fishing or operate at best efficiency with one observer
passenger use. These can carry larger loads and one gunner. On aerodynes, groups of
than "combat" vessels, but are correspond­ similar weapons can be slaved through a fire
ingly slower. control computer and only one gunner (and
observer) is required per group of weapons.
BUILD & REPAIR • PWI• + h•n \\' ,~¥'Jt ,:~ -~ ,

Extra ammunition equal to what came As a reminder, ILR forces are on the
with the slot, should you need it, takes up 1 whole, physically smaller than EDF forces.
slot for Heavy 1, 2 slots for Heavy2, and 3 Fully equipped ILR infantry or vehicle crew
slots for a Heavy3 weapon. Th is can be pro­ only take 1 passenger slot. The ILR is also
rated if you do not have space for a full set more pa rtia I to wheeled vehicles, for lower
of reloads. maintenance costs and higher road speed,
at the cost of reduced cross-country per­
Item Space
formance compared to tracked EDF vehicles.
1 Cargo volume 18 slots Other running gear or ancillary equip­
2 infantry &gear 3 slots ment in a vehicle will not affect its armor
2 passengers (gear outside) 2 slots but will occupy potential passenger slots.
Heavy1 weapon 0/1 slots
Item Space
Extra ammo 1 slot
Heavy2 weapon 3 slots Each extra gas turbine 4 slots
Extra ammo 2 slots Each extra fusion reactor 9 slots
Heavy3 weapon 5 slots Mid-power comm suite 3 slots
Extra ammo 3 slots High-power comm suite 12 slots
Med couch 3 slots
~ Example: Using our APCL-8 as an exam­ Med table 6 slots
~ pie, it has an empty mass on the "12 ton" Sanitary system 2 slots
~ row. It takes up 2/3 of a cargo slot and Air recycler 1 slot
no other row modifiers, which gives it a Airlock 2 slots
final Deflection of 13. Using the default, Machine shop 15 slots

we know that this is the front Deflection.

Console 1 slot

The side Deflection is 11, and all other

Fold-out bunk 1 slot
Deflections are 9.
Tactical display 2 slots
Its size of 2/3 a cargo slot drops its
Storage locker 1 slot
capacity to 12 plus driver. If we put in 8
infantry and the free 8mm remote turret, Kitchen 12 slots
that fills the vehicle up exactly. If we did a Freight container 12 slots
variant with a light cannon turret, we A mid-power communication suite takes
would lose 3 of our 12 slots to the up 3 slots, and can maintain communica­
weapon, and 3 more for the two crew tion with squad leaders over several
(commander and gunner), leaving 6 slots, kilometers, even in a heavy EW environ­
enough for a four person fire team. ment. Th is comes with one console to use it,
So, we have: though several consoles can access the
APCL-8 equipment simultaneously.
Top speed: 80kph A high-power communication suite takes
Amphibious: yes up 12 slots, and can punch signals through
Size: 1 to orbiting ships, even in a heavy EW envi­
Crew: 1 +8 ronment. This comes with one console to
Maneuver: d8[4) use it, though several consoles can access
Armament: 8mm remote MG turret the equipment simultaneously.
Deflection: 13 A med couch takes up 3 slots, and with a
Aside from determining the Body of med tech can handle basic wound man­
the vehicle, we're done! agement and stabilization.
A med table takes up 6 slots, and with
Additional Equipment two med techs can hand le most battlefield
This works out fine for weaponed vehicles
surgery and emergency procedures.
that have only one engine. But there are
A portable sanitary system takes up 2
other potential space fillers, especially for
slots and consists of a small sink and pan­
non-combat or high-performance vehicles.
species toilet. Don't expect a lot of privacy.
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ •4t 6e!'l~n · au1Lc & REPAIR
An air recycler takes 1 slot per 12 people there to suck up damage. Vehicles have a
supported. Aerodynes are assumed to have Body of 4 for a 1 ton vehicle, and +4 Body
th is, but ground vehicles do not. Th is pro­ every time you double this (about+ 1 for a
vides breathable air for as long as the 250/o increase).
vehicle's power holds out, and may be aug­
Vehicle weight Body
mented by a small solar array somewhere
on the vehicle. 1 ton 4
A one-being airlock takes up 2 slots, and 1.5 ton 6
takes a minimum of 2 turns to use, more if 2 tons 8
you want to conserve air in the vehicle. 3 tons 10
Aerodynes are notassumed to have this (all 4 tons 12
aerodynes are sealed environment, but not 6 tons 14
all are exoatmospheric). 8 tons 16
A machine shop takes 15 slots. It adds 1 12 tons 18
Quality-hour per person using it for a repair 16 tons 20
or fabrication task, with a maximum of 3 25 tons 22
people gaining the benefit. 35 tons 24
Fold-out bunks take 1 slot each. They
50 tons 26
give a person a protected place to get some
65 tons 28
sleep and store their gear. A crew or pas­
90 tons 30
senger plus a bunk will take up 2 slots.
A console takes up 1 slot, and requires 1
130 tons 32
person to use it. Any skill that requires 175 tons 34
coordination and compiling of information 250 tons 36
is going to require a console. 375 tons 38
A tactical display takes up 2 slots, and is 500 tons 40
simply a touch-sensitive holographic display n
panel, set in either a horizontal or vertical x Example: So, a basic APCL-8 with a mass
~ of 12 tons will have 18 Body (4 for 1 ton,
orientation. These are most often seen in
command vehicles, and can usually be dis­ ~ then +4 more at 2, 4 and 8 tons, +2
mounted and set up outside the vehicle for more for a 50% increase past 8 tons).
pre-mission briefings. This gives it a minimum damage thresh­
A storage locker takes up 1 slot and old of 36. This is completely outside the
holds the equivalent of three 72-hour kits, range of what small arms can do short of
or eight rifles with three magazines each, or a Critical Hit (even if they could penetrate
six light rockets or support weapons. the armor), but well within the range of
A kitchen takes 12 slots. With one or two weapons such as heavy machine guns
cooks it can provide hot pan-species meals and light cannon.
for up to a company, using a storage
Aerodyne Design
locker's worth of food per company-meal.
Aerodynes are designed exactly the same
A freight container takes 12 slots, and
way, except you use a fusion reactor instead
holds 12 slots of other equipment. It is a
of a turbine. Note that even though you
Deflection 3 box that is 2/3 of a standard
cou Id conceivably fit a fusion powered
cargo volume. The ALP variant of the AV-4 is
vehicle into a standard cargo slot (though
designed to carry one of these. These are the
not by much). the cost of the reactor alone
EDF equivalent of cargo trucks, and the ALP is
would be more than everything else in the
always found with elastomer tracks to avoid
vehicle put together, so they simply are not
damaging paved surfaces.
used on ground vehicles. An aerodyne can
Vehicle Body be powered by multiple fusion plants, and
A vehicle's Body will be based on its this may be required for exoatmospheric
emptyweight, which gives a passable ap­ models. For purposes of armor and Body,
proximation of how much there material is you use the empty aerodyne weight. For
BUILD & REPAIR • PWI• + h•n \\' ,~ ,:~ -~ ,

purposes of performa nee, you use the ~ Example:The Aero C-3 is the smallest
loaded weight, which will of course vary ~ cargo aerodyne in service (a class OJ,
with what you have in the cargo slots. ~ used for training and Homeguard pur­
The "class" of an aerodyne is simply for poses. It has an empty mass of about 8
design purposes and represents the number tons and a loaded mass of about 10 tons.
of standard cargo slots it can hold. The Class We look at the mass and the power plant
O aerodyne is the smallest, and can carry a table and see that it has a top speed
fire team and all their supplies, or up to 2 (empty) of about 750kph [CAG fusion
tons of cargo. It has for all practical pur­ reactor, Homeguard unit, and we have to
poses half a cargo slot, split lengthwise. round the mass up to 12 tons). This gives
There are cargo aerodynes up to 5,000 tons it a Maneuver of 1d12(6), though we can
in total weight, but characters are never note that it would be 2d12(9) if the cargo
going to see one outside an extremely safe hold were empty. We look at the armor
rear area. However, with some modification. table for an empty mass of 8 tons and a
the rules can stretch that far ... class O aerodyne and see that it has a
Civilian helicopters and other light craft Deflection of 8, and the Body table to see
are built like aerodynes, but use gas turbines that is has 16 Body. In a cargo configura­
for power instead of fusion reactors. Hel i­ tion, the C-3 is unarmed, so we can get
copters have more "bite" in the air than back a little space, but otherwise that's all
aerodynes and get a Maneuver that is one we need to know.
die type higher than their actual top speed Aero C-3
would indicate. Top speed: 750kph[900kph empty)
As an optional rule for long-distance Size: 1
travel, craft that can operate at high alti­ Maneuver: d12(6)
tudes can go up 2 extra rows for Armament: none
determining their top speed in thinner Deflection: 8
atmospheres. Body: 16
Damage Thresholds: 32/42/52/72
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ •4t 6e!'l~n · au1Lc & REPAIR
Aerodyne Designations expects the occupants to shoot at targets
Aerodynes in Albedo are designed ac­ above them, the hatches are already used
cording to their cargo volume (class 1, class for partial cover when open, and this in­
2, etc). but are named according to their creases their effectiveness to 750/o. The only
cargo volume dimensions. downside is that reduced visibility through
the firing port increases the effective con­
Field Modifications cealment of anything fired at by 250/o.
Crews are always doing things to their
Characters who have an idea, a vehicle
vehicles, as least within the limits that
to work on, and a superior who is willing to
higher-ups allow. This could be anything
endorse it (or at least look the other way)
from nose art on a bomber to field­
can make minor modifications to a vehicle.
expedient armor upgrades. Sandbagging is
This uses Design skill. If you do not have
an example. Remember that any field expe­
Design skill, you cannot improvise or im­
dient changes you make can affect
prove your vehicle. Convincing a superior to
performance. If you drop a few tons of sand,
allow it is a role-playing issue, but can usu­
spaced arm or or extra fuel tan kage on an
ally be handled with Persuade. The actual
ACV-4, you might be able to increase its
difficulty of the modification is up to the
Deflection by+ 1 and its Body by+ 1, but its
Game Host. Supporting characters will not
top speed is going to be significantly slower,
modify equipment without the guidance
and you've certainly compromised its am­
and implicit permission of their immediate
phibious and soft terrain capability.
superior (usually 1 Morale). In addition to
Field modifications to armor simply use
any limits imposed on performance, it will
half the weight added to adjust the overall
take an amount of time like repairing 1 Body
armor value and Body, or the full weight
of vehicle damage. This will be some combi­
added to adjust any three facings, or
nation of Scrounge, Repair and possibly
"weapons" or "passengers". Ground vehicles
Bureaucracy tasks to pull off, the difficulty
can add this improvised armor externally,
depending on the exact situation.
while air vehicles would have to do it inter­
nally and in most cases how you can do it is Repairs
very limited. While most planetary operations are
n relatively short in duration, military gear,
x Example: Our ACPL-8 design had an
~ empty weight of 12 tons. If we sand­ especially vehicles, often runs at the edge of
c bagged this vehicle for 4 more tons of the performance envelope and requires a
armor, we could get and +1 Body and +1 high amount of maintenance to stay in
Deflection on three facings, probably the good operating condition. Infantry hard­
front and sides, or, we could just say that ware is generally an exception. That gear is
hits that would be to passengers or driver meant to be abused, and can usually with­
get the extra +1 Deflection. This extra 4 stand seriously hostile conditions for quite
tons of weight is going to drop our top some time with only moderate care.
speed from 80kph to 65kph, which also For all practical purposes, any military ve­
drops our Maneuver die from dB to d6. hicle is due for a routine maintenance cycle
after everycombat. All military vehicles
If a vehicle gains extra Body from impro­
should have at least a cursory inspection
vised improvements, then the first Body lost
done each day or after each sortie, just to see
from damage is generally to these im­
if any problems are about to crop up.
provements and not to the actual vehicle. A
Wound to our sandbagged ACPL-8 would do Cursory Maintenance
1 Body, but we would say this first point of Routine checks of fluid levels, pressure
damage is to the sandbags. This means that readings, and electronics diagnosis are the
the actual vehicle needs less repairs. sorts of things that ground vehicle crews do
Other modifications can be useful with­ once a day, and flight mechanics do between
out affecting performance. Most APCL-Ss routine flights. It takes 1 Quality-hour for a
are being upgraded with vision and firing one ton vehicle, and+ 1 hour each time you
ports in the roof hatches. While no one double it, rounding to the nearest multiple.
BUILD & REPAIR • PWI• + h•n \\' ,~¥'Jt ,:~ -~ \,

Aerodynes take 500/o longer, wheeled vehicles ~ Example: Look at the AV-4 from the dam­
take 500/o less, and civilian vehicles take 500/o ~ age example on page 205. It is a 12-ton
less. Yes; whee/ed civilian vehicles require no c vehicle that has lost 5 Body and suffered
maintenance per day. If you want to do th is 3 die shift penalties. We need 15 Quality­
level of detail, a soldier's personal weapons hours per Body to repair the damage (the
and gear require 1 Quality-hour of mainte­ 12 ton mass rounds to 16 tons), so this
nance per week of normal duty, or per day vehicle will take 75 Quality-hours to get
that has a firefight in it. back into shape, provided the parts and
~ Example: On an independent planet that tools are available. Since there are 3 die
~ has a 32 ton tracked vehicle, the crew shift penalties, we can erase 1 of them
c needs to spend 6 Quality-hours per day of each time 2 Body are repaired.
use just keeping the tracks tensioned, It is possible a vehicle can have die shift
doing turbine diagnostics, cleaning the air penalties without having lost any Body. In
filters, and doing other routine tasks. If this case, count the necessary repairs as
the crew has two people with Repair taking the time to repair 1 Body of damage.
Rotes of 2 and two with Rotes of 1, that A vehicle can also have all its die shift marks
means the entire crew working together repaired and still have unrepaired Body
spends an hour working on it. If this were damage. Despite visible damage, the vehicle
an aerodyne, it would take 9 Quality-hours is completely serviceable.
per day (1.5 hours for that crew), and if it It is up to the Game Host to set practical
were a military wheeled vehicle it would limits on how many people can contribute
only take 3 Quality-hours per day [half an to a particular repair, both for the size of
hour for that crew). the item being repaired and the tools avail­
able to make the repairs.
Routine Maintenance
A vehicle should receive routine mainte­ Spare Parts
nance after any combat situation, or any Repairs go faster if you've got everything
situation extraordinary enough to warrant you need. If you have to, you can yank out a
use of the vehicle's full Maneuver rating. turbine spindle and individually replace
Stressed airframes and turbines, EW­ shredded impellers, or you can just pull the
attacked electronics, and damaged armor all whole turbine and plug in a new one. If
need attention. Routine maintenance works you've got the spare parts to waste, like a
much like cursory maintenance, but is 2 donor vehicle, you can pull entire compati­
Quality-hours for a 1 ton vehicle, and +2 ble assemblies and replace them as a unit,
hours each time you double it, rounding to rather than just fixing the actual broken
the nearest multiple. Aerodynes take 500/o bits. If a vehicle has lost more than 3 Body,
longer, and wheeled vehicles take 500/o less. this is an option, and speeds the repair. Each
Civilian vehicles in normal use need routine 3 Body repaired only takes the time of 2
maintenance twice a year. Body, but at the cost of double the material.
Since the EDF is fairly stingy in this regard,
Damage Control
and EDF personnel are assumed to have
If a vehicle has actually suffered Wound
unlimited time for their duties, this proce­
effects of lost Body, it is time to break out
dure is normally limited to emergency
the spare parts or call the nearest depot
situations, where time is more important
drop-ship. To make it simple, it is 3 Quality­
than expense.
hou rs for a 1 ton vehicle, and +3 hours each
Commanders also have the option of de­
time you double it, rounding to the nearest
claring a damaged vehicle as "scrap", which
multiple. This time has to be spent per Body
makes it instantly eligible as a donor vehicle
the vehicle has ta ken. Aerodynes take 500/o
for parts. A good repair tech will use abso­
longer, and wheeled vehicles take 500/o less.
lutely everything on a scrap vehicle, and
Die shift marks are removed proportional to
when it comes time to pack up and go
the Body repaired, and you can choose
home there won't be anything left but a
which systems are repaired first.
greasy spot on the ground.
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ •4t 6e!'l~n · au1Lc & REPAIR
Environmental modifiers: These numbers maintenance for its level of use, there is a
assume an environment that applies normal chance it will suffer a malfunction of some
wear 8: tear to a vehicle. Harsh conditions kind the next time it is used. The next time a
(sand, volcanic dust, monsoon rains) will turn system is used on a die roll and anydie rolls
cursory maintenance into routine mainte­ ''1", that system suffers a die shift penalty of
nance, and routine maintenance into damage 1 and the vehicle takes 1 Body. Characters
control as though the vehicle took 1 Body. who are using Rote are babying the vehicle
Hostile environments are especially tough on and it will not have any problems for a
a deployment. Units go through spare parts number of missed maintenance cycles equal
and maintenance stores at double the normal to the Rote Score in question. This penalty
rate, vehicles that re-supply these stocks need on the vehicle can happen only once per
double the maintenance, and orbital facilities missed maintenance cycle, but it can hap­
like VLCCs that manufacture spares and pen several times in the same maintenance
supplies are working twice as hard. Even with cycle if it managed to avoid problems in
good advance planning, there may be local­ previous ones. Covering for inadequate
ized parts shortages that make proper maintenance involves the same time as
maintenance impossible, forcing some Damage Control to repair the lost Body.
mechanized or aerodyne units to operate at It is a/wayscheaper in time and parts to
less than full capacity. Local commanders do preventive maintenance than catch-up
complain, and scroungers scrounge, but if the maintenance, and a good commander will
parts aren't there, they aren't there. make sure techs stay on top of things be­
fore minor problems have a chance to
Inadequate Maintenance
become major ones.
If a vehicle (or any other piece of signifi­
cant hardware) has not had the required
NEW GEAR. l\U ~en ·. /, I!. ' ., .:~ -~

l\U ~en

In addition to some fairly plebian items Hunting and

missing from the gear available in the basic
game, the universe of Albedo is a universe at
EDF troops are issued very specific gear.
war. In war, things change. If your armor isn't
And its not their gear, it's the EDF's, and so
strong enough, you make it stronger. If your
they can't necessarily hang onto it between
weapons are not powerful enough, you up­
assign men ts. Th is is where good leaders and
grade them. If your tactics don't work, you
scroungers come into play. A character can
modify them. Even the intellectually conser­
normally make only one official request for an
vative inhabitants of the Con Fed and ILR are
item outside the normal allotments for a mis­
not immune to the pressures that force
sion or the standard equipment for their unit
technological evolution.
type. If the request fails, you normally can't
Some of the gear that follows is brand
make another for that particular item until you
new, and will be encountered for the first
are reassigned or your immediate superior is
time sometime later in your campaign, while
reassigned, or your unit is redeployed.
other gear simply provides needed stats for
ill. PersuadE("Ah, c'mon, we're buddies,
things you've already encountered and
right? I really need that grenade
probably taken for granted.
The EDF has some unique items that may
Iii. BribeJY ("I'll give you these heated
give it an edge, and the ILR has a few to
gloves for that grenade launcher").
make life difficult for EDF characters. Items
11•• Bureaucratics ("Subsection 3.2 of the
will be listed as EDF, ILR or Independent,
Unit Allocations text states that an of­
which gives you a fair idea of where they will
ficer is entitled to the weapon of his
be found. Many Independent items like pistols
(or her) choice. Well, I want a grenade
are also likely to be found among civil popu­
launcher."). or
lations on Con Fed worlds.
:11. Scrounge ("Did you know a J32-A6
plasma duct has 6 manifolds, and
each one has an inside diameter of
exactly 32mm?...")
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· l\U ~~n ·NEW GEAR
To acquire extra equipment, and the Once you have your mitts on an item, you
difficulty depends on how far outside your can usually hang onto it until your unit is
normal operational specs the gear is. A redeployed. Any time you have to pack up
Botch with Bribery or Scrounging results in your gear or inventory your weapons, you
1 Oversight (you got caught doing some­ usually have to make a skill check to keep any
thing you shouldn't have been doing). non-standard kit, and anything that is really
Having something useful to negotiate with out of bounds is going to disappear or have
will usually drop the difficulty by 1, and a to be somehow integrated back into the
grade of rank beyond 06 or S3 might also normal scheme of things. "Forgetting" to list
be of use with certain skills. an item in your squad's inventory is just
To have another unit or division modify asking for Oversight, and even if you are
existing equipment for more efficiency is a willing to risk it, the superior you got permis­
difficulty of 1. Anyone can do this, you just sion from is unlikely to, and will not-so­
have to ask nicely. "Hey, it's freezing out here! gently remind you about any "incomplete"
We need some winter boots!". The EDF has a paperwork you need to finish up before
lot of combat experience to draw on and Admin bean-counters start looking for dis­
units will generally be equipped with the crepa nc1es.
right gear and weapons for their mission, There are all kinds of forms and official
though perhaps not in the quantity desired excuses to cover for the temporary redistribu­
by the individual squads. tion of combat assets outside the normal
To actually modify existing equipment in a channels, but it is important that the num­
visibly non-standard way is a difficulty of 2 or bers add up at the end of the day and that it
3. This is something like having extended is all accounted for. Anything that is "miss­
magazines made for your weapons, or alter­ ing" tends to look a lot like smuggling or
ing a multi-species weapon grip that really theft, and that brings in Special Services,
doesn't take your particu!aranatomy into which no one really wants.
account all that well. So, even if your light infantry manages to
To get a hold of extra gear that is techni­ somehow get and keep an APC, you're never
cally allowed for your unit but was not going to get it off-planet and keep it for your
actually issued is a difficulty of 4. This is next assignment. You'll have trouble enough
something like scrounging up an under-barrel simply keeping it if you are transferred to a
grenade launchers for an assault rifle, or different city. The best thing to do might be
somehow acquiring a shotgun or two. to trade it for a case of grenades and let it be
Something that is issued at a company someone else's toy for a while ...
level (for yourcompany). but not to your n
x Example 1: Lt. Bayloo has two marks in
particular squad, would be a difficulty of 6. ~ Persuade, and is also an 07. If, after a
This might be something like a pack robot or c particular action, she wants to hang on to
a couple PLRX rocket launchers. some munitions and ratpacks (4 extra
Something that exists at battalion level clips, 2 grenades, and 2 days with of rat­
but which your company or unit has no packs), this is 8 items. Eight items has a
business using is a difficulty of 8. Acquiring difficulty of 5 (base of 2, +3 for three
possession is usually part of an adventure in doublings). She can drop this to a 4 be­
itself, and then you have to use some skill to cause she is an 07, and she has a skill roll
hang into it for any length of time. "Look, it's of 1 d6 unless she Pushes or Risks it. If
an armored personnel carrier! It followed us she rolls a 5 or 6, she informally mentions
home, can we keep it?" it to her platoon leader and he gives her a
Simply getting or hanging onto extra con­ nod, because he did the same thing him­
sumables like clips or grenades or ration bars self as a squad leader. On a roll of 1 to 4,
is a difficulty of 2 for 1 item, and+ 1 each she makes the request at a bad time or
time you double the number of items otherwise blows it, getting a stern look
hoarded or otherwise acquired. A day's worth from the platoon leader that she knows
of ration bars or other non-combat consum­ means "no hoarding today".
ables is one item.
n grams. It can be used to set up secure and
x Example 2: Lt. Bayloo wants to have her
~ squad weapons modified to be more unjammable communications or data links
c avian-friendly. In this case, she is on solid between two points. It can be spliced into
ground. It might normally be a difficulty of longer lengths with signal repeaters, and
3, but she has a Rote of 3, and her rank multiple stations can tap into the same
might drop the difficulty to 2, plus the fact fiber. It is not very durable - someone trip­
that her entire squad is avian means ping over it will snap it - but it is better
there will be no compatibility problems if than nothing and will work through most
the weapons are slightly altered. weather and temperature extremes. It is the
same fiber used for passing commands
Note that supporting characters (espe­
between computerized subsystems on a
cially Supporting Officer Characters) can
vehicle, so repair crews typically have sev­
hoard and modify too if they have the skills
eral partially used spools of the stuff lying
(and everybody has a Mark in Bribe and
Persuade!). Most soldiers get really good at
asking Supply for things they could con­ Infuser Pump [EDF)
ceivably need that might under the right This is a tiny, computer controlled micro­
circumstances be issued but they have not pump with a reservoir for pain-killing drugs.
gotten yet. These items are usually Trivial to A med tech can place a tiny injection needle
acquire (such as more hygiene supplies, a on the nerve pathways that lead to a spe­
new knife, or a new blanket) but they can be cific injury site to deaden the pain in just
hoarded and traded for ration bars, ammu­ that spot without having to drug the entire
nition, and the like. After all, if you are patient. This is a tiny device that only
going to Bribe someone, you need some­ weighs about a tenth of a kilogram and
thing to Bribe with! On the other hand, takes up negligible space in a medical kit.
everything easily acquired from supply is Th is device does not prevent or reverse
already in circulation, making it a low-value any loss of Body, but it does reduce the
currency for trading. continuing assault of pain on the nervous
system. A Crippled character can act as if
War Trophies merely Wounded. An Incapacitated charac­
While things like captured vehicles are
ter who has had their injuries stabilized (a
usually demolished or turned over to local
separate medical task) can act as though
governments for internal use, captured
they were only Crippled. An infuser pump
enemy weapons and gear may be kept and
will last for a week on one battery, but
shipped home as war trophies. Weapons are
needs to be refilled with drugs anywhere
demilled (made permanently inoperative).
from twice a day to once every few days,
usually by drilling holes in inconspicuous
depending on the level of pain relief re­
but critical components, and removal of any
explosive compounds. Electronics of a non­ n
sensitive nature are usually left intact. It is x Example: A person who has a wound
usually a difficulty of 3 or 4 to get the time ~ (+1 d20 on subsequent attacks), is

and permission to have a war trophy logged c counted as uninjured.

