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2. The! accuse,! who! is! NOT! a! principal! or!
PD#1612#–#ANTI#FENCING# accomplice! in! the! commission! of! the! crime!
LAW#OF#1979# of!robbery!or!theft,!buys,!receives,!possess,!
! keeps,!acquires,!conceals,!cells!or!disposes,!
! or!buys!and!sells,!or!in!any!manner!deals!in!
Fencing;(Definition( any! article,! item,! object! or! anything! of!
! value,! which! has! been! derived! from! the!
“Fencing”"is!the!act!of!any!person!who,!with!intent! proceeds!of!the!said!crime;(
to! gain! for! himself! or! for! another,! shall! buy,! 3. The! accused! knows! or! should! have! known!
receive,! posses,! keep,! acquire,! conceal,! sell! or! that! the! said! article,! item,! object! xxx! has!
dispose! of,! or! shall! buy! and! sell,! or! in! any! other! been! derived! from! the! proceeds! of! the!
manner!deal!in!any!article,!item,!object!or!anything! crime!of!robbery!or!theft;!and(
of! value! which! he! knows,! or! should! be! known! to! 4. There! is! on! the! part! of! the! accused,! intent!
him,! to! have! been! derived! from! the! proceeds! of! to!gain!for!himself!or!for!another.(
the!crime!of!robbery!or!theft.! (Lim(v(People)!
! !
“Fence”! includes! any! person,! firm,! association,! DISSECTING(THE(ELEMENTS(
corporation! or! partnership! or! other! organization! (
who/which!commits!the!act!of!fencing.! Can!the!fence!be!sued!as!accesspry!to!the!theft!or!
! robbery!together!with!the!principal?!
( • Per! Dimat,! the! accused! must! not! have!
Section( 5.( Mere! possession! of! any! good,! article,! taken!part!in!the!robbery!or!theft.!In!Lim!v!
item,! object,! or! anything! of! value! which! has! been! PP,!the!accused!must!not!have!taken!part!as!
the! subject! of! robbery! or! thievery! shall! be! prima" principal"or"accomplice"only.!
facie!evidence!of!fencing.! • Penalty! for! the! accessory! could! be! lower!
! than!that!of!a!fence.!In!fact,!the!penalty!for!
ELEMENTS(OF(FENCING:( the! fence! (prision" mayor)! could! be! higher!
1. A!robbery!or!theft!has!been!committed;( than! the! principal! in! Theft! under! RA! 10951!
2. The! accused,! who! took! no! part! in! the! (AM" med" to" PC" min),! when! the! amount!
robbery!or!theft,!“buys,!receives,!possesses,! involved!is!P20K.!
keeps,! acquires,! conceals,! sells! or! disposes,! !
or!buys!and!sells,!or!in!any!manner!deals!in! ! Quiamco! was! approached! by! Gabalan! to!
any! article! or! object! taken”! during! that! settle! the! civil! aspect! of! a! case! by! leaving!
robbery!or!theft;( with! Quiamco! a! motorcycle! and! its!
3. The! accused! knows! or! should! have! known! photocopied! CR.! It! turned! out! that! the!
that!the!thing!derived!from!that!crime;!and( motorcycle!was!bought!on!installment!from!
4. He!intends!by!the!deal!he!makes!to!gain!for! RUSI! by! Gabalan! who! defaulted! in! his!
himself!or!for!another.( payments,! and! the! object! of! a! chattel!
(Dimat(v(PP)( mortgage!foreclosure.!Is!there!fencing?!
( !
ELEMENTS(OF(FENCING( ! No,( the( motorcycle( was( not( the( object( of(
( theft.((Uypitching!vs!Quiamco)!
1. A! crime! of! robbery! or! theft! has! been! !
committed;( !


DISTINGUISHING(ELEMENT(NO(3(FROM(ELEMENT( secure! the! clearance! or! permit! required! by!
NO(4( this! section! or! who! violates! any! of! the!
( provisions! of! the! rules! and! regulations!
“Dimat! claims! lack! of! criminal! intent! as! his! main! promulgated!thereunder!shall!upon!convict!
defense.! But! PD( 1612! is! a! special! law! and! its! ion!be!punished!as!a!fence.(
violation! is! regarded! as! malum, prohibitum,! (
requiring!no!proof!of!criminal!intent.!Of!course,!the! LIM(vs(PEOPLE(
prosecution! must! still! prove! that! Dimat! knew! or! (
should! have! known! that! the! Nissan! Safari! he! • Conviction! of! the! principal! in! the! crime! of!
acquired! and! later! sold! to! Delgado! was! derived! theft! is! not! necessary! for! an! accused! to! be!
from! theft! or! robbery! and! that! he! intended! to! found!guilty!of!the!crime!of!fencing.(
obtain!some!gain!out!of!his!acts.! • Prosecution! must! prove! that! the!
! complainant! owns! the! object! in! a! fencing!
Dolo!is!not!required!in!crimes!punished!by!a!special! case,! especially! where! the! accused! bought!
statute! like! the! Anti7Fencing! Law! because! it! is! the! the! property! from! somebody! who!
act! alone,! irrespective! of! the! motives! which! presented!a!certificate!of!ownership.(
constitutes!the!offense.! • The!presentation!of!certificate!of!ownership!
! overcame! the! presumption! of! fencing.! The!
Moreover,! mere! possession! of! any! good,! article,! certificate! was! a! notarized! document,! and!
item,!object,!or!anything!value!which!has!been!the! by! virtue! of! its! notarization,! enjoys! the!
subject! of! robbery! or! thievery! shall! be! prima! facie! presumption! of! regularity,! as! elaborated! in!
evidence!of!fencing.! Ocampo!v!LandBank.(
! • The!clearance!stated!in!Sec.!6!of!PD!1612!is!
When!it!was!proved!that!petitioner!committed!the! only!required!if!several!conditions!are!met:(
unlawful! acts! alleged! in! the! information,! it! was! • First,! that! the! person,! store,! establishment!
properly!presumed!that!they!were!committed!with! or! entity! is! in! the! business! of! buying! and!
full!knowledge!and!with!criminal!intent,!and!it!was! selling! of! any! good,! article,! item,! object,! or!
incumbent!upon!him!to!rebut!such!a!presumption.! anything! of! value;! Second,! that! such! thing!
(US!vs!Tria)! of! value! was! obtained! from! an! unlicensed!
! dealer! or! supplier! thereof;! and! Third,! that!
Section(6.(Clearance(/(Permit(to(Sell(/(Used( such!thing!of!value!is!to!be!offered!for!sale!
Second(Hand(Articles.( to!the!public.(
( • In! the! present! case,! the! first! and! third!
! All!stores,!establishments!or!entities!dealing! requisites! were! not! met.! Nowhere! was! it!
in!the!buy!and!sell!of!any!goof,!article,!item,! established! that! petitioner! was! engaged! in!
object! or! anything! of! value! obtained! from! the! business! of! buy! and! sell.! Neither! was!
an! unlicensed! dealer! or! supplier! thereof,! the! prosecution! able! to! establish! that!
shall! before! offering! the! same! for! the! petitioner! intended! to! sell! or! was! actually!
public,! secure! the! necessary! clearance! or! selling!the!subject!grader!to!the!public.(
permit! from! the! station! commander! of! the! (
Integrated! National! Police! in! the! town! or! (
city! where! such! store,! establishment! or! (
entity!is!located.!( (
! The! chief! PNP! shall! promulgate! such! rules!
and! regulations! to! carry! out! the! provisions!
of! this! section.! Any! person! who! fails! to!

RA#9160#–#ANTI#MONEY# 3. Persons! supervised! or! regulated! by! SEC!
( a. Securities! dealers,! brokers,!
RA! 9160! as! amended! by! RA! 10365! collectively!
salesmen,! investment! houses,! and!
other! similar! persons! managing!
as! investment! agents,! advisors,! or!
A. Covered! Persons! –! the! following! are! the!
b. Mutual! funds! or! open7end!
covered! persons! /! financial! institutions!
investment! companies,! close7end!
investment! companies! or! issuers,!
1. Persons! supervised! and/or! regulated! by!
BSP,! including! their! subsidiaries! and!
c. Other! entities,! administering! or!
affiliates,! which! are! also! covered! persons,!
otherwise! dealing! in! commodities,!
supervised! and/or! regulated! by! the! BSP!
or! financial! derivatives! based!
thereon,! valuable! objects,! cash!
a. Banks;!
substitutes,! and! other! similar!
b. Quasi7banks;!
c. Trust!entities;!
d. Pawnshops;!
e. Non7stock! savings! and! loan!
B. The! following! DNFBPs:! (idk! unsay! pasabot!
f. Other!non7bank!financial!institutions!
1. Jewelry!dealers!
to! BSP! supervision! and/or!
2. Dealers! in! precious! metals,! and! delas! in!
g. Electronic!money!issuers;!and!
3. Company! service! providers,! which,! as! a!
h. Foreign! exchange! dealers,! money!
business,! provide! any! of! the! following!
changers,! and! remittance! and!
a. Acting! as! a! formation! agent! of!
2. Persons!supervised!or!regulated!by!IC,!such!
b. Acting! as! (or! arranging! for! another!
person! to! act! as)! a! director! or!
a. Insurance!companies;!
corporate! secretary! of! company,! a!
b. Pre7need!companies!
partnership,! or! a! similar! position! in!
c. Insurance!agents!
d. Insurance!brokers!
c. Providing! a! registered! office;!
e. Professional!reinsurers!
business! address! or!
f. Reinsurance!brokers!
accommodation,! correspondence! or!
g. Holding!companies!
administrative! address! for! a!
h. Holding!systems!
i. Mutual!benefit!associations;!and!
juridical! person! or! legal!
j. All! other! persons! and! their!


d. Acting! as! (or! arranging! for! another! Covered(transaction(
person! to! act! as)! a! nominee!
shareholder!for!another!person.! Is! a! single,! series,! or! combination! of! transactions!
4. Persons,!including!lawyers,!accountants!and! involving! a! total! amount! in! excess! of! Four! million!
other!professionals,!who!provide!any!of!the! Philippine! pesos! (Php4,000,000.00)! or! an!
following!services;! equivalent! amount! in! foreign! currency! based! on!
a. Managing!of!client!money,!securities! the! prevailing! exchange! rate! within! five! (5)!
or!other!assets;! consecutive! banking! days! except! those! between! a!
b. Management! of! bank,! savings,! covered! institution! and! a! person! who,! at! the! time!
securities!or!other!assets;! of! the! transaction! was! a! properly! identified! client!
c. Organization!of!contributions!for!the! and! the! amount! is! commensurate! with! the!
creation,! operation! or! management! business!or!financial!capacity!of!the!client;!or!those!
of!companies,!and! with! an! underlying! legal! or! trade! obligation,!
d. Creation,! operation! or! management! purpose,!origin!or!economic!justification.!!
and! buying! and! selling! business! It!likewise!refers!to!a!single,!series!or!combination!
entities.! or! pattern! of! unusually! large! and! complex!
5. Casinos,! including! internet7based! casinos! transactions! in! excess! of! Four! million! Philippine!
and! ship7based! casinos,! with! respect! to! pesos! (Php4,000,000.00)! especially! cash! deposits!
their! casino! cash! transactions! related! to! and! investments! having! no! credible! purpose! or!
their!gaming!operations.! origin,!underlying!trade!obligation!or!contract.!!

