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Chemistry for Engineers

Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Learning outcomes
• Learn the basic postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory.
• Describe the key experiments that led to the discovery of electrons and the nuclear model of the
• Describe the structure of the atom in terms of protons, neutrons, and electrons and express the
relative electrical charges and masses of these subatomic particles.
• Use chemical symbols together with atomic number and mass number to express the subatomic
composition of isotopes.
• Calculate the atomic weight of an element from the masses of individual atoms and a knowledge
of natural abundances.
• Describe how elements are organized in the periodic table by atomic number and by similarities
in chemical behavior, giving rise to periods and groups.
• Identify the locations of metals and nonmetals in the periodic table.
• Distinguish between molecular substances and ionic substances in terms of their composition.
• Distinguish between empirical formulas and molecular formulas.
• Describe how molecular formulas and structural formulas are used to represent the
compositions of molecules.
• Explain how ions are formed by the gain or loss of electrons and use the periodic table to predict
the charges of common ions.
• Write the empirical formulas of ionic compounds, given the charges of their component ions.
• Write the name of an ionic compound given its chemical formula or write the chemical formula
given its name.
• Name or write chemical formulas for binary inorganic compounds and for acids.
• Identify organic compounds and name simple alkanes and alcohols.
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Hypothesis, Theory and
Law in Science

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
• The scientific method - a systematic approach to research
• A hypothesis - a tentative explanation for a set of observations.
• A law - a concise verbal or mathematical statement of a relationship
between phenomena that is always the same under the same conditions.
• A theory is a unifying principle that explains a body of facts and /or those
laws that are based on them. 4 Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Atomic Theory of Matter
• Democritus (Greek philosopher) believed that there was a smallest
particle— “atomos” (uncuttable, indivisible)—that made up all of
• Experiments in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries led to an
organized atomic theory by John Dalton in the early 1800s, which
explained several laws known at that time:
– The law of constant composition
– The law of conservation of mass
– The law of multiple proportions
Joseph Proust
Law of Constant Composition
Also known as the law of definite proportions.
• The elemental composition of a pure substance
never varies.
• In a given compound, the relative numbers and
kinds of atoms are constant.
• Basis of Dalton’s Postulate #4
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Law of Conservation of Mass (Matter)
• The total mass of substances present at the end of a
chemical process is the same as the mass of substances
present before the process took place.
• Basis of Dalton’s Postulate #3
• Can’t create matter in a chemical reaction!

John Dalton
(1766-1844) Law of Multiple Proportions
• If two elements A and B combine to form more
than one compound, the masses of B that can
combine with a given mass of A are in the ratio of
small whole numbers.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Atom H O

Element H2 O2

Compound H2O

Chemical reaction 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Discovery of the Electron (1)
The negative electrode is called the cathode; the positive one, the anode.
When the high-voltage current is turned on, the glass tube emits a
greenish light. Experiments showed that this greenish light is caused by
the interaction of the glass with cathode rays, which are rays that
originate from the cathode.
FIGURE. Formation of cathode
Cathode rays leave the cathode,
or negative electrode, and are
accelerated toward the anode, or
positive electrode. Some of the
rays pass through the hole in the
anode to form a beam, which
then is bent by the electric plates
in the tube.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Discovery of the Electron (2)
Confirming cathode rays consists of
a beam of negatively charged
particles (or electrons)

FIGURE. Bending of cathode rays by a magnet

Left: The cathode-ray beam travels from right to left. It is visible where it falls on a
zinc-sulfide screen.
Center: The beam of negative particles bends downward as the south pole of the
magnet is brought toward it.
Right: When the magnet is turned around, the beam bends in the opposite
direction. 10
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Discovery of the Electron (3)
The charge of electron: 1.602 x 10-19
coulombs (C)

An electron mass: 9.109 x 10-31 kg

FIGURE. Millikan’s oil-drop experiment

An atomizer, or spray bottle, introduces a fine mist of oil drops into the top chamber.
Several drops happen to fall through a small hole into the lower chamber, where the
experimenter follows the motion of one drop with a microscope. Some of these drops
have picked up one or more electrons as a result of friction in the atomizer and have
become negatively charged. A negatively charged drop will be attracted upward when the
experimenter turns on a current to the electric plates. The drop’s upward speed (obtained
by timing its rise) is related to its mass-to-charge ratio, from which you can calculate the
charge on the electron.
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Discovery of the Nucleus (1)
Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment (1871-1937)

