Controlling The Motion Output

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specified. A delivery envelop can also be imported from a file or generated from the mandrel shape.

This diagram
shows the
mandrel and an
elliptical delivery
envelope. The
color of the
envelope signifies
if it has been
shifted one way or
the other (blue for
shift to headstock;
yellow for shift to
tailstock) and if
the closest approach has been limited (red). Different minimum radial positions can be specified for the
headstock and tailstock allowing for non-symmetrical mandrels or for mandrels that are cantilever mounted in
the winding machine.

The shape of this delivery envelope can significantly increase winding speeds for low angle helical winding,
because of the rounded contours.

Controlling the Motion Output

The Motion tab of the Output Options dialog lets us
control how the machine output is being generated. We
have several options for a time base, but normally in
filament winding we like to run as fast as we can to
minimize production time. This is accomplished in
ComposicaD by use of a special algorithm called “Time
optimal fixed trajectory path generation”. Essentially the
algorithm moves all of the axes at the fastest rate it can,
without exceeding the maximum velocity or acceleration
on any axis.

One of the great features of ComposicaD is that it also

includes the fiber payout rate as one of the controlled
axes. This is especially important for wet winding, when
the maximum payout rate should not be exceeded to
produce good fiber band wet out.

ComposicaD also has an extensive set of output filters

which can be used to minimize the number of output

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