Soran University Faculty of Engineering Department of Petroleum Engineering

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Soran University

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering

Notes on Guidelines for Engineering Graduation


“BSc Petroleum Engineering”


Version 1.0 September, 2016 by Jagar Ali

1. Student guide to plagiarism .................................................................................... 1
2. Referencing & Citation .......................................................................................... 1
3. Report requirements ............................................................................................... 2
4. Key Dates ............................................................................................................... 2
5. Project Proposals .................................................................................................... 3
6. Project Progress ...................................................................................................... 3
7. Assessments of Project Report ............................................................................... 3
8. Approval for submission ........................................................................................ 4
9. Report CONTENTS ............................................................................................... 4
10. General notes: ..................................................................................................... 5
11. Appendices ......................................................................................................... 7

Version 1.0 September, 2016 by Jagar Ali

The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines on writing a graduation project
report. It is not intended to be used in writing a report describing theoretical research

1. Student guide to plagiarism

Plagiarism is intellectual theft and is a major offence which the department takes
seriously in all cases. Students must therefore avoid committing acts of plagiarism by
following these guidelines and speak to academic staff if they are uncertain about
what plagiarism means. Those who are found to have plagiarized will be failed in the

Plagiarism is defined as the act of taking the ideas, writings or inventions of another
person and using these as if they were one’s own, whether intentionally or not.
Plagiarism occurs where there is no acknowledgement that the writings or ideas
belong to or have come from another source.

2. Referencing & Citation

Citations: when a direct quotation, a figure, a general idea or other piece of
information is taken from another source, the work and its source must be
acknowledged and identified where it occurs in the text.

Quotations: inverted commas must always be used to identify direct quotations, and
the source of the quotation must be cited.

References: the full details of all references and other sources must be listed in a
section at the end of any piece of work with the full publication details. This is
normally referred to as a “List of References” and it must include details of any and
all sources of information that the student has referred to in producing their work.

**Note: - For referencing and citation all students should use the 1st version of
“Harvard Style Citing and Referencing” of Soran University.

1|Page PE Graduation Projects

3. Report requirements
- The report to be typed double-spaced on A4 paper, in a suitable font such as
Times 12, leaving 30mm left-hand margin to allow for binding and a 20mm right-
hand margin.
- Three hard copies – 2-sided and stapled.

4. Key Dates
Date/ Last
Action To Whom
Submission Time
Start Individual Project 10 September 2019

Submit Project Proposal 1 October 2019

Submit First Part of Project 10 January 2020
Evaluation of First Part of Project 12-15 January 2020
Send pre-final version of report 19 April 2020, 1:00pm
Submit final version of report 03 May 2020, 1:00pm Petroleum Eng. Dept.
(paper and electronic).
Wednesday 06 May 2020,
Submit final PPT Presentation
PE Presentations – 2nd semester 8, 9 May 2020 Examiners


 Each delay in report submission will result in minimizing the total marks of
the graduation project.
 The student should provide a CD or DVD with the hard copy of report by
placing it in a CD folder glued to the inside of the last page. The CD must
comprises the soft copy of the final report, power point presentation and
readme file containing the information about the software systems used.

2|Page PE Graduation Projects

5. Project Proposals
Use the uniform template of the department with the name “Proposal Template - PED
- Soran University”.

6. Project Progress
filled by supervisors and submit to the petroleum department (appendices 1.1).

7. Assessments of Project Report

The graduation projects are marked on the following content:

7.1. Motivation of Student

o the degree to which the student performed the tasks of the project
o did he/she show interest and initiative
7.2. Oral Presentation (including answering questions)
o was there a clear and concise account of the work
o were visual aids used effectively
o was the student well prepared
o were questions answered competently
7.3. Originality of Work
o has the student investigated any new areas of the topic?
o were any new techniques used in the analysis
7.4. Analytical/Scientific Methods
o were the methods chosen justified in the report
o were the methods appropriate to the problem in question
7.5. Depth of Understanding of the Subject
o was the problem placed in context
o did the student relate the problem to other published work?
7.6. Interpretation of Results
o did the analysis produce satisfactory results?
o were any unusual or unexpected results adequately explained
o were further areas of research identified which should be pursued

