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JTG F40-2004

Technical Specifications for Construction of

Highway Asphalt Pavements

Issued on: September 4, 2004 Implemented on: January 1, 2005

Issued by Ministry of Communications of the People’s Republic of China


Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Asphalt


JTG F40-2004
Chief Development Organization: Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Communication
Approving Department: Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China
Implementation Date: January 1, 2005


Beijing 2004

This specifications is written in Chinese and English. The Chinese text shall be taken as the
ruling one in the event of any inconsistency between the Chinese text and the English text,

Notice on Promulgation of “Technical Specifications for Construction of

Highway Asphalt Pavements” (JTG F4O-20O4)

No. 24

Hence “Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Asphalt Pavements” has been
approved as the professional standard with a serial number of JTG F40-2004, which shall come into
force upon January 1, 2005. At the same time, the former “Technical Specifications for Construction
of Highway Asphalt Pavements” JTJ 032-94 and ‘Technical Specifications for Construction of
Highway Modified Asphalt Pavements” JTJ 036-98 is superseded.
“Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Asphalt Pavements” JTG F40-2004 is
prepared by Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Communication of PRC as the chief editorial
units. Ministry of Communication will be responsible for the management and explanation on this
standard. Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Communication will be responsible for the
explanation on the detailed technical contents.

The users of this Specification are kindly required to summarize experience and collect materials,
and send any suggestion or comment in this regard to Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of
Communication of P. R. C (No. 8 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing. Post Code: 100088) at
any time for reference in future revision.

It is hereby for notice.

Ministry of Communications of the People’s Republic of China

September 4, 2004

The former Industry Standards of China “Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway
Asphalt Pavements” JTJ 032-94 (hereafter referred to as “the former Specification”) was issued on
June 7, 1994 and came into force upon December 1, 1994, having great effect on the aspect of
ensuring the construction quality of asphalt pavements. However, construction of highway in our
country is developing rapidly. As the former Specification was issued ir» 1994, construction of
highway in our country was at the very beginning of the start. Highway mileage opened to traffic was
just I I30km in 1993. But by the end of 2003, it reached nearly 30000km, most of which was asphalt
pavement. Under the new trend of rapid traffic development, it brings many new changes to
construction of highway at home and abroad: Internationally with the research achievement release of
Superpave™ from SHRP of USA and CBN Asphalt & Asphalt Mixture of Europe, countries all over
the world have made more in-depth research in asphalt pavement, getting many important new
achievements. Thus many countries have modified the relevant specifications appropriately, and new
road construction machinery as well as new construction process have made impact on that of our
country in varying degrees; interiorly according to a series of scientific research such as national
science & technology promotion and long-term construction practice, every aspects of asphalt
pavement have been newly recognized. The former Specification, which can not keep pace with the
needs of highway construction, is revised for the purpose of meeting the new requirements, and
superseded by “Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Asphalt Pavements” JTG F40-
2004 (hereafter referred to as “this Specification”).
In order to have research on the main technical problems related to the specifications, Ministry of
Communication has successively organized and offered a series of research subjects, including
“Revision on Design Methods of Gradation and Mix Ratio of Asphalt Mixture and Mineral Aggregate”,
“Measuring Methods and Index Requirements of Water Permeability of Asphalt Pavements”,
“Standards for Material Test of Asphalt Pavements under Heavy Traffic Load (compared with GTM)”,
“Standards for Anti-slide Technology of Highway Asphalt Pavements”, “Evaluating Index for Water
Stability of Asphalt Mixture”, “Revision on Technical Requirements of Emulsified Asphalt for
Pavement”, etc. Many provinces, cities and autonomous regions have offered relevant research
subjects and obtained lots of achievements with great value, which accordingly provide technical
evidence for revising the specifications. Meanwhile, revision for this “Specification” and relevant
specifications has been thoroughly corresponded.
Therefore, this “Specification” is prepared on the basis of the former “Specification” by integrating
relevant contents of “Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Modified Asphalt
Pavements” with “Technical Guide for Highway Stone Matrix Asphalt Pavement”, extending scientific
research and experiment verification for the main technical problems and thoroughly absorbing
research achievements from each subject, finally according to widely suggestions and comments

The main contents of this revision include:

(1) Putting forward new standards for highway asphalt and climate zone of asphalt pavement on
the basis of the eighth Five-year National Award for the Promotion of Science and Technology; as
well as the methods to choose grade of asphalt according to local climate condition and traffic
condition (class of highway).
(2) Emphasizing several measures about early-age distress in the General, such as preventing
pollution between layers, ensuring proper construction period, etc,.
(3) Entirely revising technical requirements for highway petroleum asphalt and emulsified
asphalt and partly revising technical requirements for aggregates in the parts of material.

(4) Supplementing and perfecting some special requirements for modified asphalt and the
aspects of SMA.

(5) Confirming the meaning of gradation range of three layers mineral aggregate and putting
forward the principles of standardizing and regulating gradation range of mineral aggregate.
(6) Perfecting design methods for mix ratio of asphalt mixture, regulating design methods,
indexes and standards of mix ratio of Marshall Test, revising the methods to confirm the optima!
asphalt content and unifying calculating methods of volume index such as void ratio.

(7) Revising and supplementing examination methods and technical requirements for mix ratio
design of asphalt mixture, adding examination index of water permeability.
(8) Adjusting applicable pressing layer thickness of different grain sizes of mixtures, categories
and specifications of asphalt mixtures with different layers; confirming that the design structure and
material used are required to be examined, supervised and affirmed during the construction period.
(9) In the parts of construction process, mainly revising the requirements for mixing plant,
i !
putting forward the methods of process control and total volume examination, adding the measures to
improve smoothness of asphalt pavement, emphasizing not only the contents such as limit to laying
width and intensifying pressing of tyre-type road roller, etc. but also the notices in winter construction
and raining season construction.
(10) Modifying the contents of prime coat, tack coat and seal coat, moving seai coat part to the
chapter of Surface Treatment as well as supplementing the contents about new structures, such as
slurry seal and micro-surfacing, etc..
(1 1) Putting forward the basic requirements of Steel Bridges Deck Surfacing.

(12) Revising index, frequency and method of construction quality examination, supplementing
the requirements of water tightness (water permeability coefficient) and emphasizing that examination
of compression degree mainly relies on process control
This revision has made and stressed higher requirements for pavement of highway and arterial
highway. Many items have made different requirements according to different classes of highway.
Units and individuals are kindly required to send any suggestion or comment in this regard to
editorial units of the specifications for reference in future revision.
Chief editorial units: Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Communication

Major drafter: Shen Jin’an, Li Fupu, Chen Jing


i Contents
1 General Provisions .. 1

2 Terms, Symbols and Codes .2

2, 1 Terms, ,2

2.2 Symbols and Codes, ,4

3 Base .7
4 Materials. ,.8

4.1 General Requirements .8

4.2 Road Petroleum Asphalt... .8

4.3 Emulsified Asphalt. . .9

4,4 Liquid Petroleum Asphalt .13
1 4.5 Coal Tar 14
I 4.6 Modified Asphalt .14
4.7 Modified Asphalt Emulsion ,16

4.8 Coarse A ggregate 17

4.9 Fine Aggregate.... .20
4,10 Packing .22
4.11 Fiber Stabilizer .22
: 5 Hot Mixed Asphalt Road Surface.. .24
5.1 General Requirements.. . .24

5.2 Preparation for Construction .24

5.3 Mix Design. .26

5.4 Mixing of Mixture . .33

5.5 Transportation of Mixture .35

5.6 Paving of Mixture . ,36

5.7 Compaction and Mold ing of Asphalt Road Surface. .37

5.8 Joints .40

5.9 Open for Traffic and Others .41

6 Asphalt Surface Treatments and Seal Coat .42

6.1 General Requirements .42


6.2 Asphalt Surface Treatments by Layer Spread Method .42

6.3 Upside Seal Coat....,, . .44

6.4 Downside Seal Coat .44

6.5 Slurry Seal and Microsurfacing .44

7 Asphalt Penetration Pavement . .48

7.1 General Requirements .48

7.2 Material Spec and Usage .48

7.3 Construction Preparation .50

7.4 Construction Method . .50

8 Pavement Constructed by Cold-mixed Asphalt Mixture .52

8.1 General Requirements . . . .52

8.2 Material Ratio Design of Cold-mixed Asphalt M ixture . .52

8,3 Construction of Pavement Constructed by Cold-mixed Asphalt Mixture. .52

8.4 Cold Make-up Asphalt Mixture . . ,53

9 Prime Coat and Tack Coat . .55

9. 1 Prime Coat .55
9,2 Tack Coat ,56

10 Other Construction of Asphalt Pavement , .58

10.1 General Requirements , . .58

10.2 Sideway for People and Non-power Vehicles .58
1 0.3 Packing Lot of Heavy-duty Vehicle and Public Transportation .58
10.4 Asphalt Pavement of Cement Concrete Bridge Surface ........... .58
10,5 Construction of Steeled Bridge Pavement .60

10.6 Tunnel Asphalt Pavement of Highway .... .60

10,7 Kerbs and Dam .....
. . . . .61

11 Construction Quality Control and Inspection Acceptance..........

. . ....... .62

11.1 General Requirements . - .62

1 1.2 Material and Equipment Inspection before Construction .......

. .62

11.3 Auxiliary Test Section of a Highway . .63

11 A Quality Control and Inspection in Construction Process .63

1 1.5 Project Quality Inspection and Acceptance in the Period of Completed Project and
Acceptance ......
. .... .71

11,6 Project Construction Summary and Quality Guarantee Period Management .75

f Appendix A Climate Division on the Performance of Asphalt Road Surface .77

Appendix B Designing Methods on the Mix Ratio of Hot Mixed Asphalt Mixtures..,.. .83

Appendix C Designing Methods on the Mix Ratio of SMA Mixtures......

. . .97
Appendix D Designing Methods on the Mix Ratio of SMA Mixtures... .....
. . 100
Appendix E The Assessing Method on the Degree of Asphalt Compaction .

Appendix F The Dynamic Management Methods on the Quality of Construction Engineering ...,102


Appendix G Quality Process Control and Gross Amount Testing Method of Asphalt Pavement.... 108
Appendix H Explanation of Wording in This Specifications. 111

1 General Provisions

1,0,1 This specification has been worked out for the purpose of implementing guidelines of
“abortive construction and quality upfront”, ensuring construction quality of asphalt pavement.

1.0.2 This specification applies to the construction for all classes of highway asphalt pavement of
newly- built and modified.

1.0.3 The construction for asphalt pavement shall comply with national specifications for environmental
and eco-system protection,
1,0.4 The construction for asphalt pavement shall require construction organization plan and ensure
proper construction period. Asphalt pavement shall not be under construction when the air temperature
is lower than 10'C (highway and arterial highway) or 5*C (highways of other classes) and in the
condition of raining days and wet pavement.
1.0.5 Asphalt top coat shall be continuously constructed in order to avoid across interference of
other procedures that may. pollute asphalt layers as well as prevent pollution of construction and

1.0.6 The construction for asphalt pavement shall meet the needs of highway communication
condition and climate condition in the constructing location. Climate zone shall be implemented in
accordance with the zones in Appendix A.
1.0.7 The construction for asphalt pavement shall carry out good labour protection to ensure safety.
Asphalt mixing plant shall provide fire-fighting equipments, so fire and smoke must be strictly
forbidden during the whole process of mixing and using liquid petroleum asphalt. In the process of
using coal tar pitch, measures shall be adopted to prevent working staff from inhaling coal tar pitch or
avoid the skin from directly touching coal tar pitch that is harmful to health.
1.0.8 The laboratory for testing and examining asphalt pavement shall obtain relevant qualification
by authentication. The experiment staff shall take certificate of operation, and apparatus or equipment
shall be qualified according to certification.
1.0,9 The construction for asphalt pavement should positively adopt new technology, material and
arts which have been testified by experiment and practice.

1.0.10 Besides complying with this specification, the construction for asphalt pavement shall also
comply with other relevant national rules and standards currently issued. The construction for asphalt
pavement in special geological condition and area can work out supplementary rules according to the
fact. Provinces, cities, autonomous regions or engineering construction units can work out relevant
technical guide according to the fact, whose technical requirements should not be lower than the rules
in this specification.

2 Terms, Symbols and Codes

2.1 Terras

2.2.1 Asphalt binder, Asphalt cement

Asphalt binder is the generic name of asphalt material (including additive, modifier, etc.) used
for cementation in asphalt mixture,
2.1.2 Emulsified bitumen (British), Asphalt emulsion, Emulsified asphalt (American)

Emulsified asphalt, also called asphalt emulsion, is a uniform asphalt product made from
petroleum asphalt and water effected by emulsion of emulsifier and stabilizer.

2.1.3 Liquid bitumen (British), Cutback asphalt (American)

Liquid bitumen, also called cutback asphalt or fluxed asphalt, is an asphalt product made from
petroleum asphalt diluted by solvent such as gasoline, petroleum oil and diesel oil, etc.
2.1,4 Modified bitumen (British), Modified asphalt cement (American)
Modified asphalt cement is an asphalt binder made by adding additive (modifier), such as
rubber, resin, high molecular polymer, natural asphalt and grinded rubber powder, or other materials, 5
for the purpose of improving the performance of asphalt or asphalt binder. .

2.1.5 Modified emulsified bitumen (British), Modified asphalt emulsion (American)

Modified asphalt emulsion is an emulsion asphalt product made by adding polymer latex in the
process of asphalt emulsion, or mixing polymer latex with finished product of asphalt emulsion, or
emulsifying polymer modified asphalt,
2.1.6 Natural bitumen (British), Natural asphalt (American)

Natural asphalt is petroleum asphalt, which exists in natural state, is formed by petroleum that is
continuously squeezed by earth crust and changes gradually with contacting air and water in the
nature. Mineral substances are often mixed in natural asphalt in certain proportion, which can be
categorized into lake asphalt, rock asphalt, undersea asphalt, oil shale, etc..

2.1.7 Prime coat

Prime coat, a layer that permeating the surface of black base in certain depth, is made by
spraying cutback petroleum asphalt, emulsified asphalt and coal tar pitch on the black base, for the
purpose of well combining of asphalt coat and non-asphalt material black base.
2.1,8 Tack coat
Tack coat is the layer of asphalt material sprayed for the purpose of strengthening sticking
between two asphalt coats of pavement, asphalt coat and cement concrete pavement.

2.1.9 Seal coat

Seal coat is an asphalt binder layer with certain thickness laid cm the asphalt covering or black
base for the purpose of sealing void of surface and preventing moisture invading. The coat laid on the
surface of asphalt covering is called upper seal coat, while the coat laid under asphalt covering and on
the surface of black base is called lower seal coat,
2,1,10 Sluny seal
Slurry seal is a wearing surfacing of an asphalt mixture laid uniformly on the pavement. Asphalt
mixture in the floating state is made up of mixed stone fragments or sand in proper gradation, fillings
(cement, lime, fly ash, stone powder, etc.) as well as emulsified asphalt, additive and water to scale,

2,1,11 Micro-surfacing
Micro-surfacing is a wearing surfacing of an asphalt mixture laid uniformly on the pavement.
Asphalt mixture in the floating state is made up of mixed stone fragments or sand in proper gradation,
fillings (cement, lime, fly ash, stone powder, etc.) as well as polymer modified asphalt emulsion,
additive and water to scale.
2,1.12 Bituminous mixtures (British), Asphalt mixtures (American)
Asphalt mixtures, the generic term of mixtures made from mineral aggregate and asphalt binder,
are classified into continuous-graded and gap-graded asphalt mixtures by material composition and
structure, while dense-graded, semi-open-graded and open-graded asphalt mixture by grade composition
of mineral aggregate and void volume. They can be also classified into top coarse grain (nominal
maximum grains size >3 1.5mm), coarse grain (nominal maximum grains size >26,5mm), medium
grain (nominal maximum grains size is 16mm or 19mm), fine grain (nominal maximum grains size is
9.5mm or 13.2mm) and sand grain asphalt mixture (nominal maximum grains size <9.5mm=by
nominal maximum grains size, white hot mix asphalt mixture, cold mix asphalt mixture and recycling
asphalt mixture by different manufacturing process.
2.1,13 Dense-graded bituminous mixtures (British), Dense-graded asphalt mixtures (American)
Dense-graded asphalt mixtures are made by blending mineral aggregate of various grain sizes,
designed according to dense gradation principle, together with asphalt binder. They refer to dense
asphalt concrete mixtures (in AC) and dense asphalt stabilized macadam (in ATB) with low void
volume (layers can be properly adjusted according to different communication and climate conditions).
They can be also classified into fine and coarse dense-graded asphalt mixtures by different pass rates
of key sieve pore. Such mixtures with good embed effect from coarse aggregation can be also called
embed dense asphalt mixtures.
2.1,14 Open-graded bituminous paving mixtures (British), Open-graded asphalt mixtures (American)

Gradation of mineral aggregates is mainly composed of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and
small quantity of stuffing. The design void ratio of the mixture is 1 8%.
2.1.15 Half (Semi)-open-graded bituminous paving mixtures (British)
Half (Semi)-open-graded bituminous paving mixtures are made from coarse aggregates, fine
coarse aggregates and little stuffing (or no stuffing) in appropriate ratio, mixed with asphalt binder.
Such kind of asphalt mixture passes through Marshall standard molding sampling with a remnant void
ratio of 6%~12% (in AM).

2.1.16 Gap-graded bituminous paving mixtures (British), Gap-graded asphalt mixtures (American)

Such asphalt mixtures are made by cutting down one or several grades of grain size (or in less
dosage) in gradation composition of mineral aggregates.
2.1,17 Bituminous stabilization aggregate paving mixtures (abbreviated as Bituminous aggregates),
Asphalt-treated permeable base (American)

They are asphalt mixtures of mineral aggregates and asphalt up to certain requirements of
gradation composition and classified into dense-graded asphalt stabilized macadam (ATB), open-
graded asphalt macadam of (OGFC-surface layer, ATPB-root layer), half-open graded asphalt
macadam (AM).
2.1,18 Stone mastic asphalt (British), Stone matrix asphalt (American)
It is made by filling matrix asphalt, which is composed of asphalt binder, small quantity of fibre
stabilizer, fine aggregate and big quantity of stuffing (mineral powder), into voids in coarse aggregate.
It is abbreviated in SMA.

2.2 Symbols and Codes

For detailed various symbols, code names and their meanings, please refer to Table 2.2
Table 2.2 Symbols and Codes

Serial Symbol or
number code
2.2.1 A Road petroleum asphalt
2.2.2 T Road coal tar pitch
2.2.3 PC T Spraying emulsified asphalt of positive ion
T Blending emulsified asphalt of positive ion
Spraying emulsified asphalt of negative ion
2.2.6 BA Blending emulsified asphalt of negative ion
2.2.7 AL(R) Liquid petroleum asphalt of rapid setting
I 2,2.8 AL(M) :
Liquid petroleum asphalt of medium setting

2.2.9 AL(S) Liquid petroleum asphalt of slow setting

2,2,10 LIMA Hot mix asphalt mixture, the abbreviation of Hot Mix Asphalt
2.2.11 AC Dense-graded asphalt concrete mixture, classified into coarse type
and fine type
2.2.12 SMA Stone Matrix Asphalt
2,2.13 OGFC Macropored Open-graded Drain Type Asphalt Friction such as
European PFC (Porous Friction Course), PEM (Porous European Mixes),
American and Japanese OGFC (Open-graded Friction Courses), etc.
t 2.2.14 ATB Dense-graded asphalt stabilization stone mixture
2.2.15 ATPB Drainage asphalt mixtures laid at the bottom of asphalt
2.2.16 AM Half Open-graded asphalt mixtures

2.2.17 ES Emulsified asphalt and dilution seabcoat mixtures
2.2.18 OAC Optimum Asphalt Content
2.2.19 MS Marshall Stability
2.2.20 FL Flow Value of Marshall Experiment

2.2.21 At Valid relative density of composed mineral aggregates in asphalt

! mixtures
! 2.2.22 M Relative density of composed bulk volume of mineral aggregates in
asphalt mixtures
2.2.23 y™ Relative density of composed representation of mineral aggregates in
asphalt mixtures
2.2.24 Asphalt aggregate ratio of asphalt mixtures
2.2,25 P* Asphalt content of asphalt mixtures
2.2,26 P* Effective asphalt dose of asphalt mixtures
2.2.27 C Asphalt absorption coefficient of aggregate

I 2.2.28 Relative density of asphalt

2.2.29 Maximum theoretical relative density of asphalt mixtures
* i

2.230 FB Arogel ratio of asphalt mixtures (ratio of 0,075mm throughput

efficiency to effective asphalt content)
2331 VV Air voids of compacted asphalt mixtures, viz. ratio of volume of
voids excluding mineral aggregates’ and asphalt’ (excluding mineral
aggregates’ own internal voids) to bulk volume of samples
2.232 VMA Voids in mineral aggregate of compacted asphalt mixtures, viz. ratio
of all volume excluding mineral aggregates to bulk volume of samples
2.233 | VFA Asphalt saturation in mineral aggregate of compacted asphalt, viz.
Ratio of volume of effective asphalt binder in sample mineral voids
excluding asphalt absorbed by aggregate to VMA
' 2.234 i VCA Percent Air Voids in Coarse Aggregate
2.235 VCAmis ! Voids in Coarse Aggregate of Asphalt Mix, viz. ratio of volume of
j excluding Coarse Aggregates’ samples to bulk volume of sample
2.236 VCADRC Voids in Coarse Aggregate

2.237 DS Dynamic Stability

2.238 EVT Equi-Viseous Temperature

2.2.39 COC Cleaveland Open-Cup Method

2.2.40 TOC Tag Open-Cup Method
2. 2.41 PSV Polished Stone Value
2.2.42 FB (BPN) Frictional coefficient of road surface tested by pendulum, and its unit |
BPN is abbreviation of British Pendulum Number

2,2.43 TFOT Thin Film Oven Test

2.2.44 RTFOT Roiling Thin Film Oven Test
2.2.45 PI Penetration Index
2.2.46 CL Average of mass index of dynamic mass chart

2.2.47 UCL Upper value of mass index of dynamic mass chart

2.2.48 LCL Lower value of mass index of dynamic mass chart
2,2.49 QC/QA Quality control and quality assurance, quality management system

2.2.50 PMB (or Polymer Modified asphalt


2.2.51 CR Polychloroprene
2.2.52 EVA Ethyl-Vinyl-Acetate
2.2.53 PE Polyethylene
2.2.54 LDPE Low Density Polyethylene
2.2.55 SBR Sty rene-B u tadiene-Ru bber
2.2,56 SBS Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Block Copolymer 1
2.2.57 Superpave Enrolled name of American SHRP (Strategic Highway Research
Program) design program of mixture ratio of asphalt mixture,
abbreviation of Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements
2.2.58 PG Performance Graded
2.2.59 SGC Super pave Gyratory Compactor
2.2,60 GTM Gyratory Testing Machine, used in design program of mixture ratio
of asphalt mixture

i 3 Base

3,0.1 Bases should be checked prior to construction of any bituminous surface layer. Bituminous
surface layer mustn’t be laid onto those bases failed to meet the requirements.
3.0.2 Bases of newly built bituminous pavement should comply to the requirements of structural
combination design, utilize bituminous stabilization aggregate paving mixtures, bituminous perfoliate
and graded gravels, graded grits and other soft bases. Semirigid bases of cement stabilization mud or
. granule materials, lime stabilizing mud and coal ash stabilizing mud or granule materials; rigid bases
- like rolled cement concrete, weak concrete etc.; and mixed bases applying soft bases in upper parts
and semicrigid bases in lower parts.

3.0.3 Bases and bituminous layers of semirigid bituminous pavement had better to be constructed in
the same year to reduce pavement craze.

3.0.4 When use old bituminous pavement as base, constructors should make sure to repair, mill,
plane the old pavement and lay additional shield base according to quality of the old pavement. The
striking up layers of the old bituminous pavement should be laid and controlled with altitude. The
maximum thickness of each layer of stricken layers should not exceed 100mm.
3.0.5 When use old cement concrete pavement as a base for applying additional bituminous, before
laying any bituminous layer, paviours should, according to quality of the old pavement, determine >
treatment and repair techniques and make sure that the base requirements can be met.

3.0.6 Paviours must thoroughly remove floating ash on the treated old pavement, and according to
needs, mill and plane the pavement, spray and spread SAMI layer and then lay a new structural layer.

4 Materials

4.1 General Requirements

4.1.1 After all materials for asphalt pavement arrived on site, samples must be taken for quality tests
and only those certified materials can be used. Test reports provided or commercial inspection reports
provided by suppliers cannot substitute field tests.

4.1.2 Serious investigation on materia! sources must be made for choosing asphalt pavement
aggregates and make sure that the resources to the site are as close as possible. Their quality must be
complying with application requirements. When exploring stone materials, attention must be paid for
environmental protection and any damage to ecological balance must be avoided.
4.1.3 Aggregates particle diameter specifications are subject to slot mesh screen. Materials of
different resources, categories and specifications cannot be mixed and stored together.

4.2 Road Petroleum Asphalt

4.2.1 Adaptable ranges of all grades of bitumen should meet the requirements on Table 4.2.1 -1.
Quality of road petroleum asphalt should comply to the technical requirements specified by Table
4.2.1-2. If agreed by construction departments, PI value, 6Q’C dynamic viscosity and 10'C ductility !
indexes of the bitumen can be optional.
Table 4.2. l-I Adaptable Range for Road Petroleum Bitumen

Bitumen Cirade Adaptable Range

Grade A Bitumen AH grades of highways; suitable for any spots and layers
Freeways, lower asphalt layers and layers underneath such layers of first class highways, all
layers of second class and lower classes of highways;
Grade B Bitumen
Matrix asphalt used as modified bitumen, emulsified bitumen, modified emulsified bitumen
and diluted bitumen
Grade C Bitumen All layers of third class or lower classes of highways
4.2.2 Asphalt markings on asphalt pavements should be identified according to highway classes,
climate conditions, traffics conditions, pavement types and layer positions, pressure absorption
characteristics and construction methods of structural layers, and technologically proven by taking the
considerations of local application.
! For highways and first class highways, those sections on which vehicles drive at a low
speed and has a high temperature in summer and a long lasting of high temperature, like roads of
heavy traffic, roads on mountainside, roads on hillside, ascents, service sections, parking areas and
especially layers of heavy vehicle load shear stress, should apply high consistency bitumen and high
viscidity 60°C bitumen; bitumen grades can also be chosen by increasing the temperature levels of
sub-areas of high temperature climate areas. For highways and tourism roads in areas get cold in
winter or of low traffic load, should apply bitumen of low consistency and big low temperature
ductility. For areas of high temperature day differential and annual temperature differential, bitumen
of big penetration index should be chosen and applied. When there’s a contradiction between high
temperature requirements and low temperature requirements, the former should be considered first.


i 2 When lack bitumen of required grades, bitumen of different grades can be mixed and
prepared according to a proper prescription achieved via experiments. Quality of the mixed and
prepared bitumen should comply to the requirements on Table 4.2.1-2.
4.2.3 Asphalt must be stored as type and grade. The storage temperature of asphalt in storage tank
shall not better be than I30*C and not more than I7Q”C. Barreled asphalt shall be stored vertically
i and covered with felt.

4.2.4 Take good waterproof measures for road petroleum asphalt during storage, transportation and
s usage to prevent rainwater or steam of heating pipe from entering into asphalt.

4.3 Emulsified Asphalt

* 4.3.1 Emulsified asphalt applies to crack repairing, spraying prime coat, seal coat and seal coat of
asphalt surface topdressing road surface, asphalt penetration pavement and cold mixing asphalt
mixtures road surface. Type and scope of application of emulsified asphalt shall better be complying
with the stipulations in Table 4.3.1.
Table 4.3.1 Type and Scope of Application of Emulsified Asphalt

I Classification Type and code number

PC- 1
Scope of application

Used for lower sea coat of surfacing, penetration pavement

Cation emulsified PC-2 Used for prime coat pitch and sub base curing

asphalt PC-3 Used for tack coat pitch

! BC-1 Used for slurry seal or cold mixing asphalt mixtures

i PA- 1 Used for surfacing, penetration pavement and lower sea) coat

Anionic emulsified PA-2 Used for prime coat pitch and sub base curing

asphalt PA-3 Used for tack coat pitch

BA-1 Used for slurry seal or cold mixing asphalt mixtures
PN-2 Used for prime coat pitch
emulsified bitumen SN-I
_Used with cement slabilization aggregate (Sub base road mist or

4.3,2 Quality of emulsified asphalt shall meet the stipulations in Table 4.3.2, Use emulsified asphalt
of larger viscosity under high temperature conditions and smaller viscosity under cold conditions.
4.3,3 Type of emulsified asphalt shall be selected according to type of aggregate and working
conditions. Cation emulsified asphalt is applicable to all kinds of aggregate, anionic emulsified
asphalt is applicable to alkali stone stock. Emulsion breaking speed and viscosity of emulsified
asphalt shall better be selected according to purpose and construction method.

4.3.4 Substrate asphalt for making emulsified asphalt shall meet Table 4.2.1-2 requirements of road
petroleum asphalt grade A, B, if it used for free way and first-class highway. Use asphalt grade C for
other conditions
4.3.5 Emulsified asphalt shall better be stored in vertical tank and to be mixed properly. Emulsified
asphalt can be used if there is no any segregation, freeing and emulsion breaking through out the
storage period.

Table 4.2.1-2 Technological Requirements for Road Petroleum Bitumen

Bitumen Grade Experiment

Index Unit Class
#130w #110 #90 #70i!| mm #30,J< Method Ht

0.1mm 140-200 120-140 100-120 80-100 60-80 40-60 20-40 T0604
(2533, Ss, lOOg)
Adaptable Climate
Note H! Note w Note 1,1 A161
Sub-areas 161
| 2-2 3-2 J-t j 1-2 1-3 2-2 2-3 1-3 14 2-2 2-3 24 14 App.

A -I.5~*
Penetration Index (PI) 151 T0604
B -l.fM-i.O

A 38 40 43 45 44 46 45 49 55
Softening Point
33 B 36 39 42 43 42 44 43 46 53 T0606
(R&B) no smaller than
C 35 37 41 42 43 45 50

60'C Dynamic Viscosity m

Pa s A 60 120 160 140 180 160 200 260 T0620
no smaller than

lOt: Ductility iJJ A 50 50 40 45 30 20 30 20 20 15 25 20 15 15 10

no smaller than B 30 30 30 30 20 15 20 15 15 10 20 15 10 10 8
1533 Ductility111 A, B 100 80 50
no smaller than C 80 SO 60 50 40 30 20

A 2.2
Wax Content (Distillation) T0615
% B 3.0
no bigger than
C 4.5

Plash Point no smaller than 33 230 245 260 T0611

Solubility no smaller than % 99.5 T06Q7

Density (1533) g/cnf’ Records acquired from actual experiments TO603

Table 4.2.1-2 (continued)

Bitumen Grade Experiment

Index Unit Class
Method w
#160m moH| #110 #90 #70m #50 #30“’
After TFOT (or RTFOT) m
T06I0 or
Quality Variation T0609
% ±0.8
no smaller than
A 48 54 55 57 61 63 65
Retained Penetration Ratio 25%
% B 45 50 52 54 58 60 62 TQ604
no smaller than
C 40 45 48 50 54 58 60

A 12 12 10 8 6 4
Retained Ductility (10'C) cm TQ605
no smaller than B 10 10 8 6 4 2

Retained Ductility (15C)

cm C 40 35 30 20 15 10 T06Q5
no smaller than _
Note: 1. Experiments subject to currently valid methods slated in Experiments Regulations for Highway Engineering Bitumen and Bituminous Mixture (JTJ 052 -2000), When the materials are used for
referee tests for acquiring the 5 temperature penetration relationships, the relative coefficient must not be smaller than 0.997.

2. If agreed by construction departments, Pi value, oQC dynamic viscosity and 10‘C ductility indexes on the table can be optional, which can also not to be used as indexes for inspection and test of
construction quality.

