11-01-13 Commonwealth of Virginia V Sebelius (3:10-cv-00188) in The US District Court, Eastern District of Virginia - Constitutional Challenge To The Obama Health Care Law - Litigation Records S

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11-01-13 Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius (3:10-cv-00188) in the US District Court, Eastern

District of Virginia – Constitutional challenge to the Obama Health Care Law – Litigation

Attached records:

Date Source Records Page

12/13/2010 NYT Judge Voids Key Element of Obama Health Care Law 2

1/13/2011 Wikipedia Henry E. Hudson 6

General PACER Records

1/13/2011 DOCKET 11

1/13/2011 Docket Activity Report 47

1/13/2011 Related Transactions Report 69

1/13/2011 Pending Statuses Report 85

1/13/2011 Calendar Events Report 86

1/13/2011 Judgment Index Report 87

PACER Docket Records

Date Filed # Docket Text


03/23/2010 2 Summons Issued as to Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Attorney and U.S. Attorney General. 97
Delivered to counsel.

03/23/2010 3 ORDER that the undersigned recuses himself - by District Judge Robert E. Payne 100

03/23/2010 No Number No record (Case reassigned to District Judge Henry E. Hudson). -

03/25/2010 4 Certificate of Reporting Service by Kathleen Sebelius. 101

04/30/2010 5 ORDER SETTING PRETRIAL CONFERENCE – by Deputy Clerk Pizzini 104

04/30/2010 6 SCHEDULING ORDER by District Judge Henry E. Hudson 106

06/03/2010 24 Minutes for Judge Henry E. Hudson 115

07/01/2010 80 Minutes for Judge Henry E. Hudson 116

12/13/2010 161 MEMORANDUM OPINION by District Judge Henry E. Hudson 117

12/13/2010 162 ORDER that Plaintiff's 88 Motion for Summary Judgment is GRANTED, and 159
Defendant's 90Motion for Summary Judgment is DENIED by District Judge Henry E.
1/11/2011 Central Provision of Health Care Law Is …


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December 13, 2010

Judge Voids Key Element of Obama

Health Care Law
A federal judge in Virginia ruled on Monday that the keystone provision in the Obama health
care law is unconstitutional, becoming the first judge to invalidate any part of the sprawling act
and ensuring that appellate courts will receive contradictory opinions from below.

The judge, Henry E. Hudson of Federal District Court in Richmond, said the law’s requirement
that most Americans obtain insurance exceeded the regulatory authority granted to Congress
under the Commerce Clause.

Judge Hudson, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, declined the plaintiff’s request
to suspend the act’s implementation pending appeal, meaning there should be no immediate
effect on its rollout.

But the ruling seemed likely to create confusion among the public and to further destabilize
political support for a law that is under fierce attack from Republicans in Congress and in many
statehouses. Party leaders, including the incoming House speaker, Representative John A.
Boehner of Ohio, quickly used the opinion to reiterate their call for repealing the law.

In a 42-page opinion, Judge Hudson wrote: “Neither the Supreme Court nor any federal circuit
court of appeals has extended Commerce Clause powers to compel an individual to involuntarily
enter the stream of commerce by purchasing a commodity in the private market.”

Allowing Congress to exert such authority, he said, “would invite unbridled exercise of federal
police powers.”

Compelling vehicle owners to carry accident insurance, as states do, is considered a different
matter because the Constitution gives the states broad police powers that have been
interpreted to encompass that. Furthermore, there is no statutory requirement that people
possess cars, only a requirement that they have insurance as a condition of doing so. By
contrast, the plaintiffs in the health care case argue that the new law requires people to obtain
health insurance simply because they exist.

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The insurance mandate is central to the law’s mission of covering more than 30 million people
who are uninsured. Insurers argue that only by requiring healthy people to have policies can
they afford to pay for those with expensive conditions. But Judge Hudson ruled that many of
the law’s other provisions could be severed legally and would survive even if the mandate is

Judge Hudson is the third district court judge to reach a determination on the merits in one of
the two dozen lawsuits challenging the health care law. The other judges, in Detroit and
Lynchburg, Va., have upheld the law. Lawyers say the appellate process could last another two
years before the Supreme Court settles the dispute.

The opinion by Judge Hudson, who has a long history in Republican politics in Northern
Virginia, continued a partisan pattern in the health care cases. Thus far, judges appointed by
Republican presidents have ruled consistently against the Obama administration, while
Democratic appointees have found for it.

That has reinforced the notion — fueled by the White House — that the lawsuits are as much a
political assault as a constitutional one. The Richmond case was filed by Virginia’s attorney
general, Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II, a Republican, and all but one of the 20 attorneys general and
governors who filed a similar case in Pensacola, Fla., are Republicans.

The two cases previously decided by district courts are already before the midlevel courts of
appeal, with the Detroit case in the Sixth Circuit in Cincinnati and the Lynchburg case in the
Fourth Circuit in Richmond.

The Justice Department, which is defending the statute, is considering whether to appeal Judge
Hudson’s ruling to the Fourth Circuit, which hears cases from Virginia and four other states.
That would leave that court to consider opposite rulings handed down over two weeks in
courthouses situated only 116 miles apart.

Administration officials emphasized that Judge Hudson’s opinion was just one among several
and said they were pleased he had not stopped the law from going into effect.

“We are disappointed in today’s ruling,” said Tracy Schmaler, a Justice Department
spokeswoman, “but continue to believe — as other federal courts in Virginia and Michigan have
found — that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional.”

Ms. Schmaler added, “We are confident that we will ultimately prevail.”

The administration acknowledges that if the insurance requirement falls before taking effect in
2014, related changes would necessarily collapse with it, most notably provisions that would
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prevent insurers from denying coverage to those with pre-existing conditions or charging them
discriminatory rates.

But officials said other innovations, including a vast expansion of Medicaid eligibility and the sale
of subsidized insurance policies through state-based exchanges, would withstand even a
Supreme Court ruling against the insurance mandate.

Some state officials said Monday’s ruling would reinforce calls by many Republican governors
and lawmakers to slow down its implementation.

“I think you might see some air taken out of the balloon nationwide,” said Jason A. Helgerson,
the Medicaid director in Wisconsin, where Republicans are about to take control of both the
executive and legislative branches.

Judge Hudson, who was previously best known for sentencing the N.F.L. quarterback Michael
Vick to 23 months for his involvement in a dog fighting ring, had telegraphed his leanings in a
series of hearings and preliminary opinions. But the ruling was nonetheless striking given that
only nine months ago, prominent law professors were dismissing the constitutional claims as
just north of frivolous.

The case centers on whether Congress can use its powers under the Commerce Clause to
compel citizens to buy a commercial product — namely health insurance — for the purpose of
regulating an interstate economic market. Absent that authority, the administration argued,
Congress could use the taxation powers granted by the Constitution to justify the insurance
requirement, because the fine for not obtaining coverage will be assessed as an income tax

While commending Congress’s “laudable intentions,” Judge Hudson shot down both arguments.

“At its core,” he wrote, “this dispute is not simply about regulating the business of insurance —
or crafting a scheme of universal health insurance coverage — it’s about an individual’s right to
choose to participate.”

The ruling is a political score for Mr. Cuccinelli, who filed the lawsuit on his own rather than
joining the Pensacola case. It upstages a major hearing in Florida scheduled for Thursday.

“This case is not about health insurance, it is not about health care,” Mr. Cuccinelli said at a
news conference in Richmond. “It is about liberty.”

Mr. Cuccinelli, who was elected in 2009, said he had filed on his own because Virginia passed a
law this year aimed at nullifying the federal insurance requirement, giving the commonwealth a

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distinct constitutional claim. Others attribute the strategy to political ambition, suggesting that
Mr. Cuccinelli did not want to share the spotlight and knew he could exploit the accelerated pace
of judging in Richmond’s so-called “rocket docket” to raise his profile.

Mr. Cuccinelli filed the lawsuit minutes after President Obama signed the law on March 23 and
has been discussing the case on cable television ever since. By late afternoon Monday, he had
already posted campaign fund-raising advertisements online that cited his victory.

Even before Monday’s ruling, Mr. Cuccinelli and Gov. Bob McDonnell of Virginia, also a
Republican, were seeking an agreement with the Justice Department to bypass the United
States Circuit Court of Appeals and file for expedited review by the Supreme Court. That would
have the effect of further marginalizing the Pensacola case. The Supreme Court rarely takes
such requests, and the Justice Department has not publicly expressed an opinion.

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Henry E. Hudson 1

Henry E. Hudson
Henry E. Hudson

Judge on the United States District Court for the Eastern

District of Virginia

Assumed office 

Nominated by George W. Bush

Born July 24, 1947Washington, D.C.

Henry E. Hudson (born July 24, 1947) is a United States federal judge on the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Virginia.

Early life and education

Born in Washington, D.C., Hudson was raised in Arlington, Virginia.[1] At the age of 18, he served as a volunteer
firefighter and paramedic in Arlington, Virginia.[2] In 1969, Hudson received a B.A. from American University in
1969. After college, he became a deputy sheriff for Arlington County, spending much of his time as a courtroom
deputy.[2] In 1974, he received a J.D. from American University Washington College of Law.[2]

Legal career
Hudson's legal career had its roots in Republican Party politics.[3] He became Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney in
Arlington County, Virginia from 1974 to 1979, and subsequently served as Assistant United States Attorney for the
Eastern District of Virginia from 1978 to 1979. After a year in private practice, Hudson was elected
Commonwealth's Attorney for Arlington County in 1980 as a Republican, and served until 1986.
During his career as a prosecutor, Hudson earned a reputation as a "hard-line and zealous crime fighter" nicknamed
"Hang 'Em High Henry".[4] [5] Early in his career, Hudson stated: "I live to put people in jail."[6] In what Hudson
described as a "career-defining case", he prosecuted David Vazquez, a mentally retarded Arlington resident, for a
1984 rape and murder. Hudson's prosecution was based on a confession given by Vazquez after repeated
interrogations, despite the fact that semen found at the crime scene did not match Vazquez.[5] Threatened by Hudson
with the death penalty, Vazquez submitted an Alford plea and was sentenced to 30 years in prison.[7] However,
inconsistencies in the case led detectives to continue to pursue leads, ultimately linking Timothy Spencer, a serial
killer, to the murder.[5] Vazquez, who had already served 5 years in prison, was exonerated by Hudson's successor.
Faced with the evidence of wrongful conviction, Hudson wrote of Vazquez in his memoirs: "I certainly wish him the
best, and regret what happened. However I offer no apologies."[7]
Hudson was one of the lead prosecutors of the Lyndon LaRouche criminal trials in the mid-1980s.[8]

Pornography Commission
As Commonwealth Attorney, Hudson led a campaign to rid Arlington County of adult bookstores, massage parlors,
and other venues linked to the sale of pornography.[9] As a result of his efforts, he was named by the Reagan
Administration to lead the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography (the so-called Meese Commission).[4]
The Commission controversially claimed that pornography caused sex crimes, despite the contention to the contrary
of social scientists.[6] Hudson said at the time that he wished the commission had taken an even stronger stand
Henry E. Hudson 2

against pornography.[4]
After his service on the Meese Commission, Hudson was rewarded with an appointment as United States Attorney
for the Eastern District of Virginia.[6] He remained in this position until 1991, during which time he investigated
drug allegations against U.S. Senator Charles Robb.[4] In 1991, Hudson ran briefly and unsuccessfully for Congress
as a Republican against James P. Moran.[3]

Marshal Service and Ruby Ridge

Under President George H.W. Bush, Hudson was Director of the United States Marshals Service, a division of the
U.S. Department of Justice, from 1992 to 1993. According to an ESPN article, "His leadership of the Marshals
Service included early decisions in the attempt to arrest Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, the greatest disaster in the
history of federal law enforcement, a fiasco that led to a grand jury investigation (Hudson was called to testify) and
misconduct charges against 12 federal agents."[5] According to a Congressional report on the Ruby Ridge incident,
"based on his desire to avoid creating discoverable documents that might be used by the defense in the
Weaver/Harris trial and his understanding that the FBI would conduct a comprehensive investigation of the incident,
[Hudson] decided to conduct no formal internal review of USMS activities connected with the Weaver case and the
Ruby Ridge incident."[10]

State court judge

Hudson was a circuit court judge on Virginia's Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court (Fairfax County, Virginia) from
1998 to 2002.
Former Republican U.S. Congressman Thomas M. Davis, who first met Hudson in 1979 when Davis was running for
the county board and Hudson was running for prosecutor, called Hudson a "by-the-book guy," adding that "[h]e is
not one who coddles criminals."[5] Davis also gave the following assessment of Hudson's personality and judgment:
"He is a bulldog. He is not a warm puppy. Whatever Henry does, he will be criticized. But I know that
what he does will be the right result. He will have the right answer."[5]

Federal judge
On January 23, 2002, President George W. Bush nominated Hudson to a new seat on the United States District Court
for the Eastern District of Virginia created by 114 Stat. 2762. The United States Senate confirmed the nomination on
August 1, 2002, and Hudson received his commission on August 2, 2002. He was sworn in by Supreme Court
Associate Justice Antonin Scalia.[5]

Michael Vick dog fighting trial

Hudson was the presiding judge for the trial of Michael Vick regarding an illegal interstate dog fighting ring that had
operated over five years. On December 10, 2007, Vick was sentenced by Hudson to 23 months in prison.[11]
In December 2010, Hudson said he was proud to see what Vick has accomplished and he told the Washington Post
"He's an example of how the system can work".[12]
Henry E. Hudson 3

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

In December 2010, Hudson ruled against an element of the Obama administration's health care reform law, saying
that the individual mandate provision of the law exceeded Congress' powers under the Commerce Clause of the
Constitution.[13] Hudson's opinion stressed the unprecedented nature of the mandate:
"Neither the Supreme Court nor any federal circuit court of appeals has extended Commerce Clause
powers to compel an individual to involuntarily enter the stream of commerce by purchasing a
commodity in the private market . . . At its core, the dispute is not simply about regulating the business
of insurance—or crafting a scheme of universal health insurance coverage—it's about an individual's
right to choose to participate."[14]
Hudson was the first judge to rule against the healthcare law passed during the Obama administration.[13]

Hudson is the author of the 2007 book Quest for Justice: From Deputy Sheriff to Federal Judge…and the Lessons
Learned Along the Way.
Hudson is a shareholder of Campaign Solutions, Inc., a Republican consulting firm. For 2008, Hudson reported
income of between $5,000 and $15,000 from the firm. In December 2010 the company released a statement that
"Judge Hudson has owned stock in Campaign Solutions going back 13 years to the founding of the company or well
before he became a federal judge. Since joining the federal bench, he has fully disclosed his stock ownership in the
company. He is a passive investor only, has no knowledge of the day to day operations of the firm, and has never
discussed any aspect of the business with any official of the company."[15]

[1] Mihoces, Gary (August 27, 2007). "Sincerity counts for judge in Vick case" (http:/ / www. usatoday. com/ sports/ football/ nfl/
2007-08-26-vickjudge_N. htm). USA Today. .
[2] Tupponce, Joan (February 13, 2008). "U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson's "Quest for Justice"" (http:/ / www. chesterfieldobserver. com/
news/ 2008-02-13/ news/ 010. html). Chesterfield Observer. . Retrieved December 13, 2010.
[3] Helderman, Rosalind (December 7, 2010). "Conservative judge considers Va. attorney general's suit against health-care reform" (http:/ /
www. washingtonpost. com/ wp-dyn/ content/ article/ 2010/ 12/ 07/ AR2010120706850. html). Washington Post. . Retrieved December 14,
[4] O'Dell, Larry (December 13, 2010). "Judge in health care case known as tough" (http:/ / www. miamiherald. com/ 2010/ 12/ 13/ 1971818/
judge-in-health-care-case-known. html). Miami Herald. . Retrieved December 14, 2010.
[5] Munson, Lester (November 20, 2007). "Judge's memoir, case work offer a look into how he'll handle Vick sentencing" (http:/ / sports. espn.
go. com/ nfl/ columns/ story?id=3119284). ESPN. .
[6] Greenhouse, Linda (June 28, 1988). "Prosecutor in Pentagon Case: Quiet 'Bulldog' and Moralist" (http:/ / select. nytimes. com/ gst/ abstract.
html?res=FB071EFE3B5F0C7B8EDDAF0894D0484D81). New York Times. . Retrieved December 14, 2010.
[7] Jackman, Tom (December 11, 2008). "Journey Up the Rungs of Justice" (http:/ / www. washingtonpost. com/ wp-dyn/ content/ article/ 2008/
12/ 10/ AR2008121000012. html). Washington Post. . Retrieved December 14, 2010.
[8] Reid, Christine (Oct 8, 1986). "LAROUCHE RECORDS WERE WITHHELD". Richmond Times - Dispatch (Richmond, Va.): p. A-1.
[9] Shenon, Philip (May 21, 1985). "Meese named panel to study how to control pornography" (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 1985/ 05/ 21/ us/
meese-named-panel-to-study-how-to-control-pornography. html). New York Times. . Retrieved December 14, 2010.
[10] Ruby Ridge: Report of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Government Information of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary
(http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=UOy-7sG5CVEC& pg=PA50& lpg=PA50& dq="henry+ hudson"+ "ruby+ ridge"& source=bl&
ots=WCZcjUyUeC& sig=b0UFCxYawsVECNKv-VpSzr8zAuE& hl=en& ei=ctQGTYfWOMH38AaI8dTmAg& sa=X& oi=book_result&
ct=result& resnum=10& ved=0CFgQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage& q="henry hudson" "ruby ridge"& f=false), pp.49-50
[11] . http:/ / www. foxnews. com/ story/ 0,2933,316319,00. html.
[12] David Smith (December 8, 2010). "Judge who sentenced Michael Vick is now a fan" (http:/ / profootballtalk. nbcsports. com/ 2010/ 12/ 08/
judge-who-sentenced-michael-vick-is-now-a-fan/ ). NBCSports.com. NBC Sports. . Retrieved December 13, 2010.
[13] O'Dell, Larry (2010-12-13) Federal judge in Va. strikes down health care law (http:/ / news. yahoo. com/ s/ ap/ 20101213/ ap_on_re_us/
us_health_care_overhaul_virginia), Associated Press
[14] Sullum, Jacob, (2010-12-15) Clause Escape (http:/ / reason. com/ archives/ 2010/ 12/ 15/ clause-escape), Reason
Henry E. Hudson 4

[15] Sam Stein (July 30, 2010, updated September 29, 2010). "Henry Hudson, Judge In Health Care Lawsuit, Has Financial Ties To Attorney
General Bringing The Case" (http:/ / www. huffingtonpost. com/ 2010/ 07/ 30/ henry-hudson-judge-in-hea_n_665240. html). Huffington Post.

• Henry E. Hudson (http://www.fjc.gov/servlet/nGetInfo?jid=2954&cid=999&ctype=na&instate=na) at the
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges, a public domain publication of the Federal Judicial Center.
• Opinion ruling the individual mandate unconstitutional (http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/
• Meese Report Statement of Henry E. Hudson, Chairman (http://www.porn-report.com/
• Judge with GOP Ties Strikes Down Key Healthcare Provision on Insurance Mandates (http://www.
democracynow.org/2010/12/14/judge_with_gop_ties_strikes_down) - video report by Democracy Now!
• Freedom Watch interview with Ken Cuccinelli reacting to Judge Hudson's ruling (http://freedomwatchonfox.
com/2010/12/15/12132010-freedom-watch-w-ken-cuccinelli-charlie-rangel-more/101913/), Fox Business
Article Sources and Contributors 5

Article Sources and Contributors

Henry E. Hudson  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=404906878  Contributors: 65 fdt 6a, Astuishin, Awbeal, BD2412, Daysleeper47, Epicadam, Jatkins, John Broughton,
MastCell, Meamemg, Nerd101010, PhGustaf, Prcrlc, Quackslikeaduck, Redthoreau, Rpogge, Safiel, Scrawlspacer, Shootbamboo, Whoisjohngalt, Will Beback, 57 anonymous edits

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/
1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed

U.S. District Court

Eastern District of Virginia - (Richmond)
CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 3:10-cv-00188-HEH

Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II v. Date Filed: 03/23/2010

Sebelius Date Terminated: 12/13/2010
Assigned to: District Judge Henry E. Hudson Jury Demand: None
Cause: 28:1331 Federal Question Nature of Suit: 950 Constitutional - State
Jurisdiction: U.S. Government Defendant

Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. represented by Earle Duncan Getchell , Jr.
Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II Office of the Attorney General (Richmond)
in his official capacity as Attorney 900 E Main St
General of Virginia Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 786-2436
Fax: (804) 371-0200
Email: dgetchell@oag.state.va.us

Charles E. James , Jr.

Office of the Attorney General (Richmond)
900 E Main St
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 786-2435
Fax: (804) 371-0200
Email: cjames@oag.state.va.us

Stephen R. McCullough
Office of the Attorney General
900 E Main St
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 786-2071
Fax: (804) 786-1991
Email: smccullough@oag.state.va.us

Wesley Glenn Russell , Jr.

Office of the Attorney General (Richmond)
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900 E Main St
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 786-2071
Fax: (804) 786-1991
Email: wrussell@oag.state.va.us

Kathleen Sebelius represented by Jonathan Holland Hambrick
Secretary of the Department of Health Office of the U.S. Attorney
and Human Services, in her official 600 E Main St
capacity Suite 1800
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 819-5400
Email: jay.h.hambrick@usdoj.gov

Erika Myers
Department of Justice Federal Programs
20 Massachussetts Ave NW
Room 7332
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 305-0747
Fax: (202) 616-8202
Email: erika.l.myers@usdoj.gov

Ian Gershengorn
Department of Justice Federal Programs
20 Massachussetts Ave NW
Room 7332
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 514-2331
Fax: (202) 616-8202
Email: ian.gershengorn@usdoj.gov

Joel McElvain

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed
Department of Justice Federal Programs
20 Massachussetts Ave NW
Room 7332
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 514-2988
Fax: (202) 616-8202
Email: joel.mcelvain@usdoj.gov

Sheila M. Lieber
United States Department of Justice
20 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Room 7332
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 514-2988
Fax: (202) 616-8202
Ray Elbert Parker represented by Ray Elbert Parker
TERMINATED: 06/10/2010 P. O. Box 320636
Alexandria, VA 22320
(703) 328-2366

American Center for Law & Justice et represented by Colby M. May
al. American Center for Law & Justice (DC)
TERMINATED: 06/10/2010 201 Maryland Ave NE
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 546-8890
Fax: (202) 546-9309
Email: cmmay@aclj-dc.org

Physician Hospitals of America represented by Matthew Devane Fender
TERMINATED: 06/16/2010 McGuire Woods LLP
901 East Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23219

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Fax: 804-698-2209
Email: mfender@mcguirewoods.com

Scott Charles Oostdyk

McGuireWoods LLP
901 E Cary St
Richmond, VA 23219-4030
(804) 775-1000
Email: soostdyk@mcguirewoods.com

Virginia Leigh Hudson Nesbitt

McGuireWoods LLP
One James Center
901 E. Cary St.
Richmond, VA 23219
Email: vnesbitt@mcguirewoods.com

Small Business Majority Foundation, represented by John Hardin Young
Inc. SD Smith Esquire PLLC
TERMINATED: 06/17/2010 2001 S Main Street Suite 207-F
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(202) 479-1111
Fax: (202) 479-1115
Email: young@sandlerreiff.com

Center for American Progress represented by Angela Hope France
TERMINATED: 06/18/2010 PCT Law Group, PLLC
1725 Duke Street
Suite 240
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 881-9141
Email: afrance@pctlg.com

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed
Federal Rights Project National Senior represented by Angela Hope France
Citizens Law Center (See above for address)

Washington Legal Foundation represented by Richard Abbott Samp
2009 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington Legal Foundation (DC)
Washington, DC 20036 2009 Massachusetts Ave NW
2025880302 Washington, DC 20036
TERMINATED: 06/17/2010 (202) 588-0302
Email: rsamp@wlf.org

Liberty Group represented by John P. Forest , II
TERMINATED: 06/18/2010 StahlZelloe PC
11350 Random Hills Road
Suite 700
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 691-4940
Fax: 703-691-4942
Email: j.forest@stahlzelloe.com

Constitutional Law Professors represented by Andrew Abbott Nicely
TERMINATED: 06/18/2010 Mayer Brown LLP
1999 K Street NW
Washington, DC 20006-1101
(202) 263-3000
Fax: 202-263-3300
Email: anicely@mayerbrownrowe.com

Cato Institute represented by George William Norris , Jr.
TERMINATED: 06/18/2010 McSweeney Crump Childress & Temple
11 S Twelfth St
5th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
Fax: 804-782-2130
Email: bnorris@mcsweeneycrump.com
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Patrick Michael McSweeney

McSweeney Crump Childress & Temple
11 S Twelfth St
5th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
Fax: 804-782-2130

Landmark Legal Foundation represented by Timothy James St. George
TERMINATED: 06/18/2010 Troutman Sanders LLP
Troutman Sanders Bldg
1001 Haxall Point
PO Box 1122
Richmond, VA 23218-1122
Email: tim.stgeorge@troutmansanders.com

Randy E. Barnett represented by George William Norris , Jr.
Professor (See above for address)
TERMINATED: 06/18/2010 TERMINATED: 06/18/2010

Competitive Enterprise Institute represented by George William Norris , Jr.
TERMINATED: 06/18/2010 (See above for address)
TERMINATED: 06/18/2010

W. Spencer Connerat, III represented by W. Spencer Connerat, III
TERMINATED: 09/21/2010 13584 Feather Sound Circle, W.
Apt. 2009
Clearwater, FL 33762

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed
(727) 556-0170
Steven J. Willis represented by Patrick Michael McSweeney
(See above for address)

