Estructura A Través Del Margen Oriental de La Cordillera Central PDF

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Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 1, No. I, pp. 109-120, 1988 0895-9811/88 $3.00+0.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Journals Lid

Structure along the eastern margin of the Central

Cordillera, Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia
Earth Sciences and Resources Institute, University ofseuth Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208 USA
(Received for publication August 1987)

Abstract---The eastern margin of the Central Cordillera in the Colombian Andes is bounded by a narrow,
east-verging, middle Tertiary foreland fold and thrust belt. Serialized balanced cross-sections reveal that
structures within this belt are characterized by en echelon basement-cored domes carried eastward on low-
angle to moderately steeply dipping basement-rooted thrust faults. Foreland folding and thrusting
migrated eastward through time, but ended by latest Oligocene and crustal deformation shifted eastward
to the Eastern Cordillera and the Garz6n Massif during the early Miocene through Pliocene. The style and
configuration of the foreland structures along the eastern margin of the Central Cordillera appear to be
controlled by a polygonal array of pre-existing mechanical anisetropies in the pre-Cretaceous basement. In
the northern portion of the Chusma fault system, N/S-trending, moderately dipping, basement-rooted
thrusts flatten upward into detachment surfaces within a thick Upper Cretaceous shale unit, carry broad
basement-cored ramp anticlines on their hanging walls, and splay upward into the pre-Miocene
sedimentary cover forming trailing imbricate fans. To the south, the same basement faults exhibit a
different style as they steepen, jog sharply to a northeast trend, and cut directly up through the
sedimentary cover without forming associated imbricate thrusts. This retro-arc thrust belt differs from
other cordilleran deformed belts, such as the Canadian Rockies and Foothills, in that basement directly
influenced deformation of the sedimentary cover. The interplay of Oligocene crustal shortening with pre-
existing basement weaknesses created a transitional terrane that developed features of both thin-skinned
thrust belts and thick-skinned Laramide-style crustal uplii~s.
Resumen--El margen oriental de la Cordillera Central en los Andes colombianos esta limitado por una
angosta faja plegada y corrida, Terciaria media, y con vergencia hacia el este. Secciones balanceadas
seriadas indican que las estructuras dentro de este cinturSn est6n caracterizadas por domos nucleados por
basamento (basement-core domes) en echelon que han sido trasladados hacia el este por corrimientes de
bajo a moderado angulo originados en el basamento. E1 plegamiento del antepais y el corrimiento migr6
hacia el este a travds del tiempo, pero finaliz6 en el Oligoceno tardio. Durante el Mioceno temprano al
Plioceno, la deformacibn cortical se desplaz6 al este a la Cordillera Oriental y al Macizo del Garz6n. El
estilo y la conflguraci6n de las estructuras de antepais a lo largo del margen oriental de la Cordillera
Central aparentan estar controlados por tm ordenamiento poligonal de anisotropias mec~nicas preexis-
tentes en el basamento pre-cret~cico. En la porci6n norte del sistema de falla Chtmma, corrimientos de
orentaci6n N-S de inclinaciSn moderada originados en el basamento, se horizontalizan hacia arriba en
superficies de despegue dentro de una potente unidad lutitica del CretAcico Superior, transportan amplios
anticlinales de tampa nucleados pot basamento en los bloques levantados, y se despliegan hacia arriba en
una cobertura sedimentaria pre-miocena formando "abanicos imbricados" (trailing imbricate fans). Hacia
el sur, las mismas fallas de basamento exhiben un estilo diferente ya que tienden a verticalizarse, se
deflectan bruscamente a una alineaciSn noreste, y cortan directamente hacia arriba a tray,s de la
cobertura sedimentaria sin formar corrimientos imbricados asociados. Esta faja de eorrimientos de retro-
arco difiere de otras fajas cordilleranas deformadas, tales como la de las Rocallosas Canadienses, en donde
el basamento influenci6 directamente la deformacibn de la cubierta sedimentaria. La interrelacibn de
acortamiento cortical Oligoceno con zonas de debilidad del basamento pre-existentes, crearon un terreno
transicional que desarroll6 caracteristieas tanto de fajas de corrimiento de "piel delgada" (thin-skinned),
como de levantamientoscorticales de "piel gruesa" (thick-skinned) de tipo Laramide.