FIGURE. Alpha-particle scattering from metal foils

Alpha radiation is produced by a radioactive source and formed into a beam by a
lead plate with a hole in it. (Lead absorbs the radiation.) Scattered alpha particles
are made visible by a zinc sulfide screen, which emits tiny flashes where particles
strike it. A movable microscope is used for viewing the flashes.
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Discovery of the Nucleus (2)
Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment (1871-1937)

FIGURE. Representation of the scattering of alpha particles by a gold foil

Most of the alpha particles pass through the foil barely deflected. A few, however,
collide with gold nuclei and are deflected at large angles. (The relative sizes of
nuclei are smaller than can be drawn here.)
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Discovery of the Nucleus (3)

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
The structure of the Atom
An atom consists of two
kinds of particles:
A nucleus, the atom’s
central core, which is
positively charged and
contains most of the
atom’s mass.
An electron is a very light,
negatively charged
particle that exists in the
region around the atom’s
positively charged nucleus.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Nuclear Structure

A proton is a nuclear particle having a positive charge equal

to that of the electron and a mass more than 1800 times that
of the electron
The atomic number (Z) is the number of protons in the
nucleus of an atom.
The neutron is a nuclear particle having a mass almost
identical to that of the proton but no electric charge
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU

*The atomic mass unit (amu) equals 1.66054 x 1027 kg

Overall the atom is neutral

mass p (proton) = mass n (neutron) = 1840 x mass e-

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Atomic Number and Atomic Mass
The atomic number (Z) is the number of protons in
the atom's nucleus
All atoms of a particular element have the same atomic
number, and each element has a different atomic
number from that of any other element.
The mass number (A) is the number of protons and
All the atoms of a given element have the same
atomic number
The atomic mass (atomic weight) of an element is
the weighted average mass in atomic mass units
(amu) of an element’s naturally occurring isotopes

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Chemical Symbol Chemical Symbol
Mass number


number (Z) 11
 The mass number (A) is the total number of protons and neutrons in a
• The nucleus of the naturally occurring sodium atom has an atomic
number of 11 and a mass number of 23 (11 + 12).

 A nuclide is an atom characterized by a definite atomic number and mass

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
What is the nuclide symbol for a nucleus that
contains 38 protons and 50 neutrons?

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
What is the nuclide symbol for a nucleus that
contains 38 protons and 50 neutrons?

The atomic number = the number of protons = 38
→ it is strontium
The mass number is: 38 + 50 = 88

The symbol is 38 Sr

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Isotopes are atoms whose nuclei have the same atomic number
but different mass numbers; that is, the nuclei have the same
number of protons but different numbers of neutrons

6 C
FIGURE. A representation of two
isotopes of carbon
The drawing shows the basic
6 C particles making up the carbon-12
and carbon-13 isotopes. (The relative
sizes of the nuclei are much
exaggerated here.
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Atomic Weights
Atomic and molecular masses (actually the mass to
charge ratio) can be measured with great accuracy
with a mass spectrometer.

FIGURE. Diagram of a simple mass spectrometer, showing the separation of neon FIGURE. The mass spectrum of
isotopes neon
Neon gas enters an evacuated chamber, where neon atoms form positive ions when they Neon is separated into its isotopes
collide with electrons. Positively charged neon atoms, Ne, are accelerated from this region Ne-20, Ne-21, and Ne-22. The
by the negative grid and pass between the poles of a magnet. The beam of positively height at each mass peak is
charged atoms is split into three beams by the magnetic field according to the mass-to- proportional to the fraction of that
charge ratios. The three beams then travel to a detector at the end of the tube. (The isotope in the element.
detector is shown here as a photographic plate; in modern spectrometers, the detector is 23
electronic, and the mass positions are recorded on a computer.) Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Atomic Weights
10 Ne
10 Ne
FIGURE. Representations of the