Pacific Legal Foundation represented by Robert Luther , III
TERMINATED: 10/04/2010 Knicely & Associates, P. C.
487 McLaws Cir
Suite 2
Williamsburg, VA 23185
(757) 253-0026
Fax: (757) 253-5825
Email: RL@knicelylaw.com

Luke Anthony Wake

Pacific Legal Foundation

Timothy Sandefur
Pacific Legal Foundation

Young Invincibles represented by Brett Walter
TERMINATED: 10/01/2010 Baach Robinson & Lewis PLLC (F ST-
1201 F St NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20004
Email: brett.walter@baachrobinson.com

William P. Barr represented by Edwin Louis Fountain
TERMINATED: 10/12/2010 Jones Day (DC)
51 Louisiana Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 879-3939
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Email: elfountain@jonesday.com

Tara Lynn Renee Zurawski

Jones Day (DC)
51 Louisiana Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
Fax: 202-626-1700
Email: tzurawski@jonesday.com

Edwin Meese, III represented by Edwin Louis Fountain
TERMINATED: 10/12/2010 (See above for address)

Tara Lynn Renee Zurawski

(See above for address)

Richard L. Thornburgh represented by Edwin Louis Fountain
TERMINATED: 10/12/2010 (See above for address)

Tara Lynn Renee Zurawski

(See above for address)

Eve Ellingwood represented by Eve Ellingwood
Judge, Retired Suite B 147
also known as 31811 Pacific South Highway
Cohen Sternlight Federal Way, WA 98003

American Civil Rights Union represented by Daniel Michael Gray
7617 Virginia Ave
Falls Church, VA 22043
(703) 204-0164
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed
Email: graydm2@verizon.net

Richard B. Rogers
Richard B. Rogers plc
6606 Thurlton Drive
Alexandria, VA 22315-2649
Email: richard_b_rogers@msn.com
Americans for Free Choice in Medicine represented by Luke Anthony Wake
Pacific Legal Foundation
3900 Lennane Drive
Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 419-7111
Fax: (916) 419-7747
Email: lw@pacificlegal.org

Robert Luther , III

(See above for address)

Timothy Sandefur
Pacific Legal Foundation
3900 Lennane Drive
Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 419-7111
Fax: (916) 419-7747
Email: tms@pacificlegal.org

Mountain States Legal Foundation represented by William Perry Pendley
TERMINATED: 10/05/2010 Mountain States Legal Foundation
707 17th Street
Suite 3030
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Denver, CO 80202
(303) 292-2021
Email: wppendley@mountainstateslegal.com

Virginia Organizing represented by Leonard Anthony Bennett
Consumer Litigation Assoc PC
12515 Warwick Blvd
Suite 100
Newport News, VA 23606
Fax: 757-930-3662
Email: lenbennett@cox.net

Ray Elbert Parker represented by Ray Elbert Parker
(See above for address)

American Center for Law and Justice represented by Colby M. May
The (See above for address)

Todd Akin represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Paul Broun represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Rob Bishop represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)
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John Boehner represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Michael Burgess represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Dan Burton represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Eric Cantor represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Mike Conaway represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Mary Fallin represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

John Fleming represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)


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Virginia Foxx represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)
Trent Franks represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Scott Garrett represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Louie Gohmert represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Bob Goodlatte represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Jeb Hensarling represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Walter Jones represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Steve King represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)
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Doug Lamborn represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Robert Latta represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Michael McCaul represented by Colby M. May
United states Representative (See above for address)

Cathy McMorris Rodgers represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Jerry Moran represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Mike Pence represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Jean Schmidt represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)


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Lamar Smith represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)
Todd Tiahrt represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative (See above for address)

Zach Wamp represented by Colby M. May
United States Representative, All Are (See above for address)
Members of the United States House of LEAD ATTORNEY
Representatives in the One Hundred ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED
Eleventh Congress

Constitutional Committee to Challenge represented by Colby M. May
the President and Congress on Health (See above for address)

Physician Hospitals of America represented by Scott Charles Oostdyk
(See above for address)

Matthew Devane Fender

(See above for address)

Virginia Leigh Hudson Nesbitt

(See above for address)

Small Business Majority Foundation, represented by John Hardin Young
Inc. (See above for address)

Main Street Alliance represented by John Hardin Young
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The (See above for address)
Landmark Legal Foundation represented by Timothy James St. George
(See above for address)

Center for American Progress represented by Angela Hope France
(See above for address)

Federal Rights Project National Senior represented by Angela Hope France
Citizens Law Center (See above for address)

March of Dimes Foundation represented by Angela Hope France
The (See above for address)

American Association of People with represented by Angela Hope France
Disabilities (See above for address)

ARC of the United States represented by Angela Hope France
The (See above for address)

Breast Cancer Action represented by Angela Hope France
(See above for address)


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Families USA represented by Angela Hope France
(See above for address)
Family Violence Prevention Fund represented by Angela Hope France
The (See above for address)

Friends of Cancer Research represented by Angela Hope France
(See above for address)

Mental Health America represented by Angela Hope France
(See above for address)

National Breast Cancer Coalition represented by Angela Hope France
(See above for address)

National Organization for Rare represented by Angela Hope France
Disorders (See above for address)

National Partnership for Women & represented by Angela Hope France
Families (See above for address)

National Patient Advocate Foundation represented by Angela Hope France
(See above for address)

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National Senior Citizens Law Center represented by Angela Hope France
The (See above for address)

National Women's Law Center represented by Angela Hope France
The (See above for address)

Ovarian Cancer National Alliance represented by Angela Hope France
The (See above for address)

Raising Women's Voices for the Health represented by Angela Hope France
Care We Need (See above for address)

United Cerebral Palsy represented by Angela Hope France
(See above for address)

Randy E. Barnett represented by Patrick Michael McSweeney
(See above for address)

George William Norris , Jr.

(See above for address)
TERMINATED: 06/18/2010

Competitive Enterprise Institute represented by George William Norris , Jr.
(See above for address)
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TERMINATED: 06/18/2010

Patrick Michael McSweeney

(See above for address)
Jack M. Balkin represented by Andrew Abbott Nicely
Professor (See above for address)

Gillian E. Metzger represented by Andrew Abbott Nicely
Professor (See above for address)

Trevor W. Morrison represented by Andrew Abbott Nicely
(See above for address)

Liberty Guard represented by John P. Forest , II
(See above for address)

Washington Legal Foundation represented by Richard Abbott Samp
(See above for address)

Cato Institute represented by George William Norris , Jr.
(See above for address)

Patrick Michael McSweeney

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(See above for address)

W. Spencer Connerat, III represented by W. Spencer Connerat, III
(See above for address)

Young Invincibles represented by Brett Walter
(See above for address)

American Civil Rights Union represented by Daniel Michael Gray
(See above for address)

Richard B. Rogers
(See above for address)

Mountain States Legal Foundation represented by William Perry Pendley
2596 South Lewis Way (See above for address)
Lakewood, CO 80227 LEAD ATTORNEY

Virginia Organizing represented by Leonard Anthony Bennett
(See above for address)

William P. Barr represented by Edwin Louis Fountain
(See above for address)

Tara Lynn Renee Zurawski

(See above for address)
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Edwin Meese, III represented by Edwin Louis Fountain
(See above for address)

Richard L. Thornburgh represented by Edwin Louis Fountain
(See above for address)

Tara Lynn Renee Zurawski

(See above for address)

Americans for Free Choice in Medicine represented by Luke Anthony Wake
(See above for address)

Robert Luther , III

(See above for address)

Timothy Sandefur
(See above for address)

Pacific Legal Foundation represented by Robert Luther , III
(See above for address)

Luke Anthony Wake

(See above for address)

Timothy Sandefur
(See above for address)

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Date Filed # Docket Text

Kathleen Sebelius; filing fee paid $ 350, receipt number 34683007662; filed by
Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II. (Attachments: # 1 Civil
Cover Sheet, # 2 Receipt)(cmcc, ) (Entered: 03/23/2010)
03/23/2010 2 Summons Issued as to Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Attorney and U.S. Attorney General.
Delivered to counsel. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 03/23/2010)
03/23/2010 3 ORDER that the undersigned recuses himself from presiding over this action. It is hereby
ORDERED that the Clerk reassign this action to another judge in accord with the
standard assignment system. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 3/23/2010.
Copies to counsel.(cmcc, ) (Entered: 03/23/2010)
03/23/2010 Case reassigned by standard assignment system to District Judge Henry E. Hudson.
District Judge Robert E. Payne no longer assigned to the case. (Reassigned pursuant to
Order entered 3/23/2010.) (cmcc, ) (Entered: 03/23/2010)
03/25/2010 4 Certificate of Reporting Service by Kathleen Sebelius. Kathleen Sebelius served on
3/23/2010, answer due 5/24/2010. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 03/26/2010)
04/30/2010 5 ORDER SETTING PRETRIAL CONFERENCE - Initial Pretrial Conference set for
6/3/2010 at 9:15 AM before District Judge Henry E. Hudson (rpiz) (Entered:
04/30/2010 6 SCHEDULING ORDER with Attachment # 1 Pretrial Schedule A (signed by District
Judge Henry E. Hudson on 4/30/2010) (rpiz) (Entered: 04/30/2010)
05/05/2010 7 MOTION re 6 Scheduling Order and Brief in Support Thereof by Kathleen Sebelius.
(Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Hambrick, Jonathan) (Entered: 05/05/2010)
05/05/2010 8 RESPONSE to Motion re 7 MOTION re 6 Scheduling Order and Brief in Support
Thereof filed by Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II.
(Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(McCullough, Stephen) (Entered: 05/05/2010)
05/05/2010 9 MOTION for Erika Myers to appear Pro hac vice; filing fee waived; by Kathleen
Sebelius. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 05/06/2010)
05/05/2010 10 MOTION for Joel McElvain to appear Pro hac vice; filing fee waived; by Kathleen
Sebelius. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 05/06/2010)
05/05/2010 11 MOTION for Sheila Lieber to appear Pro hac vice; filing fee waived; by Kathleen
Sebelius. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 05/06/2010)
05/05/2010 12 MOTION for Ian Gershengorn to appear Pro hac vice; filing fee waived; by Kathleen
Sebelius. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 05/06/2010)
05/05/2010 Notice of Correction: Plaintiff counsel has been advised to include the complete
signature block on the certificate of service on future documents. (cmcc, ) (Entered:
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05/06/2010 13 ORDER granting 7 Defendant's Motion to Modify the Scheduling Order, which the
Court will construe as a Motion to Extend Time; the Defendant shall file her Answer or
otherwise respond to the Complaint on or before May 24, 2010; if the Defendant files a
motion to dismiss the Complaint, the time for filing an Answer shall be deferred until
fourteen days after a ruling on that motion to dismiss. Signed by District Judge Henry E.
Hudson on 5/6/2010. Copies to counsel. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 05/06/2010)
05/07/2010 14 ORDER granting 9 Motion for Pro hac vice. Appointed Erika Myers for Kathleen
Sebelius. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 5/6/2010. Copies to counsel.
(cmcc, ) (Entered: 05/07/2010)
05/07/2010 15 ORDER granting 10 Motion for Pro hac vice. Appointed Joel McElvain for Kathleen
Sebelius. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 5/6/2010. Copies to counsel.
(cmcc, ) (Entered: 05/07/2010)
05/07/2010 16 ORDER granting 11 Motion for Pro hac vice. Appointed Sheila M. Lieber for Kathleen
Sebelius. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 5/6/2010. Copies to counsel.
(cmcc, ) (Entered: 05/07/2010)
05/07/2010 17 ORDER granting 12 Motion for Pro hac vice. Appointed Ian Gershengorn for Kathleen
Sebelius. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 5/6/2010. Copies to counsel.
(cmcc, ) (Entered: 05/07/2010)
05/19/2010 18 MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages and Brief in Support Thereof by Kathleen
Sebelius. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Hambrick, Jonathan) (Entered:
05/19/2010 19 MOTION to Establish Briefing Schedule by Kathleen Sebelius. (Hambrick, Jonathan)
(Entered: 05/19/2010)
05/19/2010 20 ORDER re: 18 Motion for Leave to Exceed the Page Limitations imposed by Local
Civil Rule 7(F); that Defendant is GRANTED leave to file a memorandum in support of
her motion to dismiss not to exceed 45 pages; it is FURTHER ORDERED that Plaintiff
is GRANTED leave to file a memorandum in opposition to defendant's motion to
dismiss not to exceed 45 pages; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that Plaintiff shall file
its opposition to Defendant's motion to dismiss on or before 06/07/2010, and defendant
shall file her reply brief in support of her motion to dismiss on or before 06/22/2010.
Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 05/19/2010. (walk, ) (Entered:
05/24/2010 21 MOTION to Dismiss by Kathleen Sebelius. (Hambrick, Jonathan) (Entered:
05/24/2010 22 Memorandum in Support re 21 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Kathleen Sebelius.
(Hambrick, Jonathan) (Entered: 05/24/2010)
06/03/2010 23 ORDER regarding hearing dates for oral argument: 1) Defendant's Motion to Dismiss -
July 1, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.; 2) Motions for Summary Judgment - October 18, 2010 at

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9:00 a.m.; parties to set briefing schedule for Motions for Summary Judgment, with
briefs due fourteen days before the October 18, 2010 hearing date; all amicus filings are
due fourteen days before the hearing date which the specific brief addresses. Signed by
District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 6/3/2010. Copies to counsel.(cmcc, ) (Entered:
06/03/2010 24 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Henry E. Hudson (Court
Reporter Liscio, OCR): Initial Pretrial Conference held on 6/3/2010. Hearing on deft's
Motion to Dismiss scheduled for 7/1/2010 at 10:00 a.m. Hearing on Motions for
Summary Judgment scheduled for 10/18/2010 at 9:00 a.m.; all briefs due 14 days prior
to hearing date. (rpiz) (Entered: 06/03/2010)
06/04/2010 25 TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 6/3/2010, before Judge Henry E. Hudson.
Court Reporter/Transcriber Krista Liscio, Telephone number 804 916-2296. Transcript
may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court
Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After
that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 7/6/2010.
Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/4/2010. Release of Transcript Restriction set for
9/2/2010.(liscio, krista) (Entered: 06/04/2010)
06/04/2010 26 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief by Ray Elbert Parker. (Attachments: #
1 Proposed Amicus Brief - Received, # 2 Cover Letter)(cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/04/2010)
06/07/2010 27 Notice of Filing of Official Transcript re: 25 Transcript. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/07/2010)
06/07/2010 28 RESPONSE in Opposition re 21 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Commonwealth of
Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Exhibit A)
(Getchell, Earle) (Entered: 06/07/2010)
06/07/2010 29 NOTICE of Appearance by Colby M. May on behalf of American Center for Law &
Justice et al. (May, Colby) (Entered: 06/07/2010)
06/07/2010 30 Financial Interest Disclosure Statement (Local Rule 7.1) by American Center for Law &
Justice et al.. (May, Colby) (Entered: 06/07/2010)
06/07/2010 31 MOTION for Leave to File Amici Brief by American Center for Law & Justice et al..
(Attachments: # 1 Proposed Amici Brief, # 2 Proposed Order)(May, Colby) (Entered:
06/08/2010 32 CERTIFICATE of Service re 29 Notice of Appearance by Colby M. May on behalf of
American Center for Law & Justice et al. (May, Colby) (Entered: 06/08/2010)
06/08/2010 33 CERTIFICATE of Service re 30 Financial Disclosure Statement by Colby M. May on
behalf of American Center for Law & Justice et al. (May, Colby) (Entered: 06/08/2010)
06/09/2010 34 NOTICE of Attorney Withdrawal of Appearance re: Erika L. Myers by Kathleen
Sebelius (Hambrick, Jonathan) Modified on 6/9/2010 to edit.(cmcc, ). (Entered:
06/10/2010 35 ORDER granting 26 Motion for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief submitted by Ray
Elbert Parker; this Motion is GRANTED and the Clerk is directed to file the pro se
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movant's Friend of the Court Amicus Curiae Brief. Signed by District Judge Henry E.
Hudson on 6/10/2010. Copies to counsel and movant, Ray Elbert Parker. (cmcc, )
(Entered: 06/10/2010)
06/10/2010 36 Amicus Curiae Brief ("Friend of the Court Amicus Curiae Brief") entered by Ray Elbert
Parker (filed pursuant to Order entered 6/10/2010). (cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/10/2010)
06/10/2010 37 ORDER granting 31 Motion for Leave to File a Brief as Amici Curiae supporting
Plaintiff's opposition to the Defendant's motion to dismiss, by amici American Center for
Law and Justice, United States Representatives Paul Broun, Todd Akin, Rob Bishop,
John Boehner, Michael Burgess, Dan Burton, Eric Cantor, Mike Conaway, Mary Fallin,
John Fleming, Virginia Foxx, Trent Franks, Scott Garrett, Louie Gohmert, Bob
Goodlatte, Jeb Hensarling, Walter Jones, Steve King, Doug Lamborn, Robert Latta,
Michael McCaul, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Jerry Moran, Mike Pence, Jean Schmidt,
Lamar Smith, Todd Tiahrt, and Zach Wamp, and the Constitutional Committee to
Challenge the President and Congress on Health Care; IT IS ORDERED that the
motion for leave to file a brief as amici curiae is granted and FURTHER ORDERED that
the Clerk shall cause the Proposed Brief to be filed and entered on the docket of the
above-captioned matter. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 6/10/2010.
Copies to counsel and pro se amicus. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/10/2010)
06/10/2010 38 Response Amici Brief filed by Todd Akin, American Center for Law and Justice, Rob
Bishop, John Boehner, Paul Broun, Michael Burgess, Dan Burton, Eric Cantor, Mike
Conaway, Constitutional Committee to Challenge the President and Congress on Health
Care, Mary Fallin, John Fleming, Virginia Foxx, Trent Franks, Scott Garrett, Louie
Gohmert, Bob Goodlatte, Jeb Hensarling, Walter Jones, Steve King, Doug Lamborn,
Robert Latta, Michael McCaul, Jerry Moran, Mike Pence, Cathy McMorris Rodgers,
Jean Schmidt, Lamar Smith, Todd Tiahrt, Zach Wamp. (May, Colby) (Entered:
06/15/2010 39 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief by Physician Hospitals of America.
(Attachments: # 1 Memorandum of Law in Support, # 2 Proposed Brief)(Fender,
Matthew) (Entered: 06/15/2010)
06/16/2010 Notice of Correction: Movant counsel will refile document 39 with the signature on the
document matching the filing user's login (required by CM/ECF Policies and
Procedures); the memorandum in support will be filed as a separate document. (cmcc, )
(Entered: 06/16/2010)
06/16/2010 40 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief (refiled) by Physician Hospitals of
America. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Amicus Brief)(Oostdyk, Scott) (Entered:
06/16/2010 41 Memorandum in Support re 40 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief
(refiled) filed by Physician Hospitals of America. (Oostdyk, Scott) (Entered:
06/16/2010 42 ORDER granting a Motion for Leave to Participate as Amicus Curiae (Dk. No. 39) in
Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss; this Motion is GRANTED and Movant is

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directed to file its Brief of Amicus Curiae Physician Hospitals of America in Opposition
to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on
6/16/2010. Copies to counsel. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/16/2010)

06/16/2010 43 Memorandum Amicus Curiae Brief filed by Physician Hospitals of America. (Oostdyk,
Scott) (Entered: 06/16/2010)
06/17/2010 44 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief by Small Business Majority
Foundation, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Amicus Brief, # 2 Memorandum of Law
in Support, # 3 Financial Disclosure, # 4 Proposed Order, # 5 Certificate of Service)
(Young, John) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 45 MOTION and Memorandum in Support for Leave to File Brief Amici Curiae by
Center for American Progress, Federal Rights Project National Senior Citizens Law
Center. (Attachments: # 1 Brief Amici Curiae, # 2 Proposed Order)(France, Angela)
Modified on 6/17/2010 to edit event (cmcc, ). (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 Notice of Correction: Movant counsel will refile certain attachments to document 44 as
separate documents as required by CM/ECF Policies and Procedures. (cmcc, )
(Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 46 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief by Washington Legal Foundation.
(Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Proposed Amicus Brief, # 2 Proposed Order)(Samp,
Richard) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 47 NOTICE of Appearance by Richard Abbott Samp on behalf of Washington Legal
Foundation (Samp, Richard) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 48 Memorandum in Support re 44 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief filed
by Small Business Majority Foundation, Inc.. (Young, John) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 49 Financial Interest Disclosure Statement (Local Rule 7.1) by Small Business Majority
Foundation, Inc.. (Young, John) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 50 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Small Business Majority Foundation, Inc. re 44
MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 51 ORDER granting a Motion for Leave to File Brief Amici Curiae (Dk. No. 44) in
Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss; the Motion is GRANTED and Movants are
directed to file the Brief Amici Curiae of Small Business Majority Foundation, Inc. and
The Main Street Alliance in Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. Signed by
District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 6/17/2010. Copies to counsel. (cmcc, ) (Entered:
06/17/2010 52 MOTION for Leave to Appear Amicus Curiae by Liberty Group. (Attachments: # 1
Proposed Brief, # 2 Proposed Order)(Forest, John) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 53 NOTICE of Appearance by Andrew Abbott Nicely on behalf of Constitutional Law
Professors (Nicely, Andrew) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 54 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief In Support of the Defendant's

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Motion to Dismiss by Constitutional Law Professors. (Attachments: # 1 Amicus Brief
of Constitutional Law Professors, # 2 Proposed Order)(Nicely, Andrew) (Entered:
06/17/2010 55 Response Brief Amici Curiae filed by Main Street Alliance, Small Business Majority
Foundation, Inc.. (Young, John) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 56 NOTICE of Appearance by George William Norris, Jr on behalf of Cato Institute
(Norris, George) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 57 Financial Interest Disclosure Statement (Local Rule 7.1) by Cato Institute. (Norris,
George) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 58 MOTION for Leave to File Amici Memorandum by Cato Institute, Competitive
Enterprise Institute, and Prof. Randy E. Barnett. (Norris, George) Modified to edit
parties (cmcc, ). (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 59 Memorandum of Amici Cato Institute, Competitive Enterprise Institute and Prof.
Randy E. Barnett Supporting Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant's Motion to
Dismiss to 28 Response in Opposition to Motion filed by Cato Institute. (Norris,
COURT) Modified on 6/17/2010 (cmcc, ). (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 60 ORDER granting a Motion for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief in Opposition to
Defendant's Motion to Dismiss (Dk. No. 46), submitted by the Washington Legal
Foundation; the Motion is GRANTED and Movant is DIRECTED to file its Brief of
Washington Legal Foundation as Amicus Curiae in Opposition to Defendant's Motion to
Dismiss. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 6/17/2010. Copies to counsel.
(cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 61 ORDER granting Motion for Leave to File Brief of Amici Curiae by the March of Dimes
Foundation, et al., in Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss (Dk. No. 45); the
Motion is GRANTED and Movants are DIRECTED to file their Brief of Amici Curiae
in Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson
on 6/17/2010. Copies to counsel. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 62 ORDER granting Motion for Leave to Participate as Amicus Curiae in Support of
Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss (Dk. No. 52), submitted by
Liberty Guard; this Motion is GRANTED and Movant is DIRECTED to file its Amicus
Curiae Brief in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss.
Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 6/17/2010. Copies to counsel. (cmcc, )
(Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/17/2010 63 ORDER granting Motion for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of
Defendant's Motion to Dismiss (Dk. No. 54), submitted by constitutional law professors
Jack M. Balkin, Gillian E. Metzger, and Trevor W. Morrison; the Motion is GRANTED
and Movants are DIRECTED to file their Amicus Curiae Brief of Constitutional Law
Professors in Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. Signed by District Judge Henry
E. Hudson on 6/17/2010. Copies to counsel. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/17/2010)

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06/17/2010 64 MOTION for Leave to File Supplement for Amicus Curiae Party by Ray Elbert Parker.
(Attachments: # 1 Proposed Memorandum by Amicus Curiae Party)(cmcc, ) (Entered:
06/17/2010 65 MOTION for Leave to File Brief Amicus Curiae by Landmark Legal Foundation.
(Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Brief Amicus Curiae, # 2 Proposed Order)(St. George,
Timothy) (Entered: 06/17/2010)
06/18/2010 66 ORDER GRANTING 58 Motion by Movants Cato Institute, et al. for Leave to
Participate as Amici Curiae and Movants are DIRECTED to file their Memorandum as
Amici Curiae Supporting Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. It is so
ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 06/18/2010. (walk, )
(Entered: 06/18/2010)
06/18/2010 67 ORDER GRANTING 64 Motion for Leave to File Supplement Motion for Amicus
Curiae Party, submitted by Ray Elbert Parker, Pro Se. The Clerk is DIRECTED to file
Petitioner's Brief. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on
06/18/2010. Copy mailed to Mr. Parker. (walk, ) (Entered: 06/18/2010)
06/18/2010 68 Brief Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition re: 21 MOTION to Dismiss
filed by Liberty Guard. (Forest, John) Modified to edit (cmcc, ). (Entered: 06/18/2010)
06/18/2010 69 Brief of Amici Curiae Supporting Plaintiff's Opposition to 21 Defendant's Motion to
Dismiss by Cato Institute, Competitive Enterprise Institute and Prof. Randy E. Barnett.
(Norris, George) Modified to edit (cmcc, ). (Entered: 06/18/2010)
06/18/2010 70 Brief Amicus Curiae in Support to 21 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Constitutional Law
Professors Jack M. Balkin, Gillian E. Metzger, and Trevor W. Morrison. (Nicely,
Andrew) Modified on 6/22/2010 to edit (cmcc, ). (Entered: 06/18/2010)
06/18/2010 71 ORDER GRANTING 65 Motion by Movant Landmark Legal Foundation for Leave to
Participate as Amicus Curiae and Movant is DIRECTED to file its Brief Amicus Curiae
in Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District
Judge Henry E. Hudson on 06/18/2010. (walk, ) (Entered: 06/18/2010)
06/18/2010 72 Brief Amicus Curiae in Opposition re 21 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Washington
Legal Foundation. (Samp, Richard) Modified to edit(cmcc, ). (Entered: 06/18/2010)
06/18/2010 Notice of Correction re: Document 47; the filing user has been requested to file a
separate Certificate of Service and to link the filing to Document 47. (walk, ) (Entered:
06/18/2010 73 CERTIFICATE of Service re 47 Notice of Appearance by Richard Abbott Samp on
behalf of Washington Legal Foundation (Samp, Richard) (Entered: 06/18/2010)
06/18/2010 74 Brief Amicus Curiae in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss filed by Landmark Legal
Foundation. (St. George, Timothy) Modified on 6/22/2010 to edit (cmcc, ). (Entered:
06/18/2010 75 Brief Amici Curiae of The March of Dimes Foundation, The American Association of
People with Disabilities, The ARC of the United States, Breast Cancer Action, Families