INTRODUCTION Reverse faults carrying basement-cored anticlines

f l a t t e n u p w a r d i n t o t h e s e d i m e n t a r y c o v e r to f o r m
ALONG THE U p p e r M a g d a l e n a V a l l e y of C o l o m b i a , a imbricate fans and narrow ramp anticlines. The
r e t r o - a r c fold a n d t h r u s t b e l t f o r m s t h e e a s t e r n m a r - focus of t h i s p a p e r is t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e re-
g i n of t h e C e n t r a l C o r d i l l e r a (Fig. 1). E a s t - v e r g i n g , verse faults within the pre-Cretaceous basement and
b a s e m e n t - c o r e d r a m p a n t i c l i n e s a r e localized w i t h i n t h e t h r u s t s d e f o r m i n g t h e C r e t a c e o u s - T e r t i a r y cover.
two e n e c h e l o n s e g m e n t s of t h e t h r u s t belt. T h e nor- T h e s e s t r u c t u r e s f o r m t h e b a s i s for t h e i m p o r t a n t oil
t h e r n s e g m e n t , t h e G i r a r d o t f a u l t s y s t e m , is c h a r a c - fields i n t h e U p p e r M a g d a l e n a V a l l e y .
terized by m o d e r a t e l y steeply dipping reverse faults.
T h e m a j o r i t y of t h e f a u l t s a r e b l i n d a n d a r e e x p r e s s e d
at the s u r f a c e by t i g h t , d o u b l y p l u n g i n g folds. REGIONAL SETTING OF THE CHUSMA
W i t h i n t h e s o u t h e r n s e g m e n t , t h e C h u s m a f a u l t sys- FAULT SYSTEM
t e m , b o t h folds a n d f a u l t s a r e e x p o s e d a t t h e surface.
I n C o l o m b i a , t h e A n d e s m o u n t a i n b e l t ( F i g . 2)
*Present address: Tenneco Oil Exploration and Production, branches into three distinct parts: (i)the Western
P. O. Box 9909, Bakersfield, CA 93389 USA. Cordillera, a Cretaceous-Paleocene ophiolite-bearing


75w 74W
5 N . - ~ - ~ . ~ - - ,SN

1 Miocene-Recent Strata

Q Cretaceous-Oligocene Strata
r'74 W
4N 4N
pre-Cretaceous basement .~

Girardot fault

fault system

7SW 70W




__/ 1N
°i E~o,,~R '°


Fig. 1. Locationmapofthe UpperMagdalenaValley,Colombia(adaptedafterCedielet al., 1976).

accretionary prism overprinted by an Eocene-Oligo- of Neogene molasse was deposited discordantly

cene volcanic arc; (ii)the Central Cordillera, a per- across the partially eroded Chusma fault system.
sistent crustal uplift since the latest Cretaceous and A steep, east-dipping reverse fault, the Garz6n-
the site of a Neogene volcanic arc; and (iii) the Eas- Suaza fault, forms the present eastern margin of the
tern Cordillera, a broad crustal uplift bounded by Neiva Basin. East of this fault is a broad Paleozoic
outward-facing thrust belts elevated and deformed crystalline basement uplift (Garz6n Massif, Fig. 3)
during Miocene-Pliocene time. that forms the southernmost portion of the triangle-
The Chusma fault system, which developed during shaped Eastern Cordillera (see Fig. 2).
the late Eocene-Oligocene, is situated between the
Central Cordillera and the Eastern Cordillera. It is
partially buried by Miocene and younger molassic STRATIGRAPHY
sediments filling the intermontane Neiva Basin (Fig.
1). The Neiva Basin is one of several structural de- Pre-Cretaceous basement complex
pressions forming the Magdalena Valley, a Neogene
foredeep trough (Van Houten, 1976). Clastic sedi- The pre-Cretaceous rocks exposed adjacent to the
ments derived first from the elevated Central Cor- Neiva Basin are Paleozoic crystalline rocks locally
dillera, and later from both the east and the west, overlain by a complex succession of red beds, vol-
were trapped in this narrow intermontane trough by canics, and volcanoclasticsof Triassic-Jurassic age
the rise of the Eastern Cordillera. Up to 3000 meters the Saldafia Formation (Cediel et al., 1981). The
Structure of the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia 111
SOiW 701W

_ k /



/ EF
' //"
5C 701W


Fig.2. Tectonicmap ofthe NorthernAndes: Ecuador,Colombia,and Venezuela(fromIrving,1975;Lonsdale,1978;Kelloggand

Bonini, 1982).