three naturally occurring isotopes
22 of Ne
Top to bottom: Ne-20, Ne-21, and
10 Ne-22.
Ne-20 is the most abundant isotope.
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Atomic Weights
• One atomic mass unit (amu) is a mass unit equal to
exactly one-twelfth the mass of a carbon-12 atom.
• On this modern scale, the atomic mass of an
element is the average atomic mass for the
naturally occurring element, expressed in atomic
mass units.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Atomic Masses of the Elements
• Isotopic mass is the mass in amu (u), of a particular
isotope of an element.
• Different isotopes of an element all react essentially
the same, so a weighted average of isotopic masses can
be used in calculations.
• The atomic weight is the weighted average mass, of the
naturally occurring element. It is calculated from the
isotopes of an element weighted by their relative
Atomic weight = fractionA*mA + fractionB*mB + . . .
Atomic weight = Σ[(isotope mass)×(fractional isotope
Average atomic mass is known as the atomic weight.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Chromium, Cr, has the following isotopic masses and
fractional abundances:
Mass Isotope Mass Fractional
Number (amu) Abundance
50 49.9461 0.0435
52 51.9405 0.8379
53 52.9407 0.0950
54 53.9389 0.0236

What is the atomic mass of chromium?

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Chromium, Cr, has the following isotopic masses and fractional abundances:
Mass Number Isotope Mass (amu) Fractional Abundance
50 49.9461 0.0435
52 51.9405 0.8379
53 52.9407 0.0950
54 53.9389 0.0236
What is the atomic mass of chromium?

Multiply each isotopic mass by its fractional abundance, then sum:
49.9461 amu x 0.0435 = 2.17 amu
51.9405 amu x 0.8379 = 43.52 amu
52.9407 amu x 0.0950 = 5.03 amu
53.9389 amu x 0.0236 = 1.27 amu
51.99 amu

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834–1907)

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Periods and Groups
A group consists of the
elements in any one column
A period consists of the elements in any one horizontal of the periodic table.
row of the periodic table.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Main-Group Elements Transition Metals Main-Group Elements

Inner Transition Metals

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
A metal is a substance or mixture that A nonmetal is an element that does not
has a characteristic luster, or shine, exhibit the characteristics of a metal.
and is generally a good conductor of
heat and electricity A metalloid, or semimetal, is
an element having both
metallic and nonmetallic

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Important Groups

• Group 8 = Noble Gases • Noble Metals

• He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn • Ag, Au, Pt
• all colorless gases at room • all solids at room
• very non-reactive, practically
inert • least reactive metals
• found in nature as a • found in nature
collection of separate atoms uncombined with
uncombined with other other atoms

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Important Groups - Halogens

• Group 7A = Halogens • Fluorine = F2

• pale yellow gas
• very reactive • Chlorine = Cl2
nonmetals • pale green gas
• react with metals to • Bromine = Br2
form ionic compounds • brown liquid that has lots of
brown vapor over it
• HX all acids • Only other liquid element at
room conditions is the
metal Hg
• Iodine = I2
• lustrous, purple solid

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Electron configuration (1)
Electron configuration:
• is the distribution of electrons into its energy levels and sublevels
• determines the behavior of the element

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Electron configuration (2)

Hund’s rule
The lowest-energy arrangement of electrons in a subshell is obtained by putting
electrons into separate orbitals of the subshell with the same spin before pairing
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Electron configuration (3)

Exceptions for transition metal, where the outer subshells are very close together.
[Ar] 3d4 4s2
[Ar] 3d5 4s1

[Ar] 3d9 4s2
[Ar] 3d10 4s1
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Electron configuration (4)
More information:

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Periodic table
Good reference for periodic table

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Chemical Formulas
The chemical formula of a substance is a notation
that uses atomic symbols with numerical subscripts
to convey the relative proportions of atoms of the
different elements in the substance
Aluminum (Al) Oxygen(O)
element element

Proportion: ratio 2:3

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Molecular substances
• A molecule is a definite group of atoms that are
chemically bonded together—that is, tightly
connected by attractive forces.
• Example: O2, H2O, CH3COOH

• A molecular substance is a substance that is

composed of molecules, all of which are alike.

