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hip of OULS

by Pams Planet
Columbus The sweetness of the slaves

Sailed the ocean blue A profitable luxury ordained

He thought he was in Indian seas By the Spanish, French and English crowns

...Warm breeze and welcoming souls Golden spoonfuls of sugar

Reached out with generosity! Black Brazilian coffee beans

Spilt in international treachery

HE: “ blessed” Staining the ocean for centuries

Their souls, their beautiful shores Clouding the profoundest of human trials

Immortalized in “our” history In murky seas

His “glorious” accomplishment:

Slavery driven by brutal insanity! From the Cradle of Humanity

This story, this truth

Indigenous souls The broken backs of children

Lost in the mines of living hell Women worked and used

Digging from their sacred earth The grotesque torture of their men

Bloodied hands... While other men were ordained with rights

Filled ships with gold To steal the people from their land

Transporting souls in ocean tombs

Toussaint L’overature!

Born a slave!

There, You took the French workers cry

A most fertile place of mother earth Liberty, Equality and Fraternity!

The sweatshop of humanities womb With those who had suffered for so long

You dared to speak for yourself Led all to a great victory!

You broke the chains! The first freed nation of slaves

They banished you On Our Earth!

HAITI ... is your name!

Again Haiti you are in need!

There, Solidarity...

Birds danced in the air All nations of people must be freed

Mountain peaks withstood the storms From capitalism’s chains

Sisters, mothers, fathers, brothers And Titanic mistakes...

Chained to the ground Sinking Us Now!

Revolts brutally beaten down! With all it’s garbage and debris

Forced to load the crates The happy tourist ship is going down!

Of misery, racism, insanity Banks and states holding out their plates

On board the ships of Greed Demanding gold and Blood Diamonds...

Strong backs and empty minds...

A willingness to War for them!

To save their ailing fleets

All laboring hands to go below!

Bailing out the rising tide

Of bankers debts!
Who has learned from this?

They reach out to strangle those who protest!

They reach out to imprison the rest of humanity!

They justify their brutality while they move freely!

With international and global immunity!

Never ending lies and lies... Chaining Us! ... too their lies

Endless streaming on our TV sets! Giving Us their orders to build...

Never ending lies and lies... Higher walls and brutal borders!

That these wars have anything to do We have no Freedom of Speech!

With “our” Freedom or “their” Democracy .... but to defend Wikileaks!!

and those who stand up for Peace!!

The Gulf widens between rich and poor

Gale force wind and oceans roll in billows Herded about the earth...

Oil blackened tides bring gifts of death... 42 million refugees of capitalism

Over mother natures precious shore We are homeless and unemployed

Where will we go from here? We are millions of starving and...

An endless cycle of MISMANAGEMENT Our earth needs care!

On our Earth! While they waste and destroy, we despair!

We are billions of workers

Bearing their crosses and their crates

Coping with this capitalist system

of Greed! Division! & Hate!

Paradise is being...

Crushed to her knees!

The Waterboard prison authorities now proceed

To vent their anger on all humanity

Justified by the noose of capitalism

Still in tact reaching freely

From those early voyages of greed

We have not yet broken those chains!

From the blackened and broken seas women, men, all colors, all races!
Taken back our sanity

Islamophobia is racism! for a Peoples Earth!

Racism is insanity!

United and Free!

Yet religion is Our Opium

A self fulfilling drug

Let the Peace Flotillas Win the Seas!
Administered from above

Has it’s own barbarity!

A legacy of addicted use

To keep the women passive

Keep our eyes from seeing

What it is to really love

And share the gifts of all

Pams Planet was born on the Texas/Mexico border and grew up eating really great Mexican food. I love every-
thing spicy! I grew up on a farm in BC, went to Emily Carr and studied art, also studied Canadian Immigration
History & York U where I studied Latin American & Caribbean Studies and Dance. Never completed PS educa-
tion - life just got too complicated and stressful. I have worked for a long time with children with developmental
disabilities. I participated in demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people against nuclear war in Vancou-
ver in the 80s, in demonstrations of tens of thousands against the Socred cuts and against Expo 86. I love men,
women, children and all the animals of the world & just wish it could be the wonderful place it should be for
all of us to live and work in. I’m glad to be getting active again and thrilled to see all the people, young and old,
out demanding that changes be made to give people the dignity we all deserve in society and to save this planet
and all the living things on it!

Music is the language of unity: It demands and produces it at the same time.
Andrew Epplett

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