3. For #70 bitumen, if necessary, we can request suppliers to provide bitumen within the penetration range of 60-70 or 70-80, and 40-50 or 50-60 for #50.

4. #30 bitumen is only suitable lobe used for asphalt stabilization base. #130 and #160 can not only be directly applied to highways of middle and lower classes, but also be used as thematnx asphalt for
demulsified bitumen, diluted bitumen and modified bitumen.

5. Aging tests are subject to TFOT which can also be replaced with RTFOT

6. Sec Appendix A for climate sub-areas,


Table 4.3,2 Technical Specification of Emulsified Asphalt Used for Road <*

Type and code number

Cation Anion Non-ion
Test item For For For For
Unit method
For spraying For spraying
mixing spraying mixing
PC- 1 PC-2 PC-3 BC-I PA- 1 PA-2 PA-3 BA-1 PN-2 BN- 1
Faster Slow or Fast or Slow or
Emulsion breaking Fast Slow Fast Slow Slow Slow
slow medium slow medium T 0658
speed crack crack crack crack crack crack
clack crack crack crack
Particle electric
Cation (+) Anion (—) Non-ton T 0653
Residue on sieve
(1.18mm sieve), not % 0.1 0.1 0.1 T 0652
more than
Viscometer 2—1 0 1-6 1—6 2-30 2-10 1-6 1-6 2-30 1-6 2-30 T 0622

ts &s t

.2 RoBd
standard r
s 10-25 8-20 8-20 10-60 10-25 8-20 8-20 10-60 8-20 10-60 T 062 1
component, % 50 50 50 55 50 50 50 55 50 55 T 0651 *
not less than
s Solubility, not
% 97.5 97.5 97.5 T 0607 r
.1 less than
a Penetration 50- 50- j 50- 50-
M 0 1 mm 45-150 45-150 50-300 i 60-300 1(1604
5 (2572) 200 300 200 300 1
(1572, not cm 40 40 40 T 0605
less than
Sticking with coarse
aggregate, wrapping
2/3 2/3 2/3 T 0654
& sticking area, not
less than
Mixing test with
coarse, fine particle Even 2/3 T 0659
Residue on sieve for
cement mixing test, % 3 T 0657
not more than
Stability for storage
under normal
temperature: % T 0655
Id, not more than 1 1
5d,not more than 5 5
Note: 1. P is spraying type. B is mixing type, C, A, N indicate separately cation emulsified asphalt, anionic emulsified asphalt and
non-ionic emulsified asphalt.

2. Viscosity shall be measured by either Engler viscometer or asphalt standard viscometer.

3. Emulsion breaking speed in the above table is related to sticking of aggregate, requirement of mixing test and type of stone

slock to be used. Carry out quality inspection with aeluai stone stock used for engineering, if only quality assessment of
emulsified asphalt product to be carried out, this three index shall nol be required.

4. Determine test Lime for storage stability according actual construction conditions, it shall be 5d in general. Id stability shall
be used if emulsion cart be used on the same dny of production.

5. When emulsified asphalt to be stored or used under low temperature and freezing conditions, need to carry out low
temperature (—5X1) storage stability test according to T 0656. it must be no coarse panicle and caking.

6. If emulsified asphalt to be used on site is diluted by high concentration product delivered to site, all index of evaporation
residue in the above fable indicates requirements of emulsified asphalt before dilution.

4*4 Liquid Petroleum Asphalt

* 4,4.1 Liquid petroleum asphalt applies to prime coat, tack coat and cold mixing asphalt mixtures.
i Select and use last congealing, medium congealing and slow congealing liquid petroleum asphalt
according to purpose and location, and its quality shall meet the stipulations in Table 4.4.1
i Table 4.4.1 Technical Specification of Liquid Petroleum Asphalt Used for Road


l Test item Unit


Medium congealing

Slow congealing

(R> (R) (M) (M) (M) (Mi (M) (M) (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) (S)
-i -2 -I -3 -4 -5 -6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

Cjjj s CO <20 <20

! T 0621
5- 26- 41- 101- 5- 16- 26- 41- 101-
I 'I Cto s 5-15
15 25 40 100 200 15 25 40 100 200
Ic 225X1
% >20 >15 <10 <7 <3 <2 0 0

i Before
.1 315X1
% >35 >30 <35 <25 <17 <14 <a <5 T 0632

i Before
o % >45 >35 <50 <35 <30 <25 CO <15 <40 <35 <25 <20 <15 <5
360 C
.1 Penetration 0.1 60- 60- 100- 100- 100- 100- 100- 100-
M (25X1)
T 0604
1 min 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300

1 Ductility
cm >60 >60 >60 >60 >60 >60 >60 >60 T 0605
a Floatability
s <20 >20 >30 >40 >45 >50 T 063 1
Flash point (TOC
V >30 >30 >65 >65 >65 >65 >65 >65 >70 >70 >100 >100 >120 >120 T 0633

Water content, not

% 0.2 02 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 20 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 T 0612
more than

4.4.2 Use liquid petroleum asphalt of larger penetration. Before using, first heat asphalt, then add
thinner, mix into kerosene or light oil, mix properly and thin. Mixing ratio shall be determined by test
according to using requirement,

4.4.3 Liquid petroleum must be well-ventilated and watched by designated person during making,
storage and using. The heating temperature of substrate asphalt shall not exceed 140°C and storage
temperature of liquid asphalt shall not be above 50°C.

4.5 Coal Tar

4.5.1 Grade of coal tar used for road shall be selected according to climatic conditions, construction
temperature and using purpose and its quality shall meet stipulations in Table 4.5.1.

Table 4.5.1 Technical Specification of Coat Tar for Road

T Test
Test lime T-! T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 T-9
i method

Viscosity 5-25 26-70 T 0621

CJOIO 5-25 I 26-50 | 51-120 121-200
10-75 76-200
Before 3 3 3 2 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 70‘C,
Before 20 20 20 15 15 15 10 10 10
Distillation 270'C,
test, distilled not T0641 1

amount more
than l
Before 15-35 15-35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15
300 TC.
Softening point of
distillation residue at 30-45 30-45 35-65 35-65 35-65 35-65 40-70 40-70 | 40-70 T 0606

300X1 (*C) |
Water content, not | 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.5 T 0612
more than (%)
Toluene non-solute, not
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 T0646
more than (%)
Naphthalene content, T
5 5 5 4 4 3.5 3 2 2 T 0645
1 not more than j%)
Tar acid content, not T
4 4 3 3 2,5 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 T0642
more than (%}

4.5.2 Coal tar for road applies to the following conditions:

(l) T-l or T-2 is for prime coat on various sub base of various classified highway, other class
can be used after dilution properly if without spraying requirement;
(2) For topdressing of third-class and below highway or asphalt penetration pavement, T-5, T-6
or T-7 shall better be use.
(3) Used together with road petroleum asphalt, emulsified asphalt to improve permeability.

4.5.3 Coal tar for road shall be forbidden to be used for heating mixing and heating paving asphalt
mixtures. The storage temperature shall better be 70~90*C and shall not be stored for a long time
, when used for other purpose.

4.6 Modified Asphalt

4.6.1 Modified asphalt can be made by independently or in company with macromolecule polymers,
natural asphalt and other modified materials.
4.6,2 Quality of various polymers modified asphalt shall meet technical specification defined in
Table 4.6.2. When use polymers and complex modified asphalt beyond Table 4.6.2, Say down
corresponding technical specification through test.
Table 4.6.2 Technical Specification of Polymers Modified Asphalt

Class SBS (Class l) Class SBR (Class 1!) Class EVA, PE (Class 111)
Index Unit Test method
L I-A l-B 1-C l-D Tl-A 1I-B ll-C IH-A lll-B HI-C Ul-D

Penetration 25 V, IQQg, 5s 0,1mm >100 80-100 60-80 40-60 >100 80-100 60-80 >80 60-80 40-60 30-40 T 0604

Penetration index PL, not

less than
-1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 - 1.0 -0.8 -0,6 -0.4 T 0604

Ductility 5X1, 5cm/min, not

cm 50 40 30 20 60 50 40 T 0605
less than

Softening point Tims, not

€ 45 50 55 60 45 48 50 48 52 56 60 T 0606
less than

Kinemalical viscosity 1,1 T 0625

IV, 3 P
13533, not more than T 0619
Flash point, not less than V 230 230 230 T 0611
Solubility, not less ihan % 99 99 T 0607

Elastic recovery 2533, not

% 55 60 65 70 T 0662
less ihan
Viscosity , not less than .
N m 5 T 0624
Toughness, not less than N •m 2.5 T 0624

Storage stability1*1

segregation, 48h Without obvious modifier

33 25 T066I
softening poin segregation and condensation

difference, not more than

Residue after TFOT (or RTFOT)

Quality change, T 0610 or

% i.1.0
not more than T 0609

Penetration ratio 2 5 33, not

% 50 55 60 6$ 50 55 60 50 55 58 60 T 0604
less than

Ductility 5X3, not less Ihan cm 30 25 20 15 30 20 10 T 0605

Note-, I, 135"C Kinematic#! viscosity in the Table can be measured by “Asphalt biishi rotary viscosity test method (Bioth Fielder
viscometer method)" in “Testing Regulations for Asphalt arid Asphalt Mixtures Used for Highway Engineering” (JTJ 052-
2000), Kinematical viscosity may not be measured if modified asphalt is easy for pumping and mixing without changing its
physical mechanics characterislic and under temperature meeting safety conditions, or increasing properly pumping and
mixing temperature cm ensure quality of modified asphalt and easy for construction.

2. Storage stability index applies to modified asphalt finished product produced in factory. Site-made modified asphalt has no
requirements of storage stability index, but must ensure uninterrupted mixing or pumping circulation after making and

ensure there is no obvious segregation before using.


4.6,3 Substrate asphalt for making modified asphalt shall be with good compatibility with modifier f
and its quality shall better meet technical specification of grade A or B road petroleum asphalt defined
in Table 4.2.1-2. Suppliers shall provide quality inspection report or asphalt specimen of substrate
asphalt together with quality report of modified asphalt.

4.6.4 Natural asphalt can be used independently together with petroleum asphalt or used after
mixing with other modified asphalt. Quality requirements of natural asphalt shall better be executed
referring to relevant standard and successful experience according to its type.

4.6.5 Solid matters content in SBR latex used as modifier shall better not is less than 45%, long
time insolation or freezing in using shall be forbidden.

4,6.6 Dosage of modified asphalt shall be calculated at percentage of modifier in total amount of
modified asphalt, dosage of latex modified asphalt shall be calculated in solid matters content after
deducting water.

4.6.7 Modified asphalt shall better be made in fixed factory or plant set up on site, also can be used
while making near the mixing place on site. The processing temperature of modified asphalt shall
better not exceed 1 80"C. Latex modifier and modifier which have been made to particle can be added
into mixing pot to make modified asphalt mixtures.
4.6.8 When making modified asphalt base material by solvent method, the residue of volatile 1

solvent after recovering shall not be more than 5%. i

4.6.9 Site-made modified asphalt shall better be used while batching and must be mixed evenly
before using when need to be stored for a short time or transported to adjacent work place, and to be
used under conditions without segregation. Equipment for making modified asphalt must be set up
with sampling port for random sampling. Taken sample shall better be poured immediately to module
on site.

4.6.10 Modified asphalt finished product produced in factory shall be stored in modified asphalt
tank, which must be provided with mixing equipment, and be mixed. Modified asphalt must be mixed
evenly before using. Carry out regularly sampling and product quality inspection during construction.
Modified asphalt which have segregation and not meet relevant requirements shall not be used.

4.7 Modified Asphalt Emulsion

4.7,1 Modified asphalt emulsion shall better be selected and used as per Table 4.7.1-1 and quality
shall meet technical specification defined in Table 4.7.1-2.

Table 4.7.J-1 Type and Scope of Application of Modified Asphalt Emulsion

Type Code number Scope of application

Spraying type modified asphalt Por track coat, seal coat and wateiptoof
PCR bonding layer on road way

Modified asphalt emulsion
For modified slurry seal and micro*
Emulsified asphalt for mixing BCR
surfacing . __

Table 4,7, 1-2 Technical Specification of Modified Asphalt Emulsion

Type and code number

Test item Unit Test method

Fast crack or
Emulsion breaking speed Slow crack TQ658
medium crack
Particle electric charge Cal ion (+) Cation (+) T 0653
Residual amount on sieve (1.18mm), not more than % 0.1 0.1 T 0652
Engler viscosity Ev 1-10 3-30 T 0622
Asphalt standard viscosity CH,j s 8-25 12-60 T 0621
Content, not less than % 50 60 T 0651

Penetration (100g, 25"C, 5s) 0,1mm 40-120 40-100 T 0604

Evaporation Softening point, not less than V 50 53 T0606

Ductility (5X?J, not less than cm 20 20 T 0605

less than
Solubility (trichloroethylene), not
% 97 5 97.5 T 0607

area, not less than __

Slicking with mineral aggregate, wrapping & sticking
2/3 T 0654

Id, not mote than % I T 0655

Storage stability
5d, not more than % 5 5 T 0655
Hole’ !. Emulsion breaking speed in she above table is related to sticking of aggregate, requirement of miking test and type of stone
stock to be used. Carry out quality inspection with actual stone stock used For engineering. If only quality assessment of
emulsified asphalt product to be carried out, these index shall not be required,

2. The softening temperature of BCR evaporation residue shall better be increased to less than 55TJ when used for filling up

3. Determine number of days of test for storage stability according to actual construction conditions, it shall be 5d in general.
Id may be selected if emulsion can be used out on the next day after production date. In particular case, 5d storage stability
of modified asphalt emulsion can not meet requirements, if it is uniform and even after mixing and noi affect donna! using,
at the lime, it is required to be transported to site and stored in storage lank with mixing equipment, and also be mixed
uninterruptedly before using-

4, When modified asphalt emulsion or special modified asphalt emulsion to be stored or used undei low temperature and
freezing conditions, need to carry out tow temperature (-5'C) storage stability test according to T 0656. It must be no
coarse particle and caking.

4.8 Coarse Aggregate

4,8-1 Coarse aggregate for asphalt layer includes crushed stone, gravel, sieved gravel slag and
scoria. Sieved gravel and slag shall not be used for free way and first-class highway. Coarse aggregate
must be produced or processed by quarry or construction unit with manufacturing license.

4,8,2 Coarse aggregate shall be clean, dray and with rough surface and its quality shall meet the
stipulations in Table 4.8,2, When quality index of single size aggregate can not meet requirements in
the Table, but the quality index calculated as per mixing ratio of it meet requirements, it can be used
for engineering. For aggregate which is easy change in quality due to heating, use aggregate after
drying by mixing machine for inspection,

Table 4.8,2 Quality Technical Specification of Coarse Aggregate Used for Asphalt Mixtures
Free way and first-class highway Other classified
Index Unit Test method
Top layer Other layers highway

Crushing value ofslone stock,

% 26 28 30 T 0316
not less than
L A abrasion toss, not more
% 28 30 35 T0317
Appearance relative density,
2.60 2.50 2 45 T 0304
not less than

Water absorption, not more

% 2.0 3.0 3.0 T 0304
Solidity > % 12 12 T 0314

% 15 18 20
Content of failer-like particle
(mixture), not more than
Among which:

Those with a grain size of % 12 15 T 0312

>9.5mm, not mare than 4
Those with a grain size of
<9.5mm, not more than
% 18 20 I i

Content of «0.O?5mm particle

by water washing method, not % l I 1 T0310
more than

Content of soft stone % 3 5 5 T 0320

Note; l. When necessary the tightness test can be done. r

2, When used in expressway and Class J road, the apparent density of porous basalt can be 2.4 SoW, the water absorption can
be 3% under the approval of the construction unit, but can not he used in SMAroad surface.

3. For SI4, i.e. the coarse aggregate of 3-5 specification, the requirement for content of faller-ltke particle can be neglected.
The content of those <0.075mm can be 3%.

4.8.3 The grain size specification of coarse aggregate shall be processed and used according to Table
Tabic 4.8.3 Specification of Coarse Aggregate Used in Asphalt Mixture

Specifi¬ Nominal Mass percent (%} of those pass through the following mesh (mm)
cation grain size
106 75 63 53 37.5 31.5 26.5 19.0 13,2 9.5 4.75 2,36 06
name (mm)
90- 0~
St 40-75 10C 0-5
100 15
90- 0"*
S2 40-60 100 0-5
100 15
90- 0~
S3 30-60 100 0-5
100 15
90- 0~
S4 25-50 100 0-5
100 15


Table 4.8.3 (continued)

Specift. Nominal Mass percent (%) of those pass through the following mesh (mm)
cation grain size
106 75 63 53 37.5 | 31,5 26.5 19.0 13.2 9.5 4.75 2,36 0.6
90- 0-
ss 20-40 100 0-5
100 15
90- 0-
S6 15-30 100 0-5
100 15
90- 0-
S7 10-30 100 0-5
100 15 i
90- 0-
S8 10-25 100 0-5
100 15
90- 0-
S9 10-20 100 0-5
100 15
. 90- 0-
S10 10-1S ' 100 M
100 u
90- 0-
i Stl 5-15 100 40-70 0-5
100 15
90- Q~
SI2 5-10 100 0-5
100 15
* 90- 40- 0-
f S13 3-10 100
100 70 20

; 90- 0-
S14 3-5 100 0-3
100 15 i

4.8.4 The overburden and earth interlining of the stone factory shall be thoroughly removed during
production. The raw stone used for producing crushed stone shall be free of clod and incidentals. The
finished product of aggregate cannot be piled on the earth.
4.8.5 The polishing value of the coarse aggregate at the surface layer (or wearing layer) of the
asphalt road surface of expressway or Class 1 road shall meet the requirement of Table 4.8.5.
Except the SMA and OGFC road surface, some small-size coarse aggregate whose polishing ievef
cannot meet the requirement can be added to the hard coarse aggregate. The maximum adding rate
shall be determined by tiie polishing value test.
4.8.6 The adhesiveness of coarse aggregate and asphalt shall meet the requirements of Table 4.8.5
When using not-up-to-standard coarse aggregate, the slaked lime or cement shall be added, or they
be treated with saturated whitewash. The heat resisting, water fast anti-atrippint agent which has
long-term behavior can be added to the asphalt when necessary, also modified pitch can be adopted to
let the water stability test of asphalt mixture meet the requirement. The dosage of the admixture shall
be determined by the water stability test of asphalt mixture.

4.8.7 The crushed gravel shall be made from those gravel with a grain size of >50mm, and the silt
content shall not be more than \%. The crushing concaves of the crushed gravel shall meet the
requirement of Table 4.8.7.

Table 4.8.5 The Technical Requirements of the Adhesiveness and Polishing Value of Coarse Aggregate and Asphalt

Climatic region according to rainfall ! (humid region) 2 (moist region) 3 (damp-dry region) 4 (arid region) Test method
Annual rainfall >1000 1000-500 500-250 <250 Appendix A

The polishing value PSV of the

coarse aggregate shat! not be less titan
Surface layer of expressway and 42 40 38 36 1032 1
Class I road _
The adhesiveness of coarse aggregate
and asphalt shall not be less than
Surface layer of expressway and 5 4 4 3 T 0616
Class I road
Other layers of expressway and Class 4 4 3 3 T 0663
i road and all layers of roads of other

Table 4.8.7 Requirement of Crushing Concaves of Coarse Aggregate

_ _
Content of particles that has some breaking
plant {%)
Road surface position or type of admixture
1 breaking plane _
2 or more breaking
Test method

Surface layer of asphalt road

Other road classes, not less than _

Expressway or Class 1 highway, not less than 100
Middle and lower layer, base layer of asphalt road
surface, not less than T 0346
Expressway or Class 1 highway, not less than 90 80
Other road class, not less than _ _ 70 50
SMA admixture, not less than 100 90
Road surface, not less than 80 60

4.8.8 The graded gravel is only suitable for use in the pitch top dressing road surface of Class III
and the lower classes.
4.8.9 The broken steel scoria with a storage life of more than 6 months can be used as coarse
aggregate. Except water absorption, each quality index shall meet the requirement of Table 4.8.2.
Before using, activity test of the steel scoria shall be conducted. The content of free calcium oxide in
steel scoria shall not exceed 3%, and the water soaking expansion ratio shall not exceed 2%.

4.9 Fine Aggregate

4.9.1 The fine aggregate of asphalt road surface includes natural sand, machine-processed sand and
chip. The fine aggregate must be produced by the stone pits or sand plants that have production license.
4.9,2 The fine aggregate shall be clean, dry, erosion and impurity-free, and has suitable grain
composition. The quality shall conform to the stipulation of Table 4.9.2. For the cleanness of the fine
aggregate, natural sand is expressed in percentage of particles of <0.075mms chips and machine-
processed sand are expressed in sand equivalent (suitable for those of 0-4.75mm) or methylene blue
number (suitable for those of 0-2.36 or 0—0.1 5mm).


Table 4,9.2 Quality Requirement for Fine Aggregate Used in Asphalt Admixture

Items Unit Expressway, Class 1 road Road of other elasses Test method
i Apparent relative density, not less than 2.50 2.45 T0328
Hardness (>03mm), not less than % 12 T0340
Silt content (<0.075mm), not more than % 3 5 T0333
Sand equivalence, not less than % 60 50 T0334
Methylene blue number, not more than fift8 25 T0349
i Pointedness, flowing time s 30 T0345
Note: Hardness lest can be done when necessary.

4.9.3 Fluvial sand or sea sand can be used as natural sand; usually coarse or medium grains are used.
The specification shall conform to Table 4.9.3. When the silt content exceeds specification, it should
be washed by water before use. Shells in the sea sand must be removed. The exploitation of natural
sand must be done under the approval of the responsible institution of local government, and the
requirement of water conservancy and environmental protection shall be met, The quantity of natural
i sand in the mixed hot close-graded asphalt admixture shall not exceed 20% of the total aggregate. For
SMA and OGFC admixture, natural sand shall not be used.

I Table 4,9.3 Specification of Natural Sand Used in Asphalt Admixture

Mass percent {%) of those pass through each mesh (%) |

! Screen size (mm)

Coarse sand
Medium sand
Fine sand
4.75 90-100 90-100 90-100
* 236 65-95 75-90 85-100
ns 35-65 50-90 75-100
06 15-30 30-60 60-84

0.3 5-20 8-30 i5-45

0.15 0-10 0-10 0-10

0.075 0-5 0-5 0-5

4.9.4 Chip is the undersize fraction of 4.75mm or 2.36mm when breaking stones in the stone factory.
The specification shall conform to requirement of Table 4.9.4. The stone factory shall be equipped
with pumping facilities when producing chips. S14 and S16 shall be combined for use in the asphalt
admixture of expressway and Class 1 road. SI 5 can be used in bituminous stabilized macadam
foundation or other classes of roads,

TVible 4,9.4 Specification of Machine-processed Sand or Chip Used in Asphalt Admixture

Mass percent t» of those pass through each mesh by water washing method {%)
Specification Nominal grain size (mra) F
9.5 4.75 236 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075

S15 0-5 100 90-100 60-90 40-75 20-55 7-40 2-20 0-10

S16 0-3 100 80-100 50-80 25-60 8-45 0-25 0-15

Note* When the technology .if dust nuisance suppression by spray water is used in the production of chip, special attention should be
made that the powder quantity shall not exceed the value in the Table,

4.9,5 Machine-processed sand shall be produced by special purpose sand manufacturing equipment


and with high-quality stone. The size distribution should meet the requirement of SI 6.

4.10 Packing

4.10.1 The fine ores of asphalt admixture shall be those stones with hydrophobic nature, such a;
strong, base rock in limestone or magmatic rock after grinding. The earth impurity in the run-of-pii
shall be removed. The fine ores shall be dry, clean and can flow out of the breeze bunker freely. The
quality shall meet the requirement of Table 4.10.1.
Table 4.10.1 Quality Requirement of Mineral Fines Used in Asphalt Admixture

Items Unit Expressway, Class 1 road Roads of other classes Test method
Apparent density, not less than 2.50 2.45 T 0352
Water content, not less than % I I I 0103 drying method

Size range <0 6mm % 100 100

<0.15mm % 90-100 90-100 r 0351
<0.075mm % 75-100 70-100
Appearance Non-crumb aggiometalion

Hydrophobic coefficient <1 T 0353 i

Plasticity index % <4 T 0354
Heat invariability Actual observation record T 0355 !i

4.10.2 The dust of amalgamator can be recovered as a part of mineral fines. But the quantity shall
not exceed 25% of total packing. The plasticity index of packing that contains dust cannot be higher
than 4%.

4.10.3 When used as packing, the quantity of fine coal shall not be more than 50% of total packing;
the loss on ignition shall be less than 12%; the plasticity index after being mixed with mineral fines
shall be less than 4%; other requirement for quality is the same as mineral fines. The asphalt surface
course of expressway and first class road shall not use fine coal as the packing.

4.11 Fiber Stabilizer

4.11.1 The fiber stabilizer used in the asphalt admixture shall be lignin fiber or mineral fiber.
Quality of lignin fiber shall conform to the technical requirement of Table 4,1 LJ.

Table 4.11.1 Technical Requirement for Quality of Lignin Fiber

Item Unit Index Test method

Length of fiber, not more than mm 6 Observed with microscope for aqueous solution

Ash content % J 8 ±5
temperature __ _
Determine leftovers after burning with 590~60iTC of high

PH value 7.5 ±1.0 Determined by pH test paper or pH meter for aqueous solution

Oil taking fate, not less than 5 times of fiber mass _ __

After immersing in the kerosene, put in the screen, shake and
strike, and then weigh it
Water ratio (calculated by mass),
% 5 thy 2h with 1051' oven, then weigh it after cooling down
not more than

4.11.2 Fiber shall not deteriorate or become fragile under 250’C dry mixing temperature. Fiber shall
be used according to the requirement of environmental protection and not harm to health. Fiber shall
be evenly scattered during blending of the admixture.

4.11.3 Mineral fiber shall be made of basalt; the asbestos fiber that can cause environmental
pollution and be harmful to people’s health shall not be used directly.
4,11A Fiber shall be kept indoors or places with shed. Loose fiber shall avoid becoming damp or
agglomeration during transportation or use,
4,11.5 The adding rate of fiber stabilizer shall be calculated according to the mass percent of total
asphalt admixture. Usually the lignin fiber used in SMA road surface shall not be less than 0.3%; the
mineral fiber shall not be less than 0.4%; the quantity can be increased when necessary. The
permissible error of the adding of fiber shall not exceed ±5%,


5 Hot Mixed Asphalt Road Surface

5,1 General Requirements

5,1.1 The hot mixed asphalt mixture (HMA) is suitable for use in the asphalt road surface of each
class. Its types are divided according to the maximum nominal grain size of aggregate, mineral
aggregate grating and void volume. For the classification please see Table 5.1.1.
Table 5.1.1 Classification of Hot Mixed Asphalt Mixture

Close grading Open grading
Continuous grading Discontinuous grading nominal Max. grain
Type of mixture! grading
Asphalt grain size size (mm)
Asphalt Drain type Drain type
Asphalt Asphalt mastic macadam (mm)
stabilization asphalt wearing asphalt
cement macadam
macadam coat Macadam sill
Extra coarse
ATB-40 ATPB-40 37 5 53.0
type .
Coarse grain ATB-30 ATPB-30 j 31.5 37.5
type AC-25 ATB-25 | ATPB-25 26.5 31.5

Medium grain AC-20 SMA-20 AM- 20 19.0 26.5

type AC-16 SMA-16 OGFC-16 AM-16 16.0 19.0

AC* 1 3 SMA-13 OGFC-13 AM- 13 13.2 16.0

Fine grain type
AC-10 SMA-10 OGFC-1G AM- 10 95 13.2
Sand type AC-5 4.75 9.5

Designed void j
3-6 3~4 >18 >18 6-12
volume (%)
Note; The designed void volume be adjusted properly according to the requirement of mixing proportion design.

5.1.2 The asphalt mixture of each layer shall meet the functional demand of its layer for easy
construction and not easy to be isolated. The layers shall be constructed continuously and be joined as
a whole. When the design of mix texture combination and gradation type is found to be unreasonable,
modification and adjustment shall be made to ensure the serviceability of asphalt road surface.
5.1.3 The maximum grain size of asphalt surface course aggregate shall increase from up to down,
and be matched with thickness of compacted layer. For the hot mixed hot lay close-graded asphalt
mixture, the compacted thickness of each asphalt layer shall not be less than 2.5-3 times of nominal
maximum particle size of the aggregate; for such embedded and squeeze type mixture as SMA and
OGFC, it shall not be less than 2-2.5 times of maximum particle size to reduce isolation and is easy to
be compacted.

5.2 Preparation for Construction

5,2.1 Before paving the asphalt layer, the quality of base course or the lower asphalt layer shall be
inspected. If they are not up to the standard, the asphalt surface layer shall not be laid. If there is any
pollution in the old asphalt road surface or the lower layer, they must be rinsed or treated by milling or

» shaving first, then the asphalt mixture can be laid.

", 5.2.2 The process of petroleum asphalt and construction temperature of asphalt mixture shall be
determined according to grade, viscosity, climate and laying thickness of asphalt.

1 The-construction temperature of common asphalt shall be determined by the viscosity-

temperature curve measured under 135’C and 175‘C, and in accordance with the Table 5.2.2-t. If
there is no viscosity-temperature curve data, the range in Table 5.2.2-2 can be referred to; the
selection of high or low value shall be done according to the real situation. If the temperature in the
Table does not suit for you, adjustment is permitted,

Table 5.2.2-1 Suitable Temperature for Mixing and Compacting Asphalt Mixture

Viscosity of asphalt binder that is Viscosity of asphalt binder that is

Viscosity Method of determination
suitable for mixing suitable for compacting
Apparent viscosity (0.17±0.02) Pas (0.28*0.03) Pa s T 0623
Kinematic viscosity (i 70±20) mm’/s (28O*30)mnr/s T 0619
Saybolt viscosity (85±I0) s (I40±lS)s T 0623

Table 5»2,2-2 Construction Temperature of Hot Mixed Asphalt Mixture (#C)

1 Grade of petroleum asphalt
Construction process
No.50 No.70 No.90 No.110

I Heating temperature of asphalt 160-170 155-165 150-160 145-155

Heating temperature Interval type amalgamator The aggregate heating temperature is 10-30 higher than asphalt temperature,

of mineral aggregate Continuous amalgamator The mineral aggregate heating temperature is 5-30 higher than asphalt temperature
Temperature of asphalt mixture Discharging 150-170 145-165 140-160 135-155
Temperature of mixture storage bunker During storage drop of temperature shall not exceed 10.
Rejeciion temperature of mixture, higher than 200 195 190 185
Temperature when transport to site, not lower than 150 145 140 135

Mixture spreading
Norma] construction 140 135 130 125
temperature, not lower
Low temperature construction 160 150 140 135

Internal temperature Normal construction 135 no 125 120

of mixture that begin
Low temperature construction 150 145 135 130
roiling, not lower than
Steel roller 80 70 65 60
Surface temperature
after rolling, not lower Tire roller 85 SO 75 70
than Vibration roller 75 70 60 55

Road surface temperature for opening the traffic, not

50 50 50 45
higher than

Note: I. The construction temperature of asphalt mixture shall be measured by the pttsh-in type digital thermometer that has metal
probe. Surface temperature ean be measured by surface contact type thermometer. When using infrared thermometer to
measure surface temperature, calibration should be made,

2. The construction temperature of asphalt No. 130, 160 and 30 that not in the list shall be determined through test.

2 The construction temperature of polymer modification asphalt mixture shall be selected


according to experience and Table 5.2.2-3, usually 10-20‘C higher than the construction temperature
of common asphalt mixture. For the modification asphalt mixture made by directly spraying of cold
state lattices, the drying temperature of aggregate shall be increased.