and demilled and put in the normal trans­
It requires a skilled med tech to properly
port queue to be shipped home, which is
apply the device, and it is not something
done as low-priority military cargo.
that can be done without at least 2 marks in
the skill. It takes a few minutes to do this
Utility Items
There are many items that are neither COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'

weapons nor vehicles that characters will Chemical Addiction

find important.. The neural pathways that lead to chemical
addiction seem to have been engineered out
Fiber Spool [EDF) of the species of Albedo, so no abuse of pain­
A 1 kilometer spool of abrasion-resistant killing drugs for "entertainment" purposes
fiber-optic thread weighs about 10 kilo­ has been recorded.
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· l\U ~~n ·NEW GEAR
properly, if only because armor must be pouch is opened, and this requires negligible
partially removed to get at the appropriate power. A soldier can simply issue a voice
area for the nerve block. command to deactivate the flare, or put in a
"duress" overlay on the signal, thus prevent­
v2 Multi-Species Combat Rations
ing the flare from being used to draw in EDF
forces if the soldier is captured. Bandwidth
The standard EDF ration bars are univer­
of the signal is enough to send a short
sally loathed. The only soldiers who appear
sentence's worth of repeating data, but
to like them are ILR POWs, which implies
otherwise it cannot be used as a long-range
that their combat rations are even worse, a
means of contact for units outside radio range.
point which most EDF infantry argue is
quite impossible. Autonomous Combat Resupply
The officia I designation of Mu !ti-species Unit [EDF)
Combat Ration (MCR) is occasionally referred Also known as a "CRU" (everyone drops
to as Marginally Consumable Refuse. The v2 the "A"). this is a variant of the standard
ration is designed to reduce (but probably not legged utility robot, which takes up about as
eliminate) complaints about the v1 ration. much space as a normal infantry unit. The
The v2 rations are about double the size of legs are slightly shorter and thicker, and it is
the v1 bars, but add negligible weight. They much boxier. It can carry up to 60 kilograms
come in a variety of flavors and dietary pref­ of any type of supplies through any envi­
erences, and also in different sizes for ronment a person can walk in (it cannot
different species. They also have a self­ climb or swim). With a range of about 10
heating pack for cold weather, a flavoring kilo meters under good conditions, it can be
and purification tablet for water, and a vari­ sent into harm's way to resupply units be­
ety of small dessert items. Aside from being hind enemy lines. Typically, it is keyed to
size-specific, contents are randomized, en­ listen for a particular squad's authentication
couraging troops to mix and trade with each codes, and is paradropped into their imme­
other to get their personal preferences. diate vicinity. It then uses its own on-board
The v2 rations are still not very filling, intelligence to find the best route to its
though they do provide all the nutritional destination, and if no one is there, it will use
requirements of a soldier in the field. terrain mapping and known threats to make
a guess about which direction to go next.
Rescue Flare [EDF)
CR Us are expensive supply mules and
The normal flare is a standard pyrotechnic
have a very high casualty rate in any hot
device that has one of several colors, each
zone, so they are not frequently used. They
one denoting a particular situation. The
would be battalion-level assets, used to
standard red flare that is part of an EDF kit
support platoons that cannot be resupplied
is "EDF person needs help!". The rescue flare
by any other means. A CRU is counted like a
is currently a prototype item issued as part
vehicle with a Deflection of 9 and 4 Body,
of a 24 or 72 hour kit, substituting for the
and it has a top speed (seldom reached) of
regular flares. Instead of a pyrotechnic light
about 30 meters per turn.
source, it uses an omni-directional laser
emitter. Before firing, it interfaces with the Glue Gun [EDF)
user's hand computer or helmet to generate This is a 40 kilogram wheeled unit the
authentication codes unique to that indi­ size of a large backpack, equipped with a 3
vidual. When it reaches its maximum height, meter armored hose and shielded emitter
it broadcasts a visual signal that can be nozzle. When hooked up to a high energy
recognized by any EDF electro-optic device, power source like a vehicle turbine, it can be
which can then pass the information on to used to weld or unweld monomolecular
the best people to act on it. Th is is the only armor or structural materials by weakening
way for a solider out of radio range to get a the bonds between the adhesive materia I
uniquely identifiable distress signal out to used to join panels. New material comes
friendly forces. The flare goes into standby from a reservoir in the unit, while material
mode to receive signals when its sealed vacuumed out in the unwelding process is
ejected in a heap beside the unit. Welds are Camouflage, ghillie suits and color­
for most purposes, as strong as the base adaptive fabrics have not come into use
material. Glue guns are ubiquitous with with either the ILR or EDF. Even the use of
engineering units (and starship damage ca mo nets is debated as to its actual effec­
control units). and can be used to patch tiveness. Their use is left to the discretion of
bullet holes, add tie-down points and even field commanders.
assemble or disassemble entire vehicles. One
Fuel Cracker [EDF)
or more glue guns would be required tools
This is a 2/3 cargo slot container that
for some build 8: repair tasks, along with
turns water into vehicle fuel. It can be stan­
any required amount of glue blocks to be
dard equipment in an aerodyne, but is
dumped into the gun's hopper.
normally a separate piece of equipment.
Folding Barracks [EDF) Using just the electric output of an aero­
This is a 1/2 cargo slot container (6 x 3 x dyne's reactor (which uses negligible
1.5) that unfolds into a complete barracks supplies). it takes water and any locally
for a squad. This includes a solar recharging available carbonaceous material (wood,
station and a small shower, sink and toilet leaves) and generates either hydrogen for
facility. It takes 2 Quality-hours to set up fuel cells, or any other long or short-chain
the barracks, and 3 to fold it backup. Prop­ hydrocarbon for vehicles (anything from
erly anchored, it can withstand up to methane to diesel fuel). Fuel crackers are
hurricane-force winds. It is only marginally specialized deployments. Most EDF opera­
airtight, and previously used units (most of tions are expected to have access to local
them) may have minor glitches. They are fuel sources shortly after landing, and se­
highly prized for any long-term deployment curing such a supply is a basic part of any
outside an urban area. planetary landing. One fuel cracker and one
aerodyne can provide sufficient fuel for an
Camouflage Netting [EDF)
armor company, or the normal vehicle com­
This is used mainly by stationary units
plement for a battalion.
such as headquarters or field hospitals. It
has a standard 10 x 10 meter size and Arms &Armor
masses a lightweight 8 kilograms. It cannot A variety of offensive and defensive tech­
negate the ability of high tech observation nologies are used by combatants in Albedo.
equipment to spot it, but it can disrupt the This section lists some of the less common
silhouettes of what is underneath it, making items characters may encounter and use.
it difficult to identify specific targets. It
Hot Pods [EDF)
provides a 250/o concealment bonus to
These are used for low orbital or ex­
anything underneath it.
tremely high altitude insertion of troops.
Each one takes twice the space of the gear
in it (3 slots per fully equipped infantry). In
a heavy EW environment they are virtually
undetectable as they freefall. Inertial
locators and computer controlled
drogue chutes keep each group of
pods in close formation (but far
enough apart to avoid being
caught by a single airburst
weapon). Main chutes
deploy at the bare edge of
survivability and crumple
zones in the bottom of
the pod absorb the
hard-landing stress.
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· l\U ~~n ·NEW GEAR
This is not for ordinary troops. It causes 1 Assault Shield [EDF)
Awe just to deploy in such a fashion (being This is a 5 kilogram shield held in the off­
crammed into an oversized coffin and hand to provide 500/o cover for the person
dropped tens or more kilometers up into a carrying it and 250/o cover for up to two
hostile environment is notfor the meek). people behind or to the sides. It drops the
The pod itself has a Deflection of 8 and 5 damage of any weapon penetrating it by 7
Body and wou Id be treated as a vehicle for (possibly to less than zero). and draps pene­
damage purposes. If the "mobility" of the tration from explosions by 1d20. Optionally,
pod is incapacitated, it means it no longer weapons with a damage of 7 or less are
has a working chute. completely stopped or deflected by the
shield. Assault shields are only issued when
Assault Armor [EDF)
urban "house-clearing" operations are in
Th is is a selection of form-fitting plates
order, where one unlucky squad member
designed to attach to the front torso of
(usually an Ursine) leads the way holding
standard battle armor. It uses a monomolecu­
the shield and a pistol or grenade, with
lar variant with a variable ultimate yield
companions providing the fire support.
strength and elastic modulus across its depth.
Assault shields or something like them can
The front face is extremely hard and some­
be improvised from road signs, doors or
what brittle, and grades to a less hard but
structural materials, but at reduced levels of
more ductile characteristic at the back of the
plate. Troops call it "shatter plate", because
A lightweight version of an assault
that's what it does when it is hit by any
shield may be used by police units for riot
significant weaponry, leaving large spider­
control purposes, possibly in combination
webbed cracks in the brittle face, held in
with one-handed combat staves or non­
place by the ductile backing. However, in the
lethal stun weapons.
process of shattering, it absorbs far more
energy than a simple ductile deformation Battle Armor
could. Shatter plate provides +2 Deflection Standard battle armor is as described in
and +5 Threshold to standard battle armor the basic rules. The weight of arm or varies
for one hit. It might save your life by prevent­ with species, and generally equals the
ing a penetration, but after that, yank it off wearer's Body rating (but do not count Body
and th row it away. bonuses for being Healthy or Young). Battle
Assault armor is also available for the armor is not really possible for species or
front and sides (including turrets) of most individuals with less than 3 Body. This weight
AV-4 variants, and has the same effects, but includes a standard battle helmet (advanced
it weighs enough (2 tons) to drop the veh i­ model is an additional .3 kilograms because of
cle's speed by one level (which is about extra electronics and batteries).
200/o). The persona I plate weighs anywhere n
x Example: Auitzotl has a Body of 9. How­
from 1 to 2 kilograms (200/o of battle armor Y
~ ever, he is Healthy, so we count him as a
weight). This extra weight is never welcome, c Body of 8. For him, a standard battle
and for some characters it can push them armor has a weight of 8 kilograms. Lafi­
over their easily carried load of twice their galti on the other hand has a Body of 12
Body rating, even if they have dropped their [and is also Healthy), so his armor weighs
kit for combat. 11 kilograms.
Assault armor is only issued in cases
Battle arm or is meant to keep a person
where exceptionally heavy resistance is
alive, and to that end, it is more heavily
expected, or troops are expected to be iso­
armored in the most vital areas. While the
lated for extended periods and need the
Deflection averages out to 11, if you use the
extra survival margin. In either case, a brief­
optional hit location rules, battle armor is
ing that indicates assault armor will be
rated like this:
issued is never received with anything but
subdued groans.
some distance away, and signals are passed
Location Deflection
to it via the optical fiber. This allows use of
Head 13 the PCA without giving away the exact
Neck 11 location of the unit.
Chest 13
Stomach 13 Sensor Pod
This is a vehicle-deployed unit about the
Limbs 9
size of a small person (25kg). It has a power­
Hands or feet or tail 7
ful burst transmitter, and a variety of 360°
Wearing partial armor, like only a jacket, sensors (thermal, video, radio, radar, etc.).
reduces the average Deflection of a full­ When placed, it acts as a static spotter with
body armor by 4, and only has half the a Rote of 6. Whenever it detects something
weight of a full body armor. within its reporting parameters, it passes all
Armored Space Suits multiply the mass the data it has accumulated in a short radio
by 1.5 and add 2 to all deflections. Con­ burst back to friendly forces. Th is cou Id be
cealed armor has half the mass of standard to nearby ground troops, aerodynes, or
armor and can be tailored into clothing so conceivably even to friendly satellites. Under
as to be visually undetectable (though it is normal use, its batteries will last for a few
only a Search difficulty of 2 to detect). months. Sensor pods can be concealed, with
ILR battle armor has a Deflection of 10, just the sensor head visible, though th is may
and while made to lower standards is gen­ affect their functioning. After all, they need
erally a more effective piece of protection to be placed where they can see things, and
for its weight and cost, since it only has to this implies that they can also be seen.
be made for one body type (lapine) and only A sensor pod is more of an invisible fence
a few sizes. than a precision spotting device. It can pass
data sufficient for indirect fire purposes on
Portable Comm Array
slow-moving targets, but cannot provide
The PCA is a man pack version of the me­
useful targeting information against any­
dium communication array that is typically
thing faster than a sprinting person. Think
mounted in a command vehicle. By virtue of
of it as taking a data snapshot one or two
a separate directional antenna and a limited
ti mes a turn.
frequency range, it can punch through
Consider a sensor pod to have a Deflec­
interference about as well as the much
tion of 7 and 5 Body, and it will operate to
larger vehicle unit, but at 8 kilograms plus
some degree until it has taken all its Body in
about a kilogram more for batteries for each
day of operations, it requires a dedicated
operator who usually doesn't carry a
weapon larger than a pistol. 'Weapons
What it does in play is give a platoon EDF weaponry is in general more sophis­
commander a subset of the communication ticated and integrated than its ILR
functions a company HQ would have, in­ counterparts. Even an EDF pistol can com­
cluding the ability to directly communicate municate wirelessly with a combat helmet
with distant vehicles or aerodynes, and take to provide status on remaining clip capacity,
full advantage of company-level tactical time until next scheduled maintenance,
analysis or plan skills. It also has sufficient barrel temperature and so on, while an ILR
power and bandwidth to pass highly de­ weapon may have nothing more than a
tailed sensor observations to other units. laser sight and a round-chambered indica­
The PCA is a high profile electronic sig­ tor. The larger the weapon the more
nature on the battlefield. Its 8 kilogram sophisticated, to the same relative stan­
mass normally includes three semi­ dards. An ILR rifle might have a telescopic
disposable antennas (.Skg each). each with sight with light intensification, while the
their own battery pack, and a small spool of EDF equivalent might have a day/night
optical fiber. If the comm tech feels the thermal sight, ballistic compensation and its
situation warrants it, an antenna is set up
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· l\U ~~n ·NEW GEAR
own heads-up display that highlights served weapon can be fired by one
threats identified by other squad members. person, but often has multiple people
The civilian weapon market is not well involved in its use, either because it is
developed. There is no hunting tradition, so large or because it often uses some­
the only weapons are those useful in a self­ one like a designated spotter for
defense role, and to a very small extent, optimum effect. A powered weapon is
competition shooting. one like a multi-barrel machinegun
The EDF is extremely conservative when that requires an external source of
it comes to new weapons or arm or. There is electrical power in addition to its
very little change in personal gear since the ammunition requirements.
first war, and the more expensive the out­ Iii. B:The type of action the weapon has,
lay, the less likely any major changes are Automatic, Bolt (sing le shot with
going to be made. Functional improvements magazine). Launcher (single shot). or
that have little capital outlay have a much Semi-auto.
better chance of working their way through 11•• CD: The last two letters indicate the
the various oversight and approval commit­ type of weapon. The last letter is al­
tees, as do ones that re-use existing most always "W" as in Weapon, but the
electronic or programming modules. first letter varies. The most common
The ILR always looks at the bottom line. terms are Kinetic Weapon and Rocket
They are more likely to look at quantity as a Weapon. Grenade launchers are
solution instead of quality, putting a cheaper lumped in with other kinetic weapons.
weapon solution in the hands of more sol­ :11. £:This is the model number, and indi­
diers, provided the cost/benefit analysis of a cates how many prior versions of the
deployment comes up right. And this includes weapon there have been. Many EDF
the appropriate profit margin for the ILR weapons are still in the "1" series.
contractors bidding on the project. A pro­ "I. FF.· This either indicates the barrel
posed program could be cheap and effective, length of the weapon in terms of a
but never see production because the profit multiple of its caliber (for most hand­
margin wasn't worth it. held KW's). or the weapon bore in
millimeters (for vehicle weapons, RW,
Weapon Nomenclature GW and SW's).
EDF and ILR weapons have a particular n
pattern in the way their weapons are x Example: The EDF carbine is the Light
named. EDF infantry weapons generally ~ Automatic Kinetic Weapon, series 1, 30

follow this format: ~ calibers, or LAKW 1-30. While an offi­

ABCD E-FF cer's sidearm might be the PAKW 4-12,
Through long use and several changes in its proper designation should actually be
EDF structure, older weapons may have the pSKW 4-12, the semi-auto grenade
different designation structures that have launcher GAKW is technically the GSKW
been kept just for continuity's sake, but the 1-32, the under-barrel launcher GLKW is
EDF is trying to keep new developments technically the GLKW 1-32, the VAKW
within the standard nomenclature. Im­ heavy machinegun is technically the
provements of existing hardware are likely PAKW 2-20 and the HAKW is the
to keep their older nomenclature scheme. PAKW 1-12.
ill. A: Weapon weight/type, in a subjec­
tive sense, either Light, Medium,
Heavy, Crew-served, Grenade, Pow­
ered, pistol, Shotgun or Vehicle. This Improved Combat Staff [EDF)
designation is within its category. A The improved combat staff comes with a
medium pistol is smaller than a light blade that can be fitted onto one end to
rifle. Th is letter is not aIways used on provide a two-handed weapon with a fair
existing weapons, or is in the second reach and improved damage relative to either
position instead of the first. A crew- a standard combat staff or knife alone.
NEW GEAR• l\U ~C!n ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~ . ~ ' ­
charges and has triggered machine pistols
that are used as booby traps.
Spotting a booby trap or at least being
suspicious enough to take a closer look is a
Spot or Sixth Sense task based on the skill
of the person placing the booby trap.
The problem with any booby traps used
by the EDF is the possibility of civilian

Demolition Charge (ILR/EDF)