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USA, the Family Violence Prevention Fund, Friends of Cancer Research, Mental Health
America, National Breast Cancer Coalition, The National Organization for Rare
Disorders, The National Partnership for Women & Families, National Patient Advocate
Foundation, The National Senior Citizens Law Center, The National Women's Law
Center, The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance, Raising Women's Voices for the Health
Care We Need, and United Cerebral Palsy, in Support of Motion to Dismiss filed by
Center for American Progress, Federal Rights Project National Senior Citizens Law
Center. (France, Angela) Modified on 6/22/2010 to edit (cmcc, ). (Entered:
06/18/2010 Notice of Correction: Amici counsel was contacted re: document 59, Amici Brief,
regarding CM/ECF Policies and Procedures for documents needing leave of court. No
action is necessary at this time. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/22/2010)
06/21/2010 76 Supplemental Brief by Amicus Curiae Petitioner filed by Ray Elbert Parker (filed
pursuant to Order entered 6/18/2010). (cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/21/2010)
06/22/2010 77 Reply to 21 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Kathleen Sebelius. (Attachments: # 1
Appendix of Statutory Materials)(Hambrick, Jonathan) (Entered: 06/22/2010)
06/23/2010 78 RESPONSE to Motion re 64 MOTION for Leave to File filed by Commonwealth of
Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II. (Getchell, Earle) (Entered: 06/23/2010)
06/24/2010 Set Deadlines/Hearings as to 21 Motion to Dismiss: Motion Hearing set for 7/1/2010 at
10:00 AM before District Judge Henry E. Hudson (rpiz) (Entered: 06/24/2010)
06/30/2010 79 Amicus Curiae "Reply to Plaintiff's Memorandum of June 23, 2010 in Opposition to
Dismiss Without Prejudice or Alternatively, for a Change of Venue" filed by Ray Elbert
Parker. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 06/30/2010)
07/01/2010 80 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Henry E. Hudson (Court
Reporter Liscio, OCR): Motion Hearing held on 7/1/2010 re 21 Motion to Dismiss filed
by Kathleen Sebelius. Argument heard. Motion taken under advisement by Court;
Memorandum Opinion to enter. (rpiz) (Entered: 07/02/2010)
07/08/2010 81 TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on July 1, 2010, before Judge Henry E. Hudson.
Court Reporter/Transcriber Krista Liscio, Telephone number 804 916-2296. Transcript
may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court
Reporter/Transcriber. Redaction Request due 8/9/2010. Redacted Transcript Deadline
set for 9/7/2010. (liscio, krista) (Entered: 07/08/2010)
07/08/2010 82 Notice of Filing of Official Transcript re 81 Transcript. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 07/08/2010)
07/09/2010 83 Amicus Curiae Post Trial Memorandum in Support of Opposition to Defendant's
Motion to Dismiss filed by Ray Elbert Parker. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 07/12/2010)
08/02/2010 84 MEMORANDUM OPINION. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on
8/2/2010. Copies to counsel of record.(cmcc, ) (Entered: 08/02/2010)
08/02/2010 85 ORDER regarding Defendant's Motion to Dismiss (Dk. No. 21), filed May 24, 2010;
for reasons stated in the accompanying Memorandum Opinion, the Defendant's Motion
to Dismiss is DENIED. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 8/2/2010. Copies
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to counsel of record. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 08/02/2010)
08/10/2010 86 CONSENT ORDER on the briefing schedule for the Motions for Summary Judgment to
be filed by the parties; consistent with the Court's June 3, 2010 Order, the parties have
conferred and agreed on such a schedule and accordingly it is ORDERED, AJUDGED
and DECREED by the Court (see Order for details). Signed by District Judge Henry E.
Hudson on 8/10/2010. Copies to counsel.(cmcc, ) (Entered: 08/10/2010)
08/16/2010 87 ANSWER to 1 Complaint, by Kathleen Sebelius.(Hambrick, Jonathan) (Entered:
09/03/2010 88 MOTION for Summary Judgment by Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T.
Cuccinelli, II. (Getchell, Earle) (Entered: 09/03/2010)
09/03/2010 89 Memorandum in Support re 88 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by
Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II. (Attachments: # 1
Affidavit, # 2 Affidavit)(Getchell, Earle) (Entered: 09/03/2010)
09/03/2010 90 MOTION for Summary Judgment by Kathleen Sebelius. (Hambrick, Jonathan)
(Entered: 09/03/2010)
09/03/2010 91 Memorandum in Support re 90 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Kathleen
Sebelius. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix of Exhibits)(Hambrick, Jonathan) (Entered:
09/07/2010 Set Deadlines/Hearings as to 88 Motion for Summary Judgment by Commonwealth of
Virginia and 90 Motion for Summary Judgment by Kathleen Sebelius: Motions Hearing
set for 10/18/2010 at 9:00 AM before District Judge Henry E. Hudson (rpiz) (Entered:
09/17/2010 92 MOTION ("Optional") for Leave to File Amicus Brief by W. Spencer Connerat, III.
(cmcc, ) (Entered: 09/17/2010)
09/21/2010 93 ORDER granting 92 Optional Motion for Leave to File Amicus Brief by W. Spencer
Connerat, III; the Clerk is directed to file Movant's Optional Motion for Leave to File
Amicus Brief as Movant's Brief as Amicus Curiae Supporting Plaintiff. Signed by District
Judge Henry E. Hudson on 9/21/2010. Copies to counsel and Connerat. (cmcc, )
(Entered: 09/21/2010)
09/21/2010 94 Amicus Brief in Support of Plaintiff filed by W. Spencer Connerat, III (filed pursuant to
Order entered 9/21/2010). (cmcc, ) (Entered: 09/21/2010)
09/23/2010 95 Memorandum in Opposition re 90 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by
Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II. (Getchell, Earle) (Entered:
09/23/2010 96 Opposition to 88 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Kathleen Sebelius.
(Hambrick, Jonathan) (Entered: 09/23/2010)
09/30/2010 97 NOTICE of Appearance by Patrick Michael McSweeney on behalf of Randy E.
Barnett, Cato Institute, Competitive Enterprise Institute (McSweeney, Patrick) (Entered:

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09/30/2010 98 NOTICE of Appearance by Patrick Michael McSweeney on behalf of Steven J. Willis
(McSweeney, Patrick) (Entered: 09/30/2010)

09/30/2010 Notice of Correction: Local counsel for Pacific Legal Foundation has been advised to
file notice of appearance. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 10/01/2010)
09/30/2010 99 MOTION for Timothy Sandefur to appear Pro hac vice by Pacific Legal Foundation.
(Attachments: # 1 Receipt)(cmcc, ) (Entered: 10/01/2010)
09/30/2010 100 MOTION for Luke Anthony Wake to appear Pro hac vice by Pacific Legal
Foundation. (Attachments: # 1 Receipt)(cmcc, ) (Entered: 10/01/2010)
FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT by Young Invincibles. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed
Order Proposed Order, # 2 Exhibit Amicus Brief)(Walter, Brett) (Entered: 10/01/2010)
10/01/2010 102 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Memorandum in Support of Plaintiff's
Motion for Summary Judgment and Opposing Defendant's Motion for Summary
Judgment by Randy E. Barnett, Cato Institute, Competitive Enterprise Institute.
(Attachments: # 1 Proposed Memorandum Supporting Plaintiff's Motion for Summary
Judgment and Opposing Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment, # 2 Proposed
Order)(McSweeney, Patrick) (Entered: 10/01/2010)
10/01/2010 103 ORDER granting a Motion for Leave to File Brief of Amicus Curiae Young Invincibles,
supporting Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment (Dk. No. 101) ; ORDERED
that the motion for leave to file a brief as amicus curiae is granted and FURTHER
ORDERED that the Clerk shall cause the Proposed Brief to be filed and entered.
Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 10/1/2010. Copies to counsel. (cmcc, )
(Entered: 10/01/2010)
10/01/2010 104 Brief Amicus Curiae in Support of Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment filed by
Young Invincibles. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 10/01/2010)
10/01/2010 105 ORDER granting Motion for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Memorandum supporting
Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment and opposing Defendant's Motion for
Summary Judgment by Randy E. Barnett, Cato Institute, Competitive Enterprise Institute
(Dk. No. 102); it is ORDERED that the motion for leave to file a brief as amici curiae is
granted. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 10/1/2010. Copies to counsel.
(cmcc, ) (Entered: 10/01/2010)
10/01/2010 106 Memorandum as Amici Curiae Supporting Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment and
Opposing Defendant's Motion for summary Judgment filed by Randy E. Barnett, Cato
Institute, Competitive Enterprise Institute. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 10/01/2010)
10/04/2010 107 NOTICE of Appearance by Robert Luther, III on behalf of Americans for Free Choice
in Medicine and Pacific Legal Foundation (Luther, Robert) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 108 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Brief in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for
Summary Judgment by Washington Legal Foundation. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed
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Order Granting Motion for Leave, # 2 Exhibit Proposed Amicus Brief)(Samp, Richard)
(Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 109 NOTICE of Appearance by Tara Lynn Renee Zurawski on behalf of William P. Barr,
Edwin Meese, III, Richard L. Thornburgh (Zurawski, Tara) (Entered: 10/04/2010)

10/04/2010 110 NOTICE of Appearance by Edwin Louis Fountain on behalf of William P. Barr, Edwin
Meese, III, Richard L. Thornburgh (Fountain, Edwin) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 111 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief by Physician Hospitals of America.
(Attachments: # 1 Memorandum Of Law in Support, # 2 Exhibit Proposed Amicus
Brief)(Oostdyk, Scott) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 112 MOTION for Extension of Time to File a Motion for Leave to Participate as Amici
Curiae by William P. Barr, Edwin Meese, III, Richard L. Thornburgh. (Fountain,
Edwin) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 113 Memorandum in Support re 112 MOTION for Extension of Time to File a Motion for
Leave to Participate as Amici Curiae filed by William P. Barr, Edwin Meese, III,
Richard L. Thornburgh. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Fountain, Edwin) (Entered:
10/04/2010 114 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for
Summary Judgment and in Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary
Judgment by American Civil Rights Union. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order, # 2
Exhibit Proposed amicus brief)(Gray, Daniel) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 115 Financial Interest Disclosure Statement (Local Rule 7.1) by American Civil Rights
Union. (Gray, Daniel) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 116 NOTICE of Appearance by Richard B. Rogers on behalf of American Civil Rights
Union (Rogers, Richard) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 117 REPLY to Response to Motion re 88 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by
Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II. (Getchell, Earle) (Entered:
10/04/2010 118 Brief in Support Amicus Curiae Brief of Constitutional Law Professors In Support
of the Secretary's Motion For Summary Judgment filed by Jack M. Balkin, Gillian E.
Metzger, Trevor W. Morrison. (Nicely, Andrew) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 119 ORDER GRANTING Plaintiff's 111 Motion for Leave to Participate as Amicus Curiae
in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment; Movant Physician Hospitals of
America is directed to file its Brief of Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for
Summary Judgment. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 10/1/2010. (lhin, )
(cmcc, ). (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 120 ORDER GRANTING the American Civil Rights Union's 114 Motion for Leave to File
Amicus Curiae Brief; upon receipt of this Order, counsel for the American Civil Rights
Union shall electronically file the brief. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on
10/4/2010. (lhin, ) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
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10/04/2010 121 ORDER GRANTING 112 Motion by the Former U.S. Attorneys General William
Barr, Edwin Meese, III and Dick Thornburg for an Extension of Time to Seek Leave to
File a Brief as amici curiae. It is FURTHER ORDERED that Movants shall file their
motion seeking leave to participate as amici curiae by 10/08/2010. Signed by District
Judge Henry E. Hudson on 10/04/2010. (walk, ) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 122 Memorandum in Support of Plaintiff's 88 Motion for Summary Judgment and in
Opposition to Defendant's 90 Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Physician
Hospitals of America. (Oostdyk, Scott). Modified docket entry on 10/05/2010. (walk,
). (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 123 ORDER GRANTING 108 Motion by amici curiae Washington Legal Foundation and
several constitutional law scholars for Leave to File an amici curiae Brief in support of
Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment. The Clerk shall cause the proposed brief to be
filed and entered on the docket. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on
10/04/2010. (walk, ) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 124 NOTICE of Appearance by William Perry Pendley on behalf of Mountain States Legal
Foundation (Pendley, William) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 125 Brief by Washington Legal Foundation and Constitutional Law Scholars as Amici Curiae
in Support of Plaintiff's 88 MOTION for Summary Judgment; filed pursuant to the
Court's Order dated 10/04/2010. (walk, ) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 126 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Brief and Brief in Support by Mountain States
Legal Foundation. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order, # 2 Amicus Brief)(Pendley,
William) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 127 MOTION for Leave to File Brief Amicus Curiae by Pacific Legal Foundation. (Luther,
Robert) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 128 NOTICE of Appearance by William Perry Pendley on behalf of Mountain States Legal
Foundation (Pendley, William) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 129 Brief in Support of Commonwealth of Virginia filed by Americans for Free Choice in
Medicine and Pacific Legal Foundation. (Luther, Robert). PLEASE NOTE: Received
verbal notification from counsel Robert Luther, III that "Pro Hac Vice Pending" listed
under his name on page one of the document is a typographical error. Mr. Luther is
counsel of record and doesn't have a Pro Hac Vice application pending before the
Court. (walk, ). (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 130 MOTION for Leave to File Brief Amicus Curie in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for
Summary Judgment by Landmark Legal Foundation. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed
Order, # 2 Exhibit Brief Amicus Curiae)(St. George, Timothy) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 131 Brief in Support to 88 MOTION for Summary Judgment by Plaintiff and in
Opposition to 90 MOTION for Summary Judgment by Defendant filed by American
Civil Rights Union. (Rogers, Richard) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 132 REPLY to Response to Motion re 90 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by
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Kathleen Sebelius. (Hambrick, Jonathan) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 133 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief by Virginia Organizing. (Attachments:
# 1 Exhibit Amicus Brief, # 2 Affidavit Amicus Brief Exhibit 1)(Bennett, Leonard)
(Entered: 10/04/2010)

10/04/2010 134 Memorandum in Support re 133 MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief filed
by Virginia Organizing. (Bennett, Leonard) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/04/2010 135 Financial Interest Disclosure Statement (Local Rule 7.1) by Virginia Organizing.
(Bennett, Leonard) (Entered: 10/04/2010)
10/05/2010 136 ORDER GRANTING 126 Motion by Mountain States Legal Foundation for Leave to
File Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment. The
Clerk shall cause the proposed brief to be filed and entered on the docket. It is so
ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 10/04/2010. (walk, )
(Entered: 10/05/2010)
10/05/2010 137 Amicus Curiae Brief by Mountain States Legal Foundation in Support of Plaintiff's 88
MOTION for Summary Judgment; filed pursuant to the Court's Order dated
10/05/2010. (walk, ) (Entered: 10/05/2010)
10/05/2010 138 ORDER GRANTING 127 Motion for Leave to File Amicus Curiae for Americans for
Free Choice in Medicine and Pacific Legal Foundation and they are directed to file their
Brief of Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiff's 88 Motion for Summary Judgment. It is
so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 10/04/2010. (walk, )
(Entered: 10/05/2010)
10/05/2010 Notice of Correction re: Document 122; the filing user should have selected the filing
event "Memorandum in Support," instead of "Memorandum." The docket text has been
corrected and the document has been linked to 88 and 90 motions. (walk, ) (Entered:
10/05/2010 139 ORDER GRANTING 133 Motion for Leave to File Brief of Amicus Curiae Virginia
Organizing in Support of Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgement and Movant
Virginia Organizing is directed to file its Brief of Amicus Curiae in Support of
Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District
Judge Henry E. Hudson on 10/05/2010. (walk, ) (Entered: 10/05/2010)
10/05/2010 140 ORDER GRANTING 130 Motion of amicus Landmark Legal Foundation for leave to
file a brief as amicus curiae supporting Plaintiff's motion for summary judgment. It is
FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk shall cause the Proposed Brief to be filed and
entered on the docket. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 10/05/2010.
(walk, ) (Entered: 10/05/2010)
10/05/2010 141 Amicus Curiae Brief of Landmark Legal Foundation in Support of Plaintiff's 88
MOTION for Summary Judgment; filed pursuant to the Court's Order dated
10/05/2010. (walk, ) (Entered: 10/05/2010)
10/05/2010 Notice of Correction re: Document 124; the filing user has been requested to file a
separate Certificate of Service and link it to document 124 . (walk, ). The filing user has
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also been requested to file a separate Certificate of Service for Document 128 which
appears to be a duplicate of Document 124 . (walk, ) (Entered: 10/05/2010)
10/05/2010 Notice of Correction re: Document 130; the filing user's login does not match the
signature on the document. The filing user must refile the document with the filing user's
signature block, or the attorney whose signature block appears on the document must
refile the document. (walk, ) (Entered: 10/05/2010)
10/05/2010 142 CERTIFICATE of Service re 124 Notice of Appearance by William Perry Pendley on
behalf of Mountain States Legal Foundation (Pendley, William) (Entered: 10/05/2010)
10/05/2010 143 CERTIFICATE of Service re 128 Notice of Appearance by William Perry Pendley on
behalf of Mountain States Legal Foundation (Pendley, William) (Entered: 10/05/2010)
10/05/2010 144 MOTION by Eve Ellingwood to Intervene. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B1,
# 3 Exhibit B2, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, and # 6 Exhibit E). (walk, ) (Entered:
10/05/2010 145 Amended MOTION for Leave to File Breif Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiff's
Motion for Summary Judgment by Landmark Legal Foundation. (Attachments: # 1
Proposed Order, # 2 Amicus Brief)(St. George, Timothy) (Entered: 10/05/2010)
10/06/2010 146 ORDER DENYING 144 Motion by Eve Ellington for Intervention. It is so ORDERED.
Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 10/06/2010. Copy mailed to Movant.
(walk, ) (Entered: 10/06/2010)
10/08/2010 147 NOTICE by Kathleen Sebelius re 90 MOTION for Summary Judgment of
Supplemental Authority (Attachments: # 1 Supplement Supplemental Authority)
(Hambrick, Jonathan) (Entered: 10/08/2010)
10/08/2010 148 MOTION for Leave to File Brief as Amici Curiae by William P. Barr, Edwin Meese,
III, Richard L. Thornburgh. (Zurawski, Tara) (Entered: 10/08/2010)
10/08/2010 149 Memorandum in Support re 148 MOTION for Leave to File Brief as Amici Curiae
filed by William P. Barr, Edwin Meese, III, Richard L. Thornburgh. (Attachments: # 1
Proposed Amici Curiae Brief, # 2 Proposed Order)(Zurawski, Tara) (Entered:
10/08/2010 150 ORDER granting 148 Motion for Leave to File Brief as Amici Curiae; the Clerk shall
cause the proposed brief to be filed. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on
10/8/10. (jtho, ) (Entered: 10/08/2010)
10/12/2010 151 Memorandum of Amici Curiae, Former United States Attorneys General William Barr,
Edwin Meese, Dick Thornburgh, in Support OF PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR
SUMMARY JUDGMENT (Amici Curiae) . (Zurawski, Tara) Modified on 10/12/2010
to edit(cmcc, ). (Entered: 10/12/2010)
10/13/2010 152 ORDER that, in her Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Summary
Judgment, the Secretary, at this late stage, asserts that the Commonwealth's failure to
join the Secretary of the Treasury as an indispensible party entitles her to judgment; the
Court is not persuaded that the Secretary of the Treasury is a necessary party.
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Defendant's request for judgment for failure to join the Secretary of the Treasury is
DENIED (see Order for details). Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on
10/13/2010. Copies to counsel of record.(cmcc, ) (Entered: 10/13/2010)
10/15/2010 153 NOTICE by Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II re 88
MOTION for Summary Judgment Plaintiff's Notice of Supplemental Authority
(Attachments: # 1 Exhibit)(Getchell, Earle) (Entered: 10/15/2010)
10/15/2010 154 ORDER granting 99 Motion for Pro hac vice. Timothy Sandefur appointed for Amici
Americans for Free Choice in Medicine and Pacific Legal Foundation. Signed by
District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 10/15/2010. Copies to counsel. (cmcc, ) (Entered:
10/15/2010 155 ORDER granting 100 Motion for Pro hac vice. Luke Anthony Wake appointed for
Americans for Free Choice in Medicine and Pacific Legal Foundation. Signed by
District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 10/15/2010. Copies to counsel. (cmcc, ) (Entered:
10/18/2010 156 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Henry E. Hudson (Court
Reporter Liscio, OCR): Motion Hearing held on 10/18/2010 re 88 Motion for
Summary Judgment filed by Commonwealth of Virginia and 90 Motion for Summary
Judgment filed by Kathleen Sebelius. Argument heard. Matter taken under advisement
by Court; Memorandum Opinion to enter. (rpiz) (Entered: 10/18/2010)
11/07/2010 157 TRANSCRIPT of proceedings held on October 18, 2010 before Judge Henry E.
Hudson. Court Reporter/Transcriber Krista Liscio, telephone number 804 916-2296.
Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court
Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After
that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 12/7/2010.
Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/7/2011. Release of Transcript Restriction set for
2/5/2011.(liscio, krista) (Entered: 11/07/2010)
11/08/2010 158 Notice of Filing of Official Transcript re 157 Transcript. (cmcc, ) (Entered: 11/08/2010)
11/24/2010 159 ORDER DENYING Motion by amicus curiae W. Spencer Connerat, III for leave to
file the Motion for Summary Judgment and Warrant for Arrest, as well as any further
filings in this action (please see Order for additional information). The Clerk is directed
to lodge the aforementioned document in the Clerk's Office in the event that a notice of
appeal if filed regarding this Order. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Henry
E. Hudson on 11/24/2010. Copy mailed to Mr. Connerat. (walk, ) (Entered:
12/03/2010 160 NOTICE by Kathleen Sebelius re 90 MOTION for Summary Judgment of
Supplemental Authority (Attachments: # 1 Supplemental Authority)(Hambrick,
Jonathan) (Entered: 12/03/2010)
12/13/2010 161 MEMORANDUM OPINION. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on
12/13/2010. (walk, ) (Entered: 12/13/2010)
12/13/2010 162 ORDER that Plaintiff's 88 Motion for Summary Judgment is GRANTED as to its

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request for declaratory relief and DENIED as to its request for injunctive relief, and
Defendant's 90 Motion for Summary Judgment is DENIED. It is so ORDERED. Signed
by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 12/13/2010. (walk, ) (Entered: 12/13/2010)

PACER Service Center

Transaction Receipt
01/13/2011 12:58:26
PACER Login: dr2600 Client Code:
Description: Docket Report Search Criteria: 3:10-cv-00188-HEH
Billable Pages: 26 Cost: 2.08

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Docket Activity Report

U.S. District Court -- Eastern District of Virginia -

Report Filed Period: 1/1/2010 - 1/13/2011

Category/ Docketed
Case Number/Title Dates Notes
Event by
3:10-cv-00188-HEH Entered: Category: cmp cmcc Cause:
Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex 03/23/2010 Event: Complaint Type: crt 28:1331
Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II v. 12:53:55 Document: 1 Federal
Sebelius Filed: Question
CASE CLOSED on 12/13/2010 03/23/2010 NOS:
- State
Henry E.
Case Flags:
Entered: Category: service cmcc
03/23/2010 Event: Summons Issued as to Type: crt
13:23:42 USA
Filed: Document: 2
Entered: Category: order cmcc
03/23/2010 Event: Order Type: crt
14:09:37 Document: 3
Entered: Category: utility cmcc
03/23/2010 Event: Case Assigned/Reassigned Type: crt
Entered: Category: service cmcc
03/26/2010 Event: Certificate of Reporting Type: crt

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
09:33:03 Service
Filed: Document: 4
Entered: Category: order rpiz
04/30/2010 Event: Order ~Util - Set Hearings Type: crt
17:19:54 Document: 5
Entered: Category: order rpiz
04/30/2010 Event: Scheduling Order Type: crt
17:21:36 Document: 6
Entered: Category: motion J. Hambrick
05/05/2010 Event: Miscellaneous Relief Type: aty
14:27:36 Document: 7
Entered: Category: respm S.
05/05/2010 Event: Response to Motion McCullough
16:50:37 Document: 8 Type: aty
Entered: Category: motion cmcc
05/06/2010 Event: Pro hac vice (USED BY Type: crt
Filed: Document: 9
Entered: Category: motion cmcc
05/06/2010 Event: Pro hac vice (USED BY Type: crt
Filed: Document: 10
Entered: Category: motion cmcc
05/06/2010 Event: Pro hac vice (USED BY Type: crt
Filed: Document: 11
Entered: Category: motion cmcc
05/06/2010 Event: Pro hac vice (USED BY Type: crt
Filed: Document: 12
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Entered: Category: order cmcc
05/06/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Type: crt
10:59:10 Miscellaneous Relief
Filed: Document: 13
Entered: Category: misc cmcc
05/06/2010 Event: Notice of Correction Type: crt
Entered: Category: order cmcc
05/07/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Pro Type: crt
08:51:48 hac vice
Filed: Document: 14
Entered: Category: order cmcc
05/07/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Pro Type: crt
08:53:53 hac vice
Filed: Document: 15
Entered: Category: order cmcc
05/07/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Pro Type: crt
08:56:37 hac vice
Filed: Document: 16
Entered: Category: order cmcc
05/07/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Pro Type: crt
08:58:10 hac vice
Filed: Document: 17
Entered: Category: motion J. Hambrick
05/19/2010 Event: File Excess Pages Type: aty
11:14:20 Document: 18
Entered: Category: motion J. Hambrick
05/19/2010 Event: Miscellaneous Relief Type: aty
11:17:10 Document: 19
Entered: Category: order walk
05/19/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
14:24:35 to File Excess Pages
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Filed: Document: 20

