Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering: Pierluigi - Poggiolini@polito - It

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Title of the doctoral program

Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering

Title of the research activity

TERAFLEX: Ultra-High Spectral-Efficiency Long-Haul Terabit Flexible and Reconfigurable New-
Generation WDM Networks

Short description of the research activity

The research concentrates on the use of ultra-high spectral efficiency transmission techniques for
new-generation internet optical backbone networks, characterized by flexible per-channel symbol
rate, flexible transmission format and flexible frequency spacing, and by reconfigurable optical
channel routing.

It also aims at exploiting fiber non-linearity mitigation techniques, through appropriate signal coding
and decoding. These techniques are expected to be of great significance in improving the overall
network performance.

The investigation is in tight coordination with CISCO Systems (one of the major networking
equipment companies in the world, with headquarters in the silicon Valley), within a research
contract with Politecnico di Torino. It is a follow-up activity of a very successful 8-year cooperation
and aims at further pushing the technological and theoretical leadership acquired in this field by
Politecnico and CISCO.

The research consists of theoretical, simulative and experimental activities. Experiments are
carried out in the PhotonLab facility. Research results are immediately published and presented at
major conferences.

Scientific responsible (name, surname, role, email)

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Full Professor, OptCom Group Coordinator

e-mail: pierluigi.poggiolini@polito.it

Number of vacancies for XXXI cycle (3 years program)


Specific requirements (experiences, skills)

- Basic knowledge of fiber optical transmission systems

- Basic knowledge of telecommunications networks

- Advanced knowledge of digital transmission theory: advanced modulation formats (QAM,

OFDM, etc), adaptive equalization, digital signal processing

Website of the research group (if any)


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