The!"Casino!Implementing!Rules!and!Regulations!of! Suspicious(transaction(
Republic! Act! No.! 10927"! shall! govern! the!
implementation! of! the! AMLA! with! regard! to! Are! transactions! with! covered! institutions,!
casinos,!unless,!otherwise!indicated!therein!by!the! regardless! of! the! amounts! involved,! where! any! of!
AMLC!and!the!AGAs.!! the!following!exist:!!

The!amendment!on!Casinos!was!under!the!purview! 1. No! underlying! legal! or! trade! obligation,!

of! the! Anti7Money! Laundering! Council! (AMLC),! purpose!or!economic!justification;!
more! than! a! year! after! money! stolen! by! cyber! 2. Client!is!not!properly!identified;!!
criminals! from! Bangladesh’s! central! bank! entered! 3. Amount!involved!is!not!commensurate!with!
the!domestic!financial!system!and!eventually!found! the! business! or! financial! capacity! of! the!
their!way!to!local!casinos.!! client;!!
4. Taking! into! account! all! known!
RA! 10927! defined! internet7based! casinos! as! those! circumstances,!it!may!be!perceived!that!the!
in!which!“persons!participate!by!the!use!of!remote! transaction! is! structured! in! order! to! avoid!
communication! facilities! such! as! ...! internet,! being! the! subject! of! reporting!
telephone,! television,! radio! and! any! other! kind! of! requirements;!!
electronic! or! other! technology! for! facilitating! 5. Transaction! is! in! any! way! related! to! an!
communication.”!! unlawful!activity!!

On! the! other! hand,! ship7based! casinos! are! those! Monetary(instrument(refers(to:(

that! operate! on! board! “vessels,! ships,! boat! or! any!
other! water7based! craft! wholly! or! partly! intended! 1. coins! or! currency! of! legal! tender! of! the!
for!gambling.”!! Philippines,!or!of!any!other!country;!!

2. drafts,!checks!and!notes;!! 3. Malversation!
3. securities!or!negotiable!instruments,!bonds,! 4. Forgeries!and!counterfeiting!
commercial! papers,! deposit! certificates,! 5. Revised!Forestry!Code!
trust! certificates,! custodial! receipts! or! 6. Philippine!Fisheries!Code!
deposit! substitute! instruments,! trading! 7. Philippine!Mining!Act!
orders,! transaction! tickets! and! 8. Wildlife! Resources! Conservation! and!
confirmations! of! sale! or! investments! and! Protection!Act!
money!market!instruments;!and!! 9. Anti7Carnapping!Act!
4. other! similar! instruments! where! title! 10. Firearms!and!Explosives!
thereto!passes!to!another!by!endorsement,! 11. Fencing!
assignment!or!delivery.!! 12. Migrant!Workers!and!Overseas!Filipinos!Act!


Refers! to! any! act! establishing! any! right! or! Is! a! crime! whereby! the! proceeds! of! an! unlawful!
obligation!or!giving!rise!to!any!contractual!or!legal! activity! as! herein! defined! are! transacted,! thereby!
relationship! between! the! parties! thereto.! It! also! making! them! appear! to! have! originated! from!
includes! any! movement! of! funds! by! any! means! legitimate!resources.!
Any! person! who,! knowing! that! any! monetary!
Refers! to! any! act! or! omission! or! series! or! instrument! or! property! represents,! involves,! or!
combination!thereof!involving!or!having!relation!to! relates!to!the!proceeds!of!any!unlawful!activity:!
Money(Laundering(needs(a(predicate(crime:! !
(b)! converts,! transfers,! disposes! of,! moves,!
1. Kidnapping!for!ransom!under!Art!267!of!Act! acquires,! possesses! or! uses! said! monetary!
No!3815! instrument!or!property;!!
2. Sections!4,!5,!6,!8,!9,!10,!12,!13,!14,!15,!16!of! !
RA!No!9165! (c)! conceals! or! disguises! the! true! nature,! source,!
3. Plunder! location,!disposition,!movement!or!ownership!of!or!
4. Anti7Graft!and!Corrupt!Practices!Act! rights!with!respect!to!said!monetary!instrument!or!
5. Piracy! property;!!
6. Qualified!theft! !
7. Smuggling! (d)! attempts! or! conspires! to! commit! money!
8. Swindling! laundering! offenses! referred! to! in! paragraphs! (a),!
9. Jueteng!and!Masio! (b)!or!(c);!!
10. Robbery!and!Extortion! !
11. Terrorism! (e)! aids,! abets,! assists! in! or! counsels! the!
Additional(Unlawful(activities((as(amended(by( commission! of! the! money! laundering! offenses!
10365)(also(includes:( referred!to!in!paragraphs!(a),!(b)!or!(c)!above;!and!
! !!
1. Bribery! (f)! performs! or! fails! to! perform! any! act! as! a! result!
2. Fraud! of! which! he! facilitates! the! offense! of! money!

laundering! referred! to! in! paragraphs! (a),! (b)! or! (c)! (b) Record( Keeping! —! maintained! and! stored!
above.!! for! five! (5)! years! from! the! dates! of!
! transactions.!!
Money! laundering! is! also! committed! by! any! (c) Reporting( of( Covered( and( Suspicious(
covered! person! who,! knowing! that! a! covered! or! Transactions.!—within!five!(5)!working!days!
suspicious!transaction!is!required!under!this!Act!to! from!occurrence!thereof,!as!a!rule.!!
be!reported!to!the!Anti7Money!Laundering!Council! !
! Upon!a!verified!ex!parte!petition!by!the!AMLC!and!
The! acts! enumerated! in! the! preceding! topic! after!determination!that!probable!cause!exists!that!
consists! as! probable! causes! that! the! deposits! or! any!monetary!instrument!or!property!is!in!any!way!
investments! involved! are! related! to! an! unlawful! related!to!an!unlawful!activity!as!defined!in!Section!
activity!or!a!money!laundering!offense!under!Sec!4! 3(i)!hereof,!the!Court!of!Appeals!may!issue!a!freeze!
of!RA!9160,!as!amended!by!RA!10365.! order! which! shall! be! effective! immediately,! and!
! which! shall! not! exceed! six! (6)! months! depending!
JURISDICTION(OF(MONEY(LAUNDERING(CASES( upon!the!circumstances!of!the!case:!Provided,!That!
! if! there! is! no! case! filed! against! a! person! whose!
The! regional! trial! courts! shall! have! jurisdiction! to! account! has! been! frozen! within! the! period!
try! all! cases! on! money! laundering.! Those! determined!by!the!court,!the!freeze!order!shall!be!
committed! by! public! officers! and! private! persons! deemed! ipso! facto! lifted:! Provided,! further,! That!
who!are!in!conspiracy!with!such!public!officers!shall! this!new!rule!shall!not!apply!to!pending!cases!in!the!
be!under!the!jurisdiction!of!the!Sandiganbayan.!! courts.! In! any! case,! the! court! should! act! on! the!
( petition! to! freeze! within! twenty7four! (24)! hours!
PROSECUTION(OF(MONEY(LAUNDERING( from!filing!of!the!petition.!If!the!application!is!filed!
( a!day!before!a!nonworking!day,!the!computation!of!
Criminal(liability(which(includes:(( the!twenty7four!(24)7hour!period!shall!exclude!the!
(a) Any! person! may! be! charged! with! and! nonworking!days.!!
convicted! of! both! the! offense! of! money! !
laundering! and! the! unlawful! activity! as! A!person!whose!account!has!been!frozen!may!file!a!
herein!defined.!! motion!to!lift!the!freeze!order!and!the!court!must!
! resolve! this! motion! before! the! expiration! of! the!
(b) Any! proceeding! relating! to! the! unlawful! freeze!order.!!
activity! shall! be! given! precedence! over! !
the! prosecution! of! any! offense! or! No! court! shall! issue! a! temporary! restraining! order!
violation! under! this! Act! without! or! a! writ! of! injunction! against! any! freeze! order,!
prejudice! to! the! freezing! and! other! except!the!Supreme!Court.!!
remedies!provided.!! !
IDENTIFICATION(REQUIREMENTS(AND(RECORD( The! Supreme! Court! held! in! the! case! of! Ligot! vs!
KEEPING( Republic4! The! six! (6)! month! period! can! be!
( extended! but! it! cannot! be! indefinite.! There! is! a!
(a) Customer( Identification! —! official! need!to!file!a!motion!with!the!court!and!the!motion!