Table S.2.2-3 Normal Construction Temperature Range of Polymer Modification Asphalt Mixture fC)

Type of polymer modification asphalt

S8S type SBR lattices type EVA, PE type

Heating temperature of asphalt 160-165

Field fabrication temperature of modification asphalt 165-170 165-170

Heating temperature of finished modified asphalt, no! higher than 175 175

Heating temperature of aggregate 190-220 200-210 185-195

Discharge temperature of modified asphalt SMA mixture 170-185 160-180 165-180
Maximum temperature of mixture (rejection temperature) 195

Alter blending and discharging (lie temperature drop shall not

Storage temperature of mixture
exceed 10

Spreading temperature, not tower than 160

Beginning temperature of initial pressure, not lower than 150

Surface temperature after rolling, not lower than 90

Road surface temperature when opening to traffic, not higher than 50 :
Note: 1. The same as Table 5.2.2-2.

2 When using the polymer or natural asphalt oilier than the listed to modify the asphalt, the construction temperature shall
be determined through test.

3 The construction temperature of SMA mixture can be increased based on the modification
asphalt mixture according to different types and quantity' of fiber and quantity of mineral fines.

5,3 Mix Design

5.3.1 The mix design of asphalt mixture shall be made on the basis of investigation and research of
those of the roads with similar class and their usage, borrow ideas from their successful experience
ami use up-to-standard material.

5.3.2 The mineral aggregate gradation of asphalt mixture shall conform to the gradation range
stipulated in the project design. For the close-graded asphalt mixture, coarse type (type C) or fine
type (type F) mixture shall be selected according to class of road, climate, traffic conditions and the
Table 5.3.2-1; determine the gradation scope of project design according to Table 5.3, 2-2; generally
the grading limit of engineering design shall not be outside the requirement of Table 5,3.2-2.
Table 5.3.2-1 Percent of Pass of Critical mesh for Coarse and Fine Type Close Grading Asphalt Cement

Coarse type close-grading Fine type dose grading

Max. nominal Critical mesh for
Type of mixture Percent of pass of Percent of pass of
grain size (mm) classification (mm) Name Name
critical mesh (%} critical mesh (%>
AC-25 26.5 4.75 AC-2SC <40 AC-2SF >40
AC-20 19 4.7$ AC-20C <4$ AC-20F >45

Table 5J.2-1 (continued)

Coarse type close-grading Fine type close grading •

Max. nominal Critical mesh for

Type of mixture Percent of pass of Percent of pass of
grain size (mm) classification (mm) Name Name
critical mesh (%) critical mesh (%)
AC-16 16 2.36 AC-16C <38 AC-16P >38
AC-13 13.2 2.36 AC-13C <40 AC-13 F >40
AC-10 9.5 2.36 AC-IOC <45 AC-1OF >45

Table S.3.2-2 Mineral Aggregate Grading Limit of Close Graded Asphalt Cement Mixture

Mass percent (%) of those pass the following mesh (mm)

Type of grading
31.5 26.5 19 16 13.2 9.5 4.75 2.36 1.18 0,6 0.3 0.15 0.075

Coarse grain
AC-25 100 90-100 75-90 65-83 57-76 45-65 24-52 16-42 12-33 8-24 > 5-17 4-13 3-7

Medium groin AC-20 100 90-100 78-92 62-80 50-72 26-56 16-44 12-33 8-24 5-17 4-13 3-7
type AC-16 100 90-100 76-92 60-80 34-62 20-48 13-36 9-26 7-18 5-14 4-8

Fine grain AC-13 100 90-100 68-85 38-68 24-50 15-38 10-28 7-20 5-15 4-8
type AC-10 100 90-100 45-75 30-58 20-44 13-32 9-23 6-16 4-8 E

Sand grain
AC-5 100 90-100 55-75 35-55 20-40 12-28 7-18 5-10

Table 5.3.I-3 Mineral Aggregate Grading Limit of Asphalt Mastic Maeadmix

Mass percent (%1 of those pass the following mesh (mm)

1 Type of grading
26.5 19 16 132 9.5 4.75 236 1.18 0.6 0.3 0,15 0.075
Medium SMC-20 100 90-100 78-92 62-82 40-55 18-30 13-22 12-20 10-16 9-14 8-13 8-12
grain type SMC-16 100 90-100 68-85 45-65 20-32 15-24 14-22 12-18 10-15 9-14 8-12

Fine grain SMC-13 100 90-100 50-75 20-34 15-26 14-24 12-20 10-16 9-15 8-12
type SMC-10 100 90-100 28-60 j 20-32 14-26 12-22 10-18 9-16 8-13

Table 5,3.2-4 Mineral Aggregate Grading Limit of Open Grading Drain Type Wearing Coarse Mixture

Mass percent (%) of those pass the following mesh (mm)

Type of grading
19 16 13.2 95 4.75 2.36 1.13 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075

GGFC-16 100 90-100 70-90 45-70 12-30 10-22 6-18 4-15 3-12 3-8 2-6
Medium grain type
OGFC-13 100 90-100 60-80 12-30 10-22 6-18 4-15 3-12 3-8 2-6

Fine grain type OGFC-10 100 90-100 50-70 (0-22 6-18 4-15 3-12 3-8 2-6 j
Table 5.3.2-S Mineral Aggregate Grading Limit of Close-graded Asphalt Stabilization Maeadmix

Mass percent £%) of those pass the following rnesll (trim)

Type of grading
53 37.5 31.5 26.5 19 16 132 9.5 4.75 236 1.18 0.6 03 0.15 0075
ATB-40 100 90-100 75-92 65-85 49-7) 43-63 37-57 30-50 240 132 10-25 8— 1 8 5-14 ! 3-10 2-6
Ultra coarse type
ATB-30 100 90-1001 70-90 53-72 44-66 39-60 31-51 20-40 15-32 10-25 8-18 5-14 3-10 2-6
Coarse grain type ATB-25 100 90-100 60-80 48-68 42-62 32-52 20-40 15-32 10-25 8-18 5-14 | 3-10 2-6


Table S.3.2-6 Mineral Aggregate Grading Limit of Half Open Grading Macasphalt

Mass percent (%) of those pass the following mesh (min)

Type of grading
26.5 19 16 13.2 9.5 4.7S 2.36 - 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 0075

AM-20 100 90-100 60-85 50-75 40 '65 15 '-40 5-22 2-16 1-12 0-10 0-8 0-5
Medium grain type
AM-16 100 90-100 60-85 45-68 18-40 6-25 3-18 1-14 0-10 0-8 0-5
AM-13 100 90-100 50-80 20-45 8-28 4-20 2-16 0-10 0-8 0-6
Fine grain type
AM-10 100 50-100 35-65 10-35 5-22 2-16 0-12 , 0-9 I 0-6

Table 5.32-7 Mineral Aggregate Grading Limit of Open-graded Asphalt Stabilization Macadmix

Type of grading Mass percent (%) of those pass the following mesh (mm)
53 375 315 26.5 19 16 132 95 4.75 236 US 0.6 i 03 1
0.15 0075

ATPB-40 100 70-100 65-90 55-85 43-75 32-70 20-65 12-50 0-3 0-3 I 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3
Ultra coarse type
ATPB-30 100 80-100 70-95 53-85 36-80; 26-75 14~60l 0-3 0-3 ii 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3

Coarse grain type ATPB-25 100 ,80-100 60-100 4 5-90 j 30-82 16-70 0-3 0-3 ! 0-3 0-3 i 0-3 | 0-3 0-3

5,3.3 This specification adopts the Marshall test mix design method. The technical requirement for
the asphalt mixture shall conform to the stipulation of Tabic 5.3.3-1-5.33-4, and good workability is
required. When using other method to design asphalt mixture, the Marshall test and various mix
design test shall be done according to this specification; and the test result of different design method f
shall be reported. Technical standard of the second-class road shall be implemented according to those l
of first-class road. The climate sub areas in the Table are divided according to Appendix A. The
heavy-duty trafficking refers the road sections with a design flow of more than 10 million vehicles.
Roads with long and steep slope shall be regarded as heavy-duty trafficking road section.

Table 5.3.3-1 Technical Standard for Marshall Test of Close Grading Asphalt Cement Mixture
(This table is suitable for the dose grading asphalt cement mixture with a max. nominal grain size of <26.5mm)

Express way. first-class road

Summer torridity region (1-1, Summer hot zone and summer cool
Road of
Test index Unit 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 zone) zone (2*1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 3-2 zone) Pavement
! other classes
Medium and Heavy-duty Medium and light Heavy-duty
light trafficking trafficking trafficking trafficking
Striking times (bifacial) Time 75 50 50

Specimen size mm eslOl 6mm*63.5nim

Within 90mm
% 3-5 4-6 2-4 3-5 3-6 2-4
Void volume depth
vv Below 90mm
% 3-6 2-4 3-6 3—6
Stability MS shall be not
kN 8 5 3
lower than
Flow value PL mm 2-4 1.5-4 2-4.5 2—4 2-4.5 2-5
Mineral Correspond to the technical requirement of minimum VMA and VPA of the following max. nominal grain
aggregate Design void
clearance ratio volume (%)
26.5 19 16 132 9.5 4.75
VMA (%), not
less than 2 10 1! 11.5. 12 13 15

Table 5.3.3-1(continued)

Express way, first-class road

Summer torridily region (1-1, Summer hoi zone and summer cool
Road of
Test index Unit 1*2, 1-3, 14 zone) zone (2-1, 2*2, 2*3, 2-4, 3-2 zone) Pavement
other classes
Medium and Heavy-duty Medium and light Heavy-duty
light trafficking trafficking trafficking trafficking
Correspond to the technical requirement of minimum VMA and VFA of the following max. nominal grain
Design void
size (mm) (%)
Mineral volume (%)
26.5 19 16 13.2 9.5 4.75
clearance ratio 3 II 12 12.5 13 14 16
VMA (%), not 4 12 13 13.5 14 IS 1?
less than
5 13 14 14.5 15 16 18
6 14 15 15.5 16 17 19
Asphalt saturation VFA (%) 55~7Q 65-75 70-85
Note: I. For the heavy-duty trafficking road section of summer tomdity region with a void volume of >5%. the compaction degree
shall be increased at least 1 % during construction.
2. When the designed void volume is not a round number, the required minimum VMA shall be determined by interpolation.

3. For the modified asphalt mixture, the flow value of Marshall test can be adjusted suitably.

Table 5.3.3-2 Technical Standard for Marshall Test of Asphalt Stabilization Macadmix

Drain type open Drain type open

Half open grading
Test index Uni! Close graded base course (ATB) grading wearing grading base
facing (AM)
layer (OGFC) course (ATPB)
Equal to or larger Equal to or smaller Equal to or smaller
Max. nominal grain size mm 26.5mm All size
than 31.5mm than 26.5mm than 26,5mm

Size of Marsh all »10l.6mm* el 52-1 mm* 0101,6mm* o101.6mm* ol52.4mm*

specimen 63.5mm 95.3mm 63.5mm 63.5mm 95.3mm
Striking times (bifacial) Time 75 112 50 50 75
Void volume VV % 3-6 6-10 Not less than 1 8 Not less than (8

Stability, not less than kN 7.5 IS 3.5 3.5

Flow value mm 1.5-4
Asphalt saturation VFA % 55-70 40-70
Design void volume (%) ATB-40 ATB-30 ATS-25
Void volume of closed grading 4 II 31.5 12
base course ATB mineral
5 12 12.5 13
aggregate (%), not less than
6 13 13.S 14
Note- In arid area, the void volume of close grading asphalt stabilization macadtnix can be 8%.

i.3,4 For dense-graded asphalt mixture (AC) used for expressway and first-class road and with a
tominal maximum grain size of <!9mm , SMA and OGFC, various usability tests shall be done on the
of mix design and according to the following procedure. The asphalt mixture that do not meet the
equirement must be replaces or the mix design be made again. For the second-class road, the following
equipment is used.
] Rut test shall be conducted under required conditions and according to Table 5,3.4-2.

2 Moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixture shall be tested by immersion Marshall test and
freeze-thaw splitting test under required test conditions, and the two requirements in Table 5.3.4-2
shall be met. When it doesn’t meet the requirement, retest shall be done after the adoption of
anti-stripping measures according to 4,8.6 to adjust the optimum asphalt dosage.
Table 5.3J-3 Technical Standard for Marshall Test of SMA Mixture

Technical requirement
Test item Unit Test method
Modified asphalt not use Use modifed asphalt

Size of Marshall specimen mm 0lOI.6ntm*63.5mm T 07(12

Striking times of Marshall specimen m Striking SO times of two sides T 0702

Void volume VV1®1 % 3-4 T 0705

Wiid volume of mineral aggregate VMA111, not less than % 170 T 0705

Void volume of eoarse aggregate framework V'CA,,,,1’1, not

mare than
Asphalt saturation VFA % 75-85 T 0705

Stability Ml, not less than kN S.S 6.0 T 0709

Flow value mm 2-5 T 0709 f

Binder loss of Sclidlenberg asphalt drainage test % Not more than 0.2 Not more than 0. 1 T 0732

Binder loss of Cantabria Test or abrasion by use of water

% Not greater than 20 Not greater than 15 T 0733
soaking Method

Note: I. For the road sections with hard aggregate that is not easy to be shattered and heavy-duty traffic, the times of beating can
be increased to 75 of two sides.

2. For road sections of heavy traffic or hot areas that have high requirement for high temperature stability, the designed void
volume ean be 4 5%; VMA can be 16,5% (SMA- 16) or 16% (SMA- 1 9); VTA can be 70%.

3. The critical meshes used for testing void volume of coarse aggregate skeleton refer to 4. 75mm for SMA-19, SMA-16;
2 36mm for SMA-13, SMA-1 0.

4. When die requirement for stability cannot be met, it can be adjusted to 5.0kN (non modified) or 5,5kN (modified), But the
dynamic stability test shall be conducted and ant qualified.

Table 5.3,3-4 Technical Requirement of OGEC

Test items Unit Technical requirement Test method

Size of Marshall specimen mm 0lOi.6mmx63.5mm T 0702

Beat number of Marshall specimen 50 times beat of each side T 0702

Void volume % 18-25 T 0705

Marshall stability, not less than kN 3,5 T 0709

Leakage toss % <0.3 T 0732

Loss of abrasion by Cantabria Test % <20 T 0733

Table S.3,4-1 Technical Requirement of Dynamic Stability by Rut Test of Asphalt Mixture

Climax condition and technical index Dynamic stability required according to the following climate zones (time/mm)

. >30 20-30 <20 Test

Average highest temperature in July
1. Summer burning hot region 2. Summer hot region 3, Summer cool region method
CC) and Climate region
1-1 J-2 1-3 1-4 24 2-2 2-3 2-4 3-2
General asphalt mixture, not less than 800 1000 600 800 600
Modified asphalt mixture, not less than 2400 2800 2000 2400 1800
Non-modified, not less
1500 T 0719
SMA mixture than
Modified, not less than 3000
OGFC mixture 1500 (common road section), 3000 (heavy traffic road section)
Note: I. If the average maximum air temperature of other month is higher than July, then that of this month can be used.

2. Under special conditions, for example, laying of steel flooring, long distance upward slope section with many heavy-duty
vehicles or steep longitudinal slope, special roads for factories and mines, the requirement for dynamic stability can be

3. Under some special conditions, the requirement for dynamic stability can be lessened, for instance, when the asphalt with
high penetration degree (e.g. !0Q) must be used in cold climate and the dynamic stability cannot meet the requirement; or
some stones of less hardness are used, e.g. limestone, and the dynamic stability of modified asphalt mixture cannot meet the
requirement. I

4. When the technical measurement of reducing optimum asphalt usage is adopted in the mix design to meet the requirement
of burning hoi region arid heavy-duty vehicle, the temperature of test can be raised or the test load can be increased, at the
same lime enhance the requirement of rolling and molding density of specimen and compactness of construction.

5. Reheated mixture cannot be used in the rut test; density must be examined to see whether it meet the requirement of test

6. When rut lest is necessary for the mixture with a nominal max grain size of >26.5mm, (he thickness of specimen can be
increased; but this can not be used as the standard for assessing acceptability.

Table 5,3.4-2 Technical Requirement of Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixture

Climate and technical index Technical requirement according to the following climate regions (%)

Annual rainfall (mm) and climate >1000 500- 1 000 250-500 <250 Test method

regions I. Damp region 2. Humid region : 3. Half-dried region 4. Arid region

Residua! stability of immersion Marshal! lest (%), not less than

General asphali mixture 80 75
Modified asphalt mixture 85 80
T 0709
General asphalt 75
SMA mixture
Modified asphalt 80

Retained strength ratio of freeze-thaw splitting test (%), not less than
General asphalt mixture 75 70

Modified asphalt mixture 80 75

T 0729
General asphalt 75
SMA mixture
Modified asphalt 80


3 The bend test of the dose grading asphalt mixture shall be made under the condition of -10'C
temperature and SOmm/min loading speed to measure breaking strength, breaking strain and breaking
stiffness modulus; and make a comprehensive evaluation of the low-temperature crack resistance of
the asphalt mixture according to the shape of stress-strained curve. The breaking strain of asphalt
mixture shall be no less than the requirement ofTable S.3.4-3.
4 Use edge mill Mid. rut to test specimen; Erect the mould stripping to conduct water
penetration test, and it should conform to the requirement ofTable S.3.4-4.

5 For the asphalt mixture which use steel slag as aggregate, the activity and dilatability test
shall be done according to testing regulations (T 0363); The swelling capacity of steel slag asphalt
concrete shall not exceed 1.5%.
Table 5.3,4-3 Technical Requirement of the Breaking Strain (ÿe)in the Low Temperature Bending Test of Asphalt

Climate condition
The breaking strain [jti) according to the requirement of the following climate

and technical index
<-37.0 -21.5 37.0 -9.0—21.5 >-9.0
Annual minimum Test method
1. Wintertime 3.WiiUertinws cold 4. Winter-warm
air temperature fC) 2. Wintertime humble region,
chilliness region region syndrome region
and climate regions
1-1 2-1 1-2 2-2 3-2 1-3 2-3 1-4 2-4

Plain asphalt
mixture, not less 2600 2300 2000
T 0715
Modified asphalt
mixture, not less 3000 2800 2500

Table S.3.4-4 Technical Standard for Water Penetration Coefficient of Asphalt Mixture Mpecimen (ml/ntin)

Grading type Requirement of water penetration coefficient (ml/min)

Test method
Close graded asphalt concrete, not more than 120
SMA mixture, not more than 80
T 0730
OGFC mixture, not less than Actual measurement

6 Performance test of modified asphalt mixture shall be done according to the modification
purpose. If the main purpose is to enhance high temperature rut resistance, the low temperature
property can be implemented according to the requirement of plain asphalt mixture; if the purpose is
to enhance the low temperature crack resistance, the high temperature stability can be implemented
according to the requirement of plain asphalt mixture.
5,3.5 Mix design of asphalt mixture used in highway and first-class road shall be done after
investigation of the mix design experience of similar material and (he using effect, and according to
the following procedure.

1 Target mix design phase. In accordance with the method of Appendix B, Appendix C and
Appendix D, use the material actually used in the engineering, optimize aggregate grading, determine
the optimum asphalt dosage in order to meet the mix design technical standard and mix design
inspection requirement. Taking all these as the target mix for the amalgamator to determine the scale
of feed material, feed rate and trial mix use of cold burden storehouse.
2 Production mix design phase. For the intermittent mixer, samples shall be made to test the
material grading of each hot bunker; determine the mix of each hot bunker for use in the control room
of mixer. Suitable screen size and setting angle shall be selected to ensure the general balance of the
feed material of each hot bunker, The 3 optimum asphalt dosage OAC, OAC ±3% in the target mix
design is selected to conduct Marshall test and trial mix. The optimum asphalt dosage of production
mix design shall be determined through indoor test and sampling test from mixer. The difference
between the optimum asphalt dosage thereof and the result of target mix design shall not be more than
±0.2%. For the continuous mixer, the production mix design procedure can be omitted.
3 Production mix design verification phase. According to the result of production mix design,
the mixer begins to conduct test mix, lay test section; samples are taken to conduct Marshall test; core
sample are drilled from the road to observe the void volume and thus determine the standard mix for
production. The mineral aggregate composite grading of standard mix shall include at least 0.074mm,
2.36mm, 4.75mm; The pass rate of nominal max. grain size mesh approaches the median of the
optimum engineering design grading range; The appearance of “hump” at O.3~0.6mm shall be
avoided. For the determined standard mix, the second rut test and water stability test shall be done.
4 Determine the allowable fluctuation scope of construction grading. The grading control range
used in construction shall be made according to standard mix and the allowable fluctuation scope of
each mesh in the quality management requirement in Chapter 11 to inspect the production quality of
asphalt mixture,
5.3.6 The standard mix determined after design shall not be modified during construction. During
the production track detection shall be strengthened; quality of material reaching the site shall be
strictly controlled; If there is any change in the material or after inspection the mineral aggregate
grading, technical index of Marshall of the asphalt mixture do not meet the requirement, the mix shall
be adjusted in time to ensure that the quality of asphalt mixture meet the requirement and keep the
stability; when necessary the mix design shall be made again.
5.3,7 The mix design of hot mixed asphalt mixture used in second-class or the lower class roads can
be done according to the above procedures. When the material is the same as the same class road,
successful experience can be directly borrowed.

5.4 Mixing of Mixture

5.4,1 The asphalt mixture must be mixed by mixer at asphalt mixing plant (field, station).
1 The establishment of mixing plant must conform to the stipulations of environmental
protection, fire control and safety of China.

2 The possibility of traffic jam shall be taken into consideration when determining the
distance between the mixing plant and the construction site to ensure the temperature drop of mixture
shall not exceed requirement, and isolation of mixer caused by bumping shail be avoided.
3 The mixing plant shall be equipped with complete drainage facility. Various aggregate shall
be stored separately; the fme aggregate field shall have rainproof ceiling; vulcanization treatment shall
be made to the material plant and the roads within the plant; pollution of the aggregate by soil are
5.4.2 The asphalt mixture can be mixed with intermittent mixer or continuous mixer. The intermittent
mixer shall be used in highway and first-class road. The aggregate used by continuous mixer shall be
stable and unchanged. If the material of a project are gained through many sources, the material
source or the quality is unstable, continuous mixer shall not be used.
5.4.3 Various sensory of the mixing equipment of asphalt mixture shall be inspected periodically, at
least once a year. The cold burden input unit shall be standardized to get the aggregate input curve.

5.4.4 The intermittent mixer shall meet the following requirements:

1The overall mixing capacity shall meet the requirement of construction schedule. The dedusting
equipment of the mixer is in good condition and meet the requirement of environmental protection.
2 Quantity of cold burden storehouse shall meet the requirement of mix. Usually 5~6 are
required. Equipment for adding some outside mix agent, such as fiber, slaked lime, etc..
5.4.5 Sampling of aggregate and asphalt mixture shall conform of the current test regulations. When
sampling from asphalt mixture mover, the specimen of some depth and at different places shall be
sampled by the sampling bench.

5.4.6 W'hen the aggregate reaches the site, it shall be dumped at the top platform of stockpile.
After flattening-out by bulldozer, the carry scraper loads the materia! vertically and orderly from the
5.4.7 The intermittent mixer used in highway and first-class road construction must be equipped |
with computers. During mixing collect and print such parameters as material usage, mixing dosage t
and temperature of asphalt mixture measured by various sensors panel by panel. After each machine
shift the statistics shall be printed to conduct overall inspection of production quality and laying
thickness of asphalt mixture according to method in Appendix G. If there’s any abnormal fluctuation
in the data for overall inspection, stop production at once and find out the cause.
5.4.8 Production temperature of asphalt mixture shall meet the requirement of 5.2.2. Residual water
content of dried aggregate shall not exceed 1%. The heating temperature shall be increased for the
beginning trays of aggregate each day, and several pots of aggregate shall be dried mixed and
discarded, then add asphalt to mix mixture formally.
5.4,9 The mineral fines bunker of mixer shall be equipped with vibration equipment to avoid fane
ore arching. When adding the outer mix agent such as slaked slime and cement, number of mineral
fines bunker shall be increased; it can also be added to the mixing pot through special pipeline and
screw lifting and delivering device; if it shall be mixed with fine ores, pay attention to the segregation
due to their different densities.
5,4.10 The mixer shall be equipped with secondary dust control unit. Those after first grade
dedusting shall be recovered directly for use; those after second grade dedusting can enter recovery
fines bunker for use (or be discarded. For the fines less caused by dedusting, equal quantity of new
mineral fines shall be supplemented.
5.4.11 The mixing time of asphalt mixture shall be determined after trial mixing according to
specific conditions. The ideal situation is that the asphalt is distributed evenly around the aggregate.
The production cycle of each tray by intermittent mixer shall not be less than 45s (dry mixing time
shall not be less than 5~10s). The mixing time of modified asphalt and SMA mixture shall be

5,4.12 The specification of vibration screen of the intermittent mixer shall be matched with those of
mineral aggregate. The maximum mesh shall be a little larger than the maximum grain size of mixture.
The set up of other screens shall consider the grading stability of mixture and maintain the general
evenness of hot bunker. Different grading of mixture shall be equipped with different combinations of
5.4,13 The intermittent mixer shall be equipped with finished product storage bin that has good
heat-insulating property. During storage the temperature drop of mixture shall not exceed 1Q*C,
Leakage of asphalt shall be avoided. The storage time for plain asphalt mixture shall not exceed 72h;
that of modified asphalt mixture shall not exceed 24h; SMA mixture can only be used on that very day;
OGFC mixture shall be used immediately after mixing.
5,4.14 When producing the asphalt mixture that fiber shall be added, the fiber shall be well
distributed and mixed in the mixture. The mixer shall be equipped with synchronized material adding
equipment. The loose flocculent fiber shall be sprayed into the mixing pot by the purger at the same
time or after the spray of asphalt. The mixing time shall be lengthened by at least 5s. Particle fiber can
be added automatically the same time of putting the coarse aggregate. After dried mixing of 5-1Os,
mineral fines are put in. When the engineering load is small, they can also be divided into plastic
packs or measured by people and put into the mixing pot directly.

5.4.15 When using the modified asphalt check whether the asphalt pump, pipeline and gauge is
blocked up at all times. Clean if there’s any blockage. i

5.4.16 When leaving factory, the weight and temperature of each truck of asphalt mixture shall be
inspected, take down leaving time and issue material transportation list.

5,5 Transportation of Mixture

5.5,1 The hot mixed asphalt mixture shall be transported with material mover with large tonnage;
overload transportation shall be avoided; damage of penetration layer and seal due to hard braking and
sharp turn shall be avoided. Capacity of the material mover shall be a little more than needed. During
construction material mover shall wait ahead of the paver. For highway and first-class road, only
when more than 5 material movers are waiting can paving begin.
5.5.2 After each time of use the material mover must be cleaned. A thin coat of isolating agent or
releasing agent that can prevent adhesion of asphalt shall be applied on the car board, but avoid
residual liquid accumulating at the bottom of the mover. When loading from the mixer to the material
mover, position of the car shall be shifted for balanced feeding to reduce segregation of mixture.
When the material mover is used for transport mixture, it shall be covered with tarpaulin to reach the
effect of keeping warm, rainproof and anti pollution.

5.5.3 When the material mover enters the paving site, the tires can not be speckled with contaminants
that possibly pollute the road surface, such as earth, otherwise a pool shall be provided to ciean the
tires before entering the construction site. The asphalt shall be accepted according to material
transportation list at the paving site. If the mixture don’t meet the requirement of construction
temperature, or be agglomerated, or have suffered from rain, they can not be used for paving.

5.5.4 During paving the material mover shall be at neutral position and wait at 10Q~300mm ahead
of the paver. It shall be pushed ahead by the paver and unload material gradually so as to avoid
clashing into the paver. If conditions are permitted, the material mover can unload the mixture into a
transfer car, and feed material continuously and evenly to the paver after secondary mixing. The
material mover shall be unloaded thoroughly each time, especially the modified asphalt or SMA
mixture, any residual shall be removed immediately to avoid agglomeration.

5.5.5 During transportation or waiting course of SMA and OGFC mixture, if there’s any asphalt
binder leaking along the car board, measures shall be taken to avoid it.

5.6 Paving of Mixture

5.6.1 The hot mixed asphalt mixer shall be paved by asphalt pave. When paving the modified
asphalt mixture or SMA on the road surface sprayed with adhesion coating oil, the crawler type paver
shall be used. The receiving cone of the paver shall be coated with a thin layer of isolating agent or
anti-blocking agent.
5.6.2 When paving the asphalt mixture on the highway and the first-class road, the paving width of a
paver shall not exceed 6m (double driveway) ~7.5m (three driveway and the above), usually two or
more pavers are used to pave synchronously with 10-2Qm staggering and with a echelon formation.
30~60mm width of lap joints shall be kept between the two pieces and avoid the driveway wheehnark
zone. The lap joints of upper and lower layes shall be staggered by 200mm.
5.6.3 Before construction the paver shall be preheated 0.5-1 h; the temperature of pressing board
shall not be lower than 100*C. During paving the bumping down or hammer ram consolidation
apparatus of the pressing board shall have suitable vibration frequency and magnitude to enhance the
initial compactness of the road surface. The widening joint of the pressing board shall be adjusted
carefully to such a degree that the paved mixture has no sign of isolation,
5.6.4 The paver must pave slowly, evenly and continuously. The speed cannot be changed at will or
the paver cannot be stopped at midway to enhance smoothness and reduce the isolation of mixture.
The paving speed shall be controlled within 2~6m/min; for the modified asphalt mixture and SMA
mixture it shall lowered to l~3m/min. When obvious isolation, wave, crack and drag mark are found
in the mixture, find out the cause and remove it.
5.6.5 The paver should adopt the self leveling mode. The underside layer or base layer shall adopt
vertical control mode directed by wire rope; the upper layer shall use compensating beam or sledge
type paving thickness control mode; the medium layer shall adopt the leveling mode according to
situation. The tire of direct-contact compensating beam shall be free of asphalt. When paving
modified asphalt or SMA road surface, the non direct contact compensating beam shall be used,
5.6.6 The lowest temperature for construction of asphalt road surface shall be in accordance with
General Provisions 1.0.4. In cold season when there’s strong wind and drop of temperature, and the
quick compaction can not be guaranteed, the paving of asphalt mixture shall be stopped. The
minimum paving temperature of hot mixed asphalt mixture shall be implemented according to the
Article 5.2.2 of this code and in view of the thickness of paving layer, temperature, wind speed and
the surface temperature of underlying bed, and not be lower than the requirement of Table 5.6.6. At
the beginning of construction each day the high temperature mixture shall be used,

5.6.7 The loose paving coefficient of the asphalt mixture shall be determined according to the type
of mixture an after try paving and compaction. During paving the paving layer thickness, road camber
and cross fail shall be inspected at all times; the average thickness shall be verified with total quantity
and area of the used mixture according to the Appendix G
Table 5.6.6 The Minimum Paving Temperature of Asphalt Mixture

The minimum paving temperature according to the following different paving layer thickness fC)
Surface temperature of
Plain asphalt mixture Modified asphalt mixture or SMA mixture.
underlying bed (V)
<50mm (50~8Qmnt) >80mrtt <50mm (S0~80mm} >80tnm
<5 Hot allowed Not allowed HO Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
5-10 Not allowed 140 135 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
10-15 145 138 132 165 155 150
15-20 140 135 130 158 150 145
20-25 138 J32 128 153 147 143
25-30 132 130 126 147 145 141

L_ >30 130 125 124 145 140 139

5.6.8 The screw distributing device of the paver shall be adjusted according to paving speed to
maintain a stable speed to rotate evenly; Along each side mixture of no less than 2/3 height of the
feeder shall be maintained to reduce the isolation of mixture during paving.
5.6.9 The mixture paved by machine shall not be repaired repeatedly by people. When it is necessary
to use people to conduct partial making up of deficiency or change the mixture, it shall be done
carefully; the whole layer with serious deficiency shall be removed.

5.6.10 For the narrow road surface, ramp of small horizontal curve radius or widening part, or some
smaiJ-scale engineering where machine cannot be used in paving, the mixture can be paved by people.
The manual paving of the asphalt mixture shall conform to the following requirement:
(1) During half-range construction, baffle shall be set up in advance at the middle side of the
(2) The asphalt mixture shall be discharged on the iron plate. During paving the hoe shall be
kept close and do not raise it too high. The tools such as hoe shall be coated with anti adhesive agent
of be heated.
(3) While paving with scraper to level with same strength, and times shall be controlled to
prevent isolation of aggregate.