3|Page PE Graduation Projects

Marking criteria for the report items:

No. Report items Marks

1. Originality of Work 5
Motivation (Enthusiastic level of commitment by student towards exceeding
2. 5
the stretched requirements)
3. Research structure (Title, Content & Organization) 10
4. Analysis, Scientific methods and findings 12
5. Breadth and Depth of Understanding of Subject 10
6. Interpretation of Results (summary, discussion, & conclusion) 10
7. Referencing & Citing 8
Total 60

Distribution of assessment marks for graduation project jury committee:

Report Work Oral Marks

% commitment% presentation% %
Supervisor 20 20 - 40
Marker 1 20 - 10 30
Marker 2 20 - 10 30
Total marks 60 20 20 100

8. Approval for submission

The form shown in appendices (1.2) should be filled by supervisor of each graduation
project to confirm the summation of each report.

9. Report Contents
After the front page (see appendices 1.3), you should write a declaration as follow to
assure the originality of your work:


I…………………………confirm that this work submitted for assessment is my own

and is expressed in my own words. Any uses made within it of the works of other
authors in any form (e.g. ideas, equations, figures, text, tables, programs) are properly
acknowledged at the point of their use. A list of the references employed is included.



4|Page PE Graduation Projects

The declaration is then followed by the following sections (ON THE NEXT PAGE):

Approval for submission

Summary – Abstract (not more than 1 side of A4)
Table of Contents
List of figures
List of tables
List of abbreviations
Aims (objectives of report)
Introduction or background (Literature review)
Data summary (if applicable)
Methods used or workflow
Suggestions for further work

10. General notes:

Aims should be short, to the point, and show what the project intends to accomplish, how
it intends to accomplish it, and why this is important.

Introduction should include background material, including an introduction to the area

of study (geographic or geologic information or a basic introduction to the subject area),
referencing appropriate literature on the subject. Location maps and summary figures are
useful in this section.

A data summary is needed to show where your data is sourced from (including
references to sources), to show how much of the bulk of the thesis is your own work.

Methods section should summarize what procedures have been used in this project,
referring to appropriate literature to justify their use. Each method should be summarized
briefly, including a description of all terminology used.

5|Page PE Graduation Projects

Results should be presented briefly, with summary charts, tables and diagrams. All
detailed results that are not directly referred to in the text should be put in an appendix.

Discussion section is where logical argument is used to show how your results support
your conclusions, and refute any other possible conclusions. Reference should be made
here to appropriate literature sources for models or other similar work.

Conclusions should be a list summarizing the important points in the discussion section,
and suggestions for further work should also be a list.

Figures and tables should only be placed in the text when (and where) they are directly
referred to in order to make a point. Otherwise additional figures may be placed in the
appendices. However, if a figure is referred to in the text, it must be placed either in the
text near the reference or in a Figures and Tables section after the bulk of the report. The
figure source must be cited in the caption.

References must be only those papers or books directly referred to (cited) somewhere in
the text, including in figure captions. Please read the declaration that must be signed
(beginning of this section). It states that any work, ideas, diagrams or data that you have
not yourself generated must be referenced at the point of use. If you do not reference your
use of other people’s work, you are committing plagiarism. Citations in the text may be
either in the form of the authors name and date of publication, or in the form of numbered
references. In the case of names, the reference list is produced alphabetically, for numbers
it is produced in the order of citation.

6|Page PE Graduation Projects

11. Appendices

1.1. Engineering graduation project progress form

Soran University

Faculty of Engineering

Engineering Graduation Project Progress Form


Title of the engineering project:…………………………………...................................


Student names:………………………………………………………………………….

Supervisor name:…..……………………………………………….

Supervisor signature:………………………………………………..

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

No. Tasks
2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020

7|Page PE Graduation Projects

1.2. Approval for submission form:

8|Page PE Graduation Projects

1.3. Front Cover (Title Page)

The front cover (title page) must contain information listed in the following order:-

Title (18 Bold centered)

A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of
the degree of Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering

Soarn University
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering


Supervised by:


9|Page PE Graduation Projects

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