must! be! filed! before! the! expiration! of! the! original! with!Rule!10!hereof.!! into! any! particular!
period.!! deposit! or! investment!
! account! that! is! related!
A! freeze! order,! however,! cannot! be! issued! for! an! an! unlawful! activity! or!
indefinite!period.!! ML!offense.!!
( !
FREEZE(ORDER( BANK(INQUIRY(ORDER! The! phrase! “in! cases! of”! should! be! interpreted! to!
Aimed! at! preserving! The! AMLC! may! inquire! mean! “in! the! event! there! are! violations”! of! the!
monetary! instruments! into! or! examine! bank! AMLA.! Otherwise,! then! the! bank! inquiry! order!
or!property!in!any!way! deposits! or! would! be! wholly! inutile! as! a! means! for! the!
deemed! related! to! investments.! However,! government!to!ascertain!whether!there!is!sufficient!
unlawful! activities! as! there!must!be!order!of! evidence!to!sustain!an!intended!prosecution!of!the!
defined! in! Sec! 3! (i)! of! any!competent!court!in! account!holder!for!violation!of!the!AMLA.!!
freeze order: upon findings of probable cause

the! AMLA.! Owner! of! case!of!violation.!! BIO: in the event there are violations to EXAMINE
if there is INDEED A PROBABLE cause


instruments! or! As! an! exception! to! the!
property!would!thus!be! rule,! Kidnapping! for! Where!a!court!order!is!required!for!the!issuance!of!
inhibited! from! utilizing! ransom,! destructive! the! bank! inquiry! order,! nothing! in! Sec! 116!
the! same! for! the! arson! and! murder,! specifically!authorizes!that!such!court!order!may!be!
duration! of! the! freeze! herein,! no! court! order! issued!ex!parte.!!
order.! To! make! such! is!required.!!
freeze!order!anteceded! ( (
with! notice! to! the! RETROACTIVE(EFFECT(
account! holder! would! THERE MUST BE NOTICE FOR
allow! for! a! lead! to! the! OWNER The!passage!of!the!AMLA!stripped!another!layer!off!
dissipation! of! such! THERE WILL BE EXCEPTIONS? the!rule!on!absolute!confidentiality!that!provided!a!
funds! even! before! the! measure! of! lawful! protection! to! the! account!
order!could!be!issued.!! holder.!For!that!reason,!the!application!of!the!bank!
NO( NOTICE ISSUED TO OWNER inquiry! order! as! a! means! of! inquiring! into! records!
WHERE(TO(FILE?( of!transactions!entered!into!prior!to!the!passage!of!
FREEZE(ORDER( BANK(INQURY(ORDER( the! AMLA! would! be! constitutionally! infirm,!
The! AMLC! shall! file! By! authority! of! the! offensive!as!it!is!to!the!ex!post!facto!clause.!!
with! the! Court! of! Council,! the! AMLC! !
Appeals,! ex! parte,! Secretariat! shall! file! CAN(YOU(LOOK(INTO(BANK(ACCOUNTS(BEFORE(
through! the! Office! of! before! the! Court! of! THE(EFFECTIVITY(OF(AMLA?(
the! Solicitor! General,! a! Appeals,! through! the! (
petition!for!the!freezing! Office! of! the! Solicitor! Yes,! to! avoid! circumvention! of! the! law.! If!
of! any! monetary! General,! anEx! Parte! otherwise,!money!can!just!be!deposited!in!the!old!
instrument! or! property! Application! for! the! bank!accounts.!
that! is! in! any! way! Issuance! of! Bank! !
related! to! an! unlawful! Inquiry! Order! to! CIVIL(FORFEITURE(
activity,! in! accordance! examine! or! inquire! (

When!there!is!a!covered!transaction!report!made,! by!Republic(Act(No.(9194!,!defined!probable(cause(
and! the! court! has,! in! a! petition! filed! for! the! as!"such!facts!and!circumstances!which!would!lead!
purpose! ordered! seizure! of! any! monetary! a! reasonably! discreet,! prudent! or! cautious! man! to!
instrument!or!property,!in!whole!or!in!part,!directly! believe! that! an! unlawful! activity! and/or! a! money!
or! indirectly,! related! to! said! report,! the! Revised! laundering! offense! is! about! to! be,! is! being! or! has!
Rules!of!Court!on!civil!forfeiture!shall!apply.!! been! committed! and! that! the! account! or! any!
! monetary! instrument! or! property! subject! thereof!
1. Probable! cause,! instrument/property! sought! to! be! frozen! is! in! any! way! related! to! said!
related!to!an!unlawful!activity;!! unlawful! activity! and/or! money! laundering!
2. Council,!ex!parte!petition!for!forfeiture;!! offense."!
3. Forfeiture! shall! include! instruments! or! !
property! of! equivalent! value! to! those! that! As! observed! in! Subido,! this! definition! refers! to!
cannot!be!located;!! probable! cause! for! the! issuance! of! a! freeze! order!
4. Payment!in!lieu!of!forfeiture.!! against!an!account!or!any!monetary!instrument!or!
! property! subject! thereof.! Nevertheless,! we! shall!
Initiator(of(Civil(Forfeiture(Proceedings( likewise! be! guided! by! the! pronouncement! in! Ligot!
! v.! Republic! that! "probable! cause! refers! to! the!
The!AMLC!shall!institute!civil!forfeiture!proceedings! sufficiency! of! the! relation! between! an! unlawful!
and! all! other! remedial! proceedings,! through! the! activity!and!the!property!or!monetary!
Office! of! the! Solicitor! General,! to! confiscate! all! instrument.!
monetary! instruments! or! properties! related! to! !
ML/TF! or! associated! unlawful! activity,! in! !
accordance!with!Rule!12!hereof.! EUGENIO(CASE(
( On! 14! February! 2008,! the! Court! promulgated!
SUBIDO(CASE( Republic(v.(Eugenio.!The!Court!ruled!that!when!the!
! legislature! crafted! Section! 11! of! R.A.! 9160! (Anti7
The! constitutionality! of! Section! 11! (on! the! Money!Laundering!Act!of!2001),!as!amended,!it!did!
Authority! to! Inquire! into! Bank! Deposits)! of! R.A.! not! intend! to! authorize! ex! parte! proceedings! for!
9160,! as! presently! worded,! was! upheld! by! the! the! issuance! of! a! bank! inquiry! order! by! the! CA.!
Court! En! Banc! in! the! recently! promulgated! Subido! Thus,!a!bank!inquiry!order!cannot!be!issued!unless!
Pagente!Certeza!Mendoza!and!Binay!Law!Offices!v.! notice!is!given!to!the!account!holders.!That!notice!
CA.! would! allow! them! the! opportunity! to! contest! the!
! issuance!of!
The!Court!in!Subido!emphasized!that!the!holder!of! the!order.!
a!bank!account!that!is!the!subject!of!a!bank!inquiry! !!
order! issued! ex! parte! has! the! opportunity! to! The! Court! reiterated! that! Section! 11! of! R.A.! 9160,!
question! the! issuance! of! such! an! order! after! a! as!then!worded,!did!not!allow!a!bank!inquiry!order!
freeze! order! has! been! issued! against! the! account.! to!be!issued!ex!parte;!and!that!the!concerns!of!the!
The!account!holder!can!then!question!not!only!the! Republic! about! the! consequences! of! this! ruling!
finding! of! probable! cause! for! the! issuance! of! the! could!be!more!properly!lodged!in!the!legislature.!
freeze!order,!but!also!the!finding!of!probable!cause! !
for!the!issuance!of!the!bank!inquiry!order.! According!to!the!Court!in!Eugenio,!"a!requirement!
! that! the! application! for! a! bank! inquiry! order! be!
Rule! 10.2! of! the! Revised( Rules( and( Regulations( done! with! notice! to! the! account! holder! will! alert!

the! latter! that! there! is! a! plan! to! inspect! his! bank! ! Shall! include! the! herdsman,! caretaker,!
account!on!the!belief!that!the!funds!therein! employee! or! tenant! of! any! firm! or! entity!
are! involved! in! an! unlawful! activity! or! money! engaged! in! the! raising! of! large! cattle! or!
laundering!offense."! other! persons! in! lawful! possession! of! such!
! large!cattle.!
However,! in! Republic( v.( Bolante,! the! Court! ruled! !
that! the! promulgation! of! Eugenio! was! not! a! Cattle(Rustling(
supervening!event!under!the!circumstances.! ! Is!the!taking!away!by!any!means,!method!or!
!! scheme,! without! the! consent! of! the!
In! Estrada! v.! Sandiganbayan! (Fifth! Division),! the! owner/raiser,! of! any! of! the!
Court! clarified! that! the! AMLC,! in! investigating! abovementioned! animals! whether! or! not!
probable! money! laundering! activities,! does! not! for! profit! or! gain,! or! whether! committed!
exercise! quasi7judicial! powers,! but! merely! acts! as! with! or! without! violence! against! or!
an! investigatory! body! with! the! sole! power! of! intimidation! of! any! person! or! force! upon!
investigation! similar! to! the! functions! of! the! things.( as long as without CONSENT from owner
National!Bureau!of!Investigation!(NBI).!! ! It! includes! the! killing! of! large! cattle,! or!
! taking!its!meat!or!hide!without!the!consent!
Hence,!the!ex!parte!application!for!the!bank!inquiry! of!the!owner/raiser.(
order! cannot! be! said! to! violate! any! person's! (
constitutional! right! to! procedural! due! process.! (
Also,! the! source! of! the! right! to! privacy! respecting! (
bank! deposits! is! statutory,! not! constitutional;! (
hence,! the! Congress! may! validly! carve! out! ENFORCEABILITY(
exceptions! to! the! rule! onvthe! secrecy! of! bank! (
deposits,! as! illustrated! in! Section! 11! of! R.A.! No.! A. Presumption(
9160.! !
! To! commit( the( crime( of( Cattle( Rustling,! a! certain(
! Sec.(7.(Every!person!having!in!his!possession,!
RUSTLING#LAW#OF#1974# control!or!custody!of!large!cattle!shall,!upon!
! demand! by! competent! authorities,! exhibit"
“…While!it!is!true,!that!embedded!within!the!RPC,! the" documents" prescribed! in! the! preceding!
is! Article! 310:! Qualified! Theft,! which! is! also! sections.! Failure( to( exhibit( the( required(
punishes! the! taking! of! cattle,! the! existence! of! PD! document!shall!be!prima!facie!evidence!that!
533!is!still!crucial,!even!up!to!this!date.!As!to!why?! the! large! cattle! in! his! possession,! control! or!
! custody! are! the! fruits! of! the! crime! of! cattle!
( !
Large(Cattle( !
! Shall!include!the!cow,!carabao,!horse,!mule,! To! further! explain! what! is! illustrated! by! the! said!
ass,! or! other! domesticated! member! of! the! section,! the! case! of! Pilgey( vs.( People,( discussed!
bovine!family.( that:! when! stolen! property! is! found! in! the!
( possession! of! one,! not! the! owner,! and! without! a!
Owner(or(Raiser( satisfactory! explanation! of! his! possession,! he! is!

