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Your poster will be graded using the rubrics below:

CATEGORY Very Good (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Poor (1)
Content The poster Most required Only few Several required
includes all elements are required elements are
required included on the elements missing missing on the
elements as well poster. on the poster. poster.
as additional
Relevance All graphics are Most graphics Only few Graphic do not
related to the are related to the graphics relate to relate to the
topic and make it topic and most the topic. topic.
easier to make it easier to
understand. understand.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of design, attractive though messy or very
terms of design, color it may be a bit poorly designed.
color combination, messy. It is not
combination, neatness. attractive.
Explanation The content of There are less There are more The explanation
the explanation than three errors than three errors of the poster is
and its in the content of in the content of not clear and is
mechanics are all the explanation the explanation hard to
correct. and its and its understand.
mechanics. mechanics.

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