• A molecular formula gives the exact number of

different atoms of an element in a molecule.
• Example: H2O, CH3COOH, C2H5OH

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Molecular substances
• A structural formula is a chemical formula that
shows how the atoms are bonded to one another in
a molecule.
• For example, it is known that each of the hydrogen
atoms in the water molecule is bonded to the oxygen
atom. Thus, the structural formula of water is H—O—H.
A line joining two atomic symbols in such a formula
represents the chemical bond connecting the atoms

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Examples of molecular and structural formulas,
molecular models, and electrostatic potential maps
Three common molecules—water, ammonia, and ethanol—are shown. The
electrostatic potential map representation at the bottom of the figure illustrates the
distribution of electrons in the molecule using a color spectrum. Colors range from red
(relatively high electron density) all the way to blue (low electron density).

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Polymer and Monomer
• Polymers are very large molecules that are made
up of a number of smaller molecules repeatedly
linked together.
• Monomers are the small molecules that are linked
together to form the polymer.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Polymer and Monomer
Fluorine (F)
Monomer CF2CF2, used
to make Teflon
Carbon (C)

Model showing linkage

monomer CF2CF2 that
make Teflon

Pan with Teflon coating

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Ionic Substances
• An ion is an electrically charged particle obtained from
an atom or chemically bonded group of atoms by
adding or removing electrons. Sodium chloride is a
substance made up of ions.
• Examples:
Ca2+ Na+ Mg2+ Cl- CO32- CH3COO-
a positively charged ion, a negatively charged ion, called
called a cation (“cat-ion”). an anion (pronounced “an-ion”).

• An ionic compound is a compound composed of

cations and anions.
• Examples: NaCl, CaCO3, CH3COONa, Na2CO3

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
• The formula unit of a substance is the group of
atoms or ions explicitly symbolized in the formula.
For example:
• The formula unit of water, H2O, is the H2O molecule.
• The formula unit of iron(III) sulfate, Fe2(SO4)3, consists of
two Fe3 ions and three SO42- ions.

• The formula unit is the smallest unit of such

• All substances, including ionic compounds, are
electrically neutral.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Writing an Ionic Formula, Given the Ions
a. Chromium(III) oxide is used as a green paint
pigment. It is a compound composed of Cr3+ and O2-
ions. What is the formula of chromium(III) oxide?
b. Strontium oxide is a compound composed of Sr2+
and O2- ions. Write the formula of this compound.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Writing an Ionic Formula, Given the Ions
a. Chromium(III) oxide is used as a green paint pigment. It is a compound
composed of Cr3+ and O2- ions. What is the formula of chromium(III) oxide?
b. Strontium oxide is a compound composed of Sr2+ and O2- ions. Write the
formula of this compound.

a. CraOb
Because a compound is neutral, so: a x (+3) + b x (-2) = 0
→ a = 2, b = 3
Chromium(III) oxide: Cr2O3
b. SrO

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Organic compounds
• An important class of molecular
substances that contain carbon
combined with other elements, such
as hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen is
organic compounds.

• The simplest organic compounds are

hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons are
those compounds containing only
hydrogen and carbon.
• Common examples include methane
(CH4), ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8),
acetylene (C2H2), and benzene (C6H6).

Inorganic compounds are composed of elements other than carbon. 52

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Functional group
A functional group is a reactive portion of a molecule
that undergoes predictable reactions

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Naming simple compounds
• Chemical nomenclature is the systematic naming of
chemical compounds.
• The name of an ionic compound is given by the name of the
cation followed by the name of the anion

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Monatomic ion
A monatomic ion is an ion formed from a single atom.

*Elements shown in color do not normally form compounds having

monatomic ions.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Rules for Predicting the Charges on Monatomic Ions
1. Most of the main-group metallic elements have one monatomic cation
with a charge equal to the group number in the periodic table (the Roman
Example: aluminum, in Group IIIA, has a monatomic ion Al3+.