These are basic bricks of high explosive
that can be set by a demolition tech to
Thermobaric Grenades (EDF)
destroy or in some cases create obstacles.
This is a slightly functional improve­
Placing a single demo charge takes about 1
ment on the incendiary grenade. A
Quality-hour, based on the Demolitions skill
thermobaric grenade blasts a flammable
of the person placing them. This skill use
gaseous cloud out to its effective radius,
involves examining the structure or area to
and then ignites it, instantly raising the
be targeted, carefully placing the charge
temperature of the entire volume of space
and moving to a safe distance. Elimination
to well past the ignition point of most
of any of these steps speeds the process
flammable materials. Anyone without
considerably, but has its hazards.
respiratory protection has their lungs flash
The damage stats listed are for a single
fried before they have time to scream, all
.5 kilogram block. Each time you double
exposed flesh is instantly seared, plastics
the number of blocks, you get +2 to the
melt, wood chars. The effect consumes all
damage and+ 1 penetration, and each
oxygen in its area, so even superheated
time you quadruple the number of blocks,
items might not be on fire. In the end, the
you get +1d20 Penetration (which in­
effects are no less horrific on personnel
creases the effective blast distance).
n than a normal incendiary grenade, but it is
x &amp/e:Using four bricks (2.0 kilo­ less likely to set structures ablaze or cause
~ grams) gets you +8 damage, +4
other uncontrollable fires. They are still
c penetration and +1 d20 Penetration dice. rarely issued to EDF troops. Units may be
Demolition charges can be tamped to more likely to have them on certain as­
reduce side effects. This takes 1 Ouality­ signments, as thermobaric grenades are
hour, reduces the blast distance by 1 meter more effective at wrecking materiel than
and increases the damage as though twice the scattered flaming fragments of normal
the amount of explosives were used. incendiaries, and do not have as high a
n sonic signature as fragmentation or con­
x &ample: Using four bricks (2.0 kilo­
Y cussion grenades.
~ grams) in a tamped charge gets you
c +10 damage, +5 penetration, +1 d20 Overwatch Software Module
Penetration dice and a 1 m blast radius [EDF)
instead of 2m. A new addition to the standard soft­
A demolitions kit includes a number of ware suite available to fire teams, this is
standard gizmos for attaching a demoli­ meant to be used with the stand-alone or
tion charge to slick or vertical surfaces, under-barrel grenade launcher and vari­
allowing for the creation of limpet mines able grenades. If someone has a ready
and other high-risk combat explosives. weapon Watching for indirect fire (and
successfu Ily spots it). the software provides
Booby Traps (ILR) plotting, aim points and timing informa­
Neither the EDF or ILR uses mines. tion to properly intercept a single
However, the ILR does plant demolition incoming round in flight. This is typically
rolling against a 2d6 task when distance,
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· l\U ~~n ·NEW GEAR
size and other factors are taken into ac­ Recon Grenade [EDF)
count. Incoming rounds are typically Designed for use with the GLKW 32 and
intercepted at ranges of 20 meters or less, GAKW 32 grenade launcher, it is a light­
meaning the attempt is a risky proposition. weight grenade with a high-efficiency
Failing to intercept leaves no time to parachute. When launched, it trails a hair­
dodge or seek better cover, so anyone on thin fiber-optic cable behind it. At apogee,
an overwatch assignment should already the parachute deploys, and an on-board
have their foxhole dug andbe in it. Infan­ day/night camera relays a picture of the
try are currently being given simulator battlefield back to the firer, an image
training with the software upgrade and which can be interpreted by battle soft­
full compliance with training requirements ware, passed to other squad members and
is expected within a few months. used for the targeting of indirect fire
weapons. The transmission of the image
through a fiber-optic cable bypasses the
limitations of the EW-heavy battlefield
environment. Limitations of the hardware
are the same as for any other remote
viewing (a 250/o increase in concealment
on anything you are trying to spot). The
Irritant Grenades [EDF/ILR)
maximum range and viewing angle of the
The EDF has but rarely uses irritant gre­
grenade can give a picture of an area 400
nades, as ILR infantry has breathing
meters across, centered on a spot 200
protection as standard equipment, though
meters away from the firer. This area
like the EDF, they aren't wearing it as often
shrinks as the grenade descends, and it
as regulations suggest they should. The ILR
has a useful lifetime of 10 turns. Spotting
simply uses regular grenades (or the threat
things in the display is a normal percep­
of them). thus saving money.
tion task based on the range, using either
EDF deployments may include irritant
Spot or Sensor Operations (user's choice).
variable grenades or rifle grenades in cases
with a default d8 for the range or a fixed
where there are likely to be civilian hostages,
target number of 4, not counting other
or the EDF has to deal with a domestic insur­
potential modifiers. Classifying targets
gency and does not want local insurgents to
and passing data on for indirect fire is a
be martyrs for their cause.
Routine task for a forward observer
Irritant grenade effects are stunning dam­
(Navigate skill).
age, which only takes 5 times the current
A Botch when using this weapon usu­
Body loss to recover (instead of 100 times).
ally just means that the fiber-optic strand
The normal effect causes intense pain in the
snapped and the grenade has been wasted.
eyes, nose and lungs. The useful measures a
Any other use of the grenade launcher or a
person without breathing gear can take
rifle the grenade launcher is attached to
count as a Deflection of 7. Any species with
will sever the fiber-optic link.
+1 Smell or more must have breathing gear
Creative troops have also used this
or only count as a Deflection of 3.
grenade for static remote viewing by
Irritant grenades generally fill an entire
carefully unreeling the fiber-optic line
area with a single, low power bursting
and equipping the grenade with a few
charge, and only get 1d20 for penetration.
extra batteries. This is a Routine Scrounge
However, if the grenade goes off in an
task that only takes about half of a Qual­
enclosed space like a room, it gets+ 1d20,
ity-hour to complete. Supporting
and in a small space like a vehicle cockpit
characters will not do this modification
or crew compartment, it gets +2d20. Irri­
on their own. Note that this use of the
tant grenades cause 2 Awe for each d20 of
device is video only, since the grenade
Penetration they roll. They won't kill you,
has no microphone.
but they will really make you want to get
out of the area of effect.
tile, or oriented towards the ground in
front of the grenade. The first setting is
passable for airborne targets, and the
second is for ground units. The theory is
that the strongest signal in any given
environment is likely to be an enemy
squad leader or vehicular radio, and the
second strongest is an average infantry­
man. In an area where there is an ILR
MT 200 Grenade Launcher [ILR)
jamming source, it is likely to be strongest,
This is the standard weapon for a typi­
and so the grenade is set to ignore that
cal ILR squad grenadier. It is a 32mm
and look for a weaker signal.
grenade launcher that only fires ILR-type
If there is more than one signal that
grenades. It is a semi-automatic weapon
qualifies, it simply homes in on the one
that fires from a 6 round detachable clip.
closest to its flight path, which is modified
While it is normally shoulder fired, the butt
by small servo-fins at the back of the pro­
plate of the stock folds out like a flower to
jectile. The grenade has no thrust and
form a stable base plate. In this mode, the
operates entirely on the energy of its firing
MT 200 can be used to fire all 6 shots in a
charge. It can with some difficulty hit air­
clip in a single round, to provide the ad­
borne targets, but it is mostly designed to
vantages of an indirect fire barrage. The
hit infantry. The warhead is a small HEDP
weapon must cool down for several turns
round, a not-too-effective shaped charge
after a barrage, a feature monitored by an
surrounded by a fragmentation sleeve.
on-board temperature sensor that the user
The K3 grenade counts as a homing
cannot override. This weapon comes with a
weapon, but it has no proximity fusing, so
compensating sight that can be detached
it requires a direct hit in order to affect
and unreeled several meters to fire the
airborne targets.
weapon remotely. The MT200 has an
There has not been enough combat ex­
unloaded mass of 5 kilograms and a loaded
perience and recovered examples of this
mass of 8 kilograms, making it a signifi­
device for the EDF to deploy a fairly simple
cant load for the average la pine. It is not
counter-measure (a "bait" transmitter
uncommon for one or two average ILR
placed well away from the squad). but if
infantry to be issued a 3kg clip just to give
the K3 goes into regular deployment, such
the grenadier extra capacity. The extra
a countermeasure would only lag behind it
load is a "new guy" or "punishment detail"
by a few months.
assignment that no one wants, but no one
complains about it (not officially, anyway). KA 1 Canister Grenade [ILR)
The ILR grenadier is an extremely useful
K3 HARM Grenade [ILR) squad member for ranged engagements,
This is a passive homing grenade de­
but is little use in a close-range firefight. If
signed expressly for indirect fire use by ILR
operations are likely to be at short range,
grenadiers. The heavy EW in the normal
the MT 200 launcher is loaded with a clip
battlefield environment makes long range
of canister rounds. This turns the weapon
communication difficult, but it does not in
into a 32mm semi-automatic flechette
any way make it harder to find out where
launcher. The penetration is not as good as
jamming signals are coming from. Because
the AW 191 carbine, but the sheer volume
of the ubiquitousness of frequency­
of projectiles thrown can cause significant
hopping, spread-spectrum radio systems,
blunt trauma through battle armor. A
homing in on a particular portion of the
point-blank blast may not kill an EDF sol­
radio spectrum is next to useless. Rather,
dier, but it may make them wish it had.
the HARM grenade is simply set to first,
second and third strongest signals in its K2 Variable Grenade [ILR)
sensing arc, which is a 60° cone that is This is the standard ILR grenade. It is a
either set as directly ahead of the projec­ three-piece unit with a firing charge, main
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· l\U ~~n ·NEW GEAR
explosive body and a fragmentation sleeve. ML 202 Booby Trap [ILR)
The firing charge can be detached to make This is an autonomous version of the ML
it a thrown grenade, and the fragmentation 199 SMG. It is in a small rectangular box with
sleeve can be removed to make it a concus­ a universal mounting plate/clamp and weighs
sion grenade. It is armed with a simple about the same as the ML 199. After a delay
pyrotechnic delay fuse that can be manually to let the person placing it get out of range, it
set in one second increments up to 12 activates, and will fire at anything that passes
seconds, with a default of 4 seconds. It also directly across its passive infrared sensor (it is
has an impact sensing fuse, which arms always Watching, and if necessary would be
after 2 seconds. It is notelectronically pro­ considered to have a Spot Rote of 3). It has
grammable. It is however, quite cheap to three settings to correspond with the ap­
manufacture and just as effective when it proximate IR signature of an unarmored
goes off as an EDF variable grenade. person, a fully armored person, and a space­
suited person. On the correct setting for a
E32-3 EMP Grenade [ILR)
target, it gets a 1d6 roll, and on an incorrect
This is a specialized grenade that is see­
setting it gets a 1d4 roll. It can be set to
ing limited deployment (real-world field
activate only at certain ranges, and can also
testing). The only operational difference
be set to ignore the first, second or third
between this and a regular grenade is that
targets detected. It expends its entire clip
it requires a battery be discharged into the
when triggered, but can be manually oper­
MT-100 launcher's standard power inter­
ated via a fiber-optic or short-range radio link
face to charge the grenade for at least a
to fire one shot at a time.
turn before firing. This energizes a super­
The mounting clamp can be set for a
conductor coil within the grenade. This coil
fixed aim point, or set to "wobble", mean­
is surrounded by a small conventional
ing that the weapon's recoil sprays the
explosive charge (no real blast damage, but
contents of the clip over a wide area,
it will still scare the fur off you if it goes
which wou Id be counted as a 1d4 Su ppres­
off in your lap). When this charge deto­
sion Fire attack out to the weapon's
nates, it pinches the magnetic field within
Contact range of 5 meters, and it cannot
the coil to absurd flux densities, which
do Following Fire or other options that
generates a corresponding electrical field
require intelligent control.
that is powerful enough to destroy or
ILR special forces routinely use these
damage unprotected systems, and damage
weapons as a means of distracting and
or force a reboot of many protected ones.
channeling enemy troops, often triggering
While EDF equipment is hardened against
the devices one shot at a time via a remote
electromagnetic interference, and includes
fiber-optic link. A handful of them set to
many optical isolators and circuits, virtu­
cover a street can make it look like an ILR
ally all devices have a radio frequency
fire team is covering an area, when in fact
interface. This pathway into the device isa
the actual fire team is taking aim at your
method of compromising the system. It
back while you are distracted ...
can also pass interference or corrupted
data streams to the closest devices in its
immediately network, causing an entire
integrated system such as a soldier's kit to
be temporarily affected. Other devices,
especially electro-optics like vision en­
hancement, have to be exposed to the
signals from the environment, and while AW-193 Light Machine Gun [ILR)
they can compensate for most ambient This a belt-fed version of the AW-191,
interference, a blast from an EMP grenade which gives it better suppression fire capa­
is sufficient to fry them. bility. It also has a heavier, longer barrel,
which gives it a marginal increase in range
and damage. ILR infantry or elite units
may have one squad member with this
weapon. It masses 4 kilograms empty and should there be any political fallout from
5.5 kilograms fully loaded. Up to 200 their use.
rounds can be carried in a box that mounts The ILR also uses a modified version of
under the weapon. Vehicle installations the man-portable version as their equiva­
typically have belts of nearly a thousand lent of the ED F's LRCKW. It fires in semi­
rounds. The AW-193 requires regular auto mode from a 10 round box magazine,
cleaning to avoid feed problems with the and the weapon, electronics and tripod
case less rounds used. mass 15 kilograms. An ILR sniper team will
normally be three elite troops, the sniper, a
spotter and an overwatch, with the weapon
carried by the sniper, the tripod and extra
ammo by the spotter, with the overwatch
having their normal infantry load .

• '=='

AW-188 Heavy Machine Gun 200mm Demolition Rocket [ILR)

[ILR) This is an unguided bunker-buster or
This a belt-fed 11 mm single-barrel ma­ street-clearer. Armed with a large HE war­
chinegun that serves the ILR in the same head, it can blow a significant hole in
way (but not as well) as the HAKW serves anything smaller than a starship. Like the
the EDF. This is usually a vehicle mounted ED F's larger demolition rocket, it is fairly
weapon. It is more than heavy enough to inaccurate, but it can miss by a large
punch holes in most AV-4 variants, and amount and still cause a lot of damage.
lucky hits can damage aerodynes. It can of The important thing about these rock­
course, badly chew up any infantry that it ets is that the shipping container for each
hits. It has a standard belt of 480 rounds. rocket can be used as an improvised
EDF infantry with any experience know the launcher. Without any fire control system
silhouettes of all ILR vehicles that mount and only marginal aiming ability, the firer
this weapon, and direct their fire accord­ loses 2 marks off their skill (minimum of
ingly. This weapon is available in a man­ d4). but the appallingly high number of
portable version, which is 30 kilograms for Botches means that this tactic is best left
the weapon and tripod and 30 kilograms for to "insurgents" that this weapon some­
a 480 round feed box. This may be seen in times "regrettably" falls into the hands of.
prepared defensive positions, and also serves
as poor-man's anti-aerodyne weapon. The LH 20-2 Autocannon [ILR)
ILR may supply these to insurgents, in a This a chain-driven autocannon firing
version that has no ILR manufacturing solid kinetic penetrators. It is still in service
marks. This way the ILR can lay blame on on WA-6T variants, but is being phased out
"rogue elements" for supplying the weapon, in favor of the LH 60-1 cannon.
~ ~:. ~7', I JJ !l ~ .· l\U ~~n ·NEW GEAR

LH 60-1 Cannon [ILR)

This is the ILR's multi-role heavy
weapon. A 60mm smoothbore auto­ There are three main munition types
loading cannon, it fires either high explo­ for this mortar. The first is a standard
sive or kinetic penetrator rounds. There is HE/fragmentation round, which can be
no shaped charge munition for the set for impact fusing or airburst. The
weapon at this time. airburst setting drops penetration by
1d20 because of the distance, but will
negate up to 500/o of any ground level
cover. That is, if you are hiding behind a
low wall, you might have 500/o cover from
an impact detonation, but none from a
detonation several meters up.
The second round is an obscurement
shell. It bursts into a 1000/o opaque cloud
that will linger in an area up to 15 meters
acrossforuptoa minute (10turns) in
calm conditions. The last round is a hom­
ing HEAP round that seeks out the shape
of EDF ground vehicles, though it can be
programmed to most other ground vehicle
shapes. This will do damage against the
top armor of the vehicle on any hit, which
LH 100-2 Mortar [ILR)
might be a glancing shot against a sloped
This is a large, hopper-fed mortar and is
side, or a solid hit on the flat top.
the heaviest weapon deployed to date by
Camouflage and breaking up a vehicle's
the ILR. It is used exclusively in the WA-81
visual signature can confuse the round
fire support vehicle. Its most important
and cause it to veer off. Relatively simple
attribute is the ability to lay down a bar­
countermeasures such as laying out blan­
rage of six shots in tight pattern in a single
kets in the right configuration can also
turn. Provided this pattern is in the right
cause these rounds to miss. However, if a
spot, the results can be devastating. Like
target area can be remotely viewed, the
all indirect fire weapons, mortar shells land
gunner can isolate particular targets so
the turn after they are fired. Because this
that only thattarget is sought out, or
mortar cannot be angled for horizontal
exclude particular targets so that target is
fire, it has a minimum practical range of
never sought out.
about 750 meters.
When used in normal mode, the mortar
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt' has a sustained fire rate of one shot per 2
ILR's Specialty Weapon turns. In rapid fire mode, six shots are
The LH 60-1 cannon has more damage, range fired, but then the mortar must cool down
and flexibility than any comparable EDF for a minute before firing again, or prema­
weapon. You can't sit at range and take it ture detonation of rounds is possible. This
out, because it has more range than you do, limit is part of the drill for ILR crews for
and you can't hide behind something and go this weapon, and can be ignored in an
toe-to-toe, since it can perforate any mobile emergency, if the vehicle commander
platform the EDF has. If a vehicle with th is orders it (this costs the crew 1 Morale).
weapon is deployed intelligently, it will be a
problem that requires intelligence and crea­
tivity to dea I with.
sight weapon. The projectile moves fast
enough that at any range which the
weapon can be aimed at, a target will have
moved a negligible amount between the
act of firing and the projectile reaching it.
For instance, an aerodyne moving 400kph
at a range of a kilometer will have only
HVDD 15 [ILR): moved its length in the time it takes a dart
The newest weapon to spring from the to reach it. It is unguided, cannot be
creative minds at ILR corporate labs is the jammed, has no signature before firing and
hypervelocity dart launcher. This bears a cannot be shot down. As a result, despite
similarity to a recoilless rifle or rocket its moderately expensive production cost,
launcher, but it fires a 15x250 dart at it works equally well as an anti-armor and
several thousand meters per second. The anti-aerodyne weapon. Its range is suffi­
otherwise crippling recoil is balanced by cient to be annoying to aerodyne pilots,
the expulsion of an equal mass of pow­ and the damage is enough to make all but
dered, high-density material (inert) out the the largest or best armored vehicles take
back of the weapon. The high velocity is notice on a solid hit.
achieved by use of a propellant that bor­ The mass of propellant gases and ex­
ders on a high explosive. Radial blast pelled material makes it extremEiyunsafe
pressures are contained within the weapon to use inside a vehicle or building, with
by use of an energy absorbing structure effects much like setting off a concussion
that is akin to a controlled, incomplete grenade. Panicked troops may do this
rupture of the barrel (similar to the proc­ because they aren't thinking clearly
ess used for EDF assault armor). As a result, enough to consider the consequences. ILR
it is a one-shot weapon. The 5 kilogram infantry in open-topped personnel carriers
HVDD comes with fixed sights, but nor­ have also been savaged on occasion when
mally a standard grenadier's targeting a panicked or inexperienced gunner fires
scope with altered programming is used an HVDD without realizing exactly where
with the weapon, and is simply moved to the back-blast is going. Outdoors, the
another dart tube after firing. back-blast makes the firer instantly visible,
The main advantage of the weapon is even from great distances, and creates a
that it is for all practical purposes a line of
~ ~:. ~7', I JJ !l ~ .· l\U ~~n ·NEW GEAR
1000/o obscurement in a 3 meter radius recoil-driven forced air system to keep the
behind the firer. The high speed of the dart barrel cool. In the event this is not suffi­
is offset by a relative inaccuracy. It has a cient, worn out barrels can be easily
very long useful range for a weapon of this dismounted and replaced. The LAKW 1-62
type (sufficient to give aerodyne pilots the is significantly heavier than its rifle coun­
jitters) but performa nee draps markedly terpart (4.5 kilograms unloaded, 7
past that d ista nee. ki log rams loaded). but is not too heavy for
The weapon is typically deployed by the regular use. Typically, no more than one
crate The defensive nature of the weapon person in a squad would have this weapon.
means that it is usually delivered to troop
positions by APC or armored truck, making
the extra encumbrance academic.
EDF sources report that new ILR vehicle
deployments have a single tube mounted
alongside the standard 6mm ILR machine
gun, and battle software has been updated
to assist in using the weapon. Once fired, a
member of the vehicle crew must expose LRCKW-C Rifle [EDF)
themselves (500/o cover) for at least a turn Originally an unauthorized field modifi­
to dispose of the old tube and mount an cation made to an LRCKW by Ursine heavy
new one. Typically, only two spare tubes infantry, the modification has since been
are carried per vehicle, the reasoning being graced with an official designation.
that no ILR vehicle is likely to survive more The barrel is shortened, the tripod re­
than three encounters with an EDF vehicle moved, the advanced sight replaced with a
(though no one will actually say it in that standard EDF rifle sight, and the handgrip
fa sh ion). altered for the species of the end user.
These modifications cut the maximum
range significantly and the damage
slightly, but they decrease the loaded
weight to a little more than 10 kilograms.
While the requirements for approval of
the modification are Byzantine, and the
ammunition is several dozen times heavier
than normal Smm rifle ammunition, the
LAKW 1-62 Light Machine Gun heavy firepower and long range of the rifle
[EDF) are often quite welcome.
Th is is a belt-fed version of the LAKW
1-56 rifle, with a heavier, longer barrel,
and the ability to fire from a 200 round
belt that is stored in a box below the
weapon. It is for all practical purposes a
dismounted version of the Smm light MG 280mm Demolition Rocket [EDF)
found in the remote turret of many EDF This is similar in concept and use to the
vehicles. The sustained autofire capability ILR demolition rocket, except it has about
given by the extended belt is matched by a twice the payload and a slightly better
range. Each rocket packs the wallop of
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
over 40 kilograms of high explosive,
Scorched Earth Policy
enough to crater roads, drop bridges, pu 1­
Both sides in the EDF-ILR conflict have
verize small to medium buildings and turn
qualms about using weapons as heavy and
any WA-series vehicle or parked aerodyne
indiscriminate as fuel-air explosives and
into twisted metal. The EDF has specific
massive rocket bombardments. As the con­
guidelines on how and when these rockets
flict heats up, weapons of this class (or even
can be used because of the carnage they
nastier!) will see use on both sides.
could wreak on civilian infrastructure and unknown specification. Actual perform­
lives if one lands in the wrong spot. ance figures are unknown, but are
expected to be slightly better than the
PLRX. All the rockets have a rudimentary
multi-mode guidance module (silhouette
recognition, laser designation or emissions
PLRX Rocket [EDF) homing). These capabilities pose few tech­
Due to innumerable complaints and of­ nical challenges, but are proving very
ficial after-action reports about the expensive to cram into the relatively small
inadequacy of the PLRW as an anti-armor and light missiles, which may prevent their
weapon, the EDF bureaucracy has come up deployment in any significant numbers.
with the unique solution of reclassifying it
for anti-infantry use only. This is a task
that the 3kg rocket is only slightly less
suited for than a .25kg hand grenade, but
it is deemed to make up for it with its SA-Be [Independent)
extended range. Or so say the people who The SA-Sc is representative of most ci­
don't have to use it. vilian firearms or what would be carried
The replacement rocket is the PLRX se­ by police armed with lethal weapons. It is
ries, which uses the same guidance module a .5kg pistol firing standard Sx24 rounds
and electronics as the PLRW, but has from a removable 12 round clip. These are
greatly improved damage (S+ 14) and an not discarding sabot or armor-piercing
angled warhead that is designed to hit the projectiles, giving them a lower damage
top armor of vehicles rather than the sides. and penetration than EDF-issue pistols.
However, the optimized shaped charge EDF pistols can, if required, use this am­
round rolls only 1d20 Penetration for munition at the SA-Sc level of damage,
secondary blast effects (but still gets the and likewise, the SA-Sc can fire EDF am­
full 5d20 Penetration dice against what it munition if it is available. The weapon
actually strikes). does not come with any targeting acces­
sories. However, within Con Fed space,

~ 1¢ such weapons have micro-tagged propel­

lant that can be tracked back to the
CLRW 1-96 & 1-144 Rocket [EDF) original purchaser, and the pistol will
The EDF is currently considering de­ have a small digital camera that takes a
ployment of two new rocket launchers, picture every time the trigger is pulled.
which will result in the phasing out of This information is both stored in non­
both the PLRW (and the upgraded PLRX volatile memory and uploaded as a mat­
version). The CLRW 1-96 is a single shot ter of course to law enforcement
96mm rocket launcher, while the 1-144 authorities, who only have access to the
uses a 144mm rocket. It uses a disposable information with a court order.
launch tube to which a reusable electron­
ics suite is clipped to. The .3 kilogram suite
is the same for both the CLRW 1-96 and

the larger CLRW 1-144, and the disposable

SS-1 Bi Shotgun [Independent)
launch tube and rocket weigh in at 3.7 and
This is a powerful personal defense
6.7 kilograms, for a total weight of 4 kilo­
weapon, and might be carried by under­
grams and 7 kilograms. The total weight
cover police officers, riot police or police
actually varies slightly with the rocket type
engaged in a raid where the over­
used, of which there are three types
penetration of rifle ammunition might be
planned. The first is a shaped charge war­
a problem. The 2kg SS-1 Si uses standard
head, the second is high explosive with a
shotgun ammunition, fed from a 4 round
fragmentation sleeve, and the last is a
internal magazine under the barrel. This
controversial fuel-air munition of yet
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· l\U ~~n ·NEW GEAR
can be reloaded in one turn if the user has or excuse required to use a weapon that
both hands free and a ready supply of you know the target will quickly recover
loose ammunition. In addition to normal from. Wounds inflicted by this or other
shotgun ammunition, the SS-1 Si may use non-lethal weapons only take 5 times the
elastomer shot or slugs, which is much less current loss to recover one point of injury,
lethal, but can be equally incapacitating at not 100 times the current loss as for lethal
short range. This would have a damage of injuries. For most people, recovering 1
2+6 for shot and 5+ 10 for slugs. Unless a Injury can be done overnight, and 2 or 3
critical success is rolled, neither cannot do Injuries might take a few days.
more than an Wound effect per hit. The
damage is still considered lethal in nature, The O+ 10 damage is a limit of the am­
as it can crack skulls and ribs at close munition's software to protect smaller
range, and leave bruises that take weeks to species, and is nota hardware limit. A tech
heal. Neither elastomer load has any effect can disassemble a unit of ammunition and
against a full coverage armor with a De­ remove the limiters to increase the dam­
flection of 7 or better, nor will it penetrate age to O+ 15. Police forces may have access
cover with a Deflection of 7 or better. to such ammunition as well, in the event
they need to subdue an unruly ungulate or
other large sapient, but by and large they
use standard ammunition as a duty load.

KW-112 [Independent)
NS-6 [Independent) This is the largest weapon mounted in
This is a 6 shot stun-gun-like weapon, anything smaller than a starship. A few
but instead of trailing wires back to a independent worlds have bought into a
central power unit, it fires oversized pro­ "bigger must mean better" philosophy for
jectiles (about the size of a shotgun shell). their Homeguard and have built vehicles
which have a number of short barbed capable of mounting this enormous
prongs in front, and a battery-powered 112mm smoothbore cannon that fires dual
high voltage supply in the rear. While purpose shaped charge/high explosive
these have a normal 0+10 damage, they rounds. Vehicles that mount this weapon
cannot penetrate any Deflection greater can only with great difficulty be made air­
than 5. Th is makes them useless against transportable in a standard cargo volume,
anyfully armored target, regardless of the and so neither the EDF or ILR has such a
armor's toughness. Against targets with weapon or plans to deploy one.
partial coverage, penetration is rolled for
normally, as it might hit an unprotected
location. In effect, it does 1d20+ 10 dam­
age, or does nothing at all.
The NS-6 looks similar to a cut-down
pump shotgun and masses about 2 kilo­
grams when fully loaded. This is the
normal weapon used by policing forces on
most worlds, as it is incapacitating but
non-lethal. Individuals who might defy an
officer to use lethal force on them might
think twice against an NS-6, since there is
not nearly as much willpower
Consolidated \Neapons Table
COider Ordnance in Gray)
Extra-planetary Defense Force [EDF]
Weapon Type Action Mag. Ammo Range Damage Notes
GAKW Heavy Semi· 12 32mm EX S5, M20, L80, X400 0+10 Exp 2m
32mm EX S5, M20, L80, X400 0+10 Exp 2m
Thermobaric S5, M20, L80, X400 5+12 Exp lm
GLKW Longarm Single Anti-Tank S5, M20, L80, X400 5+12 Exp lm
Irritant S5, M20, L80, X400 0+5 Exp 3m
Recon· Special ­ see page 253
Variable grenade Thrown Thrown Thrown object 0+10 Exp 2m
Demo. charge Demolitions Placed Placed weapon 2+11 Exp 2m
LAKW 1-30 Longarm Full 24 8x56 C5, Sl 5, M50, L330, X2300 10+9
LAKW 1-56 Longarm Full 24 8x56 S15, M60, L470, X3700 10+10
LAKW 1-62 Heavy Full belt 8x56 S15, M65, L510, X4100 10+10
MAKW 3-60 Heavy Full belt 8x64 S15, M50, L360, X2600 11 +10
LRCKW Longarm Semi­ 8 10x56 S15, M50, L330, X2300 24+12
LRCKW-C Longarm Semi­ 8 10x56 S15, M45, L310, X2100 24+9
CKW Precision Longarm Semi­ 24 8x56 S15, M70, L560, X4600 10+10
MPKW 2-18 Pistol Full 24 8x24 C5, SlO, M30, L190, Xl 100 8+7
PAKW 4-12 Pistol Semi­ 16 8x24 C5, SlO, M40, L230, X1400 8+7
PLRW Heavy Single S15, M60, L470, X3700 0+10 Exp lm
PLRX Heavy Single S15, M60, L470, X3700 8+14 Exp lm
CLRW 1-96 Heavy Single S15, M60, L470, X3700
CLRW 1-144 Heavy Single S15, M65, L550, X4300
SBKW10 Longarm Single 9 10mm C5, SlO, M20, L40, X60 5+5 Shotgun
HAKW MG Heavy Full belt 20x70 S15, M55, L410, X3000 26+13
VAKW MG Vehicle Full- belt 20x80 S15, M55, L420, X3100 33+15
Demo. Rocket Vehicle Single 1 280mm ClO, S25, M135, L700 14+17 Exp 4
VAKW 24 Vehicle Full belt 24x120 S15, M65, L550, X4300 37+16
VSKW 32 Vehicle Single 20 32x200 S15, M60, L475, X3700 42+16
66x350 S15, M55, L425, X3200 68+26
VSKW 66 Vehicle Single 20
Hi-Ex S15, M45, L320, X2200 4+12 Exp 2m
Improved Staff Melee Melee C2 7+Body

Independent Forces [Homeguard]