Paleozoic contains large granite and granodioritic The pre-orogenic sequence constitutes a single
plutons, orthogneiss, and low- to medium-grade transgressive-regressive megacycle, beginning with
metasediments and metavolcanics (Pedreira and a basal sand and conglomerate unit -- the Caballos
Rosenman, 1973; Geyer, 1979). Precambrian base- Formation (Fig. 4). This sandstone unit thins south-
ment rocks of the Guiana Shield are considered to ward, in the direction of transgression, varying from
extend no further west than the central axis of the over 200 meters of arkosic conglomerates and sands
Garz6n Massif(Irving, 1975). in the northern Neiva Basin (Fig. 3) to about 90
meters of quartz arenite and conglomerate southwest
Cretaceous-Paleogene succession of Hobo (Dixon, 1953; Beltr~n and Gallo, 1979).
Caballos sands grade upward into thick transgres-
The pre-Miocene sedimentary succession forms an sive marine shale and limestone of the Villeta For-
eastward and northward thinning wedge of generally mation (Fig. 4). The shale is very organic-rich and
clastic sediments of mid-Cretaceous to early Oligo- contains intervals of chert and phosphorite, indi-
cene age. The thickness of this sediment wedge cating deposition in a restricted basin subject to
varies from about 6000 meters along the edge of the periods of upwelling. In the southern Upper Magda-
Central Cordillera to 2500 meters adjacent to the lena Valley, the formation varies in thickness
Garz6n Massif. The succession is made up of two between 700 and 1100 meters (Dixon, 1953; BQrgl,
distinct sediment packages: a pre-orogenic Albian- 1961).
Aptian through Paleocene marine to nonmarine During the Campanian, a major marine regression
sequence, and an upper Eocene-lower Oligocene syn- occurred in the northern Andes. In the Upper Mag-
orogenic molasse. dalena Valley, this regression was expressed in
112 K. }]UTI,ER and S. SCHAMEI,

deposition of a 150-200 meter thick, fine-grained, it thins rapidly to the east where it is only l l 0 0
marine quartz arenite - - the Monserrate Formation meters thick adjacent to the GarzSn Massif. The
According to Waddell (1982), the C a m p a n i a n - sequence was deposited in a complex depositionat
Maastrichtian Monserrate sands were deposited in a setting of coalescing alluvial fans and braided flood-
northward prograding, tidal-dominated coastal en- plains developed on the eastern flank of the then
vironment. Localized beach deposits accumulated actively rising Central Cordillera.
adjacent to the Central Cordillera, which may have
been slowly rising during the Maastrichtian (Irving, Neogene succession
1975; Waddell, 1982). Monserrate sands grade up-
ward into paralic to nonmarine red beds of the A thick succession of nonmarine, molassic sedi-
Guaduala Group. This Maastrichtian-Paleocene ments was laid down in the Neiva Basin following
unit, which ends the first sequence megacycle, forms the main phase of deformation in the Chusma fault
an eastward-thinning wedge v a r y i n g from 1200 system. These Neogene s e d i m e n t s (Fig. 4) are
meters thick along the Central Cordillera to 400 grouped in three units: (i) the Barzalosa Formation,
meters in the eastern Neiva Basin. lowermost Miocene or ?uppermost Oligocene; (ii) the
A late Paleocene-early Eocene hiatus separates Honda Formation, middle to upper Miocene; and
the two sequences. Except in the extreme west, (ill) the Mesa Group, P l i o c e n e to Q u a t e r n a r y
coarse fluvial clastics of the Gualanday Group (Fig. (Beltr~n and Gallo, 1979). The Barzalosa Formation
4) rest paraconformably on the Guaduala red beds. consists of 50 to 300 meters of fluvial red mudstone.
This second, synorogenic, sequence contains massive The Honda Formation is a coarse clastic sequence of
chert pebble conglomerates, trough crossbedded up to 2500 meters of arkosic conglomerate, sands,
sands, and red beds of late Eocene-early Oligocene and volcanoclastics deposited in coalescing alluvial
age (Anderson, 1972; Van Houten, 1969; Van Houten fans and braided river systems (Van H o u t e n and
and Travis, 1968). The Gualanday Group is thickest Travis, 1968). The Mesa Group fills the young axial
(3000 m) on the west, beneath the Chusma fault, and trough of the Neiva Basin with as much as 1000
meters of molassic sediments. The volcanoclastics
common in the Mesa Group were derived from the
late Miocene-Pliocene andesitic volcanoes distri-
buted along the axis of the C e n t r a l C o r d i l l e r a .
Quaternary alluvial fans cover older Neogene sedi-
ments along both flanks of the Neiva Basin, however,
locally young deformation and deep down-cutting by
the Magdalena River have combined to expose
portions of the succession.