2. Some metallic elements of high atomic number are exceptions to the

previous rule; they have more than one cation. These elements have
common cations with a charge equal to the group number minus 2, in
addition to having a cation with a charge equal to the group number.
Example: The common ion of lead is Pb2+. (The group number is 4; the charge is 4 - 2.) In
addition to compounds containing Pb2+, some lead compounds contain Pb4+.

3. Most transition elements form more than one monatomic cation, each
with a different charge. Most of these elements have one ion with a
charge of +2.
Example: Iron has common cations Fe2+ and Fe3+. Copper has common cations Cu+ and Cu2+.

4. The charge on a monatomic anion for a nonmetallic main-group element

equals the group number minus 8.
Example: Oxygen has the monatomic anion O2-. (The group number is 6; the charge is 6 - 8.)
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Rules for Predicting the Charges on Monatomic Ions
1. Most of the main-group metallic elements have one monatomic cation
with a charge equal to the group number in the periodic table (the Roman
Example: aluminum, in Group IIIA, has a monatomic ion Al3+



Ca 2+
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Rules for Predicting the Charges on Monatomic Ions
2. Some metallic elements of high atomic number are exceptions to the previous rule;
they have more than one cation. These elements have common cations with a charge
equal to the group number minus 2, in addition to having a cation with a charge equal
to the group number.
Example: The common ion of lead is Pb2+. (The group number is 4; the charge is 4 - 2.) In
addition to compounds containing Pb2+, some lead compounds contain Pb4+.


4 -2 = 2

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Rules for Predicting the Charges on Monatomic Ions
3. Most transition elements form more than one monatomic cation, each with
a different charge. Most of these elements have one ion with a charge of +2.
Example: Iron has common cations Fe2+ and Fe3+. Copper has common cations Cu+ and Cu2+.

Cu +
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Rules for Predicting the Charges on Monatomic Ions
4. The charge on a monatomic anion for a nonmetallic main-group element
equals the group number minus 8.
Example: Oxygen has the monatomic anion O2-. (The group number is 6; the charge is 6 - 8.)


6 - 8 = -2

O 2-

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Rules for Naming Monatomic Ions
1. Monatomic cations are named after the element if there is only one such
Example: Al3+ is called aluminum ion; Na+ is called sodium ion.

2. If there is more than one monatomic cation of an element, Rule 1 is not

sufficient. The Stock system of nomenclature names the cations after the
element, as in Rule 1, but follows this by a Roman numeral in parentheses
denoting the charge on the ion.
Example: Fe2+ is called iron(II) ion and Fe3+ is called iron(III) ion.
In an older system of nomenclature, such ions are named by adding the suffixes -
ous and -ic to a stem name of the element (which may be from the Latin) to
indicate the ions of lower and higher charge, respectively. Example: Fe2+ is called
ferrous ion; Fe3+, ferric ion. Cu+ is called cuprous ion; Cu2+, cupric ion.

3. The names of the monatomic anions are obtained from a stem name of
the element followed by the suffix -ide.
Example: Br is called bromide ion, from the stem name brom- for bromine and the suffix -ide.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Rules for Naming Monatomic Ions
1. Monatomic cations are named after the element if there is only one such
Example: Al3+ is called aluminum ion; Na+ is called sodium ion.

Al: Aluminum → Al3+ aluminum ion

Na: sodium → Na+ sodium ion
K: Potassium → K+ Potassium ion
Ca: Calcium → Ca2+ Calcium ion

3. The names of the monatomic anions are obtained from a stem name of the
element followed by the suffix -ide.
Example: Br is called bromide ion, from the stem name brom- for bromine and the suffix -ide.
Br: Bromine → Br- Bromide
Cl: Chlorine → Cl- Chloride
S: Sulfur → S2- Sulfide
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Rules for Naming Monatomic Ions
2. If there is more than one monatomic cation of an element, Rule 1 is not
sufficient. The Stock system of nomenclature names the cations after the
element, as in Rule 1, but follows this by a Roman numeral in parentheses
denoting the charge on the ion.
Example: Fe2+ is called iron(II) ion and Fe3+ is called iron(III) ion.
In an older system of nomenclature, such ions are named by adding the suffixes -
ous and -ic to a stem name of the element (which may be from the Latin) to
indicate the ions of lower and higher charge, respectively. Example: Fe2+ is called
ferrous ion; Fe3+, ferric ion. Cu+ is called cuprous ion; Cu2+, cupric ion.