Weapon Type Action Mag. Ammo Range Damage Notes
NS 6 Pistol Semi 6 15mm C2, S5, MlO, L20, X40 0+10 Stunning
SA Be Pistol Semi 8 8x24 C5, SlO, M40, L230, X1400 6+5
SS 18i Longarm Semi 4 10mm C5, SlO, M20, L40, X60 4+4 Shotgun
KW 112 Cannon Vehicle Single 112mm S15, M50, L400, X2800 15+15 Exp 3m
~ ~:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· l\U ~~n ·NEW GEAR
Inter-Lapine Republic [ILR)
Weapon Type Action Mag. Ammo Range Damage Notes
AW 191 Longarm Full 48 6x40 S15, M50, L410, X3000 8+9
AW 193 Heavy Full belt 6x40 S15, M55, L430, X3200 8+10
Full 32 6x30 C5, SlO, M40, L230, 7+7
ML 199 Longarm
MP 197 Pistol Full 32 6x30 C5, S10, M30, L150, X800 7+6
ML 202 Demolitions Full 32 6x30 C5, S10, M30, L150, X800 7+6
MS195 Longarm Single 12 8mm C5, SlO, M20, L40, X60 4+4 Shotgun
HVDD 15 Heavy Single 15x250 S5, M20, L1000, X2200 28+18
Semi· 6 32mm EX S5, M20, L85, X375 0+10 Exp 2m
K3 HARM S5, M20, L85, X375 5+8 Exp lm
MT 200 Heavy K2 Variable S5, M20, L85, X375 0+10 Exp 2m
E32·3 EMP S5, M20, L85, X375 0+10 EMP
KA 1 Cann. S5, MlO, L30, X160 7+7 Shotgun
AW 188 Vehicle Full belt 11x65 S15, M55, L380, X2800 20+10
Demo. Rocket Vehicle Single 1 200mm SlO, M25, L120, X600 12+16 Exp3m
LH 20-2 Vehicle Full belt 20mm S15, M60, L475, X3700 31+15
Vehicle Single 1 60mm S15, M70, L550, X4600 69+25
LH 60-1
Single HE round Sl 5, M50, L310, X2100 2+11 Exp 2m
Single 6 100mm L750,X6800 6+13 Exp 3m
LH 100-2 Vehicle Single 6 Homing L750,X6800 13+14 Exp lm
Single 6 Smoke L750,X6800 Exp 3m

While there are certain archetypical ve­ capability. Power is provided by a single gas
hicles in the Albedo universe, the basic rules turbine, though the chassis configuration
do not describe any of them in great detail. allows for up to two. The basic AV-4 chassis
The following list of EDF and ILR hardware takes 2/3 of a cargo slot, because the hull is
should be of great use to anyone planning only 2 meters tall. Variants with large turrets
a large-scale or long-term assignment to a or better standing room inside will take 5/6
particular world. or a full cargo slot, but all variants must be
The Crew number is the required crew drivable into a 6 x 3 x 3 box. This may have
for combat operation of the vehicle. This to be done remotely, since a tight fit may
will always be at least 1(the driver). and any preclude opening hatches, but for quick
additional number is how many passengers drop and retrieval, roll-on/roll-off capability
it can carry. For a military vehicle, this is is a must.
assumed to be fully equipped infantry. Combat variants begin with the letter A,
~ Example:The MMA carries 11 people (1 and non-combat or support variants begin
~ driver+ 10 passengers). The description with M. The largest armament is usually a
~ of the vehicle further states this is 3 med­ dashed designation at the end, with the bore
ics and 7 stretcher cases. size in millimeters, and the letters before that
indicating the weapon type. There are a
number of exceptions and sub-cases, which
AV-4 series (EDF) any vehicle crew or repair tech is expected to
This is the EDF ground vehicle. It comes in
know by heart. For instance, a second nu­
a bewildering number of configurations, and
merical designation denotes the number of
a handful of repair techs with the right tools
infantry a dual-purpose vehicle carries.
can build one from a pallet full of parts in a n
few days. Con Fed and independent worlds x Example: An ACPL-8 is an Armored Car­
use the basic chassis for industrial uses or ~ rier, Personnel, Light, Bmm MG. An AKW­

their own armored vehicles. It can use elas­ c 24-4 is an Armored Kinetic Weapon,
tomer tracks for light weight and less 24mm, plus 4 infantry, while an AKW­
damage to paved surfaces, or alloy tracks for 32M is an Armored Kinetic Weapon,
durability and toughness. The ground pres­ 32mm, plus Missile armament.
sure can be altered by varying track width, so Vehicles that mass 12 tons or less are
even heavy variants have good cross-country amphibious with no preparation, with a top
water speed of about an eighth of their
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
road speed. Heavier variants are amphibious
EDF vs. ILR Vehicles
with preparation, non-amphibious ones can
As a general comparison, EDF vehicles have
cross solid underwater surfaces using bat­
better protection, the largest weapons and
tery power alone at depths of up to 10
better off-road capability than ILR vehicles,
meters. This does require a special cover be
while ILR vehicles are as fast or faster on­
fitted over the turbine intake and exhaust if
road and require less maintenance. The ILR
you plan to restart the vehicle on the other
fields more vehicles with heavy weapons than
side. Some water leakage and minor electri­
the EDF does. Most EDF vehicles are impervi­
cal malfunctions are to be expected with
ous to ILR small arms fire from all angles,
any amphibious use, and crews are trained
while most ILR vehicles are vulnerable on at
in the hazards of dealing with extremely
least one facing to standard EDF assault rifles.
large electrical currents and a sopping wet
ILR infantry is trained appropriately, and does
not waste fire or expose itself to vehicles it
cannot harm. Instead, this task is left to
grenadiers or indirect fire, or ILR vehicles are
called in to deal with the threat.
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
Strengths of the design are extreme fire­
AKW-66 power and protection against ILR small arms.
Light Tank Weaknesses include a limited ammunition
Top Speed: 65 kph supply and a low top speed compared to
Maneuver: d6 (3) Deflection: 13 other ILR vehicles.
Size: 1 Thresholds: 40/50/60/80
Crew: 3+0 Body:20 AKW-72
Armament: DODD DODD DODD Tank Destroyer
24mm autocannon, DODD DODD Top Speed: 80 kph
8mm coaxial MG Damage: Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 12
General 0 @ © 0 © Size: 1 Thresholds: 36/46/56/76
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © Crew: 3+0 Body: 18
Armament 0 @ © 0 © Armament: DODD DODD DODD
72mm cannon, DD DODD
This is a light tank, armed with a 66mm
8mm remote MG Damage:
smoothbore auto-loading cannon and Smm
General 0 @ © 0 ©
coaxial machinegun. The main gun has a
Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
selection of kinetic penetrators, high explo­
Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
sive rounds and shaped charges.
This is a tank destroyer, armed with a
AKW·32M 72mm smoothbore auto-loading cannon and
Urban Assault Vehicle Smm remote machinegun turret. It is less
Top Speed: 50 kph (amphibious non-standard) armored than the AKW-66 and relies on
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 13 speed, concealment and the ability to oper­
Size: 1 Thresholds: 44/54/64/84 ate at long range to survive enemy fire. It
Crew: 3+0 Body:22 can fire high explosives, kinetic penetrators
Armament: DODD DODD DODD and shaped charges, with a majority of the
32mm autocannon, DD DODD carried rounds being kinetic penetrators. In
8mm coaxial MG, Damage: the event that artillery support is needed,
280 mm assault General 0 @ © 0 © AKW-72s are used in combination with ALP
rockets Mobility 0 @ © 0 © combat resupply vehicles.
Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
This has a 32mm autocannon turret with Army Command Center
coaxial Smm MG, a remote Smm MG turret, Top Speed: 100 kph (amphibious)
plus a 2-shot launcher for 280mm unguided Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 9
assault rockets, plus 12 missiles carried under
Size: 1 Thresholds: 32/42/52/72
armor. It requires two turns to reload one
Crew: 1+8 Body: 16
missile, but this can be done without any crew
having to expose themselves (the launcher
none DODD
tilts vertically and is loaded from the rear).
Use of this vehicle and the variants with
General 0 @ © 0 ©
even larger main guns are uncommon. They
Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
have an undesirable psychological impact on
Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
civilian populations. While a personnel carrier
looks about the same, it is filled with people, The AV-4 command vehicle, with 6 work
who come out, talk to civilians and have a consoles, a tactical display and mid-power
certain reassuring, if intimidating, presence. comm suite. Often, the modular electronics
Vehicles like the AKW-32M are closed-up in an ACC are unhooked and set up in a
monsters that spit fire and belch death. folding barracks after a planetary situation
Deployment is based as much on psycho log i­ has stabilized.
ca and social profiles of the local civilian

population as on operational needs.

VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,

In terms of manufacture, it is an ALW with

AKW-24·4 the turbine replaced by fuel cells, a single
Heavy Infantry Vehicle
person airlock taking up part of the left rear,
Top Speed: 50 kph (amphibious non-standard)
a solar-augmented air recycling system, fold­
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 12 down bun ks, extra supplies for persona I
Size: 1 Thresholds: 36/46/56/76 spacesuits and the absolute minimum of
Crew: 3+4 Body: 18 sanitary amenities. It can provide life support
Armament: DODD DODD DODD for four infantry and a driver for up to a
24mm autocannon, DD DODD week, longer if oxygen is diverted from the
8mm coaxial MG Damage: mobility fuel cells, which have a nominal life
General 0 @ © 0 © of twenty hours at full power. The ACPV-8 is
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © equipped with a variant of the MAKW 3-60
Armament 0 @ © 0 © altered for vacuum and extreme temperature
This is a heavy infantry vehicle. It has a use.
24mm autocannon and coaxial Smm MG, and
room for one fire team of infantry (4 individu­ APCL·B
als). This is often an anti-armor or anti-air fire Armored Personnel Carrier
team that works in synergy with the AKW-24­ Top Speed: 80 kph (amphibious)
4's crew on a particular facet of an operation. Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 13
This is the heaviest armed vehicle in Size: 1 Thresholds: 36/46/56/76
common EDF use, and most planetary de­ Crew: 1+8 Body: 18
ployments will have them. Armament: DODD DODD DODD
8mm remote DD DODD
ACPV·B MG turret Damage:
Hostile Environment Operations Vehicle General 0 @ © 0 ©
Top Speed: 65 kph (amphibious) Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
Maneuver: d6 (3) Deflection: 11 Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
Size: 1 Thresholds: 36/46/56/76 Armored personnel carrier with a ca pa city
Crew: 1+4 Body: 18 of 8 infantry, armed with a remote Smm
Armament: DODD DODD DODD single or twin machinegun turret. Access is
8mm remote MG DD DODD by a rear swinging or drop-down door, and
Damage: by eight roof hatches.
General 0 @ © 0 © This vehicle is commonly modified by
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © troops. If not modification to the actua I
Armament 0 @ © 0 © vehicle, it may be covered with extra water
The least common AV-4 combat variant, jugs, spa re track segments, storage bins,
this is really just a life-support box on tracks. rolled up ca mo nets and anything else the
infantry or driver thinks will be useful.
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES

Army Cargo: Flatbed Army Munitions Carrier
Top Speed: 80 kph w/ full load (see text) Top Speed: 80 kph (amphibious)
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 9 Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 12
Size: 1 Thresholds: 28/38/48/68 Size: 1 Thresholds: 36/46/56/76
Crew: 1+2 Body: 14 Crew: 1+2 Body: 18
8mm remote MG DD 8mm remote MG DD DODD
turret Damage: turret Damage:
General 0 @ © 0 © General 0 @ © 0 ©
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
Armament 0 @ © 0 © Armament 0 @ © 0 ©

The AV-4 flatbed truck is a driver's com­ This is a dedicated munitions carrier, de­
partment on tracks that can carry a variety signed to supply units and vehicles during
of containerized loads. It can be used to combat. The ammunition compartment is
resupply other vehicles. The ALP can carry separated from the crew by an armored
containerized 2/3 cargo slot loads, including bulkhead for crew safety, but ALW drivers are
small military units like high-power comm still a jittery bunch.
suites, foldable barracks, and so on.
Note: The ALP has a top speed of 120kph ARE
when unloaded. Standard equipment for the Army Towing Vehicle
ALP is a folding trailer that can carry up to Top Speed: 120 kph (amphibious)
2/3 of a cargo slot in lightweight cargo. This Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 11
slows an ALP down and reduces its maneu­ Size: 1 Thresholds: 36/46/56/76
verability, but is often used for extra on-road Crew: 1+3 Body: 18
transport capability (the trailer is wheeled). Armament: DODD DODD DODD
8mm remote MG DD DODD
ALE turret Damage:
Army Engineering Vehicle General 0 @ © 0 ©
Top Speed: 100 kph (amphibious) Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 9 Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
Size: 1 Thresholds: 32/42/52/72
This AV-4 tow truck has an heavy-duty
Crew: 1+2 Body: 16
winch, a bulldozer blade, a small crane, and
while unofficial, most crews find room to put
8mm remote MG DODD
on an Smm remote MG turret. The heavy
turret Damage:
engines of the ARE are sufficient to make it
General 0 @ © 0 ©
the fastest AV-4 variant, and it can tow most
Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
other AV-4's at a decent speed, especially if it
Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
can run a power cable to get some of the
A mobile machine shop, it has the tool­ damaged vehicle's road wheels going.
ing to make most repair parts required on a AR Es are typically festooned with a col­
deployment. It is typically accompanied by lection of spa re bog ie wheels, track segments
one or more ALPs loaded with appropriate and sometimes even an entire spare turbine
raw material stocks and common parts, engine.
particular for turbine and reactor repairs An ARE can tow any EDF vehicle that still
and electronic module replacement. has its tracks at up to 50kph, with a maxi­
mum of d4 Maneuver.
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
and other emergency procedures can be
MMA/MMSA performed in an MMSTA at no penalty. The
Military Ambulance surgical suite can also be dismounted and
Top Speed: 100 kph (amphibious) put into a folding barracks if the situation
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 11 allows. The MMSTA and MMSSA have exter­
Size: 1 Thresholds: 32/42/52/72 nal extended fuel tankage as a standard
Crew: 1+10 Body: 16 feature, allowing them an extended run time
Armament: DODD DODD DODD of a week while parked and providing medi­
none DODD ca I services.
General 0 @ © 0 © MMSSA
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © Mobile Army Ward
Armament 0 @ © 0 © Top Speed: 100 kph (amphibious)
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 9
The main AV-4 ambulance, capable of
Size: 1 Thresholds: 32/42/52/72
holding 7 stretcher cases and 3 medics. It
Crew: 1+4 Body: 16
and the other med ica Iva ria nts have no
armament aside from smoke grenade
none DODD
launchers. Access is through a roof hatch for
the driver and a large dropdown door in the
General 0 @ © 0 ©
Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
The MMSA is an MMA variant with room
Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
for 4 stretchers and 4 medics. It is configured
in this fashion if the force it is deployed with This is either a small recovery ward or a
has a large fraction of the larger species. The space for overworked medics to get some
extra room also gives medics more space to quiet shuteye. It has 4 bunks, minimal sanitary
work, allowing them to treat some wounds, amenities and lockers for medical supplies.
rather than just stabilizing them. The MMSSA can be reconfigured as an
Both the MMA and MMSA are often in urgent care ambulance by the addition of up
the path of enemy fire, whether directly to 2 med couches, allowing for severely
aimed at them or not. Both vehicles have injured patients to be moved while their
double the number of obscurement grenade critical care is maintained.
launchers, allowing two uses before reload­
1ng 1s necessary. ILR Vehicles
The ILR relies almost entirely on wheeled
MMSTA vehicles. Like the EDF, they have a standard­
Mobile Army Surgical Hospital ized set of running gear for all their units.
Top Speed: 100 kph (amphibious) The standard ILR chassis is the WA-series,
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 9 which comes in three lengths and a variety
Size: 1 Thresholds: 32/42/52/72 of configurations. These configurations are
Crew: 1+6 Body: 16 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 cargo slots in size, though
Armament: DODD DODD DODD any given chassis can be bumped up a notch
none DODD in terms of cargo volume by the addition of a
Damage: turret or extended height cargo box. The
General 0 @ © 0 © three configurations have 4, 6 and 8 wheels,
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © respectively. All ILR vehicles are wheeled, and
Armament 0 @ © 0 © their dual top speed and Maneuver ratings
are for on-road/off-road conditions. ILR
This is a small but reasonably appointed
vehicle designations are usually WA
mobile field hospital. It has 2 medical treat­
(Wheeled Armor). followed by the number of
ment tables and room for 4 medics to work
wheels and a single letter designation that
(surgeon+ assistant). plus ample room for
denotes the main role of the vehicle, like
storage of medical consumables. Surgeries
Scout, Personnel carrier, Tank or Indirect fire.
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m. VEHICLES
turret, with either a twin 6mm machine gun,
WA·4S or more commonly a single 11 mm heavy
Light Reconnaissance Vehicle machine gun, with or without a hyperveloc­
Top Speed: 180/80 kph (amphibious) ity dart launcher alongside. The WA-SP
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 8 carries S infantry in addition to the driver
Size: 1 Thresholds: 24/34/44/64 and commander, and has two secure lockers
Crew: 2+2 Body: 12 for personal shelters, food and ammunition
Armament: DODD DODD DODD for extended operations. There are two vision
6mm remote MG Damage: and firing ports on each side and the rear.
turret General 0 @ © 0 © Strengths of the WA-SP include a high road
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © speed and good infantry protection and
Armament 0 @ © 0 © firepower. Weaknesses include marginal off­
road capability and the requirement that the
A four-wheeled scout car, often the lead commander also operate the main weapon
vehicle in a convoy or a patrol vehicle in rather than assessing the situation and di­
relatively secure urban areas, the WA-4S has recting troops. Operational doctrine places
a crew of 2 (driver, commander) and can the vehicle commander in charge of the
carry two extra infantry if needed. It can also vehicle, and the squad leader in charge of
be used as a small ammunition resupply troop deployment, but the two commanders
vehicle. It is armed with a one-person turret do not always work together as well as they
mounting a belt-fed version of the AW-191 shou Id. Entry and egress is through a left side
6mm machine gun. This turret may also door or dropdown rear door, with an addi­
mount a single hypervelocity dart launcher, tional hatch in the turret.
with two reloads inside the vehicle. Entry and Note: A variant model, the WA-6P, has
egress is through a door on the left side that two demolition rockets and a 6mm machine­
has a vision and firing port, or a rear door gu n, but it only has room for 6 infantry.
that is similarly equipped. The right side has
no vision or firing ports, which makes it a WA·6T
minor blind spot, though of course the turret Heavy Armored Vehicle
gunner's vision blocks see into that arc, and Top Speed: 65 kph/30 kph
the driver can see to the rig ht front. Maneuver: d8/d4 Deflection: 13
The lightweight WA-4S is extremely fast (4/2)
and nimble, and drivers with any combat
Size: 1 Thresholds: 40/50/60/80
experience are usually skilled and cool
Crew: 3+0* Body:20
under pressure.
60mm auto-loading DODD DODD
WA·BP cannon, 11 mm Damage:
Infantry Support Vehicle
heavy MG General 0 @ © 0 ©
Top Speed: 80 kph; 35 off-road (amphibious) Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
Maneuver: d8/d6 Deflection: 12 Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
Size: 1 Thresholds: 40/50/60/80 This is the heaviest armed and armored
Crew: 2+8 Body:20 WA-series vehicle, in a six-wheel config­
Armament: uration. It has a two person turret armed
11 mm MG turret with a 60mm smooth bore autoloader and
Damage: 11 mm heavy machinegun. It has a crew of
General 0 @ © 0 © three (driver, commander, gunner). and
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © carries no infantry. Access is through two
Armament 0 @ © 0 © roof hatches (driver and one large turret
hatch). and a left-side door that has a vi­
A common armored personnel carrier and sion block and firing port.
infantry support vehicle. It is an S-wheeled Strengths include the best armor and
configuration, and mounts a one-person weapon of any ILR vehicle and the ability to
VEHICLES• l""~hWilUlm ·. /, fl!. \\' ~ . ~ ' ,

fire HE or KE projectiles from the main gun.

Weaknesses are a heavy ground pressure, WA·BX
which limits off-road performance, and a Staging Vehicle
limited supply of ammunition for both Top Speed: 100 kph/ 40 kph (amphibious)
weapon systems. Maneuver: d8/d6 Deflection: 12
The WA-6T is the most likely ILR vehicle to (4/3)
cause headaches (and casualties) among EDF Size: 1 Thresholds: 36/46/56/76
troops because of its relative invulnerability Crew: 1+4 Body: 18
to small arms from all angles, combined with Armament: DODD DODD DODD
its ability to easily perforate all AV-4 variants 6mm twin MG DD DODD
and cripple any aerodyne with a single hit. turret Damage:
WA-6Ts without a place to hide draw un­ General 0 @ © 0 ©
friendly attention. To improve their chances Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
of survival, WA-6Ts have an integrated fire Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
control system that can link identical weap­
ons on different ILR vehicles via a short This eight-wheeled variant is used exclu­
range radio or fiber-optic link. This can pro­ sively by political detachments. It is equipped
vide a die type bonus as mentioned with a remote 6mm double machinegun
elsewhere, allowing one designated gunner turret, a powerfu I radio system, secure com­
on any linked vehicle to simultaneously fire puter consoles and fold out bunks. The
severa I weapons on different vehicles. storage lockers may have a variety of esoteric
n equipment appropriate to this particular
x Example:The WA-6T and WA-BT have
y mission. While armored, it is not meant as
~ the same weapons, while the WA-BP
~ either an infantry carrier or combat vehicle.
c does not have a heavy weapon, but does
Rather, it is a secure place to work, sleep and
have the same 11 mm MG as the other
keep confidential data.
two. When linked through the WA-6T
fire control system, the WA-6T can track
both 60mm cannons on one target, and
Support Vehicle
the WA-BT gunner can track all three
11 mm machineguns on another. If the Top Speed: 80 kph/ 35 kph (amphibious)
WA-6T is taken out, all the weapons Maneuver: d8/d6 Deflection: 9
automatically revert back to local con­ (4/3)
trol, and of course, the gunner in each Size: 1 Thresholds: 40/50/60/80
vehicle can override the slaved weapon Crew: 3+8 Body:20
for emergency self-defense. Armament: DODD DODD DODD
60mm auto-loading DODD DODD
Some ILR units may have WA-6Tvariants
cannon, 11 mm Damage:
equipped with a 20mm autocannon and
heavy MG General 0 @ © 0 ©
coaxial 6mm light machinegun. The turrets
Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
are interchangeable, but readily distinguish­
Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
able from each other.
A combination tank destroyer and per­
sonnel carrier. It has the same heavy cannon
and 11 mm machinegun turret as the WA-6T,
but is much less armored and can carry eight
ILR infantry. Access is through a driver's
hatch, turret hatch, left side door and rear
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
dropdown door. There are a total of six vision
Maneuver Downgrades
blocks and firing ports, two on the left side,
Remember that a vehicle's Maneuver is
two on the right side and two in the rear.
downgraded by its Size. The only reason it is
The WA-ST does not do anything particu­
not listed with this already taken into ac­
larly well, but it does do multiple things, which
count is so all size modifiers in combat are
means it is a "cost effective" solution as far as
uniformly applied.
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
ILR planners are concerned. Whatever the tained rate without overheating. The WA-SI
mission requires, throw WA-8Ts at it has a crew of four (driver, commander, ob­
ILR infantry in general do not mind hav­ server/comm, gunner). and carries enough
ing a ride, but they are more than eager to ammunition for extended use. This vehicle
get out of a WA-ST when heavy weapons carries integral recon capability in the form of
fire starts, because they know that the a tethered electric RPV that can hover quietly
vehicle is the target, and it isn't likely to up to 100 meters above the vehicle, providing
survive that kind of attention. 360° visual and thermal coverage of the im­
mediate area via fiber-optic strands in the
WA·6P tether. Two spare RPVs are carried. These RPVs
Light Support Vehicle are supposedto be reeled in and recovered
Top Speed: 80 kph/ 35 kph (semi-amphibious) because of their cost, and this takes about half
Maneuver: d8/d6 Deflection: 11 a minute for one at maximum altitude. This
(4/3) doesn't always happen, especially if someone
Size: 1 Thresholds: 40/50/60/80 is using counter-battery fire on the vehicle
Crew: 2+6 Body:20 and it needs to get under cover in a hurry.
Armament: Strengths of the WA-SI include "shoot 8:
11 mm heavy MG DODD DODD scoot" capability to avoid counter-battery fire,
Damage: especially if it has sufficient target information
General 0 @ © 0 © to fire in burst mode and get back under
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © cover. If the turbine is running, it can close all
Armament 0 @ © 0 © hatches, lift the hydraulic base-plate and jacks,
and get underway two turns after firing.
A shortened version of the WA-SP used Weaknesses include a relatively small
exclusively by ILR special forces. It has a one­ amount of armor protection, which can be
person 11 mm machinegun turret and dual catastrophic when combined with a load of
HVDD launcher, an improved communica­ high explosive mortar rounds. Similarly, the
tions suite, and it carries tethered entire mortar compartment must be open
surveillance drones much like the WA-SI. In when the weapon is in use, giving the gun­
addition to the side and rear door, it also has ner and main weapon no protection from
six roof hatches, which swing up to provide overhead attacks. For this reason, WA-Si's are
500/o cover to anyone behind them. seldom if ever deployed near the front lines
and almost always have a mobile infantry
WA·BI escort.
Urban Support Vehicle
Top Speed: 100 kph/ 40 kph (amphibious) WA·BC
Maneuver: d8/d6 Deflection: 9 Urban Support Vehicle
(4/3) Top Speed: 100 kph/ 40 kph (amphibious)
Size: 1 Thresholds: 36/46/56/76 Maneuver: d8/d6 Deflection: 11
Crew: 4+0 Body: 18 (4/3)
Armament: DODD DODD DODD Size: 1 Thresholds: 36/46/56/76
100mm auto­ DD DODD Crew: 1+6 Body: 18
loading mortar, Damage: Armament: DODD DODD DODD
6mm remote MG General 0 @ © 0 © 6mm remote MG DD DODD
turret Mobility 0 @ © 0 © turret Damage:
Armament 0 @ © 0 © General 0 @ © 0 ©
An eight-wheeled heavy fire support vari­ Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
ant, the WA-SI is a 1OOmm mortar carrier with Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
an extended ammunition capability. Using a This is a standard ILR command vehicle,
magazine fed mortar, it can fire an entire that performs much the same function as its
barrage in a single turn, or fire several shots EDF equivalent. ILR light and heavy infantry
per minute (one every other turn) at a sus- will not have this vehicle in their headquar­
VEHICLES• l""~hWilUlm ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~ .:~ -~ ,