Entered: Category: motion J. Hambrick

05/24/2010 Event: Dismiss Type: aty
18:38:30 Document: 21
Entered: Category: respm J. Hambrick
05/24/2010 Event: Memorandum in Support Type: aty
18:39:38 Document: 22
Entered: Category: order cmcc
06/03/2010 Event: Order Type: crt
11:29:00 Document: 23
Entered: Category: minutes rpiz
06/03/2010 Event: 1 - Terminate Deadlines Type: crt
13:44:39 and Hearings Pretrial Conference -
Filed: Initial
06/03/2010 Document: 24
Entered: Category: misc k. liscio
06/04/2010 Event: Transcript Type: crt
13:28:40 Document: 25
Entered: Category: motion cmcc
06/04/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: crt
14:28:58 Document: 26
Entered: Category: misc cmcc
06/07/2010 Event: Notice of Filing of Official Type: crt
09:06:03 Transcript
Filed: Document: 27
Entered: Category: respm E. Getchell
06/07/2010 Event: Response in Opposition to Type: aty
15:52:56 Motion
Filed: Document: 28

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Entered: Category: notice C. May
06/07/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance Type: aty
16:39:42 Document: 29
Entered: Category: misc C. May
06/07/2010 Event: Financial Disclosure Type: aty
16:42:33 Statement
Filed: Document: 30
Entered: Category: motion C. May
06/07/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
16:50:36 Document: 31
Entered: Category: misc C. May
06/08/2010 Event: Certificate of Service Type: aty
13:47:36 Document: 32
Entered: Category: misc C. May
06/08/2010 Event: Certificate of Service Type: aty
13:50:24 Document: 33
Entered: Category: notice J. Hambrick
06/09/2010 Event: Notice (other) Type: aty
15:54:35 Document: 34
Entered: Category: order cmcc
06/10/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
09:19:19 to File
Filed: Document: 35
Entered: Category: misc cmcc
06/10/2010 Event: Amicus Curiae Type: crt
09:35:52 Appearance
Filed: Document: 36
Entered: Category: order cmcc
06/10/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
10:22:57 to File

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Filed: Document: 37
Entered: Category: respoth C. May
06/10/2010 Event: Response Other Type: aty
15:06:05 Document: 38
Entered: Category: motion M. Fender
06/15/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
19:19:35 Document: 39
Entered: Category: misc cmcc
06/16/2010 Event: Notice of Correction Type: crt
Entered: Category: motion S. Oostdyk
06/16/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
12:08:34 Document: 40
Entered: Category: respm S. Oostdyk
06/16/2010 Event: Memorandum in Support Type: aty
12:09:42 Document: 41
Entered: Category: order cmcc
06/16/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
12:27:26 to File
Filed: Document: 42
Entered: Category: respoth S. Oostdyk
06/16/2010 Event: Memorandum Type: aty
13:03:31 Document: 43
Entered: Category: motion J. Young
06/17/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
10:33:30 Document: 44
Entered: Category: motion A. France
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
06/17/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
12:01:56 Document: 45
Entered: Category: misc cmcc
06/17/2010 Event: Notice of Correction Type: crt
Entered: Category: motion R. Samp
06/17/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
13:20:27 Document: 46
Entered: Category: notice R. Samp
06/17/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance Type: aty
13:24:18 Document: 47
Entered: Category: respm J. Young
06/17/2010 Event: Memorandum in Support Type: aty
13:33:34 Document: 48
Entered: Category: misc J. Young
06/17/2010 Event: Financial Disclosure Type: aty
13:40:17 Statement
Filed: Document: 49
Entered: Category: service cmcc
06/17/2010 Event: Certificate of Service Type: crt
14:04:44 Document: 50
Entered: Category: order cmcc
06/17/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
14:24:53 to File
Filed: Document: 51
Entered: Category: motion J. Forest
06/17/2010 Event: Appear Type: aty
15:36:34 Document: 52
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Entered: Category: notice A. Nicely
06/17/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance Type: aty
15:44:25 Document: 53

Entered: Category: motion A. Nicely

06/17/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
15:51:49 Document: 54
Entered: Category: respoth J. Young
06/17/2010 Event: Response Other Type: aty
16:09:46 Document: 55
Entered: Category: notice G. Norris
06/17/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance Type: aty
17:14:05 Document: 56
Entered: Category: misc G. Norris
06/17/2010 Event: Financial Disclosure Type: aty
17:16:15 Statement
Filed: Document: 57
Entered: Category: motion G. Norris
06/17/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
17:18:00 Document: 58
Entered: Category: respoth G. Norris
06/17/2010 Event: Memorandum Type: aty
17:27:11 Document: 59
Entered: Category: order cmcc
06/17/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
18:11:40 to File
Filed: Document: 60
Entered: Category: order cmcc

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
06/17/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
18:22:09 to File
Filed: Document: 61
Entered: Category: order cmcc
06/17/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
18:26:33 to Appear
Filed: Document: 62
Entered: Category: order cmcc
06/17/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
18:31:26 to File
Filed: Document: 63
Entered: Category: motion cmcc
06/17/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: crt
18:45:30 Document: 64
Entered: Category: motion T. St.
06/17/2010 Event: Leave to File Document George
18:47:11 Document: 65 Type: aty
Entered: Category: order walk
06/18/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
10:00:23 to File
Filed: Document: 66
Entered: Category: order walk
06/18/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
10:08:23 to File
Filed: Document: 67
Entered: Category: respm J. Forest
06/18/2010 Event: Memorandum in Support Type: aty
10:15:45 Document: 68
Entered: Category: respoth G. Norris
06/18/2010 Event: Memorandum Type: aty
10:32:37 Document: 69

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Entered: Category: respoth A. Nicely
06/18/2010 Event: Brief in Support Type: aty
10:34:47 Document: 70
Entered: Category: order walk
06/18/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
10:54:40 to File
Filed: Document: 71
Entered: Category: respm R. Samp
06/18/2010 Event: Memorandum in Type: aty
11:00:08 Opposition
Filed: Document: 72
Entered: Category: misc walk
06/18/2010 Event: Notice of Correction Type: crt
Entered: Category: misc R. Samp
06/18/2010 Event: Certificate of Service Type: aty
12:37:17 Document: 73
Entered: Category: respoth T. St.
06/18/2010 Event: Brief in Support George
13:34:32 Document: 74 Type: aty
Entered: Category: respoth A. France
06/18/2010 Event: Brief in Support Type: aty
14:45:49 Document: 75
Entered: Category: respoth cmcc
06/21/2010 Event: Response Other Type: crt
17:52:01 Document: 76
Entered: Category: misc cmcc
06/22/2010 Event: Notice of Correction Type: crt

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Entered: Category: respoth J. Hambrick
06/22/2010 Event: Reply Other Type: aty
17:03:01 Document: 77
Entered: Category: respm E. Getchell
06/23/2010 Event: Response to Motion Type: aty
14:23:41 Document: 78
Entered: Category: utility rpiz
06/24/2010 Event: Set Motion and R&R Type: crt
11:06:54 Deadlines/Hearings
Entered: Category: respoth cmcc
06/30/2010 Event: Reply Other Type: crt
14:29:41 Document: 79
Entered: Category: minutes rpiz
07/02/2010 Event: 1 - Terminate Motion and Type: crt
10:56:46 R&R Deadlines/Hearings Motion
Filed: Hearing
07/01/2010 Document: 80
Entered: Category: misc k. liscio
07/08/2010 Event: Transcript Type: crt
08:19:07 Document: 81
Entered: Category: misc cmcc
07/08/2010 Event: Notice of Filing of Official Type: crt
15:01:41 Transcript
Filed: Document: 82
Entered: Category: respoth cmcc
07/12/2010 Event: Memorandum Type: crt
09:42:39 Document: 83
Entered: Category: order cmcc
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
08/02/2010 Event: Memorandum & Opinion Type: crt
10:36:21 Document: 84
Entered: Category: order cmcc
08/02/2010 Event: Order on Motion to Type: crt
10:39:06 Dismiss
Filed: Document: 85
Entered: Category: order cmcc
08/10/2010 Event: Order Type: crt
16:36:19 Document: 86
Entered: Category: answer J. Hambrick
08/16/2010 Event: Answer to Complaint Type: aty
13:14:30 Document: 87
Entered: Category: motion E. Getchell
09/03/2010 Event: Summary Judgment Type: aty
13:16:50 Document: 88
Entered: Category: respm E. Getchell
09/03/2010 Event: Memorandum in Support Type: aty
13:19:20 Document: 89
Entered: Category: motion J. Hambrick
09/03/2010 Event: Summary Judgment Type: aty
19:18:26 Document: 90
Entered: Category: respm J. Hambrick
09/03/2010 Event: Memorandum in Support Type: aty
19:24:04 Document: 91
Entered: Category: utility rpiz
09/07/2010 Event: Set Motion and R&R Type: crt
15:36:21 Deadlines/Hearings

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Entered: Category: motion cmcc
09/17/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: crt
13:49:12 Document: 92
Entered: Category: order cmcc
09/21/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
10:56:05 to File
Filed: Document: 93
Entered: Category: respoth cmcc
09/21/2010 Event: Brief in Support Type: crt
11:21:23 Document: 94
Entered: Category: respm E. Getchell
09/23/2010 Event: Memorandum in Type: aty
15:13:20 Opposition
Filed: Document: 95
Entered: Category: respoth J. Hambrick
09/23/2010 Event: Opposition Type: aty
21:48:02 Document: 96
Entered: Category: notice P.
09/30/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance McSweeney
11:37:20 Document: 97 Type: aty
Entered: Category: notice P.
09/30/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance McSweeney
11:40:48 Document: 98 Type: aty
Entered: Category: misc cmcc
10/01/2010 Event: Notice of Correction Type: crt
Entered: Category: motion cmcc
10/01/2010 Event: Pro hac vice (USED BY Type: crt

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Filed: Document: 99
Entered: Category: motion cmcc
10/01/2010 Event: Pro hac vice (USED BY Type: crt
Filed: Document: 100
Entered: Category: motion B. Walter
10/01/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
14:35:04 Document: 101
Entered: Category: motion P.
10/01/2010 Event: Leave to File Document McSweeney
14:37:39 Document: 102 Type: aty
Entered: Category: order cmcc
10/01/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
15:59:42 to File
Filed: Document: 103
Entered: Category: respoth cmcc
10/01/2010 Event: Brief in Support Type: crt
16:11:28 Document: 104
Entered: Category: order cmcc
10/01/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
16:21:18 to File
Filed: Document: 105
Entered: Category: respoth cmcc
10/01/2010 Event: Response Other Type: crt
16:37:14 Document: 106
Entered: Category: notice R. Luther
10/04/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance Type: aty
12:23:03 Document: 107
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Entered: Category: motion R. Samp
10/04/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
13:41:17 Document: 108

Entered: Category: notice T. Zurawski

10/04/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance Type: aty
13:54:26 Document: 109
Entered: Category: notice E. Fountain
10/04/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance Type: aty
13:59:49 Document: 110
Entered: Category: motion S. Oostdyk
10/04/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
14:02:10 Document: 111
Entered: Category: motion E. Fountain
10/04/2010 Event: Extension of Type: aty
14:03:12 Document: 112
Entered: Category: respm E. Fountain
10/04/2010 Event: Memorandum in Support Type: aty
14:05:39 Document: 113
Entered: Category: motion D. Gray
10/04/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
14:12:13 Document: 114
Entered: Category: misc D. Gray
10/04/2010 Event: Financial Disclosure Type: aty
14:15:54 Statement
Filed: Document: 115
Entered: Category: notice R. Rogers
10/04/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance Type: aty
14:36:43 Document: 116
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Entered: Category: respm E. Getchell
10/04/2010 Event: Reply to Response to Type: aty
15:32:21 Motion
Filed: Document: 117
Entered: Category: respoth A. Nicely
10/04/2010 Event: Brief in Support Type: aty
15:32:33 Document: 118
Entered: Category: order lhin
10/04/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
16:10:53 to File
Filed: Document: 119
Entered: Category: order lhin
10/04/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
16:13:26 to File
Filed: Document: 120
Entered: Category: order walk
10/04/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Type: crt
16:14:35 Extension of Time to File
Filed: Document: 121
Entered: Category: respoth S. Oostdyk
10/04/2010 Event: Memorandum Type: aty
16:18:24 Document: 122
Entered: Category: order walk
10/04/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
16:18:54 to File
Filed: Document: 123
Entered: Category: notice W. Pendley
10/04/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance Type: aty
16:21:00 Document: 124
Entered: Category: respoth walk
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
10/04/2010 Event: Brief in Support Type: crt
16:25:52 Document: 125
Entered: Category: motion W. Pendley
10/04/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
16:27:05 Document: 126
Entered: Category: motion R. Luther
10/04/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
16:44:10 Document: 127
Entered: Category: notice W. Pendley
10/04/2010 Event: Notice of Appearance Type: aty
16:46:52 Document: 128
Entered: Category: respoth R. Luther
10/04/2010 Event: Brief in Support Type: aty
16:51:53 Document: 129
Entered: Category: motion T. St.
10/04/2010 Event: Leave to File Document George
17:19:09 Document: 130 Type: aty
Entered: Category: respoth R. Rogers
10/04/2010 Event: Brief in Support Type: aty
17:23:00 Document: 131
Entered: Category: respm J. Hambrick
10/04/2010 Event: Reply to Response to Type: aty
18:22:19 Motion
Filed: Document: 132
Entered: Category: motion L. Bennett
10/04/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
21:52:44 Document: 133
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Entered: Category: respm L. Bennett
10/04/2010 Event: Memorandum in Support Type: aty
21:54:05 Document: 134

Entered: Category: misc L. Bennett

10/04/2010 Event: Financial Disclosure Type: aty
21:55:39 Statement
Filed: Document: 135
Entered: Category: order walk
10/05/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
09:41:44 to File
Filed: Document: 136
Entered: Category: respoth walk
10/05/2010 Event: Brief in Support Type: crt
09:49:43 Document: 137
Entered: Category: order walk
10/05/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
09:54:00 to File
Filed: Document: 138
Entered: Category: misc walk
10/05/2010 Event: Notice of Correction Type: crt
Entered: Category: order walk
10/05/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
12:03:41 to File
Filed: Document: 139
Entered: Category: order walk
10/05/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
12:07:16 to File
Filed: Document: 140
Entered: Category: respoth walk
10/05/2010 Event: Brief in Support Type: crt
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
12:14:27 Document: 141
Entered: Category: misc walk
10/05/2010 Event: Notice of Correction Type: crt
Entered: Category: misc walk
10/05/2010 Event: Notice of Correction Type: crt
Entered: Category: misc W. Pendley
10/05/2010 Event: Certificate of Service Type: aty
13:11:34 Document: 142
Entered: Category: misc W. Pendley
10/05/2010 Event: Certificate of Service Type: aty
13:12:50 Document: 143
Entered: Category: motion walk
10/05/2010 Event: Intervene Type: crt
14:03:44 Document: 144
Entered: Category: motion T. St.
10/05/2010 Event: Leave to File Document George
14:50:24 Document: 145 Type: aty
Entered: Category: order walk
10/06/2010 Event: Order on Motion to Type: crt
09:48:57 Intervene
Filed: Document: 146
Entered: Category: notice J. Hambrick
10/08/2010 Event: Notice (other) Type: aty
11:40:42 Document: 147
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Entered: Category: motion T. Zurawski
10/08/2010 Event: Leave to File Document Type: aty
15:30:12 Document: 148

Entered: Category: respm T. Zurawski

10/08/2010 Event: Memorandum in Support Type: aty
15:32:33 Document: 149
Entered: Category: order jtho
10/08/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Leave Type: crt
16:55:47 to File
Filed: Document: 150
Entered: Category: respoth T. Zurawski
10/12/2010 Event: Brief in Support Type: aty
10:44:09 Document: 151
Entered: Category: order cmcc
10/13/2010 Event: Order Type: crt
12:02:44 Document: 152
Entered: Category: notice E. Getchell
10/15/2010 Event: Notice (other) Type: aty
12:23:12 Document: 153
Entered: Category: order cmcc
10/15/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Pro Type: crt
15:25:36 hac vice
Filed: Document: 154
Entered: Category: order cmcc
10/15/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Pro Type: crt
15:33:08 hac vice
Filed: Document: 155
Entered: Category: minutes rpiz
10/18/2010 Event: 1 - Terminate Motion and Type: crt
17:13:46 R&R Deadlines/Hearings Motion
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Filed: Hearing
10/18/2010 Document: 156
Entered: Category: misc k. liscio
11/07/2010 Event: Transcript Type: crt
16:06:55 Document: 157

Entered: Category: misc cmcc

11/08/2010 Event: Notice of Filing of Official Type: crt
09:55:51 Transcript
Filed: Document: 158
Entered: Category: order walk
11/24/2010 Event: Order Type: crt
11:38:57 Document: 159
Entered: Category: notice J. Hambrick
12/03/2010 Event: Notice (other) Type: aty
11:17:26 Document: 160
Entered: Category: order walk
12/13/2010 Event: Memorandum & Opinion Type: crt
11:54:54 Document: 161
Entered: Category: order walk
12/13/2010 Event: Order on Motion for Type: crt
12:01:37 Summary Judgment
Filed: Document: 162

Selection Criteria for Report

Case number 3:10-cv-188
Filed Date 1/1/2010 - 1/13/2011
Entered Date All
Office All
Nature of Suit All
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Docket Activity Report
Cause All
Case type All
Case flags All
Open Cases No
Closed Cases No
Event Category All
Docket Text summary
Sort by case number
Total Number of Docket Entries: 174

PACER Service Center

Transaction Receipt
01/13/2011 13:33:41
PACER Client
Login: Code:
Search 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Filed From:
Description: Activity
Criteria: 1/1/2010 Filed To: 1/13/2011
21 Cost: 1.68

…uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktActivityRpt.p… 22/22
1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…
3:10-cv-00188-HEH Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II v. Sebelius
Henry E. Hudson, presiding
Date filed: 03/23/2010
Date terminated: 12/13/2010
Date of last filing: 12/13/2010

Related Transactions
Note: Each selected transaction in this case is shown below in a box with any other
transactions to which it is related.

Doc. Event Event

Event Name
No. Filed Terminated
1 Complaint 03/23/2010
87 Answer to Complaint 08/16/2010

2 Summons Issued as to USA 03/23/2010

3 Order 03/23/2010

Case Assigned/Reassigned 03/23/2010

4 Certificate of Reporting Service 03/25/2010

5 Order 04/30/2010

5 Set Hearings 04/30/2010

6 Scheduling Order 04/30/2010

7 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief 05/05/2010 05/06/2010
8 Response to Motion 05/05/2010
13 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief 05/06/2010

7 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief 05/05/2010 05/06/2010

6 Scheduling Order 04/30/2010
8 Response to Motion 05/05/2010

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…
13 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief 05/06/2010

8 Response to Motion 05/05/2010

6 Scheduling Order 04/30/2010
7 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief 05/05/2010 05/06/2010

9 Motion for Pro hac vice 05/05/2010 05/07/2010

14 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 05/07/2010

10 Motion for Pro hac vice 05/05/2010 05/07/2010

15 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 05/07/2010

11 Motion for Pro hac vice 05/05/2010 05/07/2010

16 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 05/07/2010

12 Motion for Pro hac vice 05/05/2010 05/07/2010

17 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 05/07/2010

Notice of Correction 05/05/2010

13 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief 05/06/2010

6 Scheduling Order 04/30/2010
7 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief 05/05/2010 05/06/2010

14 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 05/07/2010

9 Motion for Pro hac vice 05/05/2010 05/07/2010

15 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 05/07/2010

10 Motion for Pro hac vice 05/05/2010 05/07/2010

16 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 05/07/2010

11 Motion for Pro hac vice 05/05/2010 05/07/2010

17 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 05/07/2010

12 Motion for Pro hac vice 05/05/2010 05/07/2010

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…

18 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages 05/19/2010 05/19/2010

20 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages 05/19/2010

19 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief 05/19/2010 05/19/2010

20 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages 05/19/2010

18 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages 05/19/2010 05/19/2010

21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010

22 Memorandum in Support 05/24/2010
28 Response in Opposition to Motion 06/07/2010
59 Memorandum 06/17/2010
68 Memorandum in Support 06/18/2010
69 Memorandum 06/18/2010
70 Brief in Support 06/18/2010
72 Memorandum in Opposition 06/18/2010
77 Reply 06/22/2010
Set Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings 06/24/2010
80 Terminate Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings 07/01/2010
80 Motion Hearing 07/01/2010
85 Order on Motion to Dismiss 08/02/2010

22 Memorandum in Support 05/24/2010

21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010

23 Order 06/03/2010

24 Terminate Deadlines and Hearings 06/03/2010

24 Pretrial Conference - Initial 06/03/2010

25 Transcript 06/04/2010

26 Motion for Leave to File 06/04/2010 06/10/2010

35 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/10/2010
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…

27 Notice of Filing of Official Transcript 06/07/2010

28 Response in Opposition to Motion 06/07/2010

21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010
59 Memorandum 06/17/2010
69 Memorandum 06/18/2010

29 Notice of Appearance 06/07/2010

32 Certificate of Service 06/08/2010

30 Financial Disclosure Statement 06/07/2010

33 Certificate of Service 06/08/2010

31 Motion for Leave to File 06/07/2010 06/10/2010

37 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/10/2010

32 Certificate of Service 06/08/2010

29 Notice of Appearance 06/07/2010

33 Certificate of Service 06/08/2010

30 Financial Disclosure Statement 06/07/2010

34 NOTICE 06/09/2010

35 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/10/2010

26 Motion for Leave to File 06/04/2010 06/10/2010

36 Amicus Curiae Appearance 06/10/2010

37 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/10/2010

31 Motion for Leave to File 06/07/2010 06/10/2010

38 Response 06/10/2010

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…
39 Motion for Leave to File 06/15/2010 06/16/2010
42 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/16/2010

40 Motion for Leave to File 06/16/2010 06/16/2010

41 Memorandum in Support 06/16/2010
42 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/16/2010

41 Memorandum in Support 06/16/2010

40 Motion for Leave to File 06/16/2010 06/16/2010

42 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/16/2010

39 Motion for Leave to File 06/15/2010 06/16/2010

42 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/16/2010

40 Motion for Leave to File 06/16/2010 06/16/2010

43 Memorandum 06/16/2010

Notice of Correction 06/16/2010

44 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

48 Memorandum in Support 06/17/2010
50 Certificate of Service 06/17/2010
51 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010

45 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

61 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010

46 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

60 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010

47 Notice of Appearance 06/17/2010

73 Certificate of Service 06/18/2010

48 Memorandum in Support 06/17/2010

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…
44 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

49 Financial Disclosure Statement 06/17/2010

50 Certificate of Service 06/17/2010

44 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

51 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010

44 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

52 Motion for Leave to Appear 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

62 Order on Motion for Leave to Appear 06/17/2010

53 Notice of Appearance 06/17/2010

54 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

63 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010

55 Response 06/17/2010

56 Notice of Appearance 06/17/2010

57 Financial Disclosure Statement 06/17/2010

58 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/18/2010

66 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/18/2010

59 Memorandum 06/17/2010
21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010
28 Response in Opposition to Motion 06/07/2010

60 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010

46 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

61 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…
45 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

62 Order on Motion for Leave to Appear 06/17/2010

52 Motion for Leave to Appear 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

63 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010

54 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/17/2010

64 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/18/2010

67 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/18/2010
78 Response to Motion 06/23/2010

65 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/18/2010

71 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/18/2010

Notice of Correction 06/17/2010

66 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/18/2010

58 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/18/2010

67 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/18/2010

64 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/18/2010

68 Memorandum in Support 06/18/2010

21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010

69 Memorandum 06/18/2010
21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010
28 Response in Opposition to Motion 06/07/2010

70 Brief in Support 06/18/2010

21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010

71 Order on Motion for Leave to File 06/18/2010

65 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/18/2010

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…

72 Memorandum in Opposition 06/18/2010

21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010

73 Certificate of Service 06/18/2010

47 Notice of Appearance 06/17/2010

74 Brief in Support 06/18/2010

75 Brief in Support 06/18/2010

Notice of Correction 06/18/2010

Notice of Correction 06/18/2010

76 Response 06/21/2010

77 Reply 06/22/2010
21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010

78 Response to Motion 06/23/2010

64 Motion for Leave to File 06/17/2010 06/18/2010

Set Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings 06/24/2010

21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010

79 Reply 06/30/2010

80 Terminate Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings 07/01/2010

21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010

80 Motion Hearing 07/01/2010

21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010

81 Transcript 07/08/2010
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…
82 Notice of Filing of Official Transcript 07/08/2010