English name Latin name

Fe iron Ferrum 0

Fe2+ iron(II) ion Ferrous ion +2

Fe3+ iron(III) ion Ferric ion +3

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Common Cations of the Transition Elements

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Polyatomic ion
• A polyatomic ion is an ion consisting of two or more atoms
chemically bonded together and carrying a net electric

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
• Oxoanions (also called oxyanions) is polyatomic
ions, which consist of oxygen with another element
(called the characteristic or central element).
Example: Sulfur, for example, forms the oxoanions sulfate
ion, SO42-, and sulfite ion, SO32-.
Note that the names of the oxoanions have a stem name from the
characteristic element, plus a suffix -ate or -ite.
The name of the oxoanion with the greater number of oxygen atoms
has the suffix -ate;
The name of the oxoanion with the lesser number of oxygen atoms
has the suffix -ite.

NO2̅ nitrite ion SO32- sulfite ion

NO3̅ nitrate ion SO42- sulfate ion
Apply for no more than 2 oxoanions of a given characteristic element 67
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
More than 2 oxoanions of a given characteristic element

Cl: Chlorine
Prefix Root Suffix

Number of oxygen atoms

per root ate 4 ClO4- perchlorate
3 ClO3- chlorate
root ate
2 ClO2- chlorite
root ite
1 ClO- hypochlorite
hypo root ite

Example: KClO potassium hypochlorite

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
• Some oxoanions, bonded to one or more hydrogen ions (H), are
sometimes referred to as acid anions, because acids are substances that
provide Hions. Example:
PO43- phosphate
HPO42- monohydrogen phosphate
H2PO4- dihydrogen phosphate

CO32- carbonate
HCO3- hydrogen carbonate (older terminology: bicarbonate)

SO42- sulfate
HSO4- hydrogen sulfate (older terminology: bisulfate)

• S2O32- : thiosulfate ion.

• The prefix thio- means that an oxygen atom in the root ion name
(sulfate, SO42-) has been replaced by a sulfur atom.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Binary Molecular Compounds
A binary compound is a compound composed of only two

• Order of Elements in the Formula The order of elements in

the formula of a binary molecular compound is established
by convention. By this convention, the nonmetal or
metalloid occurring first in the following sequence is written
first in the formula of the compound.

Example: NF3, not F3N

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Rules for Naming Binary Molecular Compounds

1. The name of the compound usually has the elements

in the order given in the formula.
2. You name the first element using the exact element
3. You name the second element by writing the stem
name of the element with the suffix -ide (as if the
element occurred as the anion).
4. You add a prefix, derived from the Greek, to each
element name to denote the subscript of the element
in the formula. Generally, the prefix mono- is not used.

SF4 sulfur tetrafluoride
ClO2 chlorine dioxide
SF6 sulfur hexafluoride
Cl2O7 dichlorine hept(a)oxide
Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Acids and Corresponding Anions
• An oxoacid is an acid containing hydrogen, oxygen,
and another element (often called the central

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Acids and Corresponding Anions

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Acid solution of binary compounds of hydrogen and nonmetals

• These solutions are named like compounds by using the prefix hydro-
and the suffix -ic with the stem name of the nonmetal, followed by the
word acid.
• We denote the solution by the formula of the binary compound
followed by (aq) for aqueous (water) solution.

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
• A hydrate is a compound that contains water
molecules weakly bound in its crystals; or
• Hydrates are ionic compounds having a
specific number of water molecules
associated with each formula unit. In their
formulas, this number is shown after a
centered dot.

CuSO4·5H2O copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Chemical Reaction: Equations
A chemical equation is the symbolic representation of a
chemical reaction in terms of chemical formulas


2Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl

reactant product

“react to form” or “yield.”

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Balancing chemical equations


C3H8 + O2 → CO2 + H2O

NaHCO3(s) → Na2CO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(aq)

HCl(aq) + Zn(s) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Homework (1)

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Homework (2)

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU
Homework (3)

Phung Thanh Khoa - IU

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