Corporate Risk Management: Analysis of Financial Situation and Business Risk

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Corporate risk management

Analysis of financial situation and business



Vietnam is gradually changing to a market economy and there are many businesses
have been established and expanded to meet the growing market. Competition in
enterprises is becoming more and more fierce, so analyzing financial risk in enterprises
not only helps management in enterprises become easier, but also provides useful
information for external investors. Information obtained from the financial statements
and the economy may provide potential users with future financial risks associated with
the business.

Report Date 1
Corporate risk management
Analysis of financial situation and business risk


 The students in the group are expected conduct risk analysis of a company
in real estate industry. You are asked to coordinate, plan and execute the
appropriate analysis and provide conclusions about the strength and
weakness of the company and the recommend for investment in your
chosen company. This assessment is group work and relates to the project
plan submitted by each team.
 This report requires student groups to analyse the financial situation of a
company in the same industry. The report needs to compare these
indicators with a major company in the same industry. From the analysed
results, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the financial risk of the
company and propose recommendations and solutions to improve the
financial capacity of companies and the business lines in general.
 The group uses and analyzes the company's financial statements and any
other secondary data in the period from 2010 to 2018 and proposes
solutions to improve the analysis of the company's financial status in the
following years.
 The group report is of at least 2,000 words to 3,500 words
 The group needs to keep the process of developing the calculations in the
Excel file.
 The group updates the reference sources clearly and submits a word/PDF
(write the group member's name, contribution of each member) and the
Excel on the eLearning before the deadline.

Report Date 2
Corporate risk management
Analysis of financial situation and business risk

Each report assesses the financial risk of enterprises including criteria as follows:

Introduction Executive summary (presentation of main technique(s) used and

Introduction (overview of objectives, and outline of main points)
Methodology Discussion of the method for data collection and the findings from the
 Analysis of financial statements
 Analysis of short-term finance risk
 Market risk, Business and Financial risk of the company
 Forecasting of sales and economic analysis
 Long-term finance planning
 Valuation
 Company risk analysis

Discussion of Discussion of the results and their significance; team recommendations

Results Content (Justification, main findings, recommendations),
presentation Style (Visual clarity, fluidity and coherence)
Responses to main questions

Report Date 3
Corporate risk management
Analysis of financial situation and business risk


Marking criteria and standards

Report Date 4
Corporate risk management
Analysis of financial situation and business risk


Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE) has officially listed its listed companies under
GICS® standard and implemented 10 industry indices, applied on January 25, 2016, at the
same time of the period transfer of HOSE index. Sectoral information of listed companies is
updated on the website of Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange /.
Details of real estate industry are as follows:
- Novaland Corporation (NVL)
- Housing investment and trading Joint stock company(ITC)
- Dat Xanh Corporation (DXG)

Report Date 5

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