! a. Offender(is(a(government(official(or(
B. Rebutting(Presumption( employee:! he! shall! be! disqualified!
( from! voting! or! being! voted! upon! in!
To! overcome! the! presumption! and! free! oneself! any! election/referendum! and! from!
from! criminal! liability,! the! person! who! is! in! holding! any! public! office! or!
possession! of! large! cattle! must! have! the! following! employment.(
documents!in!a!case!to!case!basis,!presented!to!the! b. Alien:( he! shall! be! deported!
competent!authority!upon!demand:! immediately! upon! the! completion!
! of! the! service! of! his! sentence!
1. Cattle(of(ownership.(This!can!be!applied!for! without!further!proceedings(
by!the!owner!after!registering!the!67month7 !
old!or!above!large!cattle!belonging!to!him! !
2. Permit(to(buy(and(sell(large(cattle! !
3. Clearance(for(shipment(of(large(cattle! ELEMENTS(OF(CATTLE(RUSTLING(
! (
! Like! any! other! crimes,! cattle! rustling! does! not!
! purely! demand! conviction! based! on! presumption!
PENAL(PROVISION( alone.! Jurisprudence! set! forth! that! there! must! be!
( concurrence(of(the(following(elements:(
A. Principal(Penalty( (
( 1. Large!cattle!is!taken;(
The! base( punishment! for! any! person! convicted! of! 2. It!belongs!to!another;(
Cattle!Rustling!as!follows:! 3. The! taking! is! done! without! the! consent! of!
! the!owner!or!raiser;(
a. Committed( without( violence( 4. The!taking!is!done!by!any!means,!method!or!
against( or( intimidation( of( persons( scheme;(
or( force( upon( things:( Prision! mayor! 5. The!taking!is!done!with!or!without!intent!to!
in! its! max! period! to! reclusion! gain;!and(
temporal!in!its!med!period.! 6. The!taking!is!accomplished!with!or!without!
! violence! or! intimidation! against! persons! or!
b. Committed(with(violence(against(or( force!upon!things.(
intimidation( of( persons( or( force( (
upon( things:! Reclusion! Temporal! in! CATTLE(RUSTLING(v(QUALIFIED(THEFT(
its! maximum! period! to! reclusion! (
perpetua( Under! PD! 533,! the! taking! of! large! is! punishable!
( under!the!crime!of!Cattle!Rustling.!With!respect!to!
c. A( person( is( seriously( injured( or( Article! 310! of! the! RPC,! the! same! is! also! punished!
killed(as(a(result(or(on(the(occasion( but!the!crime!is!referred!to!as!Qualified!Theft.!The!
of(the(commission(of(cattle(rustling:( distinction! of! the! two! lies! within! the! 3rd! and! 5th!
Reclusion!perpetua!to!death( element!of!Cattle!Rustling.!
( !
(((((((B.((Accessory(Penalty( CATTLE(RUSTLING( QUALIFIED(THEFT(
( Intent! to! gain! is! not! Such! element! is!
The! foregoing! penalties,! however,! have! its! always!necessary.! indispensable.!
accessory(penalties!if:! !
! The! overt! act! is! the! The!large!cattle!are!not!

taking! or! killing! of! the! taken!but!are!received,! ! A! herdsman! who! slaughtered! on! of! the! cows!
cattle! without! the! in! which! only! the! under! his! care! and! took! the! meat! thereof! is!
knowledge! of! the! physical! possession! is! guilty! of! qualified! theft! because! he!there
had! merely!
was no taking
owner.! transferred! and! the!physical!possession!of!the!cow.! an essential
! thereafter,! ! element

misappriopriated.! ! In! People( v.( Naxareno,( goats( are( not(

Note,!however,!that!the!decree!did!not!supersede! considered(as(large(cattle.!Hence,!the!taking!of!
the! crime! of! qualified! theft! of! large! cattle! but! which!does!not!fall!within!Article!310!of!the!RPC!
merely! modified! the! penalties! provided! under! nor!Cattle!Rustling,!but!only!semple!theft.!
Article! 310! and! amended! Article! 309! and! 310! of! !
RPC.! There(are(2(ways(to(free(oneself(from(criminal(
POINTS(TO(REMEMBER( liability(under(PD(533:(
( !
Cattle(Rustling(is(committed(by:( 1. Rebut! the! presumption:! This! is! done! by!
( presenting!the!documents!required!
1. Applying! the! presumption:! if! a! person! !
cannot! properly! explain! his! possession! of! 2. Prove! that! the! elements! of! cattle! rustling!
the!large!cattle,!it!is!a!prima!facie!evidence! did!not!concur!
that!such!cattle!is!fruit!of!cattle!rustling( !
2. Concurrence! of! the! elements! of! cattle! BAR(QUESTIONS(AND(SUGGESTED(ANSWERS(
rustling( (
! In! People( vs.( Tumlos,( the! taking! of! 13! cows! 1. Jordan! is! a! ranch! owner.! One! day,! his! two!
belonging! to! different! owners! constitute! a! single! large! cows! went! out! of! the! ranch.! Jordan!
crime!only!as!the!criminal!act!is!not!susceptible!of! ran! after! them.! He! was! able! to! catch! one.!
division.! He! wanted! to! run! after! the! other! but! he!
! cannot! as! he! was! holding! the! other! cow.!
! The! SINGLE( LARCENY( RULE! is! inapplicable! to! Then!he!met,!Tibor.!Jordan!requested!Tibor!
crimes! which! are! punished! under! different! laws.! to! hold! his! cow! while! he! runs! after! the!
E.g.!Cattle!rustling!and!theft! other.! Tibor! brought! home! the! cow! and!
! later! refused! to! return! it! to! Jordan! despite!
! Note,! however,! that! Qualified! Theft! of! Large! repeated! demands.! What! crime! did! Tibor!
cattle!are!also!punished!under!Article!310!of!RPC.! commit?!Why?!!
To! determine! what! law! shall! govern! over! a!
specific!case:! Answer:! Tibor! committed! the! crime! of!
! qualified! theft.! Qualified! theft! of! Large!
1. Identify!if!there!was!intent! Cattle! is! committed! when! the! offender!
2. Identify! if! there! was! knowledge! of! the! instead! of! taking! or! killing,! rather! received!
taking!or!killing!on!the!part!of!the!owner! the!cow!from!the!owner!himself.!In!the!case!
! at!bar,!Tibor!did!not!take!the!cow!against!or!
! If! to! both! guidelines,! the! answer! is! “NONE”,! without! the! knowledge! of! Jordan.! He!
then! the! case! falls! within! the! purview! of! cattle! received! it.! He! is! liable! for! such! crimes!
rustling.! The! same! is! still! true! even! if! the! because! only! material! possession! was!
response! to! the! first! is! “Yes”! for! as! long! as! the! transferred!to!him.!!

2. Pedro!surreptitiously!took!a!truck!parked!in! !
dapitan! Street,! Manila! containing! 6! horses,!
6! goats! and! a! sachet! of! marijuana,! which! !
was! owned! by! different! persons,! not!
knowing! that! a! boy! was! sleeping! inside.! !
After! 2! hours! of! driving,! Pedro! entered! a!
warehouse! in! Bulacan! and! sold! the! 12! !
animals! and! marijuana! to! Juan.! Thereafter,!
burned! it.! By! reason! thereof,! the! boy! was! RA#10883#–#CARNAPPING#
killed.!What!crimes!did!Pedro!commit?!! (
! Definition(according(to(RPC(
Answer:!(In!relation!to!the!topic!of!qualified! Carnapping(!
theft! and! Cattle! Rustling! only)! ! is!the!taking,!!
Pedro! committed! 2! separate! crimes.! First,! ! with!intent!to!gain,!!
with!respect!to!the!goat,!he!is!only!liable!for! ! of!a!motor!vehicle!belonging!to!another!!
theft.! Jurisprudence! of! People! v! Nazareno! ! without! latter’s! consent,! or! by! means! of!
adjudged!that!goat!is!not!large!cattle!hence! violence!against!or!intimidation!of!persons,!
it! cannot! fall! under! Article! 310! of! the! RPC! or!by!using!force!upon!things.!
nor! PD! 533.! However,! with! respect! to! !
horses,! Pedro! committed! qualified! cattle! To! put! it! as! simply! as! it! can! get,! it! is! the! action! of!
rustling! since! a! person! was! killed! in! the! stealing! a! car! or! any! motor! vehicle.! It! is! mala!
course!of!taking!the!horses.!! prohibitum! and! is! a! special! complex! crime! in!
CONCLUSION( 1. That(there(is(an(actual(taking(of(the(motor(
The! enactment! of! PD! 533! or! the! Anti7Cattle! (
Rustling!Law!falls!under!the!reasonable!duty!of!the! 2. That(the(offender(intends(to(gain(from(the(
State! to! protect! large! cattle! raising! industry! and! taking(of(the(vehicle(
small! time! large! cattle! owners.! Afterall,! cattle’s! (
have!direct!relevance!to!public!welfare.!And!whilst! 3. That(the(vehicle(belongs(to(a(person(other(
Article!310!long!exist!to!punish!the!same,!the!Anti7 than( the( offender( himself;( that( the( taking(
Cattle! Rustling! Law! is! needed! as! to! modify! the! is( without( the( consent( of( the( owner(
penalty! provided! thereof! –! more! burdensome! or! thereof;(or(that(the(taking(was(committed(
more!specific.! by( means( of( violence( against( or(
intimidation( of( persons,( or( by( using( force(
! upon(things.(
! !

Unlawful! taking! is! the! taking! of! a! vehicle! without! 5. lawn!mowers,!!
the!consent!of!the!owner,!or!by!means!of!violence! 6. bulldozers,!graders,!!
against!or!intimidation!of!persons,!or!by!using!force! 7. fork7lifts,!!
upon!things.! 8. amphibian!trucks,!and!!
! 9. cranes! if! not! used! on! public! highways,!
It! is! deemed! complete! from! the! moment! the! vehicles,! which! run! only! on! rails! or! tracks,!
offender!gains!possession!of!the!things;!even!if!he! and!tractors,!trailers!and!traction!engines!of!
has!no!opportunity!to!dispose!of!the!same.! all! kinds! used! exclusively! for! agricultural!
! purposes.!
What(can(be(considered(as(motor(vehicles,(what(is( !
the(coverage(or(extent(for(carnapping?( SECOND(ELEMENT(
( !
Definition!7!Motor!vehicles!are!any!vehicle!which!is! Intent!to!gain!or!animus!lucrandi,!as!an!element!of!
motorized! using! the! streets! which! can! be! for! the! crime! of! carnapping,! is! internal! act! and! hence!
private!or!public!use.!Vehicles!like!private!or!public! presumed!from!the!unlawful!taking!of!the!vehicle.!
cars! and! motorcycles! are! understood! to! be! !
included.!! Actual! gain! is! irrelevant! as! the! important!
! consideration!is!the!intent!gain.!
The! same! goes! for! trailers! having! any! number! of! !
wheels,! when! propelled! or! intended! to! be! The!term!“gain”!is!not!merely!limited!to!pecuniary!
propelled!by!attachment!to!a!motor!vehicle,!which! benefit! but! also! includes! the! benefit! which! in! any!
shall! be! classified! as! separate! motor! vehicle! with! other! sense! may! be! derived! or! expected! from! the!
no!power!rating.!A!motorized!vehicle!like!a!tricycle! act!which!is!performed.!
is!also!covered!as!the!severity!of!the!offense!is!not! !
measured! by! what! kind! of! streets! or! highway! the! PEOPLE(vs(LALLAVE(
same!is!used;!but!by!the!very!nature!of!the!vehicle! !
itself!and!the!use!to!which!it!is!devoted.!! The!motor!vehicle!referred!to!in!Article!310!of!the!
! RPC!(qualified!theft!of!motor!vehicle)!requires!and!
In! Izon! and! Milla,! supra,! going! over! the! includes! all! self7propelled! vehicles,! including!
enumerations!of!excepted!vehicle,!it!would!readily! motorized! bicycles! even! if! also! provided! with! foot!
be!noted!that!any(vehicle(which(is(motorized(using( pedals.!
the( streets( which( are( public,( not( exclusively( for( !
private( use,( comes( within( the( concept( of( motor( THIRD(/(LAST(ELEMENT(
vehicle.(( (
( It! is! not! necessary! that! the! person! unlawfully!
A!tricycle!which!is!not!included!in!the!exception,!is! divested! of! the! personal! property! be! the! owner!
thus! deemed! to! be! that! kind! of! motor! vehicle! as! thereof.!!
defined! in! the! law! the! stealing! of! which! comes! !
within!its!penal!sanction.!! What!is!simply!required!is!that!the!property!taken!
! does!not!belong!to!the!offender.!Actual!possession!
Vehicles!which!are!excluded!from(the(coverage(of( of! the! property! by! the! person! dispossessed!
the(AntigCarnapping(Law(are:(( suffices.!
1. road!rollers,!! !
2. trolley!cars,!! !
3. street7sweepers,!! !
4. sprinklers,!! !