The Chusma fault defines the boundary between

crystalline rocks of the Central Cordillera and the
Chusma fault system (Fig. 3). Paleozoic basement
rocks are carried on the Chusma thrust over strata as
young as early Oligocene. To the east, a series of
associated west-dipping thrusts and]or reverse faults
drive basement-cored ramp anticlines eastward, dis-
rupting the cover succession. Several of the asym-
metric anticlines are breached, exposing the pre-
Cretaceous Saldafia Formation (Fig. 3).
The structure of the Chusma fault system and the
B50E effect of younger structures associated with the uplift
[ ~ L. MIOCENE-RECENT of the Eastern Cordillera can be seen by examining
O 10 20
~ U.EOCENE-L.OLIGOCENE Kilometers in detail three sub-areas shown in Fig. 3.
U. CRETACEOUS (Maastrichtlan) -
San Francisco area
L. CRETACEOUS (Albtan-Aptlan
to Maastrlchtlan ) The San Francisco area (Fig. 5) is characterized by
PRE-CRETACEOUS (BASEMENT) a broad, eastward-verging anticline b e n e a t h the
ROCKS (Paleozolc and Triassic-
town of San Francisco, paralleled by several west-
dipping thrusts. The San Francisco anticline brings
Fig. 3. Generalized geologic map of the Neiva Basin (adapted after the Villeta and M o n s e r r a t e F o r m a t i o n s to the
Dixon, 1953; Torres et al., 1959; Raasvelt et al., 1957). Shaded
areas indicate detailed geologic maps presented: 1) San Francisco surface. Along the crest and the west limb of the
area; 2) Palermo area; and 3) San Antonio syncline. anticline, the San F r a n c i s c o t h r u s t c a r r i e s the
Structure of the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia 113

uppermost Villeta Formation over the Monserrate tional thrusts, such as the Palermo thrust, that
sands, the Guaduala mudstones, and, locally, the repeat the Monserrate-Gualanday stratigraphic in-
basal Gualanday Group -- a m i n i m u m vertical throw terval. These thrusts can be mapped northward
of 800 meters. The ridge-forming Monserrate sands where they merge with the San Francisco thrust just
are repeated twice by the San Francisco thrust and a south of the San Francisco area (Fig. 5). East of the
small footwall splay (Fig. 5). At the Rio Bache water- Bache thrust, in the southwest quadrant of Fig. 6, a
gap on the axis of the San Francisco anticline, the bedding-plane thrust is mapped partially enveloping
Bache thrust carries Villeta shales onto the upper the Upar High, an asymmetric, basement-cored
Monserrate Formation with a m i n i m u m vertical anticline. This folded thrust is just one of several in
throw of 200 meters. The Bache thrust appears to die the area that appear to predate folding of the two
out northward into the relatively incompetent Gua- large ramp anticlines, the Upar High and the Hato
duala mudstones, but it could merge with the foot- Viejo High. The imbricate thrusts in the Palermo
wall splay of the San Francisco thrust just west of area have detached in black shales near the top of the
San Francisco. A branch off of the Bache thrust, Villeta Formation.
having very minor throw, extends N N E along the The observed decrease in fault displacement from
axial trace of the San Francisco anticline. The east the Chusma fault eastward is characteristic of a
limb of the anticline is buried disconformably be- trailing imbricate fan (Boyer and Elliot, 1982). The
neath a thin veneer of post-thrusting Honda Forma- throw on the San Francisco thrust is as great as 1000
tion. meters, and the aggregate throw on the various
Palermo thrust splays is at least 800 meters. In
contrast, the vertical throw on the Bache thrust is
Palermo area only about 200 meters. East of the Bache thrust, the
faults ramp upward from a decollement surface with-
In the Palermo area (Fig. 6), the San Francisco in the Villeta shales to follow secondary glide hori-
and Bache thrusts are separated by several addi- zons in siltstonesof the Monserrate Formation.


Localized adjacent to the Cen.t~l Cor-

•" Terracesand ] I dillera and the Gar~n M~_~J'f. Vosc.anlcs q
"~ alluvial fans dominant along Central Cordillera.
@, a_
k non-marine volcaniclastic sequence.
Mesa Group ~-:..'..:.::..:.:.:-.'~.'
,.'.~ Thicknose up to 1000 metort TQm
A non-marine molauic sequence of
i Honda Forma tl on "~.'.~,"~.'.'.'s:~' arkole, volcanielastirs, and lRharanit~
up to 3000 meters thick.
@ 0 ~-~;.~~'.:Y.,:':~ A non-marine mudrock unit up to 300
Barzalosa ~.-'-:~".
meters thick. Confined to azial trough of Tb
the Neiva Basin.

m no deposition Major angular unco~on~'ty due to do-

formation during mid- to late Ollgeceno.
.~ Gualanday '~'~-~ A non-marino sequence of molasee com- Td
posed of chert ~nglomeratse, 1100 to Tp
3000 meters thick. Tc
~ no deposition ~ o n r disconformity in the Neiva Basin
• Paleocene-upperEoceno.
A paralic to non-marine sequence of red Tgt
~" Guaduala Group beck, 400 to 1200 metoca t-hick; M..a.
trichtian...Paleocene in age. Tgs

Monserrato ~ _ A marine q u ~ n i t e ranging from

150 to 200 meters thick; Campanian- K4
M..-trichtian ta age.
800 to 1100 meters of • black marine

i° .~


shale with diKontinuoue carbonates;
Alhian-Aptian-Campanian in age.
A pm-allc to tran~meive marine
quartearenite-congtomerato, 80 to 200

maters thick; Albino-Aptian in age.