(4) The paving cannot stop at midway and rolling shall be quickened. If immediate rolling
cannot be done due to some reasons, paving shall stop immediately and put tarpaulin on the
discharged asphalt mixture to keep warm.

(5) Under low-temperature construction, the discharged mixture shall be covered with tarpaulin
to keep warm each time.
5.6.11 When paving asphalt road surface in rain season, the contact with meteorologic observatory
(station) shall be strengthened. The paved asphalt layer which haven’t been compacted because of rain
shall be removed.

5.7 Compaction and Molding of Asphalt Road Surface

5.7,1 The compacted and molded asphalt road surface shall meet the requirement of compactness
and smoothness.

5.7,2 The maximum thickness of compacted layer of asphalt concrete shall not exceed 100mm; and
that of asphalt stabilized macadmix shall not exceed 120mm; but when heavy duty road roller are
used and the compactness can be reached through test, the thickness can be ] 50mm,
5,7.3 During asphalt road surface construction enough road roller shall be equipped, rational road
roller combination shall be selected, the rolling procedure of initial rolling, repeated rolling and final
rolling (including molding) shall be adopted to reach optimum rolling effect. At least 5 road rollers
shall be used to pave double driveway asphalt road surface of highway. If the construction is done
under the condition of low temperature, strong wind and thin rolling layer, the number of road roller
used shall be increased.

5.7.4 The road roller shall roll with a slow and even speed. The speed of rolling of the roller shall
conform to the stipulation of Table 5,7.4. The rolling route and direction of the roller shall not be
changed suddenly to avoid the pushing or mixture. The length of rolling area shall be kept stable; the
returning position of each side shall move forward according to the advancement of the paver; the
transverse direction shall not be at the same section.

Table 5.7.4 Rolling Speed of the Road Roller (km/h)

Initial rolling Repeated rolling Final rolling

Type of road roller I
1 Appropriate Maximum Appropriate Maximum Appropriate Maximum
Steel cylinder type road roller 2-3 4 3-5 6 3-6 6 I
Pneumatic tire roller 2-3 4 3-5 6 4-6 8
2-3 3
3-4.5 5 3-6 6
Vibration roller I (Static rolling (Static rolling
j or vibration) or vibration)
(Vibration) j (Vibration) (Static rolling) (Static rolling)

5.7.5 The rolling temperature of the road roller shall be determined according to of this stipulation
5.2.2 of this code, and in view of such conditions as type of mixture, roller, temperature and layer
thickness. Under the precondition of no severe pushing and erack, the initial, repeated and final
rolling shall be done at the maximum temperature possible. Repeated rolling under low temperature
shall be avoided to prevent abrasion and crushing or stones and the breakage of aggregate squeezing,
5.7.6 The initial rolling of asphalt mixture shall conform to the following requirements:
(1) The initial rolling shall be done immediately after the paver, short initial rolling area length
shall be maintained to promote the compaction of surface and reduce heat loss. If the initial
compactness after paving is very large, and direct rolling by using vibration road roller or tire roller
cause no serious pushing but can have good effect through experience, the initial rolling can be
omitted and enter into repeated rolling process.

(2) Usually using steel roller to conduct 1-2 times of static rolling. When rolling the drive wheel
of the roller shall face the paver and begins rolling from outside to the center. In the ultra high road
section rolling shall be done from low to high. In the slope the drive wheel shall be rolled from low to

(3) After initial rolling the smoothness and road camber shall be inspected. Repair or rework
when there’s any serious defects.
5.7.7 The repress operation shall be conducted immediately after the initial rolling, and according to
the following requirement:

* (1) The repress operation shall begin immediately after the initial rolling, and shall not stop at
will. The total length of rolling section of the roller shall be short, usually not more than 60~80m.
? When using different types of rollers to conduct combined rolling, each roller shall be arranged to do
all range rolling to avoid the uneven compactness at different parts.
(2) For the repress operation of the closed grading asphalt concrete, crumpled rolling by the
heavy-duty tire roller shall be given priority to increase water density. The total mass shall be no less
than 25t. When the tonnage cannot be reached heavy object shall be added to ensure the pressure of
each tire is no less than 1 5kN. The inflation pressure of tire under cold state shall be no less than
0.55MPa; when getting warm it shall be no less than 0.6MPa. The pressure of each tire is almost the
same; the neighboring rolling area shall be overlapped by 1/3-1/2 of the roller tire width. The roiling
i shall be done until the required compactness is reached,

(3) For the large grain size mixture with the coarse aggregate as the main part, especially the
large size asphalt stabilized macadam foundation, vibration roller shall be used to conduct press
operation. For the thin asphalt layer of <30mm, the vibration roller shall not be used for rolling. The
vibration frequency of vibration roller shall be 35~40Hz, the magnitude shall be 0.3~0.8mm. High
i frequency and large magnitude shall be selected for the thick layer to generate powerful vibration;
High frequency and small magnitude shall be used for thin layers to prevent breaking of aggregate, ii
The overlapping width of neighboring rolling area is 100~200mm. When returning the vibration roller
shall stop vibration first. i.

(4) When using three-wheel steel cylinder type road roller, the total mass shall not be less than
I2t, The neighboring rolling area shall be overlapped by 1/2 of the rear wheel, and not less than
i (5) For such parts as road edge, widening part and harbor type parking zone that the heavy duty
roller cannot conduct rolling, the small scale vibration road roller or vibrating plate compactor shall
be used to conduct supplement rolling.
5.7.8 Final rolling shall be done immediately after the repress operation. If there’s no obvious wheel
mark after repress operation, the final rolling can be omitted. Double wheel steel cylinder type roller
or vibration roller with the vibration off shall be selected for final rolling, and at least 2 times is
required, until no obvious wheel mark can be seen.
5.7,9 The compaction of SMA road surface shall meet the following requirement:
(I) Except when quantity of asphalt is small, and good result can be gained by using tire roller
after test, tire roller shall not be adopted for rolling to avoid crumpling, extrusion and floating upward
of the asphalt binder.
(2) SMA road surface shall be rolled by vibrating road roller or steel cylinder type roller. The
vibrating roller shall follow the principle of “close following, slow rolling, high frequency and low
magnitude", i.e. follow the paver closely and roll slowly with high frequency and low magnitude. If
there’s pushing in rolling of SMA mixture under high temperature, the appropriateness of grading
shall be rechecked.

5.7.10 OGFC shall be rolled by using steel cylinder type roller of <12t.
5.7,11 During rolling the rolling wheel shall be kept clean. If there’s mixture attaching to the wheel
they shall be removed. Isolating agent or anti-blocking agent can be painted to steel wheel, but diesel
oil shall be prohibited. When adopting the mode of spraying water to the rolling wheel (small quantity
of surface-active agent can be added), the quantity of spray water shall be controlled strictly and be
vaporific; water spreading shall be avoided to prevent quick temperature drop of the mixture. At the
beginning of rolling the tire roller can be heated or coated with small quantity of lubrication agent or
anti-blocking agent, also some water can be sprayed. The tire roller goes to the high temperature zone
to let the tire get warm fast, then stop water spray. At the outside of tires of tire roller, the apron
shall be added to keep temperature.

5.7.12 The roller cannot turn direction, turn back, add water or stay on the non-rolling or non
molded road section. Ho machinery equipment or vehicle can stop on the road surface that is molded
on that very day; nor can incidentals such as mineral aggregate and oil be scattered on it.

5.8 Joints

5.8.1 During construction of asphalt road surface, the joints shall be tight, the connections be
smooth, no obvious joint isolation is produced. The longitudinal seam of upper and lower layers shall
be staggered by at least 150mm (hot seam) or 300~400min (cold seam). The horizontal seam of
neighboring ranges and between upper and lower layers shall be staggered by im. The construction of
seam shall be checked with 3m rulers to ensure the smoothness meet the requirement. t

5.8.2 Construction of longitudinal seam shall conform to the following requirements: '

(1) Hot seam shall be used for the longitudinal seam that adopt echelon operation in spreading. :
I00~200mm width of the spreading part shall be free of rolling and act as the base layer for the next
part. Then rolling shall be made over joints to remove seam trace,
(2) During half range construction or the longitudinal cold seam is generated due to some
special reasons, baffle shall be added or flush cut is made by cutting off cool. Also the mode of cutting
the leftover burr at the edge by pickaxe before complete cooling down of the mixture. But the
longitudinal cutting by the cutter after cooling shall be avoided. Before spreading the other range,
small quantity of asphalt shall be spread, and be overlapped on the paved layer by 50-100mm, Then
the mixture spreading on the previous range shall be removed. Rolling shall be done from edge to the
middle, and 100-150mm are left. Then cross seam squeezing and compaction can be done. Or rolling
on the compacted road surface to roll the newly spreading layer of 150mm, then compact the newly
paved parts.

5.8.3 The horizontal seam of the surface layer of the expressway and the first-class road shall adopt
the vertical flat seam; the under layers shali adopt the naturally rolled bias seam. When the asphalt
layer is thick, the step appearance seam shall be made (see Figure 5.8.3). Each layer of other road
classes can adopt the bias seam.

road surface
Newly paved

road surface
road surface
r Newly paved

a) b) c)

Figure 5.8.3 Several Forms of Horizontal Seams

a) Bias sewn; b) Stepped seam; c) Horizontal seam

i 5.8.4 The overlapping length of bias seam shall be related with layer thickness; the suitable value is
0,4~O.8m. Small quantity of asphalt shall be used; the coarse aggregate particle in the mixture shall be
! removed, and add fine aggregate. The overlapping part shall be smooth and fully compacted. The step
of the stepped seam shall be made by milling and planing; the adhesive asphalt shall be used; the
overlapping length shall be no less than 3m.
5.8.5 For the horizontal seam, use plugger or labor vertical planning to remove those parts that the
thickness is not enough, and make the working seam have a right angle joint before fully cooled down.
The making of horizontal seam with the cutter shall be done when the mixture paved on that very day
has cooled but hasn’t been hardened. The planning and cutting shall not damage the underlying road
surface. The earth water left over after cutting shall be cleaned; after drying the adhesion coating of
oil shall be used after drying. When spreading new mixture joint the stubble shall be softened. The
roller shall conduct horizontal rolling first, and then conduct longitudinal rolling to combine them into
a whole. Joints shall be fully compacted and smoothly connected,

5.9 Open for Traffic and Others

5.9.1 The hot mixed asphalt mixture road shall be opened for traffic after the spreading layers are
fully cooled down, and the surface temperature of the mixture is below 50 *C. If early opening to !
traffic is necessary, water shall be sprayed to lower the temperature of the mixture.
5.9.2 The construction of asphalt road during rainy season shall meet the following requirement: :
(l) Pay attention to the weather forecast, strengthen the connection between construction site,
asphalt mixing plant and the meteorological observatory or station, control construction length.
Various processed shall be connected closely.

(2) The material mover and construction site shall be equipped with rainproof facilities. The
base layer and road shoulder drain shaft be done well.
5.9.3 For the paved asphalt layer, traffic shall be strictly controlled; protection and cleaning work
shall be done and pollution shall be avoided. The earth or incidentals created during construction shaft
not be piled on the asphalt layer; cement mortar shall not be produced on the paved asphalt layer.

6 Asphalt Surface Treatments and Seal Coat

6.1 General Requirements

6.1.1 Asphalt surface treatments are suitable for the asphalt surface class of third-class highway and
highway lower than third class. Each kind of seal coat is suitable for paving skin coat, wearing course,
stress buffer layer of cement concrete pavement, each kind of waterproof and watertight course, and
preventive maintenance skin coat.

6.1.2 Asphalt surface treatments and seal coat are appropriate to be constructed in dry and hot
season, and shall be finished half a month before the period of maximum temperature lower than 15‘C
and rainy season.

6.2 Asphalt Surface Treatments by Layer Spread Method

6.2.1 Paving petroleum asphalt, emulsified asphalt and coal tar can be adopted for the pavement of
asphalt surface treatments, and asphalt grade shall be selected according to relevant regulations in this
code. Maximum grain size of aggregate for asphalt surface treatment shall be equal to the thickness of t

treatment layer, and its specs and dosage shall be chosen from Table 6.2.1; after the construction of
asphalt surface treatment, S12 (5-10mm) crushed stone or S14 (3~5mm) stone chips, coarse grain or f
pea gravel (2-3) mÿ/lOOOm1 shall be prepared on the side of road as initial maintenance materials.
Table 6.2.1 Specs and Dosage of Asphalt Surface Treatments Materials

Asphalt class Type

Aggregate mVlOOOm3

_Dosage of asphalt orlacleous liquid
(kg/m1) __
(mm) First layer Second layer Third layer Total
First Second Third
Specs Dosage Specs Dosage Specs Dosage dosage

asp hall

S10 12-14
SIO 12-14
S9 16-38
S8 18-20
SI2 7-S
$12 7-8
1.0-1 .2
1 .0—1.2
| 1.0-1.2

1.4 1.6
Triple 2.5 S8 18-20 S10 12-14 S12 7-8 1.6-1.8 1.2-1.4 1.0-1.2 38-4,4

, JSfiL 3.0 5620-22 SIO 12-14 S 12 7—8 1.8-2 0 1.2-1.4 l.O-1.2 1 4.0-4.6
0.5 SI4 7-9 0.9-1.0 0.9-1.O
i layer
Emulsified I DouWe 1.0 S129-I1 SI4 4-6 1.8-2.0 10-1,2 2.8-32
asphalt layer

Triple SI 2 4-6
30 S6 20-22 SIC 9-U 2.0-2.2 1.0- f.2 1.0-12 4J-5.4
layer S14 3.5-45 j
Note; 1. Asphalt dosage for surface treatment by coal tar is 1 5%~20% higher than petroleum asphalt.

2. Dosage of lacteous liquid in the table is calculated according to 60% evaporated residue content or emulsified asphalt, and
conversion is necessary for different asphalt content.

3. The value can exceed higher limit for 5%~10% in high-cold area as well as dry and large wind sand area,

6.2.2 Priming oil shall be insufflated for surface treatment by asphalt paving on clean crushed stone
(gravel) pavement. Asphalt dosage in the first layer shall be increased 10%~2Q% for surface
treatments by asphalt paving on old asphalt pavement, cement concrete pavement, block stone
pavement, and priming oil or viscous oil shall not be insufflated.
6,2.3 United operation by asphalt spreading machine and aggregate spreader shall be adopted for
asphalt surface treatments by layer spread method. Steady rate, spreading amount as well as the
uniformity in the whole spreading width shall be kept during asphalt spreading by the machine.
Automatic or hand-operated asphalt spreader can be used for asphalt spreading of small-scale project.
Nozzle of spreader shall be suitable for consistency of asphalt to guarantee spraying effect, and form a
angle of 15ÿ25° with oil-spreading pipe, the height of which shall make asphalt spread from 2~3
nozzles can be accepted by the same position and uneven spreading is forbidden.
6.2.4 During asphalt surface treatments by asphalt spreading, contamination resistant covering
measures shall be taken for exposed parts of road constructions, curbstone, etc,.
6.2.5 Close lapping of each procedure shall be ensure during the construction of asphalt surface
treatment, and the length of each working section shall be determined according to construction ability
and finished in the same day. Sectional stocks shall be divided by distance for manual aggregate

6.2.6 Construction techniques of triple-layer asphalt surface treatment shall be carried out according
to the following steps:
(1) Clearing base course and spreading the first-layer asphalt. Spreading temperature of asphalt
shall be chosen according to atmospheric temperature and asphalt grade. Spreading temperatures for
petroleum asphalt and coal tar are 130-170*0 and 80~120'C, respectively; emulsified asphalt shall
be spread under normal temperature, with temperature of lacteons liquid for heated spreading no more
than 60X1. Connections between tow spreaders shall be paving by plate or building paper for 1-1.5m
to guarantee good lapping. If breading in breadths, longitudinal lapping width shall be 100~150min,
lapping joints shall be staggered for spreading the second and third layer asphalt.
(2) The first-layer aggregate shall be spread by aggregate spreader or by hand immediately after
main course asphalt spread. Aggregate shall be swept evenly after spread to satisfy the requirements
of complete covering, homogeneous thickness, no superposition of aggregate, and no exposing of
asphalt. Complementarity shall be done for those parts short of materials., and excessive aggregate
shall be removed. In the lapping of tow breadths, spread asphalt of the first breadth shall be remained
for 100-150 mm wide and removed together with the second breadth.
(3) After spread, main aggregate shall be rolled for 3-4 times by 6-8t steel cylinder tandem
roller from roadside to the middle with wheelmarks lapped over for approximately 300mm, and it is
unnecessary to spread aggregate for the whole section. Rolling speed in the beginning shall be no
more than 2km/h, which can be appropriately enhanced in the later.
(4) Construction method and requirement of the second and third course shall be the same as the
first course, but roller of more than 8t can be applied for rolling.

6.2.7 The number of asphalt and aggregate spreading for double-layer and single-layer shall be
correspondingly reduced, the construction process and requirements of which shall refer to Article

6.2,8 Except for surface treatment by emulsifying asphalt, which shall be demulsifieated, water
at once after rollinj
resumed, traffic can be opened
traffic opening is in favor of complementin',
m old in the rough before and traffic
evaporated and atment by other asphalt, appointed person or roadblocks shall b
tre traffic opening,
finished for surfaceshaping , ]n the
beginning of
exceed 20km/h, and carromata
and iron-wheel cart
compaction and eed not
with running sp pavement.
compaction of the whole-wide Jf flush;ng aspha|
is forbidden, to
importance to initial maintenance.
treatment shall attach materials of the last course shall be spread a
surface specs of stone
6.2.9 Asphalt with the same materials shall be removed.
appears.i, calking materials swept evenly. Excessive
flushing asphalt and
the position Coat
6,3 Upside Seal

modified asphalt cement aggregate Sea1, t*,'r

seal, microsurfacing, conditions.
Emulsifying asphalt slurry
materials shall selected according to
the other suitable cleaned, and thoSe tracks’
wearing course or
coat paving shall be completely
Underlying stratum for upper or mended.
6.3.2 it shall be treated and damage intensity ot
grooves, and cracks
on according to usage purposes

of upper seal coat shall be selected

6.3.3 Type brush covers for pavement 5
pavement. regenerator can be adopted to .
sealant and emollient
1 Spreading
fine and dense
cracks. be adopted( for
second-class highway and those
with can
ulsifying asphalt slurry seal (sand) can be spread and
then rolled as seal coat
2 Plain em stone chips
lower than second class, or
highways asphalt.
spreading paving petroleum damaged express highway and first-class highway.
paved for lightly
rfacing shall be cement aggregate sea can be adopted for
3 Microsu odified asphalt
microsurfacing or m
4 Slurry coat,
improving antiskid properties.
upper seal coat used for
Seal Coat
6.4 Downside
spreading priming oil under the following two
paved after severe water penetration)
seal coat shall be void ratio and probability of
6.4.1 Downside course (with larger
damp area, or when
asphalt surface can’t be
asphalt surface in rainy and
conditions: and first-class highway has to be resumed.
of express highway course paving and traffic by layer spread method or
adopt surface treatment
paved timely after shall
of downside seal coator modified emulsified asphalt can bewatertight.
chosen for slurry seal.
6.4.2 Construction Emulsified asphalt completely
s|Uny sealing method. seal coat shall be no less than 6mm and
The thickness of
downside downside seal coat paving with surface treatment by
adopted for be 5~8m>/1000ini while
type is generally aggregate in Table 6.2.1 shall
6 4.3 Single-layer The dosage of mineral dosage.
spread method. range can be adopted for asphalt
high limit of required
medium and
and Microsurtacins
6.5 Slurry Seal
filling up light-grade tracks
m Preventive maintenance and
mainly applird
6.5.1 Microsurfacing is

of express highway and first-class highway, and also suitable for antiskid wearing course of new-built
highway. Slurry seal is generally used for preventive maintenance of second-class highway and those
! highways lower than second-class highway, and also appropriate to downside seal coat of new-built
; highway.
6.5.2 Slurry seal and microsurfacing must be paved by special paver. Single-layer microsurfacing is
suitable for conditions of crack depth no more than 1 5mm on old pavement; double-layer paving must
be adopted for conditions of crack depth exceeding 15mm, or firstly paved by V-type rut box;
1 microsurfacing is unsuitable for conditions of crack depth more than 40mm.
6.5.3 Modified emulsified asphalt shall be adopted for microsurfacing, while plain emulsified
I asphalt or modified emulsified asphalt can be chosen for slurry seal. The category and quality of them
i shall respectively comply with requirements of Table 4.3.1, Table 4.3.2, Table 4.7.1-1 and Table

: 6.5.4 Slurry seal and microsurfacing shall adopt hard, coarse, wearing resistant and clean aggregate.
Each characteristic shall comply with requirements of Table 4.8.2 and Table 4.9.2. Sand equivalents of
\ combined minerals passing through mesh of 4.75mm shall be no less than 65% and 50% for
microsurfacing and slurry seal, respectively. If antiskid surface course is applied, they also shall
comply with related polishing value in Table 4.8.5, Manufactured sand made from alkali-stone or
clean stone chips shall be adopted as fine aggregate. Super grain size particles in aggregate shall be
screened out. .1

6.5.5 Proper mineral aggregate grading shall be selected in Table 6.5.5 according to such conditions
as paving thickness, treatment purposes, and highway classes.

* Table 6.5.5 Mineral Aggregate Grading of Sturry Seal and Microsurfacing

Sieving percentage of each type (%)
Mesh dimensions (mm) Microsurfacing Slurry seal
I MS-2 type MS-3 type ES-I type ES-2 type ES-2 type
9.5 100 IDO J00 100

u 4.75

1.18 45-70 28-50 60-90 45-70 28-50

0.6 1-50 [ 19-34 40-65 30-50 19-34
0.3 1-30 j 12-25 25-42 18-30 12-25
0.15 i 0—2 1 7-18 15-30 10-21 17-18
0.075 5-15 S-IS 10-20 5-15 5-15

| Appropriate thickness lot a layer (mm) 4-7 8-10 2.5-3 4-7 8-10

6.5.6 The dosage of modified emulsified asphalt and emulsilied asphalt in mixture of slurry seal and
microsurfacing shall be determined via mixture ratio design. The quality of mixture shall comply with
technical requirements of Table 6.5.6,
6.5.7 Mix ratio design of mixture for slurry seal and microsurfacing shall be followed the following

(1) Grading range of mineral aggregate shall be determined in Table 6.5.5 according to selected
grading type. Mix proportion of various aggregates shall be calculated to make combined grading in
required grading range.
Table 6.5.6 Technical Requirements of Mixture for Slurry Seal Can Mtcrosurfacing

Item Unit Microsurlacirtg j Slurry seal Test method

Mixing time s >120 Manual mixing
Consisieney cm 2-3 T075I

Cohesive strength test {Only suitable for slurry seat of

quickly trafTic opening)
T 0754
30 min {initial setting time)
60 min (traffic opening time)
N * nt
<2.0 _szo_ >1.2

Load tyre rolling test (Only suitable for highway surface

of heavy traffic load)
T 0755
Sand adhesion g/mJ <450 <450
Change rate of wlieelmark width % <5
Abrasion value of wet track abrasion
test (WTAT)
T 0752
Immersion for i h g/m' <540 <800
Immersion for 6d g/m* <800
Mote; Change rate of width of load tyre rolling test (LVVT) is suitable for conditions of repairing tracks.

(2)Dosages of emulsified asphalt, filler, water, and additives can be preliminarily chosen I
according to past experiences, and then mixing test and cohesive strength test shall be carried out.
Maximum construction temperature shall be considered as test temperature in mixing time, while
minimum temperature ihat may be encountered during construction shall be considered as temperature
of cohesive strength test.
(3) According to above-mentioned test results and appearance conditions of slurry mixture,
select 1~3 subjectively rational mixing compositions and test the properties of slurry mixture according
to regulations in Table 6.5.6. If selected compositions can’t comply with requirements, properly adjust
proportions of various materials and then retest, until compositions reaching requirements.
(4) Asphalt dosage (in general, asphalt dosage shall be in the range of 6.0%~8.5%) shall be
changed for the 1~3 preliminarily selected mixture compositions if designer lacks experience, Retest
compositions according to requirements of Table 6.5.6, and protract relation curve of figure 6.5,7 by
lh wet track abrasion value and sand adhesion of different asphalt dosage. The corresponding asphalt
dosage of abrasion value and sand abrasion close to requirements of Table 6.5,6 shall be used
minimum asphalt dosage i\mrn and maximum asphalt dosage nfUt> and then the selectable range
Amin~ÿbnux of asphalt dosage will be obtained,

(5) Appropriate asphalt dosage shall be selected in the selectable range of asphalt dosage
according to experience. For mixture of microsurfacing, selected asphalt dosage shall be used to
check wet track abrasion index of 6d immersion and width change rate index of track-filling enhanced
load tyre test. Asphalt dosage shall be adjusted to meet the required standards if indexes can’t meet

(6) Mixture composition shall be comprehensively determined based on the adequate

consideration of climate and traffic characteristics according to experience and test results of mixing
proportion design.


lk 1000 1000

"e 800- -800

! a 5
I 600- -600 i
1 400- -400 !
I< 1
200- St'leetoble range -200
7 7 8
Asphalt dosage (%)
t Figure 6,5.7 Cum for Determining Optimal Asphalt Dosage Seal and Microsurfacing

6.5,8 Before construction of slurry seal and microsurfacing, soil and sundries of original pavement
shall be completely removed, grooves and hollows shall be repaired, and wider cracks shall be
cleaned and filled, Viscous oil shall be spread when microsurfacing is paved on cement concrete
' pavement, and slippery surface shall be broom-finished.
6.5.9 Minimum construction temperature of slurry seal and microsurfacing must not be lower than
10*G. Construction in rainy day is forbidden, and unshaped mixture after spreading shall be brushed
I out before rain.
6.5.10 The lapping width of two longitudinal joints for slurry seal and microsurfacing shall not
I exceed 80mm, and traverse joints shall be made to abutment joint. The second-course paving shall be
started at least 24 hours after traffic opening of finishing the first-course paving.
6.5.11 Obvious scratch due to super-size grain shall be forbidden to appear in road surface after
paving of slurry seal and microsurfacing, and excessive materials accumulation or materials shortage
! shall be forbidden at the position of traverse joint and longitudinal joint. The unevenness at joint shall
s be no more than 6 mm by the measurement of 3m ruler. Traverse wave and longitudinal stria with
depth more than 6mm shall be forbidden at the position of microsurfacing. After maintenance and
initial compaction of traffic, slurry seal and microsurfacing shall not fly apart and be completely
watertight under traffic actions.

7 Asphalt Penetration Pavement -

7,1 General Requirements

7,1.1 Asphalt penetration pavement is applicable for highway of 3rd or less grade. It’s also
applicable for binding layer cr base layer of asphalt pavement.
7,1,2 Asphalt penetration pavement with a thickness of 4~8cm is preferable, while emulsified
asphalt should be with a thickness of no more than 5cm. When adding to the top of penetration layer a
layer of asphalt mixtures and become penetration macadam with coated chips, the layer added should
be with a thickness no less than 1.5cm.

7.1.3 Seal coating or a layer of asphalt mixtures should be spreaded on top of asphalt penetration
pavement. Asphalt penetration pavement can be free of seal coating when it works for binding layer.

7.1.4 Construction of asphalt penetration pavement should be arranged in dry and warm season, and
should be finished half a month before maximum daytime temperature reduced to 1S*C, and the
penetration layer forms by transportation grinding.
7,2 Material Spec and Usage

7.2.1 Hard stone material with edge angles and good embeddability should be applied for aggregate.
Material spec and usage should be applied per Table 7.2.1-1 or 7.2. 1-2 as penetration layer thickness
varies. When fragmentized gravel applied, its fragment surface should conform to requirement in
4.8.7. Grains among main aggregate of penetration layer with size exceed median of grain diameter
range should be no less than 50%. When construction of penetration pavement free of asphalt mixture
layer finished, fine aggregate of same spec with final embedding material should be prepared 2~3cm3
every 1 000cm2 for initial maintenance.
Table 7.2.1-1 Material Spec and Usage for Penetration Pavement
(usage unit: aggregate, nrVlOGO in2; asphalt and emulsion, kg/m2)

Asphalt type Petrolic asphalt

Thickness (cm) 4 5 6

Spec and usage Spec Usage Spec Usage Spec Usage

Seal coat material SI4 3-5 S14 3-5 S13 (SI 4) 4-6

3'4 asphalt layer l,0-1,2 I.0-1.2 1.0-1.2

2nd embedding materiel layer SI2 6-7 Sll tSiO) 10-12 Sll (SIO) 10-12
T* asphalt layer 1.6-1.8 i.8-2,0 2.0-2.2

1” embedding material layer S10(S9) 12-14 S8 16-18 S8(S6) 16-18

1” asphalt layer 1.8-2.1 2.4-26 2.8-3.0
Stone material in main layer S5 45-50 S4 55-60 S3 (S4) 66-76
Total usage of asphalt 4.4-5.1 5.2-5,8 58-6.4


Table 7.2,1-1 (continued)
Asphalt type Petrolic asphalt. Emulsified asphalt
! Thickness (cm) ? 8 4 5
Spec and usage Spec '
Usage Spec Usage Spec Usage Spec Usage
Sea) coat material SI3 (S14) 4-6 S13 (S14) 4-6 SI3 (S14) 4-6 S14 4-6
5* asphalt layer SI4 0.8-1.0
4lk embedding material layer S-6
a 401 asphalt layer 0,8-1.0 1.2- 1.4
l'1 embedding material layer SI4 5-6 S12 7-9
e 3r<1 asphalt layer 1.0-1.2 1.CM.2 I.4-1.6 1,5-1.7

2n<l embedding material layer SlO(Sll) 11-13 SlO(Sll) 11-13 S12 7-8 S10 9-11

2M asphalt layer 2,4~2.6 2.6-2.8 1.6-1.8 1 6-1.8

I* embedding material layer 18-20 S6 (S8) 20-22 S9 12-14 S8 10-12

1“ asphalt layer S6 (S8) 3.3-3.5 4.0-4.2 2.2~2.4 2.6-2.S
Stone materia! in mam layer S3 80-90 SI (S2) 95-100 S5 40-45 S4 50-55

I Total usage of asphalt 6.7-73 7.6-8.2

Note; i. "Hie usage of coal asphalt can be !5%~20% more than that ofPetrolic asphalt for penetration,
6.0-68 7.4—8. 5'

I 2. Emulsified asphalt in the table refers to emulsion usage, and it is suitable for emulsion with concentration of around 60%.
Conversion should be made accordingly if concentration varies

f 3. Exceeding of the upper limits could be acceptable for high & cold areas and areas of dry and with big sand blow by wind.
The increasing usage could be 5%-10%.
r Table 7.2.1-2 Material Spec and Usage for Penetration Macadam with Coated Chips
(usage unit: aggregate, mVlOOOni2; asphalt and emulsion, kg/m2)

s Asphalt type Petrolic asphalt

Thickness (cm) 4 s 6
Spec and usage Spec Usage Spec Usage Spec Usage

2“ embedding material layer S12 5-6 SI2 (SI 1) 7-9 SI 2 (S11) 7-9
2ÿ-aspliaH layer i.4-1.6 1.6-1 8 1,6-1.8

Is embedding material layer S10(S9) 12-14 S3 16-18 S8 (S7) 16-18

I” asphalt layer 2.0-2.3 2.6-2.8 3.2-34
Stone material in main layer S5 45-50 S4 55-60 S3 (S2) 66-76
Total usage of asphalt 3.4-3.0 4.2-4. 6 4.8-5.2

Asphalt type Petrolic asphalt Emulsified asphalt

Thickness (cm) 7 5 6
Spec and usage Spec- Usage Spec Usage Spec Usage

4'*“ embedding material layer S14 4-6

4“’ asphalt layer 1.3-1. 5
3,!j embedding material layer SI! 4-6 S12 8-10
asphalt layer 1.4-1.6 1.4-1 6

Table 7.2, 1-2 (continued)

Asphalt type Petrolic asphalt

Asphalt type Petrolic asphalt Emulsified asphalt

Thickness (era) 7 5 6

Spee and usage Spec Usage Spec Usage Spec Usage

2"* embedding material layer SIO(SII) 8-10 SI2 9-10 S9 8-12

2,ld asphalt layer 1.7-1 9 1.8-2.0 1.5-1.7
I* embedding material layer S6 (SB) 18-20 S8 15-17 S6 24-26
la asphalt layer 4.0-4.2 2.5-2, 7 24-2,6

Stone material in main layer S2 (S3) 80-90 S4 50-55 S3 50-55

Total usage of asphalt 5,7-6. 1 5,9~6.2 6.7-72
Note: 1 , The usage of coal asphalt can be 1 5%-2Q% more than that of Petrolic asphalt for penetration,

2. Emulsified asphalt in the table refers to emulsion usage, and it is suitable for emulsion with concentration of around 60%.