ters squad, but will have portable computers glued onto the cargo bed. This box has
and backpack mounted equipment that does vision and firing ports, a drop door/ramp,
the same thing, though with a little less and a climate control unit removed from a
sophistication. food delivery vehicle. The addition of seat­
ing benches fills out the interior. The
Additional ILR Vehicles normal model can carry up to 2 squads of
The ILR also has a number of specialized
fully equipped ILR infantry. You can in­
non-combat WA-series vehicles, such as
crease the overall Deflection for the
command, recovery, medical, kitchen and so
passengers and crew to 9 if you choose to
on, similar to what the EDF has in the AV-4
have an open-topped vehicle.
series of vehicles. However, the ILR tends to
These trucks are also used for the
co-opt civilian facilities for many of its needs,
transport of prisoners (up to 12, plus a
so other than command vehicles, the other
few guards). As a field-expedient design,
types are far less common than their EDF
variants are common. Similar vehicles may
also be constructed by anti-I LR resistance
movements to provide some protection
Civilian Vehicles during urban operations, though this is
There are both armored and unarmored often for a single use as the vehicle is
civilian vehicles. Since EDF units are often difficult to conceal during the inevitable
operating in a mixed civilian/battlefield follow-up searches and reprisals.
environment, some of these vehicles are A better-looking and more ergonomi­
worth noting. With the exception of the cally appointed vehicle with the same
IKW-112, none of these vehicles have off­ stats is often used as a light armored
road capability. personnel carrier by many Homeguard
Armored Truck
Improvised Civilian Vehicle IKW-112
Top Speed: 100 kph Reinforced-Chassis Civilian Vehicle
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 8 Top Speed: 65 kph
Size: 1 Thresholds: 32/42/52/72 Maneuver: d6 (3) Deflection: 13
Crew: 1+16 Body: 16 Size: 2 Thresholds: 48/58/68/78
Armament: DODD DODD DODD Crew: 4+0 Body:24
none DODD Armament: DODD DODD DODD
Damage: 112mm auto­ DODD DODD DODD
General 0 @ © 0 © loading cannon, Damage:
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © 8mm remote MG General 0 @ © 0 ©
Armament 0 @ © 0 © turret Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
When possible, ILR forces co-opt local Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
resources. While they may have sufficient The IKW-112 is an impractical vehicle
light AFVs for their mission, they never that nonetheless exists in small numbers on
have enough armored transport to get several independent worlds. It is built on
infantry from place to place. Their solution standard AV-4 running gear, upgraded for
is a fairly simple up-armoring of civilian the heavier load it carries, and structurally
transport. These vehicles are not meant to reinforced to handle the recoil of a massive
engage enemy vehicles, or operate in an 112mm smoothbore, auto-loading, liquid
environment with enemy aerodynes, but propellant cannon.
to protect troops from ambush by surviv­ The IKW-112 is actually two separate
ing Homeguard units or even disgruntled AV-4 chassis. The front chassis contains the
citizens. Typically, a flatbed delivery truck main weapon, ammunition, auxiliary batter­
is used. The engine compartment and ies and a remote Smm machinegun turret,
driver's station are protected, and a rec­ while the rear chassis contains the main
tangular box of monomolecular plate is power plants, crew compartment and a
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
second remote MG turret. The crew is com­
posed of a commander, driver, gunner and
observer, with the observer also handling
one of the remote MG turrets. The two
units are connected by power, data and
electro-mechanical couplings. IKW-112
munitions are exclusively dual purpose
HE/HEAP rounds.
Ground Car
Civilian Residential Transport
The design has some advantages. The ar­
ticulated design allows the vehicle to move Top Speed: 250 kph
in more cramped quarters than a single Maneuver: dlO (5) Deflection: 3
large vehicle. It also enhances crew surviv­ Size: 1 Thresholds: 16/26/36/56
ability, since the IKW-112 can, to some Crew: 1+3 Body:8
extent, fire around corners. It only has to Armament: DODD DODD
expose the front chassis, and even if that none Damage:
chassis is completely destroyed, the crew in General 0 @ © 0 ©
the rear chassis is likely to be untouched. Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
The main operational disadvantage of Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
the IKW-112 is the remotely operated can­
A typical passenger vehicle, capable of
non. As with all remotely operated systems,
carrying up to four medium-sized people in
any concealment a target has is increased
comfort.. Many civilian vehicles are pow­
by 250/o, giving the vehicle a built-in target­
ered by fuel cells instead of turbines
ing disadvantage. Another disadvantage of
because they are quieter, cheaper and re­
the IKW-112 is its size. While it is techni­
quire less maintenance. Most ground cars
cally only two cargo equivalents in size, it
are capable of autopilot use on high-speed
would take major disassembly to ship by
urban and intercity roadways.
aerodyne. The main gun would have to be
dismounted due to its barrel length. The
wide tracks necessary for acceptably low
Commercial Truck
Civilian Cargo Transport
ground pressure would have to be com­
Top Speed: 150 kph
pletely removed, as would the bogies. The
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 3
complete separation of the crew from the
main weapon compartment means that in Size: 1 Thresholds: 20/30/40/60
the event of malfunction, the vehicle must Crew: 1+1 Body: 10
withdraw from combat, as the crew will Armament: DODD DODD DD
have to exit the vehicle to clear the prob­ none Damage:
lem. The last disadvantage of the IKW-112 General 0 @ © 0 ©
is the inexperience of its crews. Existing Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
IKW-112s are either leftovers bu iIt during Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
the last days of the first war, or new ones A light cargo vehicle, either with an open
built recently because of war jitters. In bed or a thin shell for weather protection.
neither case are there experienced crews Especially in urban areas, these are also likely
for this particular vehicle. Combined with to be powered by fuel cells instead of turbines.
their small numbers, they are not a major The cab has room for two large or three regu­
concern for ILR planners. The examples lar-sized people, and the bed has 1/2 of a
encountered by the ILR on independent standard volume in cargo space, the exact
worlds have been neutralized, sometimes dimensions depending on the role of the truck.
from orbit, and EDF forces have yet to en­ The maximum cargo capacity is about 4 tons.
counter one in enemy hands.
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,

Air Car Helicopter
Civilian Long-Range Transport Civilian Air Transport
Top Speed: 320 kph Top Speed: 400 kph
Maneuver: dlO (5) Deflection: 3 Maneuver: Deflection: 3
Size: 1 Thresholds: 20/30/40/60 2d12 (7)
Crew: 1+4 Body: 10 Size: 1 Thresholds: 12/22/32/52
Armament: DODD DODD DD Crew: 1+5 Body:6
none Damage: Armament: DODD DD
General 0 @ © 0 © none Damage:
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © General 0 @ © 0 ©
Armament 0 @ © 0 © Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
This is a turbine-powered personal air
vehicle, capable of transporting 5 civilians This would be a typical police or small
and some luggage. Rotorcraft are cheaper, business helicopter. It is unarmed and unar­
so these are as much a status symbol as mored, but it is structurally sound enough to
anything else. mount light machineguns (up to the AW-193
or LAKW 1-62). It is very fast and maneuver­
Armored Limousine able for a non-fusion powered vehicle, but is
Civilian Dignitary Transport also very fragile and easily brought down if it
Top Speed: 150 kph can be hit.
Maneuver: d8 (4) Deflection: 9 Decoys
Size: 1 Thresholds: 28/38/48/68 Neither the EDF or ILR tends to use decoy
Crew: 1+6 Body: 14 vehicles, though their use is not unheard of.
Armament: DODD DODD DODD Normally, software interpretation of satellite
none DD recon data is sufficient to distinguish even a
Damage: good decoy from the real thing. However, in
General 0 @ © 0 © conditions of lingering marginal visibility,
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © visual, thermal and radar signatures may be
Armament 0 @ © 0 © confused enough that a decoy vehicle or
With insurgent and terrorist activity in­ formation can fool sensors, and thus draw
creasing, some high civilian officials have enemy attention or fire, either diverting fire
taken to traveling in unarmored civilian from real and better concealed vehicles, or
vehicles as a precaution. Th is is a typica I revealing enemy weapon concentrations.
armored limo, which has a loaded weight of A decoy generally takes up 1 passenger
about 6 tons. slot for impersonating most ground vehicles.
It is an inflatable construct with a battery
pack and small computer that mimics the
shape, coloration and heat signature of a
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES

parked vehicle, irregularly running its 'en­ ready concealment may deploy two decoys. If
gine', emitting barely detectable EM signals they dodge under cover when they detect
and so on. The battery is good for about a enemy aerodynes or counter-battery fire, EDF
week of use, after which the decoy is dis­ forces may blow up the decoys and not realize
posed of. While inflatable decoys can the ILR forces are still there. Or, the decoys
technically be re-used, they are far cheaper could be placed in a just barely obvious fash­
and easier to simply replace. ion. EDF planners notice the deception and
Anyone doing recon of an area will spot a ignore the decoys, not realizing the real vehi­
decoy vehicle with the same roll they would cles are lurking nearby for a potential ambush.
use to spot a real vehicle. At all but close If nothing else, the ILR decoys are a cost­
visual range it will appear to be the real effective means of making the EDF waste time,
thing, especially if it has partial concealment. intelligence assets and munitions.
It is only a Routine task for Information One very cheap and easy decoy used by
Analysis, Spot or Vehicle Operation to notice artillery and special forces units is the drone
the flaws or inconsistencies that mark a decoy, decoy. This a simple helium balloon that has
adjusted by any concealment or obscurement the same visual and reflective signature of a
the decoy has. This leads to a balancing act. well-camouflaged tether drone. The balloon
They decoy must be visible enough to be spot­ is released on a hair-thin strand of plastic
ted, yet concealed well enough to avoid the fiber and left to float in place. Any EDF that
deception being uncovered. Few are able to spots it will have difficulty distinguishing it
judge the observation skills of their foe well from the real thing until they spend a few
enough to pull this off on a reliable basis. minutes observing it, and so have no way to
Consequently, decoys are only issued upon know if they are in imminent danger of
specific request, and only granted if the skills being hammered by artillery. And even
of the team are deemed sufficient to be worth knowing that the drone is a simple balloon
the investment of time. does you no good if there is an actual for­
ILR strategic planners make reasonable ward observer marking your location while
and fairly accurate assumptions about the you were busy staring at the sky.
quality of EDF orbital assets, and will use Another annoying ILR tactic is to put ra­
decoys during the opening stages of an EDF dio-frequency and synthetic emission
insertion. Typically, they are just a statistical transponders on civilian vehicles in occupied
dodge. A group of two mortar carriers with areas, typically on public transport and fire or
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
rescue vehicles. These mimic the electronic only the vaguest bearing on the size and
emissions of WA-series vehicles. From a capability of the aerodyne. There is some
remote sensing viewpoint, it masks the true movement towards an information-content
number and location of vehicles that might designation for EDF aerodynes. The current
otherwise be detectable, and it prevents the specification (tentative) gives a letter des­
EDF from using homing munitions or mines ignation for the width of the cargo bay, and
designed to look for these electronic sig na­ a number for the length of the cargo bay,
tures. Drivers who remove these with a third number (if any) for the height.
transponders are subject to beatings or exe­ Single digit notations are assumed to be
cution. one cargo depth high (3 meters). A letter
after the designation denotes any special
role for that particular aerodyne, like "C" for
cargo or "G" for gunship, with a second
letter "A" for atmosphere-limited and "E"
for exo-atmospheric capability. If there is no
letter suffix, the aerodyne is assumed to be
cargo and atmosphere-limited.

Cargo width Designation

.5 unit A
1 units B
2 units c
3 units D
A··-="'­ i::

x Example: Under the proposed notation
~ scheme, the Aero C6 (the smallest cargo
c aerodyne in service) would become an A-1.
A D-32, with a cargo bay 4 cargo units long
and 3 wide, would become an E-3, and a
D-12 with a bay 2 units wide and 1 long
Aerodynes would become a C-1. The 0-12 as an
Both EDF and ILR make use of aerodynes. exoatmospheric gunship would be a C-1 GE.
The ILR uses them mainly as landing craft,
once orbital weapons (or the threat of them)
have pacified an area, while the EDF also uses B·2 Pinnance
them as fighters, hot-landing troop deploy­ Chemical-Thrust Exe-atmosphere Craft
ers and air superiority gunships. For the most Top Speed: n/a
part, you can use EDF cargo aerodyne stats Maneuver: d12 (6) Deflection: 3
for ILR use. It is seldom that the ILR will risk Size: 1 Thresholds: 20/30/40/60
these expensive assets in operations where Crew: 1+4 Body: 10
they know they will be lost. Rather, if they do Armament: DODD DODD DD
anything at all, they will co-opt civilian ro­ none Damage:
torcraft (like police helicopters). door-mount General 0 @ © 0 ©
a belt-fed light machinegun, and then put an Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
ILR pilot behind the stick, a couple civilian Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
"observers" in the passenger slots, and dare
This is a very small chemical-thruster ve­
the EDF to shoot it down.
hicle designed solely for exoatmospheric use.
Designations It's a space taxi that is small enough to be
The naming conventions for EDF aero­ deployed from larger aerodynes and has an
dynes are under revision. They originally airlock and tiny (1 person cargo slot) hold. It
used the same names as the civilian craft is typically used for inter-ship personnel
they were based off of, names that had transfers of a few people, or to approach
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· l""~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
suspicious situations where you do not want taller than it is wide (1.5m wide by 3m tall
to risk an aerodyne. It has no armament and by 6m long) and weighs no more than
only minimal radio and sensor capability, 2,000 kilograms. A full squad can be
relying on the much better capabilities of crammed in for short periods, but cannot
nearby ships or aerodynes. deploy into combat with any speed (2 peo­
ple per turn). The Aero C-6 is rated for
atmospheric use only, though there are
aerodynes this size with orbital capability
for use by Rapid Response squads. These C­
6s have been stripped down to a Deflection
of 7 and can only carry a maximum payload
of 1,000 kilograms, but are otherwise the
same as a C-6. Some commanders have
bolted a tripod-mounted HAKW to the
cargo floor and use C-6s as mini-gunships,
with varying degrees of success.

D·9 Gunship
Medium Aerodyne
Aero C·6 Top Speed: 900 kph
Small Aerodyne Maneuver: Deflection: 5 (7)
Top Speed: 900 kph 2d12 (7)
Maneuver: Deflection: 8 Size: 2 Thresholds: 48/58/68/88
2d12 (7) Crew: 4 Body:24
Size: 2 Thresholds: 32/42/52/72 Armament: DODD DODD DODD
Crew: 1+6 Body: 16 VAKW x 2, DODD DODD DODD
Armament: DODD DODD DODD HAKW x 8 Damage:
8mm remote MG or DODD General 0 @ © 0 ©
grenade launcher Damage: Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
General 0 @ © 0 © Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
Mobility 0 @ © 0 © These have a fearsome and largely
Armament 0 @ © 0 © well-deserved reputation. Not because
This is the smallest cargo aerodyne in use they are hard to shoot down. They are
with the EDF, and is identical to the civilian only slightly tougher than any other aero­
model except for the addition of a remote dyne that size. A few hits by a medium to
Smm machinegun or stabilized targeting/ large anti-vehicle weapon can put a seri­
target painting video system to provide tar­ ous hurt on a D-9. It's just that while you
geting information for indirect fire units. are getting those few hits, the D-9 is put­
An Aero C-6 can carry 6 infantry or 1/2 ting a few hundred hits on you. That, and
a standard cargo volume, provided it is the fact that an aerodyne this size is
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
largely immune to small arms fire does
nothing to help ILR morale.
The normal situation is that ILR troops
use standard doctrine when defending
against D-9s. At the moment, in game
terms this is as much Aimed fire by heavy
weapons as possible, preferably exhorting
these troops to Push their rolls. This is com­
bined with Danger Space fire by regular
infantry if the aerodyne is unlucky enough
to be in carbine range. If the ILR gets lucky, D·12 Lander
they can damage or even bring one down. Large Aerodyne

If they don't bring it down with the open­ Top Speed: 900 kph

ing volley, they get plastered, and then if

Maneuver: Deflection: 5 (7)
possible, surrender or escape (in game 2d12 (7)
terms, they will be in a Panicked state).
Size: 2 Thresholds: 48/58/68/88
For regular infantry dealing with aero­
Crew: 3+20 Body:24
dynes outside of rifle range, their orders
are generally to get behind something
verysolid that provides 1000/o cover and
wait it out, so their morale is not totally
General 0 @ © 0 ©
shattered by the time the EDF infantry
Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
comes in to mop up.
Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
The normal D-9 crew is one pilot, one ob­
server/fire director, and two gunners, one for This is the largest aerodyne deployed
the HAKWs and one for the VAKWs. into combat zones. It can drop 4 squads, 2
Due to the fact that D-9s mount ten vehicles or any combination of the two (2
very rapid fire guns and are almost always standard cargo units). It has two separate
in the path of enemy fire, they require loading platforms that drop from the belly,
inordinate amounts of maintenance to keep each of which has a 16 ton weight limit. A
in fighting trim. It is not uncommon for D-12 can reach orbit carrying a 16 ton load,
one or more guns to be offline, or for only and drop safely from orbit carrying double
three of a squadron of four to be opera­ that. The listed top speed and maneuver­
tional, the most damaged one being used to ability assumes a 16 ton load, which would
replace depleted supplies of spares. While be something like a loaded APCL-8 and two
this is no consolation to that D-9s crew, heavy infantry squads.
EDF infantry are still overjoyed if they have D-12s can be unarmed, but typically
an entire (if under strength) squadron of D­ have a ventral remote heavy MG turret. D­
9s around. Most are happy if they get the 12s go into hot zones and take a lot of hits,
occasional assistance of a single D-9. but standard doctrine is not to put them
As a side effect of D-9s being down for directly in harm's way. Troops are landed
maintenance, there is one unofficial variant. near the action, but not in the thick of it.
This removes two HAKWs and replaces them Though large, a D-12 coming in for a land­
with two extra gunner stations, giving each ing is vulnerable to ground fire, and
HAKW gunner two weapons (four gunners, everyone on board with it.
eight weapons). This gives the D-9 the ability
to run four separate fire missions, and makes
the best use of D-9 gunners grounded by a
lack of flyable D-9s.
~ ~:. . , IJJ !'\ ~ .· l""~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES

D-32s are virtually unarmed, but pack

enough electronic countermeasures to
thwart everything but line of sight attacks,
and their heavily redundant systems can
absorb quite a bit of punishment.
The D-32 configuration is a common ci­
vilian design, and ILR forces use it as well.

E-29 Liner
Large Aerodyne
Top Speed: > Mach 1
Maneuver: Deflection: 7
2d12 (7)
Size: 3 Thresholds: 60/70/80/100
Crew: 3+50 Body:30
D·32 Lifter Damage:
Large Aerodyne General 0 @ © 0 ©
Top Speed: 900 kph Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
Armament 0 @ © 0 ©
Maneuver: Deflection: 8
2d12 (7) The E-29 series is a standard civilian pas­
Size: 3 Thresholds: 56/66/76/96 senger vessel for either high-speed suborbital
Crew: 3+72 Body:28 hops or ground to orbit flights. It can be
Armament: DODD DODD DODD configured for cargo, but is mainly used as a
HAKW x 1 DODD DODD DODD commercial passenger shuttle, carrying 50
DODD passengers, their luggage and a small
Damage: amount of cargo. It has no armament or
General 0 @ © 0 © military electronics.
Mobility 0 @ © 0 ©
Armament 0 @ © 0 © EDF Theater Assets
Th is is the largest aerodyne deployed by There are plenty of units and equipment
the EDF, but is by no means the largest aero­ that characters will not deal with on a daily
dyne cargo lander. D-32s are heavy lifters, basis, but which are still vitally important to
capable of moving a full company (including their mission and whose organization is
armored vehicles) to and from orbit. The only going to be important in many ways.
time one of these is actually shot at is shortly The organizational structure that follows
before some luckless EDF officer is court­ is for regular Battalions. These are not used
martialed for incompetence in planning or for garrison work or Homeguard training and
executing the operation involving them. are rarely used for counter-insurgency. They
A D-32 can carry 12 standard cargo are too large to be carried by anything other
equivalents that mass no more than a total than a VLCC or a task force. The battalion
of 160 tons. An example might be an infan­ structure is a fairly large pond for characters
try company, its command vehicles and to swim in and a bit impersonal. However,
either extended operating supplies or a few these are the levels of structure employed
APCL-Ss. It can get this mass to andfrom when large planetary battles are fought, the
orbit. A D-32 can be overloaded for landing heavy stuff of the War.
runs, but they are unwieldy enough at regu­ The EDF also uses many smaller organiza­
lar capacity and pilots do not like to wallow tional structures, especially Independent
around in overloaded ones. Unladed, a D-32 Company Commands (ICCs). Training Com­
is easily supersonic. mands, and Ship Detachments, and the EDF
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
often sends very small units or even individ­ execution of the fight following up an en­
ual officers out on missions of varying emy retreat and securing a position. A
importance. These will not be used in what battalion normally designates a company­
EDF high command consider "major combat", size reserve as a counterattack force.
though it may feel very "major" to the char­ Battalions are normally 8 companies, but
acters involved. do not always operate at full strength, and
When a Game Host is creating a cam­ may also have companies added for special
paign concept, he or she might very well roles, like recon, extra EW assets, specialized
want to stick to small scale operations. If this air defense and so on. Keep this in mind
is the choice, then the units will be much when looking at battalion descriptions. A
smaller and the organization structure likely battalion a character is in might be stretched
will be somewhat different. However, the thin, or a company might be pulled from
squad structure of the EDF is universal, so if several battalions to create a new battalion
there are squads, they will look like those for a specific task, leaving everyone else
presented. Other force details of small inde­ slightly under-strength. What any given
pendent units can be altered to suit the unit looks like on paper is often a far cry
campaign. The EDF is very adaptable with its from what it looks like by the time it hits
force structure when it has to be. the ground.
An EDF or ILR battalion is normally 8 A company is normally 4 platoons and a
companies and a headquarters, and a com­ headquarters, commanded by Lieutenant
pany is normally 16 squads (4 platoons). A Commanders (09+). Companies have very
battalion is the smallest element at which limited self-support capability and normally
firepower, maneuver, intelligence, and sup­ fight as a single unit. While individual pla­
port are combined under a single toons and squads may not be in contact with
commander. Battalions are meant to be each other, they are all generally working on
tactically self-sufficient and a designed the same tactica I objective.
around a particular tactical mission, like While each company is generally designed
artillery, anti-armor, heavy infantry and so around a specialty, within a company (16
on. Battalions are normally commanded by a squads) there will be specialized assets, the
Major (011 +).who has a command squad as exact composition of which may be deter­
his supporting characters. mined by the nature of the deployment. For
ill. Battalion (011): 8 Companies instance, there may be plenty of engineer
Iii. Company (09): 4 Platoons (16 Squads) vehicles on planet, just not nearby to you.
11•• Platoon (08): 4 Squads (32 infantry or The composition of any 8-person squad
8 combat vehicles or 8 non-combat assumes the unit commander (an 07+) is
vehicles) taking one of the roles listed, otherwise
:11. Squad (07): 8 people or 1-2 combat subtract 1 regular infantry from the listings.
vehicles+ crew or 2 non-combat vehi­ There are usually enough EDF companies
cles+ crew in any given deployment for each one to
Battalions normally fight enemy forces have a specialty, such as indirect fire, anti­
they can see and engage. This defines an armor or anti-aerodyne capability. These
area of operations extending from less than companies may be deployed as squads or
100 meters out to about 5 to 6 kilometers platoons, but are usually within mutual
from a battalion's direct and indirect fire support or response distance of each other if
units. On offense, a battalion task force is possible.
expected to defeat a defending enemy com­ Companies are normally divided into pla­
pany (4:1 odds against a dug-in defender). toons (4 squads). and platoons are normally
On defense, a battalion task force is ex­ kept together rather than having individual
pected to defend against and defeat an squads reassigned. From a character stand­
enemy regiment (dug-in against at least 2:1 point, it means that until such time as they
odds). Battalions generally have no deep get promoted to a company command, odds
penetration capability except for perhaps are they will be dealing with the same crew
Recon units, but may be charged with the of platoon and squad officers and supporting
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
characters throughout their career (barring headquarters units, like communication
casua Ities, of course). techs, aides, EW experts and analysts.
EDF forces typically have air superiority, 111. Rapid Response: Specialists in han­