Saldaba- 2000 meters of carbonates and con-

Payande tinental elastics, slightly metamor-
Formations pho~d. Overlain by at the most 2000
meters of andos/to and bmmlt flows.

~ . . ] m s e d of a wide rang e of inter-

ba"ystalline msdfato and acidic plutom~ low to high
f[mda metamorphic reeks; Cambrian-
Ordovician and Carboniferous in age.

Fig. 4. Stratigraphic column for the N e i v a Basin region (adapted after Dixon, 1953;
Beltrdn and Gallo, 1979). The codes for the stratigraphic units given in Figs. 5, 6,
and 7 are shown in the right-hand column.

I 14 ~ , BUTLER and S. SCHAMEL

Saldafia volcanics are exposed in the cores of the

Hato Viejo and Upar anticlines, which rise beneath
the imbricate thrust stack. The Hato Viejo anticline
is a broad elongate dome bounded on the west by a
steep normal fault, on the north by a NE-dipping
thrust splay, and on the east by onlapping, discon-
formable Neogene strata. The Upar High is a west-
vergent anticline uplifted on the counter-regional
Upar reverse fault (Fig. 6). The Upar fault has a
minimum vertical throw of 800 meters. The Upar
anticline plunges steeply northward beneath the
gently folded Bache thrust.
Field evidence in the Palermo area points to two
phases of deformation which post-date deposition of
the early Oligocene Gualanday Group rocks and pre-
date deposition of the Honda Formation:
1) Imbricate thrusting of the pre-Mioeene sedimen-
tary cover on detachment horizons in the Villeta
shale and the Guaduala mudstones giving rise to a
trailing imbricate fan. The thrust splays probably
link genetically with the Chusma fault in that the
San Francisco thrust merges with that structure
to the southwest.
| i
2) Detachment, folding, and uplift of the basement in
0 H;; i
2 3
the footwall of the Chusma reverse fault to form
r = the Upar and Hato Viejo ramp anticlines, thereby
Fig. 5. Geologic map of the San Franciscu area. Codes for
tblding the overlying imbricate f a n
stratigraphic units are given ira Fig. 4

D •

Fig. 6. Geologic map of the Palermo area. Codes for stratigraphic units are given in Fig. 4.
Structure of the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia 115

San Antonio syncline sands rests directly on Paleozoic crystalline base-

The San Antonio syncline (Fig. 7) lies along the Development of the San Antonio syncline occurred
eastern margin of the Neiva Basin adjacent to the in two phases following deposition of the lower Oligo-
GarzSn Massif. Both limbs of the structure are cene upper Gualanday strata:
bounded by steep reverse faults that converge up- 1) Eastward directed thrusting on the Ceibas fault,
ward toward the axis of the syncline. The syncline resulting in local upturning of s t r a t a in the
exposes the entire pre-Miocene sedimentary succes- footwall of the fault - - the west limb of the syn-
sion, including the upper Gualanday strata. cline. This thrusting pre-dates deposition of the
Along the west limb of the syncline, a short seg- Honda Formation and may be just slightly youn-
ment of the Ceibas reverse fault is exposed beneath ger than movement on the faults in the San
the onlapping Miocene to Recent alluvium. The fault Francisco and Palermo areas.
carries basement rocks up against east-facing sub- 2) Westward directed uplift of the GarzSn Massif on
vertical Monserrate beds. The GarzSn Massif is the GarzSn-Suaza reverse fault, overturning stra-
thrust up over the steep to overturned east flank of ta in the footwall - - the east limb of the syncline.
the syncline on the east-dipping GarzSn-Suaza re- Movement on the GarzSn-Suaza fault occurred
verse fault. On the hanging wall block of the GarzSn- after deposition of the Honda Formation and pos-
Sauza fault, a thin erosional remnant of Caballos sibly during deposition of the Mesa Group.