! Any! person! charged! with! carnapping! or! when! the!
WHAT(QUALIFIES(CARNAPPING?(IS(THERE(A( crime! of! carnapping! is! committed! by! criminal!
COMPLEX(CRIME(OF(CARNAPPING(WITH( groups,! gangs! or! syndicates! or! by! means! of!
HOMICIDE,(MURDER,(PHYSICAL(INJURY(OR(ANY( violence! or! intimidation! of! any! person! or! persons!
OTHER(CRIME?( or! forced! upon! things;! or! when! the! owner,! driver,!
( passenger!or!occupant!of!the!carnapped!vehicle!is!
No,!it!is!not!a!complex!crime!because!it!is!a!malum! killed!or!raped!in!the!course!of!the!carnapping!shall!
prohibitum.! Instead,! it! is! a! special( complex( crime! be!denied!bail!when!the!evidence!of!guilt!is!strong.!!
by! analogy! to! robbery! with! violence! against! or! !
intimidation! of! persons! under! Article! 294! of! the! WHY(DOES(CARNAPPING(HAVE(TO(BE(A(SEPARATE(
! (
ELEMENTS(OF(QUALIFIED(CARNAPPING( They! have! different! elements! which! constitutes! 2!
( crimes.!
1. offender!carnaps!a!motorized!vehicle( Elements(of(theft(under(Article(308(of(RPC(are:(
2. that! original! design! of! the! offender! is! (
carnapping( 1. that!there!be!taking!of!personal!property;!
3. offender! kills! or! rapes! the! owner,! driver! or! 2. that!said!property!belongs!to!another;!
occupant!of!the!carnapped!motor!vehicle( 3. that!the!taking!be!done!with!intent!to!gain;!
4. the! killing! or! rape! is! perpetrated! in! the! 4. that!the!taking!be!done!without!the!consent!
course!of!the!commission!of!the!carnapping! of!the!owner;!and!
or!on!the!occasion!thereof.( 5. that! the! taking! be! accomplished! without!
( the! use! of! violence! against! or! intimidation!
WHAT(ARE(THE(PENALTIES(FOR(OFFENDERS(OR( of!persons!or!force!upon!things!!
CARNAPPING?( CARNAPPING(is!essentially!the!robbery!or!theft!of!
( a!motorized!vehicle,!the!concept!of!unlawful!taking!
Any!person!who!is!found!guilty!of!carnapping!shall,! in!theft,!robbery!and!carnapping!being!the!same.!
be!punished!by!imprisonment!for!not!less!than!20! In! People( vs( Tan( the! accused! took! a! Mitsubishi!
years!and!1!day!but!not!more!than!30!years!when! Gallant!and!in!the!later!case!of!People(vs(Lobitania!
the! carnapping! was! committed! without! violence! which! involved! the! taking! of! a! Yamaha! motorized!
against! or! intimidation! of! persons,! or! force! upon! tricycle,!this!Court!held!that!the!unlawful!taking!of!
things.! motor! vehicles! is! now! covered! by! the! anti7
! carnapping! law! and! not! by! the! provisions! on!
And! by! imprisonment! for! not! less! than! 30! years! qualified!theft!or!robbery.!
and! 1! day! but! not! more! than! 40! years,! when! the!
carnapping! is! committed! by! means! of! violence! CONCEALMENT(OF(CARNAPPING(
against! intimidation! of! persons,! or! force! upon!
things.! Any! person! who! conceals! carnapping! shall! be!
! punished! with! imprisonment! of! six! (6)! years! up! to!
And! the! penalty! of! life! imprisonment! shall! be! twelve!(12)!years!and!a!fine!equal!to!the!amount!of!
imposed! when! the! owner,! driver,! occupant! of! the! the! acquisition! cost! of! the! motor! vehicle,! motor!
carnapped! motor! vehicle! is! killed! or! raped! in! the! vehicle! engine,! or! any! other! part! involved! in! the!
commission!of!the!carnapping.! violation:!!
! !

Provided,!that!if!the!person!violating!any!provision! of! the! Philippines! by! virtue! of! an! appointment,!
of! this! Act! is! a! juridical! person,! the! penalty! herein! election!or!contract.!
provided! shall! be! imposed! on! its! president,!
secretary,! and/or! members! of! the! board! of! Q:(What(is(illggotten(wealth?!
may!have!directly!participated!in!the!violation.!! A:( It! is! any! asset,! property,! business! enterprise! or!
material! possession! of! any! person,! acquired! by! a!
WHO(COMMITTED(AND(RESPECTIVE(PUNISHMENT( public! officer! directly! or! indirectly! through!
dummies,! nominees,! agents,! subordinates! and/or!
Any!REGULAR(CITIZEN!of!the!Republic!will!be!dealt! business!associates.!
Any! PUBLIC( OFFICIAL( OR( EMPLOYEE! who! directly! A:(It!is!acquired!by!any!combination!or!series!of!the!
commits!the!unlawful!acts!defined!in!this!Act!or!is! following!means!or!similar!schemes:!
or! permits! the! commission! of! any! of! the! said! 1.! Through! misappropriation,! conversion,! misuse,!
unlawful! acts! shall,! in! addition! to! the! penalty! or! malversation! of! public! funds! or! raids! on! the!
prescribed! in! the! preceding! paragraph,! be! public!treasury!
dismissed! from! the! service,! and! his/her! benefits!
forfeited! and! shall! be! permanently! disqualified! 2.! By! receiving,! directly! or! indirectly,! any!
from!holding!public!office.! commission,! gift,! share,! percentage,! kickbacks! or!
! any/or! entity! in! connection! with! any! government!
FOREIGN( NATIONALS! convicted! under! the! contract! or! project! or! by! reason! of! the! office! or!
provisions! of! this! Act! shall! be! deported! position!of!the!public!officer!concerned!
immediately! after! service! of! sentence! without!
further!proceedings!by!the!Bureau!of!Immigration.!! 3.! By! the! illegal! or! fraudulent! conveyance! or!
! disposition! of! assets! belonging! to! the! National!
AWARD(FOR(GIVING(CARNAPPING(INFORMATION( government! or! any! of! its! subdivisions,! agencies! or!
Any! person! who! voluntarily! gives! information! instrumentalities! or! government7owned! or!
leading! to! the! recovery! of! carnapped! vehicles! and! controlled!corporations!and!their!subsidiaries!
for! the! apprehension! of! the! persons! charged! with!
carnapping! shall! be! given! monetary! reward! as! the! 4.! By! obtaining,! receiving! or! accepting! directly! or!
PNP!may!determine.!The!PNP!shall!include!in!their! indirectly! any! shares! of! stock,! equity! or! any! other!
annual! budget! the! amount! necessary! to! carry! out! form! of! interest! or! participation! including! the!
the!purposes!of!this!section.!Any!information!given! promise! of! future! employment! in! any! business!
by! informers! shall! be! treated! as! confidential! enterprise!or!undertaking!
5.! By! establishing! agricultural,! industrial! or!
commercial! monopolies! or! other! combinations!
ANTI?PLUNDER#ACT#(R.A.#7080,# and/or! implementation! of! decrees! and! orders!
intended! to! benefit! particular! persons! or! special!
AS#AMENDED)# interests!
Q:(Who(are(covered(under(this(act?! 6.! By! taking! undue! advantage! of! official! position,!
authority,! relationship,! connection! or! influence! to!
A:(Public!officers!which!means!any!person!holding! unjustly! enrich! himself! or! themselves! at! the!
any!public!office!in!the!Government!of!the!Republic! expense! and! to! the! damage! and! prejudice! of! the!