82 Notice of Filing of Official Transcript 07/08/2010

81 Transcript 07/08/2010

83 Memorandum 07/09/2010

84 Memorandum & Opinion 08/02/2010

85 Order on Motion to Dismiss 08/02/2010

21 Motion to Dismiss 05/24/2010 08/02/2010

86 Order 08/10/2010

87 Answer to Complaint 08/16/2010

1 Complaint 03/23/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

89 Memorandum in Support 09/03/2010
Set Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings 09/07/2010
96 Opposition 09/23/2010
117 Reply to Response to Motion 10/04/2010
125 Brief in Support 10/04/2010
131 Brief in Support 10/04/2010
137 Brief in Support 10/05/2010
141 Brief in Support 10/05/2010
153 NOTICE 10/15/2010
156 Terminate Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings 10/18/2010
156 Motion Hearing 10/18/2010
162 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment 12/13/2010

89 Memorandum in Support 09/03/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

90 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

91 Memorandum in Support 09/03/2010
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…
Set Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings 09/07/2010
95 Memorandum in Opposition 09/23/2010
132 Reply to Response to Motion 10/04/2010
147 NOTICE 10/08/2010
156 Terminate Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings 10/18/2010
156 Motion Hearing 10/18/2010
160 NOTICE 12/03/2010
162 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment 12/13/2010

91 Memorandum in Support 09/03/2010

90 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

Set Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings 09/07/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010
90 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

92 Motion for Leave to File 09/17/2010 09/21/2010

93 Order on Motion for Leave to File 09/21/2010

93 Order on Motion for Leave to File 09/21/2010

92 Motion for Leave to File 09/17/2010 09/21/2010

94 Brief in Support 09/21/2010

95 Memorandum in Opposition 09/23/2010

90 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

96 Opposition 09/23/2010
88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

97 Notice of Appearance 09/30/2010

98 Notice of Appearance 09/30/2010

99 Motion for Pro hac vice 09/30/2010 10/15/2010

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…
154 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 10/15/2010

100 Motion for Pro hac vice 09/30/2010 10/15/2010

155 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 10/15/2010

Notice of Correction 09/30/2010

101 Motion for Leave to File 10/01/2010 10/01/2010

103 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/01/2010

102 Motion for Leave to File 10/01/2010 10/01/2010

105 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/01/2010

103 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/01/2010

101 Motion for Leave to File 10/01/2010 10/01/2010

104 Brief in Support 10/01/2010

105 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/01/2010

102 Motion for Leave to File 10/01/2010 10/01/2010

106 Response 10/01/2010

107 Notice of Appearance 10/04/2010

108 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/04/2010

123 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010

109 Notice of Appearance 10/04/2010

110 Notice of Appearance 10/04/2010

111 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/04/2010

119 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…
112 Motion for Extension 10/04/2010 10/04/2010
113 Memorandum in Support 10/04/2010
121 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File 10/04/2010

113 Memorandum in Support 10/04/2010

112 Motion for Extension 10/04/2010 10/04/2010

114 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/04/2010

120 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010

115 Financial Disclosure Statement 10/04/2010

116 Notice of Appearance 10/04/2010

117 Reply to Response to Motion 10/04/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

118 Brief in Support 10/04/2010

119 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010

111 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/04/2010

120 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010

114 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/04/2010

121 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File 10/04/2010

112 Motion for Extension 10/04/2010 10/04/2010

122 Memorandum 10/04/2010

123 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010

108 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/04/2010

124 Notice of Appearance 10/04/2010

142 Certificate of Service 10/05/2010
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…

125 Brief in Support 10/04/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

126 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/05/2010

136 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/05/2010

127 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/05/2010

138 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/05/2010

128 Notice of Appearance 10/04/2010

143 Certificate of Service 10/05/2010

129 Brief in Support 10/04/2010

130 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/05/2010

140 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/05/2010

131 Brief in Support 10/04/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

132 Reply to Response to Motion 10/04/2010

90 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

133 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/05/2010

134 Memorandum in Support 10/04/2010
139 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/05/2010

134 Memorandum in Support 10/04/2010

133 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/05/2010

135 Financial Disclosure Statement 10/04/2010

136 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/05/2010

126 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/05/2010

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…

137 Brief in Support 10/05/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

138 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/05/2010

127 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/05/2010

139 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/05/2010

133 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/05/2010

140 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/05/2010

130 Motion for Leave to File 10/04/2010 10/05/2010

141 Brief in Support 10/05/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

142 Certificate of Service 10/05/2010

124 Notice of Appearance 10/04/2010

143 Certificate of Service 10/05/2010

128 Notice of Appearance 10/04/2010

144 Motion to Intervene 10/05/2010 10/06/2010

146 Order on Motion to Intervene 10/06/2010

145 Motion for Leave to File 10/05/2010 10/05/2010

Notice of Correction 10/05/2010

Notice of Correction 10/05/2010

Notice of Correction 10/05/2010

146 Order on Motion to Intervene 10/06/2010

144 Motion to Intervene 10/05/2010 10/06/2010
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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…

147 NOTICE 10/08/2010

90 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

148 Motion for Leave to File 10/08/2010 10/08/2010

149 Memorandum in Support 10/08/2010
150 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/08/2010

149 Memorandum in Support 10/08/2010

148 Motion for Leave to File 10/08/2010 10/08/2010

150 Order on Motion for Leave to File 10/08/2010

148 Motion for Leave to File 10/08/2010 10/08/2010

151 Brief in Support 10/12/2010

152 Order 10/13/2010

153 NOTICE 10/15/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

154 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 10/15/2010

99 Motion for Pro hac vice 09/30/2010 10/15/2010

155 Order on Motion for Pro hac vice 10/15/2010

100 Motion for Pro hac vice 09/30/2010 10/15/2010

156 Terminate Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings 10/18/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010
90 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

156 Motion Hearing 10/18/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010
90 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Related Transactions Q…
157 Transcript 11/07/2010

158 Notice of Filing of Official Transcript 11/08/2010

159 Order 11/24/2010

160 NOTICE 12/03/2010

90 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

161 Memorandum & Opinion 12/13/2010

162 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment 12/13/2010

88 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

162 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment 12/13/2010

90 Motion for Summary Judgment 09/03/2010 12/13/2010

Docket Report ...

PACER Service Center

Transaction Receipt
01/13/2011 12:49:24
dr2600 Client Code:
Related Search 3:10-cv-00188-
Transactions Criteria: HEH
4 Cost: 0.32

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1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Status Query
3:10-cv-00188-HEH Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II v. Sebelius
Henry E. Hudson, presiding
Date filed: 03/23/2010
Date terminated: 12/13/2010
Date of last filing: 12/13/2010

Pending Statuses
There Are No Pending Status Records For This Case.

No statuses have been terminated for this case.

PACER Service Center

Transaction Receipt
01/13/2011 15:23:30
PACER Login: dr2600 Client Code:
Description: Status Search Criteria: 3:10-cv-00188-HEH
Billable Pages: 1 Cost: 0.08

ecf.vaed.uscourts.gov/…/StatusQry.pl?2… 1/1
1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Calendar Events Report
No Schedule Found.

ecf.vaed.uscourts.gov/…/CalEvents.pl?3… 1/1
1/13/2011 CM/ECF - vaed-Judgment Index Report

Judgment Index Report

U.S. District Court - - Eastern District of Virginia -

Report Period: 01/02/1970 - 01/13/2011 Sorry - no data for the chosen selection criteria

Judgment Index Report Selection Criteria

Case number 3:10-cv-188
Sort by Case Number

PACER Service Center

Transaction Receipt
01/13/2011 13:26:14
PACER Client
Login: Code:
Judgment Search 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Filed From:
Index Report Criteria: 1/2/1970 Filed To: 1/13/2011
1 Cost: 0.08

ecf.vaed.uscourts.gov/…/JdgIdxRpt.pl?… 1/1
Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 1 Filed 03/23/10 Page 1 of 7


rei ~ L ~ r
q MAR 2~2010 l~
in his official capacity as )
Attorney General of Virginia, )

~ I~
v. Civil Action No.3 ',IOCV
Secretary of the Department )
of Health and Human Services, )
in her official capacity, )
Defendant. )



Plaintiff states the following for its Complaint:


1. Section 1501 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (UPPACA")

contains an individual mandate which will require a majority of Virginians

after December 31, 2013 to purchase health insurance for themselves and

their dependants subject to a civil penalty.

2. At the 2010 Regular Session of the Virginia General Assembly, Virginia Code

§ 38.2-3430.1:1 was enacted with the assent of the Governor.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 1 Filed 03/23/10 Page 2 of 7

3. That statute provides:

No resident of this Commonwealth, regardless of whether he has or

is eligible for health insurance coverage under any policy or program
provided by or through his employer, or a plan sponsored by the
Commonwealth or the federal government, shall be required to
obtain or maintain a policy of individual insurance coverage except
as required by a court or the Department of Social Services where
an individual is named a party in a judicial or administrative
proceeding. No provision of this title shall render a resident of this
Commonwealth liable for any penalty, assessment, fee, or fine as a
result of his failure to procure or obtain health insurance coverage.
This section shall not apply to individuals voluntarily applying for
coverage under a state-administered program pursuant to Title XIX
or Title XXI of the Social Security Act. This section shall not apply
to students being required by an institution of higher education to
obtain and maintain health insurance as a condition of enrollment.
Nothing herein shall impair the rights of persons to privately
contract for health insurance for family members or former family

4. Although the federal mandate does not take effect for several yeal's, PPACA

imposes immediate and continuing burdens on Virginia and its citizens. The

collision between the state and federal schemes also creates an immediate,

actual controversy involving antagonistic assertions of right.

5. The individual mandate is an essential element of the act without which it

would not have been passed and without which the statutory scheme cannot


6. The Federal act contains no severability provision.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 1 Filed 03/23/10 Page 3 of 7


7. The Commonwealth of Vil'ginia has an interest in asserting the validity of its

anti-mandate enactment. The Virginia enactment is valid despite the

Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution because, as

demonstrated below, the individual mandate and PPACA as a whole are


8. Kathleen Sebelius in her official capacity IS principally responsible for

administering PPACA.

Jurisdiction and Venue

9. This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331 and is authorized to

enter Declaratory Judgment pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2001 et seq.

10. Venue is proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(e)(2).


11. Congress in the past has used its taxing and spending powers to establish

social welfare programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

12. Congress lacks the political will to fund comprehensive health care in this

way because taxes above those already provided in PPACA would produce too

much opposition.

13. The alternative, which was also a centerpiece of the failed Clinton

administration health care proposal, is to fund universal health care in part

by making healthy young adults and other rationally uninsured individuals

cross-subsidize older and less healthy citizens.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 1 Filed 03/23/10 Page 4 of 7

14. The mandate also relates to disincentives created by PPACA under which it

would make no economic sense for the uninsured to pay premiums before

becoming ill unless compelled to do so by law.

15. Before passing the act, the Senate evinced doubt that it had the power to

adopt the individual mandate under the Commerce Clause, Article I, Section

8 of the Constitution. As a consequence of these concerns, the Senate

Finance Committee asked the Congressional Research Service to opine on the

constitutionality of the individual mandate. The Service replied: "Whether

such a requirement would be constitutional under the Commerce Clause is

perhaps the most challenging question posed by such a Pl'oposal, as it is a

novel issue whether Congress may use this Clause to require an individual to

purchase a good or a service." Congo Research Servo Requiring Individuals to

Obtain Health Insurance: A Constitutional Analysis 3 (2009).

16. In United States V. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549 (1995), and United States V. Morrison,

529 U.S. 598 (2000), the Supreme Court struck down attempts to regulate

non-commercial activities based upon their predicted effects on interstate

commerce because those attempts went beyond the outer limits of the

Commerce Clause. Gonzales V. Raich, 545 U.S. 1, 25 (2005) ("Despite

congressional findings that such crimes had an adverse impact on interstate

commerce, we held the statute [in Morrison] unconstitutional because, like

the statute in Lopez, it did not regulate economic activity.").

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 1 Filed 03/23/10 Page 5 of 7

Count One
Commerce Clause

17. The status of being a citizen or resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia is

not a channel of interstate commerce; nor a person or thing in interstate

commerce; nor is it an activity arising out of or connected with a commercial

transaction. Instead, the status arises from an absence of commerce, not

from some sort of economic endeavor, and is not even a non-economic activity

affecting interstate commerce. It is entirely passive.

18. While the United States Supreme Court has not adopted a categorical rule

against aggregating the effects of any non-economic activity in order to find

Commerce Clause authority, thus far in our history, it has never been held

that the Commerce Clause, even when aided by the Necessal'y and Proper

Clause, can be used to require citizens to buy goods or services. To depart

from that history to permit the national government to require the purchase

of goods or services would deprive the Commerce Clause of any effective

limits contrary to Lopez and Morrison and would create powers

indistinguishable from a general police power in total derogation of our

constitutional scheme of enumerated powers.

19. Regulation of non-economic activity under the Commerce Clause is possible

only through the Necessary and Proper Clause. Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S.

1, 39 (2005) (Scalia concurring in the judgment). The Necessary and Proper

Clause confers supplemental authority only when the means adopted to

accomplish an enumerated power are "'appropriate,'" are "'plainly adapted' to

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 1 Filed 03/23/10 Page 6 of 7

that end," and are '''consistent with the letter and spirit of the constitution.'"

Id. (citing McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316, 421 (1819». Requiring

citizen-to-citizen subsidy or redistribution is contrary to the foundational

assumptions of the constitutional compact.

20. As Justice Chase wrote, almost at the moment of the founding of the country,

in the Supreme Court's first substantive opinion, Calder v. Bull, 3 U.S. 386,

388 (1798):

An ACT of the Legislature (for I cannot call it a law)

contrary to the great first principles of the social compact,
cannot be considered a rightful exercise of legislative
authority. The obligation of a law in governments
established on express compact, and on republican
principles, must be determined by the nature of the power,
on which it was founded. A few instances will suffice to
explain what I mean. A ... law that takes property from A
and gives it to B: It is against all reason and justice, for a
people to entrust a Legislature with SUCH powers; and
therefore it cannot be presumed that they have done it.

This analysis applies equally to citizen-to-citizen subsidy and subsidy of

insurance companies by an individual mandate.

WHEREFORE, the Commonwealth of Virginia prays this Court to declare that

§ 1501 of PPACA is unconstitutional because the individual mandate exceeds the

enumerated powers conferred upon Congress. Because the individual mandate is an

essential, non-severable provision, the entire act is likewise invalid. As a

consequence, this Court should also declare that § 38.2-3430.1:1 is a valid exercise

of state power. The Commonwealth additionally prays the Court to grant such

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 1 Filed 03/23/10 Page 7 of 7

further and additional relief as the ends of justice may requIre including an

injunction against the enforcement of§ 1501 in particular and PPACA as a whole.

Respectfully submitted,

f.o_. ~
Counsel '


Attorney General of Virginia Chief Deputy Attorney General


Virginia State Bar No. 14156 Virginia State Bar No. 38756
State Solicitor General Deputy Attorney General
dgetchell@oag.state.va.us wrussell@oag.state.va. us
Counsel of Record
STEPHEN R. MCCULLOUGH 900 East Main Street
Virginia State Bar No. 41699 Richmond, Virginia 23219
Senior Appellate Counsel
smccullough@oag.state.va.us Telephone: (804) 786-2436
Facsimile: (804) 786-1991

Counsel for the

Commonwealth of Virginia
Ex ReI. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II

March 23, 2010

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 1-1 Filed 03/23/10 Page 1 of 1
<:>.IS 44 (Rev. 12107) CIVIL COVER SHEET
The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service ofpleadings or other pallers as required by law, except as provided
by local rules ofcourt. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference ofthe United States in September 1974, is required for the use ofthe Clerk ofCourt for the purpose ofmll1atmg


Commonwealth of Virginia, Secretary of the Department of He~ & Human Services,

Ex ReI. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II, Attorney General of Virginia D Kathleen Sebelius, in her official c~cit'l D
"'-' ::::o~
(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff ....:,N.:;o::::n:.:,e:::... _ County of Residence of First Listed Defend~ ?~ --4f2~=>i!;--------­
• (/) W ("')
:."5;;: rrl
(c) Attorney's (Finn Name, Address, and Telephone Number) Attorneys (If Known)

Office of the Attorney General, 900 E. Main Street U.S. Attorney General Eric H. ~~I~r. Jro
Richmond, VA 23219 786-2071 - E. Duncan Getchell Jr.
II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an "X" in One Box Only) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PA~s<pe5an..x.. in One BOr Plainriff
(For Diversily Cases Only) :.J ~ One Bo,! for Defendant)
01 U.S. Govemmenl o3 Federal Quesli"n PTF DEF -j PTF DEF
Plainliff (U.S. Govemmelll NOI a Party) Citizen of This Slale CJ I 0 I Incorporated or Principal Place 0 4 0 4
of Business In This Siale

lI!f: 2 U.S. Government o 4 Diversity Citizen of Anolher Slate o 2 0 2 Incorporated and Principal Place o o
Defendant of Business In AnGlher Slate
(Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Item 111)
Citizen or Subject ofa o 3 0 3 Foreign Nation o 6 0 6
Forei nCoun
IV . N A TURE OF SUIT (Place an ..x.. in One Box Onlv)
~;;.~~~:;,::: ,\.<; . ~'; .,·....:·.: •.i.::c::L.:·'L'.··TOR'I'!,l'T ORFEITlI1ZPJPRNAf,r'V BANfCRfJ~.y... .. OTHER'ST~ I'ES
o 110 Insurance PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY o 610 AgricullUre o 422 Appeal 28 USC 158 0 400 Slale Reapportionment
o 120 Marine 0 310 Airplooe 0 362 Personal Injury • o 620 Other Food & Drug o 423 Withdrawal 0 4I0 Anri1nlSt
o 130 Miller ACI 0 315 Airplooe Product Med. Malpractice o 625 Drug Related Seizure 28 USC 157 0 430 Banks and Banking
o 140 Negotiable Instrument Liabilily 0 365 Personal Injury • of Properly 21 USC 881 0 450 Commerce
o 150 ReeovCty ofOverpayment 0 320 Assault. Libel & Product Liabilily o 630 Liquor Laws 0 460 Deportation
& Enforcement ofJudgment Slander 0 368 Asbestos Personal o 640 R.R. & Truek o 820 Copyrighls 0 470 Racketeer Influenced and
o 151 Medicare ACI 0 330 Federal Employers' Injury ProduCI o 650 Airline Regs. o 830 Patent Corrupl Organizations
o 152 Recovery ofDefaulted Liabilily Liability o 660 Occupational o 840 Trademark 0 480 Consumer Credit
Student LollJlS 0 340 Marine PERSONAL PROPERTY SafetylHealth 0 490 CablelSat TV
(Excl. Veterans) 0 345 Marine Product 0 370 Other Fraud o 690 Other 0 810 Selecrive Service
o 153 Recovery ofOverpayment
Liabilily 0 37 J Truth in Lending • EI'. RI1rV 0 850 SeeuririesfCammoditiesf
ofVeteran's Benelils 0 350 MOlor Vehicle CJ 380 Other Personal 710 Fair Labor Standards o 86 I HIA (J 395ft) Exchange
o 160 SIGCkholders' SuilS 0 355 Motor Vehicle Properly Damage Act o 862 Black Lung (923) 0 875 Customer Challenge
o 190 Other Contract Produci Liabilily 0 385 Properly Damage o 720 Labor/Mgml. Relations o 863 D1WCIDIWW (405(g» 12 USC 3410
o 195 Contraci Product Liability 0 360 Olller Persanal Produci Liability o 730 LaborlMgml.Reparhng o 864 SSlD Tille XVI 0 890 Other Statulory Actions
o 196 Franchise Iniurv & Disclosure Act o 865 RSI (405(,,)\ 0 891 Agriculrural Acts
I 'REALl'ROPRR'J1Yi; /'i·•. ".'CIVlliRIGHTS . PRISONERPETITIONS ' o 740 Railway Labor Act FEDERAL TAX SUITS 0 892 Econ(lJtlic Stabilization Act
o 210 Land Condemnation 0 441 Voting 0 510 Morions 10 Vacate o 790 Other Labor Litigalion o 870 Taxes (U.S. Plainliff 0 893 Envimnmental Mailers
o 220 Fareclosure 0 442 Employment Sentence o 791 Empl. Ret. Inc. or Defendanl) a 894 Energy Alloearian ACI
o 230 Rent Lease & Ejeetmenl 0 443 Housing! Habeas Carpus: Seeurily Act o 871 IRS-Third Parly 0 895 Freedom oflnfonnalion
o 240 TortSlo Land Accommodations p 530 General 26 USC 7609 Act
o 245 Ton Produet Liabilily 0 444 Welfare 0 535 Dealll Penally ,,,';';::,:Dll\UGRATION' CJ 900Appeal of Fee DClerminatian
o 290 All Other Real Properly 0 445 Amer. wlDisabililies • 0 540 Mandamus & Other o 462 Natura1ization Application Under Equal Acuss
Employment 0 550 Civil Rights o 463 Habeas Corpus· to Justice
CJ 446 Amer. wlDisabilities • 0 555 Prison Condilion Alien Detainee a 950 ConstilUrianalily of
Other o 465 Other Immigration Slale StalUtes
0 440 Other Civil Rigllls ACiions

V. ORIGIN (Place an "X" in One Box Only) Appeal to District

iSll Original o 2 Removed from 0 3 Remanded from 0 4 Reinstated or 0 5 Transferr~d from 0 6 Multidistrict o 7 Judge from
Proceeding State Court Appellate Court Reopened anoth~r district Litigation Magistrate
s eCI Jud ment
Cile the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing (Do not tite jurisdictional statutes unless diversity):
Ueclaratory JUdgment and Injunctive Keliet
(See instructions):


"'~ 21..
2.010 C. nW-17~ (;.iJ;JJ1r~~- 1.- _

----- MAG. JUDGE
Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 1-2 Filed 03/23/10 Page 1 of 1
Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 2 Filed 03/23/10 Page 1 of 3

AO 440 (Rev. 12/09) Summons in a Civil Action


for the
Eastern District of Virginia Richmond Division

v. ) Civil Action NO.3: lOCV188
KATHLEEN SEBELlUS, Secretary of the )
Department of Health and Human Services )
Defendant )


To: (Defendant's name and address) Kathleen Sebelius

Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Room 639-G
Washington, D.C. 20201

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 2] days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) - or 60 days if you
are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed. R. Civ.
P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) - you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiffs attorney,
whose name and address are:
E. Duncan Getchell, Jr.
State Solicitor General
Office of the Attorney General
900 East Main Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219

If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
You also must file your answer or motion with the court.

Fernando Galindo, Clerk
Date: 2 3 2010
Signature ofClerk or Deputy Clerk
Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 2 Filed 03/23/10 Page 2 of 3

AO 440 (Rev. 12109) Summons in a Civil Action


for the
Eastern District of Virginia
Ri~hmond Division
v. ) Civil Action No. 3:10cv188
Neil H. MacBride )
United States Attorney )
Defendant )


To: (Dejendant's name and address) Neil H. MacBride

United States Attorney
Main Street Centre
600 E. Main Street. Suite 1800
Richmond. VA 23219

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) - or 60 days if you
are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee ofthe United States described in Fed. R. Civ.
P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) - you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiffs attorney,
whose name and address are:
E. Duncan Getchell, Jr.
State Solicitor General
Office of the Attorney General
900 East Main Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219

If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
You also must file your answer or motion with the court.

F'emando Galindo, Clerk

Date: _ _ __
Signature ofClerk or Deputy Clerk
Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 2 Filed 03/23/10 Page 3 of 3

AD 440 (Rev. 12109) Summons in a Civil Action


for the
Eastern District of Virginia Richmond Division

v. ) Civil Action No. 3:10CV188
Eric H. Holder, Jr. )
United States Attorney General )


To: (Defendant's name and address) Eric H. Holder, Jr.

U.S. Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue. NW
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) - or 60 days if you
are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed. R. Civ.
P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) - you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiffs attorney,
whose name and address are:
E. Duncan Getchell. Jr.
State Solicitor General
Office of the Attorney General
900 East Main Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219

If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
You also must file your answer or motion with the court.

CLEAirttih'Elllti'alindo, Clerk

Signature o/Clerk or Deputy Clerk
Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 3 Filed 03/23/10 Page 1_~! 1

f[ ,- U IL ~ lfli)
If i MAR 232610 ;,~:;
! I

Richmond Division L--___ ~

CLERK, u.s. DiSTRICT C(;' ,.,,,
hiGHMOND, VA ,'.1.

in his official capacity as
Attorney General of Virginia,


v. Civil Action No. 3:10cv188

Secretary of the Department
of Health and Human Services,
in her official capacity,



The undersigned recuses himself from presiding over this

action. It is hereby ORDERED that the Clerk reassign this action

to another judge in accord with the standard assignment system.

It is so ORDERED.

Robert E. Payne
Senior United States District JUdge

Richmond, Virginia
Date: March 23, 2010
Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 4 Filed 03/25/10 Page 1 of 3



Richmond Division

Plaintiff, )
v. ) Civil Action No.: 3:10CV188
Defendant. )


COMES NOW the United States Attorney by Jonathan H. Hambrick, Assistant United

States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, and, pursuant to the provisions of Local Civil

Rule 4(A), certifies as follows:

The Office of the United States Attorney was served with process in this litigation by

certified mail pursuant to the provisions of Rule 4(i)(1 )(A) of the Federal Rules of Civil

Procedure. The envelope containing process is postmarked with the date of March 23, 2010.

Process was received by the Office of the United States Attorney on March 24,2010.





Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 4 Filed 03/25/10 Page 2 of 3

Respectfully submitted,


nathan H. Hambrick
SB #37590
Attorney for Defendant
Office of the United States Attorney
600 East Main Street, Suite 1800
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 819-5400 (phone)
(804) 819-7417 (fax)
Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 4 Filed 03/25/10 Page 3 of 3


I hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing Certificate Reporting Service was mailed

this 25th day of March, 2010, to the following:

E. Duncan Getchell, Jr.

State Solicitor General
Office of the Attorney General
900 East Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219

J nathan H. Hambrick
SB #37590
Attorney for Defendant
Office of the United States Attorney
600 East Main Street, Suite 1800
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 819-5400 (phone)
(804) 819-7417 (fax)
Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 6 Filed 04/30/10 Page 1 of 2


Richmond Division



v. Civil Action No. 3:10CV188-HEH




Finding it in the interest of justice and otherwise reasonably

necessary for the orderly and efficient administration of justice,

it is hereby ORDERED that the schedule set forth below and in

Pretrial Schedule A (attached) shall govern the progress of this

action, except to the extent amended or augmented by the terms of

the Initial Pretrial Order issued after the pretrial conference or

by any other Order.