The important basement-rooted structures in the

Chusma fault system are shown in Fig. 8. The
shaded regions in Fig. 8 delineate those areas in
which basement faults splay upward into imbricate
thrusts in the overlying sedimentary section. The
regional structure is further illustrated by three
serialized cross-sections (Fig. 9}; see Figs. 3 and 8 for
the location of the sections. The map and cross-
sections were compiled from detailed geologic maps
(Figs. 5, 6, and 7) prepared for this study, published
and p r o p r i e t a r y r e g i o n a l geologic maps, and
proprietary seismic and well data provided by the
Tenneco Oil Exploration and Production Company.
The cross-sections (Fig. 9) have been line balanced
(Dahlstrom, 1969) using the base of the Caballos
Formation and the top of the Monserrate Formation
as reference horizons. The relatively uniform 1000-
1200 meter thickness of the Upper Cretaceous se-
quence between the reference horizons has been
honored in constructing the sections.

Section A-A '(San Francisco to San Antonio)

Section A-A' (Fig. 8) extends across the Neiva

Basin from the Central Cordillera to the GarzSn
Massif, crossing the San Francisco anticline (Fig. 5)
and the San Antonio syncline (Fig. 7). In the line of
the section, the pre-Cretaceous basement is disrupted
by four west-dipping reverse faults, each having
progressively diminished throw toward the east. The
throws estimated from the cross-section for the
basement faults are a minimum of 16 km on the
Chusma fault, 7 km on the Dina fault, 2.5 km on the
Palogrande fault, and about 1 km on the Ceibas fault.
0 q 2 J ~ $ '~
The faults, which are m o d e r a t e l y steep in
basement, flatten upward into detachment surfaces
I el~tt$ 3
within the Villeta shale and splay outward through
Fig. 7. Geologic map of the San Antonio syncline. Codes for the pre-Miocene sedimentary cover succession to
stratigraphic units are given in Fig. 4.
form trailing imbricate fan thrust systems. At least

one large ramp anticline developed as a result of the section into the Pliocene Mesa Group; however, the
faulting - - the San Francisco anticline carried on the other west-dipping faults apparently do not disrupt
Dina thrust. This anticline folds t h r u s t splays the basal Miocene unconformity.
formed in front of the Chusma fault, thus indicating The minimum crustal shortening between the
t h a t m o v e m e n t on the C h u s m a i m b r i c a t e fan Chusma and the Garz6n-Suaza faults is about 12 kin,
preceded thrusting on the Dina fault. or 19%
The younger (Miocene-Pliocene) Garz6n-Suaza
fault carries Paleozoic crystalline rocks westward Section B-B '(Palermo to Rivera)
onto the flanks of the San Antonio syncline. The
approximately 1.5 km of throw on the Garz6n-Suaza Profile B-B' crosses the Magdalena Valley j u s t
fault was responsible for the steep upturning, indeed south of Neiva, passing close to the towns of Palermo
local overturning, of the east limb of the syncline. (Fig. 6) and Rivera. Although the Ceibas thrust dies
Minor episodic m o v e m e n t on the P a l o g r a n d e out north of this profile, the other faults continue
thrust continued into the latest Miocene. The fault is southward with little change except for s l i g h t l y
known from subsurface and surface data to cut up- diminished throws on the Dina and P a l o g r a n d e

/-. /


o 4o


o 2'0 £

Fig. 8. Basement structure map of the Chusma fault system and Neiva Basin. The shaded areas indicate regions of known imbricate
thrust fans in the pre- Miocene sedimentary cover rocks. The inset map shows basement structures along the entire Upper Magdalena
Valley. Legend: Cbt, Ceiba~ fault; Ct, Chusrna fault; Dt, Dina fault; Gst, Garzdn-Suaza fault; Hvh, Hate Viejo High; Pt, Palogrande
fault; Sas, San Antonio syncline;Sfa, San Francisco anticline;Uh, Upar High; Ut, Upar fault; Vt, Villavieja fault.
Structure of the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia 117

