5 Things To Become Cold

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5 Things That Will Make You Cold 2

It's your boy, Steph.

Congrats on getting one of the coldest E-Books you'll ever read

in your life.

If you do these five things and you will become cold as fuck.
But keep in mind that all of this will come down to you apply-
ing these things.

It’s not enough to just Know these things. You MUST take ac-

Now let’s get into it.

5 Things That Will Make You Cold 3

Cold Commandment #1


Kill the weak scarcity mentality. Kill everything that you learned. Kill the emotion, the emo-
tional man that you always were when you were younger. Kill the thought of her loving
you when she doesn't even show it. Kill the part of you that loves that woman that doesn't
love you.

But, it takes time to kill it. It takes time to get rid of the beta. It doesn't come easy. You're
not going to become alpha overnight. If you're willing to put in the work, if you're willing to
not be fucking beta for the rest of your life, kill the beta. It takes time. Maybe six months,
maybe 12, maybe 24.

Does it matter? Do you really want to be beta forever? You can choose to. You can choose
not to. Everyone can be beta, but everyone cannot be alpha.
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 4

Isn't that why you got this ebook? You want the women, right? You want the fine ass
chicks. You want people to respect you. But no one respects a beta.

Oh, even your old friends, they will talk shit. They will try to manipulate you. They will try
to revert you back to the beta when you're on a transitioning phase. Ignore that shit. Who

Yeah, that woman who says you're an asshole. Yep, I'm an asshole. Yeah. Yes, you are an
asshole. Yes, you a jerk. Yes, you don't give a fuck.

You ever see a woman cry over a nice guy? Fuck no. She never cries over the nice guy. Why
would she cry over the nice guy? The nice guy doesn't bring her any emotions. The nice
guy doesn't bring her any type of feelings. He doesn't do anything for her. He's the nice

You want to be the nice guy, or you want to be the guy that she thinks about at night? You
don't have to be mean, but you have to have balls, you have to have a backbone. You can't
have that when you're beta.

Nice guys have all heart and no backbone or spine. Nice guys don't keep their emotions in
check, the alpha does. You must keep your emotions in check. Always keep your emotions
in check. Never fold, never show weakness. Betas do it.

Money doesn't make you alpha. The things that you obtain in your life don't make you
alpha. None of these things make you alpha.

It's the mindset. It's the energy and the mindset. Muscles don't make you alpha. You’ve
got to always hold frame. You’ve got to kill the beat.
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 5

Cold Commandment #2

Get In The Best Shape of


You're tired of being fat, tired of being sloppy, you don't get no choosing signals. You know
why you don't get no choosing signal?

Because you ugly. You ugly as fuck. You ugly, you out of shape. You think a woman wants
to fuck a dude that's out of shape?

You ain't got no money, you ain't hella rich. You’ve got to get in shape.

You fat? Do something about it. You skinny as fuck and you need to put on some muscle
on yourself? Do something about it.

Because, getting in the best shape of your life builds fucking confidence. Because you walk
like you the shit, you talk like you the shit.
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 6

You’ve got some sort of arrogance or swagger about yourself. You don’t give a fuck what
the next person thinks because you in shape, you feel good. You actually love what you
see, you feel good about yourself.

Who cares that the women that say, "Oh, I want my guy to be fat." No, she doesn't. She
only said that to manipulate you. She only said that because she doesn't want you to max-
imize your options. That’s the only reason why she's saying that.

Yes, you have to get in the best shape of your life. Yes, you need to work out. You have to
look like you work out because that brings sex appeal, it's something tangible, it's some-
thing worth looking at.

You walk in the mall and you look like you the shit, not because of the clothes you wear,
but because of how the clothes fit.

That's what's sexy to women: how the clothes fit. How they look on him, how you walk in
them. All of that energy shows. It all shows.

Only thing is, are you willing to put in the work? Are you willing to do these things?

You know, some guy's going to say, "Well, Stephon, should we workout for women?"

Well you don't like being fat, fat fucker. You can't even see your dick and you wonder why
you don't get choosing signals.

You tell me why you want to workout: for a bitch or for you? Motherfucker, both because
you always want to fuck a bitch.

"Well, Stephon, what about Rick Ross?"

Nigga, Rick Ross is a millionaire. You’re not. And they don't even fantasize about his fat ass.

Get in fucking shape, man. Stop playing. I'm on y'all ass right now. Get in shape and stop
playing, man.

It's something worth looking at when you look in the mirror every day. When you wake up,
it's something worth looking at. This is something worth chasing.