Filipino!people!and!the!Republic!of!the!Philippines! reasonable! doubt! a! pattern! of! overt! or! criminal!
acts! indicative! of! the! overall! unlawful! scheme! or!
Q:(What(is(Plunder?! conspiracy.!
A:( It! is! a! crime! committed! by! a! public! officer! by! Note:( Plunder! is! a! malum" in" se." The! degree! of!
himself! or! in! connivance! with! members! of! his! responsibility! of! the! offender! is! determined! by! his!
family,! relatives! by! affinity! or! consanguinity,! criminal!intent.!Hence,!it!authorizes!the!application!
business!associates,!subordinates!or!other!persons,! of!mitigating!and!extenuating!circumstances!in!the!
by! amassing,! accumulating! or! acquiring! ill7gotten! RPC.!
wealth! through! a! combination! or! series! of! overt!
acts! in! the! aggregate! amount! or! total! value! of! at! The! Law! is! silent! on! whether! a! person! can! be!
least!P50!million.! charged!with!a!predicate!crime.!E.g.Garcia"pleading"
guilty" before" the" Sandiganbayan" to" the" lesser"
Q:(What(are(the(elements(of(Plunder?( offenses" of" indirect" bribery" and" facilitating" money"
laundering," instead" of" plunder," which" is" a" nonA
A:(( bailable"capital"offense,"and"to"return"less"than"half"
1. That! the! offender! is! a! public! officer! who!
acts! by! himself! or! in! connivance! with! ESTRADA(V.(SANDIGANBAYAN!
members! of! his! family,! relatives! by! affinity!
or! consanguinity,! business! associates,! Supreme!Court!stated!that!plunder!is!made!up!of!a!
subordinates,!or!other!persons;! complex! and! manifold! network! of! crimes.! The!
2. That! he! amassed,! accumulated! or! acquired! different! accused! and! their! different! criminal! acts!
ill7gotten! wealth! through! a! combination! of! have!a!commonality!–!to!help!the!former!President!
series!of!the!following!overt!or!criminal!acts! (in! that! case)! amass,! accumulate! or! acquire! ill7
3. That!the!aggregate!amount!or!total!value!of! gotten! wealth.! The! gravemen! of! the! conspiracy!
the!ill!gotten!wealth!amassed,!accumulated! charge!is!that!each!of!them,!by!their!individual!acts,!
or!acquired!is!at!least!P50,000,000.00! agreed! to! participate,! directly! or! indirectly,! in! the!
amassing,! accumulation! and! acquisition! of! ill7
Q:(What(is(combination?( gotten! wealth! of! and/or! for! former! President!
(A:( Combination! refers! to! at! least! 2! of! the! above!
enumerations! found! in! different! numbers.! e.g." Because! plunder! is! a! crime! that! only! a! public!
misappropriation! in! no.(1)! and! receiving! official! can! commit,! the! identification! in! the!
commission!in!no.!(2).! information! of! such! public! official! as! the! main!
plunderer! among! the! several! individuals! thus!
charged! is! logically! necessary! under! the! law! itself.!
A:( Series! refers! to! at! least! 2! or! more! overt! acts! is! In! the! original! case,! the! individuals! charged! were!
under! the! same! category! of! enumeration.! e.g." 10! public! officials;! hence,! it! was! only! proper! to!
misappropriation! and! raids! of! public! treasury! all! identify! the! main! plunderer! or! plunderers! among!
found!in!no.!(1)! the!10!accused.!!

Q:(Is(it(necessary(to(prove(each(and(every(criminal( ON(PERSONAL(BENEFIT:(
act( done( by( the( accused( to( commit( the( crime( of(
To! ascertain! the! objective! meaning! of! the! phrase!
raids" on" the" public" treasury," the! Court! resorted! to!
A:! No.! It! is! sufficient! to! establish! beyond! statutory! construction! and! the! deilberations! of!

Congress!showing!the!intent!of!Congress!to!require! 2. Local!government!!
personal! benefit! for! the! predicate! act! of! raids! on!
the!public!treasury.!! 3. GOCCs!!

The! phrase! raids" on" the" public" treasury! similarly! 4. Other!instrumentalities!or!agencies!!

require! such! use! of! the! property! taken.! Mere!
accumulation! and! gathering! does! not! constitute! 5. Their!branches!!
the! forbidden! act! of! raids! on! the! public! treasury.!
Q:( What( are( the( punishable( acts( under( Sec.( 3( of(
the" public" treasury" requires! the! raider! to! use! the!
property! taken! impliedly! for! his! personal! benefit.! A:(1.!A!public!officer:!(
At! the! same! time,! Congress! deliberation! reveals!
that! the! requirement! of! personal! benefit! on! the! A. Persuading,! inducing,! or! influencing!
part! of! the! main! plunderer! or! his! co7conspirators! another!public!officer!to:!
I. Perform! an! act! constituting! a!
! violation! of! the! Rules! and!
Regulations! duly! promulgated! by!
! competent!authority,!or!!
! II. An! offense! in! connection! with! the!
Note:( An! example! of! the! abovementioned!
punishable! act! is! the! act! of! Former! Comelec!
! Chaiman! Benjamin! Abalos! in! bribing! Romulo! Neri!
the! amount! of! 200! Million! Pesos! in! exchange! for!
! the! approval! of! the! NBN! Project.! (Neri" v." Senate"
! Investigation,"G.R."No."180643,"March"25,"2008)!

B. Allowing! himself! to! be! persuaded,!

induced! or! influenced! to! commit! such!
ACT((R.A.(3019,AS(AMENDED)( violation!or!offense.!
Q:(Who(are(covered(under(this(act?! gift,! present,! share,! percentage,! or! benefit,! for!
A:( All! public! officers! which! includes! elective! and! any! contract! or! transaction! between! the!
appointive! officials! and! employees,! permanent! or! Government! and! any! other! part,! wherein! the!
temporary,!whether!in!the!classified!or!unclassified! public! officer! in! his! official! capacity! has! to!
or! exempt! service,! receiving! compensation,! even! intervene!under!the!law.!
1. National!government!!


A:! in!a!private!enterprise!
II. Such! private! enterprise! has! a! pending!
I. The!offender!is!a!public!officer!! official!business!with!the!public!officer!!
II. He! requested! and/or! received,! directly! or! III. It!was!accepted!during:!
III. The! gift,! present! or! consideration! was! for! a) The!pendency!thereof,!or!!
the! benefit! of! the! said! public! officer! or! for!
any!other!person!! b) Within!1!year!after!its!!termination!!
IV. It! was! requested! and/or! received! in!
connection! with! a! contract! or! transaction! 5.!Causing!any!undue!injury!to!any!party,!including!
with!the!Government!! the! Government,! or! giving! any! private! party! any!
V. The!public!officer!has!the!right!to!intervene! unwarranted! benefits,! advantage! or! preference! in!
in!such!contract!or!transaction!in!his!official! the! discharge! of! his! official! administrative! or!
capacity! judicial! functions! through! manifest! partiality,!
I. Requesting!!
II. Receiving!!
I. The! accused! must! be! a! public! officer!
III. Requesting!and!receiving!! discharging! administrative,! judicial! or!
word!“or”!between!requesting!and!receiving.! II. He!must!have!acted!with!manifest!partiality,!
gift,!present!or!other!pecuniary!or!material!benefit,! III. That!his!action!caused:!!
for! himself! or! for! another,! from! any! person! for!
whom!the!public!officer,!in!any!manner!or!capacity,! a) Any!undue!injury!to!any!party,!including!
has! secured! or! obtained,! or! will! secure! or! obtain,! the!government,!or!!
any!Government!permit!or!license,!in!consideration! b) ii.!Giving!any!private!party!unwarranted!
for!the!help!given!or!to!be!given.! benefits,!advantage!or!preference!in!the!
4.! Accepting! or! having! any! member! of! his! family! lack!of!malice!is!a!valid!defense.!
accept! employment! in! a! private! enterprise! which!
has! pending! official! business! with! him! during! the! 6.! Neglecting! or! refusing,! after! due! demand! or!
pendency! thereof! or! within! one! year! after! its! request,! without! sufficient! justification,! to! act!
termination.! within! a! reasonable! time! on! any! matter! pending!
I. The!public!officer!accepted,!or!having!any!of!
his!family!member!accept!any!employment! a) Offender!is!a!public!officer!!


b) Public!officer!neglected!or!refused!to!act! Note:( Lack! of! public! bidding! and! violation! of!
without!sufficient!justification!after!due! administrative!orders!do!not!by!themselves!satisfy!
demand! or! request! has! been! made! on! the! 3rd! element.! It! does! not! in! itself! result! to!
him!! manifest!and!gross!disadvantage.!The!law!requires!
c) Reasonable!time!has!elapsed!from!such!
demand! or! request! without! the! public!
officer! having! acted! on! the! matter! 8.! Directly! or! indirectly! having! financial! or!
pending!before!him!! pecuniary! interest! in! any! business,! contract! or!
d) Such!failure!to!act!is!for!the!purpose!of:!
a.! Intervenes! or! takes! part! in! his! official!
i. Obtaining! (directly! or!
indirectly)! from! any! person!
interested! in! the! matter! b.!Is!prohibited!by!the!constitution!or!by!law!
some! pecuniary! or! !material! from!having!any!interest!
Note:( Intervention! must! be! actual! and! in! the!
ii. Favoring!his!own!interest,!! official!capacity!of!the!public!officer.!
iii. Giving! undue! advantage! in!
favor! of! or! discriminating! 9.!!
against! any! other! interested!
party.!! a.! Directly! or! indirectly! becoming!
be!accompanied!by!an!express!or!implied!DEMAND! b.! Having! a! material! interest! in! any!
of! any! benefit! or! consideration! for! himself! or! transaction!or!act!which:!
another.! Absent! such! demand,! the! officer! shall! be!
merely!administratively!liable.! I. Requires! the! approval! of! a! board,!
panel! or! group! of! which! he! is! a!
7.!Entering,!on!behalf!of!the!Government,!into!any! member! and! which! exercises!
contract! or! transaction! manifestly! and! grossly! discretion!in!such!approval!!
disadvantageous! to! the! same,! whether! or! not! the!
public!officer!profited!or!will!profit!thereby.! II. Even!if!he!votes!against!the!same!or!
Q:(What(are(the(elements(of(this(crime?! the! board,! committee,! panel! or!
I. Accused!is!a!public!officer!! against! those! public! officials! responsible! for! the!
approval! of! manifestly! unlawful,! inequitable,! or!
II. The!public!officer!entered!into!a!contract!or! irregular!transaction!or!acts!by!the!board,!panel!or!
transaction!on!behalf!of!the!government!! group!to!which!they!belong.!
III. Such! contract! or! transaction! is! grossly! and! 10.Knowingly! approving! or! granting! any! license,!
manifestly! disadvantageous! to! the! permit,!privilege!or!benefit!in!favor!of:!!
a) Any! person! not! qualified! for! or! not!

