How To Build A List

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How to build a list

How to build a list is probably one of the most key fundamental aspects there is when it comes to
internet marketing, if you do not know how to build a list or even where to start when it comes to
building a list then you need to read this article. This short article will give you up-to-date strategies s
and ideas that can ѕtаrt driving profitable traffic and sales to уουr website and affiliate products right

The first thing you need to do is to offer your customers valuable information for free in exchange
for their name and email address. I cannot express the importance of this stage; if they are getting
anything for free then they will lose interest and just move on. You will not get there name and
email! You also need to bear in mind that you cannot push for the sale straight away, this therefore
is why you give them some valuable content or information, it gives them something useful that they
need and it keeps them interested in whatever else you may have to offer them. But it is important
that you don’t forget to get there name or email address

What sources are there that I can use to generate traffic to my websites?
There are many sources that you can uses to get targeted traffic to our website. Here is a list of the
ones that I personally use:

 Facebook
 Twitter
 EzineArticles
 Linkedin
 YouTube
 GoArticles
 Article Base
 SubmitYourArticle

If you do not have any idea about any of these sites I have listed you need to do some research!

Facebook and twitter and the best free marketing sources for social marketing. I would say that
YouTube is one of the best if not the best for video marketing. When it comes to article marketing
you need to be using all of the sites listed, ezine and go articles are free sites but SubmitYourArticle
you have to pay a monthly fee, sounds bad but when you see what you get for what you pay, you
will be more than surprised

It All sounds very good, there are some free traffic sources that I can use but I have no experience in
online marketing, what it the best advice you can give me?

My First bit of advice to anyone who wants to know how to build a list is to get a mentor. You need
to find someone that is an expert in the area you are trying to master. This mentor will provide you
with guidance and a structured learning system designed for teaching people how to market
effectively online.
Where Can I Find A Mentor?
There are many online business opportunities and so called gurus that can teach you the secrets to
building a list and running a successful internet business. But I think it is important that I only share
with you a couple worth talking about.

YourNetBiz was formerly called My Internet Business but rebranded to YourNetBiz. Set up by a chap
called Rob Hannley, YourNetBiz has enabled many people around the world from Asia to America to
lead a stress free, financially secure millionaire lifestyle. YourNetBiz in essence is a business in a box.
When you first sign up you are given a choice of 4 product suites to choose from, bronze, silver, gold
and platinum. Depending on your choice of product suite, you could make up to $2k per sale. As well
as the product suites you also have access to a ton of training videos as well as webinars on how to
become a successful internet marketer as well as access to the backend retail suite.

The Six Figure Mentors

The Six Figure Mentors is an internet marketing training and education company and its goal is to
show you how to effectively market literally anything on the internet. Regardless of whether you are
looking to get started with a home based business or whether you have a business already. Cutting
the bs….. The Six Figure Mentors is will teach you how to make money online. Not only how to make
the money but how to sustain a six figure business as well. The Six Figure Mentors currently has two
key elements to its training and overall education experience.

 The first key element being The Six Figure Mentors Training Site.

The training site is where you will be able to find all the possible resources to get your business
set up and to start marketing. There is a whole host of resources including step by step video
tutorials, walkthroughs, downloadable instructions and guides, a vault of previously recorded
training webinars and marketing blueprints.

 The Second key element is a Step By Step, 7 Day Video Boot camp

This bootcamp will show you how to build an online business, generate endless leads and
create multiple streams of income:
 Day 1 - The Ultimate Business Model
 Day 2 - The Importance Of Building A List
 Day 3 - The Marketing Process
 Day 4 - The Importance Of Using Social Media
 Day 5 - Using Article Marketing
 Day 6 - Importance Of A Mentor & Community
 Day 7 - Having The Right Mindset
Having the right mind-set to succeed

It’s funny how in life the simplest things can have the biggest impact on your day to day
routines. One of them is the mindset. Everything starts with our mind and our perceptions of
things. Nothing is more important than your thoughts. This said, here are a few tricks that
might help you get by a little easier:

 Believe in yourself:

Not believing in yourself is like going to war and taking side in your opponent’s army.
People can perceive hesitation and if you don’t believe in what you are doing, chances
are it won’t work.

 Think “problem solving”:

A lot of people do not realize that it’s very important to be efficient about your thought.
When you have a problem don’t think about the problem itself but how you can fix it or
benefit from it. The ability to turn a problem into an opportunity is one of the best skills
one can have (I don’t know many people who never encounter problems). The right
mindset is a creative one, try out of the box solutions that are unique, this will impress
people. Impressing people will get you respect and people will want to be associated
with you

“The Six Figure Mentors offers much more training and support when it comes to learning how to

build and online business. If you are interested in learning how to do just more than build your list

then please feel free to get in touch with myself. But help me to help you, if you are not interested in

learning and all you want is just a push button system that will make you millions then please don’t

bother getting in touch,”

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