But like I always say, you got to really want it. You've got to really want it. You’ve got to
really want to improve.

I can't help you do that. I can't help you kill the beta. That's something for you to do. That's
something for you to grasp. Okay?
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 7

Cold Commandment #3

Master A Skill or Trade and/or Open Your


You need to master a skill or trade and/or open your own business so that you can mone-
tize it and always have some cash flow.

You need to have money coming in. A broke man is a depressed man, especially when he's
going through it.

One of my darkest times in my life was when I was broke. It was a dark time for me. I was in
a dark place. I didn't have any money, I didn't have a job, and I kept getting fired from jobs.

You need to have a skill or a trade and when you make your money, put your money up.
Don't be so eager to spend it. Have a minimalist lifestyle at times. When you know you
need to save money, save money.
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 8

But you need to have something that you can sell to the marketplace. This can be a prod-
uct or a service that you have that you're great at. Monetize that.

And how you become more valuable in that area is by doing it every day. You keep doing it
every day. Every day you keep doing it. Every day you keep achieving.

But it has to be a passion for you to do it. It has to be really worth something. It has to be
something tangible, something that people want to invest in.

But, you need to invest in it first because you need to see the vision first. Not them, you.
You need to make money doing it.

That's something that you have to do. It's worth something. You're pushing towards it.
People see you getting results, people are going to want to invest in it.

If you don't get results, then people don't want to invest in your shit. Fuck a degree, fuck
a certificate, my nigga...results!

When you go get a tattoo, motherfucker, you're looking at where the fuck is his shop at?
Does he have a shop? Nah, motherfucker. You look at the results. Results. Does he do good
work? Then, you might look at that after because results are good, and looks matter.

If someone tells you looks don't matter, they're fucking delusional. You're delusional. Looks
always matter, always.
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 9

Cold Commandment #4

Always Be Willing To


How did you think that I became so ahead of the game?

I always listen to OGs. I always shut it the fuck up. I always just listen and read books.

If I like something, I'm binge watching it. If some of you guys are new to the YouTube chan-
nel or new to the page you're on and y'all asking questions that I did videos on already or
already made a program about, that's like you watching a Netflix series of Stranger Things
season three, episode five and you asking, "How did L get her superpowers?"

My nigga, you missed two seasons, G. Go watch two seasons, my nigga. You missed two
seasons, G.

But it shows that you don't care about the two seasons. You want to know now because
people want quick fixes.
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 10

What did you say about choosing signals? I made a video about that already.

What did you say when a woman flaked me? I made a video about that already.

If this woman has superpowers, I'm pretty sure they had an episode or a movie about how
she got her superpowers. Let me go watch that. Let me go watch that before I ask some-
body else because I'm interested in it.

Always be willing to soak up knowledge and learn knowledge from people who know what
they're talking about. I have two mentors in my life.

Always be willing to learn from people. Shut the fuck up, and just listen.

I don't know everything so I should shut up sometimes and I listen. I'm always trying to
learn something. I'm always trying to figure out something, trying to learn something, try-
ing to learn something new, see what's going on.

What is going on? That's what I want to know. What is going on that I need to learn? What
do I need to soak up so I can improve as an individual?

This book right here is going to teach me how to become my coldest self? Let me read this
book. This course right here is going to teach me about female nature? Let me watch this
course. This course right here is going to teach me how to become an entrepreneur? Let
me watch this course.

I bet you it's only a handful of people who will even get to this part of the eBook or who
will even get it! AND IT’S FREE!

That's fucking sad because a lot of us want to get chicks, but we don't want to get money
and improve ourselves.

Do you know that money comes with chicks? Did you know that? Because, women are hy-
pergamous. So, why would you not want to be hypergamous as well? Use bait with money
so you can attract chicks.

Power is in the money. The money is in you. You reflect the power, but what the fuck are
you doing and what the fuck are you reading to understand these things?

Are you just an observer, are you just a guy that just likes listening to information and not
applying it? Oh, that's who you are? You're one of those people. All right. Well, that's on

If you don't want to learn new things, you won't evolve as an individual. If you don't want
to put your pride aside and apply things to your life that's going to make your life better,
you won't become a better individual.
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 11

If you don't drop your pride, you won't become a better individual. I don't know every-
thing, I'm always learning. I'm always willing to learn something new.

I just learned something new about being too direct and not being too direct. I learned
the differences. You could scare a woman away by being too direct. I just figured that out.
I also figured out what women want?

How did I figure these things out? Learning from books, from people, and from experienc-
es. That's something for y'all to think about it.