and company-level groups may have anti­ dling high speed aerodyne maneuvers
armor assets, EW specialists, or med/psych and still being able to walk straight af­
specialists. These assets are typically attached terwards, these troops are used as
to the lieutenant commander in charge of leading edge assault and recon units,
the company, to deploy as the situation deploying from small, lightly armored
warrants. aerodynes.
In terms of Branch assign men ts when de­
signing main and supporting characters,
Administrative Operations
ill. Industry and Procurement: These guys
different specialties look like this:
make sure that the VLCC manufactur­
Aerospace Operations ing centers make what the local troops
ill. Aerodyne vehicle operations:Aero­ need.
dynes flying from ground bases as Iii. Liaison: Liaisons are usually associated
infantry support are typically consid­ with Command, but are technically
ered "surface operations" for the Admin personnel.
du ration of the assignment. 11•• Quartermaster: This includes drivers of
Iii. Engineering: For most aerospace op­ non-combat vehicles, cooks, ombuds­
erations, this is mostly maintenance men, supply clerks and so on. Th is
and repair personnel. includes all the mid-level managers
11•• Fredall lnfantry.·Technically aero­ who make sure everyone is supplied
space operations because of where and everything get to the people it is
they are deployed from, they are supposed to get to.
"loaned" in the operational structure :11. Special Services: In add it ion to investi­
to surface operations. gators, this branch also include
advocates for the anyone accused un­
Surface Operations der EDF law or EDF personnel accused
ill. Light Infantry
of crimes under local law.
Iii. Heavy Infantry: The only rea I differ­
ence between these two branches is
The TOE (Table of Organization and
that Light Infantry are trained for ac­
Equipment) for EDF battalions looks some­
curacy, and Heavy Infantry are trained
thing like this:
to suppress. LI are better for guerilla
warfare; HI are better for holding and Reaction Battalion (EDF)
securing areas. Otherwise, either type ill. 1 Infantry HQ Company
is interchangeable. Iii. 2 Light Infantry Companies
IL. MEChanized:This includes all crews 11•• 2 Heavy Infantry Companies
and drivers of combat vehicles, but not :11. 1 Mobile Anti-armor Company
any infantry attached to that vehicle "I. 1 Mechanized Infantry Company
(like a mobile infantry unit). ·r. 1 Air Recon Company (RR)
:11. Mobile Surgical Hospitaflh is includes This was the standard EDF battalion prior
all dedicated medical personnel, includ­ to Derzon and a Reaction Force based on a
ing medics attached to aerodyne units, VLCC would consist of 4 Battalions of this
but not normal infantry who happen to type plus administrative elements. This repre­
also have some medical training. sents a generalized, multipurpose, flexible
"I. Engineering: Engineering includes both force that can handle almost any problem. It
maintenance and engineer units, and is normally supported by Aerospace aerodyne
usually includes any integral infantry assets drawn from the ship(s) that bring it to
associated with those units. its deployment. It also has some inherent
'I'. Command: Th is covers most of the spe­ aerodyne transport.
cialized personnel needed for Experience has shown that is model is

very good for countering small ILR opera­

VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
tions and handling security and for making ill. 1 Infantry HQ Company
raids and probes of its own. Prior to the start Iii. 5 Composite Infantry Companies (CICs)
of the 2'd ILR War, this is the only 'ready 11•• 1 Mobile Anti-armor Company
force' out there and the only type of battal­ :11. 1 Air Recon Company (RR)
ion used in combat. The old Light/Heavy dichotomy in infantry
In practice, the Air Recon clears the way for was found to be unworkable and unwieldy
landings, makes raids, exploits enemy weak­ on the Company level and so was moved to
nesses, and covers retreats and redeployments within the Company structure itself. The
if necessary. The Light Infantry and Heavy mobile Infantry Company was found to be
Infantry do the bulk of the fighting (the for­ too weak to be worth the transportation
mer in more open areas against lighter costs and risks involved in landing it.
resistance; the latter against denser concen­ By the time the war breaks out, the
trations of enemy hard-points and vehicles). Composite Infantry Company has become
The Mobile Anti-armor moves around where the standard for the EDF but some battal­
they are deemed necessary, and the Mecha­ ions still have the old HQ structure and
nized Infantry company provides fire support retain the Mechanized Infantry and some
and area security. Finally, the HQ company do not, usually depending on the ratio of
takes care of all the little details of engineer­ transports to gunships.
ing, repair, and administration.
This battalion, like all battalions, has at­ Air Assault
tached support and administration staff
(drawn from the Administration Service) that
ill. Airmobile HQ company x 1 (use the
land when the battle is well in hand or (hope­
regular Infantry HQ company profile
fully) over to take care of long term needs but
but without vehicles)
these are not listed in the regular structure
Iii. Airmobile Rifle Company x 7 (this
and are attached from Brigade as needed.
uses the Composite Infantry Com­
Standard Battalion pany model)
The Derzon action and others, plus a All rank requirements for command above
careful study of likely future engagements squad level are one level higher than in other
has demonstrated the need for new Bri­ battalion structures (platoons are com­
gade, Battalion, and Company-level manded by 09s, companies by 010s, etc.) to
structures. Some of these were incorpo­ reflect the higher experience levels.
rated into the old Reaction Battalion to All Officers of 08 or better (squad leader
form a new Standard Battalion. or better) must be Main Characters and at
~ !!:. ~7', I JJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
least half of all officers 07 or better will be At full strength, an AAW can land 2 Stan­
Main Character level. Veteran air assault are dard Infantry Battalions or Fast Reaction
usually cold-hearted, highly-trained killers ... Battalions (barely). Brigades have a single
or are already dead. AAW for making combat landings, so half the
brigade is landed initially and the rest ferried
Air Assault and General Tactics
down through 2 or more subsequent drops
Air Assault units go in first if the landing
using the survivors of the first attack. The
is heavily contested (Derzon was not heavily
gunship contingent is therefore responsible
contested). These units are in limited supply
for the entire brigade, one squadron per
and exist solely to secure a landing zone so
battalion or 2 gunships per company.
that the other battalions can land. They may
Actual strength after the first few hours is
also be used to disrupt enemy rear areas or
more like 1 aerodyne per company and after a
as a decoy, especially if the EDF main landing
couple days, roughly 1 aerodyne per company
is not in a contested area.
half the time. But considering that a single D­
Air assault units take heavy casualties but
9 can shred anything that moves and most
also get the most important and interesting
th in gs that don't, th is is deemed adequate.
assignments, an important consideration for
role playing. Mobile Infantry Battalion
Air Assault units are pulled from combat ill. 1 Armored HQ company
as soon as possible to save them for the next Iii. 4 Mobile Rifle company (16 vehicles
assault. As with other EDF units, they are not each)
kept as a unit above platoon level from mis­ 11•• 2 Mobile anti-armor company
sion to mission. One reason for this is that (16 vehicles each)
they have a high casualty rate! :11. 1 Armor company (32 vehicles)
Air Assault units are new. They will cer­ "I. Support Engineering Company x1
tainly be a surprise for the ILR. It occurred to EDF planners that they
Brigades expecting a heavily opposed might have to fig ht a battle where they do
landing (once the war starts). will have 1 Air not have or cannot maintain aerodyne cover
assault battalion and 3 Standard Battalions. or where they cannot make a landing near
the objective or where the ILR decides to
Aerodyne Assault Wing fight a mobile battle. If any and especially if
ill. 1 Aerospace HQ company
all these conditions apply, they need units
Iii. 4Aerodyne gunship Squadron
that can move under hostile conditions and
(16 aerodynes each)
operate without the benefit of aerodynes.
11•• Aerodyne transport Squadron x 4 (16
Because of the major aerodyne com­
aerodynes each)
mitment required to move the vehicles,
The Aerodyne Assault Wings are the
these units are not landed until after an air
strength and soul of EDF operations and the
assault and standard battalion have done
infantryman's best friend. They are the
the job of clearing a safe zone for the big
guardian angels and the fast ride out of a
transports they need.
bad place. Aerodyne Wings are often over­
There is serious debate over whether
worked and unable to be in all the places they
these battalions are even needed (or rather
are needed at the same time. Due to combat
are worth the difficulty of transport) and the
damage and pilot fatigue, they are also likely
EDF only has them at the start of the war
to be under strength at any given moment.
because they were up-rated Homeguard
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
units from very politically powerful worlds.
The Few, The Proud ...
They are kept around after the start of
With very rare exceptions, officers at platoon
the war because it is generally suspected that
command and higher should be Main Charac­
attacks on ILR worlds are inevitable and
ters controlled by the Game Host (and not
these units will be needed.
mere Supporting Characters) in terms of the
Once the EDF actually uses them (despite
depth of their talents. You don't make it to
the maintenance and support hassles). eve­
1st Lieutenant or better without some genu­
ryone wants more of them.
ine ability to Rally others.
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
Logistics Battalion These units are often used after a major
ill. 1 Headquarters company engagement to clean up and to support
Iii. 2 Construction Engineer companies Administration Service rebuilding efforts.
11•• 1 Aerodyne transport company They may also be used to support Home­
(8 aerodynes) gua rd units in a variety of circumstances. In
:11. 2 Engineering Support Companies low intensity conflicts, Logistics Battalions
"I. 2 Transport companies (120 vehicles) may be the major EDF presence on a world.
·r. 1 Medical Company
111. 1 Light Infantry Company EDF Company
These guys fix, structurally and medically,
what the regular troops break.
Th is is the genera I distribution of units
A logistics battalion is only needed in sup­
within each type of EDF company. Remember
port of division-level activities. It provides
that specialty platoons can be attached to
general support, maintenance and delivery
these companies or substituted in for an­
service for a division. Logistics HQ is typically
other company, and that companies
sited with divisional HO, though its assets may
sometimes run under-strength due to forces
distributed across the theater as needed.
beyond their local commander's control.
Because of their proximity to infrastruc­
A company within a battalion structure
ture and distance from front-line action,
is a solid fighting unit, but it is not a self­
many seriously injured EDF personnel who
sufficient one. It can only operate for a very
have been rehabilitated with cybernetics end
limited time (a few days at most) without
up in logistics or HQ units.
external support in terms of fuel, food and
The Light Infantry Company serves as se­
ammunition. A company requires the trans­
curity and rear area patrol and often
port and logistics assets of its battalion for
provides replacements for other units.
any sort of extended operation, and with­
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
out that reinforcement quickly loses its
Player Characters & Air Assault
combat potential.
Characters cannot begin the game in Air
Independent Company Commands (ICCs)
Assault. Troops in the Air Assault Battalion
are complicated, highly variable, and not
are all drawn from the regular ranks who
covered under the Battalion TOE. Their
then receive specialized training. In game
structure will vary and is up to the Game
terms, all these personnel must have 18 or
Host but they are still made up the
more missions. Any time after completing 18
squads/platoons listed here. They are de­
successful missions they may apply for as­
signed to operate on their own and also
sau It troop training. An entire unit may apply
tend to have up to twice the complement
together and if accepted, they will usually be
of a normal company, mostly in attached
kept together up to company level. Accep­
support squads.
tance is generally not a problem.
A company can be deployed as a self­
Air assault training takes 6 months and
contained unit into situations where there
the character gains "Air Assault Training
is going to be a friendly support structure.
Package". This is a 2 Gift Package:
This would be things like Homeguards,
ill. + 1 Astronautics
garrisons or raids that happen shortly be­
Iii. Rapid Descent Expert.
fore a main invasion. A light company can
Character who already have one or more
be dropped with a single D-32 flight, mak­
of these Gifts receives a service Group Gift of
ing it a convenient unit of force to bolster
their choice instead for each of these gifts
defenses in an area.
they have.
From th is point on, they use either their Infantry HQ Company (EDF)
original branch orthe Rapid Response Branch ill. 1 Headquarters squad

list for improvements. However, the next two Iii. 1 Communications squad

Medium Improvements the character is eligi­ 11•• 1 Liaison squad

ble for are downgraded to Low :11. 1 EW squad

Improvements. "I. 2 Medical squad

~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
·r. 1 Maintenance squad The simplest EDF company, a Rifle Cam­
111. 1 Transport squad (4vehicles) pany serves much the same function as ILR
111. 4 Aerodyne transport squad (8 light infantry, a short range assault force
aerodynes) that can move into any terrain and provide
11 1• 4 Support squad as much fire over as large an area as possible.
A headquarters company serves as the With some under-barrel grenade launchers
nerve center for an entire battalion. It is added in it has a very limited anti-armor or
entirely mechanized, able to pick up and anti-air capability, but this is neither its
move on a few hours' notice (at worst) and strong point nor its designed mission.
is typically set up a few kilometers beyond In detailed organization, it consists of 3
the range of the worst of enemy weapons, Full Platoons and 1 'short' or reserve pla­
which is often at the edge of reliable com­ toon of 3 squads. The reserve platoon is
munication range with ind ividua I squad often broken up and its squads sent to
leaders. In such cases, platoon leaders with­ bolster other platoons or replace combat
out vehicles will often have a dedicated losses. Reserves are often used to defend
Comm officer in their squad, carrying a flanks, to patrol rear areas, and so on, so
man-pack transceiver capable of punching command of the reserve platoon can be
through EM interference and acting as a sort of punishment to ambitious officers.
communication hub for the squads under On the other hand, the duty is usually eas­
platoon command. ier and the life expectancy is higher... The
It is worth noting that a headquarters least experienced squads usually get as­
company for a battalion is notthe same as signed to the reserve platoon until the
the administrative group for a battalion. The casualties start, then the most shot up
headquarters company directs the fighting platoon gets the duty.
and makes combat decisions, while the Heavy infantry squads can be substituted
admin group is largely considered "bean­ for lights to make a Heavy Rifle Company,
counters". The purely administrative aspects another obsolete structure. Separating Heavy
of a headquarters company may be responsi­ and Light infantry by company only deprived
ble to admin group command rather than Light Infantry of firepower.
on-site military command, and this can Under modern EDF fighting doctrine, Ri­
cause some friction on occasion, but the two fle Companies are discouraged in favor of
groups usually work together. the Mobile Rifle Company (below). However,
n since this is the largest EDF company that
x Example: The liaison squad in a headquarters
~ company is under Admin direction and follows can fit into one D-32 lander, it's often seen
~ Admin orders first, but would not turn down a in the field where commanders work with
request from the battalion commander what they have, not with what they wished
unless they had very good reason. they had.

Battalion HQ directs the fighting, but bat­ Composite Infantry

talion Admin gets them the tools and Company (EDF)
supplies to keep doing it. The main Admin ill. 1 Infantry HQ squad
people do not even hit the ground u nti I a Iii. 1 Heavy Infantry platoon
secure rear area is established. 11•• 3 Light Infantry platoons
A headquarters company has greater This company has enough anti-armor
endurance than other companies, simply and support weapons to take care of itself
because it is where the supplies are kept, against all but the direst threats and it has
but even an HQ requires regular shipments its own medical, communications, and
from elsewhere, which is the job of its engineering assets.
transport assets. The Heavy Infantry Platoon theoretically
has the same firepower as a Light platoon
Rifle Company
with fewer men but a higher ammunition
(EDF, obsolete)
mass requirement. It is also an under­
ill. Headquarters squad x 1
strength platoon, with only 3 squads. In
Iii. Light infantry platoon x 4
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
practice, it is often broken up to support This is a combination of heavily armed
the Light Platoons. Ambitious officers infantry and vehicles with some anti-armor
started transferring from Heavy to Light (and anti-aerodyne) punch. It is the heavi­
with this reorganization, seeing the career est armed and armored EDF unit that
advancement in Heavy Infantry diminished. includes integral infantry.
Less ambitious and more cautious officers This is also an unusual unit in that the
started transferring into Heavy Infantry platoons consist of 3 squads each rather
because of the trend to use them as fire than 4 squads. This makes it easier to dis­
support and leave the close and dangerous perse them as needed for defense or
work to the Light Infantry. support of operations but does not inter­
fere with concentrating them if necessary.
Mobile Rifle Company (EDF)
ill. 1 Mobile Headquarters squad Armor Company (EDF)
Iii. 3 Mobile Rifle platoons ill. 1 Armored HQ squad
11•• 3 Mobile Anti-armor squads Iii. 15 Armor squads
This is similar to a regular rifle company, Tanks and more tanks. The actual vehi­
but with the addition of ACPL-Ss to the mix cles may vary with any given deployment,
to give troops some high speed transport but this is exclusively a vehicle unit and has
and light armor. Since mobile infantry has a no embedded infantry. A company of this
"ride", they typically are more heavily type is unusual for any action that isn't
equipped, with more grenade launchers, an expecting an extremely stiff resistance and
ample supply of grenades, and more light implies a willingness to do a lot of property
machineguns. damage to achieve an objective. An armor
The anti-armor squads give them some company will never operate alone, but will
'punch' and are usually kept together as a have combined arms support in the form of
mobile support or breakthrough unit. something like a mobile rifle company and
It takes two D-32 flights to drop a mo­ aerodyne support.
bile rifle company because of the size and While a large transport like a D-32 can
weight of the vehicles. drop a rifle company in one trip, the mobile
rifle, anti-armor and armor companies each
Mobile Anti-Armor require two or more D-32 landings.
Company (EDF)
ill. 1 Mobile Headquarters squad Construction Engineer
Iii. 5 Mobile anti-armor platoons Company (EDF)
ill. 1 Headquarters squad
Iii. 3 Construction Engineer Platoons
11•• 1 Repair squad
:11. 1 Demolitions Squad
"I. 1 Heavy Vehicle squad
Engineer companies pave the way
(sometimes literally) for other units. Lightly
armed and armored, their main job is to set
up field fortifications, lay infrastructure for
headquarters (such as hooking up to local
power grid). and towing out and (if possi­
ble) repairing damaged ground vehicles.

Support Engineer Company

ill. 1 HQ squad
Iii. 2 Maintenance platoons
11•• 1 Demo Iitions Platoon
:11. 1 Construction Engineer Platoon
(3 squads)
~ !!:. ~7', I JJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
This is the general purpose support command the Aerodyne pilots and Aerodynes
group that no motorized or mobile Battal­ that are integrated into the company.
ion can really be without. Each Air Recon Platoon consists of 6 Fire
A demolitions platoon is 4 Combat Engi­ Teams of 6 men each. Each Fire Team is led
neer squads, and the Construction Engineer by an 06 or 07 and has a Supporting Officer
platoon is under-strength at only 3 squads. Character of 06 rank flying his or her trans­
port and 4 Standard Supporting Characters,
Transport Company (EDF) 2 of which are Riflemen, 1 of which is a
ill. 1 Headquarters squad
Grenadier, and one of which is a Platoon
Iii. 15 Transport squad (60 vehicles)
Support Specialist. All Standard Supporting
A company-sized transport unit is usually
Characters should use the optional+ 1 Mark
only part of a logistics battalion, and the
rule. The Platoon Leader is an 08 or possibly
individual squads are often scattered in
an 09 and his or her pilot is an 07.
deployment, rather than operating as a
The Air Recon Headquarters Platoon con­
single unit. However, a transport company
sists of 4 Light Gunships (1 Flight). 2 repair
would be the basis of a large convoy. A
transports (with a repair tech 'fire team'
transport company can move up to 2 com­
under an engineer main character- drawn
panies of infantry or about 18 cargo
from the Engineering Branch) and 2 regular
equivalents of material. This is through good
transports hauling the Commander (09 or
terrain. Off-road, these numbers are halved.
better) and his Fire team (which includes 2
Air Recon Company (EDF) support specialists instead of 1) and the
ill. 1 Air Recon HQ platoon Assistant Commander (07 or better) and his
Iii. 3 Air Recon platoons Fire Team (which includes 2 support special­
Air Recon is not divided into squads. Each ists instead of 1).
consists of a number of fire teams under Fire The light gunships can be anything from
Team Leaders commanded by a Platoon Com­ transports with snipers and gun-ports to missile
mander. The Company and Platoon comman­ carriers to various improvised weapon mounts
ders are all Surface (RR) Branch but they (the most popular of which is a HAKW).
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt' The support specialists vary with the unit
New Branch of Service: Air Recon but typically each platoon has 2 medics
+ 1 Astronautics (because Air Recon is often used as
+ 1 Athletics Medevac). 2 Demolitions Experts and 2
+ 1 Firearms EW/Comm experts. The company level spe­
+ 1 Sixth Sense
cialists usually consists of 2 medics and 2
Rapid Descent Expert
EW/Comm experts.
Specialties: All Air Recon Fire Team leaders and higher
Officer/Rifleman officers should be considered Main Characters.
+ 1 Spot Note that there is 1 empty seat in each
+3 Longarms
transport. This allows for casualties in the
transportation wing or additional specialists.
+ 1 Spot

+3 Heavy Weapons
EDF Platoon

+4 Medical Sciences

Demo Iitions
+4 Demo Iitions
EDF platoon structure makes the com­
mander of the platoon also the commander of
+4 Sensor Operations
his or her own squad. He or she must there­
fore have an ASL that is completely competent
Air Recon Fire Teams can also be dropped to handle the squad in his or her absence,
from orbit and used as pathfinders or inter­ preferably an 07, but an 06 will often do.
diction teams but only experienced units are Infantry platoons have platoon assets dis­
used in th is way. tributed to the various squads but this squad
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
assignment is as much to determine which ties. You don't expect the driver of an ACPL-8
squad has to carry which platoon asset's to bail out and join an infantry assault...
extra gear. Platoon assets can be re­ To build characters for these squads, you will
distributed as necessary or as desired by the need to use the revised Service Branches Tables.
platoon commander. Normally the comm Like all Variant Rules, these specialist
tech stays with the platoon commander, but rules are optional. Characters may still be
the command squad helps carry extra batter­ built from Platinum Catalyst These rules
ies, the medic's squad carries extra medical just add more options.
supplies and guards the wounded if neces­
Ground Service Personnel
sary, and so on.
Platoon assets are still taken as support­ Al/Specialists Have:
ing characters by the particular squad Athletics+ 1

commander and if re-assigned, remain under Firearms +2

the original player's control. This is an oppor­ Sixth Sense+ 1

tunity to have players take turns being under

each other's command without one Main All other basic skills and gifts depend on the
Character being over another. MOS (Military Occupation Specialty) of the
character, as below.
EDF Squad Assets Analyst
Individual squads, as noted under company Group Gift: Administration+ 1

assets. These are the usual types of squads Hike+ 1

available for constructing larger forces: Information Analysis +3

ill. Headquarters
Iii. Communications Communications Expert
11•• Electronic Warfare Gift: Sensor Expert

:11. Liaison Hike+ 1

"I. Medical Sensor Operations +3

'I'. Maintenance Construction

111. Transport Group Gift: Engineering+ 1

111. Aerodyne Transport Build +3

11 1• Support
Hike+ 1

i111:1. Combat Engineering

ilhll. Construction Engineering

Demolitions Expert
111111. Light Infantry
Group Gift: Engineering+ 1

illll.• Heavy Infantry

Demo Iitions +3

111:11. Mobile Infantry

Hike+ 1

ill"I. Anti-Armor
Forward Observer
i11·r. Armor
Gift: Indirect Fire Expert

11/lfl. Aerodyne Gunship

Hike+ 1

Individual squads will usually look like the Navigation +3

descriptions below. Note that for vehicles

used as transport assets, the drivers are Heavy Weapons Expert: Grenadier
usually low-level specialists, and are usually Gift: Indirect Fire Expert

Admin personnel who have no skills appro­ Heavy Weapons +3

priate to the actual mission of that squad Hike+ 1

aside from the ability to use a weapon in the Heavy Weapons Expert:
squad's defense. Transport drivers are usually Machine Gunner
attached to any existing transport units after Gift: Suppression Fire Expert

they have finished getting a unit to its desti­ Heavy Weapons +3

nation and deployed. Drivers of combat Hike+ 1

vehicles are fully combat trained and consid­

ered part of the squad's personnel, but
usually do not engage in non-vehicle activi­
~ !!:. ~7', I JJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
Heavy Weapons Expert: Tactical Advisor
Racketeer Gift: Planning Expert
Gift: Sniper Expert
Hike+ 1
Heavy Wea pons +3
Plan +3
Hike+ 1

Vehicle Commander
Infantry Group Gift: Vehicles+ 1
Gift: Semi-Automatic Expert
Sensor Operations +2
Hike+ 1
Heavy Weapons+ 1
Longarms +2
Repair+ 1
Navigate+ 1

Vehicle Driver
Note: This MOS matches the original Light
Gift: Armored Vehicle Expert
Vehicle Operations +3
Maintenance Repair+ 1
Group Gift: Engineering+ 1

Vehicle Gunner
Hike+ 1

Gift: Suppression Expert


Vehicle Weapons +3
Medic Repair+ 1
Gift: Doctor

Aerodyne Personnel

Hike+ 1

Med ica I Sciences +3

All Aerodyne personnel receive:

Astronautics +2

G-Force + 1

Gift: Sniper Expert

Pistol + 1

Longarms +3

Vehicle Operations+ 1
Gift: Logistics Expert

Group Gift: Administration+ 1

Hike+ 1

Data Analysis +3
Scrounge +3

Cargo Specialist
Group Gift: Administration+ 1
Plan +2
Bu reaucratics + 1

Gift: Sensor Expert
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt' Sensor Operations +3
Variant Rule: Upgrading Gifts
In the standard rules, it's possible for
Gift: Suppression Expert
characters to have access to the same Gifts
Vehicle Weapons +3
twice in different steps. Normally, the charac­
ter-designer is simply expected to choose a Medic
different Gift. Gift: Doctor
With this Variant Rule, a character who Medical Sciences +3
already has the "Expert" Gift (from the Spe­
Pilot/Officer [Main Character
cies step, Background step, or what have you)
except for Air Recon transport)
who has the option of choosing an "Expert"
Gift: Velocity Expert

Gift can choose the "Master" version instead.

