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Date submitted : June 25,2020

Assignment #1

1. Student apprenticeship Program

- is a program that trains a student to become skilled in a particular trade. It combines
hands -on work with classroom learning to train the apprentice.

2. Apprentice – is a person undergoing training for an approved occupation during an

established period assured by an apprenticeship program. A person bound by legal
agreement to an employer to learn a craft or trade

3. Mentor – is a person who guides less experienced person building trust and modeling
positive behaviors.

4. Practicum Coordinator – one who manages and oversees the internship or practicum
experience. This person is in charge of providing on site assessment of students
experiences and the quality of learning opportunities at least once during each term.

5. Apprenticeship Agreement – is a contract wherein a prospective employer binds to train

the apprentice who in return accepts the term of training for a recognized apprenticeable
occupation emphasizing the rights, duties and responsibilities of each party.

Assignment #2

“ My Dream Job “

A rockstar, doctor, policeman, soldier, teacher, an actress or even the President of the
Republic of the Philippines.These are the most common vocations I commonly hear children

To be honest, when I took up the Accountancy course I just wanted to get the
bachelor’s degree and have a challenge myself as everyone else did when I became a mother
at a young age.

This course tested my limits, put me at the end of my seat especially during exams. And
as years pass by, though the easiest thing to do is to “just quit”, I managed to stay and fight for
my dreams. Now, I am on my fourth year and I learned to love numbers although it makes me
crazy most of the time.

And because of these reasons, I began to dream of becoming the person who is
capable of solving the company’s dilemmas when it comes to their assets and liabilities. I want
to become the person who is reliable enough to compute taxes for a certain business. I
attended seminars and training workshops regarding taxation and accounting and it always
amaze me whenever I had the privilege to listen to the speakers who are successful in this
chosen field. I had this vision in my mind saying “ I WANT TO BE LIKE THEM”.

The work of a CPA interests me because their work never ends. They are constantly
confronted with the chance to accrue new skills.

My life is always difficult and challenging. And that is why I wanted to become someone
who makes other people’s lives easy and less heavy. My dream job is to become someone that
my kid’s could look up to and say “ I want to be like you, Nay”. I believe that with proper training
and more hands-on learning, I will be able to face the world with my head up high and feet

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