3. Exceeding of the upper limits could be acceptable for high & cold areas and areas of dry and with big sand blow by wind.
The increasing usage could be 5%-10%.

4. Material spec and asphalt (or emulsified asphalt) usage for the mixing layer spreading to surface should follow relevant
regulation for hot mixing of asphalt mixture (or emulsified asphalt-treated permeable main layer),

7,2.2 Grain size among main aggregate of penetration layer should be equivalent to thickness of
penetration layer, When emulsified asphalt applied, aggregate grain size among main aggregate can be
0.8-0.85 times of thickness, calculation per 1.25-1.30 times of compaction factor is preferable.
7.2.3 Binder of asphalt penetration can be petrolic asphalt, coal asphalt or emulsified asphalt, refer
to Table 7.2.1 -1 or 7.2.1-2 for usage, and Table 4.2.1-2, 4,3,2 and 4,5.1 of this code for asphalt grade.
7.2,4 Asphalt usage each layer and each time in penetration pavement should be determined per
construction temperature and asphalt grade within specified range. Upper limits are to be applied for
construction in cold area or in cold season with little penetrability. When emulsified asphalt applied in
moist condition with low temperature, the adjustment should be done without any changes on total
emulsion. In normal condition, usage should moderately increase in upper layer and decrease in lower

7.3 Construction Preparation

7.3.1 Base layer must be cleaned up before construction of asphalt penetration pavement. Construction
should begin after building kerbs, if necessary. And those kerbs require covering.
7.3.2 Prime coat or tack coat asphalt must be spreaded when emulsified asphalt penetration
pavement applied. When thickness of asphalt penetration pavement is no more than 5cm, prime coat
or tack coat asphalt should also be spreaded.

7.4 Construction Method

7.4. t Construction of asphalt penetration pavement should follow the following steps:
(1) Main aggregate is to be paved by macadam paver, grader or manpower. No transportation
should pass through after construction,

(2) Grinding of main aggregate. 6~8t light-duty drum roller is to be used for grinding by a
speed of 2km/h from both sides to center after spreading. Wheel mark overlap 30cm or so. Inspect
crown and vertical gradient after grinding for once. Adjust to keep even and regrinding if result is not
qualified. Change to use heavy-duty drum roller for grinding then, wheel mark overlap 1/2 or so.
Keep grinding for 4-6 times until main aggregate embedded properly with no obvious wheel mark,
(3) Spread the first asphalt layer. Spreading should follow requirement in 6.2.6 of this code.
When emulsified asphalt is applied for penetration, embedding material of the previous layer should
be spreaded again after proper embedment of main aggregate to prevent emulsion from exceeding
leakage, Asphalt spread should apply afterwards.
(4) Aggregate spreader or manpower is used for spread the first embedding material layer.
Sweep the spread surface to make even distribution and make up for location lack of material. Spread
the stone materia! before emulsion is broken.
(5) Immediate grinding is required for embedding material by 8-12t drum roller, wheel mark
overlap 1/2 or so. Keep grinding for 4-6 times until it embedded properly. Sweep in time after each
grinding, so that embedding material may embedded evenly. When big shifts happened in the process
of grinding caused by high temperature, immediately stop the process and wait until temperature
reduced to a lower degree.

(6) Spray the second asphalt layer and spread the second embedding material layer per the
above instruction, then grinding and spray the third asphalt layer.

(7) Spread seal coat material per embedding material spreading method.
(8) Do final grinding by 6~8t drum roller. Keep grinding for 2-4 times, and resume
transportation afterwards.
7.4,2 Control on transportation per requirement in 6.2.8 and 6.2.9 of this code when the asphalt
penetration pavement resume transportation and do initial maintenance.
7.4.3 On the construction of penetration macadam with coated chips, penetration layer should be
free of seal coat material, and mixing layer should be constructed right after penetration layer, so as to
make the upper and lower into a whole piece. When emulsified asphalt is applied for penetration,
mixing layer should not be constructed until emulsion breaks, water vapors and it forms properly.
When mixing layer could not be continuously constructed to penetration layer, and construction car
requires to pass through in short time, the second embedding material usage should increase to 2-3 mV
1000m3, and additional grinding with asphalt spray should do before asphalt mixture construction.


8 Pavement Constructed by Cold-mixed Asphalt Mixture

8.1 General Requirements

8.1.1 Cold-mixed asphalt mixture is applicable for highway of 3rd or lower grade by asphalt
pavement, highway of 2nd grade by overlay and highway of various grades by base layer, binding
layer or leveling course. Reforming asphalt mixture of cold-mixed is applicable for potholes cold
make-up of asphalt pavement,
8.1.2 Emulsified asphalt or liquid asphalt is preferable for mixing of cold-mixed asphalt mixture.
Reforming emulsified asphalt, various types of binding material with spec conforming to requirement
in Chapter 4 of this code is also acceptable.
8.1,3 Asphalt mixture of closed gradation is preferable for cold-mixed asphalt mixture. Top seal coat
is required when cold-mixed asphalt mixture pavement of half-open gradation is applied.

8,2 Material Ratio Design of Cold-mixed Asphalt Mixture

8.2.1 Cold-mixed asphalt mixture is to be used per relevant requirement in chapter 5 of this code for
mineral aggregate gradation, achieved successful experience should be referred as well for trial to
determine gradation range and material ratio.
8.2.2 Usage of emulsion made by emulsified asphalt mixture should be determined per experience
by local practice, as well as traffic, weather, aggregate qualification, asphalt grade and constructing
plant, etc. Jt can also be determined by converting asphalt usage of hot-mixed asphalt mixture. The
actual amount of asphalt remains could be 10%~12% less than that of hot-mixed asphalt mixture by
the same spec.

8.3 Construction of Pavement Constructed by Cold-mixed Asphalt Mixture

8.3.1 Cold-mixed asphalt mixture should be mixed by mixing plant of a specialized factory and
paved by asphalt paver. It can also be mixed on site and paved by manpower when difficult is found
in mixing by a specialized factory. Mixture should be kept free from eduction during construction of
cold-mixed asphalt mixture.

8.3.2 When cationic emulsified asphalt is applied for mixing, it is preferable to moist aggregate by
water first. When aggregate is found still hard to mix with emulsion after the moisting, apply emulsion
slower at broken or moist aggregate by sodium chloride solvent with concentration of 1 %~3%.

8.3.3 Suitable mixing-time of mixture should be adapted per actual situation and mixing trial.
Mixing-time by plant for mineral aggregate added with emulsion should be no more than 30 second,
while mixing-time by manpower no more than 60 second.
8.3.4 The mixed mixture should be immediately delivered to site for paving, and construction is to
be finished before emulsion broken. Any broken of emulsion happened during mixing and paving, the
mixture should be scraped.
8.3.5 To keep mixture primarily steady, 6t or so light-duty roller should be used for initial grinding
by 1~2 times after cold-mixed mixture of emulsified asphalt paved. Pneumatic tyre roller or drum
roller is to grinding then by l~2 times. Change to use pneumatic tyre roller of 12~15t for grinding
when emulsion broke and mixture color changed from brown to black. Squeeze water out and keep
! grinding for 2-3 times before stopping. Let it dry in the open air for some time, and continues
grinding to good compactness while water ultimately vapors. Stop the process for adjustment when
shifts happened in the process of compacting, and continue grinding when the setting is stable. If the
compacting can not be finished in one day, a make-up grinding should be adapted at a higher
temperature. Drum roller or relatively lighter-duty vibrating roller can also be applied when it is lack
* of pneumatic tyre roller,
8.3.6 The top seal coat of pavement constructed by emulsified asphalt mixture should be paved
f when good compactness is made and water totally vapors.
8.3.7 Close for 2-6 hours after finishing construction of pavement by emulsified asphalt mixture,
s and keep proper early maintenance. One person should be assigned for taking care of at the beginning
; of transportation, to keep speed lower than 20km/h, and keep it free of braking or turning around.

8.3,8 Stop paving when it rains, so as emulsion not to be flushed away by rains,
8.4 Cold Make-up Asphalt Mixture

( 8,4.1 Reforming asphalt mixture with good water resistance should apply for the making of cold

make-up asphalt mixture used for pavement potholes. j!

I 8.4.2 Refer to requirement in Table 8.4.2 for mineral aggregate gradation of cold make-up asphalt
mixture. Asphalt usage should be determined by experiment and actual practice with normal
1 preference 4%~6%. The gradation should meet the demand of potholes make-up. Good embeddability
i requires for coarse aggregate gradation, to allow grinding by transportation without any loosening
when insufficient grinding achieved.

i Table 8.4.2 Mineral Aggregate Gradation of Cold Make-up Asphalt Mixture

T By percent (%) of the below mesJt (mm)

i 26.5 19.0 16.0 1 132 9.5 4.75 [ 2.36 1 US 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075
Fine grain LB-10 100 80-100 30-60 10-40 [, 5-20 0-15 | 0-12 CM | 0-5
Fine grain LB-13 100 1 90-100 60-95 30-60 | 10-40 | 5-20 0-15 I 0-12 0-8 0-5
Medium grain LB-16
Coarse rain LB-19

100 ! 90-100
95-100 80-100

j 70100
30-70 I

0-15 I 0-12
0-15 | 0-12

Note; 1 . Cohesion lest method: Put 800g cold make-up material into Marshall testing mold, and leave it in room with constant temp.
4'C for 2-3 hours. Take il out and compact 5 times on each side to make test piece. Pul the demoulding piece onto the
standard mesh. Keep it straight and let the test piece roil back and forth for 20 times along mesh. Breakage should be no
more than 40%.
2. Marshall test method for cold make-up asphalt mixture: Weigh II80g mixture and put it into test mold at normal
temperature. Compact 50 times on each side, aid put it vertically cm one side, together with the lest mold, into oven of
i 1 0C tor 24 hoars for curing. Compact again 25 times on each side. Pul it vertically with lest mold at room temperature for
24 hours. Put it into water with constant temp. 60 C for 30 minutes for curing after demoulding, and begin Marshall test.

8,4.3 Quality of cold make-up asphalt mixture should conform to the following requirements:
(1) Aggregate used for making cold make-up asphalt mixture should conform to quality

requirement on aggregate of hot-mixed asphalt mixture.
(2) Favorable operation easiness under low temperature, Mixture used for pothole make-up
under cold season of winter should be free of obvious agglomerate, when it is put into fridge of
- 10'C for 24 hours at loose state, and can be easily operated for mixing by shovel,

(3) Favorable water resistance. Inspecting by boiling or immersing method, water resisting
(coverage) should be no less than 95%.
(4) Enough cohesion requires for cold make-up asphalt mixture, Stability constancy of Marshall
test should be no less than 3kN.


1 9 Prime Coat and Tack Coat

-J 9.1 Prime Coat

9.1.1 Prime coat oil must be sprayed on various base layers of asphalt pavement. Asphalt layer
should be paved after prime coat oil totally penetrated through base layer.' Prime coat should not be
! omitted where underside seal coat is applied on base layer. Avoid prime coat spraying at temp. Lower
; than 10'C or under big wind, or when rain is expected.
9.1.2 Liquid asphalt, emulsified asphalt and coal asphalt of good penetrability should be chosen for
prime coat oil per the type of base layer. Ensure penetration of prime coat oil through base layer to be
with depth of no less than 5mm (stable aggregate layer of inorganic binder) -I Omm (base layer of
‘ inorganic binder) by drilling or digging after spraying, and to be binded with base layer as one piece.
i The quality of prime coat oil should conform to requirement in chapter 4 of this code.

1 9,1.3 Preferable viscosity of tack coat oil should be achieved by adjusting usage of diluent or
i emulsified asphalt. Normally, penetration of base asphalt should be no less than 100. Proper
adjustment is allowed per penetration condition for remains amount of emulsified asphalt used for

i prime coat after vaporing. Required viscosity can be achieved of emulsified asphalt product by

diluting. Viscosity of liquid asphalt used for base layer can be determined by changing different
diluent (kerosene or light diesel fuels) & usage and through trial.
9.1.4 Usage of prime coat oil can be determined by spray trial, and should be no more than required
range in Table 9.1.4.
8 Table 9.1.4 Material Spec and Usage of prime coat of asphalt pavement

Liquid Asphalt f Emulsified Asphalt Coal Asphati

i Spec Usage (Urn1) Spec [usage (L/m’) Spec Usage (LAn*)
Granular bass layer of inorganic AL (M)- 1 , 2 or 3
s 1.0-2.3 PC-2 PA-2 1.0-2.0 T-l T-2 i .0-1.5
binder AL(S)-l,2or3
AL (M)*l or 2
, Base layer of semi-rigidity 0.6-5.5 PC-2 PA-2 0.7-i.J T-l T-2 0.7-1.0
AL(S)-1 or 2
Note: Usage in the table refers to total amount, including diluent and water, of liquid asphalt and emulsified asphalt. .Standard remains
amount of emulsified asphalt should be 50%.

9.1.5 Prime coat oil used for base layer of semi-rigidity should be sprayed right after the base layer
grinded to good compactness and becoming dry, but not totally hardened.

9.1.6 Prime coat oil used for granular base layer of inorganic binder should be sprayed 1—2d before
asphalt layer is paved.

9.1.7 Prime coat oil should be evenly sprayed once by asphalt spraying car. Nozzle applied should
be per different type of prime coat oil and its viscosity ensuring even spraying. Asphalt manual
spreader should be applied for uneven spraying condition by asphalt spraying car. The operation
should conform to requirement in 6.2.3 of this code.

9.1.8 The pavement should be cleaned up before prime coat oil spraying. The covered kerbs and
other manmade structure should be free from contaminating. Prime coat oil should be sprayed eveniy.
Missing spraying are to be made up manually, while exceeding spraying should be treated by

spreading stone and sand for absorbing oil, and grinding if necessary. After prime coat oil spraying, no
oilskin should be found which can be slicked away by material transferring truck or paver. Change the
type of prime coat oil or viscosity if it can not meet penetration requirement.

9.1.9 Curing time for prime coat oil after spraying varies by different type, weather condition, and
through trial. Ensure the diluent in liquid asphalt and water in emulsified asphalt totally vapors. To
prevent damage by construction car, asphalt layer should be paved as soon as possible afterwards.

9.2 Tack Coat

9,2,1 Tack coat oil must be sprayed when any of the following conditions is met;
(i) Among asphalt layers of hot mixed and paved asphalt mixture pavement with double or
treble layers.

(2) When asphalt layer paved on cement pavement, asphalt-treated permeable base or old
asphalt pavement,
(3) Contact side with newly paved asphalt mixture of structure such as kerbs, gullies and
9.2.2 Emulsified asphalt of rapid-breaking or normal-breaking, or modified emulsified asphalt is
preferable to be used for tack coat oil. Liquid petrolic asphalt of rapid-freezing or normal freezing can ?
also be used for tack coat oil. Material used for tack coat oil should conform to requirement of this \
code, and grade of base asphalt applied should be the same with asphalt mixture of main layer.

9,2.3 Type and usage of tack coat oil should be defined by type of stratum and through trial, and
should conform to requirement in Table 9.2.3, When big gap drain of thin layer pavement is to be
paved on top of tack coat oil, the tack coat oil usage should increase to 0.6-1.OL/m2, Modified asphalt
or modified emulsified asphalt should be used for tack coat oil, which sprayed between asphalt layers
and acting as well as seal coat with usage of no less than 1 .OL/m2.

Table 9.2.3 Material Spec and Usage of Tack Coat of Asphalt Pavement

Liquid Asphalt Emulsified Asphalt

Stratum Type
Spec I Usage (Urn1) Spec Usage (t/m!)

| New constructed asphalt layer or old AL(R)-3~AL(R)-6

0.3-0.5 PC-3 PA-3 0.3-0.6
asphalt pavement AL(M)-3~AL(M)-6
Cement concrete 0.2-O.4 PC-3 PA-3 0.3-0.5
AL{S)-3~AL{S)4 1
Note: Usage in the table refers to total amount, including diluent and water, of liquid asphalt and emulsified asphalt. Standard remains
amount of emulsified asphalt should be 50%.

9,2,4 Tack coat oil should be sprayed by asphalt spraying car of suitable nozzle with stable speed
and spraying amount. Skilled worker is required for even spreading when manual spreader of auto or
shaking type is applied. Tack coat oil should not be sprayed at temp. Lower than 10‘C. In case the
tack coat oil has to be sprayed during construction in cold season, it should be finished by twice
spraying. Don’t spray tack coat oil if the pavement is wet. Wash the pavement by water and do
spraying when the surface is dry.
9.2.5 Spraying tack coat oil should be evenly distributed mist, and should be spreaded to the full-

! width of the pavement to evenly form a thin layer. Missing areas of irregularity or strip, or areas of
accumulating are not allowed. Missing spraying are to be made up, while exceeding spraying to be
scratched off. No cars, except for material transferring car, and people are allowed to pass through
: once tack coat oil is applied.

“ 9.2.6 Tack coat oil spraying should be finished in one day. To prevent the tack coat from
contaminating, asphalt layer should be paved right after emulsified asphalt broken and water or
diluent of diluted asphalt vaporing.




10 Other Construction of Asphalt Pavement

10,1 General Requirements

10.1.1 When asphalt layer is applied in special situation, corresponding actions should be taken per
requirements on applying position and its function,

10.2 Sideway for People and Non-power Vehicles

10.2.1 Asphalt layer used for sideway, non-power vehicle way, park road and plaza etc. which are
for the use of people and non-power vehicles should be flat, comfortable with good drainage.
10.2.2 Petrolic asphalt or emulsified asphalt of good penetrability is preferable in construction of
sideway. Asphalt usage of asphalt mixture herein should be about 0.3% more than that in vehicle
pavement construction.

10.2.3 Dense-graded asphalt concrete mixture of fine-grain or sand-grain by thin type should be
applied for sideway pavement. Permeable pavement can be paved for roads with no motor vehicles
passing by.

10.2.4 Additional public establishment on sideway, such as kerbs, manhole cover, fire hydrant and :
wire pole etc. should be constructed in advance. Necessary actions should be taken to prevent those
establishments from being contaminated before spraying asphalt or paving mixture. Avoid damage
that may caused by roller in process of grinding. Smaller size of vibrating roller, vibrating tension
cable plate or rammer can be applied for compacting in position which is difficult to grind by heavy-
duty roller.

10.3 Packing Lot of Heavy-duty Vehicle and Public Transportation

10.3.1 Asphalt layer of highway service area, parking lot and public transportation stop should meet
function requirements of allowing long time stay of heavy-duty vehicles and enduring horizontal
power caused by repeated starting and braking of vehicle. Asphalt mixture should be of permanent
shift reform resistance at a high level.
10.3.2 Mineral aggregate gradation of largest aggregate with coarse grain and good embedment
should be chosen for asphalt mixture. Reasonably increase coarse aggregate with size larger than
4,75mm, and reduce natural sand usage. Asphalt of low penetrability or modified asphalt is preferable
for asphalt mixture. Asphalt usage should be reduced by around 0.3%~0.5% comparing to standard

10.3.3 Design requirements of flatness, inclination and drainage should be well considered when
asphalt layer paved on plaza of big area. It is preferable to make square shape of stakes with distance
no more than 5m during process of construction, and constantly inspect by a 3m ruler of the distances
to make adjustment right away upon any non-conforming.

10.4 Asphalt Pavement of Cement Concrete Bridge Surface

10,4.1 Asphalt paved on cement concrete bridge surface of big and medium size should be of proper

1 cohesion with concrete surface, and be of water leaking resistance, slip resistance and strong vibrating
reform resistance. Effective drainage system should also apply for bridge pavement,
! 10.4.2 Asphalt layer should be paved with stratum conforming to requirement of flat, coarse and
clean, and with inclination conforming to requirements.

10.4.3 Surface of cement concrete pavement is to go through surface finishing treatment, and
laitance and tuber are to be eliminated.
1 10.4.4 Ensure concrete is totally dry before pavement. To prevent water in concrete changing into
water vapor at warm condition and make tubers on waterproofing cohesion layer during construction
and pavement, waterproofing cohesion layer and asphalt mixture can not be paved under moist

10.4.5 Construction of waterproofing cohesion layer on bridge with surface applied asphalt or
modified asphalt should conform to the following requirements:
(1) Stop all of passing by including passenger during the whole process of construction, till
! stone protection layer paved properly,
(2) Directly spray or manually brush waterproofing cohesion layer of hot asphalt, hot melt or
diluted modified asphalt and modified emulsified asphalt by 2-3 layers without spraying tack coat oil, 2
The spray or brush should be done evenly and conforming to required thickness.
(3) A stone protection layer of 3~5mm should be spreaded afterwards, and 6~ 8t light-duty roller
should be applied for grinding with comparatively slow speed.

1 10,4.6 Pavement of waterproofing sheet material should conform to the following requirement:
(1) Waterproofing sheet material should conform to relevant quality requirement and be free of
hole and water leaking with metal or polymer fiber inside and be evenly spreaded stone layer on
l surface, Missing, breaking, taking off, tilting or winkling etc. should not happen during pavement of
waterproofing cohesion layer,
(2) Spray tack coat oil and brush adhesive before paving. Warming up while grinding during
pavement. Inspect to confirm no tearing off could happen at any position by manpower or shovel after

(3) To prevent sheet material from contaminating, no vehicle allowed to pass by and keep it free
of sundries after the pavement of sheet materials.
(4) Waterproofing layer of waterproofing sheet material should not be damaged by paver or
material transferring car.
10,4.7 Regrinding of bridge pavement should be done by pneumatic tyre roller or drum roller.
Vibrating roller is also acceptable if it is proved by test or experience no damage will happen to bridge

10.4.8 Asphalt used for asphalt layer should conform to requirement of this code, Modified asphalt
should be applied if necessary.
10.4.9 Connection between construction soil subgrade of bridge pavement and joint pavement by
the end should be flat and smooth. Actions should be applied to prevent car bumping by the end of

10,5 Construction of Steeled Bridge Pavement

10.5.1 The following requirements on properties should be met for construction of steeled bridge
(1) Closely bind with steel board to be one piece, and reform harmoniously.
(2) Good waterproofing property, to prevent steeled bridge pavement from rusting,
(3) Enough durability and slow temp, sensitivity, to meet requirements of shift resistance at high
temperature, crack resistance at low temperature, water stability, fatigue resistance and surface slip
(4) Well adhered to steel board, and to be sufficient reloading resistance of horizontal shear and
creep deformation.
10,5.2 The structure of steeled bridge pavement is usually formed by rust- preventive layer,
waterproofing cohesion layer and asphalt layer.
10.5.3 Carefully treated the welding line and hook remains to keep them rust-free, clean and dry
before brushing waterproofing layer.
10.5,4 Waterproofing cohesion layer paved on the steeled bridge pavement should be applied right
after rust-preventive layer brushed. Modified asphalt, epoxy asphalt and waterproofing sheet materials
of high viscosity should be used for waterproofing cohesion layer. The waterproofing cohesion layer i
can be omitted if pouring type of pavement is applied for asphalt concrete pavement.
10.5.5 Related technical requirements should be addressed individually for modified asphalt used
for steeled bridge pavement. To keep main body of steeled bridge pavement from damage, compact
equipment and technics used for asphalt layer should be determined through mechanical calculation
and proved by trial.

10,5.6 Keep the bridge surface clean without any stacking of materials, devices and sundries that
have nothing to do with the construction during the process.
10.5.7 Steeled bridge pavement should be constructed in season with no rains and fog at dry

10.6 Tunnel Asphalt Pavement of Highway

10.6.1 Sufficient consideration is required for difficulty in asphalt pavement and maintenance in the
process of tunnel asphalt pavement. Because of special characteristics such as big difficult in light
condition, water leaking possibility and fireproofing condition inside tunnel, suitable material and
structure should be chosen.

10.6.2 Apply draining methods for the underground water in the bottom of tunnel, and establish
proper drainage system.
10.6.3 Keep draught during construction. Apply fireproofing actions and make feasible firefighting
and exiting plan.
10,6.4 Various construction mechanisms should meet the air cleanness requirement of tunnel. Paver
with width of narrower size should be chosen for pavement. Materials on the materia! transferring car

! should be totally unloaded, and enough space for passing vehicles is also required.

!i 10.7 Kerbs and Dam

10.7.1 Soak-away should be built at edge of asphalt pavement with depth deep to base layer,
horizontal water exit hole should also be set. Multi-cell cement concrete or stone material of single
grains should be used for soak-away with asphalt concrete paved on the surface layer.

10.7.2 Kerbs should be of enough strength and durability with flat surface and keep the same shape
with road line. Rain water from center divider should be kept from entering structure layer when it set
between driveway and center divider buried kerbs.
i 10,7.3 Asphalt concrete dam should be constructed continuously by special mechanism with mineral
aggregate gradation conforming to requirement in Table 10,7.3. Asphalt usage should be increase by
0,5%~1 ,0% on basis of experiment in normal condition. Void should be I%~3% for compacting 50
times on both sides. Tack coat oil should be sprayed on base with usage of QÿS-G.Skg/m2,
1 Table 10*7*3 Mineral Aggregate Gradation Range for Dam of Asphalt Concrete
Mesh (mm) 16 13,2 4.7$ 2.36 0.3 0.075 “1 '

Pass percentage (%) 100 85-100 65-80 50-65 18-30 5-JS

10.7.4 The buried kerbs should be set up when the asphalt layer construction totally finished. Avoid ‘
contaminating asphalt layer by digging and bury kerbs during construction break of two asphalt


II Construction Quality Control and Inspection Acceptance

11,1 General Requirements

11.1.1 Asphalt road surface construction should establish intact and effective quality guarantee
system, according to the requirements of alt-sided quality supervision. Check and evaluate the quality
of every working procedure of road construction, achieve the regulated quality standards and assure
the stability of construction quality.

11.1.2 Asphalt road surface construction of highway and arterial road should strengthen the quality
contrcl during the road construction period, and carry out dynamic quality control.
11.1.3 The technique requirements regulated in this code are the basis of quality supervision of
engineering construction, completion and check and accept.

11.1.4 Every original record, test detect, calculation data and collection form related to engineering
construction should be recorded and saved according to the facts. The items that have already been
done again and repaired can be noted in the original record and data, but not destroyed.

11,2 Material and Equipment Inspection before Construction

11,2,1 Before road construction, source and quality of each material should bs checked. About the
important materials like asphalt and mixture that are bought through public bidding, supply unit has to
hand in official test report about the newest test. The materials bought aboard should offer its shipping
bill. About the materials used first time, production condition of the production company, machining
appliance and clearing condition of covering should be checked. All the materials should be sampled
and tested according to the regulations, and ordered after quality certification.
11,2.2 Each material should be checked before construction batch by batch. The materials that are
not accord with this regulated technique requirements can not be used. The same specification of
mineral material that comes from the same source, bought the same time and sported to the production
location is one “batch”; the same specification of asphalt that comes from the same source, bought the
same time and saved in the same asphalt pot is one “batch”. Sampling quantity of material sample and
frequency is based on the newest test rules.
11.2,3 Before starting the engineering, materials’ depositary site, rain prevention and drain
measurements should be confirmed. Materials that are not accord with this regulation cannot be used.
The source, specie and quality of every material that is used should be the same with the sample that
is bid in public and offered; materials not accord with the requirements are strictly prohibited.

11.2.4 The engineering using modified asphalt cement in finished product should ask the supply
company offer type of the modifier and test report about the quality of the basic asphalt. The
engineering using locally modified asphalt cement should test the modified asphalt that is tried to
produce. Those disqualified are not allowed to use.

11.2.5 Before road construction, each construction machinery and equipment like asphalt mixture,
paver and road roller should be tested. Seriously check and demarcate machinery equipments, match
situation, technique capability and transducer accuracy etc, and get certification from supervisor.


* 11,2,6 Before formally starting, results of each original material test and results of target match
design and production match design based on this should be officially reported to owners and
r supervisors in regulated time. They can only be used after getting formally certification.

11,3 Auxiliary Test Section of a Highway

11,3.1 Asphalt road surface of highway and arterial road should be paved tested section before
construction. When roads of other grades lacking construction experience or using important
equipments, tested road section should also be paved. When the same construction company uses the
same material, machinery equipments and construction methods as other engineering, results of other
S engineering can also be used, but not paving new tested road.
i 11,3.2 Length of tested section should be made according to the purpose of the test, usually is

J00~200m, and paved in the middle line.
11,3.3 Pavement of the tested road section whose road surface uses hot mix and hot pave asphalt
mixture is divided into mixing and paving two test parts. It should include the following testing
(1 ) Check out if type, quantity and combination mode of each construction machine are matched.

I (2) Through mix test to make sure the manipulation technique of the mixture machine, test
reliability of computer painting device.

l (3) Through pave test to make sure insufflations method of prime coat oil and effort, pavement
and rolling techniques, assure coefficient etc.

(4) Testify asphalt mixture production match design, bring forward standard match used in
production and the best asphalt dosage.
(5) Establishment of using drilling method and nucleonic density instrument to detect road
surface density without destroys. Determine standard detection method of percent compaction. Intact
detection iike nucleonic instrument thermo detect after rolling forming, using average of 13 detecting
points as one group of data. A test segment can not be less than 3 groups. Drilling method detects after
the second or the third day, drilling more than 12 holes.

(6) Detect water-oozing coefficient of test section.

11,3.4 All members should participate in the pavement of test section, negotiate related proceeding
in time and confirm conclusion of the test. After finishing the pavement, construction unit should
provide intact report about construction of the test road and detection, according to content of the test,
and get owners and supervisors’ reply.

11.4 Quality Control and Inspection in Construction Process

11.4.1 Construction of asphalt surface can only be done after getting the permission.
11.4,2 Construction unit should check the quality of construction themselves during the process.
Supervisors should test according to regulations independently, identify the test result from contractor,
evaluate the quality according to the fact and calculate the eligibility rate. When discovering
abnormalities like bad quality, they should check up again immediately. During construction process,
no matter done over again or not, all the data should be record according to the fact but not discarded.

11.4.3 During the production process of asphalt mixture, each original material should get sampling
test according to the examine items and frequency regulated in Table 1 1.4.3; its quality should match
the technique requirement of this regulation. Every examine items’ times of parallel trials or sample
number of one trial should be carried out according to correlative test rules, and evaluate if it is
qualified according to average. Examine items and frequency of the materials that are not included in
the form can be set by its quality requirement.