faults, about 5 km and 1.5 km, respectively. The San dipping to overturned Miocene and Pliocene strata on
Francisco ramp anticline carried on the Dina thrust the eastern margin of the Neiva Basin. In this pro-
has widened southward so that in the vicinity of file, the geologic constraints are not sufficient to
Palermo it is very broad and flat. It reaches a estimate the throw on the fault.
culmination just south of profile B-B' in the Hato The m i n i m u m crustal shortening between the
Viejo High (Fig. 6), a broad, basement-cored dome. Chusma and Garz6n-Suaza faults in Section C-C' is
The imbricate fan thrust system in the pre-Miocene 11.5 kin,or approximately 17.5%.
sedimentary cover succession that roots into the
Chusma fault is folded above the slightly younger
San Francisco anticline. Early Miocene strata rest DISCUSSION
with sharp angular discordance on the west-dipping
thrusts of the Chusma fault system. The Chusma fault system exhibits two contrasting
Along the east margin of the Neiva Basin, the structural styles: (i) a northern, N/S-trending seg-
steeply eastward dipping Garz6n-Suaza fault has ment characterized by relatively shallow basement-
carried Paleozoic crystalline rocks 3 to 4 km upward rooted trailing imbricate fans within the pre-Miocene
onto overturned strata of the Honda Formation. sedimentary cover strata, and (ii) a southern,
Quaternary alluvial fans along the west margin of NE/SW-trending segment characterized by steeper
the Garz6n Massif are not disturbed by the Garz6n- reverse faults that merely cut up through the pre-
Suaza fault. Miocene strata without forming an imbricate fan
The m i n i m u m amount of crustal shortening thrust system. The polygonal array of en e c h e l o n
between the Chusma and the Garz6n-Suaza faults, as basement-rooted faults exhibiting these contrasting
determined for Section B-B', is l l km, or approxi- styles is depicted in Fig. 8; the areal extent of known
mately 18%. imbricate thrust fans is shown in the shaded pattern.
The presence or absence of frontal imbricate thrust
S e c t i o n C-C ' ( T e r u e l to Campoalegre ) fans appears to be related to the dip of the associated
basement-rooted fault. The moderately dipping, N/S-
Section C-C', which crosses the southern portion of trending fault segments splay upward into imbricate
the Neiva Basin near the small towns of Teruel and fans; the steeper, NE-trending fault segments do not.
Campoalegre, differs considerably from the previous Controls on the attitude of the fault segments within
two sections (Fig. 9). Both the Chusma and the Dina the rather regular polygonal array exhibited in the
faults are steeper here than to the north and have Neiva Basin area (Fig. 8} are not clear as yet. Fault
greatly diminished displacements, about l0 km and 4 attitudes and trends may be controlled by mechani-
km, respectively. The Palogrande thrust dies out cal anisotropies, such as pre-existing faults or region-
southward, possibly not even reaching profile C-C'. ally consistant structural fabrics, within the pre-
A major change in the style of s t r u c t u r e s Cretaceous basement. On the other hand, such a
associated with the Dina fault occurs south of a large fault array could arise from right-lateral strike-slip
westward jog in the trace of the fault on the south motion within a broad, NE-trending transcurrent
flank of the Hate Viejo High (Fig. 8). South of the fault system.
jog, the steeper Dina reverse fault cuts up through a The Chusma fault is observed to c a r r y pre-
large asymmetric, east-verging anticline. Appar- Mesozoic crystalline basement rocks on its hanging
ently absent is the paired ramp anticline-frontal syn- wall. Our cross-sections (Fig. 9) show the Dina, the
cline that is carried on the shallower dipping seg- Palogrande, and the Ceibas faults also cutting deep
ment of the Dina fault to the north (Fig. 9). The into the pre-Mesozoic basement. We propose that all
frontal imbricate fan in the pre-Miocene strata that of these thrusts ultimately rooted into the mid-
is associated with the Dina fault to the north is crustal brittle-ductile transition zone (McKenzie and
absent south of the Hate Viejo High. Jackson, 1983) which, at the time of thrusting in the
The broad basement-cored dome between the Dina late Eocene-Oligocene, might have been as deep as 10
and the Chusma faults is displaced by a SE-dipping to 15 km. Pre-existing mechanical weaknesses with-
reverse fault, the Upar fault {Fig. 8). This fault cuts in the relatively rigid upper crust conceivably con-
the shallow thrust splays frontal to the Chusma fault trolled the geometry of the individual basement
and probably is contemporaneous with the Dina thrust sheets.
fault, having developed as a steep backthrust at the The late Eocene-Oligocene foreland fold and
time of basement doming on the Dina fault. The thrust belt along the eastern margin of the Central
Upar fault has limited lateral extent, just about 20 Cordillera is in some respects similar to other
km along the west side of the Upar uplift (Fig. 3}. foreland deformed belts in the Andes. A comparable
The Upar reverse fault is paired with a west-dipping transition in structural style occurs in the Argentine
normal fault that has formed between the Dina fault Andes where the thin-skinned Eastern Cordillera
and the crest of the Upar uplift {Fig. 8). The throw on and sub-Andean t h r u s t belts gradually change
the normal fault is about 1000 meters. southward into a thick-skinned belt of Laramide-
The Garz6n-Suaza fault near Campoalegre carries style crustal uplifts in the Sierra Pampean ranges
basement rocks of the Garz6n Massif up onto steeply (Jordan et al., 1983).
1 18 K BtYI'I.ER and S. SCHAMEL

F;gu~e5 F~urO 7
F !

