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Confusing verbs
a M atch the verbs and pictu res.

wear wc:l carry ka:ri

jewellery a ba[J
clothes a baby
wi n \\ 1n ear n .n.
a medal a sala~y
a prize mo11ey
a match
know n1o meet 111 :
somebody well somebody for thefirst time
something at 11 o'clock
ho pe h;'l(JP wait \I,Cil
that somethinB for a bus
good will happen fo r a lon[J time
to dosth
watch wot.~ look at lok <ct/
TV a phot o
a match your watch
look luk look like lok huk
happy y our mother
about 25 years old a model
miss nH'> los e lu:z
the bus a match
a class your [Jlasses
bring hnn take L'lk
your dictionary an umb1·ella
sth back f rom holiday your childre11 to school
look for dol :>: find ',und
your [Jlasses your glasses
ajob ajob
say -.u te ll t...
son y a joke
hello a lie
something to sb so111ebody something
lend 1.. 1d borrow hn "'0
mo11ey to sb money from sb

b 4 5 >)) Listen a nd check.

c Work w ith a partner. A say a ve rb, B say a

p hope and expect
hope = t o want st h t o happen and think it will happen, always
possible con t in uat io n . for positive things, e.g. I hope I'll pass the exam.
expect = to think sth will happen, usually for a reason (not
A Wait~ ~ for a bus
necessarily a positive t hing), e.g. I expect I'll fail because I
haven't worked very hard.
<Ill( p.63 look and look like
After look we use an adjective or an age.
After look like we use a noun.

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