Table 1 1.4.3 Examine Items and Examine Frequency of Material Quality in Construction

Examine frequency Times of parallel teal or

Maieriais | Examine items sample numbers of one ten
Highway, arterial road Other ranking road
regulated in lest rules
Appearance (species of stone, percentage Anytime Anytime
of sediment etc )
Percentage of spicule granule Anytime Anytime 2-3
Grain composition (screening) Anytime As necessary 2
Coarse aggregate
Crushing value As necessary As necessary 2
Burnish value As necessary As necessary 4
Los Angeies abrasion value As necessary As necessary 2
Moisture content As necessary As necessary 2
Grain composition (screening) Anytime As necessary 2
Sand value weight As necessary As necessary 2
Fine aggregate
Moisture content As necessary As necessary 2
Loose side unit weight As necessary As necessary 2
Appearance Anytime Anytime
Mineral fines <0.073mm content As necessary As necessary 2
Moisture content As necessary As necessary 2
Petroleum pitch Penetration Once every 2-3 days Once a week 3
Softening point Once every 2-3 days Once a week 2
Petroleum pitch Ductility Once every 2-3 days Once a week 3
Wax content As necessary As necessary 2—3
Penetration Once a day Once a day 3
Softening point Once a day Once a day 2
Isolation test (for finished and modified Once a week Once a week 2
Modified asphalt
asphalt cement)
Low temperature ductility As necessary As necessary 3

_ Elasticity resume
Microscope observation _ As necessary
As necessary

Emulsified Vaporized leftover content Once every 2-3 days Once a week 2
asphalt Vaporized leftover penetration Once every 2-3 days Once a week 2
Vaporized leftover content Once every 2-3 days Once a week 2
Modified asphalt Vaporized leftover penetration Once every 2-3 days Once a week 3
emulsion Vaporized leftover softening point Once every- 2-3 days Once a week 2
Vaporized leftover ductility As necessary As necessary 3
Note: l. The content upwards is based on completely checking the materials batch by batch when they enter. Quality examination
items and requirements in daily construction.

2. "Anytime” means items needing to be checked often, its examination frequency can base on the source of material and
quality fluctuation and conformed by owners and supervisors. “As necessary" means when any apartment has any doubt
about its quality- and ask for checking, or set the examination frequency as needed.


* 11.4,4 Asphalt mixing factory must control the quality of asphalt mixtures in the production
process according to the following steps, examine quality of asphalt mixtures product as the regulated
- items and frequency in Table 1 1.4.4, and calculate qualified rate of the products according to the facts.
i Single point examination and evaluation method should match requirements of sample parallel test in
correlative test rules:

. 1 Examine by eyes quality and uniformity of all kinds of materials from stockpile and ribbon
conveyor, examine clod and super particle size detritus and examine if change depot in cold
! storehouse. Examine by eyes if mixtures are equal, if there is gray material, if bitumen aggregate ratio
i is in reason and examine isolation of aggregate and mixtures.

* Table 11.4,4 Frequency and Quality Requirement of Hot-Mix Asphalt binder

Frequency check and single Quality requirement aid windage permit

F hem point check evaluation Test method

Freeway, arterial highway Other rate highway
Observe various phenomena of the aggregate,
such as degree of finish, homo geneity, isolation,
Mixture appearance Anytime
bitumen aggregate ratio, color and luster, fume.
existence of, oil puddle eta
Eye survey

[ Heating temperature
of asphalt and Test and evaluate per tray Accord with the standard of this code
Auto test, display,
print by the sensor
Auto test, display, print by
Mixing Accord with die the sensor, mantra! test by
Test and evaluate per car
temperature Ex works standard of this code car following the T 098 1 i
I when leave ex works
temperature of
i mixture Detecting and record per
Auto test, display, prim by
tray, take the average value Accord with the standard of this code
* the sensor
of one day for evaluation
i ±2% (2%)
Computer data collection
<2.36mm Online testing per tray ±5% (4%) for calculation
> >4. 75mm ±6% (5%)

Mineral 0.075mm Testing per tray, gather per . ±1%

aggregate day, lake the average value ±2% Appendix Q, gross testing
<2 .36mm
grading for evaluation
>4. 75mm ±2%
(sieve pore)
0.075mm Each mixing machine 1-2 ±2% (2%) ±2%
The difference between T
times per day, take the ±5% (3%) ±6%
52.36mm 0725 Extracting, sieving
average of 2 samples as
>4.7 5mm ±6% (4%) ±7% and standing gradation
Computer data collection
Online testing per tray ±0.3%
for eatculiinon

Testing per tray, gather per

day, lake the average value ±0.1% Appendix F, gross testing
Asphalt dosage (bitumen
for evaluation
aggregate ratio)
Each mixing machine I- 2
times per day, lake the Extraction T 0722,
±0,3% ±0 4%
aveiage of 2 samples as T 0721
i evaluation


Table H.4, 4 (continued)

Frequency check and single Quality requirement and windage permit

Item point check evaluation Test method
Freeway, arterial highway Other rate highway
Each mixing machine i~2
Marshall examination: void times per day, take the T 0702, T 0709, Appendix
Accord with the standard of this code
fraction, stability, flow value average of 4-6 samples as D, Appendix C
If necessary (samples
Founder Marshal! examination amount the same with Accord with the standard of this code T 0702, T 0709
Marshall examination)
If necessary (lake the
Track examination
average of 3 samples for Accord with the standard of this code T 0719

Note: 1 Single point examination means test results use one group of lest results’ report value as a single point's evaluation evidence,
when one group of tests (such as Marshall lest, track lest) have many samples, usage of report value follow the rules in (road
construction asphalt and asphalt mixtures test rules).

2. For highway and arterial road, mineral aggregate match and bitumen oggregale ratio must have both gross test and
sampling and screening test, compare each other, numbers in the brackets of the (able are requests for SMA. Bitumen
aggregate ratio sampling and screening test should have blank test first, as to improve precision of the test data.

2 Examine set points of all parameters of the mixing machine in the control room, show value
of the control screen and check if the recorded data collected and printed by computers is consistent
with show value. Use methods in Appendix G to supervise production process of asphalt mixtures on
line and gross check. Use methods in Appendix F to dynamic manage quality of asphalt mixtures.

3 Check materials heat up temperature of asphalt mixtures, mixtures’ discharge of temperature,

sampling, and screen and examine mixtures’ graded mineral aggregate and bitumen aggregate ratio.
Sampling and screening must at least examine throughput efficiency of 5 sieve pores, 0.075mm,
2.36mm, 4.75mm, maximal particle size and medial particle size.

4 Give sample-forming samples Marshall test, check void fraction, stability, rhe, and calculate
qualified rate. VMA, VFA index can only be recorded. Use methods in Appendix E to make sure
degree of compaction’s standard density.
Note: Storage time of asphalt mixtures lias some effect on volume index, Marshall lest that is used to examine construction quality use
samples immediately forming after sampling in mixing factory as standards, but forming temperature and samples height must
mateh the requirements of the lest.

11,4.5 During the process of paving asphalt road surface, evaluation of paving quality should be
made at any time. Content, frequency and allowed error of quality examination should match the rules
in Table 11.4,5-1, Table 11.4.5-2 and Table 1 1 .4.5-3.
11.4.6 Checking thickness of construction uses the following methods, and proofs each other. When
difference is too big, usually use gross test as standard.
1 Use paving process to control on line means using rulers or other tools to insert the paving
layer to examine thickness of uncoated layer continuously.


i Table H.4.5-I Quality Control Standard in Construction Stage of Highway Hot-Mix Asphalt Aggregate Road
! Frequency check and Quality requirement and windage permit
Item single point check Test method
Freeway, arterial highway Other rate highway
evaluation method

Surface flatness and compactness, no apparently

Mixture appearance Anytime wheel mark, cranny, bear, oil lamp, oil lenses Eye survey
t etc. tend no obvious isolation
i Anytime Compactness, flatness, straight, no Eye survey
S Test per gap 3mm 5mm T 0931

4 Test and evaluate per

Paving temperature Accord with die standard of this code T0981
Construction truck
temperature Insertion thermometer
Rolling temperature Anytime Accord with the standard of this code
Auto test, display, print
Anytime, thickness by the sensor, manual
i 5% of design value 8% of design value
Every hierarchy below 50mm test by car following the
8% of design value J0% of design value -
thickness above 50mm T098J when leave ex

I 1 section average


I Thickness1'1 Every hierarchy below 50mm

thickness -3mm
Appendix G, total

s above 50mm -5mm

it Every 200m3 a single Design value Design value
Total thickness
point evaluation -5% -8%
5 T 0912
Every 200m’ a single Design value Design value
i Upper layer
point evaluation -10% -10%

4 Test 1 group per 97% (98%) of Standard density of laboratory

200m2, evaluate per T 0924, T 0922,
i Compact degree 93% (94%) of maximum theory density
sample and ealculate Appendix E
average value 99% (99%) of testing district density

Anytime, connection
Upper layer 3 mm 5mm T 0931
Flatness degree single bar test
(maximum gap) Middle and lower Anytime, connection
5mm 7mm T0931
layer single bar test
Upper layer Continuous test 1.2mm 2.5mm
Flatness degree Middle layer Continuous test I .Smm 2.8mm
(standard T 0932
Lower layer Continuous test 1 gttim 3.0mm
Basic layer Continuous test 1 4mrr. 3.5mm

Test every fracture

Have side rock *20mm ± 20mm
Wideness T 091 1
Test every fracture No less than design No less than design
& No side rock
surface wideness wideness

Test every fracture

Verical elevation ± 1 0mm ± 15 mm T 091 1

Table 11,4,5-1 (continued)

Frequency cheek and Quality requirement and windage permit

Item single point check Test method
Freeway, arterial highway Other rate highway
evaluation method

Test every fracture

Side gradient ± 0.3% ± 0.5% T 0911

Every !km no less than

Asphalt surface wateitng coefficient 5 points, obtain the 30QmL/min (ordinary high density asphalt
T 0971
no greater than average value at every mixture) 2G0mL/ntin (SMA mixture)
point in position 3

Note' I . Thickness test frequency in the table means highway and arterial road's drilling frequency, other grade of roads can reduce
according to the fact, and usually use compaction degree drilling samples to lest. Upwards layer's allowed error docs not
apply to wearing layer.

2. Compaction degree detect follows the rules in Appendix E, numbers of drilling samples follows rules in Table 11.4.7.
Values in brackets are required for SMA road surface, for Marshall test forming samples using 50 limes or 35 times
solidification mixtures, compaction degree should increase requirements properly. When use nucleonic instrument to have
intact test, average value of every S3 test points is used as one lest point to evaluate if reach requirements, L.ab density
means samples density that shape in lire same way with matching design. When use maximal theoretical density as standard
density, common asphalt mixtures use vacuum method to get confirmation, modified asphalt and SMA mixtures use mineral
match and bitumen aggregate ratio to calculate.

3. Watering coefficient is appropriate for asphalt mixtures of which maximal particle size equals to or less than 19mm, It
should be tested after paving and shaped bur not contaminated by vehicles, and oniy appropriate for dense-graded asphalt
mixtures and SMA mixtures, which require waterproof. Not appropriate for OGFC mixtures. Watering coefficient in the
table is evaluated by average value; qualified rate calculated can't be less than 90%.

4. 3m ruler is mainly used in juncture delect. Continuous flatness instrument is used formal production road section.

Table 11.4.5-2 Engineering Quality Control Standard of Asphalt Road Surface Construction and Injection Road
Surface Construction

Type of road Examination frequency and Quality requirements or

Hems Test methods
surface single point examine method allowed errors
Aggregate is close-grained,
Appearance Anytime asphalt paved even, no gray Examine by eyes
material juncture no oil lenses
Compare dosage of daily
Aggregate and dosage of Once a day and evaluate day by
±10% construction length and
asphalt day
dosage planed T 0982
Match the rules in this
Asphalt surface Asphalt paved temperature Evaluate once a car Examine by thermometer
Thickness (one point in the
middle of the road and one
point at side of the road
One point not shorter than
2000m, evaluate point by point — 5mm T0912

Anytime, evaluate by average

Flatness (maximal distance) 10mm T 0931
value of continuous 10 feet
Examine every cutting section
Width ±30mm T09U
and evaluate one by one


! Table 11.4,5-2 (continued)

Type of road Examination frequency and Quality requirement or
Items Test methods
surface single point examine method allowed errors
Asphalt surface Examine every cutting section
Across gradient ±0.5% T 0911
construction and evaluate one by one
Aggregate is close-grained,
Appearance Anytime asphalt paved even, no gray Examine by eyes
?, material, juncture no oil lenses

i Compare dosage of daily

Aggregate and dosage of
Once a day gross evaluation ±10% construction length and
S dosage planed T 0982

1 Asphalt injection Asphalt paved temperature

road surface
Once a car, evaluate point by
point regulation _
Match the rules in this
Examine by thermometer

point by point
One point every 2000m, evaluate -Smm or —8% of the
thickness designed
T 0912

Anytime, evaluate by average

a Flatness (maxima! distance) Smm T0931
value of continuous 10 feet
i Width Examine every cutting section ±30mm T 0911
Across gradient Examine every cutting section ±0.5% T 091 1

I Table 11,4.5-3 Engineering Quality Control Standard in the Process of Road Slurry Seal and Micro-surfacing

I Quality requirements or allowed

Examination frequency and
Hems Test methods
single point examine method errors
* Flat surface, uniformity, no
i Appearance Any lime scar, no obvious isolation, Examine by eyes

smooth juncture
Actual asphalt dosage everyday
< Bitumen aggregate ratio Once a day gross evaluation ±03% and total aggregate number,
gross test

Examine by steel ruler, one

* 5 culling section every
Thickness ±10% point in (he middle and one at
the side _ __
0.075mm ±2%

Mineral 0.15mm ±3%

Choose average value of
aggregate 0 3mm ±4% T0725
screening 2 samples once a day

(mm) ___ ___

0.6, 1.18,2.36,4.75,9 5

Del samples from engineering,

Wet wheel wearing test Once a week Maich design requirements
follow T 0752

2 Use gross capacity of asphalt mixtures produced it) mixing factory and actual paving area to
calculate average thickness and have gross test.
3 When having intact test equipments such as geological radar, we can use it to examine
thickness of road surface, but its testing precision needs to be demarcated and certificated.
4 Wait until road surface is totally cold down, drill and examine the degree of compaction, at

the same time, examine the thickness of asphalt layer.

11.4.7 Degree of compaction of asphalt surface use the methods of controlling the rolling technique
with special emphasize and drilling properly to examine degree of compaction.
1 Control the rolling technique includes configuration of road roller (number, tonnage and type
of the machine), arrangement and rolling way, distance between road roller and spreading machine.
rolling temperature, rolling speed, watering situation (pulverization) of the road roller, length of rolled
section and turnaround way, etc..
2 When rolling, intact test equipments such as nucleonic density instrument should be used to
control compaction density, choose test point randomly, more than !3 points a group, get the average
value, compare and evaluate with demarcation value or test value of test section. Test temperature
should be the same with test section when examining, examination precision use tested section and
drilling sample to demarcate.
3 When road surface is totally cold down, choose the spot randomly to drill and get samples, if
drilling once but have many layers of asphalt, we need cutting machine to cut. Wait until samples are
totally dry (after the second day), test the density one by one. Methods to calculating the compaction
degree and certificating the standard density should conform to the regulations in this Appendix E,
choose one or two standard evaluation there, and use the lower qualified rate as the evaluation result, t
but not use the standard density designed as the one used in construction and check and accept process.
After drilling, wipe stucco in the holes immediately and thoroughly, absorb the water left thoroughly, '
when dry, use the same asphalt mixtures to fill in layer by layer, In order to reduce the number of
drilling, department correlative with construction, supervision and monitor should corporate together
to do drilling tests, as to avoid drilling repeatability.
4 One group of data to test compaction degree must contain at least 3 drilling samples, when
the qualified rate of a group is less than 60%, or average value x2 is less than the required compaction
degree, tested points can be double. If qualified rate of 6 tested points is less than 60%, or average
value x6 still can not reach require compaction degree, it is allowed to double the tested points, in
order to let the qualified rate large than 60%, and Xu reaches regulated compaction degree (pay
attention to not dropping any of the recorded data). If still not fix the requirement, precision of the
standard density should be checked, as to make sure if it needs to be done again and the area. When
the compaction degree tested by all drilling samples is stable continuously and fit for the requirements,
frequency of drilling can minus to not less than one hole per kilometer. During construction, drilling
samples should be numbered and marked to save, and then they can be use when the engineering is
finished and checked and accepted.
5 Thin-layer surface or wearing layer whose compaction layer’s thickness equals to or less than
3cm, SMA surface layer whose thickness is less than 4cm, surface layer in frosty area easy to have
thermal cracking, asphalt layer paved on bridge and after using modified asphalt, drilling samples’
superficial shape change and difficult to detect density precisely, we don’t have to drill and get
samples but control rolling strictly.

11.4.8 Road surface, which is consolidated and shaped should follow the methods regulated in
“Site Testing Rules of Roadbed and Road Surface”, choose sites randomly to detect watering situation.
Average value of watering coefficients should match requirements in Table 11.4.5-1. For the drainage
asphalt mixtures is required to drain water quickly. If needed to examine conformation depth, it is
proper to choose sites nearby simultaneously when examine watering and record the factual result.

11,4.9 Evaluate appearance (colour and luster, thickness of oil film, surface voids) of road surface
at any time in construction, especially pay attention to avoid isolation of coarse and fine aggregate and
! variations of mixtures in temperature making some part of road surface watering seriously or
s compacted not enough, thus let hidden troubles happen, If this section is definitely isolated, watering
and drilling twice again but still can not reach the requirements of compact degree, is definitely bad
quality, it should be redone or mended by replacing a damaged part and paved again.
11.4.10 During construction, we have to examine the joint using 3m rulers and examine flatness of
I construction juncture. Flatness of regular road section use continuous flatness detector or bumpy
a accumulator,

5 11.4.11 Construction of highway and arterial road asphalt surface should conform to the methods in
* Appendix F of this regulations, use computers to dynamic manage quality and calculate average value,
extreme deviation, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and qualified rate of all kinds of

11.4.12 Important working procedure or important area of road construction should take pictures or
video as factual record and part of saved information.
11.5 Project Quality Inspection and Acceptance in the Period of Completed Project and :


11.5.1 When the engineering is finished, construction company should use ]~3km as one tested road
section in total line; each side of driveway follows frequency regulated in Table 11.5,1-1, Table
11.5.1-2, Table 11.5.1-3, choose tested points randomly; test asphalt surface totally, compare single
s measured value to quality requirement in the table or allowed difference, calculate qualified rate; then
calculate average value, extreme deviation, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of one
' evaluated road section. Construction Company should provide full line examines result and construction
1 conclusion report in regulated time and ask for checking and acceptance.
liable 11,5.1-1 Quality Criterion* to Hand Over and Cheek Before Accepted in Hot Asphalt Mixture Pavement

Inspection frequency Quality requirements or permissible error Testing

Inspection items
(either side of roadway) Freeway, first class highway I Other class highway method

It should be smooth and close on the surface without

External appearance At any lime apparent wheel mark, crack, jostle, oil pox, and .

Total thickness of Representative value 5 points every ikm - 5% of design value 8% of design value | T 0912
surface layer Extreme value 5 points every I kin - 1 0% of design value 1 5% of design value T09I2

Thickness of top Representative value S points every I km -10% of design value | T 0912
layer Extreme value 5 points every Ikm -20% of design value T 0912

9f;% of standard density in laboratory (98%)

Representative value 5 points every Ikm 92% of the maximal theoretical density (94%) T 0924
Degree of
98 % of density in trial lot (99%)

Extreme value (the !% of every 1km or 2% of all should be broader than

5 points every 1km T 0924
minimum) representative value


Table 11.5.1-1 (continued)

Inspection frequency Quality requirements or permissible error Tesling

Inspection items
(either side of roadway) Freeway, first class highway Ollier class highway melted

Standard deviation Continuance in full line 1.2mm 2.5mm T 0932

Degree of IRI Continuance in full line 2.0m/km d.2m/km T 0933

smoothness on 10 plate every ikm, 10

surface The maximal
shafts are continue 5mm T 0931

No less than 5 points every 3ooml/min (common asphalt

Tire coefficient of water penetration on 1 km, the average of 3
pavement); T 0971
surface, no bigger than places in every point is to
200ml/m in (5MA pavement)
be evaluated.
Curt) stone 20 sections every Ikm ±20mm ±30mm r 09ii
Breadth No less than the
No curb stone 20 sections every Ikm No less than the design breadth T09I1
design breadth
Profile height 20 sections every 1km ±l5mm ±2 0mm T 0911

Midline deviation 20 sections every Ikm ±20mm ±3 Omm T 0911

Transverse grade 20 sections every Ikm ±0.3 % ±0,5 % T 09(1
Match to request
1 point every 20m in full Match to request hand over ;
Rebound deflection hand over design T 0951
line design before acceptance
Deflection before acceptance

Match to request hand over

Total deflection t point every 5m in full line T 0952
design before acceptance

Match to request hand over T 0961

Structure depth 5 points every Ikm
design before acceptance ? 62/63

Match to request hand over

Friction coefficient yaw 5 points every 1km T 0964
design before acceptance

Match to request hand over

The coefficient of lateral force Continuance in Dili line T 0965
design before acceptance

Note: I. Highway, arterial road surface, except for checking and accepting total thickness, still needs to cheek and accept thickness
of upward layer. Calculation method of deputy value follows Appendix E

2. The same with annotate 2 and annotate 3 in Table li.4.5-1

Table 15.1.1-2 Treatment of Asphalt Surface and Quality Criterions to Hand Over and Check Before Accepted in
Asphalt Penetration Pavement

Pavement style Inspection ilems _ carriageway) _

Inspection frequency (both sides of Quality requirements
or permissible error
Testing methods

External appearance Full line Close, not loose

Trealment of Representative
1point either side of carriageway every 200m -5mm T 0921
asphalt surface value '
Extreme value l point either side of carriageway every 200m -10mm T 0921

Table 15.1.1-2 (continued)

Pavement style Inspection items _ carriageway)

Inspection frequency (both sides of

Continuance in cither side of carriageway in

Quality requirements
or permissible error
Tesiing methods

The degree of Standard deviation 4.5mm T 0932

Treatment of full line
smoothness on
asphalt surface Continuance in either side of carriageway in
surface IRI 7.5 m/km T0933
full line
The degree of
The maximal 10 place every Ikm.and lOchi are continue
smoothness on 10mm T 0931
clearance respectively
Curb stone 20 sections every 1 km ±3crn T 0911
Breadth No less than die
Treatment of No curb stone 20 sections every 1km T 0911
design breadth
asphalt surface
Profile height 20 sections every 1km ±20mm T 091]
Transverse grade 20 sections every tkm ±0.5 % T 091 1
Dosage of Asphalt 1 point every 1km ±0.5% T 0722
Dosage of mineral aggregate (point every I km ±5% T0722
External appearance Full line Close, not loose
measurement 1
! point every 200m -5mm or -8%
Thickness _ v"?!ue T 0921

Extreme value I point every 200m 15mm T 0021

Continuance in full line 3.5mm T 0932
The degree of deviation
smoothness on IRI Continuance in full line S.Sm/km T 0933
Pavement of
surface The extreme
clearance _ respectively __
10 place every Ikm.and lOchi are continue
8mm TOM I

Curb stone 20 sections every ikm ±30mm T 0911

Breadth No less than the
No curb stone 20 sections every 1km T 091 1
_L design breadth
Profile height 20 sections every 1 km ±20mm T 0911
Transverse grade 20 sections every Ikm ±0.5% T 0911
Dosage of asphalt 1 point every I km ±0.5% T 0722
Dosage of mineral aggregate 1 point every Ikm ±5% T 0722

11.5.2 When asphalt road surface was finished, every quality index of asphalt surface should be
checked and accept, including thickness of road surface, degree of compaction, flatness, watering
coefficient, conformation depth, friction coefficient, etc..

1 Index that needs to be examined when comes So destroyed road, like thickness, compaction
is appropriate to use drilling data in construction, check qualified rate of every point with extremum,
and use the method in Appendix E to calculate deputy value. We can also use road surface radar
detecting road surface section to evaluate. Check and acceptance of compaction degree can choose
one or two standard in it, and use the lower qualified rate one as the evaluation result.
2 We can use continuous flatness instrument and bump accumulator to detect road surface
flatness, calculate a value every 100m to calculate the rate of qualified.

3Watering coefficient of road surface and conformation depth is appropriate to examine after
road surface is shaped during construction, but every point is the average value of three tested point,
calculate qualified rate.

4When check and accept, we can use continuous friction coefficient to examine cars’ across
road surface friction coefficient in driveway, record data of tested points to the fact.
5 When check and accept, we can choose Beck or continuous benkelman beams defiectometer
to detect road surface snapping back deflection or total deflection, record data of tested points to the
fact.(lnc!uding climate conditions when examining, data of cars that detected), examination time
should be under the most inappropriate conditions of roads (means spring or rain seasons).

11.5.1-3 Quality Crilerions to Hand Over and Checked Before Accepted in Asphalt Pavement

inspection frequency Quality requirement or permission error

Inspection items (either side of Tesling methods
carriageway) Freeway, firs class high way Othct classes high way

To dig small hole and

Mean thickness 3 points every I km -•!()% -10%
measure, then mean the value t
I The coefficient of
3 points every 1km lOmf'min lOml/min T 0971
water penetration

Structure depth of T 0061

5 points every 1km Match to requirement of design
pavement T 0962 ;

Friction coefficienl
5 points every 1km Match to requirement of design T 0964
yaw of pavement
The coefficient of
Continuance in full line Match to requirement of design T 0965
lateral force

11.5.3 When engineering is finished, we should check whole line width, cutting section elevation
cross gradient, leaning beyond the middle line etc, use the examination result of every stake to
evaluate qualified rate, provide actual finished paper at last.
11.5.4 Quality inspection and acceptance of asphalt surface in pavement is the same with driveway,
its quality index should follow rules in Table 1 1.5.4

Table 11,5.4 Quality Standard of Asphalt Surface of Street

Quality requirements or
Inspection items Inspection frequency Tesling methods
permission error
Thickness ±5mm f point every 100ml T 0912

The degree of smoothness Asphalt concrete 5mm

2 points every 200m, 10 chi are
on surface (the maxima! T 0931
Other pavement of asphalt continue respectively
clearance) 7mm
Breadth --20mm 2 points every lOQrrt T 091 1

Transverse grade ±0.3% 2 points every 100m T 0911

11.5,5 Quality inspection and acceptance of asphalt paving on big and middle size bridge, use
100m as an evaluation section, its quality index should follow rules in Table 1 1,5.5

The degree of
smoothness on
Inspection ilems


Standard deviation


The degree of compaction

Transverse grade
Inspection frequency

2 points every ] 00m

Continue determination

The maximal clearance Continue determination

1 0 points every 100m

2 points every 100m

10 points every 100m

Table 11.5.5 Quality Standard of Asphalt Paving on Bridge Program



Permission error
Freeway, first class highway Other class highway


+5 mm

maximal density

5 mm

_ __
97% of Marshall density, 93% of the relative

Same to the requirements of hot asphalt mixtures of this code

11.5.6 Quality check and acceptance of curb and waterproof strip is the same with driveway, its
Testing methods

T 0912

T 0932

T 0931

T 0911

T 0924

T 09! t

quality index should follow rules in Table 1 1 .5,6.

Table 11.5.6 Quality Standard of Curb Stone and Waterproof Zone Program

Quality requirements or
Inspection items Inspection frequency Testing methods
permission error
To measure the maximum by 20mm
Straightness iOmm 2 points every 100m
long flyer

The height difference in adjoined

3mm 5 points every 1 00m Measurement by steel ruler
prefabricated pat

The breadth difference in adjoined

±3mm 5 points every 100ns Measurement by steel ruler
prefabricated pat
The height of the vertical curb stone surface .fclOmm 5 points every 1 00m T 091!

The intensity of cement concrete

25MPa I points every ikin Pat lest
prefabricated pat
The compaction degree of asphalt concrete 95% 3 points every 1km Sampling lest

11.6 Project Construction Summary and Quality Guarantee Period Management

11.6.1 After finishing the project, according to regulations of the completing documents, the
construction corporation should put forward summing-up report and special item reports with
completing chart to form an integrated construction data file,
11.6,2 The construction summing-up report should include the general situation of the project
(including designation and variation), basal information of the project, material, construction
organization, machinery and personnel outfit, construction ways, construction schedule, test research,
quality evaluation of the project, final accounts of the project, service plan using by the project, etc..

11.6,3 The construction administration and quality inspection reports should include construction
administration system, quality assurance system, construction quality target, test-section paving report,
quality inspection results before and during the construction (testing report), quality inspection results
of the project during construction (testing report), self quality inspection results when cheek-and-
aceept the project (testing report), quality evaluation of the project, and original records, album,

kinescope, and other accessories.
11,6,4 During the quality guarantee period, the construction corporation should observe the using
situation of the road, analyze the reason for local damage, and take maintenance of the road. Time
limit of quality guarantee should be fixed by national regulations or documents of the public bidding


i Appendix A Climate Division on the Performance of Asphalt Road

* Surface

A.I General Requirements

A,1.1 The selection of the grade of asphalt binder, as well as the mix ratio design and verification of
asphalt mixtures, should be able to meet the requirements of the road conditions and stand the test of
high temperature, low temperature, and rain (snow) water. The climate conditions of asphalt road
s surface should be carried out by the climate division in these criteria.
A.1.2 Local units should subdivide the local climate into a more specific climate division according
to the methods provided in these criteria, in order to meet the requirements of the local climate

A.2 The Selection on Indexes of Climate Division
A.2,1 The high temperature index of climate division: take the average value of the highest mean 1
i daily maximum temperatures in the hottest months over the past 30 years as the climate factor
reflecting the occurrence of flowing transfiguration (e.g, vehicle traces) under the circumstances of

high temperature and heavy-loading (of vehicles), and also consider it as the Level One index of
f climate division. The lasting time of temperature integration over SO'C and that of the continuous
high temperature over the year could be taken as reference values for assistance.
i A,2.2 The low temperature index of climate division: take the extremely lowest air temperature as
the climate factor reflecting the temperature shrinkage cracking, and also consider it as the Level Two
index of climate division. The temperature drop rate and the freezing index could be taken as
i reference values for assistance.
A.2.3 The rainfall index of climate division: take the average value of the annual rainfall over the
past 30 years as the climate factor reflecting the influence of the rain (snow) water to asphalt road
surface, and also consider it as the Level Three index of climate division. The number of rainy days
could be taken as reference values for assistance.

A.3 The Calculational Methods of Climate Division Indexes

A.3.I The average of highest air temperature of the hottest months over the past 30 years should be

evaluated by the following steps:

(1 ) Select the hottest month in one year as the hottest month of the year (which is usually July
or August), and obtain the record of the temperature and time (which is usually around 2:00 P.M.) of
the highest temperature in every single day of that month;

(2) Evaluate the average of the highest air temperature of each day in the hottest months of the
year in each year, and take them as the average of highest air temperature in the hottest month of the
year in each year;
(3) Evaluate the average of the daily highest air temperature in the hottest month of the year in
each of the 30 years and take it as the average of the highest air temperature in the hottest months T,mx,
which will be taken during designing of the climate division as the high temperature index.
A.3,2 The extremely lowest air temperature over the past 30 years should be evaluated by the
following steps:
(1) Select the coldest month in one year as the coldest month of the year (which is usually
January), and obtain the record of the extremely lowest air temperature of that month;

(2) Evaluate the minimum Tm of the extremely lowest air temperature over the past 30 years,
and take it during designing of the climate division as the low temperature index.
A.3.3 The maximum rainfall over the past 30 years should be evaluated by the following steps:
(1) Obtain the local annual rainfall through the local meteorological station;
(2) Evaluate the average JTcp of the annual rainfall over the past 30 years, and take it during
designing of the climate division as the rainfall index.
A.3.4 While deciding the indexes of the climate division, the values for assistant indexes of each
index should be taken into consideration as references, in order to make necessary revisions to the
calculated dividing indexes:
(1)For areas in which the lasting time of temperature integration over 30'C or that of the
continuous high temperature is overlong, or the sections of roads encounter overmuch heavy-loaded
vehicles or serious affects to vehicle velocities arising from long and big longitudinal slopes, the high
temperature climate division of such areas could be taken one level up;
(2) For areas which frequently encounter cold waves or cold snaps and suffer rapid
temperature drops, the low temperature climate division of such areas could be taken one level up.
(3) For areas which encounter too much numbers of rainy days (such as in the moldy rain
season), the rainfall climate division of such areas could be taken one level up.

