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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Shools Division of Iloilo
Tigbauan, Iloilo



Name:__________________________________ Date:___________ Score:_______

Direction: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your choice before the

Find your answers on the box.

Tat Rig Veda Sushir Ghan Vitat

Carnatic Music Hindustani Music Avanaddh Rig Veda

Tala Theka Pakistan Shofar West Asia-Israel Hazan

1. _____________________ is an ancient Indian sacred collection of Vedic Sanskrit.

2. _____________________ refers to the music of South India.

3. _____________________ is the third of the four Vedas of Hinduism.

4. _____________________ was developed in the 13th and 14th centuries AD with Persian


5. _____________________ also known as “blown air”.

6. _____________________ describes as a membranous percussive instruments.

7. _____________________ described as a non-membranous percussive instruments.

8. _____________________ referred to as Vina during the old civilization.

9. _____________________ described as the bowed stringed instruments.

10. _____________________ literally means “clap”.

11. _____________________ a sequence of drum syllables or “bol”.

12. _____________________ known for it’s unique vocals.

13. _____________________ this country has modal type of music.

14. _____________________ leader of the prayer in the synagogue.

15. _____________________ special call to prayer and repentance.


Shiva Islamin Ascendancy Diwali

diyas Rangoli “rang”
“aavalli” Uzbekistan ceramics Lakshmi
ketene Turkmenistan Kyrgyz women
shirdaks tush kyiz carving

16. _____________________ the Cosmic-dancer represented by a four-armed figure.

17. _____________________ the period of evolution from Vedism into Hinduism or


18. _____________________a festival celebrated by Hindus in India and all around the

world in October or November.

19. _____________________ one of the most beautiful and most pleasing art form of


20._____________________ means color

21. _____________________ row of colors

22._____________________ holds a prominent place among the numerous forms of

popular applied art.

23._____________________ a homespun silk that is used for the beautiful dresses worn

by Turkmen women on special occasions.

24._____________________ they produced most unique and beautiful carpets in the


25._____________________ they produce a wide range of textiles, mostly from the felt

of their sheep.

26._____________________ hand-made carpets or rugs

27._____________________ large elaborately embroidered wall hangings

28._____________________act of fashioning or producing by cutting into or shaping solid

materials such as wood.

29._____________________ the Hindu goddess of wealth

30._____________________special Diwali clay lamps

Choose your best answer on the box.

scrabble blocking 100

50 Blank

31. ________________The act of playing a word on the board that stops the opponent from

making a potentially large score.

32. The scrabble is played with exactly __________ tiles.

33. In scrabble, the _________ tiles may be used as any desired letter.

34. when a player is able to place all seven tiles from the tile rack on the board, the player

receives ___________ bonus points.

35. ______________ is a word game in which two to four players score points by forming

words from individual lettered tiles on a gameboard marked with a 15 by 15 grid.

Chess The King The Queen The Rock

The Pawn The Knight The Bishop Staunton

London Tourney Paul Morphy

36. An English master in the mid-1800s who designed the modern chess pieces.
37. A place where the first international chess tournament played.
38. The first great American-born chess player.
39. The most important chess piece but also one of the weakest.
40. It can move to any square as far as it wants, but only forward, backward and to the sides.
41. Moves forward but captures diagonally.
42. The most powerful piece.
43. Move just like an “L” shape.
44. It can move as far as it wants, but only diagonally.
45. A board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved
according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king.

Match column A with column B. Draw a line.

46. “Bones” a. the stock of domino pieces
47. “Pip” b. spot of a bone
48. “Dominus” c. speck
49. Dots d. domino
50. Bone Yard e. master of the house
Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice.

51. these are tiny microorganisms that many of the most common diseases.
a. bacteria b. pathogens c. virus
52. The pathogen that causes pneumonia.
a. bacteria b. fungus c. virus
53. Which of the following carries a rickettsia?
a. dysentery b. small pox c. ticks
54. The pathogen that causes athlete’s foot.
a. fungus b. parasite c. protozoan
55. The virus which enter the respiratory system that causes sickness?
a. cold virus b. rabies virus c. wart virus
56. The pathogen that causes amoebic dysentery.
a. parasite b. protozoan c. virus
57. Helminths are pathogens referred as______________.
a. bacteria b. parasites c. viruses
58. The helminths which lives in the intestine and causes a serious illness.
a. bilharziasis b. schistosomiasis c. trichinosis
59. Prevention of helminths diseases requires_____________.
a. eating good food
b. maintaining cleanliness
c. taking medicine
60. Direct and indirect spread of pathogens from one person to another.
a. communicable disease
b. non-communicable disease
c. toxin bacteria


Corrected by:____________________________

Parent’s Signature:__________________

Prepared by:


Teacher I



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