!legally!entitled!to!such!license,!!permit,! Note:( Family! relations! include! the! spouse! or!
privilege!or!benefit;!or!! relatives!by!consanguinity!or!affinity!within!3rd!civil!
b) A! mere! representative! or! dummy! of! one!
who!is!not!so!qualified!or!!entitled.!! Close!Personal!relations!include:!!
11. ! a. Close!personal!friendship!!
I. Divulging!valuable!information!of!a:!! b. Social!and!fraternal!relations!!
a) Confidential!character!! c. Personal!employment!
b) Acquired! by! his! office! or! by! him! on!
account! of! his! official! position! to! This! all! gives! rise! to! intimacy,! which! assumes! free!
unauthorized!person! access!to!such!public!officer.!
II. Releasing! such! information! in!
advance! of! its! authorized! released! 2. For! any! person! to! knowingly! induce! or!
date.! cause! any! public! official! to! commit! any! of!
Note:( The! ff.! persons! shall! also! be! punished! with!
the! public! officer! and! shall! be! permanently! or! Q:( What( are( the( other( prohibited( acts( for( the(
temporarily! disqualified,! in! the! discretion! of! the! relatives?!
Court,! from! transacting! business! in! any! form! with!
the!Government:! A:(GR:(it!shall!be!unlawful!for!the!spouse!or!relative!
by! consanguinity! or! affinity! within! 3 civil! degree!
1. Person! giving! the! gift,! present,! share,!
of! the! President,! Vice! President,! Senate! President,(
or! Speaker! of! the! House! to! intervene! directly! or!
2. Person! offering! or! giving! to! the! public!
indirectly! in! any! business,! transaction,! contract! or!
officer! the! employment! mentioned! in!
3. Person! urging! the! divulging! or! untimely! XPN:(This!will!not!apply!to:!
release! of! the! confidential! information!
in!par.!11.! 1. Any!person!who!prior!to!the!assumption!
Q:( What( are( the( prohibited( acts( for( private( whom! he! is! related,! has! been! already!
individuals?( dealing! with! the! Government! along! the!
2. Any! transaction,! contract! or! application!
1. For! any! person! having! family! or! close! already! existing! or! pending! at! the! time!
personal! relation! with! any! public! official! to! of!such!assumption!of!public!office!!
capitalize! or! exploit! or! take! advantage! of!
such!family!or!personal!relation,!by!directly! 3. Any! application! filed! by! him! the!
or! indirectly! requesting! or! receiving! any! approval! of! which! is! not! discretionary!
present,! gift,! material! or! pecuniary! on! the! part! of! the! official! or! officials!
advantage! from! any! person! having! some! concerned! but! depends! upon!
business,! transaction,! application,! request! compliance! with! requisites! provided! by!
or! contract! with! the! government,! in! which! law,! or! rules! or! regulations! issued!
such!public!officer!has!to!intervene!(Sec."4)! pursuant!to!law!!


4. Any!act!lawfully!performed!in!an!official! officer!has!to!intervene!under!the!law.!
capacity! or! in! the! exercise! of! a!
profession.!! (c)! Requesting! or! receiving! any! gift! or! material!
! will!secure!!permit!or!license.!

! (d)! Accepting! or! having! any! member! of! his! family!

accept! employment! in! a! private! enterprise! which!
! has! pending! official! business! with! him! ! or! within!
! the! Government,! or! giving! any! private! party! any!
unwarranted! benefits,! advantage! or! preference! in!
the! discharge! of! his! official! administrative! or!
RA(3019( judicial! functions! through! manifest! partiality,!
Approved(Aug.(17,(1960( evident!bad!faith!or!gross!inexcusable!negligence.!!
The(Ombudsman! time! on! any! matter! pending! before! him! for! the!
purpose! of! obtaining! ! some! pecuniary! or! material!
• Created(under(RA(6770( benefit!or!advantage,!or!for!the!purpose!of!favoring!
• Cases:!!!!!( of! or! discriminating! against! any! other! interested!
1. Criminal!case(
2. Administrative! (g)!Entering,!on!behalf!of!the!Government,!into!any!
3. Request!for!Assistance! contract! or! transaction! manifestly! and! grossly!
RA(3019( profited!!thereby.!
• Any! offense! committed! in! relation! to! the! (h)! Directly! or! indirectly! having! financial! or!
performance!of!official!functions!of!a!public! pecuniary! interest! in! any! business,! contract! or!
official!! transaction!in!connection!with!which!he!intervenes!
(a)! Persuading,! inducing! or! influencing! another! (i)! Directly( or( indirectly( becoming( interested,( for(
public! officer! to! perform! an! act! constituting! ! an! personal(gain,(or(having(a(material(interest(in(any(
offense!in!connection!with!the!official!duties!of!the! transaction( or( act( requiring( the( approval( of( a(
latter,! or! allowing! himself! to! be! persuaded! or! board,! panel! or! group! of! which! he! is! a! member,!
influenced!to!commit!such!violation!.! and! which! exercises! discretion! in! such! approval,!
even! if! he! votes! against! the! same! or! does! not!
(b)! Requesting! or! receiving! any! gift,! present,! ! or!
participate! in! the! action! of! the! board,! committee,!
benefit,! in! connection! with! any! contract! ! between!


Interest! for! personal! gain! shall! be! presumed! the! Government! along! the! same! line! of! business,!
against! those! public! officers! responsible! for! the! nor! to! any! transaction,! contract! or! application!
approval! of! manifestly! unlawful,! inequitable,! or! already! existing! or! pending! at! the! time! of! such!
irregular!transaction!or!acts!by!the!board,!panel!or! assumption!of!public!office,!nor!to!any!application!
group!to!which!they!belong.! filed! by! him! the! approval! of! which! is! not!
discretionary! on! the! part! of! the! official! or! officials!
(j)! Knowingly( approving( or( granting( any( license,( concerned! but! depends! upon! compliance! with!
permit,(privilege(or(benefit(in(favor(of(any(person( requisites! provided! by! law,! or! rules! or! regulations!
not(qualified((or!not!legally!entitled.! issued! pursuant! to! law,! nor! to! any! act! lawfully!
(k)! Divulging( valuable( information( of( a( of!a!profession.!
him! on! account! of! his! official! position! to! SALN!
unauthorized! persons,! or! releasing! such!
information! in! advance! of! its! authorized! release! • Section( 7.!Every! public! officer,! within! 30!
date.! days! after! assuming! office,! and! within! the!
month! of! January! of! every! other! year!
Prohibition(on(private(individuals! thereafter,!as!well!as!upon!the!expiration!of!
(a)! For! those! having! family! or! close! personal! separation! from! office,! shall! prepare! and!
relation!with!a!public!official!to!!take!advantage!of! file!a!true!detailed!and!sworn!statement!of!
such! ! relation! by! requesting! or! receiving! any! assets! and! liabilities,! including! a! statement!
present,!gift,!material!or!pecuniary!advantage!from!! of! the! amounts! and! sources! of! his! income,!
those! having! some! business,! transaction,! the! amounts! of! his! personal! and! family!
application,! request! or! contract! with! the! expenses! and! the! amount! of! income! taxes!
government,! in! which! such! public! official! has! to! paid! for! the! next! preceding! calendar! year:!
intervene.! Family! relation! shall! include! the! spouse! Provided,! That! public! officers! assuming!
or!relatives!by!consanguinity!or!affinity!in!the!third! office!less!than!two!months!before!the!end!
civil!degree.!! of! the! calendar! year,! may! file! their!
statements! in! the! following! months! of!
The! word! "close! personal! relation"! shall! include!
close! personal! friendship,! social! and! fraternal!
connections,! and! professional! employment! all! Unexplained(wealth(
giving!rise!to!intimacy!which!assures!free!access!to! • Section( 8.!Dismissal" due" to" unexplained"
such!public!officer.! wealth.!If!a!public!official!has!been!found!to!
have! acquired! during! his! incumbency,!
whether! in! his! name! or! in! the! name! of!
It! shall! be! unlawful! for! the! spouse! or! for! any! other! persons,! an! amount! of! property!
relative,!by!consanguinity!or!affinity,!within!the!3rd! and/or!money!manifestly!out!of!proportion!
civil!degree,!of!the!President,!!VP,!!Senate!Pres.,!or! to!his!salary!and!to!his!other!lawful!income,!
the! Speaker,! to! intervene! in!! business,! contract! or! that! fact! shall! be! a! ground! for! dismissal! or!
application!with!the!Government.! removal.! Properties! in! the! name! of! the!
spouse! and! unmarried! children! of! such!
This!shall!not!apply!to!any!person!who,!prior!to!the! public! official! may! be! taken! into!
assumption!of!office!of!any!of!the!above!officials!to! consideration,! when! their! acquisition!
whom!he!is!related,!has!been!already!dealing!with! through! legitimate! means! cannot! be!


satisfactorily!shown.!Bank!deposits!shall!be! matter!of!course.!!
of! this! section,! notwithstanding! any! The! order! of! suspension! pendente! lite,! while!
provision!of!law!to!the!contrary.( mandatory!in!nature,!is!by!no!means!automatic!or!
self7operative.! Before! such! suspension! is! imposed,!
Suspension(and(loss(of(benefits! a! determination! as! to! the! validity! of! the!
!Any! public! officer! against! whom! any! criminal! hearing.! There! is! no! hard! and! fast! rule! as! to! the!
prosecution! under! a! valid( information( under! this! conduct! of! such! hearing,! as! the! Court! has!
Act!or!under!the!RPC!on!bribery!is!pending!in!court,! previously!explained!in!several!cases.!
shall! be! suspended! from! office.! Should! he! be!
convicted! by! final! judgment,! he! shall! lose! all! No! specific! rules! need! be! laid! down! for! such! pre7
retirement! or! gratuity! benefits! under! any! law,! but! suspension! hearing.! Suffice! it! to! state! that! the!
if! he! is! acquitted,! he! shall! be! entitled! to! accused! should! be! given! a! fair! and! adequate!
reinstatement! and! to! the! salaries! and! benefits! opportunity!to!challenge!the!validity!of!the!criminal!
which! he! failed! to! receive! during! suspension,! proceedings!against!him.!
Exception! An(Act(Defining(Cybercrime(
Unsolicited( gifts( or( presents( of( small( or( Providing(For(The(Prevention,(
insignificant( value( offered( or( given( as( a( mere( Investigation,(Suppression(And(The(
ordinary( token( of( gratitude( or( friendship(
according( to( local( customs( or( usage,( shall( be( Imposition(Of(Penalties(Therefor(
excepted(from(the(provisions(of(this(Act.! And(For(Other(Purposes(
• Nothing! in! this! Act! shall! be! interpreted! to! (
prejudice! or! prohibit! the! practice! of! any! LEGAL(BACKGROUND(
profession,! lawful! trade! or! occupation! by! • Electronic!Commerce!Act!of!2000!
any! private! person! or! by! any! public! officer! • An!act!providing!for!the!recognition!and!use!of!
who! under! the! law! may! legitimately! electronic! commercial! and! non7commercial!
practice!his!profession,!trade!or!occupation,! transactions! and! documents,! penalties! for!
during! his! incumbency,! except! where! the! unlawful!use!thereof!and!for!other!purposes!
practice! of! such! profession,! trade! or! !
occupation! involves! conspiracy! with! any! PURPOSE(OF(THE(LAW(
other! person! or! public! official! to! commit! • Iloveyou!Virus!by!Onel!De!Guzman!
any!of!the!violations!penalized!in!this!Act.! • The!current!laws!at!that!time!did!not!provide!a!
legal! basis! for! criminalizing! crimes! committed!
Flores(v.(Layosa,(G.R.((154714,(Aug(12,(2004( on!a!computer!in!general!
( !
Once! a! court! determines! that! the! information! DEFINITION(OF(TERMS!
charging!a!public!officer!with!an!offense!under!R.A.! • ACCESS!
3019!or!Title!7,!!RPC,!or!any!other!offense!involving! o refers!to!the!instruction,!communication!
fraud!upon!government!or!public!funds!or!property! with,! storing! data! in,! retrieving! data!
is!valid,!it!is!bound!to!issue!an!order!of!preventive! from,! or! otherwise! making! use! of! any!
suspension! of! the! accused! public! officer! as! a!