Flgwe 6


L. CRETACEOUS(Moutrlchtlan)-

(Aptllm.-Alblln to Muutrlchtlen)

(vok:anIGs and meliSedlments)

B PALEOZOIC(cryetliUlne basement) ..... ~,


~o ,~ 21o

Fig. 9. Generalized balanced cross-sections from the eastern margin of the Central Cordillera to the Garzdn Massif. The locations of
these profiles are indicated on Fig. 3. The profiles have no vertical exaggeration.

The southern end of the Argentine sub-Andean basement is a more rigid homogeneous nonfoliated
belt (Fig. 10A) is an eastward verging imbricate igneous and metamorphic complex.
thrust belt that includes shallowly dipping base- The Wind River uplift (Fig. 10C) in Wyoming is
ment-rooted thrust faults only along its westernmost representative of the Laramide crustal uplifts of the
limits. Beneath the thrust belt itself, the basement is Rocky Mountains. The uplift is a broad, asymmetric
undeformed. However, along strike to the south (Fig. basement arch (Berg, 1962} displaced on a deep-
10B), the eastern margin of the Eastern Cordillera is seated, moderately dipping reverse fault (Smithson et
bounded by a high-angle r e v e r s e fault and the al., 1979). An imbricate fan thrust system is not
shallow imbricate thrust belt has died out. The developed in front of the Wind River thrust within
Santa B~rbara system to the east consists of base- the thick sedimentary succession of the Green River
ment-cored uplifts having both east and west ver- Basin. The Eastern Cordillera and Garz6n Massif in
gence. The changes in style along the E a s t e r n Colombia (Fig. 10D-E) have a style similar to the
Cordillera shown in Fig. 10A-B are analogous to the Wind River uplift, except that the Colombian crustal
style change observed along the Dina fault in the uplifts are bounded on both flanks by oppositely dip-
Upper Magdalena Valley of Colombia. Jordan et al. ping high-angle reverse faults.
(1983) attributed the contrasts in structural style Within the Chusma fault system, the interplay of
along the Argentine foreland in part to mechanical late Eocene-Oligocene crustal shortening with appar-
variations in the character of the basement rocks. At ent pre-existing basement weaknesses has resulted
the latitude of the sub-Andean belt, the Precambrian in a deformed belt having features of both thin-
basement is relatively weak foliated metamorphic skinned thrust belts and thick-skinned, Laramide-
rocks, whereas near the Santa B~rbara system the style crustal uplifts.
1 ~" ~r ~t ~ ~,
_ __ 1 1 8.|.
S . I ~ s'L

. ~ . , . .1 0 , . ~ , ' ~
~t -1 0 E~-I
~ ~.~-~.'.~..,
2 0
~~ ; ~ : - ~ , . -~o
km. kin.
km. km.



-20 . . . . ,'--"- - . . . . . . . . . . . ,~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k~ nv l .



.... * ~ e . ~ . . . *. J . . . . . R A R I N



v. He•e,d• t m H • ~ oyso ~ RAAIN ~ RARIM


O 20 40
pALIOZOIC;IA lIEUalEN"nr Kilometers

] pguEC,An,mgtvtm gllAOEO,

Fig. 10. Comparison between the Central Cordillera and GarzGn Massif of the Colombian Andes and comparable deformed belts. A) Eastern Cordillera and sub-Andean belt, 24°S, Argentine Andes.
Located at the southern end of the Eastern Cordillera and sub-Andean belt in northern Argentina and southern Bolivia (adapted after Mingramm et al., 1979; Jordan et al., 1983). B) Southern part of
the Eastern Cordillera and the Santa B~rbara system, 25°S, Argentine Andes (adapted after Mingramm et al., 1979; Jordan et al., 1983). C) Wind River uplift, Wyoming (adapted after Smithson et al.,
1979). D) Central Cordillera and Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes, 5°N (adapted from data of Campbell and BOrgl, 1965; Julivert, 1970; Cediel et al., 1976). E) Central Cordillera and Garz6n k-d
Massif of the Colombian Andes, 3°N (adapted from the data of Dixon, 1953; Raasveltetal., 1957; Tortes etal., 1959; Cediel etal., 1976). tD
120 K. BUTLER a n d S. SCHAMEL

Acknowledgements--Funding for this research was provided by Jordan, T. E., Isacks, B. L., Allmendinger, R. W., Brewer, J A.,
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Reginald Shagam for their careful reading of an earlier version of dulivert, M. 1970. Cover and basement t~ctonics in the Cordillera
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Hatcher, Teresa Jordan, and Michael Waddell also contributed chains. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 81, 3623-
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