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Thermodynamic Analysis and Performance Enhancement of Air and CO2 based Compressed
Gas Storage Systems

The article describes important aspect of energy storage and provides meaningful insights to the
readers. I would recommend the article to be accepted after minor revisions:

1. It would be great to provide the details of latent heat for air and CO2 at the particular pressure
readings used to conduct the study.
2. The study compares an open cycle and a closed cycle system. It would be good to incorporate the
working principle of a basic open and closed cycle system.
3. What is the efficiency of the SH systems used for the analysis?
4. Fig. 3 shows the temperature for two working fluids in CGES. It would be good to separate the
type of lines (meaning one dotted line and the other solid line.)
5. Is there an optimum operational pressure for this system to work? If so, it would be an interesting
addition to the manuscript.
6. Addition of a figure showing the temperature of the individual component and its energy balance
to the surroundings for the most efficient configuration and parameters of operation would be a
great addition.

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