A.4 The Deciding on Climate Divisions

A.4.1 According to the indexes of high temperature climate division, the Level One Division could
be subdivided into 3 divisions:

High Temperature Climate Division I 2 3

The Division Torrid in The Division Hot in The Division Cool in
Names of the Divisions
Summer Summer Summer
Extremely Lowest Air Temperature (1C) >30 20-30 <20

A.4.2 According to the indexes of low temperature climate division, the Level Two Division could
be subdivided into 4 divisions;

Low Temperature Climate Division 1 2 3 4

The Division Frigid in The Division Chilly in The Division Cold its The Division Warn: in
Names of the Divisions

Winter Winter Winter Winter
Extremely Lowest Air Temperature ("C) <-37.0 -37.0- 21.5 -2J .5—9.0 >-9.0

A.4.3 According to the indexes of rainfall climate division, the Level Three Division could be
subdivided into 4 divisions:

r Rainfall Climate Division I 2 3 I

Names of the Divisions The Damp Division The Moisl Division The Semi-dry Division The Semi-arid Division
f Annua! Rainfall (mm) >1000 1000-500 500-250 <250
A.4.4 The temperature divisions of asphalt road surface are composed of high and low temperature
divisions, in which the first number stands for its high temperature division and the second number
stands for its low temperature division, and the smaller the number, the more severe the climate
H ighest Mean Maximum
The,Annual extremely
f Names of the Climate Divisions Temperature of the Hottest Remark
lowest air temperature CC)
Months CC)

The Division Torrid in Summer and

H 1-1 <-37.0
Frigid in Winter

The Division Torrid in Summer and
1-2 -37.0 21.5
1 Chilly in Winter

i >30
The Division Torrid in Summer and
1-3 -21.5 9.0
Cold in Winter 1i
The Division Torrid in Summer and
Warm in Winter
>-9.0 i

I 2-1
The Division Hot in Summer and Frigid
in Winter


The Division Hot in Summer and Chilly
in Winter
— 21-5

The Division Hot in Summer and Cold

2-3 -21.5—9.0
5 in Winter

The Division Hoi in Summer and Warm

2*4 >-9.0
in Winter

The Division Cool in Summer and

3-1 <—37.0 Doesn't Exist
Frigid in Winter

The Division Cool in Summer and

3-2 -37.0—21.5
Chilly in Winter
The Division Cool itt Summer and Cold
3-3 —2 1.5— —9.0 Doesn't Exist
in Winter

The Division Cool in Summer and

3-4 >-90 Doesn't Exist
Warm in Winter

A.4.5 The climate divisions of temperature and rainfall should be divided according to Table A, 4,5.

A.4.6 While lacking enough effective data from locai meteorological station, the climate division on
the performance of asphalt road surface could be determined with the reference of Figure A.4.6-1 and
Figure A.4,6-2. Climate Division figures of local areas should be developed more practically in
accordance with the local meteorological data.


Table A.4,5 The Climate Division Index of Asphalt and Asphalt Mixtures

Temperature (C) Rainfall (nun)

HighestMean The Annual

Maximum extremely
Names of Climate Divisions Annual
( Temperature of the loweslair
Ramfali (mm)
oltesl temperature
Months (C) VO
1-1-4 The Division Torrid in Summer, Frigid and Arid in Winter >30 <-37.0 < 250

1-2-2 The Division Torrid in Summer, Chilly and Moist in Winter >30
— —
37.0 2 1 .5 300-1000


The Division Torrid tn Summer, Chilly and Semi-dry in Winter

The Division Torrid in Summer, Chilly and Arid in Winter



21.5 250-500



The Division Torrid in Summer, Cold and Damp in Winter

The Division Torrid in Summer, Cold and Moist in Winter



9.0 >1000



The Division Torrid in Summer, Cold and Semi-dry in Winter

The Division Torrid in Summer, Cold and Arid in Winter



9.0 250-500


1-4-1 The Division Torrid in Summer. Warm and Damp in Winter >30 >-9.0 >1000

1-4-2 The Division Torrid in Summer, Warm and Moist in Winter >30 >-9 0 500-1000
2-1-2 The Division Hot in Summer. Frigid and Moist in Winter 20-30 <-37.0 500-1000 i
2-1-3 The Division Hot in Summer, Frigid and Semi-dry in Winter 20-30 <-37.0 250-500

2-1-4 The Division Hot in Summer, Frigid and Semi-arid in Winter 20-30 <—37.0 <250

2-2-! The Division Hot in Summer, Chilly and Damp in Winter 20-30 -37.0—21.5 >1000

2-2-2 The Division Hot in Summer, Chilly and Moist in Winter 20-30 -37.0—21.5 500-1000


The Division Hot in Summer, Chilly and Semi-dry in Winter

The Division Hot in Summer, Chilly and Semi-arid in Winter


— 21.5



2-3-1 The Division Hot in Summer, Cold arid Damp in Winter 20-30 -21.5—9.0 >1000

2-3-2 The Division Hot tn Summer. Cold and Moist in Winter 20-30 -21.5—9.0 500-1000

2-3-3 The Division Hot in Summer, Cold and Semi-dry in Winter 20-30 -21,5—9.0 250-500

2-3-4 The Division Hot in Summer, Cold and Semi-arid in Winter 20-30 -21.5—9.0 <250

2-4-1 The Division Hot in Summer, Warm and Damp in Winter 20-30 >—9.0 >1000

2-4-2 The Division Hot in Summer. Warm and Moist in Winter 20-30 >-9.0 500-1000

2-4-3 The Division Hot in Summer, Warm and Semi-dry in Winter 20-30 >-9.0 250-500

3-2-1 The Division Cool in Summer, Cold and Damp in Winter <20 -37.0—21.5 >1000
; 3-2-2 The Division Coo! in Summer, Cold and Moist in Winter <20 -37.0—21.5 500-1000



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8 H-
x.r S /
<? ?£ °
V; s s

Figure A.4.6-1 The Climate Division Map of Asphalt Road Surface in Chinn (Temperature)

9 K 3



I* •‘I

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set 8
y i* *
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1 SA1

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1 /
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s ts
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f i
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rt, : Jffr
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#B >., TP
8 'X //«] / 8
1° nf <N
1*5 S'
to in

K /• <
»ÿ oo

%.f 1 «*

Ia J

Figure A.4.6-2 The Climate Division Map of Asphalt Road Surface in China (Rainfall)


Appendix B Designing Methods on the Mix Ratio of Hot Mixed Asphalt

B.l Genera! Requirements

B.1.1 This method applies to densc-graded asphalt mixtures and asphalt-treated permeable base.

i B.l,2 There should be three stages of mix ratio designing on hot-mixed asphalt mixtures, which are
the designing of target mix ratio, the designing of production mix ratio, and the testing of production
mix ratio, in order to determine the material variety and mix ratio of asphalt mixtures, mineral
aggregate grading, and the best asphalt content.
B.1,3 The mix ratio designing on hot-mixed asphalt mixtures had better be carried out following the
steps in the boxes of Figure B.1.3.
j Types of asphalt mixtures Range of mineral aggregate
grading stated in these Criteria _j

I -

[_ Deterroiue the grading range of construction engineering design |

|_Matera! election and sampling k 1

I -
- 1 coarse aggregate, fme aggregate, mineral powder j

other materials
and additives
material test \*H—
— —-jasphalt binder or modified asphalt cement binder |

i j j

determine the test temperature

L construction engineering design
j Design 1 ro 3 groups of different mineral aggregate
j grading for optimal selecting, within the grading range

l Conduct a preliminary selection for the selected gradings of asphalt content and
mixed mixtures by 5 groups, and make a ManlaJ! sample for each group
i 2' Apply vacuum process
Determine the relative Determine the
| | to common asphalt
density of the sample’s theoretical maximum j Pf|App1y calculation to
SET oss volume relative density Asphalt
j modtfic d
| Calculate volume indexes, such as W, VMA, VTA etc. ]
Conduct the Marshall Test, and cariy out a
and the Marshall desiamna standard
betw een the Test \ ———-— unqualified


Determine 1 of the several groups as the designed grading and the best asphalt
content thnmsh technical economic analvsis

i ]
Conduct all kinds of tests on mix ratio designing according to the rules, to unqualified
determine the reasonability of the designing
Finish the mix ratio designing, and submit the material variety, mineral aggregate
sir ad in 2. standard mix ratio, best asohalt content etc.

Figure B.1,3 Flowchart of Designing on Target Mix Ratio of Dense-graded Asphalt Mixtures
B.1.4 The testing of mix ratio designing must be carried out in accordance with the applicable test
rules. The mixtures must be mixed using the small scale mixer of asphalt mixtures. Plus, the
temperature of mixing and sample-making of the mixtures should meet the requirements of these
B.1.5 The designing of production mix ratio can be carried out in accordance with the stated rules of
this method.

B.2 The Determination on the Grading Range of Construction Engineering Designing

B.2,1 The designing range on mixture grading of asphalt surface construction engineering is ruled
by the designing documents of construction engineering and bidding documents, while the grading
designing of dense-graded asphalt mixtures had better stay within the grading range of Regulation
5.3.2 of this code, and adjust and determine its grading design after conducting an investigation and
research on the utilization of the other constructions which are roughly in the same condition with this
construction (the grading range of this Criteria is allowed to be overpassed, if necessary ), according to
all kinds of factors, such as road grade, engineering properties, climate conditions, transportation
conditions, material variety etc. The grading range stated of this code of dense-graded asphalt- treated
permeable base can be carried into practice directly as the grading range of construction engineering.
The determined grading range of construction engineering is the basis of mix ratio designing, and
should not be changed at will. 1

B.2.2 It would be better to keep to the following steps while adjusting the grading range of the
construction engineering:

(1) First, determine to adopt the coarse mixture (Type C) or the fine mixture (Type F) in
accordance with Table $.3.2-1 in these Criteria. For the road sections which encounter high
temperature and long lasting time of high temperature in summer, as well as the traffic condition of
heavy-loading, it had better to adopt the dense-graded coarse asphalt mixtures (Type AC-C) and a
relatively high void ratio in design. For the road sections which encounter low temperature and long
lasting time of low temperature in winter, as well as the traffic condition of light-loading, it had better
to adopt the dense-graded fine asphalt mixtures (Type AC-F) and a relatively low void ratio in design.

(2) In order to guarantee the track resistant ability at high temperature, while still take into
consideration the requirement of anti-cracking performance at low temperature, it had better to
properly reduce the coarse aggregate content whose grain diameter is dose to the nominal maximum
grain diameter in the mix ratio designing, which means to reduce the fine powder content whose grain
diameter is under 0.6mm, to increase the percentage of the aggregate grains of medium grain diameter,
which could form a grading curve of S type, and to adopt a medium or medium-high void ratio of

(3) While determining the grading range on construction engineering design of each layer, the
functional requirements of each layer should be taken into consideration, and the asphalt surface by
composite designing should be able to meet the requirements of endurance, stability, water tight, and
(4) According to the control level of road grade and construction plants, the confirmed grading
range of the construction engineering design should be narrower than that of the standard grading
range, in which the differences for the upper limits and the lower limits of the pass-through rates in

s 4.75mm and 2.36mm should be less than 12%.

(5) The mix ratio designing of asphalt mixtures should take construction properties into full
* consideration, by which the asphalt mixtures can be easily paved and compacted, in order to avoid the
occurrence of severe segregation.

i BJ Material Selection and Preparation

B3.1 The mix ratio designing of various mineral aggregates must keep to the methods in the
applicable “specifications and test methods of bitumen and bituminous mixtures for highway
engineering”, which is to take typical samples from the material in practical construction engineering.
White conducting the design of production mix ratio, sampling should be carried out after at least the
5’" time of dry mix.
B.3.2 The various kinds of material in the mix ratio designing must meet the requirements of
climate and transportation conditions. Its quality should be in line with the technical requirements in
» the 4lh chapter of this code. Aggregate of single specification, which has an unqualified index while
3 the aggregate mixture indexes for the material of different specifications in grain diameters composed
in accordance with the grading can meet the criterion requirements, is allowed to be carried out into
1 practice.
B.4 Mix Ratio Designing of Mineral Aggregate il
i B.4.1 The designing on the mix ratio of mineral aggregate, which composes the asphalt road surface
! of highways and arterial roads, had better be carried out in the match-trial method, with the assistance
a of the electronic form on computer.

* B.4.2 The grading curve of mineral aggregate should be drawn by the methods of T 0725 provided
1 in the “specifications and test methods of bitumen and bituminous mixtures for highway engineering”.
Take the linking line between the origin and the point passing through the 100°/o maximum grain
diameter of the aggregate as the maximum density line of asphalt mixture, which is shown in Table
B.4.2-1 and Table B.4.2-2.

tOO r -i i-
fa BO
Sieving curves on various A Tiic design of grading curve j
e TO kinds of aggregate
The maxir Hum
|W density line
§ 3°
/ i
e. 40 The designi ng range of
Mi construction ertgijneerinsg grading
1 iO
I 20
°0.075 0.J5 0.3 0.6 1 . Eft 2.36 4.75 v.5 13.2' .

Steve pore size (mm)

Figure B.4.2 Demonstration on the Grading Curve of Mineral Aggregate

Table B.4.2-1 The Abscissas of file Taylor Curve

I_I 0.075 0.15 0.3 0.6 L18 j 2J6 4.75 | 05

1 X = d°M 0.312 0.426 0.582 0.795 1.077 1.472 2.016 2.754

d 13.2 16 19 26.5 31.5 37.5 S3

f x = d?A% 3.193 3.482 3.762 4.370 j 4.723 5.109 5.969 6.452

Table B.4.2-2 The Example of Designing on Mineral Aggregate Grading

Grading range of

Yellow Mineral
Sieve pore 10-20 5-10 3-5 Slaked lime Compos iie engineering design
clappings sand powder
(%) (%) 1%) (%) m grading
{%) (%) (%)
Mean | Lower ] Upper
value i limit | limit

16 100 100 100 100 100 | 100 ICO 100.0 100 100 100

13.2 88.6 100 100 100 100 100 100 96.7 95 90 100

9.5 16.6 99.7 100 100 100 100 100 76.6 j 70 60 | 80

4.75 ! 0.4 8,7 94.9 100 100 100 100 47.7 41.5 30 53 V

2J6 0.3 0.7 3.7 97.2 87.9 100 100 30,6 30 20 40

LIB 0.3 0.7 0.5 67.8 62ÿ 100 100 22.8 j 22.5 15 30 l
0.6 0.3 0,7 0.5 40,5 46.4 100 100 17.2 16.5 10 23 !

0.3 0.3 0.7 0,5 30.2 3.7 99.8 99.2 9.5 12.5 7 IS

0.15 0.3 0.7 0.5 20.6 3.1 | 96.2 97.6 8.1 8.5 5 12
| 0,075 0.2 0.6 0.3 4.2 1.9 84.7 95.6 5.5 6 4 8

Mix ratio 28 26 14 12 15 13 1.7 100.0

B.4,3 For highways and arterial roads, it had better to calculate 1~3 mix ratio groups differs in grain
diameter within the grading range of construction engineering design, draw the grading design curve,
which locates respectively beyond, under, and at the mean value of the grading range of construction
engineering design, There should not be too many zigzags in the composite grading desip, and no
“hump” should appear within the range between 0,3mm~-0,6mm. if repeated adjustments could not offer
a satisfying solution, it should be better to change the material designing.
B.4.4 Choose the proper asphalt content based on the practical experience of the local area, make
Marshall samples of several groups respectively, determine VMA, and preliminarily select one group
which satisfies or is close to the designing requirements of grading as the grading in designing.

B.5 Marshall Test

B.5,1 The technical standard of Marshall test on mix ratio design shall be carried out based in
Chapter 5 of this code.
B.5.2 The facturing temperature of the asphalt mixture sample shall be determined based on the
method in Article 5.2.2 of this code, and should be the same with the practical temperature during
construction. Common asphalt mixtures could be implemented with reference to Table B.5.2 while

lacking the viscosity-temperature curve, and the molding temperature of modified asphalt mixtures
should be increased by 1G~20‘C from that of the common asphalt mixtures.
Titbit B.54.2 The Factoring Temperature for the Samples of Hot-mixed common asphalt mixtures (’C)
The grading numbers of petroleum asphalt
'Construction procedures
No. 50 No. 70 No. 90 No. no No. 130
The heating temperature of asphalt 160-170 155-165 150-160 145-155 140-150

The heating temperature of mineral aggregate

The mixing temperature of asphalt mixtures 150-170

temperature by 1 0-30 (the packing shall not be heated)
145-165 140-160 135-155
The heating temperature of Ore aggregate is higher than the asphalt

1 The Compaction forming temperature of the sample 140-160 135-155 130-150 125-145 120-140
Note; The mixture temperature in the table is not the oil-bath temperature of the mixer, it should be selected by the penetration and
viscosity of the asphalt, and should not to adopt the mean value for granted.

B.5,3 Evaluate the relative density for the composite bulk volume of the mineral aggregate y«b
based on Expression (B.5.3).
Ysb = (B.5.3)
Y\ Yi
+ A

Where: P i, P->....P -The mix ratio of various kinds of mineral aggregate, which should sum up
to 100;
5 7u yi-- yn- -The relative density for the composite gross volume of various kinds of
mineral aggregate.
Note; 1, The designing on the mix ratio of asphalt mixtures adopts the relative density for the composite gross volume
(dimensionless) rather than the composite gross volume density, thus there is no need to carry out the water temperature
s amendments.

2. While designing the production mix ratio, if various kinds of materia! has been mixed into the material in the fine
aggregate silo and could not conduct the sieving alternative methods, the evaluation on the measured value of the fair
average quality could be conducted after sieving the 0.075mm part of the material.

B.5.4 Evaluate the composite apparent relative density of the mineral aggregate based on
Expression (3.5.4).

r» = 1\ T\ (B.5.4)

Y\ Yi

+ Pn

Where: PuPi-.-P, -The mix ratio of various kinds of mineral aggregate, which should sum up
to 100;

yu y2....yn -The apparent relative density of various kinds of mineral aggregate tested
by the method in the test rules.

B.5.5 Estimate the proper asphalt/aggregate ratio Pa or asphalt content Pb of asphalt mixtures based
on Expression (B.5.5-1) or (B.5.5-2).

p (B.5.5-1)

%; = 100 -xlOO (B.5.5-2)
Where: Pt-The estimated value of the best asphalt aggregate ratio (the percentage of the
asphalt aggregate over the total quantity of mineral aggregate, %);

/V—The estimated value of the best asphalt content (the percentage of the asphalt over
the total quantity of mixture, %);

PaJ-The standard asphalt aggregate ratio (percentage) of completed constructions in
the same kind;

y* The relative density on the composite bulk volume of mineral aggregate;

-The relative density on the composite bulk volume of construction aggregate in

completed constructions in the same kind.
Note: Both the original and new constructions could also adopt the effective relative density as the aggregate density for estimating f
the best asphalt aggregate ratio.

B.5,6 Determining the effective relative density of mineral aggregate

1 For the unmodified asphalt mixtures, one should mix 2 groups of mixtures with the estimated
value of the best asphalt aggregate ratio, field-test the maximum relative density by vacuum process,
and evaluate the average value. Then calculate the effective relative density of composite mineral
aggregate >’« with Expression (B.5,6-1).

100-Pb (B.5.6-1)
iQO Ph
Y\ n
Where: -The effective relative density of composite mineral aggregate;

Pb-The asphalt content (the percentage of asphalt content over the total quantity of
mixtures) adopted in the test;

y,-The maximum relative density of asphalt content under the field-testing condition,

yb The relative density of asphalt (25’C/25 *C), dimensionless.

2 For mixtures which encounter difficulty in scattering, such as modified asphalt and SMA, it
would be appropriate to evaluate the effective relative density directly by the relative density of
composite bulk volume and the apparent composite relative density with Expression (B.5.6-2), in
which the asphalt absorption coefficient shall be evaluated with Expression (B.5.6-3) using the value
of asphalt absorption coefficient C, and the composite ratio of water absorption of the material shall
i be calculated with Expression (B.5.6-4):

1 rst=Cxrst + (]-C)xrA (B.5.6-2)



1 Where: A
C = 0,033G>*2 - 0.2936ÿ + 0.9339


-The relative density of composite mineral aggregate;

-The asphalt absorption coefficient of the composite mineral aggregate, which

can be evaluated with Expression (B.5.6.3) using the composite absorption
coefficient of the mineral aggregate;


io x

y.b .......
-The absorption rate of composite mineral aggregate which can be evaluated with
Expression (B.5.6-4), %;
—The relative density of the composite bulk volume of the mineral aggregate,
which can be evaluated with Expression (B.5.3), dimensionless;
-The apparent composite relative density of mineral aggregate, which can be
yta I

I evaluated with Expression (B.5.4), dimensionless.

B.5.7 Adopt the estimated asphalt aggregate ratio as the mean value, mold Marshall samples of 5 or
more than 5 different asphalt aggregate ratios at a fixed interval (usually 0.5% for dense-graded
asphalt mixtures, and the range can be appropriately narrowed to 0.3%~0.4% for asphalt mixtures).
The test for each sample group must follow the applicable rules and requirements. As for the asphalt
5 mixtures which has a relatively high grain diameter, the number of samples should be increased
Note: The S aggregate ratios are not necessarily to be integers, and for example, the if the estimated aggregate ratios is 4.8%, the
aggregate raiios can be 3.8%, 4.3%, 4.8%, 5.3%, 5.8% etc. Tire testing of the maximum relative density, which is stated in
Article I of the 5.6 of this code, should be conducted at the meantime.

B.5.8 Test the relative density of bulk volume yt and the water absorption ratio of the compacted
asphalt mixture, and evaluate the average value. The test should keep to the following rules:

(1) The dry surface treatment is usually adopted while testing the relative density of bulk

(2) For samples whose water absorption rates are greater than 2%, the wax sealing of samples in
the testing of the relative density of bulk volume would be appropriate.
Note: For asphalt mixtures of extra coinpaet, whose ratio of water absorption is less than 0 5%, it is allowed to adopt the apparent
relative density, which is tested in the under water gravimetry method, as the standard density, and the same testing method
applies In drilling samples as well. However, this method should not be adopted in mix ratio designing.
B.5.9 The determination of the maximum theoretical relative density of asphalt mixtures
1 For the unmodified common asphalt mixtures, test the maximum theoretical relative density
y, j for each group of asphalt mixtures with the vacuum process at the same time of the molding for
Marshall samples, following the requirements in B.5.6-1 of this code. While only test the maximum
theoretical relative density for one group, it would also be appropriate to test the maximum theoretical
relative density' y,; in other asphalt aggregate ratios with Expression (B.5.9-1) dr Expression (B.5.9-2),
2 For modified asphalt mixtures and SMA mixtures, the maximum theoretical relative density
of all asphalt mixtures, which differ in asphalt content, should be evaluated with Expression (B.5.9-1)
or Expression (B.5.9-2).

" M+ik

Tn =-R (B.5.9-2)

r* K
Where: -The maximum theoretical relative density of asphalt mixtures in the calculation of
the corresponding asphalt content /&,, dimensionless;

pai-The asphalt aggregate ratio in the evaluated asphalt mixtures (%);

The asphalt content ratio in the evaluated asphalt mixtures (%), ArTVO+Zÿ);

P»-The mineral aggregate content ratio in the evaluated asphalt mixtures (%), A,— 100

yf9 effective relative density of mineral aggregate, shall be evaluated with
Expression (B.5,6-1) or Expression (B.5.6-2), dimensionless;

yb The relative density of asphalt (25°C/25'G), dimensionless.

B.S.iO Evaluate the volume indexes of the asphalt mixture samples, such as void ratio, void in
mineral aggregate (VMA), and the effective asphalt saturation, keep one decimal digit for these values,
and analyze the volume composition with the test results.

VV = (l-%xl00 (B.5.10-1)

VMA = (1
—— 7sb
100; (B.5.10-2)

VFA = xlOO (B.5.10-3)

Where: VV- -The void ratio of samples (%);

VMA -The voids in mineral aggregate of samples (%); \

VFA— The effective asphalt saturation of samples (%, i.e. the volume proportion of
effective asphalt over VMA);
yr The sample relative density of bulk volume with B.5.8, dimensionless;

-The maximum theoretical relative density of asphalt mixtures, evaluated or tested
with the methods provided in B.5.9, dimensionless;

JP, The sum of percentages for various mineral aggregates over asphalt mixtures (%),
i.e. Ps=100-Pb;
—— The relative density of composite bulk volume for mineral aggregate, evaluated
with Expression (B.5.3),

B.5.11 Carry out the Marshall test, and test the Marshall stability and flow value.

B.6 The Determination of the Best Asphalt Content (or Asphalt Aggregate Ratio)

B.6.I With the methods provided in Figure B.6,1, adopt the asphalt aggregate ratio or asphalt
content as x-coordinate and different indexes in the Marshall test as y-coordinate, place the points of
test result into the figure, and provide linkage between these points to form smooth curves. Determine
the range of asphalt content OACmi-n~OACn]ax which can meet all the technical standards of this code,
The selected range of asphalt content must cover the entire range of the designed void ratio, cover the ;
required range of asphalt saturation as much as possible, and should be able to generate peak values
for the density and stability curves. If the range of asphalt content cannot cover the entire range of the
designed void ratio, then the test must be redone with the expansion of asphalt content range.
Hole: The curves should include VMA index, which should be concave, however the VMA index should not be included in the
determining of OACW-OACn*,.

2.40 14
S 136
£ 2.32 |"
I 2.28
1 2.24
- 2.20

4.0 "i 4.5 5.0 5.5

3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5

10 5
i 6
5 4
1 2
3.5 4.0 4.5 a> 5.0 5.5
I 2

3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5

18.0 1
X ~ 70 !


? 14.0
13.0 I 30
15 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
3.5 4.0 4.5 "ÿ» 5.0 5.5
Asphalt aggregate ratio (%)
Asphalt aggregate ratio (%)
Density r&
\feid ratio
Flow value



3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
Asphalt aggregate ratio <*/»)
Figure B.6.1 Result Demonstration of the Marshall Test
Note; In the figure. a>=4.2%, arM.5%, aj-4,8%, at=4,l%, QACi=4,49% (determined by 4 average values), OACr.ii„=4.3%,
OACm„=5J%, OACi-‘4.S“/<i, 0AO4.64%. The asphalt aggregate ratio in correspondence with the void ratio of 4% is 4.6%.

B.6.2 According to the trend of the test curves, determine the best asphalt content OAC( for asphalt
mixtures with the following methods:
1 Evaluate the maximum of density at, the maximum of stability a2, the void ratio (or mean
value) of target a3, and the asphalt content of the mean value in the asphalt saturation range. Then
evaluate the average value with Expression (B.6.2-1) as OACj.

OACi = (a, + ai+a}+at)/4 (B.6.2-1)

2 If the selected range of asphalt content cannot cover the required range of asphalt saturation,
then evaluate the average with Expression (B.6.2-2) as OACi.

OACi = (£/,+£!, +a3+at)/ 3 (B.6.2-2)

3 As for the asphalt content range of the selected test, if peak value does not appear in the
density curve and stability curve (the maximum value usually lies in either end of the curve), then the
asphalt content ay related to the void ratio of the target can be directly adopted as OAC|. However, the
OACi must be within the range of OACrai„~ OACm„, or the redesign should be carried out for mix

B.6.3 Take the mean value of the asphalt content range OACm j„~0 ACmax of which all kinds of its
indexes (other than VMA) can meet the technical standards as OACj.


s OAC2 = (OAC min + OAC m«)/ 2 (B.6.3)

! B.6,4 Usually, the mean value of OACj and OAC2 is adopted as the best asphalt content OAC in
i evaluation.

OAC = (OAC1+ OAC2)/2 (B.6,4)

\ B.6.5 Evaluate the best asphalt aggregate ratio OAC with Expression (B.6.4), obtain corresponding
i void ratio and value of VMA with Figure B-6.1, and check whether or not the value can realize the
requirements of the minimum value of VMA in Table 5.3.3-1 and Table S.3,3-2 of this code, OAC
should be on the lean-oil side of the minimum value in the concave curve. If the void ratio is not an
integer, determine the minimum VMA by interpolating, and then draw the corresponding point in
Figure B,6.1.
B.6.6 Check whether or not the various kinds of indexes of this OAC in Figure B.6.1 can meet the
technical standards of Marshall test.
I B.6.7 Adjust and determine the best asphalt content OAC according to practical experiences, road
grade, climate condition, and the situation of transportation .

1 Investigate the asphalt content as well as its performance and effects of usage of the
constructions which are similar in local conditions with this ongoing construction engineering, and 1

1 demonstrate the proper value of the best asphalt content. Check whether or not the values best asphalt
content through evaluation are close to each other, and if not, the corresponding causes and reasons
should be found out, and the readjustment of grading, as well as the re-designing of mix ratio, should
be carried out, if necessary.
2 For roads and highways in hot areas, heavy-loaded road sections of arterial roads, as well as
tong and big slope sections in mountainous areas, if significant rut is expected to occur, it had better
reduce the best asphalt content in evaluation by Q.l%~0.5% as the designed asphalt content, within
a the range of the void ratio requirements. Meantime, other indexes other than void ratio may exceed
s the technical standards of mix ratio designing in the Marshall test, so the related explanations must be
presented in the mix ratio designing report or designing archives. However, the combined use of
heavy duty rubber tyred roller and vibratory roller is a required method in the mix ratio designing
report, in order to strengthen the roiling process, to improve the void ratio of the post-engineering
road surface to reach the original level of the best asphalt content before the adjustment, and to obtain
a qualified infiltration coefficient. If the test-mixing and test-paving of the test road section can not
meet the requirement, the extent of the reducing in asphalt content should be readjusted properly.

3 For roads in the cold areas, tourism roads, and roads of low transportation, the best asphalt
content can be increased by 0.1-0.3% based on OAC, to reduce the void ratio of design appropriately,
while the requirements of compaction cannot be lowered.
B.6.8 Evaluate the absorptance of asphalt mixtures by aggregates and the effective asphalt content
with Expression (B.6.8-1) and (B.6.8-2).


5LX p,;

Where: Py* The absorptance of asphalt mixtures by aggregates in the asphalt mixtures (%);

Pw -The effective asphalt content in the asphalt mixtures {%);

yu.-The effective relative density of mineral aggregate, evaluated with Expression
(B.5.6-1), dimensionless;

M-The relative density of composite bulk volume of the material, evaluated with
Expression (B.5.3), dimensionless;

-The relative density of asphalt (25*C/25*C), dimensionless;


Pb-The asphalt content (%);

Ps-The sum of percentages by mass for all kinds of mineral aggregate in the asphalt
mixture, i.e. /,s=I00-/,t, (%)•

The effective volume percentage and that of the mineral aggregate Vs can be evaluated with
Expression (B.6.8-3) and (B.6.8-4), if needed, [

_ Yf ><

V% =100-(Tbe +VV) (B.6.8-4)

B.6.9 Test the filler asphalt ratio and the effective thickness of asphalt film of the best asphalt
1 Evaluate the filler asphalt ratio of asphalt mixtures according to Expression (B.6.9-!), which
should be within 0.6-1.6 and meet the range related requirements. For the dense-graded asphalt
mixtures in which the nominal maximum grain diameter is no more than 19mm, the filler asphalt ratio
should be within the range of 0.8-1 .2,

FB=—07J (B.6.9-1)

Where: FB- -The filler asphalt ratio, the ratio of 0.075mm pass-through rate over the effective
asphalt content in the asphalt mixtures, dimensionless;
Po.oji-The 0.075mm pass-through rate of mineral aggregate grading, %;

Pw -The effective asphalt content, %.

2 Evaluate the specific surface area of aggregate with Expression (B.6.9-2), and estimate the
effective thickness for the asphalt film of the asphalt mixtures with Expression (B.6.9-3). The
parameters in Table B.6.9 shall apply to the coefficients of surface area in different grain diameters of
the aggregate.

