Islamabad Academy MZD: Class Paper Type Chapter/course Total Marks Time 1 Year Biology Subjective 40 1:50 Hrs

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Pre-Board Test-2016
Class Paper Type Chapter/course Total Marks Time
1st year Biology Subjective Chapter 10 40 1:50 hrs
Q.No. 2. Give the short Answer. (12x2=24)
i. What is polymorphism? ii. What do you mean by annuli?
iii Differentiate b/w Protostomes and iv. How does bilateral symmetry differ from radial
Deuterostomes. symmetry?
v. What are pseudocoelomates? vi. Differentiate b/w amniote and anamniote.
vii Distinguish b/w harmful and useful insects. viii Write down economic importance of sharks.
ix Differentiate b/w vertebrate and chordate. x. Differentiate b/w polyps and medusae.
xi. Why echinoderms are placed at the top of the xii What is archaeopteryx?
list of invertebrate phyla? .
Long Questions. Also draw diagrams where necessary. (8x2=16)
Q. 3: (a) Give a detailed account of class Mammalia. (05)
(b) Write down general characteristics of amphibians. (03)
Q. 4 (a) Describe general organization of arthropods. (05)
(b) Write down adaptations for parasitic mode life. (03)
Best Of Luck
Pre-Board Test-2016
Class Paper Type Chapter/course Total Marks Time
1 year Biology Objective Chapter 10 10 10 min
Name: Roll No.
Q.No. 1. Choose the correct answers.
1. A single rotting apple may contain_______ worms.
a. 9000 b. 9,00 c. 90,000 d. 90,0000
2. Invertebrate which is known as “Portugese man of war” is ;
a. Obelia b. dugesia c. physalia d. physcia
3. In _____both ovaries and oviducts are functional ;
a. Eagle b. earthworm c. dipnoi d. scorpion
4. Ecdysis occurs in ;
a. Arthropods b. amphibians c. reptiles d. both a & c
5. Coelom or body cavity formed due to splitting of mesoderm is called.
a. Schizocoelus b. enterocoelous c. archaeocoelous d. none
6. About 20% of food of sponges is;
a. Zooplankton b. detrital organic particles c. phytoplankton d. small fish
7. Enterobius vermicularis is commonly known as;
a. Shipworm b. pinworm c. hookworm d. book worm
8. The skin of osteichthyes has embedded dermal scales which may be;
a. Ganoid b. cycloid c. ctenoid d. all a , b , c
9. Which of the following is hermaphrodite chordate:
a. Hag fishes b. lamprey c. earthworm d. none
10. Mammals have evolved from reptilian ancestor_____.
a. Archaeopteryx b. cotylosaurs c. varanope d. all


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