1. Any party which has not filed an Answer to the Complaint

shall do so within eleven (11) days after entry of this Scheduling

Order. Filing of an Answer shall not waive any previously filed

motions or properly presented objections to jurisdiction or service

of process.

2. Within fifteen (15) days after entry of this Order,

motions for joinder of additional parties or amendment of pleadings

shall be filed. Any such motions filed thereafter will be

entertained only upon a showing of good cause.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 6 Filed 04/30/10 Page 2 of 2

3. A settlement conference referral will be made at the time

of the Initial Pretrial Conference. Counsel for each party, and a

representative of each party with authority to conclude a

settlement of this action, shall meet in person with the

undersigned district judge or, if directed, with another district

or magistrate judge to discuss settlement. The representative for

a business entity (corporation, partnership or otherwise) must be

an officer or employee not employed in the business entity’s law

department or general counsel’s office, although such lawyers are

welcome to attend with the other representative. Each counsel

shall be prepared to present a cogent, brief summary of the issues

of liability and damages. Counsel for each party shall be

responsible to assure that the settlement conference is conducted

as herein prescribed. If an early settlement conference is

desired, contact the Clerk’s Office at (804) 916-2227 for referral

to a Magistrate Judge.

The Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Scheduling Order

and attached Pretrial Schedule A to all counsel of record and to

any party not represented by counsel.

It is so ORDERED.

Henry E. Hudson
United States District Judge

Richmond, Virginia

Date: April 30, 2010

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 6-1 Filed 04/30/10 Page 1 of 7


Richmond Division

(Judge Hudson)

This Pretrial Schedule A ("Schedule A") shall govern the

schedule of events in this action; and, therefore, it is
incorporated into the Scheduling Order to which it is attached.


A. Conflict With Local Rules Or Federal Rules Of Civil


Because they govern events incident to trial and the control

of the Court's docket, the Scheduling Orders and Pretrial Orders
issued by the Court and this Schedule A shall control over any
perceived conflicting Local Rule or Federal Rule of Civil
Procedure, unless the party perceiving a conflict shall raise it by
motion, brief it in the manner required by the Local Rules and
demonstrate therein why the perceived conflicting provision of a
Pretrial Order, a Scheduling Order or Schedule A should not

B. Filing Deadlines And Service Of Papers

1. If any filing deadline set in this Schedule A or the

Scheduling Order or a Pretrial Order falls upon a Saturday, Sunday,
or holiday, service on the opposing counsel or party shall be on
the last preceding business day. The papers so served shall be
filed with the Clerk on the first business day following the
Saturday, Sunday, or holiday. The provisions of Fed. R. Civ. P. 6
shall not apply to alter the time deadlines established by this
Schedule A.

2. All original pleadings shall be filed with the Clerk

of Court along with one (1) extra copy for Chambers’ use.
Pleadings in electronic cases shall be filed with the Clerk in
accordance with the Electronic Case Filing (ECF) Policies and
Procedures Manual, which may be found on the court’s website
(www.vaed.uscourts.gov/). Courtesy copy, filing deadline, and other
ECF information may also be obtained from the website.

3. Motions with exhibits attached shall be filed on the

applicable date in all cases, paper or electronic. One (1)
courtesy copy, exhibits included, shall be delivered to Chambers by
the next business day.
Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 6-1 Filed 04/30/10 Page 2 of 7

C. Calculation Of The Dates

For the purpose of calculating dates, the date of trial shall

not be counted.

D. Settlement

Counsel shall notify the Court immediately of any settlement.

The Court will place the case on the docket for presentation of a
final order within fifteen (15) calendar days of notification. If
a fully executed order is received prior to the presentation date,
the case will be removed from the docket and counsel need not
appear. If such an order is not timely submitted, the action will
be dismissed by the Court with prejudice on the basis of the
representation that the action has been settled.


A. Local Rule 7

Local Rule 7 shall govern the filing of motions in this

action, except where otherwise stated. All hearing dates should be
arranged with the secretary to the district judge.

B. Discovery Disputes

Counsel are expected to resolve discovery disputes

without filing pleadings or involving the Court. In the unusual
event that resolution of a discovery dispute requires the filing of
motions, they shall be filed, briefed and heard in sufficient time
to allow completion of the requested discovery by the discovery
cut-off date, taking into account the time allowed for responses
and replies under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Local
Rules, or any other Order of the Court. Any discovery-related
issues not raised within five (5) calendar days before the
discovery cutoff will be deemed waived.

C. Summary Judgment Motions

1. All motions for summary judgment shall be filed at

the earliest possible date consistent with the requirements of the
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, but such motions shall be filed
no later than fifty (50) calendar days before the scheduled trial
date. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, the parties may file
only one (1) summary judgment motion, consolidating all issues,
consistent with Local Rule 7(F)(3).

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 6-1 Filed 04/30/10 Page 3 of 7

2. A hearing, if desired, shall be scheduled to take

place no later than fifteen (15) calendar days before trial.

D. Motions In Limine

Motions in limine, if any, shall be filed in sufficient time,

taking into account the time allowed for responses and replies, to
be heard no later than ten (10) days before trial. At the
discretion of the Court, hearings on motions in limine that take
less than ten (10) minutes may be deferred until the morning of
trial, or argued at the final pretrial conference.


A. Filing Discovery

Except for good cause shown by motion under Fed. R. Civ. P.

5(d), discovery materials shall not be filed with the pleadings or
papers in any case. Where specific discovery material may
appropriately support or oppose a motion, the specific discovery
material in question shall be appended as an exhibit to the motion,
or in response thereto, without having been previously filed.
Discovery material otherwise permitted to be used at trial may be
properly so used, if otherwise admissible, without having been
previously filed.

B. Privilege Lists

If a party objects to the production of documents on the

grounds of attorney-client privilege, attorney work product
doctrine, or any other privilege, the objecting party must provide
the requesting party with an inventory list of the documents to
which objection is made, together with a brief description of the
document, including the date, the author, and the identity of each
recipient, and the claimed basis for its protection, all of which
shall be sufficient to permit the opposing party to assess the
claim of privilege or protection.

Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, the claim of privilege

or protection shall be waived unless the inventory and description
are served with the objections to the request for production in the
time required by the Local Rules.

C. Close Of Discovery

All fact discovery, including all supplementation, shall be

concluded no later than fifty-five (55) calendar days before trial.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 6-1 Filed 04/30/10 Page 4 of 7


1. Local Rule 26 shall govern disclosure and discovery

of experts and their reports.

2. Unless the Court orders otherwise for good cause

shown, expert witnesses and reports not disclosed as required by
Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(2) and (3) and the deadlines established
herein shall not be allowed to testify or be admitted into
evidence, as the case may be.

3. Only one expert per discipline is permitted, except

by order of the Court.

4. Motions challenging the designation of experts shall

be filed at least thirty (30) calendar days before trial.


A. Written Stipulations

1. No later than twenty-four (24) calendar days before

trial, counsel for each party shall meet and confer in a good faith
effort to enter into written stipulations of uncontroverted facts.
Unless the parties agree otherwise, this conference shall be held
at the counsel's office that is closest to the courthouse.

2. Written stipulations shall be signed by each counsel

and filed with the Clerk no later than eleven (11) calendar days
prior to trial.

B. Discovery Designations And Summaries

1. No later than twenty-one (21) calendar days before

trial, all parties shall serve on all other counsel a list of all
discovery materials, specifying the appropriate portions thereof,
that the party intends to offer at trial.

2. If the designated materials include deposition

testimony (whether taken by transcript, video tape, or otherwise),
a brief summary of all such designated testimony, containing
citations to the page and lines of the deposition from which the
summary is taken, also shall be served on all counsel. Counsel are
admonished that, as officers of the Court, they are obligated to
submit summaries that are fair and accurate. Summaries are to be
served for both jury and non-jury trials.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 6-1 Filed 04/30/10 Page 5 of 7

3. No later than fourteen (14) calendar days before

trial, all parties shall serve on all counsel, a list of all
"fairness" or rebuttal designations and amended summaries, as

4. No later than eleven (11) calendar days before

trial, any objection to the introduction of any designation or
parts thereof or any summary shall be filed by each of the parties
in writing with the Clerk. Such objection shall be deemed to have
been waived if not timely filed.

5. No later than nine (9) calendar days before trial,

counsel shall confer to resolve objections to discovery
designations. If objections are not resolved, the Court should be
notified by appropriate motion at least seven (7) calendar days
before trial.

It shall be the responsibility of the objecting party to

file the specific discovery designation or summary with the party's
objections thereto. All such documents shall be clearly marked,
indexed, and easily reviewable.

The party offering the designated discovery shall be

responsible for: (I) conforming it to the agreement reached by the
parties or to the rulings on the objections; (ii) filing the
conformed version; and (iii) providing opposing counsel, the Clerk,
and the Court with a conformed set of all designated discovery five
(5) calendar days before trial.

6. This paragraph on designations shall not apply to

discovery materials that will be used at trial solely in cross-
examination or for impeachment.

C. Witness Lists

1. On or before eighteen (18) calendar days before

trial, plaintiff shall file a list of all witnesses intended to be
called at trial.

2. On or before sixteen (16) calendar days before

trial, defendant shall file a corresponding list of all witnesses
intended to be called at trial.

3. No witness who has been subpoenaed may be excused

except by leave of court or, if the witness has not testified at
trial, with the consent of all parties.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 6-1 Filed 04/30/10 Page 6 of 7

4. Failure to comply with the provisions of this

section will, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, result
in preclusion of the testimony of the witness and/or sanctions.

D. Exhibits

1. On or before eighteen (18) calendar days before

trial, plaintiff shall file with the Clerk a list of proposed

2. On or before sixteen (16) calendar days before

trial, defendant shall file with the Clerk a list of proposed

3. Any exhibit not listed and timely filed will not be

admitted at trial unless used solely for impeachment or rebuttal
purposes. Counsel are admonished that the filing of exhibits
deemed by the Court to be unnecessary to a just disposition of the
case may be found to be violative of 28 U.S.C. § 1927 and the
filing of unnecessary exhibits will be the basis for sanctions.

4. A set of exhibits shall be delivered to the opposing

party on the date the serving party's exhibit list is filed with
the Clerk.

5. Exhibits shall be arranged in a notebook, with each

exhibit marked and individually tabbed. Plaintiff’s exhibits shall
be numbered and defendant’s exhibits shall be lettered. Each
exhibit notebook should contain an index identifying each exhibit
by number and with a short neutral description.

6. Objections to exhibits shall be filed with the Clerk

twelve (12) calendar days before trial. Any exhibit to which no
objection is made shall be admitted without further action.

7. If counsel so desire, exhibit notebooks may also be

provided for each juror. All exhibits or photographs shall be of
such a size as to be easily seen from the jury box.

8. On the day before the trial, each party shall

deliver in person to the Clerk two sets of pre-marked, indexed
exhibits (one for the judge; and one for the witness).

E. Jury Instructions

1. If this action is to be tried by a jury, each party

shall file a complete set of proposed jury instructions with the
Clerk on or before ten (10) calendar days before trial. Objections

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 6-1 Filed 04/30/10 Page 7 of 7

to instructions shall be filed in writing seven (7) calendar days

before trial. Each party shall file a proposed jury verdict form
with its instructions.

2. Counsel shall make every effort to resolve

objections, to consolidate jury instructions, and to tender an
agreed set of instructions to the Court. Four (4) calendar days
before trial, counsel for the plaintiff shall file (a) a set of all
instructions as to which the parties are in agreement; and (b) a
separate set of instructions as to which there remains a dispute,
and, with respect to each such instruction, shall briefly state the
points on which the parties are still in dispute.

3. Instructions shall be filed as a group with a cover

page in pleading form and with a certificate of service at the end.
Each instruction shall be set forth on a separate page with
subtitle (i.e. Breach of Contract) and the original shall bear at
its foot a citation of authority supporting the instruction. Each
instruction shall be identified by the party submitting it, with
plaintiff using numbers and defendant using letters.

4. The Court prefers instructions taken from Federal

Jury Practice and Instructions (O’Malley, Grenig, & Lee).

5. In addition, each party shall deliver to Chambers a

diskette or compact disc (CD) containing jury instructions, one (1)
set with citations and one (1) set without citations. The diskette
or CD shall be compatible with a current version of WordPerfect, or
other convertible format.

F. Findings Of Fact And Conclusions Of Law

1. If this action will not be tried by a jury, each

party shall file with the Clerk proposed findings of fact and
conclusions of law not later than ten (10) calendar days before

2. The proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law

shall be in numbered paragraphs. Conclusions of law shall cite

G. Voir Dire

Any proposed voir dire questions shall be filed with the

Clerk and delivered to opposing counsel not later than seven (7)
calendar days before trial. Objections to voir dire questions
shall be filed three (3) calendar days before trial.

REVISED 7/1/2008

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 1 of 42


Richmond Division

in his official capacity as Attorney )
General of Virginia, )
Plaintiff, )
v. ) Civil Action No. 3:10CVI88-HEH
in her official capacity, )
Defendant. )

(Cross Motions for Summary Judgment)
In this case, the Commonwealth of Virginia (the "Commonwealth"), through its

Attorney General, challenges the constitutionality of the pivotal enforcement mechanism

of the health care scheme adopted by Congress in the Patient Protection and Affordable

Care Act ("ACA" or "the Act"), Pub. L. No. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119 (2010). At issue is

Section 1501 of the Act, commonly known as the Minimum Essential Coverage

Provision ("the Provision"). The Minimum Essential Coverage Provision requires that

every United States citizen, other than those falling within specified exceptions, maintain

a minimum level of health insurance coverage for each month beginning in 2014. Failure

to comply will result in a penalty included with the taxpayer's annual return. As enacted,

Section 1501 is administered and enforced as a part of the Internal Revenue Code.
Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 2 of 42

In its Complaint~ the Commonwealth seeks both declaratory and injunctive relief.

Specifically~ the Commonwealth urges the Court to find that the enactment of Section

1501 exceeds the power of Congress under the Commerce Clause and General Welfare

Clause ofthe United States Constitution. Alternatively~ the Commonwealth contends

that the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision is in direct conflict with Virginia Code

Section 38.2-3430.1: 1 (20 1O)~ commonly referred to as the Virginia Health Care Freedom

Act~ thus implicating the Tenth Amendment.

As part of the relief sought~ the Commonwealth also requests prohibitory

injunctive relief barring the United States government from enforcing the Minimum

Essential Coverage Provision within its territorial boundaries.

The case is presently before the Court on Motions for Summary Judgment filed by

both parties pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56. Both sides have again filed

well-researched memoranda supplying the Court with a thorough analysis of the

controlling issues and pertinent jurisprudence. The Court heard oral argument on

October 18~ 2010. As this Court previously cautioned, this case does not tum on the

wisdom of Congress or the public policy implications of the ACA. The Court's attention

is focused solely on the constitutionality of the enactment.

A review of the supporting memoranda filed by each party yields no material facts

genuinely in issue and neither party suggests to the contrary. The dispute at hand is

driven entirely by issues of law. I

I The Secretary takes issue with the Commonwealth's characterization of aspects of the ACA, its
economic impact, and the legislative intent underlying Va. Code Section 38.2-3430.1: 1. These

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 3 of 42

The present procedural posture of this case is best summarized by the penultimate

paragraph of this Court's Memorandum Opinion denying the Defendant's Motion to


While this case raises a host of complex constitutional issues, all seem to
distill to the single question of whether or not Congress has the power to
regulate-and tax-a citizen's decision not to participate in interstate
commerce. Neither the U.S. Supreme Court nor any circuit court of
appeals has squarely addressed this issue. No reported case from any
federal appellate court has extended the Commerce Clause or Tax Clause to
include the regulation of a person's decision not to purchase a product,
notwithstanding its effect on interstate commerce.

(Mem. Op. 2, Aug. 2, 2010, ECF No. 84.)

The Secretary, in her Memorandum in Support of Defendant's Motion for

Summary Judgment, aptly sets the framework of the debate: "[t]his case concerns a pure

question of law, whether Congress acted within its Article I powers in enacting the

ACA." (Def.'s Mem. Supp. Mot. Summ. J. 17, ECF No. 91.) At this final stage of the

proceedings, with some refinement, the issues remain the same.

Succinctly stated, the Commonwealth's constitutional challenge has three distinct

facets. First, the Commonwealth contends that the Minimum Essential Coverage

Provision, and affiliated penalty, are beyond the outer limits of the Commerce Clause and

associated Necessary and Proper Clause as measured by U.S. Supreme Court precedent.

More specifically, the Commonwealth argues that requiring an otherwise unwilling

disputed facts are neither substantive nor essential to issue resolution, and consequently do not
preclude summary judgment. Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242,247-48,106 S. Ct.
2505, 2510 (1986).

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 4 of 42

individual to purchase a good or service from a private vendor is beyond the boundaries

of congressional Commerce Clause power. The Commonwealth maintains that the

failure, or refusal, of its citizens to elect to purchase health insurance is not economic

activity historically subject to federal regulation under the Commerce Clause.

Alternatively, the Commonwealth contends that the Minimum Essential Coverage

Provision cannot be sustained as a legitimate exercise of the congressional power of

taxation under the General Welfare Clause. It argues that the Provision is

mischaracterized as a tax and is, in actuality, a penalty untethered to an enumerated

power. Congress may not, in the Commonwealth's view, exercise such power to impose

a penalty for what amounts to passive inactivity.

Lastly, the Commonwealth asserts that Section 1501 is in direct conflict with the

Virginia Health Care Freedom Act. Its Attorney General argues that the enactment of the

Minimum Essential Coverage Provision is an unlawful exercise of police power,

encroaches on the sovereignty of the Commonwealth, and offends the Tenth Amendment

to the U.S. Constitution.

The Secretary prefaces her response with an acknowledgement that the debate

over the constitutionality of the ACA has evolved into a polemic mix of political

controversy and legal analysis. When viewed from a purely legal perspective, the

Secretary maintains that the requirement that most Americans obtain a minimum level of

health insurance coverage or pay a tax penalty His well within the traditional bounds of

Congress's Article I powers." (Def. 's Mem. Supp. I.) Her argument begins with an

explanation of the reformative impact of the health care regime created by the Act.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 5 of 42

"[T]he Act is an important, but incremental, advance that builds on prior reforms of the

interstate health insurance market over the last 35 years." (Def. 's Mem. Supp. 1.) The

Secretary points to congressional findings that the insurance industry has failed to take

corrective action to eliminate barriers which prevent millions of Americans from

obtaining affordable insurance. To correct this systemic failure in the interstate health

insurance market, Congress adopted a carefully crafted scheme which bars insurers from

denying coverage to those with preexisting conditions, and from charging discriminatory

premiums on the basis of medical history.

In order to guarantee the success of these reforms, the Secretary maintains that

Congress properly exercised its powers under the Commerce Clause, or alternatively the

Necessary and Proper Clause, to adopt a regulatory mechanism to effectuate these health

care market reform measures, namely the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision.

"[B]ecause the Act regulates health care financing [it] is quintessential economic

activity." (Def.'s Reply Mem. 3, ECF No. 132.)

Moreover, the Secretary rejects the Commonwealth's contention that the

implementation of the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision through the Necessary and

Proper Clause violates state sovereignty. Since the penalty mechanism does not compel

state officials to carry out a federal regulatory scheme, she maintains that it does not

implicate the Tenth Amendment.

The Secretary also disputes the logic behind the Commonwealth's contention that

the Provision compels health care market participation by individuals who do not wish to

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 6 of 42

purchase insurance. She dismisses the notion that uninsured people can sit passively on

the market sidelines. Her reasoning flows from the observation that

the large majority of the uninsured regularly migrate in and out of insurance
coverage. That is, the uninsured, as a class, often make, revisit, and revise
economic decisions as to how to finance their health care needs. Congress
may regulate these economic actions when they substantially affect
interstate commerce.... Insurance-purchase requirements have long been
fixtures in the United States Code.

(Oef.'s Mem. Supp. 2.)

Both the Secretary's argument in defense of the Provision and the apparent

underlying rationale of Congress are premised on the facially logical assumption that

every individual at some point in life will need some form of health care. "No person can

guarantee that he will divorce himself entirely from the market for heath care services."

(Oef.'s Mem. Opp. Mot. Summ. J. 1, ECF No. 96.) "[N]o person can guarantee that he

will never incur a sudden, unanticipated need for expensive care; and very few persons,

absent insurance, can guarantee that they will not shift the cost of that care to the rest of

society." (OeCs Reply Mem. 2.) In the Secretary's view, failure to appreciate this logic

is the fatal flaw in the Commonwealth's position. 2

On a third front, the Secretary defends the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision

as a valid exercise of Congress's independent authority to lay taxes and make

expenditures for the general welfare. Contrary to earlier representations by the

2 In Florida ex rei. McCollum v. US. Dep '( ofHealth & Human Servs., Judge Vinson aptly
captures the theoretic underpinning of the Secretary's argument. "Their argument on this point
can be broken down to the following syllogism: (l) because the majority of people will at some
point in their lives need and consume healthcare services, and (2) because some of the people are
unwilling or unable to pay for those services, (3) Congress may regulate everyone and require
that everyone have specific, federally-approved insurance." 716 F. Supp. 2d 1120, 1162 (N.D.
Fla. 2010).

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 7 of 42

Legislative and Executive branches, the Secretary now states unequivocally that the

Provision is a tax, published in the Internal Revenue Code, and enforced by the Internal

Revenue Service. The Secretary notes that "[i]ts penalty operates as an addition to an

individual's income tax liability on his annual tax return, which is calculated by reference

to income." (Def.'s Mem. Supp. 2.) The Secretary also cites projections that it will raise

$4 billion annually in general revenue. She takes issue with the Commonwealth's

position that there is a legal distinction between penalties that serve regulatory purposes

and other forms of revenue raising taxation. In her opinion, any such legal distinction has

long been abandoned by the Supreme Court. 3

Finally, the Secretary highlights several precepts of legal analysis which she

suggests should guide the Court in reviewing the issues raised. First, she cautions the

Court to remember that the standard for facial challenges establishes a high hurdle. It

requires the Commonwealth to demonstrate that there are no possible circumstances in

which the Provision could be constitutionally applied. United States v. Salerno, 481 U.S.

739, 745, 107 S. Ct. 2095, 2100 (1987). In other words, they "must show that the

[statute] cannot operate constitutionally under any circumstance." West Virginia v. Us.

Dep't ofHealth & Human Servs., 289 FJd 281, 292 (4th Cir. 2002). Proofofa single

constitutional application is all that is necessary in her view. In summary, she explains

3 Because the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision is incorporated into the Internal Revenue
Code, and technically under the purview of the Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary Sebelius, at
this late stage, maintains that the Secretary of the Treasury is a necessary party, whose absence
as such warrants dismissal. This aspect of her motion was rejected by a separate Memorandum
Order (Dk. No. 152) dated October 13,2010.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 8 of 42

for Virginia's facial challenge to succeed under its theory, this Court would
have to conclude that no uninsured individual would ever use or be charged
for medical services, and that no uninsured individual would ever make an
active decision whether to purchase insurance. Because such a showing
cannot be made, Virginia's facial challenge must fail.

(Def.'s Mem. Opp. 19.)

On this issue, the Secretary holds the weaker hand. The cases she relies upon,

Salerno and West Virginia, which are styled as facial challenges, focus on the impact or

effect of the enactment at issue. The immediate lawsuit questions the authority of

Congress-at the bill's inception-to enact the legislation. The distinction is somewhat

analogous to subject matter jurisdiction, the power to act ab initio. By their very nature,

almost all constitutional challenges to specific exercises of enumerated powers,

particularly the Commerce Clause, are facial. "When ... a federal statute is challenged

as going beyond Congress's enumerated powers, under our precedents the court first asks

whether the statute is unconstitutional on itsface." Nev. Dep 't ofHuman Res. v. Hibbs,

538 U.S. 721, 743, 123 S. Ct. 1972, 1986 (2003) (Scalia, J., dissenting); see also City of

Boerne v. Flores, 521 U.S. 507, 516,117 S. Ct. 2157, 2162 (1997). A careful

examination of the Court's analysis in Lopez and Morrison does not suggest the standard

articulated in Salerno. In both Lopez and Morrison, the Court declared the statute under

review to be legally stillborn without consideration of its effect downstream.

In fact, the viability of the Salerno dictum cited by the Secretary has been

questioned by the Court in City ofChicago v. Morales, 527 U.S. 41, 119 S. Ct. 1849

(1999). "To the extent we have consistently articulated a clear standard for facial

challenges, it is not the Salerno formulation, which has never been the decisive factor in

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 9 of 42

any decision of this Court, including Salerno itself." ld. at 55 n.22, 119 S. Ct. at 1858

n.22. See also Fargo Women's Health Org. v. Schafer, 507 U.S. 1013, 1013, 113 S. Ct.

1668, 1669 (1993) (O'Connor, 1., concurring in denial of stay and injunction); Planned

Parenthoodv. Miller, 63 F.3d 1452, 1458 (8th Cir. 1995).

Even if the Commonwealth is held to the higher standard of proof,

unconstitutionality in all applications, it could be met if the enforcement mechanism is

itself unconstitutional. Importantly, it is not the effect on individuals that is presently at

issue-it is the authority of Congress to compel anyone to purchase health insurance. An

enactment that exceeds the power of Congress to adopt adversely affects everyone in

every application. Indeed, the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision touches every

American citizen required to file an annual IRS Form 1040 or 1040A.4

Second, the Secretary correctly asks the Court to be mindful that it must presume

the constitutionality of federal legislation. Gibbs v. Babbitt, 214 F.3d 483, 490 (4th Cir.

