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Configuration Document

Maintain Settings at Plant Level

Submitted to

Modern Automotives Limited


Padmanaban B


Version 1.0
Maintain Settings at Plant Level (QM)
Configuration Document

Submitted to ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Modern Automotives Limited..................................................................................................................... 1
...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Document Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Document Structure ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Target Audience ................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Maintain Setting at Plant Level ................................................................................................................ 4
3. Define catalog types .............................................................................................................................. 12
4. Define Sample Type ................................................................................................................................ 14
5. Rule for Sample Determination ............................................................................................................. 15
6. Define Valuation Mode: .......................................................................................................................... 16
7. Modify Valuation rule ............................................................................................................................ 17
8. Assign Task List Types to Material Types ............................................................................................. 19
9. Define Task List Usage ........................................................................................................................... 20
10. Define Task List Status ......................................................................................................................... 21
11. Inspection Type ................................................................................................................................... 22
12. Assign Inspection Type to Lot Origin .................................................................................................. 23
13. Deactivate Inspection For A Goods Movement: .................................................................................. 25
14. Define Inspection In Plant Maintenance ............................................................................................. 26
15. Define Recording Configuration .......................................................................................................... 27
16. Define Filter For Inspection Characteristics ....................................................................................... 29
17. Define Control Key In Operation ......................................................................................................... 31

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Maintain Settings at Plant Level (QM)
Configuration Document

1. Introduction

1.1 Document Objectives

The objective of this document is to provide configuration details of the SAP Quality Management module
implemented and to enable the application system administrator(s) / authorized users in maintaining the
system. It is recommended that not more than two key users be identified as the application system
administrators. It is also recommended that this document should be a controlled copy in the hands of
the target audience.

Neither this documentation nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means
or translated into another language, without the prior consent of Modern Automotives Ltd.

1.2 Document Structure

This document is broadly divided into three main sections namely, the scope of implementation, the
proposed Organization Structure and the configuration details. The configuration details have been
broken down into following heads:

• Purpose
• IMG Menu Path/Transaction Code
• Description and Configuration Values
• Recommendations (If any)

1.3 Target Audience

The application system administrators who will be maintaining the Quality Management intend to use
this document. It may be noted that the document is consistent with the system settings on the date of
document (Date on the Title Page). It is the responsibility of the application system administrators to keep
this document updated and consistent with any further configuration done.

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Maintain Settings at Plant Level (QM)
Configuration Document

2. Maintain Setting at Plant Level

This setup allowed you to change and supplement several central controlling functions at plant level.
The controlling functions relate to the planning and implementation of quality inspections; for technical
reasons they are collated in one table. The functions you want to use for quality inspections determine
which settings are relevant for your requirements.

1. Access the transaction using the following navigation options:

IMG Menu SPRO -> Quality Management -> Basic Settings -> Maintain Settings at
Plant Level
Transaction Code SPRO

2. When QM module is to be implemented, plant level settings are needed to be maintained. Following
setting at plant level can be managed through this setting.

Ø Version control for Master Inspection characteristics and Inspection method,

Ø Plant level sampling procedure
Ø Code and selected set at plant level for valuation
Ø Automatic usage decision waiting time

Note:- Default settings are sufficient to do with QM Module. However important settings along with
the screenshots are explained below

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Configuration Document

3. Click on

4. Click New Entries to make a plant dependent settings

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Configuration Document

Basic Data

Update the Following fields

Field Description
Tick in this check box willassign version to the
MasterInspection Characteristicsautomatically
during creationand change
Tick in this check box willassign version to
theInspection method automatically during
creationand change.

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Configuration Document

Insp.Lot creation Tab screen

5. No settings are to be done here.

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Configuration Document

Result recording Tab screen

6. No settings are to be done here. At plant level any specific selected set is to be used, that may be
mentioned here in Plant, Selected set, code and code group columns

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Configuration Document

InspLot completion Tab screen

7. To configure Automatic Usage Decision Waiting time may be mentioned. Once this time elapses,
Automatic UD will be done. Batch Valuation check box to be ticked, if batch updating is to be done
without material specification

General settings Tab screen

8. No settings are to be done here.

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Configuration Document

Visual Planning

We can define control keys that contain control indicators. These indicators control, for example, whether:

• A sampling procedure must be defined

• A characteristic is treated as a qualitative characteristic

• Upper and/or lower tolerance limits must be defined

One of these indicators controls whether the proposed settings for the other control indicators can be changed

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Configuration Document

Inspection Type-Specific Settings for Plant

Here we can maintain default UD code setting for plants

Impact of this configuration in Master Data / Transaction

Over all maintenance of the above will control,

Ø Automatic creation of versions for MIC during creation and change

Ø Selected set at plant level may be used during result recording
Ø Automatic usage time elapse duration may be mentioned here
Ø Control to update Batch classification while taking UD with or without material specification

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Configuration Document

3. Define catalog types

A catalog is a grouping of codes that belong together content-wise with which qualitative subjects
written in text form can be encrypted in a form that can be processed automatically.
You use catalogs in Warranty Processing when you enter items for a version. Catalogs can be called in
the following functions: as a list of defect codes, of labor values (services) or of external
services (invoices for materials and labor values or expenses).

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SPRO
IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > QM Planning > Basic data >
Catalog > Define catalog types

2. Click to make new catalog. Screen shown as below.

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3. Choose Save.