Vehicle Operations +3

All requirements still apply.

For example: Perlmyn the otter chooses
Sniper Expert from his list of possible species
Gifts. If he trained as a Sniper, his MOS gift
would be Sniper Master.
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
Headquarters Squad Communications Squad
Vehicles: Vehicles:
ill. 1 ACC command vehicle ill. 1 ACC command vehicle
Iii. 1 ALP cargo vehicle Iii. 1 ALP cargo vehicle

Personnel: Personnel:
ill. 1 Commander ill. 1 Commander (07)
Iii. 1 Secondary officer Iii. 1 Assistant Squad Leader (05+)
11•• 2 Communications 11•• 6 Communications
:11. 2 Analysts :11. 2 Drivers
"I. 1 Specialist This squad is capable of handling and rout­
·r. 1 Aide ing communications for an entire battalion in
111. 2 Drivers a combat situation. Acting with the skill and
For a company level HQ the officers intensity of air-traffic controllers, they moni­
would be a Lieutenant Commander(09+) and tor all communications, routing requests that
a Lieutenant (07+). while for a battalion it the system does not handle automatically,
would be a Major (011 +)and a Lieutenant setting up ad-hoc networks for coordinating
Commander (09+). with the rest of the per­ actions, and generally getting information to
sonnel being various specialists (01 through where it needs to be as fast as possible. Com­
05). A headquarters squad will typically not mand personnel are expected to be proficient
have anything heavier than pistols or subma­ with the hardware and software involved in
chineguns on them, though of course, this squad's duties, but with more emphasis on
heavier weapons are going to be nearby. analysis rather than tech nica I operation. The
A company-level HQ may be missing its ve­ personnel in this squad have nothing but
hicles if the nature of the operation precludes sidearms and rely entirely on other assets to
their transport. In such a case, most of the keep them intact.
personnel will have portable versions of their
stations, along with a small turbine generator
Electronic Warfare (EW)
or two and a few air-droppable supply pallets
to cover the most critical supply needs. Vehicles:
Air Assault HQs take austerity a step ill. 1 ACC command vehicle
further and have no equipment that they Iii. 1 ALP cargo vehicle
cannot carry.
ill. 1 Commander (07)
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
Iii. 1 Assistant Squad Leader (05+)
A Crew of Expediency
11•• 6 Communications
The description of a squad and its per­
:11. 2 Drivers
sonnel list gives you a good idea of the
An EW squad's sole purpose is to jam
specialties involved, but the actual MOS
enemy communications and do what they
distribution of personnel within a squad is
can to pinpoint and mitigate the effects of
up to the Game Host, since it is to some
enemy EW sources. They carry a large num­
degree subject to the personality and influ­
ber of portable devices for jamming enemy
ence of local commanders, plus the local
signals and boosting friendly ones, and
pool of talent.
squads may be detailed to place and acti­
For example, a platoon commander might
vate these devices in particular locations,
normally have regular Admin branch drivers,
either after the fighting starts, or as carried
but it is also possible that they have snagged
items in their initial deployment. The EW
a couple of drivers specialists for the com­
squad is also responsible for gathering
mand vehicles. Or a repair squad might have
intelligence from enemy signals if possible,
four repair techs, but there is nothing to say
interpreting it, and passing the analysis on
that one of them is former infantry with a
to command for further action.
cybernetic leg who is being retrained for a job
that has ready power access.
~ ~:. ., ~}} !'\ ~ .· l""~hW~Ulm •VEHICLES

With an array of directional antennas, they If more than one medical squad is as­
do not have to be right on the front lines but signed to a particular unit, they will usually
are easily within artillery range and are h~ge also have one or more ALP transport vehi­
signal emitters for enemy homing munitions. cles attached, each carrying a mobile
barracks that can be turned into a dual
Liaison Squad operating room and small recovery ward.
Vehicles: Medical officers traditionally have one
ill. 1 APCL-8 rank higher than normal, but this only
applies within the medical service and does
not have any cross-branch authority.
ill. 1 Commander(08)
Medics do not have time to fig ht, but they
Iii. 1 Assistant Squad Leader (06+)
are in the thick of fighting more often than
11•• 4 Liaisons
not. Their combat armor is specialized to allow
:11. 1 Special Services
more convenient input from diagnostic de­
"I. 1 Driver
vices, and all med techs have a version of an
Since the EDF has to operate within urban
advanced combat helmet. Medics generally
environments and deal with governments
have good morale, and are trained to take
unused to the problems and realities of war
maximum advantage of available protection
headquarters companies have a special '
and work quickly under cover of Suppression
squad whose only job is public relations and
Fire to get their charges to safety without
smoothing things over when local feathers
becoming casualties themselves.
or fur gets ruffled. These personnel have
Medical personnel may carry concealed
higher than normal diplomatic skills and
pistols for self-defense outside ofmedical
often rely on EDF intelligence about the
rECoverysituations. but both EDF and ILR thus
people they are going to meet, the better to
far respect the inviolability of medical person­
dea I with any potentia I problems. They have
nel on rescue missions. For instance, ILR
a personnel carrier for mobility. Liaison units
medics will rescue and treat EDF personnel,
project the EDF image to those they deal
and even arrange return to EDF doctors ifthe
with, focusing on appearance and demeanor.
ILR med techs cannot stabilize an EDF patient's
These personnel carry nothing heavier
condition. This charity and consideration is
than pistols. If they need protection, com­
however a purely low-level phenomenon and
mand assigns a fire team.
can and has been countermanded by higher
Liaison officers are generally one grade
ranking ILR officers.
higher than other squad-level officers, but
this rank is mainly for show, providing a Maintenance Squad
better impression for civilian authorities.
Medical Squad ill. 1 ARE recovery vehicle
Iii. 1 ARE cargo vehicle
ill. 1 MMA ambulance Personnel:
Iii. 1 MMSTA field hospital ill. 1 Commander (07)
Iii. 1 Secondary officer (05+)
11•• 4 Repair Technicians
ill. 1 Commander (08)
:11. 4 Drivers
Iii. 1 Chief Medtech (06+)
A maintenance squad has a recovery ve­
11•• 6 Med techs
hicle, an ALV with a machine shop module,
:11. 1 Driver
and as much spare junk as can be crammed
Medical squads either set up as a field
in and tied onto their vehicles and still have
hospital in the rear and combat ambulance
them fit into an aerodyne. The spit 8: polish
or use both vehicles as aid stations, relying'
of repair squads (actually, the lack of it) is
on aerodyne transport for the wounded. A
legendary, and it is rumored that one must
medical squad has only one designated
burn their dress uniform upon being as­
driver, since only the ambulance needs a
signed to such a squad. Repair squads often
full-time driver.
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
Aerodyne Transport Squad
ill. D-12 or D-32 cargo aerodyne

i11.1 Pilot(07)
Iii. 1 Gunner
11•• 1 EW Specialist
:11. 2 Cargo specialists
"I. 1 Senior Repair Tech (05+)
have a bizarre sense of humor, unusual ·r. 1 Repair Tech
esthetic tastes and long memories for any­
111. 1 Flight Specialist
one who gives them grief. The only reason An aerodyne transport squad is 6 people
they can get away with this in an organiza­ and one aerodyne, usually a D-12. Aside from
tion like the EDF is that they can also the pilot and gunner, there are two special­
scrounge parts from thin air, and turn piles ists who manage the actual cargo loading
of junk into combat-worthy vehicles. and handle the scheduling of cargo or airlift
Maintenance crews are generally armed operations in combination with battalion
with submachineguns, but there is no tell­ command, and two repair techs whose only
ing exactly what else they may have lying job is to keep the D-12 flying. Of this squad,
around at any given time. the pilot is usually the only officer, but a wise
pi lot aIways pays heed to the advice of the
Transport Squad senior repair specialist, who is in charge of
Vehicles ground operations by tradition, even if not in
ill. 2 ALP transport vehicle the formal command structure. A command
squad for aerodyne transport will be headed
Personnel: by an 08, and will have an administrative
ill. 1 Lead driver (03) specialist and a dedicated medic with a spe­
Iii. 3 Second drivers (02) cialty in flight-related conditions. While
11•• 4 Cargo tech (01) maybe only an S4, the medical flight special­
Cargo techs use the basic skill allotment ist has the authority to ground a pilot for
without any specialty. This is where the EDF medical reasons. This specialist will also be
puts goodhearted and loyal but otherwise called on to assist medical squads when
incompetent people. doing medevac flights of injured personnel.
A transport squad is a 6 person squad with a
couple of ALP flatbeds. Typically commanded by Support Squad
something like an 03, they're really just truck
drivers in uniform. They know the ins and outs Vehicles:
ill. 2 ALV transport vehicle
of the ALP, how to load and unload the cargo
modules, and the arcane intricacies of getting a Personnel:
portable barracks in and out of shape. They are ill. 1 Senior Ombudsman (07)
issued submachineguns but would probably Iii. 2 Ombudsmen (05+)
have trouble telling someone where they are if 11•• 3 General Service Personnel
asked. They are issued full armor but quite often :11. 1 Morale Specialist
are found with only partial or no armor, since it "I. 1 Driver
gets too hot or too restrictive of mobility when Though most use Admin or Specialist pro­
trying to handle dangerously heavy loads. Most files, these soldiers are most definitely in the
transport squads have a disproportionate Surface Branch and use Surface Branch
number of the heavier species, and they are ranks. They are Surface Branch's counter­
more used to getting physical in stressful weight to Admin control of their resources.
situations(+ 1 Brawl). This is the general purpose 4F squad (Food,
Fuel, Firearms 8: Fun). Their job is to make sure
Admin knows exactly what the ground forces
~ ~:. ., ~}} !'\ ~ .· l""~hW~Ulm •VEHICLES

need, and to make sure they get as much of it with it. They are not as bad as maintenance
as possible. Each squad can generally meet the units in this regard, but they do a lot of
full needs of two companies, and 4 support transfers of equipment back and forth.
squads can handle a battalion.
The "Morale Specialists" are experts at
Construction Engineering
finding morale boosters, which can range Vehicles:
from unique entertainment to fresh food to ill. Varies but usually 2
setting up networks for allowable mingling
opportunities. The "ombudsmen" are profes­
ill. Commander (07)
sional scroungers whose talent is coming up
Iii. 1 Assistant Squad Leader (05+)
with anything that Admin can't deliver on or
11•• 4 Construction Specialist
Liaison can't sweet-talk local government
:11. 2 Heavy Equipment Operators
out of. They have a fairly loose discretionary
These are the guys that build (and re­
budget and probably not enough oversight ...
build) stuff from bridges to barracks to
which is to say that they will deal with who­
bunkers. They are issued 1-56 rifles like
ever can deliver the goods and make up
everyone else and can fight if they have to.
something acceptable for the paperwork
Many will to protect their 'project'.
later. As long as field commanders have
. The most common vehicles are the ubiq­
sufficient fuel and food and morale stays
uitous bulldozer, which is armored, very
high, no one looks too closely at exactly how
sturdy, and is equipped with an excavation
it was acquired.
scoop and blade, and an A-frame crane.
Support squads have very little combat
With these two items, some imagination,
talent and seldom carry anything larger
some scrounging, and a couple of trucks,
than a pistol or submachinegun, but they
construction engineers can build or rebuild
often have access to significant hardware.
just about anything if given enough time.
If you want to role-play an EDF unit that is
in the thick of things, but not directly in­ Light Infantry Squad
volved in combat, support units have a lot
of possibilities.
Combat Engineering Personnel:
Vehicles: ill. 1 Commander (07)
ill. 1 ARE recovery vehicle Iii. 1 Assistant Squad Leader (ASL) (05+)
11•• 4 Light infantry
:11. 1 Support weapon specialist
ill. 1 Commander (07)
"I. 1 Platoon Specialist
Iii. 1 Squad Leader (05+)
(Choose one: Communications,
11•• 4 Demolition specia Iists
Demolitions, Heavy Weapons, Medic)
:11. 2 Drivers
Any infantry squad can be broken into
Combat Engineers are trained in rapid,
two fire tea ms, and the Assistant Squad
reliable construction and efficient, safe
Leader (ASL) handles the second fire team if
demolition. If there are too many booby
the squad splits up.
traps for a platoon's engineer to handle, he
Of the light infantry, one will typically
or she brings in the Combat Engineers. For
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'
any unit that operates around either aero­
Black and Gray Markets
dynes or ground vehicles in or near combat
Main characters trying to get particular
Combat Engineers are indispensable. '
goodies for their troops with have to deal
Engineer squads are issued 1-56 rifles
with the support units, and anything that is
like most everyone else but unlike many
outside the normal official allotments often
other support units, Combat Engineers are
involves some wheeling, dealing and favors.
often in a position to actually use them.
Not all procurements will be 1000/o legal ­
Also, you never know what they have
"lost" materiel or even contraband might be
picked up off of wrecks, or what they did
available for the right price.
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
have a sustained fire weapon like a belt-fed Expert, allowing for multiple attacks up to
light machinegun. The rest will have LAKW Medium range; when combined with
1-56 assault rifles, and if they can manage, longer-ranged, greater-damage weapons,
under-barrel grenade launchers. It's up to they will have fire superiority over a greater
the commander of the squad to finesse area than troops who lack their Gift.
some grenade launchers out of EDF stocks. Technically, heavy infantry has the ri­
After all, if it were a standard-issue item, flemen armed with the LAKW 1-30 carbine
the assault rifle would come with one al­ with integral grenade launcher, one grena­
ready on it. Light infantry squads may have dier with the GAKW launcher, and one
one additional specialist, or a light infantry rocket specialist with the PRLW or PRLX
who simply has an additional talent that rocket and a few reloads. One of the rifle­
requires them to carry extra equipment men also carries a smaller ammunition load
(and less ammunition). This could be a and a few spare rockets. This individual also
medic, sniper or dedicated grenadier with acts as a spotter for the rocket specialist as
the GAKW launcher. needed.
EDF light infantry will often have the Game Hosts can substitute heavy infan­
initial role in an assault, taking outlying try for light infantry anywhere it is
areas held by hostile forces, and using their mentioned. The biggest difference is that
longer ranged rifles to best effect, leaving heavy infantry is optimized for shorter
the short range urban operations to the range combat in defensive positions, such
heavy infantry. as in urban areas, and is less concerned
with property damage than light infantry.
Heavy Infantry Squad Heavies are usually weighed down one
Vehicles: encumbrance level more than light infantry,
None which makes a difference if there is going
to be a lot of walking or running involved.
ill. Commander (07) x 1 Mobile Infantry Squad
Iii. Assistant Squad Leader (ASL) (05+) x (EDF)
11•• Heavy infantry x 4

ill. 1 ACPL-8
:11. Grenadier x 1

"I. Rocket specialist x 1

In practice, there is not a lot of differ­ ill. 1 Driver
ence between light and heavy infantry. Iii. Commander (07)
While in theory they have different roles, 11•• 1 Assistant Squad Leader (05+)
most light infantry commanders try to get :11. 3 Heavy infantry
as much hardware as possible for their "I. 2 Support weapon specialists
troops, and lights end up with the fire­ A mobile infantry squad has their own
power of heavies anyway. ride, and can carry more gear as a result,
The key difference is in their training. since they don't have to walk everywhere
Light infantry specialize in guerilla tactics, they go. The heavy infantry all have gre­
with speed and conservation of ammuni­ nade launchers on their assault carbines,
tion. In the rules, Light Infantry have the and the ACPL-8 usually carries 4 PRLX rock­
Gift of Semi-Automatic Expert, which is ets to be used as needed by the carried
about a 100/o increase in weapon accuracy infantry (though most squads will snag as
over troops who do not. many as they can and have over a dozen if
Heavy infantry specialize in controlling they can pull enough strings). Mobile infan­
area and in maximizing fire-power - their try are EDF shock troops, able to deliver a
main tactic is to move heavy gun emplace­ reasonably powerful opening barrage of
ments, with one team moving while the suppression fire and grenades, possibly
other one Watches. In the rules, Heavy backed by rocket fire against hard targets
Infantry have the Gift of Following-Fire
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
and continued suppression fire from the An armor squad is two light tanks and
ACPL-Ss Smm machinegun. crew. The ASL commands the second tank. The
The disadvantage of mobile infantry is AKW-32M has sufficient armament to put a
that they take more space and far more serious hurt on any enemy combat assets.
weight in an aerodyne transport, so for a The crew has to do their own routine
limited amount of transport capacity, you maintenance during combat ops, something
can put less firepower on the ground than that thrills them no end. On garrison or other
you can with regular light or heavy infan­ routine deployment, they usually get help
try. from the Maintenance Engineers but in a
Most Mobile Infantry Squads will greatly combat operation, the engineers are too busy
magnify the firepower of their vehicle with actually fixing battle damage.
extra machineguns (sometimes as many as Armor is usually deployed by the platoon,
6!) and grenade launchers, etc. Officially, and an 8 vehicle platoon may also include 1
their firepower is mediocre but in the hands or 2 AKW-66 or AKW-72s.
of experienced crews with understanding
senior officers, they can make their vehicles
Aerodyne Gunship Squad
quite impressive. Vehicles:

ill. 1 D-9 gunship aerodyne

Anti-armor Squad (EDF)

ill. 1 Pilot (07)
ill. 1 AKW-24-4
Iii. 2 Gunner
Personnel: 11•• 1 EW Specialist
ill. 1 Commander (07) :11. 1 Lead repair tech (05+)
Iii. 1 Gunner "I. 2 Repair tech
11•• 1 Driver ·r. 1 Wing Support Specialist
:11. 1 Assistant Squad Leader (05+) A gunship squad is one aerodyne, the peo­
"I. 1 Anti-equipment specialist ple needed to fly and shoot the weapons, and
·r. 2 Heavy infantry repair techs to keep it working. It also includes
111. 1 Support Specialist a Wing Support Specialist who works in a
The main capability comes from the heavy particular specialty to help the entire Wing.
weaponry on the AKW-24-4, though the anti­ The possible Wing support specialists are
equipment sniper with the LACKW is valuable Medic, Administrator, Chief Engineer and
for the ability to be placed in spots the vehicle Battle Manager.
cannot possibly get to. The infantry is designed Four of these squads (vehicles) would be a
to provide close-range defense to the vehicle Flight and 4 Flights are a Squadron. D9's tech­
or sniper, and can lay down a nasty barrage nically have no spare room for passengers, but
with anti-vehicle grenades if needed. In addi­ you can cram a few warm bodies into fold­
tion, the AKW-24 carries enough demolition down jump seats if absolutely required. The
charges to block an intersection, and hold up a gunships need a lot of supplies and services
vehicle column long enough for the AKW-24 ( 20,000 rounds of heavy MG and light cannon
and sniper to get in some "quality time" with ammo per sortie). so every squadron of gun­
the enemy. ships usually has a Flight of transports to keep
it going.
Armor Squad (EDF) Only the commander's ship carries a fifth
Vehicles: person in action, a Battle Manager.
ill. 2 AKW-32M

Personnel: ILR Theater Assets

ill. 1 Commander (07) ILR troops are not nearly as good on aver­
Iii. 1 Assistant Squad Leader(05+) age as EDF or even most Homeguard troops.
11•• 4 Gunners On the other hand, players will never see
:11. 2 Drivers (use Mech driver) average ILR troops unless an ILR world is
invaded. The troops the ILR uses against the
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
needs. ILR supplies are heavy on military con­
sumables, and light on things like transport,
fuel, food and medical supplies.
The main ILR unit is the light infantry battal­
ion, with a standard company and squad
structure. Troops with more experience move up
to heavy infantry battalions. After that will be a
standard armor battalion and aerodyne battal­
ion. Everything else is specialized companies
that are attached to a battalion as needed. Most
ILR battalions start slightly over-strength by
about a company and this unit (usually of rela­
tively experienced but less 'sturdy' soldiers) is
EDF in Con Fed and Neutral space range from
used to replace combat losses rather than as a
better than average to elite. The better than
tactical reserve. The special forces units within
average troops are not as well-led or as flexi­
each light infantry battalion serve as the tactical
ble as EDF standard troops. The elite ILR troops
reserve, and have their own transport assets and
are as good as experienced EDF troops and
priority use of aerodyne assets to get where
better than 'greenies'.
they need to be.
The ILR is designed for occupation and
does not have the same diversity as the EDF, Light Infantry Battalion (ILR)
but it functions about the same way in prac­ ill. 1 Headquarters company
tice. The ILR is much more geared around Iii. 8 Rifle companies
using local infrastructure for support in terms With the exception of the elite squad in
of transport, food and fuel, and its logistics is each company, the ILR light infantry battalion
mainly concerned with having sufficient spare has no integral vehicle assets and relies on co­
parts for dedicated combat vehicles. opted civilian transport like armored trucks for
The ILR structures its assets slightly differ­ any distance too far to walk. These are place­
ently, and has different proportions than a holder units that can lay down a lot of short­
similar number of EDF troops. range fire, but have no sustainable long-range,
For the most part, ILR forces are meant to anti-air or anti-armor ability. However, for a
assault lightly defended worlds (or worlds short amount of time they can hit hard and
which have become lightly defended after a fast, overwhelming opponents with aggressive
blistering orbital bombardment). and hold the use of firepower and a willingness to take
urban areas of such worlds against all local losses to reach an objective.
and some EDF counterattacks. Being com­ Left by itself against an EDF infantry battal­
pletely indiscriminant about what they take ion, even without aerodynes, this unit will
from the locals or what impact it has on them, rarely last more than a few hours before being
they assume that they can co-opt civilian overrun and destroyed (or forced to retreat
infrastructure to meet many of their logistics and regroup). Consequently, the ILR does not
leave it by itself.
COMMANO REVIEW • ... l"'NN>."111. nCil"'CiUt'

Veterans and Coolness Under Fire Heavy Infantry Battalion (ILR)