2000). Third, she reminds the Court that the task at hand is not to independently review

the facts underlying the decision of Congress to exercise its Article I authority to enact

legislation. Reviewing courts are confined to a determination of whether a rational basis

exists for such congressional action. See Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1,22, 125 S. Ct.

2195, 2208 (2005).

4The Commonwealth also contends that the only application at issue is the conflict with the
Virginia Health Care Freedom Act. The Court, however, need not specifically reach this issue.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 10 of 42


In this Court's Memorandum Opinion denying the Defendanfs Motion to

Dismiss, the Court recognized that the Secretary's application of the Commerce Clause

and General Welfare Clause appeared to extend beyond existing constitutional precedent.

It was also noted that each side had advanced some authority arguably supporting the

theory underlying their position. Accordingly, the Court was unable to conclude at that

stage that the Complaint failed to state a cause of action. At this point, the analysis

proceeds to the next level. To prevail, the Commonwealth, as Plaintiff, must make "a

plain showing that Congress has exceeded its constitutional bounds." Gibbs, 214 F.3d at

490 (internal citation omitted). To win summary judgment, the Secretary must convince

the Court to the contrary.

Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(c)(2), summary judgment should be

granted "if the pleadings, the discovery and disclosure materials on file, and any

affidavits show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the movant

is entitled to judgment as a matter of law." News & Observer Publ'g Co. v. Raleigh-

Durham Airport Auth., 597 F.3d 570, 576 (4th Cir. 2010) (quoting Fed. R. Civ. P.

56(c)(2)). "The moving party is 'entitled to judgment as a matter oflaw' when the

nonmoving party fails to make an adequate showing on an essential element for which it

has the burden of proof at trial." News & Observer Publ'g Co., 597 F.3d at 576; see

Clevelandv. Policy Mgmt. Sys. Corp., 526 U.S. 795, 805-06,119 S. Ct. 1597, 1603

(1999). Aside from sparring over representations of marginal consequence, there do not

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 11 of 42

appear to be any material facts genuinely at issue. This case turns solely on issues of law.

Both parties acknowledge that resolution by summary judgment is appropriate.


Turning to the merits, this Court previously noted that the Minimum Essential

Coverage Provision appears to forge new ground and extends the Commerce Clause

powers beyond its current high water mark. The Court also acknowledged the finite well

ofjurisprudential guidance in surveying the boundaries of such power. The historically-

accepted contours of Article I Commerce Clause power were restated by the Supreme

Court in Perez v. United States, 402 U.S. 146, 150,91 S. Ct. 1357, 1359 (1971). The

Perez Court divided traditional Commerce Clause powers into three distinct strands.

First, Congress can regulate the channels of interstate commerce. Id. Second, Congress

has the authority to regulate and protect the instrumentalities of interstate commerce and

persons or things in interstate commerce. Id. Third, Congress has the power to regulate

activities that substantially affect interstate commerce. Id. It appears from the tenor of

the debate in this case that only the third category of Commerce Clause power is

presently at issue.

Critical to the Secretary's argument is the notion that an individual's decision not

to purchase health insurance is in effect "economic activity." (Def.'s Mem. Supp. 35.)

The Secretary rejects the Commonwealth's implied premise that a person can simply

elect to avoid participation in the health care market. It is inevitable, in her view, that

every individual-today or in the future-healthy or otherwise-will require medical

care. She adds that a large segment of the population is uninsured and "consume[s] tens

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 12 of 42

of billions of dollars in uncompensated care each year." (Def.'s Mem. Opp. 14.) The

Secretary maintains that the irrefutable facts demonstrate that "[t]he conduct of the

uninsured-their economic decision as to how to finance their health care needs, their

actual use of the health care system, their migration in and out of coverage, and their

shifting of costs on to the rest of the system when they cannot pay-plainly is economic

activity." (Def.'s Mem. Opp. 16-17.)

The Secretary relies on what is commonly referred to as an aggregation theory,

which is conceptually based on the hypothesis that the sum of individual decisions to

participate or not in the health insurance market has a critical collective effect on

interstate commerce. Congress may regulate even intrastate activities ifthey are within a

class of activities that, in the aggregate, substantially affect interstate commerce. In

support of this argument, the Secretary relies on the teachings of the Supreme Court in

Gonzales, wherein the Court noted that "[w]hen Congress decides that the 'total

incidence' of a practice poses a threat to a national market, it may regulate the entire

class." Gonzales, 545 U.S. at 17, 125 S. Ct. at 2205-06 (citing Perez, 402 U.S. at 154,91

S. Ct. at 1361). In other words, her argument is premised on the theoretical effect of an

aggregation or critical mass of indecision on interstate commerce.

The core of the Secretary's primary argument under the Commerce Clause is that

the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision is a necessary measure to ensure the success

of its larger reforms of the interstate health insurance market. s The Secretary emphasizes

5The Secretary seems to sidestep the independent freestanding constitutional basis for the

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 13 of 42

that the ACA is a vital step in transforming a currently dysfunctional interstate health

insurance market. In the Secretary's view, the key elements of health care reform are

coverage of those with preexisting conditions and prevention of discriminatory premiums

on the basis of medical history. These features, the Secretary maintains, will have a

material effect on the health insurance underwriting process, and inevitably, the cost of

insurance coverage. Therefore, without full market participation, the financial foundation

supporting the health care system will fail, in effect causing the entire health care regime

to "implode." Unless everyone is required by law to purchase health insurance, or pay a

penalty, the revenue base will be insufficient to underwrite the costs of insuring

individuals presently considered as high risk or uninsurable. Therefore, under the

Secretary's reasoning, since Congress has the power under the Commerce Clause to

reform the interstate health insurance market, it also possesses, under the Necessary and

Proper Clause, the power to make the regulation effective by enacting the Minimum

Essential Coverage Provision. United States v. Wrightwood Dairy Co" 315 U.S. 110,

118-19,62 S. Ct. 523, 525-26 (1942).

The Secretary seeks legal support for her aggregation theory in the Supreme

Court's holding in Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111,63 S. Ct. 82 (1942) and Gonzales.

She maintains that the central question is whether there is a rational basis for concluding

that the class of activities at issue, when "taken in the aggregate," substantially affects

interstate commerce. Gonzales, 545 U.S. at 22, 125 S. Ct. at 2208; Wickard, 317 U.S. at

127-28. In other words, "[w]here the class of activities is regulated and that class is

within reach of federal power, the courts have no power 'to excise, as trivial, individual

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 14 of 42

instances' ofthe class." Gonzales, 545 U.S. at 23, 125 S. Ct. at 2209 (quoting Perez, 402

U.S. at 154,91 S. Ct. at 1361); United States v. Malloy, 568 F.3d 166, 180 (4th Cir.

2009), cert. denied, 130 S. Ct. 1736 (2010).

In Wickard, the Supreme Court upheld the power of Congress to regulate the

personal cultivation and consumption of wheat on a private farm. The Court reasoned

that the consumption of such non-commercially produced wheat reduced the amount of

commercially produced wheat purchased and consumed nationally, thereby affecting

interstate commerce. Wickard is generally acknowledged to be the most expansive

application of the Commerce Clause by the Supreme Court, followed by Gonzales.

At issue in Gonzales was whether the aggregate effect of personal growth and

consumption of marijuana for medicinal purposes under California law had a sufficient

impact on interstate commerce to warrant regulation under the Commerce Clause. The

Supreme Court concluded that "[l]ike the farmer in Wickard, respondents are cultivating,

for home consumption, a fungible commodity for which there is an established, albeit

illegal, interstate market. ... Here too, Congress had a rational basis for concluding that

leaving home-consumed marijuana outside federal control would similarly affect price

and market conditions." Gonzales, 545 U.S. at 18-19, 125 S. Ct. at 2206-07.

The Secretary emphasizes that the Commonwealth's challenge fails to appreciate

the significance of the overall regulatory scheme and program at issue. Quoting from

Gonzales, the Secretary notes that when "a general regulatory statute bears a substantial

relation to commerce, the de minimis character of individual instances arising under the

statute is of no consequence." (Def.'s Mem. Supp. 19 (quoting Gonzales, 545 U.S. at 17,

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 15 of 42

125 S. Ct. at 2206).) Furthermore, the Secretary adds that "[f]or the provisions of' [a]

complex regulatory program' to fall within [Congress's] commerce power, '[i]t is enough

that the challenged provisions are an integral part of the regulatory program and that the

regulatory scheme when considered as a whole satisfies this test. '" (Def. 's Mem. Opp. 9

(quoting Gibbs, 214 F.3d at 497).)

When reviewing congressional exercise of the Commerce Clause powers, the

Secretary cautions that a court "need not itself measure the impact on interstate

commerce of the activities Congress sought to regulate, nor need the court calculate how

integral a particular provision is to a larger regulatory program. The court's task instead

is limited to determining 'whether a rational basis exists' for Congress's conclusions.,,6

(Def.'s Mem. Supp. 19 (quoting Gonzales, 545 U.S. at 22, 125 S. Ct. at 2208).)

Because the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision is the linchpin which

provides financial viability to the other critical elements of the overall regulatory scheme,

the Secretary concludes that its adoption is within congressional Commerce Clause

powers. She emphasizes that Congress "rationally found that a failure to regulate the

6 In response to footnote 1 in the Court's Memorandum Opinion denying Defendant's Motion to Dismiss,
the Secretary addresses the effect of the McCarran-Ferguson Act on the power of Congress to regulate the
business of insurance under the Commerce Clause. The Act expressly declared that the regulation and
taxation of the business of insurance, and all who engage in it, should be subject to the laws of the several
states unless Congress specifically states the contrary. 15 U.S.C. § 1012. Life Partners, Inc. v. Morrison,
484 F.3d 284, 292 (4th Cir. 2007) cert. denied, 552 U.S. 1062 (2007).
The Secretary points out that where Congress exercises that power, its enactment controls over
any contrary state law. Humana, Inc. v. Forsyth, 525 U.S. 299, 306, 119 S. Ct. 710, 716 (1999).
Specifically, the Secretary maintains that the ACA reforms the insurance industry by preventing insurers
from denying or revoking coverage for those with preexisting conditions and by protecting individuals
with such conditions from being charged discriminatory rates. These provisions, which are effectuated by
the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision, in the Secretary's view, regulate the business of insurance.
The Commonwealth counters, however, that an individual's decision not to purchase insurance is
not within the logical ambit of the business of insurance.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 16 of 42

decision to delay or forego insurance-i.e., the decision to shift one's costs on to the

larger health care system-would undermine the 'comprehensive regulatory regime.'"

(Def.'s Mem. Supp. 27 (quoting Gonzales, 545 U.S. at 27, 125 S. Ct. at 2211).)

Therefore, the Secretary posits that because the guaranteed coverage and rate

discrimination issues are unquestionably within the Commerce Clause powers, the

mechanism chosen by Congress to effectuate those reforms, the Minimum Essential

Coverage Provision, is also a proper exercise of that power-either under the Commerce

Clause or the associated Necessary and Proper Clause.


The Secretary characterizes the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision as the

vital kinetic link that animates Congress's overall regulatory reform of interstate health

care and insurance markets. "[T]he Necessary and Proper Clause makes clear that the

Constitution's grants of specific federal legislative authority are accompanied by broad

power to enact laws that are 'convenient, or useful' or 'conducive' to the authority's

'beneficial exercise.'" United States v. Comstock, 130 S. Ct. 1949, 1956 (2010) (quoting

McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316, 408 (1819). The Secretary maintains

that because Congress has rationally concluded "that the minimum coverage provision is

necessary to make the other regulations in the Act effective," it is an appropriate exercise

of the Necessary and Proper Clause. (Def.'s Mem. Supp. 29.) Again, the Secretary

contends that the determination of whether the means adopted to attain its legislative

goals are rationally related is reserved for Congress alone. Burroughs v. United States,

290 U.S. 534, 547-48, 54 S. Ct. 287, 291 (1934).

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 17 of 42

Although the Necessary and Proper Clause vests Congress with broad authority to

exercise means~ which are not themselves an enumerated power~ to implement

legislation, it is not without limitation. As the Secretary concedes, the means adopted

must not only be rationally related to the implementation of a constitutionally-

enumerated power, but it must not violate an independent constitutional prohibition.

Comstock, 130 S. Ct. at 1956-57. Whether the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision~

which requires an individual to purchase health insurance or pay a penalty, is borne of a

constitutionally-enumerated power~ is the core issue in this case. As the Supreme Court

noted in Buckley v. Valeo, "Congress has plenary authority in all areas in which it has

substantive legislative jurisdiction~ ... so long as the exercise of that authority does not

offend some other constitutional restriction." 424 U.S. 1, 132,96 S. Ct. 612, 688 (1976)

(internal citation omitted). The Commonwealth argues that the Provision offends a

fundamental restriction on Commerce Clause powers.

In their opposition~ the Commonwealth focuses on what it perceives to be the

central element of Commerce Clause jurisdiction-economic activity. The

Commonwealth distinguishes what was deemed to be "economic activity" in Wickard

and Gonzales, namely a voluntary decision to grow wheat or cultivate marijuana, from

the involuntary act of purchasing health insurance as required by the Provision. In

Wickard and Gonzales~ individuals made a conscious decision to grow wheat or cultivate

marijuana, and consequently, voluntarily placed themselves within the stream of

interstate commerce. Conversely, the Commonwealth maintains that the Minimum

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 18 of 42

Essential Coverage Provision compels an unwilling person to perform an involuntary act

and, as a result, submit to Commerce Clause regulation.

Drawing on the logic articulated in United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549, 115 S.

Ct. 1624 (1995) and United States v. Morrison, 529 U.S. 598, 120 S. Ct. 1740 (2000),

which limited the boundaries of Commerce Clause jurisdiction to activities truly

economic in nature and that actually affect interstate commerce, the Commonwealth

contends that a decision not to purchase a product, such as health insurance, is not an

economic activity. In Morrison, the Court noted that "[e]ven [our] modem-era

precedents which have expanded congressional power under the Commerce Clause

confirm that this power is subject to outer limits," Morrison, 529 U.S. at 608, 120 S. Ct.

at 1748-49. The Court in Morrison also pointed out that "the existence of congressional

findings is not sufficient, by itself, to sustain the constitutionality of Commerce Clause

legislation." Id. at 614, 120 S. Ct. at 1752. Finally, in Morrison, the Court rejected "the

argument that Congress may regulate noneconomic, violent criminal conduct based

solely on the conduct's aggregate effect on interstate commerce." Id. at 617, 120 S. Ct. at

1754. The Commonwealth urges a similar analysis in this case.

The Commonwealth does not appear to challenge the aggregate effect of the many

moving parts of the ACA on interstate commerce. Its lens is narrowly focused on the

enforcement mechanism to which it is hinged, the Minimum Essential Coverage


The Commonwealth argues that the Necessary and Proper Clause cannot be

employed as a vehicle to enforce an unconstitutional exercise of Commerce Clause

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 19 of 42

power, no matter how well intended. Although the Necessary and Proper Clause grants

Congress broad authority to pass laws in furtherance of its constitutionally-enumerated

powers, its authority is not unbridled. As Chief Justice John Marshall observed in

McCulloch, "[l]et the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the constitution, and

all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not

prohibited, but consistent with the letter and spirit of the constitution, are constitutional."

McCulloch, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) at 421.

More recently, in restating the limitations on the scope of the Necessary and

Proper Clause, the Supreme Court defined the relevant inquiry, "we look to see whether

the statute constitutes a means that is rationally related to the implementation of a

constitutionally enumerated power." Comstock, 130 S. Ct. at 1956. Ifa person's

decision not to purchase health insurance at a particular point in time does not constitute

the type of economic activity subject to regulation under the Commerce Clause, then

logically an attempt to enforce such provision under the Necessary and Proper Clause is

equally offensive to the Constitution.

The Secretary, in rebuttal, faults the Commonwealth's reasoning as overly

simplistic. She argues that the Commonwealth's theory is dependent on which method a

person chooses to finance their inevitable health care expenditures. If the costs are

underwritten by an insurance carrier, it is activity; if the general public pays by default, it

is passivity. She maintains that under the Commonwealth's reasoning, the former is

subject to Commerce Clause powers, while the latter is not. The Secretary also points out

that under the Commonwealth's approach, "it [is] unclear whether an individual became

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 20 of 42

'passive,' and therefore supposedly beyond the reach of the commerce power, ifhe

dropped his policy yesterday, a week ago, or a year ago." (Def. 's Mem. Opp. 18.) She

characterizes the Commonwealth's logic as untenable.

The Secretary also rejects the notion that the imposition of a monetary penalty for

failing to perform an act is outside the spirit of the Constitution. She offers two examples

to highlight the point. In the context of Superfund regulation, a property owner cannot

avoid liability for allowing contamination on his property by claiming that he was only

"passive." Mere ownership of contaminated property under the Superfund Act triggers

an obligation to undertake remedial measures. Nurad, Inc. v. Wm. E. Hooper & Sons

Co., 966 F.2d 837, 845 (4th Cir. 1992). Moreover, a property owner cannot defeat an

action to take a parcel of his land under the power of eminent domain, simply by

passively taking no action. Berman v. Parker, 348 U.S. 26, 33, 75 S. Ct. 98, 103 (1954).

In addition, the Secretary points out that sanctions have historically been imposed

for failure to timely file tax returns or truthfully report or pay taxes due, as well as failure

to register for the selective service or report for military duty. The Commonwealth,

however, counters that most of the examples presented are directly related to a specific

constitutional provision-empowering Congress to assess taxes and to provide and

maintain an Army and Navy, U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, or requiring compensation for

exercising the power of eminent domain. U.S. Const. amend. V. In the case of the

landowner sanctioned for contamination of his property, liability largely stemmed from

an active transaction of purchase. In contrast, no specifically articulated constitutional

authority exists to mandate the purchase of health insurance.

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Despite the laudable intentions of Congress in enacting a comprehensive and

transformative health care regime, the legislative process must still operate within

constitutional bounds. Salutatory goals and creative drafting have never been sufficient

to offset an absence of enumerated powers. As the Supreme Court noted in Morrison,

"[e]ven [our] modern-era of precedents which have expanded congressional power under

the Commerce Clause confirm that this power is subject to outer limits." Morrison, 529

U.S. at 608,120 S. Ct. at 1748-49 (quoting Lopez, 514 U.S. at 556-57, 115 S. Ct. at

1628). Congressional findings, no matter how extensive, are insufficient to enlarge the

Commerce Clause powers of Congress. Morrison, 529 U.S. at 614,120 S. Ct. at 1752.

In Wickard and Gonzales, the Supreme Court staked out the outer boundaries of

Commerce Clause power. In both cases, the activity under review was the product of a

self-directed affirmative move to cultivate and consume wheat or marijuana. This self-

initialed change of position voluntarily placed the subject within the stream of commerce.

Absent that step, governmental regulation could have been avoided.

In Morrison and Lopez, however, the Supreme Court tightened the reins and

insisted that the perimeters of legislation enacted under Commerce Clause powers square

with the historically-accepted contours of Article I authority delineated by the Supreme

Court in Perez v. United States, 402 U.S. 146,91 S. Ct. 1357 (1971). Pertinent to the

immediate case, the Court in Perez stated that Congress has the power to regulate

activities that substantially affect interstate commerce. Id. at 150, 91 S. Ct. at 13 59. In

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 22 of 42

Perez t the Court upheld a federal prohibition on extortionate credit transactions t even

though the specific transaction in question had not occurred in interstate commerce.

The Court in Lopez and Morrison constrained the boundaries of Commerce Clause

jurisdiction to activities truly economic in nature and that had a demonstrable effect on

interstate commerce. In Lopez, the Court found that the Gun-Free School Zones Act t

which made it a federal offense for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm in a

school zone t exceeded Congress's Commerce Clause authority. First, the Court held that

the statute by its terms had nothing to do with commerce or any sort of economic

enterprise. Second, it concluded that the act could not be sustained "under our cases

upholding regulations of activities that arise out of or are connected with a commercial

transaction, which viewed in the aggregate t substantially affects interstate commerce. H

Lopez t 514 U.S. at 561,115 S. Ct. at 1631.

Later in Morrison, the Court concluded that the Commerce Clause did not provide

Congress with the authority to impose civil remedies under the Violence Against Women

Act. Despite extensive factual findings regarding the serious impact that gender-

motivated violence has on victims and their families t the Court concluded that it was

insufficient by itself to sustain the constitutionality of Commerce Clause legislation.

Morrison, 529 U.S. at 614,120 S. Ct. at 1752. The Court in Morrison ultimately rejected

the argument that Congress may regulate noneconomic, violent criminal conduct based

solely on that conduct's aggregated effect on interstate commerce. ld. at 617 t 120 S. Ct.

at 1754.

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In surveying the legal landscape, several operative elements are commonly

encountered in Commerce Clause decisions. First, to survive a constitutional challenge

the subject matter must be economic in nature and affect interstate commerce, and

second, it must involve activity. Every application of Commerce Clause power found to

be constitutionally sound by the Supreme Court involved some form of action,

transaction, or deed placed in motion by an individual or legal entity. The constitutional

viability of the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision in this case turns on whether or

not a person's decision to refuse to purchase health care insurance is such an activity.

In her argument, the Secretary urges an expansive interpretation of the concept of

activity. She posits that every individual in the United States will require health care at

some point in their lifetime, ifnot today, perhaps next week or even next year. Her

theory further postulates that because near universal participation is critical to the

underwriting process, the collective effect of refusal to purchase health insurance affects

the national market. Therefore, she argues, requiring advance purchase of insurance

based upon a future contingency is an activity that will inevitably affect interstate

commerce. Of course, the same reasoning could apply to transportation, housing, or

nutritional decisions. This broad definition of the economic activity subject to

congressional regulation lacks logical limitation and is unsupported by Commerce Clause


The power of Congress to regulate a class of activities that in the aggregate has a

substantial and direct effect on interstate commerce is well settled. Gonzales, 545 U.S. at

22, 125 S. Ct. at 2209. This even extends to noneconomic activity closely connected to

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 24 of 42

the intended market. Hoffman v. Hunt, 126 F.3d 575,587-88 (4th Cir. 1997). But these

regulatory powers are triggered by some type of self-initiated action. Neither the

Supreme Court nor any federal circuit court of appeals has extended Commerce Clause

powers to compel an individual to involuntarily enter the stream of commerce by

purchasing a commodity in the private market. 7 In doing so, enactment of the Minimum

Essential Coverage Provision exceeds the Commerce Clause powers vested in Congress

under Article I.

Because an individual's personal decision to purchase-or decline to purchase-

health insurance from a private provider is beyond the historical reach of the Commerce

Clause, the Necessary and Proper Clause does not provide a safe sanctuary. This clause

grants Congress broad authority to pass laws in furtherance of its constitutionally-

enumerated powers. This authority may only be constitutionally deployed when tethered

to a lawful exercise of an enumerated power. See Comstock, 130 S. Ct. at 1956-57. As

Chief Justice Marshall noted in McCulloch, it must be within "the letter and spirit of the

constitution." 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) at 421. The Minimum Essential Coverage Provision is

neither within the letter nor the spirit of the Constitution. Therefore, the Necessary and

Proper Clause may not be employed to implement this affirmative duty to engage in

private commerce.

7The collective effect of an aggregate of such inactivity still falls short of the constitutional

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On an alternative front, the Secretary contends that the Minimum Essential

Coverage Provision is a valid exercise of Congress's independent taxation power under

the General Welfare Clause in Article 1. 8 Despite pre-enactment representations to the

contrary by the Executive and Legislative branches, the Secretary now argues that the

Minimum Essential Coverage Provision is, in essence, a "tax penalty." The Secretary

notes that the Provision is codified in the Internal Revenue Code and the penalty, if

applicable, is reported and paid as a part of an individual's annual tax return.

Because the Provision is purportedly a product of congressional power of taxation,

judicial review is generally narrow and limited. United States v. Ptasynski, 462 U.S. 74,

84, 103 S. Ct. 2239, 2245 (1983). Relying on United States v. Aiken, 974 F.2d 446 (4th

Cir. 1992), the Secretary asserts that the power of Congress to lay and collect taxes,

duties, and excises under Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, requires only that it

be a revenue raising measure and that the associated regulatory provisions bear a

"reasonable relation" to the statute's taxing power. Id. at 448; see also Sonzinsky v.

United States, 300 U.S. 506, 513, 57 S. Ct. 554, 555-56 (1937) (involving whether a levy

on the sale of firearms described as a tax and passed by Congress's taxing power was in

fact a tax). According to the Secretary, the power of Congress to tax for the general

welfare is checked only by the electorate. "Unless there are provisions, extraneous to any

tax need, courts are without authority to limit the exercise of the taxing power." United

8 "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay
the Debts and provide for the ... general Welfare." U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 1.

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States v. Kahrigher~ 345 U.S. 22, 31, 73 S. Ct. 510~ 515 (1953), overruled on other

grounds, Marchetti v. United States, 390 U.S. 39~ 88 S. Ct. 697 (1968).

The Secretary also reiterates that Congress may use its power under the tax clause

even for purposes that would exceed its power under other provisions of Article 1. United

States v. Sanchez, 340 U.S. 42~ 44~ 71 S. Ct. 108, 110 (1950). As an example~ the

Secretary highlights the assessment of estate taxes. Congress has the authority to impose

inheritance taxes but lacks power under the Commerce Clause to regulate the

administration of estates.

The Secretary takes issue with the Commonwealth's contention that the Minimum

Essential Coverage Provision is a penalty, rather than a tax, and that there is a legal

distinction between the two. "In passing on the constitutionality of a tax law [the court

is] 'concerned only with its practical operation, not its definition or the precise form of

descriptive words which may be applied to it.'" Nelson v. Sears, Roebuck & Co.~ 312

U.S. 359, 363, 61 S. Ct. 586, 588 (1941) (internal citation omitted).