Life ain't easy, but it's simple. Most guys make life so complicated, and that brings to my
next point.
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 12

Cold Commandment #5

Take The


The red pill has nothing to do with relationships or women. It has everything to do with
the truth.

The truth is the truth, and you're self-aware. You could be red pilled in a relationship. You
could be red pilled in a marriage.

Do I advise you to get married? No. Do I advise you to get in a relationship? Yeah, you get
in a relationship. Marriage? No, because you're self-aware of your interrelationship dy-
namics and the game can continue. The game will never end.
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 13

“What is the game, Stephon?”

The way the female thinks. She's competing up until marriage because marriage is game
over. Marriage is an end game for her, but you won't know that unless you're red pill aware.

Why do you think women force marriage on you? I mean, she just keeps doing her best.
This only happens when you are red pilled and when you are alpha.

People ask, "Steph, do alphas get cheated on?"

Not really, not as much as betas get cheated on.

Every man can get cheated on but every man won't get cheated on. Especially if you listen
to and read my shit.

Can you get cheated on if you still apply what I'm saying? Of course. But just take the red
pill because then you'll understand female nature.

You'll understand female psychology. You'll understand that you can attract women with
other women. You will understand that if you've got a bad chick on your team or if you've
got a bad girlfriend, a bad main chick, what does that do? That brings other bad chicks, but
you wouldn't know that if you were blue pilled.

“Why is this happening?”

You might even ask your dad, why is it? Your dad don't fucking know. He’s blue pilled as
fuck. He don't know, but we don't judge guys who are blue pilled. They don't understand.

Forgive them for the lack thereof. No knowledge they have, no understanding they have,
and that's okay.

Most blue pilled guys think their woman won't cheat on them. He doesn't understand fe-
male nature and guess what...that is okay. That's okay for him.
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 14

What is the goal? The goal is to become the coldest version of yourself, and you have to
do these five things to become the coldest version, but the most important steps are one
through five.

You cannot become your coldest version of yourself missing these steps. You cannot be
cold. You can't be cold and you care about a bitch, especially caring about a bitch who
don't give a fuck about you.

You can't be cold. You can't be your coldest self and be in love with a bitch. You can't be
your coldest self when you care about what motherfuckers think or you care about what
motherfuckers say. You got anxiety.

Nigga, anxiety is a bitch trait. The definition of anxiety is worrying. What the fuck are you
worrying about, bro? Bills, money, women?

Don't worry about that, bro. Don't worry about that, G. Keep pushing. It's going to be hard,
but at least you have the eyes to see the world for what it is.

The thing is, are you going to keep complaining about how the world is?

"Ah man, these women are so fucked up."

Okay, but you still want to fuck. Right or wrong, you still want to fuck. These women are
so fucked up. Okay, but you still beat your meat to porn. Right or wrong? I'm right. I am

Why do you think Elliot Rodger did what he did?

That proves my point, that every man needed him some piece of vag. Every man needs
some because he will go crazy.

You see that woman with that fat ass. When she walks past, you be like, "Goddamn, I’d dig
her out."
5 Things That Will Make You Cold 15

Of course you would. You got incels looking at anime porn. How sick is that? Sick. Sick.
Anime porn, that is sick. Something that's not even real that they fantasize about, yet they
say they don't want a woman, which is okay.

That's why you must take the red pill to understand these things because you can navigate
through the blue pill world with the red pill lens.

Keep these things a secret, don't let nobody know that you know these type of things.
Keep it a secret. Only let them know when they're ready to learn.

When they're ready to learn, they will listen. Don't force it on no one. Your alpha and
you're red pilled. You are immortal.

Hopefully you apply it so you can become immortal. But if you don't apply it, you'll stay the
same, and then you’ll complain.

You already know what I say about that. You complain, you stay the same, G.

Apply it, that'll make life much better. We don't want to live in worry all day, or complain,
or live in this fantasy that we think is real.

No, we don't want to worry. Why would we want to worry all day? Why?

Take the red pill so you can see things for what they really are.

So you could see that what your mom taught you was a lie.

So you could see that what women say is a lie.

So you could see a bunch of things that you thought were real is a bunch of bullshit.

So you can see that we live in a gynocentric society. It's very gynocentric, but what are we
going to do about that?

Are we going to complain about that because the rent is due on the first? Are we literally
going to complain about the society being gynocentric?

Take the red pill, fellas. Do everything that I said on this. Own this. Do everything I listed on
this. It makes life easier and better, it does

I'll end it there. Don't forget to buy my program so you can be even better.


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