resources! of! a! computer! system! or! d. System( interference( –! the! intentional!
communication!network! alteration! or! reckless! hindering! or! interference!
! with!the!functioning!of!a!computer!or!computer!
! network!!
! e. Misuse( of( devices( –! the! use,! production,! sale,!
• CYBER! procurement,! importation,! distribution! or!
o Refers! to! a! computer! or! computer! otherwise! making! available! intentionally! and!
network,! the! electronic! medium! in! without!right,!of:!
which!online!communication!takes!place! i. A!device!for!the!purpose!of!committing!
• INTERCEPTION! any!of!the!offenses!
o Refers! to! listening! to,! recording,! ii. A! computer! password,! access! code,! or!
monitoring! or! surveillance! of! the! similar! data! by! which! the! whole! or! any!
content! of! communications,! including! part!of!a!computer!system!is!capable!of!
the! procurement! of! the! content! data,! being!accessed!with!the!intent!that!it!be!
either! directly,! through! access! and! use! used!for!the!purpose!of!committing!any!
of! a! computer! system! or! indirectly,! of!the!offenses!under!this!act;!
through! the! use! of! electronic! 7! the! possession! of! an! item! referred! to! in!
eavesdropping! or! tapping! devices,! at! paragraphs! (a),! 5(i)(aa)! or! (bb)! herein! with!
the! same! time! that! the! communication! the! intent! to! use! said! devices! for! the!
is!occurring! purpose! of! committing! any! of! the! offenses!
! under!this!Section!!
SEC.(4(PUNISHABLE(ACTS( f.! Cyber7squatting! –! the! acquisition! of! a! domain!
• Offenses! against! the! confidentiality,! integrity! name! over! the! internet! in! bad! faith! to! profit,!
and!availability!of!computer!data!and!systems! mislead,! destroy! reputation,! and! deprive! others!
• Computer7related!offenses! from!registering!the!same!
• Content7related!offenses! i.!Similar,!identical,!or!confusingly!similar!to!
! an! existing! trademark! registered! with! the!
A. OFFENSES( AGAINST( THE( CONFIDENTIALITY,( appropriate!government!agency!at!the!time!
INTEGRITY( AND( AVAILABILITY( OF( COMPUTER( of!the!domain!name!registration!
DATA(AND(SYSTEMS! ii.! identical! or! in! any! way! similar! with! the!
a. Illegal( access! –! the! intentional! access! to! the! name!of!a!person!other!than!the!registrant,!
whole! or! any! part! of! a! computer! system! in!case!of!a!personal!name;!and!
without!right! iii.! acquired! without! right! or! with!
b. Illegal( interception( –! the! intentional! intellectual!property!interests!in!it!
interception!made!by!technical!means! !
i. Exception:! employee! or! agent! of! a! B. COMPUTERgRELATED(OFFENSES!
service!provider! a.( Computer( Forgery( –( the! intentional!
ii. Exception!to(the(exception:(except!that! input,!alteration,!deletion!or!suppression!of!
the! latter! shall! not! utilize! service! any! computer! data,! without! right! resulting!
observing! a! random! monitoring! except! in! unauthentic! data! WITH! THE! INTENT! that!
for!mechanical!or!service!control!quality! it! be! considered! or! acted! upon! for! legal!
checks;! purposes! as! if! it! were! authentic,! regardless!
c. Data( interference( –( the! intentional! or! reckless! whether!or!not!the!data!is!directly!readable!
alteration,! damaging,! deletion! or! deterioration! and!intelligible;!
of!computer!data! 7! the! act! of! knowingly! using! a!
computer! which! is! the! product! of!

computer7related!forgery!as!defined!herein,! commercial! electronic!
for! the! purpose! of! perpetuating! a! communication! from! the! same!
fraudulent!or!dishonest!design;! source,!also!referred!to!as!opt7out;!
b.( Computergrelated( Fraud! –! the! 2. the! commercial! electronic!
intentional! and! unauthorized! input,! communication! does! not! purposely!
alteration,! or! deletion! of! computer! data! or! disguise!the!source!of!the!electronic!
program! or! interference! in! the! functioning! message;!and!
of! a! computer! system! including,! but! not! 3. the! commercial! electronic!
limited! to,! phishing,! causing! damage! communication! does! not! purposely!
thereby,! WITH! THE! INTENT! of! procuring! an! include! misleading! information! in!
economic!benefit!for!oneself!or!for!another! any! part! of! the! message! in! order! to!
person! or! for! the! perpetuation! of! a! induce! the! recipients! to! read! the!
fraudulent!(?)! message!
c. Computer7related( identity( theft! –! the! d. Libel( –! the! unlawful! or! prohibited! acts! of! libel!
intentional! acquisition,! use,! misuse,! as! defined! in! Article! 355! of! the! RPC,! as!
transfer,! possession,! alteration! or! deletion! amended,! committed! through! a! computer!
of! identifying! information! belonging! to! system! or! any! other! similar! means! which! may!
another,!whether!natural,!juridical,!without! be!devised!in!the!future!
right!! a. All!crimes!defined!and!penalized!by!the!
! RPC,! as! amended,! and! special! criminal!
C.(CONTENTgRELATED(OFFENSES! laws! committed! by,! through! and! with!
a. Cybersex( –( includes! any! form! of! interactive! the! use! of! information! and!
prostitution! and! other! forms! of! obscenity! communications! technologies! shall! be!
through!the!cyberspace!as!the!primary!channel! covered! by! the! relevant! provisions! of!
with! the! use! of! webcams,! by! inviting! people! this!act!
either!here!or!in!other!countries!to!watch!men,! !
women!and!children!perform!sexual!acts;! SECTION(5:(OTHER(OFFENSES!
b. Child(Pornography!–!the!unlawful!or!prohibited! • Aiding! or! abetting! in! the! commission! of!
acts! defined! and! punishable! by! RA! 9775! cybercrime!
committed! through! a! computer! system:! o Any! person! who! willfully! abets,! aids! or!
provided,! that! the! penalty! to! be! imposed! shall! financially!benefits!in!the!commission!of!
be!1!degree!higher!than!that!provided!for!in!RA! any! of! the! offenses! enumerated! in! this!
9775! Act!shall!be!held!liable;!or!
c. Unsolicited(Commercial(Communications(–!the! • Attempt!to!Commit!Cybercrime!
transmission! of! commercial! electronic! o Any! person! who! willfully! attempts! to!
communication! with! the! use! of! a! computer! commit!any!of!the!offenses!enumerated!
system! which! seeks! to! advertise,! sell! or! offer! in!this!Act!shall!be!held!liable!
for! sale! products! and! services! are! prohibited! !
unless:! SECTION(6(
i. there!is!a!prior!affirmative!consent!from!the! • All!crimes!defined!and!penalized!by!the!RPC,!as!
recipient;!or! amended,! and! special! laws,! if! committed! by,!
ii. the!following!conditions!are!present:! through! and! with! the! use! of! information! and!
1. the! commercial! electronic! communications! technologies! shall! be! covered!
communication! contains! a! simple,! by!the!relevant!provisions!of!this!act:!provided,!
valid! and! reliable! way! for! the! that!the!penalty!to!be!imposed!shall!be!one!(1)!
recipient! to! reject! receipt! of! further!

degree! higher! than! that! provided! for! by! the! • Limitation:! Traffic! data! refer! only! to! the!
RPC!or!special!laws! communication’s! origin,! destination,! route,!
! time,!date,!size,!duration,!or!type!of!underlying!
SECTION(7.(LIABILITY(UNDER(OTHER(LAWS! service,!but!not!content,!nor!identities!!
• A! prosecution! under! this! act! shall! be! without! !
prejudice! to! any! liability! for! violation! of! any! WHEN(COURT(WARRANT(COULD(BE(ISSUED!
provision!of!the!RPC!or!special!laws! • Upon! written! application! and! the! examination!
! under! oath! or! affirmation! of! the! applicant! and!
SECTION(9.(CORPORATE(LIABILITY! the! witnesses! he! may! produce! and! the!
• Liability!shall!be!based!on:! showing:!
o A! power! of! representation! of! the! o That! there! are! reasonable! grounds! to!
juridical!person! believe! that! any! of! the! crimes!
o An!authority!to!take!decisions!on!behalf! enumerated! hereinabove! has! been!
of!the!juridical!person;!or! committed,! or! is! being! committed! or! is!
o An! authority! to! exercise! control! within! about!to!be!committed.!
the!juridical!person! o That! there! are! reasonable! grounds! to!
• Juridical! person! and! natural! person! acting! believe! that! evidence! that! will! be!
under! the! authority! of! the! juridical! person! is! obtained!is!essential!to!the!conviction!of!
liable! for! a! fine! equivalent! to! at! least! double! any!person!for,!or!to!the!solution!of,!or!
the!fines!imposable!in!section!7! to! the! prevention! of,! any! such! crimes;!
• The! chairperson! of! the! board! of! directors,! the! and!
president,! the! general! manager! of! the! o That! there! are! no! other! means! readily!
corporation,! the! general! partners! of! a! available!for!obtaining!such!evidence!
partnership,! and! the! officers! and! employees! !
directly! responsible! shall! be! jointly! and! SEC.( 18( CYBERCRIME( INVESTIGATION( AND(
severally! liable! with! the! firm! for! the! fine! COORDINATING(CENTER!
imposed!therein.! • There! is! hereby! created,! an! inter7agency! body!
• For!foreign!corporations,!the!person!or!persons! to! be! known! as! the! Cybercrime! Investigation!
directly! responsible! for! the! management! and! and! Coordinating! Center! (CICC),! under! the!
operation!thereof!shall!be!liable.!! administrative! supervision! of! the! Office! of! the!
! President!
o PNP!
o NBI!
• Law! enforcement! authorities,! with! due! cause,!
shall! be! authorized! to! collect! or! record! by!
technical! or! electronic! means! traffic! data! in!
real7time! associated! with! specified!
communications! transmitted! by! means! of! a!



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