Initially she points out that the Provision has all the historic attributes of a tax.

First and foremost~ the Provision generates revenue forecast to be approximately $4

billion annually to be paid into the general treasury. She argues that this falls squarely

within the classic definition of a tax~ namely~ "a ... burden, laid upon individuals or

property for the purpose of supporting the Government." United States v. Reorganized

CF&I Fabricators o/Utah, Inc.~ 518 U.S. 213, 224,116 S. Ct. 2016~ 2113 (1996)

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 27 of 42

(quoting New Jersey v. Anderson t 203 U.S. 483 t 492 t 27 S. Ct. 137 t 140 (1906)).9 The

income threshold for the penalty to apply under the Minimum Essential Coverage

Provision is based on the statutory level requiring individuals to file income tax returns

and is calculated by reference to the individual's household income for the given year. If

the penalty applies t the taxpayer reports it on his return for that year. The penalty

becomes an additional income tax liability. 26 U.S.C. § 5000A(b)(2). The Secretary

therefore maintains that Congress treated the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision as

an exercise of its taxing power in addition to its commerce power.

The Secretary also dismisses the Commonwealth's contention that the Provision is

a penalty as opposed to a tax. She concedes that the Provision has a regulatory purpose t

but adds that "[e]very tax is in some measure regulatory" to the extent "it interposes an

economic impediment to the activity taxed as compared with others not taxed."

Sonzinskyt 300 U.S. at 513 t 57 S. Ct. at 555. She also emphasizes that courts have

abandoned the antiquated distinction between revenue raising taxes and regulatory

penalties. Bob Jones Univ. v. Simon, 416 U.S. 725 t 741 n.12, 94 S. Ct. 2038, 2048

(1974). Although Section 1501 variously employs the terms "tax" and "penalties," "the

labels used do not determine the extent of the taxing power." Simmons v. United States,

308 F.2d 160 t 166 n.21 (4th Cir. 1962).

Furthermore, despite the Commonwealth's insistence to the contraryt the Secretary

argues that courts have upheld the exercise of congressional taxing power even when its

9 A penaltYt on the other hand t imports the notion of a punishment for an unlawful act or
omission. Reorganized CF&I Fabricators ofUtah, Inc. t 518 U.S. at 224, 116 S. Ct. at 2113.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 28 of 42

regulatory intent or purpose extends beyond its Commerce Clause authority. "From the

beginning of our government the courts have sustained taxes although imposed with the

collateral intent of effecting ulterior ends which, considered apart, were beyond the

constitutional power of the lawmakers to realize by legislation directly addressed to their

accomplishment." Sanchez, 340 U.S. at 45, 71 S. Ct. at 110. The Commonwealth's

analysis is further flawed, in her view, because their foundational bedrock of supporting

authority consists of long discarded criminal as opposed to regulatory cases. The

Minimum Essential Coverage Provision does not impose a criminal punishment.

Therefore, the Secretary maintains that because the Minimum Essential Coverage

Provision in fact generates revenue and its regulatory features are rationally related to the

goal of requiring every individual to pay for the medical services they receive, which is

within the ambit of Commerce Clause powers, the Provision must be upheld.

The Commonwealth urges the Court to reject the Secretary's simplistic analysis

that casts aside a wealth of historical tax clause jurisprudence. The Commonwealth does

not dispute that the principles it relies upon as controlling have been rarely deployed in

recent years, but the scope of congressional power under review is without modern

counterpart. The Commonwealth also disagrees that the penalty provision in question

meets the classic characteristics of a tax-or was intended by Congress to be a tax. The

text of Section 1501 unequivocally states that it is a product of the Commerce Clause, not

the General Welfare Clause. Moreover, any revenue generated is merely incidental to a

violation of a regulatory provision.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 29 of 42

Irrespective of labels, the Commonwealth contends that the federal government is

seeking to smuggle an unconstitutional exercise of the Commerce Clause past judicial

review in the guise of a tax. In the Commonwealth's view, this legislative tactic offends

the letter and spirit of the Constitution. "[T]he law is that Congress can tax under its

taxing power that which it can't regulate, but it can't regulate through taxation that which

it cannot otherwise regulate." (Tr. 81:18-21, July 1,2010 (citing Bailey v. Drexel

Furniture Co. (Child Labor Tax Case), 259 U.S. 20, 37, 42 S. Ct. 449,450 (1922»); see

United States v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1,68,56 S. Ct. 312, 320 (1936); Linder v. United States,

268 U.S. 5, 17,45 S. Ct. 446, 448-49 (1925). "[A] 'purported tax' that is actually a

penalty to force compliance with a regulatory scheme must be tied to an enumerated

power other than the taxing power." (Pl.'s Reply Mem. 11, ECF No. 117.)

The Attorney General of Virginia specifically asks the Court to closely examine

the viability of the Secretary's core premise that the terms "tax" and "penalty" are legally

synonymous and interchangeable. The Commonwealth maintains that the mainstay of

the Secretary's taxation argument founders on the shoals of this faulty assumption. This

notion of interchangeable is apparently derived from a footnote in Bob Jones University

It is true that the Court [in earlier cases] drew what it saw at the time as
distinctions between regulatory and revenue-raising taxes. But the Court
has subsequently abandoned such distinctions. Even if such distinctions
have merit, it would not assist petitioner [in this case], since its challenge is
aimed at the imposition of federal income, FICA, and FUTA taxes which
are clearly intended to raise revenue.

Bob Jones Univ., 416 U.S. at 741 n.12, 94 S. Ct. at 2048 n.12 (internal citations omitted).

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The Secretary argues that this cursory footnote disarms the precedential impact of

an entire body of constitutional law governing regulatory penalties. In the

Commonwealth's view, the Secretary has misconstrued the import and precedential effect

of this footnote, which should be accorded no more dignity than dicta. To support this

contention, the Commonwealth directs the Court's attention to a contrary position

articulated by the Supreme Court in United States v. La Franca. "The two words [tax

versus penalty] are not interchangeable ... and if an exaction [is] clearly a penalty it

cannot be converted into a tax by the simple expedient of calling it such." United States

v. La Franca, 282 U.S. 568, 572, 51 S. Ct. 278,280 (1931); see also Reorganized CF&I

Fabricators a/Utah, Inc., 518 U.S. at 224,116 S. Ct. at 2112. 10

The Attorney General of Virginia maintains that the distinction between a tax and

a penalty may be subtle, but is nonetheless significant. He adds that the power of

Congress to exact a penalty is more constrained than its taxing authority under the

General Welfare Clause because it must be in aid of an enumerated power. Sunshine

Anthracite Coal Co. v. Adkins, 310 U.S. 381, 393, 60 S. Ct. 907, 912 (1940); United

States v. Butler, 297 U.S. I, 61, 56 S. Ct. 312, 317 (1936).

Despite the Secretary's characterization of such cases as superannuated, the

Commonwealth hastens to reply that they have never been overruled by the U.S.

Supreme Court. In fact, the Commonwealth points out that the holding in the Child

Labor Tax Case was restated with approval by the Supreme Court in 1994 in Department

10In rejoinder, the Secretary notes that the term "penalty" defined and discussed in Reorganized
CF&I Fabricators ofUtah, Inc. referred to a payment as a penalty for an unlawful act, not a
noncompliance sanction, as here.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 31 of 42

o/Revenue o/Montana v. Kurth Ranch, 511 U.S. 767,114 S. Ct. 1937 (1994). "Yet we

have also recognized that 'there comes a time in the extension of the penalizing features

of the so-called tax when it loses its character as such and becomes a mere penalty with

the characteristics of regulation and punishment.'" Id. at 779, 114 S. Ct. at 1946 (citing

Child Labor Tax Case, 259 U.S. at 38). The Commonwealth argues that this is such a


The Commonwealth also discounts the significance of Congress's use of the term

"tax" in the ACA and the placement of the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision in the

Internal Revenue Code. "No inference, implication, or presumption of legislative

construction shall be drawn or made by reason of the location or grouping of any

particular section or provision of this title ...." 26 U.S.C. § 7806(b).

The Commonwealth emphasizes that the best evidence of congressional intent is

the language chosen by that legislative body. In the Minimum Essential Coverage

Provision (26 U.S.C. § 5000A(b)(I)) Congress specifically denominated this payment for

failure to comply with the mandate as a "penalty." "Because the PPACA penalty is an

exaction for an omission-one that if it operated perfectly would produce no revenue-it

is a penalty as a matter oflaw ...." (Pl.'s Mem. Opp. Mot. Summ. J. 28, ECF No. 95.)

During oral argument on the Secretary's Motion to Dismiss, the Deputy Assistant

Attorney General of the United States informed the Court that because the Provision in

fact generated revenue, and its regulatory features were rationally related to the goal of

requiring every individual to pay for the medical services they receive, "that's the end of

the ballgame." (Tr. 44: 11, July 1, 2010.) The Commonwealth maintains that the

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 32 of 42

question of whether a provision is a penalty or tax is a question of law for the Court to

resolve~ relying on Reorganized CF&l Fabricators o/Utah. Inc.~ 518 U.S. at 224-26~ 116

S. Ct. 2113-14 and La Franca~ 282 U.S. at 572~ 51 S. Ct. at 280.

Because the noncompliance penalty provision in Section 1501 lacks a bona fide

intention to raise revenue for the general welfare, the Commonwealth argues that it does

not meet the historical criteria for a tax. Furthermore~ the resulting regulatory tax,

untethered to an enumerated power, is an unconstitutional encroachment on the state~s

power of regulation under the Tenth Amendment. See Butler, 297 U.S. at 68,56 S. Ct. at

320; Child Labor Tax Case, 259 U.S. at 37-38, 42 S. Ct. at 451. While the Provision

may have the incidental effect of raising revenue, the Commonwealth maintains that its

clear intended purpose is to exercise prohibited police power to compel individuals to

enter into private commercial transactions.


The Minimum Essential Coverage Provision reads in pertinent part: "[i]f a

taxpayer who is an applicable individual ... fails to meet the requirement of subsection

(a) [mandatory insurance coverage] ... there is hereby imposed on the taxpayer a penalty

...." 26 U.S.C. § 5000A(b)(l). Although purportedly grounded in the General Welfare

Clause, the notion that the generation of revenue was a significant legislative objective is

a transparent afterthought. The legislative purpose underlying this provision was purely

regulation of what Congress misperceived to be economic activity. The only revenue

generated under the Provision is incidental to a citizen~s failure to obey the law by

requiring the minimum level of insurance coverage. The resulting revenue is "extraneous

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 33 of 42

to any tax need." See Kahriger, 345 U.S. at 31, 73 S. Ct. at 515. 11 The use of the term

"tax" appears to be a tactic to achieve enlarged regulatory license.

Compelling evidence of the intent of Congress can be found in the Act itself. In

the preface to Section 1501, Congress specifically recites the constitutional basis for its

actions and includes requisite findings of fact. "The individual ... [mandate] is

commercial and economic in nature, and substantially affects interstate commerce ...."

42 U.S.C. § 18091(a)(l). The Secretary is correct that "[i]t is beyond serious question

that a tax does not cease to be valid merely because it regulates, discourages, or even

definitely deters the activities taxed. The principle applies even though the revenue

obtained is obviously negligible, or the revenue purpose of the tax may be secondary."

Sanchez, 340 U.S. at 44, 71 S. Ct. at 110 (internal citations omitted). The sources cited

by the Secretary to support this proposition, however, are readily distinguishable from the

immediate case. Unlike the mandate at hand, in Sanchez and Sonzinsky, the enactment in

question purported on its face to be an exercise of the taxing power.

In concluding that Congress did not intend to exercise its powers of taxation under

the General Welfare Clause, this Court's analysis begins with the unequivocal denials by

the Executive and Legislative branches that the ACA was a tax. In drafting this

provision, Congress specifically referred to the exaction as a penalty. "[T]here is hereby

imposed on the taxpayer a penalty ...." 26 U.S.C. § 5000A(b)(l). Earlier versions of

11 In Florida ex rei. McCollum, 716 F. Supp. 2d at 1137-38, Judge Vinson perceptively notes
that the Provision fails to mention any revenue generating purposes, characteristic of most tax
clause enactments. See Rosenberger v. Rector & Visitors oJUniv. oJ Va. , 515 U.S. 819,841, 115
S. Ct. 2510, 2522 (1995).

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 34 of 42

the bill in both the House of Representatives and the Senate used the more politically

toxic term "tax" when referring to the assessment for noncompliance with the insurance

mandate. See America's Affordable Health Choices Act of2009, H.R. 3200, 11lth

Congo (2009); Affordable Health Care for America Act, H.R. 3962, 111 th Congo (2009);

and America's Healthy Future Act, S. 1796, l1lth Congo (2009). Each of these earlier

versions specifically employed the word "tax" as opposed to "penalty" as the sanction for


In the final version of the ACA enacted by the Senate on December 24, 2009, the

term "penalty" was substituted for "tax" in Section 150 I (b)(1). A logical inference can

be drawn that the substitution of this critical language was a conscious and deliberate act

on the part of Congress. See Russello v. United States, 464 U.S. 16,23-24, 104 S. Ct.

296,300-301 (1983); Bonner v. City ofPrichard, 661 F.2d 1206, 1207 (11th Cir. 1981)

(en bane). This shift in terminology during the final hours preceding an extremely close

floor vote undermines the contention that the terms "penalty" and "tax" are

synonymous. 12

It is also significant to note that unlike the term "penalty" used in Section

1501(b)(1), other sections of the ACA specifically employ the word "tax." Section 9009

imposes a tax on the sale of any taxable medical device by the manufacturer, producer, or

importer. Section 9001 imposes a tax on high-cost, employer-sponsored health care

coverage. Section 9015 imposes a tax on certain high-income taxpayers. Finally, Section

10907 imposes a tax on any indoor tanning service. The legislature's apparent careful

12 The Secretary's use of the newly-coined expression "tax penalty" adds little to the debate.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 35 of 42

choice of words supports the conclusion that the term "tax" was not used

indiscriminately. As the Supreme Court observed in Duncan v. Walker, "it is well settled

that '[w]here Congress includes particular language in one section of a statute but omits it

in another section of the same Act, it is generally presumed that Congress acts

intentionally and purposely in the disparate inclusion or exclusion. ,,, 533 U.S. 167, 173,

121 S. Ct. 2120, 2125 (2001) (internal citations omitted).

This Court is also not persuaded that the placement of the Minimum Essential

Coverage Provision in the Internal Revenue Code under "miscellaneous excise taxes" has

the significance claimed by the Secretary. The Internal Revenue Code itself clearly states

that such placement does not give rise to any inference or presumption that the exaction

was intended to be a tax. See 26 U.S.C. § 7806(b). Given the anomalous nature of this

Provision, it is equally plausible that Congress simply docked the Provision in a

convenient harbor.

This Court is therefore unpersuaded that Section 1501(b)(I) is a bona fide revenue

raising measure enacted under the taxing power of Congress. As the Supreme Court

pointed out in La Franca, "[t]he two words [tax vs. penalty] are not interchangeable ...

and if an exaction [is] clearly a penalty, it cannot be converted into a tax by the simple

expedient of calling it such." La Franca, 282 U.S. at 572, 515 S. Ct. at 280. The

penalizing feature of this so-called tax has clearly "los[t] its character as such" and has

become "a mere penalty with the characteristics of regulation and punishment." Kurth

Ranch, 511 U.S. at 799,114 S. Ct. at 1946 (citing Child Labor Tax Case, 259 U.S. at 28,

42 S. Ct. at 451). No plausible argument can be made that it has "the purpose of

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 36 of 42

supporting the Government." Reorganized CF&I Fabricators ofUtah, Inc.~ 518 U.S. at

224~ 116 S. Ct. at 2113 (quoting New Jersey v. Anderson~ 203 U.S. 483~ 492~ 27 S. Ct.

137, 140 (1906)).

Having concluded that Section 1501 (b)( 1) is~ in form and substance~ a penalty as

opposed to a tax~ 13 it must be linked to an enumerated power other than the General

Welfare Clause. See Sunshine Anthracite Coal Co.~ 310 U.S. at 393~ 60 S. Ct. at 912;

Butler~ 297 U.S. at 61 ~ 56 S. Ct. at 317; Child Labor Tax Case~ 259 U.S. at 38, 42 S. Ct.

at 451. Notwithstanding criticism by the pen of some constitutional scholars~ the

constraining principles articulated in this line of cases, while perhaps dormant, remains

viable and applicable to the immediate dispute. Although they have not been frequently

employed in recent years, this absence appears to be more a product of the unprecedented

nature of the legislation under review than an abandonment of established principles.

It is clear from the text of Section 1501 that the underlying regulatory scheme was

conceived as an exercise of Commerce Clause powers. This is supported by specific

factual findings purporting to demonstrate the effect of the health care scheme on

interstate commerce. In order for the noncompliance penalty component to survive

constitutional challenge~ it must serve to effectuate a valid exercise of an enumerated

power-here the Commerce Clause. Sunshine Anthracite Coal Co., 310 U.S. at 393, 60


13 If allowed to stand as a tax, the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision would be the only tax
in U.S. history to be levied directly on individuals for their failure to affirmatively engage in
activity mandated by the government not specifically delineated in the Constitution.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 37 of 42

Earlier in this opinion, the Court concluded that Congress lacked power under the

Commerce Clause, or associated Necessary and Proper Clause, to compel an individual to

involuntarily engage in a private commercial transaction, as contemplated by the

Minimum Essential Coverage Provision. The absence of a constitutionally viable

exercise of this enumerated power is fatal to the accompanying sanction for

noncompliance. The Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the United States intimated

as much during oral argument on the Defendant's Motion to Dismiss, "if it is

unconstitutional, then the penalty would fail as well." (Tr. 21:10-11, July 1,2010.)

A thorough survey of pertinent constitutional case law has yielded no reported

decisions from any federal appellate courts extending the Commerce Clause or General

Welfare Clause to encompass regulation ofa person's decision not to purchase a product,

notwithstanding its effect on interstate commerce or role in a global regulatory scheme.

The unchecked expansion of congressional power to the limits suggested by the

Minimum Essential Coverage Provision would invite unbridled exercise of federal police

powers. At its core, this dispute is not simply about regulating the business of

insurance-or crafting a scheme of universal health insurance coverage-it's about an

individual's right to choose to participate.

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution confers upon Congress only discrete

enumerated governmental powers. The powers not delegated to the United States by the

Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the states respectively, or

to the people. See U.S. Const. amend. X; Printz v. United States, 521 U.S. 898, 919, 117

S. Ct. 2365, 2376-77 (1997).

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 38 of 42

On careful review, this Court must conclude that Section 1501 of the Patient

Protection and Affordable Care Act-specifically the Minimum Essential Coverage

Provision-exceeds the constitutional boundaries of congressional power.


Having found a portion of the Act to be invalid, the Section 1501 requirement to

maintain minimum essential health care coverage, the Court's next task is to determine

whether this Section is severable from the balance of the enactment. Predictably, the

Secretary counsels severability, and the Commonwealth urges wholesale invalidation.

The Commonwealth's position flows in part from the Secretary's frequent contention that

Section 1501 is the linchpin of the entire health care regimen underlying the ACA.

However, the bill embraces far more than health care reform. It is laden with provisions

and riders patently extraneous to health care-over 400 in all.

The most recent guidance on the permissible scope of severance is found in Free

Enterprise Fundv. Public Co. Accounting Oversight Board, 130 S. Ct. 3138 (2010).

"Generally speaking, when confronting a constitutional flaw in a statute, we try to limit

the solution to the problem, severing any 'problematic portions while leaving the

remainder intact.'" [d. at 3161 (quoting Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood ofN. New

England, 546 U.S. 320, 328-29, 126 S. Ct. 961,967 (2006)). Because "[t]he

unconstitutionality of a part of an act does not necessarily defeat or affect the validity of

its remaining provisions," Champlin Refining Co. v. Corp. Comm 'n o/Okla., 286 U.S.

210, 234, 52 S. Ct. 559, 565 (1932), "the 'normal rule' is 'that partial, rather than facial,

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 39 of 42

invalidation is the required course.'" Free Enter. Fund, 130 S. Ct. at 3161 (quoting

Brockett v. Spokane Arcades, Inc., 472 U.S. 491,504, 105 S. Ct. 2794, 2802 (1985)).

The teachings of Free Enterprise are a direct descendent of the rule restated in

Alaska Airlines, Inc. v. Brock, 480 U.S. 678, 107 S. Ct. 1476 (1987). "The standard for

determining the severability of an unconstitutional provision is well established: '[u]nless

it is evident that the Legislature would not have enacted those provisions which are

within its power, independently of that which is not, the invalid part may be dropped if

what is left is fully operative as a law. '" Id. at 684, 107 S. Ct. at 1480 (quoting Buckley v.

Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 108,96 S. Ct. 612,677 (1976)).

In applying this standard, the Court must also consider whether the balance of the

statute will function in a manner consistent with the intent of Congress in the wake of

severance of the unconstitutional provision. Alaska Airlines, 480 U.S. at 685, 107 S. Ct.

at 1480. Finally, in evaluating severability, the Court must determine whether in the

absence of the severed unconstitutional provision, Congress would have enacted the

statute. Id. at 685, 107 S. Ct. at 1480. Given the vagaries of the legislative process, "this

inquiry can sometimes be 'elusive.'" Free Enter. Fund, 130 S. Ct. at 3161 (quoting

I.N.S. v. Chadha, 462 U.S. 919, 932, 103 S. Ct. 2764, 2774 (1983)).

The final element of the analysis is difficult to apply in this case given the haste

with which the final version of the 2,700 page bill was rushed to the floor for a Christmas

Eve vote. It would be virtually impossible within the present record to determine

whether Congress would have passed this bill, encompassing a wide variety of topics

related and unrelated to heath care, without Section 1501. Even then, the Court's

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 40 of 42

conclusions would be speculative at best. Moreover, without the benefit of extensive

expert testimony and significant supplementation of the record, this Court cannot

determine what, if any, portion of the bill would not be able to survive independently.

Therefore, this Court will hew closely to the time-honored rule to sever with

circumspection, severing any "problematic portions while leaving the remainder intact."

Ayotte, 546 U.S. at 329, 126 S. Ct. at 967. Accordingly, the Court will sever only Section

1501 and directly-dependent provisions which make specific reference to Section 1501. 14


The final issue for resolution is the Commonwealth's request for injunctive relief

enjoining implementation of Section 150 I-at least until a higher court acts. In

reviewing this request, the Commonwealth urges this Court to employ the traditional

requirements for injunctive relief articulated in Monsanto Co. v. Geerston Seed Farms,

130 S. Ct. 2743, 2756 (2010). This case, however, turns on atypical and uncharted

applications of constitutional law interwoven with subtle political undercurrents. The

outcome of this case has significant public policy implications. And the final word will

undoubtedly reside with a higher court.

Aside from scant guiding precedent on the central issues, there are no compelling

exigencies in this case. The key provisions of Section 150 I-the only aspect of the ACA

squarely before this Court-do not take effect until 2013 at the earliest. Therefore, the

14A court's ability to rewrite legislation is severely constrained and best left to the legislature.
"[S]uch editorial freedom ... belongs to the Legislature, not the Judiciary. Congress of course
remains free to pursue any of these options [to amend legislation] going forward." Free Enter.
Fund, 130 S. Ct. at 3162.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 41 of 42

likelihood of any irreparable harm pending certain appellate review is somewhat

minimal. Although the timely implementation of Section 1501 might require each side to

take some initial preparatory steps in the ensuing months~ none are irreversible.

Historically~ federal district courts have been reluctant to invoke the extraordinary

remedy of injunctive relief against federal officers where a declaratory judgment is

adequate. "[W]e have long presumed that officials of the Executive Branch will adhere

to the law as declared by the court. As a result~ the declaratory judgment is the functional

equivalent of an injunction." Comm. on the Judiciary ofthe United States House of

Representatives v. Miers~ 542 F.3d 909~ 911 (D.C. Cir. 2008); see also Smith v. Reagan~

844 F.2d 195~ 200 (4th Cir. 1988); Sanchez-Espinoza v. Regan~ 770 F.2d 202~ 208 n.8

(D.C. Cir. 1985). The Commonwealth appears to concede that if the Secretary is duty-

bound to honor this Court's declaratory judgment~ there is no need for injunctive relief.

(PI. 's Reply Mem. 19.) In this Court~s view~ the award of declaratory judgment is

sufficient to stay the hand of the Executive branch pending appellate review.

In the final analysis~ the Court will grant Plaintiffs Motion for Summary

Judgment and deny Defendant~s similar motion. The Court will sever Section 1501 from

the balance ofthe ACA and deny Plaintiffs request for injunctive relief.

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 161 Filed 12/13/10 Page 42 of 42

An appropriate Order will accompany this Memorandum Opinion.

Henry E. Hudson
United States District Judge

Date: ./3 2.0/0
Richmond, VA '

Case 3:10-cv-00188-HEH Document 162 Filed 12/13/10 Page 1 of 1


Richmond Division

in his official capacity as Attorney )
General of Virginia, )
Plaintiff, )
v. ) Civil Action No. 3:lOCV188-HEH
in her official capacity, )
Defendant. )

(Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment and Denying Defendant's
Motion for Summary Judgment)

THIS MATTER is before the Court on Motions for Summary Judgment filed by

both parties (Dk. Nos. 88,90) on September 3,2010, pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil

Procedure 56. For the reasons stated in the accompanying Memorandum Opinion,

Plaintiffs Motion is GRANTED as to its request for declaratory relief and DENIED as to

its request for injunctive relief, and Defendant's Motion is DENIED.

The Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Order and the accompanying

Memorandum Opinion to all counsel of record.


Henry E. Hudson
United States District Judge
Date:']:>-..3 1.0/"
Richmond, VA '

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