SA = l(PixFAi) (B.6.9-2)


1 4

DA = -xlO (B.6.9-3)
Where: The specific surface area of aggregate (m2/kg);

-The pass-through rate in different diameters (%);


FAt-The coefficient of surface area for different diameters of the aggregate, as listed in
Table B.6,9;
DA-The effective thickness of asphalt film (/mi);
. Pbc
— -The effective asphalt content {%);
-The relative density of asphalt (25'C/25'C), dimensionless,
Note: Adopt the value of 0.0041 as the surface area coefficient FA of the all kinds of aggregate in which the size of the nominal
maximum diameter is larger than 4.75mm, ihe evaluation should be done only once, and the FA, smaller than 4.75mm is
shown in Tabic B.6.9. In the very example, SA=6Mm*/kg. If the effective asphalt content of the mixture Is 4.65%, the relative
it density of asphalt is 1.03, then the thickness of asphalt film fM=4,65/(I,Q3*6.60)xlQ=6,S3pm,

I Steve pore size

Table B.6.9 Demonstration of Calculation on the Surface Area Coefficient of Aggregate

19 16 13.2 9.5 4.75 2,36 J.I8 0.6 0,3 0.15 0.075 Summation of

I (mm)
Surface area
0.0041 0,0041 0.0082 0.0164 0.0287 0,0614 0.1229 0.3277
the surface
area of
: Pass-through
100 92 85 76 60 42 32 23 J6 12 6
i) percentage P, (%)
Specific surface
Area FA.xP, 0.41 0.25 0.34 0.52 0.66 0.98 1.47 1.97 6.60
a (mJ/kg)

B.7 Test of Mix Ratio Designing

B.7.1 For the dense-graded asphalt mixtures on highways and arterial roads, the performance test of
all kinds should be conducted cn the basis of mix ratio design in accordance with the requirements of
this code, and the unqualified asphalt mixtures must be altered in material or carry out a new mix ratio
design. The asphalt mixtures of other road grades can be carried out with the reference of this code.
B.7,2 The mix ratio test should be carried out under the standard conditions with the designed best
asphalt content which is determined by evaluation and calculation. While adopting the method stated
in B.6.7 to adjust the evaluated asphalt content of design and take it as the best asphalt content, or
changing the test conditions, the tester should properly adjust each technical requirements, but should
not follow the instructions mechanically.

B.7.3 The High temperature stability test. For the mixtures in which the nominal maximum grain
diameter is no more than 19mm, carry out the rutting test with the methods stated of this eode, and the
dynamic stability should meet the requirements ofTable 5.3.4-1 ofthis code.
Note: For Ihe dense-graded asphalt concrete or the asphalt-treated permeable base, in which ihe nominal maximum grain diameter is
no more than i9mm, it is improper to conduct the rutting lest and bend test with the methods provided of this code, due lo the

inapplicability of size for the tracking sample. If the tests are needed, the tester could increase the sample thickness, or adopt
Marshall samples of big scale.

B.7.4 The test of stability in water. Carry out the Marshall water immersion test and the freezing and
thawing test, and both of the remanent stability and the remanent intensity ratio must be able to meet
the requirements of Table 53.4-2 of this code.
Note: The molding of Marshall samples may nol be able to meet the requirement of void ratio after the adjustment of asphalt content,
If slaked lime, cement, or ami-stripping agent is required to be added into the asphalt mixtures, it is necessary' to rc-dctcnnine
the best asphalt eontent before the lest.

B.7.5 The test of anti-cracking performance at low temperature. For the mixtures in which the
nominal maximum grain diameter is no more than 19mm, the bend test at low temperature should be
carried out according to the set methods, and values of strain-to-failure should be able to keep to the
requirements of Table 53,4-3 of this code.
B.7.6 The test of leakage coefficient. The leakage coefficient, which is tested in the leakage test of
rutting samples formed with wheel mills, should meet the requirements of the Table 63.4-5 of this

B.7.7 The test of steel slag activity. For the asphalt mixture involving steel slag, the test of steel slag
activity and expansibility should be carried out according to the stated testing methods, and it should
meet the requirements of the Article 5 of 53.4 of this code.
B.7.8 The testing conditions can be changed as required while carrying out the designing test of mix
ratio, such as adopting the best asphalt content after the adjustment, changing the best asphalt content
by ±3%, elevating the test temperature, increasing the test load, conducting the rutting test with field
compacted density, carrying out the tests of stability in water and the leakage capability with the
after-constructing remanent void ratio (such as ?%~8%) and so on, however, it is inappropriate to
carry out the qualification assessment with the technical requirements of this code.

B.8 Designing Report of Mix Ratio

B.8.1 The designing report of mix ratio should include the selection explanations for the grading
range of construction designing, the variety selection of material and the quality test results for the
original material, grading for mineral aggregate, the best asphalt eontent, as well as all kinds of
volume indexes, test results of mix ratio design, etc. The grading curve of mineral aggregate in the
test report should be drawn as instructed.
B.8,2 When adopting the adjusted asphalt content in B.6.7 as the best asphalt content, all kinds of
the test results should be reported under the conditions of different asphalt contents, and technical
requirement of the compacting technique in construction engineering should be put forward in the

Appendix C Designing Methods on the Mix Ratio of SMA Mixtures

C.I General Requirements

C.1.1 Unless stated otherwise, the mix ratio designing should be carried out in accordance with the
mix ratio designing methods of hot-mixed asphalt mixtures in Appendix B.
C.1.2 The mix ratio designing of SMA mixture shall be carried out with the volume designing
method of Marshall samples, and the stability and flow value will not be the only index for the
acceptance or denial of mix ratio design.

C.2 Material Selection

C.2.1 AH kinds of material adopted in the mix ratio designing shall be selected according to
Appendix B, and the mass of such kinds of material must meet the technical requirements in chapter 4
of this code.
C.2.2 Unless successful experience has proved that the using of unmodified common asphalt can
meet the user’s requirements, it had better to adopt modified petroleum asphalt, as well as the grade of
asphalt for extra toughness for SMA than what is usually adopted in the local area.

C.3 The Determination on the Designing of Mineral Aggregate Grading

C.3,1 The grading of preliminarily-tested designing

1 The grading range of construction project designing on SMA road surface should adopt
directly the grading range of mineral aggregate in Table S.3.2-3 of this code. For SMA mixture of
which the nominal maximum grain diameter is no more than 9.5mm, adopt 2.36mm as the grain
diameter of the dividing sieve pore for coarse aggregate skeleton; for SMA mixture of which the
nominal maximum grain diameter is no less than 1 3.2mm, adopt 4.75mm as the grain diameter of the
dividing sieve pore for coarse aggregate skeleton.
2 Within the grading range of construction designing, design 3 different groups of preliminarily-
tested grading in grain diameter by adjusting the proportion of each kind of mineral material, in which
the pass-through rates of dividing sieve pore of the coarse aggregate skeleton are the mean value and
its neighboring value of ±3% respectively, and the quantity of mineral powder should be 10%.
C.3,2 Evaluate the relative density of the composite bulk volume y,b, the relative density of apparent
composite volume and the effective relative density yu of the mineral aggregate in preliminarily-
tested grading, according to the methods provided in Appendix B.

C.3.3 Screen out the aggregate smaller than the dividing sieve pore of the coarse aggregate skeleton
in each composite grading, test the relative density on apparent bulk gross volume ys of the coarse
aggregate skeleton with the compacting method in accordance with the T 0309 rule of “specifications
and test methods of bitumen and bituminous mixtures for highway engineering”, and evaluate the
average relative density on gross volume >>CA of mixture of coarse aggregate skeleton with Expression

VCA =A±A± (C.3.3)
Y\ Yi Yn

Where: P\, Pi

y\, y2 ......
-The mix ratio of various kinds of aggregate in the coarse aggregate

skeleton over the mixture of the whole mineral aggregate grading;
The relative density of gross volume of the corresponding kind of coarse

C.3.4 Evaluate the void in mineral aggregate of the coarse aggregate VCADRC in the compacted state
of the preliminarily-tested grading in each group:

VCADRC - 1 - LL xlOO (C.3.4)


Where: VCADRc-The void in mineral aggregate of the coarse aggregate skeleton {%);
)-CA-The relative density of bulk volume of the coarse aggregate skeleton; !

ys-The relative density on the apparent bulk gross volume of the coarse aggregate
C.3.5 Estimate the proper asphalt aggregate ratio P3 or asphalt content Ph of the SMA mixture in the
newly-established construction project according to the methods in B.5.5 of this code, and take the
very value as the preliminarily-tested asphalt aggregate ratio of the Marshall samples.

C.3.6 Make SMA samples according to the asphalt aggregate ratio and the mineral aggregate
grading selected in the preliminary test, the number of times of the Marshall standard hitting is 50 for
both sides (75 times for both sides is also acceptable according to the practical demands), and the
number of Marshall samples can be no less than 4 to 6. The relative density of the gross volume of the
SMA Marshall samples shall be determined by the dry surface treatment.
C.3.7 Calculate the maximum theoretical value of relative density of the SMA mixture using
Expression (C.3.7) with different values of asphalt content, in which the fiber content can not be

_ 100 + P. +PX
Y* Y, Yx

Where: yse-The effective relative density of mineral aggregate is determined by C.3.2;

Pa-The asphalt aggregate ratio of asphalt mixture (%);

ya-The relative density of asphalt (25 'C/25 °C), dimensionless;

Px-The fiber content, calculated in the percentage {%) of the mass of mineral
yx-The density of fiber stabilizer, which should be offered by the provider or tested
with pycnometer.

!4 C.3,8 Calculate the void in coarse aggregate skeleton VCAmjX of the SMA Marshall mixture sample
with Expression (C.3.8), and the void ratio of the volume indexes of the aggregate VV, the void in
mineral aggregate VMA, and the asphalt saturation VFA of the sample shall be evaluated with the
!i methods in Appendix B of this code.


Where: PcA-The portion of coarse aggregate in asphalt mixtures, i.e. the grain percentage of
grain diameter greater than 4.75 (%);

--The relative density of average gross volume in the part of coarse aggregate
skeleton, which is determined by Expression (C.3,3);

---The relative density of the gross volume in the asphalt mixture sample, which
shall be tested with the dry surface treatment.
C.3.9 While selecting the design grading from 3 groups of the test results in preliminary-tested
I grading, the requirements of VCAmix<VCADRC and VMA>16,5% must be granted. If more than one
group can meet the grading requirements at the same time, the grading of group, which has a greater I
i VMA value and a greater aggregate pass-through rate sieved the coarse aggregate skeleton, shall be
adopted as the design grading,

C.4 Determine the Asphalt Content Design

1 C.4,1 Based on the selected design grading and void ratio results of the preliminary-tested asphalt
4 aggregate ratio test, adjust 3 different asphalt aggregate ratios, faeture Marshall samples, and evaluate
all the volume indexes (such as void ratio), with the interval of 0.2%~O.4%. The number of samples in
one group should be no less than 4-6.
C.4.2 Conduct the Marshall stability test, to determine whether the stability and flow value can meet
the requirements of this code.
C.4.3 Determine the asphalt aggregate ratio based on the expected design void ratio, and adopt it as
the best asphalt aggregate ratio OAC. The designed SMA mixtures should keep to all the technical
standards in 5.3 of this code.
C.4.4 If the mixture volume of the preliminarily-tested asphalt aggregate ratio can meet the
designing requirements, this step can be passed over, but double-check for indexes will be appropriate.

C.5 The Testing of Mix Ratio Design

C.5.1 Apart from the stated items in Appendix B, the Scheiienberg drainage test and the scattering
test of Cantabria must also be carried out in the mix ratio design of SMA mixtures. The testing of mix
ratio design should keep to the technical requirements of 5.3 cf this code. The redesigning of mix ratio
must be conducted if the indexes cannot meet the requirements.

C,6 Designing Report of Mix Ratio

C.6.1 Upon completion of the mix-ratio design, the designing report must be issued on time
following the requirements in Appendix B,
Appendix D Designing Methods on the Mix Ratio of SMA Mixtures

D.l General Requirements

D.1,1 The designing should be carried out by the mix ratio designing methods of hot-mixed asphalt
mixtures in Appendix B unless other methods apply.

D.1.2 The mix ratio design of OGFC mixtures adopts the volume designing methods of Marshall
samples, and take mix ratio designing as the major index. The index of mix ratio designing should be
in line with the technical standards of this code.
D.1.3 After the designing on the mix ratio of OGFC mixtures, the Schellenberg drainage test and the
Cantabria scattering test the asphalt content in designing must be carried out, and the tests of the
mixture properties (such as high-temperature stability, stability in water, etc.) must be conducted. The
lest on the designing of mix ratio should keep to the technical requirements of this code.

D.2 Material Selection

D.2.1 The mass of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and stone powder, which are used in the OGFC i

mixtures, should keep to the technical requirements to surfacing materials in Chapter 4 of this code. It
had better use the stone powder along with additives (such as slaked lime, fiber etc.) in the OGFC.
D.2.2 It would be fit for the OGFC to adopt modified asphalt with high viscosity, and its mass
should keep to the technical requirements of Table D.2.2. If the adoption of common modified asphalt
or fiber stabilizer could be in line with the local conditions proved by practice, they are also permitted
to be used in the OGFC.
Table D.2.2 Technical Requirements for Modified Asphalt with High Viscosity

Testing Items Unit Technical Requirements

Penetration (25 "C, lOOg, 5s) No Less Than 0.1 mm 40

Softening Point (TAAB) No Less Than •c 80

Ductility (15X2) No Less Than cm SO
Flash Point No Less Than •c 260
The value change of mass after the lest of TFOT No Less Than % 0.6

Toughness and Viscosity (25“C) No Less Than Nm 20

Toughness (2ST:) No Less Than N tn 15

Viscosity at60’C No Less Than Pa-s 20000

D.3 The Determination on Designing of Mineral Aggregate Grading and Asphalt Content

D.3.I Carry out a accurate test of relative density in each kind of the source material with the
methods in the test criterion, the coarse aggregate shall be tested with the T 0304 method, the
machine-made sand and stone chippings can be tested with the T 0330 method, which can be
substituted with the relative density of the gross volume in the sieved part of 2.36mnv~4.75mm, and
relative density of mineral powder (contains slaked lime and cement) can be substituted with apparent


5I relative density,
D.3,2 Take the grading range in Table 5.3.2-4 of this code as the grading range of construction
f designing, and test 3 grading groups of mineral aggregate which differ in the pass-through rate in
2.36mm as the preliminary selection, with fully reference to the successful experiences of the same
kind in construction engineering,
D.3.3 For every group of the preliminarily selected grading of mineral aggregate, calculate the
surface area of aggregate with Expression (D.3.3-1). Evaluate the preliminarily-tested asphalt content
Pb for each mixture group based on the desired thickness of asphalt film with Expression (D,3.3-2).
Normally, the thickness of asphalt film h in OGFC would be ok with 14/an.
1 /f=(2+0.02a+0.046+0.08c+0.14cfH).3e+0.6/H.6g)/48.74 (D.3.3-1)
PtrhXA (D.3.3-2)

Where: A-The total surface area of aggregate.

The symbols of «, b, c, d, e,fi g respectively stand for the pass-through percentages (%) of sieve
pores of which the diameters are 4.75mm, 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 0.6mm, 0.3mm, 0. 15mm, and 0,075mm.
D.3.4 Facture the Marshall sample, whose hitting times for both sides should be 50. Test the void :
ratio of the sample using the volume methods, then draw the relationship curve in 2.36mm between
the pass-through rate and the void ratio. Determine the mineral aggregate grading of mixtures based :iii
on the anticipated void ratio, then calculate the initial asphalt content again with the method provided ~

in D.3.3,

1 D.3.5 Mix the asphalt mixtures with the determined mineral aggregate grading and the initial asphalt
content, then carry out the Marshall test, the Schellenberg drainage test, the Cantabria scattering test,
and the rutting test. Indexes of various types should be in accordance with the technical requirements
of 5.3 of this code, and the difference between the void ratio and the expected void ratio should not be
i over ±1%. If the indexes are unqualified, then one should readjust the asphalt content and asphalt
mixture to carry out more tests, until all the indexes can meet the requirements.
D.3.6 If all indexes can meet the requirements, which means the designing of mix ratio has been
completed, then the designing report should be issued.

Appendix E The Assessing Method on the Degree of Asphalt Compaction

E.0.1 The degree of compaction for asphalt road surface carries out the process control which
emphasizes on rolling technique, as well as the checking of the degree of compaction with appropriate
drilling spot-check. The sampling work of drilling should be carried out after the road has been cooled
completely, which means the sampling of common asphalt road surface is usually conducted on the
second day of completion, and that of modified asphalt and SMA road surface should conducted after
the third day of completion. The degree of compaction for the asphalt road surface should be
evaluated with Expression (E.0,1):

K= —A
xlOO (E.0.1)

Where: K-The degree of compaction for the certain testing position of the asphalt layer (%);
D-The actual density of the compacted asphalt mixture in the test (g/cm3);

Do — The standard density of asphalt mixture (g/cm3).

E.0.2 In the process of check and accept for the construction project, the standard density in
designing should not adopted in the testing for the degree of compaction, but should be tested and 5
determined day-by-day with the following method: l

1 Adopt the laboratory density, which is the Marshall sample density being sampled and tested
1~2 times per day in the asphalt mixing factory, as the standard density, and adopt the average value
as the standard density for the degree of compaction for this batch of mixture in the paving road
section. The molding temperature of the samples should be the same with the temperature of the
re-rolling of the road surface. During the designing which involves mix ratio, the laboratory density of
other molding methods in the same kind can also be adopted as the standard density.
2 Adopt the maximum theoretical density of daily testing as the standard density. For common
asphalt mixture, the asphalt mixing factories take samples for Marshall tests and tests the maximum
theoretical density with vacuum process at the same time, the number of samples for the paialiel test
.is no less than 2, and average value of the samples shall be adopted as the standard density for the
degree of compaction for this batch of mixture in the paving road section; however, as for modified
asphalt mixture and SMA mixture, the maximum theoretical density, which is evaluated using the
result for the daily test of total quantity and the average value of asphalt aggregate ratio, should be
adopted as the standard density, while the maximum theoretical density can also be evaluated with the
result of the asphalt aggregate ratio in sampling and sieving, and the method of calculation for the
maximum theoretical density should be carried out in accordance with the rules in Appendix B.
3 Adopt the density of the tested road as the standard density. Test the density of certain points
with a nuclear density gauge, until the data has ceased to alter, and then take the average density of no
less than 15 drilling samples as the standard density for the evaluation on the degree of compaction.

4 Choose 1~2 kind (s) of value from the laboratory standard density, the maximum theoretical
density, and the density of the tested road as demanded, and adopt the data as the standard density of
testing and assessing with the drilling method.

5 While adopting nondestructive damage detection plants (such as the nuclear density gauge) in
the controlling of the degree of compaction during the construction engineering, it would be suitable
to take the density of the tested road as the standard density, The number of testing points for the
nuclear density gauge should be no less than 39, and the average value of density of those testing
points could be taken as the standard density as demanded. However, the nuclear density gauge
requires demarcation and approval,

E.0,3 The assessing method of the drilling frequency for the degree of compaction and the qualified
rate shall be executed with the requirement stated in Chapter 1 1.

E.0,4 In the check and acceptance phase of the construction, the degree of compaction in one
assessing road section is determined by typical value and extremum for the assessment of qualification
assessment of the degree of compaction.

1 The average degree of compaction, standard difference, and variation coefficient of one
assessing road section shall be evaluated with Expression (E.0.4-1) to Expression (E.0.4-3):

*o = N

(K, -X0)2 + (K2 - K0)2 +• + (*„ - K0)2

v Ar-1

Cv — K*
,, (E.0.4-3)

Where: K() — —The average value of the reporting cycle (%);

. . --.
S-The standard difference of the testing values in one reporting cycle (%);

Cv The variation coefficient of the testing values in one reporting cycle (%);

KhK2 *£N- -The testing values of each roll in one reporting cycle (%);

A'——The total number of mixing rolls in one reporting cycle, and its degree of freedom
is N— 1 .

2 The degree of compaction in one assessing road section shall be evaluated with Expression

K' = K0~ !JS_ (E.0.4-4)

Where: IC-The typical value of the degree of compaction in one assessing road section (%);

fa--The coefficient in the distribution table of f varies along with the degree of freedom
and guarantee rate is shown in Table E.0.4, When the number of the testing points is
over 100, the value of f» in highways can be 1,6499, while that in roads of other
grades can be 1,2815,

Table E.0.4 The Value of IJ-fR
Number of the lest in g Highway, arterial Roads of other Number of the testing Highway, arterial Roads of other
_points N _ road levels points N road levels

2 4 465 2.176 20 0.387 0 297

3 1 686 1 089 21 0.376 0.289

4 I 177 0.819 22 0.367 0.282
5 0.953 0.686 23 0.358 0.275
6 0.823 0.603 24 0.350 0.269
7 0.734 0.544 25 0.342 0 264
8 0 670 0.500 26 0.335 0258
9 0.620 0.466 27 0.328 0.253
10 0.580 0.437 28 0.322 0.248
II 0 546 0414 29 0316 0 244
12 0518 0393 30 0.310 0239
13 0.494 0.376 40 0.266 0206
14 0473 0.361 50 0.237 0.184
15 0455 0.347 60 0.216 0.167
16 0.438 0.335 70 0.199 0.155

17 0.423 0.324 80 0.186 0.145

18 0.4 LO 0.3 14 90 0,175 0.136 l
19 0.398 0.305 100 0.166 0.129
Note: This table applies to the requirement on single-side test of the degree of freedom and thickness. The guarantee rate for highways
and arterial roads is 95%, and is 90% for roads of other grades.

Appendix F The Dynamic Management Methods on the Quality of

Construction Engineering

F.0,1 The construction unit should take the variation coefficient (or standard difference) of the
quality testing indexes of the test as the major evaluate index for construction level. The construction
unit should sum up its experiences and lessons, to establish the permitted limit values for the variation
coefficient on each of the construction quality indexes on its own, and adopt them as the targets for
business management.

_____ _
F.0,2 During the construction engineering of highways and arterial roads, the construction unit had
better establish a construction quality database using computers, input all types of data at any time,
and draw up the curves of the one-by-one testing results X or the average value of the day-by-day
testing results X . Check the test data to ensure that they are within the error range permitted by the
criterion, If any data appear to be unqualified for the requirements, careful analysis for causes should
be carried out and measures should be taken. Meanwhile, calculate the average value X of the
average for daily results, the range R, the standard deviation S, and the variation coefficient Cv for
collecting on stage bases (by a fixed interval of days or distance). The recording should include
sampling position, tester, test project, test method, test results, the assessment for qualification
(qualified rate) etc.. 1
F.0,3 The quality control of construction engineering had better adopt the method of the management
graph of X—R, which draws the management graph (Figure F.Q.3-1) of the test results one by one.
Draw up the normal distribution curve (Figure F.Q.3-2) of the histogram on construction quality. If the
standard difference and the deviation coefficient are inclined to increase, careful analysis for causes
should* be conducted to work out countermeasures,

Figure X
40 •The standard upper limit

s L’i;L=32.0 JJil-S-lM -{11ÿ2-1- upper limit of control

Deviation value

y_ " ‘ lower limit of quality control
25 LCL=25ÿR~ LQJ=26.T}— LCU26J
5 20

Figure K
____ The standard lower limit

i WV'
| Ou.U
<2 |0j1l

_____DC I,=7.7 .

I L_

_ IMckO

1(CL=M t

36 40
The upper limit of quality control

5 10 15 20 25 3031 5 10 55 18
Number end date of the lest

Figure F.0,3-1 Graphie Demonstration of Index Management on the Quality of Construction Engineering (Flow
Value; mm)

30 A'= ] 23
! .V--30.2
25 s=2.1

1 !
—Normal distribution curve


! in
i i3
20- <r

s IS
i2 U] I 10 Xuj
0 in. 0 X , .*X
3f '

33333333338 !ÿ'. *'ÿ -t

22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36

Flow value (0. 1 mm) Flow value (CM mm)

Figure F.0.3-1 The Histogram of the Test Results on the Construction Quality Index and a Demonstration of
Normal Distribution Curve

F.0.4 The average value X should be taken as the central line CL in the X R management
graph, and upper limit of quality control UCL and the lower limit of quality control LCL should be
— .
marked in the figure to show the normal fluctuation range of construction engineering. While certain
values overpass the range of limits, it should be considered as construction abnormality or test data
abnormality. The central line, the upper limit of quality control, and the lower limit of quality control
shall be evaluated based on Expression (F.0.4-1) to Expression (F.0.4-6).

In the X Figure: CL=JT (F.0.4-1)

UCL (F.0.4-2)

LCL = X-A2R (F.O.4-3)

In the R Figure: Ch=R (F,0.4-4)

UCL = D,x R (F,0.4-5)

LCL = D}R (F.0,4-6)

Where: -
CL-X R the central line of the management Figure (expected value);

UCL- -X - R the upper limit of quality control of the management Figure;

LCL- -X-R the lower limit of quality control of the management Figure;

X-The average value of the average value Softest results in every group of one stage;
Aj, Di, D*
R — —The average value of the range R of test results in every group of one stage-
Coefficients of the management graph determined by the number of tests of one
group of test results, and its value should be determined based on Table F.0.4.

[the testing number n of one

Table F.0.4 Coefficient Table of Management Graph

di Dj A
group of test results
r 2 1.128 0.853 1.880 3.267
r 3 1,693 0.888 1.023 2.575
4 2,059 0.880 0-729 2.282
5 2.326 0.864 0.577 2.115
6 2.534 0.848 0.483 2.004

7 2.704 0.833 0.419 1.924 0.076

8 2.847 0.820 0.373 1.864 0.136
9 2.970 0.808 0.337 1.816 0.184
10 3.078 0.797 0308 1.777 0.223
ctrjn I-
F.0.5 The quality standard or the range of permitted difference, which are set in the 11* chapter of I
this code, can be marked in the X - R management graph and the histogram. The exceeding of
values over this range (i.e. the construction engineering is unqualified) should be treated with.

F.0.6 The range of the target of business management can be marked in the Af i? management -
graph and the histogram. The exceeding of values over this range (i.e. the quality of construction
engineering has declined) should be treated with countermeasures.

F.0.7 The dynamic management of the construction quality had belter be carried out with the
assistance of electronic computer. The management department of the construction of all levels had
better inquire about or check all the data at any time.

F.0.8 After the conclusion of construction engineering, the construction unit had better gather all the
data, evaluate the average %-alue, standard difference, and variation coefficient, and draw up the
histogram or normal distribution curves of construction quality of the whole project, and take them as
the business management target for the next project. The content of database and dynamic quality
management should be stored in compact discs for long-term storage,

Appendix G Quality Process Control and Gross Amount Testing Method

of Asphalt Pavement

G.0.1 In order to realize the real-time control of asphalt mixture in the production process and find
out in time whether each production parameters meets the requirements of the mix ratio design, the
highways and arterial roads adopting batch mixers to produce asphalt mixtures must be equipped with
automatic-collecting plants for computers and data-recording and printing plants, to carry out the
‘process controIXonline monitoring) of asphalt mixtures and the testing of total values,
G.0.2 Prior to the mixing, one should preset the output for every roll of asphalt mixtures, the
standard mix ratio content for each hot storage silo, mineral powder, asphalt etc, and the construction
temperature for each one of them. During the process of mixing, computer collects all types of data
for each roll of mixtures, and the computer will automatically process or print by rolls these data, and
conduct online monitoring on the quality of asphalt mixtures. White the computer can monitor in
real-time, automatically process, display, and save all types of the collected data, it can also print only
the total statistics without printing data by pot.

Note: All types of weighing sensors of the mixer must be demarcated carefully, ihe results of automalic collecting, recording, and
priming should be able to get the approval, and the amendment coefficient should be evaluated white difference occurs between ihe
real figures and the col lee led figures, to guarantee the accuracy of each construction parameter,

G0.3 The computer must collect each type of data by roll, evaluate the grading of mineral aggregate
by pot based on the sieving curves of each silo, conduct comparisons between the collected data and
the grading range of construction designing and the permitted fluctuation range of construction
engineering, and assess in real-time whether the grading of the mineral aggregate can meet the
requirements, Unqualified data should arise enough attention, and if the outputs are not able to meet
the requirements 3 pots in a row, one had better conduct proper adjustments to the preset values.
Note: The sieving results for each silo should be tested regularly based on ihe sampling methods of this code, and the operators should
frequently check whether big changes appear during the construction process, evaluate the grading of mineral aggregate using
the new sieving results, and properly adjust the set value oF mix ratio, lo ensure the data are in aecordance with the actual
situation and meet the requirements of the standard mix ratio.

G.0.4 Computer must collect the actual content and output of asphalt mixtures by rolls, calculate the
asphalt aggregate ratio (or asphalt content), and compare it with the design value and the permitted
fluctuation range, to determine whether it can meet the requirements. If the outputs are not able to
meet the requirements 3 pots in a row, one had better conduct proper adjustments to the preset values.
G.0.5 The computer should monitor in real-time and collect all types of construction temperature
related to the production of asphalt mixtures, and compare them to the requirements of this code to
determine whether the data could meet the requirements.
G0.6 The reporting cycle for the test of total values could be one working day or one shift. During
the stoppage time period of the construction, the computer should automatically calculate and print in
time the statistical results for each type of data. The mineral aggregate grading of asphalt mixtures
could be all of the sieve pores, but one could only conduct comparisons to 5 controlling sieve pores
(sieve pores like 0.075mm, 2.36mm, 4.75mm, nominal maximum grain diameter, and a relatively
coarse controlling grain diameter etc.) in order to determine if the data can meet the requirements, and
calculate the average value, standard difference, and variation coefficient of each index during the
whole process based on Expression (G.0,6-1) to Expression (G.0.6-3), to test the total value of output
mass of asphalt mixtures:

- KI + K2 +

- (K t - Ko)2 + {K7~ KO)2 +•ÿ•+ (£*- KO)2

Where: K0-The average value of the reporting cycle (%);
S -The standard difference of the testing values in one reporting cycle (%);
Cv-The variation coefficient of the testing values in one reporting cycle (%);
K], K:, ’*% Kn -The testing values of each roil in one reporting cycle (%); i
N--The total number of mixing rolls in one reporting cycle, and its degree of freedom
GO.7 Using the total output of asphalt mixtures in one assessing period, the total areas of
construction engineering, and the density of asphalt mixtures, calculate the average compaction
thickness of the paving layer based on Expression (G.0.7):

H .221
xlOOO (G.0.7)

Where: H-The average compaction thickness of the construction paving layer (mm) on the
asphalt road surface in this assessment period;
— The mass of each roll of the asphalt mixture, the subscript / stands for the order of
rolls recorded, 2m, stands for the total output of asphalt mixtures in one assessment
period (t);

A-The total area of asphalt road surface paving layer in this assessment period, and the
paving area (in2) should be calculated in trim area under certain circumstances like
d —The average of field density of the paving layer in the
compact assessment period,
which is tested through the dry density of the drill sample (t/nT, i.e. the laboratory
standard density multiplies the degree of compaction).
G.0.8 The dynamic quality management during the producing process of asphalt mixtures shall be
carried out with the methods in Appendix F.
G0.9 Once the paving of a asphalt layer has been completed, one should draw up the changing
process of each test index, and calculate the total average, standard deviation, and variation coefficient.

Work out the total qualified rate of each index, and take it as the basis of the testing on construction

G.0.1D The computer collecting, the process control of the calculated asphalt mixtures, and the data
graphs of the gross test on the construction quality must be filed along with project archives as


1 Appendix H Explanation of Wording in This Specifications

i Words used for different degrees of strictness are explained as follows in older to mark the
differences in executing the requirements in this specifications:
I Words denoting a very strict or mandatory requirement

*, “Must” is used for affirmation; “must not” for negation.

2 Words denoting a strict requirement under normal conditions:

1 “Shall” is used for affirmation; “shall not” for negation.

3 Words denoting a permission of a slight choice or an indication of the most suitable choice
when conditions permit:
“Should” is used for affirmation; “should not” for negation.
“May” is used to express the option available, sometimes with the conditional permit,



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