Lapines do not have "Coolness under fire" ill. 1 Headquarters company
or "Cold hearted" as species gifts, which Iii. 8 Mobile Infantry companies
means that basic ILR infantry will never Effectively a light infantry battalion with a
have these traits unless they are really smaller number of people and some armored
experienced (18 missions or more) and the personnel carriers. This gives the infantry some
supporting character improvement system more long-range firepower and mobility, and
is used. However, it should be assumed these units are generally drawn from experi­
that any ILR combat officer who is an enced light infantry battalions. While this makes
Adjutant or Main Character will almost them better units, it is also a constant drain on
invariably choose Coolness Under Fire as the talent in the light infantry. The quality and
his Any Gift. equipment of the elite squads is largely the
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
same in both light and heavy infantry, but the aerodynes are larger, and not really suited for
elite heavy infantry probably have more experi­ hot landing troops. Most of the time, the
ence with using the logistics system to their transport aerodynes are used for moving light
advantage and may have more or better stuff infantry from one secure area to another or
than their light infantry counterparts. shuttling elite squads around, usually with a
gunship escort. Otherwise, they are if possible
Armor Battalion (ILR) kept under cover and out of harm's way. The
ill. 1 Headquarters company
ILR also has significantly fewer gunships for a
Iii. 2 Mortar companies
given unit of troops, most divisions having
11•• 2 Anti-armor companies
only one aerodyne battalion in support (32
:11. 2 Armor company
gunships) and operations smaller than divi­
"I. 1 Mobile infantry company
sional (16 battalions) often have no perma­
An ILR armor battalion would be consid­
nent aerodyne support. At best the ILR can
ered the cream of the crop for normal troops.
count on about 2 gunships per battalion. EDF
They have the best equipment and people who
on the other hand typically has a whole aero­
know how to use it. They are not all elites by
dyne gunship squadron (16 gunships) per
any means, but unless a battalion has suffered
battalion (or 2 per company!) plus another 32
heavy combat losses, most personnel will
transports which have their own (not insignifi­
come from situations where they had actual
cant) firepower.
combat experience, even if it is only actions
As a strategic note, the ILR does not gener­
against insurgents on worlds ceded to the ILR
ally leave expensive assets like aerodynes on the
at the end of the first war. They can take a
ground unless the operation demands it. Nor­
serious hit without breaking.
mally, troops are landed by aerodyne, and
This battalion can lay down a heavier type
aerodynes are used in the initial suppression of
of firepower than an equivalent EDF unit, but
the enemy, but after that, most of them are
perhaps not as much of it. The inclusion of
recalled to orbit. This normal strategy may
heavy mortars in the ILR force structure gives
change as the current military situation evolves.
them a combat multiplier that the EDF lacks
with its largely direct-fire approach. ILR mor­ Light Infantry Company (ILR)
tar crews are preferred targets for EDF ill. 1 Headquarters squad
aerodynes, and they know it. The surviving Iii. 7 Light infantry squads
crews are pretty good at avoiding being The basic unit of occupation and control
shredded by an aerodyne beaten zone. How­ for ILR forces. Trained mostly for urban opera­
ever, this often means abandoning the vehicle tions, they either walk or get where they are
in order to survive, and the EDF doesn't worry going by armored truck. A company would be
too much about mortar crews who no longer deemed sufficient to garrison a pacified popu­
have a mortar to fire. lation of up to 10,000 people. In a larger area,
each company will have a sector that overlaps
Aerodyne Battalion(ILR) with that of other companies, with headquar­
ill. 1 Headquarters company
ters set up in civilian buildings within
Iii. 4Aerodyne gunship company
communication range of at least two other
(8 aerodynes per company)
HQ units.
11•• 4Aerodyne transport company
(16 aerodynes per company) Heavy Infantry Company (ILR)
:11. 1 Mobile Infantry company ill. 1 Headquarters squad
One difference between the EDF and ILR Iii. 6 Heavy infantry squads
aerodyne units is that the combat surface 11•• 1 Recon squad
aerodyne units of the ILR are Surface assets Performs tasks similar to light infantry, but
attached to a surface division, not 'loans' from will be assigned to areas with greater possibil­
Aerospace as with the EDF. ILR units are meant ity of resistance, or larger open spaces that
to transport themselves down to a planet in may require long range weapons to ade­
one trip from orbit and handle their own quately engage any opposition. The scout
perimeter defense. While the ILR gunships are vehicles are used as a morale booster and
comparable to the ED F's D9's, the transport flanking force, and can also be used sans its
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
infantry to move officers or carry ammunition in nearby buildings to cover ground and air
or food supplies. approaches, and the armored personnel
carriers will have clear fields of fire down
Mobile Infantry Company two ground approaches, with the ability to
(ILR) move quickly to cover if needed.
ill. 1 Headquarters squad
Iii. 5 Mobile infantry squads Aerodyne Company (ILR)
11•• 1 Special forces squad ill. 1 Headquarters squad
:11. 1 Recon squad Iii. 7 Aerodyne squads
A mobile infantry company may be as­ An aerodyne gunship company represents
signed to guard high value facilities, be a a cost in materials that equals a light infantry
highly mobile reserve force, or provide a hard battalion, so they are not that common, for
point that supports regular light or heavy which EDF infantry is grateful. Normally, one
infantry. aerodyne company would be attached to one
battalion and called on to support the opera­
Armor Company (ILR) tions of several battalions.
ill. 1 Headquarters squad
What is more common is for a group to be
Iii. 4 Armor squads
called an "aerodyne company", when in fact it
11•• 2 Mobile infantry squads
is simply pilots, gunners and mechanics. These
:11. 1 Special forces squad
personnel convert civilian rotorcraft or aero­
An armor company is the minimum self­
dynes into combat vehicles by the addition of
contained mobile assault force. The tanks
door guns, machinegun turrets or underbody
take out hard targets, the mobile infantry
demolition rockets.
protects the tanks and clears buildings, and
the special forces deal with any unique Transport Company (ILR)
problems that show up. ill. 1 Headquarters squad
An arm or company wou Id be what the ILR Iii. 4 Recon squads
uses to dig in to a position that they know will 11•• 3 Transport squads
be assaulted. In general, ILR knows that at Like an aerodyne-less aerodyne company, a
some point they will be operating in an envi­ transport company is mostly personnel. In this
ronment with enemy air superiority, and case, three squads of drivers and a brace of
deploy and use tactics designed to help them recon vehicles for escort purposes.
survive. Proper use of urban terrain, anti-radar
chaff, smoke barrages, ECM and strategic
Political Company (ILR)
ill. 1 Headquarters squad
placement of AA assets combine to give ILR
Iii. 4 Political squads
armor the capability to withdraw in good
11•• 3 Special forces squad
order from most situations when it is clear
ILR politicals serve much the same role as
they cannot hold their objective.
EDF special services, and are given maybe a
Artillery Company (ILR) little less respect and a little more fear. Politi­
ill. 1 Headquarters squad
cals operate outside the normal force
Iii. 5 Artillery squads
structure, and political companies and squads
11•• 2 Mobile infantry squads
can attach themselves to any larger unit for
:11. 1 Headquarters squad
logistics purposes, yet still operate independ­
"I. 5 Artillery squads
ently. For purposes of throwing their weight
·r.2 Mobile infantry squads
around, political officers would be considered
Usually set back beyond the front lines one grade higher than they actually are.
and direct fire weapons, an artillery com­ In addition to psychological warfare, inter­
pany provides central fire support to several rogation and surveillance experts, political
other companies if possible. The mobile companies also have elite troop detachments
infantry provides a covering force while it is which are used for special assignments. These
on the move, and spotting and perimeter groups will have the best equipment and
protection when the vehicles are em placed. training, and for any specific missions they
Normally, the infantry will take up position may have undergone extensive simulator
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
training. Their leaders should be considered as supply point. For movement, the Assistant
talented as experienced main characters, with Squad Leader and 3 light infantry will advance
supporting characters that are very loyal and under cover from the remainder of the squad,
cool under fire. and they in turn will provide cover for the rest
of the squad to advance.
ILR Squad Assets Individual light infantry squads will readily
Individual squads, as noted under company break if hit with overwhelming fire, and ILR
assets. This is the usual type of squads avail­ doctrine is to keep firing as much as possible
able for constructing larger forces: as long as possible, just to keep an enemy from
ill. HO squad
advancing or risking their own necks to return
Iii. Light Infantry
fire in kind. Normally, a platoon will be dis­
11•• Heavy Infantry
persed enough to not be a single target, but
:11. Mobile Infantry
close enough to provide fire support. Com­
"I. Special forces
mand may also try to have a few armored
·r. Recon
vehicles nearby as a morale booster. ILR squad
111. Armor leaders with some initiative may also have
111. Artillery commandeered a local truck to move them­
11 1• Political
selves around in secure areas.
i111:1. Transport
Heavy Infantry Squad (ILR)
Headquarters Squad (ILR) None
ill. 1 WA-SC command vehicle
ill. 1 Commander
Iii. 1 WA-4S scout vehicle
Iii. 1 Assistant Squad Leader
11•• 2 Light infantry
ill. 1 Commander
:11. 2 Support weapon specialists
Iii. 1 Secondary officer
"I. 2 Grenadiers
11•• 2 Communications
A heavy infantry squad is a little more ex­
:11. 1 Analyst
perienced, and its troops are usually
"I. 1 Specialist
considered loyal to their immediate com­
'I'. 1 Light infantry
mander for Morale purposes. The Assistant
111. 1 Aide Squad Leader is also trained as an observer for
111. 2 Drivers indirect fire use of grenade launchers. The
support weapon specialists carry enough
Light Infantry Squad (ILR) ammunition for extended bouts of Suppres­
sion Fire, and the grenadiers may also have a
ill. None
few one-shot anti-armor weapons. Even with
this, ILR heavy infantry generally does not
Personnel: have the guts to maintain discipline through
ill. 1 Commander an extended firefight.
Iii. 1 Assistant Squad Leader Heavy infantry tactics involve a lot of long­
11•• 4 Light infantry range grenade fire, and Danger Space fire with
:11. 1 Support weapon specialist the light machineguns. Everyone else is usually
"I. 1 Grenadier busy Watching for other threats. However, if
The main tactic used by ILR light infantry is the grenadiers switch to canister rounds, the
to use semi-auto fire against any targets that heavy infantry can create lethal blizzards of
can be spotted at long range, along with short-range firepower suitable for street-
grenade fire, with a switch to Suppression Fire fig hti ng or building-clearing operations.
if an enemy gets that close, firing as fast as
they can reload until they reach their reserve
ammunition supply, at which point they are
supposed to withdraw in good order to a re­
VEHICLES • I""~ h Wii U Im ·. /, fl!. \\' ,~¥'Jt ,: ~ -~ ' ,
Mobile Infantry Squad (ILR) Recon Squad (ILR)
Vehicles: Vehicles:
ill. 1 WA-ST ill. 2 WA-4s

Personnel: Personnel:
ill. 1 Commander ill. 1 Commander
Iii. 1 Gunner Iii. 1 Assistant Squad Leader
11•• 1 Driver 11•• 2 Drivers
:11. 2 Light infantry :11. 4 Light infantry
"I. 1 Support weapon specialist A recon squad is simply a pair of scout ve­
·r. 2 Grenadiers hicles. These squads are used for a variety of
ILR mobile infantry is essentially heavy in­ tasks, from "officer taxis" to convoy escorts.
fantry with an heavily armed armored Their job is not to engage the enemy unless
personnel carrier. This gives them some extra they have to, but rather to keep their eyes
mobility and protection, along with a morale peeled, and if they see something, pass word
boost from having a friendly vehicle providing onto whoever needs to know.
supporting fire.
Armor Squad (ILR)
Special Forces Squad (ILR) Vehicles:
Vehicles: ill. 2 WA-6T
ill. 1 WA-6P
Personnel: ill. 1 Commander
ill. 1 Commander Iii. 1 Assistant Squad Leader
Iii. 1 ASL/Specialist 11•• 2 Drivers
11•• 1 Driver :11. 2 Observers
:11. 1 Heavy Infantry "I. 2 Gunners
"I. 2 Support weapon specialists Since they largely use the same weapons,
·r. 2 Grenadiers ILR planners have lumped the role of anti­
Special forces are like mobile infantry, but armor and anti-aerodyne missions into one
are hand-picked for loyalty and talent. These unit. An armor squad is seldom seen by itself,
are the ILR troops able to pull off commando and would usually be part of an armor com­
raids, rappel down buildings, perform demoli­ pany, supported by mobile infantry.
tions, quietly remove "inconvenient" civilians Armor units are also fairly well trained in
and not flinch if asked to do things normally threat evaluation and fire discipline, and tend
outside the accepted practices of war. Each not to waste fire on targets they either cannot
member of the squad is likely to have one or hit or cannot hurt (the former being more
more marks beyond normal in a particular common than the latter). Rather, they will
specialty. For instance, the heavy infantry seek to withdraw and find someplace they can
might be a sniper with a long-range rifle, the be useful. Armor squads will also be used to
driver might be a medic and a grenadier might spearhead infantry assaults, providing both
be a demolitions expert. mobile cover, the ability to outrange any EDF
In terms of quality and leadership, they infantry weapon and HE rounds to discourage
would be on par with a starting main charac­ EDF from hanging around open windows.
ter and supporting characters. Technically, all the WA-6Ts armament can
The ILR values special forces very highly be fired from a remote unit that unplugs from
and will make every effort to support them in the main gunner station and has a 50 meter
combat and extract them from bad situations fiber-optic link. However, this gives the weap­
if necessary. ons the extra 250/o concealment penalty for
Aside from political and artillery units, they remote viewing, and normal doctrine is to
are the only ones likely to have remote surveil­ always have the weapons manned. Vehicle
lance assets, and use them to good effect. commanders may have sufficient motive or
~ !!:. ~7', IJJ !l ~ .· r-~hw~u1m ·VEHICLES
initiative to buck standard procedure if the ILR political officers of 06 and up who
EDF is causing heavy vehicle casualties. have been doing their job right (collecting
"interesting" information on people) wield
Artillery Squad (ILR) influence as though they were at least one
Vehicles: grade higher, just because of the career­
ill. 2 WA-81 damaging potential of a bad report. However,
ILR politicals who try to exert influence like
this and botch it up tend to suffer more severe
ill. 1 Commander
consequences as a result.
Iii. 1 Assistant Squad Leader
ILR political squads normally operate in
11•• 2 Observers
company-sized groups, and if they are seen in
:11. 2 Gunner
smaller groups, there is usually 1 special forces
"I. 2 Drivers
squad per 2 political squads, and 1 special
This is the minimum indirect fire unit, one
forces squad permanently attached to the
mortar carrier and crew. Typically, one or more
company-level political HO.
mobile infantry squads will be assigned to
protect and spot an artillery unit, normally 1 Transport Squad (ILR)
squad per 2 artillery vehicles.
The WA-81 only uses its tethered drone if
ill. 3 Armored trucks
the range is too great for direct observation, as
spotting the drone is a dead giveaway that Personnel:
artillery is in the area. ill. 1 Commander
Iii. 5 Drivers
Political Squad (ILR) 11•• 2 Maintenance technicians
Vehicles: An ILR transport squad is a low rank officer,
ill. 1 WA-8X a handful of draftees who have shown no
aptitude for anything else, and some voca­
tional tech graduates capable of using a
ill. 1 Commander
wrench and a welder. Their job is to comman­
Iii. 1 Driver
deer civilian trucks and turn them into useful
11•• 1 Interrogation specialist
armored personnel carriers. This is done by
:11. 1 Information Resource specialist
welding plates in key areas, adding hard­
"I. 1 ASL/Political officer
points for pintle mounted weapons (usually
'I'. 1 Electronics specialist
111. 1 Computer specialist
over the cab). and installing basic communica­
tion modules and smoke grenade launchers.
111. 1 Psychological warfare specialist
Transport squads will operate independ­
A political detachment handles both "mo­
ently in rear areas to deliver supplies, and
rale" problems in a larger unit, and deals with
usually operate with light escort if there is a
interrogation of POWs and advises command
threat of hostile action. Transport convoys are
on proper responses to civilian unrest or other
recognized as vulnerable, and if possible, some
problems. Within certain limits, politicals are
form of air support is usually provided, even if
outside the normal command structure and
it is only a police rotorcraft with a door gun.
have a lot of leeway in their operations. Their
vehicle has its own dedicated communication
channels, and is also a secure place for the
higher-ranked personnel to sleep. Not that
they would feel at all vulnerable in the pres­
ence of friendly forces, but their job isvery
stressful and a bunk helps them recover from
the strain much better than a sleeping bag on
the ground. Of course, if secure civilian ac­
commodations are available, this is to be

200mm AKW-66, 268 Autonomous Concealment, 209 EDF Squad
Demolition AKW-72, 268 Combat Construction, 291 Assets, 291
Rocket, 258 ALE, 270 Resupply Unit, Construction EDF Theater
280mm 249 Assets, 282,
ALP, 270 Engineer
Demolition AW-188, 258 Company 285
Rocket, 262 ALW, 270
AW-193, 258 EDF, 289 Elecro-Magnetic
ACC, 268 Amored Personnel Pulse, 223
B-2 Pinnance, 279 Construction
Carrier, 205,
ACPV-8, 269 Battle Arm or, 251 Engineering Electronic Warfare
Additional EDF, 296 (EW) Squad
Analyst, 291, 292 Battle
Equipment, 240 Management EDF, 293
Anti-armor Squad Cursory
Administrative Software, 208 Maintenance, EMP Grenade,
EDF, 298
Operations, 284 Blowthrough, 201 243 257
APCL-8, 205, 269 Equipment
Aero C-6, 280 Booby Trap, 254, Cybernetic
ARE, 270 Enhancements, Additional, 240
Aerodyne Assault 257
Wing Armor, 202, 236 Rigging, 222 229 EW/Comm unicatio
EDF, 286 Cockpit, 238 D-12 Lander, 281 ns, 292
Sectional, 238 Building Vehicles,
Aerodyne 233 D-32 Lifter, 282 Extra-planetary
Specialized, 237
Battalion Called Shots, 211 D-9 Gunship, 280 Defense Force,
ILR, 300 Armor Battalion 265
ILR, 300 Camouflage Damage, 216
Aerodyne Netting, 250 Damage Control, Fiber Spool, 248
Company Armor Company Field
Campaign Service 244
ILR, 301 EDF, 289 Modifications,
Ribbon, 196 Damage to
ILR, 301 243
Aerodyne Design, Cannister Vehicles, 201
241 Armor Squad Grenade, 256 Fog of War, 206
Danger Space,
Aerodyne EDF, 298 Folding Barracks,
Cargo Specialist, 217
ILR, 304 250
Designations, 292 Demolition
243 Armored Carrying Capacity, Charge, 254 Forward Observer,
Aerodyne Gunship Limousine, 277 230 292
Demolition Rocket
Squad Armored Truck, Characteristics, 200mm, 258 Fuel Cracker, 250
EDF, 299 275 228 280mm, 262 GEAR,246
Aerodyne Army Cargo Civilian Vehicles, Glue Gun, 249
Personnel Flatbed, 270 275 Expert, 292 Gravity, 215
EDF, 292 Army Command CLRW 1-144, 262 Design Grenade Launcher
Aerodyne Center, 268 CLRW 1-96, 262 Aerodyne, 241 MT 200, 256
Transport Squad Army Engineering Cockpit Armor, Designations Grenades, 222
EDF, 295 Vehicle, 270 238 Aerodyne, 243 Grenadier, 292
Aerodynes, 239, Army Munitions Combat
Carrier, 270 Direct Combat Ground Car, 276
279 Engineering Badge, 196 Ground Service
Aerospace Army Towing EDF, 296
Vehicle, 270 Dispersion, 220 Personnel
Operations, 284 Commercial Distinguished EDF, 291
EDF, 284 Artillery Company Truck, 276
ILR, 301 Service Ribbon, Gunner, 292
Air Assa ult and Comm uni cations 196
General Tactics, Artillery Squad HARM Grenade,
Expert, 291 Diving For Cover,
286 ILR, 305 256
Comm uni cations 208
Air Assault Headquarters
Assault Armor, Squad E-29 Liner, 282
Battalion, 285 Squad
251 EDF, 293
E32-3, 257 EDF, 293
Air Car, 277 Assault Boats, Company Assets EDF Company ILR, 302
Air Recon 239 EDF, 287 Assets, 287 Heavy Armored
Company Assault Shield, Composite EDF Platoon Vehicle, 272
EDF, 290 251 Infantry Command Heavy Infantry
AKW-24-4, 269 Assault Wing, 286 Company Structure, 291 Battalion
AKW-32M, 268 EDF, 289
ILR, 300 Legion of the Mobile Anti-Armor EDF, 2BB Theater Assets,
Heavy Infantry Nebula, 195 Company Racketeer, 292 2B2,299
Company Legion of the EDF, 2B9 Thermobaric
ILR, 301 Nova, 195 Mobile Army Maintenance, Grenades, 254
Heavy Infantry LH 100-2, 259 Surgical 244 Timeline, 1BO
Squad LH 20-2, 259 Hospital, 271 SA-Be, 2B2 Total Awareness,
EDF, 297 LHB0-1,259 Mobile Army Sectional Armor, 209
ILR, 303 Ward, 271 Transport
Liaison Squad 23B
Heavy Infantry EDF, 294 Mobile Infantry Sensor Pod, 252 Company
Vehicle, 2B9 Battalion EDF, 290
Light Infantry EDF, 2BB Shock & Awe, ILR, 302
Heavy Weapons Battalion 20B
Expert, 292 ILR, 300 Mobile Infantry Smell, 210 Transport Squad
Helicopter, 277 Company EDF, 295
Light Infantry ILR, 301 Sneak, 210 ILR, 305
Hiding a Vehicle, Company Sniper, 292
20B ILR, 301 Mobile Infantry Turrets, 23B
Squad Spaceship
Hit Locations, 202 Light Infantry Unit Citations,
EDF, 29B Combat, 197
Homeguard, 2B5 Squad 19B
ILR, 304 Spare Parts, 244
Homing Weapons, EDF, 297 Urban Assault
Mobile Rifle Special Forces Vehicle, 2BB
223 ILR, 302
Company Squad
Hostile Light Urban Support
EDF, 2B9 ILR, 304
Environment Reconnaisance Vehicle, 274
Morale, 195 Specialized Armor, Utility Items, 24B
Operations Vehicle, 272
Vehicle, 2B9 Light Support MT 200, 25B Vehicle Armor,
Species, 225 202
Hot Pods, 250 Vehicle, 274 Multi-Species
Combat Rations Speed, 199 Vehicle Body, 241
HVOO 15, 2BO Light Tank, 2BB
(MCR), 249 Sprinting, 231 Vehicle
IKW-112, 275 Listen, 210
NS-B, 2B3 Squad Assets Commander,
ILR Squad Assets, Loading a Vehicle,
Overwatch EDF, 291 292
302 239
Software ILR, 302 Vehicle Design,
ILR Theater Logistics Battalion
Module, 254 SS-1 Bi, 2B3 233
Assets EDF, 2B7
ILR, 299 Perception, 207, Staging Vehicle, Vehicle Driver,
Loss of Mobility, 210, 211 273 292
ILR Vehicles, 271 205
Pilot, 293 Standard Vehicle Duels, 212
Improved Combat LRCKW-C, 2B1
Platoon Command Battalion Vehicle Gunner,
Staff, 253 Machine Gunner, Structure EDF, 2B5 292
Independent 292 EDF, 291
Forces, 2B5 Steel Rain, 219 Vehicles
Maintenance, 292
PLRX Rocket, 2B2 Supply, 292 Design, 233
In direct Fire Maintenance
Expert, 219 Political Company Support Engineer Vehicular Combat,
ILR, 302 Company 197
Infantry, 292 EDF, 294
Political Squad EDF, 290 WA-45, 272
Infantry HQ Maneuvers, 199
Company ILR, 305 Support Squad WA-BP, 274
MCR, 249
EDF, 2BB Portable Comm EDF, 29B WA-BT, 272
Medals, 195
Infantry Support Array, 252 Support Vehicle, WA-Bl, 274
Medic, 292, 293
Vehicle, 272 Power, 234 273 WA-BP, 272
Medical Squad Suppression Fire,
Infuser Pump, 24B Reaction Battalion WA-BT, 273
EDF, 294
Inter-Lapine EDF, 2B4 21B
WA-BX, 273
Meritorious Surface
Republic, 2BB Recon Grenade, War Trophies, 24B
Conduct Medal, Operations, 2B4
Irritant Grenades, 255 Watching, 209
195 EDF, 2B4
255 Recon Squad
Military Weapons Table,
K2,257 ILR, 304 Sustained March,
Ambulance, 271 2B5
K3, 25B ML 202, 257 Reinforced- Wounded in
Chassis Civilian Tactical Advisor,
KA 1, 25B MMA, 271 Service Ribbon,
Vehicle, 275 292
KW-112,2B3 19B
MMSA, 271 Tank Destroyer,
LAKW 1-B2, 2B1 Repairs, 243
MMSSA, 271 2BB
Legion of the Blue Ribbons, 195
MMSTA, 271 Terrain, 213
Star, 195 Rifle Company

Albedo ©1984, 2004 S.A.Gallacci; Platinum Catalyst ©2004 Sanguine Productions;

All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce this character sheet for personal use only.


m&n karakter

Species Gender Pelt

Sp#$es jender pelt


Personality .. Extroverted ..
Sensitive .. Emotional ..
pursonalit# Introverted Intuitive Thoughtful Judgmental
Branch Rank Build
branch rank bild

Service S.P.I.
survis s.p.i.

Gifts Deflection Recovery

gifts d#flek$un rekover#

Thresholds Improvement ... Low

%re$olds improvment
... Med
Wounded [ ] =2×Body+Armor ... Low
Crippled [ ] =2×Body+Armor+10 ... Med
Incapacitated [ ] =2×Body+Armor+20 ... Low
Devastated [ ] =2×Body+Armor+40 ... High

..... .....



..... .....




Body Recovery: ____ /____
dryv Recovery: ____ /____
R#kover# R#kover#

......... Brawl


....... Climb


....... Freefall

Computer Sciences



........ Hike

......... Jump


........ Melee
Heavy Weapons

....... Run
Hyperspace Sciences


....... Sneak
Information Analysis

........ Spacesuit

........ Listen

........ Swim



........ Throw

Medical Sciences



Physical Sciences

........ Planetary Sciences



..... .....





Clout Recovery: ____ /____

Research Analysis



........ Search

........ Bribe



Sensor Operations

Sixth Sense

........ Gossip
........ Smell

....... Impress

........ Vehicle Operations

......... Lead
Vehicular Weapons

....... Persuade


Weapons of Mass Destruction






supporting karakters


1 [ | | | ] [ / ]
2 [ | | | ] [ / ]
3 [ | | | ] [ / ]
4 [ | | | ] [ / ]

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