4. Choose Back.

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Configuration Document

4. Define Sample Type

The sampling type defines the basic conditions for determining the sample size for each inspection
characteristic. A distinction is made between certain basic forms, such as:
* 100% inspection
* Fixed sample
* Percentage sample
* Sample according to the sampling scheme

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SPRO
IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > QM Planning > Basic data > Sample,
SPC > Define sample determination

2. Make the Required entries:

Define your Sampling types

Assign the rule for determination

3. Choose Save.

4. Choose Back.

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5. Rule for Sample Determination

The sample determination rule is stored in the sampling procedure itself and not in the sampling type.
This means that the system has the highest degree of flexibility when it determines the sample sizes.
Make sure, however, that the system is able to check whether the parameters for the sampling type and
the sample determination rule are consistent. You must ensure that the function behind the sample
determination rule is compatible with the desired sampling type.
The system also contains sample determination rules that are active on a global level, and do not solely
affect the sampling procedure in the inspection characteristic. This occurs, for example, if you define a
100% inspection for all characteristics in the inspection setup of a material.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code SPRO

IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > QM Planning > Basic data > Sample,
SPC > Define sample determination

Select New Entries and Define Parameters as per Requirement.

2. Choose Save.

3. Choose Back.

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Configuration Document

6. Define Valuation Mode:

The valuation mode, together with the sampling type, defines which parameters the system uses to
determine a sample size. The valuation mode specifies the rules for accepting and rejecting a
characteristic or sample (for example, attributive inspection on the basis of nonconforming units, variable
inspection according to s-method, and SPC inspection).

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SPRO
IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > QM Planning > Basic data > Sample,
SPC > Define valuation mode

2. Choose and Click on to Save.

3. Choose to go Back.

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7. Modify Valuation rule

The purpose of this step is to modify valuation rule


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code SPRO

IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > QM Planning/ Basic data > Sample,
SPC > Define valuation mode > Modify Valuation Rule

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2. Choose Save.

3. Choose Back.

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Configuration Document

8. Assign Task List Types to Material Types

The purpose of this step is to Assign task list types to material types

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code SPRO

IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > QM Planning > Inspection Planning >
General > Assign task list types to material types

2.Select a new entries to assign a task list type to material type

3. Choose Save

4. Choose Back.

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Configuration Document

9. Define Task List Usage

The purpose of this step is to define task list usage.
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SPRO
IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > QM Planning > Inspection Planning
> General > Define Task list usage

2. On the Change View “usage”: Overview screen, choose New Entries.

3. Choose Save.
4. Choose Back.

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Configuration Document

10. Define Task List Status

The purpose of this step is to define a task list status

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code SPRO

IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > QM Planning > Inspection Planning >
General > Define Task list status

3. Choose Save.

4. Choose Back.

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Configuration Document

11. Inspection Type

When an inspection lot is created, the system uses the inspection lot origin to determine how the
inspection lot will be processed. Depending on whether the inspection lot is created automatically or
manually, the system determines the inspection type as follows:
• When the system creates an inspection lot automatically, it determines the inspection type
automatically. For more information on how the system determines the inspection type in such
cases, see Inspection Type for Automatically Created Lots .
• When you create an inspection lot manually, you must first specify the inspection lot origin. If
more than one inspection type is active for a material in the material master, the system prompts
you to choose an inspection type.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SPRO
IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > Quality inspection > Inspection lot
creation > Maintain inspection types

2. To maintain new inspection type, Click on New Entries

3. Chose SAVE

4. Chose back

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Configuration Document

12. Assign Inspection Type to Lot Origin

The purpose of this step is to maintain inspection lot origin and assign inspection type

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code SPRO

IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > Quality inspection > Inspection lot
creation > Maintain inspection lot origin and assign inspection type

2. Select the lot origin and click on inspection type for the origin

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3. Choose Save.

4. Choose Back.

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Configuration Document

13. Deactivate Inspection For A Goods Movement:

The purpose of this step is to Deactivate inspection for a goods movement

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code SPRO

IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > Quality inspection > Inspection lot
creation > Inspection for Goods Movements

On the Change View “Deactivate movement”: Overview screen, choose New Entries.

2. Choose Save.

3. Choose Back.

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14. Define Inspection In Plant Maintenance

The purpose of this step is to define inspection in plant maintenance

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code SPRO

IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > Quality inspection > Inspection
lot creation > Define Inspections in Plant Maintenance.

2. On the Change View “Assign the inspection types PM/SM order types ”: Overview screen, make the

Choose Save.
Choose Back.

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Configuration Document

15. Define Recording Configuration

The purpose of this step is to define recording configuration.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code SPRO

IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > Quality inspection > Result recording
> Define Recording configuration

2. On the Change View “Recording Configuration” click on New Entries to create recording

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3. Choose Save.

4. Choose Back.

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Configuration Document

16. Define Filter For Inspection Characteristics


The purpose of this step is to define BOM and routing selection.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code SPRO

IMG menu IMG > Quality Management > Quality inspection > Result recording
> Define Filter for Inspection Characteristics.

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2. Choose Save.

3. Choose Back.

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17. Define Control Key In Operation

The purpose of this step is to define control key in operation

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code SPRO

IMG menu IMG > Logistics-General > Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) >
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
Basic Data > Routing > Operation Data > Define Control Key

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2. Choose Save.

3. Choose Back.

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